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Showing 501–600 of 2099 results

  • When Mommies Cry


    When Mommies Cry details the journey of the author as she experiences the loss of her baby.

    Beth Withers Banning delves deep into her soul to express lessons she learned from her first-hand knowledge of grief and offers life lessons to assist in the grieving process for mothers everywhere. Ms. Withers Banning takes the reader through a personal narrative of her experience and shares on every level the emotions, reactions, associations, and results that came from losing her newborn son. The author has provided a resource to bring about healing for grieving mothers.

    In 2011, there were almost 24,000 known infant deaths in the United States and the average number of abortions per year is 1.06 million. Even more alarming, an estimated one in 75 conceptions miscarry, many of which create physical repercussions for the mother. These disturbing statistics expose the very real need for mothers who have lost or aborted a child. Millions of women are mourning in silence leaving their broken hearts vulnerable during the most susceptible time of their lives.

    When Mommies Cry is a valuable resource for grieving mothers. Joyce Landorf Heatherly, Owner/Author of Balcony Publishing, states, “Not too many of us that have gone through the loss of a loved one are able to articulate and record the devastation and at the same time reach and comfort the point of pain in another’s grief filled heart. But Beth Withers Banning does exactly that in When Mommies Cry. I know as she did it for me even though my son David died in 1964.” Ms. Withers Banning puts in print what some women who have gone through losing a child only think in their darkest hour.

    Women, as a whole, all want the same things–true happiness and fulfillment. When those things are threatened, lost, or severed in our lives, the journey back can be overwhelming. The author provides a step-by-step climb back to healing for the grieving mother.

    Because we are created for community, providing a forum for mothers to learn and grow from one another’s experiences can also help bring healing and produce beauty for ashes. Grieving mothers are encouraged to share this website and take advantage of this FREE opportunity to not only work through their grief by sharing their own story but help others as well.

    Feel free to contact Beth Withers Banning through her website to schedule a book signing or speaking engagement to support grieving mothers as they trek through this most devastating time of life. Ms. Wi

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  • Divine Intentions : The Life You’re Supposed To Live, The Person God Meant


    Divine Intentions takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through four key concepts: rescued, restored, relabeled, and redirected. Most people, even Christ-followers, are wounded at their core, with soul-level injuries that affect their identity. They may be hurting from past circumstances or feel trapped in their current ones. Basic discipleship sends believers on a journey…but it’s tough to take those steps while you’re hurting. Doug Reed offers healing for those who are searching for answers to both their identities in Christ and struggling with wounds from the past or present. He shares his own personal story of restoration from pornography, pride, and other issues, helping to lead readers into the light of God’s love.

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  • Jesus Calling For Easter


    Take a few moments to focus on the hope we have because of Easter in Jesus Calling(R) for Easter, a beautiful compilation that includes 50 Jesus Calling devotions and Scripture, alongside breathtaking imagery and design.

    Jesus Calling(R) for Easter is a meaningful and beautiful compilation of devotions from Sarah Young’s bestselling brand. With 50 themed selections for the Lent and Easter season, as well as high design and exquisite imagery, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter makes a stunning addition for those who love Jesus Calling(R) and would like a new way to observe the Easter season. You’ll enjoy devotions with select Scriptures about the story of Easter and the hope it brings alongside lovely images with overlaid script.

    Whether a self-purchase to enhance your observation of Easter and the death and resurrection of Christ or a gift for friends and loved ones, Jesus Calling(R) for Easter will be a central part of your Easter experience for years to come.

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  • More Than Enough


    Most collections of testimonies seek to encourage and guide believers, but this special collection serves as a profound depiction of how to endure challenges, fuel endurance, gain victories, and share testimonies in your kingdom destination.

    More than Enough offers personal narratives chronicling the authentic lessons of folks who overcame anomalies in their Christian walk. Each testimony epitomizes the supremacy of the God of infinite possibilities and provide rails for other Christian to embrace as they pursue everlasting life. Author Leila Henry Riley seeks to cement the fact that God is more than enough because He is the only one who will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. She shares stories intended to assure readers that every Christian can triumph over the most challenging obstacles by trusting and developing a deeper dependence on God.

    This compilation of inspirational testimonies presents easily understood lessons designed to uplift and build the faith of those facing seemingly impossible situations.

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  • More Than Enough


    Most collections of testimonies seek to encourage and guide believers, but this special collection serves as a profound depiction of how to endure challenges, fuel endurance, gain victories, and share testimonies in your kingdom destination.

    More than Enough offers personal narratives chronicling the authentic lessons of folks who overcame anomalies in their Christian walk. Each testimony epitomizes the supremacy of the God of infinite possibilities and provide rails for other Christian to embrace as they pursue everlasting life. Author Leila Henry Riley seeks to cement the fact that God is more than enough because He is the only one who will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. She shares stories intended to assure readers that every Christian can triumph over the most challenging obstacles by trusting and developing a deeper dependence on God.

    This compilation of inspirational testimonies presents easily understood lessons designed to uplift and build the faith of those facing seemingly impossible situations.

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  • Choose Your Perspective


    DO YOU:
    Overthink and procrastinate?
    Hold onto regrets about the past?
    See the negative side first?
    Worry about what others think?
    Want to be more creative and productive?
    Want to be more patient with yourself and others?

    In his latest book, author John Martin offers an up-close, powerful exploration of how your perspective influences your success. Choose Your Perspective is an instructive system for revealing the unique nature of your thoughts and unlocking the proven truth about using intentional thinking to:
    *Leave the past behind
    *Create mental habits that enhance a positive perspective
    *See opportunity in chaos
    *Develop an active awareness of your thinking
    *Free your mind from the criticism of others
    *Overcome distraction
    *And much more!

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  • You Are Enough


    Mandy Hale, t he creator of The Single Woman, the social media movement that rewrote the rulebook about singleness, challenges every woman to see that she is sufficient, acceptable, and complete .

    After years of trying to prove she was enough in the world’s eyes, even working alongside Oprah and hitting the New York Times bestseller list, Mandy hit rock bottom. But as it turned out, that very rock bottom became the most firm foundation she had ever planted her feet on. A foundation so solid, it finally provided the springboard she needed to outrun the taunting shadow of unworthiness that she’d tried to escape her whole life.

    Now she wants readers to see that though life may not always be lighthearted and happy and shiny, each woman is deserving of the life she dreams of and hopes for. Nothing readers do can ever take away from their worthiness or enough-ness in God’s eyes.
    This book is for any woman who wants to overcome heartbreak, claim her healing and step into wholeness!

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  • Liturgy Of The Ordinary


    Framed around one ordinary day, this book explores daily life through the lens of liturgy, small practices, and habits that form us. Each chapter looks at something author Tish Harrison Warren does in a day–making the bed, brushing her teeth, losing her keys–and relates it to spiritual practice as well as to our Sunday worship.

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  • Ireland To The Wild West


    Born in 1846 in Ireland at the start of the “Great Hunger,” James Kinnier Wilson emigrated to Philadelphia to start a new life at seventeen years old. After his life took a dramatic turn, he found himself attending Princeton and then a college in Scotland, where he met Agnes Hately, the talented daughter of a famous figure in the Scottish “Disruption”–the emergence of the Free Church of Scotland.

    Agnes and James, now newlyweds, crossed the dangerous Atlantic and settled in rural New Jersey. While there, Agnes wrote intimate letters home about her children, the people around her, the church, and the dangers of endemic disease.

    Called in 1878 to the Wild West to found churches and to farm, Agnes again revealed in detail the conditions of her life on the frontier and her impressions of American women, cowboys, servant girls, church-goers, and provides some never before seen detail to what is called the “Last Indian Raid in Kansas.”

    In Ireland to the Wild West, Marcus Paul uses these letters penned by Agnes to take readers on a journey through Agnes and James’ engagement, marriage, dangerous travels, and their arrival and life in America. Through her letters, a treasure trove for historians, readers will gain a unique insight to that time period and will find an engrossing and inspiring story of romance, faith, tragedy, and hope.

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  • Tomese El Dia Libre – (Spanish)


    Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God’s principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.

    A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don’t give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can’t pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It’s vital-you must take the day off.

    In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don’t wait and delay God’s blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

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  • People I Met At The Gates Of Heaven


    This is the book you’ve been waiting for! Picking up where bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven left off, Don Piper reveals for the first time the sacred, intimate details of the people who met him at the gates of heaven and the profound impact they had on his faith on earth.

    In this incredible follow-up to his eight-million-copy bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven, Don Piper shares untold stories about his encounters with people who greeted him at the gates of heaven, and offers powerful insights about the way for us to live our lives on earth. Don Piper’s unforgettable account of a horrific car accident that took his life, and what happened next has riveted more than eight million readers. Something happened as he shared his story in the years since. Not only did Piper realize he had more to tell, he had yet to share the most sacred and intimate details of his time in heaven about the people who met him at the gates. “I have never left a speaking engagement without people wanting to know more,” he said in THE PEOPLE I MET IN HEAVEN, Piper takes readers deeper into his experience, which includes never-before-told encounters with the people who met him when he arrived in heaven-those who helped him on his journey that led to the entrance to God’s heavenly home. Even more, Piper recounts the majesty of heaven and the glorious reunion that awaits us there. He offers practical insights, inspiration, and a challenging call that while we’re on earth we need to obey Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

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  • Tender Whispers Of Love Poetry


    “Poetry? Who reads poetry anymore?”

    Actually, poetry is more a part of our lives than we at first might think. The lyrics of songs we love that speak to us in a big way are composed of poetry. The Psalms-from which we can glean so much spiritual support-and the well-known hymns we sing are all poetry.

    Ellen invites you on a journey. Together, you can explore the glorious highs and the bewildering lows that life can bring in these powerfully rich poems that express freedom, joy, and hope in Jesus as well as deep grief, loneliness, and other more difficult topics.

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  • Tender Whispers Of Love Poetry


    “Poetry? Who reads poetry anymore?”

    Actually, poetry is more a part of our lives than we at first might think. The lyrics of songs we love that speak to us in a big way are composed of poetry. The Psalms-from which we can glean so much spiritual support-and the well-known hymns we sing are all poetry.

    Ellen invites you on a journey. Together, you can explore the glorious highs and the bewildering lows that life can bring in these powerfully rich poems that express freedom, joy, and hope in Jesus as well as deep grief, loneliness, and other more difficult topics.

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  • Inquebrantables – (Spanish)


    Inquebrantables reune y expande los mensajes de inspiracion que mayor impacto han tenido y que mejor representan a Daniel Habif como orador motivacional, e inspiran al lector a mirar mas alla de sus circunstancias actuales para crear la vida que desean vivir.

    Este es un libro que no acepta resumenes. No forma parte de los titulos que tachas y vas a otra cosa. No es un trofeo, ni un manual de procedimientos. No es una tesis, ni un texto academico. Si tu intencion es pasar por el sin dejar que el lo haga por ti, no servira de nada. El dinero lo podras recuperar, pero te advierto que el tiempo se habra ido para siempre. Su belleza no esta en las palabras que yo escribi, sino en las que tu generes con el. Esta compuesto de mil pedazos mios, trozos sueltos de mi alma y de mi carne: un alcazar edificado con todas las piedras que me han lanzado, una diadema confeccionada con las perlas que he recibido. Hallaras soledades y alegrias, anhelos y zozobras, inquietudes y esperanzas, clamores y murmullos. No fue facil desprenderme de ellos. -Daniel Habif (tomado de la introduccion del libro)

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  • Seductive Slayers Of Success


    “I am not a neat nut. Let me start with that confession. Don’t let the title of this chapter, Clean the Clutter, fool you into thinking I have all my ducks in a row. If I had ducks, they would not be in a straight line. Or all accounted for.”–Rosalinda Rivera

    The snooze button on your alarm clock. The “brilliant shortcut” that makes you late. The unwritten to-do list that you follow from the time you get out of bed till the time you crawl back in it, making each day seem like the last.

    These things are all The Seductive Slayers of Success–the little things that add up and try to stop you from moving forward and realizing your dreams. Rosalinda Rivera has been there and she knows just how to help you get up, move on, and Harness Your Strengths to Take Control of Your Destiny.

    Using stories from her own life as well as Scripture, Rosalinda offers encouragement to help you kick the negative aspects of life to the curb and jump start your way to a brighter tomorrow. Like a close friend, she gives inspirational, down-to-earth advice with a dash of humor thrown in.

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  • Saints At Heart


    Saints at Heart presents an engaging picture of the spiritual life as shown in the experience and writings of the saints. The title announces the book’s double theme: the lives of holy men and women, who have consecrated their lives to God, and to the possibility of our following them and also dedicating our hearts to God. Readers will discover in this book well-told and appealing stories of women and men, ordinary human beings like themselves, who knew God and whose lives as a consequence radiated light, love, and joy. Each story presents the core message of a saint’s life and highlights an important dimension of spirituality–a spiritual path–that he or she characteristically manifested and that readers will be encouraged to follow.

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  • Wing Over Wing


    Wing Over Wing clears a path in the midst of everyday life to reveal the holy-whether catching fireflies at night, waiting at a bus stop, or experiencing the death of a loved one. This collection of beautiful poems lives at the intersection of the sacred and the ordinary, from the swirling flight of birds to conversations with the homeless. Wing Over Wing brims with compassion. The reader will find comfort and sustenance, as well as surprise and laughter, in these pages.

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  • Signs Of Life


    Every day we lose a little bit of something.

    Career plans wither. Friendships crumble. Our zeal for Jesus wanes. Whether it’s the demise of ideals and expectations, belief in the church, a previously healthy relationship, or our image of ourselves: we all experiences losses.

    So does the God of the resurrection have anything to say to our hurts? Was Christ’s resurrection a once-and-done thing, or is there hope for healing and restoration now?
    In Signs of Life, pastor and writer Stephanie Lobdell leads readers into the grand story of God’s saving action and resurrection power. Punctuated with stories of biblical figures such as Sarah, Naaman, Saul, and Anna–who faced ordinary deaths and also God’s reviving power — Signs of Life claims Jesus’ resurrection matters now. In candid and artful prose, Lobdell shares stories of her own depression, loss of confidence, and disillusionment with the church.

    Hope isn’t cheap, and you can’t muscle your way through to joy. There’s no sense in pretending everything is fine. Yet through it all, Lobdell claims, God breathes life into what seems beyond redemption. Through it all, the resurrection matters.

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  • Mythical Me : Finding Freedom From Constant Comparison


    Do you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap? Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like, often finding herself admiring one person’s achievements, someone else’s personality, another’s skills, yet another’s relationships or appearance. While there are no easy answers, Parham helps readers pick up practices that help us walk in the freedom of Christ with confidence in ourselves.

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  • Christmas Ideals 2019 (Anniversary)


    Loyal readers are drawn to Ideals for its celebration of life’s most treasured moments. This 75th anniversary edition of Christmas Ideals continues a long legacy of providing inspiration and comfort to readers.

    This classic collection of all things Christmas includes poetry, essays, quotations, and recipes, as well as Bible excerpts from the story of the first Christmas. Each carefully chosen selection is accompanied by beautiful, full-color artwork or photography, adding to the reasons loyal readers have sought out each year’s edition since 1944.

    An additional 32 pages of retrospective content commemorates this landmark year, including re-created pages from throughout the decades, as well as classic recipes and a brief history of the long-lived publication.

    Perfect for sharing with loved ones and friends, this special 75th anniversary edition of Christmas Ideals will bring Christmas to hearts and homes.

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  • Take The Day Off (Audio CD)


    Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God’s principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.

    A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don’t give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can’t pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It’s vital-you must take the day off.

    In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don’t wait and delay God’s blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

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  • Be Extra Ordinary


    What’s holding you back from being the extraordinary person you were created to be?

    Inspirational author and speaker Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta walks you through ten steps you can start taking today to elevate your life to next-level joy, success, and contentment. A survivor of intense bullying, Maryanne shares her hard-won wisdom to empower you to embrace your uniqueness, connect with the people who deserve you, and cultivate the courage to create the life you’ve always wanted.

    You’ll learn how to love, respect, and advocate for yourself so you can become your own superhero-no cape required!

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  • Amid Passing Things


    Amid Passing Things is a collection of meditations on all the ways God enters our lives, even when we’re unaware. Based on his own life experiences, Franciscan friar Jeremiah Shryock offers both struggles and joys that come in a life that’s consciously encountering God–the Holy One all around us–not in some far-off place, but right here and now in this life, amid passing things.

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  • Take The Day Off


    Rest your mind, body, and spirit and focus on God’s principles for keeping the Sabbath with this helpful guide from bestselling author Robert Morris.

    A constant stream of busyness can slowly wear away at us over time: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet believers often forget that taking a day of rest is one of the Ten Commandments! When we don’t give our minds and emotions a break, our will to make good choices can often become compromised. Resting is also important to those around you. If you have a weary soul, you can’t pour yourself into others at home, work, or wherever you are. It’s vital-you must take the day off.

    In Take the Day Off, Pastor Morris explains why rest is central to your wellbeing, how to do it, and how helpful it can be. You will be inspired to experience true rest and make it a priority in the rhythm of your weekly schedule. Don’t wait and delay God’s blessings in your life. Start implementing the principle of rest in your life and you will see eternal benefits.

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  • Healing The Soul Of A Woman


    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer draws on her own history of abuse to show women how Christ’s redeeming love heals emotional wounds and brings joy to life.

    Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding “yes!”

    Meyer’s positivity comes from living her own journey, and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain–or even know where to begin–find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.

    Meyer’s bestseller Beauty for Ashes told of her personal story of healing. Now, with the passage of more time, HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN delves deeper into Joyce’s story and the journey of healing for all women. Each chapter guides you through whatever obstacles may be holding you back to find your true destiny as God’s beloved. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. Let HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN be the first step toward the wonderful, joyful future God intends for you.

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  • Jesus Always Large Text Cloth Botanical Cover (Large Type)


    Reflect on the joy that can be yours because of Jesus in Jesus Always, bestselling author Sarah Young’s first 365-day devotional since Jesus Calling(R), now available in large text format with Scriptures written out and a beautiful fabric botanical cover. Experience true joy–now and always.

    Life today is full of difficulties–loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in Scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living–a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus–the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

    This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling(R) line. The on-trend fabric cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text and written-out scripture verses.

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  • Anxious For Nothing


    Anxiety is at an all time high, but there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Max Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7 where the Apostle Paul admonishes the followers of Christ, “Do not be anxious about anything . . .”

    Philippians 4:6 encourages the believer to “be anxious for nothing.” As Lucado states, the apostle Paul seems to leave little leeway here. “Be anxious for nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero.”

    What’s he suggesting? That we should literally be anxious for absolutely nothing? Lucado says, “The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional. It’s the life of perpetual anxiety that Paul wants to address. Don’t let anything in life leave you perpetually in angst.”

    Americans especially know about living in perpetual anxiety. According to one research program, anxiety-related issues are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. Stress-related ailments cost the nation $300 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity. And use of sedative drugs like Xanax and Valium have skyrocketed in the last 15 years. Even students are feeling it. One psychologist reports that the average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s.

    “The news about our anxiety is enough to make us anxious,” says Lucado. But there’s a prescription for dealing with it. Lucado invites readers into a study of Philippians 4:6-7, the most highlighted passage of any book on the planet, according to Amazon:

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    “With His help you will learn to face the calamities of life. You’ll learn how to talk yourself off the ledge. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will learn to view bad news through the lens of sovereignty; to discern the lies of Satan and tell yourself the truth. You will manifest a gentleness that is evident to others. Anxiety comes with life. But it doesn’t have to dominate your life.”

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  • Blessed Is She Who Believes Journal


    Donned with images from nature, the Blessed is She Hardcover Wirebound Journal is visually stunning and thematically encouraging. Branches of flowers and leaves seem to spiral around the cover’s edges, and vivid, detailed birds and butterflies nestle in and flutter about the colorful boughs. The background of the journal’s cover is a dark eggplant. Centered in the middle of the wreathing foliage is gold-foiled text: “Blessed is she who believes,” written in a combination of thin block print and delicate cursive. This notebook’s design reminds us of both of the blessing of nature, as well as of the blessing that comes from being a courageous and loving woman of faith. This large notebook is spiral-bound with gold wire, which coordinates with the foiled writing on the cover. The book contains 192 lined pages for journaling or note-taking, and the durable cover protects the notebook’s pages and prevents any bending or damage. The Blessed is She Collection offers products with matching designs and fonts and includes useful and stylish items such as a canvas tote bag, coordinating notebooks of varying material, and large decorative magnets. Any of these items are exceptional gifts to a strong believing woman and will remind her of the blessings that come being faith-filled! Size: 8.35 x 6.42 x 0.94 (212 x 163 x 24mm)

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  • Your Battles Belong To The Lord (Large Type)


    Internationally renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer offers encouragement and practical insight for overcoming life’s problems and challenges by dealing with them according to God’s Word.

    Have you ever felt you tried every solution on earth to solve a problem, but nothing worked? Have you ever wondered where the difficulties you face are coming from? Joyce Meyer has answers.

    In Your Battles Belong to the Lord, Meyer explains that once you recognize the devil–who is real and active in the world today–as your true enemy and the source of many of your struggles, you can overcome them and live a life of peace, freedom, faith and victory. When facing life’s battles, there are certain things you must do for yourself, such as being diligent to study and apply God’s Word, trusting Him, praying, helping others, and maintaining a positive attitude and a thankful heart. But there are other things only God can do. When you do your part, God does His-and He is always ready and eager to defend you and help you.

    In this fresh approach to the subject of spiritual warfare, Meyer focuses not only on the nature and strategies of the enemy, but also on the power and love of God, who always defeats the enemy and leads you to triumph. No matter how difficult your challenges are, if you have God with you, you have all you need to win every battle.

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  • Horse Of My Dreams


    Bestselling author and animal lover offers a collection of more than thirty inspiring, feel-good stories that demonstrate beautiful relationships between horses and humans.

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  • Be Still


    “Be Still” is a book of poems written and inspired by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. There’s something about the ocean and the sound of the waves that is ever so calming. The gentle creeping tide, sand between your toes and amazing sunsets compliment the spirit inspired words in each poem. The idea of this book is to fill you with peace and carry you away into blissful serenity. At times we need reminders to be still in Gods presence; to find a quiet place where we can shut out the chaos of the world and listen with our hearts, to Gods voice. We all need encouragement because we get so busy and caught up in a world full of anxiousness and despair. Let the power and presence embrace you as you flow through the pages of “Be Still”.

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  • Grit Grime And Glory


    This is the story of how God took one of His children of little faith and showed her His almighty love and reliability. This is a story of extreme growth with God.
    But most of all, this is God’s story.

    There may be times as you read these stories, when you will imagine Him crying with his children, then hear Him burst into glorious booming song as He pours out outrageous, and unexpected blessings.

    If you believe in “it was meant to be,” you’ll find fate unfolding in serendipitous ways. If you believe in a living God who knows when the tiny sparrow falls and stays intimately involved with His precious children, your faith will be exponentially rewarded. Miracles still happen.

    These transparent stories candidly tell it all, the good, the bad, and the astounding.

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  • Secreto De La Felicidad – (Spanish)


    Felicidad: todos la anhelan, pero pocos la encuentran. Nuestro mundo, nuestra cultura e incluso nuestros amigos nos dicen que la felicidad viene cuando perdemos peso, conseguimos esa cita, encontramos pareja o descubrimos nuestro destino. Este es un camino ancho hacia la felicidad. Sin embargo, a pesar de prometer, no cumple.

    Max Lucado analiza en profundidad lo que Jesus dice sobre la felicidad y como obtenerla. El escribe: “Que pasaria si hubiera un camino diferente e inesperado hacia la felicidad? Que pasaria si ese camino se tratara de menos buena suerte y mas amor, de no tanto para recibir y todo para dar?” Contracultural con cada vuelta de pagina, El secreto de la felicidad lucha contra las inclinaciones que todos tenemos y las mentiras que nos han enseado acerca de preocuparnos por nosotros mismos primero como una forma de capturar la “vida feliz,” tan anhelada pero esquiva a la vez.

    Al recorrer la experiencia de los personajes que se encuentran en las Escrituras, Max le muestra al lector una forma de vida y acciones practicas cotidianas que producen la felicidad y los momentos de verdadero gozo. Este nuevo libro de Max revela el secreto que la Biblia ensea y la investigacion afirma: que hacer el bien beneficia mas a quien lo hace.

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  • Grit Grime And Glory


    This is the story of how God took one of His children of little faith and showed her His almighty love and reliability. This is a story of extreme growth with God.
    But most of all, this is God’s story.

    There may be times as you read these stories, when you will imagine Him crying with his children, then hear Him burst into glorious booming song as He pours out outrageous, and unexpected blessings.

    If you believe in “it was meant to be,” you’ll find fate unfolding in serendipitous ways. If you believe in a living God who knows when the tiny sparrow falls and stays intimately involved with His precious children, your faith will be exponentially rewarded. Miracles still happen.

    These transparent stories candidly tell it all, the good, the bad, and the astounding.

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  • When You Love A Prodigal


    Loving a prodigal is a long and desperate journey, filled with fear, worry, anger, and self-recrimination. Author Judy Douglass has traveled the same road and delivers hope and strength through this collection of 90 essays, giving perspective on what God offers you as you love your prodigal.

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  • Crutch Of Success


    Born in Korea in 1956 soon after the end of the Korean War, Steve Stirling was stricken with polio at age one when his father unknowingly brought the virus home after consoling a friend whose child had contracted the disease. Steve survived; the son of his father’s friend did not. Marital and financial struggles caused Steve’s father to leave him at an orphanage when he was five. Three weeks later, his three-year-old sister was left there as well.

    After four years, they were adopted by an American couple, Jim and Lynn Stirling, who settled in Anchorage, Alaska. The Stirlings now had seven children, all but one of whom was adopted.

    Steve’s legs were paralyzed but his mind was sharp. He excelled in school, earned degrees at Cornell and Northwestern universities, and married. He and his wife, Sook Hee, moved from city to city as Steve moved up the corporate ladder with several Fortune 500 companies. They had two children and plenty of money, but their marriage was not happy.

    Then they came to a saving faith in Jesus and their lives changed forever. They traveled to Korea and miraculously located Steve’s birth family. On a subsequent trip to visit the orphanage where he had grown up, Steve encountered a fellow handicapped orphan who had also become a Christian and his words caused Steve to rethink his life direction. He decided to shift his executive career away from the corporate world in order to devote his energies to nonprofit charities, working for World Vision and several others. Now he is the executive director for MAP (Medical Assistance Programs) International, based in Georgia, and spends as much time as possible spreading the gospel message as well as distributing medical assistance to developing countries. “For me, joining the MAP family feels like ‘coming home,'” he says. “It’s a culmination of my personal and professional life experiences.”

    A vial of polio vaccine costing sixty cents could have prevented Steve from contracting the disease.

    Steve’s favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (nas). He sees God’s hand bringing all the elements of his life together perfectly for His purpose.

    “I believe God has called me to be the voice of millions of children who desperately need life-changing medicines,” Steve says. “He has given me these experiences, even polio, to prepare me to be used by Him. I’m not bit

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  • Fearless : How An Underdog Becomes A Champion


    How does an underdog become a champion? One of the most innovative, gutsy, and dynamic head coaches in the NFL reveals the strategies behind building the Eagles team that shocked the world by winning the Super Bowl.

    Doug Pederson is the very definition of an underdog. He was an undrafted rookie free agent who would go on to play fourteen years in the NFL as a backup quarterback. He was cut five times, yet kept getting back up and into the fray. He would win one Super Bowl, with the Green Bay Packers. When he retired, he decided to coach, but not at the pro level. Instead, he was head coach of Calvary Baptist Academy in Shreveport, Louisiana. After a successful four-year stint there, he returned to the NFL as an assistant coach under Andy Reid with the Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs, where he was instrumental in the development of quarterback Alex Smith and his string of 3,000-plus-yard seasons of passing.

    When he was offered the job as head coach of the Eagles, he jumped at it, though few thought he would succeed. In the first season, a year of rebuilding, they finished 7-9. Some doubted his abilities, and before the 2017 season, one “expert” called Pederson the least qualified coach in thirty years. Plagued by the sidelining of seasoned players and devastated by quarterback Carson Wentz’s season-ending knee injury, the Eagles managed a 13-3 record and home-field advantage in the playoffs. Yet they were still the underdogs in every single game, including the Super Bowl, against the New England Patriots, one of the greatest dynasties in the history of the NFL. It wasn’t until they stunned the Patriots that people finally believed in Pederson and his team.

    In Fearless, Pederson reveals the principles that guided him through the ups and downs and tough times of his career, and what it took to become a champion. Through it all, Pederson sustained himself with his faith and the support of his family. He shares the defining stories of his life and career, growing up with his disciplinarian Air Force dad and his tender-hearted mom, developing friendships with Dan Marino and Brett Favre, and learning from mentors, such as Don Shula, Mike Holmgren, and Andy Reid, who helped mold him into the man and coach he is today.

    Fearless captures Pederson’s coaching and leadership philosophies and reveals the brilliant mind and indomitable spirit of a man who has entered the pantheon of great coaches.

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  • Transformational Living : Positivity, Mindset And Persistence


    Do you feel like you’re merely surviving each day, doing everything you can just to make it through your daily routine? In Transformational Living, Earl Nightingale will help you go from the modern limbo of “survival” to exuberant living by teaching you the cognitive reframing techniques necessary to approach life with positivity, curiosity, and gratitude. Once you overhaul your mindset by discovering how to remain excited about all your endeavors, you will realize that there is no such thing as an unsurmountable obstacle and no reason to be negative or downtrodden when you encounter what you perceive as failure. You’ll see that your opportunities are often in exact proportion to your problems–you simply have to transform your outlook to identify the conditions for success already present in your life.

    This collection contains some of the greatest messages ever delivered on the subject of success psychology. Having spent decades studying what separates high achievers from the rest of the population, Nightingale understood the crucial role that self-actualization plays in an individual’s ability to attain goals, form relationships, build wealth, and find lasting happiness. In this life-changing volume, you’ll learn how to:
    *Harness the power of language to change your outlook;
    *Use visualization techniques to enlarge your self-image;
    *Regain enthusiasm through learning and goal-setting;
    *Overcome two of the most destructive forces in life–fear and worry;
    *Embrace the therapeutic effect of daydreaming and laughter;
    *Make friends and be an impactful leader;
    *And much more.

    Return the luster to your life with Transformational Living!

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  • Valientes – (Spanish)


    Se valiente para soltar lo que Dios te pide. Se valiente para abrazar lo que Dios te da. Se valiente para no juzgar a los demas. Se valiente para vivir solo para obtener su aprobacion.

    Los cambios son una variable constante en la vida; no son opcionales. Es cierto que, al enfrentar una tragedia, crisis o cambio sentiras miedo, querras renunciar, te lamentaras, buscaras culpables, querras huir y, cuando estes a punto de sentirte una cobarde, tu corazon creera que ha sido diseado para mas. Entonces, estaras por experimentar la intervencion divina y sobrenatural de Dios que activara a la mujer valiente que esta dentro de ti, lista para permanecer, crecer y avanzar. Cada paso de valentia revelara tu estado actual y el caracter que Dios quiere forjar en ti para vivir una vida mas enriquecida y mantenerte firme en el Dios que no cambia.

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  • Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God


    Saint Paul claimed to be the chief sinner, but the man that Paul Adams once was could rival him-but not anymore.

    The life of deceit, selfishness, and pain that the author engaged in is now in the rearview mirror. When he reads about the people who will not inherit the kingdom of God, he can see the man he used to be walking toward eternal destruction.

    While Adams was close to certain death many times, God kept him here so he could become a soldier for His cause. Ever since Adams was saved, he has sought to win souls for the Lord. In this testimony, he asks powerful questions such as:

    * How can we work on a daily basis for God’s glory?

    * Where can we find opportunities to be part of God’s work?

    * What can we do to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit?

    While Adams is just an ordinary man, his journey of slowly moving toward Christ until being born again holds valuable lessons for everyone. Discover how you, too, can be redeemed and live in God’s love and grace.

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  • On The Threshold Of Hope


    1. Approching The Subject Of Sexual Abuse
    2. Dealing With The Abuse
    3. What Was Damaged In The Abuse
    4. What Does Healing Look Like

    Additional Info
    On the Threshold of Hope offers hope and healing to men and women who have been traumatized by sexual abuse. Dr. Langberg’s insights and the quotations from many survivors assure readers that they are not alone and that Christ, the Redeemer, can heal their deep wounds. Through stories, Scripture, questions, and encouragement, Dr. Langberg walks with survivors on the road to healing through Christ’s love and power.

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  • Dementia The Memory Thief


    Tony Perry is a retired sheriff of Camden County, North Carolina, where he currently resides. He tells the true story of his family dealing with dementia, his workplace, and how God is mixed in with showing love and careful consideration of others who need structure in dealing with this incurable disease. He was and now again a caregiver-first, his dad, and now, his wife. Follow his journey and let God love and guide you through this amazing true story.

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  • Raised Hunting : True Stories Of Faith, Family, And The Adventure Of Huntin


    Succeed on the Hunt and in Life

    In bow hunting, being at full draw is the height of adventure, the moment when you’re poised to take your best shot. Hunting enthusiasts and popular Discovery Channel personalities David and Karen Holder believe you can live the same way you hunt–at full draw, excited and ready for whatever God has in store for you.

    Each chapter is designed to help you take aim spiritually, physically, mentally, and on the hunt. You will go behind the scenes of David and Karen’s television show, Raised Hunting, join them in their thrilling outdoor journeys, and learn how to prepare and cook healthy wild game with easy-to-follow recipes.

    This book will help you become a better hunter. But more important, it will help you become a better parent, spouse, friend, and child of God, which is what living at full draw truly means. Discover that real fulfillment is a successful life, not a successful hunt. However, when you can find a way bring those two things together, now you’ve really got something to smile about.

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  • JOurneY Between Us


    The amazing and inspiring story of how the author’s faith not only helped her overcome trials and tragedy in her life but also helped her grow tremendously as she learned to trust God’s plan and perfect timing. She shares how her faith, family, and friends blessed her with the support and strength to persevere and find hope, peace, love, and especially joy in her JOurneY.

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  • Unlikely Converts


    Rely on the unstoppable power of the gospel, not your own words

    Most Christians have people in their lives who they’re sure will never come to faith. Whether they’re too committed to their sinful ways, too angry at God, or too quick to shut down any mention of the saving grace of Jesus, these long shots don’t seem worth approaching.

    But some of the most unlikely converts have the strongest faith stories, and they can be a source of incredible encouragement for Christians who are trying to evangelize those around them. Randy Newman knows firsthand the discomfort that comes with sharing the gospel. He’s been tongue-tied and timid too. But the truth is, we don’t need to sound like the brilliant, charismatic, legendary evangelists.

    In this book, Randy shares surprising conversion stories straight from those who took the long way around to Christianity. He considers current cultural trends that make evangelism more difficult today. Then with his characteristic upbeat style, he offers practical ways, and even exact wording, to proclaim the gospel and includes a plan of action.

    In the end, Unlikely Converts encourages us to remember that while the Great Commission requires us to share the good news, it does not require perfection, only confidence in the message.

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  • Persistence Of Memory


    This is an off-the-wall application of one person’s growth in the Christian faith that offers the reader an insight into their own faith as it relates to life, themselves, and others. The book offers a quite candid interpretation of various selected art forms such as paintings, musicals, and popular songs and offers a guide for others to consider or look at art around us from a faith (Christian) point of view, which does not exclude other faiths like Jewish, Muslim, and others.

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  • Serving In The Rain


    This book is a story about a man named Eric. Eric was born and raised on the south side of Little Rock, Arkansas, to an Irish father and an Irish English mother. The story follows Eric on his journey through his chaotic upbringing, his downward spiral into the local drug scene, and his struggles with poverty. He thinks he finds his great solace in the arms of his first love, Erica, only to discover that neither one of them are ready for the never-ending relationship that Eric is seeking.

    His only hope to escape the drug life and stagnate poverty of 1970s Little Rock is to join the US Air Force. While the military does help him find opportunity and stability, it cannot help him escape his demons from the past. There is hope. He does find a way through the love of a woman who helps him find God, adventure, and service to the one true King.

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  • Witnesses Wanted : Living An Unexpected Adventurous Life


    Witnesses Wanted shares the unique story behind Hope Builders Ministries and opportunities for readers to partner in “rapidly winning communities for Christ through Disciple-making.”

    For Johan Gous, obediently answering the Great Commission to take the gospel to everybody everywhere even to the “ends of the earth” meant into the rural bush of Africa. Reaching rural communities for Christ through indigenous Disciple-Makers is the core of his ministry’s calling. Over a forty-year period, Johan and his family began equipping, empowering, and encouraging local leasers to reach their communities with the gospel in local languages. They apply the Christian message to their people through walking with them and using the same Disciple-Making model Jesus used preparing his disciples for their task.

    Witnesses Wanted shares how God can use yielded disciples as His ambassadors in their daily walk with Him through the story of Johan and his family. Hearing the stories of God providing ordinary people with resources that multiply is beyond exciting–it is inspiring and grows readers’ walks of faith. That same growth and excitement is available to anyone who is ready to follow God unconditionally! Johan is a Witness and Ambassador to readers in the same way as the Disciples and inspires others to answer the Call as well!

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  • God Who Fights For You


    That Your Faith May Not Fail

    Whether a major loss, a difficult diagnosis, or the constant stress of everyday life, you might find yourself asking God, “Where are you in this pain?” In those moments, would it help to know that he has a plan?

    Sometimes it’s not the major disaster that breaks us, but the everyday heartbreaks that wear us down. In The God Who Fights For You, best-selling author Rick Lawrence takes you on an exploration of the trials that weigh on you, why God allows them, and what he wants to reveal through them. Journey with Rick and…
    *discover hope and encouragement you can cling to in the middle of your challenges
    *learn about the good God who allows your trials–and is always working to free you from them
    *transform the way you think about suffering as you develop a richer understanding of the Savior’s love for you

    When you’re feeling desperate, you don’t have to despair. The God who loves you is walking beside you–working to set you free.

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  • Everything Jumbo Book Of Large Print Bible Word Searches (Large Type)


    160 new large-print word searches based on Bible verses from expert puzzlemaster Charles Timmerman.

    The Everything(R) Jumbo Book of Large-Print Bible Word Searches is the biggest collection of large-print Bible word search puzzles yet! Each oversized puzzle is spread out over two easy-to-read pages–with a Bible verse on one page and a super-sized puzzle on the other. These word searches are perfect for puzzlers weary of the notorious small type and tight spacing in many word search books.

    Packed with 160 puzzles in an easy-on-the-eyes format, this collection features puzzles based on verses from Genesis to Revelations and covers a variety of themes, including love, faith, parables, miracles–and more! These puzzles provide a fun way to relax while reflecting on the most meaningful passages of the New and Old Testaments.

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  • Heaven Sightings : Angels, Miracles, And Glimpses Of The Afterlife


    King Solomon states that God has set “eternity in our hearts.” All our desires point to eternity and find their true fulfillment in heaven. But are there actually real glimpses of heaven in this life? Yes! Supernatural happenings take place from time to time as God so designates. Heaven reveals itself in the form of miracles, angels, and even near-death experiences. We also find it displayed in dramatic healings and gigantic answers to prayer that nothing else can account for.

    Heaven Sightings contains a rich mixture of amazing true stories that will boost your confidence in God and his ability to work miracles in your own life–and give an even greater inkling of what the destination will be like at the end of your earthly journey. Put aside the worries of your day and be inspired to place your trust in the God of heaven.

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  • Kinda Like Grace


    The inspirational story of how a woman with a difficult past befriended a homeless man whose kind, life-affirming spirit taught her and their Texas community about forgiveness, humility, and the boundless love of God.

    Stopped at a familiar Houston intersection on her way to work, Ginger Sprouse watched the homeless man pacing the garbage-strewn ground in his bare feet. Compelled to pull over and say hello, she was drawn to his exuberant joy and infectious smile. Over the next few months, she would learn that Victor, who was mentally disabled, had been returning to that spot because it was the last place he had seen his mother–three years earlier.

    Motivated by her faith and their deepening friendship, Ginger set out to help Victor, creating Facebook and GoFundMe pages to raise funds for Victor’s medications, clothing, and food. When it became clear that he could not live safely on his own, she and her family took a leap of faith and offered him a permanent place in their family. What Ginger learned from Victor about forgiveness, humility, and love changed her forever. Kinda Like Grace is a powerful reminder that seemingly insurmountable obstacles can be overcome, that we all deserve second chances, and that each of us has a limitless capacity to love our neighbors, no matter how different from us they may appear to be.

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  • Amish Voices : A Collection Of Amish Writings


    Strong families. Caring communities. The nearly nine in ten youth who join the church. How do the Amish do it?

    In Amish Voices, Amish writers share news and advice from their communities and reflect on their daily lives, work, and faith. Brad Igou, publisher of Amish Country News, gives readers a behind-the-scenes tour of Amish life by compiling writing from Family Life, a popular monthly magazine that thousands of Amish people read. Learn about how the Amish began and what they value. Hear what they think about technology, happiness, community, obedience, success, and change. Listen in as they discuss shunning and rumspringa and forgiveness. Find out what sustains them in difficult seasons, and how they try to trust God in all things.

    Why learn about the Amish from outsiders when you can learn from the Amish themselves? And why just learn about them when you can learn from them?

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  • Between The Bells


    Corrymeela – a Christian community committed to reconciliation, is bounded by bells. Twice a day – morning and evening – a large bell sounds out over the site. This is a call to attention, a call to pause, a space to reflect on God, self, neighbour, stranger.

    Between the Bells recounts the varied experiences of many whose lives have been changed by their visit to Corrymeela, and the changes they have effected in others. Narrated by the former Centre Director of the Corrymeela Community, it is full of wild and beautiful and funny stories that linger in the heart. Each story shows an aspect of the reconciliation journey, and captures various encounters – sad, challenging, inspiring, strange – that roam from the epic to the everyday.

    Between the Bells considers these key questions:
    – What needs reconciled in the 21st Century?
    – What has religion to offer in a positive way to Northern Ireland, for its people, for society?
    – How can we better understand conflict in order to build positive relations, improve communication, and nurture individuals, communities and society?

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  • World According To Mister Rogers (Revised)


    A timeless collection of wisdom on love, friendship, respect, individuality, and honesty from the beloved PBS series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

    There are few personalities who evoke such universal feelings of warmth as Fred Rogers. An enduring presence in American homes for over 30 years, his plainspoken wisdom continues to guide and comfort many. The World According to Mister Rogers distills the legacy and singular worldview of this beloved American figure. An inspiring collection of stories, anecdotes, and insights–with sections devoted to love, friendship, respect, individuality, and honesty, The World According to Mister Rogers reminds us that there is much more in life that unites us than divides us.

    Culled from Fred Rogers’ speeches, program transcripts, books, letters, and interviews, along with some of his never-before-published writings, The World According to Mister Rogers is a testament to the legacy of a man who served and continues to serve as a role model to millions.

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  • Learning From Henri Nouwen And Vincent Van Gogh


    Carol Berry and her husband met and befriended Henri Nouwen when she sat in his course on compassion at Yale Divinity School in the 1970s. At the request of Henri Nouwen’s literary estate, she has written this book, which includes unpublished material recorded from Nouwen’s lectures. As an art educator, Berry is uniquely situated to develop Nouwen’s work on Vincent van Gogh and to add her own research. She fills in background on the much misunderstood spiritual context of van Gogh’s work, and reinterprets van Gogh’s art (presented here in full color) in light of Nouwen’s lectures. Berry also brings in her own experience in ministry, sharing how Nouwen and van Gogh, each in his own way, led her to the richness and beauty of the compassionate life.

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  • He Is So Faithful


    The Lord Jesus Christ and His faithfulness is the main point of my book “He Is So Faithful! Therefore My Hope Is In Him” A devotional journal of inspiration and hope about some of my life experiences as the Lord has led me through the years. A verse of scripture heads each devotion.

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  • Power Of Jesus Names


    “Who do you say I am?” Matthew 16:15

    In his insightful follow-up to the bestselling book, The Power of God’s Names, Dr. Tony Evans introduces you to Jesus in a new light. Jesus is anticipated from the very beginning of the Bible until He finally arrives on the scene in Bethlehem. During that time He isn’t called Jesus; rather, He has many names that reflect different aspects of His character, and this is true all through the New Testament as well.

    Both in-depth Scripture research and Dr. Evan’s signature storytelling style make The Power of Jesus’ Names a fascinating journey–you will get to know more about Him as:
    *Lamb of God
    *Great High Priest
    *Son of God
    *and more.

    As you study the life and character of Jesus, you will enter into a more intimate understanding of who He is and what He came to do for–and in–your life today.

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  • Waiting On God (Reprinted)


    The “busyness” of life can often creep up and overwhelm us. But rather than having to depend on our own strength, it is our Christian privilege to enter into God’s presence. As we do, He will supply answers to our problems and give direction for our lives. In Waiting on God, Andrew Murray shares thirty-one heartfelt meditations, one for each day of the month, to help renew our vision and quicken our desire to turn to the Lord for His quiet, peaceful strength. Discover how God’s loving presence can refresh the weary heart that learns to wait on Him.

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  • Brave Souls : Experiencing The Audacious Power Of Empathy


    What if empathy could save us? From the top of Mount Kilimanjaro to the borders of war-torn Syria, Belinda Bauman takes readers along her journey to empathy. With cutting-edge neuroscience, biblical parables, and stories of brave women from across the globe, she casts a vision for lives and communities transformed by everyday Christians practicing empathy as a spiritual discipline.

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  • Being Rebuilt And Restored


    This book takes you on a Biblical yet poetic journey and through a personal process to view life as a building process. God is the Master Architect of this life and the one beyond. The Holy Spirit works in, with, and through us like our Builder and Site Manager, guiding and constructing us into the image of Christ. By grace, we are being transformed into the Christ Plan-He is our Building Plan, true Blueprint, and the Architectural Drawing of God’s everlasting covenant with us. You are never too broken or ruined to be restored into God’s plan and His purpose for your life! Together, our living stones are being built into His eternal dwelling place. Trust God with your process and become a true builder of His kingdom. See how God is busy restoring your rubble mess into His eternal heavenly fortress.

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  • Waltzing With God


    In a single moment,
    when we feel His presence
    drawing us to His grace,
    all is possible-

    forgiveness, love,
    being the whole.

    He saw in each of us
    our essence,

    who we would become
    as He spoke our names;
    the thumbprint of God
    whispered inside each soul.

    Waltzing with GOD is a collection of inspiring, spirit-filled poetry from a Christian woman who takes a heartwarming approach in writing about her relationship with the Holy Trinity. It is an uplifting read for anyone who wants to curl up with a book in search of peace and comfort with God Himself nearby. Hammond’s poignant words reflect upon Christ Jesus’ Love and Grace. These very personal poems pour onto each page, lifting us ever closer to Him as life taps upon our patience. Her book is a treasured waltz moving in concert with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Piloted by His word, the Bible guides our dance and footsteps leading us ever closer to God’s heart.

    Each original poem is enhanced with photos taken in historical Jerusalem and surrounding communities, in actual biblical settings. Pictures include: Gethsemane Garden at the foot of Mount Olives, Church of the Beatitudes and the Jordan River where Hammond and her husband were baptized. Captivating images of nature located in the Pacific Northwest, Eastern Washington and Central Oregon are also included.

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  • Love Its The Greatest


    What has happened to love?

    1 Corinthians 13 tells us: “Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way … Love never ends … And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love (NRSV).”

    Do we see that in American culture today?

    More often, we see anger, vitriol, even hatred between opposing parties, often across political lines. But in St. Paul’s wonderful love poem in 1 Corinthians 13, we find just the prescription an often loveless modern society needs, because Love – It’s the Greatest!

    Full of wonderful true stories, examples from daily life, and thought-provoking questions, this book makes great sermon material, especially for weddings; devotional reading; or small group study for Christian seeking a better understanding of this much used but not fully comprehended concept of love.

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  • God Is With You Every Day (Large Type)


    It’s easier to face the day when you know that God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day (Large Text Leathersoft) version is the newest edition of the bestselling 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, his first devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage-because God is with you.

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  • Kids Say The Wisest Things


    Kids have a way of saying things adults would never say and revealing profound–even biblical–truths in their unfiltered, unedited commentary on the world. In this inspiring book, Jon Gauger shares important lessons he learned about God by observing kids. Like the story of Joslynn’s tumble. When Joslynn was camping she falls down the camper’s stairs to the horror of her watching grandparents. But when she stands up and declares, “Let’s try that again,” Jon Gauger (Grandpa) notices how even though Joslynn had failed at something, she was kissed, hugged, and comforted by her family. Gauger reminds us that this is how God responds to us when we seemed to have failed “big time.”

    Each anecdote teaches the Christian a familiar truth through a less familiar vehicle, making this giftable book fresh and fun.

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  • Waltzing With God


    In a single moment,
    when we feel His presence
    drawing us to His grace,
    all is possible-

    forgiveness, love,
    being the whole.

    He saw in each of us
    our essence,

    who we would become
    as He spoke our names;
    the thumbprint of God
    whispered inside each soul.

    Waltzing with GOD is a collection of inspiring, spirit-filled poetry from a Christian woman who takes a heartwarming approach in writing about her relationship with the Holy Trinity. It is an uplifting read for anyone who wants to curl up with a book in search of peace and comfort with God Himself nearby. Hammond’s poignant words reflect upon Christ Jesus’ Love and Grace. These very personal poems pour onto each page, lifting us ever closer to Him as life taps upon our patience. Her book is a treasured waltz moving in concert with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Piloted by His word, the Bible guides our dance and footsteps leading us ever closer to God’s heart.

    Each original poem is enhanced with photos taken in historical Jerusalem and surrounding communities, in actual biblical settings. Pictures include: Gethsemane Garden at the foot of Mount Olives, Church of the Beatitudes and the Jordan River where Hammond and her husband were baptized. Captivating images of nature located in the Pacific Northwest, Eastern Washington and Central Oregon are also included.

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  • Day By Day With Life Coach Marlon Lock


    Krl Publishing LLC Title

    In less than 5 minutes a day you will receive information that will fuel you to your next level. This book is filled with lots of emotion, passion, and of course, personality. It is a bood that is not about me being right or politically correct, it’s about me being me. I tried being someone else, and it didn’t work. So, I decided to just be who I am. My advice is to use this book as a tool. Make it a part of your morning routine to plant positivity and seeds of growth into your life. It is a book filled with 365 days of affirmations. Commit to the journey and watch how your life begins to transform.

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  • To The Ends Of The Earth


    Jesus is always on the move. If we follow Him, where will we end up? An expert on nomadic peoples, Malcolm Hunter shares stories from a lifetime of working in some of the world’s most remote, colorful, and neglected communities. In the early 1960’s Malcolm and his wife, Jean, arrived in Ethiopia with only their professional skills-medicine and engineering-and a desire to show God’s love to those in need. Over the next forty years God would lead them across Africa, through lush hills and scorched bush, to a dozen people groups who hadn’t heard the gospel. Wherever the Hunters went, they found that God had been there first. This book is full of astonishing true accounts of Jesus preparing the world’s least reached peoples to encounter Him. Visions, dreams, miracles, shocking customs, and even human blunders and tragedies-God used all these and more to open a way to share the good news. Honest, hopeful, and never far from laughter, Malcolm invites us to consider anew what we can expect when we follow Jesus-wherever He leads.

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  • Historia Dentro De Ti – (Other Language)


    Tu historia importa. Tu vida cuenta. Tu vida puede inspirar el futuro. Cuando no somos capaces de contar nuestra historia, cuando no escribimos las paginas de nuestra vida con intensidad y con intencionalidad… cuando no perseguimos aquello que queremos… cuando dejamos de aprender y dejamos de crecer… le estamos robando al mundo todo ese tesoro que esta dentro de nosotros. No hay nadie que sea demasiado pequeo, demasiado joven o demasiado pobre como para no cambiar el mundo con su historia.

    En La historia dentro de ti, Xavier Cornejo se nos presenta como un apasionado e inspirador escritor con una exquisita e inusual habilidad: expresar los principios aprendidos en su caminar editorial en una ruta que parece bifurcarse, y de repente va fundiendose en una. Esa es la ruta hacia escribir la historia de tu vida y vivir el libro de tu historia. Conoce a un escritor experto que te cuenta su historia acerca de los principios que descubrio ayudando a grandes escritores a contar la historia dentro de ellos. Xavier te enseara, como el mejor maestro y un gran amigo, todo lo que necesitas saber para vivir tu historia mientras la escribes y escribir tu historia mientras la vives.

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  • Cielo – (Spanish)


    Esta version ampliada del clasico libro de Joni nos brinda una nueva comprension de lo que es el cielo, junto con renovados misterios y esperanzas. Ahora, hacia fines de sus sesenta aos, ella esta mucho mas cerca del cielo que cuando escribio el libro por primera vez, a mediados de sus cuarenta, y dice: !Pronto, muy pronto, oire su voz, lo mirare a los ojos y sentire su abrazo. Y El me dira “Bienvenida a casa, Joni”. Desde esta perspectiva, Joni ahora habla de como podemos vivir para Jesus mientras esperamos nuestro verdadero hogar.

    Habiendo sido cuadriplejica durante cincuenta aos, tambien ha sufrido cancer y soportado un dolor agudo continuo. Por eso, ella no habla a la ligera cuando nos recuerda que Dios conoce las herramientas precisas para usar en tu vida para cortar, facetar, limpiar y refinar el diamante que es tu alma eterna. Cada cosa buena que Dios te ha dado alguna vez durara por toda la eternidad, incluyendo la parte buena de cada afliccion.

    Al final de cada capitulo de este libro revisado y actualizado, la autora incluye reflexiones adicionales que cuentan donde se encuentra ahora, mas arriba en la cima, desde donde tiene una mejor perspectiva. Joni llama a estos pensamientos escalar mas alto, y esta es una invitacion para todos los que deseen emprender este viaje con ella.

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  • From Shattered To Restored


    “I just want you to know that God can change absolutely anything.” It was a simple statement, but it changed her life.

    In this stunningly transparent memoir, Nanette Larson shares her journey from a life of constant hopelessness and despair, deep depression, crippling anxiety, and suicidality to one full of victorious hope and purpose.

    After years of receiving unsuccessful treatments–therapy, medication, hospitalization, and more–for her mental and physical illnesses, Nanette finally found wholeness in the person of Jesus Christ. Realizing that she had allowed the labels that had been pasted upon her by medical professionals and society alike to define who she was, Nanette changed her perspective by seeing herself through the eyes of her Maker. She was not “sick in the head”; she had an illness, and God was healing her.

    Taking control of her thoughts was only the first step of a winding road to wellness, however. As a mental health professional herself, Nanette now shares with her readers the techniques that helped her address every part of her being–spirit, soul, and body.

    From distressed patient to nationally recognized deputy director and ambassador of Wellness & Recovery Services for the Illinois Division of Mental Health, Nanette is living proof that full recovery from mental health issues is, indeed, possible, and a successful, happy, healthy life can be found on the other side of the struggle.

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  • Standard Of Grace


    Are you standing in the middle of opportunity and being overwhelmed of crazy when you really need calm? Not sure where to start to simplify and bring grace and peace to your home?

    A Standard of Grace is a gorgeous four-color, joy-inspiring guided journal designed to help you nurture your dreams, discover your hopes, and pay attention to those things you hold dearest to your heart. With quotes, journaling prompts, and Scripture, bestselling author of Grace, Not Perfection and A Simplified Life Emily Ley, encourages you to reach for the life of you want-all while holding to a standard of grace.

    Both gorgeous and useful, A Standard of Grace will make a lovely gift and keepsake as well as be a powerful tool for both embracing where you are while reaching for your goals and dreams. Through practical, easy-to-follow prompts for journaling and reflection, Scriptures, and inspiring imagery, you’ll find an accessible, inspirational journal that to enjoy personally and to share with friends.

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  • Making Of Us


    Beautifully written and deeply poignant, The Making of Us allows readers to walk alongside author and radio personality Sheridan Voysey during a transformational moment in his life journey. Picking up where Resurrection Year: Turning Broken Dreams Into New Beginnings left off, Sheridan helps us process what we can learn about our identities in the face of disappointment and change. Life had not gone according to plan for Sheridan Voysey and his wife, Merryn. When infertility ended their dream of becoming parents, they uprooted their lives and relocated from Australia to Oxford, England, so Merryn could pursue her professional goals. But the move meant Sheridan had to give up his well-established career in Christian radio, and though he was experiencing some success as a writer, he couldn’t reconcile his expectations for his life with the reality he was living. Lost and directionless, he came to a sobering realization: I don’t know who I am.

    Following the example of many a seeker, Sheridan decided to pair his spiritual journey with a literal one: a hundred-mile pilgrimage along the northeast coast of England. Inspired by the life and influence of the monk Cuthbert, who was among the first to evangelize northern England in the 600s, Voysey and his friend DJ traveled on foot from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to Durham, where the famed Lindisfarne Gospels were on display.

    What makes us who we are? What shapes our hopes and dreams, and how do we adjust when things don’t go as we hoped? Can we recover if we make a choice that’s less than perfect? Voysey tackles these questions and others as he deftly weaves together Cuthbert’s story, the history of early Christianity in England, and his own struggle to find his identity and purpose. His introspective writing leads readers to consider their own stories and reflect on how God calls each of us to an identity bigger than any earthly role or career. Part travel memoir, part pilgrim’s journal, The Making of Us is a quiet story including a chapter-by-chapter reflection guide of trust in God’s leading for our lives, no matter where our paths take us.

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  • Jesus Calling Botanical Cover (Large Type)


    Experience a deeper relationship with Jesus as you savor the presence of the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever.

    With scripture and personal reflections, bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus’ message of peace-for today and every day.

    In this #1 New York Times bestselling devotional, readers will receive words of hope, encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of Jesus’ unending love. The devotions are written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to each reader and are based on Jesus’ own words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture-penned by one who loves him and reveres His Word. Each entry is accompanied by Scripture for further reflection and meditation.

    These much-loved devotions will help you look forward to your time with the Lord. Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is always with you.This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling line. The on-trend fabric cover with foil has feminine floral touches, giving a gorgeous, elegant feel, along with large text and written-out scripture verses.

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  • Gods Guest List (Reprinted)


    Through touching true stories and inspiring insight, bestselling author Macomber takes readers on a journey to discover the shaping influence others have on us and the power we have to shape and influence those whose paths cross ours.

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  • Let There Be Light


    This book is but a tiny taste of the great adventure that is life, a complete and wholesome life lived within the precepts of God’s Word. Following the bread crumbs left by our Creator is the greatest treasure hunt of all. The radical concepts in this book will expand your imagination. We are not talking merely about new discoveries. It is far beyond that.

    You will go on a wild mental ride that will leave you breathless. You will see the past as never before. You will realize that you routinely foretell the future. You will never claim to see the present again. I promise you more aha moments than you have had in years. You are going to see the universe come alive in a simple and elegant way. I have done many things in life but few have been as exciting as this book. I hope you can enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

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  • Forgetting The Former Things


    In August 1996 Tamara Puffer was a young, newly married violinist-turned-pastor serving a large suburban church. Her growing work with people living on Atlanta’s streets was beginning to reshape her theology and her calling, but a serious car accident derailed her carefully planned career path. Forgetting the Former Things is a rare tapestry of first-person faith journey woven with gritty theological reflection and persistent hope. Puffer writes honestly, poignantly, and often humorously about her efforts to accept limitations and to reimagine her life under radically altered circumstances.

    She finds solace in the stories of biblical women as she also wrestles with negative images of disability in Scripture. She embraces her self-described role as a “minister of vulnerability” in this troubling national moment-as jobs, healthcare, and affordable housing are evaporating for so many, as countless people feel terrorized by discrimination or the threat of deportation-boldly casting her lot with others whose marginalization cuts deeper. At a time when traumatic brain injury is in the national spotlight, and many families, churches, and communities seek deeper understanding, Tamara Puffer provides in these pages an insightful, inspiring, and much-needed gift.

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  • Taste And See


    God is a foodie who wants to transform your supper into sacrament.

    After struggling with fad diets and food allergies, one of America’s most beloved teachers and writers, Margaret Feinberg, goes on a remarkable journey to unearth God’s perspective on food.

    She writes that since the opening of creation, God, the Master Chef, seeds the world with pomegranates and passionfruit, beans and greens and tangerines. When the Israelites wander in the desert for forty years, God, the Pastry Chef, delivers the sweet bread of heaven. After arriving in the Promised Land, God reveals himself as Barbecue Master delighting in meat sacrifices. Like his Foodie Father, Jesus throws the disciples an unforgettable two-course farewell supper to be repeated until his return.

    This groundbreaking book provides a culinary exploration of Scripture. You’ll descend four hundred feet below ground into the frosty white caverns of a salt mine, ferry to a remote island in Croatia to harvest olives, spend time with a Texas butcher known as “the meat apostle,” and wander a California farm with one of the world’s premier fig farmers.

    With each visit, Margaret asks, “How do you read these Scriptures, not as theologians, but in light of what you do every day?”

    Their answers will forever change the way you read the Bible-and approach every meal.

    Taste and See is a delicious read that includes dozens of recipes for those who, like Margaret, believe some of life’s richest moments are spent savoring a meal with those you love.

    Perhaps God’s foodie focus is meant to do more than satisfy our bellies. It’s meant to heal our souls, as we learn to taste and see the goodness of God together. After all, food is God’s love made edible.

    See you around the table!

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  • Undeniable Presence : I Don’t Know Where God Is Not


    A Heather Helton Title

    “Where is God?” is obviously the ultimate question for many when facing serious illness or possible death. Heather H. Helton, a young chaplain, enters the hospital rooms and worlds of many who are at this stage of life. Read as they share their most intimate thoughts and feelings as she attempts to bring comfort, understanding, and meaning during this critical period. The many different responses in these cases will be uplifting, sometimes surprising, but always inspiring. Read how Helton proclaims that “I don’t know where God is not.”

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  • Awakenings : The Early Days


    Awakenings is a collection of Ryan Phillips’ responses to the truth of God’s Word that came during a season of solitude and reflection in the remote and beautiful hills of Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, as he awoke every morning and had time to reflect on the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit.

    This time of beautiful surroundings, quiet devotion, and writing helped Ryan grow spiritually, and his hope is that you will also be awakened to who God is calling you to be and become, and that his devotional journey will encourage you to deepen your walk with God and to embrace your identity as a believer in Jesus.

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  • I Will See You In Heaven Dog Lovers Edition


    This beautiful book is the presentation/gift edition of last year’s Paraclete bestseller, Will I See My Dog in Heaven Now the question mark is removed! The answer is Yes! Prayers and blessings for all animal companions;and plenty of hope and inspiration.

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  • Homebody : A Guide To Creating Spaces You Never Want To Leave


    In Homebody: A Guide to Creating Spaces You Never Want to Leave, Joanna Gaines walks you through how to create a home that reflects the personalities and stories of the people who live there. Using examples from her own farmhouse as well as a range of other homes, this comprehensive guide will help you assess your priorities and instincts, as well as your likes and dislikes, with practical steps for navigating and embracing your authentic design style. Room by room, Homebody gives you an in-depth look at how these styles are implemented as well as how to blend the looks you’re drawn to in order to create spaces that feel distinctly yours. A removable design template at the back of the book offers a step-by-step guide to planning and sketching out your own design plans. The insight shared in Homebody will instill in you the confidence to thoughtfully create spaces you never want to leave.

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  • Hope Rising : How The Science Of Hope Can Change Your Life


    Hope Rising is a clarion call to apply the science of hope in daily life and overcome the trauma, adversity, and struggles everyone must face. Hope is the most predictive indicator of well-being in a person’s life in all the research done on trauma, illness, and resiliency. Based on nearly 2,000 published studies about hope, including their own research, Casey Gwinn and Chan Hellman call for rising hope to be the focus not only in personal lives, but in public policy in education, business, social services, and every other part of society. Hope is measurable. Hope is malleable. Hope changes lives. Hope Rising provides a roadmap to measure hope in your life, assess what may have robbed you of the power of hope, and then provides strategies to increase hope. It challenges every reader to be transparent and honest about their own stories of struggle and adversity, calls for the end of shame and blame in addressing the struggles of those who have experienced trauma, illness, or abuse, and provides practical ways to increase your Hope score and thrive because of it.

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  • Finding God In Ordinary Time


    Green Place Books Title

    Take a wide-eyed look at your life–the commonplace, joyful, and even heartbreaking events–and discover the presence of God, hidden in plain sight. Forget bowing your head and closing your eyes. The secret to prayer is what happens when you’re not trying to pray.

    This is the invitation of Christine Eberle’s Finding God in Ordinary Time. Each daily reflection contains a true story and a nugget of spiritual insight, accompanied by thought-provoking questions and a memorable Scripture quote. Together they reveal a God who is playful and affectionate, merciful and compassionate, and always relevant. Warm, accessible, and surprisingly funny, Christine offers spiritual nourishment to people skeptical or weary of religion, while still giving the faithful something to chew on.

    Simple enough to be devoured in one sitting, this intimate little book is best enjoyed slowly. Each piece deserves to be savored and revisited through the unfolding of each ordinary, extraordinary day.

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  • Stories Behind The Great Traditions Of Christmas


    The cheer of a crackling hearth fire. Colorful cards from friends and loved ones. An evergreen tree festooned with ornaments. The golden traditions of Christmas-gifts, wreaths, stockings, carols, mistletoe, and more-infuse our celebration of the season with meaning and glowing memories. And, in ways you may not realize, they point us to the birth of Christ. Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas reveals the people, places, and events that shaped the best-loved customs of this merriest of holidays. Here are spiritual insights, true-life tales, and captivating legends to intrigue you and your family and bring new luster and depth to your celebration of Jesus’ birth. Discover how – after eighteen centuries of all but ignoring the event, churches began to open the door for believers to commemorate Jesus’ incarnation. – the evergreen tree, once a central theme in the worship practices of pagan cultures, came to represent the everlasting love of God. – the magi’s three gifts-gold, frankincense, and myrrh-are filled with spiritual symbolism. The traditions of Christmas lend beauty, awe, and hope to the holiday, causing people all over the world to anticipate it with joy. The stories in this book will warm your heart as you rediscover the true and eternal significance of Christmas.

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  • Access To Kingdom Anointing


    Authors Press Title

    The book starts with the initial conversion to Christ. It shows the importance of water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism as Yashuah taught in the Bible by example. “Suffer it to be so to fulfill all righteousness.” Since Yashuah gave the example, the church must follow.

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  • They Called Us Love


    April Holden is from St Helens, Merseyside. As a child she suffered from persistent ill health, and was both physically and emotionally fragile. Coming to faith in her teens, she became convinced that God was calling her to work with street children in Africa. While at university she applied to Africa Inland Mission, but they rejected her because of her chronic health problems. She then trained as a teacher, and during this period became filled with the Holy Spirit.In due course she was accepted by Operation Mobilization, who sent her initially to Egypt for training. While there she had an opportunity to move to Sudan, where the needs of the street boys were most acute: many had been traumatized by war, or were the offspring of sex workers, or had fled abuse. She opened a series of centers, despite ongoing infirmity caused by arthritis in her spine and frequent, severe muscle spasms.When the Americans invaded Iraq in 2003 the Sudanese reacted angrily, attacking anyone who looked American. One day, faced with an angry mob, April was protected in her car by four large men who held the crowd at bay while she escaped to a nearby compound. The following day she looked for them to thank them, but the manager of the compound assured her he had been alone.After harrowing experiences during the separation of North and South Sudan in 2011 she returned to Britain, emotionally and physically exhausted, and OM insisted she took a sabbatical. Within months however she was back in action, this time from a base in Zambia, where she continues to train workers from surrounding countries. Her team has also begun to train professionals like police officers who are already working with vulnerable children. Her passion is to prepare missionaries to serve as facilitators alongside African churches and communities, mobilizing and equipping them to work with homeless children and youth in a godly, professional, and sustainable manner. She continues to work tirelessly to this end.

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  • Naming The Unnameable


    Little Bound Books Title

    What do we mean by “God” in today’s world? Do we even need “God” anymore?

    How many names for Divinity are there? Do the names for God change as we mature as individuals, evolve as a species, and face a critical “turning time” in human and planetary history?”

    Too often, notions of God have been used as a means to control and to promote a narrow worldview. In Naming the Unnameable, renowned theologian and author Matthew Fox ignites our imaginations by offering a colorful range of Divine Names gathered from scientists and poets and mystics past and present, inviting us to always begin where true spirituality begins: From experience.

    Ultimately, no name for God suffices. We are challenged to continue to probe the rich ecology of human spirituality to ask questions, embrace paradox, and listen silently to the deepest of life’s mysteries.

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  • Hurricane Of Love


    Beth and Dan Wheeler had it all. Their growing family consisted of two beautiful daughters, a loving son-in-law, and a handsome grandson. They lived in their dream house on a beautiful, sprawling property. Dan was enjoying a thriving career as a popular television host on QVC. Suddenly in 2012, their world was rocked when Beth was diagnosed with stage IV cancer.

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  • Hurricane Of Love


    Beth and Dan Wheeler had it all. Their growing family consisted of two beautiful daughters, a loving son-in-law, and a handsome grandson. They lived in their dream house on a beautiful, sprawling property. Dan was enjoying a thriving career as a popular television host on QVC. Suddenly in 2012, their world was rocked when Beth was diagnosed with stage IV cancer.

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  • Travel : In Tandem With Gods Heart


    Foreword By George Verwer (tbc)
    Intro #Wanderlust Destination: Morocco
    1. Travel: In The Land Of The Midnight Sun Destination: The Arctic Circle, Norway
    2. Travelling East Of Eden Destination: China
    3.Travelling With New Lenses Destination: The Middle East
    4. Home Is Where The Heart Is Destination: America
    5. To The Nations. Where Next? Destination: Pacific Islands
    6. Dying To Travel Destination: Antarctica
    7. Made For Better Travel Destination: Out Of This World

    Additional Info
    We live, eat, sleep and dream travel – it’s become a booming industry, a top conversation topic and, frankly, an obsession. But are we really free to roam the world as we wish? What does God say about travel? Shouldn’t we instead be doing evangelism? Where is the clear missionary purpose in all this?The author knows all too well what it is to have caught the wanderlust bug. He skilfully interweaves his, and others, travelling experiences as he applies the Bible’s teaching on this vital subject. Marvel with him at the generosity of our creator God who has given us this amazing world. And learn how to make the most of your travels

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  • Extra Ordinary Women


    Camille. Lynn. Monique. Becky and Margaret. Jaime. Olga. Christina. Rasheera. Odalys. Danielle.

    These are the seemingly everyday women whose stories inspired (Extra)Ordinary Women – and whose resilience and strength will inspire women around the world.

    These women have defeated breast cancer, addiction, and homelessness. They have lived through the Boston Marathon bombing and hundreds of surgeries. They have traveled from foreign lands to create a better life. They have endured brain cancer, abuse, and poverty. They have given a home to dozens of special-needs children. They have known loss, pain, and fear.

    They are survivors. And they share their stories to empower other women who need something – and someone – to believe in.

    (Extra)Ordinary Women reminds us of the amazing stories that we find all around us when we open our eyes, hearts, and minds.

    And these extraordinary women remind us to never give up, never quit, and never underestimate the power of a woman.

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  • Perfectly Human : Nine Months With Cerian


    She knew they would only have nine months together, but in that time Sarah Williams’s unborn daughter would transform her understanding of beauty, worth, and the gift of life.
    Happily married and teaching at Oxford, Sarah William had credentials, success, and knowledge. It took someone who would never have any of these things to teach her what it means to be human.

    This extraordinary true story begins with the happy news of a new member of the Williams family. Sarah’s husband, Paul, and their two young daughters share her excitement. But the happiness is short-lived, as a scan at the hospital reveals that the baby has a condition causing severe skeletal deformity. Birth will be fatal.

    Sarah and Paul decide to carry the pregnancy to full term and not abort, which shocks hospital staff and Sarah’s professional colleagues. She finds her personal anguish exacerbated by having to defend her child’s dignity and worth. Naming her is important; they decide on Cerian, Welsh for “loved one.”

    Williams writes, “Cerian is not a strong religious principle or a rule that compels me to make hard and fast ethical decisions. She is a beautiful person who is teaching me to love the vulnerable, treasure the unlovely, and face fear with dignity and hope.”
    In this candid and vulnerable account, Sarah lets the reader in on her family’s journey towards Cerian’s birthday, which will also be her deathday. It’s rare enough to find a writer who can share such a heart-stretching personal experience without sounding sappy. Here is one who at the same time has the ability to articulate the broader issues Cerian’s story raises. In a society striving for perfection, where worth is earned, identity is constructed, children are a choice, normal is beautiful, and deformity is repulsive, Cerian’s short life raises vital question about what we value and where we are headed as a culture.

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  • Plough Quarterly Number18 The Art Of Community


    Can beauty save the world?

    These days criticism of art–whether visual, musical, or literary–is often marked by a suspicion of beauty. What happened to the belief that the creativity of the artist reflects the creativity of the Maker of heaven and earth, and that art can therefore be a channel for divine truth? Anyone who has joined with others to sing Bach’s Saint Matthew Passion or stood before a painting by Raphael or Chagall can attest to this. At such moments, art binds people together. This issue of Plough focuses on art that leads to such community: through theater, painting, music, and the objects and architecture of everyday life. And while art fosters community, building community is itself a work of creativity.

    Also in this issue: original poetry by Cozine Welch Jr.; reviews of new books by Eliza Griswold, Alissa Quart, Eugene Vodolazkin, and Nathan Englander; and art by Denis Brown, JR, Valerie Jardin, Isaiah King, Isaiah Tanenbaum, George Makary, Oriol Malet, Alex Nwokolo, Ashik and Jenelle Mohan, Raphael, Aaron Douglas, Winslow Homer, Vincent van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, and Jason Landsel.

    Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.

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  • Sojourners Truth : Choosing Freedom And Courage In A Divided World



    Part I: Formation
    1. Pain: Truth Is, Your Identity Can Get You Into Hot Water
    2. Grace: Truth Is, Women Are The Unsung Heroes In This World
    3. Community: Truth Is, There Is No Place Like Home
    4. Purpose: Truth Is, Winners Don’t Quit On Themselves

    Part II: History
    5. Consciousness: Truth Is, It’s Time To Wake Up
    6. Deliverance: Truth Is, Freedom Comes To Those Who Demand It
    7. Trust: Truth Is, We Have A Money Problem

    Part III: Wilderness
    8. Anger: Truth Is, There’s Something That Can Kill You
    9. Death: Truth Is, Remembering Can Bring Us Together
    10. Humility: Truth Is, There Is Hope Worth Holding On To
    11. War: Truth Is, We Must Prepare To Fight

    Part IV: Redemption
    12. Live: Truth Is, We Can Find A Way Out Of The Wilderness
    13. Build: Truth Is, You Need The Right People And The Right Perspective
    14. Heal: Truth Is, Love Will Lead Us Home
    15. Light: Truth Is, Beauty Can Come From Ashes
    16. Home: Truth Is, We Need Courage To Live Redeemed

    Additional Info
    In A Sojourner’s Truth we are drawn into the journey of a young African American girl from South Carolina to the United States Naval Academy and then into a calling as a speaker, mentor, writer, and teacher.

    Intertwined with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson’s story is the story of Moses, a leader who was born into a marginalized people group, resisted injustices of Pharaoh, denied the power of Egypt, and trusted God even when he did not fully understand or know where he was going. Along the way we courageously explore the spiritual and physical tensions of truth-telling, character and leadership development, and bridge building across racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender lines.

    You are invited to bring along your story as well-to discover your own identity, explore your truth-revealing moments, live unafraid, and gain a deeper sense of purpose.

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  • When God Winks


    SQuire Rushnell teaches you how to use the power of “godwinks”–divine coincidences–to seize certainty in uncertain times, and enrich your career and relationships.

    Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence, it is not an accident that you just picked up When GOD Winks. In fact, you may have suspected all along that there is more to coincidence than meets the eye. These seemingly random events are actually signposts that can help you successfully navigate your career, relationships, and interests. By recognizing the “godwinks” our Creator has placed in our paths, we can understand–and embrace–the journey God has laid out for us.

    Read the incredible “godwinks” experienced by everyday people and celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Charles Schulz, Oprah Winfrey, Kevin Costner, Mark Twain, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

    After reading When GOD Winks, you’ll learn to recognize coincidences in your life for what they truly are: an act of God’s enduring love.

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  • Rock That Is Higher


    We are all strangers in a strange land, longing for home, but not quite knowing what or where home is. We glimpse it sometimes in our dreams, or as we turn a corner, and suddenly there is a strange, sweet familiarity that vanishes almost as soon as it comes… -Madeleine L’Engle, from The Rock That Is Higher

    Story captures our hearts and feeds our imaginations. It reminds us who we are and where we came from. Story gives meaning and direction to our lives as we learn to see it as an affirmation of God’s love and truth-an acknowledgment of our longing for a rock in the midst of life’s wilderness.

    Drawing upon her own experiences, well-known tales in literature, and selected narratives from Scripture, Madeleine L’Engle gently leads the way into the glorious world of story in The Rock That Is Higher. Here she acknowledges universal human longings and considers how literature, Scripture, personal stories, and life experiences all point us toward our true home.

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  • They Speak With Other Tongues


    More than fifty years ago, a reporter for Guideposts magazine set out to gather information about a strange new occurrence happening all over the country. John Sherrill, a skeptic when it came to speaking in tongues and the baptism with the Holy Spirit, was determined to retain his objectivity while digging out the facts. What he found would change his life. With more than 2.5 million copies sold, this classic work is the story of one man’s journey from skepticism to a life-changing relationship with God. Filled with historical and biblical accounts of speaking in tongues, this is also the deeply personal and moving story of how you, too, can walk in the power of the Spirit day by day. Now includes a new epilogue and update on how to lean on the Holy Spirit for unity in an increasingly divisive world.

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  • Journey With Me


    Catherine Campbell invites you to journey with her this year as she shares 365 Bible meditations that have touched her heart and changed her life. Using an eclectic mix of readings, character cameos and anecdotes, Catherine takes us across new terrain every day. As with life, some paths will be smooth and scenic, while others are steep and stony. The journey may be unpredictable, but the map is trustworthy and the Guide always present. As surely as winter blossoms into spring, and autumn eventually carpets summer lawns, God’s word will excite, challenge, heal and guide us in the year ahead. So, let’s walk together!

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  • Esperanza Inconmovible – (Spanish)


    Despues de cuarenta anos de ministerio y consejeria, Max Lucado ha descubierto que nada reanima el alma sedienta, como las promesas de Dios. Cada capitulo de este libro explora una infinita promesa que guiara al lector a vivir su vidas basandose en verdades permanentes y encontrara una esperanza que es un ancla para su almas, inamovible e inquebrantable.

    Desde el principio de los tiempos, la relacion entre Dios y el hombre ha estado moldeada unas exigencias y promesas concretas. Estos pactos son decretos inalterables que definen el mover de la historia. Algunas de las promesas son positivas y aseguran bendiciones. Otras son negativas y garantizan que habra consecuencias. Pero todas ellas obligan. Este mundo sufre de una especie de temblores. Todo lo que hay en esta tierra esta desapareciendo lentamente. Lo puede sentir? Sus finanzas, su trabajo, su familia, sus exitos personales; todas esas cosas son temporales.

    Nos es facil poner nuestra esperanza en ellas, pero basta un cambio no planificado para que todas se vengan abajo. Max le ofrece un reemplazo para las bases de su vida. Un reemplazo que con toda seguridad puede resistir todas las tormentas. “Su divino poder, al darnos el conocimiento de aquel que nos llamo por su propia gloria y excelencia, nos ha concedido todas las cosas que necesitamos para vivir como Dios manda. Asi Dios nos ha entregado sus preciosas y magnificas promesas para que ustedes, luego de escapar de la corrupcion que hay en el mundo debido a los malos deseos, lleguen a tener parte en la naturaleza divina.” (2 Peter 1:3-4)

    Por medio de esas preciosas y magnificas promesas es como nosotros participamos en la naturaleza divina de Dios. Pavimentan como piedras doradas la senda hacia el mundo de Dios. Son fuertes penascos que forman el puente sobre el cual caminamos desde nuestro pecado hacia la salvacion. No son solamente grandes, sino que son muy grandes, y no son solamente valiosas, sino que son “preciosas.” Colgarselas alrededor del cuello es adornarse con las joyas mas finas del universo.

    Explora esas promesas infinitas de la Palabra de Dios y edifica sobre ellas tu vida.

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