Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Showing 1301–1400 of 2085 results

  • Revealing Heaven 2


    “In Him, we live, we move, we have our being…”Acts 17.
    Come and learn where we all came from in Heaven, as the Father Reveals His heart!

    Revealing Heaven II takes you further into the mysteries of God and continues to unveil His home – HEAVEN!

    You will visit more amazing mansions, find out why God allows your pets to go there and learn about Higher Education. Kat also tells of the time when the Father caught her up to His throne and revealed His heart to His people! You can know the wonders of Heaven through her beautiful illustrations of the celestial realm.

    See where the little babies play and find out what the Valley of Falls is like as she continues her journeys to Heaven. Also be prepared for the Great Awakening that is about to be poured out on this earth. Jesus said it will be the most exciting time to be alive as a Believer!

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  • Reflections On The Upsides Of Aging


    Aging is God’s gift to you.

    Even as your body grows old, learn how – as a Senior member of God’s Forever Family – to live the balance of your earthly life with hope, joy and purpose.

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  • Touched With Instructions



    The Lord’s touch is more than an emotional moment experienced during a worship service or private devotional time.
    So why does the Lord touch us?
    In Touched With Instructions, we will learn the Lord’s answers to this question.
    We’ll be led on a journey through the Bible and our lives to discover the purposes, changes and assignments that come with the Lord’s touches. We’ll learn about the victory of obedience and the devastation of disobedience.
    We’ll gain insight into how the Lord’s instructions help us discern deception and overcome failures. And we’ll see how the Lord grants instruction blessings to effective leaders who remain His humble students.
    Awaiting us are instructions that will challenge, correct and revive us. We’ll have times of prayer, repentance and praise as we surrender ourselves to the Lord’s touches of compassion, encouragement, forgiveness and love.

    Our instruction topics include:
    Going for a Victory Walk through Enemy Situations
    The Blessing of Being Second
    Boot Camp for the Ears
    Homework for the Tongue
    Accepting Rejection
    Write Right
    Outnumbered but Not Overpowered
    Final Victory
    Intimately Touching the Lord

    The Lord’s touch is just the beginning. There are lessons to learn and directions to receive. So let’s get started and get Touched With Instructions!

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  • Touched With Instructions



    The Lord’s touch is more than an emotional moment experienced during a worship service or private devotional time.
    So why does the Lord touch us?
    In Touched With Instructions, we will learn the Lord’s answers to this question.
    We’ll be led on a journey through the Bible and our lives to discover the purposes, changes and assignments that come with the Lord’s touches. We’ll learn about the victory of obedience and the devastation of disobedience.
    We’ll gain insight into how the Lord’s instructions help us discern deception and overcome failures. And we’ll see how the Lord grants instruction blessings to effective leaders who remain His humble students.
    Awaiting us are instructions that will challenge, correct and revive us. We’ll have times of prayer, repentance and praise as we surrender ourselves to the Lord’s touches of compassion, encouragement, forgiveness and love.

    Our instruction topics include:
    Going for a Victory Walk through Enemy Situations
    The Blessing of Being Second
    Boot Camp for the Ears
    Homework for the Tongue
    Accepting Rejection
    Write Right
    Outnumbered but Not Overpowered
    Final Victory
    Intimately Touching the Lord

    The Lord’s touch is just the beginning. There are lessons to learn and directions to receive. So let’s get started and get Touched With Instructions!

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  • Tattoos On The Heart


    How do you fight despair and learn to meet the world with a loving heart? How do you overcome shame? Stay faithful in spite of failure? No matter where people live or what their circumstances may be, everyone needs boundless, restorative love. Gorgeous and uplifting, Tattoos on the Heart amply demonstrates the impact unconditional love can have on your life.

    As a pastor working in a neighborhood with the highest concentration of murderous gang activity in Los Angeles, Gregory Boyle created an organization to provide jobs, job training, and encouragement so that young people could work together and learn the mutual respect that comes from collaboration. Tattoos on the Heart is a breathtaking series of parables distilled from his twenty years in the barrio. Arranged by theme and filled with sparkling humor and glowing generosity, these essays offer a stirring look at how full our lives could be if we could find the joy in loving others and in being loved unconditionally. From giant, tattooed Cesar, shopping at JCPenney fresh out of prison, we learn how to feel worthy of God’s love. From ten-year-old Lula we learn the importance of being known and acknowledged. From Pedro we understand the kind of patience necessary to rescue someone from the darkness. In each chapter we benefit from Boyle’s wonderful, hard-earned wisdom. Inspired by faith but applicable to anyone trying to be good, these personal, unflinching stories are full of surprising revelations and observations of the community in which Boyle works and of the many lives he has helped save.

    Erudite, down-to-earth, and utterly heartening, these essays about universal kinship and redemption are moving examples of the power of unconditional love in difficult times and the importance of fighting despair. With Gregory Boyle’s guidance, we can recognize our own wounds in the broken lives and daunting struggles of the men and women in these parables and learn to find joy in all of the people around us. Tattoos on the Heart reminds us that no life is less valuable than another.

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  • Singing The Lords Song In A Strange Land


    From the earliest meetings of the Civil Rights Movement to offering the benediction for the first African American President of the United States, Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery has been an eyewitness to some of the most significant events in our history. But, more important, he has been a voice that speaks truth to power–inspiring change that moves us forward. In Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land, you will find Dr. Lowery’s most enduring speeches and messages from the past fifty years including Coretta Scott King’s funeral and the benediction given at President Obama’s inauguration. This book, however, is not simply a collection of words. It is the heart of a movement and a call to a new generation to carry the mantle–for all people.

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  • Beyond Positive Thinking


    Author and motivational speaker, Jim Collins, explains how God’s Word can help you create the life you were designed to live by tapping into your God-given abilities. He emphasizes “life-application” of the truths in Scripture to help readers reach his or hers full potential. Beyond Positive Thinking expounds on the Scriptures, making them come alive so they are relatable to those living in the 21st Century. These principles will help readers achieve freedom from fear, anxiety and negative thinking.

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  • Tuesdays Grace : A Modern Day Miracle


    Josh and Sara were stunned when their plans for adoption suddenly turned into possible plans for a funeral. When the baby girl they were going to adopt was diagnosed with a life-threatening birth defect, the adoption process changed from hope to despair. In Tuesday’s Grace: A Modern Day Miracle, readers will walk along with Josh and Sara as they journey through infertility, adoption, hospitalization, trials, blessings, and hope. This true story captures life’s roller coaster of emotions-from sadness and fear to peace and triumph. It’s a story of friends, family, faith, and prayer that will give readers hope and encouragement, and the assurance that God is still performing miracles today. Sara M. Howard treasures the role of being a wife and a mother of a son and a daughter. She and her family make their home in the Midwest. She is also a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. She works in dialysis and is a patient educator for those with chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease. She enjoys writing and sharing her amazing story with others.

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  • Living The Thankful Life


    Living the Thankful Life includes 29 short stories about things that Robert is thankful. It also includes an area to write your own stories of thanks, which enables you to make it a legacy book for you, your family and others concerning living a thankful life.

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  • You Were Born For This


    “The Jabez guy is back.” His new book shows readers how to cooperate with God to deliver personal, predictable miracles that meet real needs in the lives of others.”

    Bruce Wilkinson returns to what he does best – helping everyday Christians experience dramatic life change in key areas of their faith and practice. Like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren (whom he preceded on the New York Times lists), “You Were Born For This” follows in the tradition of Wilkinson’s previous best sellers in showing readers how to identify, embrace and achieve big ideas that have practical and dramatic daily applications.

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  • When Faith Matters Most


    Job loss. Financial difficulties. Diagnosis of a disease or a fractured relationship. These are challenging circumstances for anyone. So how do you handle them in a way that opens the door of possibility? How can you deal with the surge of hopelessness that claws at your heart and mind? In When Faith Matters Most, Marc Cargill explores the power of faith as we stare down these giant circumstances and difficulties. With transparency and personal stories of his own challenges combined with powerful truth, Marc lays out the principles for handling some of life’s most hard and demanding situations. In his often humorous and very relevant style, important questions of faith are addressed. * How do I handle failure in a positive way? * What are important keys to dealing with financial lack? * How do you respond when God says, “No?” * How can I deal with a negative or hopeless situation? * How do I stand in faith when diagnosed with a sickness or disease? * When it seems I have exhausted every option-what do I do now? Do not give up. Do not surrender to the situation. Instead rise up with the conviction that it will work together for good. You may be in the toughest season of your life. Resist the temptation to give in. Instead fight against despair with faith. This is When Faith Matters Most. Marc Cargill is the Lead Pastor of Hope Church in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of training materials and equipping resources. Marc is an accomplished songwriter, respected leader, church planter, and pastor. He is known for his humor and prophetic, relevant speaking style. He and his wife Cheryl have five children and live in Gilbert, Arizona.

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  • Joyful In Hope


    Eight different women of all ages, Eight familiar stories united by a common thread; how to find God in the most testing of circumstances. Meet, for example, Louise who whilst surfing one weekend was caught in a rip current and carried out to sea…Or Rosie, who was told that her two-year-old son had autism. Or Karen who, along with her younger sister, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Or Liz who experienced years of unsuccessful IVF treatment before deciding to adopt a boy from overseas. These are stories of women of all ages, facing challenges that many of us encounter in some form or other.

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  • Seasons Of Life


    We all go through many seasons in our lives. There are often times we feel like we are under a microscope, living in darkness, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Yet at other time, we may feel all alone. Have you ever felt engulfed by sorrow and despair? What about the time when you feel like laughing but you have to sigh? The time when you feel like crying but you have to grin? It’s only a season, just like spring, summer, fall and winter. Gaining knowledge about the various seasons of life will help you through your walk in life. There will be some who make it on this journey, while others may lose their way as in being in a maze, and others be left on the way side. It is my sincere desire that we all make it through the various seasons of life. It’s a matter of knowing how….and you too can make it through!

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  • 7 Years Of Silence The Book


    Jacqueline Jackson loves the Lord and has a burning desire to please Him. She has worked in the health care field for more than fifteen years. She feels called to evangelize those whom God puts in proximity to her. Married for more than twenty years to the late Elder Leonard Jackson Sr., she is both a mother and a grandmother. She has sat on multiple planning committees and consumer advisory boards, and for the past seven years has been a planning committee member of a faith community outreach project sponsored by the state health department called On Common Ground.

    While she was on bed rest one day, she was watching a TV program about feeding children in Africa. The program showed babies who were abandoned by parents infected with the HIV virus. The organization that sponsored the show had established houses for the abandoned babies called abandoned baby centers (ABCs). On the program, people talked about how the church kept silent concerning HIV/AIDS. As I lay in bed saddened by the babies I saw, I felt an indignation rise up inside of me. With a very pompous attitude, I muttered under my breath, “God, it’s a shame how the church has kept silent regarding this subject.” The Lord quickly replied, “Yes, you have remained silent for seven years.”

    Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.
    Psalm 94:17

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  • Nuggets For Life


    Nuggets for Life contains hundreds of “Golden Nuggets” that encouraged me through my battle with stage four cervical cancer. God wants me to share them with you. He has a plan for your life He knows your dreams; He put them there for a reason. He knows exactly what you want.

    Some nuggets He will use to catapult you to a higher level.

    Some nuggets will motivate you to dream more and help others.

    Some nuggets will encourage you in your trials until you get your victory.

    Some nuggets will give you mountain-moving faith.

    Remember, God wants to give you the desires of your heart.

    Trust Him. Live your life so that people want what you have.

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  • Life Points : Twenty Five Directives That Will Change The Way You Life


    By systematically following the enclosed directives in this resource, one will have the motivation, information, and plans to accomplish much more in your life. “Life Points” presents the foundation needed to launch life in a direction that will be fulfilling, exciting, and successful.

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  • Blessed By The Best


    The poetic verses in this book express some of my beliefs on how faith in God can turn things around when dealing with life’s ups and downs. I have shared these verses with many in the course of my duties as a spiritual counselor. I use many of them on a daily basis to remind people about the power of God and his word. Although they are original verses, they are spiritually inclined, inspired by the Bible. They are designed to provide courage and strength as we encounter life’s trial and tribulations. This book is the result of the encouragement and inspiration he has received to publish his works.

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  • Blessed By The Best


    The poetic verses in this book express some of my beliefs on how faith in God can turn things around when dealing with life’s ups and downs. I have shared these verses with many in the course of my duties as a spiritual counselor. I use many of them on a daily basis to remind people about the power of God and his word. Although they are original verses, they are spiritually inclined, inspired by the Bible. They are designed to provide courage and strength as we encounter life’s trial and tribulations. This book is the result of the encouragement and inspiration he has received to publish his works.

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  • Use Me Lord


    ‘Use Me, Lord’ is a collection of short, easy- to- read, true stories from the author’s life. These amazing stories reveal the Power of God in everyday life. When one permits God to use them for His Glory, extraordinary events unfold. This book was written to glorify God, lead others to Christ and allow everyone to realize they can be used of God through simple surrender to His will.

    Stories include God’s direction for the author to move with her husband and children from the only home they had ever known to a location far away from family, friends, and church. These stories will encourage and strengthen you to wait on the Lord to provide for your needs. Realizing God’s visible answers to prayer will draw you closer to Him. The author’s passion for the lost and God’s call on her life to win souls for the Kingdom of God is evident.

    Having delayed God’s direction to write this book because she was “too busy”, the author lost her job. After allowing her a few days of self-pity and crying He instructed, “Now write the book.” Her willingness to lose it all to say “Yes” to God is testimony of her faith. ‘Use Me, Lord’ will bring you to tears and make you laugh while allowing you to reflect on what you are doing for the glory of God.

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  • From Heaven To You


    During His earthly ministry, Jesus described the many great and wonderful things that we as believers-the church-would be able to do through His name. God intends for the church to be the visible, physical representative of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Believers are called to show the world its power and majesty. Would it be too absurd to ask the simple question, “What extraordinary, including supernatural things did Jesus say believers would be able to do?” From this point you will discover that there are so many components that really help to define what the true church should be like, and an inspired desire to acquire these abilities should blossom! From Heaven to You intends to open your understanding as well as your eyes to the things that Jesus described as your abilities through Him, and as God intended!

    Believing that the average Christian believer can do much more, Dr. M.L. Johnson has taken a special walk with God, asking Him questions about certain things plaguing the church of mediocrity today, and God has been faithful to provide the answers! As a Christian, is your walk based upon a system of religion or a relationship with God? This is a very important question that only you could answer. True power and influence in heaven stems from your relationship with God through His Son!

    So much is available to the Christian believer -power, spiritual gifts, knowledge, identity-and more! However, so many opportunities to bring successful solutions to even the most simple of circumstances are often lost because of obstacles such as traditions, doctrines, denominationalism and simply lack of Biblical teaching. This book places the opportunities into your hands by showing you that you can do greater works because Jesus himself said that you would!

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  • From Stage To Stage And Glory To Glory


    This book is a reflection of the incredible grace and mercy of almighty God and is a testimony to the availability of His miraculous power to all who ask and believe.

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  • My Jesus Rides A Motorcycle


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609578688ISBN10: 1609578686Barbara KnutsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Working Miracle Of God


    The Working Miracles of God is riveting testimony of the redemptive power and healing miracles of Jesus Christ. After receiving the miracles of healing from blindness and the reconciliation with her youngest daughter after seventeen years of prayer, God has given Diane Wylde the voice of an overcomer to encourage others and bless His name. This is her story.

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  • Nuggets From God And Mom


    Nuggets from God and Mom is an insightful, heartwarming collection of meditations, overflowing with reminders of God’s unconditional love and compassion for all mankind. The book began as email messages written to the author’s daughters to encourage them daily and remind them of their immeasurable worth in God’s eyes. Through the past few years, she has included many others to receive her inspirational devotions; however the original intent has remained the same: to encourage others to delve into God’s Word–seeking out His priceless promises, learning to live within His will, and drawing closer to His side.
    The author’s hope is that as you read this book, you will become convinced of the truth that no matter how far you may have strayed from God, He still wants you to come home. You are still precious in His eyes, and He desires nothing more than a close relationship with you. Journey through Nuggets from God and Mom and mine the treasure waiting in God’s Word: instructions for living a joyful, blessed, abundant life and messages of deliverance, redemption, mercy, forgiveness, hope, peace, and love.

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  • Everyday Grace


    With a pure love for God, Ken uses his divinely bestowed gift as a writer to shed light into the sometimes-harsh world of real life. In his new book, Everyday Grace, Ken does more than simply put words to paper. As he did in his first book, A Prodigal Return, Ken shares from the depths of his redeemed heart those things he has lived and experienced firsthand, and writes in such a pure, warm, and inviting manner that the reader feels they are sitting with Ken, sharing life over a cup of hot coffee. His short stories are genuine, and uniquely personal, and graced with the truth and wisdom drawn through the inspiration found only by living in God’s Word. Everyday Grace will draw readers to the heart of the living God reaching down through the sincerity and candor of one who rests securely in the hand of God.

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  • If You Want God To Help You Be At Peace


    Are you looking for peace that passes all understanding? Are you looking to defeat your worries and starve your doubts in this often crude and cruel world? If the answer is yes, then you have chosen the right book. In this spiritually powerful book, Dr. Derrick R. Rhodes gives you some practical steps to help you deal with those things that are stealing your peace. You will also learn how to: * Have peace with God * Have peace within * Have peace with others * Let go of things you can’t control * Deal with your hurts * Be happy in the moment.

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  • As The Ice Thaws


    Many people, unless they have experienced mental illness in their family or own home, do not have an idea about how someone with such an illness behaves or if there is any hope for recovery. The media is left to educate through television or movies, and the usual depiction of someone with such an illness is someone who is psychotic and violent. Brenda McAninch in her book, As the Ice Thaws, presents hope for those with bipolar illness and for those who live with them.

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  • Wheres God When We Need Him


    Where’s God When We Need Him? While God is our help in the time of need, finding Him can be frustrating. How does one locate God in the midst of a storm? Why does God seem so far away when we need Him most? Using Sarah’s long wait for Isaac and Job’s long-suffering with many Biblical as well as numerous real life experiences, the author reveals where real answers to life’s issues may be found!

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  • He Chose Me


    SKU (ISBN): 9781612151229ISBN10: 1612151221Katherine Laster – KikivarakisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Building Saints Along The Chorba Trail


    Insightful Biblical truths interwoven with humorous and challenging events collected from the mission field… An exciting sequel to last year’s The Chorba Trail.

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  • Not By Chance


    Not By Chance is the inspiring story of God’s coincidental guidance of one woman’s life journey during which a series of remarkably improbable events signal the paths she should follow as she confronts myriad challenges: polio, devastating accidents, major depression, divorce, unemployment and multiple sclerosis. Discover how, during this arduous journey, God faithfully provides for Lynn’s employment, education and sense of purpose. Rejoice when God also blesses her with improved health and leads her on a path of service to others who also confront physical, emotional and spiritual challenges.

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  • All Creation Sings


    Have you ever seen something so beautiful in God’s created world that it took your breath away? These poems are an expression of joy and gratitude to the God who has inspired me through the days of my life by the beauty of His created world. He is the one who has opened my eyes to see His attributes expressed in the world. May you see Him in new and different ways, drawing you closer to Him. May you hear Him speak words of encouragement and peace, bringing you comfort. May joy fill you to overflowing, strengthening you and enabling you to worship and praise the God of all creation.

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  • Pretty Smart For A Girl


    Jewell E. Myers May is a 81 year old retiree and “Pretty Smart For A Girl” is her first published book.
    * Some of her personal essays have been published in magazines, her hometown newspaper and church bulletins.
    * Jewell decided she wanted to be a writer when her high school English teacher read one of her essays about the movie “My Friend Flicka” before the class.
    * In addition to writing Jewell enjoys painting outdoor scenes, reading, sewing, singing and writing letters.
    * Jewell resides with two of her six children in Hermitage, Tennessee, with a calico cat named “Sunny” and a mix breed dog named “Maggie”

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  • More Glimpses Of Heaven (Reprinted)


    Following her successful Glimpses of Heaven, Trudy Harris has collected even more true stories of the tender beauty and pain of life’s end. Through her own stories and those of medical professionals and hospice workers, Harris brings readers with her on the search for God, forgiveness, faith, repentance, and ultimate acceptance and peace. The perfect gift for someone who has experienced the death of a loved one, More Glimpses of Heaven will bring peace and comfort to all who read it.

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  • 5 Fingers : The Story Of The Free Medical Clinic Of America Knoxville Tenne


    Dr. Tom Kim, a physician specializing in Internal Medicine and Hematology-Oncology, is originally from North Korea. He managed to escape with part of his family during the Korean War at the age of six. His family eventually moved to the United States, and in 1979 Dr. Kim settled in Knoxville, Tennessee with his goal of “repaying his debt to America for the gift of a new life.” Dr. Kim was raised in a strong Christian environment, where he was taught to follow the example of Christ and become a light to the world. He believes that all people are challenged to love their neighbors as Jesus commanded. This includes providing our poor neighbors with the health care they deserve, and not simply relying on the government to respond to this need.

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  • By His Stripes We Are Healed


    By His Stripes We Are Healed

    God loves us and He wants us healthy, not sick. He has given me a mandate to reach the world with the message that God is still healing, and delivering people today. God can turn your negative report around; He did it for me, by healing me twice from cancer, and He wants to do it for you. God has blessed me to tell my testimony and pray for many people that were deaf, lame, had M.S., cancer, growths, injuries, back problems and much more, that are now healed. To God be the Glory!

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  • Divine Intervention : Amazing True Stories Of Gods Miracles Today


    The Bible contains some remarkable stories of miracles and divine interventions. Moses parted the sea. Peter healed a man lame from his mother’s womb. Jesus drove demons out of people and even raised people from the dead. Are these types of events still happening today? The answer to this question, as you will see from reading this book, is an emphatic YES! God is still very much at work in our world. Contained within is a collection of amazing, true stories that attest to this fact. You will read the astonishing first-hand accounts of people who have been healed of paralysis, terminal cancer and AIDS through prayer. You will see the love of God powerfully transform the life of an Islamic terrorist. You will witness the liberation of the demon-possessed, the resurrection of the dead and much more. Prepare to be awed and inspired as you experience Divine Intervention!

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  • No Wheelchairs In Heaven


    Jesus restored an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in Heaven for You…1 Peter 1:3-4

    You were born and set apart for a divine purpose and divine destiny, by an ever present, all loving and compassionate amazing Father in Heaven. It is His Story you have been born into, that leads to eternal life, and a transforming love that Jesus laid down His life for. At the tender age of 8, Allison who was born with cerebral palsy, prayed a humble prayer asking Jesus to help her, forgive her, and come into her heart. She wanted what He restores… the promise of Heaven and gift of eternal life. From that moment forward, she knew she was engraved in the palm of His hand, priceless and irreplaceable. At the age of 29 she left this earth for Heaven, without a labored breath. She was rewarded with a new resurrected body, kissing her wheelchair goodbye… This is our story of hope and inspiration woven into God’s unchanging plan… to love and prepare you for an eternal inheritance.

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  • Holiness The Key To Revival


    This book is to bring hope, encouragement and fresh vision to the Church.

    It is for Christians who are:

    * Frustrated – but believing.
    * ‘Saved – but stuck’ (‘stuck’ in ‘the wilderness’).
    * Forgiven – but not in victory.
    * Disappointed, discouraged, disillusioned, doubting damaged, defeated and/or desperate.
    * Hungry for more of God.

    For sincere Christians, holiness is usually an aspiration which is only vaguely dreamt about, but with no real concrete, proven direction to follow. Many of God’s people recognize that holiness is a commandment of God……but – how do we become holy and walk in holiness and, is it possible?

    This book has the answer – based on the Word of God and testimonies of past saints who did walk in holiness and, through whose lives God was able to move, often bringing revival and thousands of souls to the Lord.

    Lack of teaching on this vital doctrine of Experiential Sanctification is a major reason why the Church is not walking in holiness and victory. The lateness of the hour and days in which we live surely spur us on to seek our God with all our hearts, and cry, ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God’. ‘Holiness – the Key to Revival’ will enlighten and excite the believer to experience a more effective personal Christian Life.

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  • Heaven Is For Real


    A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. Heaven is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins talking about being able to look down and see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didn’t know what to believe but soon the evidence was clear.Colton said he met his miscarried sister, whom no one had told him about, and his great grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was born, then shared impossible-to-know details about each. He describes the horse that only Jesus could ride, about how “reaaally big” God and his chair are, and how the Holy Spirit “shoots down power” from heaven to help us.Told by the father, but often in Colton’s own words, the disarmingly simple message is heaven is a real place, Jesus really loves children, and be ready, there is a coming last battle.

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  • No Fear


    We’ve all been gripped with fear at some time in our lives. Whether it is fear of death, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of illness, or any other fear, our apprehension is universal. Walk with Shea Mahoney as she faces her biggest fears. Laugh as she recalls childhood stories where fear did not abide. Rejoice with her as God carries her through each fear that she faces.

    No Fear is her story, but it is also your story. It is a powerful reminder that you are not alone as you confront fear, that others struggle with fear, and that the perfect love of God truly does cast out all fear.

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  • Cracker Poemer Collections


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609577803ISBN10: 1609577809J. Carroll BarnhillBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Cracker Poemer Collections


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609577797ISBN10: 1609577795J. Carroll BarnhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Miracles In The Forgotten Land And Beyond



    Eighteen year-old Setan Lee was in shock as soldiers jumped out of huge trucks in Battambang Temple Square, shouting, “Enemies!” and pointing guns at them. This was the New Year celebration and they had no idea why these “black uniform soldiers” were ordering them out of the city at gunpoint to an unknown destination. Setan’s best friend asked one of the soldiers why they were calling them the enemy. He answered with gunshots that left Setan’s friend dead at his feet!

    Thirteen-year-old Randa Yos was at home in Battambang with her family that fateful day when they heard shouting in the street, ordering people to come out of their homes into the streets. They had just learned that the black uniform soldiers had taken her father from his office at the University. They and thousands of others were forced at gunpoint to march to an unknown destination.

    That day began four years of slavery and starvation in the killing fields for thousands of Cambodians. The horror of Setan and Randa’s lives during their imprisonment and how they finally escaped will hold you spellbound as you read their story.

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  • How To Handle The PALIN Factor



    Whoever has said that P.A.L.I.N Factor is unstoppable is yet to see the strategies outlined in this book. This writing outlines 32 rounds of intellectual battles that are needed in order to handle the P.A.L.I.N. Factor.

    “The last title fight scheduled for more than 15 rounds was: Joe Louis vs. Bob Pastor (scheduled for 20 rounds).”

    No man is ever whipped until he quits-in his own mind.

    Napoleon Hill

    Buy this book and limit the influence of P.A.L.I.N. Factor.

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  • From A Legend And Kingdom Of Darkness Into Poems Of Hope


    A tremendous testimony of God’s grace and love that ultimately births and inspires poems of hope. Antionette Campbell clearly displays her gift of writing. This will offer insight to those who may be walking through similar situations or simply facing obstacles in life. Victory is imminent and God is given the glory. A great mixture of story and inspirational poetry that will keep you reading until the end. This will be the first of many great books to come. -Laura Goncalves… Antionette Campbell’s life is a testimony of God’s grace and love to Deuteronomy 4:29-31. I’ll paraphrase it. If you truly seek God with your heart and soul; and when troubles come to you, in future days, if you’ll come back to God and listen to His voice. He won’t abandon you to ruin or forget the covenant He swore to your ancestors. -Lorraine Lambright

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  • Poignant Place In Him


    Every day life brings us new challenges, and every day God’s word gives us guidance to meet them. There are many questions that address situations that we can not understand but one can find the answer in the word of God (The Bible)

    “A Poignant Place in Him,” provides a collection of Bible verses mainly from the book of Psalms to answer some of the questions that will encourage and comfort you in your most difficult times as you pursue God and His purpose for your life.

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  • Jesus Te Llama – (Spanish)


    Jesus te llama is a devotional filled with uniquely inspired treasures from heaven for every day of the year.
    After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to “listen” to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed he was saying to her. It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her messages. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus te llama. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers with his presence and his peace in ever deeper measure.

    Jesus te llama es un devocional lleno de tesoros excepcionalmente inspirados del cielo para cada dia del ao.
    Despues de muchos anos de escribir en su diario de oracion, la misionera Sarah Young decidio “escuchar” a Dios con pluma en mano, poniendo por escrito cualquier cosa que creyo que El le decia. Fue embarazoso al principio, pero poco a poco sus encuentros diarios cambiaron de monologo a dialogo. Ella sabia que sus escritos no eran inspirados como lo son las Sagradas Escrituras, pero estos encuentros escritos le ayudaron a crecer en su acercamiento a Dios. Otras personas han sido bendecidas al ella compartir sus escritos, de tal manera que personas por todo el mundo estan usando sus mensajes. Estos estan escritos desde el punto de vista de Jesucristo, de ahi el titulo Jesus te llama. Es la oracion ferviente de Sarah que nuestro Salvador bendiga a los lectores en abundancia con su presencia y su paz.

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  • 12 Rules For Living


    This book is meant for followers of Jesus who would like some biblically-based, life-experience-inspired rules for living the Christian life.

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  • Poems Of Power


    Vivian Scott’s spiritual inspiration is reflected in her poetry.

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  • When A Child Prays Miracles Happen


    Bonnie J. Heath began her walk with the Lord as a child, when she faithfully prayed to God and attended church services. Since then, she has been inspired by God in many ways, especially in her work with children. As a teenager and young adult, she helped introduce many children to Christ. She continues to work with the youth through her church, Whites Chapel United Methodist Church in Conyers, Georgia, and other organizations. Bonnie has been a speaker for youth conferences, Girl Scout troops, Sunday school classes, women’s organizations, school and church sponsored youth events, and other organizations, all because of her love for and devotion to children.

    God inspired Bonnie to write this book while she was reflecting upon fond memories of her childhood, in Americus, Georgia, and how God answered her childhood prayers. She wrote this book to encourage children to pray and to trust God. The stories in When a Child Prays, Miracles Happen are true and have been printed with the submitters’ permission. Through this book, Bonnie hopes to help many families and children deal with autism.

    Bonnie is proudly married to Donald Heath, Sr. and is the proud and devoted mother of Donald Heath, Jr. (DJ), whose inspirational prayer jump-started this book. She is the proud daughter of retired educator Juanita Jones and the late Paul Jones. She credits her parents, grandparents, and family members with keeping her grounded spiritually during her formative years and with placing in her an undying love for God. She is a devoted Christian and church worker, a school volunteer, a soccer mom, and the owner of JH Business Enterprises, LLC.

    Bonnie has a bachelor’s degree, from Georgia Southwestern College and a Master’s degree from Central Michigan University. She and her family reside in Conyers, Georgia.

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  • Grace In The Shadow Of The Cross


    Grace in the Shadow of the Cross is a creative autobiography about how one little girl’s unspeakable abuse became one joyful woman’s testimony of healing. This true story is told in three voices: Ann’s first-hand experiences are described through the character of Grace (who begins with the name Prophet). Accompanying her voice are those of Father God and Deceiver. Father God speaks mainly through Scriptures but also through private prayer conversations actually experienced by Ann. Deceiver’s cruel voice will be all too familiar to abuse survivors.

    This book is for those who have known abuse as well as those who love them. It is for the broken, the beaten, the humbled, and the humiliated. Ultimately, it’s a story of hope that will encourage you-no matter your past pain-that God loves you and desires to heal your heart.

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  • Bequest : A Fifty Year Journey To Find A Birth Father


    February 1998
    I have a growing sense of who is my biological father. I may never know for sure in this life even though some circumstances are formidable indicators. There are still questions and the need for proof positive.

    March 2001
    When I explained my problem to the lab director, and what I had available to work with, he was somewhat dubious. The analysis of envelopes and stamps that had crossed an ocean and been stored in a box for sixty years might be problematic. He told me he would attempt an analysis. He would need a sample of my DNA.

    May 2001
    Several weeks went by. Then, Friday evening, May 28, 2001, I was mowing the grass in the side yard. At exactly 7:34 p.m. Mary came out on the deck with the white kitchen phone saying the call was for me. “It’s the lab.”

    For many years, Donald E. Kersemeier wondered about the identity of his biological father. The results of the analysis forever changed his life.

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  • Sometimes Love Offends


    This book is the result of a “disturbing trend” within The Church (The body of true believers) to be increasingly molded by the world’s concept of what Christians are to be like, especially in the area of love. There is far more to love than what we read in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. By ignoring the more difficult aspects of love requiring “teaching, correction, reproof, rebuke, and training in righteousness”, as we are told The Word of God is good for, and are commanded to do in Scripture, we not only fail to love one another as Jesus loves us, but we fail to show Godly love to the world.

    If we are to use scripture to define “Love”, we need to examine how God, Who is love, acts out His love; how He speaks about His love. When we ask, “what would Jesus do?” we need first to look at what Jesus did, not imagine what He would do, if we are to answer the question properly. Otherwise, we may wind up loving them into hell instead of into heaven.

    This book is written to introduce some, and re-introduce others, to that full spectrum, including the more difficult aspects of love, and how we should properly use them. Love according to how God, Who is love, tells us to love, and demonstrates by His actions, what love is, and His love for us.

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  • Saint Francis


    Christian Encounters, a series of biographies from Thomas Nelson Publishers, highlights important lives from all ages and areas of the Church. Some are familiar faces. Others are unexpected guests. But all, through their relationships, struggles, prayers, and desires, uniquely illuminate our shared experience. He’s more than just a statue of the saint in the neighbor’s garden surrounded by adoring animals. As a wealthy young man, Franciswas a member of the “brat pack” of his day, wearing bright clothing, hanging out with rich friends, engaging in street brawls, and partying. After a dream in which God called him into service, Francis abandoned all his rights and possessions and began preaching simplicity and poverty, relying on God’s providence rather than worldly goods.In this Christian Encounters biography, read about this patron saint of animals who so delighted in God’s works that he once preached a sermon to a flock of birds.

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  • What Difference Do It Make


    The more than four hundred thousand readers stirred by the story of Ron Hall and Denver Moore will resonate with the all new, stand-alone true stories of hope and healing offered in this intimate, authentic follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Same Kind of Different as Me.

    With new “Denverisms” and reflections from Denver on his personal dealings with homelessness and disrespect from others, additional insights from Ron on what we can learn from people unlike us and from those dealing with a terminal illness, and the stories of readers who have been impacted by the book’s central themes, this inspirational reader will generate a host of new fans. Topics include:
    *Faith and friendship
    *Racial reconciliation
    *Community outreach

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  • Fight Is On


    This book also shows how through the move of the Holy Spirit, the warm embrace of friends, the enlightment of doctors/professional help, a so called life threatening illness is not the end, but the beginning of a journey that introduces a closer encounter with God!

    This is a book that will be vital to those struggling with cancer, and also to those struggling with any illness.

    Elder Battle tackled cancer with all the faith, dignity, and hope that those who know her see, as a guiding light that shines so bright in her life that thousands of others who read her story will find illumination!

    Elder Louise Battle’s story will help thousands find their way through troubles/trials instead of being lost in fear/hopelessness and defeat. Through Louise’s story, we see cancer losing its power as we understand the seriousness of it, through God. God is still a Healer, cancer does not have to be a death sentence!

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  • Season Of Hope


    This book will especially help someone who is in a storm which they have been in for a while. It will help that person to understand that God knows about the storm, is using the storm to make them better and does have a season of hope in store for them. This book includes 20 poems, 20 matching meditations and accompanying scriptures. It also contains a narrative called Season of Hope Story. In his Season of Hope Story the author describes how God has dealt with him in his season of hope in hopes that it will help a reader recognize, appreciate and receive all that God has for him/her in their own Season of Hope.

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • Still Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips


    Al Rudolph can best be described as a student of life and a teacher at heart.

    This book is a must read for anyone looking for practical ways to not only fight the battles of everyday living, but to come out the victor. It offers matter-of-fact advice interwoven with humor and wit that is certain to give you the boost you need to endure the pressures of simply being human. Sure, life is tough but we can be Still, Tougher Than Woodpecker Lips.

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  • Aunt Maes China


    Why would a young woman give up a nursing career, a marriage proposal, and her family to head for South China, thousands of miles from home, where few had gone before?

    In the middle of World War I, when the United States Navy was heading to the Mediterranean to offer support to England and France, Beatrice Mae Tonkin was boarding a boat to take her in the opposite direction across the Pacific to the Kwangsi (Guangxi) province where she would spend most of the next twenty-seven years and where her life would be filled with dangerous adventures as she pioneered answering God’s call.

    Hated by the Chinese who thought she and her colleagues were masquerading as foreign imperialists, these so called “foreign devils” risked life and limb for the Master, while Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, a few provinces away, were preparing for their clever takeover of China.

    As Aunt Mae’s life story unravels, you learn it is juxtaposed with extraordinary encounters of danger and hardships between the years of 1917-1944, when China went through the reign of river pirates, corrupt warlords, dangerous philosophies, rogue armies, Japanese bombings, effects of WWII, the vicious actions of the CCP, and epidemics, but she remained undaunted in her task of carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and continued planting the seeds of Christianity until she was forced to leave.

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  • Simple : A Book For Simple Minds


    Few are aware of the invisible power that influences our lives. Within the pages of this book lies an astonishing story of a man who’s life was spared more than once, a man who was a witness to God’s awesome power. He knew of God but did not know Him on a personal level. This is a message that needs to be shared, a crystal clear revelation that turned one mans life around.

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  • Rest In His Love Our Redeemer Jesus Christ


    Our faith is not about what we are DOING, but believing what God has DONE for us. Wow! Hallelujah!

    When God allowed my sorrow and pain to bring me to the cross, I quietly knelt in His presence. I could not ask for the reason of my sorrow and suffering. There were no words before Him. I met a God who said that He loves me even to the death. Heaven is closer to me now than ever before. My son’s death connected me with the reality of sin and death, and led me closer to my only hope, Jesus Christ. Now, I am forgiven and have hope that will see Jesus and my son some day at a beautiful place where there is no more pain, no more tears and no more fear. Nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ.

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  • When The Power Of Christ Compels You


    From the Author:

    My book is for anyone who is struggling to make it thru the storm. It helps to build up their confidence in the word of Jesus Christ. Always remember there is still daylight after every dark storm. Prayer and worshiping is the key to God’s heart, because God is love, And God’s love is what every soul needs in order to achieve.

    Hopefully, my book will help you see this. Enjoy it.

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  • Provoking Thoughts In Poetry



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  • Haiti Past Present Future


    When I think about what could be in the future for Haiti, my heart beats with hope. I have seen firsthand children who were born into poverty grow up through our mission and become leaders. I believe the future of Haiti is wrapped up in three specific objectives.

    This first of these is its infrastructure. The country of Haiti has nothing to rebuild. We must build a new Haiti. From airports, to railroad systems, to roads and ports for shipping-Haiti must pioneer a future of mobility and commerce.

    The second objective is education. More than 50% of the children in Haiti never attend school. There is no greater poverty than not knowing how to read or write. That is slavery…and it must stop! The children of Haiti deserve an education to help make a better future.

    Last, but not least is the establishment of churches. Why? The church promotes values of family, community, and trust in God. With God all things are possible and there is no greater hope.

    I invite you to read my blog at where I share more long-term ideas for helping Haiti be a country of opportunity.

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  • Detour : An Off Road Safari


    This book opens a window into the heart of a loving missionary wife and mother dealing with the challenges of ministering in a different land. Refreshingly transparent in expressing her feelings, Patricia McGregor, with beautiful simplicity, tells it like it is, the joys as well as the sorrows. On occasion, too, her husband, Bishop Todd McGregor, as well as her daughters, Corbi and Charese (ages 15 and 16 at the time) share their thoughts.

    It is a moving saga, filled with adventure and surprise. The author has remarkable ability of seeing spiritual applications in the common things that happen every day. Life for her is a journey of obedience in the bonds of Christ. The road has many twists and turns, but even detours along the way serve to enlarge experiences of God’s faithfulness. To be sure, keeping the priorities of the Kingdom in order is not easy. There is a cross in it. Yet, however difficult the task, the love of Jesus shines through, and she makes you want to follow Him.

    Reading this book can be a tonic for your soul.

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  • Letusgo Fishing Com


    Anglers of America, get the whole family out of the house and on a fishing trip. It is so important today to rediscover fun activities that the whole family can enjoy together. On any given day, you will find each family member doing their own thing and very few actual family activities planned together as a family.

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  • I Saw The Lord


    You may be wondering why this book? Well; there are many books on the market that are inspired by God’s Holy Spirit to give hope to all Nations. According to Matthew 28:28-29 we are to go into all the world and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation around the world. I believe that the Lord has given me this charge. We are in the midnight hour and we can see all the end time characteristics as the Bible speaks about.

    We are living in a world of chaos and confusion. People are looking for solutions to their problems. We are putting our hope and trust in the wrong places. I can assure you that things are going to get worst before they get better. We need to return to our spiritual and moral standers of life. Revelation 2:5: “Remember therefore from whence thou art falling, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent”.

    Beloved it behooves us to get our house in order because Jesus Christ is coming soon. Take advantage of the hour accept the Lord Jesus before it’s too late. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. He wants to come in and sup with you and you with Him (Revelation 3:20). The Lord is speaking to you right now as you read this book? No matter what you’ve done in the past, No matter what you’re doing right now; take time out to give your life to Jesus. He loves you in spite of our short comings.

    There will be a one world order with justice, and Righteous judgment, but only through our Lord and Savior who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

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  • Journey


    The Journey, set forth in poetic fashion, is designed for those who can understand the hardships that come along with the Christian walk, and it applies to those who are learning to completely consecrate their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. The author has written this book to parallel those whose hearts have been called on by the Lord to experience God’s boot camp of spiritual transformation.

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  • Virginia Tech Tragedy And My Personal Tragedy


    What’s your story? Do you have troubles? Are you facing tragedy? Do you want to learn? Being challenged gives you the opportunity to learn and grow. This story will challenge you. You may find it hard to believe, yet the details can be verified. This story of tragedy comes in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech Tragedy-dubbed “the worst U.S. massacre in history.” From this universally known tragedy and from the 10 stages of my personal tragedy comes 10 key lessons to learn-life lessons that will help you grow; lessons that will help you learn to prevail, no matter what you may face. Join me in this journey and learn with me!

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  • Eyes Of Understanding


    Eyes of Understanding. What is the Eyes of Understanding? The title of this book refers to the vision that lies beyond the natural eye, one that reveals how our life maps back to God, through His Word. When darkness is removed, seeing becomes understanding, and this vision of life is made clear.

    How are we to understand why things occur in life, if we do not comprehend God’s purpose for our life? Unless we understand our beginning, we will not understand our end. This book offers the reader simple spiritual insights, making sure each insight maps back to the Word of God. In addition, the book contains a series of short, targeted prayers.

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  • Streams Of Life


    This collection of poems are a reminder of the oases God provides through human relationships and the healing streams of His redemptive love, mercy and grace as we journey through the deserts of Life.

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  • Lord Make Me Into An Altar


    This book is a series of thoughts the Holy Spirit inspired the author to write while serving in Iraq. These spiritually uplifting thoughts bring us closer to becoming an altar for God. This book reminds us of the importance of being stable while living a spiritually consistent life. Being an altar for God enables us to communicate the holiness of God to a generation in need. It makes us more than people who attend church; it makes us people who bring church to our neighborhoods, jobs, and homes. We are answers to the prayers of generations before us. Now it’s our time to be vessels God can use to reach and draw people to Himself.

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  • Shaped By Struggles


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609572648ISBN10: 1609572645Chinazom IwuabaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • I Found God


    I Found God! is a personal testimony of the author’s exciting spiritual journey, beginning in childhood and continuing throughout decades in her search for God. Through tragedy and triumph, she never gives up hope in finding a deep, intimate relationship with the Creator, Redeemer, and Finisher of our lives. Eileen Sweet invites you to come along beside her in her lifetime pilgrimage of hope, healing, courage, and faith in God’s abiding love. While experiencing a powerful, supernatural event that dramatically changes the entire course of her life, she discovers God in the most unexpected place.

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  • Teach Me Your Way Oh Lord


    This book is inspiring. The things that happened to Victoria shows us that even though we go through many struggles, we can be encouraged in our spirits to continue in the faith. Every thing that looks bad is not always bad, for all things work together for our good. After reading this, you’re encouraged to continue to pray, to stand, and to hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Thanks for your words of encouragement that were birthed out of your discouragement.
    Eleanor Pressley

    After reading the book, it appears that you were destined to go through much pain, but with each occurrence, the Lord pulled you out. Destined to carry the crosses and yet you’ve made it (suffering for His name sake). It’s not a bad thing; it’s a good thing. He has given you the anointing and grace to overcome every challenge in your life. For His glory – others have seen and felt your need to carry crosses but few have helped you to carry them.
    Jackie Garland

    Jerrod E. Ragins is a man of God first; then, he is an accountant with Jones Lang Lasalle in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is 30 years old, is married to Jessica, and loves the Lord.

    Cecil Bradley, Jr. is a man of God first; then, he is a student in his first year of college in Atlanta, Georgia. He is 24 years old and single. Cecil also loves the Lord.

    Shiela Adams is a woman of God first; then, she is a Juvenile Correction Officer in Charleston, South Carolina. She is 35 years old and a mother of 4. The Lord is the head of her life.

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  • Confessions Of Saint Augustine


    The first autobiography ever written, and one of the most profound testaments of faith, ever.

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  • When A Pill Wont Reach The Pain


    Author Rev. Judy Correll Hames grew up thinking that if she was good enough, she would be protected from the pain and tragedy of life. That proved unfortunately false on November 15, 1998, when she was faced with the death of her beloved son, John. She turned to God for peace and healing. Now, in her new title, When A Pill Won’t Reach The Pain, she offers readers a survival guide for dealing with all sorts of pain.

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  • With Praise And Thanksgiving


    We are old and we are young. We are near and we are far. We are connected by family and by friendships. But our true connection comes from a heart and love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is our hope and prayer that all who read this book of devotions would come to know and to love the Savior as we do.

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  • With Praise And Thanksgiving


    We are old and we are young. We are near and we are far. We are connected by family and by friendships. But our true connection comes from a heart and love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is our hope and prayer that all who read this book of devotions would come to know and to love the Savior as we do.

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  • Testimony To The Storm


    This book is about one person learning to deal with fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of death. This story takes you on the road following a person on her journey through the fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis. This book documents one person’s storm. This book is one person’s testimony.

    What do you when there is nothing you can do? You hand the situation over to Jesus and trust…

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  • Morning Prayers : Today You Are Blessed


    As you randomly read these poems and believe the Lord will speak to your heart for that particular day, you will be directed, blessed, and strengthened as you face each day. You will discover what it takes to experience the wonderful blessings as we walk with the Lord daily. Hope and faith will come into our hearts as we meditate upon these words which were divinely inspired.

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  • Sing Your Song


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799725ISBN10: 1615799729Marjorie BookerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Mi Reflexion – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799480ISBN10: 1615799486Language: SpanishJeremias MartinezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • I Took It Personally


    The enemy of your soul would have you roll over and play dead while he destroys your sons, daughters, families, and ministries. Read this book and experience God’s supernatural redeeming love for a 21st century prodigal son. Read this book and experience the victorious account of how the Anchor Academy for Boys saved a life to be used by God. Read this book and win the war!

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  • Miracles Ive Known


    This book is about miracles I’ve experienced in my life. Growing up as one of 12 children on a farm in North Carolina did not prepare me for the trauma that I had to face after leaving the farm and God provided the help.

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  • Are Demons Real


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615799312ISBN10: 1615799311Shirley WatersBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Are Demons Real


    SKU (ISBN): 9781615798964ISBN10: 161579896XShirley WatersBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Finding My Way Home


    I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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  • Finding My Way Home


    I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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  • Rumbustious Faith : Uncontrollably Excuberant Unruly


    Rumbustious faith is a book to encourage, provoke, motivate and inspire others to push pass their fears. Do not be afraid to confront your giants. One must realize that within each of us we have the power to triumph over our fears. There are many examples in this book of others who took the challenge and defeated their Giants (Goliaths).

    Faith is an action word. Rumbustious faith is an unruly and uncontrollably act, it’s an aggressive step toward victory. A faith that will not give up. It will prevail at whatever cost. We can allow our fears to dominate us or conquer them with the help of the Lord.

    My prayer is that you will pursue your greatest dreams and destiny in life. May God bless you to charge forward and accomplish your goals and conquer all fears.

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  • New Bible Cookbook


    The New Bible Cookbook is a feast for the soul, heart, and appetite. The ingredients in these simple recipes come directly from the Bible, and are paired with scriptures and healing thoughts.

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  • Photos Of The Heart


    Out of my hopelessness and desperation, I realized I couldn’t go on living with this terrible pain that had taken over my life. I needed help, but I didn’t know who could help me deal with this grief I was going through. I knew I couldn’t do it in my own strength, and it had to be someone much stronger than me. It had to be someone who could understand and know the pain in my heart. I found that someone who took away this pain that was choking the life out of me. I found strength in his loving arms. Without Him, I could not have made it on my own. He knew what I was going through because He could feel my pain. This is my story about my grief journey and how someone rescued me from my grief. He gave me so much of Himself that the only way I could share it with you is to take you through the ‘Photos of The Heart.”

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  • Shaped By Struggles


    SKU (ISBN): 9781609574710ISBN10: 1609574710Chinazom IwuabaBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Unforgettables : Inspirational Quotes Sayings And Readings


    Unforgettables is a collection of spiritual and inspirational quotes, sayings and readings. Over the years, these memorable collections were able to encourage my heart in a time of hopelessness. They lifted my spirit and kept me on that road to Damascus. I pray that as you read, they will enlighten your heart and motivate you into another place in life with Christ. For they will never grow old! You will never get enough! And they will always be there for you, at the right time, and in the right place of life.

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  • Becoming Your Best You


    Becoming Your Best You will provide you with insight, inspiration, and revelation that will literally change your life. Becoming Your Best You is a book about purpose, vision, passion, and dreaming big. Improving your self-image will never happen without first addressing concerns such as how you see yourself; do you have clear vision; and have you lost your passion to dream.

    Maybe you are clear on your gifts, talents, and anointing. Maybe you have done all of the leg work necessary to tap into your total potential. Then again, maybe you are still searching to become your best you. If you want to feel good about yourself, this book is for you. If you are seeking to have a healthier perspective of who you are, or a positive impact on life, this book is for you!

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  • Pebbles From Gods Courtyard


    Pebbles from God’s Courtyard

    * Have you ever wondered about the reason for and purpose of all the trials you went through?
    * Maybe your whole life is just an accumulation of happenings you can’t make sense of?
    * Or do you feel it’s too late, that you simply are too old to take on a new venture?

    This intimate account of a life set in the turbulent storms of the past century displays the wonder of discovering God’s guidance and involvement in Eva’s life; as well as the blessing of peace that came from her dawning comprehension of meaning in all she went through, illuminated by God’s steadfast love.

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  • African Culture In The Eyes Of Common Grace


    Common Grace is illustrated to evidence how the rich African traditions and values have been sustained through the years.

    The life lessons are full of common sense and seasoned to position us for greatness and success. They are dependable and life changing.

    The African stories, riddles, and proverbs are educational, informative, and entertaining. They will challenge you how you think, perceive other cultures, and relate to others and to your own family.

    This is your opportunity to learn and explore how Africans lived their lives in those days, and your opportunity to share this wisdom with your children, grandchildren, etc

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  • Unexpected Treasures : 72 Ways To Uncover Your Hidden Wealth


    Unexpected Treasures gives you 72 motivational triggers to help strengthen you throughout periods of discouragement or mental collapses resulting from prolong battles with unpleasant incidents. Life cradles within its cavity unwelcomed challenges that we all must face without exception. Whether you are trying to get over a divorce, struggling with bankruptcy, battling drug and alcohol addition, depression, or you are experiencing the lack of passion to simply live your dream, Unexpected Treasures will not only inspire you to delve deep within yourself for answers, but will give you the strategies to overcome and ignite the passion in your life once again. We were all created with intrinsic gifts and talents despite a person’s apparent disadvantage(s). Unexpected Treasures will clearly illustrate how you can: Unexpected Treasures will undeniably inspire you to overcome the obstacles and roadblocks that are designed to zap the life out of you. After reading just a few chapters of this book, you will look to inform all your friends on the dynamics of how this book has changed your life.

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