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    H. Wayne House

    • Chronological And Background Charts Of The New Testament


      This helpful volume helps the student of the New Testament organize and synthesize the vast amount of biblical and extrabiblical material involved by providing a helpful visual overview of the data, chronology, historical background, and criticism of the New Testament. This format allows facts, relationships, parallels, and contrasts to be grasped quickly and easily.

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    • Cuadros De Teologia Y Doctrina – (Spanish)


      Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine provides students of theology with precise and condensed summaries of the concepts and arguments from the fields of theology and doctrine. It does so by introducing readers to important terms and positions and their meanings. The value of this book lies mainly in its use as a handy reference that allows readers to organize and integrate the material learned from other textbooks and in the classroom.

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    • Charts Of Apologetics And Christian Evidences


      Apologetics-the intellectual defense of the Christian faith-is an important topic at a time when postmodernism, relativism, and religious pluralism are prevalent.

      Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences deals with every aspect of apologetics, from the reasons for apologetics, to various apologetic methods and their presuppositions, to different apologetic approaches, to specific topics such as the resurrection. The limitations of rational argument and reasoned proof, often overlooked, are also addressed.

      Sixty-eight charts fall into six sections: Apologetic Methodologies, Philosophical Apologetics, Theistic Apologetics, Religious Apologetics, Biblical Apologetics, and Scientific Apologetics. The charts cover historical, literary, archaeological, and theological aspects of both the Old and the New Testaments.

      A sampling of the charts in this book includes

      * What Is Apologetics? * Reasons for and against Apologetics * General Apologetics Systems * Philosophical Inquiry * How Can Truth Be Known? * Seven Major Worldviews * Views of Evil * Theories on the Origin of Religion * Secular Humanism versus Christianity * Old Testament Archaeology * Archaeologists and Historians Confirm Biblical Reliability * Jesus Seminar and the Bible * Intelligent Design Theory * Scientific Evidence for the Age of the Universe

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    • Charts Of World Religions


      In our pluralistic world, it’s important to get the facts straight. House outlines the positions of 14 major world religions on the nature of deity/ultimate spiritual reality, the human predicament, salvation/enlightenment/liberation, and so on. More than 90 charts cover all pertinent topics.

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    • Compact Bible Commentary


      Attractive abridgement of Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Includes maps, photos, illustrations, word studies, and more. Makes the Bible’s “Then and There” become the “Here and Now” of God’s Word today STATUS:N CPCCATEGORY:BSTCMTSVL

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    • Charts Of Bible Prophecy


      This chart book provides an outline of the major issues and themes in Bible prophecy. It is designed to appeal to nonspecialist readers, yet in its detail and comprehensiveness it also serves the specialist well. While there are many books on prophecy, the vast majority deal with the subject from a particular perspective and tend to dismiss other views. This book seeks to be evenhanded and to avoid prejudicing readers for or against particular points of view.

      The 85 charts fall into a number of groups as follows:
      Introductory Issues in Prophecy
      Hermeneutical or Interpretative Methodology in Prophecy
      Fulfillment of Prophecy
      Interpretation of Prophetic Texts
      Systems of Eschatology
      Prophetic Teaching on the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ
      Prophetic Teaching on the Nation of Israel
      Prophetic Teaching on the Tribulation
      The Olivet Discourse and Prophecy
      Prophetic Teaching on the Millennium
      The Books of Daniel and Revelation in Prophecy
      Views Concerning Last Things

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    • Doctrine Twisting : How Core Biblical Truths Are Distorted


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      In essentials unity. In nonessentials liberty. In all things charity. Almost daily Christians are bombarded by strange new teachings about Jesus. The worldwide proliferation of new religious movements has created confusion in the church.
      Are there core beliefs at the heart of the Christian faith?
      If so, what are they?
      And how should Christians relate to those who do not embrace these beliefs?
      In down-to-earth language, Doctrine Twisting addresses and answers these questions. With the firm conviction that God has sufficiently and finally revealed himself in Christ and through the Bible, H. Wayne House and Gordon Carle explore in detail the doctrines of the Trinity, revelation, sin, Christ’s divinity, the atonement, faith and works, the second coming and the afterlife. In each chapter they outline the biblical basis for the historic orthodox position and then analyze and refute deviations from these truths. Doctrine Twisting will help Christians more fully serve God and minister to others through a better understanding of the essential doctrines of the Bible and the doctrinal errors of new religious movements.

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    • Divorce And Remarriage


      When it comes to divorce and remarriage, everyone appeals to Scripture—but no one agrees on what it says. In this book, four Christian thinkers (J. Carl Laney, William Heth, Thomas Edgar, and Larry Richards) debate the more perplexing points. Each essayist presents his own view and critiques the others. Case studies apply theories to real-life situations.

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    • Living Wisely In A Foolish World


      1. The Wisdom Of Proverbs
      2. Financial Wisdom
      3. Family Wisdom
      4. MArtial Wisdom
      5. Moral Wisdom
      6. Sexual Wisdom
      7. Religious Wisdom
      8. Educational Wisdom
      9. Political Wisdom
      10. Vocational Wisdom
      11. Social Wisdom
      12. Practical Wisdom

      Additional Info
      Everyday we are bombarded with advice from magazines, newspaper columns, and radio and television talk shows – finding sound advice and making wise decisions becomes a constant struggle. Where can we turn for reliable guidance on the important issues of money, family, work and morality?
      Authors Wayne House and Kenneth Durham believe that the guidance we all need can be found in the book of Proverbs. This biblical book was designed to teach wise living and help readers find a safe path through the minefields of life. Living Wisley In A Foolish World shows how to apply the practical wisdom of Proverbs to everyday decisions regarding finances, politics, marriage, education, work, sexuality, and much more. Unlock the wisdom of Proverbs and begin living wisely!

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    • Charts Of Christian Theology And Doctrines


      Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine provides students of theology with precise and condensed summaries of the concepts and arguments from the fields of theology and doctrine. It does this by introducing readers to important terms and positions and their meanings. The value of this book lies mainly in its use as a handy reference that allows readers to organize and integrate the material learned from other textbooks and in the classroom.

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