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    Frank Macchia

    • Introduction To Theology


      This systematic theology textbook introduces students to the complexity and beauty of theology as a pursuit of the global church today. It views theology as an ongoing conversation with many voices about the wonders of God that is faithful to Scripture but is also attentive to the wisdom of tradition and the relevance of context.

      The book first summarizes the nature and necessity of theological thinking and discusses theological method. Chapters then unfold in creedal order through the various regions of Christian teaching, with units on revelation, God, creation and providence, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology.

      This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

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    • Introduction To Theology


      This systematic theology textbook introduces students to the complexity and beauty of theology as a pursuit of the global church today. It views theology as an ongoing conversation with many voices about the wonders of God that is faithful to Scripture but is also attentive to the wisdom of tradition and the relevance of context.

      The book first summarizes the nature and necessity of theological thinking and discusses theological method. Chapters then unfold in creedal order through the various regions of Christian teaching, with units on revelation, God, creation and providence, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology.

      This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

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    • Revelation


      The book of Revelation is perhaps the most theologically complex and literarily sophisticated – and also the most sensual – document in the New Testament. In this commentary John Christopher Thomas’s literary and exegetical analysis makes the challenging text of Revelation more accessible and easier to understand. Frank Macchia follows up with sustained theological essays on the book’s most significant themes and issues, accenting especially the underappreciated place of the Holy Spirit in the theology of Revelation.

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    • Trinity Practically Speaking


      Three Gods, or One, or Three-in-One?

      Since the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, many people wonder whether the doctrine is anything more than an intellectual puzzle created by theologians. This book takes readers on a guided tour of the logic leading to understanding God as a Trinity.

      The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Bible (and in Christian experience) are all vital to the reality of salvation. All three save. This point may not seem to be very significant until seen in the light of the basic premise of the entire Bible, namely, that only God can save (Hosea 13:4). There are benefits involved in understanding God as a communion of persons, a circle of love. God is no longer viewed as a distant judge removed from the sorrows of earthly existence. Salvation can be seen as more than mere forgiveness of sins. It also involves a life-transforming communion of divine love. A robust understanding of the Trinity fosters a more full and transformed Christian life.

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    • Justified In The Spirit


      A pneumatological, Pentecostal-friendly theology of justification by faith – broadly Trinitarian, ecclesiological, and eschatological in orientation

      The classic debate on justification by grace through faith has historically been limited to the question of whether justification is the reception of forgiveness by faith alone (classically Protestant) or the personal transformation that occurs as we cooperate with grace (traditionally Catholic). While some more recent ecumenical discussions have sought to link the two, many of these efforts have been criticized as patchwork solutions that do not develop precisely how forgiveness and personal transformation via grace find integration under the larger notion of the justification of the sinner. Frank Macchia here seeks to fill that lacuna.

      Inspired by the typically Pentecostal accent on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Justified in the Spirit sets both Protestant and Catholic views within a larger framework, namely, the Spirit of Life as the realm of God’s favor. Since the Holy Spirit is the power of love and communion within the Trinity and between us and God, a pneumatological accent ultimately locates the justification of the sinner within the embrace of the Triune God as a communion of persons. Therefore, the Christological, eccelesiological, social, and ecological implications of justification can be fruitfully developed from the broad spaces of this Trinitarian communion.

      In identifying divine favor with the realm of the Holy Spirit, Macchia here constructs a unique pneumatological theology of justification by faith that is broadly Trinitarian, ecclesiological, and eschatological in orientation.

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    • Baptized In The Spirit


      1. Spirit Baptism And Pentecostal Theology – Returning To Our Central Distinctive
      2. The Kingdom And The Power – Expanding The Boundaries Of Spirit Baptism
      3. Christ As The King And The Spirit As The Kingdom – Spirit Baptism In Trinitarian Perspective
      4. Signs Of Grace In A Graceless World – The Spirit Baptized Church
      5. Baptized In Love – The Spirit Baptized Life

      Additional Info
      Baptized in the Spirit creatively discusses the most recent trends in Pentecostal and charismatic theology, especially as this newer theological thinking confronts ecumenical and contextual challenges. The volume makes a sincere attempt to integrate a concentration on the Holy Spirit with evangelical truth and the practical challenges of obedience to the gospel in various cultural and social contexts. More than simply a survey of Pentecostal and charismatic discussions of theology, it is suggestive of how a more robust foundation for the Spirit in life can renew Christian theology in the twenty-first century. Macchia begins by focusing on the significance of the Holy Spirit in reciprocal and mutual work with the Son in fulfilling the will of the Father. He shows how the pneumatological emphases in Pentecostal and charismatic theology can help to correct the tendency in Western Christianity to subordinate the Spirit to the Word. Beginning from this foundation, Macchia demonstrates how this mode of thinking affects all the other elements of the theological enterprise, such as hermeneutics, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Baptized in the Spirit engagingly demonstrates how contemporary trends in Pentecostal and charismatic thinking can aid the cause of ecumenism and global Christianity.

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