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    • Midnight Dad Devotional


      For the new daddy changing diapers at 3 in the morning, for the dad of tweens who wonders if he is enough, for the father of teenagers who feels disconnected, Midnight Dad Devotional offers the encouragement and biblical grounding that has made the Midnight Mom and Midnight Dad Devotional Facebook Communities a help to parents around the world.

      The Midnight Mom Devotional Community has become a global movement of prayer and encouragement for mamas everywhere, launching Midnight Mom Devotional to bestseller lists and into over a million moms’ hearts. Now author Becky Thompson and her dad, Dr. Mark Pitts, offer a new book for dads who need to know God is with them on the parenting journey. Midnight Dad Devotional gives dads in all seasons of life:
      *A sense of connection with other fathers
      *Strength for each night and the day ahead
      *Wisdom from the Bible for tough situations
      *Affirmation of the importance of their role
      *Reassurance that God is with them

      With its handsome cover and a presentation page, this devotional is a great gift for new daddies, Father’s Day, or any dad needing a little extra encouragement. As the Midnight Dad community says every evening, “Tonight we pray for the dad who . . .”
      *Is trying to balance long work hours and a desire to be with family
      *Wants to set a good example for his children
      *Sometimes feels distant from his kids
      *Is navigating a separation or a divorce
      *Desires to pass on his faith in authentic ways

      Just as Midnight Mom Devotional has equipped so many moms to love their kids well, Midnight Dad Devotional helps each dad find courage in the calm of the night, knowing that men around the world are joining him in prayer–and that God is more than capable of guiding him into the morning.

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    • You Got This Dad


      What to Expect When You’re Your Wife Is Expecting

      Pregnancy books for couples abound, but You Got This, Dad is just for guys. Aaron Sharp, a dad of four, draws from his experiences to help husbands, especially first-time dads, navigate the amazing, uncertain, and sometimes scary process of pregnancy and childbirth.

      With self-deprecating honesty, plenty of humor, and amusing asides from his lovely wife, Elaina, Aaron steers soon-to-be dads through the complex events and emotions surrounding pregnancy. From finding out their spouse is expecting to bringing baby home, husbands will be equipped to handle whatever the next nine months (or their wife) throws at them.

      Guys will receive not only practical guidance but also a better appreciation for God’s miraculous gift of a new life to care for. When they know what to expect and how to support their wife, new dads will gain confidence and learn to laugh at their foibles.

      Give this guide to an expecting father with a reassuring smile and remind him, “You got this.”

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    • Smart Stepdad : Steps To Help You Succeed


      The Smart Stepdad gives you all the tools you need to navigate the stepparenting minefield, such as how to connect with the kids, how to be a godly role model, and how to handle tricky issues like discipline.

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    • Better Dads Stronger Sons (Reprinted)


      A forthright guide that both inspires and shows readers how to be better Dads and develop character in their sons.

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    • Be The Dad She Needs You To Be


      “I want to marry somebody just like . . .” Surprise! The relationship that matters most to your daughter isn’t the one with her mother-it’s the one with you, Dad. Her self-esteem, choices, behavior, character, and even her ideas about or choice of a marriage partner are all directly tied to you, as the most important representative to her of the male species.

      In Be the Dad She Needs You to Be Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally acclaimed psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and father of four daughters, will show you how to: make each daughter feel unique, special, valued, and receptive to your ideas. discipline the right way. talk turkey about what guys are really thinking. keep the critical eye at bay. wave the truce flag when females turn your family room into a battleground. set your daughter up for relationship success.

      Whether your daughter lives with you part-time, full-time, or not at all, you can gain a warm, lifelong relationship-one based on mutual love and respect.

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    • Little Book Of Big Ideas For Dads And Daughters


      Build a Connection with Your Daughter That Will Last a Lifetime

      You want to be closer to your daughter, but how?

      This one-of-a-kind book is chock-full of fun and practical ways to build a great relationship with her. Find out how you can make a difference in the most important parts of your daughter’s life, such as her
      *relationship with her mom and friends
      *personal faith and spiritual gifts
      *love life and future marriage

      Bestselling author and proud dad Jay Payleitner has loaded each chapter with big ideas for interacting with your daughter. And Jay’s own adult daughter, Rae Anne, offers valuable insights into the hearts and minds of girls and young women.

      Try some of these big ideas yourself, and you’ll see your relationship with your daughter deepen and grow. Whether she is still young or is a full-grown adult, it’s never too early or too late to build a connection with her to last a lifetime.

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    • New Dads Playbook (Reprinted)


      NFL superstar, commentator, activist, and dad lays out his step-by-step game plan from pre-season (preparing for fatherhood) to Superbowl (birth) to post-season (after the baby’s home), teaching men how to prepare to be the best possible partners and fathers they can be.

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    • Daddy Tried : Overcoming The Failures Of Fatherhood


      Tim Bayly offers a frank and hope-filled path to overcoming the inherent failures of imperfect fathers. Drawing from decades of his own journey as an imperfect son, father, and pastor, Bayly makes it clear there are no quick fixes. The road to recovery is paved with blood, sweat, and tears, but our Savior walked this path before us.

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    • Pocket Prayers For Dads


      Dads wear many hats. From protector to playmate, confidante to counselor. No matter the role, families rely on dads to lead with strength and faith. And in Pocket Prayers for Dads, Max Lucado offers forty scriptures and guided prayers that will help dads do just that.

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    • Its Great Being A Dad


      Three veteran dads offer their best practical advice so you can build awesome relationships with your kids. In partnership with the National Center for Fathering, they draw on their day-in, day-out experience to help you…

      creatively express care and affection in ways only a father can
      convey a positive perspective on life and the future
      teach, counsel, and guide in ways your children can receive and remember
      remind your kids–and yourself–that God is always there, listening and participating
      be a dad through all the stages of your kids’ lives

      These time-tested ideas will reignite your passion for being a dad. You’ll find the inspiration and know-how you need to engage with daughters and sons in the best ways possible and make your home their favorite place to be.

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    • Daddys Song


      Dennis wrote Daddy’s Song for his children, as a means of explaining the redeeming love of Jesus to them. He created it out of his own story of redemption. In being asked to share his experience in such a public manner, he needed a way to tell his children his own story without it being too much of a burden for them to bear. Daddy’s Song became the perfect bridge to lead them to Jesus and, when they were old enough to understand, the perfect explanation to the reality and the depths of Dennis’ own deliverance from sin. It is a family heritage and treasure. May it prove the same for you and yours.

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    • Ser Papa – (Spanish)


      Rebosante de intemporales historias y citas que inspiran, este libro de Max Lucado sobre la paternidad es el regalo perfecto para mostrar a Papa lo mucho que el significa para la familia.

      Los papas son un genero unico. Pueden ser fuertes y firmes, y a la vez comprensivos y amables. Puede que no esten al corriente de la lista de exitos de los Top 40, pero conocen la palabra correcta que decir en un momento de tranquilidad. Siempre estan ahi para proveer, para echar una mano, o para ser nuestros mayores animadores.

      Max Lucado capta perfectamente los sinceros sentimientos que millones de lectores comparten sobre lo que significa ser un papa. Lleno de citas e historias compiladas de otros libros de Max, este regalo rebosa de pensamientos inspiradores sobre la paternidad de uno de los autores favoritos de America.

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    • Fatherhood Principle : Gods Design And Destiny For Every Man


      All men are fathers.

      The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood.

      Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God.

      In The Fatherhood Principle, Dr. Myles Munroe explains that although every man is called to be a father, knowing how to live in this purpose is not automatic. We must understand the characteristics and master the skills of fatherhood. Fulfilling the position and role you were created for means exhibiting qualities of leadership, integrity, responsibility, and obedience to the ultimate Father of fathers-our Father God in heaven.

      This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to fulfill the role of father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher,
      disciplinarian, leader, head, caring one, and developer.

      Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

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    • Se El Papa Que Ella Necesita Q – (Spanish)


      Se el papa que ella necesita que seas es un llamado a los padres para que acepten el reto y luchen por convertirse en el padre amoroso y activamente comprometido que una hija necesita para tener exito en la vida y en sus relaciones.La relacion mas importante para tu hija no es la relacion con su madre, sino la que tiene contigo, con su papa. Su autoestima, decisiones, conducta, caracter e incluso sus ideas acerca de la seleccion de esposo se hallan todos directamente relacionados a ti, que eres para ella la representacion de mayor importancia del genero masculino. En Se el papa que ella necesita que seas, el Dr. Kevin Leman, psicologo de fama internacional, autor de best sellers del New York Times y padre de cuatro hijas, te mostrara no solo como hacer el papel de padre, y hacerlo bien, sino ademas te dira como:Hacer que cada una de tus hijas se sienta unica, especial y valiosaDisciplinar de la manera correcta- cuando sea necesarioHablar con franqueza acerca de lo que los varones en realidad estan pensandoMantener a raya el ojo criticoHacer ondear la bandera de tregua cuando las mujeres convierten tu sala de estar en un campo de batallaPreparar a tu hija para la vida y para el exito en sus relacionesBe the Dad She Needs You to BeA call to dads to step up to the plate to become the loving, actively engaged father that a daughter needs for life and relational success.In Se el papa que ella necesita que seas Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters, will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, making each daughter feel unique, special, and valued, discipline the right way . . . when it’s needed, talk turkey about what guys are really thinking, among other important things.

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    • Good Dad : Becoming The Father You Were Meant To Be


      It’s never too late to be a better father Jim Daly, president and CEO of Focus on the Family, is an expert in fatherhood—in part because his own ‘fathers’ failed him so badly. His biological dad was an alcoholic. His stepfather deserted him. His foster father accused Jim of trying to kill him. All were out of Jim’s life by the time he turned 13. Isn’t it odd—and reminiscent of the hand of God—that the director of the leading organization on family turned out to be a guy whose own background as a kid and son were pretty messed up? Or could it be that successful parenting is discovered not in the perfect, peaceful household but in the midst of battles and messy situations, where God must constantly be called to the scene? That is the mystery unraveled in this book. Using his own expertise, humor, and inexhaustible wealth of stories, Jim will show you that God can make you a good dad, a great dad, in spite of the way you’ve grown up and in spite of the mistakes you’ve made. Maybe even because of them. It’s not about becoming a perfect father. It’s about trying to become a better father, each and every day. It’s about building relationships with your children through love, grace, patience, and fun—and helping them grow into the men and women they’re meant to be.

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    • Certain Joy : A Fathers Journey Through Proverbs


      31 Chapters

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      Tom Jackson loves his wife and babies, no doubt about it! But he also realizes that there is much he needs to learn about being the kind of husband and father that he needs to be. Then one night a few remarks by a pastor spark a desire and a determination to gain true wisdom. Little does Tom know how this decision will change his life.

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    • Daddys Milk : Father Your Milk Does Matter


      Delivery Day
      The Labor Room
      “When Reality Sinks In”
      Let The Parenting Begin
      Don’t Lead By Your Examples
      The Golden Ticket
      Real Men Don’t Cry
      Where Is Waldo?
      Men Don’t Have Breasts
      King Kong Ain’t Got Nothing On Me
      It’s Not Too Late

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      In today’s society, when a mother delivers a baby, majority of the time, she is honored with gifts and verbal congratulations while the father is invisible because he did not physically birth the baby. There are thousands of books, conferences, workshops, and trainings opportunities for mothers who have experienced divorce, miscarriages, and classes dedicated to educating women on how to be a parent for the first time. Unfortunately, there are not many learning tools for fathers. Statistics show that when fathers are absent from the home, children are more likely to become involved in youth gangs, sexually abused, be illiterate, have low self-esteem, become homeless, and abuse drugs and alcohol.

      Emerson will take you on a journey from his delivery room experience, to a low point in his life where he made unsound decisions financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This book delves deep into topics such as:

      * Fathers supporting their children’s education

      * The importance of a father’s presence in the home and community

      * Fathers dealing with their past issues

      * Fathers building a bridge to reconcile with their children

      Daddy’s Milk is a book for all men to read. It will encourage, motivate, challenge, and inspire every man to see himself. Men, if you feel like you have a voice but no platform, Daddy’s Milk is for you.

      Fathers Your Milk Does Matter…

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    • 10 Ways To Prepare Your Son For Life


      Steve Chapman, bestselling author of family-oriented books, offers 10 principles drawn from the Bible and personal experience to encourage today’s dads to engage with their children and help them…
      *know they are loved and secure
      *understand who Jesus is and how to become His followers
      *develop their gifts and talents
      *make wise choices
      *discover that helping people is fun and rewarding
      *accept responsibility and be successful
      *grow up to become godly men, great husbands, and loving dads

      Whether just starting out or well into the parenting journey, fathers will appreciate the practical information, hands-on suggestions, and often humorous examples Steve shares to help them raise sons who will become men of integrity and honor.

      Formerly 10 Things I Want My Son to Know

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    • 55 And Counting


      “Without personal responsibility there can be no personal prosperity.” – Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. In this reflective work, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. shares timeless truths and life lessons that will position parents and leaders to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. You will learn: * Why work is about more than just paying the bills. * One simple way fathers can immediately change our culture * How platforms alleviate pressure (and how you can leave one behind) * and much more… Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. is a pastor, scholar, entrepreneur, artist, and motivational speaker. Dearest to his heart, he is a loving husband and dedicated father. Since 1983, Bishop Hilliard has served as Senior Pastor of Cathedral International (the Historic Second Baptist Church) in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Bishop Hilliard is a man of many hats and he wears them all well.

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    • Future Men : Raising Boys To Fight Giants (Revised)


      Future Men has undergone minor revisions throughout, including a fresh new cover. Order it now, and look for the rest of the revised Family Series, coming soon! (Reforming Marriage up next.)

      How do we build our sons to be tough but not arrogant? mannered but not soft? imaginative but not lazy? bold but not hollow? Future Men is a Christian guide to raising strong, virtuous sons, contrary to the effeminacy and sentimentalism of contemporary culture.

      When Theodore Roosevelt taught Sunday school for a time, a boy showed up one Sunday with a black eye. He admitted he had been fighting and on a Sunday too. He told the future president that a bigger boy had been pinching his sister, and so he fought him. TR told him that he had done perfectly right and gave him a dollar. The stodgy vestrymen thought this was a bit much, and so they let their exuberant Sunday school teacher go. What a loss.

      Unbelief cannot look past surfaces. Unbelief squashes; faith teaches. Faith takes a boy aside and tells him that this part of what he did was good, while the other part of what he did got in the way. “And this is how to do it better next time.”

      As they grow up, boys will encounter a staggering array of issues. In Future Men, Douglas Wilson begins with a call to fathers, and then addresses the importance of things such as athletics and intellectual tenacity, respecting girls, developing a robust work ethic, avoiding money traps, fighting idols, and secret sin. This book pushes scriptural patterns for masculinity into all the corners of a boy’s life.

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    • Father Hunger : Why God Calls Men To Love And Lead Their Families


      We live in a culture in which absentee fatherhood is the norm. Pastor and parenting authority Douglas Wilson brings a powerful message about its true costs to our families and society and encourages men to be the fathers God calls them to be. When we hear the word fatherless, our minds usually turn to orphans, to children who have lost their fathers to tragic accidents. For most of us, that seems to be a problem outside our own families, a painful reality with which others must deal. “Not so,” says Douglas Wilson. “Most of our families are starving for fathers, even if Dad is around, and there’s a huge cost to our children and our society because of it.” Why Fathers Really Matter is a thoughtful and timely excursion into our culture of fatherlessness, what Wilson calls “the central malady of our time.” Central because it is the cause of so many of the ills we face-everything from atheism and crime to joyless feminism and paternalistic government expansion-but most important because of the effect it has on families, children, wives, and husbands. Bottom line: when fathers are checked out, left out, or ruled out, it hurts literally everyone.

      We need our fathers, and all too often they are nowhere present. Indispensible Dad has one basic goal: to encourage and empower men to be the fathers that God calls them to be and that their families and culture desperately need them to be.

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    • Daddy Devos Today


      “Some things can be ignored and there are others that simply demand our attention. This book is the result of one of those things that arose out of an unignorable circumstance.” Have you ever struggled with how to be the spiritual leader of your house? Would you like the respect of your family, especially of your kids? Want to make yourself sexier to your spouse? Want an easy way to have a more consistent ‘devotional’ life? How about simply beginning a ‘devotional’ life? Maybe you want a more intimate time with the Lord? Discouraged with Bible reading programs? Would you like an easy way to apply what you’re reading? How about a quick, easy way to encourage your family and friends spiritually, on a daily basis? Then look no further, take this manual home, you will never ever regret it, and your family and friends will be forever grateful.

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    • Time For The Talk


      Part 1: Preparations
      Part 2: The Talk
      Part 3: Continuing The Talk
      Part 4: Conclusion

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      ime for The Talk will help fathers walk their sons through one of the most important conversations of their lives. “The Talk” is much broader than just a talk about sexuality; it’s a conversation about manhood, about right decisions, about Christ. Time for The Talk will help you give your son what he needs to steer through the moral and spiritual confusion of this world and make wise, godly, character-forming decisions. You will be equipping him to enter true manhood-a passage that many young men today simply never make.

      Time for The Talk provides a complete framework for discussing the key areas of manhood that every boy should learn from his father. Through “The Talk” you will open a channel of communication based on truth and love that will endure for life.

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    • What A Son Needs From His Dad (Reprinted)


      No one can prepare a son for life better than his father. Dads are role models and this book encourages fathers to grow into the kind of men they want their sons to become. Practical topics include preparing boys for work, marriage, sexuality, friendships, and their relationships with God. The author researches and speaks on family issues, and is also a dad himself. Originally published as How a Man Prepares His Sons for Life. Updated by the author.

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    • Man Called Daddy


      A Man Called Daddy is an entertaining look at fatherhood, written with the same charm and down-to-earth spirit as books by Erma Bombeck.

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    • Listen My Son


      Straight talk about what it means to be African American men.

      “Let’s have a conversation. Let’s talk man-to-man and brother-to-brother. Let’s talk about how we grow into adults and what manhood means. Let’s talk brother-to-brother and man-to-man about how we relate to one another as we grow into adults. Let’s talk about what defines our maleness and our manhood. Let’s talk brother-to-brother as African American men. Let’s talk openly and honestly about what it means to be black men and American. We can no longer assume that we all know what it means to be African American men. This is a conversation that is long overdue. Let’s talk together and listen to one another. This is our time to talk instead of being talked about. It is time for us to shed the unhealthy images and opinions that we have accepted as the standards of what it means to be Black men. The benefits of our talk will transform our souls as well as benefit all the girls and women in our lives.”

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    • Whos Your Daddy


      Are we living in a “post-father” era? This book is a wake-up call to men and women, challenging them to understand the crisis of fatherlessness in the world and to examine its impact on our culture and in individual lives. The author also identifies the different types of father wounds, the specific scars that men and women carry, and provides personal steps for healing and experiencing God’s Father Love. As a generation, one of the biggest issues we face is fatherlessness. We have a generation of boys, raised by women, who don’t know how to be a man, husband, or father; and a generation of girls raised without the protection, affirmation, or wholesome affection of a father.

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    • Father Connection


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805447422ISBN10: 0805447423Josh McDowellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2008Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • Power Of Dad


      He loves me. He loves me not. This is the confusion we have left with the next generation. When we read the newspaper or watch the news we are often shocked by the acts of today’s youth. What we have failed to ask ourselves is what role have we as men played. Begging for an identity the youth of this nation has for the most part been void of the voice of its fathers. The Power of Dad challenges men around the world to lift up their voices. The Power of Dad will transform your life and revitalize the relationship that you have with your child. What you can expect to learn from this book: The power of a father’s infl uence How to stop your past from hindering your child’s future The power of an apology How to love yourself more so that you can fully love your child The eight mirrors of a man How to help develop your child’s identity

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    • 40 Letters To A New Dad


      Becoming a new father can be an overwhelming experience. Suddenly, there is this new life looking to you for protection, provision, and guidance. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Often new fathers look to their own fathers or other elders for counsel and direction as they take on their new lifelong role.

      In Forty Letters to a New Dad, Steven Molin reflects in his letters on the wonder of fatherhood as he shares stories and insights from his own parental experience with his son who has recently become a father. As he explores the fathering experience in such letters as ?Reflecting On A Miracle,? ?The Fear Of Parenting,? and ?Now You Know About Unconditional Love,? there is the realization that, as Christians, we have a heavenly Father to which we can look for our example. God loves us more than any father could ever love his child, giving us a model for how fathers should love their own children.

      Forty Letters to a New Dad is a perfect gift for men taking their first steps on their journey of fatherhood, assuring them that they are not alone as God walks with them on this wonderfully petrifying and terrifyingly glorious experience of being a new dad.

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    • Dad If You Only Knew


      As exasperating as parenting can be during these volatile years, your teen is depending on you for steady faithfulness, love, and guidance. And because teens often find words elusive and expression difficult, they probably haven’t told you the things they wish you somehow automatically knew. So let Dad, If You Only Knew be your guide. Josh Weidmann, just out of the teen years himself, joins his father, James, to help dads understand where their kids are coming from. It’s a messy world they live in, and meeting them in it is no simple task. But knowing these essentials now makes fatherhood eight times easier!

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    • They Call Me Dad


      Developed after years of research by the author of The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers, this powerful guide explores parental role-modeling from a biblical worldview. Encouraging dads to teach their children to “out-think, out-live, and out-love the world,” Dr. Canfield shares invaluable spiritual insight from his extensive ministry. Features interactive and profiling tools.

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    • Dads Everything Book For Sons


      The mission is to give dads short, practical ideas to build a quality relationship with their 8- 12-year-old sons so that when the turbulent teenage years hit, the relational bond will be so strong that nothing can separate them. The book is filled with ideas on what to talk about (and how to talk about it); “dates”; retreat fun; how to have Bible studies that they both enjoy; how to use teachable moments; creative ways to bond doing things he likes to do, as well as having him do things with Dad that he likes to do; branching out into new life experiences in order to create memories; ways to serve others together; prayers to pray for sons.

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    • At The Heart Of Every Great Father


      1. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Self-Control
      2. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Gentleness
      3. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Faithfulness
      4. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Goodness
      5. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Kindness
      6. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Patience
      7. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Peace
      8. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Joy
      9. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Love
      10. At The Heart Of Every Great Father You’ll Find Jesus Christ

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      Once upon a time, you were sure that being a father–being a really good father- couldn’t be that hard to do. And then you gazed for the very first heart-stopping moment into your child’s trusting eyes. If you long to be the kind of father your child needs-if you long to be a father who unmistakably reflects your heavenly Father’s loving care-you’ll be deeply encouraged by Clark Cothern’s inspiring collection of powerful, straight-talking stories. Each one grabs you by the heart, models great fathering in action, and encourages you to choose God pattern for your own.

      You’ll discover that bubbling up from the heart of every great father are the strong character qualities that Jesus himself modeled for us: Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control. And you’ll discover that you can allow Him to create those priceless qualities in you. Whether your children are toddlers or teens, you can be a truly great father. These unforgettable stories remind you how.

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    • Home Field Advantage


      “From the Publisher” A vital, encouraging book for men whose children are influenced by media heroes. Teachers how to be role models children can rely on by seizing relational, home-field advantage. Includes stories of popular athletes.

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    • From Father To Son


      The family narratives in the book of Genesis are important in understanding the meaning of the book and are fundamental to the unfolding story of the birth of the Israelite nation. Devora Steinmetz sees kinship in ancient narratives as a symbolic structure representing the ability of the emerging culture to survive despite conflict that threatened society’s existence. The family narratives in Genesis reflect a culture’s capacity to survive as a united people.

      The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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