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    Family Concerns

    • Birth Order Book (Reprinted)


      The Order in which we are born has a powerful, far-reaching influence on the way we interact with others- at home, at work, with friends, and in the public square. Dr. Kevin Leman’s classic book on birth order is getting a new look, bring his engaging, fascinating, and often funny observations to a new audience. With insight and wit, Dr. Leman shows readers how birth order affects personality, marriage and relationships, parenting style, career, and children. Anyone who wants to gain understanding about the ways they interact with others- and even overcome ingrained tendencies they never thought they’d be rid of will love Dr. Leman’s insightful book.

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    • Making God Part Of Your Family


      If your family thinks the Bible is boring, it s probably because they don t know the full story! Veteran Bible teacher Michael Grady has compiled the Old Testament stories into concise, thought provoking doses intended to stimulate family discussions. The Old Testament is a history of God s family and you just might be surprised to learn who s in your family tree! These stories provide a unique combination: they are both simple enough for your children to understand and deep enough for parents to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God s Word. This vibrant yet carefully researched volume will bring your family closer together and help you clearly establish your family s identity as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.
      “Making God Part of Your Family” is not just a book of Bible stories. It is a study book. Whether your goal is to spend 10-15 minutes on a dinner-time devotional or bedtime reading with your children, or spend more in-depth study time together once a week, this flexible resource will make it easier to carve out time amidst hectic schedules to study the Bible together, and help you to:

      * Develop a better and deeper relationship with God our Father, and his son, Jesus;

      * Learn how we are part of God s family;

      * Learn how God expects us to live amidst the joys and sorrows of life;

      * Apply practical lessons and eternal truths to the situations you face today.”

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    • Ser Papa – (Spanish)


      Rebosante de intemporales historias y citas que inspiran, este libro de Max Lucado sobre la paternidad es el regalo perfecto para mostrar a Papa lo mucho que el significa para la familia.

      Los papas son un genero unico. Pueden ser fuertes y firmes, y a la vez comprensivos y amables. Puede que no esten al corriente de la lista de exitos de los Top 40, pero conocen la palabra correcta que decir en un momento de tranquilidad. Siempre estan ahi para proveer, para echar una mano, o para ser nuestros mayores animadores.

      Max Lucado capta perfectamente los sinceros sentimientos que millones de lectores comparten sobre lo que significa ser un papa. Lleno de citas e historias compiladas de otros libros de Max, este regalo rebosa de pensamientos inspiradores sobre la paternidad de uno de los autores favoritos de America.

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    • Desde Ahora En Adelante Guia D (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      En esta guia de estudio de cinco sesiones en video para grupos pequeos, el autor de best sellers del New York Times y pastor, Craig Groeschel, nos muestra cinco compromisos, que poniendolos en practica, nos ayudaran a hacer nuestro matrimonio a prueba de fracasos. Usted conoce las estadisticas, y no son alentadoras. El 50% de los matrimonios no logra manterse unida. En que otra area de su vida esta satisfecho con tener un 50% de probabilidades en contra? Las elecciones que usted hace cada dia determinan no solo su relacion con Dios sino tambien la calidad de su matrimonio. Las decisiones que tome hoy determinaran el matrimonio que tendra maana. En este estudio de cinco sesiones, descubrira cinco compromisos que sin duda pondran su matrimonio a prueba de fracasos. Si establece esos compromisos, puede tener, y tendra, el matrimonio que Dios quiere que usted experimente. Las sesiones incluyen: 1. Buscar a Dios 2. Pelear limpio 3. Tener diversion 4. Mantenerse puro 5. Nunca tirar la toalla Si usted y su conyuge deciden sinceramente comprometerse a estos principios, descubriran una relacion mas rica, mas profunda y mas autentica, y una vida amorosa mas satisfactoria y apasionada de lo que podrian haber imaginado nunca. No sea usted una estadistica. No sea parte del promedio. Obtenga ese matrimonio que siempre quiso tener. Comience en este momento, desde ahora en adelante.

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    • Making God Part Of Your Family


      If your family thinks the Bible is boring, it s probably because they don t know the full story! Veteran Bible teacher Michael Grady has compiled the Old Testament stories into concise, thought provoking doses intended to stimulate family discussions. The Old Testament is a history of God s family and you just might be surprised to learn who s in your family tree! These stories provide a unique combination: they are both simple enough for your children to understand and deep enough for parents to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God s Word. This vibrant yet carefully researched volume will bring your family closer together and help you clearly establish your family s identity as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.
      “Making God Part of Your Family” is not just a book of Bible stories. It is a study book. Whether your goal is to spend 10-15 minutes on a dinner-time devotional or bedtime reading with your children, or spend more in-depth study time together once a week, this flexible resource will make it easier to carve out time amidst hectic schedules to study the Bible together, and help you to:

      * Develop a better and deeper relationship with God our Father, and his son, Jesus;

      * Learn how we are part of God s family;

      * Learn how God expects us to live amidst the joys and sorrows of life;

      * Apply practical lessons and eternal truths to the situations you face today.”

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    • Motivate Your Child


      Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN, teach parents how to help children form the internal strength they’ll need every day as they grow older. Parents have the greatest influence on their children’s character. Mom or Dad’s words, choices, actions, and reactions mold a child’s view of almost everything. It can be a terrifying thought. But there is hope.

      Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanna Miller have spent years helping parents cultivate a healthy conscience and a vibrant faith in their kids. Motivate Your Child is a straightforward guide to doing this at home. Every chapter includes practical examples of families applying the Bible to their current issues, such as backtalking or being mean to siblings.

      From the “Integrity Package” to the “The Family Challenge,” they offer words to say, plans to implement, and ideas for working it out day by day. With God’s help, it is possible to train and direct a child’s internal motivation-motivation that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

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    • Imperfect Marriage : Help For Those Who Think Its Over


      From legendary baseball Hall of Famer and his wife comes a marriage guidebook for the not-so-perfect marriage-filled with extremely candid, practical, and biblically based principles-proven to make any relationship successful.

      Darryl and Tracy Strawberry admit they have “made every possible mistake you can make in marriage.” Together, this devoted couple has suffered through-and survived-adultery, addiction, financial destruction, and many other all-too-familiar struggles.

      A no-holds-barred account of their personal journey, The Imperfect Marriage provides a step-by-step program that will help you and your partner understand the key issues that could be causing damage in your relationship and recognize turning points on the journey toward marriage restoration. Darryl and Tracy Strawberry know firsthand what it takes to make it through the battle and how to come out victorious. Beginning with putting God at the center, their words will inspire you to transform your marriage into an enduring and vital relationship.

      The Strawberrys keep it real and preach it real. They deal with real people, real problems, and offer solutions for the present. Through candid anecdotes, a great deal of self-awareness, and a true sense of honesty, Darryl and Tracy offer the vision, encouragement, and practical advice that every healthy marriage needs in order to thrive.

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    • Dios Sexo Y Matrimonio – (Spanish)


      En este libro revolucionario, Arnold, quien ha sido pastor durante casi cuarenta anos, aborda el dolor resultante de la ruptura de relaciones y el abuso de la intimidad sexual. El proporciona ideas biblicas frescas sobre los asuntos criticos que incluyen la santidad del sexo, la lucha contra la tentacion, la decision de mantenerse soltero o casado, la educacion de los hijos, el divorcio y el casarse nuevamente. “Dios, sexo y matrimonio,” ofrece sanacion a cualquiera que haya conocido el desaliento o la culpa y le da esperanzas a cualquiera que desee tener una mirada completamente nueva sobre un tema de interes y preocupacion universal.

      In this groundbreaking book, Arnold, a pastor for over forty years, provides fresh biblical insights into critical issues including the sacredness of sex, the struggle against temptation, the decision to remain single or to marry, child rearing, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage. Sex, God, and Marriage offers healing to anyone who has known discouragement or failure – and hope to anyone who is willing to take a bold new look at a topic of universal interest and concern.

      Unlike the vast majority of marriage books, Sex, God, and Marriage digs deeper than the usual issues and goes to the root: our relationship with God, and the defining power of that relationship over all others in our lives.

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    • Padres Extraordinarios – (Spanish)


      Hoy en dia, las familias cristianas se encuentran atascadas muchas veces entre dos historias: la historia de su propia familia y la historia de Dios. Es como si estuvieran viviendo dos vidas: su vida cristiana y su vida en el “mundo real”. La solucion a este problema consiste en descubrir la manera de hacer que la historia de tu familia entre en alineacion con la historia de Dios en el mundo que nos rodea, de manera que te ayude a criar unos hijos que tengan el caracter, los valores y la mision que les permitan salir al mundo real y vivir una fe genuina. Padres extraordinarios es un libro sobre la formacion de los hijos que te ayudara a ser dinamico, en lugar de actuar a base de reacciones, cuando se trata de educar a los jovencitos cristianos en un mundo que esta lleno de contradicciones que se oponen a una vida de fe. En lugar de tratar de formar unos hijos que sean solo “buenos cristianos”, encontraras aqui las herramientas que te ayudaran a manifestar en tu vida una fe que les permita a tus hijos ver lo que significa vivir como cristianos. Como resultado de esto, aprenderan lo que es la fe genuina, porque la estaran viviendo junto contigo. Mark Matlock, experto en culturas y veterano pastor de jovenes, te ayudara a analizar cuestiones como las siguientes: * Como ayudar a tu hijo a tomar decisiones * La importancia de los fracasos * Como conocer la historia que tiene Dios para tu familia * Como hacer un cambio en la historia actual de tu familia * Como buscar la sabiduria, y mucho mas. Dios nos ha puesto aqui para interactuar con el mundo y representarlo ante el, a base de relacionarte con la cultura, en lugar de apartarte de ella. En vez de tratar de aislar del mundo a tus hijos, o establecer unas barreras que les impidan relacionarse realmente con el mundo que Dios nos ha llamado a ayudar y sanar, aqui podras aprender a guiar a tu familia hacia una vida integrada, en la cual la historia de la familia y la historia de Dios se unan para marcar una diferencia en el mundo que los rodea.

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    • Grandmas Fingerprint : Love A Child Change A Life (Expanded)


      “Can a grandparent really make a difference in a child’s life? Is there any way to truly influence the next generation for good? Read this book and you’ll know that the answer is a resounding yes. “Grandma’s Fingerprint” is the poignant, gripping story of one woman’s faith, courage, strength, and love in the midst of heartbreaking circumstances. By word and example, along with sacrificial love, she changed the life of the author, her granddaughter, and influenced future generations for good. Readers will get to know Grandma and one little girl who could have gone adrift in a tragic family situation. Instead, she became a faith-filled and secure woman, an influential leader, and a loving wife, mother, and grandma – because of her grandma’s love. This inspiring book offers encouragement and hope and is a timeless example of the vital role that grandparents can play

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    • Choosing Him All Over Again


      She has everything that is supposed to make a young woman happy: handsome husband, dream job, new home, great vacations, fun friends, and plenty of money.

      But she isn’t happy.

      Leaving husband, house, and friends behind, Juana begins her search for peace and happiness in earnest. Mistakenly, she thinks all she needs is “Mr. Right,” but instead, Juana finds Jesus-and the peace she has always longed for.

      As she grows in her faith and her desire to please God, God rekindles in her heart a longing to be reconciled to her husband. However, the tables are now turned-her husband doesn’t want Juana back.

      Juana learns how to let go and trust God, to let Him go to work and do what seems like the impossible . . . but will her marriage be restored?

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    • 5 Love Languages For Men


      Falling in love is easy. Keeping the sizzle in your marriage? That’s more like grilling the perfect steak-it takes time, attention, and some secret spices. Mastering your wife’s heart doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will take a little effort. Good intentions alone will not get the job done.

      Gary Chapman gears this edition of his #1 New York Times multi-million best seller to your needs, challenges, and interests as a husband. What really fills your wife’s love tank? (It may not be what you think.) How can you let her know what you’re thinking and feeling? What can you do to make sex more meaningful and pleasurable for you both? This book offers a straightforward approach that will equip you for relational success.

      Discover the secret that has already transformed millions of relationships worldwide. As you learn this simple, yet profound, concept for communicating love, you’ll be more confident and courageous in the ways that matter most. Really!

      “When you express your love for your wife using her primary love language, it’s like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat or golf club. It just feels right-and the results are impressive.” -Gary Chapman

      Includes an updated version of The 5 Love Languages(R) personal profile.

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    • I Choose You Today


      Married for nearly 38 years, author Deborah DeArmond and her husband have made the spoken declaration, “I choose you today” a regular part of their communication. It’s when we least feel like saying it that we need to remind ourselves that love is a choice, not a feeling. I Choose You Today features 31 scriptural principles that support marriage and help couples develop healthy biblically-based behavior. Built on an introductory anecdotal story, each chapter has an inspirational takeaway of not only what to do, but how to begin applying the principles immediately. Thought provoking questions create talking points for couples to explore their own choices and experiences in each area serve to generate open dialogue of discovery. I Choose You Today is not a book of “shoulds,” but one of clearly identified choices that each individual can make to grow their marriage and align it with the word of God. Every saying ends with a conventional wisdom quote.

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    • Seguro En Los Brazos De Dios – (Spanish)


      Esta mi bebe en el cielo?.Esa es la pregunta masimportante que un padre o madre que sufre puede hacerse. Y aunque el pequenosea el hijo de otra persona, la pregunta permanece: Que les sucede a losninos, a los no nacidos, los mortinatos o los infantes, cuando mueren? Podemosesperar volver a verlos? Podemos soltar el temor y la culpabilidad? Puede elamor de Dios suavizar una herida tan desgarradora?

      Con autoridad biblica y lacalidez del corazon de un pastor, el autor de exitos de libreria John MacArthurexamina el alcance de toda la Biblia y revela en este convincente libro elcuidado que tiene el Padre celestial de cada vida.

      “Is my baby in heaven?”

      This is the most important question a grieving parent can ask. And even if the little one is someone else’s child, the issue remains: What happens to children?those unborn, stillborn, or youngsters?when they die? Can you hope to see them again? Can you let go of your fear and guilt? Can God’s love soothe a wound so jagged?

      With scriptural authority and the warmth of a pastor’s heart, bestselling author John MacArthur examines the breadth of the entire Bible and reveals in this compelling book the Heavenly Father’s care for every life.

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    • Romancing Your Better Half (Reprinted)


      Most married couples know how it goes. You start out in the throes of passionate romance only to have the fire cool over the years–especially when kids come along or life gets too busy. But keeping the romance alive is easier than most people think. Now the author of Becoming Your Spouse’s Better Half shares the secrets of pursuing romance that won’t quit.

      With wit and wisdom, Rick Johnson shows men and women how to communicate effectively with their spouses, recapture the feeling of young love, incorporate romance and intimacy into everyday life, understand each other’s unique sexual needs, and more. Anyone who has been married more than a couple of years will find useful insights and solid advice that will strengthen their marriage now and into the future.

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    • Mothering From Scratch


      Most parenting books present a cookie-cutter approach–which may or may not apply to all personalities and family dynamics. Mothering From Scratch shows mothers how to develop their own style that helps them be the best mom for their kids and restores the joy of mothering.

      Full of solid biblical truth, this book encourages moms to

      * explore their personalities and examine their strengths and weaknesses in order to find what works for them
      * tap into the resources surrounding them and get mentoring and support from other moms
      * push past the fear of change or doing it wrong and allow room for grace in their mothering

      Melinda Means and Kathleen Helgemo provide a flexible, customizable approach to help moms discover their optimal parenting style.

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    • Bulletproof Marriage


      Marriage was God’s idea. He decided that man and woman should be “one flesh”. Furthermore, the Bible says “God is love “.

      Unfortunately, many couples never learned to love each other. A feeling, passion or some other influence brought them together, but they never learned how to study or explore each other, or discover what makes them happy. When you do not know another person it is impossible to love them because you do not know what pleases or annoys them, their dreams and struggles, or how they think. In such ignorance, you will make many mistakes in your relationship and so cause many problems. These problems will cause you to withdraw, even though you are married and were in love at one time.

      If you have been wondering:
      *Do I still love my husband/wife
      *Did I marry the wrong person
      *Why is my partner so cold to me
      *Why do we love each other but can’t stay together?
      *How can I make sure my marriage lasts?
      *How can I live with a person who is so difficult?
      *Why do our problems go away, but then come back worse than before?
      *Is my marriage always going to be about hardships, or will I find happiness one day?

      Cheer up! You will learn how to love intelligently and how to be happy with your spouse, even if he (or she) acts like King Kong.

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    • You Can Adopt Without Debt


      Important facts, encouragement, and tips help readers avoid the huge cost that can come with adoption.Many families want to adopt, but do not have the large amount of money it takes to complete a private domestic or international adoption. Some quickly give up the idea of adopting and are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Those who choose to proceed often take out large loans or borrow from family and friends which adds to the financial pressure on the family. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies from her own experience as well as from others that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fundraising prospective adoptive parents can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption.

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    • Haga Guerra Espiritual Por Su – (Spanish)


      Una batalla espiritual en el frente del hogar

      El indice de divorcio en Estados Unidos ronda el 52 por ciento. Casi la mitad de todos los nios nacen fuera del matrimonio. Algo va muy mal. La Biblia declara que la ilegitimidad produce una maldicion sobre una familia por diez generaciones. Si eso es cierto, las familias americanas estan inmersas en una batalla espiritual y ni siquiera lo saben.

      Casado durante casi cincuenta aos, Richard Ing ha aconsejado a cientos de parejas y es tambien un experto en guerra espiritual. Ha identificado las maneras en que Satanas y sus demonios atacan el matrimonio mediante batallas en comunicacion, intimidad, rechazo, y el equipaje que llevamos de nuestro pasado.

      Este no es un libro sobre psicologia cristiana y consejeria, sino mas bien un contraataque directo contra el reino de la oscuridad y los deseos de la carne. Va al grano al identificar la verdadera fuente de la mayoria de nuestros conflictos en el matrimonio y el modo en que nuestras actitudes se llevan casi a todas nuestras relaciones, tanto dentro como fuera del matrimonio. Saca a la luz los espiritus malignos que Satanas usa para destruir matrimonios y como podemos ser liberados de ellos.

      A Spiritual Battle on the Home Front

      The divorce rate in America is around 52 percent. Nearly half of all children are born out of wedlock. Something is very wrong. The Bible declares that illegitimacy brings a curse upon a family for ten generations. If this is true, American families are engaged in a spiritual battle and don’t even know it.

      Married for nearly fifty years, Richard Ing has counseled hundreds of couples and is also an expert at spiritual warfare. He has identified the ways in which Satan and his demons attack marriage through struggles in communication, intimacy, rejection, and the baggage from our past.

      This is not a book on Christian psychology and counseling, but rather, a direct counter-attack against the kingdom of darkness and the lusts of the flesh. It cuts to the chase by identifying the true source of most of our conflicts in marriage and how our attitudes carry over to almost all of our relationships, both in and outside of marriage. It exposes the evil spirits Satan uses to destroy marriages and how we can be delivered from them.

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    • 7 Maneras De Ser Su Heroe – (Spanish)


      !Un libro que les habla a los hombres de la forma en que los hombres hablan!En este libro lleno de humor, sincero y altamente eficaz, el autor Doug Fields ayuda a los hombres a navegar en las aguas siempre cambiantes de un matrimonio significativo.Despues de dirigir incontables retiros y conferencias para hombres, tanto a traves de su propio ministerio, como en su calidad de pastor maestro durante mas de quince anos en la Iglesia Saddleback, que pastorea Rick Warren, Doug Fields llego a dos conclusiones claras: la forma en que hablan los hombres y las cosas de las que hablan NO se hallan representadas en la actualidad en los libros que hablan de las relaciones cristianas, y los matrimonios tienen problemas porque los hombres no estan comprendiendo los sencillos pasos que necesitan dar para invertir en esa relacion. Este libro te ayudara a cambiar todo eso.

      El amor es algo que se elige. Y para mantener lleno de amor a cualquier matrimonio, los hombres necesitan un PLAN. Asi que, amigos, aqui esta: siete acciones muy factibles que mejoraran su matrimonio. Garantizado.

      Seven Ways to Be Her Hero – Doug Fields helps men navigate the ever-changing waters of a meaningful marriage.Love is a choice. And to keep any marriage filled with love, men need a PLAN. So, guys, here it is, seven very doable actions that will improve your marriage, guaranteed.

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    • Fatherhood Principle : Gods Design And Destiny For Every Man


      All men are fathers.

      The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood.

      Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God.

      In The Fatherhood Principle, Dr. Myles Munroe explains that although every man is called to be a father, knowing how to live in this purpose is not automatic. We must understand the characteristics and master the skills of fatherhood. Fulfilling the position and role you were created for means exhibiting qualities of leadership, integrity, responsibility, and obedience to the ultimate Father of fathers-our Father God in heaven.

      This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to fulfill the role of father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher,
      disciplinarian, leader, head, caring one, and developer.

      Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

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    • Ministry Of Marriage


      This book is a refreshingly biblical perspective for healthy marriages and real hope for hurting ones.

      After wedding tears of joy have dried, tears of hurt and hopelessness sometimes find their way even into otherwise happy marriages. In troubled ones, they may become the norm. Not a psychology book or self-help manual, The Ministry of Marriage shows the biblical plan for building a life together, even if only one spouse is pursuing it.

      Shattering the I-am-married-to-the-wrong-one myth, The Ministry of Marriage shows how applying biblical thinking brings miraculous results to even severe and prolonged cases of marital discord.

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    • 1 Year Love Language Minute Devotional


      Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love-it’s your love language. Each one of us responds well to a different type of expression of love. The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional is your daily guide for expressing heartfelt love to your mate in a way that he or she can appreciate it.

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    • Forever Mom : What To Expect When Youre Adopting


      Adoption is on the rise, and popular writer and blogger Mary Ostyn shares her experiences of adopting six children, inspiring those who have been called to adopt and providing practical advice on how to make it work. In Forever Mom Mary Ostyn, a long-time beloved adoption writer and blogger, shares the practical tools and resources she uses to thrive as an adoptive mom. She takes readers through her own and downs as she learned to nurture a growing family through living well on less, eating healthy foods, homeschooling, and mothering children with a variety of adjustment issues. She’ll walk readers through how to build heart connections, help babies, toddlers, and older children settle in, effectively implement attachment parenting, and allow for personal time too. Whether readers are the parent of an adopted child or interested in pursuing adoption, Mary’s warm advice and fresh perspective will inspire, inform, and affirm them. They’ll walk away knowing they’re the perfect mom for whatever child God brings into their lives.

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    • Ora Las Escrituras Por Tus Hij – (Spanish)


      Una inspiradora guia para las madres sobre la forma de orar biblicamente por sus hijos, llena de alentadoras historias de la vida real y utiles recursos para comenzar a orar hoy mismo de una manera poderosa.

      An inspiring guide for mothers on how to pray scripturally for their children, filled with encouraging true stories and handy resources to begin praying powerfully today.

      Jodie Berndt les ensea a las lectoras la forma de convertir la Biblia en un libro de oraciones que puede influir de manera poderosa en la vida de sus hijos. En este libro descubriran la forma de orar de manera especifica y llena de expectativas por la fe, el caracter, la seguridad, las relaciones y el futuro de ellos. Adquiriran una perspectiva nueva y biblica sobre el proposito que Dios tiene con sus hijos. Y por medio del aliento que les daran las Escrituras y estos relatos de la vida real, descubriran lo inmensa que es la diferencia que pueden marcar verdaderamente sus oraciones en la vida de aquellos a quienes mas aman.

      Praying the scriptures for your children
      Jodie Berndt shows readers how to make the Bible a book of prayers that can powerfully influence their children’s lives. They’ll discover how to pray specifically and expectantly for their faith, character, safety, relationships, and future. They’ll gain new, biblical perspectives on God’s purposes for their children. And through the encouragement of the Scriptures and true-life stories, they’ll find out what a huge difference their prayers really make in the lives of those they love most.

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    • Marshmallow Family : Loving From The Heart


      This book demonstrates how real love is unconditional and shows no limitations to any differences. The families in the Town of Mallow Creek knew nothing about hate, they only knew to love in all circumstances. Throughout this book the reader will see how this town got together to send a wave of love and kindness to a family who never knew love, but began to understand love as the town continued to pour it out their hearts. The reader will benefit from the understanding of True Love…It Never Wavers!

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    • Secure Families In A Shaky World



      “I am not a super mom, nor do I have a college degree,” says Judy Scharfenberg, wife of thirty-eight years and mother of six grown children. “What I do have is a lifetime of experience.” And experience is exactly what readers will find within the informative, inspiring pages of “Secure Families in a Shaky World.” Chock-full of homegrown advice, this book is a must-read for every mom, grandma, or mom-to-be who wants to look better, feel better, and perhaps even live longer. Judy’s back-to-basics approach includes six simple ways to ensure that the home is fertile soil for growing a happy, healthy family. Steps include . . .
      * Planning mealtimes that bring families together (includes five easy-to-make recipes!)
      * Reading to your children (with age-appropriate reading suggestions)
      * Following a simple exercise plan (includes illustrated steps)
      * Developing a meaningful quiet time * And much more!

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    • Small Talk : Learning From My Children About What Matters Most


      Almost every day, one of Amy Julia’s children says something or asks something that prompts her to think more carefully: “What “lasting’ mean?” William wonders when he hears a song about God being an everlasting God. ‘If the children who died went to heaven, then why are we sad?” Penny asks, when she passes by a funeral for a victim of the Sandy Hook shootings. ‘I don’t wanna’ get ‘tized!’ says Marilee about baptism. These conversations deepen her relationships with her children, but they also deepen and refine her own understanding of what she believes, why she believes it, and what she hopes to pass along to the next generation.

      Small Talk is a narrative based upon these conversations. It is not a parenting guide. It does not offer prescriptive lessons about how to talk with children. Rather, it tells stories based upon the questions and statements Amy Julia’s children have made about the things that make life good (such as love, kindness, beauty, laughter, and friendship), the things that make life hard (such as death, failure, and tragedy), and what we believe (such as prayer, God, and miracles). Amy Julia moves in rough chronological order through the basic questions her kids asked when they were very young to the more intellectual and spiritual questions of later childhood. Small Talk invites other parents into these same conversations, with their children, with God, and with themselves. Moving from humorous exchanges to profound questions to heart-wrenching moments, Amy Julia encourages parents to ask themselves—and to talk with their children about—what matters most.

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    • Brave Mom : Facing And Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears


      In Brave Mom, Sherry Surratt, president and CEO of MOPS International, shares honestly and openly about the fears every mom struggles with. From worry about your child’s safety and health to wondering if you are a good parent, to fears about your marriage and loss of self-identity, Sherry comes alongside every mom with practical, real, and hopeful help for these common fears that we’re all afraid to talk about. The 10 most common mom fears are each covered in their own easy to read chapter, made up of stories of real moms and the help and answers they found. Filled with advice and insight from Sherry and the hope and grace found in God’s wisdom, Brave Mom gives moms everything they need to leave fear behind and live the admittedly messy life of parenting with confidence and joy. Each chapter also contains a prayer for moms to help them turn their fears over to God’s protection and care. As the mom experts, MOPS provide moms around the country a connection to other moms, practical help to move ahead, and the warmth and grace of God’s love.

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    • Choosing A Mate Gods Way


      If you are single, divorced, or the parent of a young person, “Choosing A Mate God’s Way: Marriage Minded Dating” is a must read! You will explore God’s Word and find His plan for dating and choosing a mate His way!”

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    • Se El Papa Que Ella Necesita Q – (Spanish)


      Se el papa que ella necesita que seas es un llamado a los padres para que acepten el reto y luchen por convertirse en el padre amoroso y activamente comprometido que una hija necesita para tener exito en la vida y en sus relaciones.La relacion mas importante para tu hija no es la relacion con su madre, sino la que tiene contigo, con su papa. Su autoestima, decisiones, conducta, caracter e incluso sus ideas acerca de la seleccion de esposo se hallan todos directamente relacionados a ti, que eres para ella la representacion de mayor importancia del genero masculino. En Se el papa que ella necesita que seas, el Dr. Kevin Leman, psicologo de fama internacional, autor de best sellers del New York Times y padre de cuatro hijas, te mostrara no solo como hacer el papel de padre, y hacerlo bien, sino ademas te dira como:Hacer que cada una de tus hijas se sienta unica, especial y valiosaDisciplinar de la manera correcta- cuando sea necesarioHablar con franqueza acerca de lo que los varones en realidad estan pensandoMantener a raya el ojo criticoHacer ondear la bandera de tregua cuando las mujeres convierten tu sala de estar en un campo de batallaPreparar a tu hija para la vida y para el exito en sus relacionesBe the Dad She Needs You to BeA call to dads to step up to the plate to become the loving, actively engaged father that a daughter needs for life and relational success.In Se el papa que ella necesita que seas Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters, will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, making each daughter feel unique, special, and valued, discipline the right way . . . when it’s needed, talk turkey about what guys are really thinking, among other important things.

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    • In This House We Will Giggle


      A fresh and innovative guide for mothers of young children who want to bring laughter and faith to life in their home.

      In This House, We Will Giggle empowers moms to capture the hearts of their kids in fun and creative ways, teaching core virtues while building treasured memories. Parents will learn innovative ways to showcase the joy of following God as they nurture in their children such virtues as generosity, determination, and humility through delightful antics like Family Olympics, Kindness in Communities, and Loving Up Your Family. (Shaving cream and water balloons not included with the book.)

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    • From This Day Forward


      The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this book, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these decisions, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Seek God. Fight fair. Have fun. Stay pure, and Never give up. If you and your spouse will earnestly commit to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than the greatest fantasy that you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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    • All I Wanted Was A Baby


      Follow the journey of an ordinary woman who experienced the pain of several miscarriages. Experience God’s faithfulness as He answered her heart’s desire.

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    • Rebuilding Broken Bridges For Couples


      Can marriages be resurrected when they have gone from love to ruin? Is there a chance to save a hopeless union? Can a dead relationship come alive again? John Wagner says, “Yes!.” He and his wife Susan went through a marriage crisis. The healing they received from Imago Relationship Therapy inspired a dream of helping couples. Rebuilding Broken Bridges gives hope to struggling couples who want to find the way back. It also proposes biblical ideas on healthy marriages and joins them with the latest research in relationships.

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    • Zacharys Choice


      A Christian homeschooling mom of a large family, Suzy LaBonte never imagined one of her children might die by suicide. She received an agonizing blow the day her sixteen-year-old son, Zachary, without threat or forewarning, chose to end his own life. The following months were bleak and sorrowful as Suzy struggled down a confusing path of shock, anger, guilt, and depression. Slowly putting one foot in front of the other, Suzy focused on the unfailing character of God, her husband’s faithful partnership, and the hopeful faces of the children before her. Plodding and stumbling toward understanding and healing, Suzy found that God’s faithful companionship and the promises of His Word lightened the darkest hours and sustained her life. Healing came slowly and with it, transforming lessons of pain and courage. With a passion to reach out to encourage other suicide survivors, Suzy shares the healing that is found in Christ Jesus.

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    • From This Day Forward Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Is it possible to have a great marriage? Yes, but it is not likely if you treat marriage like everybody else does! In this five-session, video-based small group study, New York Times bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel gives you five commitments to make in order to fail-proof your marriage. You know the stats, and they are horrifying. 50% of marriages don’t make it. What other area of your life are you satisfied with 50% odds against you? The choices you make each and every day determine not only your relationship with God but also the quality of your marriage. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. In this five-session study, you will discover five commitments that will absolutely fail-proof your marriage. If you make these commitments, you can and will have the marriage God wants you to experience. Sessions include: Seek God Fight Fair Have Fun Stay Pure Never Give Up If you and your spouse will earnestly choose to do all five of these things, you’ll discover a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship and a more rewarding, more passionate love life than you could have ever imagined. Don’t be a statistic. Don’t be average. Let’s get you that marriage that you always wanted. Starting right now—from this day forward.

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    • Messy Beautiful Love


      Messy Beautiful Love delivers an incredible testimony of grace that offers a message of hope for today’s marriages, and a spark for rekindling love.

      Love gets messy.

      Financial problems, sickness, aging parents, a chronically unhappy spouse . . . trials will inevitably come along to threaten your marriage. No matter how long you’ve been married or how strong your relationship is, sooner or later you are going to have a mess to clean up.

      Messy Beautiful Love is about cleaning up messes God’s way, exchanging our ideas for his, and being prepared for both the best and the worst that marriage has to offer. Perhaps you’ve picked up this book because your marriage is messy already-now is the time to make a change. If your marriage is tidy, thank God-there is no better time to prepare for the future.

      Married life is never straightforward or simple for long. But the reality is this: when you surrender your relationship to God; when you lay your marriage at his feet; when you finally cede control; then and only then will you experience the blessing of marriage as he intended-this is the blessing of obedience. Messy Beautiful Love is an invitation to that obedience. An invitation to surrender. The cynical world says marriages don’t last. God knows better. Tune out the world and tune in to him. When you do that, a beautiful marriage is not only possible-it’s inevitable. That’s something to be excited about.

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    • New Strong Willed Child


      Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need-a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character-if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline. Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today’s most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about what makes strong-willed children the way they are; shaping the will while protecting the spirit; avoiding the most common parenting mistake; and much more. If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read! (This new edition is part of Dr. James Dobson’s Building A Family Legacy initiative.)

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    • After They Are Yours


      Adoption offers a powerful testimony of grace in a world of unwanted pregnancies and on-demand abortion. But no one said adoption is easy. As an adoptive parent and pastor who has counseled many adoptive parents, Brian Borgman knows there is another side to adoption that we are often reluctant to talk about. Parenting is always a challenge, but parenting an adopted child can have some special challenges. Adoptive parents can experience much heartache and even guilt with their adopted children. Many suffer in silence. Borgman writes with a burden to minister to those who are struggling.

      After They Are Yours: The Grace and Grit of Adoption talks transparently and redemptively about the often unspoken problems adoptive parents face. Combining personal experience, biblical wisdom, and a heart for people, Borgman recalls the humbling and difficult lessons God has taught him and his wife. This is not a success story, rather it’s a story of struggles and failures set in the broader context of a God who is gracious and continually teaches us the meaning of adoption.

      What do you do when it’s hard to hope? Here is a story of adoption that’s real, raw, redemptive, and edifiying.

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    • You Are Captivating


      Your woman’s heart is one of God’s most prized creations. Designed in it are three holy desires:
      1. To be romanced,
      2. To play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and
      3. To unveil beauty

      As a mother, how you nurture these core desires of the heart establish a path for motherhood. When your children look to you for comfort and strength, encouragement and advice, you can lead them to the Father because you have discovered the truths he designed into you. In this inspiring book, learn more about your design and how it empowers you to enrich and lead the life of your children.

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    • Setting Your Marriage Free


      The same powerful principles from Neil Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ that helped set more than one million people free from spiritual bondage can now revolutionize marriage relationships. Anderson and co-author Charles Mylander offer the practical tools married couples need to safeguard their marriages against the things that threaten to destroy them. Setting Your Marriage Free gives biblical insight and practical help for any marriage-whether it’s healthy, in trouble or disastrous. Any couple willing to face the truth and walk in the light will find their marriage set free and become what God wants it to be.

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    • Su Legado – (Spanish)


      Dr. Dobson traces his family history to show how God worked through the prayers and actions of his relatives at every turn of their lives to ensure that the spiritual legacy of a Godly Christian life, and the assurance of heaven after death, were passed down from generation to generation. YOUR LEGACY will tell these stories and present the principles for a successful “legacy transfer” that the reader can apply to his or her own family. As a child psychologist, Dr. James Dobson has given his life to helping husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, negotiate the treacherous waters of marriage and parenthood. Even if a marriage is perfect and a home is flawless and peaceful, it is not enough. The first and most important job of every parent is to introduce their children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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    • Learning To Love When You Dont Feel Like It


      Do these words sound familiar? “I’m tired of talking to a brick wall.” “I’ve told you that umpteen times.” “Why am I always the one to put the kids to bed while you watch TV?” “If you really loved me, you’d want to be with me.” Each of these phrases is an alarm bell, signaling the end of your marriage may be closer than you think. When Kenny Lewis’s wife, Connie, said, “I’m getting so tired of working so hard to keep this marriage together,” he was shocked. He thought he was a great husband. Typical male. Totally clueless. When he asked her to tell him how he’d hurt her, she said, “I’ve told you before and you haven’t listened.” His heart sank. Their marriage was in serious trouble. Desperate, Lewis turned to the New Testament to learn how to love his wife. He discovered the Bible uses sixteen different action words to describe love. Each of the terms challenges our modern concept of love as something you feel under the spell of candlelight and soft music. Instead, the Bible teaches that love is learning to control your response when your mate overdraws the checkbook, or wrecks the car, or when feelings inexplicably grow cold. If you want to learn how to love when you don’t feel like it, join the journey of developing a satisfying love that will last. Do the book’s love-learning steps work? Lewis not only survived his crisis, twenty-five years later he and Connie are more in love than ever!

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    • Its All About Dad And Me


      You’re almost a teenager. And he’s the most important guy in your life-Dad! He’s your protector, guide, coach, cheerleader, and so much more. As you grow and change, so does your relationship. It’s exciting-and scary for you both.

      So how can you understand each other better, stay connected, and make your relationship the best it can be? This book! You’ll: . Check out other girls’ stories about their dads . Create cool crafts and take fun quizzes . Talk, chat, and yak (even with a quiet dad!) . See from the Bible how God guides and blesses your relationship. It’s All About Dad & Me will even show you how your relationship with Dad is part of God’s awesome plan!

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    • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


      9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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    • 9 Traits Of A Life Giving Mom


      9 Traits of a Life-Giving Mom: Replacing my Worst with God’s Best is written by a mom for moms. Sue admits that she, like most moms, has moments where her own unresolved issues come to the surface. Discover how to embody the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your own life and home.

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    • Praying For Your Prodigal


      Have some of your loved ones wandered far from their heavenly Father’s embrace? Ask God to lead them back home! In this companion guide to his best-selling AHA, Idleman offers heartfelt petitions that speak to the spiritual needs of your family members and friends who are still seeking the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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    • Unbreakable : Forging A Marriage Of Contentment And Delight


      A unique and powerful resource for couples who want to repair, strengthen, and shock-proof their marriages. The authors bring a remarkable and dynamic combination of experience: Both Miltenberger and Causey have served in the military, are actively involved as leaders in the church, and are married with young families of their own. Their approach has already helped hundreds of military couples who live in perhaps the most challenging marriage context today.The authors are passionate about their work with our nation’s most-stressed marriages, and they are eager to share this resource with chaplains, counselors, and pastors everywhere.

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    • Sticky Faith Guide For Your Family


      The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Unique Family addresses one of the top current concerns about youth and the church: the reality that nearly half of all young people raised in Christian families walk away from their faith when they graduate from high school. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: research also shows that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith. This book arises from the innovative, research-based, and extensively field-tested project known as ‘Sticky Faith,’ designed to equip parents with insights and ideas for nurturing long-term faith in children and young people. Because of the Fuller Youth Institute’s six years of research with more than 500 young people, 100 churches, and 50 families, four of this guidebook’s unique qualities make it a ‘must have’ for families eager to point their young people toward long-term faith.

      First, it’s grounded in sophisticated, academically verified data. While Dr. Powell is a parent of three children who authentically weaves her own experiences throughout the book, the chapter topics correlate with parenting principles proven in national research. Second, it is positive. Amid gloomy and theoretical resources, this book leaves parents empowered and hopeful that even little tweaks to their family rhythms can make a big difference. Third, it is practical. Readers get what they want most: more than 100 ideas from other parents they can try today, this week, or this month. Fourth, its ‘guidebook’ format is accessible. For busy parents who don’t have time and inclination to read, this format is a welcome resource that they can return to time and time again for fresh ideas and inspiration.

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    • Daughters By Design


      Paula’s mind raced: Adoption is not happening! I’m too old. I’m comfortable-an empty nester! I’m busy teaching. A nine-year-old? Why me? Desiring to do God’s will, Paula searched in John Piper’s “A Hunger for God” and wept when she read Isaiah 58:6-8 on giving shelter and food to the needy. Five weeks later, God led her to mother not just one, but two Cambodian orphans.

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    • 10 Dollar Great Dates


      For couples of all ages and stages, four marriage experts offer 52 creative ideas for dates that won’t break the bank. From outdoor fun to “passion-picker-uppers,” each suggestion includes preparation tips and fun talking points to help husbands and wives energize their relationship.

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    • Copper Gets Adopted


      Come along and meet Copper the Little Papillon on his first of many adventures. He is flying from France to America to be adopted by a new mommy and daddy. While on the plane, even though he is very nervous, he watches a movie to relax. After a nap, he wakes up and realizes he is about to go to his new home with his own bed and toys. He is very grateful to Jesus for allowing him to arrive safely, giving him wonderful parents, and providing a place to call home.

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    • Heart Of A Birthmom


      For a birthmom, adoption is such a unique loss. When she chooses adoption for her child, she sometimes finds herself unable to deal with the overwhelming sense of loss and sadness. To whom can she turn for encouragement? Traditional counseling doesn’t always help. Her child isn’t dead, so a memorial service can’t provide the closure she so desperately needs. This is the world of the birthmother. She is misunderstood, grieving in spite of her good decision. Millions of these women are alone and hurting. They are angry at God, at themselves, and at their families. “Heart of a Birthmom” uses the Bible and inspiring, applicable devotions to:
      * offer encouragement in the face of doubt and grief,
      * offer love in spite of how birthmoms view themselves,
      * reflect the light of a holy God, and
      * challenge readers to explore a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

      Whether a birthmother chose adoption last month or ten years ago, “Heart of a Birthmom” is a book whose time has come.

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    • Copper Gets Adopted


      Come along and meet Copper the Little Papillon on his first of many adventures. He is flying from France to America to be adopted by a new mommy and daddy. While on the plane, even though he is very nervous, he watches a movie to relax. After a nap, he wakes up and realizes he is about to go to his new home with his own bed and toys. He is very grateful to Jesus for allowing him to arrive safely, giving him wonderful parents, and providing a place to call home.

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    • My Spiritual Legacy


      Oscar Kastner didn’t have the opportunity to have a relationship with his grandparents – to hear what their lives were like and the insights they had learned. To help ensure that his grandchildren would know his thoughts and experiences, he composed this account to share his journey in life. Focusing on science, religion, and everyday experiences, Kastner invites his grandchildren and others to examine his legacy and the wisdom he gained from investigating the meaning of life, his relationship to his Creator, and his Creator’s purposes for him. Although not expecting everyone to share his views, Kastner hopes his account will spark discussion and curiosity.

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    • If Only I Could Relate To The People Im Related To


      1. Relationships Aren’t Environmentally Friendly
      2. I Don’t Need Enemies-I Have Friends If Can’t Get Along With
      3. If Weeds Are Growing In Your Garden, You’ll Ruin The Squash
      4. If You Can’t Stand The Heat, Don’t Move To The Desert
      5. If You Bury The Hatchet, Sell Your Metal Detector
      6. Of Course I’m Listening-I Just Wasn’t Paying Attention
      7. When There Are Too Many Hands In The Cookie Jar
      8. “In” Is The Difference Between In-Laws And Outlaws
      9. If They Didn’t Leave The Light On, It Must Be The Inn

      Additional Info
      Relationships are to life as orange traffic cones are to driving. Both can be very frustrating. But, they both guide, protect, and enhance life’s journey . . . so you might as well learn to navigate them.

      In If Only I Could Relate to the People I’m Related To, Toler weaves wit with wisdom to offer dynamic tools for understanding and growing in your relationships. By combining solid biblical principles with his own experiences, he breaks down the five social areas of relationships-lifestyle, family, support, development, online-and shows you how you can improve and find fulfillment in your relationships with God, your family, your friends, and your peers.

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    • Christian Family Meltdown


      Who s in charge of your family ANYONE? WILL YOU BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?

      Our society is rapidly changing, and many would say things are not changing for the better. As the family deteriorates, who can help us with the huge deficit of moral truthfulness that we all face in our world?

      It seems impossible to stem the tide of information overload threatening the existence of our current families. If we don t make effective inroads against it there is little hope for the generations of those who follow us to have loving families of their own. What priorities are you focused on? Who and what are winning the battle for your heart, soul, & mind?

      The dumbing-down and elimination of the father as the Spiritual leader of the family is tragic. Many families are broken, splintered, and injured, strewn along the roadside of convenient and easy divorce. We are seeing the tremendously high price paid by all of us within this catastrophic debacle! In fact, some would say that even the Christian family is in MELTDOWN! mode

      There is only one hope for the state of affairs in our modern, broken families, and that hope is under attack from the media, judiciary, and even our elected officials. Our nation has turned its back on the only Savior Who can truly save her! Join author Mark Peters as he looks at where our families seem to be headed in these difficult and tumultuous times.

      READ this book if you want to take a serious look at yourself your family and your walk of faith!

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    • Answering Your Kids Toughest Questions


      It’s not easy to know what to say when a child asks about a dying grandma, or the reality of the devil, or some act of violence featured on the news. But ignoring the questions won’t help. Elyse Fitzpatrick and her daughter Jessica Thompson carefully walk parents through these difficult conversations, one topic at a time. These experienced moms will come alongside readers, offering helpful hints and age-appropriate guidelines on how much to share and when. And most importantly, they teach how to answer children in a way that points back to the truth of God’s amazing love.

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    • Abortion : The Ultimate Exploitation Of Women


      “Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women” unwinds the cultural myth that abortion empowers women. Not only are men responsible for promoting and legalizing abortion in America, they are the key beneficiaries. Using historical facts, medical research, and emotional personal stories, Fisher provides overwhelming evidence that abortion undermines women s rights, victimizes women, children, and men, and is eroding the very fabric of our society.”

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    • Real Love Right Now


      Real love is out there. Kailen Rosenberg will help you find it.

      From dedicated matchmaker, costar of the groundbreaking series Lovetown, USA, and relationship expert on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, this proactive guidebook will help you get past the things preventing you from finding real, authentic love. Through a physical, mental, and emotional self-appraisal, which asks you to examine the things might be afraid to admit are holding you back, Kailen, lays out a fail-proof, step-by-step thirty-day plan that will make you love-ready and lead you to love.

      With 300 marriages to her credit, she is living proof that love and faith can overcome any kind of challenge. Her methods are straightforward, with unique exercises such as self-appraisals and love shopping-rooted in a spiritual understanding of love, which she sees as our highest calling. Real Love, Right Now helps you put bad dating habits aside so you can figure out what really matters and find the partner who is right for you.

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    • Making Of A Mom


      Weaving biblical insight together with real life stories, this unique and comprehensive view of motherhood gives moms a sense of comfort, confidence, and freedom to not only navigate the often tumultuous waters of motherhood, but to also know they aren’t alone.

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    • Heartfelt Discipline 3rd Edition


      Trying to understand what God really says about childhood discipline can be like putting together a puzzle, but the pieces just don’t all seem to fit. For two generations conservative Christians have rejected the idea of a permissive “hands off” discipline and adopted a strict “hands on” discipline taught by many well-known Christian parenting authorities. In Heartfelt Discipline, Clay Clarkson advocates a different biblical model–a relational “hands around” discipline. If you have young children and are beginning to try to solve the discipline puzzle for your family, start with this book. It is a fresh, formula-free, and fully biblical perspective on childhood discipline that will change the way you think about your children. You’ll see how all the biblical pieces fit together and make sense, and put you on the path to your child’s heart.

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    • For You My Husband


      Is your marriage everything you desire it to be? Let this devotion book help you to learn and apply the principle of prayer over your husband’s life. The end result will be a healthier marriage, happier home, and renewed spiritual hope and hunger!

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    • 7 Ways To Be Her Hero


      Any guy can fall in love-it only takes a pulse to fall in love. But it requires a PLAN & some learned SKILLS to stay there.
      Love isn’t something that just happens to you. It may feel like that, but nothing could be further from the truth. The enemy wants us to believe love is all about feeling. Then, when we lose the feeling, it’s easy to rationalize destructive choices.
      Love is a choice. And to keep your marriage filled with love you need a PLAN. For men, this whole marriage-thing is much more difficult than we first thought when we were dating/engaged.
      It’s time to get practical with seven very doable actions that will improve your mar-riage.

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    • Top 10 Most Outrageous Couples Of The Bible


      Improve your marriage-and have some fun along the way-with Christian psychologist David Clarke’s latest book, The Top 10 Most Outrageous Couples of the Bible. Drawing on the stories of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Rachel and Leah (yeah, one guy with two wives), and several others, Clarke provides both biblical teaching and real-life counseling expertise to help you see what will work-and not work-in your marriage today. Written with plenty of humor, The Top 10 Most Outrageous Couples of the Bible proves that “outrageous” isn’t a bad thing-as Clarke says, “It’s not always pretty. But it’s always powerful.”

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    • Faith Hope Love And Deployment


      Just as Heather Gray and her deployed husband realized, many military couples need more than their own imaginations to keep their marriages flourishing during deployments. This is their answer to that dilemma.

      During her husband David’s last deployment to Afghanistan, Heather and he realized the need for a devotional that would not only draw them closer to the Lord, but also to each other while separated. They envisioned a combination of scripture memorization, stories of hope and struggles, a revitalization of the lost art of letter writing, and practical ideas for keeping connected during deployment. Not finding such a book, they began writing Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. Sadly, three months after beginning the project, David was killed in action.

      ”To answer the question of why I’m willing to lay my life on the line for my country. . . .” So began the letter Heather received from her husband on the day of his funeral. The letter was an assignment from Faith, Hope, Love, & Deployment. She knew then the value of the devotional they had been writing for military couples.

      At first Heather didn’t think she could finish it without his input and support. But in the months that followed, she realized that we actually learn and grow the most through our pain and trials. She finished the devotional with the hope it would be as much a blessing for other military couples as it was for her and David.

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    • I Need Some Help Here (Reprinted)


      It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a parent–and worried and anxious. There are so many areas of a child’s life that can go wrong along the way. What’s a mom to do?

      With wit and wisdom, Kathi Lipp meets moms where they are and offers the most powerful hope they have–prayer–for both their kids and themselves. Chapters include

      When Your Child Is Running Away from God
      When Your Child Makes Poor Choices
      When Your Child Is Struggling
      When Your Child Is Left Out
      When Your Child Is Different

      Moms who are overwhelmed or simply need a little support will cherish this expert guidance on praying for their kids–from toddler to teenager–with boldness and confidence.

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    • Matrimonio Blindado – (Spanish)


      El matrimonio fue idea de Dios. El decidio que el hombre y la mujer deberian ser una carne. Aun mas, la Biblia dice: Dios es amor.

      Desafortunadamente, muchas parejas no han aprendido a amarse el uno al otro. Un sentimiento, una pasion o alguna otra influencia los unio, pero no han aprendido a conocerse o a explorarse el uno al otro, o descubrir lo que les hace felices. Cuando no conocemos a otra persona, es imposible amarla porque no sabemos lo que le agrada o le molesta, sus sueos y batallas, o como piensa. En tal ignorancia, cometeremos errores en nuestra relacion, y asi causaremos muchos problemas. Estos problemas nos haran alejarnos, aun estando casados y aun cuando alguna vez estabamos enamorados.

      Si se ha estado preguntando:

      Amo todavia a mi esposo/esposa?
      Me case con la persona equivocada?
      Por que es mi conyuge tan frio conmigo?
      Por que nos amamos pero no podemos permanecer juntos
      Como puedo asegurarme de que mi matrimonio dure?
      Como puedo vivir con una persona que es tan dificil?
      Por que nuestros problemas se alejan, pero despues regresan peores que antes?
      Se va a tratar siempre mi matrimonio de dificultades, o encontrare algun dia la felicidad?

      !Animos! Con este libro aprendera como amar de modo inteligente y como ser feliz con su conyuge, incluso si el (o ella) se comporta como King Kong.

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    • Controlling Husband : What Every Woman Needs To Know


      “I can’t live this way anymore.”
      “I’ve given up trying to change him.”
      “I can’t ever be good enough.”
      “He won’t listen to me anyway.”

      As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Ron Welch has heard many women in controlling marriages pour out their hearts. They feel trapped, helpless, stuck in a situation with no solution and no way out.

      In this candid book, Welch offers real hope. He shows women how controlling husbands develop, why wives allow themselves to be controlled, and strategies to help both husband and wife change. Welch struggled as a controlling husband for years but found help and healing in his relationship with his wife. He uses that experience, as well as examples from the lives of the couples he’s worked with, to show women that just because “he’s always been this way” doesn’t mean their marriage must be that way forever. He teaches women valuable practical skills for coping with the challenges they face and transforming the power and control issues in their marriages.

      For wives of controlling husbands, along with the friends and family members who love and are concerned about them, this is an essential resource. Counselors will also find it helpful as they work with hurting couples.

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    • Faith Steps For Military Families


      Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent” delves into the fifteen themes found in the fifteen Psalms of Ascent in the book of Psalms. Through descriptive metaphors, the “Faith Steps for Military Families” depict the annual journey to Jerusalem. These special psalms explore the rich meanings of these metaphors intended originally for the Israelites, and then translates them into the lives of 21st century military families. Themes such as building a stronger spiritual foundation, family resiliency, a deeper understanding of God s nature as Protector, Keeper, and the Night Watchman, trust in God during times of fear, or of the unknown, coping in unfriendly environments, understanding how God s strength surrounds His own, honoring God while living out a difficult lifestyle, developing trust and contentment and other biblical guidance for dealing with the complexities of the military lifestyle.

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    • Weatherproof Your Home Against The Storms Of Life


      Deeply rooted in every woman’s heart is the longing for family stability. But wanting it and having it are two different things. Many women have unresolved issues from their past that contribute to the dysfunction in their homes today. If you believe this statement may apply to you, proven solutions based on God’s Word await you in this book. In “Weatherproof Your Home . . . Against the Storms of Life,” Donna Best presents biblical principles which will free you from self-defeating attitudes and behaviors and set you on a course that can positively affect your family for generations to come. Using intimate examples of failure and redemption in her own life, Donna will lead you through a clearly defined process of restoration to help you become a catalyst for healing in your family.

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    • Faith Steps For Military Families


      Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent” delves into the fifteen themes found in the fifteen Psalms of Ascent in the book of Psalms. Through descriptive metaphors, the “Faith Steps for Military Families” depict the annual journey to Jerusalem. These special psalms explore the rich meanings of these metaphors intended originally for the Israelites, and then translates them into the lives of 21st century military families. Themes such as building a stronger spiritual foundation, family resiliency, a deeper understanding of God s nature as Protector, Keeper, and the Night Watchman, trust in God during times of fear, or of the unknown, coping in unfriendly environments, understanding how God s strength surrounds His own, honoring God while living out a difficult lifestyle, developing trust and contentment and other biblical guidance for dealing with the complexities of the military lifestyle.

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    • Smart Stepfamily : 7 Steps To A Healthy Family (Revised)


      Stepfamilies frequently encounter difficulties in attaining the idealistic dream of “blending” their separate family members. Ron Deal provides seven effective, achievable steps toward building a healthy marriage and a workable and peaceful stepfamily. The Smart Stepfamily has been developed from Deal’s nationwide seminars on the topic. Equally useful for individuals, families, small groups, pastors, and counselors, this is perhaps the best tool available for families.

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    • Get Your Teenager Talking


      Veteran youth expert Jonathan McKee presents 180 creative discussion starters to help teens open up about issues that matter. And unique to this book, he provides tips for interpreting their responses and follow-up questions. From light-hearted to more serious, these conversation springboards will get even the most reluctant teen to talk about friends, school, values, struggles, and much more. Perfect for anyone who wants to make a teen feel noticed and heard. Includes a topical index.

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    • 101 Tips For The Smart Stepmom


      Today’s woman who finds herself dating, engaged, or married to a man with kids often feels alone, misunderstood, and weary. In this down-to-earth book, Laura Petherbridge offers real answers from someone who’s walked in her shoes–and now has good relationships with her grown stepchildren.

      This topically arranged resource includes tips on parenting, coping with the children’s mom, finances, and celebrating special occasions. The reader will learn how to better understand her blended family, navigate the drama, and gain the respect of her stepkids. The bite-sized tips are perfect for the busy stepmom, offering solutions she can immediately implement–and see change begin.

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    • Clarity Of Mind



      Clarity of mind is one of God promises to His children. He promised us a sound mind and power of love not spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1 vs 7).

      Clarity of mind will enable us to hear from God and gain full understanding of His instructions to us. Gaining full understanding will lead us to appropriate obedience and application of the prophecy at the right time.

      How can we gain full understanding of the word of God without clarity of mind? How can we lead people to God and be able to preach the word of God without clarity of mind?

      Every son of God of needs clarity of my mind to be able understand the word of God fully and apply the revelations appropriately and seek God for the purpose of that revelation.

      Many a time people receive a word from God but fail to utilize that word fully because of lack of clarity of mind. They may be in the in deep trouble and God sends his word to rescue them but because of lack of clarity of mind they will still miss the mark of their deliverance.

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    • Marriage Is A Vision


      A young professional hair stylist (Christian female) living in London is saddened by broken relationships of which none led to marriage. On recounting her experiences she reminded me of similar circumstances that other women faced. There are some insight into areas which will enhance spiritual growth, how to live a victorious life, and enhance personal development.

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    • Attract Families To Your Church


      This book will help church pastors and leaders navigate the changing tides in ministry to become the kind of church that families want to attend, where the church’s dynamic faith invites families who may then bring their friends. This means reaching out to all kinds of families, some with needs that only a church family can fulfill.

      To grow and remain vital, churches need to attract families. But the cultural landscape has changed and any church may have two-parent families with children, blended families, boomerang families, adult children of divorce and their families or lack of families, single adults whose family is the church, grandparents parenting again, childless families, co-habitation families, and children with three legal parents. With practical helps and suggestions for ministries, worship, small groups, and even facilities, author and family expert Linda Ranson Jacobs will help you create a welcoming place for everyone.

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    • Faith Begins At Home Grandparents


      Grandparents have a significant role to play in forming the faith of their adult children and grandchildren, yet many do not feel empowered or equipped to do so. Faith Begins @Home Grandparents is an easy-to-use resource that starts from square one and ends in a 24/7 lifestyle of family faith. Here, grandparents will find step-by-step tips and true-life stories that provide the inspiration, motivation, and practical knowledge needed to engage in the faith lives and faith formation of their children and grandchildren.

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    • Dear Caregiver : Reflections For Family Caregivers


      Family care-giving for a loved one with a serious illness is a very noble and important role. It is also often a challenging and emotionally and physically draining endeavor. DEAR CAREGIVER is a book written to encourage caregivers in this all consuming but vital ministry for which many caregivers feel ill equipped. This book points to the Lord as the caregiver’s source of strength. The book further seeks to provide practical and spiritual encouragement to family caregivers who have lovingly taken on a role which they did not anticipate or perhaps desire.

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    • Rey David El Valiente Urias Y – (Spanish)


      Causas y consecuencias de la relacion extramatrimonial (la infidelidad en el matrimonio)

      Cuando lei el contenido del presente libro, me percate de lo importante de este tema. Ademas observo con gusto la capacidad de Gilberto para dialogar con los textos biblicos, la historia de David, Betsabe, Urias y las experiencias de la vida de muchas personas hoy dia, de tal manera que me es un honor el ser invitado por Gilberto a escribir el prologo para el presente libro.

      Pastor de “Semillero de Ministerios”

      Rev. Samuel Aguilar,

      MDiv. Fuller Theological Seminary

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    • Tabernacle Prayer


      How many of us can say with complete honesty that we’ve achieved the prayer life we think we should? John Bugg writes a unique and compelling message on how to draw closer to God by using the design of the Old Testament Tabernacle as a prayer guide. In essence, Bugg leads a prayer walk through the Tabernacle. Along the way, we engage our holy imagination. We encounter God in stillness and silence. We greet Him with praise and thanksgiving. We present offerings of surrender and sacrifice. We confront and confess our sins. But the best part of the journey is when we step into the Holy of Holies and meet the Holy One face to face. Learn how the true essence of knowing and relating to God is prayer itself-read Tabernacle Prayer today.

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    • Married Yet Single


      In this book, Married Yet Single, I talk about my life, the devastating effects of a dysfunctional marriage, and the areas of my life affected by it.
      People make the mistake of trying to hide who they really are for acceptance, position, and a host of other reasons. In my opinion, that bit of deception is right up there with making a deal with the devil. It never ends there, nor does it end well.
      If you let them, people will drive you into negative behavior and situations, then sit back and talk about the you they are responsible for creating or the person you have become. And before it’s all said and done, there’s no telling who or what you will become.

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    • My Hero Doesnt Wear A Cape


      My Hero Doesn’t Wear a Cape captures the pride and admiration a young boy feels for his hero-his dad, the soldier. This book realistically depicts, through the eyes of a young boy, what it is like to have a parent serving in the military. He witnesses strangers who come up and shake his dad’s hand, he views his dad marching in parades, he watches with the world as his father leaves for faraway places to help others in need, and he witnesses the strength of his mother. When his dad is home, the young boy describes the softer, gentler, human side of his real-life hero that only his family knows. My Hero Doesn’t Wear a Cape truly touches on the unique experiences military families share. It is honest it its portrayal of how the families of military men and women also serve their country. Author royalties will be donated to charitable organizations who support US military veterans and their families.

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    • Parenting The Wholehearted Child


      Moms and dads are frantic and weary from the pressure to be perfect parents raising perfect kids. Parenting the Wholehearted Child reveals what happens when parents don’t focus primarily on perfection, performance, and pretending, but understand that, through Christ, we are accepted, we are enough, we are forgiven, we are worthy, and we are unconditionally loved! And even better, this book shows how parents can translate this message of freedom to their kids.

      This book helps parents give their kids the one thing they need more than anything else: the knowledge that they are fully known and fully loved by God. A parent who experiences God’s heart is equipped to reflect God’s heart—a heart of grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love—to their kids.

      With vulnerability, conviction, and a lively sense of self-effacing humor, Cunnion guides parents on a transformative journey into raising wholehearted (not perfect) children—children who live out of the knowledge that they are unconditionally and extravagantly loved (and liked!) by Jesus Christ.

      Cunnion equips parents with biblical wisdom and practical resources to:
      *Raise their children to experience the extravagant grace of Jesus
      *Grow in a vibrant friendship with Jesus
      *Grow in His likeness

      Woven like a golden thread throughout the book is God’s radical grace, reminding parents that the best thing they can do for their children is teach them what Jesus has already done for them.

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    • Marshmallow Family : Loving From The Heart


      This book demonstrates how real love is unconditional and shows no limitations to any differences. The families in the Town of Mallow Creek knew nothing about hate, they only knew to love in all circumstances. Throughout this book the reader will see how this town got together to send a wave of love and kindness to a family who never knew love, but began to understand love as the town continued to pour it out their hearts. The reader will benefit from the understanding of True Love…It Never Wavers!

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    • Good Dad : Becoming The Father You Were Meant To Be


      It’s never too late to be a better father Jim Daly, president and CEO of Focus on the Family, is an expert in fatherhood—in part because his own ‘fathers’ failed him so badly. His biological dad was an alcoholic. His stepfather deserted him. His foster father accused Jim of trying to kill him. All were out of Jim’s life by the time he turned 13. Isn’t it odd—and reminiscent of the hand of God—that the director of the leading organization on family turned out to be a guy whose own background as a kid and son were pretty messed up? Or could it be that successful parenting is discovered not in the perfect, peaceful household but in the midst of battles and messy situations, where God must constantly be called to the scene? That is the mystery unraveled in this book. Using his own expertise, humor, and inexhaustible wealth of stories, Jim will show you that God can make you a good dad, a great dad, in spite of the way you’ve grown up and in spite of the mistakes you’ve made. Maybe even because of them. It’s not about becoming a perfect father. It’s about trying to become a better father, each and every day. It’s about building relationships with your children through love, grace, patience, and fun—and helping them grow into the men and women they’re meant to be.

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    • Smart Money Smart Kids


      Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze teach parents how to raise money-smart kids in a debt-filled world. In Smart Money Smart Kids, financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree.

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    • Making Happy : The Art And Science Of A Happy Marriage


      Discover the six counter-intuitive dials to turn right now in your relationship. these are proven happiness boosters. and let’s face it, knowing how to make happiness–the deep and abiding joy of feeling good together–isn’t always easy for time-starved and sleep-deprived couples. Making Happy will change all that by:
      *Instantly making your relationship 25 percent happier.
      *Countering the effects of taking each other for granted so you can notice even more things you appreciate about each other.
      *Knowing the easy way to ensure your partner is happier today than yesterday.

      Relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott bring all the relevant research together in Making Happy and show you how to elevate happiness in your relationship. It’s easier than you think.

      Includes an immensely practical three-week Happiness Plan.

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    • Missing The Child You Love


      One of the most devastating losses a family can experience is the loss of a child. Whether the loss is through illness, accident, drugs, suicide or other tragedy, the pain is overwhelming and often paralyzing. Often we think of “loss” as death. However, in our broken world there are many ways to suffer the loss of a child. This book discusses how a family can learn to cope with loss of a child due to not only death, but a custody battle, addiction (and other choices a child makes), chronic illness, crime (human trafficking, kidnap), and other issues where hopes and dreams disappear. Author helps readers through the grieving process, and assists them in finding God’s grace and comfort during this very difficult time of life. This book is unique as it is for parents as well as grandparents.

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    • Building A Successful Family


      The miracle of the 21st century is that a man and woman who are mature and differentiated can fall in love, marry, and enjoy a beautiful and flourishing marriage for the rest of their lives by following the principles in this book. This book is not for the “select few” only: If a couple is totally committed to each other and constantly looking for ways to positively communicate their love and commitment to each other, they will be inseparable, forget what is happening to others around them and focus on their love and enjoy their blessed marriage forever!

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    • Chaotic Joy : Finding Abundance In The Messiness Of Motherhood


      If you’re waiting to live abundantly until the house is tidy, your kids are clean and well behaved, and you have plenty of free time to pursue a glamorous hobby, you may be waiting awhile. However, you don’t have to wait for things to settle down to live the good life, because motherhood-with all its chaos-is the abundance God promised
      In Chaotic Joy, you will discover how to experience abundant life in the midst of the madness and mess. Find out what’s keeping you from the joy and satisfaction you dreamed being a mom would bring, and learn how to recognize God’s hand of blessing even through countless diaper changes, toddler meltdowns, and thousands of important tasks that clamor for your attention. Motherhood can be chaotic, for sure. But it’s meant to be so much more.

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    • Certain Joy : A Fathers Journey Through Proverbs


      31 Chapters

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      Tom Jackson loves his wife and babies, no doubt about it! But he also realizes that there is much he needs to learn about being the kind of husband and father that he needs to be. Then one night a few remarks by a pastor spark a desire and a determination to gain true wisdom. Little does Tom know how this decision will change his life.

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    • Months Daze : A Mothers Journal Of Life Healing And Unshakable Faith


      A Month’s Daze is a true story and creates a moving depiction of one mother’s journey through a parent’s worst nightmare, a severe illness of their child, and how her reliance on God allowed her to be strong in the face of adversity.

      The storyline takes you through the devastating news at the doctors office and the breathtaking battle of faith vs fear. How, in the light of devastating news, God brought this family through it all.

      You will see how God carried them with the power of His Holy Spirit and what He taught them in the circumstances along the way.

      It is a story that shows the handiwork of God intertwined throughout life. It is sure to increase your faith, and fill your heart with joy and hope as you see the present day miracles of God.

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    • Sex Demystified


      1. Question! Question!! Questions!!!
      2. What Is Prevalent Now?
      3. The Root Of Addiction
      4. Why The Prevalences?
      5. Breaking Sexual Addictions
      6. Raising The Next Generation Right
      7. Questions And Answers

      Additional Info
      Sex or intimacy is created by a holy God for the benefit of the human race. When practiced within the boundary specified by God, it enriches and brings fulfillment to human life and relationship. That unique boundary is essentially marriage as conceived by God from the beginning of creation.
      However, as good and free as this awesome gift of God is, sex has fallen victim of conspiracy of silence. Everything concerning it is shrouded in secrecy, imposed either by culture or religion; never freely and wholly discussed.
      This effort is a masterpiece woven with the writer’s experiences to bring understanding of the subject while proffering healing and fresh opportunities to all with similar encouters in life. You will be filled with zest in knowing that you can still enjoy the best of God in life, as you read through.

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    • Help And Hope For The Single Parent


      If you’ve ever wished that you could hold hands with someone other than your child, this book is for you. And if you miss the season of life when you had more grown-up conversations than discussions about Dora the Explorer, this book is for you.

      Nearly half of all children born in America are born into single parent homes. Dr. Evans tells of a conversation he had with one of these children: My heart was broken recently when the son of one of the single parents in our church looked up at me and said, “Pastor, why won’t God give me a dad? Every night I ask God to give me a dad, but He won’t give me one.”

      Single parents have the toughest job in the world because the obstacles can be overwhelming. You’ve got to work, clean, take care of the kids, help with homework, pay the bills, fix the car, shop for groceries, cook, prepare your income taxes, etc. And though single parents are always around another person, this season can be quite lonely. Additionally, there is often guilt that can creep in and make you feel like you are the worst parent in the world. Though being a single parent is tough, it is also a hopeful season.

      In Help and Hope for Single Parents, Dr. Evans gives an encouraging reminder – You are not alone! And your child has the most amazing Parent in the Lord. God can and will help you take care of your children. There is Help & Hope for Single Parents.

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    • Love Letters To My Children


      Susan Quintyne’s Love Letters to My Children is a loving reminder of Mom’s wisdom and prayer for her kids! In these pages, you will find your own prayers and hopes for your children and perhaps be moved to write some letters of your own.

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    • Wake Up Crazy World


      Over the years, Hollywood has learned the secret of how to captivate our minds through the art of make-believe. Life in our world has become so unpredictable and uncertain, that it has become hard to distinguish between real-life and make-believe. It’s time for God’s true people to “wake up,” and distance themselves as much as possible from the perils of a negative world; and take time to live a life filled with hope and promise. Putting our trust in God, loving and enjoying our families, respecting others and showing appreciation to our friends can put us in the frame of mind to continuously thank God for the precious time He has allowed us on this earth.

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    • Before You Go


      What do I say? Many of us are faced with the moment when our children leave home and begin the next chapter of their lives. We hope they are prepared to face the challenges to come. In this book, author William Rice, shares what every parent needs to speak and every kid needs to hear before time slips away. Using practical insights and personal letters he brings the timeless wisdom of Proverbs into focus for a new generation. Take a journey through these teachings and learn the essential lessons that one generation needs to pass along to another.

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