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    Elizabeth Pace

    • X And Y Of Buy


      Men and women are different. The plumbing is different; the wiring is different. Not better or worse, just different. To say this in the post-feminist corporate arena has been political suicide. But the science has confirmed that men and women use different parts of their brains and thus behave differently in a host of situations, including the way we shop, buy and consume products and services. As a sales, advertising or marketing professional understanding these differences is the key to your success. As a child, you were taught The Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. But as you grew up, it became evident (often on the school playground) that half of the others-those of the opposite sex-don’t respond well to being treated the way that you want to be treated. If you still are treating the other half of your customers the way you want to be treated you are likely missing half (or more) of your market and leaving half (or more) of your sales on the table. To increase sales, you must understand what uniquely drives your customers, male and female, and maximize your options for communicating with them. Whether you sell tangible products like cars and homes or intangible products like financial services or business solutions, read on. Understanding the inherent perceptions, motivations and emotions specific to the X and the Y chromosomes is the most powerful way to increase revenue.

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    • De Compras Con El Y Ella – (Spanish)


      Men and women are different. The plumbing is different; the wiring is different. Not better or worse, just different. To say this in the post-feminist corporate arena has been political suicide. But the science has confirmed that men and women use different parts of their brains and thus behave differently in a host of situations, including the way we shop, buy and consume products and services. As a sales, advertising or marketing professional understanding these differences is the key to your success. As a child, you were taught The Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. But as you grew up, it became evident (often on the school playground) that half of the others-those of the opposite sex-don’t respond well to being treated the way that you want to be treated. If you still are treating the other half of your customers the way you want to be treated you are likely missing half (or more) of your market and leaving half (or more) of your sales on the table. To increase sales, you must understand what uniquely drives your customers, male and female, and maximize your options for communicating with them. Whether you sell tangible products like cars and homes or intangible products like financial services or business solutions, read on. Understanding the inherent perceptions, motivations and emotions specific to the X and the Y chromosomes is the most powerful way to increase revenue.

      Venda mas y mejor conociendo a su cliente.La ciencia es muy clara: los hombres y las mujeres usandiferentes partes de su cerebro y por lo tanto se comportan de manera distintaen muchisimas situaciones, incluyendo la manera en que vamos de compras,compramos y consumimos productos y servicios. Como profesional de ventas,publicidad o mercadeo, entender estas diferencias es la clave de nuestro exito. Paraaumentar las ventas, usted debe comprender lo que de manera singular impulsa asus clientes, masculinos o femeninos, y maximizar sus opciones para comunicarsecon ellos. Ya sea que venda productos tangibles como autos y casas o productosintangibles como servicios financieros o soluciones de negocios, De compras con el y ella le ayudara aentender las inherentes percepciones, motivaciones y emociones especificas delos cromosomas X e Y. Estas perspectivas son la manera mas poderosa paraaumentar los ingresos.

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