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    E. W. Kenyon

    • Words That Move Mountains


      He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (John 14:12)

      Through the words and ministry of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett, you will discover what happened in their lives–and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…

      – Walk in divine health and wholeness
      – Overcome the power of evil
      – Experience God’s power in your life
      – Perform the miracles that Christ did
      – See the “incurable” healed
      – Lead the lost to Christ
      – Minister in God’s anointing

      Here you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others. You will learn to use the Words That Move Mountains.

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    • New Kind Of Love


      The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

      Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

      This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

      To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

      This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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    • What Happened From The Cross To The Throne


      Believe it or not, as they stood at the foot of the cross, the original disciples who walked in close companionship with Jesus knew nothing of the real mission of the man they followed. They did not realize who Christ was, why He came, why He had to suffer, and what was to be gained by His suffering. They did not know what happened on the cross, or during the three days and nights in the tomb before His resurrection. They did not know why the incarnation was important, or that it even was an incarnation. All they could see was the undeserved suffering of their friend and rabbi.

      Now, legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon reveals hidden truths there were not fully understood until the Pauline Revelation of the Epistles. Until God revealed these truths to the apostle Paul, no one understood why Christ came…why His death on the cross was necessary…or what exactly occurred in the tomb. They did not comprehend the good news: that because of these events, we now become the righteousness of God, people who can stand in God’s presence without a sense of guilt, shame, or inferiority. This is the miracle of redemption and the miracle of New Creation. It is the confidence to overcome the devil, to heal disease, and to call Lazarus out of the tomb.

      To this day, far too many believers share the disciple’s view of Jesus: a biographical account of the things He did, the words He spoke, and the suffering He endured. Because of this limited revelation, their Christian faith will experience the same fears and doubts the disciples were left with the day Jesus was crucified. Like the apostles at Pentecost, we must move beyond sense knowledge and into the Spirit realm. We must move beyond religion and into a living and active truth if we are to truly walk in a powerful and overcoming faith.

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    • Bible In The Light Of Our Redemption


      Written by beloved Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon, this challenging study course covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, highlighting the long view of God’s unfolding plan of redemption. Appropriate for groups or individuals, both the new believer and the mature Christian, it lays out the legal claim for who and what we are in Christ. This course will build your faith and challenge you to a deeper walk with our Redeemer.

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    • Studies In The Deeper Life


      This outstanding Bible study course by legendary teacher E. W. Kenyon was written to lead Christians into a deeper walk with the Master. Profound scriptural truths are presented in a simple and east-to-understand manner. As it takes you through the pages of the Bible, you will begin to see who you are in Christ, what He has done for you, and your standing before God the Father. An ideal study for both groups or individuals.

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    • Receiving Gods Miracles


      Far too many Christians continue to live sickly, poor, and powerless lives, unaware of their rights, which are spelled out in Scripture and available to all believers. We believe in miracles when we read about them in the Bible, but do we have enough faith to believe in such miracles for ourselves and others today? Best-selling authors E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett reveal the keys to seeing the fulfillment of God’s miraculous promises for healing, provision, protection, wisdom, strength, and much more. By discovering these keys, you can tap into the unlimited source of miracle-working power that is available for all believers today!

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    • Speak Life : Words That Work Wonders


      When you agree with the marvelous promises given in the Word of God, you will begin to reap God’s gifts of love, joy, peace, health, and favor. When you speak those promises out loud and into the lives of others, your words can work wonders. Now, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett join forces to build our faith, offering timeless wisdom and challenging us to live a bolder life for God. Through His power, believers should be able to overcome adversity and sin in such areas as finances, health, marriage and other relationships, and emotions. There is power in the blood of Jesus to defeat anything and everything the enemy brings against you! You, too, can speak words of life into those who are lost, suffering, and needy. Let your compassion flow. The bolder your faith words are, the greater your results will be.

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    • Faith For Finances


      “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

      God is not poverty-stricken, and He does not produce poverty-stricken children. The Bible abounds with promises that God will open the windows of heaven, satisfy us, shower down blessing on us, provide for us, replenish us, and prosper us. Yet, despite all these powerful promises, Christians don’t always know how to receive His provision. Now, from the inspirational writings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett comes a book to help you excellently receive all that God has for you by daring to stand on the promises for financial blessing and success found in God’s Word. You will understand…
      *How to stop worrying about finances
      *How to get a better job
      *How to become a joyful giver
      *How to pray and get results
      *How confession leads to possession
      *How God can work miracles in your life

      When you were born again, you were not born to be defeated. You were born to be a conqueror. Declare the truth of Romans 8:37: “I am more than a conqueror through Christ!” Think victory, not defeat. Speak triumphant words, not words of failure. Act like a conqueror, for in Christ, you are!

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    • Theres A Miracle In Your Mouth


      Miracles are God’s will for all Christians, not just a few “special” believers. However, many Christians believe that’s it’s not God’s will to heal them or bring complete restoration to their lives. In There’s a Miracle in Your Mouth, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett share how your attitudes and what you say may be keeping you from experiencing the fullness of God’s power in you. Begin today living the joy-filled, abundant life that God promises to all of His children!

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    • His Word Is Now


      “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

      We feed on the Word of God daily. Like manna in the desert, His Word is not to be canned, dried, or preserved; it is good for today. Jesus is like that, too. Past experience cannot be preserved. His mercies are new every day. It is the “now” Jesus. When He said, “Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (John 16:23), that was to last until He returned. When He said, “In my name…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (John 16:17-18), that too was to last until He returned.

      From the inspirational writings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett comes a book that dares the reader to stand on the daily power and truth of God’s Word in order to reap God’s promises for deliverance, healing, and success in life.

      God’s Word is as fresh as if it was uttered this morning. His Word Is Now. It has the power to save now. It has the power to heal now.

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    • Realidades De La Nueva Creacio – (Spanish)


      Hemos encontrado el secreto que los psicologos han buscado por tanto tiempo. Es el “hombre interior”; es el espiritu creado de nuevo; es el alma que ha sido cambiada por la obra redentora de Dios. Es la constante revelacion de quienes somos en Cristo hoy: quien El dice que somos y quien El nos ha hecho ser.

      Los cuatro Evangelios describen el “caminar terrenal” del Maestro, pero las Epistolas paulinas nos dan una revelacion de lo que sucedio en la cruz y lo que significa para nosotros que Cristo fue resucitado de la muerte. Mediante esas cartas, obtenemos una imagen viva de la obra sustitutoria de Cristo: el marco legar de nuestra redencion.

      En este importante libro, el Dr. E. W. Kenyon desgaja el proceso de la “nueva creacion”. Usted descubrira la verdad acerca de su nueva identidad en Cristo, y obtendra una imagen mas clara de lo que Dios ve en usted y lo que El piensa de usted.

      Si alguna vez batalla con la culpa o la condenacion, o si alguna vez piensa que el amor de Dios es “demasiado bueno para ser verdad”, debe leer este libro. Vera por las palabras de la Escritura lo verdadero que es el amor de Dios por usted.

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