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Showing 2201–2300 of 2726 results

  • Influencing Your World


    Influencing Your World is a study guide created to stimulate the character of Christ within you so that you may be a reflection of Him in every aspect of your life. As you proceed through the lessons, many biblical principles should be realized. The study begins with a diagnosis of your spiritual state as far as influencing others is concerned and helps you clearly understand where God wants you. Allow this study to serve you in discovering the recipes for: your responsibility as a Christian how much you need Christ in your life your heavenly citizenship You will focus on the importance of getting the Word of God deeper within you, the necessity of guarding your mind, and how to become the “standard” whereby the world follows your example. Choose to be “the one” to influence your world!

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  • Through Painted Deserts


    Fueled by the belief that something better exists than the mundane life they’ve been living, free spirits Don and Paul set off on an adventure-filled road trip in search of deeper meaning, beauty, and an explanation for life. Many young men dream of such a trip, but few are brave enough to actually attempt it. Fewer still have the writing skills of Donald Miller, who records the trip with wide-eyed honesty in achingly beautiful prose. In this completely revised edition, he discusses everything from the nature of friendship, the reason for pain, and the origins of beauty.

    As they travel from Texas to Oregon in Paul’s cantankerous Volkswagen van, the two friends encounter a variety of fascinating people, witness the fullness of nature’s splendor, and learn unexpected lessons about themselves, each other, and even God.

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  • Spiritual Aliens : In The World Not Of The World


    Have you ever wondered… What happens to a person when they become a Christian? What are some of the benefits of being a citizen of God’s kingdom? Is there really a matrix designed to deceive mankind? Why even though you pray for things they are not happening? How to gain more clarity about your role as a Christian? Spiritual Aliens: In the World Not of the World will prove to be an invaluable tool to every reader from the seasoned minister to the newly converted Christian. It impacts every part of a Christian’s life regardless of where they are spiritually. Pastor George offers cutting-edge clarification into the walk with Christ by using a unique approach that opens the mind of the reader to look beyond what they can see and feel. The reader is taken by the hand and mentally led from the tangible to the intangible, being exposed to the sci-fidepiction of aliens from outer space in order to portray the Christian life from a spiritual perspective.

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  • Easy Way To Walk In The Spirit


    Reverend Larry Huggins encourages readers to walk “in the Spirit” or walk with God on a daily basis. He shows readers how to involve God in their daily decisions, small and large. Through following God’s leading on a consistent basis, they will learn His ways and directives. Giving readers a sold scriptural basis, Rev. Huggins helps readers to understand the various ways God leads His children including faith in His Word, His still small voice, praying in the Spirit, and asking God. Readers will enjoy Rev. Huggins easy-going style, humorous practical applications, and simple, yet profound principles. Their spiritual lives will be greatly enhanced by the understanding of God’s desire to help them and fellowship with them.

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  • When The Enemy Strikes Workbook (Workbook)


    From beloved Bible teacher Charles Stanley comes a practical ten-chapter workbook that addresses real life solutions and teaches us how to apply God’s wisdom to our problems as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties.

    In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ.

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  • Destiny


    As God prepares for man to come to earth, he plans his life-his destiny. Man’s life is turbulent, filled with mishaps, unforeseen circumstances, and without direction. Man is lost until he recognizes God’s authority and surrenders his will to God’s will. Not my will but thine be done. LUKE 22:42

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  • Princess Cut Diamond


    Do you know that you are a Princess? Yes, YOU! Do you realize that you are responsible for ruling a dynamic, thriving kingdom? Do you understand that as a ruler you have every privilege and power, favor and freedom given to a royal born in nobility? If you are living as a mere peasant, or if the enemy has you fooled into thinking your life will never reach your God-given destiny, then A Princess-Cut Diamond is for you. A Princess-Cut Diamond is a must-have boot-camp training manual for any woman who is living beneath her God-given authority as a daughter of the King. Through hard-hitting, tongue-in-cheek examples, practical illustrations, and colorful parallels, Cami Deni exhorts you to dust off your crown and reclaim your spiritual place in God as His daughter and His Princess!

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  • Selected Biblical Privileges Attitudes And Activities For Christian Living


    This work sets forth selected biblical passages regarding the special privileges, attitudes, and activities available from God to professing Christians. These matters provide the basis for the believer to successfully walk with God and to serve God and fellow men at a high level of performance.

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  • Prayer Of Jabez (Anniversary)


    It’s a timeless prayer that produces timely results! Bruce Wilkinson takes readers to 1 Chronicles 4:10 to discover how they can release God’s miraculous power and experience the blessings God longs to give each of us. The life of Jabez, one of the Bible’s most overlooked heroes of the faith, bursts from unbroken pages of genealogies in an audacious, fourpart prayer that brings him an extraordinary measure of divine favor, anointing, and protection. Readers who commit to offering the same prayer on a regular basis will find themselves extravagantly blessed by God, and agents of His miraculous power, in everyday life.

    Banner Across Corner:

    17 million Jabez series books in print!

    Do you want to be extravagantly blessed by God?

    Are you ready to reach for the extraordinary? To ask God for the abundant blessings He longs to give you? Join Bruce Wilkinson to discover how the remarkable prayer of a little-known Bible hero can release God’s favor, power, and protection. You’ll see how one daily prayer can help you leave the past behind-and break through to the life you were meant to live.

    Story Behind the Book

    When The Prayer of Jabez first released in 2000 and sold nine million copies in two years, Bruce Wilkinson’s mailbox was flooded with countless personal stories of answered prayer. God’s mighty hand was using the prayer to change lives in both small and dramatic ways. Such undeniable testimonies make it impossible to ignore God’s presence, active and alive today! This repack meets the demand that continues to ask for the original bestseller-now with a stunning new look!

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  • Walk


    The Bible has recorded many authentic walks taken by real people. Each walk was taken for a purpose in real time but also for us today to make application in our walks through events, relationships, and circumstances. The Walk chronicles eleven such walks from God’s Word. Experience the intimacy God intended as you take “The Divine Walk,” and follow Abraham as he leads the way on “A Faithful Walk.” Experience God’s power along with Moses on “A Powerful Walk,” and follow Joshua and Caleb as they guide us on “A Confident Walk.” Learn to heed God’s instructions with Joshua as he diligently directs Israel on “An Obedient Walk.” Let David and his mighty men maneuver the way on “An Heroic Walk,” and turn to the words of Psalm 23 for “A Guided Walk.” See Jesus’ model of endurance in “A Persevering Walk,” and find out what it means to be focused as Peter takes “A Focused Walk.” Discover the secret of true servanthood as Jesus prepares His disciples for their coming ministry in “A Servant’s Walk.” And, finally, walk a painful but necessary walk with Jesus to the cross in “The Finishing Walk.”

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  • Youre On Trial


    You’ve been arrested and now…YOU’RE ON TRIAL! Will you, the defendant, be found GUILTY of NOT GUILTY of possessing the lifestyle of a true Christian? The Jury must decide!

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  • Fire Of Grace


    Trinity Lutheran Church was burned to the ground by one of the most prolific arsonists in the history of the United States.When Paul Keller was finally apprehended and imprisoned, one of his first visitors was Rick Rouse, pastor of the church he burned. Pastor Rouse said that he was compelled by Christ to visit Paul and offer him his personal forgiveness.

    That simple and profound act began a process of healing and transformation that included the entire congregation, the victims of arson, and his family. Through sharing his story-and highlighting other stories of forgiveness-Pastor Rouse outlines the path toward reconciliation that many have experienced when relying upon God’s gift of forgiveness. Truly inspirational!

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  • Soul Obsession : When Gods Primary Pursuit Becomes Your Lifes Driving Passi


    New from the author of the best-selling
    Christian classic, Run Baby Run.

    The God we love is passionate about finding lost souls, with freeing human hearts enslaved to sin. To truly know God, this must become our life’s driving desire as well our Soul Obsession. And when we fall obediently in step with God, we’ll see Him perform miracles through us to rescue people and give them new life.

    In his powerful new book, internationally known author Nicky Cruz shares powerful personal stories of faithful obedience, even in the midst of difficult circumstances including the amazing story of his mother’s deathbed conversion and healing. You, too, can move past doubts, understand both the natural and supernatural worlds, and develop a faith that can move any mountain, no matter how high or wide or difficult.

    Do we truly understand the power we have at our fingertips? Do we grasp the significance of the message that we bring to a lost world? Do we comprehend how easily evil can be beaten and revoked by simply opening ourselves up to the moving of the Holy Spirit among us? Do we know what God is capable of doing among us?
    If you want to change the world, begin by letting God change you. By letting the passion of Jesus become your passion. By letting the Holy Spirit be your only guide and mentor, every step, every minute of the day. By allowing God to set your heart on fire with a Soul Obsession! Nicky Cruz

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  • Place Called Knowing


    There is a place God longs to take each of us. Only He can lead us there.
    Take this journey. You are His treasure. Step inside and discover who you are.

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  • Love The Greatest Thing


    The Bible from Genesis to Revelation overflows with the message of God’s great love for mankind. That message is to be flowing through every believer’s life. Without God’s agape unconditional love, the Christian’s life is void of power and faith is limited, for they are missing the main ingredient. The “harvest is great” in these last days, and it will take the compassion of Jesus to bring souls in. Every believer who truly wants to be used by God must be “clothed” in love. Only three things will remain when the fullness of time comes: faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love!

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  • Princess Behind The Teardrops


    Your life may travel many dark paths that are paved with long delays and adverse circumstances. Although your life has its personal challenges, your spiritual inheritance entitles you to remain on the throne of faithfulness. Keep in mind, your painful teardrops will be rewarded in due season. The King of Glory highly esteems you as a beloved princess of destiny. If you are a discouraged woman, then this book was designed especially for you. It will encourage your soul with heart-touching testimonies from women who turned obstacles and adversities into stepping stones. It will also inspire you to know that oppositions may come, but “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

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  • Place Called Knowing


    There is a place God longs to take each of us. Only He can lead us there.
    Take this journey. You are His treasure. Step inside and discover who you are.

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  • Journey Called You


    SKU (ISBN): 9780976560531ISBN10: 0976560534Julie FuimanoBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2005Publisher: Atlas Books Print On Demand Product

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  • Fe Explosiva – (Spanish)


    There are two powerful things that the devil cannot steal and that make us heirs of the riches of heaven: faith and the name of Jesus. Each time we pronounce the name of Jesus we trigger a supernatural explosion in the spiritual world, fueled by the addition of faith. To have faith in the name of Jesus entails an explosive combination capable of surpassing the limitations that impede the transformation of heavenly riches and earthly realities.

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  • Perfecting Your Purpose


    With a wealth of biblical “40 day” examples, Dr. Ireland develops a practical and accessible plan that answers the long contemplated question, “How do I perfect the purpose for which God created me?” The Bible is filled with examples of monumental events that effected great change in just 40 days. Learn how to establish and adhere to a routine for 40 days, thereby creating habits that will last a lifetime.

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  • Morning B R E W


    Unlike other morning devotions, in which you digest the words of others, this book teaches you how to create your own devotional experiences through silence and prayerful visualization.

    B.R.E.W. stands for:
    Be still
    Receive God’s Love
    Embrace personhood
    Welcome the day

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  • Radical Wisdom : A Feminist Mystical Theology


    Prologue: Low Places Where Grace Flows In

    Part One: Theory And Historical Background

    1.Via Feminina And The Un-saying Of “Woman”
    2.Feminism And Mysticism: Foundations
    3.Goddesses, Mother Jesus, And The Feminine Divine
    4.Contemplative Feminism: Transforming The Spiritual Journey

    Part Two: Women Mystics Of Medieval Europe

    5.Women Mystics And A Feminism Of The Inner Way
    6.Julian And Teresa As Cartographers Of The Soul
    7.The Soul Of Woman And The Dark Night Of The Feminine
    8.Subversion In Contemplation: Resistance, Resilency, And Dignification

    Part Three: Embodied And Engaged Contemplation

    9.Women’s Body As Mystical Text
    10.Seeing Through God’s Eyes: Women’s Spiritual Rights
    11.Love Of The World: An Ethic Of Ultimate Concern

    Epilogue: Hymn To Hagia Sophia


    Additional Info
    Lanzetta illuminates the transformative potential of the classical tradition of women mystics, especially in light of contemporary violence against women around the world.

    Focusing on the contemplative process as women’s journey from oppression to liberation, Lanzetta draws especially on the mysticism of Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila. She lays out the contemplative techniques used by mystics to achieve their highest spiritual potential and also investigates how unjust social and political conditions afflict women’s souls.

    Lanzetta identifies a specific historical female mystical path (the via feminina) and draws contemporary conclusions for how women might understand their bodies, their rights, and their ethics.

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  • Giant Killers : Crushing Strongholds Securing Freedom In Your Life


    Worship leader Dennis Jernigan opens his heart to help you overcome the persistent problems in your life.

    Persistent sins. Troublesome fears. Powerful addictions. Is there any hope of overcoming these giants that keep us from experiencing God’s freedom?

    Dennis Jernigan enthusiastically answers, Yes. And he shares his personal story to show how God has helped him overcome the giants in his life.

    In Giant Killers you’ll meet Goliath and other giants in the Bible that represent overwhelming problems that plague everyone fear, discouragement, shame, and more. And you’ll discover five God-given stones that, when fired from a sling, are sure to fell these giants.

    Having overcome homosexuality a behavior pattern many consider unchangeable Dennis Jernigan speaks with authority on the subject of defeating spiritual enemies. Through his inspiring devotional approach, you’ll draw closer to God, the source of all power for victory.

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  • Following The Tides To Nourish Your Soul


    Physically we nourish ourselves by keeping our bodies healthy. The same applies to our minds and souls. The ability to properly nourish these three elements- mind, body, and soul-gives us the inner strength to break free from every care. When we fail to nourish ourselves spiritually, the soul becomes damaged and we begin to lose the nourishment we’ve worked so hard for. As you read Following the Tides to Nourish Your Soul, it will help you to remember that the same God who made the waters and the land will see you through any trial or tribulation that you might be faced with from day to day. And even though times may seem difficult, we must keep trying because heaven can be right here on earth, if we keep our eyes on the prize. Mr. Leroy DeShazor, my high school football coach, once said to us that no matter what the outcome after the game, whether we win or lose, we must never give up. He often quoted, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

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  • Following The Tides To Nourish Your Soul


    Physically we nourish ourselves by keeping our bodies healthy. The same applies to our minds and souls. The ability to properly nourish these three elements- mind, body, and soul-gives us the inner strength to break free from every care. When we fail to nourish ourselves spiritually, the soul becomes damaged and we begin to lose the nourishment we’ve worked so hard for. As you read Following the Tides to Nourish Your Soul, it will help you to remember that the same God who made the waters and the land will see you through any trial or tribulation that you might be faced with from day to day. And even though times may seem difficult, we must keep trying because heaven can be right here on earth, if we keep our eyes on the prize. Mr. Leroy DeShazor, my high school football coach, once said to us that no matter what the outcome after the game, whether we win or lose, we must never give up. He often quoted, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”

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  • Gods Bold Call To Women


    Over the years, there has been a rising call to women to step forward and embrace the great destiny that God has in store for each of them. In recognition of this, Barbara Yoder has come together with a handful of others, both men and women, who sense the growing importance to release women into their God-given purpose. While some women may feel unworthy of their dreams because of past sins, God tells them to let go and look forward. When she is bathed in His glory, there is no obstacle that can stand in such a woman’s way, and there is nothing that will keep her from the magnificent fulfillment of God’s plan.

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  • When God Waits


    Is God keeping you waiting?

    Does it feel like God has pushed the pause button on your life? If you’re frustrated by God’s apparent slowness, don’t assume that having to wait is a waste of time. God does some of his most important work in your life during these divine delays.

    Many of the men and women of faith that we read about in the Bible had to endure long, difficult seasons of waiting before they could fulfill God’s destiny for their lives. And just like these biblical heroes, you can learn how to see what God is doing and how he is changing your life while you’re waiting.

    Don’t miss out on the richness of this God-ordained lag between catching a vision for your calling and seeing God fulfill it. No matter how long you have to wait, you can be transformed as God prepares you to fulfill your divine calling.

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  • Ventas De Alta Confiabilidad – (Spanish)


    There is a major difference between being a saleperson in business and being in business as a salesperson. Being successful in sales has a lot more to do with what’s on the inside of a person, and the person’s ability to establish and foster loyal relationships.

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  • Mujer Invisible Cuando Solo Di – (Spanish)


    Invisibility is inflicted upon mothers. By the nature of the job their faces disappear and their work is anonymous. They become hands, building and shaping, fashioning and carving. But what if mothers saw their role like a builder working on one of the great cathedrals?

    One day a man showed up on the construction site of one of the great cathedrals and saw a builder carving a tiny bird into a beam that would eventually be covered over by the roof. Puzzled, the man asked the worker, “Why are you putting so much time and effort into something no one will ever see?” It is reported that the builder replied, “Because God sees.”

    La mujer invisible is a moving story that affirms women in their often unseen daily chores for their families. It includes a dedication page with the inscription: With admiration for the greatness of what you are building, when only God sees. It is sure to become a treasured gift by mothers and grandmothers everywhere.

    La invisibilidad se encuentra infligida en las madres. Debido a la clase de trabajo que hacen, sus rostros desaparecen y su labor es anonima. Ellas se convierten en manos que construyen, forman y moldean. Pero, Que sucederia si las madres pudieran ver su funcion tan claramente como cuando se le observa a un constructor trabajar en una de las grandes catedrales?

    Un dia un hombre llego a una construccion de una de las catedrales mas grandes que existian y vio a un constructor esculpiendo un pajarito en una de las vigas que eventualmente iba a ser cubierta por el techo. Confundido, el hombre le pregunto al trabajador, Por que haces tanto esfuerzo en algo que nadie nunca va a ver? Se dice que el constructor le respondio: Porque Dios si lo vera.

    La mujer invisible es una historia conmovedora que se afirma a las mujeres por el trabajo casi nunca observado en su diario quehacer para sus familias. El libro incluye una dedicatoria con la inscripcion: Con admiracion por la grandeza de lo que estas edificando, cuando solamente Dios lo ve. Con seguridad, este libro se convertira en un regalo atesorado para madres y abuelas en todo el mundo.

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  • Jesus Parables Of Life (Student/Study Guide)


    This six-session short-term study from Jim Moore is organized around the general theme of parables of life. Each chapter will focus on a particular parable, and will feature Dr. Moore telling readers what Jesus was saying through the parable, both to listeners of his day and to us today in our own lives. The chapters will focus on such stories as “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” “The Pharisee and the Tax Collector,” “The Weeds Among the Wheat,” “The Ten Pounds,” “Dives and Lazarus,” and “The Unmerciful Servant.” The book also includes a study guide.

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  • Chosen To Be Gods Prophet


    God called Samuel to be his prophet during a time of crisis in Israel’s history, a time when His chosen people had turned away from Him and were defiantly going their own way. Using the obvious parallels in today’s world, noted scholar and teacher Henry Blackaby shows readers how God works in and through those he choses.

    God spoke to Samuel again and again, shaping him through trials and tragedies Dr. Blackaby calls “defining moments.” By studying Samuel’s life, readers learn to recognize their own defining moments, and see how moments often defined in crises are simply the voice of God, calling us to His purpose.

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  • Pastors Guide To Personal Spiritual Formation


    In The Pastor’s Guide To Personal Spiritual Formation, experienced church leaders, who understand firsthand the importance of maintaining one’s own spiritual formation, challenge and inspire you to reach new and deeper levels of spiritual vitality and growth, and in doing so profoundly influence the quality and depth of your ministry. William Willimon, M. Robert Mulholland Jr., Steve Harper, Bill Hybels, and other well-known church leaders discuss topics such as:
    *Spiritual Direction
    *Prayer and Meditation
    *The Sabbath
    *Making Choices
    *Spiriitual Reading, and more!
    How can you continue to cultivate a maturing, intimate relationship with Christ in the midst of leading your own congregation? Spiritual guidance and growth for pastors.

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  • Created To Be Gods Friend


    From the example of the life of Abraham, Henry Blackaby will show you how to become God’s intimate friend. You will learn how God shapes those He loves into useful, joyful co-workers as they hear and respond to His call in everyday life. Created to Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study of our relationship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives

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  • Creative Power Of Your Words


    You are a product of your WORDS. God made you in His image, so the words you speak are CREATIVE, just as God’s words are CREATIVE. You are always speaking either LIFE to your life or DEATH to your life. You are the prophet of your DESTINY! Read and learn how to speak words that will CREATE for you VICTORY over sinful habits; sickness and disease; poverty and lack. Join God’s company of overcoming, joyful, and successful saints through speaking the language of God’s Redeemed-the language of the NEW CREATION!

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  • Code Red : Wars Of The Heart


    Codes are a part of our everyday lives. Medical, health, and emergency services use codes to identify the condition of a patient or situation. For example, Code Red indicates a fire, while Code Blue signifies cardiac or respiratory arrest. While Code Red indicates immediate danger, Code Blue indicates imminent death, both naturally and spiritually. Codes rule the world; namely geneticmorris- bar-government-moral-war and the codes of laws. Code Red applies to situations that are dangerous to one’s spiritual health and welfare. It is a warning to be alert and to take immediate action. Left unresolved, a spiritual Code Red situation can quickly become Code Blue. Both evil codes work to lead every soul unto the most deadly code of all called 666. If the church is to fulfill God’s purpose and win the lost, it must be victorious over Code Red and cleanse itself of all unrighteousness. Hosea 4:6 says that “God’s people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.” A new heart is our best defense and only Jesus Christ can give it to us. Jesus Christ, our “heart specialist,” walked upon this earth healing all Code Red sickness and disease. He died in Code Blue but rose from the dead victoriously on the third day. His victory is our victory! We can now boldly declare war on Code Red even as it has declared war on our hearts. Let the battle begin!

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  • Nutricion Y Salud – (Spanish)


    Lograr una salud completa requiere dedicacion, conocimiento de como mantener el cuerpo en condiciones fisicas optimas y una comprension de los principios basicos sobre la salud y el acondicionamiento. Los doctores Jose y Nelly Caruci exponen en su libro Nutricion y salud, la importancia de conservar el cuerpo en una buena condicion fisica y de como crear buenos habitos que le ayuden a lograr una salud optima.

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  • Free At Last


    So many Christians continue to live in bondage although they’ve been forgiven from sin. It seems we have difficulty grasping the amazing truth of who we are in Jesus Christ. Dr. Tony Evans masterfully communicates the essence of who we become when we receive Jesus Christ as Lord. He helps readers learn how to accept their identities as children of God and live accordingly. In Free At Last, readers will be encouraged that they are not defined or controlled by their actions; they’ve been bought for a price.

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  • Life Wide Open


    Most Christians sense that something vital is missing from their walk with the Lord. We are easily discouraged and bogged down with busyness, boredom, mediocrity and routine. In this energizing new book, Dr. David Jeremiah opens our eyes to how we can live a life that exudes an attitude of hope and enthusiasm . . . a life of passion . . . a LIFE WIDE OPEN! Passion is the “fuel of the heart” that energizes us to love God and others. We can’t live an effective Christian life without it. It’s the key to personal and spiritual transformation. It is the power and evidence of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Life Wide Open offers a vision, both spiritual and practical, of what our life can be when we allow the power of passion to permeate our souls.

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  • Think Like Jesus


    According to researcher George Barna, most born-again Christians live indistinctly from non-believers because they do not think any differently – which is a result of not understanding the basic truths of the Christian faith. Unveiling new data showing that less than one out of every ten born-again adults know the foundational truths of their faith well enough to “think like Jesus,” the author identifies seven core questions that Christians must be able to answer biblically in order to live a transformed life. The book provides the scriptural responses to those questions and practical applications that will enable Christians to learn how to “think like Jesus.”

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  • Como Responder Ante El Maltrat – (Spanish)


    “Repay no one evil for evil” (Romans 12:17 NKJV). Easier said than done, right? But that’s exactly what John Bevere recommends in Como responder ante el maltrato. We are all subject to some authority, and those in leadership often misuse their power and hurt others. But we as Christians are called to honor and submit to authority, even if it means accepting unfair treatment.

    “‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19 NKJV). God’s justice often takes longer than we want to wait, but it does come. And our obedience in accepting suffering increases His work in the lives of others. Ultimately, our model for responding to unfair treatment is Jesus. And by enduring suffering as He did, we are made more like Him.

    No pagueis a nadie mal por mal (Romanos 12.17). Es mas facil decirlo que hacerlo, Verdad? Pero eso es exactamente lo que John Bevere recomienda en Como responder ante el maltrato. Todos estamos sujetos a alguna autoridad, y aquellos que estan en liderazgo muy frecuentemente dan un mal uso de su poder y lastiman a otros. Pero nosotros como cristianos somos llamados a honrar y someternos a las autoridades, aun cuando esto signifique aceptar un trato injusto.

    Mia es la venganza, yo pagare dice el Seor (Romanos 12.19). La justicia de Dios muy frecuentemente se tarda mas de lo que esperamos, pero siempre llega. Y nuestra obediencia en aceptar el sufrimiento engrandece su obra en las vidas de los demas. En ultima instancia, nuestro modelo para responder ante un trato injusto es Jesus. Y al soportar el sufrimiento tal como El lo hizo, nos hacemos mas como El.

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  • Cautivado Por La Alegria – (Spanish)


    This is the Spanish-language edition of SURPRISED BY JOY, in which Lewis tells of his search for joy, a spiritual journey that led him from the Christianity of his early youth into atheism and then back to Christianity.

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  • Milagros – (Spanish)


    En realidad suceden milagros? “El milagro principal del que hablan los cristianos es la Encarnacion. Ellos dicen que Dios se hizo Hombre. Cualquier otro milagro sucedio en preparacion para esto, o es un resultado de esto.” Este es el punto clave de Los Milagros, obra en la cual C. S. Lewis nos muestra que un cristiano debe no solo aceptar sino tambien regocijarse de los milagros como testimonios de la participacion de Dios en la creacion. Utilizando su caracteristico calor, lucidez e ingenio, Lewis desafia a los racionalistas y a los cinicos por su falta de imaginacion, y ofrece una poetica y alegre afirmacion que los milagros si ocurren en nuestras vidas cotidianas.

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  • Hambre De Amor – (Spanish)


    Presenta el programa de recuperacion que ha libe-rado a miles de su adiccion a la comida.

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  • Difficult People : Dealing With Those Who Drive You Crazy


    Everyone has his or her own set of difficult people. They may be church members, family members, or acquaintances. These people come into our lives like wrecking balls and seem to single-handedly destroy churches, families, and friendships. In this book, written by an experienced father-and-son team, you will find down-to-earth, biblical, and practical strategies for dealing with the difficult people in your life. The authors contend that we can learn how to respond differently to the people who “rub us the wrong way.” Using biblical counsel, the authors give instruction on how to start unlearning our sinful behavior so we can deal with difficult people with the heart of Jesus.

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  • Race For Obedience


    Athletes of the world will tell you about the rigorous exercises to which they submit when they intend to win. Rev. Jim says, “The race is in the running.” First is the thrill of swiftly moving forward with the intent to win. The thrill is also in hearing those who cheer you on as you measure each step of intent to finish first. Then comes a solemn emptiness as we realize someone made it ahead of us. We begin again and get ready for the next race as another threshold arises in the soul to run again. On the spiritual plain, exercises are also needed to win the race. In this book I have attempted to present exercises relevant to a better Christian life. I give substance to the race by suggesting exercises to walk as God would have you walk and to run as He would have you run.

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  • Race For Obedience


    Athletes of the world will tell you about the rigorous exercises to which they submit when they intend to win. Rev. Jim says, “The race is in the running.” First is the thrill of swiftly moving forward with the intent to win. The thrill is also in hearing those who cheer you on as you measure each step of intent to finish first. Then comes a solemn emptiness as we realize someone made it ahead of us. We begin again and get ready for the next race as another threshold arises in the soul to run again. On the spiritual plain, exercises are also needed to win the race. In this book I have attempted to present exercises relevant to a better Christian life. I give substance to the race by suggesting exercises to walk as God would have you walk and to run as He would have you run.

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  • Finding God : The Real Thing


    While hiking high in the mountains, trying to find the elusive and beautiful white mountain goat that I knew was there, low clouds appeared suddenly, totally obscuring my vision. Airplane pilots call it zero zero visibility. Not only is it impossible to find the quarry, but if you proceed in such conditions, you are also in danger of making a wrong choice of direction, leading to one of those precipitous drops so common in these mountains, jeopardizing all your future. The current hazy religious atmosphere is similar. A serious searcher for satisfaction, truth, and the right way is surrounded by false claims, foggy ideas, and contradictory instructions. He cannot see the right way because of the fog, and if he chooses wrong, it can lead in the end to disaster forever. But God has cleared away the clouds in His inspired Book. He is not the author of confusion. Come, look, and allow Him to direct your way. The reward is the abundant life that lasts for eternity. He is the One who loves you the most, knows you the best, and never makes a mistake. Other books by Paul Weimer include With You Always, which is a collection of short accounts of experiences through many years of church planting and flying in Alaska, and The Shepherd and His Sheep, a devotional on John 10.

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  • Espiritu Santo Tengo Hambre De (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    Descripcion (Description): En este extraordinario libro, Claudio Freidzon desafia a todo cristiano a buscar una profunda y poderosa relacion con el Espiritu Santo. Como? El autor no nos deja sedientos y, trasladandonos a sus propias experiencias, nos seala con sinceridad las etapas que debemos transitar.

    In this extraordinary book, Claudio Freidzon challenges all Christians to seek a more powerful and profound relationship with the Holy Spirit. How? By not leaving us thirsty the author, drawing from his own experiences, shows us with sincerity every step we need to follow

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  • Sacred Sorrow : Reaching Out To God In The Lost Language Of Lament


    23 Chapters

    Additional Info
    At a time when the theme of worship is an everyone’s lips, why do so many still sense that something is missing? Could it be due to the fact we have largely ignored one-third of the Psalms–the fifty psalms of lament? Author, musician, and scholar Michael Card takes readers on a mission to recover this lost language. By investigating the lives of Job, David, Jeremiah, and Jesus, he reveals how lament is a natural and necessary part of our human experience. Find out how voicing sincere yet humble dissatisfactions with earthly suffering can be a cathartic completion of our worship and love of God.

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  • To Be Told (Workbook)


    God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future.
    It Starts with Reading Your Past.

    In this companion workbook to Dr. Dan Allender’s groundbreaking book To Be Told, you will find practical, easy-to-follow exercises to help you explore and embrace the stories of your life. The exercises inside will equip you to:

    *recall past experiences and find the meaning God has written there
    *understand how individual events fit into the bigger themes of your life
    *write down your stories in a way that reflects God’s authorship of your life
    *identify the passions that drive you, and see how God uses them to guide you into the future
    *tell your story in a way that brings glory to God and reveals him to others

    Learn how to read and study your story, and then start telling it to others. God invites you to co-author with him the rest of your life’s story-a story that opens up your future and glorifies God.

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  • Calling : A Song For The Baptized


    The image of calling is vividly described through Westerhoff’s stories drawn from her life and work. Narratives of what it means to live as a Christian provide the variations on the baptismal themes of ministry, community, and responsibility in this “song for the baptized”.

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  • Broken Wing : Taking The Journey To Spiritual Maturity


    Broken-Wing:Taking the Journey to Spiritual Maturity is written to foster spiritual healing. It is an invitation to a journey that begins by explaining the root causes of spiritual brokenness and the trials that are encountered on the pathway to maturity. It offers practical ways of reaching the place of spiritual abundance. The author includes glimpses of her life, explaining how God healed her spiritual brokenness. Throughout its contents, Clemons addresses the need to establish an intimate relationship with God. Readers will be challenged, but encouraged, to choose to take the journey to spiritual wholeness.

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  • Source Of My Strength


    For those who grieve, He offers comfort. For those who struggle, He offers rest. For those overcome by pain, He offers hope and healing. To those who carry emotional burdens too large for them bear, Christ offers His strength. In this book, Dr. Charles Stanley talks honestly about his own journey through emotional pain and points readers toward the wellspring of strength. He shares his own experiences with grief and shows readers how to overcome the pain, understand the burdens, confront memories, and discover the courage and strength to live freely in God’s love for them. Written from the heart, this book is one of Dr. Stanley’s most personal and triumphant books.

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  • Stretch And Pray


    In this book, Finck provides a step-by-step guide to forty stretches, movements, and postures to improve physical and spiritual well-being. The book features photographs and devotional reflections for individuals to use to create their own routines.

    While on a pilgrimage trek through Thailand, Finck discovered the benefits of daily stretching and quiet prayer. On the physical level, after only one week, the chronic back pain that had plagued him for twenty years disappeared. On a spiritual level, the poses deepened his prayer experiences.

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  • 2 Worlds Are Ours


    1.What Is Mysticism?
    2.Biblical Roots Of Christian Mysticism: Old Testament, Moses
    3.Biblical Roots Of Christian Mysticism: New Testament, Paul
    4.Greek Input, Platonism: Clement Of Alexandria, Origen
    5.Greek Input, Neo-Platonism: Gregory Of Nyssa, Augustine Of Hippo, Dionysius The Areopagite
    6.The Dark Ages: Maximus Confessor, John Of Damascus, John Scotus Eriugena
    7.The Early Middle Ages: Symeon The New Theologians, Bernard Of Clairvaux, Richard Of St Victor
    8.The High Middle Ages: Bonaventure, Meister Eckhart
    9.Women Mystics: Julian Of Norwich, Catherine Of Siena, Catherine Of Genoa
    10.Some Spanish Mystics: Ignatius Loyola, Teresa Of Avila, John Of The Cross
    11.Post-Reformation Mystics: Jakob Bohme, Blaise Pascal, George Fox, William Law
    12.Eighteenth Century: Jonathan Edwards, John Woolman
    13.Nineteenth Century: John Keble, Sren Kierkegaard, Charles De Foucauld
    14.Twentieth Cenbury: Henri Bergson, Rudolf Otto, Pierre Teihard De Chardin, Jacques Maritain, Thomas Merton
    15.Concluding Remarks

    Additional Info
    In this masterful historical survey, theologian John Macquarrie demonstrates how Christians, especially the great mystics, have experienced at their own “radiant core” the love and presence of God.

    The word mysticism evokes ecstatic visions, asceticism, and esoteric teaching. Yet, the author maintains, mystics are better thought of as people who exhibit common human curiosity, long to explore religious mystery, and ultimately find a deep personal relationship with God.

    Macquarrie discusses in detail the ten common traits of mysticism before tracing two millennia of Christian mysticism. He mainly allows the mystics to speak for themselves, but he is also particularly insightful about the greatest individuals of the tradition – from Paul to the patristic Platonists to the classic medieval mystics to a host of twentieth-century exemplars.

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  • Segredos Do Homem Mais Rico Qu – (Other Language)


    10 Fatos Importantes Voc Deve Reconhecer Sobre Suas Limita es Pessoais*10 Qualidades De Empreendedores Incomuns*7 Chaves Para Ajud -Lo Para A Ter xito Com Outros*7 Passos Imediatos Para Organizar Seus Sonhos*9 Chaves De Negocia o Que Ajudar o Qualquer Pessoa Adquirir O Quiser*7 Fatos Sobre Excel ncia Que Podem Modificar Sua Vida Para Sempre*A Habilidade Mais Importante Que Um Administrador Deve Possuir…E Muito Mais!

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  • Living By The Highest Life


    What does it mean to be a Christian? Is living the Christian life a matter of following a list of rules? How did Jesus Christ live the Christian life? Was it merely by human effort? Or did Jesus understand something about living by the Spirit–His Father’s life in Him? What does it mean to live a spiritual life? What spiritual resources are available to the believer today?

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  • Lifes Big Questions


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    How can the sixty-six books of the Bible have a single message for us today? What unites the vastly different accounts of God’s work in the world? How do the various genres of the Bible work together? Vaughan Roberts believes that the Bible tells a single story for all time. He draws out the Bible’s message of Jesus Christ and God’s redemption through him in six big questions:

    This companion volume to Roberts’s previous book, , will not only help you answer these questions, but also give you tools to transform your own Bible study in light of the whole story of God.

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  • God On Paper


    But what if the Bible were read on its own terms, as a highly personal and unbelievably passionate love story? What if the Bible is really a wild tale of relentless pursuit, the diary of a God who can’t bear to be seperated from the people he loves? In God on Paper you’ll share in a conversation that takes a new look at Scripture, a dialogue that entertains doubts and questions about the value-and the validity-of the Bible. And you’ll encounter an amazing love story of divine proportions

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  • Visionaries : See Believe And Live The Life God Has Ordained For You To Liv


    Vision is getting a glimpse of your future, which will then enable you to aim toward reaching it. Today’s youth are faced with many decisions that can lead them in different directions. Without vision, it is easy to get lost. Living without vision is like driving around in a car not knowing where you are going, spinning your wheels in the same place, and never getting to the place God has called you to. The author challenges you to become a visionary-to grasp a vision of the purpose that God has given you. Once you become a visionary, you will be able to impact your community, church, home, and school. So get ready to see, believe, and live the life God has ordained for you.

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  • Living On The Ragged Edge


    Here is an intimate glimpse into Solomon’s ancient journal, Ecclesiastes, in which the young king’s desperate quest for satisfaction–in work, in sexual conquest, in all the trappings afforded by his fabulous wealth–was as futile as trying to “catch the wind.” For those struggling with the anxieties and frustrations of our modern era, the good news is that you can find perspective and joy amid the struggle.

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  • Spirit Directed Self


    This book teaches us how to harness the motivational power of God’s wave-effect, based on Genesis 1:2. It is an effective tool for daily spiritual enrichment and small group discussions.

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  • Speeding Beyond The Limit


    What does the Bible really teach about how Christian believers are to behave on the earth? SPEEDING BEYOND THE LIMIT? by John L. Langston III John Langston III searches the Scriptures to find an answer to the question, “How should we behave before a holy God?” This study reveals many convicting and sobering glimpses of righteous behavior that brings glory to a righteous God. Included in the author’s expository look at righteous behavior are some rarely recognized, perhaps never thought about aspects of what really pleases God. Were it not for the Bible, we would have no idea what behavior is really acceptable or right in the sight of God. The knowledge of how to respond to God in a worshipful and pleasing way should be the desire of every believer. The question is, are we guilty of speeding beyond the boundaries of what God has chosen to please Him concerning the believer’s earthly behavior? God forbid that anyone who claims to be redeemed by salvation in Christ would not listen to God’s instructions in the Bible, which is meant to guide our daily conduct.

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  • New Believers : A Personal Guide For Spiritual Growth And Maturity In Jesus (Stu


    New Believers, a two-volume set, is a conservative, practical workbook and daily Bible study guide written specifically for pastors to help new Christians. It presents and teaches basic theological principles that will instruct and guide new believers in their daily walk. Now that you’re a new Christian, what do you need to know, and how do you begin to build a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? New Believers can also be used as a devotional study or as a discipleship lesson and teaching guide to sharpen yourself, your congregation, and your family or accountability partner. With New Believers and prayer, you will discover your spiritual gifts, allowing you to be more fruitful in the kingdom of God.

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  • When Now Becomes Too Late


    When Now Becomes Too Late focuses on the very moment of imminent Rapture. That ‘twinkling of an eye’ which shall instantaneously transport Christians from temporal to eternal life. Aimed to encourage believers of the event, the work also intends to goad skeptics in and out of the Body of Messiah to renew a fresh consideration of God’s impending Triumph while ‘now’ is yet here.

    Intertwining realities personalize the perspective of the miracle that shall touch every life on planet earth spontaneously. Life’s simplest moments glow with eternal presence as earth’s final stage unfolds as the backdrop.

    What then the response of those who witness this event? They shall have embarked on the world’s final days. Once more to consider, has now become too late?

    The time it takes to read this passage is easily more than a million moments longer than that sparkling dot of time described herein. Then life for all of remaining humanity will gain the final edge.

    On God’s prophetic calendar this is the next major prophecy to be.

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  • Will Thou Be Made Whole


    The majority of the human race is in bondage of some sort: financial difficulties, weight struggles, addictions, marriage problems, and the list goes on. People are desperate for answers. This book teaches you key biblical principles of walking in freedom in every area of your life. Jesus Christ did not just die for our sins; He paid the ultimate price for us to walk in freedom in Him and to be free to live a life of success and happiness. If He loved us enough to die for us, then why would He not also want us to be happy and enjoy life? We are His precious children, and He wants each of us to live a full life and enjoy it in the process.We start by learning what the Word of God tells us and what the promises are for His children and how to apply them.

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  • Beginning Again


    Practical help and refreshment for those on the journey of discipleship. This is one of the most valuable books you’ve come across for a long time

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  • Into Gods Presence


    This is a book for Christians who want to learn how to meditate and so draw closer to God. Christian meditation is a deep form of prayer that can lead to direct communion with God, not focused on experiences or requests, but on surrender

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  • Defining Moments Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    It’s no secret that what you don’t know can hurt you. In spite of that, we still go out of our way at times to avoid the truth. Men avoid doctors and women deny evidence of adultery. While the truth often hurts, deceiving ourselves will ultimately only worsen the situation. In this nine-part DVD and eight-part companion study guide, we listen in as Jesus introduces some rather perplexing truth to seven individuals who had grown comfortable with their misinformed lifestyles and belief systems. Readers will discover firsthand that the truth can set you free. And for those who have the courage to embrace it, their lives will be changed forever.

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  • Lose It For Life Workbook (Workbook)


    This companion workbook to Lose It for Life will help participants to better apply the program to their specific situation. It is also ideal for group study, as it will help facilitate meetings for those who want to encourage each other in their journey toward better physical and spiritual health.

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  • Credo


    William Sloane Coffin has long fought for social justice and argued that faith must be at the heart of political and intellectual life. Now Coffin gives this record of his remarkable public life, offering his inspiring words on issues ranging from charity and justice, politics, economic issues, the environment, nuclear disarmament, and mortality to the meaning of faith, the church, and a pastor’s responsibility. These brief quotations and excerpts demonstrate the wit, fire, and passion he brought to the task of preaching and the moral commitment he has made to change the world.

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  • Gods Cleansing Stream (Reprinted)


    God’s Cleansing Stream reveals why every church needs a deliverance ministry and teaches pastors and counselors how they can put one to practical use. Deliverance was originally part of every church, but the rise of self-help programs and the idea of an individual’s ability to change without God’s help edged the church away from God’s Word and power. Instead, deliverance came to be thought of as mere superstition. Now Chris Hayward provides tools for churches to reestablish this effective, proven ministry so that it can liberate captive souls and advance God’s plans in the lives of individuals everywhere.

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  • Meditating On The Psalms


    In this accessible and useful book, distinguished Old Testament scholar John Eaton presents his spiritual insights on fifty-two of the best-loved psalms. Informed by his pastoral concerns and his commitment to environmental issues, Eaton examines the authorship of the psalms and their use as poetry and songs, as well as in worship. He skillfully concludes each devotional commentary with a related prayer. This immensely helpful volume will enable readers to understand the importance of the psalms and their significance as a source of inspiration and meditation for daily living.

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  • Knowing Me Knowing You


    This new edition of this fascinating and revealing book offers a beginner’s guide to the ‘Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’, showing how your personality type and temperament affects all aspects of your life and relationships with others. The MBTI can help you discover why you think and behave in certain ways, and why other people respond to you as they do. It can help you identify your major strengths – what makes you do some things better than others – and it can help you make more of those aspects of your personality that may be lying dormant and under-developed. The MBTI can be helpful in improving all kinds of relationships – whether you’re at home with your family, at work with your colleagues, or perhaps on a course studying for an exam. It can also be helpful in understanding the life of the Church; why people have different ways of responding to God, both emotionally and intellectually; why some are attracted to a particular kind of church; and why some prefer to pray in one way and not in others. In all these areas of life, the MBTI has proved itself an invaluable means of achieving a deeper self-understanding. It can also lead to a greater sense of self-worth and a richer and more realistic appreciation of other people. ‘A delightful introduction to my mother’s work’. Peter Briggs Myers.

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  • Surrendering To God


    Do you ever feel that prayer has become rote repetition, or that the simple prayers of childhood have lost their meaning?

    In this life-changing little book, Rev. Keith Beasley-Topliffe shares his experience of praying the Covenant Prayer-a classic prayer that calls us to surrender completely to God. Line by line, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe uses the wisdom of the prayer of surrender as a guide for those who want to learn to trust God more. With honesty and gentle humor, Rev. Beasley-Topliffe shows us how simple prayers not only express our heart’s desires to God, but also open the doorway to deeper prayer and transformation.

    “Abandonment to God is at the heart of Christian formation. Prayer is the means by which we surrender to God. Keith combines these two elements in a way that enables us to grow in grace through the regular use of this classic prayer.”
    Dr. Steve Harper, Vice President
    Asbury Theological Seminary

    The Covenant Prayer
    I am no longer my own, but thine.
    Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt;
    put me to doing, put me to suffering;
    let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
    exalted for thee or brought low for thee;
    let me be full, let me be empty;
    let me have all things, let me have nothing;
    I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
    And now, O glorious and blessed God,
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
    thou art mine, and I am thine.
    So be it.
    And the covenant which I have made on earth,
    let it be ratified in heaven.

    Keith Beasley-Topliffe is the editor of The Upper Room Spiritual Classics and a major contributor to The Spiritual Formation Bible. He is the pastor of Fifth Street United Methodist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Keith and his wife, Carola, who is also a United Methodist pastor, reside in Marysville, Pennsylvania.

    “Surrendering to God is a rich spiritual resource. . . . These strikingly honest meditations offer both fresh challenge and encouragement in helping us examine our daily actions and attitudes toward work and possessions and how we deepen our trust in God’s guidance for all of life.”
    Janice T. Grana
    Former Publisher, The Upper Room

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  • How To Hear From God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In the hustle and bustle of today’s busy world, sometimes it’s hard enough to hear yourself think, much less take a minute to stop and listen for the voice of God. But learning to recognize God’s voice and the many ways in which He speaks is vital toward following His plan. In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer revealed the ways in which God delivers His word, and the benefits of asking Him for the sensitivity to hear His voice. In this companion study guide, she takes you a step further, leading you through an interactive process toward a greater understanding of how God is working in your life. With thoughtful question-and-answer sections and further Scripture reading, as well as a recap on each of the book’s chapters, Joyce Meyer has created an intimate and meaningful experience on the path to hearing God’s Word for you personally.

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  • I Am The Lord Who Heals You


    This is a collection of sermons which explores Christian understandings of healing, wholeness, and restoration. Among the contributors are Walter Brueggemann, Barbara Brown Taylor, Maxie Dunnam, Barbara Lundblad, William Sloane Coffin, and Reginald Mallett.

    The editor of the volume, G. Scott Morris, is a physician and an elder in The United Methodist Church. He is founder and executive director of the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tennessee, the largest faith-based, not-for-profit primary health clinic in America.

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  • Light Theology And Heavy Cream


    Robert Farrar Capon is well known as the author of the modern classic The Supper of the Lamb and other acclaimed books such as Genesis, the Movie. In Light Theology & Heavy Cream: The Culinary Adventures of Pietro & Madeleine, Capon returns to the kitchen to present a spirited collection of pieces he describes as “culinary and theological snack food.”
    The protagonists of this endeavor are Pietro and Madeleine, a husband and wife with clear resemblances to the author and his wife, Valerie. With Capon’s signature wit and precision, Pietro and Madeleine explore such diverse topics as creativity, addiction, televangelism, spirituality, the correct way to slice a leg of lamb, and the virtues of diners.

    “Given the irony of a God who saves the world by foolishness and weakness,” Capon writes, “and the hilarity by which he gives us corn, wine, and oil–not to mention his wonderfully two-faced creatures such as butter, salt, tobacco, and pork fat–this is no world in which to land on one side of a paradox.”

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  • Company You Keep


    David Bentall explores the experience of three men who have supported each other in friendship for more that twelve years. He chronicles how friendships can inspire, challenge and have the potential to transform lives. He provides suggestions for initiating long-term nurturing friendships. Most importantly, Bentall describes the tremendous benefits such frienships have on all the person’s life, including family relationships, physical fitness, self-esteem, and spirituality.

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  • Cuando El Enemigo Ataca – (Spanish)


    Descripcion (Description):

    En algun momento de su vida, todos los cristianos nos enfrentaremos a un ataque satanico: un asalto energico del diablo con el proposito de daar nuestro espiritu, alma o cuerpo. Dios quiere que los cristianos esten bajo su control, pero el enemigo nos quiere bajo su influencia, y hara todo lo posible por destruir todo lo bueno en nuestras vidas.

    At some point or another every Christian will experience a satanic attack-a willful, determined assault by the Devil for the purpose of harming our spirit, soul, or body. God wants Christians to be under His control, but the Enemy ultimately wants us under his influence, and he will do his best to destroy everything good in our lives. So the question is not how to avoid satanic attacks, but how to overcome them.

    Satan is not omnipotent, but he is nonetheless a very powerful adversary. However, God does not leave us to defend ourselves, and He wants us to understand His supernatural and unlimited ability to help us. Dr. Stanley will show readers how to achieve victory by:

    Identifying the enemy
    Dressing in the full armor of God and standing firm
    Releasing God’s energy, divine power, and protection through prayer
    Sensing the forewarnings of Satan’s attacks on finances, family, relationships, or health

    Spiritual warfare is fought every day on the battlefield of your mind. The Adversary knows that if he can influence and direct your thinking, it’s only a matter of time before you’re vulnerable to the allure of sin. Dr. Stanley teaches that to stand against Satan’s attacks, you must meditate upon biblical principles and take every thought captive by arming yourself with the sword of the spirit-God’s Word.

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  • Day Christ Was Born (Reprinted)


    A reissue of the classic retelling of the Nativity. “Written with dignity, unerring taste, and with no straining for effects.”–Chicago Sunday Tribune

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  • Acercate Sediento – (Spanish)


    Descripcion (Description): Los cientificos nos aseguran que los seres humanos no podemos vivir sin agua, y ni siquiera lo intentamos. Pero sobrevivir sin Dios? Oh, eso si lo hacemos, tomamos un sorbo, lo saboreamos; sin embargo, estamos inclinados a pasar por largos periodos de tiempo sin un buen trago de la fuente del Seor. Y pagamos un precio al hacerlo. Nos encogemos. Nos torcemos y retorcemos contra este mundo… los organos se endurecen…el corazon se endurece.

    En este libro, renovador y vivificante, Max Lucado, nos guia a los cuatro nutrientes esenciales que cada alma necesita.

    Scientists assure us that humans can’t live without water, and we don’t even attempt it. But survival without God? Oh, we sip, we taste, but we’re prone to go extended times without a good drink from the well of the Lord. And we pay the price for doing so. We shrink. We coil and re-coil against the world… organs harden… hearts harden.

    In this renewing and life-giving book, Max Lucado, leads us to the four essential nutrients needed by every soul.

    Features: Visit the official Come Thirsty website here!

    Also check out:

    Come Thirsty T-shirts from Kerusso!

    Come Thirsty Gift Cards from DaySpring!

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  • God Came Near


    Christians want so desperately to see Jesus. To squint through their pain, sorrow, fear, and dizzying distractions, and really, truly focus on Him. Now they can, with the help of this much-loved pastor and writer! Lucado touches listeners right where they are today. And he gently leads them to the place where they can glimpse the risen Lord in all His glory and feel His very presence in their lives. This warm, insightful audio offers an irresistible opportunity for seekers and Christians alike to begin anew their journey. . . to the God who came near just so they could know Him.

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  • Imaginations : More Than You Think


    Pioneering surgeon Dr. James Gills explores what the Bible says about human imagination-a powerful force that stirs up our emotions, sets us on a course of good or evil, affects our very future-and provides instruction on how to harness it for God’s glory.

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  • Sacred Companions : The Gift Of Spirtiual Freindship And Direction


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832705ISBN10: 083083270XDavid BennerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2004Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Calvinism In The Las Vegas Airport


    A friendly, conversational look at how Calvinism can work in the 21st century Richard Mouw opens this conversational look at Calvinism by retelling a scene from the movie Hardcore. While a pious Calvinist elder played by George C. Scott is trying to track down his daughter who has run away from home, he talks to a young unchurched woman in the Las Vegas airport, unsuccessfully explaining the theology of his Dutch Christian Reformed denomination. This incongruous conversation illustrates the stereotype that Calvinism doesn’t work or fit in today’s world. Rather than being an academic and systematic exposition of doctrine, this book wrestles with some of the distorted views people hold of Calvinists, clears up some common misconceptions, and shows how to live gently and respectfully with Christians who disagree, as well as with people who have no clue what TULIP means. The author revisits the Las Vegas airport and discusses how that conversation might have played out differently.

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  • Loving Jesus


    In this biblical spirituality for today, Powells earnest plea is for Christians to revisit their faith not by blazing in religious enthusiasm but by harboring a steadier flame and deeper commitment. Living at the poetic heart of faith, he argues, entails seeing the coordinates of religious life–love, understanding, truth, hope, and especially devotion–in a new way. Powell espouses the old fashioned idea of piety. Drawing on his wide knowledge of the Bible and Christian tradition, as well as insights from his own journey, he shows how simple religious practices move us beyond the old certitudes of a naive and youthful faith into the less certain but more bracing terrain of a second naivete, a closer walk with Jesus.

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  • Protecting Your Home From Spiritual Darkness (Reprinted)


    In ten easy steps, learn how to rid your home of destructive objects and spiritual darkness to create a fortress of love and light for your family. Too many Christians are completely unaware of how the enemy has gained access to their homes through what they own. This practical, easy-to-read book shows you how to pray through your home and property in order to lock out evil and experience a richer spiritual life. With Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness, you are just ten steps away from bringing freedom and security in Christ to your home! Includes the following sections and more: “A Step-by-Step Guide to Praying through Your Home”; “Understanding Spiritual Darkness”; “How to Protect Your Children”; “Learning to Overthrow Generational Curses.”

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  • Listening To Love


    One of our greatest desires is to know we are loved by our Creator. Yet the depth of our apprehension is often equally strong: If I listen, we wonder, what will God say? If I open myself up to blessings, what will God require in return? As we trace this line of thinking, the God of all goodness becomes, in our minds, the God of our worst fears. Embrace a love that’s worth the risk. God is far greater than our most expectant dreams. While he does often ask everything of us, he actually wants everything for us. He doesn’t want blind loyalty or bored religious compliance; he longs for nothing less than our entire passionate self – something most us of have yet to glimpse. God’s desire is that people lean in, listen, and wrestle with him so that they can respond to him without fear. Can this God be trusted? Will the journey be easy? Not a chance. But once you learn to listen to love, you’ll find that there’s only one way you can adore this unmanageable, wild, and unruly God: with your whole heart.

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  • Letters To A Diminished Church


    “The devil should stand alert, for Sayers is one of his foremost adversaries,”—Living Church. An outspoken defender of Christian orthodoxy, Sayers elucidates creedal Christianity with brilliance and wit. Pieces include “The Dogma is the Drama,” “What Do We Believe?” and “Strong Meat.”

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  • Will Of God As A Way Of Life (Revised)


    We’ve all heard that God has a plan for our lives, but what does that mean in practical terms_when we’re faced with important life decisions, like who to marry, what job to take, where to send our children to school, or what church to join? Sometimes, God’s perfect will seems difficult to find, confusing to follow, easy to miss. We may even wonder if we’ve made past choices that have thrown God’s plan for our lives off track. Sittser’s book explores important questions like: How free are we if God has a perfect plan for our lives? Does suffering and trouble mean we are off track? How exactly does God speak? Discussing these and other questions, Jerry Sittser offers a biblically based approach that readers will find truly liberating. No matter what decisions you’ve already made, he points out that it is still possible to live out God’s perfect will for your life_even if you think you’ve married the wrong person, chosen the wrong career, or landed yourself in some kind of serious trouble. This new edition includes study questions designed for individual and group use that will be helpful to anyone faced with decisions large and small.

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  • Bring Em Back Alive


    Every believer is a precious part of Christ’s body. When even one is missing, the church lacks power and is less than whole. Whether we’re victims, perpetrators, or innocent bystanders, we’re called by God to seek restoration. And when one of God’s sheep goes missing we have no choice. We must Bring ‘Em Back Alive

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  • Despertar De Los Muertos – (Spanish)


    Hay una gloria en la vida, que la mayoria de las personas, incluyendo los creyentes, nunca ven. En este libro nuevo y revelador, John Eldredge presenta al corazon como el centro de la vida. No solamente el corazon es esencial; el corazon que Dios ha redimido tambien es bueno. Construyendo sobre estas verdades fundamentales, Eldredge muestra a los lectores por que el verdadero cristianismo es un proceso de restauracion, donde las partes quebradas de nuestro corazon son sanadas y las partes cautivas son liberadas.

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  • Handbook Of The Christian Faith (Reprinted)


    This book is a one-volume overview of the Bible, church history, Christian beliefs and practices, other religions, and other issues of Christianity written in an easy-to-understand style. Organized in ten thematic chapters, this book is designed for use by individuals or study groups.

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  • Heart Of Christianity


    An engaging and inspiring guide to Christian living. Bestselling author Marcus Borg shows that the essential ingredients of a Christian life-faith, being born again, the kingdom of God, the gospel of love-make vital sense today.

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  • Spiritual Gifts : 8 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Revised)


    In this study, R. Paul Stevens leads you to explore what spiritual gifts are, what their role is in the church and how to discover which gifts God has given you. You’ll dig into key passages on spiritual gifs and look at specific examples of how they were manifested in the early church.

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  • Gods Glorious Church


    This is a book about the church, the most important spiritual institution in human history. Tony Evans helps the church discover its identity and purpose for existence, and provides believers with a biblically healthy context to grow and live out their lives by faith. This book will inspire you to help make your place of worship all that God intends it to be.

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  • Como Por Orar Para La Voluntad – (Spanish)


    Descripcion (Description):

    Por aos, Stormie Omartian oro pidiendo: “Seor, cambia a mi esposo”. Entonces, se dio cuenta de que tenia que orar por ella misma, y examinar su propio corazon, antes de poder orar eficazmente por el.

    For years Stormie Omartian prayed the prayer, “Change my husband, Lord.” Then she realized that she had to pray for herself -and examine her own heart – before she could pray effectively for him. Her prayer became, “Change me, Lord.” In this book, she presents that process for all wives who want the power to pray for themselves and their husbands.

    Como orar por la voluntad de Dios para tu vida is ideal for women who have read Stormie’s bestselling books on prayer and want to move deeper into the power of prayer.

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  • Called To Be Gods Leader Workbook (Workbook)


    In Created to Be God’s Friend, Henry Blackaby explored the life of Abraham, and in Chosen to Be God’s Prophet, he examined God’s work through Samuel. In Called to Be God’s Leader, readers will see how God applies leadership principles in the life of the great biblical leader Joshua. This is the workbook companion to Called to Be God’s Leader. What did God have in mind when He saw Joshua as a young slave in Egypt? How did He mold and shape Joshua to prepare him for service? Through Joshua and numerous examples from their own lives, the authors create a picture of God’s ways, offering deep insight that readers can apply to their own lives.

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  • Scandalous Freedom : The Radical Nature Of The Gospel



    God has set us free – and at great cost – but many Christians live in self-imposed bondage. Rather than delighting in God’s lavish grace, they are fearful of igniting his displease.

    As author Steve Brown explains in this brave, new book, too many Christians don’t trust freedom – for themselves or others. They prefer the security of manmade regulations to the adventure of freedom. The implications of freedom, Brown asserts, can sometimes be dangerous; but the alternative is deadly: a life without joy and void of celebration of our unique gifts in Christ.

    Each riveting chapter explores a common freedom – stifling tendency, then opens the door to the fresh air of remedial liberty. Chapter titles include:

    The Perfection We Desire. . .and the Forgiveness That Sets Us Free
    The Masks We Wear. . .and the Authenticity That Sets Us Free
    The Boldness We Fear. . .and the Courage That Sets Us Free
    The Failure We Foster. . .and the Victory That Sets Us Free

    Dare to explore the joys of biblical freedom. Open the pages of this book and begin a journey that will set you free – really and truly and completely free.

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