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    • You Have The Advantage


      God’s Blessings Are Deeper and Wider Than You Know

      Are you struggling with the challenges of life? Do you live beneath God’s best? Do you wonder if there’s more to experience in your relationship with God?

      In You Have the Advantage, international Bible teacher Barry Bennett unveils how you can receive God’s amazing goodness as His child in all areas of life. Learn how to cooperate with God’s plan of abundant blessings here and now. These powerful lessons, complete with effectual prayers, reveal how to:

      *Renew your mind to God’s abounding goodness
      *Receive all the blessings provided through salvation
      *Speak life-giving words that create favor
      *Walk in greater works promised by Christ Jesus
      *And much more!

      Today is your opportunity. If you need a new beginning or a refreshing of your faith, receive it now. You are born again, alive from the dead, and one spirit with God Almighty. You are never at a disadvantage in Christ. It’s time to take hold of your advantages!

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    • Demystifying The Prophetic


      Prophecy has been misused, misunderstood, and misguided for far too long. As a result, many believers have become skeptical of spiritual gifts and the supernatural, leaving them ignorant to their full inheritance, and vulnerable to attacks from the Enemy.

      In response, author, teacher, and prophet, Joseph Z offers profound biblical insight and practical applications to help give you a healthy approach to hearing God, following His supernatural leading, and interpreting prophecy and other supernatural encounters.
      Joseph will teach you how to:

      *allow the Word of God to be your plumbline
      *implement sound practices of interpretation
      *look for the testimony of Jesus in prophetic words and encounters
      *examine and understand patterns of prophecy
      *make decisions based on the Word of God
      *chase after the Lord Himself, not prophetic words or mystical experiences

      The principles and practices in this book will help you reclaim your biblical, prophetic inheritance and walk in the fullness of your identity in Christ!

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    • Waiting Isnt A Waste


      Exploring 6 Characteristics of Waiting to Prompt Wisdom from God and Gain Invaluable Peace

      Throughout our lives, we experience countless periods of waiting. Some moments are mere nuisances-others are daunting seasons filled with intense worry and doubt. We grow impatient by immovable traffic or crave an impending answer to a medical condition. Whatever our current circumstances, our innate response is to take action rather than stay still.

      In Waiting Isn’t a Waste, author Mark Vroegop calls believers to resist the human urge for control and lean on Christ for comfort while we wait for the uncertainties of life to unfold. Vroegop explores what it means to wait on God through 6 important characteristics-waiting is hard, common, biblical, slow, commanded, and relational. This book not only teaches readers how to wait on God but inspires them to embrace waiting-for it prompts wisdom from God and brings invaluable peace to the present.

      *Written for Christians in Seasons of Waiting: Those struggling with anxiety, discouragement, or weariness as they wait

      *Explores 6 Characteristics of Waiting: Waiting is hard, common, biblical, slow, commanded, and relational

      *Written by Mark Vroegop: Author of Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, which was named the ECPA 2020 Christian Book of the Year

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    • End Of The Spectator Church Companion Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Get in the Game!

      In God’s Kingdom, each of us is called to be a player in His plans. We are all equipped by His Spirit to carry out a specific function to see souls saved and lives transformed by His power. Since the Day of Pentecost, believers from all walks of life have had access to the Spirit’s empowerment and the responsibility to get in the game.

      Rick’s friend and Bible teacher, Tony Cooke, wrote about the believer’s divine purpose to be fully awakened and activated for such a time as this in his book The End of Spectator Church, and Rick sat down with Tony to interview him about it. In this five-part series, they discuss:

      What it means that it is the end of “spectator Church.”What God expects YOU to do in these last days in the Church.How to identify the part you are to play in God’s end-time game.How to activate the gift that God has placed in your life.

      Join Rick Renner and Tony Cooke as they reveal how the Holy Spirit empowers you to stop being a spectator and to become a participator in God’s plans!

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    • Sacred Scars : Resting In God’s Promise That Your Past Is Not Wasted


      We all endure trials, pain, and hardship in this life. The enemy often uses those experiences to convince us that our brokenness disqualifies us from ever being used by God again–that we can no longer be a testimony because of our emotional or physical scars. The truth is, your past pain and brokenness actually serve as preparation for what God wants to do in you and through you, if you will but surrender to and trust in him.

      In Sacred Scars, neuropsychologist and fellow sufferer Dr. Michelle Bengtson helps you:

      *understand suffering through a biblical perspective
      *discover how the trials of your life serve a purpose
      *reflect on the healing that God has accomplished
      *comfort others with the comfort God has given you

      Just as Jesus’s scars didn’t disappear after his resurrection, our scars tell our story and lend credence to our testimony of the love and power of God. If you are ready to turn your past pain into present comfort and future hope, let Dr. Bengtson be your compassionate guide.

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    • Trust The Whisper


      Ever feel like it’s easier to believe we’ll meet God in the afterlife than it is to feel God at work in this life, with its chores and schedules and messes and unrealized dreams? The truth is, God is at work every day of our lives, but because this work is quieter than we expect, we so often dismiss it as coincidence or chance. What if we could clearly understand those divine whispers? What if listening to them is the beginning of living out our truest story and purpose?

      In Trust the Whisper, Kathy Izard shares compelling true stories that help you connect the “God Dots” in your life. Sharing her own and others’ experiences of moving from a place of doubt that a higher power even exists to being certain about the divine weave in the world, Kathy offers you the courage to recognize God’s guidance in your own life. She helps you ask the right questions, trust your deepest intuition, be powerfully present, embrace the unexpected, and risk believing in the dreams God is quietly urging you to follow.

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    • Science Of Supernatural Thinking


      Do Your Thoughts Invite the Demonic or the Divine?

      Is your mind clouded with thoughts of depression or anxiety, even anger or bitterness? Have you tried to rise up and renew your mind only to be weighed down by exhaustion or laid low by hopelessness?

      The truth is that what you think controls who has access to your mind. Even seemingly harmless thoughts can open gates in your mind that allow the enemy to secretly infiltrate, build strongholds, and turn your mind to wage war against the very One that you long to serve.

      But what’s been opened can always be closed.

      Having helped multitudes experience spiritual freedom from demonic forces, Jareb Nott shows how you can seal off the powers of darkness from your mind and tear down their strongholds, empowering you to think thoughts that host the peace, presence, and power of God. Through scientific and biblical research, he offers a step-by-step process to help you transform your mind into a supernaturally impenetrable fortress of hope and joy!

      In this revolutionary yet practical book, Jareb not only exposes the enemy’s insidious strategies for infecting your mind, but he also reveals how to:

      *Silence the enemy’s tormenting thoughts.
      *Think the kind of thoughts that host God’s presence.
      *Wield the power of biblical meditation, prayer, and intercession to renew your mind.
      *Build supernatural strongholds in your mind that open the gates of Heaven.
      *Protect your life and mind from the powers of darkness.
      *And more!

      A deeper dimension of fellowship and encounter with the Holy Spirit awaits you! Stop empowering the darkness to dominate your thoughts. It’s time to dominate the darkness–and flood your mind with the transforming light of God’s presence.

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    • Tu Dios Es Demasiado Glorioso – (Spanish)


      La mayoria de nosotros somos personas corrientes que tenemos dias buenos y dias malos. Nuestras vidas son radicalmente ordinarias y poco emocionantes. Eso significa que son la clase de vidas que a Dios le fascinan. Mientras que el mundo alaba la belleza, el poder y la riqueza, Dios oculta su gloria en lo simple, lo trivial, lo insensato, y actua en personas, cosas y lugares sin ningun esplendor. En nuestra epoca de adoracion a los influentes y de presuncion virtual, esta es una forma novedosa, incluso transformadora, de entender a Dios y nuestro lugar en su creacion. Nos insta a apreciar una vida de sencillez, a amar a aquellos a los que el mundo ignora, a trabajar por la gloria de Dios antes que la nuestra. Y demuestra que Dios siempre ha sido el Seor de la cruz: un Salvador que esconde su gracia en lugares sin encanto ni gloria. Tu Dios es demasiado glorioso les recuerda a los lectores que, si bien una vida tranquila puede parecerle insulsa al mundo, Dios tiende a usar a las personas comunes y corrientes para llevar a cabo su labor mas importante. Al final de cada capitulo, Chad Bird invita al lector a profundizar en la busqueda de la vida fiel y ordinaria con preguntas de estudio para uso tanto personal como grupal.

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    • Dont Sink Your Own Ship


      Don’t Sink Your Own Ship equips believers with simple truths for living fulfilling lives, because sometimes it’s all too easy to sail into trouble unnecessarily. In this lighthearted guide, bestselling author and Bible teacher, Max Anders, gives powerfully practical insights that, if heeded, can keep you afloat in even the most treacherous of seas.

      Generously punctuated by interesting and sometimes outrageous stories, Max walks readers through 20 spiritual lessons, providing biblical clarity on problems we all face. Each lesson includes application questions, scripture references, and recommended reading. The book’s format and the teaching guideline included at the end make this an ideal small group resource.

      Whether you read this book individually or as a group, you’ll get a fresh grip on transforming truths, like:

      *The small stuff in life will build up to become big stuff, if you let it.
      *We become what we think about.
      *We are created for love. It’s the principle of existence and its only end.
      *Success is being faithful to what God asks of us and leaving the results to Him
      *Unless we are willing to forgive, our wounds will never heal.

      Truth seekers, new Christians, and established Christians alike will benefit from the simple reminders that this book provides. You don’t have to learn your lessons the hard way.

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    • Learning From Gods Imperfect People


      From Flawed to Called:

      Embracing Your Imperfection to Empower Your Faith

      Do you ever worry that your flaws prevent God from working through you? Are these imperfections causing you to doubt your ability to fulfill your destiny?

      Throughout the Bible, God used imperfect people to see His will be done. Prolific author and Bible teacher Elmer Towns illuminates the extraordinary journeys of biblical figures whose imperfections God used to weave the tapestry of His redemptive plan.

      Through these stories, you will be encouraged that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. This transformative book offers a profound exploration of how God’s grace operates, turning our flaws into avenues for His glory and our spiritual growth.

      From this enlightening journey, you will discover:

      How God’s grace is sufficient in our weaknesses, transforming them into strengths.The importance of faith and obedience in the face of personal imperfection and doubt.Lessons from biblical figures like Jacob and Peter, whose flaws were integral to their divine purpose.The redemptive power of God to use our imperfections for His greater plan and glory.Encouragement and hope that God is actively working in and through our imperfections to fulfill His divine purpose.

      Discover how to embrace your imperfections as God’s strength, power, and purpose manifest in your life. By shifting your focus to Him, you will embrace a life of surrendered trust, assured that God will fulfill His plans through your imperfections.

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    • Disfrute El Camino Hacia Su De – (Spanish)


      !Aprenda a vivir una vida alegre guiada por el Espiritu! Disfruta usted cada dia de su vida?

      O se dice a usted mismo y a los demas que hallara felicidad una vez alcance una meta especifica o posicion en la vida? Jesus vino para que nosotros tuvieramos y disfrutaramos de la vida (ver Juan 10:10).

      El gozo es un fruto del Espiritu. Si usted no ha estado disfrutando de su vida al maximo, !es tiempo que comience a hacerlo !En este libro, Joyce Meyer combina principios biblicos con experiencias personales en una poderosa enseanza sobre como disfrutar cada dia de su viaje por la vida. Cuando aplica los principios delineados en este libro, usted aprendera:

      *Como tomar la decision de disfrutar la vida
      *Como deshacerse del remordimiento y el miedo
      *Como experimentar la simplicidad de la vida
      *Como encontrar el gozo durante los momentos de espera
      *Como terminar su camino con gozo
      *!Y mucho mas!

      Disfrutar de la vida no esta basado en circunstancias gratas. Se trata de una actitud del corazon. !Asi que aprenda hoy a disfrutar donde esta camino a donde va!

      Learn How to Live a Joyful Spirit-Led Life! Are you enjoying every day of your life? Or do you tell yourself and others that you will find happiness once you have reached a specific goal or position in life? Jesus came so that we might have and enjoy life (John 10:10).

      Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. If you have not been enjoying your life to the fullest, it is time to begin! In this book, Joyce Meyer combines biblical principles with personal experiences for a powerful teaching on how to enjoy every day on your journey through life. By applying the principles outlined in this book, you will learn:

      *How to make the decision to enjoy life
      *How to rid yourself of regret and dread
      *How to experience the simplicity of life
      *How to find joy during times of waiting
      *How to finish your course with joy
      *Plus much more!

      Enjoying life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of your heart. So learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going today!

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    • Othered : Finding Belonging With The God Who Pursues The Hurt, Harmed, And


      God’s people are meant to be a blessing to others. Yet in the Scriptures, throughout history, and in our own times we too often see the people of God causing harm to people on the margins. Rather than caring for the widowed and the orphaned or loving the sojourner, too often we see abuse of power that breaks spirits and inflicts lasting harm.

      For anyone who has felt left out or pushed out of the church, Othered is your invitation to find spiritual rest and belonging in a God who loves, restores, and blesses the outcast and the marginalized. Jenai Auman draws on her experience growing up as a biracial kid in the American South as well as working within toxic ministry environments to reveal a hopeful, trauma-informed way forward. This book illuminates how hurt and betrayal in the church are longstanding problems that God neither sanctions nor tolerates. It offers holistic responses to the grief, anger, and trauma that come with being ostracized or oppressed by the church. And it shows how God provides shelter and provision in the midst of the wilderness.

      Because God sees, hears, and loves you–even if the church has failed you.

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    • Hope After Church Hurt


      The people of God hurt you–but the heart of God is to heal you.

      Written for anyone wounded in a place of worship, and unsure how to move forward in their faith, this powerful book is an insightful and honest guide into eight unique types of church hurt–and how to heal from them.

      Having helped thousands move from anger, distrust, apathy, and heartache to safely reengaging in their faith–and local church–Pastor Joe Dobbins offers compassion, wisdom, and practical advice to help you:

      *understand why church hurt is so potent and hard to address
      *break free from bad beliefs, self-defeating patterns, and cycles of pain
      *discover the way to inner healing
      *release your pain and reframe your story
      *find the courage to reengage in a faith community
      *protect yourself in the future

      The pain of church hurt is real. But so is the hope of healing–and that healing can begin today.

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    • Hopeful Activist : Discovering The Vital Change You Were Made To Bring


      All around us there are signs of a broken world, situations that are just not right. Where do we begin? Sometimes we simply don’t know what to do. Or maybe you are busy ‘doing’ and it’s tough, even bringing you close to burn out.

      Whether you are new to activism or already on the road, this book will (re)kindle your hope and illuminate the way ahead.

      Featuring contributions from Shane Claiborne, Lisa Sharon Harper, Krish Kandiah, Sam Wells and many more, The Hopeful Activist is full of fresh wisdom and practical advice to help you play your part in bringing God’s justice and restoration to the world around you.

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    • Looking Inward Living Outward


      In a world of so much hurt, how can we create communities of care and healing?

      While much of contemporary Christianity careens toward a spirituality of individual salvation and the afterlife, the call of Jesus to create communities that enact justice and bring peace on earth is often tragically ignored. In his revelatory new book Looking Inward, Living Outward, author and student of the spiritual life Daniel Wolpert calls us back to a life of prayer and core spiritual practices that re-orient our gaze outward in acts of social transformation.

      Drawing from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, one of the most radical speeches in human history, this encouraging and practical guide connects acts of contemplation with action, providing a biblically based and spiritually grounded course corrective for how Christians are called to live as Beloved Community today. Discover how spiritual practices can change the way you interact with the world and inspire lasting social change.

      Key Takeaways:

      *Learn practical spiritual practices to live a life molded by a deep spiritual connection.

      *Explore the nature of the spiritual life and how it can become a guiding force in our daily lives.

      *Understand the teachings of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount as a blueprint for living in community and society.

      *Discover the importance of communities of practice in reorienting our actions and promoting compassion in a world filled with challenges.

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    • Shaped By The Spirit


      Shun self-help in favour of spiritual-help and become the other-focussed disciple that Jesus is inviting you to be in this accessible and practical book.

      In recent years, the Church in the West has witnessed a growing hunger to engage in spiritual disciplines that help us become more like Jesus. And yet, if our practices cause us to look inwards without looking outwards, then we can unwittingly distance ourselves from him instead. Jesus was inherently other-focussed, and in this immensely practical book, Kate Pocklington invites us to explore why being formed by the Spirit is only half of the picture. We are formed by the Spirit, formed through our experiences with others and formed for the sake of God’s mission in the world. Together we will see how God – the grand recycler – wants to use every part of our past and personality to shape us into other-focussed people.

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    • Short Guide To Spiritual Formation


      In a society always seeking the new and novel, Christians can become more grounded and mature through a retrieval of our common tradition. Alex Sosler sets forth the “transcendentals” of truth, goodness, and beauty–along with community–to help readers follow the way of Jesus.

      Weaving together church history, theology, and devotional practice, Sosler offers a holistic introduction to spiritual formation, encompassing biblical truth, the pursuit of the good life, the contemplation of God, and communal belonging. Each section includes a biblical and historical precedent for the tradition and highlights an exemplar from church history: Augustine on truth, Dorothy Day on goodness, Teresa of Avila on beauty, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on church commitment and community.

      This accessible book provides avenues for a broader and deeper spirituality that can shape the complexity of our souls. It is ideal for undergraduate students and as a formation primer for church adult education classes, classical schools, and homeschooling communities.

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    • You Are A King


      Have You Experienced the Power of Your Kingdom Citizenship?

      Are you thriving in life?

      As a child of the King, you are meant to flourish in the limitless blessing, favor, and provision that’s yours as a Kingdom citizen! Yet too many believers will go their entire lives simply trying to “get by” on their way to Heaven, abdicating their royal rights-then wondering why they’re so defeated.

      But we are meant to live as Kingdom royalty and ambassadors here on Earth.

      In You Are a King, acclaimed pastor and bestselling author Dr. Myles Munroe issues a timely, clarion call for you to rise above your self-limiting beliefs and operate as a son or daughter of the King, confidently accessing the infinite blessings and resources of His Kingdom realm.

      Through short, powerful chapters filled with Spirit-inspired encouragement and biblical wisdom, Dr. Munroe empowers you to:

      Agree with what God says about your identity. Think like royalty. Live as a heavenly ambassador here on Earth. Access God’s boundless blessings. Release supernatural provision into your world.

      You are first and foremost a citizen-and royalty-of God’s Kingdom. It’s time to stop living beneath your privileges, downtrodden by earthly trials. Here is everything you need to fully thrive, walking in unlimited access to every blessing and benefit of your identity and status in Christ.

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    • Sacred Enneagram Workbook (Workbook)


      Whether you are looking to discover your type for the first time or take a deeper dive into your identity, The Sacred Enneagram Workbook is designed to help you grow in your spiritual life through the understanding of your Enneagram type.

      Most of us spend a lifetime trying to figure out who we are and how we relate to others and God. This task is far from easy, yet the Enneagram offers a bright path to cutting through the internal clutter and finding our way back to who we are created to be. And The Sacred Enneagram Workbook creates the reflective space necessary to map your way home.

      Join international Enneagram teacher Chris Heuertz in this interactive companion to the bestselling The Sacred Enneagram to discover:

      *Where you find yourself in the Enneagram’s nine type profiles, and how to make sense of testing results

      *How to move beyond counterproductive caricatures of your type toward true growth

      *Tools and practices for breaking out of your greatest emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual challenges

      *And ultimately, your type’s unique invitation and path toward a deeper journey with God

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    • Do It Anyway


      In this inspiring guide to the power of faithful resilience, Tasha Cobbs Leonard–Grammy Award winner and Billboard’s Gospel Artist of the Decade–shares the secret that helps her persevere: When saying yes to God doesn’t make sense, do it anyway.

      Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway.

      Tasha tells remarkable stories of experiencing this firsthand when she committed to dreams even when they seemed unrealistic, pursued adoption though it looked impossible, navigated the dynamics of a blended family despite challenges, and watched God move in each step of endurance through infertility and depression.

      With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side. Along the way, she equips you with practical tools to help you:

      – Dream big with God again
      – Focus on God’s direction over the loudness of the world
      – Never forget God’s faithfulness, especially in the midst of your hopelessness
      – Don’t let fear of failure force you to quit on your miracle too soon
      – Believe firmly that no mess and no amount of pain is beyond God’s redemption

      Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply weary–there’s a more a hopeful way to live, a bolder way to believe.

      To follow God when the way seems impossible, persevere in faith even when the odds are stacked–this is what it means to “do it anyway.”

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    • Finding Our Muchness


      You are a part of a great company of women who are called and empowered by God.

      At the forefront of every move of God have been women. These women found their muchness–their ability to be brave, dream big, take risks, rise to their calling, and advance the Kingdom. It’s time for a new generation to find their muchness, too.

      With fresh prophetic insight and practical wisdom, Kim Maas calls you away from the competing voices in culture by reminding you of the brave women in Scripture. Battling struggles, loss, and judgment amid cultural oppression and religious suppression, these women were politically savvy, prophetically perceptive, and covenantally obedient. And their lives give you permission to be audacious, showing you how to:

      ? break through cultural barriers, religious traditions, and political limitations
      ? refuse to be defined by your circumstances
      ? dream, risk, and fight again
      ? discover your Kingdom identity and purpose

      Now is your time to rise up in faith, move forward with boldness, and fulfill your role in God’s plans for our time.

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    • Fighting Shadows : Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Aliv


      In a world that’s grown increasingly confused about–and hostile toward–the very notion of masculinity, authors Jefferson Bethke and Jon Tyson send a powerful call to men everywhere: it’s time to step into the light of Jesus’ vision for you as a man.

      There’s a shadow that’s settled over the hearts of men today. Masculinity is in crisis. Critiques about the dangers of toxic masculinity and the abuses of patriarchal systems have grown louder than ever. The very notions of masculinity and manhood are under attack. In response to cultural shifts, some have doubled down on old stereotypes in ways that just add to the conflict and confusion.

      The result? Many men simply feel paralyzed–worried about saying the wrong thing, unsure what to do with their ambitions or strengths, simultaneously tempted and shamed by a hypersexualized and pornified culture. Our models and mentors have failed us. Based on their years of working in men’s ministry, Bethke and Tyson have good news for men looking for clarity and courage in this age of quiet desperation. In Fighting Shadows, they help men:

      *overcome the temptations of escapism, passivity, or overcompensation;

      *combat the most harmful shadows that men battle today, including loneliness, apathy, distraction, lust, and shame; and

      *embrace masculinity as a God-given gift, not a curse to be avoided, suppressed, or battled.

      An entire generation of men is being told they should abdicate the responsibility and joy of living into God’s calling on their lives–don’t be one of them. If you’re a man who’s wondering what to do with your strength, your longings, and your gifts, it’s time to step out of the shadows. Jesus has a vision for you.

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    • Speak My Soul


      Learn to listen for the voice of God.

      Our soul speaks … but can we hear it? In our noisy and overcrowded lives, it’s often difficult to find the space to listen deeply to our own inner voice, let alone the voice of God. In Speak, My Soul, spiritual guide Marsha Crockett leads you through seven pathways for slowing down and discerning God’s promptings in your daily life. Using the psalms as a spiritual roadmap, the journey will include seven weeks of daily meditations, prayers, practices, and prompts to help you enter and explore the quiet landscape of the soul, speaking to you even now.

      Speak, My Soul is ideal for both personal and group use and includes the following:

      *A daily and weekly rhythm for personal devotion, reflection, prayer, and suggestions for journaling

      *A Small Group Leader’s Guide, including tips on developing listening groups, teaching active listening skills, and group dynamics

      *Speak, My Soul Psalms: Bonus content with reflection questions for six additional psalms

      *Lenten Retreat Guide

      *Inner Path Identifiers: a chart of traits, challenges, and disciplines associated with each of the seven inner paths for further reflections

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    • Prodigal Gospel : Getting Lost And Found Again In The Good News


      The good news is bigger and better than we imagined.

      Is the gospel good news for us today? Many Christians–especially young Christians stepping into a world and a church devastated by division, scandal, and abuse–are asking this question and deciding it simply isn’t. For many, it seems like our faith has little to offer the world around us. Our gospel has become too small–it looks nothing like the Jesus who embodies good news in the flesh.

      How do we recover this gospel? When we turn to the parable of the prodigal son–a story of elaborate parties, upside-down kingdoms, and reunited families–we can hear in Jesus’ own words a clear presentation of what he is doing, of a truth that is bigger and better than we’ve imagined.?In these pages, author and pastor Jonny Morrison invites us on a journey to help us find ourselves and Jesus in the welcoming arms of this familiar parable, zooming out to show how this story shapes the entire story of Scripture. Along the way we discover the radically inclusive power of the gospel that upends religions, disrupts empires, heals the wounded, and empowers the marginalized. This is, after all, Jesus’ news to tell, and when we truly listen to him tell it, we can be found again in the surprising, disarming, challenging gospel that is truly good news.

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    • Engage Your Destiny


      From Ben Peterson, the combat veteran and founder of the non-profit Engage Your Destiny comes a bold debut forged from Peterson’s own story of spiritual resilience and hard-earned wisdom. Engage Your Destiny invites readers to walk with God and uncover practical action steps to fulfill their own God-given purpose.

      Daring and vulnerable, Engage Your Destiny connects to the unseen aches and desires of the human heart to overcome our struggles and live out our dreams. Peterson fearlessly shares his own stories of pain, trauma, abuse, and addiction with readers. His honest insight and powerful stories display how God can break through to even the most unlikely corners of a person’s life. Since his own recovery from a personal low point in his life, Peterson’s life’s passion has been to testify to what is possible when you walk closely with God.

      Engage Your Destiny dives deep into hard topics, showing readers how God continuously shows up in even the most difficult of circumstances when people allow Him to lead their lives. From mundane everyday tasks to life’s mountain highs and valley lows, each chapter takes readers moment-by-moment through a story of God showing up in impossible ways. Interspersed within are tangible action steps, helping readers to reflect on these stories thoughtfully and infuse practical applications into their personal journeys.

      Peterson outlines effective ways to:

      *Confront adversity with courage
      *Identify the brokenness in your heart
      *Find healing in a way that is both fun and inspirational
      *Walk closely with God towards fulfilling your dreams
      *Fully engage your God-given destiny

      Engage Your Destiny powerfully illustrates that no matter what you’re going through, God’s destiny for your life is within reach, and you have the ability to embrace it.

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    • Deep Reading : Practices To Subvert The Vices Of Our Distracted, Hostile, A


      This book helps readers develop practices that will result in deep, formative, and faithful reading so they can contribute to the flourishing of their communities and cultivate their own spiritual and intellectual depth.

      The authors present reading as a remedy for three prevalent cultural vices–distraction, hostility, and consumerism–that impact the possibility of formative reading. Informed by James K. A. Smith’s work on “the spiritual power of habit,” Deep Reading provides resources for engaging in formative and culturally subversive reading practices that teach readers how to resist vices, love virtue, and desire the good.

      Rather than emphasizing the spiritual benefits of reading specific texts such as Dante’s Divine Comedy or Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the authors focus on the practice of reading itself. They examine practices many teachers, students, and avid readers employ–such as reading lists, reading logs, and discussion–and demonstrate how such practices can be more effectively and intentionally harnessed to result in deep reading. The practices apply to any work that is meant to be read deeply.

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    • Expectation Gap : The Tiny, Vast Space Between Our Beliefs And Experience O


      Learn how to quiet your inner critic, confront chronic anxiety, and relax into God’s perfect presence.

      Do you truly experience the promises Jesus gave to those who follow him–the benefits of peace, freedom, and love? The fact is that many of us struggle with a gap between what we believe about God and how we encounter him in our everyday lives. We don’t want our faith to be merely conceptual–we want to experience it viscerally–and yet we often come up against one or more of these major gaps:

      *I believe God loves me, but I don’t feel it.
      *I believe God is with me, but I don’t see him.
      *I thought I’d be further along in my spiritual progress by now.

      In The Expectation Gap, Steve Cuss–pastor and founder of the leadership organization Capable Life–offers tangible tools for engaging with God in a deeper, more soul-satisfying way. You’ll unveil harmful expectations and patterns that keep you spiritually stuck so that you can replace them with habits and practices that will lead to a more vibrant faith life.

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    • Do It Anyway (Large Type)


      In this inspiring guide to the power of faithful resilience, Tasha Cobbs Leonard–Grammy Award winner and Billboard’s Gospel Artist of the Decade–shares the secret that helps her persevere: When saying yes to God doesn’t make sense, do it anyway.

      Pastor, entrepreneur, and gospel music icon Tasha Cobbs Leonard tells of journeying through moments of unforeseen challenges while holding to an unshakable God and discovering that our greatest breakthroughs come when we make the courageous choice to show up and do hard things anyway.

      Tasha tells remarkable stories of experiencing this firsthand when she committed to dreams even when they seemed unrealistic, pursued adoption though it looked impossible, navigated the dynamics of a blended family despite challenges, and watched God move in each step of endurance through infertility and depression.

      With true testimony and conviction, Tasha inspires you toward a bolder way of life with the promise that it will always be worth it on the other side. Along the way, she equips you with practical tools to help you:

      – Dream big with God again
      – Focus on God’s direction over the loudness of the world
      – Never forget God’s faithfulness, especially in the midst of your hopelessness
      – Don’t let fear of failure force you to quit on your miracle too soon
      – Believe firmly that no mess and no amount of pain is beyond God’s redemption

      Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply weary–there’s a more a hopeful way to live, a bolder way to believe.

      To follow God when the way seems impossible, persevere in faith even when the odds are stacked–this is what it means to “do it anyway.”

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    • Heart That Sees God



      What if everything you think you know about the Sermon on the Mount has only scratched the surface?

      This book will challenge you to embrace the process of change so that you can live an authentic, fulfilled, and intimate life with God.

      The Sermon on the Mount is more than a list of blessings-it’s the recipe to becoming who God created you to be. Francis Frangipane invites you to remove the blinders from your heart and take a fresh new look at the only full sermon of Jesus ever recorded. Revisit Jesus’s teaching and discover the amazing and life-transforming truths hidden behind the words He shared as He saw the multitudes gathering that day and led them on a journey from seeing their own needs to seeing God.

      Known for messages that lead you straight to the heart of God and deepen your relationship with Him, Frangipane’s writing not only reveals the mysteries of Jesus’s sermon he also reveals the true condition of your heart as he challenges you to embrace the process of change that is the only way to live the authentic, fulfilling, intimate Christian life you’ve always wanted to live.

      Jesus never intended for us to think of this sermon as a list of blessings; He intended it as a progression of spiritual realities that leads us to become all God wants us to be. Rediscover Jesus’s words and begin the journey that will transform your life and change your world.

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    • Journey Into Divine Love


      Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, host of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, draws from his deep understanding of Scripture to unlock the mysteries of one of the most beautiful portions of God’s Word-the Song of Songs.

      In what he considers one of the most important teachings the Lord has ever given him, Rabbi Schneider helps readers discover new depths of intimacy with the Lord and better understand how much God loves them by showing how the Song of Songs (or the Song of Solomon) is not just a poetic love story but also a prophetic message of God’s love for His church.

      With practical guidance and insightful analysis, Rabbi Schneider illuminates the layers of meaning and symbolism in the Song of Songs, revealing the profound truths it holds for our spiritual lives today. Whether they are seeking to deepen their relationship with God or simply want to better appreciate the beauty of this ancient text, A Journey Into Divine Love is a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual renewal.

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    • Keys To Experiencing Azusa Fire


      Take Your Place in the Greatest Revival of All Time

      Could we be headed for another Azusa Street Revival-only this time with an even greater global outpouring of God’s glory?

      Diving deep into the extraordinary story of the Azusa Street Revival-and its ongoing impact on the global church-revival experts and bestselling authors Jeff Oliver and Rick Joyner reveal the keys to igniting an even greater movement today.

      Full of incredible testimonies, biblical teaching, and captivating storytelling, Keys to Experiencing Azusa Fire reveals that this miraculous revival is not just history, but also a prophetic vision for the future. God is about to unleash a tsunami of end-time revival. Get ready to ride the coming wave of transformation. In this book, you’ll discover how to:

      Increase your receptivity to the Spirit and devotion to Jesus. Humbly discern and steward a true move of God. Endure persecution with faith, not fear. Receive a landscape-changing deluge of the Holy Spirit.

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    • Walking In Gods Will And Redeeming The TIme Companion Study Guide (Student/Study


      Knowing the Will of God

      ?When you know the will of God, you can redeem the time! Even if you have strayed from the plan God has for your life, you still have the opportunity to get back onto the path the Lord has for you.

      In her insightful series, Walking in God’s Will and Redeeming the Time, Denise Renner shares how to be wise in understanding the call of God on your life and how to get back on track if you have lost your way.

      The five lessons in this study will focus on the following topics:

      *Knowing Who You Really Are
      *Knowing the Power of Forgiveness
      *Knowing and Taking Advantage of Your Opportunities
      *Knowing the Power of One Day
      *Knowing the Power of Being Thankful

      Through powerful Bible stories and personal testimonies, Denise encourages and empowers you to redeem any wasted, lost, or stolen time and move forward in the plan of God!

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    • Emmanuel Promise : Discovering The Security Of A Life Held By God


      God’s face is always shining toward us. Our God is not asleep, nor indifferent. But we don’t always experience this nearness or the depth of how beloved we truly are–especially if we have experienced neglect, betrayal, or indifference in our formative human relationships.

      Drawing from the deep well of Scripture, attachment theory, and her own personal story, Summer Joy Gross invites you to experience Emmanuel, God-with-us, as the One whose love toward you is secure and unchanging. She teaches you simple, repeatable practices grounded in biblical teaching and our rich and ancient church traditions that will equip you day-by-day to build a secure attachment with the God who holds you in a sure hand.

      Because when you are rooted in God’s nearness in the ordinary moments, you can rest in God in the midst of life’s storms.

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    • Joy Of The Trinity


      It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

      But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!

      Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!

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    • My Lowest For His Highest


      Even in the hardest things, we get to fix our eyes on the God who brings us out of the dark night.

      Broken dreams. Discouragement. Grief. Kathryn Shultis has been there. In My Lowest for His Highest, Kathryn shares with honesty and depth about walking through valleys and days of wilderness. Kathryn delves into the heart of our heavenly Father when you find yourself amidst a story that is not what you’d hoped it to be.

      How do you set your eyes on heaven when your life has not turned out as planned? How do you walk through hard seasons of disappointment and learn to heal? Kathryn goes deep into discussing our identity in Christ and how we can rely on Him for comfort, peace, and purpose in all circumstances. You will find your heart strengthened and encouraged as you travel with Kathryn-through her triumphs and failures-and discover the hope of persevering in the love and power of Jesus. You will learn to dance upon life’s disappointment and come out stronger on the other side.

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    • Permission To Be Imperfect


      Stop Striving and Start Living

      Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame.

      But here’s the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! In these pages you’ll discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to:

      * win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors
      * spark growth fueled by God’s love and grace, not rules and performance
      * align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations
      * discover how both Scripture and science reveal God’s design for pressure-free living
      * allow yourself to be imperfect

      Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living–that doesn’t all depend on you!

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    • Faith Embodied : Glorifying God With Our Physical And Spiritual Health


      Scientist, physician, and pastor Stephen Ko explains how to live and worship incarnationally and glorify God with our bodies.

      Many of us don’t see much connection between spiritual and physical health. We say grace before digging into greasy, fatty meals we know are bad for us. We read Scripture on our phones before switching to social media feeds that hijack the neural circuitry in our brains. Or we take our physical health too seriously, distancing ourselves from the sick and the needy whom Jesus embraced.

      On his journey from pediatrician to public health officer for the CDC to senior pastor of the largest New York Chinese Alliance Church, Stephen Ko has seen that these divisions between physical and spiritual health are artificial. In Faith Embodied, he reminds us that our “bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19). Christ incarnate is deity in flesh, and His spirit is incarnate in us. Living and worshiping incarnationally is consciously embracing what the Creator has designed in His image, from the finest, microscopic details to vital organs within our body, enabling the Holy Spirit to work in us.

      Faith Embodied will teach you to:

      *Understand subconscious ways that thwart the design of the Creator.
      *Embrace choices that invite incarnational health, living, and worship.
      *Experience God in every aspect of your life, from flesh and bone to heart and soul.
      *View the five senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) in a different light
      *Reflect the image of God in the way you breathe, move, create, love, and rest.

      Weaving together insights from faith, science, and medicine, Ko reveals the marvelous ways in which our physical and spiritual health can prepare us to become instruments of God’s healing in the world.

      A companion streaming video study is also available.

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    • Disobedient God : Trusting A God Who Goes Off-Script


      In this powerful guidebook, the lead pastor of Fellowship Church demonstrates how the moments that test our faith are the moments God uses to direct our hearts to the one thing we truly desire most: a relationship with Christ.

      When the people of Israel, those who had witnessed the most abundant and inexplicable acts of God, grew tired of waiting for Moses to come off the mountain, they made a calf of gold. It was easier for them to make a new god than to continue serving a God that didn’t conform to their schedule and expectations.

      Just like the Israelites in the desert, we are all fundamentally longing for God… but who and what are we actually reaching for and serving? Disobedient God addresses the things we do when we feel ignored, inconvenienced and frustrated by God. What things are we reaching for in our life? Are we reaching for porn when we long for intimacy? Reaching for success when we long for security? We would never say that we have replaced God, but our actions tell a different story. Whether we are trying to replace God, trying to run away or trying to perform for Him, we have no mindset to deal with a disobedient God. Disobedient God is a book for people dealing with this disappointment and interested in properly understanding and loving the God they’ve misunderstood.

      This is not a step-by-step instruction manual for how to react when things are difficult; rather, it is a way of understanding God that leads people to discover the relationship with God that they were always meant for.

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    • Keys To Experiencing Azusa Fire Workbook (Workbook)


      Take Your Place in the Greatest Revival of All Time

      Could we be headed for another Azusa Street Revival?only this time, with an even greater global outpouring of God’s glory?

      It’s no secret we’re moving toward the culmination and conclusion of history. Outpourings of the Spirit have already begun; signs, wonders, and miracles happen daily all across the world. The “even greater things” Jesus spoke of are here.

      And the best is yet to come.

      Diving deep into the extraordinary story of the Azusa Street Revival?and its incredible, ongoing impact on the global church?revival experts and bestselling authors Jeff Oliver and Rick Joyner reveal the keys to reigniting an even greater movement today. By humbling yourself and overcoming resistance, you can make history.

      Full of incredible testimonies, biblical teaching, and captivating storytelling, Keys to Experiencing Azusa Fire reveals that this miraculous revival is not only a part of history, but also a prophetic vision for the future. Unearthing both the godly and practical wisdom woven throughout the events at Azusa, you’ll discover how to:

      *Increase your receptivity to the Spirit and devotion to Jesus.
      *Humbly discern and steward a true move of God.
      *Yield yourself completely to the Spirit’s new work.
      *Endure persecution with faith, not fear.
      *Move in the power of both the Spirit and the Word.
      *Receive a landscape-changing deluge of the Holy Spirit.

      God is about to unleash a Kingdom tsunami of end-time revival. Don’t let the surge wash you away. It’s time to rise up and ride the coming wave of transformation.

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    • Blessed Are The Rest Of Us


      When Micha Boyett’s son was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. There she found wisdom she needed in a world that values performance, perfection, and strength. Jesus instead calls his followers to embrace meekness, mercy, and suffering. The Beatitudes became an invitation to discover her worth in God’s love rather than in her own accomplishments.

      In Blessed Are the Rest of Us, Boyett shares her insights with readers–especially those who are burned out, tired of performing, living with grief, or feeling exhausted, powerless, or excluded. She invites them into an understanding of God and themselves centered on belovedness rather than accomplishment. Here is her message: in God’s dream for the world, blessing has nothing to do with ease; it’s about flourishing, and Jesus promises we find flourishing in our limits and in our longing to see the world made whole. Each chapter centers on the refreshing good news of one beatitude, poetically woven with stories of Boyett’s life.

      Beautifully reassuring and liberating, this book calls readers to rest in God’s rich and abundant love.

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    • Emmanuel Promise : Discovering The Security Of A Life Held By God


      God’s face is always shining toward us. Our God is not asleep, nor indifferent. But we don’t always experience this nearness or the depth of how beloved we truly are–especially if we have experienced neglect, betrayal, or indifference in our formative human relationships.

      Drawing from the deep well of Scripture, attachment theory, and her own personal story, Summer Joy Gross invites you to experience Emmanuel, God-with-us, as the One whose love toward you is secure and unchanging. She teaches you simple, repeatable practices grounded in biblical teaching and our rich and ancient church traditions that will equip you day-by-day to build a secure attachment with the God who holds you in a sure hand.

      Because when you are rooted in God’s nearness in the ordinary moments, you can rest in God in the midst of life’s storms.

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    • Still Standing : How To Live In God’s Light While Wrestling With The Dark


      How do you stand up after life knocks you down?

      That’s the question Courtney Joseph Fallick asked herself when she entered the darkest season of her life. She found herself drowning in fear, shame, and grief, while God seemed silent.

      Opening up about her husband’s deep betrayal and abandonment, Courtney shows you how to rise up after your own heart-crushing struggles, cling to God’s promises, and move forward stronger than before.

      Sharing the hard-fought lessons she learned, she helps you:

      * hold on to your faith when life wounds you
      * stand back up–and keep standing–after being knocked down
      * overcome discouragement and disillusionment
      * heal your hurts and let go
      * recover from loss and grief
      * find enough strength, joy, rest, and peace for each day

      This dark valley will end. Here is the infusion of hope you need to rise, live well, and walk with the King.

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    • Blessed Are The Rest Of Us


      When Micha Boyett’s son was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism, she was drawn into the ancient teachings of the Beatitudes. There she found wisdom she needed in a world that values performance, perfection, and strength. Jesus instead calls his followers to embrace meekness, mercy, and suffering. The Beatitudes became an invitation to discover her worth in God’s love rather than in her own accomplishments.

      In Blessed Are the Rest of Us, Boyett shares her insights with readers–especially those who are burned out, tired of performing, living with grief, or feeling exhausted, powerless, or excluded. She invites them into an understanding of God and themselves centered on belovedness rather than accomplishment. Here is her message: in God’s dream for the world, blessing has nothing to do with ease; it’s about flourishing, and Jesus promises we find flourishing in our limits and in our longing to see the world made whole. Each chapter centers on the refreshing good news of one beatitude, poetically woven with stories of Boyett’s life.

      Beautifully reassuring and liberating, this book calls readers to rest in God’s rich and abundant love.

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    • Now And Not Yet


      Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

      Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

      Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

      *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

      *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

      *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

      *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

      Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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    • Permission To Be Imperfect


      Stop Striving and Start Living

      Is your life ruled by checklists or obligations? Do you define a godly life by service to others, accomplishments, or even a constant pursuit to please God? Bad news: these well-intentioned efforts make you weaker, not stronger, actually fueling your battles with anger, addiction, anxiety, depression, insecurity, or shame.

      But here’s the good news: God designed the abundant, victorious life to happen far more effortlessly than you imagined! In these pages you’ll discover the keys to lasting peace, joy, and healing, including how to:

      * win the war against your most toxic emotions and behaviors
      * spark growth fueled by God’s love and grace, not rules and performance
      * align your life and mind with a proper perspective of God and His expectations
      * discover how both Scripture and science reveal God’s design for pressure-free living
      * allow yourself to be imperfect

      Here is everything you need to live from rest, not stress, and experience a powerful new way of living–that doesn’t all depend on you!

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    • Still Standing : How To Live In God’s Light While Wrestling With The Dark


      How do you stand up after life knocks you down?

      That’s the question Courtney Joseph Fallick asked herself when she entered the darkest season of her life. She found herself drowning in fear, shame, and grief, while God seemed silent.

      Opening up about her husband’s deep betrayal and abandonment, Courtney shows you how to rise up after your own heart-crushing struggles, cling to God’s promises, and move forward stronger than before.

      Sharing the hard-fought lessons she learned, she helps you:

      * hold on to your faith when life wounds you
      * stand back up–and keep standing–after being knocked down
      * overcome discouragement and disillusionment
      * heal your hurts and let go
      * recover from loss and grief
      * find enough strength, joy, rest, and peace for each day

      This dark valley will end. Here is the infusion of hope you need to rise, live well, and walk with the King.

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    • Its Midnight In America


      The world is not falling apart. It is falling into place.

      After reading this book, you will know how to place your trust in God to overcome your fears of what is going on in the world. You will no longer look to the future with fear, but with the promises that God has given you as His child.

      In Midnight in America, Phil Hotsenpiller fearlessly uncovers the alarming slumber within the church, drawing parallels to the biblical narrative of Samson. Just as Samson unknowingly lost his power, the American church finds itself in a similar state, unaware of its diminished influence and complacent in the face of critical challenges. Through this book, readers will be awakened to the urgent need for revival and transformation.

      With unwavering conviction, Midnight in America confronts the paralyzing spirit of fear that has infiltrated the church. Hotsenpiller sheds light on the detrimental effects of seeking acceptance from the world, which has inadvertently weakened the church’s impact and compromised its mission.

      Midnight in America doesn’t merely highlight the problems; it offers practical solutions. Hotsenpiller equips readers with the knowledge and wisdom needed to thrive in difficult times and embrace an unwavering hope that can withstand any adversity. Readers will discover the essence of courage and learn how to stand firm in the face of persecution, preparing them to face the challenges of the present and the future. And they will be reminded that hope is not just an abstract concept–it’s a person, who can transform lives and unleash the power within them.

      Midnight in America serves as an urgent wake-up call and a guiding roadmap for readers to reclaim their purpose and revitalize their faith. Readers will confront their challenges, embrace their calling, and prepare for the imminent return of Christ.

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    • This Beautiful Book


      In This Beautiful Book, Steve Green – founder of The Museum of the Bible – highlights life-changing themes woven through the mosaic of the Bible’s various stories, reveals a new way to engage Scripture as a whole, and inspires deep appreciation for the Bible’s connection to your life.

      The most popular and culture-shaping text in the world, the Bible is still the least understood book of all time.

      The Bible’s collection of history, poetry, genealogy lists, and mystifying prophecies often prove puzzling to readers. And when this text is read in pieces, we’re left with only a half-impression of the vibrant mosaic. This Beautiful Book highlights the thematic threads woven throughout the ancient writings and shows us a new way to engage with Scripture as a whole.

      Through insights gained from firsthand experiences in leading and developing the first world-class Bible museum, Green invites readers to step back from the individual stories of the Bible and consider the Bible as a whole. He reveals the completeness, connection, and transformative power of Scripture. Along with stunning retellings of biblical stories, Green helps readers see the story within the story, and draws the careful connections that help us appreciate the richness of the Bible story as a single story. Each page will spark or embolden your faith in a God who speaks to us across the centuries.

      A truly captivating experience, this book will instill in you a deep appreciation for Scripture and its profound connection to your own life story.

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    • Permission To Dream


      Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you’re not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you.

      The highs and lows are part of your story, but they aren’t the whole story. With God’s help, you can build the resilience to keep pushing forward and hold onto hope–even in the face of setbacks or obstacles.

      Permission to Dream by bestselling author Christine Caine will:

      *teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the challenges.
      *help you listen and tune into God’s calling so you can overcome previous pain.
      *provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.
      *teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.

      This book is for anyone who:

      *knows their purpose but isn’t sure how to take the next step forward.
      *questions their value.
      *feels like they’re not enough.
      *is wondering what God has planned for them.

      Curated from messages shared in Unstoppable, Undaunted, and Unexpected, along with new insights and encouragement, Permission to Dream is a reminder that you are needed in this world, and you matter. Your purpose is bigger than you know, and God has created you to do something that will reflect his light in the world, and he has qualified you to do it. With his help, you can fulfill all that He’s created you to do.

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    • Exiles : The Church In The Shadow Of Empire


      A thoughtful exploration of the intersection of faith and politics, Exiles asks: What if we considered ourselves “exiles in Babylon” and turned to Scripture, not political parties, to shape our most passionate values?

      Politics are dividing our churches like never before. New York Times-bestselling author Dr. Preston M. Sprinkle reminds us that the first-century church was not an apolitical gathering, where Christians left their Roman politics at the door. It also wasn’t a place where Christians mounted a Roman flag next to–or above–a Christian one. Church was a place where God’s plan for governing the world was revealed, where one could witness what it means to follow the Creator’s design for human flourishing.

      In this timely book, Preston explores why:

      *Israel’s exile to Babylon profoundly shaped the political identity of God’s people–and still does today.

      *Christians should see themselves as foreigners in the country where they live.

      *The gospel of Jesus’ kingdom was politically subversive.

      *The church today should view its political identity as fundamentally separate from the empire.

      Total allegiance to a political party dilutes the church’s witness. Discover a more biblical, powerful way to live in a secular world. Discover what it means to live in exile.

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    • Every Woman A Theologian


      Now available in trade paper!

      Know what you believe and live it boldly! Phylicia Masonheimer believes that every woman should be a theologian and a student of the heart of God. Learn the basics of Christian theology and why it’s so important to continue your biblical education to grow deeper in faith. Discover how scriptural knowledge can help you navigate the world, answer your toughest questions, and engage culture in loving ways.

      All of us have guiding principles at work behind our choices, even if we don’t realize it. We hold beliefs about the world, ourselves, and God–beliefs perhaps we may have adopted unknowingly based on experience or culture’s messages.

      But God has revealed Himself through Scripture so it can transform how we view and navigate the world–how we think, act, love, work, marry, and parent. When we do that, we become theologians. No, we’re not wearing tweed suits or giving lectures; we’re driving to our corporate job every morning, or juggling babies on our own, or connecting with our communities. We are women who want to know who God is and how He answers our toughest questions.

      Through engaging stories and compelling truths, ?Every Woman a Theologian?will help you:

      *Identify your existing beliefs about God, salvation, and the Christian life
      *Learn how to lovingly communicate Christian truths to those who disagree
      *Understand theological concepts without feeling overwhelmed or inadequate
      *Grow closer to the heart of God

      Step in that direction with Phylicia Masonheimer as your guide, and you will grow as a woman able to discern truth, who knows what she believes, and who lives her faith boldly in a post-Christian world.

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    • Whatever Happens : How To Stand Firm In Your Faith When The World Is Fallin


      Do you struggle keeping your faith in a world that’s losing its mind? These 31 short chapters take a deep dive into the book of Philippians, which Robert Morgan says is the Bible’s handbook for tackling each day with an undaunted attitude.

      Life is unpredictable, and the world is unstable. People have never been so confounded, sensing our culture, economy, and geopolitical systems are spiraling downward. Even in our personal lives, none of us knows what will happen next–which is why God gave us the book of Philippians. This short letter–just over 100 verses–can help us learn to live overflowing lives in an overwhelming world.

      Philippians is one of the most practical books of the Bible, which Robert Morgan says is as fresh as ever. Its theme can be summed up in these verses: “Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then . . . I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you” (1:27-28). Among the many lessons in Whatever Happens, readers will learn how to:

      *Use prayer to energize their life
      *Make today about others
      *Stay as cheerful as possible in all circumstances
      *Let others lean on their strength
      *Start everything with praise and end everything with prayer

      As the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a prison cell, he was facing dire circumstances and an unsettled future. Would he be released or executed? But he knew one thing–that whatever happened, he was going to stand firm in his faith and live a life worthy of the gospel. And no matter what we are going through today, we can do the same.

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    • Not What I Signed Up For


      What do I do when I don’t know what to do?

      Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season? Struggling with fear, uncertainty, and an unknown future? And thinking to yourself (and saying to God): This is not what I signed up for.

      From counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice comes a book for when you feel scared, helpless, and in over your head. In Not What I Signed Up For, Nicole takes us on a journey through the biblical story of Joseph-thirteen years of conflict, abandonment, and captivity-to help us see how God uses life’s hard times, twists, turns, and in-between spaces to grow something essential in our souls. With honest vulnerability, she’ll help you learn to:

      *Move forward when every choice feels impossible.
      *Persevere when you have no idea how your story will end.
      *Recognize signposts of hope in times of doubt, anxiety, and disappointment
      *Develop a sense of purpose and a resilient faith as you walk through seasons of uncertainty

      As you witness Joseph’s eventual restoration and redemption unfold in an entirely different way than what he must have expected, you’ll find the strength, hope, and perspective to navigate a season you didn’t sign up for.

      Not What I Signed Up For also makes a perfect gift for anyone in need of spiritual encouragement.
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    • She Needs : Women Flourishing In The Church


      Many gifted women have limited opportunities for using their diverse and important talents in a church setting. In contrast, their male counterparts have a clear pathway to receive training to become Pastors.

      Written by Nay Dawson, She Needs intends to open the discussion between women and their church leaders to explore the benefits of women using their unique skills to enrich the church and its community. Nay is passionate about women flourishing in the church and is the Founder of Passion for Evangelism, a network of creative, public female evangelists.

      Whether your church considers all roles open to women or considers there to be a biblical distinction in gender roles, She Needs will help you initiate healthy conversations about women using their gifts to enrich the life of your church. This will in turn open a space for women to start using their skills to build up the church.

      Honest and hard-hitting chapters are dovetailed with stories from women who love the church, and practical discussion questions to make sure that this important conversation continues to move forward.

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    • Strangely Bright : Can You Love God And Enjoy This World (Revised)


      Drink your wine with a merry heart.

      The Spiritual disciplines are crucial for Christians to grow in their faith: prayer, fasting, worship, and service. But one spiritual discipline you will not hear from many pulpits is the practice of delighting in God’s good gifts.

      Pumpkin crunch cake. A really big tree. Johnny Cash. Baseball in October. Summer rain.

      In this short book, Joe Rigney offers a biblical vision that bypasses both ingratitude and idolatry and instead enjoys God in everything and enjoys everything in God. As we fix our eyes upon the Father of lights, the Giver of every good and perfect gift, we will notice that the things of earth grow strangely bright.

      This edition featuring a new foreword by Douglas Wilson.

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    • Holy Grit : The Will To Persevere


      Holy Grit provides a refreshing oasis for those feeling parched by doubt and despair.You’ll find the will to leave the cave of resignation by learning from the examples of Bible figures who chose to endure rather than quit.

      You’ll be motivated to rejoin the company of the courageous to re-sign rather than resign.

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    • Goliath Must Fall For Young Readers


      Our kids face more pressure and stress than ever before. Issues such as fear, jealousy, loneliness, and anxiety seem like giants standing in the way of the joy-filled childhood and adolescence we want them to have. In Goliath Must Fall for Young Readers, pastor Louie Giglio shows kids that only God can help them defeat those giants–and He will.

      Louie Giglio, the director of the Passion Movement that has reached more than a million young people, shares Goliath Must Fall for Young Readers, a children’s book about facing fears and overcoming adversity by relying on God.

      This book:

      *Is adapted for middle grade readers, ages 8 to 12, from the national bestseller Goliath Must Fall, which has sold over 300,000 copies

      *Includes chapters that correspond with each chapter of the original Goliath Must Fall, making it perfect for families to read together with their kids

      *Has practical tools and thought-provoking activities such as reflection questions with writing space to help kids learn strategies to surrender their fears, overcome bad habits, and let go of the comforts this world tells them they have to have

      *Is a great purchase for kids who are struggling with stress, anxiety, technology addiction, or other troubles and for fans of Louie’s other children’s books, Indescribable, How Great Is Our God, and The Wonder of Creation

      While addressing the struggles kids face today with temptation, social media comparisons, and anxiety, Louie Giglio reveals a surprising twist in the David and Goliath story that might just change everything about the way we see Jesus and how to conquer the giants in our lives.

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    • Growing Slow : Lessons On Un-Hurrying Your Heart From An Accidental Farm Gi


      Enter a simpler way of living by unhurrying your heart, embracing the relaxed rhythms of nature, and discovering the meaningful gift of growing slow.

      We long to make a break from the fast pace of life, but if we’re honest, we’re afraid of what we’ll miss if we do. Yet when going big and hustling hard leaves us stressed, empty, and out of sorts, perhaps this can be our cue to step into a far more satisfying, sustainable pace. In this crafted, inspiring read, beloved author Jennifer Dukes Lee offers a path to unhurried living by returning to the rhythm of the land and learning the ancient art of Growing Slow.

      Jennifer was once at breaking point herself, and tells her story of rude awakening to the ways her chosen lifestyle of running hard, scaling fast, and the neverending chase for results was taking a toll on her body, heart, and soul. But when she finally gave herself permission to believe it takes time to grow good things, she found a new kind of freedom. With eloquent truths and vivid storytelling, Jennifer reflects on the lessons she learned from living on her fifth-generation family farm and the insights she gathered from the purposeful yet never rushed life of Christ. Growing Slow charts a path out of the pressures of bigger, harder, faster, and into a more rooted way of living where the growth of good things is deep and lasting.

      Following the rhythms of the natural growing season, Growing Slow will help you:

      *Find the true relief that comes when you stop running and start resting in Jesus
      *Learn practices for unhurrying your heart and mind every day
      *Let go of the pressure and embrace the small, good things already bearing fruit in your life
      *And engage slow growth through reflection prompts and simple application steps

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    • Unapologetically Supernatural : Real-World Empowerment For Out Of This Worl


      Bring Heaven’s Power to Earth’s Problems

      Do you want to carry the tangible, miracle-working, prophetic power of God? Does it sometimes seem like it’s reserved only for the elite?

      The truth is that God’s manifest presence and power is not exclusive-it’s for every believer willing to step out in faith, boldness, and risk. It’s just that many don’t know how.

      Known for equipping everyday people to carry the supernatural power of God to the darkest and most challenging places, pastor Darren Stott trains you to become Unapologetically Supernatural, revealing scriptural secrets so you can become a practitioner of God’s power and authority.

      Unapologetically Supernatural helps you develop key areas of your walk with God, positioning you to:

      Release prophetic, miracle-working demonstrations. Open portals of divine opportunity. Move in and flow with God’s power. Discover your powerful biblical authority and inheritance. Drink from the ancient wells of supernatural legacy. Walk the biblical pathways of supernatural favor. Receive revelation through dreams and visions.

      Stop being a spectator of the supernatural. This broken world needs you to do what you were born again to do: release the tangible, miracle-working power of God on earth as it flows in heaven.

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    • Things Of Earth (Revised)


      The Christian Life is a journey in holiness: from one degree of glory to the next. But for too long there has been an unstated belief that as Christians grow in holiness, the things of earth will, as the hymn says, grow strangely dim. But Dr. Joe Rigney sees it differently.
      As the poet once said, The world is charged with the grandeur of God. The smile of a wife. Baseball in October. The Sawtooth Mountain Range. Toddlers’ laughing. Meatballs in spaghetti. A very good whiskey. What are Christians to make of these earthly pleasures?

      In this book, Rigney offers relief to Christians wrongly burdened by anxious guilt that they might enjoy their stuff too much. There is another way besides Idolatry and Ingratitude. This book will instill a rich gratitude to the Father of Lights, the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

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    • Uncomplicated : Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life


      Timeless wisdom for a simpler life

      Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? Discover the secrets to the peaceful, compelling life you long for through the skills honed by our grandmothers and lived out by the Amish. Drink from this well of timeless wisdom and gain practical skills with a counselor, career woman, and busy mom who’s raised her family on a farm in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country as your guide.

      In this new book from the author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids without Losing Your Mind, Brenda L. Yoder equips women with 10 timeless lessons drawn from past generations to overcome practical obstacles and solve daily challenges with a calm presence, authentic faith, and voice of reason. No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.

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    • Courageously Soft : Daring To Keep A Tender Heart In A Tough World


      Living in a broken world gives us plenty of reasons to armor up, shut down, and numb out.
      But God wants more for us than just getting by. When we harden ourselves to the world, we not only close ourselves off from the good things God intends for us but close off avenues God wants to work through in others’ lives as well.

      With deep empathy and encouragement, writer Charaia Rush invites us to experience the countercultural path of staying open and vulnerable to the goodness of God and the miracle of staying tender in a tough world that only God can bring about. In Courageously Soft she helps you to:

      *identify the root of a hardened heart
      *move from fearful self-preservation to the hope of being held
      *recognize God’s presence in the midst of pain
      *replace denial, shutting down, and closing off with abiding trust in God’s love and care

      If you have been feeling exhausted, bitter, or beaten down by disappointment, betrayal, or suffering, this grace-filled book will help you find your way back to a posture of love, trust, and hope.

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    • Braving Change : Release The Past, Welcome Growth, And Trust Where God Is L


      Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

      Combining biblical wisdom with inspiring personal stories, Braving Change helps you:
      *recognize the transition you are in
      *recover from loss
      *reclaim your power to make healthy choices
      *rebuild after change

      Each chapter includes reflection questions and a guided prayer to help you make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.

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    • Braving Change : Release The Past, Welcome Growth, And Trust Where God Is L


      Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

      Combining biblical wisdom with inspiring personal stories, Braving Change helps you:
      *recognize the transition you are in
      *recover from loss
      *reclaim your power to make healthy choices
      *rebuild after change

      Each chapter includes reflection questions and a guided prayer to help you make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.

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    • Vision Of Jesus


      What if Genesis through Revelation is just the beginning of knowing who God is?

      This book will guide you into a deeper understanding and intimacy with God as you study who He is as the resurrected King. You will have a better grasp of the book of Revelation and who Jesus is revealed in this powerful part of Scripture.

      The image we have of Jesus is one that affects the way we act as Christians and the way we take the gospel to the world. That image has sometimes been reflected badly because we do not have a fully rounded image of the Jesus we love and worship. Indeed, some modern concepts of Jesus in the church would be difficult to worship.

      In Revelation 1, Jesus appears in a vision given to the apostle John. It is an awesome, majestic vision. The Bible, perhaps intentionally, doesn’t give us much information about what Jesus looked like in human form. Yet here in John’s apocalyptic book, God gives us an image that transcends the incarnation, an image of Jesus we can really focus on. In A Vision of Jesus, respected Bible teacher R.T. Kendall mines Revelation 1 to show readers:

      *The unique promise of the Book of Revelation
      *What Revelation teaches us about how to handle guilt, jealousy, and the unexpected
      *Who God is and how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Testament pictures, as well as our great High Priest, the King, and more

      In these pages, Kendall guides readers toward a faith enriched by a more complete image of the Savior. Engaging and enlightening, this book will inspire Christians to renew their devotion to Jesus and share His transformative love with the world.

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    • Courageously Soft : Daring To Keep A Tender Heart In A Tough World


      Living in a broken world gives us plenty of reasons to armor up, shut down, and numb out.
      But God wants more for us than just getting by. When we harden ourselves to the world, we not only close ourselves off from the good things God intends for us but close off avenues God wants to work through in others’ lives as well.

      With deep empathy and encouragement, writer Charaia Rush invites us to experience the countercultural path of staying open and vulnerable to the goodness of God and the miracle of staying tender in a tough world that only God can bring about. In Courageously Soft she helps you to:

      *identify the root of a hardened heart
      *move from fearful self-preservation to the hope of being held
      *recognize God’s presence in the midst of pain
      *replace denial, shutting down, and closing off with abiding trust in God’s love and care

      If you have been feeling exhausted, bitter, or beaten down by disappointment, betrayal, or suffering, this grace-filled book will help you find your way back to a posture of love, trust, and hope.

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    • Uncomplicated : Simple Secrets For A Compelling Life


      Timeless wisdom for a simpler life

      Do you feel trapped in a chaotic, relentless, demanding lifestyle? Discover the secrets to the peaceful, compelling life you long for through the skills honed by our grandmothers and lived out by the Amish. Drink from this well of timeless wisdom and gain practical skills with a counselor, career woman, and busy mom who’s raised her family on a farm in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country as your guide.

      In this new book from the author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids without Losing Your Mind, Brenda L. Yoder equips women with 10 timeless lessons drawn from past generations to overcome practical obstacles and solve daily challenges with a calm presence, authentic faith, and voice of reason. No matter where you live or what season of life you’re in, you can find inspiration from the simpler life.

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    • Enfoque Del Reino – (Spanish)


      !Mas de un millon de copias vendidas en la serie del reino!

      Busquen el reino de Dios por encima de todo lo demas y lleven una vida justa, y el les dara todo lo que necesiten (Mateo 6:33).

      Tener el enfoque correcto lo cambia todo en la vida. Si nos ocupamos en enfocarnos en frivolidades externas o en ambiciones personales en vez de en el reino de Dios, terminamos perdiendonos de servir al reino de Dios… y nos perdemos tambien de mucho mas que esperamos obtener en la vida. Sin embargo, cuando alineamos nuestras vidas con la Palabra de Dios, llegamos a experimentar la mejor libertad posible.

      En Un enfoque del reino, Tony Evans les ensea a los lectores como enfocarse en las cosas en las cuales Dios mismo se enfoca en las Escrituras, y explora que es lo que deleita el corazon de Dios. Es al hacerlo que podemos descubrir el gozo y el poder de deleitarnos en las mismas cosas. Permita que Dios agudice su enfoque, transforme su mente y lo empodere a vivir cada aspecto de su vida a la luz del reino al cual ha sido llamado y para el cual ha sido elegido: para un momento como este. Aprenda como:

      *examinar los habitos espirituales que podemos utilizar para agudizar nuestro enfoque en el reino de Dios,

      *maximizar la vida terrenal,

      *profundizar en el caracter y el corazon de Dios y

      *reconocer como nos guia paso a paso el amor de Dios.

      Over 1 million books sold in the Kingdom series!

      “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you” (Matthew 6:33, NASB).

      Having the right focus makes all the difference in life. If we are busy focusing on external frivolities or personal ambitions rather than on the Kingdom of God, we wind up missing out on serving God’s Kingdom-as well as many of the other things we hope to attain in life. However, when we align our lives with God’s Word, we get to experience the greatest freedom we could ever know.

      In Kingdom Focus, Tony Evans teaches readers how to focus on the things God Himself focuses on in Scripture and explores the issues that delight His heart. It is by doing so that we can discover the joy and the power of delighting in the same things. Allow God to sharpen your focus, transform your mind, and empower you to live every aspect of your life in light of the Kingdom to which you have been chosen and called, for such a time as this.

      Learn how to:

      *examine the spiritual habits we can employ to sharpen our focus for God’s Kingdom,
      *fully maximize life w

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    • Think Ahead Workbook (Workbook)


      We all want to make great decisions, but frequently, we don’t. When the moment of truth arrives, we make choices that we later regret. It causes us to wonder if we actually can begin to make better decisions for our lives.

      Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands this dilemma that we all face. From both personal experience and as a minister and counselor to others, he knows what it is like to be trapped in a cycle of bad decision-making. But over time, he has discovered how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be.

      In the Think Ahead Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Craig draws on the truth of Scripture and the latest research in human behavior to reveal the power of making decisions in advance–what we might call “pre-deciding”–to position ourselves to make the choices we really want to make and avoid those choices that we do not want to make. In the process, he reveals:

      *The science behind many of our decision-making habits
      *How our small choices shape the kind of people we become
      *Practical steps we can employ to combat decision fatigue
      *How to develop the ability to diminish the role of emotions in decision-making

      Are you ready to choose who you will become and live the life you really want to live? If so, this workbook will provide you with a clear biblical path on how to get there and think ahead.

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    • I Want God


      I Want God, now revised and updated, will help you focus on your true pursuit of God and watch Him move your soul. Lisa Whittle amplifies the solution to the heart cry of the “sick of me” life.

      It is in the heart of every person to want God, but life gets loud, and we forget Him. We get consumed by our problems, our desires, ourselves. We forget our first encounter with the Savior and how much we once wanted Him. But Lisa Whittle believes that if we calibrate our attention, refocusing on God determines the perspective for everything in our life:

      *what we fight for,
      *what we tolerate,
      *how we make decisions,
      *what we choose,
      *what we love,
      *what we chase,
      *what we let go of, and
      *what we are willing to change.

      A guidebook, a teacher, and a resource, all in one, I Want God brings rich simplicity to life-altering principles, perfect for your personal Lenten reflection. With her signature boldness and raw authenticity, author and podcast host of The Jesus Over Everything podcast, Lisa Whittle inspires with bottom line truth when we want Him and experience a soul revival, there is no limit to what we will do for Him.

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    • Sustain The Flame


      The Secret to Shaping the World and Impacting Generations

      “If you are reading this right now, that means God is wooing you deeper. He is inviting you to go deeper into the rivers of living waters. He wants to take you past your ankles, past your knees, past your waist, and over your head.” — Heidi Baker, bestselling author of Birthing the Miraculous

      Do you long to live in continual power and passion for Jesus, but feel yourself being pulled away by distractions and responsibilities? Do you dread the spiritual lows that inevitably come after powerful encounters?

      If you are reading this right now, you are not here by accident. You are chosen by God to be set apart, consumed by the fire of His love as a warrior in the remnant army of Jesus lovers He is raising up right now.

      With contagious passion and prophetic insight, international minister and revivalist Dr. Jennifer Miskov–with contributing chapters from Heidi Baker–ignites a fire to pursue Jesus with total abandonment, revealing how to keep the passion and fervor for God burning in your life in a sustained way and spread the flames of His love and power wherever you go.

      Through Spirit-filled insight, provoking testimony, and scriptural foundations, Jennifer awakens, equips, and calls you into your God given assignment, empowering you to:

      *Access the anointing of this kairos moment.
      *Discover the secrets of sustained revival from the Moravians, John Wesley, and more.
      *Be seen, known, and loved within a vibrant spiritual family.
      *Step into the fullness of your God-given destiny.
      *Create a new normal for the next generation.
      *Partner with the Body of Christ to keep the fires of revival burning for generations to come.

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    • Even When : Experiencing God’s Presence During Difficult Days – 40 Devotion


      From award-winning author Sara Cormany, Even When is a raw and reflective devotional that ushers readers into God’s presence during difficult times and reminds us that even our hardest stories are written by the hand of a good God.

      In these uniquely challenging and unprecedented post-pandemic times, the notion that God’s goodness ensures an easy journey has been met by the unfaltering truth that life is hard. It’s not a question of if there will be trials, but when. Sara Cormany knows this reality all too well. However, through personal health complications and family tragedy, she has chosen to believe that Jesus is enough.

      Even When beautifully weaves together the inevitability of hard times with the unyielding heart of God’s goodness and inspires readers to experience His presence amid the storm in their lives. Each devotion begins with an “Even when…” statement, followed by a poignant personal story, a Bible verse, and a thought-provoking question that will encourage readers to embrace the truth that God is enough — even in our darkest moments.

      This powerful devotional helps readers to:

      *Become more comfortable with the difficult truth that life not only can, but will be hard.
      *Reflect on where God has shown up in their own hardships.
      *Experience God’s goodness while enduring life’s challenges.
      *Explore what it looks like to “suffer well” and trust God as Jesus did on the Cross.
      *Love God and know God’s love in a fallen world.

      Vulnerable and authentic, Even When strikes a universal chord and points readers toward the heart of God’s goodness in even the most challenging of circumstances, knowing that even when life is hard, He is always good

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    • Untangle Your Emotions (Large Type)


      How often have you heard, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you”? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others?

      Many of us need to unlearn damaging messages about our emotions. We’ve been taught, for example, that emotions are untrustworthy, when, in fact, God can use them to help us see where we need His healing.

      In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you:

      *exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a five-step process to know what you feel and what to do about it

      *debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others

      *live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as “emotional” or not

      *sit with feelings that are confusing and painful by discovering the depth of God’s love and compassion for you

      Feelings aren’t something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we’ll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who built us–soul, mind, and heart.

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    • Non Anxious Life


      Do you, like so many of us, see anxiety as an incentive to perform? Or a proof of how much you care? Or is anxiety simply an unwelcome shadow over your days, bringing with it clenched teeth and an upset stomach?

      Anxiety leads us to succumb to fear and fight peace. Anxious living is a distortion of good motives, blocking the clarity of stillness and rest.

      Alan Fadling has also felt mastered by worry, but he brings counsel on how to learn a better way and who to look to for it: Jesus, “the ultimate non-anxious presence.” He constructs a posture from which we can rest more deeply, live more fully, and lead better. Fixing our minds on grace and eternity, we can begin to see the benefit of loosening our grip and operating from a sure foundation. Join Alan in releasing anxiety and taking up authentic love in A Non-Anxious Life.

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    • Warrior Of Eden


      There’s a reason you’ve always known God has big plans for you–He’s created you with great purpose.

      In this transformative, biblically based book, Beth Guckenberger draws on God’s original intention for women to embolden us to use our gifts as full participants at church, at work, and at home. Warrior of Eden explores twenty-seven thought-provoking questions such as:

      *What does “suitable helper” in Genesis 2 really mean?
      *Are we made in the image of a male God?
      *How did the early church treat women?
      *When have I joined men in battle, and when have I picked one instead?
      *Why is the church lagging in this conversation instead of leading?

      With reflection questions and journal prompts, Warrior of Eden reminds us that God directly empowers women to do His work–not because one gender is superior, but because we’re each worthy of His calling.

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    • Lead With Prayer


      Discover the prayer habits of world-changing leaders that will transform your life and your leadership.

      Experienced leaders will tell you that you can’t lead on your own. The pressure, the impossible decisions, the high risks, the temptations, the people, the overwhelming schedule-it’s too much. Some leaders seek outside help. They pray.

      Looking for help in their own leadership, entrepreneur Ryan Skoog, CEO Peter Greer, and executive advisor Cameron Doolittle set out to investigate how leaders pray. What do they say to God? How often do they pray, and for how long? Where do they pray? And how on earth do they make time for prayer? Skoog, Greer, and Doolittle spent three years researching. They logged over one hundred hours of interviews with leaders in six continents who collectively serve in over one hundred countries. They researched or spoke with global entrepreneurs and business executives of Fortune 500 companies, as well as some of the most influential pastors and ministry leaders in the world-leaders such as:

      *Joni Eareckson Tada
      *Philip Yancey
      *Francis Chan
      *John Mark Comer
      *Christine Caine
      *David Green
      *Mark Batterson
      *Among countless others.

      Here in this book, the authors share the spiritual habits, techniques, and practices of these world-changing leaders, revealing specific details of their prayer lives. In addition, the book includes prayers for leaders to use in their own prayer time as well as tools for how to cultivate a personal and organizational commitment to prayer.

      By allowing these men and women to lead us in prayer, we learn not only how to pray but also how to build a culture of prayer wherever we lead. It is only when our businesses, ministries, and churches pray that they will be transformed.

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    • Walk Out Of Your Mess


      Daily Encouragement to Stay Strong as You Wait for Your Miracle

      Inspired by the story of the blind man in John 9, pastor Samuel Rodriguez shows that sometimes Jesus makes your situation a muddy mess first–and out of that mess emerges a miracle.

      Helping you navigate the messy season of waiting for breakthrough, Pastor Sam takes you deeper into the life-changing biblical truths from the bestselling book Your Mess, God’s Miracle. Each entry in this 40-day devotional immerses you in God’s promises, daily infusing you with hope–and the audacity to replace fear with faith, wash away the mud of the past and walk through your mess into God’s miracle.

      Your pain and struggles are not punishments to endure. They’re opportunities to showcase God’s glory.

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    • Talking To God Using 10 Psalms


      “Hello, God, it’s me!”

      Talking to God immerses you into a new experience as you are covered over with a rich, deep tapestry, like the most beautiful woven cloth, of the vast expressions of our human need for God. The psalms express exuberant praise, worship, and adoration, but also deep guilt, anxiety, and fears. The psalms expose the happy times when we are bursting with joy, and sad times when we are crushed and can’t go on.

      Every word in the Bible is Spirit-inspired, so each word in each psalm is given to us by God, greatly enriching our spiritual depth and breadth, and learning from the psalmist how to:

      *Wait for God
      *Hope in God
      *Pray to God
      *Trust in God
      *Serve God
      *Obey God
      *Do His will

      The ten psalms explored throughout Talking to God: Psalm 23, In God’s Presence; Psalm 1, Two Ways to Live; Psalm 51, A Cry for Mercy; Psalm 84, Praying to Enjoy God’s Presence; Psalm 90, Praying Through Life’s Struggles; Psalm 100, Rejoicing as You Enter God’s Presence; Psalm 102:1-17, Praying When Overwhelmed with Grief; Psalm 137, Praying, Crying, Singing, Dreaming; Psalm 139, Thanksgiving for God’s Presence; and Psalm 116, Rejoicing in God’s Mercy.

      As you read and sing and repeat the words and music of each psalm, you discover God’s presence speaking to you, singing to you. You find yourself listening for and hearing from your heavenly Father. The ultimate result of Talking to God through psalms is enjoying intimacy with Him.

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    • Volveos A Mi – (Spanish)


      En Volveos a mi, el Dr. Miguel Nuez presenta de que manera a lo largo de la historia redentora el pueblo de Dios se ha rebelado contra el mismo Dios que le ha traido la libertad, y como Dios, en medio de la infidelidad de Su pueblo, ha permanecido fiel y ha hecho todos los esfuerzos posibles para llamar a Su pueblo de regreso a Su presencia.

      Desde que Dios formo la nacion de Israel miles de aos atras, la tendencia del pueblo de Dios ha sido alejarse de manera recurrente de su Creador y Redentor para volverse a sus malos caminos. Por otro lado, ha sido siempre el deseo de Dios de llamar a Su pueblo de regreso a El, reconociendo que, alejados de El, cosecharan grandes y destructivas consecuencias; y solamente en la cercania con El pueden experimentar Sus bendiciones.

      Cada uno de los capitulos de este libro considera diferentes momentos de la historia redentora donde el pueblo de Dios se habia alejado y donde Dios le llamo de regreso a Su presencia.

      “Volveos a mi” es una frase que aparece en Zacarias 1:3 donde Dios dice lo siguiente: “Diles, pues: ‘Asi dice el Seor de los ejercitos: “Volveos a mi” –declara el Seor de los ejercitos– y yo me volvere a vosotros” –dice el Seor de los ejercitos…” En este versiculo se ve el corazon de un Dios que desea tener comunion con Su pueblo para poderle instruir, dirigir, proteger y bendecir.

      Return to Me

      In Return to Me, Dr. Miguel Nuez presents how throughout redemptive history God’s people have rebelled against the very God who has brought them freedom, and how God, in the midst of His people’s unfaithfulness, has remained faithful and made every effort to call His people back to His presence.

      Since God formed the nation of Israel thousands of years ago, the tendency of God’s people has been to repeatedly turn away from their Creator and Redeemer and turn back to their wicked ways. On the other hand, it has always been God’s desire to call His people back to Him, recognizing that, separated from Him, they will reap great and destructive consequences; and only in closeness to Him can they experience His blessings.

      Each of the chapters of this book considers different moments in redemptive history where God’s people had fallen away and where God called them back into His presence.

      “Return to me” is a phrase that appears in Zechariah 1:3 where God says the following: “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the LORD of hosts, “and I will return to you,” says

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    • Encouraging Words For A Discouraging World


      Life on earth isn’t easy. How do we reach for hope in the midst of a world that can be so discouraging? Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World, from beloved Bible teacher and author Dr. David Jeremiah, reveals the hope, purpose, and security that is ours because of the God we serve.

      In this uplifting and insightful book, Dr. Jeremiah offers encouraging and inspiring words that will help you navigate the difficulties of daily life with faith, courage, and resilience. Drawing on decades of study as a pastor and teacher, Dr. Jeremiah shares practical insights and timeless wisdom from the Bible that will help you find hope, comfort, and strength in even the darkest of times. This book includes:

      *Biblical examples of hope that will inspire you during challenging seasons
      *Inspiring teaching on how to claim victory even in the hardest of times
      *Practical wisdom for holding God’s promises in your heart

      Whether you’re struggling with personal challenges, dealing with difficult relationships, or facing sadness and grief, Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World will help you find perspective, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. With his trademark warmth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah reminds us that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we can trust in God’s love and grace to guide us through every challenge.

      Whether you’re a long-time Christian or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book will inspire and uplift you with its timeless message and with biblical reminders of the hope that is ours because of who Christ is.

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    • Dream Brave : A Dare To Live By Faith When You Feel Too Small


      No Dream Is Too Small–or Too Big–for God

      Do you have dreams you long to fulfill yet feel you just can’t? Wai Jia felt that way.

      Having met abandoned girls in Nepal who were traumatically evicted repeatedly, she longed to do more. Inspired by their audacious hope, she dared to dream brave–and, at the age of 18, raised $100,000 to build them a home, changing their lives forever. Since then, her life has been a series of radical yeses to God’s call to faith.

      Today, as a multi-award-winning, international humanitarian, physician, and nonprofit founder, Tam addresses the self-doubt and fear we all have. Through powerful stories, biblical insights, and practical principles, she invites readers to embrace risk and push past setbacks.

      If you’ve ever felt too small to pursue your dreams, now is your time to step out in faith–and watch God do something far greater than you imagined. Dream brave.

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    • Praying Women : How To Pray When You Don’t Know What To Say


      Prayer is one of the most powerful, life-changing things we will ever do. Yet we often struggle. It’s hard to find the time. It’s repetitive. We get distracted and sometimes even bored. And the answers often feel few and far between.

      The good news? There is a simple, powerful way to reignite your conversation with God. In Praying Women, bestselling author Sheila Walsh shares practical helps directly from God’s Word, showing you how to:

      * know what to say when you pray
      * understand how to use prayer as a weapon when you are in the midst of a struggle
      * pray as a joy-filled warrior, not an anxious worrier
      * let go of the past and stand on God’s promises for you now

      Prayer changes you and it changes the world. You may have tried before, but if you’re ready to start again in your relationship with God, let Sheila Walsh show you how to become a strong praying woman.

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    • Spirit And Power Of Elijah


      Strongholds can’t be broken without the boldness to confront them.

      After reading this book, you will have the courage to walk in the same anointing as the prophet Elijah to boldly declare the power of the Lord and break off the strongholds holding our world captive to the darkness.As it was in the days of Elijah, a great number of God’s people today dwell in a nation that is on a path of progressive moral decline. America has the most liberal abortion standard in the world. Christians are hooked on pornography. The homosexual agenda is finding acceptance even in the church. Divorce is on the rise in the church. Human trafficking is manifesting as the ugly side of globalization. Those who were once considered great leaders are now preaching a doctrine of inclusion, with Christian who leaders or that are afraid to say on national television that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

      With the turn of a new decade plagued with violence, sickness, disease, and economic instability, the people cry out for the prophets to speak. And God is raising up a prophetic people who will help prepare the way for His purposes in our generation. A new company of Elijah prophets–holy, bold, and uncompromising–are being equipped to restore the spiritual destiny of the church in our generation.

      In this book, Michelle McClain-Walters challenges readers to awaken to the call God is stirring in the earth and stand up as modern-day Elijahs who will partner with the Holy Spirit to change the culture by turning hearts back to God. Readers will be encouraged to:

      *Identify the call of God on their lives in this hour and ask, “Am I an Elijah?”

      *Learn what it takes to walk in the spirit and power of Elijah and where they may be in their own journey

      *Understand the different roles miracles play during times of revival, reformation, and restoration

      *Learn to pray prayers that move heaven and shake earth, as well as how to persist in prayer

      This book will empower readers to discover their prophetic destiny in this hour and position themselves to receive a double portion of the spirit and power of Elijah.

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    • Found : Discover The Power Of Your True Identity


      Discover how to live loved, and live free, because that is who you really are!

      “Found” will enable you to …

      – Discover your true identity and reclaim your life.
      – Gain a clear perspective on how God sees you.
      – Take hold of all that God wants to give you.
      – Experience power and purpose in your everyday life.
      – Believe that everything available to Jesus is also offered to you!

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    • Fasting For A Change


      Change can’t happen unless we set it in motion.

      This book will help you to expect and have faith to see change happen in your life. No longer will you sit around in the things of the past, but you will have the boldness to actively step into the purpose and calling that God has placed on your life.Whether we’re wrestling with sin, strongholds, or self-discipline, we all need change in our lives. Maybe we’ve grown lazy, prideful, or self-sufficient and we realize we cannot continue down the same path.

      *It’s time for a change!
      *It’s time for a 180!
      *It’s time to seek God!

      Whether readers need a breakthrough, a burden lifted, or a blessing, Fasting for a Change will take them step-by-step through the power and discipline of fasting and teach them how to exercise their faith to see lasting change in their lives. As they walk through this twenty-one-day journey, readers will gain a biblical understanding of the power of fasting and be stirred by the stories of twenty-one biblical figures who changed.

      Features and benefits:

      Author has released fifteen-minute videos on each of the twenty-one days, offering fasting tips and encouragement.

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    • Practice Of Remembering


      Christianity Today Award of Merit

      What if our memories are like shells we gather on a beach?

      According to pastor and spiritual director Casey Tygrett, “We-and all those who have come before us-pick up the experience and we sense it: we feel its edges, notice its color, we smell the distinctive character (for shells it is the sickly seafood salt smell) of the experience, and we try to make sense of what it is. Is it beautiful? How would you describe the color-the tones, the shades, wrapped around the ridges and swirls? Has it been damaged? Does the hard edge scrape our hand, leaving a blemish or a mark?”

      How we hold and carry these memories-good and bad-is a part of what forms us spiritually. In this way we have a common bond with the people of Scripture who also had a sensory life, gathering shells and trying to make sense of them. Previously titled As I Recall, Casey Tygrett’s writing in The Practice of Remembering explores the power of memory and offers biblical texts and practices to guide us in bringing our memories to God for spiritual transformation.

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    • Ancient Ladder : A Journey To The Fullness Of Life With God


      For all of us longing to find purpose beyond suffering and faith beyond despair, The Ancient Ladder explores the biblically based three-step spiritual passage that ancient mystics saw as the way to follow Jesus toward Christian maturity.

      What causes faith to transform from an intellectual knowing about God to a passionate love story with God? Scott MacLellan asked this question as his daughter battled cancer and he looked for purpose in his family’s suffering. He couldn’t believe that God was uninterested, but he also rejected trite reassurances.

      He finally found a satisfying answer in the three-step passage–based on the writings of Solomon–that Christian mystics identified as a path through pain to true spiritual devotion. In The Ancient Ladder, Scott helps us apply the wisdom of past centuries to our challenges today as we:

      *Move through Proverbs (fearing the Lord) to Ecclesiastes (honoring the Lord) to Song of Solomon (loving the Lord).

      *Journey from stale spirituality to a robust and meaningful faith that enriches our relationships, self-awareness, and enjoyment of God.

      *See with fresh eyes the big picture of the Christian life.

      Scott helps us understand Solomon’s writings, the spiritual fruit that can come from our suffering, and our seasons of unbelief so we can let go of the people we were and become who we were meant to be.

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    • Mary And The Interior Life


      Did you know that the whole world needs your “yes” to God?

      In this book, Fr. Jeremiah Shryock shares how he learned this awesome truth from his personal relationship with Mary, and how we too can learn from her how to follow Christ with all of our hearts.

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    • Prayers That Unlock Favor


      FROM THE AUTHOR OF more than forty books, including Prayers That Rout Demons and Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual:

      Your future is determined by your openness to God’s supernatural plan.

      This book will prepare your heart to expectantly wait on God and hope for all He has promised. You will no longer be bound by past failures and disappointments. Instead, you will have the confidence that He is faithful to do exactly what He said He would.

      Are you struggling in life, frustrated and in need of breakthrough? You can walk in the favor and blessing of God. John Eckhardt shows you how to position yourself for breakthrough and receive the supernatural wisdom and favor of God.

      Filled with powerful prayers and declarations, Prayers That Unlock Favor and Increase will help you do the following:

      *Discover the foundation to receiving God’s favor
      *Walk in the covenant blessing of obedience
      *Harness your future with expectancy

      Break the powers of darkness, and step into the plan of success God has already marked for you!

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    • Unlimited : Experiencing The Fullness Of God’s Power In Your Life


      Why limit the only power that’s capable of doing far and above all that we could ever think or imagine?

      After reading this book, you will have the tools you need to navigate life with the Holy Spirit in the way that God always intended for you to have.

      In 2016, when Benny Tate decided to preach a sermon series on the Holy Spirit, He believed the Holy Spirit would come and bring great change. But He didn’t expect Him to change everything in his life as well and in the lives of his church staff and congregation!

      In Unlimited, Tate helps readers discover a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit and realize His importance in their daily lives. Focusing on our need of the Holy Spirit, as well as His presence, power, and role in equipping us to fulfill our purpose, this book will help readers grow and better relate to the third person of the Trinity.

      Providing real-life, practical applications and examples, Tate shows readers that when they allow the Holy Spirit to fill and direct their lives, everything will change: relationships will be healed, self-esteem will be lifted, purpose will be revealed, direction will become clear, hope will overflow, peace will reign in their hearts, and God’s goodness and faithfulness in their lives will be undeniable!

      Being filled daily by the Holy Spirit is the only satisfying source in life. The hardships and disappointments will drain us, but the Holy Spirit’s power is available to us every day because His power and presence are unlimited!

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    • Your God Is Too Glorious


      Most of us are regular people who have good days and bad days. Our lives are radically ordinary and unexciting. That means they’re the kind of lives God gets excited about. While the world worships beauty and power and wealth, God hides his glory in the simple, the mundane, the foolish, working in unawesome people, things, and places. In our day of celebrity worship and online posturing, this is a refreshing, even transformative way of understanding God and our place in his creation. It urges us to treasure a life of simplicity, to love those whom the world passes by, to work for God’s glory rather than our own. And it demonstrates that God has always been the Lord of the cross–a Savior who hides his grace in unattractive, inglorious places. Your God Is Too Glorious reminds readers that while a quiet life may look unimpressive to the world, it’s the regular, everyday people that God tends to use to do his most important work.

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    • He Knows Your Name


      You are seen, heard, known, and named

      No matter your season of life as a woman, you long to be loved and appreciated. But perhaps most days you’re left feeling unseen, unheard, or unknown.

      Though centuries apart from your life today, the women who knew Jesus faced similar fears and insecurities. Their names aren’t etched onto the pages of Scripture, but they are etched into the heart of God.

      In this book, Paige Allen invites you to take a second look at the life-changing encounters of seven unnamed women who came face-to-face with Jesus in the Bible. Weaving personal stories with timeless biblical truths, Paige shows how just one encounter with the love of Jesus empowers you to:

      * live with an unshakable sense of security and identity
      * stand confident in the chaos or the silence
      * trust His goodness whether your hands are empty or full
      * pursue Him boldly, even in the face of censure

      Daughter, you are seen, known, and named by the Creator who breathed the stars into existence–even on the days you feel invisible. This is your invitation to let go of shame and discover the courage, grace, and compassion to live seen and make Him known.

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    • Pursue The Intentional Life


      How Meaningfully are You Living Your One Life?

      Jean Fleming was struck with the reality that you only live once. Her exact thought that changed the trajectory of her life was this-what kind of old woman do I want to become? Men and women ages nineteen to ninety will gain practical insight from Jean’s reflections and findings around this question. Using God’s Word as the source of strength and wisdom, Pursue the Intentional Life encourages you to live out God’s purposes in every season.
      Thirty-one readings, each ending in a prayer, cover such topics as:

      *commitment to a reflective life,
      *de-romanticizing the life of faith,
      *the ministry of the obituary,
      *hospitality: a welcoming life,
      *when failure threatens to overwhelm,
      *loss and leaving, and more.

      Jean demonstrates wisdom and youthful vigor as she shares her personal conversations with God. She offers practical application to help you instill meaning into each day while looking at the big picture of God’s plans and purposes. A restorative book for personal use, Pursue the Intentional Life also makes an insightful group read.

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    • Your Next Leap Of Faith


      Live Fearless in a World Dominated by Fear

      In the space of just nineteen days, former Army Special Forces officer and police officer Shane Winnings went from a public, six-figure career to an unpaid, full-time missionary position across the country. His story exploded across social media, and to this day he reaches millions each week with his audacious daily encouragement to be a light in a dark world.

      Showing how hearing God’s voice changes the trajectory of your entire life, Shane infuses you with courage to cast off the world’s crushing expectations and go all in for Christ. Through incredible testimonies and real-world application, he empowers you to:

      * say yes to Jesus
      * tune into His voice
      * press through your fears and anxiety
      * boldly follow where God leads
      * take faith-filled risks

      You can have a life of incredible adventures, lifesaving protection, and improbable peace. Take your next leap of faith–and never look back.

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    • Roar Within : Unleashing The Powerful Truth Of Who You Really Are


      Every boy has dreams of the man he will become–exploring the world, fighting the enemy, and being dangerous for good. He imagines himself as the hero, the expert, the one others look up to. Then somewhere along the way, the lies of the enemy knock him down, his dreams are shattered, and he loses purpose as the enemy attempts to rob him of his true identity.

      In this hard-hitting book, world-class hunter, adventurer, and popular speaker Brent Henderson takes men on a journey to some of the most dangerous and deadly places on earth. Along the way, he helps each man discover that the most powerful force in the universe can be found in his spirit, where God resides. He shows men how to recover what’s been lost by answering their biggest questions: Who am I really? Where does my value come from? and Am I enough?

      The perfect gift for Father’s Day, The Roar Within will set men free and equip them to live lives of purpose, courage, and confidence.

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    • 10 Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Ready to go deeper into what you learned about following the Ten Commandments and receiving the blessings that come from obedience? In this study guide designed to accompany The 10, Dr. Robert Jeffress gives you practical, actionable ways to

      * esteem God alone
      * worship God only
      * revere God’s name
      * value God’s day
      * honor your parents
      * preserve life
      * keep marriage holy
      * respect the property of others
      * safeguard the reputation of others
      * control yourself and be content

      Perfect for individuals, small groups, ministry teams, and more, this resource will help you put into practice all that you learned from the book so that you can see a difference in the way you live and love in a world that has lost its way.

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    • Knowing God : Fiftieth Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      Over One Million Copies Sold

      For half a century, J. I. Packer’s classic has helped Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory, and the joy of knowing God.

      Stemming from Packer’s profound theological knowledge, Knowing God brings together two key facets of the Christian faith-knowing about God and knowing God through a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to renew and enrich our understanding of God.

      Knowing God was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty books that have shaped evangelicals. With a companion Bible study, devotional journal, and study guide, readers can explore these biblical themes for themselves in this new fiftieth anniversary edition.

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    • Dirt : Growing Strong Roots In What Makes The Broken Beautiful


      Dirt is a story about the places where we start. From a single-wide trailer in the mountains of rural West Virginia to the halls of Yale Law School, Mary Marantz’s story is one of remembering our roots while turning our faces to the sky. From growing up in that trailer, where it rained just as hard inside as out and the smell of mildew hung thick in the air, Mary has known what it is to feel broken and disqualified because of the muddy scars leaving smudged fingerprints across our lives. Generations of her family lived and logged in those hauntingly treacherous woods, risking life and limb just to barely scrape by. And yet that very struggle became the redemption song God used to write a life she never dreamed of.

      Mixed with warmth, wit, and the bittersweet, sometimes achingly heartbreaking places we go when we dig in instead of give up, Dirt is a story of healing. With gut-wrenching honesty and hard-won wisdom, Mary shares her story for anyone who has ever walked into the world and felt like their scars were still on display, showing that you are braver, better, and more empathetic for what you have survived. Because God does his best work in the muddy, messy, and broken–if we’ll only learn to dig in.

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    • Knowing God Bible Study (Anniversary)


      Faithful. Triune. Beyond comparison. Triumphant over all. These words barely begin to describe the God we serve, yet he invites us to have a relationship with him. What could be more important than knowing this all-surpassing God?

      These five easy-to-use Bible studies, based on J. I. Packer’s bestselling classic Knowing God, explore the character and actions of God throughout Scripture. They encourage us to look for God every time we read the Bible and to deepen our understanding, trust, and worship in response.

      In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, this edition of the Knowing God Bible Study helps individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths. Each session features an insightful quotation by Packer matched with a Scripture passage, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to gain a fuller knowledge of the God we worship. A leader’s guide and list of suggested resources are also included.

      Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Study Guide, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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    • Knowing God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Over a million people have found J. I. Packer’s classic Knowing God to be an immense help, and tens of thousands have used this study guide to know God even better.

      This twenty-two-session guide takes readers through the essential truths of Packer’s classic. Individuals can stretch their understanding and allow the material to change their lives. Small groups can see God more clearly through rich and transforming discussions.

      As part of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, start your adventure with these studies for guided travel through each chapter of the book.

      Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Bible Study, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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