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Showing 1501–1600 of 1931 results

  • Out Of The Salt Mine


    Come take a journey to the depths of your soul as you discover God’s true divine destiny for your life. Tap into the Super-Natural power that God makes available to us through His powerful written word. Learn how to advance to higher levels in your daily work and your eternal spiritual life. Your career and family life will benefit immensely from Bill’s 35 years of people management experience. Uncover the benefits of living a blessed life through asking, seeking and knocking. Bill reveals God’s amazing wisdom through a study of His words in the Great Sermon on the Mount, Matthew: 7:7. Out of the Salt Mine will take you to places in your heart and soul that you’ve never known existed. So come along for the adventure of your life as we travel from the darkness of the salt mine into the light of peace and prosperity as you fulfill your divine destiny!

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  • Out Of The Salt Mine


    Come take a journey to the depths of your soul as you discover God’s true divine destiny for your life. Tap into the Super-Natural power that God makes available to us through His powerful written word. Learn how to advance to higher levels in your daily work and your eternal spiritual life. Your career and family life will benefit immensely from Bill’s 35 years of people management experience. Uncover the benefits of living a blessed life through asking, seeking and knocking. Bill reveals God’s amazing wisdom through a study of His words in the Great Sermon on the Mount, Matthew: 7:7. Out of the Salt Mine will take you to places in your heart and soul that you’ve never known existed. So come along for the adventure of your life as we travel from the darkness of the salt mine into the light of peace and prosperity as you fulfill your divine destiny!

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  • 21 Days To Your Spiritual Makeover


    Discover the beauty of a balanced life in just 21 days!

    Women know with today’s busy lifestyles and a world full of distractions, it is easy to lose focus on the One who gave them life to start with. But as they begin to renew their spiritual walk, they will discover the missing peace and joy that brings order to the rest of their day.

    Taffi L. Dollar, popular television co-host, beloved pastor, and esteemed author, helps bring clarity to what is really important in a world of urgent requests. Twenty-one inspiring devotions will help women prioritize their spiritual walk. As they develop their spiritual life, they will discover the beauty of balance in every area. Taffi gives readers practical and spiritual steps to bring a calm and joyful attitude to living. Women will draw confidence and strength from their inner man that will bring order and peace to their outside world.

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  • When God Doesnt Answer Your Prayer (Revised)


    When disaster strikes, when grief shatters us-what are we to make of prayer? Many of us have experienced some amazing answers, but what about when God seems to turn a deaf ear? Drawing from his own crushing experience, Jerry Sittser affirms the greatness of God’s love in the face of unanswered prayer.

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  • How To Set Your Heart On Fire


    The heart’s four chambers can be said to mirror four aspects of God’s glory – and how our spiritual hearts should beat in time with Him.

    Discovering how to set our hearts on fire takes us from the disciples on the Emmaus road to God’s return. With solid biblical teaching and practical examples, Jeremy guides us to an understanding of how God would have us live: ‘Our hearts are the control systems of our spiritual lives – getting them to beat in time with God will transform our attitudes.’

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  • Hidden Face Of God


    NavPress Pint On Demand Title

    Most of us, at some point, experience the sense of God’s absence. Michael Card says that rather than letting the distance widen, this is exactly the time for a deeper pursuit of God. The method he proposes is recovery of the profound, biblical practice of lament.

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  • Epic : The Story God Is Telling


    In Epic, a retelling of the gospel in four acts, John Eldredge invites us to revisit the drama of life, viewing God not only as the author but also as the lead actor, exploring His motives and His heart. Eldredge examines the power of story, the universal longing for a “plot” that makes sense deep inside us, our desire for a meaningful role to play, our love of books and movies, and how all of this points us to the gospel itself.

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  • Desert Mothers : Spiritual Practices From The Women Of The Wilderness


    Responds to interest in women’s spirituality and writings of early church
    Offers new take on ancient spiritual practices
    Based on solid research, yet accessible to lay readers

    Explores the thinking and spiritual approaches of the Desert Mothers as well as spiritual practices based on their writings.

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  • Friday Saturday Sunday


    The three days of Holy Week – Good Friday, Silent Saturday, and Easter Sunday – provide the framework for these wonderfully written and thoughtful reflections on these universal human experiences.
    Drawn from important novels, plays and poems.

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  • Pursuit Of God (Large Type)


    “Lord, I must speak of Thee,” wrote Tozer, “lest by my silence I offend against the generation of Thy children.” Written during a train trip from Chicago to McAllen, Texas, The Pursuit of God has become a classic best-seller. Recipient of both the ECPA Gold and Platinum Book Awards.

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  • Lead : Guide A Small Group To Experience Christ


    Small groups are leader breeders. Jesus formed his twelve disciples in a small group atmosphere. The best way to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, in fact, is to disciple others. Lead! explains how to facilitate a small group and to grow in the process. This book highlights key small group dynamics that will give the leader confidence in facilitating others. People are longing for community and this book reveals how to find it in the small group atmosphere. Lead! shows a potential leader how to develop new leaders to continue the process of discipleship. It’s excellent to use both in a Sunday School setting or one-on-one. This book forms part of a five-part series to help a person become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

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  • Share : Make Christ Real To Others


    Jesus Christ wants every Christian to grow in a deeper relationship with Himself. Yet so many people stagnate in the Christian life. Grow! explains how to have a daily quiet time in order to know Christ intimately and grow to maturity. This book offers plenty of practical help for turning the “chore” of devotions into a life-changing, joy-producing habit. Grow! outlines clearly how to seek God in the quiet time and explains the amazing benefits of experiencing God on a daily basis. With this helpful and enthusiastic book, a person can have a quiet time that is much more than opening a Bible and saying prayers. It will be a time of experiencing the living God-a time of communion with the King. This book can be used both in a Sunday School classroom and/or one-on-one.

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  • Grow : Deepen Your Relationship With Christ


    Jesus Christ wants every Christian to grow in a deeper relationship with Himself. Yet so many people stagnate in the Christian life. Grow! explains how to have a daily quiet time in order to know Christ intimately and grow to maturity. This book offers plenty of practical help for turning the “chore” of devotions into a life-changing, joy-producing habit. Grow! outlines clearly how to seek God in the quiet time and explains the amazing benefits of experiencing God on a daily basis. With this helpful and enthusiastic book, a person can have a quiet time that is much more than opening a Bible and saying prayers. It will be a time of experiencing the living God-a time of communion with the King. This book can be used both in a Sunday School classroom and/or one-on-one.

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  • Encounter : Receive Christs Freedom


    Jesus said “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). More and more need this freedom. People are increasingly bound by bitterness, chemical addictions, and other strongholds. Encounter! Receive Christ’s Freedom reveals how to be set free through Jesus Christ. This book begins by teaching how forgiveness is the only way to overcome hurt and resentment. It then instructs on how both forgive and receive forgiveness. Encounter! then guides the believer to receive inner healing, freedom from occult bondage, curses, and other debilitating strongholds. This book not only helps to remove sin hindrances, but it also shows the believer how to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and then to walk in the Spirit. This is a perfect book to give to a believer who needs Christian victory. This book can be used both in a group setting (e.g., Sunday school) and/or one-on-one.

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  • Live : Experience Christs Life


    Jesus Christ offers abundant life for everyone who asks. But how does a person receive Christ’s life? This book clearly explains how. The first chapter, Finding God, explains how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. The subsequent chapters equip the believer to live a fruitful Christian life. The book teaches on prayer, Bible study, Christian fellowship, receiving a new identify, obeying Christ’s commands, and administrating God’s resources. Live! Experience Christ’s Life is an excellent resource to give to a pre-Christian seeker. A person can both find Christ and grow in Him by studying this book. It’s a great resource to use one-on-one or in a Sunday school classroom. This book is the first in a five-part series that makes fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

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  • 40 Days To A Closer Walk With God


    Are you trying to do it all yourself? Muyskens reminds us that what God seeks is relationship with us, a two-way communication. What relationship with God requires is very similar to what our earthly relationships require: openness, listening, focused time. One way to practice the skills needed for this relationship is centering prayer, a simple but deeply powerful prayer practice. In beautiful and accessible language, Muyskens invites us to spend time daily focusing our hearts on God, to find the power to be still and be reoriented to “the One who is the Center of all.”
    Exercises in prayer and scripture reading are provided for the 40 days.

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  • Christ Of The Everyday


    This enriching book helps us discover the true meaning of the way of Jesus in the midst of our everyday experiences of solitude, suffering, friendship and joy.

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  • Squashing Grasshoppers : Overcome The Principles Of Thinking Like A Grassho


    In 2002 the motion picture industry released “Ray-the story of the life of Ray Charles.” I’ve listened to that CD many times, but there is one song he presented I am unable to listen to. It is entitled “Born To Lose,” and it continued with verses on how some are “born to lose.” “Squashing Grasshoppers” is designed to attack the foundation of negative thinking, and free us from the prison these thoughts and beliefs creates. ARISE GIANT!

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  • Squashing Grasshoppers : Overcome The Principles Of Thinking Like A Grassho


    In 2002 the motion picture industry released “Ray-the story of the life of Ray Charles.” I’ve listened to that CD many times, but there is one song he presented I am unable to listen to. It is entitled “Born To Lose,” and it continued with verses on how some are “born to lose.” “Squashing Grasshoppers” is designed to attack the foundation of negative thinking, and free us from the prison these thoughts and beliefs creates. ARISE GIANT!

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  • Travesia Del Corazon Salvaje – (Spanish)


    Book Description
    En La travesia del corazon salvaje, John Eldredge, autor de exitos de libreria, ensena a los hombres que Dios quiere completar su crecimiento a traves de seis etapas de masculinidad y equipar a los padres para que puedan ensenar esto mismo a sus hijos varones.

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  • Mensaje Secreto De Jesus – (Spanish)


    Brian Aclaren, uno de los “25 Evangelicos mas influyentes en los Estados Unidos” de la Revista TIME”, regresa y esta vez para llevar a los lectores en una travesia que sera turbulenta y estremecedora, como tambien emocionante y transformadora. Sin temor a la controversia o a los tabues de la vida, la busqueda de McLaren es hallar la esencia del mensaje de Jesus, aunque esto signifique un vuelco a nuestras ideas convencionales, prioridades y practicas. “A traves de los anos, frecuentemente he tenido un sentimiento de incomodidad” escribe McLaren, “Que el retrato de Jesus encontrado en el Nuevo Testamento no se ajusta con las imagenes de Jesus en la iglesia”. De este sentimiento de incomodidad nacio este libro, prometiendo ser el mas revolucionario que haya escrito McLaren hasta la fecha. En el nos escribe: “Quisiera compartir mi busqueda con usted, e invitarle a que usted sea parte de ella. No quiero danar el final, pero esto le dire: cuanto mas avanzo en esta busqueda del mensaje de Jesus, mas me inspiro, soy conmovido, desafiado, sacudido y motivado.”

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  • Way Of The Wild Heart Manual (Workbook)


    Based on John’s new trade book, The Way of the Wild Heart Workbook sheds light on the initiation into manhood, reaching out to men who lacked the spiritual role models to help lead them through this rite of passage. It will reach out to “unfinished men” and help them identify their weaknesses, baggage, and uncertainties that hinder them in becoming the individuals and the mentors that they strive to be. Eldredge identifies six stages that all men go through: the beloved son, the cowboy ranger, the warrior, the lover, the king, and the sage. In this workbook, Eldredge presents a working, walking model that men can apply to their daily lives.

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  • Handfuls Of Purpose


    Print on demand
    Many have been blessed by the letters of Ruth Bryan, for she continually pointed people back to Christ. Here in her diary, one sees that same dedication as she continually points her own heart back to Jesus. Scattered throughout her entries, she likens herself to her biblical namesake, Ruth the Moabitess. Ruth Bryan reckons herself a meager gleaner in the fields of the gracious, loving, and greater Boaz, Jesus Christ. Observing the inner life of Ruth Bryan is a reminder to all believers of the boundless mercies of Christ, for what are we that such “handfuls of purpose” should be dropped for us?

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  • Becoming : Meditations For The Ministry Minded


    Mae Williams shares her insights into thoughts that must be deeply owned by aspiring, new, and experienced ministers. Known as a teaching minister, Williams urges ministers to stay intimately connected to God even during their busiest and most trying times. Beginning with short narratives and poetry expressing questions of the heart, the book presents aspects of our lives as Christians, interspersed with prayers for greater realization of God’s care for His ministers. Through personal stories and those of biblical characters, Williams illustrates such themes as self-talk, spiritual comfort zones, preparation for launch, and mind pain.

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  • Divine Nobodies : Shedding Religion To Find God And The Unlikely People Who


    Don Miller meets Anne Lamott meets Brian McLaren in this tale of how God is most deeply connected to the world in the most unexpected was through the least likely people. Jim Palmer, founder of a small, innovative emerging church, shares his compelling journey to authentic faith as it is intersected by the oddest of characters. Each chapter gives the reader permission and freedom to let go of “Christianity” as religion in order to embrace Christ.

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  • Stones Of Remembrance


    When times get difficult – and they will – we all have a choice. We can either dwell on the crashing waves or turn our focus to the solid rock on which we stand. In this bedrock book of faith and assurance. Lois Evans draws the reader’s attention to those points in life when God has shown His enduring faithfulness, creating “memory stones” that will serve as a lifelong anchor of hope amid the rushing floodwaters of life.

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  • What Are Spiritual Gifts


    In this groundbreaking work, New Testament scholar Kenneth Berding suggests that we have misunderstood spiritual gifts themselves and how they function, and thus have embarked on a misplaced search to find individualized spiritual gifts. Berding reconsiders at a fundamental level what spiritual gifts are and argues that the Holy Spirit does not give personalized abilities or enablements, but rather ministries to be undertaken.

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  • I Will To You


    Almost everyone has a Last Will and Testament that tells their family and friends what is to become of their property, but few people have thought about the spiritual gifts and memories they’d like to leave their loved ones.

    Well-known and beloved author Herbert Brokering here shares the spiritual gifts and intimate memories that he’d like to leave to his family and his readers. As he ponders the grace he has received from the people, places, and events of his life he inspires our own reflection on what we wish to leave to our loved ones. Each chapter includes a Bible passage and key questions for reflection.

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  • Journey On The Kingdom Road


    The kingdom of God is at hand. It is not just a future hope but an achievable reality through the work of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us how that is possible in the greatest sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount. In that sermon we learn kingdom living is not so much a lifestyle but a journey of the heart. Journey on the Kingdom Road describes that journey for which righteousness, peace, joy, and power lurk on every step.

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  • Fruitful Life


    As we desire to be more like Jesus, we want to live loving, joyful lives. Yet loving our enemies seems impossible. Even being patient with our family is often difficult. How can we put on the gentle garments of grace when we’re so busy battling our old behavior patterns?

    Navigator author Jerry Bridges explains how to practice the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23):

    * love
    * joy
    * peace
    * patience
    * kindness
    * goodness
    * faithfulness
    * gentleness
    * self-control

    Learn how the Holy Spirit can help in your spiritual formation as you become a serious follower of Christ.

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  • Pilgrim Heart : The Way Of Jesus In Everyday Life


    Originally, the faith of Jesus was considered a distinctive way of life rather than a sophisticated theological system. Pilgrim Heart re-imagines discipleship as – first and foremost – a particular way of life guided by a set of simple, but powerful, daily practices known to the earliest disciples and the saints through the ages. These include:

    Sabbath Rest
    Telling Stories
    How would this approach to the religion of Jesus change the way we think and live? Pilgrim Heart is an invitation to consider afresh the way of Jesus in light of practices that have proven to transform lives for two thousand years

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  • Prayer Warrior : The Battle Plan To Victory


    We are at war. Our lives are filled with battles; from the battle of the bulge, fighting a disease, wrestling with depression or feeling that you live in a war zone. We live in a sin-filled society and many times Satan somehow finds a way to pull up a chair at your own dinner table. How can we draw nearer to God and draw others to Him? How do we engage in conversation that “speaks truth in love?” Prayer Warrior: The Battle Plan to Victory walks through the Scriptures to change the way we fight. Train for battle by gathering intelligence, identifying and combating the enemy in ways you may never have considered before. Using new “weapons” such as prayer, love, and forgiveness, you will change your focus and become a prayer warrior seeking God’s victory When God wins-we win. Learn how you can experience victory God’s way.

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  • Gods Pottery : Knowing The Potter And The Clay


    Pottery and the pottery making process are fascinating. Our Father God was the original potter. His pottery is You! The purpose of this book is twofold. The first is to teach you about pottery through learning the pottery making process step by step. The second is, using pottery analogously, to help us see ourselves as God intended us to be when He created us, illustrating how we can assist Him. You will learn about the “Process for a Purpose”. You will discover why He created you, how He created you, and how you can help Him complete the process so that you become the vessel He wants you to be.

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  • Gods Pottery : Knowing The Potter And The Clay


    Pottery and the pottery making process are fascinating. Our Father God was the original potter. His pottery is You! The purpose of this book is twofold. The first is to teach you about pottery through learning the pottery making process step by step. The second is, using pottery analogously, to help us see ourselves as God intended us to be when He created us, illustrating how we can assist Him. You will learn about the “Process for a Purpose”. You will discover why He created you, how He created you, and how you can help Him complete the process so that you become the vessel He wants you to be.

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  • Conquering The Spirit Of Unworthiness


    Have you ever felt worthless or like a failure? Have you been suffering with a lack of confidence in who you are? Do you cheat yourself out of blessings from God because you feel like you don’t deserve them? Are you good at encouraging others, but not yourself? God never intended for His people to go through life feeling worthless. This book deals specifically and strategically with this horrible enemy of our souls. God will restore you to what He has always intended for you to have – meaning and purpose!

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  • Secretos Del Lugar Secreto – (Spanish)


    The secret place is “the beginning of the morning”, the central stream of the true productivity of God’s kingdom. This book was written to strengthen and inspire our secret relationship with God. Bob Sorge’s prayer is that when you read this book, you will catch a vision of the living relationship God desires to have with you.

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  • Uprising : A Revolution Of The Soul


    We are all, as Erwin Raphael McManus states, broken pieces of the image of God. And as Christians, too often we talk about God’s ability to change lives without fully understanding how to access that power. The reason is simple: we ourselves have never been radically transformed. McManus explains how many people unknowingly block God from changing us and teaches readers the “texture of the heart” required to unleash God’s transforming power within us. He also demonstrates the passion and purpose that lie ahead when we undertake the journey that leads us to the true source, the very character of God. Fascinating stories from McManus’s personal life and ministry, paired with fresh biblical teaching and profound insights, will astonish and challenge readers to break free from negative habits, destructive emotions, and other strongholds that hinder lasting transformation and to turn toward a life marked by enlightenment, nobility, and virtue.

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  • Get In The Game


    A competitive athlete trains for one thing…the game. Having the skills and knowing how to play aren’t enough – you need to perform when it matters. Yet so many of those same athletes live in a spiritual offseason. They have faith. They know the Word. But they sit back and watch others take the lead. Get in the Game encourages athletes to transfer their drive and determination to the spiritual realm and shows that there is far more than a game on the line.

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  • Fear Of The Lord (Revised)


    Positions your heart to receive answers, promises divine protection, provides clarity and direction, produces riches honor and life.

    Many christians have never understood the fear of the Lord, which builds passion and intimacy into their relationship with God and makes their lives real and pure.

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  • Holy Conversation : Talking About God In Everyday Life


    Richard Peace teaches you how to engage in easy and comfortable conversation about the good news of Jesus. This book includes twelve study and discussion sessions perfect for small groups!

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  • Wrestling With God


    Using personal experience and biblical examples, well-known pastor Greg Laurie illustrates how prayer works in different people’s lives. In spiritual terms, Jacob wrestled with God for years. The Syro-Phoenician Woman also wrestled with Jesus, but briefly, her argument arising from a wholly different situation. Yet God brought them both to roughly the same kind of relationship with Himself. He softened Jacob’s will and rewarded his submission; He honored the woman’s determination and rewarded her resolve. Through these examples, readers will discover how heartfelt prayer and willing submission can bring them into their own unique, rewarding relationships with God.

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  • Childlike Heart : How To Become Great In Gods Kingdom


    To all of us too-serious, on-the-edge, busy-and-preoccupied adults, Alan Wright offers a reminder of Jesus’ words regarding the heart of the child: “Of such is the kingdom of God.” In this new trade-paper edition of A Chance at Childhood Again, Wright reveals how we can recapture the unbridled freedom we once relished. As he watched his own son discover the world for the first time, he realized that the carefree, wonder-filled attitude of youth is possible in adulthood. As we look back with nostalgia and appreciation at the simple pleasures of our growing-up years, Wright explains, we will rediscover how our days can be characterized by a spirit of adventure and wide-eyed joy in the Lord.

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  • 30 Days To Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs


    This thirty-day tool for spiritual growth presents practical articles — written by some of the nation’s best-known Christian authors — that show readers how to experience breakthroughs in their Christian lives, marriages, families, and walks with God. Their contributions, a combination of helpful insights from the Bible and personal experience, will revitalize anyone looking for life-transforming change. The book also serves as a resource guide for Dr. Bruce Wilkinson’s Experiencing Spiritual Breakthroughs, based on the internationally renowned Three Chairs series. Newly revised and updated!

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  • Lawful Or Legalistic


    The laws of the Old Testament have immense practical value because they are a prophetic roadmap to lead us into deeper experiences of the spiritual fullness found in Christ. The Law is the shadow but the substance is in Christ. This book gives clear understanding as to why we are not obligated to keep the literal content of the Old Testament laws. Proper respect for the Law is maintained as you are instructed how to “serve in newness of the Spirit, and not in oldness of the letter” (Rom. 7:6 NASB). Though the bulk of the book is concerned with how to apply Old Testament commands, it also explains how to understand and obey New Testament commands. Practical instruction is given on how to walk by the Spirit to live by the Sermon on the Mount and the apostles’ teachings given in the Epistles

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  • Our Spirit Led Life


    This is indeed a unique and different contribution in the Word of God. There are many new truths and revelations which God has intended for people to know, both those who have accepted Him as Lord and those who hopefully will accept Him as Lord and Savior. God is now revealing to us that we are His children. He loves us and will never leave us nor forsake us, even though we left Him. God is willing to dispense unmerited favor (grace) upon all of us, literally, if we but believe in Christ, His son, and accept His sacrifice for our sins. God is raising us today to a higher level of revelation as He did at the time after the flood, with the covenant, laws, kings, etc., and again at the time when Christ came into the world. This book is an excellent nonfiction, inspirational, edifying, teaching manual.

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  • Long Life And Good Days


    Too many Christians are preparing to die without considering the choice of life in abundance. Long life and good days have never been an option with God. The original blueprint for His creation did not have death listed as an alternative. The entrance of sin, through disobedience, loosed the death process into the earth realm. The good news is the Bible has been filled with “life extenders” that not only lengthen our lives but provide us keys to enhance the quality of our days. As you read this book, allow what you receive to become a launching pad that propels you into a life and lifestyle that brings glory to the “Giver of long life, and the Author of good days!”

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  • Let My People Go


    Chronicles the route to freedom from sin, self and Satan. Knowing freeign truth from God’s Word is one thing – applying it is quite another!

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  • Journey To Now


    Journey with the author to a state where unconditional love is the currency and joy perfumes the air…where laughter replaces grumpiness as you look through rose-colored glasses…wher storytellers are VIPs and ordinary details are celebrated. Choose the genuine; reject the fake. Fend off wilderness bandits seeking to beat you and steal your joy. Let this adventure turn your world inside out. Share it with all who will listen.

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  • Playing By The Rules


    The apostle Paul wrote to his young protA(C)gA(C), Timothy: “If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules” (II Timothy 2:5 NASB). To be on God’s team, one must play by the rules. But rule-keeping alone is not enough. There is a higher level. Rules, like laws, simply test the bare minimum of acceptability. (How far can I stretch the limits of legality and not get caught?) Dedicated players aim higher. They will strive for excellence, not simply by observing the rules, but by cultivating wholesome attitudes, good team spirit, and personal integrity. Many sports figures have been disqualified because they failed in these vital areas. On the playing field of life, true disciples of the Lord will elevate the rules of behavior to a level of righteousness that goes far beyond the slavish grind of a cold and sterile legalism. We may trace this pattern in the beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12, the Spirit’s fruit in Galatians 5:22-23, and the Christian graces of II Peter 1:1-8. Together they form a composite of godliness. That is what this book is all about

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  • Transforming Word : Discovering The Power And Provision Of The Bible


    Maybe you read a portion of the Bible every day, or several times a week…but do you know the transforming power of that book you hold in your hands? The Word of God is unlike any other book…it is divinely inspired and therefore an agent by which we can be changed. In his personable style, Tony Evans explains where Scripture came from and why it is so unique. You will never view the Bible the same way again!

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  • Indwelling Spirit : The Work Of The Holy Spirit In The Life Of The Believer (Rev


    This classic study on the person and work of the Holy Spirit carries the timeless message and style, but has been carefully updated for the 21st century believer.

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  • My Journey So Far


    The Christian walk is often filled with perserverance, puzzlement, and even persecution. This collection of experiences from 17 leaders will encourage readers along that narrow path. The contributors respond with honesty and vulnerability to questions such as What have you learned? and How is your relationship with God developing? Whether you are just starting out or thinking about finishing well, you will discover a rich source of guidance through this book.

    The contributors respond with honesty and vulnerability to questions such as What have you learned? and How is your relationship with God developing? Whether you are just starting out or thinking about finishing well, you will discover a rich source of guidance through this book.

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  • Made Over : Renewal From The Inside Out


    Are you tired of what you see in the mirror each day? Have you spent countless hours and money to improve your outward appearance only to be left still feeling an emptiness inside? You need an extreme makeover! You need to let God make you over from the inside out. Join us as we become vessels of honor, designed and decorated by His loving hands. Your makeover starts on the inside. In this study, we’ll face the facts about our spiritual condition. We’ll deal with the reality of our circumstances and situations, and we’ll allow God to transform our minds and revive our hearts. Sure, the Great Physician will have to do some makeover surgery on our spirit, but we’ll nurse the wounds and overcome the pains. When the healing process is complete, we’ll have an unveiling where we can show off the new creature we’ve become in Christ

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  • Power On High


    Is It Possible? Power on High? To Know?????? Yes!!!!!! Gail will take you step by step on the Healings-Miracles-Deliverance in her life! By the Power of God! ***Campbell’s Ministries (Rev. Gail)-has been New in the**** Ministry since 1999-she was taken off a sickbed in 1994 on the Power of God. How Jesus spoke to her heart. She believed! She stayed on faith-and the testimonies God has put in her life-reading this book will lift your faith and give you hope…as she shares her story! ****A Book You Must Read**** ==This book would not be possible== Without the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God! /////and///// ==Support of Prayer== Stood by her in: up times and in down times in the ministry and also in their personal lives. Her husband-John R. Campbell May God bless you abundantly for reading this book.

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  • Way To Glory Land


    What does it take to enter Glory Land? The ultimate goal of a believer is to go to Glory Land and be with God eternally, and entering there is not as difficult as you might think. In The Way to Glory Land, the author keeps you on the path to Glory Land by exploring God’s words through biblical verses, helping the reader to deal with those difficult areas of a believer’s life. You will be amazed to learn: That the faith of one person could lead to a miracle for another That the most essential element of Christianity is love That humility brings healing That it is important to thank God always for everything and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ That we worship God for renewal of strength How moderation in our daily life can bring us closer to God How the circle of forgiveness works How to pray the prayer of faith

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  • Mind Field Of Success Or Defeat


    This book will challenge and motivate the readers to walk in obedience to God’s Word and to fulfill our purpose and destiny, according to God’s design and not according to the dictates of our minds. It will provide valuable insights on how to achieve the victory that Jesus obtained for us on the cross of Calvary.

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  • Why Bad Things Happen To Good People


    We’ve all heard this question – now here’s the answer
    What do you plan to do about it now? Time to stop being trod upon, and start doing the treading.

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  • Rescued From Darkness


    Your Life Is About to Take a Dramatic Turn for the Better. Life with God is an extreme adventure! Rescued is your personal growth resource, supplying fifty essential truths that will take you higher with God than you ever imagined possible. Expect positive and lasting changes in your life as you discover these God-invented ways of living: You Can Change: Leaving Your Past Behind Finding God’s Will for Your Life Secrets to Living in Peace Who is Satan? What Does He Want With Me? Dealing with Temptation How to Pray So God Will Answer How to Reconcile with People Choosing a Church and Making New Friends Many, many more practical, life-transforming concepts! Rescued from Darkness will inspire you to fulfill your destiny as a follower of Jesus Christ. “Excellent and concise walk in 50 days through the Book of Colossians. You’ve done a superb job covering the bases; each day is well-illustrated and practical and stays true to the text…it will be a great blessing and resource to persons starting the Christian life, as well as those who are in continuing stages of the journey.” Dr. George O. Wood, General Secretary, Assemblies of God “Lisa Clay has provided the body of Christ an outstanding resource designed to move the reader from complacency to commitment and from exaltation to evangelism. Her approach to Colossians is compelling, creative, and captivating from the beginning to the end. If you are interested in life-change, then this book is a must for you.” Dr. James O. Davis, Co-Founder/President, Global Pastors Network

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  • North Face Of God


    The North Face of God addresses those times of adversity when God seems to have abandoned us. Sometimes, when the cold winds of life blow and we cry out to God, he’s silent, and we wonder if he still cares about us–or ever cared. Drawing on the Psalms, Ken Gire climbs the mountainous terrain of God’s seeming indifference and helps us learn how to hold on to hope, despite our circumstances. He also calls us to become good “climbing partners” for other people who need help and encouragement along the way.

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  • Luminous Dusk : Finding God In The Deep Still Places


    A lyrical call to seek the stillness of God in a clamorous world.

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  • Importance Of Being Foolish


    A guide for how to become mature, passionate fools for Christ who are willing to do the kingdom work God has called us to do and so change the world, one soul at a time.

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  • What God Wants For Your Life


    A Practical and Engaging Guide for Changing the Way We Seek God’s Will

    How do we know God’s will for our lives? This question lies at the heart of Christian life. And yet, attempting to understand our greater purpose can become a source of frustration as we look for help when making important life decisions. Spiritual retreat leader and Episcopal priest Fred Schmidt reveals how we can better recognize the difference between God’s will and our own, deepen our ability to hear God’s voice, and sharpen our powers of discernment.

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  • 12 Mujeres Extraordinarias – (Spanish)


    Estudie junto con el autor de exitos de libreria y altamente estimado maestro de la Biblia, John MacArthur las vidas y la fe de mujeres claves del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Escrito con el mismo estilo que uso en el libro Doce Hombres Comunes, cada capi

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  • Perfecting Your Purpose


    In this inspiring and practical book, Dr. David Ireland teaches how to honor your God-given reason for living-your purpose-and help bring it to fruition every day of your life. He shows you how Moses, Ezekiel, David, and other biblical heroes each had a Transforming Interval, an experience that lasted forty days and totally changed their lives. Dr. Ireland then offers you a forty-day plan to journey, like those biblical leaders, through your own period of transformation. You will learn:

    The accessibility of the mountaintop experience

    How to follow the right voice

    How to win the war against discouragement

    How to connect with God on a deeper level
    . . . and much more.

    To develop new spiritual practices, new mental disciplines, and new emotional habits that will make your purpose not just a dream but a reality, look no further. Step on the path; the time is now.

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  • Diez Mandamientos La Importanc – (Spanish)


    The Ten Commandments are the first direct communication between a people and God. Designed to elevate our lives above mere frantic, animal existence to the sublime levels humanity is capable or experiencing, they are the blueprint of God’s expectations of us and His plan for a meaningful, just, loving, and holy life. Each commandment asserts a principle, and each principle is a moral focal point for real-life issues relating to God, family, sex, work, charity, property, speech, and thought. Written in collaboration with Rabbi Stewart Vogel, The Ten Commandments incorporates lively discussion of the Bible and the Judeo-Christian values derived from it. Filled with passion, emotion, and profound insights, it will move, enlighten, inspire, entertain, and educate you on the meaning each commandment has in our daily lives today:

    I am the Lord, your God, Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

    You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence.

    You shall not take the Name of the Lord., your God, in vain.

    Remember the Sabbath day and sanctify it.

    Honor your Father and your Mother.

    You shall not murder.

    You shall not commit adultery.

    You shall not steal.

    You shall not bear false witness against your fellow.

    You shall not covet.

    Los Diez Mandamientos son la primera comunicacion directa entre las personas y Dios. Estan diseados para elevar nuestras vidas por encima de una frenetica y salvaje existencia hacia los niveles sublimes que la humanidad es capaz de experimentar, y constituyen el esquema de las expectativas que Dios tiene de nosotros y de Su plan para que vivamos una vida significativa, justa, cariosa y santa. Cada uno de los Mandamientos afirma un principio, y cada principio es un punto moral central para asuntos de la vida real que se relacionan con Dios, la familia, el sexo, el trabajo, la caridad, la propiedad, la comunicacion verbal y el pensamiento.

    En Los Diez Mandamientos, la Dra. Laura Schlessinger nos recuerda que le damos o quitamos el significado a nuestras vidas por medio de nuestras decisiones cotidianas, y nos explica como el mantenerse fiel a los ideales superiores y la moralidad consistente con los Mandamientos puede crear una vida de gran proposito, integridad, valor y felicidad duradera. Escrito en colaboracion con el Rabino Stewart Vogel, Los Diez Mandamientos incorpora animadas discusiones de la Biblia y los valores judeocr

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  • 12 Ordinary Men


    Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God’s work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men – fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots – and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ’s careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today’s modern disciple – you.

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  • Fountain Of Youth Called Truth


    Search no more…these everlasting inner beauty secrets can’t be purchased through cosmetic surgery, nor can they be purchased over the cosmetic counters of the world. A transformed life through the Word of God is an awesome life. Transformation in our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions through Christ as we live and move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28) will have a lasting and eternal effect on us as well as those with whom we come in contact. Growing up in a family with parents in the beauty industry, appearance played an important role in my upbringing. Not until I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior did I come to realize that beauty from the inside out was more important. Truth is a supernatural life preserver because it never changes, it always remains the same. As we continue to allow the truth to make us free, we are preserved from a life of darkness and defeat. Applying these supernatural beauty secrets will slow down the aging process in life by reducing the daily stress. That alone will cause us to smile more and reduce the wrinkles from frowning brought on by stress and confusion. Daily Wisdom to Win Tips… a If I’m losing, it’s what I’m choosing a My objective is to be effective a When you travel light you travel right a When I walk upright, I’m not uptight a Let love take over, let love have control, love is God and love is bold.

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  • Walking Wisely : Real Guidance For Lifes Journey


    In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ. Choosing to live according to Biblical precepts is a lifestyle foreign to the worldly patterns among which we live. Inevitably, there will be clashes between the wisdom of God and that of the world. Dr. Stanley teaches how to apply God’s wisdom as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties. This significant volume presents a way of living that embodies wisdom from above.

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  • Accountable Discipleship : Living In Gods Household


    SKU (ISBN): 9780881773392ISBN10: 0881773395Steven ManskarBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2006Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • 50 Ways To Pray


    The explosion of interest today in Christian mystics, ancient prayer practices, and guided meditations speaks to a need for more hands-on tools that will help people pray in traditional as well as new and exciting ways. This book is intended to address that need.

    The exercises in this book invite readers to new ways of walking with God. They are ways to become in tune with God’s spirit, which is already moving and desiring to live in people’s lives. They help individuals and groups reclaim the power to be in relationship with God in innumerable ways.

    Each of the exercises includes not only instructions on how to use it as a prayer practice, but also some background, an introduction, a statement of intention, and tips to help readers become comfortable with the practice. For those wanting to lead these practices in a group, there are special instructions and information in the Leader’s Guide at the end of the book.

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  • Violent Prayer : Engaging Your Emotions Against Evil


    Satan is alive, well, and actively searching for opportunities to ruin you. Perhaps your trying circumstances or struggling relationships reflect his schemes. Does that make you angry? If you’ve ever suppressed simmering anger toward the enemy, seeing it as an intrusion into your prayers, it’s time you experience the power of violent prayer. These very emotions of hatred and anger against Satan are fuel for life-changing prayer. Overcome an unhealthy, passive approach to prayer that dilutes your communion with the reigning Victor. When you move from defensive, reactive prayers to offensive, proactive prayers with an aggressive agenda, things begin to change. And you don’t want to miss out.

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  • Companions In Christ Participants Book (Revised)


    The newly revised, all-in-one-volume foundational resource! If you’re considering Companions in Christ for your church, begin with this book.
    This one-volume introduction to Companions in Christ moves through an uninterrupted 28-week study of five topics: spiritual formation, scripture, prayer, vocation and spiritual companionship. This participant’s book is recommended for groups who will continue their study together for the full 28 weeks.

    Each week of study begins with an inviting and often challenging reading by a recognized author in spiritual formation. In addition to the weekly reading, this book provides questions and daily scripture readings to guide your private reflection. The week closes with a two-hour group session where you share your thoughts, reflect together, and take part in diverse group learning experiences.

    Companions in Christ offers small groups a powerfully transforming experience in opening yourself to God’s presence and guidance. Explore classic spiritual practices, and develop new daily patterns that will open your life to a deepening relationship with God and with your group.

    This revised foundational resource features a whole new look and some refreshed content gleaned from years of practical application in congregations across the country. Overall, it’s a rich, imaginative opportunity to new discovery!

    Also available are separate participant books for each of the five topics mentioned above, which gives your group a chance to take a break between study modules:
    spiritual formation in Embracing the Journey
    scripture in Feeding on the Word
    prayer in Deepening Our Prayer
    vocation in Responding to Our Call
    spiritual companionship in Exploring Spiritual Guidance
    A revised Leader’s Guide, containing a “Getting Started Guide” and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available.

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  • Companions In Christ Leaders Guide (Revised)


    Companions in Christ is designed to develop you as a leader in guiding the spiritual life of your congregation.

    This resource gives you an overview of the Christian spiritual life and the practices that help people enter into the formative pattern of Christ’s life: a life of prayer, study and service.

    Help your small group members move from information (knowledge about) to experience (knowledge of) in the means of grace – ways in which Christ meets people, renews their faith, and deepens their life together in love.

    This revised Leader’s Guide provides detailed guidance for leading a small group through the 28 weekly sessions. The plans have been tested and refined by groups in churches across the country. This books contains all you need, including …
    the Getting Started Guide, which was formerly a separate piece
    a revised plan for a Closing Retreat
    Weekly Needs at a Glance
    page references for both the comprehensive one-volume Participant’s Book and the new five-volume series

    “I found that the Guide was complete, easy to use, and filled with a vast wealth of worship experiences and leadership tools,” writes one Companions in Christ group leader. “I haven’t found this content in other resources.”

    Lead your group deeper into the heart and mind, the work and spirit, the very life of Jesus Christ!

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  • Feeding On The Word (Revised)


    Feeding on the Word: The Mind of Christ is an introduction to the many ways of meditating and praying with scripture. Explore the depths of the Word, learn to listen to God through it, and allow you life to be shaped by it.

    Volume 2 in the newly revised Companions in Christ experience covers:
    Week 1: Why Do We Call the Bible God’s Word?
    Week 2: Studying Scripture As a Spiritual Discipline
    Week 3: Meditating on the Word
    Week 4: Directing Imagination
    Week 5: Group Meditation with Scripture

    This book is the second segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The five-piece participant series is designed for groups who will take breaks between the other four volumes:
    spiritual formation in Embracing the Journey
    prayer in Deepening Our Prayer
    vocation in Responding to Our Call
    spiritual companionship in Exploring Spiritual Guidance
    OPTION: Groups who wish to experience an uninterrupted 28-week study of Companions in Christ should order the all-modules-in-one volume for participants available here.

    A revised Leader’s Guide, containing a “Getting Started Guide” and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available.

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  • Breaking Out Of Trouble


    The bad news: trouble comes to everyone. The good news: you don’t have to be subject to its bondage. In this book, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar reveals powerful strategies from the Scriptures that will show you how to seek God’s help for every need and overcome troubling circumstances..

    The truth of God’s Word will work for you every time. Learn the many facets of salvation and deliverance God has made available to you. Discover the forces of peace, joy, and love, and how each can carry you through difficulties. Let your confidence in God begin to grow so that you cannot be defeated.

    Trouble in this world is temporary. With the scriptural solutions found in this life-changing book, you will be ready for any adversity in life.

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  • Not Guilty : Experience Gods Gift Of Acceptance And Freedom


    any Christians have been seduced into thinking that they must earn the right to experience the forgiveness of sin and the joy of answered prayer. Even seasoned Christians struggle to overcome feelings of unworthiness, fear, doubt, and condemnation that the enemy sends their way. The result is that they never experience the standard of living God intended for them.

    The truth is that God, through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, has already made you righteous. Nothing you could ever do will make you more or less righteous in God’s eyes. As you gain biblical understanding of how this right standing with God is meant to work in your life, you’ll begin to experience the joy of your salvation. The reality of the promises found in the Word of God will then begin to fall into place.

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  • Love Live And Enjoy Life


    Dr. Creflo A. Dollar reveals the amazing power of God’s love to change lives and to bring destiny into reality. When you choose to grow in love, you are choosing to make a difference in this world for yourself and for others. You can only extend love to others horizontally based on the love you receive from God vertically. All of your talents and abilities are important, but none as important as learning to love God and learning to love others. It’s the journey of love that gives us the satisfaction to truly live and enjoy life.

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  • Walking In The Confidence Of God In Troubled Times


    Bestselling author, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar reveals why it is so easy to be overwhelmed by the conditions of this world and your own personal battles. But even in the midst of these things, Dr. Dollar shows how you can learn to stand firmly and have lasting peace and confidence in the face of adversity. It starts with God’s Word.

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  • Mero Christianismo – (Spanish)


    This is a forceful and accessible discussion of Christian belief that has become one of the most popular introductions into Christianity and the most popular among C.S. Lewis books. Mere Christianity is a book that uncovers common ground upon which all those who have Christian faith can stand together. This is the Spanish-language edition of MERE CHRISTIANITY.

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  • Embracing The Journey (Revised)


    Embracing the Journey: The Way of Christ focuses on an exploration of spiritual formation as an individual and corporate journey toward wholeness and holiness through the grace of God.

    Volume 1 in the newly revised Companions in Christ experience covers:
    Week 1: The Christian Life As Journey
    Week 2: The Nature of the Christian Spiritual Life
    Week 3: The Flow and Means of Grace
    Week 4: Sharing Journeys of Faith
    Week 5: Living As Covenant Community

    This book is the first segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The five-piece participant series is designed for groups who will take breaks between the other four volumes:
    scripture in Feeding on the Word
    prayer in Deepening Our Prayer
    vocation in Responding to Our Call
    spiritual companionship in Exploring Spiritual Guidance
    OPTION: Groups who wish to experience an uninterrupted 28-week study of Companions in Christ should order the all-modules-in-one volume for participants available here.

    A revised Leader’s Guide, containing a “Getting Started Guide” and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available

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  • Sacred Rhythms : Arranging Our Lives For Spiritual Transformation


    Picking up on the monastic tradition of creating a “rule of life” that allows for regular space for the practice of the spiritual disciplines, Ruth Barton’s new book takes you more deeply into understanding seven key disciplines and how we can weave them into our daily life. Each chapter includes exercise to help you begin the practices-individually and in a group context. The final chapter puts it all together in a way that will help you arrange your life for spiritual transformation.

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  • He Speaks To Me


    If hearing and understanding God’s voice sometimes seems complicated and confusing, let Shirer show you how to simplify the process and really listen for his direction. With real-life examples and insights from Samuel, she discusses how to be sensitive to spiritual guidance during times of prayer and when making practical decisions. 208 pages, softcover from Moody.

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  • Deepening Our Prayer (Revised)


    Deepening Our Prayer: The Heart of Christ is a guided experience of various classic forms and styles of prayer. Discover new dimensions of prayer, try fresh ways of opening to God, and learn what it means to practice the presence of God.

    Volume 3 in the newly revised Companions in Christ experience covers:
    Week 1: Prayer and the Character of God
    Week 2: Dealing with Impediments to Prayer
    Week 3: Prayers of Petition and Intercession
    Week 4: Praying As We Are
    Week 5: Psalms, the Prayer Book of the Bible
    Week 6: Exploring Contemplative Prayer

    This book is the third segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The five-piece participant series is designed for groups who will take breaks between the other four volumes:
    spiritual formation in Embracing the Journey
    scripture in Feeding on the Word
    vocation in Responding to Our Call
    spiritual companionship in Exploring Spiritual Guidance

    OPTION: Groups who wish to experience an uninterrupted 28-week study of Companions in Christ should order the all-modules-in-one volume for participants available here.

    A revised Leader’s Guide, containing a “Getting Started Guide” and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available.

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  • 12 Extraordinary Women Workbook (Workbook)


    Armed with the success of his bestselling Twelve Ordinary Men, Dr. John MacArthur turns his attention to twelve of the most remarkable women of the Bible. Summarizing their lives and the depth of their individual faith, he demonstrates the way in which God also requires women to fortify His kingdom. Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, Dr. MacArthur highlights a wide range of heroines, including Anna, Eve, Hanna, Lazarus’ sisters Martha and Mary, Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of Jesus, Rahab, Ruth, as well as the woman at the well, the poor woman of Luke, the seductress of Proverbs 7, and the believer of Proverbs 31. Features Include: Insightful Questions for In-Depth Study Places to journal Guided Prayers

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  • Longing To Pray


    The Psalms are much more than ancient poetry. They represent, in a moving, kaleidoscopic way, a vast catalog of very real humans with an unquenchable need to relate to their Creator. In spite of experiencing a wide array of troubles, inconsistencies, and questions, these writers were indeed sants who left behind the greatest collection of prayers in the possession of our human race. Best-selling author J. Ellsworth Kalas invites readers to study with ancient experts in prayer – the people who wrote the Book of Psalms. Kalas contends that is was the quality of their friendship with God that fueled them to begin the prayerful conversations that today’s readers across the globe admire and hold dear. The psalmists do not, however, offer any secret precept or a hard set of rules for effective praying. Still, if their prayers are read carefully, their secret of “the Ultimate Friendship” can truly be discovered. Kalas helps readers start down the path of an incredible journey of stimulating, challenging conversation with God. Also includes a study guide by John D. Schroeder.

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  • Power Of A Focused Heart


    Using Jesus’ sayings that we call the Beatitudes, The Power of a Focused Heart will guide users in simplifying their life by finding ways to say no to people in order to remain free to say yes to God. Brief chapters may be read in fifteen minutes followed by daily exercises in responding to Scripture. Guidance for one-hour small group meetings includes a detailed session plan for eight weekly meetings and a “Moving Deeper” exploration. The book also includes “Suggestions for Service” and “For Additional Reading.”

    This study of the Beatitudes provides a strong basis for learning to live out of one’s own particular spiritual gifts. Eight chapters examine one beatitude each week with daily Bible readings, daily exercises and with complete teaching directions for the leader for one-hour small group sessions.

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  • Sense Of The Call


    In a culture that is fixated on sex, violence, and wealth, Dawn calls us to the counterintuitive values of the gospel: resting in prayer; saying no to busyness; enjoying the body; and embracing the cost of discipleship. How to live your life upside down, so others can see the world aright.

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  • Drawing Near : A Life Of Intimacy With God


    In Drawing Near, John Bevere invites readers to explore a life of intimacy with God. Emphasizing the need for obedience, he urges us to practice-just as we would practice anything we hope to improve-our communication with the Holy Spirit. Understanding that prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue, Bevere encourages us to listen at the Father’s feet. Study questions in each chapter offer opportunity for reflection, and a “How to draw near to God” section offers practical steps toward developing true intimacy with Him.

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  • Called To Be Gods Leader


    Best-selling author and trusted Bible teacher Henry Blackaby, along with his son Richard, President of Canadian Baptist Seminary, demonstrates through the life of Joshua how God prepares those He chooses for spiritual leadership. In Created to Be God’s Friend, Henry Blackaby explored the life of Abraham, and in Chosen to Be God’s Prophet, he examined God’s work through Samuel. In Called to Be God’s Leader, now in trade paper, readers will see how God applies leadership principles in the life of the great biblical leader Joshua. What did God have in mind when He saw Joshua as a young slave in Egypt? How did He mold and shape Joshua to prepare him for service? Through Joshua and numerous examples from their own lives, the authors create a picture of God’s ways, offering deep insight that readers can apply to their own lives. Purpose, Obedience, Faith, Character, and Influence are among the themes that are included in this book; key truths are emphasized at the end of each chapter.

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  • Dream Of God


    Re-awaken your sense of calling and your desire for truth.
    A classic book by this contemporary prophet who has touched lives and transformed hearts with her books, preaching, teaching, and lay group work. Through adept storytelling and Bible study, she reawakens our sense of calling, reminding us of God’s dream for us: not merely to worship Jesus but to follow Him.

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  • Is God Really In Control


    From devastating natural disasters to deadly highway accidents, tragedies occur every day around the world and in our own lives. Is God really in control? Now beloved author Jerry Bridges helps us answer that question positively, offering comfort and hope by exploring the greater purposes and Person of God.

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  • Cura Para La Vida Comun – (Spanish)


    Es domingo por la tarde y ya esta temiendo que llegue el lunes. Se pasa mas de 50 horas en un trabajo que odia, solo para llegar a su casa exhausto y hacer algo mas que ver la monotona television. Pues bien, no esta solo: 87 por ciento de los trabajadores no le encuentran significado a su trabajo y 80 por ciento asegura que sus talentos no son utilizados. Y hay consecuencias. Se de cuenta o no, nuestra actitud impacta nuestra salud, nuestras relaciones, nuestras familias y nuestro sentido basico de la felicidad, pero el autor de exitos de libreria Max Lucado, tiene una cura. Todos somos individuos unicos, creados a la imagen de Dios, con nuestros propios dones, pasiones y puntos fuertes. Con su voz encantadora y estimulante, Max ofrece a sus lectores herramientas practicas para explorar e identificar nuestra propia singularidad, una motivacion para ponerla en practica y una perspectiva para volver a definir nuestro concepto de trabajo. Nunca es tarde para descubrir sus puntos fuertes, la voluntad de Dios o una nueva direccion en su carrera, curando asi lo que de otra forma seria una vida comun.

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  • Resting Place : A Personal Guide To Spiritual Retreats


    1. Resting Place
    2. Portion
    3. Never Alone
    4. Integrity
    5. Restore Me
    6. Creative
    7. Be Angry
    8. In Your Grip
    9. Treasures
    10. Happy
    11. Humbled
    12. True Love

    Additional Info
    Full of quotes, Scripture, and prayer and journaling ideas, Jane Rubietta’s newest book is the perfect guide for your next personal retreat.

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  • Mere Morality : What God Expects From Ordinary People (Reprinted)


    Rigorous arguments, provocative examples, lively discussion questions.

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  • Breaking Intimidation : Say No Without Feeling Guilty – Be Secure Without T (Rev


    Countless Christians battle intimidation, which is camouflaged and subtle. Many feel the effects-depression, confusion, lack of faith-without knowing its root. Bevere guides readers below the surface to see the roots of intimidation. Readers will understand why it is hard to say no, why the fear confrontation and avoid conflict, and why they focus on pleasing others. Readers will learn to identify intimidation and know how to break its hold. Bevere explains how the fear of God keeps us from a life of ungodliness and produces confidence and boldness. Bevere advises, “Walk in your own God-given confidence and boldness. Bevere advises, “Walk in your own God-given authority, or someone else will take it from you and use it against you.”

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  • Cruciform Church : Becoming A Cross Shaped People In A Secular World (Anniversar


    This new edition of The Cruciform Church finds Churches of Christ at a quite different place than they were sixteen years ago when the book was first released. On the one hand, our culture is more clearly post-modern and post-Christian. All of the Christian players today are finding themselves cultural outsiders, much like the earliest Christians. We are waking up to the reality that we are in a missionary situation in our own culture, and this is forcing us (slowly, by fits and starts) to rethink our priorities and our mission. On the other hand, Churches of Christ themselves are engaging more and more in the kind of healthy theological rethinking that this book called for back in 1990. Many congregations are shedding the sectarian or exclusivist outlook, gaining new appreciation for their heritage, refocusing on the central doctrines of the faith, and entering into serious dialogue about carrying out the mission of God in this new time…Perhaps this new edition can continue to provide stimulus and guidance as the adventure continues. Toward that end, this edition contains a new chapter, “Last(ing) Things,” that seeks to show the close relationship between eschatology and discipleship, between one’s view of the coming kingdom of God and the cruciform life.” – From Allen’s Preface to the Revised Edition

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  • Hard To Believe


    Popular perception of Jesus Christ is that of a tempered, genteel man who walked the earth, offering nuggets of wisdom to His followers. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is that although Jesus Christ offered a message of forgiveness, He also spoke challenging, demanding words about what being a follower of Christ requires. In contrast to the superficiality of much modern Christian teaching, Dr. John MacArthur serves up the unvarnished truth of what Christ taught and lived. In simple, compelling terms, he spells out what is required of those who would follow Him. Going beyond Jesus’ life to include the crucifixion and resurrection, MacArthur shows readers that Jesus modeled the commitment and loving obedience He requires of us by making the ultimate sacrifice for humankind.

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  • In The Meantime


    Brendle, associate pastor at an evangelical megachurch in Colorado Springs, Colo., aims his first book at 20- and 30-somethings who are in limbo: they may be called by God to be pastors, or gardeners, or parents, but they need more time to mature before taking the next step. Brendle’s book is about living faithfully in the time between the call and its fulfillment. Too often, he says, we are tempted to “manhandle” God’s plans for us or forget about our call because it seems to take too long to play out. Brendle urges us instead to follow the lead of the biblical David, who was anointed by Samuel, but then had to wait on the Lord until his calling was fulfilled. The life stage to which Brendle draws our attention is important, but the book is flawed. Many readers may not have experienced the same kind of clear call that Brendle presupposes and experienced himself in his career and marriage decisions. Brendle may also one day regret lines like “Okay, wow. That was heavy. I need to take a deep breath now because I’m fired up and the veins in my neck are bulging a bit.” Perhaps he could have followed his own advice and let this book coalesce a little longer. (Dec.)
    Copyright (C) Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Way Of Transforming Discipleship Participants Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Are you becoming the person God wants you to be?

    Discover a way to authentic Christian spirituality in this sixth title in the Companions in Christ series.

    By shining the light of God’s Word into the darkness of our lives, Hudson will lead you to a pathway of discovery and growth. Explore the markers of the journey:

    Knowing Who You Are
    Changing from the Inside
    Listening to the Groans
    Experiencing the God Who Heals
    Discovering Community Together
    “Upper Room Ministries has crafted a practical tool for assisting pilgrims on the journey of transformation,” writes one reviewer. “The Way of Transforming Discipleship is for anyone who is on the Way to becoming a true Christ-follower. Not only is this a must-read, but even more so, it is a must-do resource!”

    Join this journey to experience more deeply what it means to live as a follower of Christ. Understand the meaning of spiritual formation and how it leads to a spirituality that’s authentic and grace-filled. Reflect on what your faith means in terms of who you are, how you must change, how you deal with pain, and how you relate to others. Be challenged to live the whole gospel by authentically connecting spirituality with discipleship.

    A Leader’s Guide is also available. A group experience of this resource consists of a preparatory meeting, six weekly sessions, and a closing retreat. The Way of Transforming Discipleship is appropriate for any group that has completed the Companions in Christ 28-week foundational resource, or it may also be used as an introduction to this powerful initiative.

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  • Descubra Sus Dones Y Talentos – (Spanish)


    In order to minister effectively, the believer should discover and use his gifts.

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