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Showing 901–1000 of 1927 results

  • Life Together In Christ


    Have you joined a church or small group in hopes of experiencing real life change, only to be disappointed? Have you sat through inspiring sermons about what is possible when Christians gather together in mutually edifying relationships, only to recognize how cynical you have become after many failed attempts? Community may be one of the most over-promised, under-delivered aspects of the Christian life today. Individuals remain selfish and stuck in their ways. Communities become spiritually lifeless or even fall apart because we don’t know how to experience transformation together. Transforming community does not come primarily from listening to inspiring preaching or adding another church program. It emerges as we embrace a shared commitment to the attitudes, practices and behaviors that open us to Christ in our midst. And that’s where Life Together in Christ comes in. Reflecting on the story of the two disciples who meet Christ on the Emmaus Road, Ruth Haley Barton offers this interactive guide for small groups of spiritual companions who are ready to encounter Christ in transforming ways-right where they are on the road of real life.

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  • Jesus Creed : Loving God Loving Others (Anniversary)


    In its 10th year of publication, The Jesus Creed teaches you how to live out Jesus’ command to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. Scot McKnight’s bestselling book is a powerful testament of essential Christian formation. This new edition of the contemporary classic is slightly condensed, with a new foreword by the author.

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  • Anxious : Choosing Faith In A World Of Worry


    In any 12-month period, 18 percent of adults in the U.S. experience an anxiety disorder that significantly impairs their ability to function in everyday life. We-you and I and the culture we live in-are frantic with worry. Worry is part of our culture, an expectation of responsible people. And Christians are no different. But we are called to live and think differently from the worried world around us. The fact is, worry is sin, but we don’t seem to take it seriously. It is a spiritual problem, which ultimately cannot be overcome with sheer willpower-its solution is rooted entirely in who God is. How can we live life abundantly, with joy, as God has called us to do, when we’re consumed by anxiety? We are commanded not to worry, not only in the well-known words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 6, but also throughout the Old Testament and the epistles to the church. The Bible makes it clear that the future belongs only to God, who rules and is not subject to the limitations of time. To live with joy and contentment, trusting God with the present and the future, is a countercultural feat that can be accomplished only through him. Challenging the idolatrous underpinnings of worry, former Christianity Today executive Amy Simpson encourages us to root our faith in who God is, not in our own will power. We don’t often give much thought to why worry offends God, but indulging anxiety binds us to mere possibilities and blinds us to the truth. Correctly understanding the theology of worry is critical to true transformation. This is a book not just for women who worry, or people diagnosed with an anxiety disorder; this is a call to the church to turn its eyes from the things of earth and fix its eyes on the author and completer of our faith.

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  • C S Lewis And The Crisis Of A Christian


    C.S. Lewis has long been recognized as a beloved author of children’s literature and an apologist for Christian belief to a skeptical modern world. In this new volume, Gregory S. Cootsona shows us how Lewis can also serve as a guide to the ups and downs of the Christian journey. Like many of us, Lewis suffered from a variety of crises of faith and personal experience. Like us, he came to faith in a world that no longer respects Christian commitment or offers much room for belief in God. Like us, he felt the absence of God when those closest to him died. Like us, he wrestled with doubt, wondering if God is real, or simply the projection of his own wishes onto the screen of the universe. Like us, he knew the kinds of temptations he described with such poignancy and humor in The Screwtape Letters.

    By examining these and the other crises of C.S. Lewis’s life, Cootsona shows us how Lewis found God in each one, and how he shared those discoveries with us in his writing. All those wishing to deepen and enrich their own spiritual journey will find much guidance and wisdom in these pages.

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  • Your Own Jesus Student Edition


    Do you find your faith is a little flat, or that the church hard to connect with? Perhaps it’s because you’ve inherited someone else’s Jesus: relying on what other people feel and say instead of discovering the living Lord yourself. In this student edition of Your Own Jesus, Mark Hall traces what can happen when you accidentally make a spiritual compromise with the world, while showing what can occur when believers like you experience authentic fellowship with the one living God. Through personal stories, scriptural insights, and discussion questions, Your Own Jesus Student Edition will set you free to live without compromise with the Jesus you’ll come to know intimately and love fully.

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  • Real Christian : Bearing The Marks Of Authentic Faith


    The evangelical church is home to many who call themselves Christians but do not know what they believe or follow the teachings of Jesus. Todd Wilson’s Real Christian: Bearing the Marks of Authentic Faith biblically defines what it means to be a true Christian, calling readers to reflect on how the gospel brings change and transformation to our character, deeply affecting the way we live.

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  • Relational Soul : Moving From False Self To Deep Connection


    Explores how healing and growth in our self-understanding opens us to deeper connections with God and others, taking a unified approach to psychology and spirituality.

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  • Pelea – (Spanish)


    El libro- Pelea: Las claves para ganar las batallas que importan -presenta algunos de los valores y metas del conocido libro para hombres “Salvaje de corazon”, pero este libro tiene la ventaja de estar dirigido a una nueva generacion, y cuenta con el apoyo de una fuerte campaa publicitaria. Esta es una obra que le habla directamente al corazon del hombre. Aqui hallaras la fortaleza necesaria para pelear las batallas que sabes que necesitas pelear; aquellas batallas que van a determinar el estado de tu corazon, la calidad de tu matrimonio y la salud espiritual de tu familia. Craig Groeschel estudia tambien ejemplos tomados de las Escrituras, entre ellos el de nuestro buen amigo Sanson. Si, el personaje de los biceps inmensos y el cabello de hippie que estaba obsesionado con Dalila. Te sorprenderas al ver lo mucho que tenemos en comun con este hombre. Al analizar su vida, aprenderas la manera de derrotar a los demonios que debilitan a los hombres mas fuertes. Pelea te ayudara a convertirte en el hombre que Dios queria que fueras cuando te creo: un hombre que sabe pelear por lo que es correcto. Y no te atrevas a presentarte sin armas a esta batalla. Aprende a pelear con fe, con oracion y con la Palabra de Dios. Ya va siendo hora de que pelees como un hombre. Por el amor de Dios, PELEA.

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  • Beat God To The Punch


    SKU (ISBN): 9781433684500ISBN10: 1433684500Eric MasonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2014Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • Spacious Heart : Room For Spiritual Awakening


    Why do people, including Christians, feel empty, estranged and cynical?

    Many of us have tired of the pat answers that the church and religion have provided about our questions about faith and meaning in life. We know there’s more-and we stand on the cusp of spiritual awakening, longing to reshape our connection with God.

    In the tradition of Ronald Rolheiser’s The Holy Longing, Don Clymer and Sharon Clymer Landis (brother and sister, both spiritual directors and retreat leaders) take modern spirituality and turn it on its head to flesh out a Christian spiritualty of emptying oneself. How can I know God more fully? What does it mean to be a true servant walking closely with God: brutally honest with oneself, and true to Christ? Through riveting stories and text grounded in scripture, the book speaks to the deep cynicism of soul and despair that grip so many in this age.

    Anyone wanting to become more loving, in touch with feelings, friends and family will find hope and direction in this easy-to-read book on the spiritual journey. We are all hungry for a full-flavored life, yet we ignore our deepest soul and quiet our cravings with more of everything. How does one embrace a spiritually simple life-gracious, accepting and fulfilling?

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  • Dones Espirituales Para La Gue – (Spanish)


    Que son los dones espirituales, y por que son importantes? Quiza nunca haya oido de los dones espirituales fuera de las pocas veces en que aparecen en el Nuevo Testamento, o quiza se pregunte como un concepto aparentemente tan antiguo sigue siendo aplicable a usted hoy dia.

    Los dones espirituales son importantes herramientas para batallar y vencer a Satanas, y Dios los da gratuitamente a sus seguidores. La iglesia no tiene que ser ignorante por mas tiempo. En Dones Espirituales para la Guerra Espiritual, Tom Brown presenta los dones espirituales y describe sus usos en la guerra espiritual, equipandole para…
    *Reconocer los diversos dones espirituales
    *Recibir el bautismo del Espiritu Santo
    *Activar los dones espirituales en su vida
    *Apropiarse de los dones de revelacion, poder y expresion
    *Ser sabio discerniendo la voluntad de Dios
    *Impartir sabiduria y dones espirituales a otros

    No esta usted solo. Tiene un Ayudador, el Espiritu Santo, que quiere ayudarle a vencer la tentacion y derrotar al enemigo en su vida. No se alarme por la obra de Satanas. El Espiritu que esta en usted es mayor que el que esta en el mundo. Por lo tanto, !levantese y use las herramientas que le han sido dadas para caminar valientemente en el camino de la verdad!

    What are spiritual gifts, and why are they important? Perhaps you have never heard of spiritual gifts outside of their few appearances in the New Testament, or perhaps you are wondering how a concept to seemingly ancient is still applicable to you today.

    Spiritual gifts are important tools in battling and overcoming Satan, and God freely gives them to His followers. The church need not be ignorant any longer. In Spiritual Gifts for Spiritual Warfare, Tom Brown presents the spiritual gifts and describes their uses in spiritual warfare, equipping you to…
    *Recognize the various spiritual gifts
    *Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
    *Activate the spiritual gifts in your life
    *Appropriate the gifts of revelation, power, and speech
    *Become wise by discerning God’s will
    *Impart wisdom and other spiritual gifts to others

    You are not alone. You have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who wants to assist you in overcoming temptation and defeating the enemy in your life. Don’t be alarmed by Satan’s work. The Spirit who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) So, stand up and use the tools you’ve been given to walk boldly in the way of truth!

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  • Thrive Student Edition


    You’ve probably heard the words ‘Live out your faith’ dozens, if not hundreds, of times, but what does that phrase really mean? And how do you really follow Jesus in today’s world? In this student adaptation of his book Thrive, Casting Crowns’ Mark Hall explores exactly what it means when your faith and your life collide, and how you can take the next steps in making that faith real and evident to those around you. Using relatable stories, applications you can use, as well as some life lessons, Hall shows how you can root yourself in the truth and grow strong in your beliefs as you become the person God designed you to be.

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  • Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare Manual


    Everything you need to know about deliverance and spiritual warfare in one complete manual.

    This powerful guide gives readers the tools they need to pinpoint the issues they are facing so they can confront the enemy head-on. They will in turn be able to see their loved ones and families set free as they go to war of their behalf. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to destroy the works of the enemy, this book gives information on spiritual warfare basics and strategies, including:
    *Fasting, prayer and intercession
    *The ministry of deliverance
    *Prayers for self-deliverance
    *Destroying stubborn demons and strongholds

    Bringing much needed light to expose the works of darkness, this book also provides specific prayers and names of demons, spirits, strongholds, and manifestations, and it provides biblical tactics for defeating them so readers can see their lives return to the place that God designed.

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  • Unshakable


    The global financial crisis that began five years ago came as a shock to economists and to Wall Street movers and shakers, but it was no surprise to those in step with God’s Spirit. In UNSHAKABLE, Carter Conlon, senior pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, offers a prophetic message of hope to God’s people around the world. Yes, difficult days still lie ahead, but the Holy Spirit intends to use this season of uncertainty to rebuild the foundation of the Church for a future that brings glory to God. Do not fear! Instead, find out how you can stand strong through the coming storms, trusting the Lord to transform your life even through trials and pain.

    “It’s a great joy and a deep comfort to know that God’s voice is speaking ‘for such a time as this’ in New York City and beyond.”–Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

    “As a generation clings desperately to their worldly possessions in the face of looming poverty, Carter Conlon preaches an unshakable gospel of Christ crucified and confidence found only in the cross.”–John Hoover, New York Times bestselling author

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  • Dioses En Guerra – (Spanish)


    En Dioses en guerra, Kyle Idleman, autor del libro best seller No soy fan, ayuda a todos los creyentes a reconocer que hay falsos dioses que luchan dentro de cada uno de nosotros, y se disputan el lugar de la gloria y el control en nuestra vida. Lo que nos impide seguir verdaderamente a Jesus es que nuestro corazon anda tras algo o alguien distinto. Aunque tal vez eso que buscamos no sea como las “imagenes talladas” del pasado, en realidad son los idolos de la vida moderna. Detras del pecado con el que estas luchando, el desaliento al que te enfrentas y la falta de proposito con la que estas viviendo, hay un dios falso que esta ganando la guerra por el control de tu corazon. Segun Idleman, la idolatria no es un problema; es el problema. A base de hacer unas profundas preguntas, Idleman revela cuales dioses falsos esta permitiendo cada uno de nosotros que ocupen el trono de nuestra vida. APara que te sacrificas? AQue te hace enojar? AQue te causa preocupacion? ADe quien anhelas recibir el aplauso? Todos estamos programados para la adoracion, pero con frecuencia terminamos valorando y honrando a los idolos del dinero, el sexo, la comida, el romance, el exito y muchos otros, que nos alejan de la relacion intima con Dios que queremos tener. Dioses en guerra, utilizando los testimonios reales, poderosos y sinceros de aquellos que han tenido que luchar en cada uno de estos aspectos, ilustra un claro camino para alejarnos del quebrantamiento de corazon de nuestra idolatria del siglo 21, para volver al corazon de Dios, capacitandonos para ser realmente unos seguidores de Jesus totalmente consagrados.

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  • Emotions : Confront The Lies Conquer With Truth


    New York Times bestselling author and trusted pastor Dr. Charles Stanley shares practical guidance and encouragement on a topic that touches every person on earth-emotions.

    God has gifted us with emotions since the very beginning-and he did so with very concrete purposes in mind-so that we can enjoy life, so we can connect with others, and so we can reflect God’s image in us. But too often, instead of making the best of this gift, our emotions make the worst of us.

    Though we cannot see, taste, or touch our emotions, we are constantly affected by their forceful presence and the incredible influence they have over us. They can alter how we view our day, other people, and even the major events in our lives. Through our feelings, we have the capacity to enjoy amazing triumphs and deep fulfillment or experience crushing defeat and ruined relationships.

    As Dr. Stanley deals with five key destructive emotions-fear, rejection, guilt, bitterness, and despair-he shares four simple steps for handling our emotions in a healthy manner.

    Revealing God’s original purpose for emotions and wisely exposing the root of all negative emotions, Dr. Stanley will touch your heart as he teaches you how to find joy and fulfillment in the God-given gift of emotions.

    Powerful and inspiring, Emotions teaches you how to become free of negative emotions and reclaim the purpose and joy for which God created them.

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  • Spirit Filled Life


    Charles Stanley helps you recognize and begin to live with the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit by challenging you in three parts to look up, within, and ahead.

    Life abundant-Jesus promised it and we long for it, yet few Christians seem to have it. Blending lively anecdotes, commentary, and teachings from the Bible, Charles Stanley introduces you to the Holy Spirit. He is not an oversized electrical current you just plug into when you need additional help, or a theological concept, but just as real and active as Christ. He has personality as well as a specific job description and a definite desire to be an active part of our lives.”A big part of the Spirit-filled life is learning to recognize the fingerprint of the Holy Spirit. Once you know what to look for and once you begin looking for it, you will be amazed at how real the Holy Spirit will become to you. Learning to recognize the Holy Spirit is the first step in learning to live the Spirit-filled life.”

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  • 1 Life Under God


    One of the greatest dangers in the body of Christ today occurs when religion replaces an intimate relationship with our King. Religion is anything you do for God that does not stem out of a heart connected to God. It is only in knowing God and seeking Him first in all that you do, say and think that you come to discover His greatest plan for your life.

    In One Life Under God, Dr. Tony Evans digs deep to uncover the spiritual truths behind the prioritization of the kingdom, the key to spiritual growth, nourishing a kingdom mindset and discovering your personal destiny.

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  • Best Yes : Making Wise Decisions In The Midst Of Endless Demands


    Learn to find and play the role God wants most for you to play, not the ones you feel pressured into playing for the sake of others or even our sense of accomplishment and worth.

    Most of us spend a lot of our lives figuring out when to say yes and when to say no. How to manage our time, reduce stress, do our best for our families, find a little space for “me.” But we don’t find space for our souls until we learn to step past the yes and no of daily decisions and seek a third option: the best yes. The best yes is the choice that shapes all our other choices. (And our choices determine the direction of our lives.) It’s what allows us to play our necessary parts in God’s plan, to spend our energy and focus our passion on the assignments that really are ours. It allows us to be there for the moments we shouldn’t miss, pursue the calling our souls pulse to fulfill, give the love we were born to offer. How do we learn to say that best yes? It requires honesty. Imagination. Attention. Trust. Humility. Practice-lots of practice. And wisdom. The best yes is really all about wisdom-learning to make truly wise decisons. And that’s the heart of this book. “I want us to become powerfully effective decision makers,” writes Lysa Terkeurst. “Because then we will live powerfully effective lives. And spend our souls doing powerfully effective work to the glory of God.” With her signature mix of transparency, Scripture-laced insight, and “been there” humor, she suggests usable strategies for choosing wisely and encourages us all to shout and whisper our own best yes to life, day by decision-making day.

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  • Raw Spirituality : The Rhythms Of The Jesus Life


    An introduction to how we can develop a rhythm of life that brings flourishing to our personal spirituality and then extends to our service in the world.

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  • Discovering True Reality


    “Discovering True Reality” begins with these provocative statements.
    * There is a true reality.
    * Humankind has created its own false reality.
    * Most Christians live in a mixture of the two realities.
    * Only by living in true reality will Christians escape this double-mindedness.
    * Most people live in a make-believe world. What comprises true reality?

    Author Randy Haydon recounts Plato’s Allegory of the Cave as he answers this question. Men who have always lived only in a cave see the shadows of people outside the cave on their own walls and believe the shadows are the people. Their presuppositions are false, and lead to false definitions of reality. Similarly, one’s presuppositions are foundational to one’s definition of reality. Haydon examines tenets of both the false view and the Christian view of reality. He clarifies key concepts such as “born again” and “sanctification” and provides straightforward how-tos about the roles of men, women, and children in God’s reality. Underscored by Scripture, the author’s conclusion is clear: For the serious Christian, there is no other choice but God’s reality. As you read “Discovering True Reality,” be forewarned: It will challenge your presuppositions.

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  • Love Period : When All Else Fails


    Who among us doesn’t desperately need . . . Love. Period.

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  • Dangerous Passions Deadly Sins


    This volume unpacks the psychological insights found in the writings of three early monks–Evagrius Ponticus (4th century), John Cassian (5th century), and Gregory the Great (6th century)–to help us appreciate the relevance of these monastic writers and apply their wisdom to our own spiritual and psychological well-being. The book addresses each of the seven deadly sins, offering practical guidance from the early monastic tradition for overcoming these dangerous passions.

    As Dennis Okholm introduces key monastic figures, literature, and thought of the early church, he relates early Christian writings to modern studies in psychology. He shows how ancient monks often anticipated the insights of contemporary psychology and sociology, exploring, for example, how their discussions of gluttony compare with current discussions regarding eating disorders. This book will appeal to readers interested in spirituality, early monastic resources, and ancient wisdom for human flourishing, as well as students of spirituality and spiritual formation.

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  • Perfectly Imperfect : Character Sketches From The New Testament


    Is that a contradiction? The Bible is filled with stories of people with all kinds of flaws and imperfections.The astounding thing is what happens when God changes their lives.Perfectly Imperfect is about people whose true-to life stories are found in the New Testament. Theyare like us in many ways-confused, tempted,and often afraid, but then they meet Jesus, andtheir lives are wonderfully transformed.Through the character sketches in this book, welearn how God works with us. We discover somethings about the way God transforms us from what we are into what we can be. In these sometimes tragic and broken lives, we get a glimpse of how God renews us and remakes us into people who are perfectly imperfect.

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  • Cristianismo Real – (Spanish)


    Un libro sobre el evangelio y el cristianismo, novedoso en su perspectiva de las realidades y necesidades del Siglo XXI. Analiza los puntos clave de la fe cristiana segun los defienden las principales Iglesias: Catolica, Evangelica y Ortodoxa; y reta al lector a vivir un cristianismo mas autentico y real. Ser cristiano es una decision que se toma todos los dias y que tiene consecuencias inmediatas y practicas en nuestra forma de vivir.

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  • Cristianismo Autentico – (Spanish)


    Johann Arndt fue un teologo luterano aleman nacido en Sajonia considerado como uno de los precursores del pietismo. Su libro “Cristianismo autentico” genero un despertar hacia una vida cristiana mas consecuente, que a principios del Siglo XX derivo en los movimientos carismaticos y pentecostales; lo que hoy en dia son las Asambleas de Dios y demas movimientos e iglesias pentecostales.

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  • Wilderness Bride


    Wilderness Bride is a vibrant collection of stories in a poetic format for women who long to grow into a deeper love relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, but feel stuck in a spiritual wilderness.

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  • Beautiful Disaster : Finding Hope In The Midst Of Brokenness (Reprinted)


    Interweaving biblical insights and personal narratives, this eloquently written book shows how God often uses suffering and desert experiences to form us into Christ’s image. Marlena Graves shares her experiences of growing up poor in a house plagued by mental illness as a means to explore the forces God uses to shape us into beautiful people in the midst of brokenness.

    This book offers a window into suffering through the motif of desert spirituality, revealing how God can use our painful experiences to show himself faithful. While no one welcomes suffering, God often uses desert experiences–those we initially despise and wouldn’t wish on anyone–to transform us into beautiful souls who better resemble Jesus. Graves shows how God can bring life out of circumstances reeking of death and destruction, whether those circumstances are crises or daily doses of quiet desperation.

    Readers who have experienced suffering and question God’s purpose for it will benefit from this book, as will counselors, pastors, professors, and mentors. It includes a foreword by John Ortberg and Laura Ortberg Turner.

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  • Disciples Together : Discipleship Learning And Small Groups


    Discipleship is one of the key words used in the churches today and there are many initiatives in the mainstream churches to enable people to grow as disciples of Christ. Much of this happens in small groups, yet there has hitherto been very little written about this phenomenon. Roger Walton seeks to speak from research and theological reflection into the growing small group movement in the churches. In the midst of a cluster of recent a _~how toa_T books on Christian Small Groups this book attempts to set the phenomenon in the broader context of research and theological reflection. It can be conceived as a critical friend to the movement rather than cheering it on, encouraging people to think and engage more deeply with theological, sociological and ecclesiological issues.

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  • If You Want To Walk On Water Youve Got To Get Out Of The Boat


    Winner of the 2002 Christianity Today Book Award! You’re One Step Away from the Adventure of Your Life. Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, ‘Come’? John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God. The experience is terrifying. It’s thrilling beyond belief. It’s everything you’d expect of someone worthy to be called Lord. The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life in the process. There’s just one requirement: If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.

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  • Salmo 23 De C H Spurgeon – (Spanish)


    El Salmo 23, del gran predicador C. H. Spurgeon, tiene como proposito dar a conocer la obra magna que recogera todos los salmos completos y que, Editorial CLIE publicara en breve en dos amplios y extensos volumenes. El Salmo 23 en forma de adelanto a la obra completa, no deja de constituir, por si mismo, el mas completo, profundo y selecto comentario disponible de “El Salmo del Pastor”.

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  • Mystery Of Suffering


    Millions of people worldwide now live with debilitating chronic pains and other degenerative medical conditions in spite of available best practices in modern medical sciences. They are compelled to take heavy doses of high potency medication, with all the many known and unknown side effects, for the rest of their lives. For the other millions of people experiencing other forms of afflictions now, and for millions who will inevitably experience suffering in the time to come, there is hope and help for you now. The Mystery of Suffering provides answers to why we suffer, and how to be victorious over suffering.

    The major reason we all encounter and live with severe afflictions is our rejection of the true reasons we suffer. More than half the battle we wage against suffering is won just by knowing and believing why we suffer. Whatever suffering you experience now, get excited, become hopeful and know there are remedies that are completely free and within your reach now.

    Have you ever wondered the real reasons behind the dreaded climate change that is driving the rapid melting of the icecaps, persistent and widespread destructive storms, floods, drought, landslides, and those monster fires? Are you concerned about the rising widespread fear, insecurity, instability, chaos, and senseless violence threatening to return the world to the dark ages? Find the answers; prepare to prevail over your present situation and the impending threats to our lives, health, possessions, families and our way of life. The Mystery of Suffering will lead you to the answers and action plans that will turn back suffering in your life now, and equip you with guaranteed victories going forward.

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  • My Basis For Believing


    This book is about how I found the road to Heaven, which fundamentally is based on my testimony how I proved to my satisfaction that I was a Christian. I accomplish this by using premises, postulates, simple logic, and analogies that use common words and phrases, such as, road, vehicle, fuel, ladder, and system, and the phrase travelling the road. These all are well explained. Other aspects discussed include information on: the one we love so much; a good leader (giving who is the greatest); assurance and salvation; my life that provides some insight on it; and the bases for my not giving much thought to God until I returned from the military.

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  • Why We Live In Community


    In this time-honored manifesto, Arnold and Merton add their voices to the vital discussion of what real community is all about: love, joy, unity, and the great adventure of faith shared with others along the way. Neither writer describes (or prescribes) community here, but they do provide a vision to guide our search.”

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  • Christ Shaped Character


    The author explores how we grow into maturity in Christ through pursuing the virtues of love, faith and hope while looking through the lens of our own life experience.

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  • God Is Closer Than You Think


    What Are You Waiting For? Intimacy with God can happen right now if you want it. A closeness you can feel, a goodness you can taste, a reality you can experience for yourself. That’s what the Bible promises, so why settle for less? God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t just for monks and ascetics. It’s for business people, high school students, busy moms, single men, single women … and most important, it’s for YOU. God Is Closer Than You Think shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your heavenly Father. Bestselling author John Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life. He shows you God’s hand stretching toward you. And, with his gift for storytelling, Ortberg illustrates the ways you can reach toward God and complete the connection—to your joy and his.

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  • 5 Blind Spots


    This book will reveal 5 destructive behaviors and attitudes that block you from becoming the remarkable person you desperately want to be.

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  • Put Out The Fire


    Getting upset, developing a vengeful attitude, committing violent acts, thinking negative thoughts, becoming argumentative, raising your voice, using sharp words or cursing, as well as holding things in and refusing to let them go, are all symptoms of not controlling your anger. What’s more, the longer you ignore your anger and fail to deal with it, the worse it will become. David tells us in Psalm 37:8 “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not leads only to evil.” With these words he is warning you and me to put out the fire of our anger before it consumes us. This book is a tool I am convinced will help you deal with your anger, but more importantly, it will encourage you to grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and your relationship with your family and others.

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  • Christian Growth : Biblical Answers To Everyday Questions


    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

    Prov. 3: 5-6

    As we navigate through the waves and storms of life, there is one thing we can always rely on; God is there with us. He is constantly showing up as our refuge and shelter, an ever present help in times of trouble. In our attempt to rule our own lives we fail to see how fulfilling and joyous life can be if we just trust Jesus Christ to be our ruler and guide. Let us lean not on our worldly understanding but trust in the Lord to shine the light on the path of righteousness that constantly leads to Him.

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  • Lifes Greatest Experience


    I hear it all of the time, “This has been the greatest experience of my life.” It could be someone talking about an overseas trip to some exotic island, a great golfing and fishing excursion to some place around the world, a cruise to some unusual place on the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, or someone meeting a personality who has made them have “goose bumps,” because they saw them or got an autograph. We hope everyone has some great memories of special events in their lives and the joy they received from those life experiences.

    In this book, we will share a great passage from the Bible where Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” As a result of my own heart being changed, the real truth became my “Life’s Greatest Experience.” As you read, allow God to fill your heart and mind with some of the wonderful treasures made available to every person in the world. Nothing or anyone is impossible with God. You can have “Life’s Greatest Experience,” today!

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  • Voice Of A Prophet (Reprinted)


    During his ministry, which included extended pastorates in Chicago and Toronto, Dr. Tozer was often referred to as a prophet. That doesn’t mean he predicted future events, but rather spoke God’s truth to believers and the culture, even if it meant disrupting the status quo. Even in the Bible, prophets were much more likely to hold God’s people and their leaders accountable to the truth of God’s Word than they were to foretell the future. The encouragement in Voice of a Prophet is that the church today is in desperate need of the kind of prophet Tozer embodied and describes in this important new book. Using the lives of such prophets as Elijah, Elisha and John the Baptist, Tozer underscores the importance of the ministry of the prophet in today’s church.

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  • Walking With The One Who Is Faithful


    The walk of faith is an exciting journey because each day brings new challenges. As Christians, we must learn to live by faith and not by what we can or cannot see with human eyes, as we rest in the assurance and knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient in all situations. In Walking with the One Who is Faithful, author David L. Norman discusses how to walk a journey of deepened intimacy with God and develop a deeper faith in him.

    Supported by Scripture and quotations from scholars of the Christian faith, Norman provides an in-depth look at the subject of faith-what it is, who it is, and how it works in everyday life. He discusses belief, prayer, faith and fruitfulness, faith and famines, faith and spiritual warfare, prayer and forgiveness, and obedience to the word of God.

    This guide teaches Christians how to live victoriously in Christ, how to grow in their faith, and how to receive answers to their prayers.

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  • Solomon Seduction : What You Can Learn From The Wisest Fool In The Bible


    Have you found yourself in circumstances you never envisioned, tangled up with people you never approved of, and doing things you never imagined?

    It seems impossible that the valedictorian of the entire human race would ruin his life by making dumb choices, but Solomon did. Solomon was better equipped to see through Satan’s deceptions than any man who has ever lived, other than Jesus. But in the end, he became just as blind to them as everyone else.

    Pay attention to the news and you’ll see that it’s not just the numbskulls that fall into Satan’s traps. It’s also the best and brightest of America’s fathers, husbands, and sons. Many smart guys who love God end up being ashamed and humiliated by Satan’s seductions. With humor, grace, and a pastor’s heart, Mark Atteberry seeks to offer practical suggestions on how to avoid a similar fate. His prayer for readers is to experience a wake-up call to move forward and determined on an upward path.

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  • Samson Syndrome : What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible


    Why do some strong men fail while others succeed? Like the biblical character Samson, all strong men–those who are successful, influential, self-confident, aggressive, or widely respected–face twelve tendencies that can lead to sin and even personal tragedy.

    The adventurous and gifted Samson–whose story is told in four chapters of the book of Judges–never had the intention of fighting against God. He was just a fun-loving guy looking for a good time. Like so many strong men today, he didn’t think his sin was any big deal. But it’s clear as you read his story that the older he got, the more sin held him in its grip.

    “The Samson Syndrome” is a set of twelve tendencies or challenges that strong men will always face. Obstacles like lust, ignoring good advice, big egos, fears of authentic intimacy, losing sight of the big picture, and others, have the ability to be any man’s undoing. Atteberry’s mission is to remind men of the joy of living within God’s boundaries, because he believes there’s a little Samson in all of us. With God’s help we’re capable of such great things. But we’re never more than one bad choice away from humiliation. However, it doesn’t have to be that way if you want to fulfill your God-given potential.

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  • Active Spirituality : Grace And Effort In The Christian Life


    In Active Spirituality, Brian Hedges allows us to read someone else’s mail. In a series of warm pastoral letters, written to a young Christian, he dives into the paradox of grace and effort in the life of faith.

    Is my Christian life about trying or trusting? Would I describe my relationship to God as running or resting? Is my life more characterized by grace or effort?

    Hedges makes it clear that it is both: trying and trusting, running and resting, dependence on grace and exerting disciplined effort. This balance is not about getting my doctrine right, but is key to living a healthy Christian life.

    So pull up a chair, settle in, and read over Chris’s shoulder as he tries to find a church, overcome discouragement, live a chaste life, and develop a plan for spiritual growth, all while learning to rest in the finished work of Jesus.

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  • Overcome The Obstacle


    Have you faced many challenges while trying to pursue your dreams? You probably have and you are not the only one. Millions of people are faced with adversity on a daily basis, but you have to be determined that you will not allow anything or anyone prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

    This book begins with a powerful testimony to show readers that challenges can be defeated. Lakishia builds the book from life experiences to help readers gain insight on various challenges and how to overcome them. Once you face your obstacle head on, it is then that you can pursue all that you ever desired. You may read this book once and apply the principles and for others you may have to read it two or three times. However many times you need to read it, you are guaranteed to go higher if you apply the strategies to your life that is written within these pages.

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  • Guys Guide To God Girls And The Phone In Your Pocket


    The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner. . .and just a click away.

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  • Spiritual Direction : A Guide To Giving And Receiving Direction


    1 The Ministry Of Spiritual Direction
    2 Theological Perspectives
    3 Focused Conversation
    4 Attending To What Is Happening In Our Prayers
    5 A Spiritual Direction Session
    6 Pastoral Ministry, Evangelism And Friendship
    7 The Qualities And Character Of A Director
    8 The Qualities And Character Of A Directee
    9 The Holy Spirit As Spiritual Director
    For Further Reading

    Additional Info
    We Are Not Alone God is present with us. And God gives us companions on the journey. A spiritual director is one such companion, offering spiritual guidance to help make sense of the faith journeyinterpret the significant markers on the roadencourage us, particularly through the more difficult transitions and valleys of our pilgrimageand, most of all, to notice the ministry of the Spirit in our lives Gordon Smith writes: Even if we have been Christians and maturing in our faith for many years, we still need the encouragement and guidance that might come through spiritual direction. . . . Genuine humility is evident in our realization that we need a companion, a fellow pilgrim and Christian, who can help us discern and foster an attentiveness to God’s presence in our lives. This is the gift of spiritual direction. Whether you are a director, a directee or simply someone who wants to learn more about this ancient ministry, you will find this book to be a helpful guide.

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  • Spirit Rising : Tapping Into The Power Of The Holy Spirit


    For some of us being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy that Jesus promised. Jim Cymbala believes that many of us are missing something vital. Christianity, he says, for even the best-intentioned person or church, is impossible without the Holy Spirit. You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying, but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you. The Holy Spirit, he points out, is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. That is sad, because without him, our spiritual lives will always become dry, mechanical, and a struggle. Too often, the body of Christ is divided into two sides. One side stresses the Word of God, separating itself from what it views as the emotional fanaticism often linked to those emphasizing the Holy Spirit. The other side is sometimes known for drifting into unbiblical manifestations and unorthodox teaching while attributing it all to the Spirit of God. But the Christianity we see in Scripture is both grounded in the Word and full of the Spirit. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. Nothing else will change our prayer life, our study of God’s word, and our worship more than opening our hearts to the Spirit. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.

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  • KingdomNomics Applied : 31 Principles For Eternal Significance


    The entire discipline of KingdomNomics begins by asking the question, “How can I enjoy life now, and still live a life that will echo into eternity?”

    Not only does Phil Wiegand answer that question in this book, he provides practical ideas for helping you make your life count for something meaningful. As you reflect upon the use of the your personal “3Ts”, the time, talent, and treasure that God has given to you, Phil will help you to focus on using all of your resources to make a difference in God’s kingdom.

    Phil has learned that worldly wealth comes and goes. But when we act on the kingdom principles that are laid out for us in the Bible, we can become rich in the world to come by making the right investments in this one. Live your life with a passion for Christ and use all that you have to glorify him!

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  • I Am Remnant


    REMNANT-HEBREW: what remains of a group of people after most of that group has been destroyed or lost The idea of remnant shows up throughout the Bible. God has used small, powerful groups who have stayed true to Him to transform culture, government, and even the spiritual climate of a nation. In I Am Remnant Pat Schatzline issues an encouraging call that there is such a remnant today, chosen by grace, that God is ready to use. Emphasizing that God can use anyone who is willing to rise up and join Him, Schatzline deals with the pain that has been inflicted in our culture and targets the loss of holiness in the church. He also covers the battles sent from the enemy that hold us down, such as fear, insecurity, pride, and pain, and gives identity to those who are desperate for more of Jesus. God is calling YOU to a particular assignment that will make a difference in this world for His kingdom’s sake. Rise up today and take your place.

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  • Incarnate : The Body Of Christ In An Age Of Disengagement


    14 Chapters

    Additional Info
    The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation–God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands and feet. Disciples of Jesus bearing the good news even as they bear the marks of his passion. Whatever Christianity is, it is at least a matter of flesh and blood and the ends of the earth. And yet so much of contemporary Christian culture is rooted not in incarnation but in escape–escape from the earth to heaven, escape from the suffering of this world, escape even from one another. Christianity is increasingly understood as something personal, conceptual, interior, private, neighborless. If Jesus was God incarnate, the church is in danger of being excarnate. Michael Frost expertly and prophetically exposes the gap between the faith we profess and the faith we practice. And he offers new hope for how the church can fulfill its vocation: the hands and feet of Christ to one another and to our neighbors, to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age.

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  • Caso De La Gracia – (Spanish)


    The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God;
    The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus;
    The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity;
    The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ …

    Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal experiential case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today.

    Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them—and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves.

    Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships… starting today.

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  • God First Life


    There are thousands of how-to books for improving various areas of life. And there are nearly as many books written for believers offering a framework for the ‘right’ approach to a new life in God.

    What if it were possible, Pastor Stovall Weems asks, to boil it all down to one practical, un-complicated principle that would yield the vibrant, purposeful spiritual life so many are looking for?

    That principle, says Weems, is the God-first principle: True success in our walk with God and in life in general is not an issue of WHAT I need, but WHO should be first.

    Unpacking Matthew 6:33, Weems gives a fresh and practical perspective on what Christian ‘discipleship’ is all about. Bringing clarity, depth, and simplicity, Pastor Weems makes very clear core truths that have been mystified and misunderstood by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

    A must-read for all believers and a must-have for pastors and churches, The God-first Life will be a standard resource for believers and churches around the world for years to come.

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  • Taking Your Life Back


    We are living in stressful times. Fear is at epidemic proportions. Depression is rampant, however, something inside of you longs for greatness. You were born to conquer and designed for success. But in every life, your hopes and dreams are shattered as the reality of a hostile environment collides mercilessly with your potential.
    If you feel that you have trouble sleeping, are suffering from depression or are a workaholic living on the edge of burnout then this book is definitely for you. Through his crisis, Pastor Rick Shelton describes what his family endured…from how it all began, all the way through the fight, the battles, the tears, the conquest, to the present-day victory. Diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion, Pastor Rick went through “hell on earth”. From numerous doctors, to changing his diet and lifestyle, he realized that the only true answer is in Jesus.
    Even if your situation seems helpless, Rick teaches that the Lord can restore all that has been lost. There is help, there is hope, take your life back!

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  • AHA Awakening Honesty Action


    Are there places in your life where you would like to experience an aha! moment? A moment of truth that renews your heart and mind bringing transformation? Maybe for you, it’s a fear or a failure that you just can’t shake. For some, it could be the need for approval, a food addiction, or an all-out rebellion that leads to a life of excess and shame, like the prodigal son.

    As a pastor, Kyle Idleman has heard dozens of stories from people about their aha! moments. In this newest book, he shares the common threads from their stories, and the story of the prodigal son that will help you reconnect with the love of our heavenly Father. Drawing on Scriptural truths, he outlines three key elements (Awakening, Honesty, Action) that will draw you closer to God and change your life for good.

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  • New You : Becoming A Mature Christian


    This book is intended to help the New Believer in understanding their new life in Christ. As believers in Christ, we have been commissioned to go out and make disciples of all men. Christians are in the world winning souls, which is great, but many of those souls are returning back into the world because they are not being disciple. Once we win them we can’t abandon them, but we must start cultivating and developing them. As mature Christians, let’s help direct and develop those who are making a decision to follow Christ by teaching them the ways of God.

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  • Fortilla The Flower Of Faith


    I was sitting at home one day doodling this flower.
    She had such a pretty look to her that I had to add a face,
    Once I did this- it was like she came to life as a character.
    My mother loved her so much that I made her a full length picture of her.
    As a character, she sat on my shelf for 3 years.
    I knew that God had a plan for this character, I just had to wait.
    As I was driving home one day- the story unfolded in my mind.
    I, then drew a layout of how a flower grows from a seed to a flower,
    The story of a mustard seed popped in my mind and it was then I knew…
    The cycle of a seed is the same as a person’s faith.
    Once it is planted, it just needs time
    And nurturing.

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  • Are You A Christian Or A Disciple


    “The title Are You a Christian or a Disciple? boldly addresses a question that has ultimate implications for every Christ Follower, and which God seems to be pushing into the center of today’s global “Christian” conversation. Well researched and presented, this book is going to challenge thinking about what it means to be a disciple– nothing less than a fully devoted follower of Jesus! Ed Gross has given the church a very timely, provocative, and practical resource!” Jerry Trousdale – author of the best-selling book: Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims are Falling in Love with Jesus

    “With an authentic love for the church and a rigorous commitment to Biblical study, Ed takes on the task of showing us how we have lost the true meaning of discipleship, replacing it with a comfortable-living brand of Christianity that ignores how Jesus taught his disciples to be and to make disciples. This book may challenge long held notions of effective evangelism, missions, ministry, and discipleship. I’ve seen, in several places around the world, the 1st century brand of explosive disciple-making that Ed talks about. Can it happen here? That may depend on how we respond to the question, Are You a Christian or a Disciple?” – Dr. Dave Hunt – VP Disciple Making Movements in the Americas – CityTeam International

    “When Ed preaches, he preaches even to the point of tears. In this book Dr. Gross passionately pleads that you, I, the whole church will take the Word of God at face value, particularly Jesus’ command to make disciples.” Dr. Robert Styer, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Director of the Comprehensive Science Program, Villanova University

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  • Preparing His Own 1


    Four completely different Gospel writers present the SAME CHRIST with four unique points of view during more than 50 occasions when He was intimately Preparing His Own for life and ministry. All are influenced in their writing to the extent they are the product of their experiences and are writing from their deepest and most intimate memories of Jesus’ important moments with them as the Holy Spirit gave them inspiration.

    Are we so different than they? Today’s believers come to the SAME CHRIST from their own unique perspectives in life. As Philip told Nathan, “Come and see.”

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  • Preparing His Own 1


    Four completely different Gospel writers present the SAME CHRIST with four unique points of view during more than 50 occasions when He was intimately Preparing His Own for life and ministry. All are influenced in their writing to the extent they are the product of their experiences and are writing from their deepest and most intimate memories of Jesus’ important moments with them as the Holy Spirit gave them inspiration.

    Are we so different than they? Today’s believers come to the SAME CHRIST from their own unique perspectives in life. As Philip told Nathan, “Come and see.”

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  • 1 Jesus Loves


    The felt need of most Christians is the desire to grow closer in relationship with God. In The One Jesus Loves, Bob Crosby shows readers how to deepen their personal relationship with God by considering Jesus’ “circles of intimacy”-especially those who walked closest to him.All of us want to feel connected, a part of the circles in which we run. We don”t want to feel like the odd man out. Jesus had an inner circle. As a matter of fact, he had several circles of relationships around him. While many filled the outermost rings of spectator and acquaintance, only a few followed all the way to the most intimate places. Jesus was constantly and winsomely working to bring people closer to himself, calling them out of the far reaches and toward the inner circles. This was his passion. In an age that is desperate for God, how do we press in to become like the two disciples who asked if they could sit right next to Jesus, at his right and at his left? Can we join God”s inner circle? How can we make sure that we are on the closer path?

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  • Signs And Wonders Revelations


    Bill Vincent has experienced some of the most glorious times in God’s Presence. Bill has seen and has been a sign and wonder. God has shown His awesome wonders to and through me so much that it seems like a dream. In this powerful book Signs and Wonders Revelations you will get a clear understanding of Signs and Wonders. Whether it’s gold dust, multi colored dust, gold flakes, gold nuggets, feathers, glory clouds, misting rain, gemstones, diamonds, mounted rings and more. God’s Glory can manifest some of the most strange but real signs. Bill has been told by some ministers that have experienced signs and wonders that he was blessed greatly to see all that he’s seen. God moved more in this type of manifestations, more when it was just a few people. Bill believed it is because of the unity, It takes pressing in unity together for God that brings His Glory and releases His signs and wonders. We will have full color pictures of signs and wonders that have happened since 2008. We believe and hope you will to. In God’s Glory anything can happen. God wanted Bill to say this here. You read this book expecting signs and wonders to happen and they will. You are going to be truly encouraged with this power packed book.

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  • God Idea Vs Good Idea


    Kevin Cann’s book is about understanding God ideas vs. Good ideas. God gives each person His ideas. The difficult part is determining if the idea is from our Spirit or Soul. I want to help the Body of Christ find their God idea and share it with the world.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Living God : A Guide For Study And Devotion


    In this book, the second in the Heart of Christian Faith series, Alister E. McGrath provides an exploration of how we can best understand God using analogies, illustrations, and stories. This short, accessible guide also provides a pastoral and spiritual consideration of the difference that our belief in God makes to the way in which we think about ourselves and our world. With future volumes to examine other core Christian principles, McGrath’s new series will define “mere Christianity” to a new generation for many years to come.

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  • Passion : The Bright Light Of Glory


    What exactly is it that instills passion in a person’s soul? What brings the fire to make a difference, the desire for significance, the power to live a life that matters? And who will lead us in this quest toward the future of the Church? In this remarkable book, some of today’s most gifted communicators highlight the dedicated generation that is rising up to show us how to lean toward the centrality of Jesus Christ and His bright light of glory that brings purpose to our own lives and proper glory to God the Father.

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  • Tapped For Gods Blessing


    Tapped for God’s Blessing is a guide to uncovering your God given assignment through the gifts that are deep inside of you and understanding that it’s all made possible through God’s blessing. So many people struggle to comprehend why they behave in a certain manner or why they are driven to do certain things in life. Sometimes there may be an unexplained emptiness that can’t be filled with worthless things so they seek fulfillment in all the wrong places. A hole in your soul can never be satisfied by the things of this world, only God can fill that void. That is why it is important to know who you are in God and why you are here on this earth.

    This book will help you to learn how to understand God’s covenant and unlock unrealized potential so that you can recognize your true calling. If you don’t understand the promises of God you will not be able to fully grasp the magnitude of what he has placed on the inside of you. I pray that your journey to discovering your true self is enlightened through the revelation knowledge that God has given me.

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  • I Got This


    We are taught that we find freedom in Christ, and yet many Christians never experience freedom or peace in the area of finances. Unlike books that provide tools for good financial management, “I Got This” offers profound and practical insight into the freedom and flow of God’s economy. Wesley Zinn explores the principle of firstfruits, the spirits of poverty and generosity, and the importance of your heart’s posture in giving. Firmly rooted in Scripture, this book is filled with many personal vignettes that illustrate and validate the practical application of the message. “I Got This” will help you experience freedom in finances, encourage you to discover a heart of gratitude for God’s provision, and help you align yourself with God’s heart, releasing a flow of his kingdom’s resources into and through your life.

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  • To Whom Do You Belong


    (Act 27:21-25) When they had gone a long time without food, then Paul stood up in their midst and said, “Men, you ought to have followed my advice and not to have set sail from Crete and incurred this damage and loss. “Yet now I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. “For this very night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted you all those who are sailing with you.’ “Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told.

    Book ONE of Twelve

    The above verses dramatically demonstrate that the Apostle Paul, the writer of some thirteen Books of the New Testament, not only knew “To Whom He Belonged”, but stated that he “Belongs To God”. There is on old saying that a woman cannot be partially pregnant, she is either pregnant or not, nothing in-between. This concept is especially true in everyone’s spiritual life. We are either alive in Christ and “Belong To God” or dead in our spiritual condition, therefore belonging to the devil. One cannot be partially “born-again”.

    It is of utmost importance to note; this question of “Belonging To God” can only be decided upon and answered before one dies. If we can say without any question or doubt we “Belong To Him”, then we have His Word, The Holy Bible, as our “Owner’s Manual”. Since the designer and inventor of our lives has left us His “Owner’s Manual”, then it behooves each of us who have “believing faith”, to search this “Owner’s Manual” for the instructions, directions, promises and hope associated with “Belonging To This Almighty God Of The Universe”.

    This Volume One, as well as all other volumes (Two through Twelve), are intended to help in that search. The search encouraged throughout these volumes is to know God’s Word and daily desire to exemplify IT through our actions. As we search the scripture it should be encouraging to take to heart, this special partial quote from the above verses, … “for I believe God” … as a great example of trusting His Word and maximizing that “trust belief” in all that we are and do!!!

    It is my daily prayer that each reader will find, “the peace that passes all understanding”, in their journey of this enriching security and joy, found in “Belonging To and Believing God”!!!

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  • Through The Knothole


    Through the Knothole answers two basic questions: What is true Christian spirituality, and how does it differ from other (false) forms of spirituality? It explains what the Bible actually says about spiritual reality and transformation. And it includes a detailed expose of the New Spirituality and how it undermines Christianity. It will show you how to “enter the narrow door” (Luke 13:24), the knothole, that leads to spiritual maturity and how to overcome demonic and other hindrances to spiritual growth. It will then take you step-by-step through the process of biblical sanctification, helping you to become all that God wants you to be in your new spiritual identity.

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  • Outreach : Get Motivated To Reach Your Friends


    OUTREACH is a motivational, biblical and inspiring scriptural approach to reaching out to others. This is our biblical mandate, but sometimes we need a holy nudge.

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  • Altar Ego : Becoming Who God Says You Are


    You are NOT who you think you are. In fact, according to bestselling author Craig Groeschel in Altar Ego, you need to take your idea of your own identity, lay it down on the altar, and sacrifice it. Give it to God. Offer it up.

    Why? Because you are who God says you are. And until you’ve sacrificed your broken concept of your identity, you won’t become who you are meant to be.

    When we place our false labels and self-deception on the altar of God’s truth, we discover who we really are as his sons and daughters. Instead of an outward-driven, approval-based ego, we learn to live with an “altar” ego, God’s vision of who we are becoming.

    Discover how to trade in your broken ego and unleash your altar ego to become a living sacrifice. Once we know our true identity and are growing in our Christ-like character, then we can behave accordingly, with bold behavior, bold prayers, bold words, and bold obedience.

    Altar Ego reveals who God says you are, and then calls you to live up to it.

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  • More Of Him Less Of Me


    The Re-Birth: A New Beginning
    The Struggle Between Flesh And Spirit
    The Prophetic And The Flesh
    Closing Thoughts

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    When something is birthed it is the beginning of a new life and in order for that life to thrive it must go through a process. For instance, when a child is born they are completely dependent on others. As the child matures and grows, the child must be disciplined in order to be taught right from wrong. If a child is not disciplined they will become very unruly and the lines of right and wrong become blurred. Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” When a parent disciplines a child in love that child has a choice to make. If the child accepts the discipline in love, the child will mature and become a healthy adult. However, if the child decides to not accept the discipline in love and rebel, the child becomes more rebellious and angry, leading to a dysfunctional immature adult.

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  • Who Is Your Source


    1. World Systems – Personal
    2. World Systems – Government
    3. World Systems – Business
    4. Kingdom System
    5. Wisdom
    6. Sowing And Reaping
    7. Obedience And Favor
    8. Giving And Receiving
    9. Forgiving And Loving
    10. Choices

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    Today, many people do not understand the Kingdom system and that is because we are taught the world’s system. God wants us to understand how His Kingdom system works so we can manifest it on earth. We will learn how to bring heaven to earth through the Kingdom system. That’s how we know that GOD IS OUR SOURCE. Foreword by Bill Vincent of Revival Waves of Glory Ministries

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  • Spiritual Leadership : Kingdom Foundation Principles


    20 Chapters

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    All across the world Christian people have not truly learned the ability to arm themselves. A Christian who is not prepared to suffer is comparable to a soldier who goes to war unarmed. It seems that one of the hardest things to accomplish after a little ministry success is humility. A proud person blames everyone while excusing himself. We all must learn to win in the fight of faith. This is a powerful book that is sure to stir your fight. Have you ever seen a person start their walk on fire for Jesus, only to end up in a lukewarm state after a process of time? You wonder, how could someone so enthusiastic end up so weary in their walk? There is a battle many leaders face today and this cutting edge book reveals some powerful strategies to be Spiritual Leaders.

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  • Power Of Gods Names


    In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness?

    As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways.

    You will explore the depths of God as
    Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator
    Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One
    Adonai: The Owner of All
    Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides
    El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One
    El Elion: The Most High Ruler
    Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory
    Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace
    Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies
    Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals
    Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness
    Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd
    Immanuel: God With Us

    By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

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  • All In Student Edition


    The Gospel costs nothing—it’s a free gift compliments of God’s grace. But while it doesn’t cost anything, it demands everything—including that we go ‘all in,’ a term that means placing all that you own into the game of life. And that’s where many of us get stuck. What if we miss out on what this life has to offer? The truth is, the only thing you’ll miss out on is everything God has to offer. Inside these pages, Mark Batterson shares vivid stories of people going all in for a greater purpose, ranging from the against-all-odds defense of Little Round Top in the Civil War to the lives of biblical characters like Shamgar and Moses and Elijah and Caleb and … Judas. The message of All In Student Edition is simple: if Jesus is not Lord of all then Jesus is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing. It’s now or never. Jesus gave all of Himself for you on Calvary’s cross. He wants all of you in return. In essence, your life is not your own—but it can be more amazing than you ever dared imagine if you decide to go all in.

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  • Calling : Fulfilling Your God Given Assignment


    19 Chapters

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    Are you seeking God for what it is that you are called to do?
    * Do you know what you are called to do, but have yet to say yes to the Lord?
    * Are you running from or running towards your calling?
    * Are you among the chosen of God who are well on the way to fulfilling your calling?

    In the book “The Calling,” Minister Linda Wilder shares powerful information that will encourage you, insight you, and challenge you to say yes to the assignment that is upon your life. Everyone has a Calling. Not everyone knows the significant of their story. God has written your story. He is a Master Builder with a blue print for your life. The Lord has gifted you with a set of tools to use in the up building of His Kingdom. Only He has instructions for who, what, when, where, how and sometimes why he has called you to do just what it is He is calling you to do. It is up to you to discover what your gifted tools are and how to use these gifts that God has given you to fulfill the calling that is upon your life. This book will inspire you with revelation that will help you on the way to writing your very own “Called Story.” Are you ready to answer the call? If your answer is yes, to God be the glory. For many of you that have already answered “Yes” to the Lord and you are operating within your calling. Be uplifted while allowing the revelation from this book to empower you and give you a fresh perspective while on your journey to writing your individual “Called Story.”

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  • Lessons For Life


    Have you ever been left straining to find relevance in the imagery and stories of the bible? In Devotionals for the Disciple, the church school curriculum team of the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX presents timeless lessons that make those images and stories come alive. Presented in a culturally sensitive and socially relevant manner, these lessons for life will help you further develop as a Christian disciple. In each lesson, you will find a cultural connection, a careful review of scripture, and a practical exercise for reinforcement. There are also study questions at the end of each lesson that will further enhance your learning.

    These devotionals emanate from the church school lessons that have been developed at Antioch since 2006. Inspired by the late senior pastor of Antioch, Rev. Dr. E. Thurman Walker, these lessons have been designed specifically to address the challenges of everyday life. Antioch’s current senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Kemp, and Minister of Counseling, Rev. Joseph C. Huff, have brought together selections from the church school to motivate and inspire all persons seeking to grow closer to Christ. You will be blessed as you read and study these words.

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  • Are We Preaching Another Gospel


    From the author’s perspective the answer to Are We Preaching “Another” Gospel? is a resounding, “Yes.” “It isn’t that we don’t understand the basic tenants of Christianity,” she writes, “but that we have added to them.”

    We used to joyfully proclaim, “Christianity isn’t a religion. It’s a relationship with Jesus Christ,” but if this is so, then why are so many Christians today “miserable”? Why do they have a sense that God is far off or lack confidence that He loves them? What happened to the joy they knew “the hour they first believed”? Why does their “relationship” with Jesus actually seem more like a “religion”-a very difficult, demanding, and unsatisfying religion? Why are so many believers, even though they love Jesus with all of their hearts, giving up on “church” or simply attending out of duty or tradition?

    The answers to these questions found in the content of this book are challenging-not that they are difficult to understand-but that our long-held traditions and false beliefs which keep getting passed on from generation to generation stand in our way of perceiving the truth. Jesus said that knowing the truth would set us free, but if our teaching nullifies that truth, bondage follows. So it is reasonable for us, the church, to consider whether or not what we teach is the “grace of Christ” that sets believers free or whether we are preaching “another” gospel which is tying God’s people in hundreds of painful and complicated knots.

    So, let the journey begin toward rediscovering the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)! Be prepared to be stretched, challenged, and then set free into the glorious good news of your relationship with God.

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  • Royal Summon


    17 Chapters

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    From the Introduction:
    This book you are about to read will challenge, change and transform your life.

    It’s unfortunate that millions of people around the world today who are designed and destined to live and reign in their palaces have their lives gagged up in one prison of life or another…..Only those who are born to reign live in the palace; others are subordinates and messengers…..You are designed and destined to rule your world. The palace is not only your destination but a place where you belong as a child of God….As children of the living God, we are members of God’s divine roayl family. The only God who is greater than the greatest, the king of kings who is stronger than the strongest will give you a royal summons to occupy your palace of success and breakthrough and your life and story will never be the same. Amen.

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  • You Cant Run Away From Your Destiny


    SKU (ISBN): 9781628398496ISBN10: 1628398493Obafemi LucasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • God In The Whirlwind


    Building on years of research and teaching, experienced author and theologian David Wells offers a remedy for evangelicalism’s superficial theology and weightless conception of God: a journey to discover the paradoxical nature of his holiness and his love. We all struggle, at times, to hold that paradox together, commonly resulting in problems such as liberalism or legalism. Yet understanding how God’s holiness is inextricably bound to his love is what enables us to live between the two extremes and defines our life of service in this world. In the vein of classics such as Packer’s Knowing God, Wells’s latest work is written at an accessible level so that all readers can cultivate a balanced vision of the God who belongs in the center of it all.

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  • You Dont Have To Be Perfect To Follow Jesus


    Discipleship means being like the Big Twelve disciples, right? But when you read the Gospels and Acts, it’s clear the disciples weren’t always on top of things. In fact, the disciples were clueless, selfish, erratic, inconsistent, and faithless at least half the time. But Jesus loved them and used them all the more for it. Author Mike Yaconelli scrubs away centuries of sentimental buildup and shows there’s hope for us too. In this updated thirty-day devotional, you’ll experience thirty character traits that are marks of a disciple, from boldness to weakness to preparedness. Each reading includes an event from Scripture, a description of that day’s trait, first-person commentary, the obvious and not-so-obvious truth lesson, and questions and journaling space that invite you to ponder and write about your experience.

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  • Gods At War Student Edition


    In this student edition of gods at war, Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of not a fan, helps us recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives. What keeps us from truly following Jesus Christ is that our hearts are pursuing something or someone else like money or popularity. While these pursuits may not be the ‘graven images’ of old, they are in fact modern day idols. Behind the sin you’re struggling with, the fear you’re dealing with, the lack of purpose you’re living with is a false god that is winning the war for your heart.

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  • Living Life Well


    SKU (ISBN): 9781628717747ISBN10: 1628717742James LoveBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • God And Men No Holds Barred


    52 Chapters

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    God and Men: No-Holds-Barred is not your typical devotional book. It is highly probable that you will be greatly challenged with God and Men: No-Holds-Barred. The objective is to encourage you to become more Christ-like in your living. Through reading God and Men: No-Holds-Barred, it is guaranteed that you will become more convicted either with living by the world’s standards or by God’s standards. The book will not allow you to remain neutral.

    It attempts to answer the question, “How does the Bible describe a Real Christian Man?” Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected. Since men do not naturally read books, it is highly recommended that you read the book with someone else. This introduces a joint accountability to read the book through. Husbands and wives are strongly recommended to share this method of reading through the book.

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  • Face To Face


    Face to Face is about how you look at yourself. Looking at yourself negatively inhibits you from prospering in the will of God. God has so much more in store for you. Let’s see what God says about you and your future life. His picture of you is so much bigger and so much better than you might realize. Victory belongs to you. In this book you will get a better perception of how to find value and self-worth with the Word of God.

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  • Rebuilding The House Of The Lord


    Excerpt from Chapter 1:
    Have you been hanging out in that old, worn-out, broken-down house that always needs fixing, where there are cracks and dents in the walls, maybe even holes? It’s where you often hear the sound of creaking and moaning and groaning, like blame, guilt, condemnation, fear, doubt, and unbelief….As you look around, everything seems to be in disarray and disorder and you feel overwhelmed, as you seem to have lost control, lost ambition, lost heart, and certainly lost vision….Why in the world would you linger there in that dark dreary place? Take heart! A provision for a new house has been made for you! When you invite Jesus to live in your heart, He invites you to step out of the old house and into the new one, created in Christ Jesus!…..

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  • Legal Pathway Of God


    The author, a retired Special Agent of the FBI, explores the legal pathway from Genesis through Revelation that God was required to follow to accomplish His will and purpose for man. He Biblically documents how God was legally limited by His holy nature and His covenants with man in His efforts to provide man the opportunity to be restored to a righteous relationship unto Himself. A multitude of religions exist worldwide asserting that all of them lead to an eternal spiritual relationship with God. Is there more than one God who exercises authority over this world? As the end of this Age approaches God offers irrefutable proof, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, of the legal pathway that man must follow to experience intimate spiritual fellowship with Him.

    The author communicates with empowerment that is infectious. Readers will stay absorbed in this well written book and will value the author’s insights and his creativity in illustrating Truths that the Holy Spirit has given to him to share with us from God’s Word. The many values incorporated in the book can be used by readers to perform a final self-evaluation.

    The author received the empowerment of the Holy Spirit while serving at FBI Headquarters. He immediately began to experience God’s miracle working power. The Lord gave him an insatiable desire to investigate His Word. The Holy Spirit confirmed God’s Word with miracles of healing and with signs and wonders. He started a Bible study in the J. Edgar Hoover building and has taught the word of God in home groups and churches. He remains committed to sharing the Good News.

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  • You And Your Destiny


    YOU AND YOUR DESTINY is not just a book about you and I, it’s about your destiny and how to control your life to live for God and be faithful until death. Whether you’re getting close to the corner office or just starting your career, these inspiring stories, fascinating examples and amazing tips will help you in ways you never imagined. You will learn how to make daily decision for your life and also to always put God in the center of every decision taken.

    This book is a must read “YOU AND YOUR DESTINY” will bring you a total transformation and will change the way you think, act and live, it’s a wake-up call for anyone who wants to improve their daily living and strengthen their relationship with God, it’s a powerful book building with strong words of faith to keep you moving from day to day to a better career in life. It will give you power and strength to face whatever life may bring to your way, and then you will shout victory all the way to the end.

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  • You Are Not An Abandoned Project


    God Of Remembrance
    When God Remembered Zion
    The Word For Your Situation
    Failure Is An Orphan
    The Case Of Jabez
    God Is Too Big To Fail
    Faith That Works
    Power Of God
    Your Turn To Laugh

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    This book is dedicated to all believers in the world who are getting ready to move to the next level.
    The economic depression, terrible situation, political tension and myriad of crises in our society and in all the nations of the world today have made a lot of people including believers to feel neglected, forgotten and abandoned by God Almighty.

    God is not an author of confusion but only allows some tests and trials in our lives for us to learn a lesson and glorify Him.

    Your life will be transformed as you embark on this journey and grow in spirit and the thought of being forsaken will disappear while His words increase.

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  • Sigueme – (Spanish)


    Part One: Learning Kingdom Values
    Part Two: Learning Kingdom Ministry
    Part Three: Learning Kingdom Leadership

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    Sigueme” La estrategia de Jesus para hacer discipulos.

    “David Schroeder sabiamente observa que la principal tarea de la Iglesi es hacer discipulos y que el verdadero discipulado toma lugar en el contexto de las relaciones intimas. Combinando la investigacion academica con ricos conocimientos practicos y devocionales, examina los valores que Jesus enseo como la humildad, las compasion y la rendicion de cuentas y muestra como pueden transformar a los individuos y las comunidades. Conozco a David desde hace casi cuatro decadas, y le recomiendo su importante trabajo.” – Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Fundador y Presidente, Ravi Zacharias Internacional Ministries

    “Dr. Shroeder presenta una percepcion sobre el al llamado de Jesus a seguirle que remueve los obstaculos comunes hacia el verdadero discipulado. Sigueme resume un camino practico hacia la madurez espiritual. !Es una gran lectura!”
    -Dr.David D. Ireland, Ph. D., Pastor y Autor, The kneeling Warrior

    “Sigueme es convincente, preciso, y especialmente significativo para mi en mi actual proceso de madurez en Cristo.” -Dr. Bill McCartney, fundador de Promise Keepers

    Sigueme y Sigueme Guia de Grupo tambien estan disponibles en ingles bajo el titulo Follow Me.

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  • Restless : Because You Were Made For More


    A practical plan to identify the threads of your life and how to intentionally weave them together for God’s glory and purposes.

    Restless explores the fact that God has called each of us to do great things in his name, and then helps us discover what that might mean for each of us individually. Jennie says, “We are called to dream but we’re afraid to. But because we are called, when we don’t act on it we become restless-restless to find purpose, to make a difference in the world, to matter.”

    Jennie doesn’t suggest women add one more thing to their to-do list, but instead invites them to stop and listen where they are. She frees them to be themselves and to see themselves as valuable. In addition to this permission to dream she helps them get over themselves and their issues and then offers a simple process on highly designed journal pages to identify the raw materials-the unique threads-they’ve been given by digging into five areas:

    Using her own story and that of women with whom she has walked through this process as examples, Jennie weaves in the story of Joseph the dreamer and how God used his threads to fit into the greater story of God. Untangling the threads of our lives and assembling them together in one place reveals a beautiful plan designed by the Creator himself:
    God’s Agenda + my threads + the need + the Holy Spirit = my purpose

    And since living out our purpose is often filled with uncertainties Jennie addresses the doubts, fears, and challenges that hold women back from what they’ve been called to do. This repositioning of their lives is not a promise that all things will be perfect, or will go perfectly, but a promise that it will be the start of the best part of life-the part that completes what we were made for.

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  • Satisfied Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    I’ll be happy after: the promotion… the new house… the next vacation… a different car… you fill in the blank. Why is a contented, satisfied life so evasive? What deep hungers drive the out of control accumulation, reckless purchasing habits, and crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us? And why are we often driven more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy? Filmed at biblically significant historical sites in Turkey and Greece and in the United States, this six-session, video-based Bible study provides an inspiring and transformative vision for living a deeply contented life in the midst of our consumer-driven, materialistic and often shallow culture. Pastor Jeff Manion weaves masterful contemporary storytelling with rich biblical, historical, and cultural background, revealing the similarities between the struggles of today’s culture with that of the New Testament churches. Satisfied explores the way in which the messages to the New Testament churches were received by the original readers and how these passages can alter the way we view wealth, accumulation, and ultimate contentment today. This study guide contains video notes, individual or group reflection questions, and between session personal projects enhancing your journey through each of the video sessions, taught by Jeff Manion.

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  • Bait Of Satan 20th Anniversary Edition


    The twentieth-anniversary edition of one of our most popular books The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God-offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. With testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, the book will inspire readers to stay free from offense and its destructive power, answering tough questions like: ·     Why am I compelled to tell “my side” of the story? ·     How can I fight thoughts of suspicion or distrust? ·     What can I do to stop rehearsing past hurts? How can I regain trust after someone deeply offends me?

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  • Bible Meditations For Busy People


    The goal of this book is to assist busy people in reading the Bible book by book and understanding what it says. The aim is not mere reading for the sake of reading or as a discipline. Reading the Word of God daily is a great habit, but we must realize that it benefits us most if it is understood and applied. This book and the ones that follow seek to challenge believers’ assumptions and preconceived notions about what the Bible says. It assists believers in applying scriptural principles to their daily lives and equips them to do the work of God’s kingdom in the midst of a sinful, uncaring, and often hostile society and culture.

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  • Executing God : Rethinking Everything Youve Been Taught About Salvation And


    Why did God have to murder his only son to pay our debts? What kind of vengeful, violent God can only be satisfied by vicarious blood atonement? In Executing God, theologian Sharon Baker presents a biblically based and theologically sound critique of popular theories of the atonement. Concerned about the number of acts of violence performed in the name of God, Baker challenges cultural assumptions about the death of Jesus and its meaning to Christians. She ultimately offers a constructive alternate view of atonement based on God’s forgiveness that opens up salvation to a wider group of people.

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