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Denominational Concerns

  • All Things Necessary


    A very successful music leader resource that has served the church well for nearly 20 years – now completely updated, revised and retitled.
    Formerly A Guide to the Practice of Church Music by Marion J. Hatchett

    A Guide to the Practice of Church Music was first published by Church Hymnal Corporation in 1989. It was an essential resource for church musicians using The Hymnal 1982. It also became part of the core materials for the Leadership Program for Musicians, which began in the Episcopal Church (along with the ELCA) in 1991.

    In keeping with the original work, this new book – developed by career church musician Marti Rideout – provides comprehensive information about the resources available to the Episcopal church musician; promotes a contemporary philosophy of music in the church; captures the specific intent of music in the Episcopal Church, and supplies detailed instruction for planning music for liturgies from the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Occasional Services.

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  • Seasons Of Grace (Revised)


    Ann Lewin draws on her extensive experience as a retreat leader and writer to provide a feast of spiritual nourishment for the entire Christian year. Her minimalist style is intentional, allowing space for people to encounter God and respond in their own way. Her aim is to encourage readers to explore afresh the riches of God’s love and to find fresh ways of expressing that love. Seasons of Grace is arranged in three parts: Advent to Candlemas, Lent to Pentecost, and Ordinary time,and offers seasonal liturgies, prayers for special occasions, imaginative ideas for worship, themed reflections, programme ideas for workshops and retreats and practical suggestions for enriching one’s own spiritual life. Ann’s characteristic poems and prayers throughout are a delight. First published in 2005 under the title Words by the Way by Inspire (MPH), this new edition contains added new material.

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  • 3rd Way Allegiance


    Part 1 – Our People
    Part 2 – Our Politics
    Part 3 – Our Praise

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    In these passionate essays, Tripp York makes the case that both nations and the church require total allegiance and that Christians should choose Christ over state. Greg Boyd, Author, The Myth of a Christian Nation; and Pastor, Woodland Hills Church, says that “The quasi-Christian civic religion of America is like an immunization shot: people get just enough surrogate Christianity to keep them from getting the real thing! Third Way Allegiance is a powerful cure to this widespread diabolic affliction. I don’t know any work that so succinctly and effectively helps readers wake up to the way many values and practices of the American empire, and of the American church are opposed to the kingdom Jesus established. This well-written, provocative and insightful little book deserves to be–indeed, needs to be–in the hands of every American who is serious about following Jesus.” M. Therese Lysaught, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Theology, Marquette University, observes that “Drawing on a cloud of witnesses, Tripp York juxtaposes the politics and liturgies of Christianity with those of U.S. culture, challenging contemporary Christians to rethink the powers that truly hold their allegiances. Those who allow York’s vignette’s and questions to confront their assumptions cannot help but find their lives changed.” J. Nelson Kraybill, President Emeritus, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, warns: “Reader beware! This collection of essays may cause insomnia, bold new insight, heated debate, and exuberant bursts of radical discipleship. Tripp York agitates, stimulates, and occasionally pontificates. But if you take Jesus seriously, you’d better listen up. Here is a mother lode of rich ethical reflection, mined by a Christian scholar and teacher with a heart for the church. Third Way Allegiance is perfect as a small group study guide, an adult education elective, or a personal wake-up call to lived faith.”

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  • Liberating Lutheran Theology


    Foreword Karen L. Bloomquist

    Part One. Latin America/North America/Europe
    1. Liberation Theology And Latin American History
    2. Liberation Theology’s Critique Of Luther’s Two-Kingdoms Doctrine
    3. Christian Political Responsibility: Reappropriating Luther’s Two Kingdoms
    4. Orthopraxis And Martyrdom: The Influence Of Latin American Liberation Theology On Systematic Theology In Europe And North America

    Part Two. Asia/Europe/North America
    5. God’s Mission And Emancipation: A Lutheran Theology Of Justification And Economic Justice
    6. Dietrich Bonhoeffer And The Confessing Church: An Asian Minjung Theological Perspective
    7. Emancipation And Inculturation In A Multicultural World: A Lutheran Contribution
    8. Communio Sanctorum And Filial Piety: Ecclesiology For Inculturation

    Part Three. Europe/North America/Asia
    9. Property-Money Economies And Empires As Contexts For Biblical, Reformation, And Contemporary Ecumenical Theology
    10. Ghandi: Overcoming Western Violence In Conversation With Martin Luther
    11. Solidarity And Cooperation As Theological, Psychological, And Socioeconomic Response To Neoliberal Destruction

    Part Four. Conclusion
    12. Expanding The Conversation: Facing The Challenge Of African And Asian Perspectives

    Appendix A.
    Transforming Theology And Life-Giving Civilization: The Changseong Consultation

    Appendix B.
    Linking Poverty, Wealth And Ecology In Africa: The Dar Es Salaam Statement


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    Spanning the continents, three internationally respected theologians demonstrate how the thought and legacy of Martin Luther can serve in an ecumenical and interfaith context as a resource for a radical critique of global economics and culture.

    Lutheran Christianity originated in its own era of economic and cultural crisis. One of the great misinterpretations of Martin Luther has considered his heritage as fundamentally reactionary, seeking to preserve the political status quo. Instead, set free by the biblical message of liberation, this book wields Luther’s theology to engage the reality of poverty, hunger, oppression, and ecological degradation caused by an imperial capitalism as the most urgent theological issues in the contemporary world. The volume demonstrates the liberating possibilities of theology done out of a biblical and Lutheran perspective for the economic and cultural crises facing the church in the present century.

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  • Strength For The Journey


    Meditative Practice
    Ministry Practice
    Media Practice
    Mind Practice
    Movement Practice

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    Brief, accessible guide to a wide range of traditional and non-traditional spiritual practices

    Endorsed by the CREDO Institute, Inc., an organization which advocates a holistic approach to health and wellness

    This collection of 20 specific spiritual practices are grouped into categories and each entry is aimed at achieving mindfulness in simple activities.

    Because there is no one-size-fits-all practice, each piece concludes with a brief discussion of the personality types that might be drawn to a given practice.

    In addition, the foreword by Brian Taylor lays out the theological underpinnings of spiritual practice in general.

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  • Southern Baptists Evangelicals And The Future Of Denominationalism


    Are church denominations necessary; do they even have a future? Such questions are explored in Southern Baptists, Evangelicals, and the Future of Denominationalism, based on a conference of the same name held at Union University where Evangelical and Southern Baptist scholars addressed challenging issues of theology, polity, and practice. Contributors include:
    Ed Stetzer (“Denominationalism: Is There a Future?”)
    James Patterson (“Reflections on 400 Years of the Baptist Movement”)
    Harry L. Poe (“The Gospel and Its Meaning”)
    Timothy George (“Baptists and Their Relations with Other Christians”)
    Duane Liftin (“The Future of American Evangelicalism”)
    Ray Van Neste (“Pastoral Ministry in Southern Baptist and Evangelical Life”)
    Mark DeVine (“Emergent or Emerging”)
    Daniel Akin (“The Future of the Southern Baptist Convention”)
    Michael Lindsay (“The Changing Religious Landscape in North America”)
    Jerry Tidwell (“Missions and Evangelism”)
    David S. Dockery (“So Many Denominations”)
    Nathan Finn (“Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation”)
    R. Albert Mohler Jr. (title essay)

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  • Journey Of Christian Initiation


    Church House Publishing

    This helpful volume sets out to clarify the Church of England’s thinking about baptism, confirmation and admission to communion, and addresses some very practical questions in relation to ministry in this area. ”Discussion of the topic is grounded in the New Testament and the early Church, and is traced through the development of the Church’s theology and practice of initiation from the mediaeval and Reformation periods up to the present. Drawing on the Book of Common Prayer (1662), the Thirty-nine Articles and Common Worship, as well as on Scripture and the Church’s tradition, it sheds light on contemporary practice and understanding, which can ‘ and do – vary locally. ”Anglican approaches to Christian initiation are also explored in relation to those of other churches.

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  • 6 Amazing Bible Stories To Strangely Warm Our Hearts (Student/Study Guide)


    Introduction: What The Bible Teaches Us
    1. Amazing Love – Love Power
    2. Amazing Grace – Grace Is Absolutely Amazing
    3. Amazing Birth – Born From Above
    4. Amazing Compassion – The Only Thing More Costly Than Caring Is Not Caring
    5. Amazing Conversion – Turning Inkblots Into Angels
    6. Amazing Resurrection – When Easter Calls Your Name

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    Here is popular author Jim Moore at his best, telling heartwarming stories as he teaches readers about the Bible

    A six-session study that examines New Testament Scriptures integral to shaping the United Methodist identity

    Each session uses core terms and life application topics to help readers grow as faithful followers of Jesus as they practice their faith daily

    Includes study questions for private devotion or small-group study

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  • Conversations With Scripture Daniel (Student/Study Guide)


    Daniel was written during a time when God’s people were struggling to discern how to remain faithful, even as their lives were dominated by the political and cultural forces of the Empire. Daniel’s central themes have remained relevant ever since: the challenge of remaining loyal to God despite the alternately seductive and threatening voices of imperial powers; the indispensability of humility before God; the perpetual problem of human arrogance and failure to recognize the overarching power of God; the insatiable and life-denying human thirst for power and control; and the call to find in God the source of just, joyful and abundant living.

    As people today try to make sense of a newly emerging global reality, Daniel continues to speak an important word about faithful living. Who truly controls our lives? To what or whom do we owe ultimate allegiance? To whom do the kingdom, the power and the glory belong? This book invites readers to consider the questions that Daniel raises and then live out the answers

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  • Hospitality Of God


    What happens when two bishops known for their liturgical sensibilities travel to study alternative Christian communities on two continents? Bishops Mary Gray-Reeves and Michael Perham traveled throughout the U.S. and U.K. to study fresh expressions of church and identify the principles that link these new forms of worship and community. The Hospitality of God captures their practical and inspiring findings and builds a bridge between fresh new voices and the institutional church.

    A detailed and systematic analysis that features case studies and examines such issues as history, method, setting, scripture, prayer, music and Eucharist. Also includes liturgical texts the authors encountered on the road or created in response to their journey into emergence.

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  • Works Of John Wesley 10


    The Methodist Societies: The Minutes of Conference reproduces the Minutes as a formal record and conveys the nature and role of the Conference in Methodist life and polity during John Wesley’s time.

    Included is information from letters and diaries of preachers as well as from John Wesley, some of which is newly published here. This material highlights some of the problems that arose in the meetings themselves, which in Wesley’s eyes was merely summoned to advise him but, in his later years, almost imperceptibly became more of a legislative and ruling body, increasingly preoccupied with what would happen after Wesley’s death. Despite the breadth of this volume, the American Minutes are not included, partly because they were in no sense Wesley’s own work and partly because they could not be, at present, edited to the required standard. The Irish Minutes are included in an appendix.

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  • Martin Luthers Theology


    This definitive analysis of the theology of Martin Luther surveys its development during the crises of Luther’s life, then offers a systematic survey by topics. Containing a wealth of quotations from less-known writings by Luther and written in a way that will interest both scholar and novice, Lohse’s magisterial volume is the first to evaluate Luther’s theology in both ways. Lohse’s historical analysis takes up Luther’s early exegetical works and then his debates with traditions important to him in the context of the various controversies leading up to his dispute with the Antinomians. The systematic treatment shows how the meaning of ancient Christian doctrines took their place within the central teaching of justification by faith.

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  • Gods Own People Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Session One: A Tested People
    *Session Two: A Trusting People
    *Session Three:A Called People
    *Session Four: A Holy People
    *Session Five: A Proclaiming People

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    1 Peter Unit overview:

    The epistle or letter of 1 Peter provides an answer to:

    How can one deal with such negativity without losing faith?

    It reminds those who would follow Jesus that they are born anew into a wonderful inheritance -they are God’s own people: trusted, called, made holy, and proclaiming. This doesn’t guarantee that their faith won’t be tested or that they won’t experience suffering, but 1 Peter assures its readers that their relationship with God is guaranteed by the death and resurrection of Jesus. In the end, we won’t be put to shame.

    In the meantime, we cast our burdens on Christ who loves up beyond measure!

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  • Luke Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    The gospel of Luke invites readers- including us- to explore the story of Jesus and his mission as God’s Chosen One (Messiah). From the joyous accounts of Jesus’ birth in a manger in Bethlehem to the stark images of his crucifixtion at Golgotha to the “eye-opening” meal at Emmaus, we are invited into a remarkable story.

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  • Luke Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The gospel of Luke invites readers- including us- to explore the story of Jesus and his mission as God’s Chosen One (Messiah). From the joyous accounts of Jesus’ birth in a manger in Bethlehem to the stark images of his crucifixtion at Golgotha to the “eye-opening” meal at Emmaus, we are invited into a remarkable story.

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  • Black United Methodists


    For those desiring to read a concise but accurate historical outline of African Americans in The United Methodist Church, this is the book. For those desiring tidbits of data not included in typical history books, commingled with insertions of American history, this book will serves as a rich resource. – From the Foreword by Bishop Forrest C. Stith

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  • Christ Alive And At Large


    The renowned Anglican biblical scholar Charlie Moule, as he was popularly known, came from an eminent church and missionary family. He obtained a first at Cambridge and trained for ordination at Ridley Hall where his grandfather was once Principal and where he himself became Vice-Principal at the age of 28. His Cambridge career culminated in his appointment as Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, a post he held for 25 years, where he influenced a generation of Anglican leaders including Rowan Williams (at whose wedding he officiated), John Sentamu and the late Graham Stanton, his successor as Lady Margaret Professor. Charlie Moule died in 2007. He wrote a number of definitive texts in New Testament studies, but here is not the scholarly professor, but the humble and prayerful man (nicknamed ‘Holy Mouley’) reflecting widely on Christian practice and belief, biblical questions and contemporary challenges. The text of Rowan Williams’ memorial service address is included and his nephew Patrick Moule, provides a preface.

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  • Korean Lay Training Manual Deacon – (Other Language)


    This deacon training manual is the first-level book in a leadership training program endorsed and conducted by the Korean United Methodist Caucus. This training program (consisting of three levels, or books) provides Korean UM church leaders with a better understanding of the United Methodist Church (its history and structure), the Bible, and church leadership dynamics.

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  • Welcome To Anglican Spiritual Traditions


    Part of the well-established “Welcome to…” series from Morehouse Publishing, this book addresses church history from the grassroots perspective of how Anglicans have prayed, thought about, and lived out their faith through the centuries.

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  • Letters To A Young Calvinist (Reprinted)


    Who would have guessed that something as austere as Calvinism would become a hot topic in today’s postmodern culture? At the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, new generations have discovered and embraced a “New Calvinism,” finding in the Reformed tradition a rich theological vision. In fact, Time cited New Calvinism as one of “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now.” This book provides pastoral and theological counsel, inviting converts to this tradition to find in Calvin a vision that’s even bigger than the New Calvinism might suggest. Offering wisdom at the intersection of theology and culture, noted Reformed philosopher James K. A. Smith also provides pastoral caution about pride and maturity. The creative letter format invites young Calvinists into a faithful conversation that reaches back to Paul and Augustine, through Calvin and Edwards, extending to Kuyper and Wolterstorff. Together they sketch a comprehensive vision of Calvinism that is generous, winsome, and imaginative.

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  • Going Global With God


    From Haiti mission teams to companion churches in Kenya, congregations everywhere are breaking through walls of difference and engaging in mission that transforms lives around the world, around the corner, and in the pews. And they’re not waiting for a national church body to lead the movement. In this stimulating new work, Titus Presler has listened closely to church leaders and activists within and beyond the Anglican fold, and then mined his own rich experience as a scholar, priest and leader in global mission efforts. The result is a book that equips congregations with theological background for building mutual relationships across borders of difference, even as it explores fresh models and practical tools for joining and participating in God’s mission.

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  • Heaven On Earth Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Who Wants Heaven On Earth? (Matthew 4:12-23)
    *What Does The Kingdom Of Heaven Have To Do With Us? (Matthew 5:1-12)
    *Are We The Right Ones To Bring Heaven To Earth? (Matthew 5:13-20)
    *If This Is Heaven On Earth, What?s Up With All The Laws? (Matthew 5:21-37)
    *Bringing Heaven To Earth Sounds Hard ? Do We Have What It Takes? (Matthew 5:38-48)
    *Will You Trust God For Help In Bringing Heaven To Earth? (Matthew 6:24-34)

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    Who does not want a heaven on earth or for love to come first in a cruel and broken world? This is the core meaning of Jesus’ most important words in the Gospel of Matthew, describing for us the importance of love, so that “the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17). That means we do not have to wait to experience heaven after we die.

    This 6-session Bible study delves deeper into what it means for heaven to come to earth: studying Jesus’ words, his way of life, and the manner in which he loved. Discover how we are the change agents Jesus is calling forth to make the Kingdom of heaven a reality on earth!

    Year A Jan 23 – Feb 27, 2011, 3-6 Epiphany
    Getting started with Heaven on Earth: Studies in Matthew from the Together in Faith series is easy with the Course Kit. It contains one Leader Session Guide and one Learner Session Guide – all at a 20% savings!

    Preaching and liturgy support materials for each session are also available to download for $5.

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  • Heaven On Earth Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *Who Wants Heaven On Earth? (Matthew 4:12-23)
    *What Does The Kingdom Of Heaven Have To Do With Us? (Matthew 5:1-12)
    *Are We The Right Ones To Bring Heaven To Earth? (Matthew 5:13-20)
    *If This Is Heaven On Earth, What?s Up With All The Laws? (Matthew 5:21-37)
    *Bringing Heaven To Earth Sounds Hard ? Do We Have What It Takes? (Matthew 5:38-48)
    *Will You Trust God For Help In Bringing Heaven To Earth? (Matthew 6:24-34)

    Additional Info
    Who does not want a heaven on earth or for love to come first in a cruel and broken world? This is the core meaning of Jesus’ most important words in the Gospel of Matthew, describing for us the importance of love, so that “the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17). That means we do not have to wait to experience heaven after we die.

    This 6-session Bible study delves deeper into what it means for heaven to come to earth: studying Jesus’ words, his way of life, and the manner in which he loved. Discover how we are the change agents Jesus is calling forth to make the Kingdom of heaven a reality on earth!

    Year A Jan 23 – Feb 27, 2011, 3-6 Epiphany
    Getting started with Heaven on Earth: Studies in Matthew from the Together in Faith series is easy with the Course Kit. It contains one Leader Session Guide and one Learner Session Guide – all at a 20% savings!

    Preaching and liturgy support materials for each session are also available to download for $5.

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  • James Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *What Is Wisdom?
    (James 1:1-18)
    *Wisdom: Faith And Action
    (James 1:19-2:26)
    *Wisdom: God?s Sustaining Care For The World
    (James 3?4)
    *Wisdom: Healthy Habits That Sustain Christian Hope
    (James 5:7-20)

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    The letter of James does not offer much information about who wrote it, when it was written, or who received it. What is clear is that the key to understanding and appreciating James is wisdom. Wisdom here means the creative gift of God that enables God’s people to live and grow in responsible maturity.

    This 4-session Bible study explores this advice for responsible, faithful behavior that is scattered throughout James like pearls. Readers of James receive pearls of wisdom for living the life of faith. Many Christians over time have found comfort, strength, and power in the letter of James.

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  • James Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *What Is Wisdom?
    (James 1:1-18)
    *Wisdom: Faith And Action
    (James 1:19-2:26)
    *Wisdom: God?s Sustaining Care For The World
    (James 3?4)
    *Wisdom: Healthy Habits That Sustain Christian Hope
    (James 5:7-20)

    Additional Info
    The letter of James does not offer much information about who wrote it, when it was written, or who received it. What is clear is that the key to understanding and appreciating James is wisdom. Wisdom here means the creative gift of God that enables God’s people to live and grow in responsible maturity.

    This 4-session Bible study explores this advice for responsible, faithful behavior that is scattered throughout James like pearls. Readers of James receive pearls of wisdom for living the life of faith. Many Christians over time have found comfort, strength, and power in the letter of James.

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  • European Mennonite Voluntary Service 1948-1972


    Europe at the end of World War II was badly in need of constructive idealism. This book tells the story of one key effort to provide it, the Mennonite-related work camp movement. Hitler’s Nazi regime left the European people wounded, traumatized, and demoralized. The victims of this destruction thus were receptive for any indication of hope to fill the vacuum. This is the context of the eagerness of the young people to join in the work camp movement.

    Thus by 1950, for example, when the Mennonite Central Committee international voluntary service office in Frankfurt announced its summer program, a flood of applications arrived. Letters appealing for help in needy projects which had resulted from the damage of war poured in as well.

    The result, according to one camper quoted in the book: “We had torn down brick walls, cleaned the brick, hauled out the rubble, leveled the floors, and cemented. As we left for home we could see our memorial, accomplished for the good of the school [and] bring the nations of the world together into a more complete understanding.”

    European Mennonite Voluntary Service includes careful yet accessible analysis and reflection; extended personal accounts of what the EMVS experience meant for those who served; photos, notes, and index.

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  • Mission Shaped Parish


    This is a practical how-to guide introducing new, mission-shaped practices in a traditional parish setting. This book looks at the church’s bread-and-butter activities – worship, pastoral contacts, civic and public responsibilities, faith formation, administration and leadership – and creatively points out how to reframe them with a focus on God’s mission.

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  • Conversations With Scripture Acts Of The Apostles (Student/Study Guide)


    As Luke’s “sequel,” the Acts of the Apostles serves as an ideal bridge between the four Gospels and the Epistles, revealing a crucial part of the Christian story. Here we follow the story of Jesus’ earliest followers from their call to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” through their initial days of concord and numerical success, to the challenges they faced as unfamiliar newcomers entered the scene. We discover the leadership changes that resulted from these challenges, explore a council’s response to the struggles, and meet the champion who, against the odds, became the Church’s chief protagonist. Author C. K. Robertson presents a well-researched, yet highly readable exploration of the Acts of the Apostles.

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  • Living The Hours


    Over the last few decades, within the Christian Church and in broader society, there has been an explosion of interest in the benefits and fruits of monastic spirituality and culture, both in its historical and contemporary contexts. Even where people have given up on the institutional churches, monasticism retains an integrity and magnetic appeal. This book explores what it is that makes monastic spirituality so attractive to so many people and how it can be incorporated into an individual’s everyday life in practical ways. Chapters include: The appeal of monasticism, Different varieties of monastic experience, Monastic spirituality and personal development, Monastic spirituality and relationships, Monastic spirituality and work, Monastic spirituality and community living, Achieving balance, and Working out a rule of life.

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  • Mission Shaped Church


    The world has changed, but will the church keep up? This seminal report from the Church of England evaluates the changing religious landscape and introduces exciting new forms of church that speak directly to their diverse mission contexts.

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  • Great Expectations Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *Peace For God’s People –Isaiah 2:1-5
    *Hope For God’s People –Isaiah 11:1-10
    *Joy For God’s People –Isaiah 35:1-10
    *Promise For God’s People –Isaiah 7:10-16

    Additional Info
    Although a book of prophecy, Isaiah is also one of the most poetic books of the Bible. These texts from Isaiah are read by people throughout the world during the season of Advent. With imagery such as the lion and lamb laying down together, the holy mountain of God, and streams in the desert, the words of Isaiah are woven together with great expectations of the life to come.

    This 4-session Bible study explores 4 word pictures in Isaiah and encourages participants to explore this book thoughtfully together.

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  • John Henry Newman


    John Henry Newman – a leading Anglican and founding figure of the Oxford Movement who converted to Rome – was beatified by the Pope in September 2010, becoming the first English saint since the 17th century. This portrait of a saint in the making is based on Newman’s great poem, The Dream of Gerontius. Through its seven movements, it traces Newman’s path through life – his lasting influence in the Church of England, his building of the church at Littlemore, his conversion, his vision and his founding of an English Oratory, the writing of the Dream, and the course of his beatification. Throughout, Newman’s own words and advice on sanctity will be featured offering a timeless guide to holy living today.

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  • Great Expectations Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Peace For God’s People –Isaiah 2:1-5
    *Hope For God’s People –Isaiah 11:1-10
    *Joy For God’s People –Isaiah 35:1-10
    *Promise For God’s People –Isaiah 7:10-16

    Additional Info
    Although a book of prophecy, Isaiah is also one of the most poetic books of the Bible. These texts from Isaiah are read by people throughout the world during the season of Advent. With imagery such as the lion and lamb laying down together, the holy mountain of God, and streams in the desert, the words of Isaiah are woven together with great expectations of the life to come.

    This 4-session Bible study explores 4 word pictures in Isaiah and encourages participants to explore this book thoughtfully together.

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  • Evangelicals : What They Believe Where They Are And Their Politics


    An overview of the global evangelical movement, including its historical roots, doctrinal distinctives, current strength, influence on politics and society, and teaching about the future. In the changing political, social, and religious landscape of the West, the term evangelical is increasingly losing meaning and credibility. Although some people say there is no unity to what evangelicals believe, church historian Christopher Catherwood sets out to prove otherwise, stating, “We are a people defined by our beliefs, and that is what distinguishes us in our twenty-first century postmodern times.” Catherwood delivers a succinct and organized review of the global evangelical movement, looking at its earliest days, current place in world Christianity, political and social influence, unifying theological doctrinal beliefs, and its view on eschatology. Using the doctrinal basis of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students and the 1974 Lausanne Covenant, Catherwood summarizes evangelical beliefs before describing the scope of the global church and the shift of evangelicalism’s center from the global North and West to the South and East. Catherwood demonstrates that the term evangelical is not only meaningful, but necessary. Anyone wanting to know about the past, present, and future of evangelicalism will find this book helpful.

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  • Complete Writings Of Menno Simons


    Available as a print on demand title shipping within two to three days.

    This English edition of Menno Simons’ writings contains all the known writings of Menno, including several tracts, letters, and hymns never previously translated. The entire contents of this edition were translated from the Dutch by Leonard Verduin of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and edited by J. C. Wenger, who wrote clarifying introductions to each of Menno’s writings. This edition represents a faithful English rendering of what Menno taught and wrote in the 16th century.

    The Complete Writings of Menno Simons is issued with the hope that it may serve to strength the Mennonite Church in a dynamic Christian life, to introduce to the Christian church at large a new vision of discipleship, to create in the reader a new loyalty to the Word of God, and to recapture the true Christian spirit in this era of secularism.

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  • I Will With Gods Help Mentor Guide


    Session 1: Baptismal Covenant.
    Session 2: Teaching And Fellowship, Bread And Prayers.
    Session 3: Resist, Repent, And Return .
    Session 4: Word And Example.
    Session 5: Seek And Serve.
    Session 6: Into The World In Witness

    Additional Info
    This important component to the I Will with God’s Help confirmation program is a simple yet effective guide for confirmation mentors, offering suggested scripture readings, discussion questions/topics and prayers for time spent with confirmation students. This Episcopal confirmation encourages youth and adults to enter into a uniquely Episcopal – yet profoundly Christian – faith journey. The easily adaptable format works for a traditional 6-12-week program, at a contemporary Confirmation retreat or conference, or as a sacramental supplement to other larger programs. I Will with God’s help is built entirely on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer and offers youth and adults as solid reflection of Episcopal heritage and belief, together with the riches of Episcopal liturgy and prayers.

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  • Songs Of The Faithful Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Two Roads Diverged In A Yellow Wood – Which One Will I Take?–Psalm 1
    *I Have Sunk So Low – Is There Help For Me?–Psalm 51:1-10
    *You Have Lifted Me Up – And I’m Thankful–Psalm 113
    *What Does It Mean To Place All Your Trust In The Lord?–Psalm 146
    *Listen To Your Elders –Psalm 37:1-9
    *Look At All The Wonderous Deeds God Has Done! –Psalm 111

    Additional Info
    The book of Psalms contains one hundred-fifty prayers, songs, liturgies, and poems that are divided into five smaller books. The Psalms displays the highs and lows of the life of faith. This study takes 6 big questions based in the text and challenges participants to explore this complex book thoughtfully together.

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  • Songs Of The Faithful Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *Two Roads Diverged In A Yellow Wood – Which One Will I Take?–Psalm 1
    *I Have Sunk So Low – Is There Help For Me?–Psalm 51:1-10
    *You Have Lifted Me Up – And I’m Thankful–Psalm 113
    *What Does It Mean To Place All Your Trust In The Lord?–Psalm 146
    *Listen To Your Elders –Psalm 37:1-9
    *Look At All The Wonderous Deeds God Has Done! –Psalm 111

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    The book of Psalms contains one hundred-fifty prayers, songs, liturgies, and poems that are divided into five smaller books. The Psalms displays the highs and lows of the life of faith. This study takes 6 big questions based in the text and challenges participants to explore this complex book thoughtfully together.

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  • Feasting On The Word Year A 1


    With the twelve-volume series Feasting on the Word, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive and well-respected resources for preaching on the market today. When complete, the twelve volumes will cover all of the Sundays in the three-year lectionary cycle, along with moveable occasions.
    The page layout is truly unique. For each lectionary text, preachers will find brief essays–one each on the exegetical, theological, pastoral, and homiletical challenges of the text. Each volume will also contain an index of biblical passages so that nonlectionary preachers may make use of its contents.

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  • Through Fire And Water (Revised)


    Through Fire and Water is a great resource for Mennonite high school history classes and for people who want to know more about the origins, history, and beliefs of the Anabaptist/Mennonite church.

    This engaging text uses stories of men and women, peasants and pastors, heroes and rascals, to trace the radical Reformation from sixteenth-century Europe to today’s global Anabaptist family. Written in an accessible and nonacademic style, this revised edition updates the story and incorporates new historical research and discoveries.

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  • From Advents Alleluia To Easters Morning Light


    Weems’s lyrical poetry is a reminder to us all of the importance of true discipleship. She challenges us to look past the ongoing distractions of the “busy work” of church meetings and socials, new programs and technology, and inevitable conflict, while reminding us in her singularly expressive voice that the “institution” of the church is, at heart, quite simply all about Jesus.

    This collection of poems, written to be used in worship, in personal devotions, and in discussions, is organized to follow the liturgical year from Advent through Easter.

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  • Baptism In The Reformed Tradition


    This premier work considers the development of the doctrine of baptism in the Reformed tradition. John Riggs studies the major early Reformers, concentrating on Calvin’s views, and then traces the development of the doctrine through the Reformed Confessions, Reformed Orthodoxy, and into Schleiermacher’s thought. Twentieth-century debates are discussed as they illuminate earlier tensions and differing views from the past.

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  • That They May All Be One


    More than twenty-five revered pastors, theologians, and ecumenists contributed essays for this volume. These writings celebrate what it means to live in unity and communion in the twenty-first century and stress the importance of ecumenism in working for mission and justice.

    Among the many noted contributors are Jane Dempsey Douglass, Michael Kinnamon, Samuel Kobia, Setri Nyomi, Ofelia Ortega, Gradye Parsons, and Iain Torrance.

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  • This We Believe Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Leader guide for eight-week small group study to help you deepen your understanding of United Methodist core beliefs.

    This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice by William H. Willimon For John Wesley, the Bible is the joyfully consistent testimony of God’s never-ending grace and ever-seeking love. Likewise, studying the Bible is more than merely knowing what Scripture says; it is also about living every day as a child of God. Beginning with the Core Terms found in The Wesley Study Bible, author Bishop William H. Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith so that you will have a fresh way to hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ.

    Let this book be your trusted companion to The Wesley Study Bible as you grow to love God with a warmed heart and serve God with active hands.

    Order the separate book for each participant in a small group #9781426706899

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  • Reading Scripture As Wesleyans (Student/Study Guide)


    John Wesley boasted that he was a “man of one book,” but he was also a thoughtful student throughout his life and an author of many books. As breath gives life, John Wesley inhaled and exhaled the words of Scripture, shaping his thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behavior. And like our eighteenth-century ancestor, the Bible is central to us for continued faith formation. In this invitation to Scripture, the general editor of the Wesley Study Bible and biblical scholar, Dr. Joel Green, summarizes Wesley’s understanding of key themes and topics of key books of the New Testament. Using brief excerpts from Wesley’s writings (in updated language), Dr. Green explains the importance of Wesley’s thinking as it directly applies to everyday life and faithful practice. Each chapter ends with questions suitable for private devotion or group settings, to help you apply your study to daily living.

    This book will be your trusted companion to the Wesley Study Bible as you love God with a warmed heart and serve God with active hands.

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  • How God Takes Our Little And Makes It Much (Student/Study Guide)


    Contents Include:
    1: God Takes A Reluctant Shepherd And Makes A Bold Leader: The Story Of Moses
    2: God Takes A Harem Girl And Makes A Heroine: The Story Of Esther
    3: God Finds The Lost And Celebrates With Joy: The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, And Lost Son
    4: God Takes A Fisherman And Makes A Disciple For All People: The Story Of Peter
    5: God Takes Our Little And Makes It Much: The Story Of The Church
    6: God Takes Mere Sinners And Makes Us More Than Conquerors

    Additional Info
    Here is Jim Moore at his best, telling the heart-warming stories as he teaches us about the Bible. In this 6-session, video-based study, Dr. Moore uses key Scriptures that distinctively shape us as United Methodists. There are two sessions from the Old Testament and four sessions from the New Testament. Each session also lifts up and uses core terms and life application topics taken from the Wesley Study Bible to help you grow as a faithful follower of Jesus as you practice your faith in everyday life.This study can be used with a DVD (sold separately), in which Dr. Moore introduces the Scripture and tells why it is important for you.

    A leader’s guide and DVD are also available.

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  • This We Believe (Student/Study Guide)


    For John Wesley, the Bible is the joyfully consistent testimony of God’s never-ending grace and ever-seeking love. Likewise, studying the Bible is more than merely knowing what Scripture says; it is also about living every day as a child of God.

    Beginning with the Core Terms found in The Wesley Study Bible, Bishop Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith so that you will have a fresh way to hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ.

    This book can be used as an eight-week, small-group study. A Leader Guide is also available.

    Let this book be your trusted companion to The Wesley Study Bible as you grow to love God with a warmed heart and serve God with active hands.

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  • Proclaiming The Great Ends Of The Church


    Prominent Presbyterian pastors and leaders address each of the Great Ends of the Church in sermons that both challenge and uplift readers.
    For decades the Great Ends of the Church, a historic listing of ways Presbyterians have understood the role of the church, has helped to establish church directions in mission and ministry. The Great Ends of the Church are (1) the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; (2) the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; (3) the maintenance of divine worship; (4) the preservation of the truth; (5) the promotion of social righteousness; and (6) the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.

    These sermons focus the church’s understandings of its purpose and inspire us to dedicate ourselves to the church’s work in the world. This is a book that every Presbyterian should know and is ideal for study by church groups and sessions.

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  • Visible Words : The Interpretation And Practice Of Christian Sacraments


    Robert W. Jenson is a leading American Lutheran theologian. He has taught at many institutions, including Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, and Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. With Carl Braaten, he founded the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology in Northfield, Minnesota. He was a Senior Scholar for Research at the Center for Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, where he now resides. Among his many books are his two-volume Systematic Theology, Lutheranism: The Theological Movement and Its Confessional Writings (with Eric Gritsch), and A Map of Twentieth-Century Theology (editor with Carl Braaten).

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  • Close Encounters Of The Jesus Kind Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Grief –Luke 7:11-17
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Resentment –Luke 7:36-8:3
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Fear –Luke 8:26-39
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By God’s Distance –Luke 9:51-62
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Seeking The Estranged –Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Learning From The Estranged –Luke 10:25-37

    Additional Info
    This 6-session Bible study explores the Lectionary readings from the Gospel of Luke for Lectionary 10 – 15 (Year C). Groups already doing a Lectionary-based Bible study may find this study an interesting complement to their existing Bible study programming. Explore close encounters with Jesus.

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  • Close Encounters Of The Jesus Kind Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Grief –Luke 7:11-17
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Resentment –Luke 7:36-8:3
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By Fear –Luke 8:26-39
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Estranged By God’s Distance –Luke 9:51-62
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Seeking The Estranged –Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
    *Jesus Is Close To Those Learning From The Estranged –Luke 10:25-37

    Additional Info
    This 6-session Bible study explores the Lectionary readings from the Gospel of Luke for Lectionary 10 – 15 (Year C). Groups already doing a Lectionary-based Bible study may find this study an interesting complement to their existing Bible study programming. Explore close encounters with Jesus.

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  • Beyond Accessibility : Toward Full Inclusion Of All People In The Body Of C


    A church has built an accessibility ramp and perhaps refitted its restrooms to accommodate a wheelchair. Now what? This new resource by a noted author of several books on people with disabilities offers a theological and practical approach for congregations, with clear, targeted strategies for full inclusion of all members, recognizing and using the gifts that each member brings to the congregation’s life together.

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  • Historical Dictionary Of The Reformation And Counter Reformation


    The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century has traditionally been viewed as marking the onset of modernity in Europe. It finally broke up the federal Christendom of the middle ages, under the leadership of the papacy and substituted for it a continent of autonomous and national states, independent of Rome.

    The Historical Dictionary of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation provides a comprehensive account of two chains of events-the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation-that have left an enduring imprint on Europe, America, and the world at large. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 300 cross-referenced dictionary entries on persons, places, countries, institutions, doctrines, ideas, and events.

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  • Not Angels But Anglicans (Expanded)


    This title traces the history and development of Christianity in Britain from Roman times through twenty often turbulent centuries. Learned, yet accessible, witty in style and attractively illustrated throughout, this is popular history at its best. When the earlier editions were in print, 9/11 had not happened, Iraq had not been invaded, Rowan Williams was not yet Archbishop of Canterbury. No-one could have foreseen the escalation of religious conflict, how the issue of homosexuality was to dominate the churches’ public agenda, that the number of female ordinands would so rapidly outnumber male candidates, or imagined British parish churches rejecting their bishops and looking to Africa for a moral lead. This new edition conveys the character and contribution of Christianity in the ever changing landscape of contemporary Britain.

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  • Heaven And Earth In Little Space


    This significant book asks whether the widespread falling away of the appeal of religious worship is connected with the simplification of liturgical practice over recent decades. Has a well-meant policy of making the language and style of worship more accessible resulted in a loss of the sense of mystery – and has this accelerated the decline? The author, who was involved with the development of Common Worship, explores the wider Catholic and Orthodox traditions where nothing like the reforms that have happened within Anglicanism have taken place. Five centuries of change in the Anglican tradition are surveyed, the altered rhythm of the liturgical year, the decline in singing, the rise of the modern worship song – and much more in an attempt to define what renewal of the liturgy for today’s church might look like and how re-enchantment would work in practice.

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  • Hebrews Learner Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    *Who Is Jesus? (Part 1) Hebrews 1:1-14
    *Who Is Jesus? (Part 2) Hebrews 2:5-18
    *What Did Jesus Do? Hebrews 4:14-5:10; 9:24-10:1; 10:10-18
    *What Is Faith? Hebrews 11:1-40
    *How Shall We Live? Hebrews 12:1-17; 13:1-19
    *What If Faith Fails? Hebrews 4:12-13; 5:11-6:12; 10:19-29

    Additional Info
    The Letter to the Hebrews is one of the more sophisticated new testament writings, with the author connecting the Old Testament passages to the present concerns of the community of faith. This study takes 5 big questions based in the text and challenges participants to explore them thoughtfully together.

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  • Mission After Christendom


    In 1910 Protestant missionaries from around the world gathered to explore the role of Christian missions in the twentieth century. In this collection, leading missiologists use the one hundred year anniversary of the Edinburgh conference as an occasion to reflect on the practice of Christian mission in today’s context: a context marked by globalization, migration, ecological crisis, and religiously motivated violence. The contributors explore the meaning of Christian mission, the contemporary context for mission work, and new forms in which the church has engaged–and should engage–in its missionary task. From these essays, a vision of twenty first-century mission begins to emerge–one that is aware of issues of race, gender, border spaces, migration, and ecology. This renewed vision gives strength to the future of shared Christian ministry across nations and traditions.

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  • Transforming Preaching


    At once a “travel guide” and a vision for the future, this series is good news for the Episcopal Church at a time of fast and furious demographic and social change. It analyzes our present plight, sketch a positive way forward, and point to the seeds of change – those transformative practices already at work renewing the church. What church models can help point us toward transformation? What are the essential tools? What will give us strength, direction, and purpose to the journey?

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  • Hebrews Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    *Who Is Jesus? (Part 1) Hebrews 1:1-14
    *Who Is Jesus? (Part 2) Hebrews 2:5-18
    *What Did Jesus Do? Hebrews 4:14-5:10; 9:24-10:1; 10:10-18
    *What Is Faith? Hebrews 11:1-40
    *How Shall We Live? Hebrews 12:1-17; 13:1-19
    *What If Faith Fails? Hebrews 4:12-13; 5:11-6:12; 10:19-29

    Additional Info
    The Letter to the Hebrews is one of the more sophisticated new testament writings, with the author connecting the Old Testament passages to the present concerns of the community of faith. This study takes 5 big questions based in the text and challenges participants to explore them thoughtfully together.

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  • Organization Of The United Methodist Church


    An indispensable guide for all United Methodists-especially pastors, lay leaders, church council members, confirmation and new member candidates and their instructors, and seminarians-this book is presented in a practical, down-to-earth manner for easy use by both individuals and classes, clergy and lay. It highlights the functions and connectional relationships within the organization, beginning with the local church and continuing through connectional organs in districts, annual conferences and their agencies, jurisdictional conferences and their agencies, the General Conference, the general agencies of the Church, and the Judicial Council.
    Bishop Tuell discusses the Church’s unique polity and gives a frank assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. At the same time he paints the image of a worldwide connectional communion that is organized to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to bear witness to its Wesleyan heritage.

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  • Nearness Of God


    What distinguishes Christian ministry from other “helping professions”? While many books tell clergy how to run a capital campaign, handle conflict, and lead a vestry, this book helps pastors, chaplains, and lay professionals appreciate the spiritual depth of their calling and reminds them that Christian ministry is Christ’s ministry working through them.

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  • Hand And The Road


    This is the first biography of John A. Mackay (1889-1983), an important Presbyterian leader, missionary, and professor who served as president of Princeton Theological Seminary from 1936 to 1959. As president, he rebuilt the seminary faculty after the split in 1927. His ecumenical vision opened Princeton to a wider ecumenical stance and, under his leadership, the seminary prospered as a leading Protestant theological institution. Mackay was a leading ecumenist for much of the twentieth century and helped establish the World Council of Churches. He also founded Theology Today and is recognized as a major figure in both the Presbyterian Church and in theological education. This biography is made all the more compelling by the fact that it was authored by Mackay’s grandson, John Metzger, son of the late Princeton Seminary professor, Dr. Bruce M. Metzger.

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  • Enriching Our Worship 5


    This unique new service book includes liturgies for blessing and healing as related to childbearing and childbirth. It includes prayers, Scripture readings and hymn suggestions organized around the blessing of a pregnant woman; loss of a pregnancy; repentance and reconciliation for an abortion; difficult decisions, unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, loss of a child, termination of pregnancy, infertility, sterilization, and adoption.

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  • To Be A Presbyterian (Revised)


    A concise, clearly written, and informative introduction to what it means to be a Presbyterian. An excellent gift for new and prospective members, this volume is especially useful for communicants’ classes and is a must for church libraries.

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  • War Peace And Nonresistance (Reprinted)


    Guy Hershberger made a significant contribution to the development of peace theology in the (Old) Mennonite Church. Perhaps the greatest service of this book is to explain clearly the centuries-old doctrine of nonresistance as understood by Mennonites in the mid-1900s.

    Although nonresistance was held as a doctrine since the early days of Anabaptism in the sixteenth century, Hershberger helped expand the concept. Many of the new ideas that Hershberger posed were explorations of the social implications of nonresistance. Particularly as Mennonites assimilated into society, their neighbors pressed them with questions about social responsibility.

    At the time when Hershberger penned this volume, nonresistance and nonconformity were intimately linked. Together they formed the two primary distinctives of the Mennonite Church at mid-century.

    As nonresistance and nonconformity faded into the background, peace and justice took their place. Today, peace and justice as a rubric is spoken of as the primary distinctive in the Mennonite Church. Unlike the doctrines of nonresistance and nonconformity, which were founded on peculiarly biblical logic, peace and justice may be touted as ideals by even secular groups. In this vein, Hershberger’s clear delineation of the differences between biblical nonresistance and liberal pacifism will be of particular interest to contemporary readers.

    Convictions about peace seem oddly out of place in a world where dictators rule with an iron fist and terrorists snuff out innocent lives in pursuit of a cause. We can thank God that Hershberger joined his voice with other faithful leaders who pointed to a better way. May we too be stewards of the charism of peace which Jesus gave to his disciples.

    For more about the life and thought of Guy F. Hershberger, take a look at War, Peace, and Social Conscience: Guy F. Hershberger and Mennonite Ethics

    Available as a print on demand book.

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  • Way Of The Cross In Human Relations (Reprinted)


    In this classic book, Guy F. Hershberger examines one of the most challenging aspects of human relations-how people relate to each other, and the responsibility we have toward others.

    In the book Hershberger critically examines the theology and practice of the medieval church and the Reformers, the Anabaptists, social gospel advocates, social action groups and fundamentalists, along with a look at business, labor, and race relations, the ethics of various professions, the responsibility of the state and the role of community, family, and individuals. All are brought under the searchlight of Christian discipleship.

    Through it all Hershberger concludes that the way of the cross applies to the world we live in today-the ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ provide sufficient power for the redemption of all humankind.

    For more about the life and thought of Guy F. Hershberger, take a look at War, Peace, and Social Conscience: Guy F. Hershberger and Mennonite Ethics

    Available as a print on demand book.

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  • Children And The Theologians


    Connects theology with the practice of ministry in new ways.
    Connects historical themes with modern research about the meaning and development of children.
    A magisterial theological survey that sheds new light on the various ways children have been viewed.
    Provides a historical and theological rationale for the Godly Play project.

    The long story of children in theology is told via analysis of some twenty-five theologians, grouped according to six historical periods. Each account examines what a particular theologian thought about children and the experience it was based upon. Four themes that have shaped our attitudes about children in the church emerge from this history, ambivalence, ambiguity, indifferences, and grace. The result of this study is to promote a healthier church, which will respect and utilize the distinctive gifts of children. In so doing, theologians will be better able to help clear the way for grace in the postmodern church.

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  • Mission Shaped Evangelism


    This is a landmark book that will renew our understanding of what the gospel – literally ‘the good news about Jesus’ – is for today’s cultures. It begins with a key challenge – do we believe God speaks in the cultural context, or only in the Christian tradition? Part One – Listening to God in the cultural context explores the radically changing culture in which the church exists today, the rise of new spiritualities, the secularisation of society and religion’s increasingly dubious public image. Part Two – Listening to God in the Christian tradition looks at key periods in Christian history as responses to cultural changes, from the ancient pagan world to modernist faith. What can we learn from the lessons of the past? Part Three moves from theory to practice and tells great stories where innovative evangelism is taking place – from supermarkets to festivals to the internet.

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  • Conversations With Scripture The Gospel Of Luke (Student/Study Guide)


    Well-known, active, and respected Anglican author and scholar, presenting his second contribution to the Conversations with Scripture series
    Designed for adult formation programs in Anglican group settings or for use by individuals
    Study and reflection questions included
    Beautifully designed interior with margin glosses, pull quotes, and boxes

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  • Another Brush With God


    Introduces readers to a more advanced level in icon development, exploring more complex imagery and skills
    Step-by-step instructions for painting icons, from original drawings through finished product
    Includes eight full-color plates of the author’s original icons

    This is the sequel to the author’s previous work, A Brush with God, for advanced beginners, intermediate, and advanced iconographers. It presents greater detail and instructions for creating entirely new icons. One major feature of the new book is the full-page sketches that artists can photocopy and use as the basis of their own icons, providing a unique and much-requested resource.

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  • Living Our Beliefs (Revised)


    You can believe anything and be a Methodist, just so long as you’re sincere.

    Such a misperception has deep historical and cultural roots.

    Explore a basic explanation of the beliefs and practices of the United Methodist Church as defined in Part II of The Book of Discipline. Uncover a deeper understanding and experience of Christian faith as you embrace the United Methodist way.

    “Beliefs are to be lived; doctrine is to be practiced,” writes Carder in this updated edition of his 1996 bestseller. “The authenticity of beliefs lie in their ability to shape people and communities into the image of Christ and to promote holiness and happiness. …The important test of the validity of doctrines and beliefs for United Methodists is the kind of character they produce in individuals and communities and the actions they inspire in the world.”

    Living Our Beliefs is essential reading for new members, confirmation classes and small group studies.

    As one reviewer says, “Bishop Carder invites us to both understand and live our beliefs. With deep understanding of Wesley’s teaching, he inspires us to practice what we preach. That is the United Methodist way.”

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  • Many Parts One Body


    Property issues will be major topic of debate at 2009 Episcopal General Convention

    Clear, concise information on the legal structure and governance of the Episcopal Church

    Debunks misinformation about Episcopal governance promulgated on conservative blogs and publications

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  • Just Us Or Justice


    Wesleyan theology and African American theology have both become fixtures on the theological landscape in recent years. While developing along parallel tracks both perspectives make claims concerning justice issues such as racism and sexism. Both, however, perceive justice from a particular vantage that focuses on just-us (just our community). Hence African American theology has not seriously studied John Wesley’s stance against slavery or his work with the disenfranchised. And Wesleyan theologians have largely ignored the insights of African American theology especially in regard to certain injustices. To get beyond the “just-us” mentality, the author lays the foundation for a Pan-Methodist theology, which will draw from the strengths of African American and Wesley theologies.

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  • Prayers For An Inclusive Church


    The author has prepared a special American edition of his book, first published in the UK, to conform to the calendar of the Episcopal Church.

    Prayers are appropriate to conclude the Prayers of the People in the Eucharist

    Includes a scriptural index keyed to the lectionary readings

    Includes 3 Eucharistic prayers, Eucharistic preface, general confession, and post-communion prayer for each season in the church year.

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  • Introducing The Lessons Of The Church Year (Revised)


    3rd edition of a known and trusted guide to Scripture for pastors, deacons, and lay people.

    Thoroughly revised and updated to the Revised Common Lectionary by an Episcopal and Lutheran scholar and church leader, author of many books.

    A one-volume resource with multiple uses: sermon preparation, public reading of scripture, sermon discussion groups, lectionary Bible study, Christian education planning, bulletins, and web sites.

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  • Week That Changed The World


    This devotional for Lenten and Easter meditations is a synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the eight days of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.

    Uses the popular and contemporary TNIV translation
    Includes maps, notes, and user guide
    Preface by Robert Webber, noted evangelical scholar

    Beginning with Palm Sunday, the gospels record every day of Jesus’ life up to the time of his death and resurrection. These eight days are unparalleled in the canon of Scripture for their narrative power, their detail, and their focus. A unique synthesis of the four gospel accounts of the passion and resurrection of Christ is provided in this seamless and elegant narrative account of the Easter events, including every detail mentioned in all four Gospels, but without any unnecessary repetition or distracting references.

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  • Music And Vital Congregations


    A guide for clergy to develop a church music program
    Addresses key issues in the musical life of the parish
    Outlines how vital music leads to a vital parish
    Provides the rationale for using a variety of music in the parish

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  • Gospel In The Global Village


    In this second book by Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori, she explores issues and challenges of deep concern to the Episcopal Church, the wider Body of Christ, and the world at large. Arranged thematically, her essays reflect on the travel, issues, people, and passions that have driven the first three years of her episcopate. She places particular emphasis on the Millennium Development Goals, plus the turmoil within the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church in the United States.

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  • Proclaiming The Gospel


    This volume captures central emphases of the Lutheran tradition for use in preaching, especially its distinctive use of the Bible, its Archimedean theological insights, and its notion of preaching’s place within the larger liturgical and societal setting. Working from across the whole array of seminary disciplines, the faculty of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary forges this practical resource around a single vision: the Church of Christ lives from the power of the Word of God, both the law and the gospel. Preaching this Word is a means of grace by which God creates and shapes a redeemed community. This book reflects biblically, theologically, historically, and practically on what it means for the church to preach the gospel of God in the contemporary world.

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  • Discovering Christian Holiness


    Is Wesleyan-Holiness theology still relevant for the twenty-first century? Does Wesleyan-Holiness theology-as a vital, experiential, living and breathing theology-still exist?
    This study of the doctrine of Holiness examines its biblical, historical, and theological foundations, as well as the importance of the holiness life in the twenty-first century.

    Written with solid biblical evidence and historical insight, Discovering Christian Holiness will supply you with an understanding and awareness of holiness and its breadth, depth, and practicality.

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  • Shaping Of American Congregationalism 1620-1957


    A comprehensive history of Congregationalism from the story of Plymouth Rock to the birth of the UCC.

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  • Anglican Psalter : The Psalms Of David


    “Previously titled “”The New St Paul’s Cathedral Psalter”” this new edition with its new name reflects its wider purpose of resourcing parish churches in their regular worship. Use of the “”Psalms”” in worship is growing since the introduction of the Common Worship lectionary and Psalter has placed renewed emphasis on them. Here, using Coverdale’s translation of the “”Psalms”” from the “”Book of Common Prayer””, the very best of Anglican chant is married to texts that have been used to sing the transcendent glory of God in temple, synagogue and church for three thousand years. At the same time, the “”Psalms”” are ruthlessly honest in their portrayal of conflicting human emotions. Many psalters have excised the verses that speak of vengeance, hatred and anger, yet as CS Lewis wrote, these are the same feelings we find in our own hearts so here they are retained, to be included or omitted as local preference or the occasion dictates. It includes work by renowned composers past and present including Elgar, Parry, Stanford, St

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  • Doctrine In Experience


    A fresh way to look at the ministry of The United Methodist Church.

    United Methodism is often accused of having an incoherent theological center. By examining the history and salient features of the church, this book says that United Methodist theology is actually appropriated from its experience as a missional corporate body. This allows United Methodist to do theology in new ways and to better adapt to its multivalent contexts.

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  • All Shall Be Well


    Approaches emotional and vocational wellness from a faith perspective, unlike majority of general-market wellness books.
    Uses established and well-recognized CREDO model as framework.
    CREDO has established partnerships with the Presbyterian Church and othe rmainline denominations.
    This relevatn, timely, and substantive book addresses the CREDO approach to wellness.

    Chapters explore the theology of wellness and identity, core values, creativity and passion, renewal, emotional health, spiritual practices, balance, transformation, and fitness.

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  • Days Of Grace


    Author is recognized for using Benedictine wisdom to cope with the challenges of chronic illness.

    Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, this book invites readers to reflect on living with illness. The heart of the book is a collection of thirty meditations, followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. The meditations voice the difficulties and the challenges of living with illness, and call the reader toward a deepening understanding, compassion and generosity. While the meditations intend to offer comfort, they are also written from the conviction that God invites us to grow even in these circumstances. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These thirty meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms.

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  • Teaching Godly Play (Revised)


    Established market
    With CPI’s recent acquisition of Godly Play Resources, this anchor edition complements a complete line of popular resources
    An original, creative and child-honoring approach to Christian education in the church

    This revised and expanded version of Godly Play founder Jerome Berryman’s 1995 handbook is for current and future users of Godly Play. With this revision, the book’s original formatting has been redesigned to complement the eight volumes in The Complete Guide to Godly Play series. Illustrations have also been updated, and the text now better reflects the playful spirit of Godly Play. Up-to-date research in childhood development and instruction has also been incorporated in this comprehensive update.

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  • Heaven In Ordinary


    George Herbert (1593-1633) is one of English spirituality’s most treasured voices and, with his contemporaries Lancelot Andrewes Izaak Walton and Nicholas Ferrar, he epitomises the best of the 17th century Anglican tradition – learned, holy and self-effacing. Before settling down as a country parish priest – a calling that was cut short by his early death aged 39 – he was a complex character who led a varied life in politics and academia. His inner tensions resulted in memorable writing and a rich spirituality. Here, Philip Sheldrake explores themes in Herbert’s work that stand out as most important: his deep biblical and liturgical roots, his Christ-centred spirituality, his emphasis on the importance of the everyday, his strong sense of place, his understanding of discipleship, his approach to prayer, and, his spirituality of service. Richly illustrated with excerpts from his poetry, prose and letters, this volume offers a comprehensive study guide to one of the most loved poetic voices.

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  • Conversations With Scripture The Gospel Of Mark (Student/Study Guide)


    Marcus Borg is one of the most well-known and respected authors in religious publishing
    The newest entry in the only Bible study series written from a uniquely Anglican perspective
    Designed for adult formation programs in parish group settings or for use by individuals
    Study and reflection questions included
    Beautifully designed interior with margin glosses, pull quotes, and boxes

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  • Political Grace : The Revolutionary Theology Of John Calvin


    In this exploration of Calvin’s political thought, Roland Boer treats Calvin as a biblical scholar and political philosopher, showing us elusive aspects of Calvin’s Institutes. Boer investigates Calvin’s careful thinking in the Institutes as well as in his biblical commentaries, pursuing Calvin’s understanding of political freedom. Calvin argued for a greater freedom for the faith than theologians had imagined but then stepped back from the most radical implications of this call. Boer also explores Calvin’s views on grace with the eye of a careful interpreter, and suggests what we might find in Calvin’s political thought if we took the Bible, grace, and freedom as seriously as Calvin did.

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  • Spiritual Leadership For Church Officers


    This timely new leadership guide for the PC(USA) is written for church officers who are looking for a deepened relationship with God as they serve the church. Author Joan Gray challenges elders and deacons to see themselves as spiritual leaders and equips them to act as spiritual leaders alongside their pastors. After all, even the most dynamic and gifted pastor will be hamstrung if the congregation’s lay leaders are lethargic, conflicted, or spiritually anemic. Gray lays out a variety of leadership styles and helps leaders understand when each might be appropriate. She goes on to provide resources for dealing with interpersonal relationships in the church and identifies ways churches can create an atmosphere that is supportive of the spiritual leadership of elders and deacons. She also explores things the officers themselves can do to become more effective.

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  • Martin Luther : A Life


    Martin Luther: A Life tells the dramatic story of the renegade monk whose heroic personal struggle ignited a revolution and shook Christendom to its foundations.

    Through vivid anecdotes and lively historical descriptions, Martin Luther: A Life captures the turbulent times and historic events through which Luther lived as well as his profound vision of God. A fast-moving narrative, it shows how his stinging criticisms of the Christian church struck a deep and liberating chord in the German people and led to the momentous change we know as the Reformation.

    For all who wish to understand Luther the man, the rebel, and the visionary, James Nestingen’s account also offers insight into Luther’s momentous contributions to the Western world and his personal encounter with God, the Christian scriptures, and the relentless demands of his own conscience.

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  • Confirmation Basics


    This new addition to our popular Basics series explores a variety of educational models for teaching confirmation. Learn the pros and cons of each model and discover which approach works best for you. It’s a must-have resource for helping students grow in the Word of God, the catechism, and their relationship with Christ.

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  • Church Rituals Handbook


    Accent the participation of the whole family of faith by discovering the meaning and blessing of holy rituals!
    The Church Rituals Handbook provides pastors with a meaningful tool for the services they perform as shepherds of the flock of God. Covering a wide array of services, from less common rituals to the more known practices, this updated and expanded edition gives pastors immediate practical helps to service preparation. This helpful resource includes: instructions, an order of service, suggested hymns, Scripture readings and ecitations for:
    The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
    The Reception of Church Members
    The Sacrament of Baptism
    Includes Calls to Worship, Offertories Ideas and Prayers and lesser known rituals
    John Wesley’s Covenant Service
    A Service of healing
    Service of Reconciliation
    Seasonal services including Advent, Easter, and Christmas

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  • Story Of Holy Island


    Kate Tristam is a well-known island resident whose talks on the history of Lindisfarne hold visitors spellbound. A historian and a priest in the Church of England, she is ideally qualified to tell the remarkable story of this captivating place. From its misty beginnings as part of the mainland in the Stone Age right up to the present day, this popular history covers: its formation as an island, the Roman and Anglo-Saxon eras, the influence of Columba and Iona, Lindisfarne’s own apostle, Aidan, the making of the Lindisfarne Gospels, Cuthbert, Cedd, Chad and Aidan’s other followers, Hilda and the community at Whitby, Bede and the monastic tradition, the coming of the Vikings, the Benedictine years, the dissolution of the monasteries, and more.

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  • Our Watchword And Song


    This study of the growth of the Church of the Nazarene traces the denomination s doctrinal roots to the English Reformation and then explores the church’s historical, intellectual, and doctrinal development.

    Giving special attention to the church s distinctive belief in entire sanctification and emphasis on education, the authors colorfully retell the story of the church from its humble origins in Pilot Point, Texas, to its expansion into an international community reaching the world through a warm-hearted faith.

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  • Labour Of Obedience


    This important study of key Anglican Benedictine Communities in the first half of the 20th century provides a vital record of how the Anglican Communion dealt with an issue that was as divisive in its day as today’s disputes over sexuality and women bishops, and explores the origins of the influential Anglican Papalism movement. It was the heyday of Anglo-Catholicism in the Church of England. Religious life was flourishing for the first time since the Reformation. The first shock came when the Abbot of Caldey, a flamboyant character noted for luxurious tastes, and his monks went over to Rome. Nashdom – the great Benedictine community to which Gregory Dix belonged and, in many ways, the ultimate expression of Anglo-Catholicism – threatened to do likewise over the crisis of the Church of South India where the very idea of priestly ordination and identity was being challenged. Thanks to Archbishop William Temple the crisis was averted, the monks of Nashdom stayed and the scene was set for Anglican Papalism to enter the stag

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  • Deacons In The Liturgy (Revised)


    Revision of a highly regarded, stape resource on the diaconate by the leading authority in the Episcopal Church.

    Reflects new liturgical changes in the Episcopal Church

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  • Pentecostalism


    The Pentecostal and charismatic movements showed astonishing growth in the twentieth century so as to arrive at a total that is said to include at least 400 million people worldwide. The academic study of the Pentecostal and charismatic movement has been gaining momentum in the last few years, both as an element within contemporary religious studies and as a strand within the subject area of church history, going back to the early church. This student-friendly text is essential reading for students of Theology and Religious Studies, taking second or third year modules in Pentecostal studies. It is also of great relevance to students of sociology of religion, as well as cultural and historical studies of religion and religious movements. In addition to a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject, it offers useful resources such as suggestions for further reading, questions for reflection and a glossary of technical terms.

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  • Prayer Book Guide To Christian Education


    A Christian educator’s one-volume guide for how to teach week by week according to the ethos and tradition of the Episcopal Church ethos while still connected to experience and faith in daily life. This guide to education and formation is based on the Book of Common Prayer, the cornerstone of Anglican liturgy and theology. Keyed to the Revised Common Lectionary, all activities and lessons are structured on the seasons and lessons for Years A, B, and C. The Guide stresses the major themes of baptismal theology and shows how teachers, parents and children can live the liturgical cycle in its Christian formation ministries at church and at home.

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  • Romans Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    1. What Must I Do To Be Saved?
    Romans 3:9-31
    2. Saved By Grace . . . Isn’t That Too Good To Be True?
    Romans 5:1-11
    3. If What I Do Doesn’t Save Me, Does It Matter How I Live?
    Romans 6:1-23
    4. Where Is God When We Suffer?
    Romans 8:18-39
    5. How Can I Keep From Singing?
    Romans 10:1-21
    6. What Does God Want From Us?
    Romans 12:1-21

    Additional Info
    Lead your group into informed and enlightening conversation on the book of Romans. This Leader Session Guide contains all the content from the Romans Learner Session Guide, plus these unique elements, designed to help leaders prepare to engage participants in conversation:

    *Before You Begin: Helpful tips to use as you prepare to lead the session.
    *Session Overview: Detailed description of key themes and content covered in each of the four contexts (Historical, Literary, Lutheran, Devotional). Highlighted parts of the Session Overview provide a kind of “quick prep” for those wanting to do an initial scan of the key session themes and content.
    *Key Definitions: Key terms or concepts that appear in the Session Overview.
    *Facilitator’s Prayer: Helps the leader center on the session theme and leadership task
    *Bonus Activities: Optional activities included in each of the four sections of “Join the Conversation”. These can be used by the leader to expand the core session.
    *Tips: Helpful hints, instructions, or background content to help you lead.
    *Looking Ahead: Reminders about preparation for the next session.

    This is a 6-session study.

    For additional preparation assistance, try the Romans Session Prep DVD.

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