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Dave Ferguson

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  • Creador De Heroes – (Spanish)


    Creador de Heroes de los autores Dave Ferguson y Warren Bird, comparte una vision completa del liderazgo, mostrando que mas alla anhelar ser heroe (lider), es importante tener una mentalidad de multiplicacion y desarrollo, es decir lograr crecimiento y progreso en conjunto con los demas. Es un libro de gran utilidad en el que los autores no solo ofrecen la informacion al lector, sino que tambien lo guian paso a paso para convertirse en un creador de heroes. Es una herramienta crucial para personas que deseen hacer suya la mision de ayudar a los demas a desarrollarse y para aquellos en la busqueda de llevar un liderazgo efectivo. Incluye:

    *Contenido de liderazgo y religion.

    *Tablas, diagramas, preguntas de discusion, consejos practicos, anecdotas.

    *Ideal para lideres religiosos e incluso no religiosos que buscan ampliar su conocimiento, crecimiento y cambiar al mundo convirtiendose en creadores de lideres.

    *Citas Biblicas: la Nueva Version Internacional (NVI)

    Hero Maker

    Hero Maker by authors Dave Ferguson and Warren Bird, shares a complete vision of leadership, showing that beyond yearning to be a hero (leader), it is important to have a multiplication and development mindset, that is, to achieve growth and progress together with the others. It is an especially useful book in which the authors not only offer the information to the readers, but also guides them step by step to become a hero maker. It is a crucial tool for individuals wishing to grow the mission of helping others in them and for those seeking effective leadership. It includes:

    *Leadership and religion content.

    *Tables, diagrams, discussion questions, practical tips, anecdotes.

    *Ideal for religious and even non-religious leaders seeking to broaden their knowledge, growth, and change the world by becoming leader-makers.

    *Biblical quotes: The New International Version (NIV).

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  • Big Idea : Aligning The Ministries Of Your Church Through Creative Collabor


    Nothing is more dangerous than a single compelling idea that is lived out and nothing is more harmless than lots of little ideas never applied. By creatively communicating one Big Idea every week your church will transform people into genuine Christ followers who live out the mission of Jesus. Less is more!

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