Craig Evans
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Can We Trust The Bible On The Historical Jesus
$28.00The debate between Ehrman and Evans along with Stewart’s introductory framework make this book an excellent primer to the study of the historical Jesus, and readers will come away with a deeper appreciation for the ongoing quest for the historical Jesus.
This book features a learned and fascinating debate between two great Bible scholars about the New Testament as a reliable source on the historical Jesus. Bart Ehrman, an agnostic New Testament scholar, debates Craig Evans, an evangelical New Testament scholar, about the historical Jesus and what constitutes “history.” Their interaction includes such compelling questions as: What are sound methods of historical investigation? What are reliable criteria for determining the authenticity of an ancient text? What roles do reason and inference play? And, of course, interpretation? Readers of this debate-regardless of their interpretive inclinations and biases-are sure to find some confirmation of their existing beliefs, but they will surely also find an honest and well-informed challenge to the way they think about the historical Jesus.
The result? A more open, better informed, and questioning mind, which is better prepared for discovering both truth and contrivance. The debate between Ehrman and Evans along with Stewart’s introductory framework make this book an excellent primer to the study of the historical Jesus, and readers will come away with a deeper appreciation for the ongoing quest for the historical Jesus.
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Ancient Jewish And Christian Scriptures
$45.00Ancient Jewish and Christian Scriptures examines the writings included in and excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture and explores the social settings in which some of this literature was viewed as authoritative and some was viewed either as uninspired or as heretical. John J. Collins, Craig A. Evans, and Lee Martin McDonald examine how those noncanonical writings demonstrate the historical, literary, and religious aspects of the culture that gave rise to the writings. They also show how literature excluded from the Jewish and Christian canons of Scripture remains valuable today for understanding the questions and conflicts that early Jewish and Christian faith communities faced. Through this discussion, contemporary readers acquire a broader understanding of biblical Scripture and of Jewish and Christian faith inspired by Scripture.
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God Speaks : What He Says; What He Means
$36.65Dr. Craig Evans opens the door to the inquiring mind as to why 1) God chose to create the Bible, 2) those vital things we so often miss when we do read Scripture, and 3) why it really matters that we pay attention to the Word of God at all.
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Getting Jesus Right
$19.95IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MUSLIMS ARE WRONG ABOUT JESUS AND VARIOUS TENETS OF ISLAM? Is the famous Muslim writer Reza Aslan mistaken in his portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth and apologetic for Islam? Professor James Beverley and Professor Craig Evans take an in-depth look at subjects at the core of the Muslim-Christian divide: the reliability of the New Testament Gospels and the Qur’an, and what we can really know about Jesus and the prophet Muhammad. Importantly, they also examine the implications of traditional Islamic faith on the status of women, jihad and terrorism.
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Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense
$28.23In recent years the Christian faith has been challenged by skeptics, including the New Atheists, who claim that belief in God is simply not reasonable. Here prominent Christian philosopher C. Stephen Evans offers a fresh, contemporary, and nuanced response. He makes the case for belief in a personal God through an exploration of natural “signs,” which open our minds to theistic possibilities and foster belief in the Christian revelation. Evans then discusses why God’s self-revelation is both authoritative and authentic. This sophisticated yet accessible book provides a clear account of the evidence for Christian faith, concluding that it still makes sense to believe.
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Defending Substitution : An Essay On Atonement In Paul
$28.23In recent decades, the church and academy have witnessed intense debates concerning the concept of penal substitution to describe Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Some claim it promotes violence, glorifies suffering and death, and amounts to divine child abuse. Others argue it plays a pivotal role in classical Christian doctrine. Here world-renowned New Testament scholar Simon Gathercole offers an exegetical and historical defense of the traditional substitutionary view of the atonement. He provides critical analyses of various interpretations of the atonement and places New Testament teaching in its Old Testament and Greco-Roman contexts, demonstrating that the interpretation of atonement in the Pauline corpus must include substitution.
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How God Became Jesus
$18.99In his recent book How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher From Galilee historian Bart Ehrman explores a claim that resides at the heart of the Christian faith— that Jesus of Nazareth was, and is, God. According to Ehrman, though, this is not what the earliest disciples believed, nor what Jesus claimed about himself.
The first response book to this latest challenge to Christianity from Ehrman, How God Became Jesus features the work of five internationally recognized biblical scholars. While subjecting his claims to critical scrutiny, they offer a better, historically informed account of why the Galilean preacher from Nazareth came to be hailed as ‘the Lord Jesus Christ.’ Namely, they contend, the exalted place of Jesus in belief and worship is clearly evident in the earliest Christian sources, shortly following his death, and was not simply the invention of the church centuries later.
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How We Got The New Testament
$35.29A recognized expert in New Testament Greek offers a historical understanding of the writing, transmission, and translation of the New Testament and provides cutting-edge insights into how we got the New Testament in its ancient Greek and modern English forms. In part responding to those who question the New Testament’s reliability, Stanley Porter rigorously defends the traditional goals of textual criticism: to establish the original text. He reveals fascinating details about the earliest New Testament manuscripts and shows that the textual evidence supports an early date for the New Testament’s formation. He also explores the vital role translation plays in biblical understanding and evaluates various translation theories. The book offers a student-level summary of a vast amount of historical and textual information.
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Jesus And His World
$26.00In this provocative work, world-renowned scholar Craig A. Evans presents the most important archaeological discoveries that shed light on the world of Jesus of Nazareth. Evans challenges many sensational claims that have been proposed in recent books and peddled in the media by using archaeological findings to uncover the truth about several key pieces of Jesus’ world. For example, what was the village of Nazareth actually like in the time of Jesus? Did synagogues really exist, as the Gospels say? What does archaeology tell us about the ruling priests who condemned Jesus to death? Has the tomb of Jesus really been found? Evans’s engaging prose enables readers to understand and critique the latest theories-both the sober and the sensational-about who Jesus was and what he lived and died for.
This new paperback edition includes an additional appendix with questions for discussion and reflection, making it ideal for both group and individual study.
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Ancient Texts For New Testament Studies
$57.64One of the daunting challenges facing the New Testament interpreter is achieving familiarity with the immense corpus of Greco-Roman, Jewish, and pagan primary source materials. From the Paraphrase of Shem to Pesiqta Rabbati, scholars and students alike must have a fundamental understanding of these documents’ content, provenance, and place in NT interpretation. But achieving even an elementary facility with this literature often requires years of experience or a photographic memory. Evans’s dexterous survey–a thoroughly revised and significantly expanded edition of his Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation–amasses the requisite details of date, language, text, translation, and general bibliography. Evans also evaluates the materials’ relevance for interpreting the NT. The vast range of literature examined includes the Old Testament apocrypha, the Old Testament pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, assorted ancient translations of the Old Testament and the Targum paraphrases, Philo and Josephus, Rabbinic texts, the New Testament pseudepigrapha, the early church fathers, various gnostic writings, and more. Six appendixes, including a list of quotations, allusions, and parallels to the NT, and a comparison of Jesus’ parables with those of the rabbis will further save the interpreter precious time.
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Jesus The Final Days
$20.00What do history and archaeology have to say about Jesus death, burial, and resurrection? In this superb general reader book, two of the worlds most celebrated writers on the historical Jesus share their greatest findings. Together, Craig A. Evans and N. T. Wright concisely and compellingly convey the drama and the world-shattering significance of Jesus final days on earth. Certain to be a best seller during the Lent/Easter season and beyond!
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Fabricating Jesus : How Modern Scholars Distort The Gospels
$30.99Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus? Why is the public so eager to accept such claims without question? What methods and assumptions predispose scholars to distort the record? Is there a more sober approach to finding the real Jesus? Craig Evans offers a sane approach to examining the sources for understanding the historical Jesus.
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Exploring The Origins Of The Bible
$43.75For those who want to go deeper in their understanding of the canon of Scripture, leading international scholars provide cutting-edge perspectives on various facets of the biblical writings, how those writings became canonical Scripture, and why canon matters. Craig Evans begins with an explanation of the different versions of the Hebrew Bible (Masoretic Text, Septuagint, Targum, Vulgate, etc.) as well as the books of the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, for those new to the field. Then Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls expert Emanuel Tov delves into the complexities of biblical writing and the importance of the Septuagint in biblical studies. James H. Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary explains “canon” and the development of canons in various Jewish and Christian communities. Stephen Dempster addresses the much-debated tripartite canon of the Hebrew Scriptures. Glenn Wooden explores the role of the Septuagint in the formation of biblical canons. Craig Evans critically investigates the usefulness of extracanonical Gospels for historical Jesus research. Stanley Porter explores the relationship of Paul to the process of canonization. Lee McDonald raises the question of authority. And bringing the discussion to an interesting conclusion, Jonathan Wilson addresses the theological implications of canon. The result is a thought-provoking book that concludes with discussion of an issue at the fore today-the theological implications of canon.
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Jesus And THe Ossuaries
$49.98In Jesus and the Ossuaries, Craig A. Evans helps all readers, expert and layperson alike, understand the importance this recent find might have for the quest for the historical Jesus and any historical reconstruction of early Christianity. Evans does this by providing an overview of the most important archaeological discoveries, before examining nine other inscriptions (six on ossuaries, three on stone slabs) that pertain in one way or another to the historical Jesus. He then surveys the arguments for and against the authenticity and identification of the recently discovered James Ossuary. Evans concludes his volume with a measured consideration of the historical value of the archaeological data afforded by the several inscriptions.
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Who Was Jesus
$40.00“Who Was Jesus?” hinges on the refreshingly candid dialogue between Jewish New Testament scholar Peter Zaas and Christian theologian William Craig. This volume focuses on the differing historical assessments of Jesus of Nazareth by Jews and Christians, and the implications for contemporary Jewish-Christian relations. Their points of disagreement may come as no surprise, but their points of agreement make for a fascinating and informative read.
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Dictionary Of New Testament Background
The final volume in InterVarsity’s landmark Dictionary series! A library of scholarship in summary form, this study encompasses the full scope of Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures, and features articles on such topics as the Dead Sea Scrolls and second-temple Jewish writings. Extensive bibliographies and cross-references to other volumes in the series makes this an indispensable resource.
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Jesus Outside The New Testament
Did Jesus actually exist? Much has been written recently on this subject, including numerous books examining the New Testament record of Jesus’ life. Now Robert Van Voorst presents and critiques the ancient evidence outside the New Testament, the Roman, Jewish, pre-New Testament, and post-New Testament writings that mention Jesus.This fascinating study of the early Christian and non-Christian record includes fresh translations of all the relevant texts. Van Voorst shows how and to what extent these ancient writings can be used to help reconstruct the historical Jesus.
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New Vision For Israel A Print On Demand Title
$29.99The most important development in historical Jesus studies is the recent attempt to understand the ministry of Jesus in “political” terms. This excellent study by Scot McKnight furthers this line of inquiry by showing how Jesus’ teachings are to be understood in relation to his role as a political figure. McKnight looks closely at Jesus’ teachings on God, the kingdom, and ethics, demonstrating in each case how Jesus’ mission to restore Israel brings his teachings into a bold new light.
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Gods Final Envoy A Print On Demand Title
$23.99Working from the belief that there is a basic continuity between the ideas of Jesus and those of his first followers, de Jonge sketches a well-grounded, though tentative, outlille of Jesus’ own view of his minion. At all stages de Jonge steers a middle course between skepticism and absolute confidence with regard to the reliability and the usefulness of what we know about Jesus from the early Christian sources. He carefully distinguishes between what seems certain, probable, and possible, and he argues that though we cannot fill in all the details, it is possible to present a picture of what was most characteristic of Jesus.
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Eschatology Messianism And The Dead Sea Scrolls A Print On Demand Title
$23.99The New Testament is of prime importance for understanding early Jewish and Christian messianism and eschatology. Yet often the New Testament presumes a background and context of belief without fully articulating it. Early Jewish and Christian messianism and eschatology, after all, did not emerge in a vacuum; they developed out of early Jewish hopes that had their roots in the Old Testament. A knowledge of early Jewish literature, and especially of the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran, is essential for understanding the shape of these ideas at the turn of the era.
In Eschatology, Messianism, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Craig A. Evans and Peter W. Flint have assembled eight essays from outstanding scholars who address the issue from a variety of angles. After an introduction by the editors, successive essays deal with the Old Testament foundations of messianism; the figure of Daniel at Qumran; the Teacher of Righteousness; the expectation of the end in the Scrolls; and Jesus, Paul, and John seen in light of Qumran. These essays originated at a conference for a lay audience and retain much of the popular appeal they had when first delivered. The usefulness of the volume as a resource for students, pastors, and interested laypeople is enhanced by a select bibliography and indexes.
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Pure Kingdom
$21.50Pure Kingdom strives to reveal the historical Jesus. Bruce Chilton is aware of the gulf that lies between an academic understanding of who Jesus is and the popular (but sometimes historically improbable) conception of what he stood for. In Pure Kingdom, Chilton speaks directly of Jesus. Modern theorists on Jesus are appealed to only insofar as they clarify Jesus’ own vision of the Kingdom of God. After exploring the scholarly state of the question, Chilton maps out key background material of Jesus’ understanding of the Kingdom, drawing on the Psalms and Jesus’ appropriation of this tradition. Then, looking at the Gospels themselves, Chilton hammers out Jesus’ theology of the kingdom by examining both Jesus’ teaching and his actions, which also declare God’s kingdom. Finally, Children examines the questions of the preaching of Jesus’ Kingdom message in primitive Christianity. Chilton’s fresh analysis of the Kingdom in Jesus’ ministry will prove to be required reading for all interested in the topic. Pure Kingdom is a masterpiece of scholarship and highly recommended for anyone with an interest studying the historical Jesus within the context of his time and culture.
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