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    Classic Books

    • Works Of John Wesley 30


      Part of the most comprehensive collection of Wesley’s writings. The correspondence presented in this sixth volume of Wesley’s letters covers the period when Methodists in North America, by a “strange providence,” were severed from their relationship with the Church of England. Wesley made heroic efforts to provide them with ordained clergy and other materials they would need in their life as a “church.” It also illuminates the tensions that John’s decision to ordain clergy for Methodists outside of England created within his connexion in England-particularly with his brother Charles. The volume includes over 200 items not found in previous editions of Wesley’s letters. All Works of John Wesley volumes are designed to keep the pages clean and in place for years to come, with casebound non-cloth hardcover, dust jacket, and secure adhesive binding.

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    • History Of The Devil Ancient And Modern


      The History of the Devil is a classic historical and religious book universally considered one of Daniel Defoe’s greatest works of non-fiction. The book was first published in 1726 and made an immediate impact on English literature, society and the ecclesiastical community in the early 18th century and continues to enrich humanity as a faithful source of historical and biblical truth and wisdom.

      The History of the Devil cleverly unfolds the actions, devices, and evil nature of Satan and his host of devils against God and mankind throughout the history of the world. Defoe divides the book into two parts: Ancient, or the time from before the creation of the universe to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; and Modern, or from the time of Christ and establishment of the Christian Church to the present day. His style is one that uniquely blends serious biblical principles and history with lighter satirical narrative, especially when dealing with mankind’s many false presuppositions about the Devil, and clearly delineates when each, or both, is applicable to the subject of discussion.

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    • Works Of John Wesley 14


      The controversial and doctrinal works emerging from John Wesley’s debates with Moravians, with Roman Catholics, and regrading worship practices are essential for understanding Wesleyan soteriology and ecclesiology.

      Works of John Wesley, Volume 14 Doctrine and Controversial Treaties III is part of a series dedicated to providing a complete and accurate published collection of the Works of John Wesley. The various items included in the series constitute crucial primary texts for study of Wesley’s life, his ministry, and his thoughtful impact on the broader Methodist movement in Great Britain and America

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    • Essential Andrew Murray Collection


      Andrew Murray is a nineteenth-century writer whose words still inspire today.

      In Humility, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with his grace. It is often called the best work on the topic ever written.

      Abiding in Christ invites you to listen to words from Scripture, read a daily meditation, pray, and surrender yourself anew to Christ. This thirty-one-day devotional is as timely now as it was in 1895, when it was first published.

      Living a Prayerful Life outlines the way to overcome prayerlessness, which Murray believed was the greatest roadblock to spiritual growth. In his familiar devotional style, he then offers inspiring and practical guidelines for becoming a prayer warrior, including examples from the prayer lives of the apostle Paul, George Muller, and Hudson Taylor.

      The wisdom in these pages will encourage and equip you to live a life of humility, surrender, and prayer, bringing you closer to the one who created you and longs to be with you.

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    • Honest Faith : Or, The Clue Of The Maze


      My soul, rest thou only in God, for my hope is from him. – Psalm 62:5

      The paragraphs of this little book are not supposed to be an argument. It was not my aim to convince an opponent but to assist a friend. How I have personally threaded the labyrinth of life thus far may be of helpful interest to some other soul who is in a maze. I hope that these pages will assist some true heart to say “he fought his doubts and gather’d strength.” Let no man’s heart fail him, for the prevalent skepticisms of today are but “spectres of the mind.” Face them, and they fly.

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    • According To Promise


      Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. – 2 Corinthians 7:1

      The first part of this book is meant to be a sieve to separate the chaff from the wheat. Use it on your own soul. It may be the most profitable and beneficial work you have ever done. He who looked into his accounts and found that his business was losing money was saved from bankruptcy. This may happen also to you. If, however, you discover that your heavenly business is prospering, it will be a great comfort to you. You cannot lose by honestly searching your own heart.

      The second part of this book examines God’s promises to His children. The promises of God not only exceed all precedent, but they also exceed all imitation. No one has been able to compete with God in the language of liberality. The promises of God are as much above all other promises as the heavens are above the earth.

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    • Haunted Man : A Forgotten Classic Abridged And Annotated By Dave Swavely


      What is a Forgotten Classic?

      Great works by some of the world’s best fiction writers have nevertheless gone largely unnoticed. Unfortunate timing in the marketplace, inadequate distribution, and changes in public taste are just a few of the reasons for this. Yet many of these works can be as enjoyable and meaningful as far more famous books. Cruciform Press is excited to begin publishing some forgotten classics of special interest to those who enjoy fiction that intelligently explores matters of faith.

      This edition of Haunted Man, by Charles Dickens, has been abridged significantly to make it more enjoyable for modern readers, while retaining every essential element of the story. It also includes an introduction with character descriptions and other helpful information, and a thought-provoking afterword discussing some of the spiritual issues addressed by the book.

      A college professor named Redlaw is a good man plagued by bad memories of a traumatic childhood, compounded by a terrible betrayal and loss during his young adulthood. When an ethereal demonic doppelganger of himself appears and offers to wipe away those memories, Redlaw eagerly accepts, and also receives the ability to spread this “gift” to others.

      Featuring the breathless suspense, colorful characters, and witty humor that has made Dickens such a beloved author, the story also tackles some of the deepest philosophical and theological questions ever raised in his writings. His answer to “the problem of evil” is of both literary and religious interest.

      Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is one of the most popular and respected authors in history (A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, and many more). Dave Swavely is a Dickens fan who knows what it’s like to be haunted by the past and delivered by the cross of Christ.

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    • Life And Death Of Mr Badman Updated Modern English


      The life of Badman was written in an age when abandonment of moral principles, vice, gluttony, intemperance, habitual lewdness, and the excessive unlawful indulgence of lust marched like a ravaging army through our land, headed by the king, along with officers from his polluted peers. Is this book not also written for today, then?

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    • On The Incarnation


      During the fourth century, controversy raged in the church regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. On one side were the Arians, led by the Bishop Arius, who argued that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were materially separate from one another. They believed that Jesus had been created out of “non-existence” and thus was not on the same level of divinity as God the Father. In response, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, wrote On the Incarnation, a staunch defense of the full divinity and full humanity of Christ. In simple language and with Scripture as a guide, he argued for the eternal nature of the Trinity and that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God the Father but has existed from the very beginning. Athanasius celebrates the redeeming work that came forth through the God-man, Jesus Christ, and His eternal existence and essential unity with the Father.

      Ultimately, Athanasius was exiled five times by four different Roman emperors due to his defense of the Trinity, but he remained faithful to his beliefs. Today, On the Incarnation is often included on lists of books every Christian should read.

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    • Heaven


      How do I get to heaven? This question is asked by millions of people living today. Help, encouragement, and definite answers await the reader, as page after page unfolds with the explanation of this exciting place-heaven-and how we can get there.

      With tremendous insight, D. L. Moody offers easy-to-understand explanations that make this book one that must be read and shared with others.

      D. L. Moody was a dynamic evangelist who reached thousands of people throughout the world with the special message of Christ’s love.

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    • Beatitudes


      God’s Benefit Plan

      Some of the most comforting words a Christian could possibly hear from God are, “I want to bless you.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ told us that we can come to Him as we are-in need, mourning, oppressed, or hungering-and He will bless us. In Charles Spurgeon’s revealing exploration of The Beatitudes, you will learn to…
      *Receive God’s comfort
      *Develop a gentle, forgiving spirit
      *Inherit the earth
      *Find contentment
      *Obtain mercy
      *Be pure in heart
      *See God more clearly

      God has an excellent benefits package for His children. Discover the way to receive the rich treasures God wants you to have!

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    • According To Promise


      God Keeps His Promises

      We all have access to the storehouse of God’s promises! In this book, Charles Spurgeon shows how you can…
      *Receive God’s many promises to you
      *Be sure of your salvation
      *Increase your faith
      *Pray more effectively
      *Be holy in God’s eyes
      *Obtain a higher level of grace
      *Experience a deeper relationship with God

      Discover how you can receive the many gifts that God has available for every one of His children.

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    • Way Home


      D. L. Moody clearly explains what it means to have faith, and answers your questions and doubts about the Christian life. Whether you are struggling to know and accept Christ or want to deepen your own understanding and faith, Moody shows you how you can be…
      *Free from your fear of death
      *Released from condemnation and guilt
      *Restored to God if you have fallen away
      *Completely forgiven
      *At peace with God
      *Healed of the disease of sin
      *Saved in an instant

      This lively book includes personal anecdotes and stories that illustrate the way of salvation in a fresh and enlightening way. Find peace with God and know without a doubt that you are saved for eternity.

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    • John Ploughmans Talks


      Everyday advice based on biblical faith

      Charles Spurgeon’s success as a legendary preacher and author was generated from his intense love and concern for “working people.” In John Ploughman’s Talks, Spurgeon assumes the persona of a simple ploughman to dispense advice and address serious moral issues in the language of the common man. Spurgeon’s homespun humor and rustic illustrations reflect on a variety of issues, such as idleness, grumbling, appearance, patience, gossiping, debt, spending, family, hope, and much more.

      In Spurgeon’s words, “That I have written in a semi-humorous vein needs no apology, since thereby sound moral teaching has gained a hearing….There is no particular virtue in being seriously unreadable.”

      In the tradition of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Spurgeon’s tale is destined to be enjoyed for generations by people of all ages and backgrounds.

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    • Open Secret


      The Ideal Love You’ve Been Searching For

      God wants you to know how much He loves you. Drawing on many precious passages from the Bible, Hannah Whitall Smith reveals God’s tender feelings toward you and how He…
      *Responds to your cries
      *Defends you in danger
      *Guides your steps
      *Holds you close
      *Heals your broken heart
      *Quiets your fears
      *Never deserts you
      *Rejoices over you
      *Loves you unconditionally

      Experience a new depth of intimacy with your heavenly Father, the God of all comfort.

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    • Return Of The Lord Jesus


      What Will Happen to You?

      Jesus could return at any moment. Here are the scriptural answers to questions about the time, manner, and results of His return. Questions like…
      *What will be going on when Jesus returns?
      *Will non-Christians have a chance to repent?
      *How can I be ready for the rapture?
      *When will I receive my heavenly reward?
      *When will I receive my new body?
      *Who will reign with Christ?
      *What will happen to believers who have died?

      Many people view Christ’s return to the earth as either improbable or dreadful. However, for those who know Him personally, His return will be a day of joy, transformation, and reunion. You can be ready for the greatest day the world has ever seen!

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    • Works Of John Wesley 12


      The first of three theological volumes, this volume is devoted to four of John Wesley’s foundational treatises on soteriology.

      These treatises include, first, Wesley’s extract from the Homilies of the Church of England, which he published to convince his fellow Anglican clergy that the ‘evangelical’ emphasis on believers experiencing a conscious assurance of God’s pardoning love was consistent with this standard of Anglican doctrine. Next comes Wesley’s extract of Richard Baxter’s Aphorisms of Justification, aimed more at those who shared his evangelical emphasis, invoking this honored moderate Puritan to challenge antinomian conceptions of the doctrine of justification by faith. This is followed by Wesley’s abridgement of the Shorter Catechism issued by the Westminster Assembly in his Christian Library, where he affirms broad areas of agreement with this standard of Reformed doctrine-while quietly removing items with which he disagreed. The fourth item is Wesley’s extended response to the Dissenter John Taylor on the doctrine of original sin, which highlights differences within the broad ‘Arminian’ camp, with Wesley resisting a drift toward naively optimistic views of human nature that he discerned in Taylor.

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    • Working For God


      God has exciting plans for you that will give your life purpose and joy. God’s desire is that everyone should find new life and destiny in Him. He has given you specific gifts to accomplish His purposes. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will show you:
      *How to find and live out your true calling
      *How to discover your spiritual gifts
      *The excitement of working for God
      *How to lead many to salvation
      *How to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit

      “There is a treasury of good works God has prepared for us to do,” writes Andrew Murray. In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

      “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

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    • Insulted And Injured


      The Insulted and Injured, originally published in 1861, is Fyodor Dostoevsky’s first major work of fiction after his Siberian exile and the first of the long novels for which he is famous. Set in nineteenth-century Petersburg, the novel depicts a group of people suffering from the cruel and selfish machinations of a dark and powerful prince. Can pure love overcome such evil?

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    • Simple Way To Pray


      When asked by his barber and good friend, Peter Beskendorf, for some practical guidance on how to prepare oneself for prayer, Luther responded by writing this brief treatise, first published in the spring of 1535. After 500 years, his instruction continues to offer words of spiritual nurture for us today.

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    • Foxes Book Of Martyrs


      Publisher Marketing: Foxe’s Book of Martyrs has been an invaluable addition to the libraries of faithful Christians for almost five centuries. Chronicling the suffering and brutal deaths of those who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, John Foxe captured the God-given, Spirit-inspired courage of these noble souls. Though sometimes difficult to read because of the inhumane cruelty depicted in its pages, the images which truly endure are the ones which portray the victorious faith, through the grace of God, of these Christian martyrs.

      Why should you read this book? The stories within these pages are supremely inspiring accounts of those who gave their lives defending the truth of the Gospel. Much can be learned not only of their fortitude but also of an apostate false church that persecuted them. The powerful witness of these martyred saints will stir your hearts, as it has the true church through the centuries, to be that loyal bride of Christ, strong and pure.

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    • Elfin Knight (Revised)


      Canto I
      Fairy Tales
      Bury The Hatchet
      Canto II
      Off To Bed With You
      Canto III
      Riddle Me This
      Canto IV
      What Do You Know?
      Canto V
      On Guard!
      Canto VI
      What’s The Story?
      Canto VII
      Can You Dig It?
      Canto VIII
      Take The Field
      Canto IX
      Do Your Worst
      Canto X
      You’re History
      Canto XI
      Off With His Head!
      Canto XII
      Let Grill Be Grill
      Appendix: A Play

      Additional Info
      Edmund Spenser (1559-99) has earned the title ‘the poet’s poet’ because of the high poetry of his epic and because so many great poets, including Milton, Dryden, Tennyson, and Keats, cut their poetic teeth on The Faerie Queene.

      The hero of Book II is Sir Guyon, the knight of Temperance. But do not let that throw you. This is not a poem about teetotalism. As C.S. Lewis puts it, The Faerie Queene ‘demands of us a child’s love of marvels and dread of bogies, a boy’s thirst for adventures, a young man’s passions for physical beauty.

      Following in the wake of Roy Maynard’s Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves, Toby Sumpter’s notes are insightful and humorous making this great Christian epic poem accessible for modern readers. The Elfin Knight makes an excellent choice as a homeschool or classroom text.

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    • Practice Of The Presence Of God


      The original guide to “practicing the presence of God”

      “We must not grow weary of doing little things for the love of God, who looks not on the great size of the work, but on the love of it.”

      In this classic work, which has instructed and inspired millions, a humble 17th-century monk reveals the secrets of daily, moment-by-moment fellowship with God.

      “In the way of God, thoughts count very little,” writes Brother Lawrence, who spent much of his monastic life in the kitchen. “Love does it all.” Full of realistic honesty, friendliness, and simplicity, Brother Lawrence shows that it is possible to meet God amongst the pots and pans-in the ordinary, daily events of life. This edition, rendered from the original French into graceful, contemporary English, will nourish and delight all those who seek to practice the presence of God.

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    • War Peace And Nonresistance (Reprinted)


      Guy Hershberger made a significant contribution to the development of peace theology in the (Old) Mennonite Church. Perhaps the greatest service of this book is to explain clearly the centuries-old doctrine of nonresistance as understood by Mennonites in the mid-1900s.

      Although nonresistance was held as a doctrine since the early days of Anabaptism in the sixteenth century, Hershberger helped expand the concept. Many of the new ideas that Hershberger posed were explorations of the social implications of nonresistance. Particularly as Mennonites assimilated into society, their neighbors pressed them with questions about social responsibility.

      At the time when Hershberger penned this volume, nonresistance and nonconformity were intimately linked. Together they formed the two primary distinctives of the Mennonite Church at mid-century.

      As nonresistance and nonconformity faded into the background, peace and justice took their place. Today, peace and justice as a rubric is spoken of as the primary distinctive in the Mennonite Church. Unlike the doctrines of nonresistance and nonconformity, which were founded on peculiarly biblical logic, peace and justice may be touted as ideals by even secular groups. In this vein, Hershberger’s clear delineation of the differences between biblical nonresistance and liberal pacifism will be of particular interest to contemporary readers.

      Convictions about peace seem oddly out of place in a world where dictators rule with an iron fist and terrorists snuff out innocent lives in pursuit of a cause. We can thank God that Hershberger joined his voice with other faithful leaders who pointed to a better way. May we too be stewards of the charism of peace which Jesus gave to his disciples.

      For more about the life and thought of Guy F. Hershberger, take a look at War, Peace, and Social Conscience: Guy F. Hershberger and Mennonite Ethics

      Available as a print on demand book.

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    • Essential Writings : Selections From The Dark Night The Spiritual Canticle


      John of the Cross was a sixteenth-century Spanish Carmelite monk, mystic, and contemporary of Teresa of Avila who became one of Christianity’s foremost spiritual teachers. He is most famous for his lyrical poetry, in which he beautifully describes a tender, loving God. This volume contains his most stirring works, including the classic The Dark Night, in which John expands on the role of darkness in the spiritual journey:

      “It remains to be said, then, that even though this happy night darkens the spirit, it does so only to impart light concerning all things. And even though it humbles persons and reveals their miseries, it does so only to exalt them. And even though it impoverishes and empties them of all possessions and natural affection, it does so only that they may reach out divinely to the enjoyment of all earthly and heavenly things, with a general freedom of spirit in them all.” — John of the Cross

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    • Cloud Of Unknowing


      Written by an anonymous English monk during the late fourteenth century, The Cloud of Unknowing is a sublime expression of what separates God from humanity and is widely regarded as a hallmark of Western literature and spirituality. A work of simplicity, courage, and lucidity, it is a contemplative classic on the deep mysteries of faith.

      “Lift up your heart to God with a humble impulse of love and have himself as your aim, not any of his goods … Set yourself to rest in this darkness, always crying out after him whom you love. For if you are to experience him or to see him at all, insofar as it is possible here, it must always be in this cloud and in this darkness.” — The Cloud of Unknowing

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    • Ministerio De La Oracion Inter – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602553606ISBN10: 1602553602Language: SpanishAndrew MurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Tesoro De Oracion – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9781602553590ISBN10: 1602553599Language: SpanishE. M. BoundsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009Publisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Life Of Saint Francis


      SKU (ISBN): 9780060576523ISBN10: 0060576529Bonaventure | Translator: Ewert CousinsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009HarperCollins Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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    • Peregrino – (Spanish)


      A literary gem on the alegorical tal of Christian to the Celestial city.

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    • Cristiano De Rodillas – (Spanish)


      The best-selling book on prayer which transmits the surety of the promises of God for those who are willing to get down on their knees.

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    • Peregrina – (Spanish)


      The second half of Pilgrim’s Progress which relate the voyage of Christian’s wife and children.

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    • Imitation Of Christ


      The Imitation of Christ has enjoyed an unparalleled place in the world of books for more than five hundred years. 5000 different editions have been published over the centuries, and it has been translated into almost every language in the world.

      Why is this little book so valued? The Imitation of Christ transcends its era and author, having become a testament that speaks to the perennial human condition on the issues of our human relationship to God. It offers insight that is unparalleled in works before and since. The wisdom of Thomas a Kempis is for every age, for every person who seeks to live a more integrated spiritual life of seeking and finding, doing and being still.

      Br. Benet Tvedten writes a new introduction for this special edition. He brings his trademark insight and humor to bear on the lessons of The Imitation of Christ for every generation.

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    • Know Who You Believe (Revised)


      In writings lovingly collected and edited by his wife, Marie, after his death, Paul E. Little explores the central question of Christianity: can we know God? By looking at the identity of Jesus Christ, his claims regarding his identity, and his promises to his followers and inquirers, we arrive at the wonderful conclusion of the Christian faith: through Jesus Christ we may know God personally.

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    • Know Why You Believe (Revised)


      Paul Little responds to the toughest intellectual questions posed to Christians, including: Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?

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    • Know What You Believe (Revised)


      What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? With these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring you into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ.

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    • Living Your Faith


      You say you are living for God, but do you enjoy living the Christian life? Have you taken hold of all the promises and privileges that are yours through faith, or are you missing out on much that God has for you? Charles Finney explains how you can be free from guilt and sin and live a life of destiny, clean and pure before the Lord. Read this book and you will:
      * Learn of the dangers of idolatry
      * Discern between true and false repentance
      * Discover the difference between religion and saving faith
      * Begin to follow the path of true obedience
      * Walk in the steps of practical Christian living
      * Experience the true joy of holiness through the Holy Spirit

      If your faith needs to be rekindled, this book will show you how to experience a supercharged faith! Discover a new power and joy in everything you do as you begin Living Your Faith.

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    • Pursuit Of God (Large Type)


      “Lord, I must speak of Thee,” wrote Tozer, “lest by my silence I offend against the generation of Thy children.” Written during a train trip from Chicago to McAllen, Texas, The Pursuit of God has become a classic best-seller. Recipient of both the ECPA Gold and Platinum Book Awards.

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    • Only Believe : Experience Gods Miracles Every Day


      God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry through powerful signs and wonders, including the creative formation of missing limbs and the disappearance of cancerous growths. His words continue to provide spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical healing as they inspire and build faith.

      Answering God’s call, Smith Wigglesworth took God at His Word with dramatic results. Sight was restored to the blind, hearing to the deaf, health to the diseased, and mental wholeness to the insane. Even several who were dead were brought back to life.

      Do you want to be used by God to do the miraculous? Like Wigglesworth, you will find that you will receive power to:
      *Defeat fear, depression, and temptation.
      *Receive the Master’s healing touch.
      *Take authority over Satan.
      *Be an effective soulwinner.
      *Lay hold of impossibility and make it reality.

      As you explore these truths, you will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, build up your faith, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results in your life and when you minister to others.

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    • Hildegard Of Bingen


      SKU (ISBN): 9780060750664ISBN10: 0060750669Binding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2005Harper Collins Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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    • Bernard Of Clairvaux


      Bernard of Clairvaux holds a distinguished place in the history of Christian spirituality. During the twelfth century this gentle monk from France became the primary guide for those who follow the path of selfless love as well as a spokesman for a revival in monastic life. This collection of his most important writings provides a superb introduction to a man who has greatly shaped the Western monastic and mystical traditions.

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    • Soul Of The Night


      Probing the depths of science and faith, scientist Chet Raymo investigates the mysteries of human spirituality and meaning contained in astronomy. Ranging through the stars and the myths humans have told about them for millennia, Raymo delves into “a pilgrimage in quest of the soul of the night.”

      Chet Raymo’s elegant essays link the mysterious phenomena of the night sky with the human mind and spirit, as he ranges through the realms of mythology, literature, religion, history, and anthropology. Originally published two decades ago, The Soul of the Night is a classic work that is a must for those interested in the relationship between science and faith

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    • Meister Eckhart : Selections From His Essential Writings


      The teachings of the German-born Meister Eckhart (1260-1328), Dominican philosopher and spiritual master, are among the most daring and profound in the history of Western mysticism. From counsels on discernment to a treatise on detachment as the most essential virtue, Eckhart’s fascinating thoughts on the spiritual life will inspire and challenge those looking to deepen their experience of God.

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    • Power Of The Blood Of Christ


      In this classic exploration of the Scriptures, Andrew Murray leads the reader to a complete understanding of the significance and reality of the power of the shed blood of Christ. Astounding results can take place in your life once you have learned about the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. This mighty weapon of spiritual warfare holds the secret to a victorious life.

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    • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Unabridged)


      For over 400 years, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs has inspired generations of Christians through the stories of men and women who chose to face death rather than recant their faith in Christ. This book provides a fascinating introduction to the lives of the persecuted saints of old, beginning with Stephen and ending during the reign of Queen Mary.

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    • John And Charles Wesley


      John and Charles Wesley led the Methodist revival that swept eighteenth-century England and America and changed the face of Christianity forever. Their spirituality synthesized a unique blend of elements from the church fathers, Catholic mystics, and Protestant Reformers. This selection includes John’s incisive writings on the spiritual life as well as the famous hymns of Charles, giving vibrant expression to the faith of the Wesleys.

      “About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” — John Wesley

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    • Teresa Of Avila


      Teresa of Avila, a renowned sixteenth-century Spanish mystic, received the vision for The Interior Castle one Sunday in 1577. In this signature work, Teresa uses the castle as a symbol for the interior life to describe her mystical experience of the presence of God. Her humble and straightforward treatise invites readers on a spiritual journey to enter into the deep places in their soul where they will find God.

      “The soul of the just person is nothing else but a paradise where the Lord says he finds his delight. So then, what do you think that abode will be like where a King so powerful, so wise, so pure, so full of all good things takes his delight? I don’t find anything comparable to the magnificent beauty of a soul and its marvelous capacity.” — Teresa of Avila

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    • My Bondage And My Freedom


      SKU (ISBN): 9780140439182ISBN10: 0140439188Frederick DouglasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: Penguin Group USA

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    • Experiencing Gods Presence


      You wake up, and your mind is already racing. Your schedule is completely full of all that the day holds. In the jumble of carpools, projects, dinner, work, and time with your family, God is often pushed to the side–or out of the picture completely.
      Matthew Henry was a man who awoke to thoughts of God, went to bed with God on his mind, and filled every hour in between with the same godly focus. Despite hardships, his life was fulfilled and joyful.

      Learn from him the importance of godly conversation, true devotions, and effective communication, and find a life that is completely pleasing to God.

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    • Goodnight John Boy


      A memory book of “The Waltons, ” the number-one television show of its time, this volume is filled with behind-the-scenes anecdotes and profiles of people who appeared on the show plus reminiscences, comments, and personal feelings from those connected with the series. Photos.

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    • Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit


      The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. Andrew Murray explores the powerful, divine life that is meant for every child of God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of your own efforts. A dynamic, joyful life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be yours today!

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    • Scope And Authority Of The Bible


      This volume brings together seven essays which are representative of the author’s style, approach to and outlook on contemporary biblical topics. Characterized throughout by openness of thought and iconoclasm, this collection serves as an introduction to one of the most important issues – the authority of the Bible – facing churches today, as well as the author’s thoughts as a whole.

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    • Apology Of The Church Of England By John Jewel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898693911ISBN10: 0898693918Editor: John BootyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • Morning Devotional


      Surviving in today’s fast-paced world seems almost impossible at times. You wake up each morning with your agenda racing through your mind–troubles at work, the needs of your family, the grass needs to be mowed, the car needs to be washed, you need groceries, then there’s dinner…and the daily list goes on! Where do you find the strength for it all! D.L. Moody will help you start your morning right with a blend of Scriptures and quotes from well-known Christian leaders. When you meditate on God’s promise each morning, you will receive strength, guidance, and wisdom that will last throughout the day. Discover the peace of mind and the strength that come from devoting time each morning to God.

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    • Man Who Was Thursday


      G. K. Chesterton’s surreal masterpiece is a psychological thriller that centers on seven anarchists in turn-of-the-century London who call themselves by the names of the days of the week. Chesterton explores the meanings of their disguised identities in what is a fascinating mystery and, ultimately, a spellbinding allegory. As Jonathan Lethem remarks in his Introduction, The real characters are the ideas. Chesterton’s nutty agenda is really quite simple: to expose moral relativism and parlor nihilism for the devils he believes them to be. This wouldn’t be interesting at all, though, if he didn’t also show such passion for giving the devil his due. He animates the forces of chaos and anarchy with every ounce of imaginative verve and rhetorical force in his body.

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    • How To Have Real Joy


      All Things New This Year Also Growing in the Lord The Joy of the Lord The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever Suffering and Reigning with Jesus Our Own Dear Shepherd
      Life got you down? Are you laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside? Do you secretly envy people who are cheerful no matter what? Are you waiting to enjoy life until your circumstances become perfect?

      Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can experience the profound joy of the Lord in the midst of life’s difficulties. Even when your life is in turmoil, this kind of happiness remains steady and strong because it is the abiding manifestation of the Spirit’s presence in you.
      Through Spurgeon’s insightful words, you will discover that God delights in blessing you, His child, and His life-transforming power can satisfy every longing of your heart. Allow your heavenly Father to hold you in His arms, wipe away your tears, and fill you with His joy today. Then genuine happiness will bubble up from the depths of your being and spill over to touch everyone around you

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    • George MacDonald : An Anthology 365 Readings


      George MacDonald (1824-1905) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Briefly a clergyman, then a professor of English literature at Bedford and King’s College in London, he was a popular lecturer and published poetry, stories, novels, and fairy tales. In this collection selected by C. S. Lewis, we are offered 365 selections from MacDonald’s inspiring and useful writings.

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    • Weight Of Glory


      Selected from sermons delivered by C. S. Lewis during World War II, these nine addresses show the beloved author and theologian bringing hope and courage in a time of great doubt. “The Weight of Glory,” considered by many to be Lewis’s finest sermon of all, is an incomparable explication of virtue, goodness, desire, and glory. Also included are “Transposition,” “On Forgiveness,” “Why I Am Not a Pacifist,” and “Learning in War-Time,” in which Lewis presents his compassionate vision of Christianity in language that is both lucid and compelling.

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    • Abolition Of Man


      In this graceful work, C. S. Lewis reflects on society and nature and the challenges of how best to educate our children. He eloquently argues that we need as a society to underpin reading and writing with lessons on morality and in the process both educate and re-educate ourselves. In the words of Walter Hooper, “If someone were to come to me and say that, with the exception of the Bible, everyone on earth was going to be required to read one and the same book, and then ask what it should be, I would with no hesitation say The Abolition of Man. It is the most perfectly reasoned defense of Natural Law (Morality) I have ever seen, or believe to exist. If any book is able to save us from future excesses of folly and evil, it is this book.” This beautiful paperback edition is sure to attract new readers to this classic book.

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    • Miracles


      “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares the way for this, or results from this.” This is the key statement of Miracles, in which C.S. Lewis shows that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in His creation. Using his characteristic lucidity and wit to develop his argument, Lewis challenges the rationalists, agnostics, and deists on their own grounds and makes out an impressive case for the irrationality of their assumptions.

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    • Problem Of Pain


      For centuries Christians have been tormented by one question above all — If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain? C. S. Lewis sets out to disentangle this knotty issue but wisely adds that in the end no intellectual solution can dispense with the necessity for patience and courage.

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    • Screwtape Letters


      Wormwood, a demon apprentice, must secure the damnation of a young man who’s just become a Christian. He seeks the advice of an experienced devil, his uncle Screwtape. Their correspondence offers invaluable—and often humorous—insights on temptation, pride, and the ultimate victory of faith over evil forces. Paperback with French flaps and deckled page edges.

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    • Mere Christianity


      Arguably the 20th century’s most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound classic, originally delivered as a series of radio broadcasts, is a book to be thoroughly digested by believers and generously shared with skeptics. Paperback with French f laps and deckled page edges.

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    • Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit


      1. The Work Of The Holy Spirit
      2. The Necessity Of The Work Of The Spirit
      3. The Chief Office Of The Holy Spirit
      4. The Personality Of The Holy Spirit
      5. The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit
      6. Adoption – The Spirit And The Cry
      7. Grieving The Holy Spirit
      8. The Holy Spirit And The One Church
      192 Pages

      Additional Info
      “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” — Acts 1:8 NKJV

      Who can measure the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives? When we are in the dark, He brings the Light. When our minds are perplexed, He gives the Answer. When we need an encouraging promise, He provides the Word. When we are lost, He shows the Way.
      In these pages, Charles Spurgeon clearly communicates profound truths abouth the Holy Spirit. Discover the joy of having the Spirit of Christ within you, and learn how He will. . .
      * Remind you of God’s promises
      * Guide you in your decisions
      * Intercede for your needs
      * Strengthen your faith
      * Comfort you in your sorrows
      You can experience the Spirit of God living within you, guiding and empowering you daily life.

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    • Hinds Feet On High Places


      20 Chapters

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      The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me walk upon mine high places. – Habakkuk 3:19

      Hind’s Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard’s best known and best loved books: a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God’s children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory.

      Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Learn how Much Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.

      Included in this new edition of Hinds’ Feet on High Places are two special sections: Hannah Hurnard’s own, never-before-published account of the circumstances that led her to write Hinds’ Feet, and a brief autobiography of the author’s like as told in the book Hearing Heart.

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    • Divine And Human


      1. The Son Of A Thief
      2. The Repentant Sinner
      3. The Archangel Gabriel
      4. The Prayer
      5. The Poor People
      6. A Coffeehouse In The City Of Surat
      7. Kornei Vasiliev
      8. A Grain of Rye The Size Of A Chicken Egg
      9. The Berries
      10. Stones
      11. The Big Dipper
      12. The Power Of Childhood
      13. Why Did It Happen?
      14. Divine And Human
      15. The Requirements Of Love
      16. Sisters

      224 Pages

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      Divine and Human stands apart as both a landmark in literary history and master-piece of spiritual and ethical reflection. Suppressed in turn by the tsarist and Soviet regime, the tales contained in this book have, for the most part, never been published in English until now. Emerging at last, they offer western readers fresh glimpses of novelist and philosopher Leo Tolstoy. Divine and Human consists of choice selections from The Sunday Reading Stories, the second volume in a two-part work titled The Circle of Reading. In the words of translator Peter Sekirin, “Tolstoy considered The Circle of Reading to be the major work of his life. Considering its difficult history, it is not surprising that only recently has it been rediscovered.” From its sparkling vignettes to its lengthier stories, Divine and Human probes the complexities of life and faith. Its characters range the spectrum of human emotions and qualities, from hatred to love and joy to grief; from sublime nobility to grotesque self-absorption. Tolstoy’s world, though far-removed from today’s information age, becomes our world — indeed, has always been and always will be our world. Motor cars may have replaced horse-drawn cars, but human hearts remain the same, and questions of truth, mercy, forgiveness, devotion, justice, and the nature of God knock as insistently on the doors of our lives today as they did in Tolstoy’s time. Welcome, then, to Divine and Human: a buried treasure at last unearthed, and certain to be prized by Tolstoy readers and lovers of great literature.

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    • Heaven Or Hell


      Special Order Title
      What will happen when you die? The Bible clearly teaches that heaven and hell exist and that everyone will go to one or the other after death. If you are already a believer, this book will make both hell and heaven more real to you and will help you find the rest and joy that God has promised you.

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    • Christian Classics In Modern English


      With today’s accelerated pace of life, preoccupation with careers, and family demands, there is little time for celebrating our humanity–and even less time for seeking God. So how does a twentieth-century believer set about living as a Christian in such a society?

      The writings of devout pilgrims such as Brother Lawrence, Thomas a Kempis, and St. Augustine refocus our attention on the basics of the Christian journey. Retold in the language and setting of our world today, these classics offer timely messages of startling relevance to Christians and those interested in Christianity.

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    • Joy In Christs Presence


      You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ! In this book, Charles Spurgeon describes the nature of such true fellowship. He also discusses how you can obtain: peace, rest, and joy, healing for your body, complete forgiveness of sins, God’s fullfillment of your needs, the assurance of your salvation, the protection of God, and total freedom from fear.

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    • Wigglesworth On The Anointing


      Smith Wigglesworth unfolds the secret of God’s anoniting that brings healing to body , soul, and spirit. As you live in His annointing, your spiritual life will become more fruitful as you are given the ability to do “great works” for God’s glory.

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    • Spurgeon On Prayer And Spiritual Warfare


      Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! Charles Spurgeon knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and shares how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also shows how you can gain freedom over sin, enjoy peace in troubled times, protect yourself from Satan, offer short prayers that bring big answers, receive bountiful blessings, see God answer even faulty prayers, and get what you pray for.

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    • Miniatures And Morals


      Jane Austen’s novels are not only still widely read, but also continue to influence modern film and literature. In both their moral content and their focused, highly detailed, “miniaturist” execution, they reveal Austen’s mastery of the art of fiction and her concern for Christian virtues exercised within communities. Her sharp wit and sense of irony entertain, edify, and challenge both men and women alike. From theological and literary angles, Leithart unpacks both character and theme while summarizing each of Austen’s major works. For all who desire a richer appreciation of her enduring genius, Leithart offers a hearthside seat.

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    • Awakening : One Mans Battle With Darkness


      When Blumhardt, a nineteenth-century pastor from the Black Forest, agreed to counsel a tormented woman in his parish, all hell broke loose literally. But that was only the beginning of the drama that ensued. Zundel s account, available here in English for the first time, provides a rare glimpse into how the eternal fight between the forces of good and evil plays itself out in the lives of the most ordinary men and women. More than that, it reminds us that those forces still surround us today, whether we are awake to them or not.”

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    • Union With God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780940232051ISBN10: 0940232057Jeanne GuyonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: SeedSowers Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Spiritual Guide


      There have been more copies of this book burned than perhaps any other single Christian book ever published.

      So powerful was its influence on Europe that within 6 years of its release this book had been translated into every language in Western Europe. In Naples, Italy it was said that 20,000 Christians gathered in small groups to practice inward prayer.

      Michael Molinos came closer to reforming the Catholic church than any other single man in history, yet he ended up sealed in a dungeon, his book condemned. A man so controversial that even until today the Vatican will not release the transcript of his (secret) trial. Now, for the first time ever, this book appears in modern English. The first English language release in over a hundred years.

      Included in the book is the first biography of Michael Nolinos to appear in English in over 100 years.

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    • Seeking Heart


      The name Fenelon has stood for spiritual depth and insight for 300 years. Seeking Christians throughout the years have turned again and again to his writings for guidance and help in their quest for a deeper walk with Christ.

      Here are his works and letters for those who have a seeking heart.

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    • Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ (Reprinted)


      1. From The Shallows To The Depths
      2. Launching Out
      3. The Depths–Even For The Unlearned
      4. The Second Of Dryness
      6. Abandonment
      7. Abandonment And Suffering
      8. Abandonment And Revelation
      9. Abandonment And A Holy Life
      10. Living Indoors
      11. Toward The Center
      12. Continual Prayer
      13. Abundance
      14. Silence
      15. A New Look At Confession Of Sin
      16. The Scripture
      17. Prayer Requests?
      18. Distractions
      19. Temptation
      20. Consumed
      21. Silence-In The Depths
      22. The Constant State
      23. To Christian Workers
      24. The Ultimate Christian Attainment
      25. From Prison

      160 Pages

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      One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. Madame Guyon is generally credited, even by her enemies, as being one of best-known women in church history. Will Durant, in his 11-volume Story of Civilization, recounts the impact of Jeanne Guyon’s life and writings on French history.

      At one time this book was publicly burned in France, and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. Penned by one of Christianity’s most famous saints, Jeanne Guyon, it has played a major part in the lives of more famous Christians than perhaps any other Christian book. Here is the very first edition written in modern English.

      Watchman Nee saw that this book was translated into Chinese, and made available to every new convert of The Little Flock. Fenelon, Count Zinzendorf, John Wesley, the early Quakers, Jessie Penn-Lewis and Hudson Taylor all highly recommended it to the believers of their day.

      This book will introduce you to a whole new – and deeper – relationship to Jesus Christ.

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    • Spiritual Torrents


      120 Pages/17 Chapters

      Additional Info

      This book is a spiritual autobiography in which Jeanne Guyon likens her life to a torrent making its way out of the high mountains down into the canyons and chasms of life, passing through many experiences until finally coming to the spiritual experience of death. From there the torrent experiences resurrection and a life lived in concert with the will of God while still going through many stages of refinement. At last the torrent finds its way into the vast, unlimited sea. Even here the torrent does not totally come to be one with the vast ocean until it has once more passed through final dealings by the Lord.

      The reader will find this book to be the saga of one believer’s journey with Christ. It does not serve as a pattern for any other life, but simply allows the reader to see how Guyon viewed the Lord’s work in her life. Nevertheless, this is one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of the cross as it works in the life of the believer.

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    • Gods Call


      Nothing in this world can hold you back from experiencing the fullness of the marvelous life that God has for you. Charles Finney’s powerful and thought-provoking messages reveal how you can…receive complete forgiveness of sin, break the chains of worldly addictions, rest confidently and securely in the Lord, drink from the foundation of God’s blessings, be totally free of sin and its bondage, discover the worth of your soul, and witness to others sucessfully.

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    • Answer


      In a world full of puzzling problems, it’s nice to find a source of practical solutions. From God’s own Word, R. A. Torrey delves into the specifics of what Christianity is all about and offers biblically sound responses to probing questions, such as: Can I be forgiven of every sin? How much power does Satan really have? Is there a chance to be saved after death? How can I be victorious over the Devil? and much more.

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    • Daily Light On The Daily Path


      Thousands have experienced the spiritual rewards of daily reading these inspiring Scripture selections. Each morning and evening devotional is designed around a biblical theme and will give you new insights into powerful spiritual truths. As you read Daily Light on the Daily Path, you will . . . Build your faith, acquire newfound wisdom, uncover deep truths of the Bible, discover new purpose for your life, find fresh insight into the promises of God, receive strength to triumph in every circumstance, and refresh yourself with daily reminders of God’s love. Scripture verses are taken from the New King James Version.

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    • Bright Shadow Of Reality A Print On Demand Title


      Reissue of this pioneering look at the quest for human joy beyond the pale shadows of this world, as seen in both Lewis’s fiction and nonfiction.

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    • Kristin Lavransdatter 1 The Wreath


      Kristin Lavransdatter interweaves political, social, and religious history with the daily aspects of family life to create a colorful, richly detailed tapestry of Norway during the fourteenth-century. The trilogy, however, is more than a journey into the past. Undset’s own life-her familiarity with Norse sagas and folklore and with a wide range of medieval literature, her experiences as a daughter, wife, and mother, and her deep religious faith-profoundly influenced her writing. Her grasp of the connections between past and present and of human nature itself, combined with the extraordinary quality of her writing, sets her works far above the genre of “historical novels.” This new translation by Tina Nunnally-the first English version since Charles Archer’s translation in the 1920s-captures Undset’s strengths as a stylist. Nunnally, an award-winning translator, retains the natural dialog and lyrical flow of the original Norwegian, with its echoes of Old Norse legends, while deftly avoiding the stilted language and false archaisms of Archer’s translation. In addition, she restores key passages left out of that edition.

      Undset’s ability to present a meticulously accurate historical portrait without sacrificing the poetry and narrative drive of masterful storytelling was particularly significant in her homeland. Granted independence in 1905 after five hundred years of foreign domination, Norway was eager to reclaim its national history and culture. Kristin Lavransdatter became a touchstone for Undset’s contemporaries, and continues to be widely read by Norwegians today. In the more than 75 years since it was first published, it has also become a favorite throughout the world.

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    • Revelation Of Love


      Few texts have had held such interest or been the object of such enduring devotion as has Julian of Norwich’s 14th-century classic A Revelation of Love. This great work–along with The Cloud of Unknowing and Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle–form the very heart of Western mysticism, and each generation has cherished its beautiful poetry and profound account of a soul’s quest for the divine. This new translation of Julian’s mystical writings offers today’s reader immediate access to this most powerful spiritual of books written in English. Julian’s message of God’s intimate and enabling love is revealed as both beguiling and inescapable. The poetry and rhythmic structure of the original Middle English text are respected, yet it is given fresh immediacy since it is now rendered in inclusive language for the first time ever. Moreover Julian’s key ideas are easily identified-even by newcomers to her unique system of thought-by means of an original and authoritative linking commentary at the head of each key chapter, as well as continuing support from highly informative footnotes and a detailed glossary of the main terms used.

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    • Instructions In Faith


      This translation of a very enlightened book includes all the essentials of Calvin’s position, unobscured by the complicated discussions characteristic of Calvin’s later writings. Keeping Calvin’s intentions in mind, Paul Fuhrmann presents an edition that has value for people who have a schaolarly interest in the Reformed tradition and for lay readers who wish to clarify and strengthen their own faith.

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    • Works Of John Wesley 20


      This is the third volume of Wesley’s Journal to appear in the critical edition from the period of The Works of John Wesley. Covering the period from late 1743 through 1754, it contains four “Extracts” from Wesley’s Journal (6-9) which documents in Wesley’s own words, an important period of expansion and organization in the Wesleyan revival.

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    • Fruits Of The Spirit


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819213143ISBN10: 0819213144Evelyn UnderhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Treasures From The Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Keys To The Deeper Life (Revised)


      1. Leaning Into The Wind
      2. Panting After God
      3. Showered With His Gifts
      4. Brimming Over The Spirit
      5. Touching Heaven In Prayer
      6. Favorite Themes From Tozer
      96 Pages

      Additional Info
      Although never considered to be a popular speaker nor prolific writer, his audiences did appreciate what he had to say, and he was probably the most widely read Christian writer of his time.

      Keys to the Deeper Life contains six of Tozer’s best-known essays and editorials. In them he rigorously examines many of the failings and foibles of his day. Although most were written more than three decades ago, the insights they offer are as fresh and thought provoking as the day they were published.

      Robert Walker, the editor of Christian Life, and a long-time associate of Tozer, has written an Introduction to the book that delightfully captures Tozer’s irascible genius.

      Keys to the Deeper Life also contains the account of an exclusive interview with A. W. Tozer shortly before his death.

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    • Works Of John Wesley 2


      This is the second in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley’s sermons. Of all the genres in Wesley’s prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. To know them is to gain an important resource for historical and contemporary theology. All four of the sermon volumes typify the erudite scholarship and ecumenical statesmanship of the editor, Albert C. Outler. His introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley.

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    • They Found The Secret


      “The exchanged life.” Hudson Taylor first used the term to describe what it means to know Christ as our sufficiency in all things. Taylor is but one of the many Christian luminaries who have discovered Christ as the secret to abundant living. John Bunyan, Andrew Murray, Amy Carmichael, Oswald Chambers, Charles Finney-behind the varied lives and personalities of these and other men and women lies a common theme, a pattern that leads from desperation to the abundant life Jesus promised. From their stories, we too can find the path to deeper faith and a more vital relationship with God. In They Found the Secret, Raymond Edman presents the lives of twenty well-known and little-known Christians. “The details of their experience of the crisis of the deeper life are delightfully different,” Edman writes, “yet their testimony to the reality of the joy and power of the Spirit-filled life is unanimous . . . It is [the Lord] who satisfies the longing soul. He is the secret of the exchanged life!”

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    • Royal Way Of The Cross


      It is very profitable to have realized what one is; but do not add to that weakness, which is inseparable from our human nature, an estrangement from the very means of strength. Only hearken inwardly to him and despise boldly that which is despicable.”

      Above all, Francois Fenelon desired to love God. Out of this love came a desire to share the truth of a life lived in the light of the Cross. His individual writings document his desire to find truth through the love of his Creator; corporately, they comprise a masterpiece of a recorded spiritual journey.

      The Royal Way of the Cross is written with an unblinking honesty that distinguishes it from the murky intellectualism that pervaded the time, and it is this truthfulness that gives this work its enduring appeal. Arrestingly written, The Royal Way is an exceptional account of a man who saw the hand of God in all things and was intimately acquainted with “the royal way of the Cross.”

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    • Practicing His Presence


      110 Pages/29 Chapters

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      Practicing the Presence of God

      If you wish to know your Lord in a deeper way, you are invited to join the vast host of Christians who, over three centuries, have turned to this book more than any other–except the Scriptures–in order to begin that journey to the depths of Christ.

      Imagine a book that is 300 years old and has never been out of print! Such is the book you hold in your hands. Other than Pilgrim’s Progress, there is probably no other piece of Christian literature that has stood the test of the centuries so well. An estimated 22 million copies of the original The Practice of the Presence of God have been printed in the English language alone. In recent years, however, interest in this book has waned as the original English edition became so outdated that it was virtually unreadable. The publishers have now revised and reissued this book under the title Practicing His Presence and the profundity, depth, and beauty of Brother Lawrence’s masterpiece lives again!

      We have included in this edition, not only the letters of Brother Lawrence–from the 17th century–but also those of Frank Laubach–from the 20th century–who, like Brother Lawrence before him, wrote a series of letters chronicling his experiences in practicing the presence of Jesus Christ.

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    • Melanchthon And Bucer


      Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works, each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century, contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries. The Library of Christian Classics ensures that this great literature of the Christian heritage is easily available and invites the ongoing development of theology.

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    • Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life (Abridged)


      This devotional classic, written by William Law, an eloquent religious teacher of the eighteenth century, was designed to prod indifferent Christians into making an honest effort to live up to what they professed to believe. It has been appreciated in every succeeding generation because of its innate vigor and virility.

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