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Christian Living

  • Embracing Your Second Calling


    A woman’s guide to understanding, connecting, and making her best years count. Women over forty long to redefine the rest of their lives. Dale Hanson Bourke and the friends she interviewed-including General Claudia Kennedy, Kay Warren, Becky Pippert, journalist Peggy Wehmeyer, and Jill Briscoe-resoundingly affirm that midlife can be a time of spiritual rebirth and a chance for God to get one’s attention, now that others’ demands on her life have diminished. In Embracing Your Second Calling, Bourke offers essential principles and specific suggestions with interactive elements:
    Reflection questions
    Action ideas
    Quotes and informative side bars
    Purposeful prayers

    Through this women discover their stories and callings so they can embrace and enjoy this important chapter in their lives.

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  • Mothers In Law Vs Daughers In Law


    1. The Retreat
    2. Why The Conflict?
    3. Letting Go Of Your Expectations
    4. The Gift Of Decreasing
    5. The Gift Of Love
    6. The Gift Of Empathy
    7. The Gift Of Boundaries
    8. The Gift Of Acceptance
    9. The Gift Of Spiritual Growth
    10. The Measure Of Success

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    The conflict between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law has existed throughout all of history. In the Old Testament, Rebekah complained that her daughters-in-law were making her so miserable, she’d rather be dead. Now, thousands of years later, we’re still complaining about our in-laws, often even hoping they really won’t ever come visit.
    In Mothers-in-Law vs. Daughters-in-Law, author Elisabeth Graham examines this in-law conflict with aims to draw readers into a different perspective: that women will learn to recognize their in-laws as a beneficial relationship-a gift-to and for the entire family.

    With sound biblical wisdom and clever insights, Graham teaches women to find peace in all aspects of their relationships with their in-laws.

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  • Case For Christ For Kids (Expanded)


    With clear facts and answers to the questions kids eight to twelve ask most, this adaptation of Lee Strobel’s New York Times bestselling and award-winning The Case for Christ uses kid-friendly language to explore the research, eyewitness accounts, and evidence behind the question of whether Jesus really was the savior the Bible promised, and what that answer means for our lives today.

    Whether they’ve grown up in the church or are encountering faith for the first time, The Case for Christ for Kids is the perfect resource to answer the questions about Jesus kids 8-12 ask most. Inside, readers will discover:

    *Historical evidence, expert testimonies, extensive research, and scientific proof that back up what the Bible says
    *Answers for why Christians believe what they do
    *Kid-friendly stories that make the facts easy to understand
    *Ways to talk to other people about Jesus and share what they know

    The Case for Christ for Kids:

    *Is a solid source of information that looks at all sides of the issue to present solid evidence behind each conclusion and fact about the Christian faith
    *Has illustrations and callout graphics to make the topics memorable for kids eight and up
    *Is an excellent resource for Sunday schools, church libraries, and homeschooling
    *Pairs with Case for Christ for Kids 90-Day Devotional, which expands on the themes of The

    Case for Christ for Kids to apply those truths to late elementary and middle school kids’ everyday lives

    This book can be used on its own or alongside The Case for a Creator for Kids, The Case for Faith for Kids, and The Case for Miracles for Kids to help children with faith development and answer questions they wonder about most.

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  • Stories From The Shepherds Heart


    I am compelled to write my story; I cannot keep silent. I have heard too often that sheep are “dumb”. I write not only to defend sheep, but also to show how God compares us to sheep. God is our Shepherd and we are His sheep. My love affair with sheep began many years ago when we bought two lambs as pets for our children. Since then, we have always kept a few sheep. Sheep have taught our family many lessons. I think of my relationship to the sheep and understand better my relationship to God.

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  • Return To Eden


    What is life all about? Everybody seems to have an opinion. Forrest Gump sees it as an adventure into the unknown. For Harriet, life is a brief, idiotic and meaningless event. And good ole Charlie Brown can’t seem to get his going. We all want answers to the basic questions about life and living.

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  • Come La Galleta Compra Los Zap – (Spanish)


    Breaking away from society’s belief that unbending discipline is the only way to succeed shows weakness, right? Wrong, says Meyer. Here she explores the difference between healthy celebration and destructive self-indulgence; demonstrates how to achieve balance in your life; and gives you permission to indulge in a guilty pleasure every now and then.

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  • All Creation Sings


    J. Ellsworth Kalas, adapted from chapter 1:

    There’s an old hymn you may be familiar with that contains these words: “This is my Father’s world, / And to my listening ears, / All nature sings, and round me rings / The music of the spheres. / This is my Father’s world, / He shines in all that’s fair; / In the rustling grass, I hear him pass, / He speaks to me everywhere” (Maltbie D. Babcock, “This Is My Father’s World”; 1901). It is true still today that “all nature sings,” but it is increasingly difficult to catch the melody. Almost anywhere we go, nature’s voice is now muted by the sound of traffic and assorted electronic devices. Those who go out to walk or jog are likely to wear a device that keeps them in touch with news or music or speech-so that, intentionally or not, they have shut out nature’s sound and dulled its influence.

    Which brings me to the point of this book. I rejoice greatly in the “green” movement that has made new millions conscious of the wonder of our creation and the blessed necessity of caring for it passionately. This is a magnificent step in the right direction, and it puts quality content into what might otherwise be little more than sentimental feelings. But I want us to go farther than that. I want us not simply to see-and indeed, to be grateful for-the wonders of nature. I want us to go beyond nature’s exquisite beauty until we learn some of the lessons it would teach us, lessons about both life and God. When nature sings (as it does every moment) its melody draws us to God, if only we listen with our whole being.

    This book will contain a discussion guide.

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  • Eat The Cookie Buy The Shoes


    1. The Cookie
    2. Happy Birthday
    3. You Are Worth A Little Waste
    4. God Likes A Party
    5. Celebrate Your Progress
    6. Celebrate Through Giving
    7. A Time To Remember
    8. Celebrate Who You Are And What You Have
    9. Celebrate You
    10. Learn When To Shop
    11. Give Your Soul A Vacation
    12. Priorities
    13. My All In All
    14. Give God Your All
    15. Celebrate Discipline
    16. Discipline Yourself To Celebrate

    Additional Info
    Breaking away from society’s belief that unbending discipline is the only way to succeed shows weakness, right? Wrong, says Meyer. Here she explores the difference between healthy celebration and destructive self-indulgence; demonstrates how to achieve balance in your life; and gives you permission to indulge in a guilty pleasure every now and then.

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  • View Of God From My Rearview Mirror


    Oftentimes we can’t see God’s involvement in our lives on an everyday basis. We don’t see what He is doing until we look back at the events of our life, after they are past, and see how God has done incredible things, miracles sometimes.
    A VIEW OF GOD FROM MY REARVIEW MIRROR is stories, lessons and miracles from the life of Jim Rice. Jim brings an insightful look into issues that we all face in daily living, and he imparts a fresh faith to believe God for His participation in the everyday aspects of our lives. These stories will encourage you to see what God is doing every day in your own life.

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  • Isnt That Just Like God


    Are you spiritually hungry to know God better? To walk hand in hand, close to Him, and begin to comprehend His ways?

    Are you a blood-bought Christian who longs to see God manifest His victorious right arm today? What would you think if perhaps He wanted to do it through you?

    Maybe you’re like me. Maybe someone told you years ago that “the days of miracles had passed.”

    Would you like to find out for yourself that this wasn’t true then-or now! If you want everything God has prepared for you-and you may not know it even exists!-perhaps you would enjoy this book! You might, like me, find that your Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are just waiting for you to launch out on His promises. You might even be involved in miracles you never thought could happen!

    So grab your hat! When God moves you out, He moves fast and exciting things happen! You can never predict what God will do next. No box can contain Him. He is sovereign, you know! So, cast your cares upon Jesus-and let’s soar together in the Heavenlies (Ephesians 2:6) where miracles take place!

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  • Young Persons Guide To Wisdom


    Colleges and Universities do not offer courses or degrees in wisdom and Governments do not have departments of wisdom to guide the actions and decisions of presidents and government officials. Due to a lack of wisdom, Federal, State and Local governments have pushed many nations to the brink of moral and financial bankruptcy. A heavy dependence upon academia is not sufficient for them to make wise decisions. In our society many marriages fail and families suffer because they lack wisdom. Unwise financial decisions in our government and among individual citizens negatively affect many in our society. There are many pitfalls in society and living life is like walking through a minefield of life changing and difficult decisions.

    The Young Person’s Guide to wisdom fills the void of wisdom that exists in academia, our families and our government. Wisdom is presented in the context of knowing God’s will, being successful, being proactive in your education, finances, relationships, redemption and our understanding of God and his Word. It is an excellent resource for new Christians and Christian Parents and their children to build a wise foundation in Christ. It is a straight forward Biblical Guide to understanding the God of the Bible and God’s instructions to us concerning Wisdom.

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  • Raiders Of The Lost Gospel


    Was Jesus Christ a religious leader or a statesman? What was the explosive devise behind His preaching, teaching and healing ministry? What is the nucleus of the Bible message? The Raiders of the Lost Gospel will presents you with a cursory and focused overview of the core message that John the Baptist, Jesus and the Apostles preached; the message that Satan has been trying to steal or dilute-the restoration of the Kingdom of God on the earth. Relying on the Scriptures as the only solid foundation for Christian life and ministry, the Author will provoke you to reexamine your focus and priorities, and will encourage you to follow in the steps of the Master and perform even greater deeds.

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  • Final Approach : Why Did America Turn Against God


    It is the purpose of this book to use Scripture, not an opinion, to implore Christians to carefully consider their actions now more than ever in their life-

    People are unprepared for the end of the age because they have been fed teaching that is far from scriptural truth, for example:

    Did God’s prophets challenge a ruler of the nation-or did they stay out of politics?
    Future sins are forgiven? -Scripture versus popular opinion
    Born again-Jesus expected Nicodemus to understand the concept, because it is from the Old Testament. Do you?
    Can you name apostles that used a sinner’s prayer in the New Testament?
    Does saying you repent meet God’s requirements for repentance?
    Was baptism a Jewish concept? Or is it New Testament?
    Does grace have any relationship to forgiveness?
    Is faith a thought of the mind, or an action?
    Scriptures are presented on these subjects with a way to have insight into their intended meanings-the words people usually miss are made bold to insure they are recognized. Through studying the Scriptures you will be able to research these and other questions like these, and draw your own conclusions.

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  • Surviving The Desert


    Life is filled with many heartaches, pains, sickness, diseases, and civil unrest. There are adversities on every side and the more advanced science seems to get the greater the adversities seem to get. This was never the plan of God for this earth nor for you. All the adversity that we face today physical, mental, emotional, relational etc. has been brought about by sin. When sin was brought into this world by the rebellious act of Adam & Eve the whole earth has been corrupted from that time forth. Man has had to suffer sickness, pain, discomfort, heartaches, diseases and a world filled with civil unrest on every side.

    The pressures that we face everyday can sometimes be overwhelming. Life seems uncrossable desert. No matter which way we look all we can see is the hot dry sand, there is no oasis in sight, it seems to be endless. Our hearts are distressed and we are brought into a deep depression over the situations we have to face and nothing seems to help no matter what we try. This is not the way that God plans for you to live! God planned to give you a life filled with joy and blessing! Jesus Christ said: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10b KJV)

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  • Cinderella Dreamzzz : If The Shoe Fits


    Most women desire to be a part of their very own Cinderella story. The reality is that our life experiences play a large role in determining what type of prince we end up with. We must first realize the type of shoes we are currently wearing and how our life experiences placed those shoes on our feet.

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  • Best Investment Money Cant Buy


    These messages were written from ideas that God gave me from a variety of settings. Some messages came from ideas I heard during church sermons, Christian broadcasting, crusades, reading books, events that have happened, my own personal experiences, the Bible, and a mission trip to Africa.

    Key words or phrases would be said or read about during these different settings and then God would inspire me to write about what was heard or read. Some ideas came from personal experiences and then confirmed by other messages that were being preached. I write down almost every message that I hear preached at Church, or at the Crusades.

    The final inspiration to write this book came from my circumstances at church. I had a lot of messages ready to preach, but was not having an opportunity to preach them. I was starting to get bitter and God inspired me to put these messages in a book and said the messages would reach a lot more people this way. I heard the call and did what God called me to do and now I am better not bitter.

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  • Message


    Doctor Eugene Coyle, M.D., truly cares about people, their quality of life, and the direction in which that quality of life is heading. In a nutshell, that is The Message Doctor Coyle is trying to convey in this book. He is hoping his message will be heard and be an incentive to combat the fast-moving trend north of heaven and south of hell.

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  • Life In The Spirit


    Including essays from 2009 Wheaton Theology Conference keynote speakers Dallas Willard and Gordon Fee as well as contributing essays by noted presenters such as Chris Hall, David Gushee, Linda Cannell, Cherith Fee Nordling and Lawrece Cunningham, this book offers a stimulating exploration of the historical, biblical and theological dimensions of spiritual formation.

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  • Steward Leader : Transforming People Organizations And Communities


    In this book R. Scott Rodin offers a unique and profoundly theologically informed model of leadership forged out of his extensive experience and theological studies. This model is personal, dynamic and transformative for the leaders themselves, for the people they work with and for the institution or organizations in which they serve.

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  • Uncommon Decency : Christian Civility In An Uncivil World (Expanded)


    In these wild and diverse times, prolifers square off against pro-choicers, gay liberationist confront champions of the traditional family, husbands and wives face each other in court, artist attack legislators, and “politically correct” intellectuals abhor crusading fundamentalists. Philosopher and ethicist Mouw is concerned that, too often, Christians seem to be contributing more to the problem than to the solution. But he recognizes – from his own personal struggle – that it’s not easy to hold to Christian convictions and treat sometimes vindictive opponents with civility and decency.

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  • Yoke Of Jesus


    The Yoke of Jesus is an introduction to spiritual discipline, emphasizing the individual’s devotion to Jesus. The thirteen chapters of The Yoke of Jesus explore the meaning of faith, our need for stillness and solitude, how we should read, how we must engage nature, how we ought to pray the Psalms, and much more. / Addison Hodges Hart works to deepen our understanding of essential spiritual disciplines, explaining them in terms both ancient and contemporary. The book is at once informative and pragmatic in its approach, grounding the disciplines in Scripture and patristic sources and making them relevant for Christians of the twenty-first century. Hart’s vivid and intelligent language highlights the wisdom found here.

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  • Real World Parents


    “Christian families today often find themselves stuck between two stories-their own family’s story and God’s story. It’s like they’re living two lives: their Christian life and their “real world” life. The trick is figuring out how to get your family’s story to line up with God’s story in the world around us, helping you raise children who have the character, values, and mission that allows them to go out into the real world and live out a real faith. Real World Parents is a parenting book that helps you to be proactive, rather than reactive, when it comes to raising Christian kids in a world that is filled with contradictions to a life of faith. Rather than trying to raise kids who are “good Christians,” you’ll find the tools to help you live out a faith that allows your children to see what it means to live as a Christian. As a result, your kids will learn about real faith by living it out with you. Culture expert and veteran youth pastor, Mark Matlock, will help you explore issues such as: * Helping your child make decisions * The importance of failure * Knowing God’s story for your family * Changing the story your family is in * The pursuit of wisdom, and much more God has placed us here to interact with and represent him to the world by engaging with the culture-not retreating from it. Rather than trying to isolate your children from the world or draw lines that keep them from truly engaging in the world God calls us to help and heal, you can learn how to lead your family towards an integrated life where your story and God’s story come together to make a difference in the world around you.”

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  • Day Votions For Women


    Women will find help and strength for every circumstance in these 40 inspiring devotions from bestselling devotional author Rebecca Barlow Jordan. Let Jordan’s words draw you closer to God as she shares warm, personal stories, biblical truths, and prayers that invite you to apply what you learn and walk more closely with the Lord.

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  • Start Here : Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are


    Blasting past mediocrity, the Harris brothers challenged teens to move beyond their comfort zones in Do Hard Things. What’s next? In this follow-up to their bestseller, they help kids overcome common hurdles as they seek to change the world. Learn how to inspire others, stay motivated, discover what your hard thing is, and more.

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  • Dancing Bones : Living Lively In The Valley


    We all want to live on a peaceful mountaintop where we can look down on the world below without getting hurt. With her trademark humor and style, Patsy Clairmont uses the story of “dancing bones” in Ezekiel to remind us that life in the valley can be pretty breathtaking, too. It’s often in the valley that we learn and love the most. Rather than running from our troubles, Patsy says true “valley girls” find grace, freedom, and a sense of humor in the midst of turmoil.

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  • Promise Of Despair


    Where is God present in the world? What hope does the church offer to folks who are struggling with death and despair in their many forms, from broken relationships to lost jobs to the seeming lack of meaning in our late-modern context? Some answer these questions by pointing to churches that have had success in growing their worship services and ministries. But Andrew Root invites us to answer the questions from a different angle. Rather than place primary focus on creating a successful church, he asks the church to open its eyes to the suffering and hopelessness of the world, to identify with and embrace it, because it is precisely in the world’s suffering that God is found. Using Luther’s theology of the cross as a lens, Root shows how the church’s willingness to become weak for the world’s sake results in a refocusing of Christian living and ministry, which he examines through the categories of discipleship, authentic hope, community, justice, and resurrection. Thus, as with the other books in the Living Theology series, this book brings theology to bear on life in suggestive and provocative ways, encouraging readers to think theologically about their specific contexts.

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  • Amor Sexo Y Noviazgo – (Spanish)


    What does it mean to be single AND sexual before God?

    This book is not just another sermon on the evils of premarital sex. With testimonies from real people, it will become your partner in the challenges of living out your sexuality in accordance with God’s design, as expressed through biblical principles. Its clear, scientifically-based explanations of biophysical and psychological factors show you the physical, emotional, and spiritual implications of sexuality in all its expressions. This book wrestles with what it means to be both single and sexual in a culture that offers one disappointing answer after another. You’ll come away with a brilliant vision of young men and women who are strong and fully realized in their sexuality in a way that reflects God’s glorious design within a broken world.

    ?Quequiere decir ser soltero Y sexual en los ojos de Dios?Esto no es un mero sermon sobre los males del sexoprematrimonial. Con testimonios de gente real,este libro pretende ser tu companero en los retos que representavivir tu sexualidad en concordancia con el diseno de Dios, expresado enprincipios biblicos. Provee amplias explicaciones claras y bien fundamentadas cientificamente(en los procesos biofisicos y psicologicos) para que conozcas y comprendasadecuadamente las implicaciones a nivel corporal, emocional y espiritual de lasexualidad en todos sus aspectos. Lucha con que quiere decir ser soltero ysexual en un entorno cultural que ofrece miles de respuestas que desilusionan.El libro pinta un bello cuadro de jovenes varones y mujeres, fuertes,realizados en su sexualidad de una forma que refleja el glorioso diseno Dios enun mundo roto.

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  • Dancing With The Law


    In a world where No one tells me what to do and I am my own authority, the Ten Commandments quickly find their way to the trash heap. For most of us, the words surrounding law rule, restriction, regulation, requirement, code, commandment, covenant, must, ought, shall, will are simply not our favorite words to hear. They are parental words, court words, conflict words. We use them only when we have to; otherwise, we willingly hold them at a distance.

    But the Old Testament people of God had a different take on law. They took their copy of the law their God had given them, clutched it to their chests, and danced with it. They observed it daily in their relationships and required their young to memorize it. And when a copy of the law had grown ragged and old, they had a special ceremony to retire it. They buried it with all the dignity of a beloved grandparent s body.

    In Dancing with the Law, author Dan Boone challenges us to, like the ancient people of God, look at law as a sacred gift that points the way to the life God intended. Through his earnest exploration of the Ten Commandments, he offers us a new perspective on law one that makes us dance with freedom, liberty, and the gift of life.

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  • Jesus Que No Puedes Ignorar – (Spanish)


    Best-selling author John MacArthur gives readers a fresh look at how Jesus addressed attacksagainst the truth.

    Meek and mild. Politically correct. A great teacher. These are the popular depictions of Jesus. But they aren’t the complete picture. Maybe because it’s uncomfortable, or maybe because it’s inconvenient, Christians and non-Christians alike are overlooking the fierceness of the Savior, his passionate mission to make the gospel clear and bring people into the Kingdom of God: a mission that required he sometimes raise his voice and sometimes raise a whip.

    In the much-needed message of El Jesus que no puedes ignorar, renowned Bible teacher and best-selling author John MacArthur reintroduces the compelling and often unsettling passion of Jesus’ ministry. MacArthur points to the compelling picture of the real Jesus the world is so eager to gloss over. And he calls readers to emulate Jesus’ commitment to further the kingdom by confronting lies and protecting the truth of God.

    John MacArthur, autor de gran exito de ventas, ofrece alos lectores un vistazo nuevo a la manera en que Jesus enfrento los ataques encontra de la verdad.Manso y dulce. Politicamente correcto. Un gran maestro. Estasson las representaciones populares de Jesus. Pero no son la imagen completa. Pasamos por alto la dureza del Salvador, su misionapasionada de presentar claramente el evangelio y traer a la gente al reino deDios. Era una mision que a veces requirio que alzara su voz y levantara un latigo.En el tan necesitado mensaje de El Jesus que no puedesignorar, el renombrado maestro de la Biblia y autor de gran exito de ventas JohnMacArthur vuelve a introducir la persuasiva y a menudo inquietante pasion delministerio de Jesus. MacArthur hace resaltar la imagen persuasiva del verdaderoJesus que el mundo tiene tantas ganas de pasar por alto. Y hace un llamado alos lectores a imitar el compromiso de Jesus de promover el reino confrontandolas mentiras y protegiendo la verdad de Dios.

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  • Walking The Labyrinth


    A labyrinth is a pattern consisting of a single circuitous path that winds into the centre, with no possibility of getting lost, as in a maze, and no dead ends. It is one of the most ancient tools for spiritual growth and development, dating back to medieval Christianity, and is currently enjoying a popular revival, especially in contemporary ‘Fresh Expressions’ of church. As an effective focus for prayer and worship, labyrinths – temporary and permanent – are increasingly found in traditional and alternative church communities and at festivals like Greenbelt. This book provides a complete guide for beginner and seasoned labyrinth explorer alike. An accessible and inviting illustrated guide, it: traces the history of labyrinths in the Christian spiritual tradition, explores the different ways groups and individuals can use a labyrinth for prayer and reflection, gives instructions for creating small and large, simple and complex, temporary and permanent, indoor and outdoor labyrinths based on the most well known designs

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  • Maleta – (Spanish)


    A moving story of common wisdom from the best-selling author of El regalo del viajero.
    Orange Beach, Alabama is a simple town filled with simple people. But they all have their share of problems: marriages teetering on the brink of divorce, young adults giving up on life, business people on the verge of bankruptcy, and many of the other obstacles that life seems to dish out to the masses.

    Fortunately, when things look the darkest, a mysterious old man named Jones has a miraculous way of showing up. Communicating what he calls “a little perspective,” Jones explains that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. In his simple interactions, Jones speaks to that part in everyone that is yearning to understand why things happen and what we can do about it. Based on a remarkable true story, The Noticer beautifully blends fiction, allegory, and inspiration.orever.

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  • Hes Been Faithful


    Carol Cymbala, director of The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, shares inspiring evidence that God inhabits the praises of his people. She recounts the stories of people who have been dramatically changed by the power of prayer and worship, her own story of her life and ministry, and her approach to leading music so that every believer can experience God in authentic worship. A bonus music CD of the choir is included.

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  • Expository Listening : A Handbook For Hearing And Doing Gods Word


    “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”–James 1:22 In many people’s mind, if they don’t get anything out of the sermon, it’s the preacher’s fault. But that’s only half true. The Bible teaches that listeners must partner with the preacher so that the Word of God accomplishes its intended purpose of transforming their life. Expository Listening is your handbook on biblical listening. It is designed to equip you not only to understand what true, biblical preaching sounds like, but also how to receive it, and ultimately, what to do about it. You need to know how to look for the Word of God, to love the Word of God, and to live the Word of God. In this way, God and His Word will be honored and glorified through your life.

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  • What Southern Women Know About Faith


    Bestselling author, speaker, and columnist Ronda Rich draws on her rich legacy as an 11th generation Southerner to celebrate the faith heritage of our country’s Steel Magnolias.

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  • Meeting Of The Waters


    The Meeting of the Waters identifies seven trends having a major impact on the Church around the world – and on every Christian at home in every country.

    The global community of Christians is stunning in its scope and spiritual impact. But what is happening to the Church as new technology, marketing, and generational shifts make their unavoidable mark? And what difference does it make for Christians in day-to-day life?

    Equal parts travelogue, character study, and global documentary, The Meeting of the Waters interlaces stories and instruction in the tradition of Freakonomics, The World is Flat, and The Tipping Point. This breakthrough book is for any Christian eager to make a difference in a changing world.

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  • Discovering Discipleship : Dynamics Of Christian Education


    Practicing faithful discipleship means focusing on the daily aspects of Christian education in the local church, within its structures, and through faithful ministry.

    Through Bible-based truths and helpful insights, Discovering Discipleship identifies principles that provide the Christian educator with an overview of the significant aspects of faithful discipleship. Effectively organized into four areas-definitions, dynamics, design, and practice-authors Dean Blevins and Mark Maddix offer readers an approach to discipleship that seeks to honor God, understand our role in the contemporary world, and guide persons and communities according to Kingdom principles.

    In this honest exploration, readers will find a new perspective on discipleship that will help them dig deeper and develop a long-lasting and effective practice of community formation and faithful discipleship.

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  • Soul Of Hip Hop


    What is hip hop? It’s a cultural movement with a traceable theological center. Daniel White Hodge follows the tracks of hip-hop theology and offers a path from its center to the cross, where Jesus speaks truth.

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  • Authentic Communication : Christian Speech Engaging Culture


    What could be more natural, more human, than communication? But we all learn quickly enough that good communication is not always natural. There is much to learn from Scripture and from the academic study of human communication. In this book Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis are able guides, aiding us in understanding the broad field of human communication in Christian perspective.

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  • Compelling Evidence For God And The Bible


    In an age of doubt, it’s rare to find Christians who can speak clearly and boldly about the reasons for their faith. Douglas Jacoby is one of those rare Christians. As an international teacher for over 25 years, he has shared the vital truths found in Compelling Evidence for God and the Bible with thousands of people in all walks of life and in dozens of cultures.
    Jacoby’s book is an easy-to-read apologetics work that will
    show readers the evidence that there is a God
    help readers see the unique role of the Bible as the Word of God
    encourage readers to make an informed decision about whether to follow Jesus
    Compelling Evidence for God and the Bible is especially suited for nonbelievers, anyone new to the faith, and believers who want a better understanding of their faith and how to explain it to others. For readers who want solid reasons why the Christian faith is not only true but also reasonable, this book is the place to begin.

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  • Politics For Christians


    What role should religious citizens take in a liberal democracy? What is the proper separation of church and state? What place should be made for natural rights and the moral law within a secular state? Francis J. Beckwith’s cogent introduction to political thought surveys political science, politics and government while making the case for how statecraft may genuinely contribute to soulcraft.

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  • Something Else To Smile About


    Humorous anecdotes, poignant encounters, and touching narratives breathe life into lessons on character, leaving a legacy, true greatness, personal integrity, and overcoming adversity.

    In Something Else to Smile About, Ziglar shares stories of:
    *the country lawyer who won case after case by understanding his opponent’s point of view *mediocre college athlete’s who became legends in the professional ranks
    *a Catholic sister whose “tough love” motivates the chemically additced to take personal responsibility
    *countless individuals who’ve learned that failure is an event, not a person

    Whether you need a morning shot of ambition or a refreshing thought before a good night’s sleep, Something Else to Smile About is a daily source of motivation and encouragement you’ll turn to again and again and enthusiastically share with others.

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  • Prodigal Son : An Astonishing Study Of The Parable Jesus Told To Unveil God


    Charles Dickens. William Shakespeare. Garrison Keillor. They’re all part of the chorus of literary geniuses who expressed admiration for The Parable of the Prodigal Son as outstanding literature. After all, it is a powerful drama, rich in detail, powerfully succinct, and intensely personal. But beyond the literary critiques-besides being one of the most celebrated written works of all time-the message of this parable is one we can’t afford to ignore. In A Tale of Two Sons, John MacArthur takes the story back to its roots, when Jesus’ words were absolutely revolutionary. As one of America’s most beloved Bible teachers, MacArthur leads us through the minefields of interpretation and restores the simple yet profound brilliance of this passage. Giving engrossing historical background, A Tale of Two Sons will reveal Christ’s original message as intended for the Pharisees, the disciples, and the world today.

    Gain an enlightening perspective into the prodigal son’s story and embrace God’s love anew with A Tale of Two Sons.

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  • On Guard : Defending Your Faith With Reason And Precision


    An excellent training manual for defending the Christian faith! Equipping believers to stand their ground, Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism isn’t viable. Discover not only what you believe but why!

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  • God In Pursuit


    What is the turning point that causes a curious journalist and atheist to walk into a church and be converted to Christ the first time she takes communion? At what point is a lifelong atheist and head of one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the twentieth century persuaded to turn to Christ? What leads a woman, who had a Mafia contract on her life and who appeared on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list, to become a Christian in prison and then start a national outreach ministry that has touched the lives of thousands of children?
    What is that moment at which God’s disruptive Spirit invades the lives of even the unlikeliest of individuals, drawing them into relationship with Christ? Joseph Bentz calls this the tipping point.

    In God in Pursuit, Bentz identifies and celebrates the sparks that allow faith to catch fire in the lives of new believers who were once hostile or indifferent to God. Filled with insight, encouragement, and solid biblical wisdom, this earnest examination shows readers how those tipping points from doubt to faith operate throughout the Christian life as they confront spiritual crises and grapple with questions that will bring them deeper into relationship with God.

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  • Between Allah And Jesus


    What would happen if Christians and a Muslim at a university talked and disagreed, but really tried to understand each other? What would they learn? That is the intriguing question Peter Kreeft seeks to answer in these imaginative conversations at Boston College. An articulate and engaging Muslim student named ‘Isa challenges the Christian students and professors he meets on issues ranging from prayer and worship to evolution and abortion, from war and politics to the nature of spiritual struggle and spiritual submission.

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  • Free Book : I Am A Fanatic About Freedom And Im Fanatical About Coming At Y


    “I am a fanatic about freedom and I’m fanatical about coming at you hard in this book.”Maybe you’re not as free as you think you are. Even worse, you may have been duped into believing that a “balanced” life is the key to happiness (it isn’t) or that a relationship with God is about layering on rules and restrictions (nope). Tome says it best. “I’m tired of seeing people beaten down by the world’s systems and by religion. I’m sick of seeing people live safe, predictable lives while their God-given passion dies. I hate the assumption that getting close to God means more rules and restrictions. No more. God’s offering real freedom. Get yours.” The Bible says that, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Not fear. Not guilt. Not morality. Freedom. You can have the sort of joy you thought only kids could have. The day of freedom is here.

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  • In Search Of Balance


    NavPress Print On Demand Title

    From the author of the worldwide best seller Margin comes another ground-breaking book for every adult who struggles with a too-busy, unfulfilled existence. In Search of Balance reveals not only how life so easily gets out of control but also how adults of all ages and lifestyles can reorder their values and priorities to find a greater sense of personal balance, purpose, and joy.

    Benefits and features:
    Differentiates between daily urgencies and long-term priorities
    Clarifies the difference between margin and balance
    Explains why balance is essential for maintaining wellness, sustainability, priorities, and healthy relationships
    Lists practical prescriptions for finding and maintaining a balanced life
    Explains how balance is a longstanding spiritual priniciple that has been neglected in recent times

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  • Coffee Shop Conversations


    In a world of choose-your-own spirituality, how do you talk to people about Jesus without offending them? Find the tools you need to have meaningful, tolerant, and respectful conversations about your faith with friends who don’t share your views. Forget the “fire and brimstone” approach. Learn how to avoid alienating others as you deepen your own faith.

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  • Living Holiness : Stanley Hauerwas And The Church


    Stanley Hauerwas, was declared by “”Time Magazine”” in 2001 to be ‘America’s best theologian’. This book explores his work on the Church as a community living holiness. It offers an accessible introduction to Hauerwas’ understanding of the ethics, character, narrative, practices and politics of the Church in late modern societies. Hauerwas has lots of imaginative, challenging and creative things to say. This book seeks to make them more available to the wider Church and its clergy at ground level. Section I introduces Hauerwas’ work on the Church. It critically explores the importance he places on the church, its story and its politics as witness to the reign of God in the world. Section II demonstrates how Hauerwas’ thinking can illuminate congregational life, discipleship, Scripture, mission, theology and witness in fresh and encouraging ways.

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  • Seek God Everywhere


    The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is one of the great masterpieces of the Christian canon. A series of meditations and practices that guides seekers on a journey to spiritual perfection, this manual has been used by millions of religious and lay persons alike for centuries.

    Now, in the first new Anthony de Mello book in more than fifteen years, the bestselling author of Awareness takes readers on an in-depth exploration of the practices of St. Ignatius and offers simple guidance and wisdom to help readers navigate the sometimes-confusing byways on the journey to God. Drawn from a series of talks de Mello gave before his untimely death in 1987, this book challenges us to achieve new levels of understanding and inner exploration, with chapters on how to hear the voice of the divine, the need for repentance, and how to ascend to love in our day-to-day life,.

    A must-have for fans of de Mello’s work and anyone interested in learning to pray in profound and meaningful ways, Seek God Everywhere is an inspirational and practical work that will transform your life.

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  • Bible Handbook On Slander And Gossip


    This book is essential reading for all in Christian leadership today. Slander and gossip are condemned in Scripture more than any other sins. Dr. Morey has written the definitive biblical study of these two sins. “This book is essential reading for all in Christian leadership today. Slanderers and gossipmongers use the internet to rape the Bride of Christ and to drag the name of Jesus through the mud! May God use this powerful book to rebuke these evil doers!” Bishop Colin P. Akridge “Dr. Morey’s handbook is full of practical and valuable counsel on recognizing and responding (or not responding) to slander: for instance, 21 signs of how to recognize a gossip monger. Last but not least, what makes this little book especially valuable, are all the contemporary illustrations of gossip and slander, along with the application of biblical principles to them. These illustrations are drawn from Dr. Morey’s long ministry and vast experience as a pastor and as a counselor of pastors (pastor pastorum) and their parishioners.” Dr. George P. Hutchinson, Th.M., D.Phil.

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  • Mother Daughter Duet


    A harmonious relationship is possible

    When your daughter was born, you had a thousand hopes and dreams for her. . .including that one day you’d be best friends.

    But as life unfolds, even the best intentions go awry. There are so many challenges on the journey to adult friendship that the reality is fraught with friction and frustration. Thankfully, a harmonious relationship with your daughter is possible.

    Written by a mother and daughter who have successfully navigated the minefield from distance and tension to acceptance and friendship, Mother-Daughter Duet helps moms open wide the door of communication so that daughters want to walk through it. Filled with personal anecdotes and based on proven principles, each chapter offers timeless wisdom as well as a daughter’s perspective. Often these principles apply to daughters-in-law as well.

    The relationship between mothers and daughters is intense, personal, complex, and unique. But you can have the loving, authentic bond you always dreamed of-when you learn the mother-daughter duet.

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  • Perfect Loss : A Different Kind Of Happiness


    Sage Hill LLC Publication

    Through the use of story, experience, knowledge, and Scripture, we follow the author as he shows us how to walk the path toward a life of passion, intimacy, and integrity leaving a legacy that passes life forward to those we loved and beyond. Using the Beatitudes, we discover the eight movements we all must make if we are to live in freedom, fidelity, fullness, and faithfulness. With each movement, Dodd explores one of life’s great paradoxes: the only way we get to the treasure we are made to possess is by traveling through tragedy and surrendering to the God who can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

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  • Love Me Never Leave Me


    Caught off guard, surprised by their own reactions, emotions bubble up that women fight to smother. Where did that come from? What can I do with this feeling that won’t go away? Why do I feel and act this way?

    Counselor Marilyn Meberg has been there too. When she got pregnant, she got scared. When her baby girl died, she got angry. When her husband died, she battled loneliness and sorrow. In between the peaks and valleys, Marilyn began to see a pattern that led to a greater understanding of herself and a richer happiness in life.

    She says, “We crave connection with the ones we love most, and when our bond with them is broken, damaged, or threatened, we fear being left. We fear abandonment.

    “Love Me, Never Leave Me” tells you that desiring a love that never leaves is natural, that there are ways to turn feelings of being abandoned into experiences of emotional abundance, and to know that you are God’s beloved child-and he will never leave you or forsake you.

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  • But Who Do You Say That I Am


    “Ultimately, we must all decide who Christ is, and that decision will set the course of our lives for all eternity. Join Stewart in a walk through God’s ancient word to His chosen people. Your heart will burn at reverlations of His work to save those who believe in the one and only God and His Son whom He would send. Please, don’t miss this intimate offer to walk, learn, and choose life.” — Dave Wright, author of No Enough Tears.

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  • God Strong : The Military Wifes Spiritual Survival Guide


    As a military wife, caring for your home and family is a mission that never stops. You want to support your husband while he serves, but you often wonder if you have what it takes. As someone who has been through this herself, Sara Horn will remind you with encouraging spiritual insights that you don’t have to be an army of one when you are God Strong.

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  • Whats His Name


    What’s His Name? explores the names attributed to God in the Bible. Names such as: Elohim, Yahweh, Adonay, El Shadday, El Elyon, Abba Father and Jesus to mention a few. Each name reveals in detail God’s attributes (what He is like) and His divine nature (how He acts). By knowing and understanding His names we discover with indisputable evidence that He is the only true and living God. He is the holy, eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing One, who loves us and is always faithful to us. He is our Creator, our Rock, our Redeemer, our Righteousness, our Provider, our Protector and our Shepherd. He is always present in our midst working in our lives to draw us closer to Himself. Each name unveils personal applications showing us how God interacts with us and how we are to interact with Him. By knowing and understanding His names, we can experience an unwavering trust in Him, a deeper personal relationship with Him and the assurance that He will never forsake those who seek Him.

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  • Way Of Jesus


    The way of Jesus means that despite our tears and scars, we can become vessels of divine light. A young man loses his wife while their baby escapes without injury. In abject grief he reaches out to a friend for solace. What words of comfort are even possible? How can Jesus repair and renew these lives in this world? Author Bruce Chilton begins in the everyday. He shows how following Jesus not only repairs shattered lives, but renews them. While no broken life is ever simply reassembled and although there is no magic going back to the pristine, repair and renewal will empower us to truly live and love again. But our path requires something from us–mindful practice of Jesus’ teachings about the soul, spirit, kingdom, insight, forgiveness, mercy, and glory.

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  • Transformation : Change The Marketplace And You Change The World (Reprinted)


    God loves us and has a unique blueprint for our life–but it’s up to us to find it and live it out. Mingling contemporary stories and biblical anecdotes with practical advice, Silvoso shows how God intervenes in human affairs today to transform people and nations. He also shares five critical paradigms for transformation that are pivotal for change: Discipling Nations, Reclaiming the Marketplace, Looking at Work as Worship, Becoming Salt and Light, and Eliminating Poverty. In these pages, readers will find extraordinary stories about the power of God working through those who discovered their specific purpose. Then they’ll be challenged to transform themselves and, by doing so, transform their families, schools, businesses, and nations. Silvoso encourages readers to aim high, knowing that God has entrusted them with great things. “God sees you as a nation transformer,” says Silvoso. He has faith in you!

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  • Decisiones Inteligentes – (Spanish)


    In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships-from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They’ll find the stories and lessons in this book will help them become wise in their relationships.

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  • Hurting Parent : Help And Hope For Parents Of Prodigals


    This classic resource for parents of prodigal sons and daughters has been updated to not only offer tried-and-tested wisdom and hope for the newest generation of prodigals’ parents, but also to provide fresh insight and added encouragement for hurting mothers and fathers everywhere. For the first time, here is the rest of the story that inspired the original edition of this book.

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  • Solo Para Ellas – (Spanish)


    Finally a book meant specially for girls. This is the alternative for talking about true love, the best ideas for becoming beautiful and all of those subjects included in popular magazines but untouched within the church environment. In this book the reader will find articles written by leading women such as Kristy Motta (who also is the editor of this volume), Aline Barros, Gloria Vazquez, Karen Lacota, Rocio Corson, Valeria Leys, Ingrid Rosario, Raquel Lopez, Gimena Sanchez and many more.

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  • Certain Risk : Living Your Faith At The Edge


    Author Paul Richardson draws on stories from his life as a missionary in Indonesia to explore what causes us to be deactivated-pinned down under hopelessness, apathy, and personal disappointment. In A Certain Risk, Richardson will inspire you to engage the complexities of your world with creative solutions-creativity that comes straight from the heart of God.

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  • Jesus Really Said It


    Do you want to know who Jesus is and what He is like? Would you like to know what Jesus has to say about issues you may face in your health, family, finances, or relationships? Do you need wisdom in making decisions? Do you need someone to love and care about you? Are you trying to find God? Do you have questions about eternity and what may happen to you? Are you searching for spiritual answers?

    Jesus Really Said It is a unique presentation of the words of Jesus recorded from all four Gospels of Holy Scripture. Chapters are divided according to specific topics that all of us experience. It includes His guidance and instruction on how to love, how to forgive, living in peace, resolving conflicts in relationships, health problems, prophecy of end-time events, answers about Heaven and hell, and many other important matters of life.

    Jesus is the Good Shepherd so trust and believe what He tells you and He will lovingly lead you to a peaceful place. Jesus is alive and well and He already knows you. Jesus wants you to know Him, His thoughts, ideas, philosophies, opinions, and most of all, His heart. He wants to hear from you and be involved in your life right now. Take the time to listen and hear Him. The words of Jesus are Spirit and Life!

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  • Gods Providence And Lifes Lessons


    Are you stressed about the state of the world today? Do not despair: God’s Providence and Life’s Lessons, by Norma K. Riggs, a first-time author, is a collection of prayers and short stories inspired by years of personal joy, maturation, and pain that brings God’s comfort into every need. Each two-minute retreat with God will help you recognize and react appropriately to all human conditions, promote a God-first attitude, and encourage praise and worship. God speaks something for everyone.

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  • Amor Y Respeto – (Spanish)


    Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation respect. Yes, a wife needs love. But a husband needs respect. Based on extensive biblical and scientific research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the secret to couples meeting each other’s deepest needs: Without love she reacts without respect, and without respect he reacts without love and a destructive, vicious cycle begins.

    Love and Respect is a groundbreaking book, to be featured on Focus on the Family, which offers much-needed help to husbands and wives everywhere. It introduces the biblical teaching of unconditional respect, and that it is as powerful as unconditional love. Discover the secret revealed by God that cracks the communication code between male and female and reap the benefits of marriage as God intended.

    Descubra el mas grande secreto para un matrimonio exitoso.?Quequiere usted para su matrimonio? ?Quiere tener paz? ?Quiere sentirintimidad? ?Quiere sentirse valorado? Entonces, pruebe un poco de Amor y respeto.Basadoen Efesios 5.33 y vasta investigacion biblica y psicologica, el doctorEmerson Eggerichs revela por que los espsos reaccionan negativamente eluno con el otro, y como pueden tratar con este conflicto rapida, facily biblicamente.

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  • Get Off Your Knees And Pray


    Powerful and personal, Get Off Your Knees and Pray shows women that they have a lifeline straight to the heart of God. “I’ve always shied away from this topic as I really stink at prayer,” says Sheila. And she isn’t alone. We know we can talk to God, but it just sounds so important, so intimidating, so religious. Only the very spiritual hear from Him directly. Only those who live as missionaries or in a monastery can really pray and move mountains. Right? Wrong. Sheila has come a long way since the days when she shied away from prayer. In fact, today she says, “Every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God’s presence is prayer.” Her life message has always been You are loved by God just as you are. If we are loved as we are, we can talk to God as we are.

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  • You Matter More Than You Think


    Bestselling author and marriage and family therapist Dr. Leslie Parrott reveals that each reader is a one-of-a-kind woman who-no matter where she is in life-is already making a unique and powerful difference in this world.

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  • Dug Down Deep


    SKU (ISBN): 9781601421517ISBN10: 1601421516Joshua HarrisBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2010Publisher: Multnomah

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  • As Long As We Both Shall Live


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830746804ISBN10: 0830746803Gary Smalley | Ted CunninghamBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2010Publisher: Regal Books

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  • 1 Day At A Time


    In Tides and Seasons, David Adam draws from the rich store of Celtic Spirituality insights which speak to our own world today. The prayers he has written for this book echo the rhythms of creation which find their parallels in our spiritual lives. The movement of the tides – incoming, full flood, ebb tide, low tide – are linked to the cycle of the year, the seasons of life and the highs and lows of our own experience. Many strong currents are at work in our lives. Yet in the ebb and flow, nothing is lost, only changed. The sea of God’s love is not diminished. Even in times of despair, we are made aware that there are other shores, eternal reaches, and that after the lowest ebb, the tide will flow again.

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  • Dancing With My Father


    When trusted author and mentor Sally Clarkson noticed a lack of joy in her own life, she realized how easy it can be, especially for women with overloaded to-do lists, to feel weighed down by drudgery and disappointment. But rather than slogging through her days, Sally wanted to know the delight of God’s presence. She began prayerfully exploring how to cultivate deep-rooted joy even in the midst of difficult seasons.
    In this warm and wise book, she invites you to experience for yourself what happens when you trust God to lead you into a life of anticipation, passion, and purpose.

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  • Get Real : On Evangelism In The Late Modern World


    The Gospel is more than information about the death and resurrection of our Lord. It is an invitation to enter, by way of personal faith, into a relationship with the person referenced by our propositions. Our task as believers is to mediate saving communion with a personal being upon whose will our very existence is contingent. It is precisely this personal aspect of our message, the Gospel-as-Person, that is in conflict with the late-modern notions of the Self and social discourse.

    Get Real: On Evangelism in the Late Modern World describes how the late-modern phenomena of existential anxiety, social alienation, and epistemic uncertainty have resulted in what some have called “the loss of Self.” It also identifies ways in which that loss obstructs both the presentation of and the reception of the Gospel-as-Person. Finally, it shows how the Gospel-as-Person facilitates the recovery of the Self and social discourse, and how that message can be effectively presented in the late-modern context.

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  • Against The Tide


    This compelling collection is made of articles previously published in The Christian Century from 1996 to 2008. The result is a cohesive book that unerringly points away from the pettiness and selfishness so prominent in our culture and time and toward the love Christians are called to exemplify.

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  • Who Stole My Church


    Has your church been hijacked? Millions of people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies feel their churches have been hijacked by church-growth movements characterized by loud praise bands, constant PowerPoint presentations, and cavernous megachurches devoid of any personal touch. They are bewildered by the changes, and are dropping out after thirty, forty, or fifty years in a congregation. It’s a crisis! In this fictional story, pastor and author Gordon MacDonald uses topical examples and all-too-familiar characters to reassure readers that it is possible to embrace change, and to demonstrate how that change can actually be a positive influence in their church. The church, he says, has always been in a state of change; it has been changing for the last two thousand years. It is time to embrace that change and use it further the Kingdom of God

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  • Generosity Factor : Discover The Joy Of Giving Your Time Talent And Treasur


    Want to discover the secret of true success? Here’s a hint: it’s what Jesus told us about giving away our time, talent, and treasure, and it is packaged for you in mega-bestseller form by One-Minute Manager author Ken Blanchard and the entrepreneur and founder of Chic-Fil-A restaurants, S. Truett Cathy. Read this book – find the secret.

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  • L O V E Workbook For Men (Workbook)


    Written especially for men, this workbook based on the content in L.O.V.E.: Uncover Your Personal Love Style contains study questions and exercises to take the book material to a more personal level.

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  • L O V E Workbook For Women (Workbook)


    Written especially for women, this workbook based on the content in L.O.V.E.: Uncover Your Personal Love Style contains study questions and exercises to take the book material to a more personal level.

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  • Good And Beautiful Life



    How To Get The Most Out Of This Book
    1 An Invitation To The Good Life
    Soul Training: Writing A Letter To God
    2 Getting Heaven In Us
    Soul Training: Play
    3 An Invitation To Blessedness
    Soul Training: Hospitality
    4 Learning To Live Without Anger
    Soul Training: Keeping The Sabbath
    5 Learning To Live Without Lust
    Soul Training: Media Fast
    6 Learning To Live Without Lying
    Soul Training: Silence
    7 Learning To Bless Those Who Curse Us
    Soul Training: Praying For The Success Of Competitors
    8 Learning To Live Without Vainglory
    Soul Training: Secret Service
    9 Learning To Live Without Avarice
    Soul Training: Deaccumulation
    10 Learning To Live Without Worry
    Soul Training: Prayer
    11 Learning To Live Without Judging Others
    Soul Training: A Day Without Gossip
    12 Living In The Kingdom Day By Day
    Soul Training: Living One Day Devotionally

    Appendix: Small Group Discussion Guide

    Additional Info
    James Bryan Smith believes we have bought into false notions of happiness and success. We find ourselves caught up in self-serving decisions that lead us further into the vices that cause ruin: anger, lust, lying, worry and judging. In this follow up to his first book, The Good and Beautiful God, Smith traces through the Sermon on the Mount and helps us look behind these sins to replace our false beliefs with Jesus’ naratives about life in the kingdom of God.

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  • Lentwise : Spiritual Essentials For Real Life


    As we journey through life, we face challenges – both big and small. What spiritual essentials will help us survive life’s storms?

    Lentwise is a five-session course which helps us to deal with the rigors of real life. Using fresh insights from John’s gospel, it explores:


    Each session contains enough material for 90 minutes and includes: guidelines and full background notes for leaders, a passage from John’s gospel freshly translated by the author, prompts to aid both discussion and understanding, inspiring quotations and personal stories, prayer exercises, ideas for using multimedia in the group, and resources to support worship together. Each group member will need a copy of the book.

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  • Padres A Prueba De Crisis – (Spanish)


    Fights at school, sexual abuse, eating disorders, school crises – the list goes on and on. Hardly a day passes without a local crisis at involving junior highers or high schoolers. This practical resource covers the whole continuum of private and public crisis, equipping parents to work with their kids to deal with any crisis in a way that helps the individual and helps the family stay intact.

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  • Trading Places : The Secret To The Marriage You Want


    Couples who are stepping on each other’s toes should try walking in each other’s shoes. Trading Places reduces conflict, deepens your commitment, and helps you live as better friends and lovers. Mutual empathy-the revolutionary tool for instantly improving a relationship-can be learned and practiced, say the authors of this groundbreaking book. Their guidance will transform your marriage.

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  • Fresh Eyes To Read The Bible 1


    This title presents a fresh perspective concerning ‘Creation,’ ‘Inheritance of Adam’s Sin,’ ‘Once-for-all Forgiveness of Seventy Sevens,’ ‘Baptism with the Holy Spirit,’ ‘End Times,’ ‘Law and Grace,’ et cetera, through exploring the hidden meanings of the Bible.

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  • Godly Home


    In twenty-first century America, at a time when the family structure is crumbling, divorce rates are at an all-time high, and respect for parents is diminishing, The Godly Home serves as a balm for those seeking God’s plan for the family. With an introduction by J. I. Packer, this book includes topics for those passionate about families or those teaching on the characteristics of a godly family. Richard Baxter covers topics such as marriage, children, and family worship methodically and comprehensively through both hypothetical and real-life questions and concerns that arise in family dynamics. He uses arguments, objections, and frequent Scripture to help husbands, wives, and children to live godly lives.

    More than three centuries ago, Puritan church leader Baxter compiled a 1,143-page tome entitled Christian Directory, which included a section on family life. The Godly Home is the only stand-alone version of that section of Christian Directory. Editor Randall Pederson has updated the language and syntax to make this seventeenth-century collection of words one that will continue on for generations to come

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  • Sincere And Pure Devotion To Christ 2


    Paul’s affection for the Corinthian church and his endurance through hardship for their joy testifies to his deep devotion to Christ. Paul’s example and instruction in this letter inspires us to find our joy in Jesus.

    In both volumes of A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ, Storms provides readers with fifty daily meditations on this great epistle that are both accessible and substantive. His analysis and application of the biblical text make these meditations suitable for private devotions or small group studies, or as a commentary for Bible study, Sunday School lessons, or sermon preparation.

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  • Sincere And Pure Devotion To Christ 1


    Paul’s affection for the Corinthian church and his endurance through hardship for their joy testifies to his deep devotion to Christ. His example and instruction in this letter inspires us to find our joy in Jesus.

    In both volumes of A Sincere and Pure Devotion to Christ, Storms provides readers with fifty daily meditations on this great epistle that are both accessible and substantive. His analysis and application of the biblical text make these meditations suitable for private devotions or small group studies, or as a commentary for Bible study, Sunday School lessons, or sermon preparation.

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  • Holy Subversion : Allegiance To Christ In An Age Of Rivals


    Christians are too often guilty of pledging their allegiance to the influential principalities and powers of this age rather than to Christ alone. In Holy Subversion, Trevin Wax challenges such behavior by urging a return to the subversive lifestyle of the earliest Christians. Their proclamation and demonstration that “Jesus is Lord” directly opposed the Caesar worship of their day.

    Today, Christians in the West must choose between Jesus and our “Caesars”: self, success, money, leisure, sex, power. What would it look like, asks Wax, if today’s church reclaimed the communal, subversive nature of the gospel, intentionally undermining all contenders for our devotion? How would the message that “Jesus is Lord” change our thinking about our jobs, our families, and our church participation? Here this gifted pastor-theologian offers help in taking our faith public, dethroning modern-day Caesars, honoring the Lordship of Christ, and understanding the church as the ultimate counterculture-an embodiment of Christ’s supremacy over all.

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  • How To Reach Your Full Potential For God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In How to Reach Your Full Potential for God Study Guide, readers dive deep into Bible passages and personal discovery to grasp the big hope and purpose God envisioned when he created them. In How to Reach Your Full Potential for God, readers connected with powerful and inspiring message that God has grand vision for them, one he designed had when he uniquely created them. They learned that regardless of setbacks, failures, and frustrations, there is a better path based in God’s Word, one that’s full of hope and purpose. Now, in the accompanying study guide, readers dive deeper into the biblical passages, the personal discovery, and the practical paths they can take to become exactly who God made them to be and achieve exactly what God designed them for.

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  • Complementos Perfectos Mente D – (Spanish)


    SPANISH EDITION. Men and women really are different-even their brains are different-and they were divinely designed that way. Using the latest research, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore show how the God-designed differences between the male brain and the female brain complement each other to help couples build a delightful, lasting marriage.

    She reads people, and he reads manuals He doesn’t ask for directions, and she doesn’t appreciate his advice She is so mysterious, and he is so practical He does not seem to listen, and she seems so emotional The list goes on and on. In a world where men and women are constantly told they are not different, His Brain, Her Brain shows couples what they instinctively know-men and women are different, and these divinely designed differences, when understood, make a marriage stronger and happier. Combining the latest brain research along with their experiences in over three decades of marriage and counseling, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore explain how the unique design of each sex, particularly the unique brain and hormones of each, results in different habits, tendencies, and nuances of thought and action.

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  • Enduring Through The Storms


    New Jerusalem Publishing
    In a world saturated with an abundance of death, disasters, the atrocities of mankind, and the like staring you in the face on a daily basis, it’s easy to see why people are so overwhelmed by confusion, apathy, and desperation as they search for some kind of significance to it all. After endless searching, do you feel like there are no answers and suffering is just senseless? Well, there are answers and they’re found only in the knowledge of God. Not just intellectual knowledge, but knowledge acquired by the experience of a relationship. This book will help you get on a path to better understand suffering. It could change your perspective to the point that, one day, you may be thanking God for blessing you with your trials, a pinnacle of spirituality that many won’t ever attain. Don’t think that it can happen? Then, this book was written just for you. Enjoy!

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  • Let It Go


    Let it Go! Many times, we encounter trials in life that we believe will take us out of this world through a stress attack, heart attack or some other ailment. Even though we say that we trust in the Lord, it does not necessarily mean that the anxiety or stress associated with the trial always goes away. But, believing and trusting in the Lord in our spirit and heart enables us to know that God will work the situation out for our good. Trusting God does not mean that we will not get any bruises and experience pain during the trial. What it means is that the great and mighty God that we serve will take the problem when we cast the care upon Him, letting it go and allowing Him to handle it.

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  • Missional Entrepreneur : Principles And Practices For Business As Mission


    Both an emerging term and a developing concept, business as mission (BAM) has drawn much fascination in both mission and business circles with the concept of strategically using business to accomplish missional purposes.

    There has been much talk about BAM theory, and some good textbook research done on this. Based on the author’s firsthand research in more than 70 countries, The Missional Entrepreneur offers a uniquely informative book that helps readers see business as mission in action and understand its reality for today. Readers intrigued by microenterprise, lay leaders interested in understanding the principles and practices that make BAM effective, and students and professionals looking for an in-depth yet accessible source that explores the nuances of BAM will find all of this in the theological reflections and contemporary case studies here. Glossary of BAM terms and list of helpful BAM resources included.

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  • Maestro Del Amor – (Spanish)


    Let the Master of love sow his beautiful seeds in the soil of your soul.

    In El Maestro del amor, the fourth book in the Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo series, Augusto Cury researches Jesus’ passion for human beings. In his poetic approach, also based on science, history, and psychology, Cury studies the exciting messages Jesus left us before dying on the cross.

    Jesus Christ suffered, wept, and faced moments of intense anxiety. Throughout it all, he remained perfect in his ability to forgive, respect, understand, and show mercy. More than anything, he was brilliant in the art of loving, of being the leader of his own world and his own emotions. He taught us how to break the chains of fear and live in the power of love.

    Deje que el Maestro de amor siembre sus bellas semillas en el suelo de su alma.En El Maestro del amor, cuarto libro de la coleccion Analisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury investiga la pasion que Jesus tenia por el ser humano. Con un abordaje poetico, aunque basado en la ciencia, en la historia y en la psicologia, el autor hace un estudio de los emocionantes mensajes que Jesus dejo antes de morir en la cruz.Jesucristo sufrio, lloro y vivio momentos de extrema ansiedad. A pesar de eso, fue perfecto en la capacidad de perdonar, respetar, comprender y tener misericordia. Sobre todo fue brillante en el arte de amar, de ser el lider de su propio mundo y de sus emociones. Nos enseno como romper las cadenas del miedo y vivir en el poder del amor.

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  • Para Esto Fui Creado – (Spanish)


    SPANISH EDITION. Your life is a gift waiting to happen, as you search for and find the reason that you were born.

    At some point, everyone contemplates the “meaning of life.” All over the world, people are on a quest to find answers as they search for someone or something to believe in.

    In Brian Houston’s book, For This I Was Born, he says that to know the Cause of Christ is to understand why you were born, to know what you are living for, and to decide what you are prepared to die for. If you do not know the meaning of life, he says, you will never live a life of meaning. Houston desires that each of his readers come to know the cause of Christ. His Cause, he says, is the key that opens us to new places of vision, passion, strength, and reason for living.

    Brian and his wife Bobbie are the senior pastors of what is possibly Australia’s largest church, Hillsong Church in Sydney, which has a growing congregation of over 18,000 people. They also oversee the extended ministries that include Hillsong Music, Hillsong Conferences and the International Leadership College. Hillsong Television is broadcast in over 180 nations.

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  • Experiencing Success Gods Way (Student/Study Guide)


    Define success God’s way with Dr. Charles Stanley. In this study guide, popular author and pastor Dr. Charles Stanley demonstrates how readers can hurdle the roadblocks that stand between them and their goals. They will discover that God wants His children to succeed and has designed and equipped them for that purpose. The book defines what it means to be successful from God’s perspective, then demonstrates God’s commitment to your success, and walks the reader through steps for setting goals, ways to pursue God’s goals, and how to handle roadblocks to success.

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  • Too Soon To Say Goodbye


    Tragically, every 16 minutes someone in the United States chooses death by selfmurder. Particularly affecting young people, suicide was recently determined to be the third leading cause of death for those aged 10-24.Too Soon to Say Goodbye offers a renewal of courage and faith for families andfriends grieving this inconceivable loss.Written by three women all uniquely affected by suicide, the book explores theaftermath from a wide range of real stories.Specially selected Scripture passages and Bible stories demonstrate God’s loveand compassion in times of sorrow. Additional insights from those who have walked on the brink of suicide address difficult questions.And for those who may be considering suicide, the authors offer encouragement to choose life over death.

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  • Kingdom Without Borders


    The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. Miriam Adeney has lived, traveled and ministered widely. In this book she pulls back the veil on real Christians around the world–their faith, their hardships, their triumphs and, yes, their failures–and shares the inspiring and challenging story of a kingdom that knows no borders.

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  • How To Inherit The Earth


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    Scott Bessenecker has learned from new friar communities, from the history of Christianity and from the mouth of Jesus that there’s something wonderfully subversive about saying no to ourselves every now and then, something that could even change the world.

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  • L O V E


    Nobody else on the planet is just like you. The same holds true for your spouse. That’s why this book-and its accompanying online assessment-zeroes in on each of your personal qualities and reveals how the unique combination of your two personalities creates a “Love Style” that is unlike any other. Crack the code and enjoy the deepest love you’ve ever known.

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  • Pearl Within


    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the loveliest of them all? What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you like what you see? What does the mirror reflect? In the midst of life’s pressures, disappointments, joys, and pleasures, do you reflect brightness, radiance, and brilliance, or do you reflect dullness, gloominess, and foolishness? Inside of you are hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Will you allow yourself to be molded, shaped, and transformed into a beautiful pearl? Will you take this journey with me to discover who you are, your hidden treasures within, and the hidden desires of your bridegroom, Jesus, for you? Learn to capture the heart of your bridegroom, Jesus, and how to surrender your heart to Him, as He knows and understands you like no other. Let Him unveil the beautiful pearl within!

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