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Christian Living

Showing 5401–5500 of 9104 results

  • Art Of Neighboring (Reprinted)


    Once upon a time, people knew their neighbors. They talked to them, had cook-outs with them, and went to church with them. In our time of unprecedented mobility and increasing isolationism, it’s hard to make lasting connections with those who live right outside our front door. We have hundreds of “friends” through online social networking, but we often don’t even know the full name of the person who lives right next door.

    This unique and inspiring book asks the question: What is the most loving thing I can do for the people who live on my street or in my apartment building? Through compelling true stories of lives impacted, the authors show readers how to create genuine friendships with the people who live in closest proximity to them. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book perfect for small groups or individual study.

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  • God Of All Creation


    “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”-MATTHEW 6:26

    God of All Creation recounts how a miniature dachshund taught her owner, James Robison, profound insights about life, faith, and God’s care for all of His creation. A devoted dog lover and co-host of the television program Life Today, James shares how the antics of his own dog, Princess, as well as observations from all animalsin creation, reveal “expressions of God’s love, lessons of His grace, warnings about sin, and other eternal truths.

    Heart-warming stories and winsome line drawings bring to life the lessons James has learned from his pets and creatures living in the wild. And through his inspiration and spiritual insights, you, too, will learn to know God’s voice, to submit to Him, and to trust Him with your every need.

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  • 25 Truths : Life Principles Of The Happiest And Most Successful Among Us


    25 Truths is an experience-tested guide to successful living for people of all ages, persuasions, and stations in life. This is an invaluable guide for anyone who desires to become a better person and to live life to its fullest potential.

    Ed Douglas provides truths that are more than theories; they are proven principles that you can use in your everyday life. In this book you will learn valuable truths to help you avoid mistakes in your life and live life to its fullest.

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  • Restauracion De Dios – (Spanish)


    Readers encounter a new message about God’s redemptive plan for their failures and shortcomings.

    One bite of forbidden fruit is all it took to send humanity reeling from God. What Sheila Walsh unveils in God Loves Broken People is that God had a divine plan even then that is hidden underneath our pain and mistakes. God intends to wield our failures, our wanderings, and the deep hurt of our lives not only to drive us toward him but also to give us a deeper experience of his grace and healing power. So many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, look at their wounds and sense that they are somehow beyond repair, that their moments of weakness make them spiritually defective. In this powerful book full of deep biblical teaching, Walsh encourages readers with God’s truth that he is not done with them yet, that he can and will redeem their failures to create a deeper intimacy with him and accomplish his kingdom purposes.

    Everyone has messed up somehow, sometime. For anyone who is not able to move beyond and experience the deep love and grace of God, they need God Loves Broken People.

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  • Let The Beatitudes Be My Attitude In You


    The Beatitudes occupy an expansive realm in God’s Promised Land, a bountiful spiritual frontier suspended between heaven and earth. Plunge into God’s plentiful grace and goodness to explore this marvelous kingdom in his sequenced and purposeful order. The Beatitudes are a supremely challenging journey, requiring significant sacrifice of earthly nature and great emptying of self. The grand reward is total saturation in God’s spirit and living life as Jesus did upon this earth.
    Experience the Beatitudes in all their richness to comprehend even more completely that celestial world’s way of life!
    Enter through the Door of Christ and encounter your spiritual poverty alongside God’s great richness! Climb the Mirrored Mountains of Meekness. Descend into the Purging Valley for the Pure in Heart. Allow each incredible Beatitude to lead you forward toward the unique and purposeful life God has planned for you-first on earth and forever in heaven! Discover an ever deeper relationship with God and your fellowman-which will never end, neither here nor there!
    Accompany Wesley Baker’s amazing spiritual journey in The Epilogue: The Powerful Pilgrimage of a Suffering Saint, as he finds himself transformed by each Beatitude, allowing them to remake his life in Christ!

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  • New Kind Of Normal


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849964718ISBN10: 0849964717Carol KentBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Unglued : Making Wise Choices In The Midst Of Raw Emotions


    Raw emotions are those feelings we hide from others but take out on those we love most. We may exhibit patience and kindness when talking with the grocery clerk, a co-worker, even the difficult person at the returns counter; but, at home, sometimes the smallest, most trivial things set women off, sparking an angry word, cruel comment behind someone’s back, or a flood of tears.

    All women experience these ‘unglued feelings’ at times, often when they least expect it. These emotions are not wrong, in fact they are God-given. However, our emotions should be indicators not dictators. Each experience is an opportunity to either fall back into patterns that make us wallow in guilt or chose more wisely and make progress.

    TerKeurst equips women with spiritual strategies to help them manage their reactions. It’s one thing to tell a woman to control her feelings but a whole new kind of help to show her step by step how to let this situation work for her rather than against her.

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  • What Would Jesus Read


    After the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem, the Jews were exiled to Babylon. Not only was there no longer a physical place to pray, even the sacred Scriptures were becoming scarce. Many of the biblical scrolls were lost or destroyed during the exile. In an attempt to preserve the Scriptures, the Rabbis divided up the biblical texts into weekly reading portions and distributed them among the families of Israel. Each was responsible for memorizing their assigned passage and then reading it in the synagogue every Sabbath.

    This system of reading is the basis for the story found in Luke 4:16-17: “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him.”

    This system is still in use today by Jews all over the world. In WHAT WOULD JESUS READ?, Joe Amaral gives modern day Christians the opportunity to follow and practice the same devotional system that Jesus used!

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  • Let The Beatitudes Be My Attitude In You


    The Beatitudes occupy an expansive realm in God’s Promised Land, a bountiful spiritual frontier suspended between heaven and earth. Plunge into God’s plentiful grace and goodness to explore this marvelous kingdom in his sequenced and purposeful order. The Beatitudes are a supremely challenging journey, requiring significant sacrifice of earthly nature and great emptying of self. The grand reward is total saturation in God’s spirit and living life as Jesus did upon this earth.
    Experience the Beatitudes in all their richness to comprehend even more completely that celestial world’s way of life!
    Enter through the Door of Christ and encounter your spiritual poverty alongside God’s great richness! Climb the Mirrored Mountains of Meekness. Descend into the Purging Valley for the Pure in Heart. Allow each incredible Beatitude to lead you forward toward the unique and purposeful life God has planned for you-first on earth and forever in heaven! Discover an ever deeper relationship with God and your fellowman-which will never end, neither here nor there!
    Accompany Wesley Baker’s amazing spiritual journey in The Epilogue: The Powerful Pilgrimage of a Suffering Saint, as he finds himself transformed by each Beatitude, allowing them to remake his life in Christ!

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  • Raising Financially Confident Kids (Reprinted)


    It’s natural to want your kids to have a secure future. But when it comes to teaching the next generation how to handle money, parents are failing. Still there is hope! Financial expert Mary Hunt shows parents how to raise kids who have a healthy relationship with money–even if the parents themselves have made financial mistakes along the way or are struggling financially right now.

    Drawing from solid statistics and her own hard-won knowledge and experience, Hunt helps parents protect their children from the financial pitfalls of easy credit, an attitude of entitlement, and our culture’s chummy relationship with debt. From preschool through the teen years, every stage of a child’s development is covered, including how to talk to them about money, how to help them start saving money and giving it away, and how to manage money wisely.

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  • Gospel Treason : Betraying The Gospel With Hidden Idols


    13 Chapters

    Additional Info
    When we find it hard to grow in Christ, it is time to search our hearts for idolatry. Brad Bigney shows us, using personal examples, how to recognize hidden idols and root them out forever.

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  • Intelligence For Your Life


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849964633ISBN10: 0849964636John TeshBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Jesus Calling 3 Pack


    After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior’s voice and began listening for what He was saying. With pen in hand she embarked on a journey that forever changed her along with many others throughout the world. The result of these meditations is the classic devotional, Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence. In these powerful pages are the words and scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart. A year’s worth of daily readings from Young’s journals are now available for you, in order to bring you closer to Christ and move you deeper into His presence and His everlasting peace.
    This pack includes 3 hardcover editions of Jesus Calling shrink-wrapped together.

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  • Come Sit Stay


    Jesus is inviting you, “Come to Me.”

    In a world where anxiety and chaos reign, it’s easy to forget the simplicity, the fun, the excitement of being in a close relationship with Jesus. Whether you are emotionally drained, spiritually hungry, or just looking for some fresh inspiration, it’s time to Come, Sit, Stay . . . and rest in His presence.

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  • Place Of Faith


    What or where is the place of faith? Is it a physical location? No, it is where we are when we step out into the unknown in blind yet obedient faith because that is all that is we have left. Our Christian vocabulary is filled with ideas, quotes, and even promises from God that are meant for our comfort and reassurance. As real as God’s Word is, what happens when all has been recalled and rehearsed and we still find ourselves alone at the place of faith?

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  • Overcoming Emotional Burps


    If You Have An “Emotionally Burping” Person in Your Life, You Need This Book!

    Overcoming Emotional Burps teaches how to find the pathway to peace in the midst of diffi cult relationships. By changing the way you react to unkind words or deeds, you can experience a resolution in your relationship you never thought possible. Learn how to respond using Biblical principles. Discover how to be free of anger, hurt, and frustration; free to experience the abundant life Jesus came to give

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  • Enough : Finding More By Living With Less (Reprinted)


    The American way of life pushes people to constantly strive for more–more money, more stuff, more clout. But how much is enough? And how do we know when we have too much of a good thing? In this provocative, paradigm-shifting book, Will Davis Jr. challenges readers to discover the peace that comes through contentment with what we have and compassion for those in need. Through surprising statistics, scriptural insight, and real-life stories, Davis gently leads readers to consider living with less in order to do more for the kingdom. Thought-provoking discussion questions and short chapters make this a perfect study for small groups.

    No one will come away from this powerful book unchanged.

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  • Return Of The Lord Jesus


    What Will Happen to You?

    Jesus could return at any moment. Here are the scriptural answers to questions about the time, manner, and results of His return. Questions like…
    *What will be going on when Jesus returns?
    *Will non-Christians have a chance to repent?
    *How can I be ready for the rapture?
    *When will I receive my heavenly reward?
    *When will I receive my new body?
    *Who will reign with Christ?
    *What will happen to believers who have died?

    Many people view Christ’s return to the earth as either improbable or dreadful. However, for those who know Him personally, His return will be a day of joy, transformation, and reunion. You can be ready for the greatest day the world has ever seen!

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  • Power Of Forgiveness


    Power Up Today!

    You can be healed through the power of forgiveness. Supernatural healing is available!

    Faith moves God, but forgiveness releases His power. When you chose to forgive, you break the legal right the devil has to torment you mentally, physically, and financially.

    The Kingdom of God is peace, righteousness, and joy-this is the atmosphere God intends for you. When you refuse to forgive, you are turned over to satan’s tormentors until the debt has been paid. Fear has torment; therefore, fears, phobias, sicknesses, and pains are given rights to inflict your body, mind, and finances. But through repentance and forgiveness, you can be healed and set free-now.

    Deep discussions include unforgiveness toward:

    The Power of Forgiveness is a concise manual about supernatural healing that explores the connection between forgiveness and physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This revelation forever changed the author’s personal life and his ministry. The many modern-day, true-life stories of those healed through the power of forgiveness inspire a deeper level of intimacy with Father God.

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  • Acts : Kingdom Power


    The Book of Acts records the spread of God’s kingdom in human lives from Jerusalem to Rome, citing the outpouring and witness of the Holy Spirit and His power working through people like you. This in-depth study guide introduces ordinary people experiencing extraordinary grace and shows how their faith released the miracle-working power of God. Through this study guide, you will learn how to receive the Holy Spirit’s promise and power, how to minister freely to others, and how Christians can live together as God’s new, expanding family. The Spirit-Filled Life study guides are perfect companions to the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible or for use on their own. Their interactive approach offers an in-depth look at practical living in God’s kingdom and challenges users to examine and live their daily lives in the light of God’s Word.

    Features include: 12 lessons, plus an introduction to experiencing the hope and purpose that come with living with God’s covenants in view Foundational, practical helps like Kingdom Extras, Probing the Depths, and Word Wealth in each lesson.

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  • Tough Guys And Drama Queens


    Are you ready for your child’s teen years?

    If you’ve ever lain awake at night wondering what might be around the corner of your child’s adolescence, this book is for you! After more than thirty-eight years of working with more than 2,500 years, Mark Gregston, founder of heartlight, a Christian residential counseling center, introduces Tough Guys and Drama Queens?a must-read “how-to” book for parents of pre-teens and teens with time-tested, biblical techniques to guide you through these unavoidably challenging years.

    Mark helps parents realize that some natural parenting approaches are actually counter-productive and therefore totally ineffective.In place of those, he offers tried and true wisdom on the vital importance of relationship, forgiveness, and explains how conflict is actually the precursor to change.

    Everyday your child is bombarded by highly sexualized culture and over-exposed to words and images that can influence them beyond your reach.your connection to them during these years is critical as is your response to tough issues such as appearance, performance, authority and respect, boundaries, and many more.

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  • Globequake : Living In The Unshakeable Kingdom While The World Falls Apart


    Biblically based, practical strategies to stabilize your life, church, home, school, government, and business during global turmoil.

    People across the globe sense something big is shaping up. The anxiety is over the fact that they don’t know what. Global collapse? Fiery wars? Worldwide depression? It’s as if the tectonic plates of society and culture are being reshaped right under our feet! Turbulence and change have gone viral, and can only be described as a “globequake.” How can we be stable personally and anchor our families, schools, governments, churches, and businesses in the middle of such upheaval?

    People wonder:
    How can I protect my children from all the thunderous change?
    Who can I trust for leadership in the pulpit, in the schoolroom, in the courthouse, in the CEO’s office?
    Where is God in the middle of this upheaval?

    The good news is that behind the anxiety-stirring uncertainties about the future there are wonderful, strong certainties given by the Lord of history himself! Globequake presents answers to the troubling questions with solid biblical truth on which we can ground our lives when the times are shifting at what seems like light-speed.

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  • Catching Fireflies : Teaching Your Heart To See Gods Light Everywhere


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849964602ISBN10: 0849964601Patsy ClairmontBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Ideas For Parents


    101 Creative Parenting Tips by Mark Matlock is divided into short, easy to read sections so parents can go straight to the topic most pressing in their household. Parents are given wise counsel, quick tips, and a Christian perspective on how to deal with a host of parenting concerns.

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  • Giants In The Marketplace Davids In The Pew


    Welcome to destiny. Yours.

    Whether you feel destined to change the world or not, it is possible. If you’ve tried and failed, succeeded here and there, or never even given it a shot – that doesn’t matter. What counts is knowing there is a path which leads from wherever you are, smack into the inspired future you dream of. Some call it Road of Destiny.

    Finding destiny changes everything.

    But when you do, beware! Opposition also turns up. There are roadblocks, giants and unexpected setbacks guarding the way. That’s when things get interesting. While God has made special provision to give his kids an edge in life’s battles – and to accomplish great things – too often we miss the mark despite help. Why? Fortunately, with a few well-combined secrets all that can change. And when you partner with God, so will the world.

    As you enjoy a story-like experience, you’ll discover:
    * Secrets to knowing your true identity and special assignment from God
    * How to partner with God to do what is otherwise impossible
    * Why all believers are potential thought leaders, problem solvers and difference makers
    * Four strategies which help any Christian accomplish greater things
    * An interesting truth about church as we know it that changes everything
    * How to hear God more clearly
    * And much more …

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  • Hidden In Plain Sight


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849964657ISBN10: 0849964652Mark BuchananBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Mystically Wired : Exploring New Realms In Prayer


    We are designed to make connections to God through prayer in more ways than we can imagine.

    Prayer can be so much more than a simple conversation. It can be a wordless connection with God, a step beyond the boundary of the separated self. It can be a way to listen to the silence. And it can be learned. We can learn how to pray in ways we never thought possible. It doesn’t take more effort; it takes more understanding.

    Wilson’s book shows how the brain is designed by God:
    To calm itself
    To relax into love
    To become increasingly aware of how connected everything is in God
    To experience a deeper intimacy with our creator

    Prayer is something that our brains want to do with a little help. Ken Wilson tells us how.

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  • Find A Broken Wall


    When it is assumed there is little more to say about leadership, Brian Stiller surprises us with new, fresh and creative insights. Unwrapping the ancient Old Testament story of Nehemiah, he identifies 7 principles on building and renewing ministries and organizations. Surrounding these principles are workable concepts connected to inspiring stories of faith. Drawing on a lifetime of leadership, he writes about what it takes to lead. He examines the challenges leaders face, surveying them first from 33,000 feet, then at ground level describing what it takes to move from an idea to effective completion. The freshness of his stories and the clarity of his counsel come from a real life experience-this is what he has done. Framed by the ancient story of Nehemiah, the Hebrew who returned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, Stiller examines the text and draws from his own life experiences, then skillfully applies the principles of Nehemiah to 21st Century leaders. Stiller doesn’t back down from facing the challenges of leading: he makes it clear it is not for the faint hearted. He faces what leaders inevitably must deal with-politics isn’t everything but everything is political.

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  • Enjoying God : Experiencing The Love Of Your Heavenly Father


    You know you should spend time with God. How can you move from duty to delight in your relationship with him? Challenging you to turn away from the humdrum and embrace the passionate, Hill exposes misapprehensions that can damage your faith; offers practical steps to overcome pain; and encourages you to enjoy God every day.

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  • Checkpoints : A Tactical Guide To Manhood – An 8 Week Experience


    Society today rejects the idea of absolute truth and is openly hostile toward God. For boys who want to be more like Christ, going through adolescence in this culture is like crossing a minefield without a map.

    They need parents and youth workers to engage with them early and equip them with the skills needed to thrive.

    Checkpoints plots a course through this enemy territory that not only steers young men toward godliness but also explains how to avoid potential pitfalls.

    And they will listen, because Checkpoints honestly talks about the core issues they face, opening a vital dialogue between fathers and sons, pastors and students.

    * Created by student pastors with 20+ years in ministry
    * 8 lessons
    * Written in a devotional style
    * Can be done in just 15 minutes

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  • Messy Church


    When God created the church, He didn’t build a corporation. He created a family.

    We are not called to be consumers who ask what the church can offer us. Instead, we are called to be a family, loving deeply, fighting fairly, and bringing hope to a new generation. A true family is where we are known, loved, accepted, and ultimately, where our deepest needs are met.

    Our culture is dying for the kind of community that only the church can provide-if we are living as the family God intended-protecting one another, extending grace, and loving unconditionally.

    In Messy Church, Pastor Ross Parsley shares his compelling vision for a better way of life. It’s called church-and it’s a place where no one gets left behind.

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  • Where Is God


    SKU (ISBN): 9780849964619ISBN10: 084996461XJohn TownsendBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2012Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Taking Jesus At His Word


    Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are the meek. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Judge not, that you be not judged. You cannot serve God and mammon. Though these sayings from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount are very familiar – even to those who have never stepped inside a church or read the Bible – many people, including Christians, still do not understand Jesus’ real message and its implications for everyday life.

    Now in mid-life, Addison Hodges Hart returns – bringing with him his own failures, regrets, joys, and sadnesses – to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his words. Join him as he encounters the Sermon on the Mount afresh, passage by passage, asking “How should I live the rest of my life?” This honest, accessible, and open-minded book – drawing on sound scholarship yet free of theological jargon – seeks to encourage and challenge a broad audience to consider anew what it means to follow Jesus.

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  • 7 Simple Choices For A Better Tomorrow


    Life is hard–for everyone. No matter how blessed or fortunate you might be, there is a level of difficulty to your life: hard classes, jobs, relationships, and losses. But by following seven basic life disciplines, anyone can experience accomplishment, freedom, and ease in navigating through life’s daily challenges. In this positive, insightful book, veteran pastor Bob Merritt describes a set of universal principles that can work for everyone in every stage of life, showing that what you do today determines who you become tomorrow.

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  • Forgiveness Is Not An Option


    How do you forgive the unforgiveable? Is it possible to truly be free from what others have done to you?

    Each of us has a story and has experienced hurt in some area of our lives. Whether in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, we all have experienced pain and disappointment. If not dealt with, these wounds begin to impact our everyday life at a crippling rate. We live bound by fear, insecurities, anger and jealousy; often chalking it up as “normal”. Yet, in reality, we are being held captive by what others have done to us. We desire freedom from our pasts and our pain yet struggle with how to attain it; we wonder if it is even possible.

    Addressing a broad spectrum of issues from common offenses to abuse and betrayal, the author leaves no question as to God’s opinion of mistreatment, and how we can heal and live a life of freedom from our past and present hurts. With practical tools, you will discover that freedom isn’t just possible; it’s attainable.

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  • Now Nexus : An Ontology For The Coming Age


    The new-age revolution-the spirit of truth is leading a new revolution against absurdity, and it is really new. Around the world, powerful and influential new-age believers are being called to wake up to the truth of Jesus Christ. Many who have traditionally abstained from professing their faith are now being made fully conscious of God’s presence in their lives. New-age believers are uniquely prepared to connect the world through faith, business, and culture. The very soul of the new-age movement is now being leveraged in favor of Christ. No longer confined by synthetic ideology, new-age believers can now break down barriers and stereotypes in our society that others simply cannot. We are all called to serve; it is our purpose for being here now. The Now Nexus reveals the way for all to connect and serve in spirit and in truth.

    * Discover the true Power of Now
    * Become a Now Watcher
    * Begin Meditation
    * Avoid Drooling Clowns
    * Resist the Joker
    * Embrace Disillusionment
    * Have Mercy
    * Bid Farewell to Manikin
    * Breathe to Jesus
    * Find the Theorem of Means: I ? Z = J
    * Meet Emeth
    * Kiss Sophia

    The Now Nexus is a spirit-filled case for Christ, but it is also a prophetic warning for our nation to fear the Lord, turn, and run toward Him and the Christian values that He personifies. Like God, words transcend time. Let these words have their way with you.

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  • Everything We Need For Life And Godliness


    Why do we read the Psalms? We read them because we find comfort in them. We identify ourselves with the ups and downs of the writer, his feelings and emotions. They show the struggles of the writer with God’s activities, “how long before you….” The psalmist says, and our cry to the Lord mixes with his. They show his fears when he writes: “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” and our fear becomes one with his. The theologian reads them because of their prophetic and Messianic teachings. But, do we ever read them because they teach us how we relate to God?

    See how the Psalms teach us what a person in a right relationship with God does in his relationship with Him. Experience a thrilling, growing, and often convicting journey in God while being richly blessed as you learn what it means:

    “He establishes the work of our hands”

    and see the Apostle Paul’s example.

    “We know that our times are in God’s hands”

    and see how God created time for our salvation and why He determines our days.

    “We consider all precepts right”

    and see the problems of the pick-and-choose theology.

    “We are devoted to God”

    and see how we’re little burning bushes walking the streets of this world.

    “We trust in God”

    and see how little we do…and much more.

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  • Now Nexus : An Ontology For The Coming Age


    The new-age revolution-the spirit of truth is leading a new revolution against absurdity, and it is really new. Around the world, powerful and influential new-age believers are being called to wake up to the truth of Jesus Christ. Many who have traditionally abstained from professing their faith are now being made fully conscious of God’s presence in their lives. New-age believers are uniquely prepared to connect the world through faith, business, and culture. The very soul of the new-age movement is now being leveraged in favor of Christ. No longer confined by synthetic ideology, new-age believers can now break down barriers and stereotypes in our society that others simply cannot. We are all called to serve; it is our purpose for being here now. The Now Nexus reveals the way for all to connect and serve in spirit and in truth.

    * Discover the true Power of Now
    * Become a Now Watcher
    * Begin Meditation
    * Avoid Drooling Clowns
    * Resist the Joker
    * Embrace Disillusionment
    * Have Mercy
    * Bid Farewell to Manikin
    * Breathe to Jesus
    * Find the Theorem of Means: I ? Z = J
    * Meet Emeth
    * Kiss Sophia

    The Now Nexus is a spirit-filled case for Christ, but it is also a prophetic warning for our nation to fear the Lord, turn, and run toward Him and the Christian values that He personifies. Like God, words transcend time. Let these words have their way with you.

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  • Glory In Mongolia


    In the mid-1980s, Mongolia was locked behind the walls of communism with no known believers living within its borders. The door to Mongolia began to open on January 28, 1987, when diplomatic relations with the United States were established. Soon after, an American tourist led a Mongol to the Lord, and a year later, another Mongol came to Christ. From these humble beginnings, Glory in Mongolia tells the remarkable story of a movement that now numbers more than 50,000 Mongols proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord.

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  • Preparing To Serve


    The author’s study of missionary training has taken him all over the world. In this work, he shares lessons learned from both Western and non-Western missionary training regarding training, clear objectives, getting started, the profile of a trainer, selecting trainees, the marks of effective training, holistic equipping, contextualized curriculum, and careful assessment of the entire training process.

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  • Cycle Of Victorious Living (Revised)


    With over 100,000 copies in print, The Cycle of Victorious Living has inspired many lives and will continue to inspire for years to come. First published in 1971, it became an instant classic, touching a responsive chord in the hearts of countless individuals with the simple, life-transforming message of Psalm 37: God has made provision for abundant living through the fully yielded heart.

    Now it is time for a new generation–both the young and the old–to discover the secret of the transcendent grace of God which enables us to live above the turmoil and changes of these days in victorious and holy living.

    This revised edition contains all the original work along with additional thoughts interspersed throughout by Scott Daniels.

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  • Think Like A Billionaire Become A Billionaire


    Billionaires think differently than most people. If you took away all of Donald Trump’s money, he would be right back to where he is today because of the way he thinks. Scot Anderson shares that if you learn to think like a billionaire, then you can become one.

    Scot takes you on the journey he took in changing the way he thinks. He went from getting by to having millions of dollars and on his way to getting billions. Scot teaches you how to think differently about money, investing, jobs, risks, problems, preparations, and time. As you begin to think like a billionaire, your life has no choice but to produce it.

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  • Connecting The Dots


    Your life matters, and it matters on an infinite and eternal scale. That may sound like a bold claim.

    Maybe you spend most of your day behind a desk or chauffeuring children or repeating one of a thousand ordinary routines. Nothing about your daily life seems world-changing or history-making to you. A life-crushing loss or a humiliating setback may leave you feeling that your world is irreparably broken. Chronic illness or a stalled career may have you wondering whether you have anything truly significant to offer. You may have reached the pinnacle of success, and now you find yourself wondering, “Is this all that there is?”

    Nevertheless, your life matters. That is the core message of Christian hope. This book is devoted to helping its readers not only to understand the concept of hope, but more importantly to draw upon hope as the powerful force that inspires our daily lives.

    Christian hope is far more than wishful thinking or a positive attitude. Optimism in all its forms places its bets on what we humans can accomplish. By contrast, hope is rooted in what Christ has already achieved on the cross and what God promises to accomplish for us in the future.

    God connects the dots of our lives.

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  • Stages Of Faith Workbook


    Published by Biola University, Stages of Faith is a powerful 13-week study for personal and small group use, which should be in every small group leader’s toolbox.

    Instead of simplistic, trendy formulas or canned prescriptions, you’ll explore a rich metaphor of three dynamic stages of spiritual growth – the Childhood stage of faith, the Young Adulthood stage of faith, and the Parenthood stage of faith – and eight milestones you will encounter en route to spiritual maturity. The stages model offers a convincing description of the growth of one’s Christian faith as well as compelling insights into how the journey proceeds.

    Stages of spiritual growth can be measured. You will complete the Spiritual Growth Profile – a one-of-a-kind instrument – and find out how far you have progressed in the three stages and eight milestones.

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  • Rule Of Saint Benedict


    Discussion around the bestseller The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher has led many people to want to know more about Benedictine principles.???????

    Listen, my child. I want you to put the ear of your heart to the solid ground of the master’s wisdom (what I received, I’m passing on to you). It’s advice from a spiritual father who loves you–the sort of counsel you receive by letting it shape your whole life. Listening is hard work, but it’s the essential work. It opens us up to the God we’ve rejected by only listening to ourselves. If you’re ready to give up your addiction to yourself, this message is for you: to listen is to equip yourself with the best resources available to serve the real Master, Christ the Lord.

    So begins the famous opening paragraph of Benedict’s Rule in Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove’s vital, new, contemporary paraphrase. The entire text of the Rule is here plus a lengthy introduction from Jonathan, and detailed explanatory notes throughout that explain difficult passages. The result is a classic re-introduced that will enliven any 21st century expression of religious community.

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  • Surfing For God


    “Every time a man knocks on a brothel door, he is really searching for God.” — G.K. Chesterton

    Could the growing struggles with pornography and fantasy really be reminding us of our heart’s deepest desire, something greater and more fulfilling than sexual gratification? According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is a
    resounding “yes.” Through personal examples, lively illustrations from Scripture, and twenty years of counseling experience, Michael helps readers to understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome them once compulsive behavior presents itself.

    Freedom is not an easy, how-to process:
    25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day
    70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers
    Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year
    Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last year

    Surfing for God leads readers down a clear path toward understanding how porn struggles develop, how to distinguish between sexual gratification and intimacy, and how to break free from the shackles of this pleasurable prison.

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  • 30 Days With Wesley


    30 Days with Wesley is a prayer book designed to take readers through an intentional and intensive fellowship with Jesus.

    Filled with prayers, Psalms, and self examination questions, this book will guide readers through rich content and help them encounter greater depths of their prayer life.

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  • Benefits Of Being Born Again 1


    Beatrice Benson says she is a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Out of her love for God and her love of the gospel of Jesus Christ, she has decided to spend her time bringing forth awareness about our benefits in accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior.

    In this book, she writes about the life of the New Creation and the benefits of being Born Again. She wants everyone to come into their inheritance in Christ by knowing their rights and benefits of what they have in Christ.

    Giving her life to Christ has brought Beatrice into a new level of glory, and she prays you will experience the same as you read this book.

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  • Conocimiento Revelado – (Spanish)


    El cielo quiere vaciar su contenido en la tierra. Y somos nosotros los “contenedores” del cielo. Ya lo llevamos por dentro. Es imposible que vengamos del cielo y tengamos tan poco de el. Que invadamos la tierra con el cielo es el proposito de Dios, y dominarla… es la agenda. Entre mas revelacion tenemos, mas nuestro espiritu recuerda esa agenda divina. Es por eso que nos parece natural el llamado a caminar en lo sobrenatural. No puede ser de otra manera porque no fuimos creados de otra manera.

    En el jardin del Eden conociamos y eramos conocidos. No aprendiamos… sabiamos. Pero tan pronto el diente se hundio en la fruta comenzamos a desaprender lo que sabiamos. Una vez que creimos tener la razon… nos empezamos a quedar sin ella.

    El Espiritu de Dios esta encargado de recordar a nuestro espiritu lo que nunca debio olvidar. Estamos regresando a casa porque el lugar de donde vinimos nos esta alcanzando. El pedazo de cielo que nos fue dado… ya empezo a manifestarse.

    Los ojos de nuestro entendimiento estan siendo abiertos por el Espiritu de Sabiduria y Revelacion. El conocimiento revelado nos esta devolviendo al plan original, nos esta recordando quienes somos y nos esta posicionando en el “aqui y ahora” de Dios.

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  • Know Your Ministry


    Fulfill Your Unique Calling

    Everyone has gifts and talents, but do you know what gift is the foundation of your God-given purpose in life?

    In Know Your Ministry: Spiritual Gifts for Every Believer, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey explains the seven foundational gifts of the Holy Spirit-also known as motivational gifts-found in Romans 12. You will discover the one gift that you identify with most closely and through which you will obtain the most success. Once you have identified your core gift, you will see how it permeates all areas of your life.

    You have an indispensible part in the fulfillment of God’s purposes, and your foundational gift enables you to carry out your unique role. Through Know Your Ministry, you can…
    * Feel confident about your life calling
    * Be encouraged and motivated in your area of service
    * Live a satisfying life exercising your gifts
    * Work together harmoniously with other believers
    * Realize your full potential

    God designed a special gift for you! Discover and enjoy that gift as you fulfill your unique calling and serve others in His name.

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  • Relationship With God


    1. Finding A Relationship With God
    2. A Personal Relationship Is Enough
    3. Seven Habits Of Relationship People
    4. The God Who Seeks Relationship
    5. A Personal Walk With God
    6. Religion And Relationship
    7. The Spirit’s Fire-Proof Of Relationship
    8. Prayer-Instant Messaging God
    9. God’s Word-Nourishment For The Soul
    10. A Relationship Brings God’s Gifts
    11. Shipwrecked-A Broken Relationship
    12. A Personal Relationship Brings Peace
    13. A Relationship With God Influences Others
    14. A Relationship That Lasts Forever
    15. Knowing God Is Eternal Life

    Additional Info
    Are you tired of the constant pressure of trying to be “good enough” to please God? Are you weary of the church’s nitpicking rules that seem to have no foundation in Scripture? Does church attendance feel more like a duty than a joy? Maybe it’s time for you to discover a relationship with your Heavenly Father.

    Let Ken Schott lead you on a journey from legalism to liberty, from traditionalism to truth, from empty religion to relationship. Based on his own personal journey, Schott gently guides readers into the riches of a personal relationship with the God who loves you, knows you by name, and wants only the best for you. The journey will take you through changes in attitudes, changes in habits, and changes in your perceptions of God. The final result is a renewed relationship with God and a confidence in your future with Him. You’ll embrace the Father who longs to embrace you.

    Trade your burdensome religion for a loving relationship with your Heavenly Father.

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  • No Matter The Cost


    A Rallying Cry for Men to Embrace a Larger Vision of Christian Purpose

    Vance Brown believes that men today are “discouraged, exhausted, and question their worth,” and many fall by the wayside. He faced that challenge years ago but was surrounded by friends who said, “Have courage. God needs you, here, now…this day.” Vance heeded the call and as a result has called other men to join his Band of Brothers who follow Christ no matter the cost. Here is a battle plan for men who are ready to do something extraordinary with their lives and heed God’s call.

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  • Conflict Free Living


    New York Times best-selling author Joyce Meyer gives readers the tools they need to keep conflict out of their lives; out of their thoughts, words, and attitudes; and out of their relationships.Interpersonal conflict is causing serious damage and difficulties in our lives. Its destructive effects are straining marriages, embittering our children, and causing discord in our churches-even our daily commute is often affected by hostility and aggression.

    What if things could be different? What if every area of your life-yes, even your morning commute-could be free from conflict and strife? What if ALL of your relationships could be filled with love and excitement?

    Best-selling author Joyce Meyer wants you to know that this is possible! In Conflict-Free Living she weaves together personal experiences with solid instruction from the Bible. In her unique style she demonstrates clearly how you can experience healthy, happy relationships in your own life.

    Each chapter includes summary information and questions that will help you open your eyes to the destructive effects of conflict in your life, and the lives of your loved ones, and root out its causes. Discover the joy of a peaceful life today!

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  • Produced By Faith


    Hollywood executive DeVon Franklin shows readers how to live and work their faith from nine to five, not just after quitting time.

    Highly inspirational and instructive, Produced by Faith shows readers that being open about their Christianity in the workplace can enhance their enjoyment of their work, their sense of purpose, their perception among colleagues, and their professional prospects.

    Featuring candid personal experiences and anecdotes from the business world, Produced by Faith challenges the conventional wisdom about what it means to be a Christian in an increasingly polarized society. A wildly successful young executive, DeVon Franklin shows believers they do not have to spend their working lives shrouded in secrecy and hypocrisy. Instead, they can turn their faith into a professional advantage, using the compass of Christ’s Word to guide them to their true calling, one they can pursue with passion, joy, and true service to God.

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  • My Story His Story


    Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Have you ever wondered why are you on this planet called earth? Have you ever wondered why your life turned out the way it did? Have you ever said to yourself why me? Well I have and through these probing questions I felt strongly to share my journey of life with you and through my sharing I discovered all these questions that I had were answered. This book is not designed to answer questions you have about your life but it is designed to get you to look deep inside and begin to search God’s heart for your existence and find some solace about this life which is so much like a mystery. Everyone has a story and today through our divine encounter you will share yours.

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  • You Are Already Clean


    A believer that does not know what the Word says will be ineffective in the Lord’s vineyard because this believer cannot grow spiritually by being ignorant of the Word of God. The Word reveals the great promises God has for His children and it also motivates and empowers us to be victorious Christians here on earth.

    God has already given us everything we need to succeed in this world, and we will be ignorant of the potentials we have in us to live righteous lives if we do not study the Word and strive to emulate the examples of Jesus Christ and those faithful saints that laid the foundation for our faith in God.

    This book will motivate and empower the reader to read the Bible every day; to depend on God, to pray and also to strive to live above temptation and sin. God is holy and anyone that truly desires to serve God must be holy unto Him.

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  • Power To Press On


    God’s unlimited power is available to flow through us if we prepare ourselves to be a vessel He can use. As we develop and engage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, a synergetic state of being emerges capable to release God’s power. Just like electricity, God’s power is flowing, but we have to flip the switch for it to be released. Power to Press On gives practical strategies for preparing ourselves to flip the switch and bind the strongman!!

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  • Power To Press On


    God’s unlimited power is available to flow through us if we prepare ourselves to be a vessel He can use. As we develop and engage our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, a synergetic state of being emerges capable to release God’s power. Just like electricity, God’s power is flowing, but we have to flip the switch for it to be released. Power to Press On gives practical strategies for preparing ourselves to flip the switch and bind the strongman!!

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  • No More Crumbs


    You’ve read the Purpose Driven Life, prayed the Prayer of Jabez, taken the steps to living Your Best Life Now, but you continue getting knocked down, stomped on, and kicked to the curb. As a believer you’ve given your life to Christ, things should be better, right? Yet things are beginning to look like “All hell has broken loose.” To make matters worse you know people who have nothing to do with the church or the Lord and their lives appear to be a whole lot better than yours and a lot more fun!
    We have overlooked what any good military strategist knows: HIS ENEMIES
    COME AND JOURNEY with our heroine Tara Fied, as she faces the enemies of Fear, Doubt, Discouragement, and the rest of the crew. Follow along as Tara Fied learns to apply Biblical and Life coaching principles while she journeys through such timely issues of divorce, financial crisis, relationships, parenting issues, and much more.
    Be sure to bring along your own baggage, this is one journey you can’t afford to miss!
    ADDED BONUS!!! Chapters Contain Life Coaching Basics, Tools, and Applications to Assist You in Navigating Your Own Journey!

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  • Beyond Baptism : The First Steps Toward Heaven


    Beyond Baptism walks new Christians through the first few weeks of their young spiritual lives, integrating them into the congregation, strengthening their faith, and helping them to become active as Christians. Designed for Bible classes, personal work, or individual study, Beyond Baptism offers gentle guidance, challenging questions, and practical assignments to make baptism a prelude to faithful Christian living.

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  • Stepping Out Of Depression


    What should we do, how are we to think, when faith falters and hope disappears?

    Many women have wrestled with the issue of hopelessness in the face of their depression. Diagnosed at age forty-seven with a brain tumor, followed by a turbulent year of change and loss, the author relates her own slide into the darkness of clinical depression. With the support of her family, a compassionate Christian counselor, and appropriate medication, she found the healing she longed for. Now in full recovery, the author weaves threads of hope throughout the book’s pages.

    Written in short, easy-to-read chapters, Stepping Out of Depression offers insight into the journey from depression to restoration. Filled with stories of women who have walked the “valley of the shadow,” readers will be encouraged to reach out to God and reconnect with others on the path to spiritual and emotional wholeness. Just as the author experienced healing of body, mind, and spirit-and a renewed connection with God and others-so can those with depression.

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  • Dust Collector


    In his sophomore release, Dust Collector, Kevin A. Johnson continues in his mission to present the truth of God-designed purpose and Holy Spirit power.

    Johnson ruthlessly reveals the schemes of the enemy, never downplaying the power of dust, once collected in our lives, to keep us frustrated, defeated, and ineffective.

    He extols us to not live our present lives in the shame of our past sins, but invites us instead to inhale the breath of God’s salvation and to receive His cleansing.

    By detailing a number of principles that lead to godly, Spirit-filled living, Johnson instructs us in ways to rise above life’s ashes, encouraging us to utilize the power of God’s Spirit in the battle against the enemy for our righteousness.

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  • Dust Collector


    In his sophomore release, Dust Collector, Kevin A. Johnson continues in his mission to present the truth of God-designed purpose and Holy Spirit power.

    Johnson ruthlessly reveals the schemes of the enemy, never downplaying the power of dust, once collected in our lives, to keep us frustrated, defeated, and ineffective.

    He extols us to not live our present lives in the shame of our past sins, but invites us instead to inhale the breath of God’s salvation and to receive His cleansing.

    By detailing a number of principles that lead to godly, Spirit-filled living, Johnson instructs us in ways to rise above life’s ashes, encouraging us to utilize the power of God’s Spirit in the battle against the enemy for our righteousness.

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  • Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth


    This book encompasses all major events recorded in the Bible from the destruction of the planet Earth between the first two verses of Genesis; the new doctrine of the Age of Grace delivered to the Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ himself; details of the Great Tribulation as prophesied by Daniel; the believers of today reigning with Jesus in his Millennial Kingdom and the new heaven and earth, where the streets are paved with gold. Get ready for the read of your life!

    Fred Wolfe has dedicated his life to examining the history, practice, and interpretation of the word of God. The Bible is too often misquoted, and this book will help to shed light on some common misconceptions, challenging the reader to strengthen their understanding of God. With scholarly evidence and reasoning, he has written a blueprint of the Bible’s inception, as well as the deepest meanings of its words. By closely examining one’s understanding of the word of God, they will find a faith and clarity so absolute that it can never be shaken. This book is a must read, no matter where one is in their walk with God.

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  • Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth


    This book encompasses all major events recorded in the Bible from the destruction of the planet Earth between the first two verses of Genesis; the new doctrine of the Age of Grace delivered to the Apostle Paul by Jesus Christ himself; details of the Great Tribulation as prophesied by Daniel; the believers of today reigning with Jesus in his Millennial Kingdom and the new heaven and earth, where the streets are paved with gold. Get ready for the read of your life!

    Fred Wolfe has dedicated his life to examining the history, practice, and interpretation of the word of God. The Bible is too often misquoted, and this book will help to shed light on some common misconceptions, challenging the reader to strengthen their understanding of God. With scholarly evidence and reasoning, he has written a blueprint of the Bible’s inception, as well as the deepest meanings of its words. By closely examining one’s understanding of the word of God, they will find a faith and clarity so absolute that it can never be shaken. This book is a must read, no matter where one is in their walk with God.

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  • Seat At The Table


    Why are so many 20- and 30-something Christians disappearing from the church?

    They are told how much the church wants young people, yet there is growing suspicion among young believers about who is in and who is out of the scope of Christian orthodoxy. Through this suspicion, a rift between the generations has emerged. In the face of frustration, of being cut out because they don t seem to fit, young believers often take their gifts and leave the church.

    This book helps those who feel displaced by this generational collision to find a sense of place and welcome with a church that is still becoming all that God wants it to be.

    If you are a young person who wonders if there is a place in the church for someone like you, or if you want to know if your own church can be the kind of body in which young people are welcome, A Seat at the Table will give you a new personal and kingdom perspective. Embrace the challenge to re-imagine your relationship with the church in light of this generational collision , not seeing it as an unredeemable rift, but as an opportunity to give and receive hospitality.

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  • Gospel Driven Life


    In his well-received Christless Christianity, Michael Horton offered a prophetic wake-up call for a self-centered American church. With The Gospel-Driven Life he turns from the crisis to the solutions, offering his recommendations for a new reformation in the faith, practice, and witness of contemporary Christianity. This insightful book will guide readers in reorienting their faith and the church’s purpose toward the Good News of the gospel. The first six chapters explore that breaking news from heaven, while the rest of the book focuses on the kind of community that the gospel generates and the surprising ways in which God is at work in the world. Here is fresh news for Christians who are burned out on hype and are looking for hope.

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  • Word Plus Spirit Equals Power (Reprinted)


    Proven Formula for a Balanced, Effective Christian Life

    Too often churches emphasize the Bible without welcoming the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible. Or they focus on seeking manifestations of the Spirit while neglecting sound Bible teaching. The result: a schism in their faith lives in which they cut God–and his power–out of Christianity’s equation. How can God draw a lost world to his Son through people who are powerless?

    With over 170 years of diverse ministry experience among them, respected veteran leaders R. T. Kendall, Charles Carrin, and Jack Taylor restore balance to the Christian walk. They show that when the Word is faithfully preached and the Holy Spirit warmly welcomed, the Lord manifests his power, bringing salvation, miracles, healings, heart understanding, and much more. Only when Christians honor the Word and the Spirit can they lead empowered, fruitful lives.

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  • Shes Got Issues


    We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our issues every day in one form or another; the problem is, after a while, they start to feel . . . normal. Unchanging. Just part of who we are. And we forget that we have access to the power of Christ-a power that can transform our everyday weaknesses into our greatest strengths and gifts.

    In She’s Got Issues, Christian counselor, ministry leader, and regular mom Nicole Unice explores the ordinary issues that are keeping you from the full and free life you were meant to have. Applying years of counseling with practical scriptural teaching and a fresh and authentic voice, Nicole shows you how to let God freely shape your character-and transform your life from ordinary to abundant.

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  • Divorce And Remarriage


    There are many views today on morality, relativity and right and wrong. Dr. Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd. In the age where people can get a “no-fault” divorce (When is it ever nobody’s fault’) believers who claim to live by God’s word cannot dodge the issue: we cannot skip it, run from it, or ignore it. God has spoken clearly on this subject and while it is far from easy to address, it must be dealt with. Combining a high view of marriage, compassion, and biblical authority, Tony Evans gives invaluable insight into divorce and remarriage as he explores real-life fears and questions by looking at the issue from God’s vantage point, not from our emotional one.

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  • Grieving The Loss Of Someone You Love (Reprinted)


    Few losses are as painful as the death of someone close. No valley is as vast as grief, no journey as personal and life changing. Compassionate and wise guides Raymond Mitsch and Lynn Brookside shine a light on the road through grief. They can help you endure the anguish and uncertainty; understand the cycles of grief; sort through the emotions of anger, guilt, fear, and depression; and face the God who allowed you to lose the one you love. A series of thoughtful daily devotions, Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love shares wisdom, insight, and comfort that will help you through and beyond your grief.

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  • Fresh Air : The Holy Spirit For An Inspired Life (Anniversary)


    In the Bible, the Holy Spirit staggers us with its unexpectedness. The Holy Spirit is not just about speaking in tongues, spiritual gifts or “fruits”–but also about our deepest breath and our highest human aspirations. Popular teacher Jack Levison brings a scholar’s knowledge of this complicated biblical topic to a wide audience that crosses all denominational boundaries. His new book aims to do nothing less than clarify 2,000 years of confusion on the topic of who the Holy Spirit is, and why it matters. Provocative and life-changing, Fresh Air combines moving personal anecdotes, rich biblical studies, and practical strategies for experiencing the daily presence of the Holy Spirit. In brief chapters, the book finds the presence of the Holy Spirit where we least expect it–in human breathing, in social transformation, in community, in hostile situations, and in serious learning. Fresh Air will unsettle and invigorate readers poised for a fresh experience of an ancient, confusing topic.

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  • Dangers Of A Shallow Faith (Reprinted)


    A Call for Every Christian to Move from Shallow Living to Deep FaithIn The Dangers of a Shallow Faith, renowned theologian A. W. Tozer warns believers in Christ against the great danger of spiritual lethargy. He urges Christians to be aware of the times in which they live and to recognize how attempting to live a life for God on autopilot will actually undermine their faith. For Tozer, the risks are so significant that “breaking out from the tyranny of spiritual lethargy–whatever the cost–should be the number-one priority of every Christian.”In this never-before-published compilation, followers of Christ will discover anew the importance of standing boldly against spiritual and moral slumber. They will also see the importance of remaining awake in the face of constant temptation and distraction. Discover the spiritual awakening and change the Holy Spirit can bring to your life as you surrender completely to God and walk in a deeper faith!

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  • Balanced Living : 7 Steps To A Healthy Body And Renewed Spirit


    Not just another nutrition book, certified Nutritionist Kay Spears, writes about seven steps to a balanced life. They include: nutrition, supplementation, sleep, exercise, water, forgiveness, and an attitude of gratitude. Sharing from her own personal experience, Kay writes about her personal journey to inner peace and resolution. She believes that by sharing her experiences that she can save the reader time, money, and emotional stress in their life.

    Each chapter includes part of Kay’s personal story as well as the nuturition and health aspect. kay also encourages readers to forgive themselves for wrong-doings and how this can bring freedom and peace in their lives.

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  • Connecting Christ : How To Discuss Jesus In A World Of Diverse Paths


    What does Christian witness look like in post-Christendom?

    While it is more important than ever to preach the Word of God, as Scripture exhorts us, it is also important that we dialogue with people from diverse perspectives. Unfortunately, too often the evangelical movement has been guilty of monologue in its engagement (or, more often, its disengagement) of people from other religious traditions and worldviews.

    This book is designed to help evangelical Christ-followers remain orthodox while entering into meaningful discussions with people from other faith walks. We live in an age of extremes, where people tend toward monologue or dialogue: a cold turkey, drive-by-shooting evangelistic approach or a lifestyle, relational approach that avoids verbal witness. This book promotes evangelism and dialogue, not one to the exclusion of the other. And as such it also promotes the need for thoughtful, sensitive communication during a time when our nation is reeling from the onslaught of the culture wars.

    The problem has not been our God or the Bible, but our approach to God and the Bible. As a result of our inauthentic witness, our God has looked all too common rather than as the uncommon God revealed as Jesus Christ.

    In light of this spiritual and biblical gut check, our witness in the twenty-first century will likely look very different.As Metzger says, “I want Jesus to be the stumbling block to faith, not me.”

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  • Totally Forgiving God


    When the world causes us pain, we often can feel betrayed by the God we trusted in. Break through these feelings of disappointment, anger and bitterness to find true freedom.There is nobody on the planet who has not suffered to some degree. We live in a world filled with injustice and evil. There are famines, wars, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, wicked governments, corrupt financial institutions, racial prejudices, and diseases. We all have been hurt in varying degrees, personally attacked, abused, mistreated, deceived, or falsely accused.God allows this. He could stop it. After all, He is unlimited in power and knowledge. It seems to us that ‘the right thing to do’ would be to stop evil! But God doesn’t stop it. Why?RT Kendall has written this book to answer tough questions like these, covering three reasons why we need to forgive God and release Him from the blame we put on Him when we feel He has betrayed us by allowing bad things to happen in our lives and the lives of others.

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  • Be A Better Dad Today (Reprinted)


    Be a Better Dad Today! was a national bestseller for a reason: it’s one of the best books on fatherhood you will ever read. Warmly endorsed by dozens of America’s best-known and most respected fathers, the book lays out the “Ten Tools of Fatherhood” that will help every dad who uses them. The book is the product of Slayton’s thirty year study of fatherhood on five different continents, his research, and his own experience raising four children with his wife of twenty-five years. Slayton’s easy-to-read, friendly style makes it a fun read, and the many great stories and real life examples bring it to life.

    Be a Better Dad Today! is an inspirational, encouraging, and down-to-earth guidebook for every father who wants to be a better dad–for his family’s sake and his own. With humor, empathy, common sense, and engaging stories, Slayton reveals proven, powerful tools and techniques that will help every dad fulfill his God-given responsibilities. Whether parenting younger or older kids, boys or girls, blended families or as a single dad (or even a father-to-be), readers will find wise insights and practical, doable action steps for becoming the best dad they can be.

    The book makes a great gift for Father’s Day, Christmas, birthdays, or any day. And since the Slaytons are dedicating 100% of all royalties from the book to fatherhood and family charities serving the US Military, your purchase will a blessing to the fathers and families who serve our nation every day.

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  • Making Disciples


    The objective of Larry DiSimone’s new book is fo fulfill Jesus Christ’s commission to “make disciples of all nations.” The author’s contribution to this mandate is being met, not only by his directly mentoring disciples, but writing a book to teach others how to do so. this book is meant to be used in a small group format, to teach readers how to lead people to Christ through the understanding and application of the Scriptures.

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  • Breaking The Back Of The Spirit Of Religion


    Ann Marie Green was born in St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I. I am 45 years old and I was born June 10, 1966. I moved to the U.S in 1995. I am one of the eight children. I was born to the parents of Carmelita Green and Vivian Green. I have three beautiful children Kemar, Alix, and Jamisha. I am a member of a powerful ministry, Rhema Word New Life A.D.I Ministries. I’m under the leadership of Dr. J. Tanner and Apostle S. Peoples. I was licensed as a Minister in August 2011. I now presently live in Winder, Georgia.

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  • Reality Of Prayer


    Has prayer become just another complicated ritual?

    Is it a struggle to spend time in prayer?

    Does God really answer prayer?

    E. M. Bounds shows us that prayer is not difficult. It is a privilege and a blessing. By examining how Jesus prayed, Bounds helps us to pray boldly and expectantly. When we pray with the confidence of a child, we will find that God is eager to answer us, and we will discover the reality of what Jesus knew-prayer works!

    “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” -James 5:16

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  • How To Make Prayer More Effective


    Without a doubt, prayer is the greatest art in the world, a holy art that only needs to be learned and practiced.

    The greatest difference between effective and anemic Christianity, is prayer. The most fruitful soul winners are those who make much of prayer. The greatest preachers of the gospel and missionaries of the cross are those who pray long and often. Everyday believers who walk in the power and miracles of God are people who see prayer as an attitude of life, not as a series of isolated acts.

    To succeed at prayer is to realize that heaven is not far from earth. It is the ability to bend the arm of God.

    Join with best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer as he sets out to study the nature of prayer, and to better understand the simplicity and effectiveness of heartfelt communication with God.

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  • Wisdom Walk : 31 Days In The Book Of Proverbs


    Instructions, order, riches, wisdom, causeless curses, money, good men leaving an inheritance for their children’s children, foolishness, slothfulness, greed, drunkenness-these are some of the topics that Bishop George Bloomer tackles in this walk through the book of Proverbs.

    “Will you walk with me?” he asks.

    There are 31 days in most months, just as there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs: a word of wisdom every day, for 31 days.

    Thirty-one days from now can be “the beginning of the rest of your life.” This devotional has changed the lives of others, and it can change yours, too!

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  • Living Jesus : Doing What Jesus Says In The Sermon On The Mount


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    The Sermon on the Mount is more than great ideas by a great teacher. It is a way of life. Randy Harris invites you not just to understand these great teachings but to live them in ways you never before imagined.

    This new book is a training tool for people who want to live the way of Jesus. Centered on the entire contents of the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7, it unpacks the sermon in hard-hitting, easy-to-understand, and practical ways.

    G. K. Chesterton said Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried. Many people today view the Sermon on the Mount this way. They simply believe the teaching is too hard and give up in exasperation and guilt or confusion. The single most important interpretive key for the sermon, says Randy Harris, is to believe that Jesus really intended for us to live these teachings.

    Martin Luther said the Sermon on the Mount is so di!cult that we can only fall on the grace of God. The teachings are indeed difficult, and we can only fall on the grace of God, but this doesn’t mean the teachings cannot become a necessary guide for living the way of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount, says Harris, is livable and this book is a guide to the greatest teaching of all time that will change your life forever.

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  • Joyful Reunion


    Joyful Reunion is the touching story of a young woman who kept an unplanned pregnancy and subsequent abortion a secret from her family for nearly a decade. There was good reason for keeping this secret and no good reason to reveal it, until a life changing revelation emerged through the fog of heartache, fear and pain that gave her the reason, the courage really, to expose it to the light. When she did, it opened the door to healing and changed her life forever.

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  • 10 Gospel Basics


    “We Aim at the profound simplicity of biblical Christianity, as we set forth these 10 Gospel Basics. They constitute a practical alternative to complex theology. We do not pretend that these basics include all essential Bible truth. We call them Gospel Basics, because they concern vital concepts for practical Christian living today.

    If new believers can assimilate these basics, they can experience peace, health, success, and happiness; they can achieve God’s BEST by actually becoming all that He has had in mind for them to be. (Rom 5:2 LB) These basics can seed in believers both human practicality and divine realism as Jesus is made flesh IN HUMAN LIFE – TODAY. Embracing these basics can life you from religious mediocrity to Christian excellence. It can energize and actualize your unique destiny with Christ, Ministering Love In a Hurting World. These are the 10 Gospel Basics that comprise the foundational truths that we proclaim.” – T. L. Osborn and (daughter) LaDonna Osborn

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  • Fruit Of The Spirit


    We receive the Holy Spirit when we become a child of God and as Christians we need to learn to walk in the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is a refreshing and unique collection of poems that equip believers to know who we are in Christ and to walk in the power and authority of the Spirit. Each chapter introduces an insightful selection on an aspect of the nine virtues of the Holy Spirit. The poems add a practical dimension and application for believers seeking to know and grow and become more Christlike. The extraordinary way in which the poems are arranged, elucidates how essential it is for the indwelling presence of the Spirit and to develop these characteristics. The Fruit of the Spirit will motivate Christians to flourish, mature and be in tune with the Holy Spirit, drawing from the Spirit’s life-giving power [John 7:37-39]. Read and be inspired to keep on living for Christ. In spite of adverse circumstances, being furnished with the Fruit of the Spirit will help us to persevere for the ultimate goal of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

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  • Think About It


    Many books use depth to reach the audience. Sometimes the smaller the book, the more impact the reader receives. This book uses such a tool to the maximum. By reading the selected verses, studying the entire chapter, and praying it into your life, God provides light to your darkened path. Carlton Brent Guyer, a social worker for Guilford County DSS, found that sharing the Gospel over e-mail with fellow workers, brightened their lives and provided an avenue of hope. He resides in North Carolina with his wife, Martha, and son Daniel.

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  • Destiny Awaits : Discovering Your Purpose In God


    My wife has a coffee mug she purchased when she was on a trip with her sister to the British Virgin Isles. The cup has a hammock stretched between two palm trees and displays the iconic phrase “Life is good.” The good life is a mindset. The pessimist says, “Life is bad and I have the t-shirt and the ticket stub.”

    Jenny’s mug now has a chip on the lip of it. My son, Chase asked, “Are you going to throw that cup away now that it’s chipped?” My wife replied, “Nope, life is good, even with a chip.” I like that kind of thinking, don’t you?

    In Destiny Awaits, Michael Vicars passionately demonstrates what it means to discover and pursue your God-given purpose. He takes you on an adventure, searching for the unique hidden gems that lie inside of every man, woman, boy, and girl. These undiscovered gems are God’s fingerprints, His handiwork and design to propel you through life’s normalcy and mediocrity to a breathtaking ABUNDANT LIFE that can only be found in JESUS CHRIST!

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  • Word Of Life


    Benefits of reading the book:
    *It is about the revealed Word demonstrated in a personal life
    *Practical application: From the Written Word to the Living Word.
    *Encourages Bible reading and study to find the meaning of life
    *Provokes one to abandon tradition (religion) to a personal relationship with Christ.
    *Offers suggestions for every day usage

    How the book can be used:
    *As a study guide to learning more about God and His Word.
    *By individuals and groups – to pray, read, meditate and take action – A time well invested knowing God will yield eternal dividends.
    *To tell God of your needs and hurts. To meditate on His love, great acts, greatness and glory.*
    Look out for Christ in all the Books of the Bible – Genesis to Revelation.
    *Take a special interest in Psalms 19 and 119 – they extol the virtues of the Word of God.

    How the reader’s life can be changed after reading the last page
    *Challenges one to re-examine own life and relationship with God
    *Share the good news and the testimonies uplifting Jesus
    *Explore the Bible: God’s life changing message to human kind

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  • Word Of Life


    Benefits of reading the book:
    *It is about the revealed Word demonstrated in a personal life
    *Practical application: From the Written Word to the Living Word.
    *Encourages Bible reading and study to find the meaning of life
    *Provokes one to abandon tradition (religion) to a personal relationship with Christ.
    *Offers suggestions for every day usage

    How the book can be used:
    *As a study guide to learning more about God and His Word.
    *By individuals and groups – to pray, read, meditate and take action – A time well invested knowing God will yield eternal dividends.
    *To tell God of your needs and hurts. To meditate on His love, great acts, greatness and glory.*
    Look out for Christ in all the Books of the Bible – Genesis to Revelation.
    *Take a special interest in Psalms 19 and 119 – they extol the virtues of the Word of God.

    How the reader’s life can be changed after reading the last page
    *Challenges one to re-examine own life and relationship with God
    *Share the good news and the testimonies uplifting Jesus
    *Explore the Bible: God’s life changing message to human kind

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  • Dreams And Visions


    Debora Reeves is a first time author and founder of “Spiritual Eyes Ministries,” where she is able to share her personal struggles in walking in her gift of dreams and visions. With this personal struggle, she hopes to encourage and relate with others who seeks or already operate in the spiritual gifting that God has placed within their spirit. You will be able to see her personal fears, doubts and final acceptance of this gift as her loving Heavenly Father guides her through this spiritual journey she calls riding in the spiritual realm with training wheels. You will experience her tears, thrills and the reality of hearing God’s voice through dreams and visions.

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  • While We Are Waiting


    Waiting requires time, and sometimes we don’t know just how much time we’ll have. Sometimes the time needed does not correspond with the time given. In our waiting for the Lord, time may exceed the endurance of our existence, but when we as humans exit this earth, our time stops only in the natural realm. Our spiritual time is eternal, and it keeps going! What we do with our wait time, determines where we will spend our eternal time. The eternal time is eternal life with God, which is the gift of God through Jesus Christ. On the contrary side of eternal life, is eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire, with Satan. “While We Are Waiting,” is a passionate witness for some and a reminder for others that we are quickly approaching judgment day, when we all will be judged. Who will judge us? Jesus Christ, Himself.

    Who can avoid this process? Not one human being. We will all be held accountable for what we have done during this period of waiting. Knowing this, can we say we know how to wait? The most important part of waiting for the Lord is not the waiting itself, but how we wait will be the key factor in our eternal fate. Today, We have God’s mercy (another chance to get it right)- but on that final day, we will be judged on the basis of our lives, and on the content of our characters and our works. So, I ask, how will you wait?

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  • While We Are Waiting


    Waiting requires time, and sometimes we don’t know just how much time we’ll have. Sometimes the time needed does not correspond with the time given. In our waiting for the Lord, time may exceed the endurance of our existence, but when we as humans exit this earth, our time stops only in the natural realm. Our spiritual time is eternal, and it keeps going! What we do with our wait time, determines where we will spend our eternal time. The eternal time is eternal life with God, which is the gift of God through Jesus Christ. On the contrary side of eternal life, is eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire, with Satan. “While We Are Waiting,” is a passionate witness for some and a reminder for others that we are quickly approaching judgment day, when we all will be judged. Who will judge us? Jesus Christ, Himself.

    Who can avoid this process? Not one human being. We will all be held accountable for what we have done during this period of waiting. Knowing this, can we say we know how to wait? The most important part of waiting for the Lord is not the waiting itself, but how we wait will be the key factor in our eternal fate. Today, We have God’s mercy (another chance to get it right)- but on that final day, we will be judged on the basis of our lives, and on the content of our characters and our works. So, I ask, how will you wait?

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  • Making Things Happen For The Lord


    Making Things Happen is a “Survival Manual” for those who desire to abound in the work of the Lord. The church contains many types of personalities, which creates a challenge for those who desire to “Make Things Happen” for the Lord. As we attempt to walk in the fullness of God and carry on the works of Jesus, keeping unity within the Church can be a challenging endeavor. Having an understanding of what to expect will be the key to survival. Realizing and having an understanding that there are generally three types of people who make up the Church world will equip leaders and laymen with the tools to excel. The Lord’s will is that we have the strength and wisdom to keep peace and harmony within the Church, as we face the challenge of working with Those Who Make Things Happen – Those Who Watch Things Happen – and Those Who Wonder What Happened!

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  • My Big Bottom Blessing


    Loving the girl in the mirror isn’t about changing how you look but allowing God to change how you see.

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  • Satan A Defeated Foe


    Seize Your Victory!

    Satan wants to blanket the earth in darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world. Christ has made His power available to us so that we can defeat the enemy in our lives. Here are powerful biblical strategies to overcome Satan when he tries to maneuver his way into your life.

    Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can…
    *Dodge the darts of the enemy
    *Live without condemnation and guilt
    *Bring your loved ones to Christ
    *Have power over sin
    *Be set free from anxiety
    *Literally shake the gates of hell

    Discover your God-given ability to use Satan as your stepping stone to greater spiritual heights. Learn how to defeat the enemy of your soul and experience victory in Jesus’ name.

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  • Overcoming Life : Experience The Joy Of The Lord


    As a Christian, you have victory. Jesus has overcome sin’s controlling force, conquered the shame of your past, and guaranteed your heavenly life with Him forever. Because of Christ, you have victory.

    But are you living in victory?

    Sure, you understand that you’re supposed to be victorious. You understand that you’re forgiven and no longer need to feel guilty about sins of the past. You know that eternal life awaits. You understand all of this, but you’re not living it. Instead, you’re paralyzed by the guilt and shame of the past, immobilized by fear for the future.

    This is not the life of victory.

    Join legendary Bible teacher D. L. Moody as he explores true victory. Begin experiencing the overcoming life, the life ruled by Christ instead of fear. Learn how to let your life shine. Be confident of the eternal gifts that are yours to taste both now and later. Understand your victory in Jesus Christ.

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  • Working For God


    God has exciting plans for you that will give your life purpose and joy. God’s desire is that everyone should find new life and destiny in Him. He has given you specific gifts to accomplish His purposes. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will show you:
    *How to find and live out your true calling
    *How to discover your spiritual gifts
    *The excitement of working for God
    *How to lead many to salvation
    *How to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit

    “There is a treasury of good works God has prepared for us to do,” writes Andrew Murray. In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

    “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

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  • Finding Time For The Timeless


    Practice spirituality in a culture where work has become a religion.

    This collection of real-life examples offers refreshing stories of everyday spiritual practices people use to free themselves from the work and worry mindset of our culture.

    Drawing from the experiences of others, it shows you how you too can refocus and enrich your daily life with spiritual practice, including: Finding a haven for inspiring reading at a coffeehouse; Singing during the morning commute to work; Prayerful walking at home and on business trips; Mindful eating and other deliberate experiences of God s goodness

    Full of insight and inspiration, Finding Time for the Timeless will help empower you to see how even your busiest workweek can include spiritual habits and routine.

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  • Gods Repair Manual


    SKU (ISBN): 9781434904294ISBN10: 1434904296David TurnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2012Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Print On Demand Product

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