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Christian Living

Showing 5301–5400 of 9104 results

  • What You Need To Know About Salvation


    Bad news first: everyone is born lost. Now the good news: Jesus saves! Simple enough. But today’s secular and new age optimism blinds many to the reality that we need a Savior. And even some who come to Christ don’t fully understand the stupendous treasure God gives when He saves them. What You Need to Know about Salvation will fortify your confidence in the salvation you’ve received and help you experience more of its infinite riches. You’ll thrill at the drama of redemption as it unfolds through Scripture: the glory of creation, the tragedy of sin and the Fall, the provision of salvation in Jesus Christ, and its application today through the Holy Spirit. And you’ll be moved to worship your Savior and share the good news with others.

    Features include:
    12 lessons you can complete in under one hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on the topic
    Easy-to-teach resources, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion
    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation

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  • Wonderstruck : Awaken To The Nearness Of God


    Today many Christians are plagued to an even greater degree by age-old issues of spiritual malnourishment, boredom, disenchantment, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and uncertainty. In Wonder Struck, author and speaker Margaret Feinberg gently leads readers to rediscover the wonder of God anew, rekindle their prayer lives, remember the faithfulness of God’s presence, and jolts us to reawaken to the wonder of His love.

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  • Amor Hace – (Spanish)


    You don’t need another Christian message or a self-help book. You need to have your paradigms about the world shifted into truth. That’s exactly what you get in El amor hace . Have you ever noticed that the real change in your life-the growth that sticks and becomes a part of you-never happens with a program or the sheer grit of your best efforts? It happens over time, like a glacier slowly carving valleys through the mountains.

    In this book of compelling stories paired with eye-opening truths, author Bob Goff shows you a new way to live, a way that’s drenched with the whimsy of God’s love and the spontaneity of following where He leads when He says “Go!” In this book, you learn what it looks like to be secretly incredible and advance God’s kingdom everywhere you are and wherever you’re going.

    For anyone who’s wanted to change the world but thought they needed money, a committee, and permission to get started, El amor hace shows what can happen when you decide to do instead of plan, act instead of strategize, and fiercely, invisibly fight for the possibility God has gifted you to uniquely see.

    El amor hace comparte historias impactantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras y habilita a todo el que ansia un mundo mejor y fe abundante.Lo que necesitas no es otro mensaje cristiano o un libro de autoayuda. Lo que necesitas es hacer que tus paradigmas sobre el mundo pasen a ser verdad. Eso es exactamente lo que lograras con Love Does. Has notado que el cambio real en tu vida –ese crecimiento que se aferra y se vuelve parte de ti– nunca sucede con un programa o con todo el empeno de tu mejor esfuerzo? Sucede con el tiempo, como un glaciar que va poco a poco esculpiendo los valles a traves de las montanas. En este libro de historias fascinantes combinadas con verdades reveladoras, el autor Bob Goff muestra una nueva forma de vida, una forma cubierta caprichosamente con el amor de Dios y la espontaneidad de ir hacia donde El nos conduce cuando El dice “!Vamos!”. En este libro, aprenderas como sentirte increible en secreto y avanzar hacia el reino de Dios en cualquier lugar en que estes, y adondequiera que vayas. Para todo aquel que ha querido cambiar el mundo pero pensaba que necesitaba dinero, una comitiva y permiso para empezar, Love Does muestra lo que puede suceder cuando decides hacer en vez de planear, actuar en vez de crear estrategias y, con intensidad pero de modo invisible, luchar por esa posibilidad que Dios te ha dado el don exclusivo de d

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  • Holy Spirit : Can You Live Without Him


    * Have you ever had a question about God’s Holy Spirit?
    * Just what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
    * Are the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit for today?
    * When and how are we filled with the Holy Spirit?
    * Does talking about the Holy Spirit make you uncomfortable?
    * Are you offended by God’s Spirit because of the abuses of others?
    * Is there a counterfeit spirit at work today?
    * Do you worry that maybe you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit?
    * Have unmet expectations left you disillusioned with God’s Spirit?
    * Has uncertainty caused you to put off the Holy Spirit?
    * Are you afraid of the Holy Spirit because of what He might make you do?
    * What is speaking in tongues? Is it real, and is it necessary?
    * Have you ever considered what the baptism of the Holy Spirit means for eternal life?
    * Why do so many in our churches either reject or misrepresent the Holy Spirit?
    This book seeks to answer these questions and more in the most direct and simple way possible.

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  • Evangelization Of The World


    Written in an engaging style and intended largely for a lay audience, The Evangelization of the World tells the remarkable story of how Christianity grew from an insignificant Jewish sect in the first century until, by the beginning of the twenty-first century, it had become the world’s first truly global religion.

    The book is careful to explain historical context and mission theory, but the foci of the narrative are the great personalities of mission- the Apostle Paul, St. Martin of Tours, St. Patrick, St. Francis Xavier, John Eliot, Count Von Zinzendorf, William Carey, Robert Morrison, David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, Albert Schweitzer, and many others- who make this account of the expansion of the church a fascinating and often dramatic tale.

    In addition, the book does not neglect the great mission conferences of the twentieth century, nor does it avoid the controversial aspects of mission that, in many instances, continue to vex the movement today.

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  • Through The Year With Jimmy Carter


    In Through the Year with Jimmy Carter, the thirty-ninth President of the United States takes you on a unique journey into the heart of the Christian faith. Based on more than three decades of practical Bible teaching, these readings draw from the riches of God’s Word and the compelling experiences of Mr. Carter’s own life. Whether through fascinating glimpses into behind-the-scenes activity at the White House, or insightful remembrances of his career in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Carter never ceases to connect the wisdom of Scripture with your own crucial place on the stage of life. Frank, honest, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and always relevant, Through the Year with Jimmy Carter challenges readers to be more Christ-like every day of their lives.

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  • Real Life : A Christianity Worth Living Out


    What does it mean to follow Jesus? And how should we help others become more like him? Once upon a time, being a Christian seemed clear. Say these words, pray these prayers, do these things. But out in the real world, following Jesus feels more nebulous. What’s the point? That’s Stephen’s struggle in these pages as he wonders if he has missed his calling. In this compelling narrative, James Choung explores what it means to follow Jesus in the real world. Is Christianity something you just believe in, or can it be something you actually live out? Engineer Stephen wants to encourage his younger colleague Jared in his spiritual journey, but both feel at a loss. Stephen’s friend Bridget offers insights on how Boomers, Xers, Millennials and younger generations approach spiritual questions, with implications for discipleship, community and service. Together they walk through deepening stages of faith as they discern how God is calling them to live. Join Stephen, Bridget and Jared on their journey of following Jesus, as they discover what it means to move from skeptic to world-changer. And find new pathways for Christian discipleship and disciplemaking in a world yearning for hope.

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  • Amazing Power Of Grace


    “My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness;” Believe it and your situation will change. This book is all about living by grace: A way of life that most people do not know about. People are going through tough times. They have to deal with multiple issues in their lives, and do not know that there is abundance of grace to help them in their life’s situations. There is grace for every situation under the sun. There is grace for you, waiting to be discovered. ABOUT THE BOOK Everybody who would like to receive God’s grace should read this book and find out how easily it can be discovered. Anyone, who would like to receive the full richness of God’s abiding grace, should read this book in its entirety to find out how easily it will be revealed.” “I feel Humphrey Akparah has placed a lot of deep thought and emotional concern in his decision to write about God’s grace in this book. He defines grace, provides many examples of grace, looks at grace from many angles, shows that grace is ever present and backs it up with many Bible quotations so that anyone, who doubts its presence, has the opportunity to look into the Scriptures and find those quotations for him/herself. He makes grace a very simple and uncomplicated source of power which can be obtained by each and every person who desires it. He/she only has to believe in God and ask for His grace through Jesus Christ. He explains thoroughly why you cannot earn grace. You must ask for it, but only God can provide it. And God decides who receives His grace, when he/she receives it and for what purpose it is given. Rod Woolridge

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  • Singled Out : Finding Contentment When Its Just You And The Lord


    Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Are you in a relationship that you feel is pulling you away from God? Are there no “options” in sight, and you are starting to fear that God may have forgotten about your heart and your dreams? Singled Out was written with the sincere desire of encouraging you in your walk with the Lord, motivating you to search your heart, and chalenging you to wholeheartedly commit your life to Him! Remember, regardless of our relationship status, we must be single-hearted in our service to Christ — our Savior and our First Love.

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  • Heaven On Earth


    Many approach the Beatitudes as if they were a list of steps to be taken on the road to personal happiness. Or buttons to be pushed to secure God’s favor in pursuit of one’s own agenda.

    But when we see what ws transpiring in Matthew 5, we realize the Beatitudes are less about what we do and more about what God is doing – what God values, how God operates, what God is up to in our world.

    The Beatitudes are Jesus’ declaration of where “the good life” is. They comprise an invitation to immerse ourselves in the good life and experience a river of joy running through us to transform the world around us.

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  • Great House Of God


    God’s greatest desire is to be your dwelling place. The home for your heart.

    He doesn’t want to be merely a weekend getaway. He has no interest in being a Sunday bungalow or even a summer cottage. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference, your home…always. He wants you to live in the Great House of God.

    Using the Lord’s Prayer as a floor plan, bestselling author Max Lucado takes you on a tour of the home God intended for you. Warm your heart by the fire in the living room. Nourish your spirit in the kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family room. Step into the hallway and find forgiveness.

    It’s the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There’s only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid.

    The roof never leaks. The walls never crack. The foundation never trembles.

    In God’s house, you’re home. So come into the house built just for you. Your father is waiting.

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  • Next Door Savior


    We applaud men for doing good things.

    We enshrine God for doing great things.

    But what about a man who does God things?

    One thing is certain. We can’t ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.

    The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity’s best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him.

    Dismiss him? We can’t. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to?

    Don’t we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus?

    Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.

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  • Just Like Jesus


    God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

    Can you think of a better offer?

    Jesus felt no guilt; God wants you to feel no guilt. Jesus had no bad habits; God wants to do away with yours. Jesus had no fears; God wants the same for you. Jesus had no anxiety about death; you needn’t either. God’s desire, his plan, his ultimate goal is to make you into the image of Christ.

    But how does this change occur? And why does the change seem so slow? If God wants me to be just like Jesus, why do I still seem just like me?

    In Just Like Jesus, Max Lucado helps you answer these questions. He helps you understand God’s wonderful ways of transformation. Would you like to know more? Then read on. And remember: God loves you just way you are, but he refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

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  • Vida Con Proposito Edicion Amp (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


    The most basic question everyone faces in life is ‘Why am I here?’. What is my purpose? Self-help books suggest that people should look within, at their own desires and dreams, but Rick Warren says the starting place must be with God—and His eternal purpose for each life. Real meaning and significance comes from understanding and fulfilling God’s purposes for putting us on earth. ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’ takes the groundbreaking message of the award-winning ‘Purpose-Driven Church’ and goes deeper, applying it to the lifestyle of individual Christians. This book helps readers understand God’s incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see ‘the big picture’ of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live.

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  • Chasing The Divine In The Holy Land


    Do you ever wonder what it would be like to trace the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land — to swim in the Sea of Galilee, to walk the Via Dolorosa, to kneel on Golgotha? Or maybe you’ve already visited the Holy Land and you know what a life-changing experience it is. If so, then this book is for you.

    When Ruth Everhart was given the opportunity to travel to the Holy Land as one of several ministers taking part in a documentary about pilgrimage, she jumped at the opportunity. Little did she know just how demanding — yet, ultimately, rewarding — her transformation from Presbyterian minister, wife, and mom to pilgrim would be. Candid, down-to-earth, and delightful, Ruth recounts her experiences in Chasing the Divine in the Holy Land, inviting readers to journey alongside her on an unforgettable Holy Land pilgrimage.

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  • 6 Hours One Friday


    Does life feel futile? Doesn’t have to. Do some of your failures seem fatal? They aren’t. And your death. Does the grave appear to be the final stop? According to Christ, your death is just the start of the something great. There is a truth greater than all the losses and sorrows of life. And it can be discovered in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    In Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado delves into the meaning of Jesus’ last hours on the cross. Through his death, your life has purpose and meaning. You are forgiven and loved by a Savior who died for you. And an empty tomb proclaims that death does not have the final word.
    Peace where there should be pain.
    Confidence in the midst of crisis.
    Hope defying despair.

    Does death have the last word? I can see Jesus wink as he gives the answer, Not on your life.”

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  • Draw The Circle


    Do you pray as often and as boldly as you want to? There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life. Drawing from forty days of true stories, Mark Batterson applies the principles of his New York Times bestselling book The Circle Maker to teach us a new way to pray. As thousands of readers quickly became many tens of thousands, true stories of miraculous and inspiring answers to prayer began to pour in, and as those stories were shared, others were bolstered in their faith to pray with even more boldness. In Draw the Circle, through forty true, faith-building stories of God’s answers to prayer, daily scriptures and prayer prompts, Batterson inspires you to pray and keep praying like never before. Begin a lifetime of watching God work. Believe in the God who can do all things. Experience the power of bold prayer and even bolder faith in Draw the Circle.

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  • Why Pro Life (Revised)


    This completely revised and updated edition of Why Pro-Life? offers factual answers to the central issues of the abortion debate in a concise, nonabrasive way. Infused with grace and compassion, and grounded in medical science and psychological studies, Randy Alcorn presents a solid case for defending both unborn children and their mothers. Chapters such as, ‘What Makes a Human Life ‘Meaningful,” ‘Is Abortion Really a Women’s Rights Issue,’ and ‘How Can I Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers’ help readers to look at the many sides of this polarizing issue. For those on the fence in the midst of the abortion debate, this book will be a great resource as it clearly and thoroughly examines the pro-life position. For those who are pro-life already, this book is an encouragement to be intelligently and graciously informed.

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  • Purpose Driven Life What On Earth Am I Here For Life Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    A fresh look at life from a treasured book of hope. This isn’t your grandfather’s Purpose Driven Life. Retooled and newly titled What On Earth Am I Here For? for a new generation, this 10th anniversary edition includes all the wisdom of the original book, plus two new chapters and fresh insights Rick Warren has gleaned since he first wrote his #1 international bestseller. Discover God’s amazing plan for you both now and for eternity as you take a spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life’s most important question: What On Earth Am I Here For? Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and Christian Book of the Year Award.

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  • Running For Recovery


    In a physical marathon, the “wall” shows up about mile twenty or twenty-one; when this happens, mind and body shake hands to say “we quit.” That’s where most runners will shut down, unless they reach down into their identity as spirit. To the question “Who am I; what is my identity?” God’s answer is “I am spirit; I have a mind; and I live in a body.” So, to break through the “wall” requires a hierarchy of spirit over mind over body. God’s Word will address our spirit when mind and body are out of it, thereby setting Word over spirit over mind over body to keep the feet moving. Project this to other marathons: mental, spiritual, emotional, interpersonal, occupational, financial, etc..

    Bottom line: Can the reader finish the book, put it down, and say: “Wow, look what God’s Word performed; I want to be in the Word; I want the Word to be in me”? The closer the reader comes to God’s Word, the closer they come to Him (John 1:14). The Word will have become “sent out (Isaiah 55:10-11), active and alive (Hebrews 4:12), watched over and performed” (Jeremiah 1:12) in their lives!

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  • Simplicity Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ


    This book is Divinely inspired and proclaims the need for all Christians to believe all the words of Jesus Christ – exactly as He says in a correctly translated Holy Bible, such as the King James Version and those based on it. Herein includes the “First Principles of The Oracles of God”, and is for all who sincerely wish that God, The Creator of all heaven and earth, will intervene in the affairs of life and in world circumstances. All that Jesus says and is given us through His holy apostles – very much ‘do’ apply to all Christians today, the same as yesterday; and will apply forever. As Jesus says, “My words will by no means pass away” (Mark 24:35). Therefore, this book is for all of God’s children to get understanding of the Lord’s spiritual precepts and commands. The reader will review from the Holy Scriptures how every Christian should be (especially now) diligently seeking a close relationship with Jesus Christ – to know “His Ways”. And, know how He has ‘given us’ spiritual Authority to reverse the rising social turmoil and stop the devastation that has been plaguing this nation, and over the earth. This book will enlighten every reader to know how we need to seriously examine ourselves and our relationship with Jesus Christ. And that we need to do so quickly, rather than blaming others (and each other) for out troubles; and to know that the Way to life abundantly is to truly be in Jesus Christ – not relying on government policies and programs.

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  • Toxic Charity : How Churches And Charities Hurt Those The Help And How To R


    Veteran urban activist Robert Lupton reveals the shockingly toxic effects that modern charity has upon the very people meant to benefit from it. Toxic Charity provides proven new models for charitable groups who want to help-not sabotage-those whom they desire to serve. Lupton, the founder of FCS Urban Ministries (Focused Community Strategies) in Atlanta, the voice of the Urban Perspectives newsletter, and the author of Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life, has been at the forefront of urban ministry activism for forty years. Now, in the vein of Jeffrey Sachs’s The End of Poverty, Richard Stearns’s The Hole in Our Gospel, and Gregory Boyle’s Tattoos on the Heart, his groundbreaking Toxic Charity shows us how to start serving needy and impoverished members of our communities in a way that will lead to lasting, real-world change.

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  • Purpose Driven Life What On Earth Am I Here For Expanded Edition (Large Type)


    A fresh look at life from a treasured book of hope. This isn’t your grandfather’s Purpose Driven Life. Retooled and newly titled What On Earth Am I Here For? for a new generation, this 10th anniversary edition includes all the wisdom of the original book, plus two new chapters and fresh insights Rick Warren has gleaned since he first wrote his #1 international bestseller. Discover God’s amazing plan for you both now and for eternity as you take a spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life’s most important question: What On Earth Am I Here For?

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  • This Story Is Far From Over


    In this heart-rending and inspiring book, Bill Stacey allows us to join him in his journey through the deep waters where we encounter our greatest trials and yet find our greatest resource in God’s provision for our every need. Bill’s story will bring tears, but also the calm assurance that the Lord’s grace truly is sufficient. – Dr. J. Robert White, Executive Director, Georgia Baptist Convention As a physician who treats glioblastoma I often have to be the bearer of bad news. Occasionally, a family with extraordinary faith, dignity and graciousness will overwhelm all of the health care providers with their kindness and caring in the face of such adversity. And so it is with the family of Nancy Stacey. I commend Bill Stacey on his compilation of the Stacey family experience and his willingness to reach out to others who are dealing with the adversity of glioblastoma; faith is an incredible gift to us all. – Dr. Bryan Barnes, M.D. Georgia Neurological Surgery In a day and time when the family is under attack, what you are about to read offers in vivid detail just how important it is to be a family in God’s family. – Danny Jones, Editor-In-Chief, Singing News Magazine Thank you, Bill, for taking us on your personal journey and for allowing us to get a glimpse of the intimate way in which the Lord spoke to you for all of us. – Sharon Sanderson, Director for Alumni and College Relations, Toccoa Falls College Whether your own personal journey travels one day at a time, or fast forwards from cover to cover, “This Story is Far From Over” will draw you in, wrap you in the passion-filled confidence of Christ, and keep you there. – Greg Davidson, President & Master Illusionist, Believe Ministries In reading this book you will truly find a Work of Hope, Tender Love, and Deep Compassion. For counselors, pastors, and lay persons dealing with grief, this book is a must. – Dr. Thomas N. Howell, Pastoral Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist

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  • Faith


    In one of the best explanations of faith ever given, Charles Spurgeon paints a panoramic picture of faith that covers each element of this essential topic and yet also shows us the big picture of what it means to believe in Jesus Christ and live for Him. Spurgeon answers our questions about faith, such as…

    What is faith? How do I obtain it? Can faith really change my life?

    The promise of faith can be yours. Step into a new life and experience the truth and power of real life.

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  • Slave : The Hidden Truth About Your Identity In Christ



    Centuries ago, English translators perpetrated a fraud in the New Testament, and it’s been purposely hidden and covered up ever since. Your own Bible is probably included in the cover-up! In this book, which includes a study guide for personal or group use, John MacArthur unveils the essential and clarifying revelation that may be keeping you from a fulfilling-and correct-relationship with God. It’s powerful. It’s controversial. And with new eyes you’ll see the riches of your salvation in a radically new way.

    What does it mean to be a Christian the way Jesus defined it? MacArthur says it all boils down to one word: SLAVE “We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession.”

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  • Awake : Rise To Your Divine Assignment


    Every person has a part to play. We all are unique. We have individual assignments. We’re all a part of the Body, as First Corinthians 12 says. But some have fallen asleep spiritually speaking. They’re not walking in the fullness of all that God has for them. They’re not walking in the fullness of the purpose, the call, and the gifting that God placed in them, because of tragedy, fear, and depression.

    It’s time for people to wake up to the purpose and the plan that God has for them. Each one has an individual assignment, and purpose, but we have to wake up. In this book, learn what it means to be awakened to the gifts and callings of God and how to renew your mind daily so you can walk in the call that God has for you.

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  • U Turn God Turns


    Come take the journey with Michael Vincent Robinson as he navigates you through the roads of his life. This transparent view is both down-to-earth and compelling. You will be able to feel him at every turn so buckle up and enjoy the journey. It is easy to make wrong turns. Some come out of it quickly while others take almost a lifetime to break free. No matter how long it takes, you can overcome with the help of the Lord. He alone can keep you from reaching the dead end. Just know when you make a U-TURN, God will turn your life around. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Michael Vincent Robinson is a humble servant of God with a message. He holds a BS Degree in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. He is a voice out of the wilderness to let you know that prayer, praise, and worship can unlock so many doors in your life. The author currently resides in Baltimore, MD.

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  • Whos Guarding The Gates


    From the cradle to the pulpit, precious things have been taken from God’s people. Somewhere, someone left a gate open; somewhere, someone failed to guard a gate and the enemy seized the opportunity to break in and run off with the good stuff. There is a growing, holy roar in the kingdom of God and amongst His people. They are awake and want their things back! God has provided a divine strategy to regain possession of the gates. That strategy is found in our radical obedience to Him. The battle begins with the reconstruction of individual gates first. Who’s Guarding the Gates? is the engaging question that every person must ask and be prepared to answer.

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  • Kick Anxiety : Let Go Of Anxiety And Live In The Peace Of God


    Do you find yourself constantly worrying? Are you feeling trapped and anxious, powerless to change your seemingly hopeless situation?

    In Kick Anxiety, author and counselor Anne Laidlaw encourages readers to get to the root of their anxiety so they can overcome the doubt, unbelief, and other self-destructive patterns of behavior that are destroying them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

    Don’t give anxiety the power to steal your joy. Make the decision to cast your fear and anxiety upon God, and surrender the burdens you were never meant to bear. These inspired words will encourage you to stop relying on yourself and give God complete control of your life, knowing that He is your safe place. When you do, you will Kick Anxiety and begin to enjoy the abundant life that only God can offer!

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  • Intentional Christian Community Handbook


    In the 21st century, Spirit-energized people of all ages are searching for a new (yet ancient) way of life together. A new generation of intentional communities is emerging with inspiring stories to tell of discoveries and struggles as they find their way. David Janzen, a friend of the New Monasticism movement with four decades of personal communal experience, has visited scores of communities, both old and new. This book shares the wisdom of many communities in many locales over the last half century.

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  • John Ploughmans Pictures


    Wisdom for a Lifetime-and Beyond

    “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.”
    -Proverbs 3:13 (NKJV)

    Charles Spurgeon follows up his popular John Ploughman’s Talks with another volume of plain talk, proverbial sayings, and wise counsel. Tackling key moral issues with both gentle satire and straightforward advice, he guides the reader to discover the depths of God’s mercy, salvation through Christ, and timeless, biblically based principles for living a virtuous life.

    Prepare to laugh, reflect deeply, and gain wisdom for a lifetime-and beyond.

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  • Praise Avenue


    The Power of Praise Can Revolutionize Your Life!

    Praise can change your life! In fact, it’s impossible to overestimate the power, victory, blessing, healing, and inspiration available to you through the simple decision to praise God more and worry and complain less.

    In this book, Don Gossett shares his experiences with the powerful practice of praise so that you can…
    *Live in good health and success
    *Defeat discouragement
    *Overcome financial obstacles
    *Receive spiritual protection for your family
    *Experience God’s will for your future

    Don’s message has been an inspiration to millions around the world. Now, you, too, can unlock the secrets of living a life of praise.

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  • Key To Holiness


    Through his teaching on sanctification, Spurgeon reveals how to apply the many benefits of Christ’s sacrifice for us.

    As you discover that you can be cleansed from sin and free from the tendencies to sin, you will also learn about:
    *Becoming pure in both heart and mind
    *How God makes us holy vessels He can use
    *Gaining peace of mind
    *Finding true fellowship with God
    *Having constant access to God

    You can know that you are completely accepted in God’s sight, eternally secure in Him, and fit for His service, while experiencing the tremendous joy promised in the Bible.

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  • Passionate Jesus : What We Can Learn From Jesus About Love Fear Grief Joy A


    SKU (ISBN): 9781594733932ISBN10: 1594733937Peter WallaceBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2012Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing

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  • Conversacion Suprema – (Spanish)


    Ha pensado usted alguna vez en lo que significa hablar con Dios? Es realmente posible comunicarse con el Creador de todo lo que existe, y ser capaz de entender los planes y propositos de El para su vida? Quiza haya preguntas para las cuales usted necesita desesperadamente respuestas. Tal vez este enfrentando una prueba demasiado grande o dificil sin la ayuda de nadie, y anhela tener direccion divina. O sencillamente sienta curiosidad por saber lo que Dios le diria.

    En su libro La Conversacion Suprema, el Dr. Charles Stanley habla sobre como conocer verdaderamente a Dios por medio de la comunicacion con El. El autor basa su peregrinaje personal y 55 aos de ministerio en la oracion. Nos ensea la disciplina de la interseccion y explica en este libro como enfrentar las batallas de la vida en comunion intima con el Seor, ademas de explorar temas como:
    *Aprender a reconocer el sonido de la voz del Padre celestial
    *La manera como nuestra percepcion de Dios moldea nuestra vida de oracion
    *Como ganar las batallas en oracion
    *El encuentro de la paz y el gozo verdaderos por medio de la intimidad con el Seor

    No importa que preguntas desconcertantes, circunstancias turbadoras, o dilemas en apariencia insuperables este enfrentando usted hoy, la solucion es absolutamente obvia para Dios. El conoce profundamente y entiende todo lo que hay en el universo -incluso su situacion personal- y anhela compartir sus respuestas con usted. El Seor tambien tiene el poder y la sabiduria para ayudarle a superar los problemas mas dificiles y a experimentar los exitos mas gratificantes. Por lo tanto, acerquese mas al Padre celestial. Llegue a conocer a Dios al unirse con El en La Conversacion Suprema.

    Have you ever considered what it means to talk to God? Is it really possible to communicate with the Creator of all that exists and be able to understand His plans and purposes for your life? Perhaps there are questions you desperately need answered. Maybe you are facing a trial that is too large or difficult to face on your own and you yearn for divine direction. Or it could be you are simply curious about what He would say to you.

    In The Ultimate Conversation, which is based on a lifetime of walking with the Father and fifty-five years of ministry founded on prayer, Dr. Charles Stanley not only teaches the disciplines of intercession but also explains how to fight life’s battles through intimate communion with the Lord. Dr. Stanley discusses how to truly know God through

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  • Battles Men Face (Reprinted)


    Historically, men have been in control–of nations, of wars, of commerce, of their families. Of practically everything, except often themselves. And those men who are fully in control of all other aspects of their worlds are often the ones who find themselves trapped in hidden compulsions and behaviors. From the usual suspects like pornography and gambling to those overlooked compulsions like overwork and withdrawal.

    In Battles Men Face, Dr. Jantz exposes the temptations that entrap good men, explains the root reasons men find themselves trapped in these behaviors, and gives them practical steps to take to overcome their unhealthy patterns. He shows them how to accept who they are (and who they’re not), love themselves enough to say no, focus and build on the positive, and, perhaps most difficult, ask for and accept help.

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  • Jesus Calling Teen Edition


    Now a younger audience will spend time each day with the Lord as they grow in a deep personal faith.

    Encouragement and hope from a Savior who is closer than you can imagine and who will never leave you. This is a message that everyone needs to hear and embrace deep within the soul. Jesus Calling is a devotional that is read daily by more than 3.8 million people. After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever she believed He was saying to her.

    It was awkward at first, but gradually her journaling changed from monologue to dialogue. She knew her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, but journaling helped her grow closer to God, and from that experience Jesus Calling came to be. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless every reader with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure.

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  • Communication Key To Your Marriage (Reprinted)


    What does it take to make a marriage intimate, loving, and fun? It all starts with communication, the key to a vibrant, happy, lifelong partnership. In this new updated edition of the bestselling classic, trusted marriage and family counselor Dr. Norman Wright does not just show readers the different ways men and women communicate. He shows how to do it right! Readers will find practical ways to reduce marital conflict, manage anger, build up one another’s self-esteem, and listen and understand each other at deeper and more satisfying levels. This updated edition also includes all-new reflection questions at the end of each chapter for couples or groups.

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  • Not By Bread Alone


    What was the core message of Jesus of Nazareth? It is there in the opening chapter of the gospel of Mark: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.” That “kingdom,” of course, is not one of this world but one of the spirit, which Jesus stated clearly to Pontius Pilate. And just as we need food (the staple of which is bread) to live in the world, we also need spiritual food to live in the world of the spirit. The purpose of this little volume is to help provide a small ration of such food every week of the year.

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  • Moments Of Grace And Spiritual Warfare In The Lord Of The Rings


    n J. R. R. Tolkien’s desire to create a mythology for his homeland, he actually made one for every person, every land, and every age. The Lord of the Rings is a catechism of spiritual warfare cleverly disguised as a fantasy. The struggle against evil that takes place inside its pages is the same one that occurs even now within the soul of each person.

    As we cannot leave the field of battle until death takes us from it, we should learn as much as we can about how to fight from those who have labored before us. Certainly the Red Book of Westmarch is one source to use. We may not have to sacrifice ourselves as does Gandalf, but we can learn from him and his wise counsels and from the others who he taught. Frodo guides us as well, as he makes his torturous journey to Mount Doom and endures the Ring’s unceasing temptations. With him, we see that sometimes we overcome our temptations, and at other times they overwhelm us. We also learn, as he and Boromir do, to get back up and start the struggle anew. Sam shows us the height of hope and the depth of devotion. In fact, everyone in the tale, good as well as evil, has something to teach us.

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  • When A Woman Lets Go Of The Lies


    Author and speaker Cheryl Brodersen encouraged thousands of women to cast their worries to Gods care in her book When a Woman Lets Go of Her Fears. Now she inspires them to embrace their identity and fulfillment in Christ by shedding the lies that have plagued women since Eve:
    *I’m not good enough.
    *God isn’t strong enough.
    *I’m too flawed to be loved.
    *God can’t use me.

    Cheryl presents engaging teaching, relevant examples from women today and from the Bible, and biblical, practical guidance to help women believe in God’s:
    *sufficiency to meet their needs
    *promises and power through His Word
    *plans for goodness and fruitfulness
    *blessings that follow obedience

    Since Eden first blossomed, God has offered women love, guidance, fellowship, and purpose. Cheryl helps today’s woman exchange the burden of deception and pretense for the abundance, freedom, and fruitfulness God intended from the very beginning.

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  • Making Peace With The Land


    Series Preface
    Foreword By Bill McKibben
    Prologue: For God So Loved The Soil . . .

    1. Reconciliation With The Land
    by Norman Wirzba

    2. Learning To See
    by Fred Bahnson

    3. Reconciliation Through Christ
    by Norman Wirzba

    4. Field, Table, Communion: The Abundant Kingdom Versus The Abundant Mirage
    by Fred Bahnson

    5. Reconciliation Through Eating
    by Norman Wirzba

    6. Bread For The Whole Body Of Christ
    by Fred Bahnson

    Epilogue: . . . So We Can Eat From The Tree Of Life

    About The Duke Divinity School Center For Reconciliation
    About Resources For Reconciliation

    Additional Info
    God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth.

    We are alienated not only from one another, but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food is produced, and many of our current industrialized practices are both unhealthy for our bodies and unsustainable for the planet.

    Agriculturalist Fred Bahnson and theologian Norman Wirzba declare that in Christ, God reconciles all bodies into a peaceful, life-promoting relationship with one another. Because human beings are incarnated in material, bodily existence, we are necessarily interdependent with plants and animals, land and sea, heaven and earth. The good news is that redemption is cosmic, with implications for agriculture and ecology, from farm to dinner table.

    Bahnson and Wirzba describe communities that model cooperative practices of relational life, with local food production, eucharistic eating and delight in God’s provision.

    Reconciling with the land is a rich framework for a new way of life. Read this book to start down the path to restoring shalom and experiencing Jesus’ kingdom of shared abundance, where neighbors are fed and all receive enough.

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  • Secrets Of Intercessory Prayer (Reprinted)


    Internationally respected pastor and bestselling author Jack Hayford gives believers the keys to unlocking the secrets of effective intercessory prayer, including how to pray with rightful authority, perseverance, and confidence. He provides encouragement, powerful testimonies, keen biblical guidance, and insight to help readers pray more effectively for God’s grace, goodness, and power in the lives of those they love.

    Topics covered include:
    answering God’s divine invitation to partnership
    applying the basic promises of God to prayer
    launching a counterattack against the enemy
    advancing toward ultimate victory in others’ lives
    and more

    Regardless of the situation, here is what believers need to press on in intercession and see God’s answers come. Foreword by Darlene Zschech.

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  • Spiritual Boot Camp


    Experience tangible change in your life through these principles of spiritual warfare. Just as new army recruits are sent to boot camp to learn how to be a soldier, Scripture teaches us to pick up “the weapons of our warfare” and to “put on the whole armor of God.”

    Based on biblical principles and experiential teaching from the life of the author, Spiritual Bootcamp gives you a vision to fulfill the plan of God on your life. This book will:
    -Train and equip you for spiritual battle
    -Reignite your passion for God
    -Bring you back to the basics of the gospel of Jesus Christ

    With stories of the benefits and challenges of training believers in both the inner city and corporations, Daniels shows what works and what does not work in building spiritual relationships and implementing spiritual discipline.

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  • Lucifers War : Understanding And Confronting The Enemy We Face


    Why does evil persist? If Satan is a defeated enemy, why does it appear as though he isn’t? Why doesn’t he give up?

    Evil rages at an unacceptable level against individuals and groups of people who are created in the image of God and no one appears able to do very much about it. We are in the midst of an ancient, ongoing, global, celestial struggle for power and authority to govern and control human behavior and subsequently the nations of the earth, even the planet itself.

    Dr. Linda Rios Brook offers a detailed examination of the ancient struggle between God, the devil, and humanity, helping readers learn and apply what the Bible teaches us about dealing with evil at its root cause.

    Scripture shows us that Satan lost his authority to rule on the Earth, but not his power. If people of faith are to draw a line and say “this far and no further,” it will require a better understanding of the enemy we face. If we are to prevail against his plans, we must understand him better than we do.

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  • Stressed Less Living


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Women have a desperate longing for a stress cure–a revitalized perspective and re-energized faith. STRESSED-LESS LIVING offers life-changing, heart-renewing, long-lasting remedies that will bring peace, even when things feel out of control.

    Life is tense and offers no easy answers or quick fixes. The good news is that in a world of unrest and stress readers can find the peace for which they hunger. Tracie Miles, in this breakthrough book, helps women unload the pressure cooker of life and learn to rely on the peace that Christ promises all those who come to Him. Tracie maintains that the direction many women receive today is attached to temporary helps like meditation, relaxation strategies, breathing exercises, and support groups. STRESSED-LESS LIVING unpacks the truth found in Scripture about how to overcome fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, and shows the stressed-out woman how she can not only survive stress, but thrive in spite of it through faith in the promises of God.

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  • Fantasy Fallacy : Exposing The Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts


    Sexual and emotional fantasies tend to reveal certain areas of trauma, brokenness, and disillusionment that are yet to be healed.

    Many people, including Christians, look to their sexual and emotional fantasies as a road map to where they can find the fulfillment they long for. However these fantasies aren’t a reliable road map into the future, they are actually a rocky road map from the past.

    Shannon Ethridge, best-selling Christian author, certified life coach, and advocate for healthy sexuality offers fascinating insights into common sexual thoughts such as:
    *dating a much older man or much younger woman
    *connecting with strangers via cyberspace
    *gay and lesbian fantasies
    *fascination with pleasure, pain, and power

    Introduced in Genesis, God’s design for sex, beyond procreation, is to offer connection and pleasure for marriage partners. But also in Genesis is an outline of seven sexual fallacies that bring discord, pain, and brokenness. The Fantasy Fallacy helps explain the basis for these fallacies and offers insights to help expose not only the meaning behind them, but ways to face them, heal from them, and find physical, emotional, and spiritual freedom.

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  • Accidental Pharisees : Avoiding The Seven Temptations Of Radical Christiani


    Zealous faith can have a dangerous, dark side. While recent calls for radical Christians have challenged many to be more passionate about their faith, the down side can be a budding arrogance and self-righteousness that ‘accidentally’ sneaks into our outlook. In Accidental Pharisees, bestselling author Larry Osborne diagnoses nine of the most common traps that can ensnare Christians on the road to a deeper life of faith.

    Rejecting attempts to turn the call to follow Christ into a new form of legalism, he shows readers how to avoid the temptations of pride, exclusivity, legalism, and hypocrisy, Larry reminds us that attempts to fan the flames of full-on discipleship and call people to Christlikeness should be rooted in love and humility. Christians stirred by calls to radical discipleship, but unsure how to respond, will be challenged and encouraged to develop a truly Christlike zeal for God.

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  • Lider Como Jesus – (Spanish)


    Effective leadership-whether on the job, in the community, at church or in the home-starts on the inside. Before you can hope to lead anyone else, you have to know who you are. Every leader must answer two critical questions: Whose are you going to be? and Who are you going to be? One deals with your relationship to Christ. The other with your life purpose.

    With simple yet profound principles from the life of Jesus, and dozens of stories and leadership examples from his life experiences, veteran author, speaker and leadership expert Ken Blanchard, guides readers through the process of discovering how to lead like Jesus.

    El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente. Antes de que espere dirigir a alguien, usted debe conocerse a si mismo. Cada lider debe hacerse dos preguntas vitales: De quien va a ser? Quien va a ser? Una tiene que ver con su relacion con Cristo. La otra con el proposito de su vida.

    A traves de principios sencillos pero profundos de la vida de Jesus y docenas de historias y ejemplos de liderazgo de su experiencia propia, el veterano autor, orador y experto en liderazgo, Ken Blanchard, guia a los lectores en el proceso de descubrir la forma de dirigir como Jesus.

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  • Attitude Is Your Paintbrush


    James W. Moore’s warm, conversational style inspires readers to transform negative, pessimistic attitudes into positive, optimistic attitudes centered on the love and hope of Jesus Christ. The book includes a discussion guide designed for both group and individual use, features questions related to each chapter, and presents several options for study.

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  • Being United Methodist


    In Being United Methodist, popular and beloved author J. Ellsworth Kalas uses his inimitable style to address a topic that sometimes is complicated even to those who have practiced it for years. Kalas explores questions such as:
    Who are these people called Methodists?
    Where have they come from, and where are they going?
    Why do so few of them really know what it means to be Methodist?
    What makes them tick, and in a forever changing world, what keeps them ticking?

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  • Go And Do


    Introduction: Missional Is Not A Word

    Part One: Anatomy
    1. Sober Eyes
    2. Servant Hands
    3. Ready Feet
    4. Compassionate Heart
    5. Joyful Soul

    Part Two: Geography
    6. Purposeful Family
    7. Relational Evangelism
    8. Thriving Church
    9. Urban Mercy
    10. Global Partnerships

    Conclusion: The Missional Motivation
    Discussion Question
    Recommended Reading

    Additional Info
    We are not meant to live safe, happy, successful Christian lives. Jesus calls us to something more. Don’t settle for a life that will soon be forgotten. Mission is not just something for “them,” somewhere over “there.” Mission is for us, here and now.

    Don Everts invites you to get caught up in God’s mission in this world. He shows what it means to be a missional Christian, to have eyes that see, hands that serve and feet that go. Bringing together personal evangelism, urban witness and global crosscultural mission, Everts shows how you can live your life on mission–whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you go.

    Get a glimpse of the vision. See what Jesus is doing. And go and do likewise.

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  • People Cant Drive You Crazy If You Dont Give Them The Keys (Reprinted)


    Strange as it may seem, other people are not nearly as committed to our happiness as we are. In fact, sometimes they seem like they’re on a mission to make us miserable! There’s always that one person. The one who hijacks your emotions and makes you crazy. The one who seems to thrive on drama. If you could just “fix” that person, everything would be better. But we can’t fix other people–we can only make choices about ourselves. In this cut-to-the-chase book, communication expert Mike Bechtle shows readers that they don’t have to be victims of other people’s craziness. With commonsense wisdom and practical advice that can be implemented immediately, Bechtle gives readers a proven strategy to handle crazy people.

    More than just offering a set of techniques, Bechtle offers a new perspective that will change readers’ lives as they deal with those difficult people who just won’t go away.

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  • Essential History Of Christianity


    The Essential History of Christianity covers both the key historical events and the big picture. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes helps us to understand what has gone on in the past, and sheds light on our present experiences of churches, religion, spirituality and religious conflict. She also gives important clues about what might happen in the future. This entertaining and accessible guide makes sense of a fascinating subject, providing a clear overview of the broad sweep of Christian history, and is indispensible for those beginning to study Christianity or the Church.

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  • Dont Stop Believin


    Arranged chronologically from 1950 to the present, this accessible work explores the theological themes in 101 well-established figures and trends from film, television, video games, music, sports, art, fashion, and literature.

    Elvis Presley. Andy Warhol. Nike. Stephen King. Ellen DeGeneres. Sim City. Facebook. These American pop culture icons are just a few examples of entries you will find in this fascinating guide to religion and popular culture. Arranged chronologically from 1950 to the present, this accessible work explores the theological themes in 101 well-established figures and trends from film, television, video games, music, sports, art, fashion, and literature. This book is ideal for anyone who has an interest in popular culture and its impact on our spiritual lives. Contributors include such experts in the field as David Dark, Mark I. Pinsky, Lisa Swain, Steve Turner, Lauren Winner, and more.

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  • Paz Del Perdon – (Spanish)


    Charles Stanley, one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our day, shares the key to personal and even world peace in La paz del perdon. As Stanley points out that no sin is so shockingly evil it blocks God’s forgiveness nor so trivial it negates the need for God’s mercy, he shares the specifics of how to go about receiving and giving forgiveness.

    Una guia practica acerca del perdon de Dios y hacia nuestros semejantes.

    Charles Stanley, uno de los lideres espirtuales mas influyentes de nuestra epoca, comparte la llave de la paz tanto personal como para todo el mundo en La paz del perdon. Stanley muestra que ningun pecado es tan malvado que Dios no lo puede perdonar ni tan trivial que no se necesita la misericordia de Dios. Comparte pasos espicificos en cuanto a como recibir y dar el perdon.

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  • Jesus Today : Experiencing Hope Through His Presence


    Beloved missionary, Sarah Young, shares another deeply spiritual devotional to help readers grow in grace, hear from God, and walk with Jesus TodayTM. Her first book, the acclaimed bestseller, Jesus Calling, was born after years of writing in her prayer journal and feeling led to write down what she believed God was telling her. Gradually, her prayer journal turned from a monologue to a dialogue. Knowing that her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, this process still helped her grow closer in her walk with God. In Jesus TodayTM, readers will be renewed with a deeper sense of hope as Sarah shares this about her spiritual journey in writing the book: “When I began writing Jesus Today, I was deeply discouraged by the failure of many months of intensive medical treatment to improve my health. However, the longer I worked on the book-focusing on finding hope in Jesus-the more hopeful and encouraged I became.”

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  • Year With G K Chesterton


    Pull a comfy chair up to a warm hearth and enjoy 365 daily offerings of wit and wisdom from G. K. Chesterton.

    A Year with G.K. Chesterton gives one the feeling of being welcomed to an inn where a fire blazes in the hearth and a hearty meal awaits. Chesterton bids readers enter. Scarcely anything worthy of comment seems to have escaped Chesterton’s notice, and his reflections on all manner of subjects-faith, literature, the visual arts, or philosophy-are as trenchant and moving as they are wise.

    People walked to places in Chesterton’s day and took their time over things in ways that reveal what we have lost in our constant rush to get to who-knows-where with ever-increasing speed. Chesterton reminds us that it is well worth consulting a map of the cosmos before a swift departure from the station.

    Those who read one passage a day from the collection that follows will be glad of the chance to keep company with so thoughtful a friend as Chesterton. The recurring themes of his writing are so many boon companions-travelers well met as we journey to the far country-the place where things we now see in twilight will become reality in the swift sunrise of God’s making.

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  • Everything : What You Give And What You Gain To Become Like Jesus


    Readers discover exactly what it takes to grow in Christ and become like Him.

    You don’t need a plan, and you don’t need a program. To experience the abundant Christian life, you only need Jesus. In Everything, critically acclaimed author Mary DeMuth answers the question: what exactly does it take to become more like our irresistible Savior? The answers readers find will inspire and surprise them. They discover revolutionary insights about:
    how undecorated obedience brings unprecedented spiritual growth
    how to rise above doubt, worry and fear
    how to develop an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit
    how to cherish brokenness as a wide open pathway to God
    and much, much more

    A life committed to Jesus is not about spiritual “bootstrapping,” pulling up our broken selves, hoping God didn’t notice our stumbling. With hard-hitting words written in love and smothered in biblical truth, Everything reminds us that the spiritually vibrant life we long for can be grasped. We must fight for it, strive for it ceaselessly, reach for it when we fall, and lift our hands in praise when we’re victorious. With extraordinary writing and fresh thinking, this groundbreaking book inspires believers to give everything to Jesus to gain everything he offers.

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  • Kingdom Promise : How Leading Canadians Choose Faith To Conquer The Storms


    This book will inspire, uplift and strengthen the reader’s faith in these uncertain times by providing overwhelming evidence that when we trust God and walk in faith and righteousness, God provides for our every need in every circumstance. The Kingdom Promise sites a wide range of modern day examples of Canadians – from media leaders to sports icons who demonstrate this power of the faith that overcomes all. Their testimonies prove God’s fulfillment of His Kingdom Promise, which is best found in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” The Kingdom Promise provides a solid spiritual foundation to accelerate your faith so you are prepared for difficult circumstances and reassured that God will provide for all of your mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual needs. The book highlights the lives of leading Canadian Christians, including: Dr. David Mainse (100 Huntley St), Paul Henderson, Ron Ellis, Mike Gartner and Don Cherry (hockey heroes), Lorna Dueck (Context TV show), Bruxy Cavey (The Meeting House), John Arnott (Catch the Fire), Bruce Smith (King Bay Chaplaincy), Mel Stevens (Teen Ranch), Tim Cestnick (Finance and Tax Expert), Phil Geldart (Eagle’s Flight), Gerry O’Mahoney (World Vision Canada Board) and many others who share amazing testimonies of how their faith overcame challenges and significant life crisis.

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  • Beatitudes


    God’s Benefit Plan

    Some of the most comforting words a Christian could possibly hear from God are, “I want to bless you.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ told us that we can come to Him as we are-in need, mourning, oppressed, or hungering-and He will bless us. In Charles Spurgeon’s revealing exploration of The Beatitudes, you will learn to…
    *Receive God’s comfort
    *Develop a gentle, forgiving spirit
    *Inherit the earth
    *Find contentment
    *Obtain mercy
    *Be pure in heart
    *See God more clearly

    God has an excellent benefits package for His children. Discover the way to receive the rich treasures God wants you to have!

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  • Daily Help Devotional


    Guidance & Comfort

    The Daily Help Devotional directs you through each day of the year, touching and inspiring your faith and anchoring your soul to the Lord. These messages, along with key verses of Scripture, will bring you into fellowship with God in a remarkable way. These teachings will guide you in…
    *Experiencing God’s direction
    *Relieving tensions of the day
    *Finding the peace that passes understanding
    *Developing a stronger faith
    *Knowing the mind of the Lord

    Spurgeon’s writings directly reflect God’s words and principles, while they convey his characteristic warmth and compassion. In only a few moments each day, these meditations will help those who are seeking intimacy with our Lord and want to discover the joy of dwelling daily with our Savior.

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  • According To Promise


    God Keeps His Promises

    We all have access to the storehouse of God’s promises! In this book, Charles Spurgeon shows how you can…
    *Receive God’s many promises to you
    *Be sure of your salvation
    *Increase your faith
    *Pray more effectively
    *Be holy in God’s eyes
    *Obtain a higher level of grace
    *Experience a deeper relationship with God

    Discover how you can receive the many gifts that God has available for every one of His children.

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  • Excellence In Marriage


    Married and Happy?

    Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

    Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

    Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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  • Year Of Biblical Womanhood


    A strong Christian woman embarks on a radical life experiment-a year of biblical womanhood.

    Strong and committed in her faith-but frustrated by the inconsistencies she saw in her evangelical culture’s view of women-Rachel Held Evans became an independent woman. But, intrigued by the traditionalist resurgence that led many of her friends to abandon their careers to assume traditional gender roles in the home, Evans had a crazy idea:What if I took “biblical womanhood” literally for a full year? In the next twelve months Rachel:
    Wore a scarf over her head to pray
    Called her husband “master” and stood on the roadside with a sign that said “Dan is Awesome”
    Adopted a computerized baby
    Perched on the roof for an afternoon of penance for gossiping
    Camped out in her front yard during her period
    Visited an Amish schoolhouse, a pig farm in Bolivia, and a Benedictine monastery
    Took up baking and knitting
    Interviewed a polygamist, a Quiverfull daughter, and a courtship couple

    With just the right mixture of humor and insight, Evans takes readers along with her on a lively adventure. In the process she discovers that the journey itself leads her right to the heart of God.

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  • Glimpses Of Glory


    Glimpses of Glory can help you to discover the frequently overlooked spiritual truths present in your own daily life. The author uses a winsome and realistic style of reflection, which can be both easily understood and often personally instructive.

    Christmas Letters and Faith Notes, which contain poems and prose tenderly crafted from a grateful heart, can create in you a longing to explore such ordinary topics as the following:

    * Beginnings
    * Changes
    * Companionship
    * New Life
    * Time
    * Trust

    If you yearn to have a deeper understanding of how spiritual power can be released in your daily life, read Glimpses of Glory.

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  • Glimpses Of Glory


    Glimpses of Glory can help you to discover the frequently overlooked spiritual truths present in your own daily life. The author uses a winsome and realistic style of reflection, which can be both easily understood and often personally instructive.

    Christmas Letters and Faith Notes, which contain poems and prose tenderly crafted from a grateful heart, can create in you a longing to explore such ordinary topics as the following:

    * Beginnings
    * Changes
    * Companionship
    * New Life
    * Time
    * Trust

    If you yearn to have a deeper understanding of how spiritual power can be released in your daily life, read Glimpses of Glory.

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  • You Will Receive Power


    You were created for glory! Christ came so that you might be restored to the initial glory for which God made you. The whole place of redemption is to put the divine nature back into your spirit, as it was meant to be from the very beginning. As William Law reveals the power of the Holy Spirit to you, he explains how you can…
    *Know Christ as your source of strength
    *Receive your heart’s desires
    *Move mountains with your faith
    *Minister to others effectively
    *Be led by God
    *Have the power of the Holy Spirit
    *Experience the presence of God

    Discover how you can have the Christ-centered, Spirit-filled life that God originally created you for!

    “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
    -2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

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  • Strength Renewed : Meditations For Your Journey Through Breast Cancer


    Nothing can sap a person’s strength and hope quite like a cancer diagnosis–unless it is the energy-stealing chemotherapy and surgeries faced in the fight against cancer. But one can find hope and strength in the pages of Scripture and in the experience of someone who has been there.

    Strength Renewed is an encouraging devotional for those living in the valley of cancer. Meditations combine Scripture and stories from the author’s own experience and can be read in sequential order to move the reader through a typical cancer journey from diagnosis through treatment. Each devotion also stands on its own, so readers can go directly to the entry that speaks to their need. Each devotional includes a short prayer and a Scripture verse for encouragement.

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  • Is There A Future For Gods Love


    Historically, evangelical theology has been committed to revealed truth. However, can that commitment still function in a world that tends to be averse to truth claims and often resistant to authority?

    In addition to revealed truth, evangelicalism has always insisted on a direct, personal encounter with God in Christ and on personal involvement in God’s mission to redeem the world. How does evangelical Christianity’s understanding of a loving God fit in a world suspicious of any claim to a normative enounter with the divine? How can one answer the call to love and serve in God’s name when all such calls are often viewed as inherently intolerant?

    Henry H. Knight III wrestles with these and other questions as he explores the ways that evangelical Christians can prayerfully practice spiritual discernment while also contextualizing the gospel in order to practice their faith effectively without compromise.

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  • Spirit Hunger : Filling Our Deep Longing To Connect With God


    We all have a desperate need for God — not just for following him or being committed to him, but to be intimately connected to him. We long for purpose, for affirmation, for attention, for nurture. But Gari Meacham writes that we fall short of being desperate for God, or we miss the longed-for romance with God we hear about in scripture.andnbsp; We’re uncertain how to distinguish our longings from our fears.andnbsp; When, says Meacham, did our longings turn to hauntings? And when did we buy into the counterfeit yearnings for control, and the insecurity, perfectionism and other attitudes that quench Spirit Hunger? The answer to Spirit Hunger is to engage God like never before. In this book Meacham shows through her story and the stories of others how to turn worry into belief, problems and heartaches into a life of intimate prayer, and sighs for intimacy into closeness with God.andnbsp; She discusses her discoveries about prayer including why asking is sometimes hard, how we can notice and track God’s movements as we seek his answers, and why it’s sometimes such a struggle to believe after we’ve prayed. Meacham writes, ‘With the authenticity of my own life stories—marriage to a professional baseball player, struggles with severe food bondage, and a father who was a quadriplegic—I came to the crisp realization that my prayer life and my belief needed to match. Spirit Hunger provides a clear path towards matching these heart cries—leading away from crumbs and counterfeit, to a hungering for God.’

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  • Gracia Guia Del Participante (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study Gu



    We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

    But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?

    Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

    God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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  • Idol Lies : Facing The Truth About Our Deepest Desires


    What’s Hiding In Your Heart? Deep down, every woman longs to feel loved and secure. We may think we look to God for these things, but in reality we often run to food, Facebook, or friendship first. Worshiping God’s gifts is idolatry. And idolatry destroys intimacy with God and steals our joy. In this book, author Dee Brestin brings unfailing principles and vivid testimonies to guide you, step-by-step, to freedom and a life-changing intimacy with the True Lover of your soul.

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  • Gracia – (Spanish)



    We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

    But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no? Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

    God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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  • Discovering Lectio Divina



    1. Thirsty For God
    We Long For Living Water
    The Invitation To Meditate
    The Sweetness And Bitterness Of Scripture
    We Hope For Trans-formation

    2. The Divinely Spoken Scripture
    God’s Word In Human Speech
    God’s Love Letter
    The Divinely Spoken Scripture
    A Record Of Human Relationship With God
    Invitation To Human Relationship With God

    3. We Who Live And Read
    We Are Not Alone
    What We Bring
    What The Spirit Brings
    What The Spirit Does

    4. Reading
    What Is Reading Like?
    Reading And Interpreting
    Personal Interpretation And The Holy Spirit
    The Practice Of Reading
    A Final Story

    5. Meditating
    What Is Scripture Meditation?
    Slow Down
    Take It In
    Take It With You

    6. Praying
    Prayer Before Reading And Meditating
    Prayer During Reading And Meditating
    Prayer After Reading And Meditating
    Prayer As The House That Lectio Divina Inhabits

    7. Contemplating
    The Word Contemplation
    God’s Presence
    The Practice Of Contemplation

    8. Acting In The Midst Of The Trials Of Life
    Scripture Leads Us Into Action
    Action Draws Us Into Scripture

    For Further Reading

    Additional Info
    Saints of the past can’t seem to say enough about their ecstatic experiences with Bible reading. Meanwhile it’s all you can do to keep from dozing off. What was their secret? James Wilhoit and Evan Howard argue that our ancestors responded to the special nature of the Bible with special habits of reading. In this step-by-step introduction to the practice of lectio divina, you will learn what it means to read your way to intimacy with God.

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  • 12 Unlikely Heroes Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Building on the success of his best-selling books Twelve Ordinary Men and Twelve Extraordinary Women, Dr. John MacArthur turns his attention to twelve of the most unlikely heroes in the Bible. Summarizing their lives and the depth of their individual faith, he demonstrates the way in which God also requires men and women to fortify his kingdom. Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, Dr. MacArthur highlights a wide range of heroines, including Joseph, Miriam, Samson, Jonathan, Esther, Mark, Onesimus, and more! Features include: Insightful questions for in-depth study Places to journal Guided prayers

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  • Joshua Code : 52 Scripture Verses Every Believer Should Know


    The Israelites finally had land and the opportunity to start anew. Their leader, Joshua, spoke wisely about how to follow God’s law and how to be successful. Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The Joshua CodeTM is a challenge to keep the Word in our mouths through memorization and in our hearts through meditation “day and night.”

    The fifty-two chapters in this volume are designed to lead you on a yearlong journey by spending each week memorizing and meditating on one Scripture verse so that it becomes a living part of your very being. Topics include grace, temptation, the three levels of prayer, fruit of the spirit, and more. The outlines in each chapter can also be used by the busy pastor or Bible teacher for guiding their members. God’s Word is powerful and profitable when studied and applied by anyone, the young and the seasoned believer alike.

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  • Beyond Boundaries : Learning To Trust Again In Relationships


    How do you know you’re ready to trust again … and what does it take to be ready? Painful relationships violate our trust, causing us to close our hearts. But to experience the freedom and love God designed us for, we eventually have to take another risk. In this breakthrough book, bestselling author Dr. John Townsend takes you beyond the pain of the past to discover how to re-enter a life of intimate relationships. Whether you’re trying to restore a current relationship or begin a new one, Townsend gives practical tools for establishing trust and finding the intimacy you long for. Beyond Boundaries will help you:
    Reinstate closeness appropriately with someone who broke your trust
    Discern when true change has occurred
    Reestablish appropriate connections in strained relationships
    Create a safe environment that helps you trust
    Restore former relationships to a healthy dynamic
    Learn to engage and be vulnerable in a new relationship as well

    You can move past relational pain to trust again. Beyond Boundaries will show you how.

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  • Grace Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)



    We talk as though we understand the term. The bank gives us a grace period. The seedy politician falls from grace. Musicians speak of a grace note. We describe an actress as gracious, a dancer as graceful. We use the word for hospitals, baby girls, kings, and premeal prayers. We talk as though we know what grace means.

    But do we really understand it? Have we settled for wimpy grace? It politely occupies a phrase in a hymn, fits nicely on a church sign. Never causes trouble or demands a response. When asked, “Do you believe in grace?” who could say no?

    Max Lucado asks a deeper question: Have you been changed by grace? Shaped by grace? Strengthened by grace? Emboldened by grace? Softened by grace? Snatched by the nape of your neck and shaken to your senses by grace?

    God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water, riptide, turn-you-upside-downness about it. Grace comes after you. It rewires you. From insecure to God secure. From regret riddled to better-because-of-it. From afraid to die to ready to fly. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.

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  • Hells Spells : How To Identify Take Captive And Dispel The Weapons Of Darkn


    It’s time for Christians to be aware of who and what they are allowing themselves to associate with, and start cleaning house.

    Hell’s Spells is based on the most intense and also the most popular series Pastor Jim Raley has ever preached. In this important book that draws from Paul’s writings to the Galatian church, you’ll discover how to identify, take captive, and dispel the weapons of darkness in your life and home.

    Many Christians never experience the full power of the Christian life because they are unknowingly allowing the enemy to have access to their lives. Once he gains entrance, he can manipulate, dominate, and intimidate even the strongest Christian. After reading this important message, no longer will you be at the mercy of evils such as:
    *Controlling Spirits
    *Generational Curses
    *Witchcraft in the Home

    It’s time to get down and dirty and expose the devil for who he is. This book’s message is intense, but its intention isn’t to cause you to live in fear; it’s to wake you up and help you break free to live the victorious life God wants you to live.

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  • Freedom Beyond Comprehension


    You’ve prayed for deliverance and you’ve forgiven those who have hurt or abused you and yet you’re still nursing the painful wounds of your past. Does this describe your experience? Many Christians have suffered unspeakable trauma and wonder why they aren’t experiencing the freedom God has promised. The reason is that trauma goes deeper than the mind. It infiltrates the body at the cellular level, and only a deliverance that deals with the whole mind, soul, spirit, and body will treat the trauma and set you completely free. Speaking as one who has received miraculous healing herself and also ministered it to others, Christian author and healing expert Joan Hunter demonstrates how to find true freedom through such methods as:

    *Cursing cellular memory of rape and other forms of sexual abuse
    *Replacing painful memories with positive thoughts
    *Escaping the stress that wears you down
    *Renewing your mind with the mind of Christ
    *Forgiving those who have harmed you
    *Learning to love yourself
    *Accepting the unconditional love of your heavenly Father

    As you break free from the bondage of trauma and pain, you will walk in deliverance and discover your true identity as a beloved child of God. You can be healed and whole! Start the recovery process today.

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  • Joining Forces : Balancing Masculine And Feminine


    Many of us absorbed the rules for being male or female from our families and the culture in which we grew to adulthood. We formed beliefs about a man’s role and a woman’s role based on what we observed and experienced; mostly, those beliefs had to do with what men and woman did rather than who they were. Our ideas about what constitutes “masculine” and “feminine,” by now outdated and inadequate, have led to a precarious imbalance both in our inner lives and in our external lives of relating to men and women. The result? A gender war. In Joining Forces, Jeanie Miley explains that our deeply ingrained gender expectations have created an imbalance in our emotional and spiritual lives and have kept us from becoming our most authentic selves. Joining Forces will help readers discover the masculine and feminine characteristics that connect, unite, and restore us-traits that men and women alike can and do express. By joining our masculine and feminine strengths, we restore our own souls, our creative energies, and our own true, essential natures.

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  • Reclaiming The Sufficiency Of Scripture


    Christians share a commitment to the inerrancy of Scripture, but have we slipped on our commitment and understanding of sufficiency? We believe the Bible is true, but do we believe it is enough for every matter of faith and practice? Rob Rienow invites us to reexamine this vital doctrine and understand the foundation it sets for advancing the Gospel at church and at home. This book encourages the reader to apply God’s Word to every area of ministry.

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  • Undaunted Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Your God Is So Big!, Christine Caine, popular conference speaker and co-founder of Equip and Empower Ministries and the A21 Campaign (the ‘Ministries’) makes her North American literary debut with an inspirational book offering life-transforming insights about how to not only overcome tile challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered. Using her dramatic life story to create the narrative arc, Christine Caine will take her readers on an epic journey through the stages of pain and loss that ultimately lead to hope, healing, transformation and new beginnings. Along the way, she will show readers how they pass by miracles every day without realizing it miracles hidden in plain sight — in their communities and their lives. She will show readers how God healed her and then opened her to eyes to the shadows of our world where He is actively working — the very places we too often overlook or ignore. She will encourage her readers to open their lives to God’s miraculous touch and determine today to be the miracle! Grounded in reality and personal experience, and using the passionate narrative style that has made Christine Caine one of the most sought after speakers in the world, Be the Miracle is much more than a typical self-help book. It is a call to action for anyone who has experienced the challenges of life and is willing to let God use those experiences to bring strength and transformation to their lives and in a world of hurt and need open themselves up to a loving, caring, miracle-working God and be changed forever.

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  • My Mess Became My Message


    In her compelling life story, My Mess Became My Message, Shalaunda “Shay” Nielsen shares the mess that once was her life in hopes that her story will be the benediction that leads someone to Christ. Once a stripper, lesbian, liar, fornicator, and adulterer, Shay lived a life that screamed “sin.” Hearts will drop as readers live through her delivering her stillborn son, witness worldly escapades, and fight demons that continue to haunt her. The same hearts will rejoice as they relive the moments where she dedicates her life to Christ, marries a man who is after God’s heart, and gives birth to her daughter. Two very different lives…lived by the same woman through the grace of God. As readers turn the pages they will watch the mess transform into a message. Shalaunda Nielsen, called Shay by those closest to her, is a wife, mother, daughter, visionary, and most importantly a woman of God. By age twenty-one Shay had seen more than most women twice her age, lived a life that paralleled the plot of an urban fiction novel, and sunk to her lowest low. She had compromised everything God intended her to stand for through lesbianism, stripping, and drug use. Yet in the midst of it all Shay felt God tugging at her heart and began to yearn for Him instead of worldly desires. She learned through a series of events that God is no shorter than His Word, and as a result today she is a sold-out Christian on a mission to allow her mess to be a message that will deliver other young women from the jaws of hell. Visit my website at: Follow me on Twitter at: Mrs_MyMessage Like my Facebook page, My Message/

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  • My Mess Became My Message


    In her compelling life story, My Mess Became My Message, Shalaunda “Shay” Nielsen shares the mess that once was her life in hopes that her story will be the benediction that leads someone to Christ. Once a stripper, lesbian, liar, fornicator, and adulterer, Shay lived a life that screamed “sin.” Hearts will drop as readers live through her delivering her stillborn son, witness worldly escapades, and fight demons that continue to haunt her. The same hearts will rejoice as they relive the moments where she dedicates her life to Christ, marries a man who is after God’s heart, and gives birth to her daughter. Two very different lives…lived by the same woman through the grace of God. As readers turn the pages they will watch the mess transform into a message. Shalaunda Nielsen, called Shay by those closest to her, is a wife, mother, daughter, visionary, and most importantly a woman of God. By age twenty-one Shay had seen more than most women twice her age, lived a life that paralleled the plot of an urban fiction novel, and sunk to her lowest low. She had compromised everything God intended her to stand for through lesbianism, stripping, and drug use. Yet in the midst of it all Shay felt God tugging at her heart and began to yearn for Him instead of worldly desires. She learned through a series of events that God is no shorter than His Word, and as a result today she is a sold-out Christian on a mission to allow her mess to be a message that will deliver other young women from the jaws of hell. Visit my website at: Follow me on Twitter at: Mrs_MyMessage Like my Facebook page, My Message/

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  • What You Need To Know About Spiritual Growth


    Discover the exciting growth plan for your life! Find out how God can use anything in your life to help you become more like His Son, Jesus Christ. Explore God’s abundant resources that nourish you-His Spirit, the Bible, the church, time and challenges, and the spiritual disciplines-proven paths to a fruitful life. Learn how God speaks to believers and empowers them to overcome entrenched sins. What You Need to Know about Spiritual Growth will help you grow in Christ-secure in His love, strong in His grace, and seasoned to persevere for daily victories and joyful service to others.

    Features include:
    12 lessons you can complete in under 1 hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on the topic
    Easy-to-teach resources, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion

    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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  • Start To Finish


    The goal of this book is to lay biblical foundations concerning the discovery of your gifts, the development of them, and the practical implementation of those gifts. It is truth that is simple, attainable, and applicable. It is my goal to present truth in such a way that you are moved beyond intellectual assent to application, which transforms our character and manner of life.

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  • Dreams And Visions


    Jesus appears to be revealing Himself to Muslims through powerful dreams and visions throughout the Islamic world today, and the results are dramatic.

    Eleven years ago, Pastor Tom Doyle felt God calling him to leave the pastorate and become a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia. Through his extensive work in the region, which includes over 80 trips to places like Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, and Turkey, Tom has met and recorded the stories of former Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through either a dream or a vision that powerfully opened their hearts to become followers of Christ.

    Though they live in the most dangerous places in the world for people who leave Islam and embrace Christ, their passion for the Savior is contagious and inspirational. These are never-before-told stories from the front lines of the world of Islam. Through these unexplained supernatural occurrences, more Muslims have become believers in the last ten years than in the last 15 centuries of Islam.

    Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world?
    Can dreams and visions be trusted?What happens after these people experience a dream or vision?

    In Dreams and Visions, Tom Doyle takes the reader deep into the heart of the Middle East to meet believers who have been directly touched by the very hand of God.

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  • Sabbath In The Suburbs


    “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Yeah, right. Sabbath-keeping seems quaint in our 24/7, twenty-first century world. Life often feels impossibly full, what with work, to-do lists, kid activities, chores, and errands. And laundry… always and forever laundry.

    But the Sabbath isn’t just one of the Ten Commandments; it is a delight that can transform the other six days of the week. Join one family’s quest to take Sabbath to heart and change their frenetic way of living by keeping a Sabbath day each week for one year. With lively and compelling prose, MaryAnn McKibben Dana documents their experiment with holy time as a guide for families of all shapes and sizes. Tips are included in each chapter to help make your own Sabbath experiment successful.

    “Sabbath In the Suburbs is the beautiful story of one family’s decision to spend a year exploring the meaning of keeping Sabbath. It is a powerful affirmation of living a life that does not just manage time, but embraces the moment. MaryAnn McKibben Dana writes with elegance, clarity and humor about the family’s search for a creative and workable Sabbath framework, while pondering the transformative and restorative quality of rest. It is a luminous reflection with deep resonance in our culture of perpetual motion.”
    -Carrie Newcomer, musician, performer, Grammy Award-winning songwriter

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  • Doce Heroes Inconcebibles – (Spanish)


    In the third installment of the Twelve series, readers discover that true success is measured in terms of obedience, humility and faithfulness to God.

    They faltered. They struggled. At times, they failed. Yet God worked through them in incredible ways to accomplish his purposes. In Twelve Unlikely Heroes, the third installment of Dr. MacArthur’s Twelve series (Twelve Ordinary Men, Twelve Extraordinary Women), readers gain new insights into the kind of people God uses, and what it means to be successful in his eyes. Readers receive deep biblical teaching and inspiring life instruction from Bible characters like:
    Joseph: a slave who saved his country and his family
    Miriam: the sister who helped shape one of Israel’s foremost deliverers
    Samson: an uncontrollable man whom God empowered and used
    Jonathan: an heir to a throne he was willing to give up
    Esther: the woman God used to spare the Jewish people
    Mark: a coward who was restored and wrote the second gospel
    Onesimus: a runaway slave who became a minister And more!

    Twelve Unlikely Heroes highlights this wonderful mystery: that God uses weak, foolish, and broken people to showcase his power, wisdom, and love. He works through those who are humble, contrite, and eager to obey. By God’s grace and for his glory, ordinary sinners are unexpectedly transformed into heroes of the faith.

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  • Wake Up Generation


    Wake Up, Generation, a breakout new title from debut author Paige Omartian, will revolutionize the life of any young adult seeking purpose, passion, and direction. As a growing generation is characterized by a lifestyle of apathy and indifference, Paige uses biblical teaching and shares relatable stories to help young people break the chains and discover the God-driven mission for their lives.

    Readers will:
    understand their life’s sacred purpose
    wake up to the needs of the world around them
    develop a vision and mission statement for life r
    ealize how their own story fits into God’s design
    become equipped to live out the passionate, fulfilling life God intended

    Singles from Paiges debut album, Wake Up, have appeared on Top 30 charts of Christian music, and extensive media coverage, including an appearance on the Today Show, has earned her a legion of fans. With a growing reach, Paige will connect with readers and help them understand that its time to wake up!

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  • Deafening Cadence Of Biblical Defection


    The Deafening Cadence of Biblical Defection is more than a revelation of personal encounter. It is a written observation of the world, not as I see it, but as it truly is. Each chapter is a true-to-life account surrounding some of the most troublesome historicity of the Christian Church, all the way up to the more menacing tentacles of the anti-Christian movement in America. Of particular mention are the biased leftist media, inaccurate political propaganda from the film industry, the selling of militant humanism in our schools, political correctness, and a liberal court system that finds it appropriate to assist and legitimize Scriptural abominations into law.

    Showing little regard for the Word of God, these anti-Christian agencies have become a menacing, parasitic force tearing at the very fabric of Christian ideology and the moral stability of America. The question is, what kind of world will we assign to the next generation if man’s self-serving, immoral inequities are the measuring tool that represents final authority? Important to this work is the presentation of the one true God as delineated throughout the Old and New Testament. It is by this method understanding and resolutions for conceptual issues in this book emerge. In the end, the book answers one of the most reigning questions corroborated throughout each chapter, and that is, can Christianity as we know it survive in a society that vilifies anything that represents Christian symbolic ideology?

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  • Declutter Now : Uncovering The Hidden Joy And Freedom In Your Life


    We all have too much STUFF! Not just tangible things, but also the harmful clutter we allow to take up residence in our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. Every area of your life must be decluttered for you to live with the joy and freedom God desires!

    * We’ll clean out closets, relationships, and finances.
    * We’ll share ideas on decluttering your children’s lives from the get-go, and how to instill tools they’ll need to keep them that way.
    * We’ll navigate through challenges at work and critical career decisions.
    * Are you burdened by emotional ties that bind or physical problems which keep you in bondage?
    * We’ll tackle those too! Does your spiritual life feel empty or stalled?

    We desire to help! Declutter what you don’t need to make room for what really matters. Less can truly be more!

    * Do you long for more peace and harmony in your life?
    * Do you desire more quality time with family?
    * Are you seeking relief from financial burdens?
    * Are you ready to release the grip of guilt and obligation?
    * Do you yearn for an increased ability to serve God?

    Declutter Now! is for REAL people dealing with REAL life! Discover the tremendous joy possible when living a decluttered life for Christ.

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  • Look At Life From A Deer Stand Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    This companion study guide draws on the stories in A Look at Life from a Deer Stand to encourage men to deepen their spiritual walk with the Lord and discover how biblical truths and wisdom can make their lives richer and more meaningful. By focusing on the outdoors, men of all ages will enjoy discovering new insights about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Short prayers, questions that combine hunting and biblical wisdom to promote growth, and discussions that center on being in the woods encourage men to share their own experiences and faith. Perfect for individuals and small groups.

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  • John Ploughmans Talks


    Everyday advice based on biblical faith

    Charles Spurgeon’s success as a legendary preacher and author was generated from his intense love and concern for “working people.” In John Ploughman’s Talks, Spurgeon assumes the persona of a simple ploughman to dispense advice and address serious moral issues in the language of the common man. Spurgeon’s homespun humor and rustic illustrations reflect on a variety of issues, such as idleness, grumbling, appearance, patience, gossiping, debt, spending, family, hope, and much more.

    In Spurgeon’s words, “That I have written in a semi-humorous vein needs no apology, since thereby sound moral teaching has gained a hearing….There is no particular virtue in being seriously unreadable.”

    In the tradition of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Spurgeon’s tale is destined to be enjoyed for generations by people of all ages and backgrounds.

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  • Land Between : Finding God In Difficult Transitions


    Author Jeff Manion uses the biblical story of the Israelite’s journey through the Sinai desert as a metaphor for being in an undesired time of transition. After enduring generations of slavery in Egypt, the descendants of Jacob travel through the desert (the land between) toward their new home in Canaan. They crave the food of their former home in Egypt and despise their present environment. They are unable to go back and incapable of moving forward. Their reactions provide insight and guidance on how to respond to God during our own seasons of difficult transition. The Land Between provides fresh biblical insight for people traveling through undesired and difficult transitions such as foreclosure, unemployment, uncertainty, and failure. Such times provide our greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. God desires to meet us in our chaos and emotional upheaval, and he intends for us to encounter his goodness and provision, his hope and guidance.

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  • In The Eye Of The Storm


    One day in the life of Christ.

    Call it a tapestry of turmoil: A noisy pictorial in which the golden threads of triumph knot against the black, frazzled strings of tragedy.

    Call it a symphony of emotions: A sunrise-to-sunset orchestration of extremes. One score is brassy with exuberance — the next moans with sorrow. Whatever you call it — call it real. Author Max Lucado calls it “the second most stressful day in the life of our Savior.” Before the morning becomes evening Jesus has reason to weep, then run, then shout, the curse, then praise, then doubt. Within a matter of moments his world is turned upside down. Sound familiar? The pink slip comes. The doctor calls. The divorce papers arrive. The check bounces. The life that had been calm is now chaotic. The world that had been serene is now stormy. Assailed by doubts. Pummeled by demands. If you’ve ever wondered if God in heaven can relate to you on earth, then read and re-read this pressure-packed day in the life of Christ. It is the only day, aside from the crucifixion, that all four gospels recorded. Lucado has interwoven their accounts in such a way that you will be assured that God knows how you feel.

    And you will be assured that within every torrent there is a calm center — a place you can stand when your world gets windy. The Eye of the Storm.

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  • Men Of Sunday


    Step into the locker rooms and living rooms of NFL players and personnel to see how a close relationship with God guides football’s biggest stars.
    Compiled from dozens of interviews, Men of Sunday marks the intersection of two Sunday traditions: faith and football. Inspired by the league’s “systemic shift” toward embracing Christianity, Bloomberg writer Curtis Eichelberger shows how God is a source of comfort when facing the unique challenges of life in the NFL and the everyday challenges of maintaining strong families and building character. Hear in their own words how the NFL’s greatest rely on their faith to overcome drug abuse, family crises, injuries, and temptations resulting from fame and fortune.

    Featured personalities include
    *New York Jets running back LaDainian Tomlinson
    *Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers
    *Former Chicago Bears middle linebacker Mike Singletary
    *Cincinnati Bengals coach Marvin Lewis
    *Former Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy
    *San Diego Chargers pastor Shawn Mitchell
    *Danisha Rolle, wife of former Tennessee and Baltimore defensive back Samari Rolle
    *And many more

    Men of Sunday’s readers-“normal folks . . . who go to church on Sunday, come home to root for their team, and who live a righteous life . . . most days”-will learn to tackle their own obstacles by trusting the Lord.

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