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Christian Living

Showing 5201–5300 of 9104 results

  • Eternity Invading Time


    Global Glory Publication

    In the Old Testament, God’s people saw Him in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. In the New Testament, the religious world thought they had God in a box behind the veil. When Jesus died, the veil was rent and God went public.

    In an ever changing world where the darkness prides itself by proclaiming they have psychic insights for every person, the church has become anemic, without as much as a sign, a miracle or a wonder.

    Where do we go from here?

    Faith is at a level the church has never known before. It is a faith being seen in the “here and now”. We must understand what Jesus meant when He said, “I only do what I hear and what I see My Father do and say.”

    You are about to enter that eternal zone, where time is losing its grip on the earth. Eternity is Invading Time.

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  • Heavens Gold : Resurrecting Faith In Todays Youth


    Young people are leaving the church in staggering numbers as they go off to college, and church leaders do not know how to stop this exodus of youth. This study outlines why young people are leaving and what it will take to resurrect their faith, offering a foolproof plan how to accomplish that. Heaven’s Gold takes the reader on a treasure hunt through Scripture from a fresh point of view that will attract young people, rather than drive them away. By turning the church into a spiritual fitness center, the fire of faith can be rekindled in each of us.

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  • Love No Matter What


    How will you respond when your child makes a decision you don’t agree with?

    Parents and kids will never agree on everything but what can mom and dad do when that decision – whether a matter of preference, spirituality, or morality – is something they think is totally wrong? Author and speaker Brenda Garrison knows all too well that how parents respond will either build a wall or a bridge between them and their child.

    Brenda and her husband were forced to answer this question when their oldest daughter Katie abruptly moved out of the house with no means of support. It was not an illegal or immoral decision, but it was one that wasn’t good for her. Their determination to keep an open door of communication is documented not only by their story, but by comments from Katie in each chapter as she offers insights from her own perspective.

    Also included are other family scenarios – everything from matters of preference to foolish, immoral, and even illegal decisions – as well as insights into different styles of parenting such as servant, checked-out, gotcha, scared, and controlling parents.

    With practical tips and relatable stories, Brenda shares how to model God’s parenting style and explains the difference between the parent’s responsibilities and the child’s, then helps mom and dad discover ways to develop and nurture a relationship with their child that will last a lifetime.

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  • God Freedom And Human Dignity


    Part 1: The Me-Centered Self
    1. How The Me-Centered World Was Born
    2. Defiance
    3. Subservience
    4. Indifference
    5. The Disquieting God Of The Modern Self
    6. The Secret Aspirations Of The Modern Self
    7. Some Unwelcome Limits On Freedom

    Part 2: The God-Centered Self
    8. The Self-Giving God Of The Gospel
    9. The Irony Of Divine Weakness
    10. The Awakening Presence
    11. A New Way Of Being Human Being
    12. The Divine Adoption
    13. The Emergence Of God-Centered Identity
    14. The Freedom Of The Children Of God
    15. Gods Love As The Ground And Measure Of Human Dignity
    16. The Reconciliation Of Heaven And Earth

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    Does Gods all-encompassing will restrict our freedom? Does Gods ownership and mastery over us diminish our dignity? The fear that God is a threat to our freedom and dignity goes far back in Western thought. Such suspicion remains with us today in our so-called secular society. In such a context any talk of God tends to provoke responses that range from defiance to subservience to indifference. How did Western culture come to this place? What impact does this social and intellectual environment have on those who claim to believe in God or more specifically in the Christian God of the Bible? Professor of religion Ron Highfield traces out the development of Western thought that has led us our current frame of mind from Plato, Augustine and Descartes through Locke, Kant, Blake Bentham, Hegel, Nietzsche–all the way down to Charles Taylor’s landmark work Sources of the Self. At the heart of the issue is the modern notion of the autonomous self and the inevitable crisis it provokes for a view of human identity, freedom and dignity found in God. Can the modern self really secure its own freedom, dignity and happiness? What alternative do we have? Highfield makes pertinent use of trinitarian theology to show how genuine Christian faith responds to this challenge by directing us to a God who is not in competition with his human creations, but rather who provides us with what we seek but could never give ourselves. God, Freedom and Human Dignity is essential reading for Christian students who are interested in the debates around secularism, modernity and identity formation.

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  • Beginners Guide To Spiritual Gifts (Reprinted)


    Your Gifts Reveal God’s Presence and PowerThe apostle Paul wrote, “There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. . . . To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Cor. 12:4,7). But what are these spiritual gifts? How do you know if you possess them? And, if you do, how do you use them?In The Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Gifts, Sam Storms will help you answer basic and foundational questions about the what, why, and how of the unique gifts God gives to each of His children. You will discover the purpose of spiritual gifts in the Church and learn how to identify your special mix of gifting. In addition, you will find out how the Holy Spirit uses the supernatural manifestation of gifts to demonstrate God’s presence and power among His people.God has gifted you . . . now learn how to use His good gifts for His glory!

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  • Seasons Of A Womans Life


    Are you afraid that .’ll never reach the end of dirty diapers? You’ll never be free of carpool duty? Your teenager’s rebellion will never end? The empty nest is just a little too empty?

    Fear not, seasons change. You blink twice and find yourself in another situation. Maybe longing for the “old days” or maybe grateful for the freshness of a new season. But like it or not, the seasons will come, each in its sequence and each in its own time.

    Using lively examples from her own life and those of other women – including Esther – Lois Evans challenges you to to discover the purpose of your life and to depend on Him as He teaches the lessons of each season. In this book, you will find helpful priniciples, recognize familiar emotions,and take to heart encouraging promises from the pages of God’s Word.

    In this edition a new chapter on the grandparenting season has been added.

    And to help you dig deeper – whether alone or with friends – chapter study questions are included.

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  • Sin Of Forgiveness


    Today’s “forgiveness” does just the opposite of what forgiveness is meant to accomplish – put another way, secular forgiveness causes more harm than good. The one forgiving is never made whole again, while the sinner is left in the same wretched condition. But true Christian forgiveness brings a blessing to all. We are to forgive, but it must be according to the example and teachings of Christ. Anything less is a sin.

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  • Deserted By God


    Suffering, failure, sin, illness, loneliness, disappointment. They all come in a seemingly endless variety of shapes and sizes. At times there seems to be no way to turn, either backwards or forwards; there is no light at either end of the tunnel. For many people such experiences raise the question: Why has this happened to me? Has God abandoned me? Can nobody help? Is despair all that is left to me?

    Large numbers of people today share such experiences and privately ask these very questions. But there is an answer. In fact there is a whole series of answers. Deserted by God? begins with the question ‘Can Anyone Help Me?’ and draws on the experience of the psalmists in the Old Testament to help us to being to understand the ways of God. It shows how others have walked the same pathway before us. They provide us with wisdom which will lead us to the conviction of the closing chapter that we are ‘Never Deserted’.

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  • Royalty Principle : A Guide To Reigning In The Kingdom Of Heaven


    If you’ve ever wondered, “Is this all there is?” to your Christian experience, you will be blessed to learn there is more, much more. The day you are born again, you enter God’s household and become a member of His royal family in the Kingdom of Heaven. Roy-al-ty n 1 the rank, status or authority of a sovereign; 2 a royal personage; and, 3 royal nature or quality Prin-ci-ple n 1 A basic truth upon which others can be founded; 2 an essential character; and, 3 moral standards or rules of conduct Royalty principle = a basic truth and moral standard, which is necessary for the essential character of royal personages with rank, status and authority, to develop and maintain their royal nature The Royalty Principle is a ten-week course about the Kingdom of Heaven. It will instruct you in how to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples as you go about the Father’s business. As an ambassador for Christ, His royal representative here on earth, you will learn that you can make a difference. The Royalty Principle will help prepare you for the ultimate end-of-life experience-ruling and reigning with Lord Jesus for eternity. Inside you will learn about your Kingdom of Heaven: * Responsibilities * Rewards * Crowns Lady Dylyce, Princess of the Kingdom of Heaven, invites you to join her in discovering the daily excitement of walking with God.

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  • Living With The Book


    We should spend our entire Christian life searching the Scriptures to learn about God and His will for our lives. Throughout our lifetime, we may study a book of the Bible many times. We will also hear messages and read commentaries or other books that help us better understand God’s Word. Most of us take the insights we receive on various occasions, make a quick note, and promptly lose them.

    Living with the Book provides a permanent place to keep a record of what you learn when you study these New Testament letters. Add to your journal over the years, each time you return to this gospel, hear another message, or read a book that provides new insight into these Scriptures.

    Living with the Book provides insight into the times and the context in which God’s Word was first delivered. They will also challenge you to consider how the passages you are studying apply to your life today. As you read through a book of the Bible, spend time meditating on His words. Pray about them. Write down what God is telling you from these passages and how you have been responding.

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  • Grace2U A Three Strand Cord


    Filled with devotions, prayers and ways to practice praising the Lord in your daily life, Grace2U A Three-strand cord gives you a collection unlike any other. Broken into three parts, this book will help guide you to serve the Lord to your fullest.

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  • Qui En Es Este Hombre – (Spanish)


    Jesus’ impact on our world is highly unlikely, widely inescapable, largely unknown, and decidedly double-edged. It is unlikely in light of the severe limitations of his earthly life; it is inescapable because of the range of impact; it is unknown because history doesn’t connect dots; and it is doubled-edged because his followers have wreaked so much havoc, often in his name. He is history’s most familiar figure, yet he is the man no one knows. His impact on the world is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the Man who won’t go away. And yet . . .you can miss him in historical lists for many reasons, maybe the most obvious being the way he lived his life. He did not loudly and demonstrably defend his movement in the spirit of a rising political or military leader. He did not lay out a case that history would judge his brand of belief superior in all future books. His life and teaching simply drew people to follow him. He made history by starting in a humble place, in a spirit of love and acceptance, and allowing each person space to respond. His vision of life continues to haunt and challenge humanity. His influence has swept over history bringing inspiration to what has happened in art, science, government, medicine, and education; he has taught humans about dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope.

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  • Happiness Is A Choice (Revised)


    Whether depression is felt mildly or acutely, temporarily or persistently, it strikes just about everyone at some point. Drs. Minirth and Meier believe, however, that the emotional pain of depression can be overcome and avoided. Drawing from their professional training, counseling experience, and biblical knowledge, they explore the complex relationship between spiritual life and psychological health and then spell out basic steps for recovering from depression and maintaining a happy, fulfilling life.

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  • Whats The Least I Can Believe And Still Be A Christian (Expanded)


    Pastor and author Martin Thielen has compiled a list of ten things people need to believe, and ten things they don’t, in order to be a Christian. This lively and engaging book will be a help to seekers as well as a comfort to believers who may find themselves questioning some of the assumptions they grew up with. With an accessible, storytelling style that’s grounded in solid biblical scholarship, Thielen shows how Christians don’t need to believe that sinners will be “left behind” to burn in hell or that it’s heresy to believe in evolution. And while we must always take the Bible seriously, we don’t always have to take it literally.

    At the same time, Christians do need to believe in Jesus-his life, his teachings, his death and resurrection, and his vision for the world. A great benefit of those beliefs is that they provide promising answers to life’s most profound questions, including: Where is God? What matters most? What brings fulfillment? What about suffering? Is there hope? Thielen articulates centrist, mainline Christianity in a way that’s fresh and easy to understand, and offers authentic Christian insights that speak to our deepest needs.

    This new edition includes a leader’s guide, previously only available online, and a new introduction from the author that reflects on the book’s reception. The leader’s guide features unique and easily implemented aids for carrying out a seven-week, congregation-wide initiative that will help local churches reach out to their communities. More information is available at

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  • Heaven


    How do I get to heaven? This question is asked by millions of people living today. Help, encouragement, and definite answers await the reader, as page after page unfolds with the explanation of this exciting place-heaven-and how we can get there.

    With tremendous insight, D. L. Moody offers easy-to-understand explanations that make this book one that must be read and shared with others.

    D. L. Moody was a dynamic evangelist who reached thousands of people throughout the world with the special message of Christ’s love.

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  • Full Armor Of God (Reprinted)


    Framing his teaching on Paul’s armor of God passage in Ephesians 6, Richards uncovers strategies of Satan and analyzes the armor piece by piece to reveal how God provides protection from every attack of the enemy. Hands-on exercises at the end of each section, plus in-depth, analytical appendixes, help readers identify and stand against powers of evil–and experience true freedom.

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  • Just Spirituality : How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action


    Introduction: Spiritual Practices As Fuel For The Soul
    1. Mother Teresa: From Silence To Service
    2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: From Prayer To Discipleship
    3. Watchman Nee: From Study To Evangelism
    4. Martin Luther King, Jr.: From Community To Proclamation
    5. Fairuz: From Worship To Freedom
    6. Desmond Tutu: From Sabbath To Reconciliation
    7. Oscar Romero: From Submission To Martyrdom
    8. Courage, Joy And Celebration

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    Throughout history, Christians have been called by God to active engagement in society on behalf of the poor and oppressed. Christian leaders have been instrumental in caring for people who are poor, fighting injustice and advocating for social change. But they have never done so on their own power. Their energy and zeal were fueled by inner spiritual practices that propelled them forward into the world. Activist and historian Mae Elise Cannon explores the direct connection between Christians’ personal relationship with God and outward actions of kindness, mercy, compassion and advocacy. She looks at how notable Christian leaders were able to face societal challenges because of the rich depths of their spiritual practices. For example: Mother Teresa’s practice of silence compelled her to service.Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s prayer life equipped his discipleship.Martin Luther King Jr.’s beloved community empowered his proclamation.Oscar Romero’s discipline of submission prepared him to face martyrdom. Biographical profiles of these and other key figures from around the world give us concrete examples of how activism and advocacy can be sustained over the long haul.

    Cannon also describes modern-day activists who embody the synergy of faith and action, with practical lessons for our own lives. Find yourself spiritually transformed by these examples, and follow in their footsteps in just service to the world.

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  • Singing God : Feel The Passion God Has For You Just The Way You Are


    It’s not enough to know God loves you; discover how to enjoy and experience the reality of that love.

    God loves us-with all our faults and failures, with all the secret sins no one else knows but God. We don’t need to be different; we don’t need to be better. We need to know that God loves us just the way we are now…today. In The Singing God Sam Storms explores God’s immeasurable love for His children-and the fact that we can take comfort in seeing how the Father rejoices over us so much that He breaks out in inexpressible joy and song as He thinks about us.

    The one thing that gives us hope, the one thing that conquers despair and brings strength for the struggle, is the assurance that no matter how bad the problem may be, God loves us this much. Pain becomes bearable and tomorrow no longer terrifies when your soul is touched with the reality of God’s delight in you.

    When the reality of this love touches the depths of our affections as well as our minds, we will find the strength and incentive to fight sin, experience freedom from shame, and walk in the fullness of all that God desires for us.

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  • 7 Desires : Looking Past What Separates Us To Learn What Connects Us


    A deeper probe into relationships starts with our heart’s desires

    At last, a ‘relationship book’ that looks past what separates us to examine what connects us!
    Dr. Mark and Debra Laaser go to the heart of the matter. Instead of focusing on how to sidestep or compensate for perceived differences, they dig deeper, to the core of our souls, to examine how the basic desires and needs of all people make us more alike than different.

    The Seven Desires of Every Heart explores the common desires God gives you—to be heard, affirmed, blessed, safe, touched, chosen, and included. Using stories, Biblical references, and sound psychological principles, the Laasers explain each desire and show us how we seek it and what it feels like to have it truly fulfilled. You also will learn healthy ways to embody these desires in your relationships. You will be given the tools you need to start repairing and rebuilding relationships and developing new skills for creating emotional and spiritual intimacy.

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  • Start Your New Life Today


    Joyce guides readers to making the most important decision they will ever make. Beginning with the decision to accept Christ, Joyce explains the life-changing impact that comes from knowing God in the most personal way possible. She walks readers through what makes everyone unique creations as a tri-part being–spirit, soul, and body–and how God relates to them in all three areas. Joyce demonstrates the importance of each part aligning to serve God fully and helps readers avoid pitfalls that keep them from being their best.
    Joyce breaks the book into sections covering each of the parts that make up human beings and explains in great detail the various challenges faced in becoming healthy in those areas and how to anticipate and overcome those obstacles. With brief chapters that each cover a clear and concise thought this book is very reader friendly and accessible.
    Joyce’s unique style shines through and delivers her core message of the importance of an intimate relationship with God and the many-fold ways that will change lives.

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  • Violent Grace : Meeting Christ At The Cross


    1. He Was Born To Die So I Could Be Born To New Life
    2. He Suffered Temptation So I Can Experience Victory
    3. He Was Betrayed So I Might Know His Faithfulness
    4. He Was Arrested And Bound So I Could Be Rescued From Bondage
    5. He Stood Trial Alone So I Might Have An Advocate
    6. He Was Wounded So I Could Be Healed
    7. He Endured Mockery So I Could Know Dignity And Joy
    8. He Was Condemned So The Truth Could Set Me Free
    9. He Was Crowned With Thorns So I Might Crown Him With Praise
    10. He Was Nailed To The Cross So I Might Escape Judgment
    11. He Was Stretched Out Between Thieves So I Could Know The Reach Of Love
    12. He Suffered Thirst So I Can Drink Living Water
    13. He Said, “It Is Finished” So I Could Begin My Walk Of Faith
    14. He Was Gods Lamb, Slain So I Could Claim His Sacrifice As My Own
    15. He Was Forsaken By The Father So I Would Never Be Rejected
    16. He Chose The Shame Of Weakness So I Can Know The Hope Of Glory
    17. He Shed His Blood So I Can Be White As Snow
    18. His Heart Was Pierced So Mine Could Be Made Whole
    19. He Died And Was Buried So The Grave Could Not Hold Me
    20. He Rose Again So I Might Experience Eternal Life
    21. He Is Known By His Scars So I Will Take Up My Cross And Follow Him

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    Jesus was condemned . . . so we could be set free. He was wounded . . . so we can be healed. He died . . . so we might have life. The cross has lost much of its appeal as a symbol of Christianity. Yet what Christ did at the cross remains central to our faith. Michael Card calls us to focus our attention once again on the cross. Explore with this impassioned troubadour the Old Testament prophecies and Gospel accounts of Jesus’ self-sacrifice. Follow Jesus to the cross and realize anew that God’s free gift of grace to us was purchased at the cost of inconceivable violence to his Son.

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  • Priceless Stones : 42 Days Of Hebrew Promises For Kingdom Living


    Journey with the author on a forty-two day quest to unearth the amazing goodness of God which lies hidden in the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament. Along the way, you will discover… His merciful forgiveness His intimate love His powerful protection And so much more!

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  • Faith : From Apostolic Into True Hope


    This book shows every reader that life is full of challenges, but the spirit of God allows positive changes and healing to occur. Scriptures, strong personal examples and touching songs connect the content to the reader and teach everyone ways to stay spiritually grounded during various tribulations.

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  • Whole Armor Of God


    When Paul wrote to the Ephesians people were likely to encounter soldiers in armor.In areas making up the Roman Empire elements of armor were present in daily life. Today one is much less likely to observe someone wearing and training for battle in Armor. Merry’s book describes elements of armor and training those who read Paul’s words in early times might have encountered. Each element is then applied to the spiritual warfare we face today with scriptural references. Mary’s purpose is to help the reader better appreciate the context of Paul’s instruction “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD”!!

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  • Sinning Like A Christian


    The seven deadly sins are a well-known topic, but, surprisingly, not much has been written about them in recent years from a serious theological viewpoint. Will Willimon’s engaging book, which takes an unflinching look at the meaning and substance of sin, will be of great interest to Christians. Study questions by the author are included. The “felt need” is an increasing dissatisfaction with shallow, feel-good Christianity-which does not attempt to grapple with our propensity, visible around us and in our own lives, to do evil. This edition includes a new introduction by the author.

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  • Millar De Obsequios – (Spanish)


    Just like you, Ann Voskamp hungers to live her one life well. Forget the bucket lists that have us escaping our everyday lives for exotic experiences. ‘How,’ Ann wondered, ‘do we find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and daily duties? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long—and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?’ In One Thousand Gifts, Ann invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative spiritual discipline of chronicling God’s gifts. It’s only in this expressing of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we’ve always wanted … a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — by God. Let Ann’s beautiful, heart-aching stories of the everyday give you a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of being present to God that makes you deeply happy, and a way of living that is finally fully alive. Come live the best dare of all!

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  • Faith Doubt And Other Lines Ive Crossed


    In this startling reexamination of biblical history, tradition, and concepts, “punk preacher” Jay Bakker shows how close to each of us God really is.

    Centuries of religious malpractice have distorted God’s image, but Jay Bakker is determined to liberate God from the stereotypes. In an era when God is constantly being molded to fit political and social agendas, FAITH, DOUBT, AND OTHER LINES I’VE CROSSED restores the vision of a God who is an active, present, purposeful force in His creation.

    Debunking some commonly held, but mistaken, beliefs about the Bible, the book presents a clear, biblically based understanding of God’s true identity. Brutally honest yet filled with grace, Bakker reaches out to all who feel alienated or confused about God’s role in their lives.

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  • Walking In The Dust Of Rabbi Jesus


    In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Lois Tverberg challenges readers to follow their Rabbi more closely by re-examining his words in the light of their Jewish context. Doing so will provide a richer, deeper understanding of his ministry, compelling us to live differently, to become more Christ-like. We’ll begin to understand why his first Jewish disciples abandoned everything to follow him, to live out his commands. Our modern society, with its individualism and materialism, is very different than the tight-knit, family-oriented setting Jesus lived and taught in. What wisdom can we glean from his Eastern, biblical attitude toward life? How can knowing Jesus within this context shed light on his teachings for us today? In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus we’ll journey back in time to eavesdrop on the conversations that arose among the rabbis of Jesus’ day, and consider how hearing Rabbi Jesus with the ears of a first-century disciple can bring new meaning to our faith. And we’ll listen to Jewish thinkers through the ages, discovering how ideas that germinated in Jesus’ time have borne fruit. Doing so will yield fresh, practical insights for following our Rabbi’s teachings from a Jewish point of view.

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  • Heavens Lessons : Ten Things I Learned About God When I Died


    What happens when you knock on death’s door not once, but twice?
    In Heaven’s Lessons, Steve Sjogren talks about his encounters with the other side and the priceless lessons God taught him during his journey. Find out what Steve learned about things such as:
    *God’s voice

    Come along on the journey as Steve reveals what it’s like to bottom out at all levels-physically, emotionally, and even spiritually-and slowly make a recovery back to normalcy.

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  • Conquering The Seeds Of Destruction


    Have you conquered destructive seeds in your life? Do you find yourself struggling with situations from your past that you thought you had let go of? Have you avoided various temptations in your life only to find yourself still wanting to experience, fulfill, and satisfy the desires of your temptations? Are you yearning to be set free and delivered from the negative influences corrupting your life? Now is the time to end the downward slopes of condemnation, chaos, and confusion. In Conquering the Seeds of Destruction, Maureen Y. Smith guides you on a spiritual journey that examines the dilemma of overcoming life’s issues. She gives you a step-by-step approach of how we allow the enemy’s voice and people’s opinions to resonate in our minds, luring us into a path of destruction. Unfortunately, it is not until we experience unbearable, life-altering conflicts that we decide change is necessary. As you learn from men and women in the Bible, as well as her own life, she addresses personal struggles and realistic issues of today, while showing you the tools to not only survive destructive patterns but to discover how to live life in abundance.

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  • Inspirations Of Faith Covered By Grace


    Caprecia Zdradzinski is a wife, mother, adoptive mother, foster mother, and a sponsor mother of a girl in India. Her life is based around her faith and her family. She shares her faith with all around her and empowers them to live a life filled with faith accepting of grace. She believes that we can’t love big enough or forgive fast enough in this world that we live in. She is a passionate activist for foster care and adoption and encourages others through it to find a love they never knew existed, in a way they never imagined. Within this book are stories of people’s lives written in poetic form. It offers hope and inspiration to trust in faith while finding rest in grace. May you be empowered by faith and know the covering of grace as you journey in this life that you live. Trust in the knowing that nothing is impossible with God. There is a bonus section within this book a collection of “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep” prayers. There is a prayer to be found for nearly every situation in life. Excerpt from the “Web of the Past” “For greater is He that is in me now Than he that is bringing this world down I stand in the realm of His abundant grace Rest in his mercy, and cling to my faith That He will never leave me, nor forsake me That strength is found in all that can be Anchored to Him who raises the dead Parts the sea, and multiplies bread Heals the sick, gives sight to the blind Causes to walk the man left behind Takes sin from the woman at the well Sending her off with a message to tell What in this life could possibly be? Impossible to bear, with Christ living in me

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  • Married But Lonely


    Seven Steps to a New Husband!

    You married a good man. He loves you. He’s committed to you. He treats you well. You fully and sincerely appreciate who he is and what he does for you and for the family. The problem is, he does not meet some of your most important, God-given needs. Eighty-five percent of all husbands are intimacy-challenged. Your conversations are brief, safe, and superficial. He does not reveal what he’s really thinking and feeling inside. He believes your marriage is great. He’s perfectly happy…and the intimate, romantic, emotional part of you is dying a slow death. Working together, the two of you can create an intimate marriage. In Married…but Lonely Dr. David Clarke will show you seven steps that you as the wife can implement with or without your husband’s cooperation and begin to experience the kind of marriage you’ve always wanted.

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  • Women Rush In Where Most Men Dare To Enter


    Do you ever feel like you’re overdue for that heart-dreamt relationship that leads to a fulfilling marriage? Sometimes the natural tendency is to either make it happen sooner or just give up in despair as if it will never happen. Are you prone to wonder, “Where am I going wrong?” This relationship coach in book form can impart wisdom and insight into your life. This book can help to legitimize you as a Proverbs 31 woman from the heart epitomized by character, not just a self-proclaimed title. You will become a woman who pleases God and any godly gentleman who follows hard after God. A woman who’s found by a godly gentleman is one who does not rush into a relationship, because she knows that a good woman does not rush. Rather, she’s one who’s introspective in her approach, more focused on becoming the right woman for the betterment of her life. She will not offer such a good man just anything. She will become the best gift that any good man could ever find as his wife. As your consultant, this read will offer insight to give thought to issues and areas of your life that perhaps have been overlooked but hindered your growth and attractiveness in relationships. This book has the voice of a loving and caring father who helps to structure the life of his daughter. As you embark upon a godly, healthy relationship that surpasses your lifelong fairytale dream, use this book as a handy resource, not just a quick read. Trust the words of this book in patience and confidence. Your dream can come true and it shall.

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  • Beyond The Edge


    Each of us wants to live boldly with confidence and conviction, daring to pursue life with vigor. In reality, we often find life to be mundane, futile, and frustrating, characterized more by anxiety than by confidence. The writings of Paul and Isaiah explain what prevents us from fulfilling our bold plan for living, and they give a blueprint as to how we can break out. This blueprint draws a direct line between the quality of our lives and how we deal with our “mortality issue”. We all must face the fact that we will die. We each have “irreconcilable differences” with our personal mortality. How we resolve these differences determines our ability to boldly journey into the unknown. Beyond the Edge exposes the only satisfactory resolution to these differences, thereby freeing us to live boldly.

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  • Proverbs For Today



    No one can have full confidence in themselves without conscious divine inspiration. The sentiments of the heart demands expression, and expression it will have, through the words of the mind. If you can visualize, you can materialize. When you have inspired thoughts you must trust and act on them. Follow your intuitions and God will open doors for you where there were only barriers.


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  • Jesus Is Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Judah Smith digs deep to answer the most common and the most difficult questions about Jesus, a man so few understand and so many desperately need. In Jesus Is, Judah Smith explores a number of topics that reveal Jesus’ purpose for coming, what He accomplished while He was here, and what that means for us.

    Jesus is greatly revered, harshly criticized, and sorely misunderstood. Judah breaks down who Jesus is and explains to readers how understanding Jesus more fully will not only enrich their lives, but also give them meaning, as well as save them.

    The 8-week Jesus Is Participant’s Guide, intended for use with the DVD-based study of the same title, will help participants discover how to have a deeper, lasting relationship with Jesus, and to commune with and grow in Him. Judah will show you that Jesus is more than a good teacher, more than an inspiring leader. He is the point of all life.

    Perfect for evangelism, the video sessions will help new Christians understand the person of Jesus, as well as help small group participants connect with one another.

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  • Jesus Is : Find A New Way To Be Human


    Jesus is ____. How would you finish that sentence?

    The subject is there, and so is the verb, but what comes next? Your answer could shed light on the path to becoming who you were made to be.

    In these pages, Judah Smith fills out that sentence again and again, each time further revealing the character of Jesus. He writes as if to a friend, illustrating the importance of Christ’s message to modern men and women. This is a book for new believers, for lifelong followers, and for the merely curious.

    Judah Smith shows us the Jesus that somber paintings and hymns fail to capture. With passion, humor, and conviction, he shows that Jesus is life. Jesus is grace. Jesus is your friend. Jesus is a new and better way to be human.

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  • Unexpected Love : Gods Heart Revealed In Jesus Conversations With Women


    God’s heart for women is revealed through a captivating study of the gospels.

    A first look at the conversations recorded between Jesus and women can be rather disconcerting. Where is the loving Savior in his demand for the hemorrhaging woman to make her embarrassing ailment public? How could a man of compassion call the Syro-Phoenician woman a dog? Why would he address his mother “Woman” and refuse to help her? Do these conversations and others depict a Savior who was insensitive and even dismissing to women in general?

    Unexpected Love offers solutions gleaned from historical, cultural, and contextual sources, resulting in an interpretation that reveals a fresh perspective and the sometimes surprising truth. It moves the reader past the usual shallow interpretations to find the heart of Christ.

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  • Get Off Your Donkey (Reprinted)


    Jesus had little patience with institutional religion that cared for its own needs while neglecting the plight of ordinary people. In one of his most famous parables, he sets up as a model of Christian behavior a man who, unlike some religious folks, actually gets down off his donkey and helps a person in dire need.

    With energy and enthusiasm, Reggie McNeal calls believers to dismount, get down and dirty, and live a life that makes a difference. He shows readers how to recalibrate their spiritual efforts to move from church-centric service to greater community engagement in order to do their essential part in creating a world worth living in. McNeal also shows readers that helping others actually helps the one doing the service just as much as the one being served. In fact, serving is the very best way to learn about yourself and grow spiritually.

    Anyone who longs to have the impact on the world that Jesus did will love this provocative and inspirational message.

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  • Reasons For Belief (Reprinted)


    Seminary professor and bestselling author teams with a seminary-trained apologist and teacher to give readers basic, solid evidence for the Christian faith. This book is ideal for both teens and adults. Lay leaders and teachers as well as students will be equipped to explain the basics of Christianity to unbelievers and new believers. The accessible and topically organized book is easy to understand and use.

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  • Depression : Walking From Darkness Into The Dawn


    Do you feel the darkness of depression closing in on you? Can anything dispel the darkness and bring back true peace and contentment to your heart? The answer is yes! You can exchange the darkness of despair for the light of hope. Your depression can draw you closer to the Lord, so let Him lead you through the storm into the light.

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  • Living In Financial Victory



    “Stewardship? What’s that got to do with me?” you might ask.

    Tony Evans explains that all we think we own really belongs to God. And when we think of “our” money that way, we can learn to be good stewards, or managers, of what has been entrusted to us.

    Living in Financial Victory carefully lays out how we should approach the vital topic of money in the areas of

    Stewardship – Using what we have to further God’s kingdom agenda

    Rewards – The blessings and benefits of doing it God’s way

    Victory – Overcoming debt and being in financial bondage

    Tony Evans will help you discover the answers to everyday financial issues by showing you that God has a purpose for your money. Take the journey through this concise and practical book.

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  • Activating The Power Of The Cross


    Without a proper understanding of the power that was granted to believers through the cross, it is difficult for the Christian to truly benefit from and maximize its authority while on earth. The cross accomplished eternal security for those who place their faith in Christ alone; however, what is often overlooked are the accomplishments of the cross that are to be carried out on earth. In his unique style, Dr. Evans examines the cross in such a way as to bring hope into the hearts of each reader while giving them practical tools for leveraging all God intended and achieved at Calvary.

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  • Thoughts From A Random Mind


    Thoughts from a Random Mind is the latest effort by author RL Keller. It’s a daily devotional that is designed not to simply bless and encourage readers but also challenge them to think about who God truly is and how they might improve their walk with Him. They are meant to be thought-provoking, encouraging, edifying, instructional, and hopefully also a blessing to the reader.

    The author considers himself no different than anyone else-just a believer wrestling each day with his beliefs. These devotions were born out of his own personal struggles with life and how his walk with Christ has grown and become more consistent. God is paramount in RL Keller’s life, and he is attempting to share his struggles through his writings so that the reader can know that he is not alone in the battle.

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  • Daily Words Of Encouragement To Live By


    Life for many people does not offer much to be celebrated. Finances are tight, relationships have gone badly, health concerns have risen, children are becoming unmanageable, and it has caused many people to feel defeated. The Daily Words of Encouragement will lift the broken hearted, give hope to the hopeless, and bring healing for your soul.

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  • Set Free


    What every believer should know about this beautiful new life. We can be restored from a broken life. We can be personally improved but perfection is not humanly possible. We are called to be healers and workers in faith. Are we healing people with our hands or hurting them? God’s most effective signs of His existence are through human beings who allow themselves to be manifested in God. There is a field of harvest waiting to be yielded by believers or will the lost harvest be winnowed like chaff on the threshing floor. Faith needs believers who take action through compassion not hypocrites who masquerade as believers. There are people who are hurting, who need love by encouraging words and helping hands. If we are truly set free as believers those who are in darkness will be drawn to our light and our joy and they will ask us where does our light and joy come from. What will we tell them?

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  • Meditations For The New Father


    Welcoming home your first baby creates a huge transition in your life. You want to be a good father but also a good Christian one. These interactive Meditations will encourage your development as a Christian dad during your first year of fatherhood.

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  • How Can I Know


    If we are honest, every one of us has questions about our faith. We ask ourselves things like: “Is the Bible true?”
    “Why does God allow suffering?”
    “Am I trulyforgiven?
    “Will I really go to heaven when I die?”

    Dr. Robert Jeffress answers these and other challenging questions facing Christians today. Drawing upon the best research available, How Can I Know presents logical and concise responses that anyone can understand and easily share with others. In an age of information overload, simplicity is essential. Every chapter is filled with illustrations and application that will appeal to the average reader, giving them a renewed hope and reassurance of their faith.

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  • I Do What


    Dennis Fulton has served in local church ministries for sixty years. He served the Chapel Rock Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, when the megachurch movement was in its infancy in Christian churches and Churches of Christ. After a two-year hiatus for renewal and restoration, Dennis was returned to local ministries. During all of his ministry, however, his interest in world missions found him preaching or teaching in twelve different nations, with an extended stay “down under.” While in Australia, he completed the manuscript for this book. Over his lengthy ministry, there have been over five hundred couples who have stood before him to declare “I do.” Among those have been his five children and, to this date, four of his grandchildren. It has been at the insistence or encouragement of them that this book has become a reality. They think it is important for others to know what it means when they say: FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. Surely marriage will bring those things that are better. But just as surely, there will be those things that are worse. How much worse? Is it ever worse enough to throw in the towel? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Two family backgrounds are coming together in a marriage. One family grabs that dollar bill and squeezes George Washington to death on the way to the bank. The other may run to Dairy Queen and lick the life out of old George. What should be done in a marriage to merge these money matters? SICKNESS AND HEALTH. Some couples have found the stress of preparation for a wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and even the honeymoon leaving them exhausted and near sickness. There are, however, those big words like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and chronic diabetes that could be future tests of this part of the vow. What if? A good understanding of what is contained in that “I do” can help many couples toward the goal of a “they all lived happily ever after” marriage.

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  • When Christians Get It Wrong (Revised)


    More and more young adults have opted out of Christianity and the church. The reason? Christians. When young adults talk about the problems they have with Christianity and the church, they often name certain attitudes and behaviors they believe are practiced too often by Christians: judging others, condemning people of other faiths, rejecting science, injecting politics into faith, and being anti-homosexual. With his familiar style, Adam Hamilton tackles these issues and addresses the how’s and why’s of Christians getting it right when it comes to being Christ in the world. Those who read When Christians Get It Wrong will gain a different way of understanding the issues that keep people away from Christianity and keep Christians from living a more compelling faith. Because, honestly, if we don’t start getting it right, we may lose an entire generation. Revised and updated in a new convenient trim size.

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  • Wealth Of The Poor


    A compelling memoir by an urban minister and community development practitioner with more than thirty years of experience in the field.

    Larry James appeared to be exactly where he was supposed to be–ministering with a large, suburban Dallas church. Then came the intriguing invitation to move his ministry to inner city Dallas among some of the ”poorest” people in the community. Encouraged by his wife, Brenda, to follow the truth he had so often shared as a pastor, Larry accepted.

    As the new director of a food pantry, Larry was quickly overwhelmed, and one day when trying to communicate with Spanish-speaking families, he asked a woman named Josefina to help translate. She had come for assistance, but Josefina ended up helping Larry that day, and the next. She came back the next day for nine years.

    Since that day Josefina began helping two decades ago, Larry has been asking neighbors to help solve their own problems, and this new way of serving side by side has transformed a small food pantry into one of the largest non-profit food distributors in the world. With a budget of fourteen million dollars annually, the organization–now called CitySquare–also develops housing for the formerly homeless and manages health clinics and community medical outreach in economically depressed and under-served places like East and South Dallas.

    This is an organizational success story you expect to see in the Wall Street Journal, and yet it is like no other. The author’s own journey provides the platform from which he provides a practical, theological, market-savvy manual written for others who find themselves living, serving, and investing in the work of urban transformation. Using the foundation of Jesus’ teaching and love for the poor, the book shows practical and visionary ways Christ’s teaching can be made real.

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  • Embrace The Struggle


    One of the leading stars in the “positive thinking” movement, Zig Ziglar has made a career out of telling people how to have a positive attitude, no matter what their circumstances are. But when a fall down a stairway onto a marble floor leaves him with a head injury, he is challenged with how to put the principles he’d been speaking about into practice. Ziglar’s willingness to be transparent has him back writing andspeaking with renewed energybefore audiences in the tens of thousandsto show that life on life’s terms is still well worth living.”Embrace the Struggle” affirms the validity of the principles Ziglar has held true his entire life and includes not only his account of living positively through difficult circumstances; it also includes heartwarming stories of real people who encouragedhim with how they put into practice these vital principles.

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  • Outrageous Courage : What God Can Do With Raw Obedience And Radical Faith (Repri


    From the moment her motorcycle pulled up outside Kris Vallotton’s small country church years ago, Tracy Evans has been impacting lives. Mentored by Kris, Bill Johnson, and Heidi Baker, Tracy has never been afraid of putting her life on the line repeatedly for Jesus–and God has used her repeatedly to do amazing things for him around the world.

    This is her story, as recounted to her closest friends. From treating rebel guerillas while captive on an Asian island, to having tea in a Mozambican hut with bullets whistling by, to caring for 900 HIV-positive orphans, Tracy’s story will entrance readers, inspire in them adventurous faith, and challenge them to be radically obedient.

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  • Real Marriage : The Truth About Sex Friendship And Life Together


    Most marriage books assume the author did it right. Most marriage books barely mention friendship. Most marriage books use “intimacy” as code for “sex.” This is not one of those books.

    In Real Marriage, Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, share how they have struggled and how they have found healing through the power of the only reliable source: the Bible. They believe friendship is fundamental to marriage but not easy to maintain. So they offer practical advice on how to make your spouse your best friend – and keep it that way. And they know from experience that sex-related issues need to be addressed directly.

    Five chapters are dedicated to answering questions like:

    Should I confess my pre-marital sexual sin to my spouse?
    Is it okay to have a “work spouse”?
    What does the Bible say about masturbation and oral sex?
    Stunningly honest and vulnerable, Real Marriage is like a personal counseling session with a couple you cannot surprise, you cannot shock into silence, who will respond to every question with wisdom, humility, and realism.

    If you want to have a long-lasting, fulfilling marriage you should read this book. Wrestle with this book. Pray over this book. Share this book. And discover how God this book. Share this book. And discover how God can use it to change your life.

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  • Great Evangelical Recession (Reprinted)


    In 2006, few Americans were expecting the economy to collapse. Today the American church is in a similar position, on the precipice of a great spiritual recession. While we focus on a few large churches and dynamic leaders that are successful, the church’s overall membership is shrinking. Young Christians are fleeing. Our donations are drying up. Political fervor is dividing us. Even as these crises eat at the church internally, our once friendly host culture is quickly turning hostile and antagonistic. How can we avoid a devastating collapse?

    In The Great Evangelical Recession, award-winning journalist and pastor John Dickerson identifies six factors that are radically eroding the American church and offers biblical solutions to prepare evangelicals for spiritual success, even in the face of alarming trends. This book is a heartfelt plea and call to the American church combining quality research, genuine hope, and practical application with the purpose of igniting the church toward a better future.

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  • Rabbi Looks At The Last Days (Reprinted)


    Few topics capture the imagination of believers like the last days. Yet fear and incorrect teachings continue to surround this topic. Rabbi Jonathan Bernis, by contrast, offers with warmth and clarity a unique and surprising perspective on the end times.

    Many see explosive turmoil in the Middle East and the mark of the beast as signs of the return of the Messiah. Bernis points out an even clearer and more immediate sign: the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies regarding the restoration of the land of Israel and the regathering of the Lost Tribes of Israel–which is happening in record numbers right now. This book unpacks surprising and life-changing insights on Israel, the last days, and the Messianic hope of every believer.

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  • There Is More (Reprinted)


    The majority of Christians understand grace as not getting the judgment they deserve and receiving the eternal life they don’t deserve. But the greatness of God’s grace and his salvation are far more than what most of us have come to expect!

    Here Randy Clark shares what that “more” is–more love for God and others, more power, more joy, more faith, more results in prayer–and how believers can experience God’s empowering presence in their lives to do more than they ever imagined. “More” is not only biblical, explains Clark, but essential for greater fruitfulness in ministry and for serving in the kingdom of God with joy and effectiveness.

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  • Desperate : Hope For The Mom Who Needs To Breathe


    For mothers of young children, this book is a lovely offering of hope, truth, freedom, wild grace, friendship, and the knowledge that they are not alone. Many moms have dreamed of life with children, and yet the reality seems far away from their dreams. Their hearts are committed, but their spirits are sagging. This book is a coffee-talk from one woman who is still “figuring-it-out-in-the-mess” (Sarah Mae) and much-needed counsel from one who is older and wiser (Sally Clarkson).

    The book’s message speaks to the hearts of desperate women who need a friend to come alongside and encourage them, give them hope, and remind them of who they are. Desperate is a tremendous source of compassion and information for any mama of young children who:
    Feels she’s going under
    Is isolated and lonely
    Has lost to the beast of housework
    Is suffering from depression and a feeling of desperation

    Each mother will know she has a woman who can relate with her in the daily struggles of mama-hood, and will receive wisdom from an older woman who has gone through the struggles and made it to the other side.

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  • Loving Mercy : How To Serve A Tender Hearted Saviour


    For years Simon has been absorbed by the quest for a truly Spirit-filled life. But he has realized that this is only the start: the truly Spirit-filled life is one that has a heart for the marginalized – looking outward rather than inward. Justice, he writes, is ‘God’s delight’. The more we become Christ-like, the more we will focus our hearts and minds on spreading justice in every practical way. Justice is God’s design plan, his DNA, the hallmark of righteousness. Salvation and social transformation are inextricably linked – Jesus was a leper lover: who are the marginalised today? Jesus had time and space for the poor: where does our responsibility lie? Jesus called for justice: how do we intercede? We speak warmly of ‘grace’ but grace in action is expressed as justice.This is a passionate, luminous book, filled with interesting and revealing stories and cogent argument.

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  • Miraculous Life : True Stories Of Supernatural Encounters With God


    One man’s extraordinary encounters with God.

    God wants us to stay plugged into Him so that we can live a supernatural life of victory. We should expect this to be “normal” Christianity. This book is filled with stories of what the miraculous looks like in daily life-plus it gives key points to help you walk in the supernatural.

    A Miraculous Life tells of the miracles that Bruce Van Natta has personally experienced, including when he received a hug from Jesus at age five, when God called his name in a church service at nineteen, and when he saw the angels sent to save his life during an out-of-body experience at the point of death. Each encounter is given as an example of the knowledge and insights he has learned within the context of Scripture.The book also includes other real-life testimonies that show how God’s supernatural power is released. You will be amazed to read of the miracles taking place today-blind eyes and deaf ears being opened, tumors vanishing, demons being cast out, and captives being set free from heartache, pain, depression, and fear. These faith-building stories and biblical references will help you live “supernaturally victorious” in every area of your life, regardless of the circumstances.

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  • Other Side Of Life


    Healthy Life Press

    Drawing on biblical examples and his 60-plus years of pastoral experience, Rev. Biebel helps older (and younger) adults understand God’s view of aging and the rich life available to everyone who seeks a deeper relationship with God as they age. Rev. Biebel explains how to: Identify God’s ongoing plan for your life; Rely on faith to manage the anxieties of aging; Form positive, supportive relationships; Cultivate patience; Cope with new technologies; Develop spiritual integrity; Understand the effects of dementia; Develop a Christ-centered perspective of aging.

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  • Personal Spiritual Life 6th Ed.


    From the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit to living a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually. In what sense may we ‘feel’ the presence of the Lord? What was the apostle Paul’s method for progress in holiness? How may we identify our spiritual gifts? And how may we count more for the Lord, and sustain spiritual joy? These are among the themes of this tonic for present-day disciples of Christ.

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  • Dog God Parables


    Have you watched in awe as dogs performed amazing feats on TV? Do you wonder, “Why doesn’t my dog mind me?” Packed with dog training tips in every chapter, this book challenges you to explore and expand your relationship with your dog. But the author does not stop there. She goes on to employ the same training principles we use with our dogs to evoke a deeper relationship with our Creator.

    Often, we respond to God the same way our dogs respond to us-confused, distracted, or downright disobedient! Can we learn about obedience, teamwork, and developing a relationship with God by observing our dogs?

    Margie Clutter’s strong Christian faith and proven dog training ability have given her a unique perspective on relationships between dogs and humans, and humans and God. The result is this collection of practical, scriptural, modern-day parables for spiritual growth in your relationship with God.

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  • Look Back To See Ahead


    Whether you are a declared Christian or not, God has already been working in your life! This book should lead you to see how that has already happened as you Look Back over your life. It should also help to See Ahead and determine how God’s work in the past will strongly influence your future, and how it will help you to share God’s love with others! Retrospection can, and will change your life! Thanks be to God!

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  • Light Giver : Discovering Gods Uncommon Wisdom


    Dale Fife, author of The Secret Place, takes readers on another visionary journey into the inner sanctum of God’s presence. To experience the mysteries and revelation that Fife has experienced is to know the peace, joy, and rest that can be found only in intimate communion with the Father.

    Moses encountered the light and fire of the burning bush. On their way to the Promised Land, the Israelites followed a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night. The priests of God ministered in the temple with the flame of a lamp stand as their only source of light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

    God wants all believers to walk in that same light of supernatural revelation. He wants you to transcend human limitations and access the divine realm. Open your spirit to receive fresh illumination, for you are about to have an intimate encounter with The Light Giver.

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  • When Spiritual But Not Religious Is Not Enough


    The phrase “I’m spiritual but not religious” has become a cliche. How are open-minded “religious people” supposed to react to this hazy–and often lazy–statement of faith?

    Lillian Daniel responds by telling stories of people looking for God in the midst of everyday life, affirming that religion can be weird, wonderful–and well worth trying. While so-called spiritual life keeps people self-focused and vague, religious people have something that “spiritual” people do not: centuries of careful religious thought, ongoing meaningful debate, and, most important, a supportive community that challenges and strengthens their faith.

    Humorous and sincere, this is a book about people finding God in the most unexpected, unspiritual places: prisons, airports, yoga classes, committee meetings, and strangest of all, right there in their local church.

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  • Strangers Gift : True Stories Of Faith In Unexpected Places


    In this very personal, welcoming book, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tom Hallman, Jr., shares his journey of faith from indifferent agnostic to growing believer. Faith, Hallman tells us, is looking in the mirror in the morning and wondering why. It’s about doubt and hope. It’s catching a glimpse of a beacon piercing the fog of life and walking toward it, never knowing if you’re headed in the right direction, but pressing onward.

    You’ll meet ordinary people like the mother who watched her baby die after only twenty days of struggling for life, and you’ll see the peaceful strength of a man working with those whose present situations mirror his past. Within these pages, you’ll find real and honest accounts of everyday people whose discoveries of faith will inspire and comfort you on your own journey.

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  • Idolatry Of God


    Whether readers are devout believers or distant seekers, The Idolatry of God shows that we must lay down our certainties and honestly admit our doubts to identify with Jesus. Rollins purposely upsets fundamentalist certainty in order to open readers up to a more loving, active manifestation of Christ’s love.

    In contrast to the usual understanding of the “Good News” as a message offering satisfaction and certainty, Rollins argues for a radical and shattering alternative. He explores how the Good News actually involves embracing the idea that we can’t be whole, that life is difficult, and that we are in the dark. Showing how God has traditionally been approached as a product that will render us complete, remove our suffering, and reveal the answers, he introduces an incendiary approach to faith that invites us to joyfully embrace our brokenness, resolutely face our unknowing, and courageously accept the difficulties of existence. Only then, he argues, can we truly rob death of its sting and enter into the fullness of life.

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  • I Do What


    Dennis Fulton has served in local church ministries for sixty years. He served the Chapel Rock Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, when the megachurch movement was in its infancy in Christian churches and Churches of Christ. After a two-year hiatus for renewal and restoration, Dennis was returned to local ministries. During all of his ministry, however, his interest in world missions found him preaching or teaching in twelve different nations, with an extended stay “down under.” While in Australia, he completed the manuscript for this book. Over his lengthy ministry, there have been over five hundred couples who have stood before him to declare “I do.” Among those have been his five children and, to this date, four of his grandchildren. It has been at the insistence or encouragement of them that this book has become a reality. They think it is important for others to know what it means when they say: FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. Surely marriage will bring those things that are better. But just as surely, there will be those things that are worse. How much worse? Is it ever worse enough to throw in the towel? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Two family backgrounds are coming together in a marriage. One family grabs that dollar bill and squeezes George Washington to death on the way to the bank. The other may run to Dairy Queen and lick the life out of old George. What should be done in a marriage to merge these money matters? SICKNESS AND HEALTH. Some couples have found the stress of preparation for a wedding, the ceremony, the reception, and even the honeymoon leaving them exhausted and near sickness. There are, however, those big words like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and chronic diabetes that could be future tests of this part of the vow. What if? A good understanding of what is contained in that “I do” can help many couples toward the goal of a “they all lived happily ever after” marriage.

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  • Those Loving Feelings


    This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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  • Y Ahora Que Hago – (Spanish)


    When things go wrong in life and relationships, and with stunning frequency they do, you will connect with this simple yet highly effective inspirational approach to solving problems no matter what the issue: marriage, finances, bad choices, fear, anxiety, emotional hurt, obsessions, addictions, weight issues, and more. From the bestselling author of Boundaries, this quick-read book—Now What Do I Do?—will help you tap into the power of seven key principles that will help you solve everything from crises that explode without warning to chronic issues that have lingered for years. Solving problems isn’t instantaneous, but it still can be miraculous!

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  • Revival Culture : Prepare For The Next Great Awakening


    We all want revival. We talk about it, pray for it, and devise every evangelism strategy imaginable. We read about the Great Awakening and recall the Jesus Movement. And today we stand at the precipice of another sweeping spiritual outbreak that could reach the ends of the earth. But are we ready? Revival Culture is an inspirational, biblical, and empowering manual for the next generation of revivalists. Michael Brodeur and Banning Liebscher have been witnessing a spiritual renewal at Bethel Church in Redding, California, and through Jesus Culture, that goes beyond slogans and high hopes to actually reaching. They have learned that transformation happens when we see the unreached as Jesus sees them and when we make revival a part of our lives rather than an event. This is the full picture of revival culture.

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  • Let It Go


    Bestselling author, T.D. Jakes, explores forgiveness as an idea and at the same time offers specific and clear actions for those who seek to apply the idea in their daily lives. Offenses are a part of life, but conflicts can be resolved and relationships do have a future, if we learn how to forgive. No matter how great or small the injustice, Jakes shows how the matter can be put behind you for the sake of a better tomorrow if you can Let It Go.

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  • What Jesus Started


    Sometimes we get so caught up in the power of Jesus shouting from the cross, “It is finished!” that we forget that Jesus started something. What Jesus started was a movement that began small, with intimate conversations designed to build disciples into apostles who would go out in the world and seed it with God’s kingdom vision. That movement grew rapidly and spread wide as people recognized the truth in it and gave their lives to the power of it. That movement is still happening today, and we are called to play our part in it.

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  • Que Hacer Cuando No Sabes Que – (Spanish)


    Life is difficult. Life for every person on earth is a challenging journey – with or without God. Those who invite God to join them on this adventure believe that when bad things happen they can trust God to be present and work on their behalf. But just exactly how does He go about the business of helping us when we don’t know what to do?

    Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. If you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. As clinical psychologists, the authors deal daily with real people facing real problems, so this book is not just psychological or biblical theory. It is a life system that captures God’s wisdom for coping with our most difficult problems.

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  • When Donkeys Talk


    Tired of church as you’ve known it? Thirsty for a fresh look at Christian faith? American singer/songwriter and author Tyler Blanski was, too. So he set out on a Holy Pilgrimage to rediscover the saints, stars, and beauty of Christianity for the twenty-first century. Rich with deep application for living in the modern world, When Donkeys Talk is an invitation to become enchanted again with Christ and his world. Tyler reminds us that God works in unexpected, unusual, and miraculous ways and that he inhabits and speaks through the wondrous world he has made. Blanski redefines ‘magical’ to help us see that the world is guided by a hand greater than science and materialism. Using scripture, the wisdom of the church fathers, and respected theologians and Christian thinkers from centuries past, as well as a creative and humorous narrative, you will find the wonder of our ancient faith still alive and well.

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  • Simply Leading : Creating The Future With God


    You are a leader. Leadership is influencing. Therefore, you are leading right now as you influence the life of someone-in every contact and in every situation. As a Christian, you are a Christian leader. And so you want to continually grow in giving your best to God in your leading, your influencing of others.

    The objective of this writing is to provide a simple and practical guide for Christian leadership. It is written for every Christian, in all walks and phases of life-including the youth of today, the next generation of leaders.

    We submit that leading is to be nothing less than participating with God in his continuing creation. That makes leading an awesome privilege and responsibility. It follows that a leader’s objective and emphasis is, therefore, creating God’s desired future with him.

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  • Gods Amazing Normal


    Within the pages of Larry DeWitt’s new book readers will realize that each Christian is called to maturity and to eventually lead other people to Christ.

    The author provides practical steps in order to make the scriptural mandate a reality. According to DeWitt, “Not only is this Christ’s command and one of the most exhilarating things in life, but it is also God’s amazing and fulfilling normal.”

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  • Poppies In The Sand


    Have you been through a crisis that rocked your world? Did it harden your heart or make you a deeper, wiser, better person?

    This book is about running to God in those times, finding yourself in a place where you feel like you are forced to seek him or die. It’s about meeting God in a dark valley, hearing his voice, receiving his life through the Word. It’s about finding him as your companion when you’re alone and discovering his blessing in the midst of something that could destroy.

    ‘The Lord draws near to the broken-hearted and saves those crushed in spirit’ (Psalm 34:18) is never more real and true than during times of disappointment, betrayal and abandonment.

    It is the author’s wish to build up your faith when you face those kinds of battles, enabling you to find hope for a brighter future. Your path may seem terrible on every level, but please know it is not the end of the road, only the middle for those who have God as their source of strength. Press through to a destination that is greener, brighter and is filled with a joy youve never known!

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  • Ultimate Survivor : Overcoming Lifes Greatest Challenges


    Whether we are aware of it or not, there is a challenge lodged in the very core of our being. Our response determines how well we handle trials, and whether or not we find true satisfaction.

    Author Bob Guthrie revisits many of Jesus’ teachings that have been overlooked, ignored, or misinterpreted to increase your understanding of God and His Word. Ultimate Survivors provides the wisdom you need to rise to the challenge and confront the issues keeping you from the best in life.

    Are you ready to overcome your greatest trials? Will you embrace God’s process of restoration, confident that His is the best plan for your life? Ultimate Survivors will inspire you to accept the challenge and become all that God created you to be.

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  • Harbinger Companion With Study Guide


    Presented in a unique narrative format, the New York Times best seller The Harbinger combines biblical prophecy with real historical facts, making for a deeply moving and intriguing read. Now you can get even more insight and understanding from the book with this small group discussion guide. This thirteen-week study provides material and instruction for going deeper with The Harbinger as an individual or in a small group setting and will inspire you to pray for repentance for our nation. Each week’s study includes:

    * The HISTORY section, which gives a brief summary of the week’s reading along with more details on the historical facts that were revealed in the narrative, giving more context to the passage being read.

    * The MYSTERY section, which provides biblical resources and verses for more in-depth study of the topics brought up in the reading and includes questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

    The CALL section, which includes a prayer focus that complements each week’s mystery and instructions for continuing the application of the important truths from each week. This section ends with a scripture, motivating you to write God’s Word on your heart and to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the repentance needed for our nation in this crucial time.

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  • You Are Made For More (Large Type)


    Whatever difficulties you face, Lisa Osteen Comes encourages readers, “I believe you are made for more.

    “Lisa shares from her own life stories of facing birth defects, limiting labels as a young woman, an unwanted divorce, criminal attack, infertility, and broken dreams. With every story, in every chapter, she delivers biblical truths and practical help for overcoming hardship and loss.

    Her down-to-earth style, humor, spiritual wisdom, and optimism engage readers, who will remember and repeat Lisa’s memorable principles for daily living:
    * You can’t grasp the future, if you’re hanging onto the past.
    * You weren’t made for the pit, but for the palace.
    * It’s not over till God says it’s over.
    * God’s at work in you, making a masterpiece.
    * Let your scars become stars.

    In a time when more readers face financial peril, uncertain work lives, and feelings of fragility in a fast-paced and overwhelming world, Lisa’s message shows how to not only get through the day but, how to catch new vision for a bold and bright life.

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  • Those Loving Feelings


    This marriage-enrichment book explores how God, in the Song of Solomon, instills in his human creatures the passion to create within the marital bond a life of joy and commitment. The author structures his inspiring applications to take readers verse by verse through this classic love poem from the Old Testament. Each chapter candidly interprets the verses and enables couples to apply these to their own marriages.

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  • Cold Case Christianity


    Over 2,000 years ago a man lived, was executed, and rose from the dead, but there is almost no forensic evidence to prove it. A vocal atheist-turned-apologist, Wallace uses his skills as a homicide detective to investigate Jesus’ life—and death. Relating stories from his career to the Gospels, he artistically validates Christianity’s claims.

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  • Risen : 50 Reasons Why The Resurrection Changed Everything (Reprinted)


    What would happen if believers truly grasped how the resurrection of Jesus changes not just their own standing with God, but that it changes everything? In the spirit of John Piper’s Fifty Reasons Why Christ Came to Die, Steven D. Mathewson unpacks the New Testament Scriptures that speak of the reasons Jesus was raised from the dead.

    In fifty brief chapters, he offers readers faith-filled meditations on the primary passages on the resurrection, taking these ancient truths and applying them to contemporary life. With compelling insight, he shows why Jesus not only had to die, but why his resurrection was necessary and how our lives change when we understand and embrace this essential truth of the Christian faith.

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  • Your Beautiful Purpose (Reprinted)


    Popular Radio Host Shows Women How to Embrace God’s Unique Call for Their Life

    Listeners to Susie Larson’s radio show and women she meets at events across the country tell her the same thing: I want to do something meaningful for God, but I don’t know what to do, or how.

    Drawing on her own hard-earned experiences, Larson shows readers how to overcome insecurities, busyness, and other obstacles in order to focus their gifts and passions on their unique God-assignment. With biblical insights and inspiring stories from a variety of women, this action-oriented guide will speak to every woman who has felt a nudge from God–from the visionary who wants to end poverty to the empty-nest mom who feels called to help the young single mother next door.

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  • Reaching Out Touching Hearts


    Encouraging One Another
    Are you ever lonely? Do you sometimes wish that someone would call or write or just give you a friendly hug? Don Gossett knows how you feel, and he shares a very special gift in this book-the life-giving gift of reaching and touching a world full of loneliness and despair.
    You will learn how to reach out and touch lives through…
    *a kind word
    *a sincere letter
    *a gentle embrace genuine encouragement
    *an uplifted prayer

    One person is enough to reach out and make the world a better place. And when you reach out to others, you will experience the joy of seeing God work in their lives as they respond to your unique touch.

    …not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.
    Hebrews 10:25

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  • Moral Revolution : The Naked Truth About Sexual Purity (Reprinted)


    Sex. Purity. Virginity. Love. Moral Revolution seeks to inspire a culture of love, honor and respect with people who walk in purity, passion and power. This intimate and honest book addresses the root causes of purity issues rather than merely communicating to the masses to “abstain from having sex.” It will call you to a higher standard of living, imparting value for your heart and encouraging you to walk in all God has created you to be. Many who have given in to the power of peer pressure and the lure of distorted cultural values will find hope and courage to start over again.Moral Revolution is written for radical and passionate people who dream of being catalysts to a different kind of sexual revolution–one that transforms the way the world views sexuality, defines the unborn and embraces the family. Join the Moral Revolution!

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  • Unglued Devotional : 60 Days Of Imperfect Progress


    This companion devotional to the bestselling book Unglued provides encouragement to help readers handle emotional struggles. Including a daily opening Scripture, Thought for the Day, devotion, and closing prayer, this book helps readers begin a 60-day journey in learning to positively process raw emotions, such as fear, anger, and regret.

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  • Life Changing Verses 1


    Life-Changing Verses is not your typical devotional book. Its objective is to enable Christians to personally apply specific Bible verses to their personal lives. At the same time, you will learn more about your Bible as well as receive an in-depth discussion of the verses selected.

    The objective is to encourage you to become more Christlike in your living. Through reading Life-Changing Verses, you will become very familiar with God’s story in the Bible. Life-Changing Verses has been used in Bible study groups to generate discussion over specific topics.

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  • Happiness


    Everyone longs to be happy, yet many wrongly believe that happiness comes from having enough money, fame, personal comfort, worldly success, or even dumb luck. Happiness all too often seems to be an elusive, arbitrary things — something that is always just out of reach. Joan Chittister sees happiness differently — as a personal quality to be learned, mastered, and fearlessly wielded. In Happiness she embarks on a “great happiness dig” through sociology, biology, neurology, psychology, philosophy, history, and world religions to develop “an archaeology of happiness.” Sifting through the wisdom of the ages, Chittister offers inspiring insights that will help seekers everywhere cultivate true and lasting happiness within.

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  • Authority Of The Excellent Name Of Jesus


    Authority of the Name of JESUS is a fact or truth that all Christians, young and old need to be familiar with in the Christian race. This book is not an alternative to personal study and meditation on the Word of God, but it is a quick reference and reminder of the absolute power in the name of JESUS. It will help to dispel the doubts, strengthen your faith in the name of Jesus and help you walk in God’s purpose for your life. Walking with God in our Christian lives is one full of challenges and trials. Even in the best of times. As you read this book, it is my prayer that you are blessed and that God continues to grant you grace in your Christian life. Dr. Charles Osime. This book will increase your faith, power and knowledge of the authority in the name of Jesus. It is a well-researched book that is intended by the author to highlight one of the fundamental truths of the word of God and our Christian belief, that is, the authority we have in the name of Jesus and the healing/miracles that are possible through that name. Christians, who do not understand and use the power and the authority in the name of Jesus, short-change themselves in every way especially in Christian warfare and daily victorious Christian living. May God give you wisdom and revelation concerning this name. Toby A. Bol Humphrey Akparah is a spiritual counselor and teacher, motivational speaker, author and a deliverance minister. As a church planter, he founded two churches in Africa and was instrumental in other church planting and equipping. He is graced with the gift of spiritual insight and discernment into spiritual problems. His second book is titled The Amazing Power of Grace.

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  • How To Love A Man Forever


    The institution of marriage is under attack. These days, many marriages are unstable and unhealthy, and divorce has become commonplace. Is love that lasts forever a thing of the past?Author Olapeju Otsemobor offers God’s remedy for solving the issues of married life. She provides godly insight on how to improve communication, deal with conflict, respect your spouse, and handle money matters to help your marriage survive the test of time.Do not lose heart; a godly woman has the power to change the course of her marriage and keep it on the right path. Whether you are married or single, How to Love a Man Forever provides the tools you need to become a confident, virtuous woman of God, and pass on a legacy of godly marriage relationship to your children and generations to come.

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  • Tongues Interpretation And Prophecy


    Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
    -1 Corinthians 14:39

    Is everyone supposed to speak in tongues? What are the differences among “new tongues,” “other tongues,” “kinds of tongues,” and “unknown tongues”? Does the gift of prophecy always contain predictions about the future?

    Here are answers to the most often asked questions concerning tongues, interpretation, and prophecy. Some of the topics covered include…
    *The difference between gifts and ministries
    *The difference between spiritual gifts and mankind’s talents
    *The difference between praying in tongues and speaking in tongues
    *Modern examples of speaking in tongues
    *When to interpret tongues
    *The gift of prophecy

    Don Basham also discusses why so many Spirit-baptized Christians experience only the gift of speaking in tongues and why they do not move on into other gifts.

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  • Dirty God : Jesus In The Trenches


    In Dirty God: Jesus in the Trenches, Johnnie Moore draws on both Scripture and his extensive experience with other cultures and religions to show how the God of the Bible is unique in his willingness to be near us in all of our messiness. Moore outlines the central importance of the doctrine of grace while introducing readers to a humble and human Jesus who reaches out to us at our worst and pulls us up to our best.

    Grace, Moore argues, is something that is both gotten and given, and the two-part structure of the book allows readers to explore both of these dynamics. By offering hope rather than condemnation and showing the practical applications of grace in today’s world, Dirty God will appeal to both the committed Christian and the spiritual seeker looking for a more authentic faith. Challenging and engaging, Dirty God is sure to establish Johnnie Moore as an emerging voice for Millennial and Gen-X evangelicals for years to come.

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  • Jigsaw Guide To Making Sense Of The World


    Introduction: Seeing The Big Picture
    1. Jigsaw: Be Prepared To See It!
    2. Truth: Be Prepared To Handle It!
    3. Belief: Be Prepared To Share It!
    4. Faith: Be Prepared To Anchor It!
    5. Doubt: Be Prepared To Deal With It!
    6. The Big Picture: Be Prepared To Show It!

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    Puzzled about life? Sometimes the world doesn’t make sense. Things seem random and disconnected, and we wonder if there’s any purpose to it all, any meaning to our lives. But what if everything could make sense? What if the pieces actually do fit together? Alex McLellan says that figuring out life is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. You don’t have to have every piece in place before you start to see the big picture. You just need enough important pieces to fit together. There are enough clues in the universe and in human experience to discern that there is an underlying order and significance to all things. McLellan explores competing views of truth and belief and examines the nature of doubt. Ultimately Christianity is reasonable because it resonates with how we see and experience the world. Even if we don’t have absolute certainty, we have enough to go on to have confidence in the Christian worldview. You don’t have to have all the answers. Just start putting the pieces together, and the big picture will emerge.

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  • Yoking Up With Jesus And Kingdom Of God Government


    Winning in any area of life requires understanding spiritual laws pertaining to the Kingdom of God. We must gain the knowledge of God laws and principles; then we are to obtaining wisdom on how to implement them into our lives. My life was changed by applying the Kingdom of God laws and principles to my life situations. Many people have come to understand God’s natural laws and work with them. Whether or not they are saved, they have been able to develop and invent wonderful things just by discovering God’s laws. For example, mankind has taken the laws of aerodynamics to cause an airplane to fly. They developed the television, the Internet, and other forms of communication and entertainment in the field of electronics. Just the discovery of electricity and the laws governing it have revolutionized our lives. Jesus said… I give unto the Keys to the Kingdom of God… referred to the laws, and principle by which the Kingdom of God operates. There are progressive steps associated with operating the Laws of the kingdom of God just like there are steps to overriding the natural law of Gravity and, and if we are to be successful in accessing the blessings of God we must know these necessary steps, and execute them in order to receive the blessings of the Kingdom of God.As born-again Christians we are ambassadors and citizens of another government, meaning that heaven is our country, but now we need to learn how to operate in the kingdom. There are laws and a constitution for operating in the kingdom of God, just as there are laws for operating in the world’s governments. When we understand the laws of God’s system, we can access our inheritance and live the abundant life that Jesus provides for His own. (John 10:10.)

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  • Making All Things New


    1. Dreams Of Another World
    2. Between Two Dreams
    3. Power In The Blood
    4. The End-Time Work Of Christ
    5. A War-Waging Jesus
    6. A Global Invitation Of Joy
    7. The Wedding Of All Time
    8. A Distant Thunder
    9. The End Of Our Dream
    10. Fire In The Sky
    11. Gods Great City
    12. The Dream Of God And Mission
    13. A Dream Beyond Justice
    14. Joining God In Making All Things New

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    Often this world seems like a nightmare. Human trafficking, young girls trapped in brothels, child soldiers forced to become killers, unchecked plagues and diseases, economic injustice and the oppression of the poor. Millions around the world are trapped in this nightmare, and we may feel helpless to do anything about it. But God has a dream. York Moore paints a vivid picture of how the dream of God is breaking into history to make all things new. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God is bringing an end to the world’s nightmare of sin and death. Scripture’s vision of Jesus’ end-time work shows how the wrongs will be made right, and God’s just judgment is good news for the world. Unpacking how the Bible describes the last things, Moore shows how we can partner with God as he brings his dream to reality. Every time a well is dug for a community, food is provided for the hungry or sex traffickers are brought to justice, the dream begins to take hold. This is no mere wishful thinking. The dream of God is more real than your dreams could ever imagine. It is what we were created for. So wake up from the nightmare and join in what God is doing in the world. And flourish as your own dreams are transformed by God’s dream for all creation.

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  • Dangerous Act Of Worship


    Foreword By John Ortberg
    1. What’s At Stake In Worship?
    2. The Real Battle Over Worship
    3. False Dangers
    4. Real Dangers
    5. Waking Up To Where We Live
    6. Doing Justice Starts With Rest
    7. When Worship Talks To Power
    8. Dwelling In Exodus Or In Exile?
    9. An Imagination For Justice
    10. Living Awake
    Study Guide

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    What’s at stake in our worship? Everything. Worship is the dangerous act of waking up to God and God’s purposes in the world. But something has gone wrong with our worship. Too often worship has become a place of safety and complacency, a narrowly private experience in which solitary individuals only express their personal adoration. Even when we gather corporately, we often close our eyes to those around us, focusing on God but ignoring our neighbor. But true biblical worship does not merely point us upward–it should turn us outward as well. In this prophetic wake-up call for the contemporary church, pastor Mark Labberton reconnects Christian worship with biblical justice. From beginning to end, worship must pursue justice and seek righteousness, translating into transformed lives that care for the poor and the oppressed. Labberton shows how to move beyond the comfort of safe worship to authentic worship that is awake to the needs of the world.

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  • Christian Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    What does it mean to be a Christian?

    Ask 100 people that question and you are likely to get 100 different answers. One reason people have such difficulty defining what a Christian should be is that the Bible never gives a definition. The followers of Jesus did not defer to themselves as Christians, it was a label placed on them from the outside. The early believers called themselves disciples, and the Bible is very clear in defining what a disciple looks like.

    Jesus gave his disciples one word that should define them. What if we as his followers embodied this one word? What if our behavior was so consistent with this word that folks around us were drawn to us—and to God?

    In Christian, you will learn:
    What one word should be descriptive of every disciple
    How Jesus followers should treat those who are outside the faith
    Why people love Jesus but can’t stand his followers

    This study guide with help you dig deeper into the teachings from Andy Stanley on the corresponding DVD (sold separately) and includes discussion questions for individuals and/or small groups, between-session devotions, DVD teaching overviews, and a leader’s guide.

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