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Christian Living

Showing 3601–3700 of 9104 results

  • Madre E Hijo – (Spanish)


    El amor es importante, pero el respeto es la clave al corazon de tu hijo. La idea de que las mamas respeten a sus hijos puede sonar ajena para algunos, pero tambien parece encender curiosidad. Es facil identificarse con la necesidad que todos sentimos del amor de una madre, pero es eso lo mismo que respeto? Incluso para los ninos pequenos, el efecto del respeto no es nada menos que asombroso cuando se aplica apropiadamente. Las mamas desean aprender cualquier cosa que les ayude con sus hijos. Despues de todo, aman a sus hijos, pero a muchas de ellas les resulta mas dificil criarlos que a las ninas, especialmente desde los cuatro anos de edad en adelante. Lo que hace que todo esto sea mas urgente es que las mamas estan entrenando a los padres para amar a sus hijas, pero nadie ha dicho nada a las mamas sobre como mostrar respeto a sus hijos, al menos no de una forma que sea aplicable y completamente explicada. Todos entienden que las ninas pequenas necesitan el amor de papa, pero quien esta promocionando con fuerza la verdad de que los ninos pequenos (y los grandes) necesitan el respeto de mama? No es extrano que las madres sientan que no saben nada sobre este tema. Al igual que Emerson Eggerichs transformo millones de relaciones matrimoniales con un entendimiento biblico del amor y el respeto, ahora dirige esos principios a una de las relaciones mas importantes de todas: una madre y su hijo.

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  • Road Back To You


    Puts the wisdom of an ancient tool within easy, entertaining reach for greater self-awareness and insight into personal and professional relationships with profound applications for spiritual growth.

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  • Road Back To You Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A companion to *Getting Over Yourself written by the authors.

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  • Liked : Whose Approval Are You Living For


    The purpose of life is to point to Jesus, not ourselves. We discover our best life possible when we passionately pursue God’s approval.

    Deep down, we all want to be liked. We want to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our life matters. So we look for ways to prove our importance and self-worth. We rely on numbers to tell us how we’re doing, how many followers we attract on social media, how many “likes” we get on a post, or how many parties we’re invited to.

    But even when a new personal high is reached, the joy is temporary. It’s short-lived and fleeting. As our joy fades, self-doubt returns, and once again we feel that familiar urge to prove ourselves. We start a new quest to show we’re a Somebody because secretly, we fear we may be a Nobody.

    Liked will help girls understand how to channel their talents and energies into things with eternal value and, in the process, find the love, friendships, confidence, and strength of character they desire. They will see that true identity is God-based, and that it is a pure and wonderful identity filled with Christ’s love.

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  • Holy Silence : The Gift Of Quaker Spirituality Revised And Expanded


    An invitation to experience more fully the life-changing power of sacred silence

    For over a decade, J. Brent Bill’s ‘Holy Silence’ has been regarded as a contemporary classic on sacred silence. With warmth, wisdom, and gentle humor, Bill presents the Quaker practice of silence and expectant listening to a wider Christian audience.

    *Revised and expanded edition
    *Includes new spiritual silence practices
    *New section on incorporating holy silence into worship
    *Written by one of the most respected interpreters of the Quaker tradition
    *Introduces a fresh way of connecting with God

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  • Pursuit Of Holiness


    This new edition replaces both The Pursuit of Holiness (ISBN 9781576839324) and the study guide (ISBN 9781576839881) by combining both resources into one volume!

    “Be holy, for I am holy,” commands God. But holiness is something that is often missed in the Christian’s daily life. According to Navigator author Jerry Bridges, that’s because we’re not exactly sure what our part in holiness is. In The Pursuit of Holiness, he helps us see clearly just what we should rely on God to do-and what we should take responsibility for ourselves. As you deepen your relationship with God, learn more about His character, and understand the Holy Spirit’s role in holiness, your spiritual growth will mature.The included study guide contains 12 lessons.

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  • Pray A-Z : A Practical Guide To Pray For Your Community


    Pray A-Z: A Practical Guide to Praying for Your Community will help you topically organize your prayer requests and lay the burdens of your community at the feet of our Heavenly Father. Whether you are praying for a friend’s adoption journey, a neighbor’s bankruptcy, or a family member’s cancer, this book will give you Bible verses, prayer prompts, and prayer starts to guide you through praying for even the most difficult issues that affect the people you know and love. Perfect for either individual or group prayer, Pray A-Z will help you experience the peace that comes from communicating with God.

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  • Mother Behold My Sons


    In spite of a man’s past and his mistakes, God wants you to know that you are redeemable. As you leave the past behind to prepare for a bright future, you may be uncertain of where your position is “now” in the Kingdom of God. In this quick read, straight-to-the-point book, you will gain exactly what you need to live out your new destiny.

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  • Body : Biblical Spirituality For The Whole Person


    1. The Imprisoned Soul?
    2. Keeping Body And Soul Together
    3. The Resurrection Body
    4. A Spiritual Body?
    5. The Life-Giving Spirit
    6. The ‘me’ That Is ‘me’
    7. Beautiful Bodies?
    8. The Body Of Christ
    Epilogue…so What?

    Additional Info
    The word spirituality is notoriously difficult to define. It is often used in a vague way to refer to the inner relationship between the self and God. The implication is that people only relate to God with their “inner” being (soul/spirit) and not with any other part of who they are.

    There is a lurking influence of Neoplatonism within Christian thinking that tends to assume that the material is bad and the spiritual good, that there is a gaping hole between our inner and our outer selves and that the proper location of devotion is our inner being. There is a further assumption that, especially in the writings of Paul, the soul is to be placed in the “good” category while opposite it, in the “bad” category, is the body-leaving the question of what is meant by heart and mind largely ignored.

    Paula Gooder here explores the meaning of six key concepts in the Bible, especially in the writings of Paul, before moving on to explore what Paul intended by the contrasts he drew, and what implications this all has for the way we think and speak about our spirituality today.

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  • More Than Enchanting (Expanded)


    Embrace your influence. Women have always wielded enormous influence, whether in our homes, jobs, communities, or churches. But as we lean into those God-given opportunities, we often experience substantial barriers, whether from other people and systems around us or from our own insecurities and struggles. Jo Saxton has faced her own challenges in her journey of uncovering her leadership potential. But she also knows what can happen in the church and the world when women are empowered and released to maximize their giftedness. If you have ever wondered whether God can use you to have a greater impact in the world, if you have faced challenges in using your gifts for the church, or if you are weary of battling against those who want to quell your voice and ministry passions, then this book is for you. You will find encouragement, inspiration, and strength to break through the barriers that are keeping you from exerting your full influence for God and his kingdom.

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  • Essential Guide To Becoming A Disciple


    What am I committing to when I say I want to follow Jesus? Using the Great Commission to explore the mission to make disciples as well as the core characteristics that identify us as Jesus’ followers, this guide lays the foundation for a life in Christ. Following the popular and effective design of his curriculum Discipleship Essentials that sold over 250,000 copies, Greg Ogden has included the following elements in each of the eight sessions: a memory verse a Bible study a reading life application Whether you are mentoring one-on-one or in a small group, this essential guide will serve as an ideal on-ramp into the discipleship journey.

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  • Measure Of A Man Reprinted (Reprinted)


    More Than a Million Copies Have Been Sold of this Powerful Book for Men, Now Revised for a New Generation
    For forty years, The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God’s direction–faithfully, lovingly, and spiritually. Now repackaged, this classic guide to biblical masculinity is poised to impact a new generation of men.True masculinity is not measured by the strength of a man, but by these twenty biblical guidelines drawn from the Apostle Paul’s letters to his young proteges Timothy and Titus. Inspiring, encouraging, and practical, this book shows men how they can reach God’s standards as fathers, husbands, and mentors to other men. This updated edition includes QR codes that take the reader to online video resources for further study.

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  • Alive In The Spirit (Reprinted)


    Dynamic, Never-Before-Published Work on the Holy Spirit from A.W. Tozer
    What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit in our lives? Many look to extraordinary experiences and manifestations as evidence of the Spirit. But what happens when the event is over? How can we experience the Holy Spirit in the ordinary, everyday world? How can we be filled with the Spirit?In this material taken from Tozer’s sermons, he answers these questions and explores life in the Spirit from a balanced perspective. The church needs the gifts of the Spirit–all of them–or it will never be what God intends it to be. But this has to happen in wisdom and humility.Many people talk about being filled with the Holy Spirit, but very few accept the conditions for being filled. Tozer lays down the requirements for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and transform us into Spirit-filled people. Though every Christian has the Holy Spirit, not every Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit. He explains the difference and how it could change the evangelical church of today.

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  • Parables : The Mysteries Of Gods Kingdom Revealed Through The Stories Jesus


    Pastor-teacher John MacArthur helps readers understand Jesus’ parables and how they relate to the whole of His message-now in paperback. Jesus was a master storyteller, and the parables He told were ingeniously simple word pictures with profound spiritual lessons. Understanding the parables is a crucial matter for followers of Jesus. Jesus told parables so His people might comprehend His message about the kingdom of God clearly. Master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur has spent a lifetime explaining the Word of God in clear and comprehensible terms. In Parables he helps Christians understand the essential lessons contained in the most famous and influential short stories the world has ever known.

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  • I Factor : How Building A Great Relationship With Yourself Is The Key To A


    Pastor Van Moody, author of The People Factor, rips the veil of secrecy from people’s deepest and most intimate struggle-the one with themselves-and sets readers on the road to personal wholeness, security, and success. The fundamental question behind every struggle we face is this: How do I deal with myself? Van Moody calls this “the I-Factor,” the combination of dynamics that converge to form the totality of a person’s relationship with him- or herself. More than self-worth or self-respect, beyond character and perception of purpose, the I-Factor is about managing yourself-your whole life-well. And in this inspiring new book, Moody reveals how to get hold of the I-Factor. To win the battle with the I-Factor, a person must have a proper understanding of three dynamics: identity, significance, and perspective. When you understand your identity you know who you are, which is the foundation of everything. When you understand your significance, you get in touch with the purpose and the greatness for which you were created. And when you understand perspective, you can view the problems you face as stepping-stones to greatness instead of stumbling blocks. Weaving together personal stories, practical principles, and profound biblical truth, The I Factor provides readers with the key to achieving the life of greatness that they are destined for.

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  • From The Editors Desk


    The Christian Century, the most respected magazine for mainline Protestants in the world, has helped Christians think critically and live faithfully since 1884. The publication’s former editor and publisher, John Buchanan, has compiled a collection of biweekly editorials from the magazine that highlight events, issues, and questions that progressive Christians faced at the turning of this century.

    A must-read for Christian Century fans, From the Editor’s Desk examines twelve key areas from the years 1999-2015, focusing on war and peace, civic engagement, newsworthy events, the Middle East, and congregational life.

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  • Scent Of Water


    Follow Naomi as she talks to women working in brothels in Mumbai; survivors of an Indonesian tsunami in which more than 160,000 lives were lost; a young girl waiting on an operation to save her life; and victims of domestic violence horrifically burned by fire. Be still with her when she realizes the pain she feels in the face of these extreme injustices reveals a common struggle that exists within all of humanity. And rise with her as she wrestles with confusion over her identity, comes face to face with redemption, and then begins to understand her own story … and to find her calling.

    The Scent of Water will open your eyes to the complexities of the world, showing you pain can also be beauty, and how each are found in the unlikeliest of places.

    Zacharias doesn’t have all the answers. But she has hope and encouragement that will empower you to find and begin the adventure of your life.

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  • Case For Grace


    The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God; The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus; The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity; The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ … Now, in The Case for Grace, Lee Strobel crafts a compelling and highly personal case for God, focusing on God’s transforming work in the lives of men and women today. Writing with unusual candor, Lee draws upon his own journey from atheism to Christianity to explore the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming love for spiritually wayward people. He travels thousands of miles to capture the inspiring stories of everyday people whose values have been radically changed and who have discovered the “how” and “why” behind God’s amazing grace. You’ll encounter racists, addicts, and even murderers who have found new hope and purpose. You’ll meet once-bitter people who have received God’s power to forgive those who have harmed them-and, equally amazing, people mired in guilt who have discovered that they can even forgive themselves. Through it all, you will be encouraged as you see how God’s grace can revolutionize your eternity and relationships … starting today.

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  • Devotions For Christmas


    In the swirling busyness of December, take a moment to relax and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas

    We all know that Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ the King born to us, to enjoy our family and friends, and to indulge in those annual traditions we look forward to every year. But even though we may understand the true reason for the season, far too few of us know how to celebrate Christmas as the time of peace that it is meant to be. With a rich, daily devotion for every day of December, Devotions for Christmas offers you a way to unplug and spend some time reconnecting with a childlike sense of wonder and joy at the mystery and blessings of Christmas. Settle in and enjoy peaceful and hope-inspired Devotions for Christmas.

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  • 52 Weeks Through The Bible


    Have you ever wondered how the Bible fits together as a whole? How do its key events, people, and stories, spanning thousands of years, play a role in God’s overall plan?

    In 52 Weeks Through the Bible, pastor and author James Merritt shares what he’s learned from a lifetime of studying the Bible. As you journey together, he’ll explain important events such as the Passover, the Exodus, the Fall of Jerusalem, and God’s coming restoration. You’ll gain fresh insights on the stories of people like Ruth, Jonah, Daniel, David, and Paul, and come to better understand the key passages in the Bible and how they fit together. You’ll also gain fuller insight on Christ Himself and what He came to accomplish.

    As you study the overall structure of the biblical narrative, from Creation through Revelation, you’ll walk away with a big-picture understanding of God’s amazing plan of redemption.

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  • 20 Hardest Questions Every Mom Faces


    Motherhood is filled with decisions, but the answers aren’t always easy. Every mom needs a coach, someone to come alongside her, give hope, and share time-tested insights.

    In her signature warm and personal writing style, Dannah Gresh offers biblically based wisdom and encouragement on the 25 most difficult, yet critical, questions moms face, such as:
    *What should my main priority be?
    *How do I teach my child to select good friends?
    *How do I keep my child from walking away from the faith?
    *How do I respond to my prodigal child?

    Whether your child is 5 or 15, you’ll learn how to think through issues like bullying, whether or not you should work or stay home, and what to do when your child asks, “Why isn’t life fair?”, as well as how to handle issues with eternal consequences. Along the way, you’ll learn the power-and promise-of strategic parenting.

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  • Daily Guideposts 25 Devotions For Advent


    Experience God’s great love in a new personal way with this Advent devotional drawn from America’s favorite devotional, Daily Guideposts.

    Advent is a time of preparation for Christ’s birth. This year, rekindle the hope of the Christmas season with Daily Guideposts: 25 Days of Advent. In just five minutes each day, you’ll enjoy a Scripture verse, a personal story, and a prayer to help you apply the day’s message. Travel with Rick Hamlin as he finds joy in the Advent season through small moments. Learn with Daniel Schantz how the little things we take for granted played important parts in the story of the world’s most extraordinary birth. Find out how Brock Kidd and his family celebrate the birth of Jesus. Learn how Patricia Lorenz increases her joy by giving the gift of herself. And join Mary Brown for a special journey as she ponders the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus.

    Join the community of over a million Daily Guideposts readers on this remarkable and deeply personal spiritual journey.

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  • Alabanza – (Spanish)


    Salmo numero 84 del gran libro de Salmos “El Tesoro de David”. Spurgeon aporta su propia exposicion versiculo a versiculo de cada salmo, ademas selecciono los mejores comentarios sobre cada versiculo por los Padres de la Iglesia, los Reformadores, los Puritanos, hasta llegar a los comentaristas contemporaneos de su epoca.

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  • Danza Divina – (Spanish)


    La Trinidad es la doctrina central de todo nuestro sistema de creencias cristiano. Sin embargo, a menudo nos dicen que no debemos intentar entenderla, porque es un “misterio”. La Danza Divina explora ese misterio, demostrando como una concepcion mas profunda del Padre, el Hijo y el Espiritu Santo transformara nuestra relacion con Dios, y renovara nuestras vidas.

    Invitation to a Dance

    The Trinity is supposed to be the central, foundational doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, yet we’re often told that we shouldn’t attempt to understand it because it is a “mystery.” Should we presume to try to breach this mystery? If we could, how would it transform our relationship with God and renew our lives?

    The word Trinity is not found in the New Testament-it wasn’t until the third century that early Christian father Tertullian coined it-but the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was present in Jesus’ life and teachings and from the very beginning of the Christian experience.

    In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God-circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we’re trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers” applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd-sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow-it’s like a dance.

    But God is not a dancer-He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

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  • Can I Smoke Pot


    God made pot. It’s natural, legal in more places, and Christians can drink alcohol, right? So, what’s the issue?” To help Christians answer questions about marijuana use, this book looks at what the Bible teaches, from Genesis to Revelation, about creation, government, medicine, and alcohol. Short, timely, easy to read, and vitally important.

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  • Enmity Remains Unresolved Until Christ Returns


    Jesus Christ words is unmatched non-science fiction; non-Christian fiction eBooks! Jesus Christ true living word from heavens full powers! Charges: Corrects: Teaches: Judges: Executes: Purges Enmity sinful nature of human kind on earth! Unmatched word of Christ connects the world to heavens!

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  • 1 Dogs Faith


    We all have stories. We all have jobs. We all have things that we were put on this earth to do. Most people think my breed just lies around and sleeps all the time. Well, we do, but we have reasons.

    I’m supposed to help people, especially my family. Tom and Michelle are my human adults, and their children are Carolyn, Sophie, Chloe, and Christian. They all need me, but they have no idea how much.

    And now I’m telling you my story…our story. When you’re finished, I hope you’ll understand us dogs better.

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  • Forgiveness : Following Jesus Into Radical Loving


    What does it mean to forgive? Should we–at all times and in all circumstances–forgive?

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  • Repurposed Faith : Breathing New Life Into Your Quiet Time


    Whatever happened to the days when you couldn’t wait to sit down and read your Bible? When prayer flowed easily and powerfully? When you felt engaged and active in your spiritual life? Now, like so many Christians, your zeal may have faded without explanation, and you’re left watching from the sidelines as others thrive in their personal walk with Christ. What happened?
    Life has a way of shaking us up, cluttering our priorities, and shifting our focus. When this occurs, our walk with the Lord is often disrupted. One morning, you wake up and realize there are only embers where once a spiritual fire roared. If you ve found yourself in this place, don’t be discouraged!

    Repurposed Faith is designed to refresh and redirect your priorities back to Christ and His Word. Through intentionally-written illustrations and real-life stories, you will be prompted to search your heart for the roadblocks that have come between you and meaningful time with the Lord. From there, you will be guided back to a place where you connect and glorify God. Why continue in apathy, deprived of the intimacy and boundless joy of reconnecting with God on a daily basis? Take this moment to repurpose yourself and your faith.

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  • Tallit : Experience The Hidden Mysteries Of The Prayer Shawl And Other Hidd


    Does the Jewish prayer shawl hold any meaning for you today?

    In The Tallit, Dr. Kluge uses personal stories and scripture to explore the mystery and reveal the modern meaning and application of the Jewish prayer shawl.

    To some people the tallit, also called a prayer shawl, is a sacred garment worn during special occasions. To others it is a mysterious object full of symbolism and hidden meaning. This book will help you experience the significance of the prayer shawl as it symbolically represents God’s presence, healing, love, and forgiveness. With the wisdom and spiritual insight provided in this book, you will understand the true meaning of the tallit.

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  • Set My Heart On Fire


    Set My Heart on Fire will help readers to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, walk confidently in boldness, and break free from life-controlling bondage, habits, and generational tendencies.

    It is essential to remain in a state of spiritual intimacy and walk closely with God despite the many worldly distractions. This book will remind readers that the key to doing so is to nourish a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    This powerful teaching covers topics such as:
    *Seven roles of the Holy Spirit
    *Benefits of a prayer language
    *Why you need boldness
    *Learning to minister in the Spirit
    *Staying on fire in the dry seasons

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  • Does The Bible Really Say That


    Does God have a specific plan for your life – or mine? Can we really make sense of everything that happens to us? In this bonfire of some of the most precious of all evangelical myths, Mark Woods asks whether a truly biblical faith really supports many supposed evangelical ‘shibboleths’, and thereby points us towards a faith that is deeper, more dangerous, and more fitting for adults.

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  • When God Isnt There


    Renowned spoken word artist David Bowden tackles one of the most difficult questions of all-Where is God when we can’t find him? – and reveals what God’s absence and his presence tell us about God’s glory and his grace.

    The Bible is full of stories of God removing his presence, of believers lamenting his absence, even of the omnipresent Creator refusing to listen to prayers or attend worship services. But Christians often fail to take notice of these passages, thoughtlessly continuing their usual religious practices without ever wondering: What if we showed up to church but God didn’t? Would anyone even notice?

    When God Isn’t There tackles these questions head-on, providing a wake-up call to those who take God’s presence for granted and a resource of encouragement to those who struggle with feeling God’s absence. After all, if God is infinitely far from us and is free to move wherever he wants, how much more astounding is it that God came near in the person of Jesus? This book will forever change contemporary Christianity’s understanding of why God sometimes seems to vanish and how he can be found again.

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  • God Of Earth


    As Christians, we believe that God, the creator of all, inhabited the earth in order to call to us. God of Earth embraces this central premise of Christianity–Jesus as both fully divine and fully human–and then allows for the possibility that such a Jesus need not be limited to a human man who lived in Judea two thousand years ago. What if Jesus were “God of earth”–not only over earth but also in and through the earth?

    God of Earth opens up ideas about God that invite not only a feeling of reverence toward the earth but also a sense of wonder toward it. As Kristin Swenson explores the ever-changing and ever-renewing cycles of nature, she invites readers to reconsider our relationship to the nonhuman natural world.

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  • More Than Enough


    Ever look around your life and feel overwhelmed with gratitude for everything you have? Sure, nothing is perfect, but if you have a safe place to live, food on the table, and clothes to wear, the reality is that life is pretty good. That’s not true for many people in the world, and you may wonder, “How do we live in a way that honors God and shows gratitude for the good life we are living in the midst of a world full of pain and brokenness?”

    All our daily choices have an impact on the earth and the people around us: choices about where we shop, what we eat, what we give away…. But can we really do anything to help? Can we find joy in our own lives when there is so much pain in the world? Sorting out the answers gets overwhelming and complicated very quickly.

    With a blend of practical reflection and insight on topics from guilt to delight, More than Enough goes beyond a call to gratitude and generosity and invites the reader to a new way of life, one that is grounded in the hope and grace of God.

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  • Girl Talk : 52 Weekly Devotions


    As you grow up, a lot of new, sometimes strange, things start to happen, and it can be overwhelming. You have new responsibilities, new opportunities, and a whole new set of problems, and sometimes it can feel like no one but you can understand what it’s like to be you.

    You’re not alone. This one-year devotional is filled with stories about girls who feel just like you. As you read their stories each week and fill in questions about how you think each girl should react, you’ll learn new ways to deal with the pressures around you, embrace the opportunities God has given you, and make choices that give you the opportunity to dream. Through prayer and journal exercises, you’ll also discover there is someone out there who knows exactly how you feel. And he’s more than ready to listen.

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  • Time To Triumph (Reprinted)


    Powerful Prophetic Vision for the Church Amid the Current Global Tumult
    We are living in one of the most violent, chaotic, and permissive times in history–and each year the darkness looms larger. In the face of such overwhelming evil, how can we, the church, even begin to overcome?In this empowering and practical book, Chuck Pierce–one of the most accurate prophets ministering today–shows believers how to embrace their prophetic destiny in the midst of these tumultuous times. Offering a glimpse into what lies ahead, specifically the years 2017-2026, he explains- China’s and Russia’s crucial roles in the end times- How the Antichrist system is aligning with existing government structures- Israel’s pivotal role in world events- Prophecies fulfilled through the blood moons- Changing alliances among nations and what these mean- The coming harvest in the church- The culmination of a new world order in 2026
    Many kingdoms in this age are vying to rule. We must understand what it means to stand strong as believers in Jesus Christ–and what spiritual forces we are facing. The stage is set; the battle is waging. It’s time to fight as never before. And it’s time for God’s Kingdom to triumph.

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  • Risen : The First 40 Days Of Your Christian Life


    When you were baptized you identified yourself with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. You “died” to the practice of sin when you repented, made up your mind to live for God and were “raised up to walk in newness of life.” Risen! You are a new creature embarking on a new journey. The activities for the next forty days are to get you started on that wonderful journey.

    Most of the sections of this book are brief considerations of much larger subjects. People have written entire books on prayer, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, hope, temptation, judgment, and so on. The daily readings in this book, however, will serve as valuable introductions for new Christians to the larger subjects.

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  • Defeating Dark Angels Revised And Expanded (Reprinted)


    A Practical, Complete Guide to Defeating Demons
    Demonic oppression is a very real spiritual phenomenon, yet it remains a terrifying and misunderstood subject for many Christians. What does the Bible say? Can demons exert power over Christians? Can a Christian be possessed? How do you know if a problem is psychological or spiritual?In this revised and updated edition of Defeating Dark Angels, Dr. Charles H. Kraft, a retired evangelical seminary professor and experienced deliverance minister, reveals everything you need to know. With clarity and biblical insight, he explains- Why and how dark forces come against God’s people- Our authority as Christians over demons- How to resist the influence of demons- How to break their hold on the lives of others- The need for continued healing and care after deliverance through counselingWeaving practical application with firsthand accounts of demonic activity in the lives of real people, this is your complete guide to defeating dark angels and ministering God’s freedom to others.

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  • New Believers Guide To The Christian Life


    What Life as a Christian Really Looks Like New believers need to know what to expect. While many books cover the nuts and bolts of new faith–how to read the Bible, how to pray, how to find a church–in this book, Alex Early focuses on issues of the heart. What are Christians supposed to feel? What happens when they sin? What does God want from them? Designed to challenge and reassure, this book gives a realistic depiction of the Christian life, and includes such topics as how to rest in God’s love, what forgiveness looks like when you blow it, what it means to find your identity in Christ, and how to pray with honesty and transparency. God isn’t surprised when we struggle, and although being in a relationship with God is amazing, he never promised that this life would be easy. He can handle “real” people, and he pours out his reckless love regardless of what we do or think on any given day. We all need to be reminded of this, but especially those new to the faith.This book is ideal for new believers, but seasoned Christians should also have copies on hand to give away. Includes end-of-chapter questions and a “Christianese to English” glossary.

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  • 25 Truths About Demons And Spiritual Warfare


    25 Truths about Demons and Spiritual Warfare will help readers to uncover demonic influence in areas others might overlook or miss, with twenty-five specific truths that will lead them to a newfound spiritual freedom.

    The Bible makes it clear: we are in a battle, and we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. There is a real devil and real demons engaged in a very real war-with us. But we don’t have to fear the enemy. His kingdom is built on shifting shadows-lies that can only stop us if we believe them.

    This book will expose how demons operate, how they gain access to our lives, and how we can defeat them.

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  • Worship Changes Everything


    What Does Worship Look Like the Other Six Days of the Week?
    With wisdom and joy, Darlene Zschech shares her thoughts on what worship truly is and what it looks like in real life–during your weekday commute, when the laundry’s piling up, even while you’re out for coffee with a friend. In Worship Changes Everything, you’ll discover how to let praise and wonder invade every facet of your being and experience God in every moment of life. Get ready to be transformed by the purpose and freedom that come from living a life of worship. Now in paper.

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  • Burdens To Blessings


    From the time Kim Crabill experienced a life altering trauma at age four, she became an expert in hiding her hurt and confusion behind a mask. The trick, she discovered, was to sing a little louder in choir, study a little harder at school, and smile a little wider with friends. Then no one would notice how damaged her heart was. She became a classic overachiever academically and socially. As an adult, she could even speak before crowds with her mask fully in tact. But she could not hide from the pain of her past, and pain that expressed itself through anorexia and diet pill addiction, loneliness, depression, and anxiety attacks. In her transparent and gripping story, Burdens to Blessings, Kim invites you along her journey from shame and sadness toward healing and hope. In the process you’ll encounter the upside- down truth that God uses you because of your hurt and uncertainty. The very things you regret the most-the things you hope no one ever discovers about you-are what God wants to use to enrich your life and the lives of others around you. As this truth sinks in, you’ll discover the confidence and courage to quit hiding and show your true self to God and others. Then watch out, because you’ll be showered with opportunities to help other hurting people beyond your wildest dreams. 

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  • Hope For The Future


    Whether a parent or pastor, child advocate or Christian educator, professional or volunteer working with children, we yearn for both comfort and challenge, vision and validation, hope and help as we seek to make a difference in the lives of children.

    In Hope for the Future, Shannon Daley-Harris draws from her twenty-four years of work with the Children’s Defense Fund to offer twelve meditations for those working to create a better world for our children. Each meditation focuses on passages of Scripture and weaves together moving stories of children, startling statistics about the challenges facing children, and inspiring examples from other movements and faithful leaders that came before us. Questions for faithful response after each meditation will prompt further reflection and action.

    This inspirational book can be used as a devotional, in Bible study discussion, or during a social action committee’s discernment.

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  • Tiempo – (Spanish)


    Salmo numero 90 del gran libro de Salmos El Tesoro de David. Spurgeon aporta su propia exposicion versiculo a versiculo de cada salmo, ademas selecciono los mejores comentarios sobre cada versiculo por los Padres de la Iglesia, los Reformadores, los Puritanos, hasta llegar a los comentaristas contemporaneos de su epoca.

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  • Perdon – (Spanish)


    Salmo numero 32 del gran libro de Salmos El Tesoro de David. Spurgeon aporta su propia exposicion versiculo a versiculo de cada salmo, ademas selecciono los mejores comentarios sobre cada versiculo por los padres de la Iglesia, los reformadores, los puritanos, hasta llegar a los comentaristas contemporaneos de su epoca.

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  • Love Your Life Not Theirs


    In Love Your Life, Not Theirs, Rachel Cruze shines a spotlight on the most damaging money habit we have: comparing ourselves to others. Then she unpacks seven essential money habits for living the life we really want-a life in line with our values, where we can afford the things we want to buy without being buried under debt, stress, and worry. The Joneses are broke.

    Life looks good, but hidden beneath that glossy exterior are credit card bills, student loans, car payments, and an out-of-control mortgage. Their money situation is a mess, and they’re trying to live a life they simply can’t afford. So why exactly do we try so hard to keep up with the Joneses? Are we really living the lives we want, or are we chasing someone else’s dream, just trying to keep up appearances on social media, at church, and in our community? Why are we letting other people set the pace for our own family’s finances? In Love Your Life, Not Theirs, Rachel shows you how to buy and do the things that are important to you-the right way. That starts by choosing to quit the comparisons, reframing the way you think about money, and developing new habits like avoiding debt, living on a plan, watching your spending, saving for the future, having healthy conversations about money, and giving. These habits work, and Rachel is living proof. Now, she wants to empower you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of without creating the debt, stress, and worry that are all too often part of the deal.

    Social media isn’t real life, and trying to keep up with the Joneses will never get you anywhere. It’s time to live-and love-your life, not theirs.

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  • Gospel In The Home


    God created the home in perfection–to be a place of peace, harmony, and unconditional love. But sin shattered God’s plan, and now strife, chaos, and stress frequently trouble the home. Relationships are broken, sex is distorted, finances divide parents, parenting seems impossible, and normal is actually abnormal. How do we navigate our homes through chaos? In “Gospel in the Home,” we will examine how the gospel turns chaos back into order. The gospel isn’t just a message to be embraced, but a life to be lived–it heals broken people, empowers the weak, clarifies the uncertain, and speaks into every season of life. The only way to restore our families is to have the Gospel in the Home.

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  • Branded For Christ


    Compares life of American cowboy to evangelism techniques. There are evangelism exercises and survey of churches. Methods to reach out to Nones, Busters, Boomers, Millennials, and Mosaics.

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  • Charitable Discourse V2


    If the work of ministry is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, then this book is certainly aimed at the latter.

    In A Charitable Discourse, Dan Boone turned heads and got the church talking about the issues that divide us. Now he’s back with A Charitable Discourse, Volume Two: Uncomfortable Conversations. Together with some of today’s most thoughtful leaders, Boone confidently broaches some of the topics that make us squirm in our pews. The church’s only hope for healing, remaining healthy, and moving forward is through discourse that is charitable, even in disagreement–so let’s join the conversation.

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  • Meeting God In Scripture


    Do you struggle to connect with God in Scripture? It’s easy to get bogged down in the linguistic, cultural and historical details and to lose sight of the whole point: hearing the voice of Jesus speaking to us here and now. Lectio divina is a traditional Benedictine practice of Scripture reading that treats the Bible not as a text to be dissected, but as the living Word of God spoken anew to us. Experienced Bible teacher Jan Johnson has led lectio divina workshops for many years. Here she presents forty scriptural meditations, organized topically, with a view toward giving us the tools we need to practice lectio divina on our own. Each meditation can be used both individually or in group settings, and includes an introductory space of silence to help us relax and refocus, along with an optional preparatory question or exercise; the full text of a passage from Scripture with explanations of unusual or important words, and with cultural and historical background as needed; questions and cues to help us enter the text (and in narrative passages, prompts to help us vividly imagine how the action would have unfolded); space to contemplate the passage and to respond to God in prayer; space to simply rest in what God has said to us; and an exercise to “try on” one of the main ideas of the passage in our daily lives. Meeting God in Scripture moves us beyond merely understanding what the text meant in its original context to a direct spiritual encounter with Christ as he speaks to us in each passage. The method of Scripture reading modeled here offers to revitalize our understanding of Scripture permanently-even long after we’ve finished these particular meditations.

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  • Just Courage : Gods Great Expedition For The Restless Christian


    1. Going On The Journey But Missing The Adventure
    2. From Rescued To Rescuer
    3. The Surprising Path To Courage
    4. The God Of Justice
    5. Just Worship
    6. Loving God And Our Neighbor
    7. Charging The Darkness
    8. The Witness Of One
    9. Seizing The Gift Of Courage
    10. Would You Rather Be Safe Or Brave?
    Appendix 1: Partnering With International Justice Mission
    Appendix 2: Further Resources Questions For Discussion And Reflection

    Additional Info
    There must be more to the Christian life than this–more than church each Sunday and waving to my neighbors and giving some clothes to Goodwill when I go through my closet each spring. These aren’t bad things, of course. But they’re safe and comfortable and easy. And there’s a reason they’re not satisfying your desire for something more significant and meaningful–we’re created by God for adventure. International Justice Mission president Gary Haugen has found that engaging in the fight for justice is the most deeply satisfying way of life. This book shows how we too can be a part of God’s great expedition.

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  • Real God : How He Longs For You To See Him (Reprinted)


    See God for Who He Is, Not What You Think He Ought To Be
    Anyone who has tried to describe God to someone else, especially an unbeliever, knows that it is easy to find yourself at a loss for words. It seems that this part of our lives, which we claim is central, is often difficult to put into words. But if you know God, shouldn’t you be able to describe him? What is he like? How can we put his eternal attributes into words? Join Chip Ingram in this fascinating study of seven attributes of God: his goodness, sovereignty, holiness, wisdom, justice, love, and faithfulness. Readers will see God in a whole new light and discover that our view of God impacts every decision in our lives. It will change the way we pray, the way we live, and the way we think about the world around us. God longs for us to know him as he really is. Get ready to meet God again for the first time.

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  • She Believes : Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live (Reprinted)


    Dynamic Leader Helps Women Embrace the Life They Were Created to Live
    With over seven billion people in the world, it can be difficult for women to believe they were designed for a purpose. That they individually have value, and their life has meaning that goes beyond what they see or have been told to believe. But that’s just the life-changing message Debbie Lindell passionately shares and champions. Every woman, no matter her history, social status, or position in society, was beautifully and magnificently designed by her Creator to live an amazing life. In She Believes, Lindell shares with women the beautiful truth of God’s love for them, empowering them to live out their own unique purpose and bring change to their homes, their workplaces, their communities, and the world. With personal stories and biblical truth, Debbie invites women to trust God’s Word–and discover the incredible, abundant life that he created them to live.

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  • Essential Guide To Fasting


    Vital, Practical Teaching on Biblical, Effective Fasting from the Topic’s Leading Author Fasting is one of the most misunderstood spiritual disciplines in the church today. And in a society where we want for nothing, abstaining from something we want carries little appeal. Yet fasting isn’t about lack–it’s about drawing closer to God and resting in his abundance.In this essential, foundational handbook to biblical fasting, Elmer L. Towns, one of the leading authors on the topic, will help you discover the amazing spiritual benefits of prayer and fasting. Not only does he lay out a biblical overview, but he also gives you a practical, easy-to-implement plan and answers your questions about this spiritual discipline. But more importantly, you will encounter a powerful new way to experience God’s presence, to listen to him, to worship, and to pray more deeply.

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  • Getting Ready For Marriage Workbook (Workbook)


    The saying goes “When you marry, you don’t just marry an individual, you marry a whole family.” But more specifically, you are marrying the influences that family has had on your spouse. Our families have shaped our views on everything from religion to finances to sex, and, whether helpful or harmful, these views are brought to our marriage and can unknowingly affect it.

    Getting Ready for Marriage Workbook helps engaged couples and newlyweds:
    *learn what “ghosts” they bring to marriage
    *examine their family backgrounds
    *determine guidelines for their own marriage

    Through interactive exercises, couples discover the roots of their beliefs, sight potential problem areas, and learn how to successfully work through problems. Couples are then encouraged to make their own covenants in specific areas such as financial matters, resolving conflict, religious orientation, and family planning & children-essential in building a strong marriage partnership.

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  • Jesus Always : Embracing Joy In His Presence


    Experience true joy-now and always. You have heard Jesus’ voice and responded to His invitation to peace and hope. With scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy-for today and every day.

    Life today is full of difficulties-loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the brand new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living-a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus-the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

    People often buy multiple copies of Sarah Young products, which makes this a truly unique book that appeals to both self-purchases and gifts-often at the same time!

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  • Raising A Young Modern Day Princess


    Emulating the format of Raising a Modern-Day Princess, authors Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting seek to help parents and grandparents cultivate strong relationships and encourage the spiritual formation in their daughters using examples, Bible teaching on the fruit of the Spirit, and a variety of creative activities that are based on Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).

    By implementing the ideas in this book, mothers (as well as fathers) will be equipped to understand and guide their daughters through each step of becoming His “princess.” This will include perceiving a daughter’s unique personality and gifts, refining her character through training and discipline, and modeling the attributes of a daughter of the King.

    This book is a follow-up to both Raising a Modern-Day Knight (by Robert Lewis) and Raising a Modern-Day Princess by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna. While the latter book is aimed at parents of girls ages 12 and up, this book focuses on building the Christian character of younger girls.

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  • She Reads Truth


    Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, “She Reads Truth” is the message that will help you understand the place of God’s Word in your life.

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  • Watch Your Mouth Interactive Workbook (Workbook)


    Dr. Tony Evans says your greatest enemy is actually in your mouth. The tongue has more power to quickly destroy your life than anyone or anything else. But, as an image bearer of God, your highest calling is to model with your mouth the character of God. How can we learn to control our tongues?

    Perfect for group or individual study, this interactive workbook serves as a companion to Dr. Evans’s compelling DVD series, Watch Your Mouth. Dig deeper into the life-changing truths about the tongue as you follow along with Dr. Evans’s teaching. Includes insightful discussion questions to help you work through what you’re learning, Scripture passages to learn more about this powerful weapon, and ideas to help you put what you’re learning into practice.

    Learn how to use your words to minister to and speak life into the world around you.

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  • Watch Your Mouth Growth And Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Dr. Tony Evans says your greatest enemy is actually in your mouth. The tongue has more power to quickly destroy your life than anyone or anything else. But, as an image bearer of God, your highest calling is to model with your mouth the character of God. How can we learn to control our tongues?

    Perfect for group or individual study, this companion guide to Dr. Evans’s compelling book Watch Your Mouth allows you to dig deeper into the life-changing truths about the tongue. It includes insightful discussion questions to help you think through what you’re learning, Scripture passages to learn more about this powerful weapon, and practical application ideas to help you develop the self-control needed to keep your tongue in check.

    Learn how to use your words to minister to and speak life into the world around you.

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  • Power Of A Praying Grandparent


    Being a grandparent is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. And loving and caring for our grandchildren not only blesses us but is also honoring to God. The best way to love your grandchild is to pray for him or her.

    In The Power of a Praying(R) Grandparent, you will find powerful suggestions to help you do just that by:
    *Praying for your grandchildren to be healthy, protected, smart, kind, wise, godly, and obedient, so that they do not stray into enemy territory
    *Praying for yourself to be a powerful praying “grandma” or “grandpa” who understands what your grandchildren are facing in this world today and how you can best cover them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically
    *Praying for your grandchildren’s parents to be led and enabled by God, so they can be the wisest, most patient, and loving parents for their children

    Being a praying grandmother or grandfather is not only one of the best gifts you can give your grandchildren, but their parents as well.

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  • Making Sense Of God (Audio CD)


    We live in an age of skepticism. Our society places such faith in empirical reason, historical progress, and heartfelt emotion that it s easy to wonder: Why should anyone believe in Christianity? What role can faith and religion play in our modern lives?

    In this thoughtful and inspiring new book, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller invites skeptics to consider that Christianity is more relevant now than ever. As human beings, we cannot live without meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, justice, and hope. Christianity provides us with unsurpassed resources to meet these needs. Written for both the ardent believer and the skeptic, Making Sense of God shines a light on the profound value and importance of Christianity in our lives.”

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  • 5 Minutes With Jesus A Fresh Infusion Of Joy


    We all have days when joy feels out of reach. Maybe it’s because our routines feel mundane or our struggles seem unending, but we end up just trying to get through the day. We forget that Scripture tells us joy-the joy of the Lord-is always within in reach. Jesus told his disciples to remain in his truth and love so that his joy may be in them, and Sheila Walsh guides women toward this amazing experience in 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy. Powerful devotions, encouraging scriptures, and memorable takeaways will inspire readers to draw close to Jesus and live with his joy every day. Spending time with the Savior can make a world of difference! With contemporary packaging and inspiring content, 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy makes a beautiful gift for a friend who needs encouragement and a great self-purchase for anyone looking for a little more joy in her life.

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  • Speak Life


    Brady Boyd turns to Jesus’s example to demonstrate that the health of a conversation is only as vibrant as the health of one’s interactions with God. In Speak Life, Boyd explores:
    How to tune in to God in order to tune up your relationships
    How to differentiate between the Holy Spirit’s voice and the lies of the enemy
    How healthier self-talk leads to better communication with others
    How to bring healing to others through the words you speak

    Proverbs says, “Reckless speech is like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (12:18, TLV). Speak Life helps readers speak words of restoration to God, themselves, and those they love.

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  • Everyday Supernatural


    Most Christians believe in God’s power, yet few see evidence of the supernatural in their lives. Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft believe that God wants each of his followers to know the work of the Holy Spirit. In Everyday Supernatural, they explore:

    How to live a Spirit-filled life that is consistent with Scripture
    How to use the gifts of the Spirit as everyday tools
    Practical ideas for prayer
    Why sometimes healing doesn’t happen
    Ways to show dependence upon the Holy Spirit

    Everyday Supernatural is an engaging, biblically based invitation to make supernatural power a part of everyday life.

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  • Language Of Love


    It is very interesting to see people fall in love and then later fall out of love. Sometimes they fall out of love with the same intensity that they fell into love. Love is very powerful; it is a very strong feeling.

    Love is shown or expressed both in the presence and the absence of someone. If you love your wife, tell her, help her in the kitchen and communicate with her. Tell her what you go through at work, church and family meetings.

    Everybody wants to learn the language of love. You want to be able to communicate with the language of love. Different people respond differently at various levels to all of these. For some people, giving gifts is number one expression of love for them. For others, affirmation is number one. For still others, acts of service is number one. Although all these are expressions of love, different people respond differently.

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  • Romper Los Lazos Familiares – (Spanish)


    Como puedo entrar en la oficina del doctor, estoy abrumado. Inmediatamente me entregO la documentaciOn con una lista de las enfermedades fIsicas y mentales. Estoy aconseja revisar estas formas y observe si yo o un miembro de su familia ha sido diagnosticado con alguna de las enfermedades que figuran en las listas. Cuando yo estaba en mi juventud, me gustarIa comprobar simplemente no a las preguntas sin pensarlo dos veces. Pero como yo me acerco a la edad adulta, y he presenciado personalmente la desapariciOn de los miembros de la familia debido a estas enfermedades enumeradas, me encontraba estudiando la lista. No sOlo estaba estudiando la lista de enfermedades, pero el miedo comenzO a establecer en cuando me doy cuenta de que segUn mi mEdico, me fue pre-expuestos a estas enfermedades. Me refiero a realmente cuAntas veces un mEdico diagnosticO a alguien con una dolencia, sOlo decir que es hereditaria. Lo que mis oIdos oigan y ha advertido mi conciencia es que no importa lo que hago, estoy atascado con alguna enfermedad, porque de mi familia A.D.N.. Lo que un verdadero crush y golpe en mi futuro. Tan increIble como todo parece, me doy cuenta de que definitivamente era autEntico.

    Este proceso va en contra de todo lo que me ensearon y creer. Yo sOlo creIa que, a pesar de lo que mi familia era la maldiciOn, no tenIa que ser mi futuro. No importa quE enfermedad, enfermedad o ciclo abrazado o muestran mi familia, yo no tenIa que aceptarlo como el mIo.

    DespuEs de ver los miembros de la familia sufren de hipertensiOn, cAncer, diabetes, depresiOn, ansiedad, asma, enfermedades cardIacas, la esquizofrenia y los cambios de estado de Animo, decidI que la pelota se detiene aquI. Es hora de abrazar un nuevo y brillante futuro. Es el momento de “romper los lazos familiares.” !es cierto! No voy a abrazar la muerte prematura. No voy a seguir las pautas de auto-destrucciOn por hablar fracaso en mi vida. Me atrevo a pensar fuera de la caja. Voy a intentar hacer algo, a diferencia de la pauta establecida antes de mI. Voy a pensar y hablar de la vida, la salud, la fuerza y la prosperidad en mi mente, cuerpo, alma y espIritu. No sOlo eso, sino que voy a entrenar y ensear a mis hijos a presionar tambiEn mAs allA del patrOn y atrEvete a ser diferente. El lugar estA aquI; ahora es el momento de “romper los lazos familiares.”

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  • Faith For Finances


    “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

    God is not poverty-stricken, and He does not produce poverty-stricken children. The Bible abounds with promises that God will open the windows of heaven, satisfy us, shower down blessing on us, provide for us, replenish us, and prosper us. Yet, despite all these powerful promises, Christians don’t always know how to receive His provision. Now, from the inspirational writings of E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett comes a book to help you excellently receive all that God has for you by daring to stand on the promises for financial blessing and success found in God’s Word. You will understand…
    *How to stop worrying about finances
    *How to get a better job
    *How to become a joyful giver
    *How to pray and get results
    *How confession leads to possession
    *How God can work miracles in your life

    When you were born again, you were not born to be defeated. You were born to be a conqueror. Declare the truth of Romans 8:37: “I am more than a conqueror through Christ!” Think victory, not defeat. Speak triumphant words, not words of failure. Act like a conqueror, for in Christ, you are!

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  • Get Out Of Gods Way


    We can become so constricted by liturgical rituals that we cannot love God in our own way. When we cannot live up to the impossible standards that have been placed on us by some denomination or faith group, we may start to feel bad about ourselves, and that only takes us farther and farther away from God. When we come to church to meet with like-minded individuals in search of spiritual reinforcement or support, human rules and regulations grafted on to religion often make us feel belittled, as if we are doing everything wrong. Rather than finding absolution from our sins, we are made to feel inadequate.

    The message of Jesus Christ is a message of hope and love for all people. Scripture is beautifully written, and when we delve into it deeply, when we uncover its mysteries, that leads to enlightenment. As Christians, we are called on to imitate Christ. That is why it is so important that we closely study the words and actions of Jesus Christ–everything He did, every move He made, everything He said, and how He delivered it. Jesus only rarely became angry, but He was never hateful. That is God’s way. We will never be Christ, but we should try to imitate Him as closely as possible. However, when it comes to spirituality, we are our own worst enemies, constantly getting in God’s way. What we need to do more than anything else is to get out of God’s way.

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  • Get Out Of Gods Way


    We can become so constricted by liturgical rituals that we cannot love God in our own way. When we cannot live up to the impossible standards that have been placed on us by some denomination or faith group, we may start to feel bad about ourselves, and that only takes us farther and farther away from God. When we come to church to meet with like-minded individuals in search of spiritual reinforcement or support, human rules and regulations grafted on to religion often make us feel belittled, as if we are doing everything wrong. Rather than finding absolution from our sins, we are made to feel inadequate.

    The message of Jesus Christ is a message of hope and love for all people. Scripture is beautifully written, and when we delve into it deeply, when we uncover its mysteries, that leads to enlightenment. As Christians, we are called on to imitate Christ. That is why it is so important that we closely study the words and actions of Jesus Christ–everything He did, every move He made, everything He said, and how He delivered it. Jesus only rarely became angry, but He was never hateful. That is God’s way. We will never be Christ, but we should try to imitate Him as closely as possible. However, when it comes to spirituality, we are our own worst enemies, constantly getting in God’s way. What we need to do more than anything else is to get out of God’s way.

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  • Our Inner Struggle Untangled


    The book is concerned with a deciphering process that enhances the texts of Revelation with data regarding the -End Times- of individuals rather than the -End Times- of the world. The deciphered texts do not usurp the original texts, but are dependent on them. The deciphering process is unique as it is a discovery of a process, not an invention of one. The work was like a cryptoquote where one letter stands for another; the difference is that one word stands for another. This book is for Adult Christians who seek a spiritual lift and want to -get back on the wagon- so to speak regarding their faith walk. And for those who would appreciate the spiritual jolt this book provides.

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  • Our Inner Struggle Untangled


    The book is concerned with a deciphering process that enhances the texts of Revelation with data regarding the -End Times- of individuals rather than the -End Times- of the world. The deciphered texts do not usurp the original texts, but are dependent on them. The deciphering process is unique as it is a discovery of a process, not an invention of one. The work was like a cryptoquote where one letter stands for another; the difference is that one word stands for another. This book is for Adult Christians who seek a spiritual lift and want to -get back on the wagon- so to speak regarding their faith walk. And for those who would appreciate the spiritual jolt this book provides.

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  • Sin Rival – (Spanish)


    Hay una razon por la cual nos miramos unos a otros como rivales, y nos limitamos a compararnos y competir. Tenemos un enemigo atacando nuestra mente, nuestra voluntad y muestras emociones, con la esperanza de que nos tornemos uno contra otro, y contra nosotras mismas. Es un ciclo que nos aisla de conexiones intimas, crea confusion sobre nuestra identidad, y limita nuestro proposito.

    En Sin Rival, la autora de exitos de ventas Lisa Bevere, comparte como una revelacion del amor de Dios rompe estos limites. Aprenderas como dejar de ver a otros como rivales, y hacer las conexiones profundas con tu Creador que tu deseas; conexiones que tienen la promesa de identidad e intimidad verdaderas. Con sabias enseanzas biblicas llenas de vision profetica para nuestros dias, Lisa usa el humor y la pasion para desafiarte a:
    *Darle la vuelta a la rivalidad para que saque lo mejor en ti
    *Dejar de esconderte de conversaciones de las que necesitas ser parte
    *Responder al argumento de que las mujeres son ineptas, faciles de engaar, y credulas
    *Desarma la rivalidad de genero, y trabaja con los hombres en tu vida
    *Es tiempo de dar el paso adelante para vivir una vida sin rival.

    In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong.

    In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to:
    *embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equally
    *realize their undisputed calling
    *reconnect to their divine identity
    *dismantle the rivalries that keep us from God’s fullness

    There has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival.

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  • Whats Best Next (Expanded)


    Do work that matters. Productivity isn’t just about getting more things done. It’s about getting the right things done-the things that count, make a difference, and move the world forward. In our current era of massive overload, this is harder than ever before. So how do you get more of the right things done without confusing mere activity for actual productivity? When we take God’s purposes into account, a revolutionary insight emerges. Surprisingly, we see that the way to be productive is to put others first-to make the welfare of other people our motive and criteria in determining what to do (what’s best next). As both the Scriptures and the best business thinkers show, generosity is the key to unlocking our productivity. It is also the key to finding meaning and fulfillment in our work. What’s Best Next offers a practical approach for improving your productivity in all areas of life. It will help you better understand: – Why good works are not just rare and special things like going to Africa, but anything you do in faith even tying your shoes. – How to create a mission statement for your life that actually works. – How to delegate to people in a way that actually empowers them. – How to overcome time killers like procrastination, interruptions, and multitasking by turning them around and making them work for you. – How to process workflow efficiently and get your email inbox to zero every day. – How your work and life can transform the world socially, economically, and spiritually, and connect to God’s global purposes. By anchoring your understanding of productivity in God’s purposes and plan, What’s Best Next will give you a practical approach for increasing your effectiveness in everything you do. This expanded edition includes a new chapter on productivity in a fallen world and a new appendix on being more productive with work that requires creative thinking.

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  • Waging Prophetic Warfare


    All Christians have the authority to defeat the enemy-but many just don’t know how. Jennifer LeClaire goes beyond the basic teachings of spiritual warfare and incorporates prophetic intercession as the unknown key to successful prayers.

    Waging Prophetic Warfare will help readers engage in powerful prayer and receive clear direction from the Holy Spirit to defeat persistent difficulties in life.

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  • Light When It Comes


    Vivid, engaging stories to help readers find greater spiritual meaning in their everyday lives

    We all have moments of joy, moments that move us somehow, spiritual moments that we can’t quite put a finger on. But then we rush on and soon forget. In this book Chris Anderson shares such moments from his own life in order to inspire readers who are seeking, hurting, doubting, or searching.

    Drawing on an ancient prayer tradition, the examen of conscience, Anderson relates personal anecdotes, short scenes, and stories in a collage style that stimulates readers to reflect on their own lives. He shows how the examen can serve as a simple but powerful way to remember moments of light, of struggle, of joy. And however small or fleeting these moments are, in them God is calling and meeting us.

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  • Joy Of Heaven 4


    In this fourth book in the series, the Lord decided to open the door more! Wee Angel and Felicia continue to visit more beautiful mansions, prayer areas and more on God’s Holy City. An awesome thought, Felicia said, “I’m finally home! ” Then they meet Jesus again, with David and Joshua from the Bible, including many, many more white winged horses with power riders. A quiet flight turns into a mission towards earth, meeting other formations of these horses and riders led by other names from Bible. During flight the Archangels join in!

    Jesus, riding his favorite winged horse, is in front and in command! Thousands of angels praising Jesus! Joel 3:30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens…” The inspired writing continues in book 4. I know everyone will be awed by reading this, Daniel Leske.

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  • Eve In Exile


    The swooning ladies of the Victorian Age and the suburban housewives of the 1950s genuinely needed to be liberated. That much is indisputable. So, First-Wave feminists held rallies for women’s suffrage. Then, Second-Wave feminists marched for Prohibition, jobs, and abortion. Today, Third-Wave feminists stand firmly for nobody’s quite sure what. But the modern woman-who uses psychotherapeutic drugs at a rate never before seen in history-needs liberating now more than ever. The truth is, feminists don’t know what liberation is. They have led us into a very boring dead end.

    Eve in Exile sets aside all stereotypes of mid-century housewives, of china-doll femininity, of Victorians fainting, of women not allowed to think for themselves or talk to the men about anything interesting or important. It dismisses the pencil-skirted and stiletto-heeled executives of TV, the outspoken feminists freed from all that hinders them, the brave career women in charge of their own destinies. Once those fictionalized stereotypes are out of the way-whether they’re things that make you gag or things you think look pretty fun-Christians can focus on real women. What did God make real women for?

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  • Kingdom Marriage : Connecting Gods Purpose With Your Pleasure


    What happens when a kingdom man marries a kingdom woman? Kingdom Marriage: Connecting God’s Purpose with Your Pleasure helps couples grow together as a kingdom couple to fulfill God’s design and purpose for their marriage. Through practical insights and powerful stories, Dr. Tony Evans inspires and instructs so couples will discover the hope, challenge, and guidance God’s Word provides for their journey together.

    “You can reflect the glory of God and the unity of the Trinity through your shared purpose, honor, and love as a true kingdom couple.” -Tony Evans

    Kingdom Marriage shows couples that the key to influencing our society and world with lasting impact is found in solidifying biblical marriage in the way God intended. It starts with both wife and husband reflecting God and His image and modeling that reflection within the roles and responsibilities of their union. This is based on a correct understanding of God’s kingdom and their responsibilities in it. Kingdom Marriage and the Kingdom Marriage devotional and video resources are part of an entire line of Kingdom products by Tony Evans, including Kingdom Man, Kingdom Woman, Raising Kingdom Kids, and the Kingdom Quest strategy guides for kids and teens.

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  • Destroying The Spirit Of Rejection


    Let’s face it. The sting of rejection hurts—and can leave us feeling trapped by fear, anxiety, insecurity, and inferiority. How can we break free of the pain? Sharing biblical parallels, breakthrough prayers, and strong declarations, Eckhardt helps you apply strategies to overcome the spirit of disapproval and embrace God’s love, acceptance, and healing.

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  • Power In Prayer


    God loves to answer prayer, and Scripture teaches that it is a simple thing to see answered prayer in our own lives. Charles Spurgeon’s classic writings tackle the fears and questions that arise as we learn to pray. His time-tested, hard-hitting teachings will clear the way for you to experience true faith and the power of answered prayer. Spurgeon discusses God’s promise to hear our prayers, the humility of pleading prayer, and our position before God’s throne of grace. Every believer can, and should, have a life marked by answered prayer. Charles Spurgeon will lead you to the place where life begins-a place of true communion with God.

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  • Praying The Names Of Jesus


    Joy, peace, and power-these are only some of the gifts promised to those who trust in the name of the Lord. Praying the Names of Jesus will lead readers into a richer and more rewarding relationship with Christ by helping them to understand and pray his names on a daily basis. By understanding the biblical context in which these names and titles were revealed, readers will gain a more intimate knowledge of Jesus and his plan for their lives. They will also begin to see how each of his names holds within it a promise: to be our Teacher, Healer, Friend, and Lord-to be God with Us no matter the circumstances. Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Yeshua . . . through his names and titles, we come to understand more fully how Jesus reveals God’s heart to us. Praying the Names of Jesus focuses on twenty-six of his most prominent names and titles to provide six-months of devotions. Each week provides a unique devotional program designed for personal prayer and study or for use in small groups. Praying the Names of Jesus is the companion volume to the bestselling Praying the Names of God. In ways both surprising and profound, it reveals a rich portrait of Jesus that will move readers toward a deeper experience of his love and mercy.

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  • Rich For Good


    We have all heard the old saying that money can’t buy happiness. Jamie Jones disagrees. She believes that being rich punches being poor straight in the face. Telling her story of starting out with her husband, being thousands of dollars in debt and trying to live the American dream to becoming millionaires in their 30’s, Jamie is raw and honest about the journey to get rich. She shares 9 Biblical principles that are simple, timeless and attainable. She believes that more Christians need to have financial wealth so that they can reach others for Jesus.

    When our heart’s focus is the same as His heart, he knows that He can trust us with His wealth. For God’s true riches are people, His children. He longs to spend eternity with all of us. This is why we must get rich! We must reach people. As long as our goal is to do honor Him with our wealth, He will see to it that we remain in His wealth.

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  • Dark Night Of The Soul


    “In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.” St. John of the Cross

    Why does God allow us to fall into this empty void? Does He not love us? Will He not help us? How do we deal with feeling abandoned in hopeless darkness? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

    In sixteenth-century Spain, a poor monk became a spiritual giant. His life was devoted to prayer, poverty, solitude, and silence in pursuit of the beauty and goodness of God. When his intimacy with Jesus led to imprisonment, John used the time to compose a spiritual masterpiece in which he takes readers on a deeply spiritual journey through hardships and temptations to complete union with God. In a step-by-step process, he shows how God can use this “dark night” to eventually bring our human spirits into greater illumination, revealing heavenly wisdom and the passion of divine love. It is possible to walk securely through the darkness and experience the wonderful effects that are wrought in the believer as a result of the dark night.

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  • Unmasking The Accuser


    When was the last time a Christian hurt you?

    The demonic trio of slander, gossip, and offense has gained huge momentum both in our society and in the church. They ruin marriages, relationships, destroy churches, and discredit those in spiritual leadership. Even worse, instead of fighting them, believers daily aid these spirits. And daily, other believers fall victim. The church’s main problem today is a lack of love, forgiveness, and unity.

    Satan’s favorite lie is that spiritual attacks always come from outside-that Christians can’t hurt each other. But when Pastor Kynan Bridges rips the mask off of the accuser, the truth is revealed: Satan’s spirits of slander, gossip, and offense are determined to tear the kingdom apart, and they use believers to do it-leading to bitterness and spiritual disease.

    With a careful study of the Word of God, Pastor Kynan shows a way out. In this book, you will learn how to:
    *Recognize the devastation of slander
    *Identify the satanic nature of gossip
    *Avoid the temptation to be hurt and offended
    *Release those who have wounded you
    *Use love and forgiveness as a powerful weapon to walk in victory over the enemy, the accuser of the brethren.

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  • How To Experience Revival Journal Edition


    This is a handbook for Christian workers who wish to learn the simple principles of the promise of revival. Charles Finney reveals his personal secrets on how to experience revival. These dynamic messages leave no doubt about what it takes to win our world to Christ.

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  • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Men (Expanded)


    The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
    *How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
    *What does it mean to be male?
    *What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
    *What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
    *What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
    *What are the differences between males and females?
    *How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
    *How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?

    When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and potential. Expanded edition with study guide material included.

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  • Vida Del Cristiano Centrada En – (Spanish)


    Este libro trata, comenzando por la conversion, de la naturaleza y significado de ser cristiano. Pasando por el nuevo nacimiento, hasta llegar a la conformacion de todo cristiano en Cristo, con las infinitas posibilidades morales y espirituales que esto supone. Dios nos ha amado, conocido y predestinado para algo tan inaudito y grandioso como que fuesemos hechos conformes a la imagen de su Hijo (Romanos 8:29). He aqui el misterio de la buena y alegre noticia del Evangelio.

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  • Waking The Dead


    Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That’s the offer of Christianity, from God himself.

    Jesus touched people, and they changed: the blind had sight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dead were raised. To be touched by God, in other words, is to be restored, to be made all God means us to be. That is what Christianity promises to do? make us whole, set us free, bring us fully alive.

    Waking the Dead-newly revised and updated for these trying times-reveals the secret of finding that life, of identifying the fierce battle over our hearts, and of embracing all that God has in store.

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  • Amor En Los Tiempos Del Facebo – (Spanish)


    Lo que comenzo con algunas publicaciones en el perfil publico del Facebook, inmediatamente se transformo en un fenomeno que atrajo a millones de seguidores en todo el mundo que solicitaban a Dante que cada viernes escribiera algo referente al amor. Y asi se creo una serie de textos que hoy estan recopilados en este libro plagado de romanticismo. El Amor en los Tiempos del Facebook es una cronica desprolija acerca del amor, una compilacion de apuntes que surgen del alma, pero que en definitiva provienen del mayor sentimiento que nos regalo nuestro Dios.

    What began with some publications in the public profile of Facebook, immediately became a phenomenon that attracted millions of followers around the world who asked Dante every Friday to write something about love. And so a series of texts were created that today are compiled in this book plagued with romanticism. Love in the Times of Facebook is a disjointed chronicle about love, a compilation of notes that arise from the soul, but ultimately come from the greater feeling that God gave us.

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  • Sodom Or Salem


    Writers Publishing Group Publication

    Vicki Shearin sounds an alarm of warning to the church in America after being awakened by the voice of God. Sodom or Salem? Is the question Vicki heard that literally woke her up after falling asleep one night. Sodom represents judgment and Salem is the earliest name for Jerusalem, which means peace. With compelling historical evidence and scriptural revelation, Vicki explains how “We the People” can avoid Sodom, choose Salem, and turn America back to the founding principles that made her the greatest nation on earth!

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  • How Champions Think To Win


    How champions think is what makes their paths master trends in a world of constant change-a globe without a wall, giving room for transitional leadership. Every day new discoveries keep swallowing old and new generations keep overtaking existing histories making new giants to keep emerging. There is a power of hidden potential in every man, but little minds focus on what happens, average focus on how things happen, great minds focus on why things happen making them to unleash the hidden power within. Every dream that will see the light of the day must be exposed to new possibility thinking. No matter the shape, color and size of your dream today, all you need to achieve it is your thinking habit-no road is not no way after all. Life is like dropping with a parachute, if you just hang there in fate and enjoy the cool breeze and the shade from the sun while complaining about the loneliness, it will take you where the wind of life blows-in the ocean of hopelessness, wilderness of confusion, desert of dejection or valley of past failures. You must take charge of your life by trading the power of your thoughts. When you throw down a tennis ball with force, it bounces back with the same energy, only that it rises higher, but when you throw down a glass cup it shatters on the ground and scatters in pieces, flung here and there. What happens? No energy to bounce up? No! There is energy but that had been used to scatter the pieces here and there. The energy in your failure is the lessons and the experience. Now you know how it is not going to work. Now you are a coach in the making. To every action of falling there will be an equal and opposite reaction, this could be a reaction of bouncing up or rolling on the ground or shattering in pieces. But be sure this book will remold your mentality to leap forward despite the odds. This master piece will take you through on how to: * Grow your courage again with hope * Live your best life by the energy of creative and constructive thinking. * See purpose for your past, potentials in your now and dreams for your future * Put up a possibility life by engaging the power of faith, talents and idea * Process your failure for future success

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  • Sleeping Queen : The Divine Awakening Of The Entrepreneurial Woman


    A divine invitation to every woman who is ready to step out of the religious shadows and into her God-given position of empowered leadership and wealth creation.

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  • Overcoming Spiritual Attack


    Eight Symptoms of Spiritual Attack will help readers to understand their key difficulties and learn practical insights from Scripture to overcome them.
    Ryan LeStrange powerfully exposes the causes of problems such as:
    *Lack of spiritual passion
    *Extreme frustration
    *Confusion about purpose
    *Lack of peace
    *Sluggishness and tiredness
    *A strong urge to quit assignment
    *Being drawn back toward old bondages and habits
    *Questioning a direction and call that was once very clear

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  • Witchcraft In The Pews (Expanded)


    Deception, witchcraft, and occult practices reign worldwide and these evils have even infiltrated the Christian church! So, fasten your seatbelt as you read the most provocative book of our time, in which you will learn to recognize:
    *Ministers who use intimidation and fear
    *Controlling power in families
    *Spiritual discernment and its many uses
    *Manipulative media techniques
    *Distractions coming from Satan

    It’s time to take a stand and engage in spiritual warfare. Bishop Bloomer shows how to prevent others from unfairly taking advantage of you.

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  • Theres A Miracle In Your Mouth


    Miracles are God’s will for all Christians, not just a few “special” believers. However, many Christians believe that’s it’s not God’s will to heal them or bring complete restoration to their lives. In There’s a Miracle in Your Mouth, E. W. Kenyon and Don Gossett share how your attitudes and what you say may be keeping you from experiencing the fullness of God’s power in you. Begin today living the joy-filled, abundant life that God promises to all of His children!

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  • War On The Saints


    As soldiers in the army of the Lord, Christians face the onslaught of evil forces head-on every day. But there is no need to despair…God has not abandoned us.
    In War on the Saints, Jessie Penn-Lewis reveals:
    *Satan’s game plan-his tricks, lies, and methods of destruction
    *The deception-that “sincere” Christians can be deceived
    *The devil’s target-his methods for targeting believers
    *Spiritual warfare principles-both offensive and defensive

    Learn to equip yourself with God’s full arsenal of weapons to defeat the enemy. Don’t wait a moment longer. Now is the time to armor yourself against spiritual attacks. You can emerge victorious from every battle.

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  • Grace Journal Edition


    The good news is that you have inherited thousands of God’s promises! Charles Spurgeon discusses many of the provisions God has made for all of His children, including unconditional love, everlasting life, and unshakable faith. As you learn to accept God’s free grace instead of trying to earn His favor, you will discover a wonderful security, peace, and richness in your life.

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  • Journey Through The Storm


    Journey through the Storm is the story of one Christian’s pathway through a dark vale, and provides invaluable helps to share with others progressing through cancer or through any of life’s rough spots.

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