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Christian Living

Showing 3001–3100 of 9104 results

  • Twirl : A Fresh Spin At Life


    Is life making you so dizzy that you’re forgetting what’s most important?

    Patsy Clairmont loves a good twirl. The kind that will make a child fall to the ground, squeal with laughter, and then want to get up and spin in circles some more! However, there is a twirl where busy schedules and urgency create a different and unwanted variety of dizzy into our lives.

    Though hurry-up is part of the human dilemma and certain seasons bring more of it than others, if it becomes a lifestyle you might find yourself on the slippery slopes of bitterness, sadness, and depression. Patsy’s hope is to help her readers maintain a dynamic view on life-with activities and choices that lead to renewal and peace. So take a little stroll with Patsy Clairmont through Twirl, and allow her unique perspective and deep well of biblical wisdom to realign your spin on life.

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  • Poder De Una Mente Transformad – (Spanish)


    El impacto de la salvacion a traves de Cristo trasciende mas alla del ambito espiritual. Implica mucho mas que el arrepentimiento que los humanos confunden con remordimiento. El verdadero arrepentimiento y el crecimiento espiritual significan la transformacion de la mente, la conducta, los estilos de vida y la vida entera. En esa transformacion alcanzamos un crecimiento personal tan impresionante, que produce autoridad, influencia en los demas, y la mas poderosa fe. Una mente transformada ocurre cuando lo espiritual trasciende, se manifiesta en el ambito natural, y empezamos a vivir una vida totalmente nueva que influencia nuestro ambiente y a cada ser humano en nuestro entorno. En resumen, el poder de una mente transformada es autoridad espiritual y personal, empoderamiento para influenciar, y fe inmutable.

    There is much more to Christ than spiritual salvation. And there is more to repentance than what humans perceive as remorse. Real repentance and spiritual salvation are about transforming mind, behavior, lifestyle, and life itself, so that we arrive at an impressive personal growth that produces authority, influence, and the most powerful faith. A transformed mind happens where the spiritual transcends and manifests into the natural realm, so we start leading a completely new life that influences our environment and everyone else around us. In a nutshell, the power of a transformed mind is about spiritual and personal authority, empowerment to influence, and immutable faith.

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  • Power Of The 72


    Foreword By Darrell Johnson
    Introduction: Welcome To The 72

    Part I: Theology
    1. Faith Comes First
    2. Sent To The Poor
    3. Wolves, Bears, And Crushing Pressure

    Part II: Application
    4. How People Become Christians
    5. Earnest And Powerful Prayers
    6. Friends: Secular To Sacred
    7. Experience: Healing And Hearing
    8. Conversion: Rejoice With Me

    Epilogue: A Final Benediction

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    They were not professionals. They were not celebrities. We don’t even know their names.

    We know very little about them, except that they were ordinary people who were drawn to Jesus. When Jesus asked them to join him in his mission, they stepped up, answered the call, and went out in his name. And amazing things happened as a result.

    They were the 72. And God uses normal people like the 72 to bring good news to the world.

    Pastor and evangelist John Teter explains how Jesus trains ordinary people to accomplish an extraordinary mission. He unpacks the story of the sending of the 72 to reveal how they were equipped in evangelism and discovered opportunities to herald God’s kingdom in concrete and tangible ways. Filled with vivid stories of Teter’s remarkable experiences in ministry and church planting, this book shows how we can live out God’s call and witness the transformation of those around us.

    You too have been called by Jesus. Discover how God empowers you to play your part. Welcome to the 72.

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  • Glory Happening : Finding The Divine In Everyday Places


    When you have an experience and tell the story of that experience to someone, something sacred happens inside of you. That experience doesn’t have to be an extravagant moment, but it can be beautiful, nonetheless. And as you store up all those stories and share them, you grow your world’s boundaries. You build community and remind yourself that every moment of your life counts for something holy, good, and glorious.

    The search for glory will bring freedom and a fresh perspective to whatever season you happen to find yourself in. Glory Happening is a book of stories and prayers that remind you to take a closer look at your everyday circumstances, to find the magical beauty in everyday experiences. It is an invitation to live deeply into every moment with the expectation that something good will find you at the end of the day. And once you experience glory, you have words to speak, a prayer to pray, and a story to tell. And so glory grows from person to person, and community is created around the reality that God is truly in our midst.

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  • Shaped By God


    God wants your heart.

    The whole Bible teaches truth and awakens emotions, but the Psalms are in a category of their own. They do not just awaken heart; they put it in the foreground. They do not just invite our emotions to respond to God’s truth; they put our emotions on display.

    The Psalms are not just commanding; they are contagious. We are not just listening to profound ideas and feelings. We are living among them in their overflow. We touch pillows wet with tears. We hear and feel the unabashed cries of affliction, shame, regret, grief, anger, discouragement, and turmoil. But what makes all this stunningly different from the sorrows of the world is that all of it–absolutely all of it–is experienced in relation to the totally sovereign God.

    This book is an invitation. God wants our hearts. He will take them as he finds them. And then, with the healing contagion of the Psalms, he will shape them. Accept his invitation to come.

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  • Unfold Mysteries Behind Prayer


    Unfold mysteries behind prayer is about those mysteries that the devil does not want you to know about your prayer. The Devil understands that whenever you know these mysteries, you can never stop praying. Unfold mysteries behind prayer exposes you to understand that it is even the perfect will and dream of God to answer your prayer and give you whatsoever you ask from him. Unfold mysteries behind prayer shows you that to answer your prayer is of great joy to God because it brings glory to his name and joy in his heart. He benefits from answering your prayer that is why he said pray without ceasing. Answering your prayer is for his name to be glorified, so any time he answers you, he is doing it because it gives him joy to do it. So you don’t need to bother yourself when you pray because God will answer you and do whatsoever you ask him to do for his name to be glorified and for the joy he will receive from doing it. Before you pray, you will believe that God can do all things including the one you are asking him, because he will benefit from answering your prayers. You will learn how to believe in the efficacy of your prayer through this book. This book will open you to understand that every prayer you pray in the name of Jesus according to his will is answerable by God and you will stop thinking that you are not qualified to receive answers to prayers rather understand that whenever you pray that God expects you to believe in your prayers and he will answer you. And you will understand why the devil is trying to convince you not to believe in your prayers.

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  • How To Hear Gods Voice


    The burning question in the thoughts and on the lips of so many Christians is this: “How do I hear the voice of God?” As someone with decades of experience, Matthew has spoken to God for most of his life. In this book, he unpacks his years of knowledge and wisdom on this subject. God had been leading Matthew to write on this topic for years, yet he did not follow through with that directive until a stranger approached him and offered to pay for the production of the book full of questions about hearing from God. Matthew has now written out these questions along with the answers within these pages. With the help of Craig Beeson, a friend who has only recently begun to converse with God, Matthew produced a book to answer the twenty questions written by Lance and to ultimately help you, the reader, start your very own two-way conversations with God. Do you have blockages in your faith that prevent you from hearing God? Do you fear that Satan will speak to you and that you will be deceived if you try to speak to God? Do you want to know what sort of questions to ask God? Do you want to know how to approach him and what to say? These questions and others along with their answers will take you to a new depth in your relationship with God.

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  • Living Compassion : Loving Like Jesus


    In the face of hurtful public discourse and worldwide conflict, many Christians long for lives of genuine compassion. After all, centuries of Christian teachings have insisted that compassion forms the heart of the Christian life. But what does it mean to be compassionate in the way Jesus was? What does wise, courageous, world-transforming compassion look like in daily life? And assuming we know what compassion is, how do we form true compassion in our lives? How do we become compassionate toward ourselves and others-even those we experience as enemies? In response to such questions, psychologists, scientists, and religious teachers have begun offering meditative practices that cultivate compassion. But what about Christianity? Do compassion practices show up within the Christian spiritual path? It turns out they do. But the compassion-forming power of these practices has been largely overlooked-until now. In Living Compassion, Andrew Dreitcer leads us through compassion practices that appear from the earliest centuries of Christianity right up to the present. Each practice, whether ancient or contemporary, moves us from understanding compassion to truly living compassion.

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  • Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough (Revised)


    Learn how fasting can strengthen your faith and draw you closer to God, helping you to be a true overcomer in Christ. From the leading authority on fasting, this book gives you the biblical reasons for practicing this spiritual discipline, and introduces you to nine biblical fasts–each designed for a specific physical and spiritual outcome.

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  • Other Side Of Beauty


    Former America’s Next Top Model contestant and Christian speaker Leah Darrow challenges readers not to settle for popular culture’s distorted idea of beauty but to discover how their natural desire for beauty is a good thing, revealing a deep desire for God.

    Starting in preschool and continuing through adulthood, young women are told both explicitly and subliminally that their worth depends on their appearance, leading to an explosion of eating disorders, body image distortion, and many other significant issues. Leah Darrow was one of those girls, but after appearing on America’s Next Top Model and reaching her goal of a modeling career, she discovered in painful ways how a desire for physical beauty alone leads to a culture of use and abuse. In The Other Side of Beauty, Leah invites readers to delve deeply into the very meaning of beauty, and to learn that true and lasting beauty can be found only in a relationship with God. The desire for beauty resident in all our hearts is actually a desire for the Beautiful One, and only knowing him can satisfy us.

    Leah writes as one who understands the pressures and lies that come at us from all sides and helps readers live truly beautiful lives that ultimately point to God.

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  • Called To Create (Reprinted)


    We were created by an infinitely creative God to reflect his love and character to the world. One way we do that is by continuing his creative work. In this energizing book, serial entrepreneur and bestselling author Jordan Raynor helps artists, entrepreneurs, writers, and other creatives reimagine our work as service to God and others, addressing such penetrating questions as
    – Is my work as a creative really as God-honoring as that of a pastor or missionary?
    – What does it look like to create not to make a name for myself but to glorify God and serve others?
    – How can I use my work to fulfill Jesus’s command to create disciples?
    – Will what I make today matter in eternity?

    Perfectly poised to reach today’s growing creative class, this unique work restores God’s position as the first entrepreneur, helping readers see the eternal value in the work they do today.

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  • Bearded Gospel Men


    31 Days of Fun, Satire, and Deeper Meaning of the Godly Beard!

    Is there a connection between hairiness and holiness? Some would say a hearty “Yes!” In fact, the world is in the middle of a beard mania. Events like Movember and Decembeard are becoming global movements and manly sites are appearing all over the internet. Is this just another fad? And what does it say that so many of the most famous Christian communicators have or did have a beard?

    Throughout history, Christian men have gloried in male pattern magnificence. Saint Benedict of Nursia wore a superb double forker. The benevolently-bushed Euthymius wouldn’t allow clean-shaven monks to enter his Judean Desert monastery. St. Francis of Assisi had a beard, and now there’s a Pope named after him. He’s clean-shaven, but we’re praying for him.

    Of all the great Christian men who wore beards, none stands so highly as the headless martyr Sir Thomas More. On the day of his beheading, the tufted knight supposedly positioned his beard away from his soon-to-be-severed neck, saying: “My beard has not been guilty of treason, and it would be an injustice to punish it.”

    But of course, Bearded Gospel Men is about far more than beards – it’s about manliness and godliness. Through this 31-day devotional, men are inspired to rise to a higher calling. The humor and facial hair is the perfect means to have a broader conversation about living a faithful life.

    So, let’s study some of these famous Bearded Gospel Men!

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  • Blessed Are The Misfits


    Warning: If modern church culture makes perfect sense to you, and you always fit in seamlessly, don’t read this. As for the rest of us…

    While American church culture (and American culture at large) seems largely designed for the extroverted, it’s estimated that half of the American population is introverted, and they’re often left wondering how, even if, they fit in the kingdom of God. As one of them, popular radio host Brant Hansen brings news. It’s wonderful, refreshing, and never-been-said-this-way-before good news.

    In his unique style, Hansen looks to answer questions that millions of people carry with them each day:
    *If I don’t relate to God as emotionally as others do, is something wrong with me?
    *How does one approach God, and approach faith, when devoid of the “good feelings” that seem to drive so much of evangelical church culture?
    *How does God interact with those who seem spiritually numb?
    *Is the absence of faith-based emotion a sign of that God has moved on or was never there?
    *What if we aren’t good at talking to people about our faith, or good at talking to people at all?
    *What if I’m told I’m too analytical, that I “think too much”?
    *Where does a person who suffers from depression fit in the kingdom? Is depression a sure sign of a lack of faith?

    This book is good news for people who are desperately looking for it. (And for their loved ones!)

    It’s also for those who want to believe in Jesus, but inwardly fear that they don’t belong, worry that don’t have the requisite emotion-based relationship with God, and are starving for good news.

    Blessed Are the Misfits is going to generate discussion, and lots of it. It’s simultaneously highly provocative and humbly personal. It’s also leavened with a distinct, dry, self-effacing humor that is a hallmark of Hansen’s on-air, writing, and public speaking style.

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  • Strength You Need


    Why are we feeling so depleted when God has promised us strength equal to our days?

    Pastor Robert Morgan leads a busy life as a pastor and is also a multitasking caregiver to his disabled wife. Most days he feels exhausted, yet over time God has shown him how to build himself up when he’s worn himself out. He has learned to fully embrace Psalm 84, as he moves from strength to strength. The valleys and the weaknesses are inevitable. Our task is to embrace these as we wait for God to take us to our next time of strength.

    After reviewing the 232 occurrences of the word strength in Scripture, Pastor Robert discovered twelve clear passages that drop anchor in God’s Sea of Strength. Among the kinds of strength available to every believer are:
    *Lifelong Strength: your strength will equal your days (Deuteronomy 33:25)
    *Lasting Strength: they go from strength to strength (Psalm 84:5-7)
    *Imparted Strength: the eyes of The Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9)
    *Joyful Strength: the joy of The Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
    *Timely Strength: God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1)
    *Tranquil Strength: in quietness and trust is your strength (Isaiah 30:15)
    *Renewed Strength: those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31)
    *Recurring Strength: the Lord will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden (Isaiah 58:11)
    *Durable Strength: the Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights (Habakkuk 3:19)
    *Unwavering Strength: Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God (Romans 4:20)
    *Innermost Strength: I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being (Ephesians 3:16)
    *Riveting Strength: I can do all this through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

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  • New Covenant Culture


    Walk in the Power of Your New Covenant Inheritance!

    Even though many Christ followers claim to have received the New Covenant salvation in Jesus they are not yet experiencing the fullness of their New Covenant identity.

    In New Covenant Culture, Jonathan Welton presents a Kingdom manifesto, calling every follower of Jesus into the deeply fulfilling and supernaturally empowered Christian life that the Bible makes available.

    Jonathan Welton calls all believers to embrace their full New Covenant identity:
    *Stop waiting for revival. Experience the signs, wonders and miracles of Scripture right now!
    *Stand firm in your identity. Fully embrace your unconditional acceptance into God s family!
    *Walk in total freedom. Discover the liberating truth of how completely Jesus has set you free!
    *Pray bold prayers. Make powerful declarations that bring circumstances into alignment with Heaven’s perfect will!
    *Live with radical hope. Receive an optimistic vision of the future that overcomes fear associated with the end-times.

    Discover what this supernatural lifestyle looks like and access your inheritance today!

    (Previously published as Normal Christianity)

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  • U Mad : U Can Stop Being Angry At God, Others, And Yourself Once And For Al


    The world we live in can be an angry place, and if we are not careful, that same anger will overwhelm us. “U Mad?” is designed to show you God’s way to overcome and conquer anger in your own life. Written from a place he once occupied, Dr. Bradley will show you how to trade the frustration and stress of life for peace and healing.

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  • Reconstructed : Finding Christian Identity In A Postmodern World


    The media, our friends, and our own minds demand we look, act, and think as society dictates. This has shifted our minds to believe perfection is attainable. Moral relativity has brainwashed us to believe that whatever we think is right for us, is, in fact, right for us. But what happens when what I think is right for me is actually destructive?

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  • When I Said Yes To The Holy Spirit


    Salvation. Freedom. Victory. Where there is a need in the world and where your passion lies is your life’s purpose. The need for the truth about homosexuality and JM Stellar’s passion for writing led her to discover her purpose-to author this life-changing book.

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  • Mastery : Daily Devotions For A Year


    Jesus Christ lifted our fear by giving us the capacity to face things that happen to us and to make something out of them. In Mastery, E. Stanley Jones shows us how to attain the moral and spiritual mastery that came to disciples on the Day of Pentecost. He demonstrates that mastery of living comes not by being tense and anxious but by being receptive to the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. In daily inspirational readings, affirmations, and prayers for one full year, E. Stanley Jones offers us guidance in mastering our lives.

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  • Impossible : The Miraculous Story Of A Mothers Faith And Her Childs Resurre


    THE IMPOSSIBLE reveals prayer’s immediate and powerful impact through the true account of a family whose son died and was miraculously resurrected.

    Through the years and the struggles, when life seemed more about hurt and loss than hope and mercy, God was positioning the Smiths for something extraordinary – the death and resurrection of their son.

    When Joyce Smith’s 14-year-old son John fell through an icy Missouri lake one winter morning, she and her family had seemingly lost everything. At the hospital, John lay lifeless for more than 60 minutes. They asked themselves, How could God do this to us? But Joyce was not ready to give up on her son. She mustered all her faith and strength and cried out to God in a loud voice to save her son.

    Immediately, her son’s heart miraculously started beating, again.

    In the coming days, her son would defy every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction. Sixteen days after falling through the ice and being clinically dead for an hour, John Smith walked out of the hospital under his own power, completely healed.

    THE IMPOSSIBLE is about a profound truth: prayer really does work. God uses it to remind us that He is always with us, and when we combine it with unshakable faith, nothing is impossible.

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  • Stormproof Men : Sexual Purity For Christian Men In A Sex-Saturated World


    Grace Theology Press

    We live in a sex-saturated culture. Yet the believer in Jesus also lives under the authority of God and His Word. Culture says, “Explore and enjoy your sexuality.” The Bible says, “Flee sexual immorality.” Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes!

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  • Shame To Honor


    Thr3e 3red Australia

    The journey from shame to honor is a transaction between our brokenness and the glory of God at work in us. Day-by-day honor shines brighter than shame as we grow from glory to glory.

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  • Map Is Not The Journey


    Replace weariness with refreshment, obligations with passion, and staleness with joy.

    After twenty years of working the same job, Richard was burned out. When a close friend died, grief led to questions about faith, meaning, work, and life. Seeking answers, Richard hiked four hundred kilometers through the Alps in forty days.

    The profoundly shaping experiences in our lives are often born out of the mundane rather than the spectacular, yet there is also great value in stepping away from “normal” life for a period of time. This is especially true for developing companionship with God, which is less about prescribed practices imposed by religious institutions, and more about being open to what God has to reveal through the beauty of creation, the challenge of trials, and the joy of companions. Richard’s experiences and discoveries illustrate that we were all created for beauty, and opening ourselves to it every day is vital to keeping our faith fresh and alive.

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  • Redeemed Sexuality : Healing And Transformation In Community 12 Sessions


    An Invitation To The Broken
    Getting The Most Out Of Redeemed Sexuality
    Group Covenant

    Theme 1: Vulnerability
    1. Learning The Language
    2. Telling Your Story
    3. Wounds Of The Past
    4. Truth And Lies
    5. Confession

    Theme 2: Identity
    6. The Wounded Self
    7. Identity In Christ
    8. Facing Temptation
    9. Creating A Battle Plan

    Theme 3: Intimacy
    10. Healthy Intimacy
    11. Christlike Sexuality
    12. Pursuing Wholeness

    Appendix 1: How To Do Updates
    Appendix 2: Prayers For The Journey
    Appendix 3: Tips For Journaling
    Leader’s Notes

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    Sexual brokenness permeates our culture and has found its way into the church. Even though Christians are called to value and celebrate sexuality as sacred and good, it is often a source of fear, shame, or secret sin.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Healthy sexuality concerns what we pursue, not just what we avoid, so Redeemed Sexuality invites emerging adults to seek sexual maturity and discipleship in the context of community. As we experience love, joy, and intimacy with God and others, sexual shame and sin lose their power.

    Integrating theology, psychology, and spiritual formation, participants engage the process of transformation by

    practicing vulnerability
    embracing their identity in Christ
    learning healthy intimacy

    Incorporating peer-to-peer leadership, this field-tested small group curriculum is suitable for use in both men’s or women’s groups. The process is neither linear nor easy, but change is possible because Christ is able. The only question is, Do you want to be healed?

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  • Switch On Your Brain Workbook (Workbook)


    We all want to be more at peace, to be happier and healthier, but we often don’t know how to go about it. Everything we try seems to fall short of true change. Dr. Caroline Leaf knows that we cannot change anything until we change our thinking. This follow-up to her bestselling book will help readers apply the science and wisdom of Switch On Your Brain to their daily lives so that they can detox their thinking and experience improved happiness and health.

    Each of the keys in the Switch On Your Brain Workbook pairs science with Scripture, asking penetrating personal questions in order to understand the impact of our thought lives on our brains, bodies, and lifestyles. Discussion sections help readers see vital connections between our body of scientific knowledge and the Bible. Recommended reading lists are included for those who wish to dig deeper.

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  • How To Fix A Broken Record


    Your soul holds a massive record collection: melodies, rhythms, and bass lines. Memories that ask you to dance and memories that haunt you in a minor key. Lies that become soundtracks to your days while truths play too softly to be heard.

    Spoken word poet Amena Brown’s broken records played messages about how she wasn’t worthy to be loved. How to Fix a Broken Record chronicles her journey of healing as she’s allowed the music of God’s love to replace the scratchy taunts of her past. From bad dates to marriage lessons at Waffle House, from learning to love her hair to learning to love an unexpected season of life, from discovering the power of saying no and the freedom to say yes, Amena offers keep-it-real stories your soul can relate to.

    The hurtful words of others and the failures of your past often determine what record you play the most in your mind. Those painful repetitions can become loud at the most inopportune time, keeping you from speaking up, pursuing your dreams, and growing closer to God.

    Recognize the negative messages that play on repeat every day in your mind. Learn how to replace them with the truth that you are a beloved child of God. And discover how to laugh along the way as you find new joy in the beautiful music of your life.

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  • Buying God : Consumerism And Theology


    Deeply theological review of our habits of relationship with money Eve Poole offers us a book at once deeply theological and imminently practical. She invites us into a conversation about theology–the ways in which we attempt to understand God–and their various implications. She then shifts the conversation to consumerism, raising questions along the way as to how God might view the practice–and how we might better understand our place as Christians within that system. Drawing on the Church’s rich traditions of Social Liturgy, Buying God calls on the Christian community to renew its confidence and strength in proclaiming this good news. Uniting theoretical work on theology, capitalism, and consumerism with a scheme of detailed practical action, the book explores how we can wean ourselves off the material and on to the eternal, through prayer, example, and vibrant social action.

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  • Pilgrimage Of A Soul (Revised)


    1 Awakening
    2 Longing
    3 Darkness
    4 Death
    5 Transformation
    6 Intimacy
    7 Union

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    The pain of the world demands our activism, but the urgency of this need can make us increasingly vulnerable to burnout–both personally and communally. In this book Phileena Heuertz offers her own story of a fragmented life–showing how God awakens us to the truth about who we are and who God is, as we embark on the spiritual journey.

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  • Let The Earth Rejoice


    These 365 daily readings reveal the ever changing testament to the imagination and creativity of our God. His mighty hand crafted the tallest mountain and the most delicate snowflake. More than thirty writers share their observations and reflections of God’s goodness in the beauty and wonder of nature. Let All Nature Sing equips readers each day to know that the same God who created the ocean and cares for the hummingbird, also created and cares for you.

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  • Searching The Scriptures


    Are you getting the spiritual nourishment you need?

    Optimal health requires optimal nutrition. The same is true spiritually speaking. Without sufficient and regular biblical nutrition, our inner lives begin to suffer the consequences. We become shallow and selfish, more demanding and less gentle, and quick to react impatiently, rashly, and angrily. These are telltale signs of inner malnutrition.

    In Searching the Scriptures, respected Bible teacher Chuck Swindoll shows us how to dig deep into Scripture and uncover its profound truths for our lives. He outlines the principles of Bible study that will help you understand God’s Word, apply it, and communicate it clearly to those around you. Too many people try to go it alone, without a guide, for this life and the next. Chuck explains how we can fix our own spiritual meals, then invites us to feast on nourishing truths we can discover in God’s Word.

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  • Fanning The Flame


    Join this pilgrimage to reignite your spiritual lamp with a fresh, empowering faith-a faith that will stand through a time of testing.

    In a time of increasing wickedness in the world, believers are examining their own spiritual health and walk with God. Some of us who once burned brightly for Jesus find ourselves going through the motions, living out a mediocre faith, and even watching our flames burning out. But God’s Word promises “a smoldering wick He will not extinguish” (Matt. 12:20 BSB). He values us and wants to help us identify and remove the obstacles keeping us from intimacy with him and ultimately from fulfilling the purposes he has for our lives.

    Fanning the Flame identifies and addresses the issues which most affect a believer’s spiritual flame: the busyness of life, Christian service, pride, and worldly temptations. Drawing from her forty-year walk with God and travels around the world, Terri brings relevant stories alongside Scriptures to reveal key principles for stirring up and reigniting a Christian’s smoldering embers.

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  • Quiet Times For Those Who Grieve


    Let Comfort Find You in the Quiet

    There are no words to instantly take away the deep pain of your loss. Grieving is a personal path-one that takes time to cross. But genuine expressions of comfort and understanding can help you make gradual steps toward healing.

    H. Norman Wright, a respected Christian counselor, offers these daily devotions from a heart that has endured difficult loss-yet found God faithful through it all. In these profound and practical reflections, you’ll find…
    *gentle guidance through the grieving process
    *comforting reminders that you’re not alone
    *hope-and the space you need to uncover it

    When you’re grieving, give yourself quiet moments to receive God’s limitless love and peace.

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  • Live Save Spend Repeat


    Are You Tired of the Cycle of “Work…Spend…Worry…Repeat”?

    When life feels like a perpetual treadmill rather than a grand adventure, you know something is off. As bills increase, income decreases, and the stock market wavers unreliably, you have to figure out how to live with the money you have rather than wish you had.

    Kim Anderson-whose blog, Thrifty Little Mom, has been featured on,, and a simple-to-implement plan that merges your unique life goals with your money. Using scientific research, personal stories, and Scripture, Kim helps you make strategic money moves that will build your confidence in your current financial standing and pave the way to achieving your most meaningful dreams.

    Move beyond the last-minute scramble and the daily grind. Instead, embrace life’s adventure and spend without regrets as you learn how to manage your money-starting today.

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  • Daring To Hope


    Picking up where she left off in the New York Times best-selling book Kisses from Katie, Katie Davis Majors shares her ongoing experiences in Uganda as the adoptive mother to thirteen girls and describes how she’s wrestled through the darkness of disappointment to find the answer to whether God truly is good.

    New readers and long-time followers will find themselves alternately celebrating and crying as they witness a life of faith where death and loss are daily companions alongside miracles and joy. Readers will recognize their own questions and doubts in Majors’s descriptions of seeking evidence of God’s grace in both the beauty and brokenness of life. Through the wrestling, Majors finds an unshakable hope, one that she prays her readers will find as well in the pages of her story.

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  • Adored : 365 Devotions For Young Women


    In an ever-changing world, we can be certain of one thing: we are beloved by God. Adored: 365 Devotions for Young Women tackles tough topics girls face, from bullying and social media to friendships and dating, all the while showing readers how infinitely precious they are in God’s sight.

    Each day features an easy-to-read, relevant devotion paired with a scripture verse and journaling space to help readers reflect on the day’s message. With honest, poignant, and sometimes humorous text, every page will speak to the pressures and changes girls face, giving them real-world applications to find God in their hearts and in their lives. Perfect for everyday use, Adored will resonate with girls searching for truth and guidance. Gift givers will love this highly designed book featuring a beautiful, foiled cover, two-color interior pages, and a ribbon marker.

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  • Pro Choices : What To Do When You Dont Know What To Do


    Have you ever made a wrong decision? Have you felt guilty about it afterwards? How do you make right choices and feel good about living a righteous life?

    By definition, the word righteous can be defined as virtue, morality, honesty and decency. These are all good things but there is more to the definition. Righteousness can also be defined as correctness of thinking, feeling and acting. To be righteous, everything you think, feel and do should be right with God. But, how do you accomplish that in your daily life?

    Bishop Anne Gimenez explores the meaning of the word and how we can apply this to our daily lives. She teaches you that with the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life and relying on His strength to make right choices so that you can live right and God can move freely on your behalf. Get ready for your life to transform as you gain a deeper understanding of how and why Jesus told us not only to seek first the kingdom of God but also His righteousness.

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  • Arenas Del Alma – (Spanish)


    Yo se que estas en crisis, me lo dicen tus ojos.Con estas sencillas palabras pertenecientes a una vieja melodia, el autor nos lleva a recorrer el desierto de las pruebas a traves del capitulo 22 del libro de Genesis. La odisea del patriarca de la fe reflejada de una manera emocionante, y por momentos, humoristica, hacen que este libro sea cautivador para cualquier persona. Esta dedicado a todos aquellos que han transitado por los desiertos personales, ministeriales o espirituales, preguntandose en muchas ocasiones, en que fallaron para encontrarse caminando en medio de un paramo desolador. Es increible lo que puede lograr un dia de caminata por la arena, afirma Gebel, mientras te conduce a los los detalles ocultos en la fascinate historia de Abraham, mezclados con las experiencias personales y las vivencias de aquellos que han obedecido a Dios, a pesar de si mismos. No hay manera que esta historia te suene espiritual, menciona el autor, al tratar de explicar racionalmente una crisis que golpea en lo mas profundo del corazon y agrega seguramente, pensaras que el cielo no deberia estar asi. Esta obra recorre los huecos del alma, y logra conducir al lector hacia una ovacion celestial. Las arenas del alma lograra que dibujes una sonrisa, y te consideres amigo de Dios aun en medio de la crisis.

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  • Devotions From The Mountains


    I lift my eyes up to the mountains-where does my help come from? Reflect on this scripture and other favorites as you enjoy the stunning photography and read through the inspirational readings in Devotions from the Mountains.

    Inspirational devotions will fill you with peace and wonder at the majesty of the Lord as you enjoy the stunning imagery of God’s creation featured throughout Devotions from the Mountains. Each devotion includes a thought-provoking writing, scriptures, and prayers for you to reflect upon.

    A thoughtful gift for a friend or a beautiful addition to your own coffee table, Devotions from the Mountains will delight and inspire you as you look to God’s beauty and power in creation.

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  • Strong Through The Storm


    The Church today is in the middle of a powerful storm, the intensity of which is likely to increase in the future. Many Christians are bewildered and concerned by what they see-a culture that’s become increasingly hostile to biblical Christianity and a church whose vital signs are quickly waning.

    In Strong through the Storm, pastor and bestselling author Jim Cymbala speaks to every Christian who is concerned about the challenges the church is facing in America today. Using powerful stories of people who have been transformed by Christ, Cymbala offers hope, helping Christians to understand that a life surrendered to Christ will not be easily defeated, even in the midst of growing hostility toward Christians. No matter how much spiritual darkness encompasses the world, the light of the gospel cannot be suppressed.

    Some churches are coming at the storm with harsh legalism, but Cymbala explains that the message needs to be grace. We need to understand the spiritual battle we are in and use the right weapons against it, says Cymbala. We are not struggling against the leaders of this world or the people in the battle, we are struggling against our spiritual enemy, and we need to fight with the Word of God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit.

    We don’t need more church growth programs to turn the church around. What’s needed is a transformation so that the gospel is preached, the Holy Spirit is allowed to lead, and lives are changed.

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  • My Soul Waits


    For Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, this new devotional combines the words of the Psalms, meditations from the Church Fathers, and a prayer as a guide for the reader through the various twists and turns on the journey to our Lord’s Nativity. These beloved words from Scripture mirror our own thoughts and emotions-hope and expectation, suffering and patience, confession and healing-and are as relevant for the modern spiritual reader as when they were first sung in the Temple.

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  • Defensa De Jesus – (Spanish)


    La erudicion moderna ha desenmascarado al Cristo tradicional? La iglesia ha suprimido la verdad acerca de Jesus para promover su propia agenda? Que pasaria si el verdadero Jesus es muy diferente al Salvador expiatorio que se ha venerado por siglos? En este libro, el galardonado exeditor legal Lee Strobel explora preguntas tan candentes como:
    *Suprimio la iglesia documentos antiguos no biblicos que presentaban un mejor panorama de Jesus que los cuatro evangelios?
    *Distorsiono la iglesia la verdad acerca de Jesus al manipular los textos originales del Nuevo Testamento?
    *Nuevas ideas y explicaciones refutan la resurreccion?
    *Tener nuevos argumentos descalifican a Jesus como el Mesias?
    *El cristianismo roba sus fundamentos de la mitologia primitiva?

    Evalua los argumentos y evidencias promovidos por ateos prominentes, teologos liberales, academicos musulmanes y otros. Analizalos a traves del testimonio de expertos. Y llegaras a tu propio veredicto en defensa de Jesus.

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  • Aint Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around


    * Second volume from Spiritual Directors of Color Network * Addresses the contemporary issues of racism and contemplation Following up on the popularity of the groundbreaking anthology Embodied Spirits: Stories of Spiritual Directors of Color, published by Morehouse in March 2014, this new book continues the work of filling a void in the world of contemplative spirituality in stories of the contemplative spiritual journeys of people of color. Like the first book, Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around incorporates stories from members “of their encounters with ‘othering’ and disparaging treatment across issues and their understandings of contemplative practice and the call to action that follows. This volume seeks to give voice to these issues from those whom have lived with them and to seek peace and healing for the unresolved trauma that continues to separate us.” In a world or resurgent racism and bias against those whose skin color, nationality, religion, gender, or sexuality are seen as “other,” these are voices that need to be heard.

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  • Stepping Up : Finding Healing For Your Life And Hope For The Future


    A collection of honest, compassionate, and hope-filled answers to stop the pain of suicidal and self-destructive thoughts.

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  • Shalom Sistas : Living Wholeheartedly In A Brokenhearted World


    Like a lot of women, blogger Osheta Moore loved the idea of shalom: God’s dream for a world that is whole, vibrant, and flourishing. But honestly: who’s got the time? So one night she whispered a dangerous prayer: God, show me the things that make for peace…

    In Shalom Sistas, Moore shares what she learned when she challenged herself to study peace in the Bible for forty days. Taking readers through the twelve points of the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto, Moore experiments with practices of everyday peacemaking and invites readers to do the same. From dropping “love bombs” on a family vacation, to talking to the coach who called her son the n-word, to spreading shalom with a Swiffer, Moore offers bold steps for crossing lines between black and white, suburban and urban, rich and poor.

    What if a bunch of Jesus-following women catch a vision of a vibrant, whole, flourishing world? What happens when Shalom Sistas unite?Free downloadable study guide available here.

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  • Shalom Sistas : Living Wholeheartedly In A Brokenhearted World


    SH *l m’ / sis ta: A woman who loves people, follows the Prince of Peace, and never gives up her sass. Shalom, the Hebrew word often translated as “peace,” was a far cry from blogger and podcaster Osheta Moore’s crazy life. Like a lot of women, she loved God’s dream for a world that is whole, vibrant, and flourishing. But honestly: who’s got the time? So one night she whispered a dangerous prayer: God, show me the things that make for peace. In Shalom Sistas, Moore shares what she learned when she challenged herself to study peace in the Bible for forty days. Taking readers through the twelve points of the Shalom Sistas’ Manifesto, Moore experiments with practices of everyday peacemaking and invites readers to do the same. From dropping “love bombs” on a family vacation, to talking to the coach who called her son the n-word, to spreading shalom with a Swiffer, Moore offers bold steps for crossing lines between black and white, suburban and urban, rich and poor. What if a bunch of Jesus-following women catch a vision of a vibrant, whole, flourishing world? What happens when Shalom Sistas unite?

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  • My Time With God (Large Type)


    Over the course of 365 days, Joyce Meyer recorded in her journal the personal devotions and inspirations that guided her very busy life. Appropriately titled MY TIME WITH GOD, this devotional shares an insight into Joyce’s spiritual reflections and spiritual journey. Each daily entry offers a narrative of her meditations with a relevant scripture and declaration.

    With MY TIME WITH GOD, you will discover a greater intimacy with the Lord and spiritual revelations that were experienced by one of the world’s leading Bible teachers, in her most personally significant offering yet.

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  • Visitas Desde El Cielo – (Spanish)


    Pete y Harriet Deison disfrutaban de una vida plena como padres, abuelos y miembros de ministerio cuando una depresion profunda llevo a Harriet a una oscuridad que la hizo quitarse su propia vida. Atrapado repentinamente en un inimaginable dolor, Pete, un ministro presbiteriano, volvio a sus raices como estudiante y educador en un intento por encontrarle sentido a lo sucedido. Este libro es la historia de amor de un hombre y su esposa de 43 anos, que discretamente se convierte en la historia del amor de Dios por sus hijos. La narracion de coincidencias extranas, respuestas increibles a las oraciones, y docenas de suenos y visiones de Pete y otros afirman que hay una existencia continua de seres queridos que se puede experimentar aqui en la tierra. El cielo es un lugar donde la vida real continua o solo son nubes, puertas aperladas y eternos rituales de iglesia? Este libro responde a estas preguntas, dando a los lectores una imagen mas clara de lo que es la vida de un creyente despues de abandonar la tierra. Tambien es un llamado de atencion para aquellos que piensan secretamente que el cielo es un lugar aburrido y arido. Basado profundamente en las Escrituras y en las obras clasicas de autores como C.S. Lewis, Sheldon Vanauken, John Claypool, Randy Alcorn y N.T. Wright, Deison comparte verdades biblicas acerca de nuestra existencia continua y la naturaleza de nuestro hogar celestial. Este libro conduce apaciblemente a personas afligidas hacia un viaje eficaz y lleno de sabiduria mediante un proceso de recuperacion. Incluyen temas sobre
    * La belleza y el compromiso de la relacion matrimonial
    * Por que el suicidio no es un pecado imperdonable o una solucion al sufrimiento?
    * Indicios de que el velo entre el cielo y la tierra es mas transparente de lo que pensamos
    * Evidencia de que nuestra personalidad, talentos y dones trascienden al mas alla
    * Como Dios usa nuestros suenos y visiones
    * El panorama del dolor y una estructra biblica para superarlo
    * Tres perspectivas para ver el cielo y diez verdades acerca de el
    * La certeza poderosa del amor de Dios y su bondad incluso en nuestros momentos mas sombrios

    Unete a Pete Deison en su descubrimiento de confort inesperado para enfrentar el dolor y la nueva vision increible de la vida, la muerte y del hogar celestial.

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  • Love That Lasts


    In Love That Lasts, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus > Religion Jefferson Bethke and his wife, Alyssa, expose the distorted views of love that permeate our culture and damage our hearts, minds, and souls.

    Drawing from Jeff’s “prodigal son” personal history and from Alyssa’s “True Love Waits” experience, the Bethkes point to a third and better way. Blending personal storytelling with biblical teaching, they offer readers an inspiring, realistic vision of love, dating, marriage, and sex.

    Young people today enter adulthood with expectations of blissful dating followed by a romantic, fulfilling marriage only to discover they’ve been duped. They learned about love and sexuality from social media, their friends, Disney fairy tales, pornography, or even their own rocky past, and they have no idea what healthy, lifelong love is supposed to be like. The results are often disastrous, with this generation becoming one of the most relationally sick, sexually addicted, and divorce ridden in history.

    Looking to God’s design while drawing lessons from their own successes and failures, the Bethkes explode the fictions and falsehoods of our current moment. One by one, they peel back the lies, such as the belief that every person has only one soul mate, that marriage will complete you, or that pornography and hook-ups are harmless.

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  • Mere Sexuality : Rediscovering The Christian Vision Of Sexuality


    What do Christians believe about human sexuality?

    In Mere Sexuality, author and pastor Todd Wilson presents the historic Christian consensus about human sexuality, the Great Tradition of the church for centuries as taught in each of its major expressions – Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. Wilson highlights the stunning shift of opinion on issues of sexuality in the evangelical church and why this break with the historic church is problematic for the future of Christianity. Along the way he provides ordinary believers with an introduction to the historic Christian vision of sexuality, yet does so in conversation with some of the twenty-first century’s leading challenges to this vision.

    In a culture that is deeply confused about human sexuality, Wilson believes it is time for evangelicals to retrieve the historic Christian tradition and biblical teaching on the question of sexuality. Mere Sexuality seeks to guide readers back to the beauty and coherence of this vision of sexuality in the face of an aggressive and all-consuming pagan and secular worldview.

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  • She Is Free (Reprinted)


    We say we’re free in Christ, but many of us are still living in captivity–to fear, anger, shame, isolation, unforgiveness, and control. We’re good at faking it around others, but we’re exhausted by the ruse. Andi Andrew wants women to break free of their self-imposed prisons and live the lives that are rightly theirs in Christ.

    Sharing her own intentional journey of finding true freedom by surrendering control of her heart and life to the God who welcomed her with open arms, Andrew encourages women to give their pain and brokenness to Jesus. She shows them how to purposefully take captive the lies they have believed and replace them with God’s truth. Compassionate and biblically based, She Is Free is an invitation to women to step fully into the love that sets them free.

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  • Gods Best Kept Secret (Reprinted)


    For many of us, the attempt to live for God can leave us feeling burdened rather than free. Yet that’s not the kind of life God intends for us to experience. What if he never meant for us to try so hard? What if overcoming sin doesn’t rely on our own self-control? What if loving others isn’t about saying and doing all the right things? What if suffering isn’t designed to teach us lessons? What if we could feel closer to God without doing anything?

    In God’s Best-Kept Secret, the founder of Grace Life International explodes our preconceived notions of living the Christian life, freeing us to stop just going through the motions and to experience true fulfillment. Illuminating commonly misunderstood Bible verses, Mark Maulding shows us that following God is not as complicated as we often make it out to be. And, in fact, the answer to our struggles has been hiding in plain sight all along.

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  • Favor


    Many Christians are under the impression that God’s grace and his favor are two different things–that while his grace may be a gift, his favor is something we must earn. This misunderstanding has led to destructive teachings about “prosperity” and blessings, and ultimately to lives that feel unfulfilled and inadequate.

    Pastor Greg Gilbert puts favor back in its rightful place, as God’s gift through Jesus Christ. He shows how the favor that Jesus earned through his perfect life and sacrificial death becomes ours the moment we believe. Knowing we already have God’s favor frees us to live joyous lives no matter what our physical or material circumstances.

    For anyone who has felt beaten down by the burden of trying to earn God’s blessings, this book will provide you with a strong start on a life of confidence in God.

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  • Experiencing The Supernatural


    Experiencing the supernatural in our lives should not be a rare occurrence–it should be a daily way of living and relating to a supernatural God. In these pages you’ll discover how to recognize the signs He uses to guide you, how to experience miracles, how to hear Him through dreams and visions, how to minister and receive healing and deliverance, and more!

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  • Better Dads Stronger Sons (Reprinted)


    A forthright guide that both inspires and shows readers how to be better Dads and develop character in their sons.

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  • Fiercehearted : Live Fully Love Bravely (Reprinted)


    With strength and vulnerability, bestselling author and speaker helps women understand that they’re stronger than they know, braver than they sometimes feel, and can dare to be true to who God made them to be.

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  • Divine Sparks : Everyday Encounters With Gods Incoming Kingdom


    A gem of a book.’ Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington Many of our everyday encounters in the world are touched by the divine, if we were only aware of it. We may find it impossible to miss God in the great interruptions of human existence, but God often finds a humbler dwelling-place . . . Donna Lazenby was in a packed underground carriage when it was taken siege by a group of musicians ripe to start a ceilidh. The eruption into dull passivity of joy seemed a herald of the Kingdom of God. And so she began to write a series of reflections, some prosaic, others more poetic in tone, that open up ways of seeing light in darkness; love in places of desolation; in-breaking life when all seems tired and old. But the coming of this Kingdom is also revealed in protest, in the world’s cry against a pervasive sense of alienation, while an allegedly “secular’ culture steals and presents the claims of the Gospel as its own. And so, Divine Sparks calls us to be prophets: visionaries able to discern and proclaim God’s incoming Kingdom, as it arrives by day – and night. Praise for the author’s A Mystical Theology (Bloomsbury, 2014): “[Written] with elegance and originality’ Catherine Pickstock, Professor of Metaphysics and Poetics, University of Cambridge

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  • Soar : Build Your Vision From The Ground Up


    Take your career to the next level, realize your greatest dreams, and embrace your God-given talents with this practical game plan for your professional and personal life.

    Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children. But it’s never too late to get your dreams off the ground – God sees great things in your future! If you long to amplify your unique abilities, if you strive to balance personal fulfillment and professional satisfaction, if you dream of fulfilling God’s destiny for you, then you are ready to Soar!

    In Soar! T.D. Jakes reveals how to transform your own unique vision into a powerful contribution to the world. Blending a CEO’s practical business acumen with a life coach’s dynamic inspiration, Soar! will stir your imagination into action, challenge you to embrace your God-given purpose, and align your character and creativity with your career.

    Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, Soar! is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside of you. You’ll learn how to adopt the mindset of people who don’t wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights. So buckle your seat belt and prepare for liftoff – you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely soar!

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  • Transforming Communities : How People Like You Are Healing Their Neighborho


    When everything’s a wreck around the country–and around the corner– it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. What can one person do to make a difference? Here’s the good news. Millions of everyday people are waiting to step into their power to take action to heal their neighborhoods–and you are one of them. Equal parts inspiration, information, and do-it-yourself, Transforming Communities will give you the tools and encouragement to heal your own neighborhood, one step, one person at a time.

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  • Dance Stand Run


    Grace is always good news. But it’s not cheap-true grace compels us to change. That’s where holiness comes in.

    Beloved writer, speaker, and bestselling coauthor of Wild and Free Jess Connolly will be the first to admit that not long ago, like many women, she grasped grace but she had forgotten holiness. Dance, Stand, Run charts her discovery that holiness was never meant to be a shaming reminder of what we “should” be doing, but rather a profound privilege of becoming more like Christ. That’s when we start to change the world, rather than being changed by it.

    Dance, Stand, Run is an invitation to the daughters of God to step into the movements of abundant life: dancing in grace, standing firm in holiness, and running on mission. Through story and study, Jess casts a fresh vision for how to live into your identity as a holy daughter of God, how to break free of cheap grace and empty rule-keeping, and finally, how to live out your holy influence with confidence before a watching world. Spoiler alert: it’s a beautiful thing.

    For anyone longing to take their place in what God is doing in the world, Dance, Stand, Run will rally your strength, refresh your purpose, and energize your faith in a God who calls us to be like Him.

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  • Life Beyond Amazing Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this ten-lesson study guide, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah shows Christians why it is critical in these perilous times to focus more on who they are than simply what they do. In his previous book, Is This the End?, Dr. Jeremiah walked readers through the many cultural and spiritual challenges that are rapidly increasing in this divisive world. Although Jesus made it clear that no one knows the day or the hour of his return, many have been wondering if the end indeed is near.

    Regardless of whether this time is just around the corner or far in the future, the days are challenging to say the least. Many are wondering what will happen next and how Christians are going to be prepared for the societal onslaught that is building against many people of faith. A Life Beyond Amazing answers these questions as Dr. Jeremiah unpacks spiritual principles that help believers develop a strategy for life. He reveals that though human answers have failed them, God has given his wisdom-the ability to do the right thing without a precedent-for these days.

    In addition to cultural application and important updates on crucial issues, this study guide explores nine qualities of character that will carry believers forward. Three of these have to do with their relationship with themselves; three deal with their relationships with other people; and three of them focus on their relationship with God. Each lesson also includes:
    *An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lesson
    *An overview of Dr. Jeremiah’s teaching on the topic being studied
    *Application questions to help individuals and small groups delve into the Bible
    *A Did You Know? section that adds a point of interest to the lesson

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  • Sabbath As Resistance (Expanded)


    In this new edition that includes a study guide, popular author Walter Brueggemann writes that the Sabbath is not simply about keeping rules but rather about becoming a whole person and restoring a whole society. Brueggemann calls out our 24/7 society of consumption, a society in which we live to achieve, accomplish, perform, and possess. We want more, own more, use more, eat more, and drink more. Brueggemann shows readers how keeping the Sabbath allows us to break this restless cycle and focus on what is truly important: God, other people, all life. Perfect for groups or self-reflection, Sabbath as Resistance offers a transformative vision of the wholeness God intends, giving world-weary Christians a glimpse of a more fulfilling and simpler life through Sabbath observance.

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  • Daniel Dilemma : How To Stand Firm And Love Well In A Culture Of Compromise


    Bestselling author and influential pastor Chris Hodges uses the wisdom of the book of Daniel to show Christians how to stand firm in their biblical beliefs while still loving people vastly different from them in attitudes and lifestyles.

    Christians face a major dilemma today. How can they not only stay engaged with the shifting and increasingly ungodly culture around them but also influence it for good? Is there a way to love people with significantly different attitudes and lifestyles without compromising biblical beliefs? From breakfast tables to boardrooms to Bible studies, Christians are wrestling with these questions today on issues such as politics, gender identity, and the nature of marriage.

    Pastor Chris Hodges points readers to the book of Daniel for timely answers and shows how one man with a heart faithful to God remained firm in his faith without yielding to the pagan culture around him or becoming rude, insulting, or mad. Daniel kept God’s standards high and his grace deep-just as Jesus did. Just as we’re called to do when culture shifts.

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  • Joy Model : A Step By Step Guide To Peace Purpose And Balance


    Management consultant and Christian life coach Jeff Spadafora provides a blueprint for building a life of greater joy and delivers a plan for frustrated believers to become joyful followers.

    In The Joy Model Jeff Spadafora lays out a step-by-step path for finding a sense of joy and purpose in everyday life. From creating margin in our schedules that allows us to breathe easier and think more clearly to discovering our true selves and going deeper into our relationships with God and other people, Spadafora shows how the interaction between being and doing provides the key to opening up a life full of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

    Drawing on his years as both a successful businessman and a Christian life coach, Spadafora has developed a concrete, practical model to show the path from joyless to joyful. And in this revolutionary new book, he reveals how to move from frustration and weary service to an over-arching, all-pervading joy in life.

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  • Seeing The Supernatural (Reprinted)


    The gift of discerning of spirits is the powerful, supernatural ability to hear and see into the spiritual realm. Yet it’s often overlooked and misunderstood. Full of real-world application, this essential, foundational guide shows how you can sense, discern, and battle in the spiritual realm, expose the hidden threats, and help lead the way to victory.

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  • Secrets Of Praying Heaven And Earth Together


    You may know it is God’s will to answer your prayers, yet often your prayers have gone unanswered. Have you ever wondered the secrets of effective prayer? This small but mighty book is your opportunity to learn those truths from someone who, as one minister put it, could pray heaven and earth together.

    Throughout this book, Penny Riddle shares important lessons gleaned from her praying grandmother, Mrs. Sylvia Patterson. She chronicles not only the many answers to Sylvia’s prayers, but the prayer practices that brought her such success. These practices are part of a legacy that continues to bless Penny and her family. Now Penny wants to share these secrets with you.

    Be inspired by the biblical wisdom of Sylvia Patterson, a woman whose practical yet profound prayers yielded incredible results even in the midst of difficult circumstances. And be encouraged because you can get the same kind of results by embracing these Secrets of Praying Heaven and Earth Together.

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  • Jesus Always Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Experience true joy-now and always. You have heard Jesus’ voice and responded to His invitation to peace and hope. With scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy-for today and every day.

    Life today is full of difficulties-loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the brand new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living-a life of joy.

    Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus-the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.

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  • Seeds Of Destruction


    Elizabeth Abbott Green has written a compelling narrative of the life of a family, lived well but not without struggle…a life that spans the last half of the 20th Century and into the Millenium, a life of equal parts of joy, heartache…and faith. Even though the rigors of a military life impose unique requirements on the family…the added pressures of a foreign war, extended absence from the family unit by the military member, unexpected and frequent family moves and changes of schools…our family seemed to adapt well, and, for a time, to thrive.

    The catalyst for the book, “Seeds of Destruction,” was a major incident that almost took the life of our second son Greg. The book should be interesting to many audiences: young military families trying to cope with the almost constant overseas demands placed on them in today’s military; people of all ages who love travel and are willing and able to accept the challenge; and Christians everywhere who are interested in Bible prophecy.

    Seeds of Destruction is the work of a lifetime, not only of the entire family who lived it, but especially a work of total commitment for over 30 years by the author, and the focused study of Christianity and the signs of our times. Elizabeth Abbott Green’s analysis of the true path to God’s will for us is exemplary, and I believe it should be read by all who feel that much of today’s world is taking us in the opposite direction.

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  • For Sabbaths Sake


    Many Americans balk at the idea of setting aside an entire day for worship, rest, and time with those who matter most to them. In a culture of constant busyness, the lines have blurred between our work and personal lives, and we feel pulled in many directions. Yet we long for more time well spent-unrushed time to be alone, relax with friends and family, and grow closer to God. Many of us seem to have forgotten the ancient spiritual practice that can help us regain balance in our lives: Sabbath. For Sabbath’s Sake dives into the heart of what keeps us from Sabbath. With humor and honesty, J. Dana Trent reveals her own struggles with setting apart a day devoted to God, rest, and community. This book traces the rich history of Sabbath, helps readers find ways to overcome barriers to this spiritual practice, and gives them achievable ways to build Sabbath into their own lives.

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  • Why I Didnt Rebel


    In this unique combination of personal history, interviews, and social science, a young millennial shares surprising reasons that youthful rebellion isn’t inevitable and points the way for raising healthy, grounded children who love God.

    Teen rebellion is seen as a cultural norm, but Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach begs to differ. In Why I Didn’t Rebel–based on a viral blog post that has been read by more than 750,000 people–Lindenbach shows how rebellion is neither unavoidable nor completely understood. Based on interviews with her peers and combining the latest research in psychology and social science with stories from her own life, she gives parents a new paradigm for raising kids who don’t go off the rails.

    Rather than provide step-by-step instructions on how to construct the perfect family, Lindenbach tells her own story and the stories of others as examples of what went right, inviting readers to think differently about parenting. Addressing hot-button issues such as courtship, the purity movement, and spanking–and revealing how some widely–held beliefs in the Christian community may not actually help children–Why I Didn’t Rebel provides an utterly unique, eye-opening vision for raising kids who follow God rather than the world.

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  • Pro Choice And Christian


    Despite the claim by many Christian leaders that the pro-life/antiabortion position is the only faithful response to the debate about reproductive rights, many people of faith find themselves in a murky middle of this supposedly black-and-white issue. Christians who are pro-abortion rights are rarely pro-abortion. However, they view the decision to carry a pregnancy to term as one to be made by the woman, her medical team, her family, or personal counsel rather than by politicians.

    Pro-Choice and Christian explores the biblical, theological, political, and medical aspects of the debate in order to provide a thoughtful Christian argument for a pro-choice position with regard to abortion issues. Kira Schlesinger considers relevant Scriptures, the politics of abortion in the United States, and the human realities making abortion a vital issue of justice and compassion. By examining choice from a Christian perspective, Schlesinger provides a common vocabulary for discussing faith and reproductive rights.

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  • Unshakeable : 365 Devotions For Finding Unwavering Strength In Gods Word


    God is bigger than your current story. He is bigger than fear or shame or that small voice in your head that whispers that you are not enough, too broken, or too flawed. Join Him in a closer, daily relationship-one rooted in truth and therefore Unshakeable. In this daily devotional Christine Caine encourages you to find confidence to live as the person God created you to be and to show His power in your life.

    Bestselling author and international activist Christine Caine knows about shame and fear, and she has experienced firsthand the healing and restorative power found in Christ. Unshakeable, a 365 daily devotional, takes you on an empowering and encouraging journey through the nature of God and how He has plans to fulfill His promises in your life. With her iconic voice declaring boldness and courage, you will find your footing in the Lord and learn what it truly means to be unashamed, undaunted, and unstoppable. To be UNSHAKEABLE.

    This beautiful devotional is a powerful gift for friends and family alike, or the perfect way to jump-start your own faith into action. If you are looking for a way to truly know the Lord, to believe His plans for your life, and to be firm in your identity, Unshakeable is the devotional you’ve been waiting for.

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  • Life In The Presence Of God



    Part I: The Biblical Basis
    1. The Secret
    2. The Images
    3. The Exemplar
    4. The Walk

    Part II: How To Practice His Presence
    5. Training
    6. Rewiring Your Mind
    7. Reseeing The World
    8. Reorganizing Your Time
    9. Rejoicing Amid Suffering
    10. Repenting Of Sin
    11. Remaining In Community
    12. Reimagining Life

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    God is everywhere and always with us. So why don’t we experience his presence more?

    Life is full of distractions, and our 24/7 news cycles and social media drown out the voice of God. It’s hard to discern God’s presence amid the hubbub. But experiencing God is not just for the super-spiritual or ultra-mature. Every Christian can learn to cultivate a greater awareness of God in the everyday.

    Ken Boa offers a contemporary guide to practicing the presence of God. Using biblical foundations, living and historical examples, and evidence from neuroscience, Ken reveals how we can walk with God and abide in his presence. We need to rethink how we use our time and technology to make room for God, to train ourselves with new habits that deepen our awareness of God. This book offers not a magical technique but dozens of practical exercises and disciplines that help us draw close to God even in the midst of our cacophonous modern culture.

    Practicing God’s presence is not just for the professionals. It’s for ordinary people like us. And the more we live in God’s presence, the greater our abiding peace and joy.

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  • Experience The Power Of Gods Names


    Let the Power of God’s Names Transform Your Daily Life

    The many names of God reveal His characteristics and contain powerful promises to you as a believer. Each of these 85 devotions will introduce you to one of God’s unique names, including a key Scripture, practical application, and encouragement to help you in your everyday life.

    Discover the rich blessings waiting for you when you encounter God as…

    Elohim – The Strong Creator God
    You put the universe together with Your words-thank You for knowing how to put my life together as well.

    Jehovah – The Relational God
    You rule over all, and yet You also seek a relationship with Your creation. You are worthy of all praise and worship.

    Adonai – Master Over All
    Thank You for being my Lord and my Master and yet allowing me to know You intimately.

    …and many more!

    This beautifully designed devotional makes an ideal gift or a great addition to your own quiet time with God.

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  • Crazy Holy Grace


    When pain is real, why is God silent?

    Frederick Buechner has grappled with the nature of pain, grief, and grace ever since his father committed suicide when Buechner was a young boy. He continued that search as a father when his daughter struggled with anorexia. In this essential collection of essays, including one never before published, Frederick Buechner finds that the God who might seem so silent is ever near. He writes about what it means to be a steward of our pain, and about this grace from God that seems arbitrary and yet draws us to his holiness and care. Finally he writes about the magic of memory and how it can close up the old wounds with the memories of past goodnesses and graces from God.

    Here now are the best of Buechner’s writings on pain and loss, covering such topics as the power of hidden secrets, loss of a dearly beloved, letting go, resurrection from the ruins, peace, and listening for the quiet voice of God. And he reveals that pain and sorrow can be a treasure-an amazing grace.

    Buechner says that loss will come to all of us, but he writes that we are not alone. Crazy and unreal as it may sometimes seem, God’s holy, healing grace is always present and available if we are still enough to receive it.

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  • Healing The Wounded Soul


    Wounds are not just physical. The health of your soul is connected to life.

    Soul wounds are the often unidentified impediments that hold us back. After applying the principles in Healing the Wounded Soul by Katie Souza, you will be able to find a pathway to healing and receive the blessings God is pouring out.

    Katie Souza was a career criminal most of her life, and after being convicted of a number of felonies, she was sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. While serving what would be her final prison sentence, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life. She immediately became an outspoken advocate for Jesus, and her infectious love for Him caused many women inside her cell block to accept Him as their Savior.

    Her story paints a vivid backdrop to the powerful principles found in this incredibly impactful teaching.

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  • Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan


    The only power Satan has is what you give him.

    Jennifer LeClaire, editor of Charisma and SpiritLed Woman magazines, is known for her hard-hitting, no-nonsense approach to the enemy. With this signature passion, she exposes fourteen harassing demons and equips you to overcome them.

    The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan discloses who these pestering spirits are, reveals their agendas, tells how they operate against us, and provides strategies for resisting them. This book will help set captives free by shining light on darkness that many don’t know exists.

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  • Renewing Your Mind


    How does one walk out of one identity and into another? Jernigan gets that question a lot. He walked out of a homosexual identity in 1981 and has been living life since then in a brand-new identity–a new creation in Christ.

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  • What Will Your Legacy Be



    Being raised in America by a Nazi mother

    Losing a beloved son

    Surviving 4 POW Camps in WWII with a hidden Bible

    A legacy of loving all of God’s creatures, large and small

    Rising from truck repairman to producer of Schindler’s List

    Overcoming childhood Polio to become a great dancer.

    Living a life of loving the goodness of America.

    Saving one life at a time.

    A marriage made in Heaven.

    These are just some of the inspiring stories in this book.

    We all leave a legacy. Billy Graham will. Margaret Thatcher did. Adolph Hitler did. So will you.

    A legacy is defined as the impact, influence or imprint we leave in the lives of those we care about. We create it either by purpose and intent or we create it just by existing day by day. Every day of life contributes to our living legacy. The product of those many days will define the legacy we leave.

    These and many other true, heart-touching stories in this book will inspire you to examine the values and principles by which you live and how you will be remembered. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for your entire list.

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  • Lavender Hair : 21 Devotions For Women With Breast Cancer


    A happy heart is good medicine.

    On October 8, 2015, Victoria Jackson was getting ready for her 45-minute stand up routine at Zanie’s Comedy Club in Nashville. But instead of enjoying the pre-show excitement, she was laying on the couch in the green room coughing nonstop, drinking tea with lemon and honey, and sucking on cough drops.

    Vicki had many scary moments growing up: doing a back handspring on the four-inch balance beam; performing stand up comedy; auditioning for Saturday Night Live; and getting held up by a robber with a gun in a parking lot in downtown Los Angeles.

    But being told she had cancer was her scariest moment. Join Vicki as she:
    * wonders “why me?” and if her lollipop addiction caused the cancer
    *writes a ukulele song in the MRI waiting room
    *undergoes a double mastectomy with secret messages written in permanent marker to her doctor on her chest and stomach
    *goes through chemotherapy, radiation, baldness, and lavender hair
    *discovers that Jesus is enough
    *performs at Zanie’s to a standing ovation nearly one year after her diagnosis

    If you are one of the one-in-eight women who’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, or if you know someone who has, this 21-day devotional is full of humor, insight, and comfort as you walk with God through this dark valley.

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  • Beyond Colorblind : Redeeming Our Ethnic Journey


    Part I: Redeeming Our Ethnic Stories
    1. Beyond Colorblind
    2. Ethnicities Made For Good
    3. The Cracks In Our Ethnicity
    4. Ethnicities Restored For Better
    5. Redeemed Ethnic Identities Sent Out To Heal

    Part II: Stewarding Our Ethnic Identities
    6. Trust-Building With Ethnic Strangers
    7. Crosscultural Skills In Community
    8. Responding To Crosscultural Conflict In Community
    9. Prophetic Ethnic Justice
    10. Culture Re-creators


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    For a generation or so, society has tried to be colorblind. People say they don’t see race. But the reality is that this approach has its limitations. In our broken world, ethnicity and racial identity are often points of pain and injustice. We can’t ignore that God created us with our ethnic identities, and he made them for good. We bring all of who we are, including our ethnicity and cultural background, to our identity and work as God’s ambassadors.

    Ethnicity and evangelism specialist Sarah Shin reveals how our brokenness around ethnicity can be restored and redeemed, for our own wholeness and also for the good of others. When we experience internal transformation in our ethnic journeys, God propels us outward in a reconciling witness to the world. Ethnic healing can demonstrate God’s power and goodness to others and bring good news to the world. Showing us how to make space for God’s healing of our ethnic stories, Shin helps us grow in our crosscultural skills, manage crosscultural conflict, pursue reconciliation and justice, and share the gospel as ethnicity-aware Christians.

    Jesus offers hope for healing, both for ourselves and for society. Discover how your ethnic story can be transformed for compelling witness and mission.

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  • Talking With Your Kids About God (Reprinted)


    Christian parenting is hard work and it’s getting harder. Parents have a deep desire to pass on their faith, but fear that today’s increasingly skeptical and hostile world will eventually lead their kids to reject the truth of Christianity. That leaves many parents feeling overwhelmed–uncertain of what they can do to help their children, given the difficulty and extent of the faith challenges they will face.

    This practical and timely resource gives parents the confidence of knowing what to discuss with their children and how to discuss it in order to facilitate impactful conversations that will form the basis of a lifelong faith. In a friendly, parent-to-parent voice, Natasha Crain identifies 30 specific conversations about God that parents must have with their children, organizing them under the categories of
    – the existence of God
    – science and God
    – the nature of God
    – believing in God
    – the difference God makes

    Chapters are sequenced in a curriculum-oriented way in order to provide a cumulative learning experience. Content is readily adaptable for use with kids of any age (elementary through high school).

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  • Good Faith : Being A Christian When Society Thinks Youre Irrelevant And Ext


    Many Christians today feel overwhelmed as they try to live faithfully in a culture that seems increasingly hostile to their beliefs. Politics, marriage, sexuality, religious freedom–with an ever-growing list of contentious issues, believers find it harder than ever to hold on to their convictions while treating their friends, neighbors, coworkers, and even family members who disagree with respect and compassion. This isn’t just a problem that affects individual Christians; if left unaddressed, the growing gap between the faithful and society’s tolerance for public faith will have lasting consequences for the church in America.

    Now the bestselling authors of unChristian turn their data-driven insights toward the thorny question of how Christians talk with people they know and love about the most toxic issues of our day. They help today’s disciples understand what they believe and why, and how to keep believing it without being judgmental and defensive. Readers will discover the most significant trends that offer both obstacles and opportunities to God’s people, and how not only to challenge culture but to create and renew it for the common good. Perhaps most importantly, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons invite fellow Christians to understand the heart behind opposing views and show them how to be loving, life-giving friends despite profound differences. This will be the go-to book for young adult and older believers who don’t want to hide from culture but to engage and restore it.

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  • Free Of Me (Reprinted)


    We live in a culture that’s all about self, becoming the best “me” I can be instead of becoming like Jesus. This me-centered message affects every area of our lives–our friendships, our marriages, even our faith–and it breaks each one in different ways. The self-focused life robs our joy, shrinks our souls, and is the reason we never quite break free of insecurity.

    In this book, Sharon Hodde Miller invites us into a bigger, Jesus-centered vision–one that restores our freedom and inspires us to live for more. She helps readers
    – identify the secret source of insecurity
    – understand how self-focus sabotages seven areas of our lives
    – learn four practical steps for focusing on God and others
    – experience freedom from the burden of self-focus

    Anyone yearning for a purpose bigger than “project me” will cherish this paradigm-shifting message of true fulfillment.

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  • Is This The End


    The world seems more fractured each day. People are asking, “Is this the End?”

    Never have the headlines been this jarring, the cultural changes this rapid, or the moral decay this pronounced. What on earth is happening? After each new occurrence, the most oft-heard questions are, “Will the world ever be the same again?” and “Where is God in all of this?”

    Over the last few decades, Dr. David Jeremiah has become one of the world’s most sought-after Christian leaders on topics that deal with biblical application and modern culture. And few would dispute that the pace at which things are currently changing is unprecedented. The time has come to accept this new normal, Jeremiah says, and understand how God’s hand is still at work on His eternal plan for mankind.

    No one can afford to ignore these warnings, but all can better understand the greater story and the role we each play in this changing world. From prophetic clues in Scripture to an understanding of the power of Christ in all believers, this book directs us on a clear path forward.

    The book is split into two sections, each covering items surrounding two important questions. Is This the End of America? and Is This the End of the World? Includes detailed chapters on:
    *ISIS and Radicalized Islam
    *The New Russia
    *The Bleeding of America’s Borders
    *The “Anything Goes” Society
    *Polarization and Divisiveness
    *The Coming of Christ
    *and many more

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  • True Identity (Reprinted)


    Who am I? What makes me special? At a time in life when confusion and awkwardness reign, all teens wrestle with these critical questions. This compassionate book provides wise, biblical answers, helping teens to discover who they really are by emphasizing their identity in Christ above gender, social sphere, and all other ways our culture defines them.

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  • Remarkable Ordinary : How To Stop Look And Listen To Life


    Your remarkable life is happening right here, right now. You may not be able to see it – your life may seem predictable and your work insignificant until you look at your life as Frederick Buechner does.

    Based on a series of mostly unpublished lectures, Frederick Buechner reveals how to stop, look, and listen to your life. He reflects on how both art and faith teach us how to pay attention to the remarkableness right in front of us, to watch for the greatness in the ordinary, and to use our imaginations to see the greatness in others and love them well.

    As you learn to listen to your life and what God is doing in it, you will uncover the plot of your life’s story and the sacred opportunity to connect with the Divine in each moment.

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  • 100 Days To Brave


    No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’re up against or dreaming of or praying for-God has a plan for you. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy or simple. But God promises to be faithful. And He gives you the power to be brave! Find out how to grow your faith and chase your dreams with 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs.

    Annie F. Downs knows what it’s like to feel that the circumstances you’re walking through are too big, too scary, too different. In her book Let’s All Be Brave, she talked about how God made a path for her to grow in ways she never imagined possible, and how He has those big plans for your life too! Now, in this 100-day guide to being brave, Annie invites you deeper into your own journey.

    Is it a new job? A big move? A scary conversation? Find the strength of the Lord and the peace He promises through 100 different devotions on the topic, each with a “Be Brave” challenge. By taking these small, daily steps, you will find yourself much closer to the person God created you to be by the end of the book.

    This book will walk you through making major decisions, dealing with a difficult transition, or facing your fears. Through the journey you’ll find a deeper faith with a solid biblical basis. One hundred devotions will explore being brave enough to believe God is who He says He is and you are who He says you are, being brave enough to dream big, being brave enough to work hard, being brave enough to love and serve others well, and being brave enough to persevere, among other topics.

    The perfect gift for anyone going through a major life transition or maybe just feeling stuck in a rut-100 Days to Brave will jump-start goals, dreams, and adventures, no matter where you may be in life.

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  • Wandering And Wondering


    Mark Twain once said, “The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” But what happens when you know the why but can’t figure out how to make it happen? It is this journey between the realization of your purpose and its actualization that Randall Worley calls process. Purpose, which answers why, can be realized in moment. However, process, which must answer how, is not actualized as quickly. In other words, “becoming an overnight success takes years.” Purpose has been a hot topic for several years, capturing the attention of those adrift in a culture of apathy and aimlessness. It is certainly a far more palatable subject in today’s culture of self-improvement than is process, because it seems to offer a free carpet ride from here to there. Your destiny, however, is not downloadable. The dream of your future is free, but the journey will demand a price. Yet it is in the sacrifice and effort of process that God will turn your purpose into a world-changing reality.

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  • Boundaries Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    This New York Times bestselling and award-winning book helps readers set healthy boundaries in order to be the loving people God created, and now offers a whole new chapter.

    Are you in control of your life?

    Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering: Can I set limits and still be a loving person? How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

    In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book and New York Times bestseller, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself. This updated and expanded edition specifically addresses boundaries in the digital age, online dating, single parenting, and the workplace.

    Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

    Unpacking ten laws of boundaries, Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

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  • Divine Disciplines : God’s Training Ground For Spiritual Growth And Maturit


    ADVERSITY IS ESSENTIAL FOR EVERY CHRISTIAN There is no development of Christ-likeness in a person’s life apart from some degree of suffering and brokenness. God not only allows adversity, but he even brings it upon us, at times. It is God’s training ground for spiritual growth and maturity.

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  • Chosen : Live A Life Where You Have Nothing To Lose But Everything To Gain


    Surrender It All to Gain It All

    BraRysheyia, desires to inspire young women, young men, and everyone else to become well acquainted with our Lord and Savior. Getting to know the Lord is the best thing we, the people, could ever do. God’s presence, guidance, protection, and truth during our young lives is something so powerful that we should seek to experience it ourselves. We are the chosen people. God chose each us before we were born to be Holy, Blameless, and Adopted into His Kingdom by Him as His children (Ephesians 1:4-5). Who does not want to live a worry and trouble free life? Nobody. What keeps most people from going all in? Everything that has been placed above God. When is the right time? The time is NOW! Why not surrender it all to gain it all? Do NOT let fear stop you from living the life God wants you to live. How can you live the chosen life? Read the message in this book.

    Be a Chosen One

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  • Empire : The Coming Christian Conquest Of The World 3rd Edition


    What are we to make of history and current events? Empire argues that the right way to view history is as the progressive conquest of the world by the Christian gospel. From the Garden of Eden to this present day, God’s purpose has not changed: the conquest of a fallen world by means of a redeemed people, empowered and led by the Holy Spirit.

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  • How To Live A Worry Free Life


    Patty Sadallah

    Take a journey from worrier to warrior and receive healing and direction from Jesus himself. Readers will experience the difference between knowing about God to knowing Him intimately. Experience encountering exercises using tools and tips for two-way communication with God.

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  • Re Entry : How Pain Roots And Rhythm Guide Us From Darkness To Light


    How do you survive lengthy seasons of darkness?

    As vital as the message of entry is to the Christian faith, many Christians are also desperate for a message of reentry after many seasons of doubt, confusion, bondage to the past, severed relationships, loss, depression, and stress. From places of darkness and shadows, God comes and reveals himself as the one who enters into our pain both as a companion who walks with us through our trials and as the one who is eager to eventually lead us into a healthier place.

    In January of 2014, Josh Ross traveled to Barrow, Alaska, to interact with a community that experiences over sixty-five days of darkness every winter. His time there revealed how essential the principles of reentry, roots, and rhythm are to our survival and health far beyond the Arctic Circle.

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  • She Is Yours


    God Gave Her to You Now Learn How to Give Her Back

    She is yours. Wow!

    Do you remember when you first held your newborn daughter in your arms and the reality of parenthood set in? God had given you this tiny little girl to care for and to love. What an awesome responsibility and immense privilege.

    Now comes the hard part-raising your daughter up from a baby to a happy, healthy adult and navigating all the highs and lows along the way.

    Wynter and Jonathan Pitts want you to know you are not alone. As parents of four young daughters, they’ve learned a lot that can assist you in your parenting journey. In fact, they are still learning as their girls make their way toward their teen years. They’ve been right where you are.

    Get practical advice and encouragement to help you improve your daughter’s relationship with God, with you, and with the world around her.

    Start this journey by making this commitment to God: Lord, she is yours and I trust you with her.

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  • GraceLaced : Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons Of The Heart


    Revive Your Hope and Thrive in Every Season

    In every part of your life journey-be it motherhood, education, a career, healthier living, or your walk with the Lord-seasons alternately difficult or full of joy arise.

    Let this gorgeous book encourage you through each one. Layered words, visual imagery, and grounding verses direct your heart to unshakeable, enduring truths as you:
    *rest in God’s character in times of hardship
    *rehearse God’s truth in times of renewal
    *respond in faith in times of growth
    *remember God’s provision in times of abundance or need

    Each page offers your soul space to drink in God’s loving care. Return again and again to reflect on the ribbon of grace that runs through every part of your life.

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  • Our Secular Age


    Probably no book published in the last decade has been so ambitious as Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. He seeks nothing less than to account for the spread of secularism and decline of faith in the last 500 years. Now a remarkable roster of writers-including Carl Trueman, Michael Horton, and Jen Pollock Michel-considers Taylor’s insights for the church’s life and mission, covering everything from healthcare to liturgy to pop culture and politics. Nothing is easy about faith today. But endurance produces character, and character produces hope, even in our secular age.

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  • Commandment We Forgot


    A commandment from God. A commandment with a promise. A commandment we forgot.

    We are all children, we ought to pursue God’s blessings, and we need to give prominence to God’s prominent command: Honor your father and your mother. For these reasons, we can no longer ignore the forgotten Fifth Commandment.

    This commandment is not just for children. Rather, it pertains to the whole of life and to every person of every age. In the home, the church, and the workplace, it provides a stable foundation for all of society. Yet, we often neglect it and fail to appreciate its relevance to our lives. It is the commandment we forgot.

    This booklet is a brief exploration of the Fifth Commandment: Honor your father and your mother. It answers important questions relevant to every Christian: Does this commandment expire when we move out of our parents’ home and gain our independence? Does it cease being relevant once we are married? Is obedience synonymous with honor? Do we need to be prepared to provide for them financially? What if our parents are especially difficult or unworthy of respect?

    My hope is that this booklet will restore the centrality of the fifth commandment, even and especially to adults. Let’s look together to the Bible and, ultimately, to Jesus Christ as the perfect fulfillment of the commandment we forgot.

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  • Kingdom Triangle : Recover The Christian Mind Renovate The Soul Restore The


    Western society is in crisis, the result of our culture’s embrace of naturalism and postmodernism. At the same time, the biblical worldview has been pushed to the margins. Christians have been strongly influenced by these trends, with the result that the personal lives of Christians often reflect the surrounding culture more than the way of Christ, and the church’s transforming influence on society has waned. In Kingdom Triangle, J.P. Moreland issues a call to recapture the drama and power of kingdom living. He examines and provides a penetrating critique of these worldviews and shows how they have ushered in the current societal crisis. He then lays out a strategy for the Christian community to regain the potency of kingdom life and influence in the world.

    Drawing insights from the early church, he outlines three essential ingredients of this revolution:
    *Recovery of the Christian mind
    *Renovation of Christian spirituality
    *Restoration of the power of the Holy Spirit He believes that evangelical Christianity can mature and lead the surrounding society out of the meaningless morass it finds itself in with humility and vision.

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  • Milagro De 7 Millas – (Spanish)


    Es Viernes Santo. El Hijo de Dios esta sacrificando su vida. Que nos dice en sus horas finales? Que les dice a las personas que estan a sus pies, para que lo cuenten a las proximas generaciones? El dice siete declaraciones: palabras de perdon, salvacion, relaciones, abandono, angustia, triunfo, y reunion. Siete declaraciones que lo significan todo.

    En Milagro de 7 Millas, Steven Furtick nos muestra como las ultimas palabras de Jesus ofrecen marcadores de millas para el viaje hacia nuestra relacion con Dios. Es un viaje que dura toda la vida, y no siempre es facil. Pero Jesus es nuestro guia y destino en nuestro viaje. Pon tus pies en un camino probado: la ruta que Jesus camino. El libro incluye preguntas para reflexion, y una guia de lectura de 40 dias de la muerte y resurreccion de Jesus.

    It’s Good Friday. The Son of God is giving up His life. What does He want to say to us in His final hours? What does He tell the people standing at the foot of the cross, to pass down to the ages? He speaks only seven short statements. Words of forgiveness, salvation, relationship, abandonment, distress, triumph, and reunion. Seven statements that mean everything. In 7 Mile Miracle, Pastor Steven Furtick shows us how Jesus’s last words offer mile markers for our journey in relationship with God. It’s a lifelong journey, and it’s not always easy. But Jesus is both our guide and our destination as we travel. Put your feet on a proven path–the road that Jesus walked. Includes questions for reflection and a forty-day reading guide to Jesus’s death and resurrection.

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