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Christian Living

Showing 1101–1200 of 9104 results

  • Covenant Story : Trusting The Love Of A Faithful God


    Whether you’ve spent your life in church or are a curious observer of the Christian faith, you can’t help but wonder. Is God good, and can I trust him? Can I trust the Bible? How am I supposed to read this ancient book of confusing stories? Does the God of the Bible actually make a difference in my here-and-now life?

    The Bible tells a story-and it may be one you haven’t considered. It is the story of God and humans in an unexpected relationship of faithfulness and love. It’s about people who fail and about the God who pursues them with his unrelenting covenant love. And it concludes with a miracle plot twist so astonishing, it changes everything.

    Written with beautiful prose, The Covenant Story is a breathtaking picture of the covenant relationship we all can share with the faithful God who loves us, who never ceases to be for us, and who has promised to never abandon us. This is The Covenant Story-and it is the story we are invited to enter.

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  • Ferozmente Amada – (Spanish)


    Es hora de cambiar la forma en que piensas que Dios piensa acerca de ti. Cuando Dios piensa en ti, no esta buscando una razon para descalificarte, repudiarte o juzgarte. El no esta esperando que fracases. !Nunca! El es quien nos redime cuando fallamos, el que nos califica y adopta. Somos nosotros los que nos fijamos en nuestros fracasos, no nuestro Padre.

    Lo que David escribio en el Salmo 139: 17-18 (NTV) sigue siendo cierto hoy: “Que preciosos son tus pensamientos acerca de mi,] oh Dios. !No se pueden enumerar! Ni siquiera puedo contarlos; !suman mas que los granos de la arena! Y cuando despierto, !todavia estas conmigo!” No hay un momento, ya sea que estes despierto o dormido, en el que Dios no tenga pensamientos salvajes de amor feroz hacia ti. Todo cambia cuando sabes esto y es importante que nunca mas lo dudes.

    Eres ferozmente amada, bien pensada y profundamente querida.

    En este devocional de 90 dias, la autora de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, quiere cambiar tu perspectiva del concepto de ser alguien a quien simplemente se tolera, a alguien a quien se ama ferozmente. Cada dia explora otra faceta de nuestra identidad, verdad y la conexion intima de Dios con sus hijos.

    It’s time to change the way you think God thinks about you. When God thinks about you, He isn’t looking for a reason to disqualify, disown, or judge you. He’s not watching for you to fail. Never! He is our qualifying, adopting, and redeeming failsafe. We are the ones who fixate on our failures, not our Father.

    What David wrote in Psalm 139 is still true today: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (17-18 NLT). There is not a moment whether you are awake or asleep that God is not thinking wild thoughts of fierce love towards you. Everything changes when you know this and it’s important for you to never doubt it again.

    You are fiercely loved, well thought of, and deeply wanted.

    In this 90-day devotional, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere wants to shift your perspective from the concept of being someone who is merely tolerated to someone who is fiercely loved. Each day explores another facet of our identity, truth, and God’s intimate connection with His children.

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  • Lead Like A Monk


    Celebrated author and Benedictine monk Anselm Grun shares years of experience and scholarship of Benedictine life, and teaches readers how the precepts from the Rule of Saint Benedict show us how to become better leaders, and how to support those in leadership. In his wise and illuminating way, Father Grun explores the very practical aspects of leadership–qualities of a leader, the handling of material possessions, self-care, relationships with others, and goals in leadership.

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  • Hospitable Leader : Create Environments Where People And Dreams Flourish


    Everyone is a leader somewhere. Whether a parent, pastor, coach, or CEO, anyone can learn to lead hospitably.

    Hospitable leadership is a big idea. An urgently needed idea. In a world that far too often feels inhospitable, people are longing for leaders who create a climate that brings diverse people together to achieve desired and meaningful results. That’s what hospitable leaders do. Hospitable leaders create environments of welcome where moral leadership can more effectively influence an ever-expanding group of people to accomplish worthy goals together.

    Terry Smith has lived this paradigm-shifting message and has grown an incredibly diverse congregation with a robust leadership culture in the New York City metropolitan area.

    In The Hospitable Leader, he shares how to warm people’s hearts so they are more receptive to your leadership efforts. The many keys you will discover include how to:

    * Employ the metamorphic possibility of welcoming strangers to your circle of influence
    * Communicate transformative truths with grace
    * Make your dreams come true by helping others realize their own

    Practicing leadership with a hospitality mindset is the right way–the moral way–to lead people. But when understood properly, hospitable leadership has a radical edge.

    And it brings revolutionary results.

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  • Grace Can Lead Us Home


    On any given night, more than half a million Americans and Canadians find themselves sleeping on the streets, in shelters, cars, and other places not meant for human habitation. Yet as this crisis continues to grow, it remains one of the least talked about–especially in churches. Even where compassion and empathy exist, the complexities around homelessness can make us feel stuck, overwhelmed, or numb to the existence of unhoused people in our cities and neighborhoods.?

    Reporting back from his work in homeless services, minister and advocate Kevin Nye introduces readers to the Christ he’s met in tents, shelters, and drop-in centers. He demystifies homelessness by journeying into complex issues like affordable housing, mental illness, addiction, and more, while reimagining our theological approach to these matters and educating us on how they intersect with homelessness.

    This thorough and intimate book shows us that from the margins, Jesus has something to teach us all about grace–something that could change the landscape of homelessness entirely if we’re ready to hear it.

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  • Learning To Be Me Without You


    Learning to Be Me Without You is a love story about a diagnosis, one last adventure, a crisis of faith, and a transformed life. With stunning authenticity, Paula Freeman chronicles her journey into widowhood, the club no one wants to join. Yet in the journey, she discovers how God recovers life from loss.

    When doctors confirm that Paula’s husband of forty years has an uncurable lung disease, fear and grief overwhelm her, and she begins to journal. This memoir is a vulnerable and sometimes humorous account-in real time-of a terminal illness, a cross-country move, her husband’s untimely death, and an unscripted road to healing during a set-apart season by the sea. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness in the crucible of grief and what can happen when we say yes to his invitation to Follow me . . . I want to recover your life.

    This book offers gentle guidance and insight toward personal growth through grief and can also be used as a support group, widows’ ministry, or church group resource.

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  • Silencing White Noise


    Racism is omnipresent in American life, both public and private. We are immersed in what prominent Black church leader Willie Dwayne Francois III calls white noise–the racist speech, ideas, and policies that lull us into inaction on racial justice. White noise masks racial realities and prevents constructive responses to microaggressions, structural inequality, and overt interpersonal racism.

    In this book, Francois calls people of all races to take up practices that overcome silence and inaction on race and that advance racial repair. Drawing from his antiracism curriculum, the Public Love Organizing and Training (PLOT) Project, Francois encourages us to move from a “colorblind” stance and mythic innocence to one that takes an honest account of our national history and acknowledges our complicity in racism as a prelude to antiracist interventions.

    Weaving together personal narrative, theology, and history, this book invites us to engage 6 “rhythms of reparative intercession.” These are six practices of antiracism that aim to repair harm by speaking up and “acting up” on behalf of others. Silencing White Noise offers concrete ways to help people wrest free from the dangers of racism and to develop lifelong Christian antiracist practices.

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  • Necessary Christianity : What Jesus Shows We Must Be And Do


    We live in a world of options, where we might do this or that if we feel like it. But for followers of Jesus, certain things are not optional, but necessary.

    Bishop Claude Alexander unpacks the Gospels’ statements of what Jesus said he must do. He must be about his Father’s business. He must go through Samaria. He must go to Jerusalem.

    Life in God is less about what you could do, and more about what you must do. Contrary to the life of the optional, accidental, and haphazard, the believer is called to live with a sense of divine necessity. No maybes about it.

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  • Hell Empty Heaven Full


    Every day, millions of people who don’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior move farther down the dark road to destruction. But as international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke says, hell was never designed for people, and heaven is expecting them! Tens of millions of people have come to know Christ through Reinhard’s ministry. In this book, he shares his contagious passion for bringing the gospel to the lost.

    Each chapter in Hell Empty, Heaven Full discusses biblical stories that highlight how God’s priority is saving people and how He wants us to join Him in that process. As Reinhard says, “Our calling is to put a kind hand on the shoulder of the world and turn it round to see God. It will adore Him. The Lord is the Savior…. He loves because to love gives Him joy. He loves beyond all the parameters of human affection and makes even the assault of the cross an expression of His love. His pain asserts it. He finds satisfaction in giving, pouring Himself out to us, surrounding us with wonders, making His redeemed the garden of delight in which He walks. To proclaim the gospel is to move for Him, act with Him, love in Him, and delight in His joy as the privilege, meaning and purpose of all life.”

    Filled with vivid illustrations, this book is designed to show you how to reach the lost as Jesus did: with the passion and compassion of the heavenly Father.

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  • Revival Breakthrough : Preparing For Seasons Of Glory, Awakening, And Great


    A Powerful Supernatural Journey

    Revival Breakthrough: Preparing for Seasons of Glory, Awakening, and Great Harves t takes you on a powerful supernatural journey that will lead to an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit.

    The times of deep darkness we are facing on earth today are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. We are seeing the beginnings of the spiritual fulfillment of the biblical Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Ingathering. We are headed into seasons, not just days, of unprecedented shaking and unprecedented revival running side by side.

    Best-selling author James Goll highlights moves of the Holy Spirit in both Scripture and church history that teach us significant lessons for today. He also provides abundant scriptural references regarding the significance of prayer, the prophetic, and God’s presence for Holy Spirit outpouring. And he presents choice prophetic words from “generals” in the body of Christ regarding the coming great harvest.

    The next move of God will produce the greatest harvest in the history of the church. God is giving us new wineskins that can receive the new wine of His Spirit. Many believers who formerly walked with the Lord will be restored to the Father’s house, and multitudes who never knew Him will be welcomed into His kingdom.

    We can partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest in this world. Then the Spirit and the bride will cry out in complete unity, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

    Let’s believe big! Let’s prepare for God’s glory to be restored to His church and the world.

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  • Cost Of Control


    We all wish we had more control. When our relationships are strained, when our bodies refuse to cooperate, when the future is uncertain, control promises security and peace. If only I were in charge, we dream. And this illusion seems more attainable than ever. Technology, science, medicine, and the internet all promise us ever-increasing mastery over our world.

    The problem is, control is a “devil’s deal.” The more we seek it, the more it betrays us. In place of predictability, it gives us anxiety. In place of certainty, it creates more complexity. And in place of unity, it divides. It’s not just that we cannot control things; it’s that we break them even more when we try.

    Thankfully the answer to our craving is not simply to “let go and let God.” When our kids aren’t listening, when our loved ones are self-destructing, or when our health is declining, we don’t have to scramble after control, nor do we have to throw up our hands. Instead, God has given us a better tool.

    In this culturally insightful and eye-opening book, Sharon Hodde Miller helps us discover the real power God has given us in Christ, to exercise influence over ourselves and our lives.

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  • Hope For Caregivers


    Henri Nouwen’s timeless wisdom reminds us once again of the transformation that love brings, both when we allow ourselves to give love with abandon and when we allow ourselves to receive love.

    Caregiving too often is reduced to a list of tasks–doing the things that another individual cannot do independently. In six weeks of daily devotions inspired by the words of Henri Nouwen and intertwined with Scripture and prayer, Hope for Caregivers summons us away from our lists for a few moments each day and draws us to a fresh framework for the experience of giving care.

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  • Embracing Trust : The Art Of Letting Go And Holding On To A Forever-Faithfu


    Trusting God. It’s such a cliche. Yet nothing means more to our heavenly Father than when we surrender our lives completely to him and choose to believe he has our best in mind. David modeled that kind of deliberate dependence: as a shepherd boy, as a man running for his life, as a king who made grave mistakes. In both triumph and failure, David looked to God rather than to himself.

    In Embracing Trust, Joanna Weaver, bestselling author of the runaway hit Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, shares personal stories, practical tips, and life-changing principles gleaned from Scripture. If you struggle with disappointment from the past, frustration with the present, or fear of the future, Joanna invites you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Relinquishing control and putting your hope in a forever-faithful Father–that’s the beautiful secret of unshakeable faith.

    Includes a 10-week companion Bible study.

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  • Good News For Anxious Christians Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    A talented teacher unpacks the riches of traditional Christian spirituality for Christians burdened by the guilt and anxiety of introspective, in my heart spiritual techniques. Phillip Cary explains that knowing God is a gradual, long-term process that comes through the Bible experienced in Christian community. The first edition has sold over 17,000 copies. The expanded edition includes a new conclusion that offers further insights since the first edition was published over 10 years ago.

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  • Courage For Caregivers


    Drawing on the writings and wisdom of Henri J. M. Nouwen’s themes of caregiving, Marjorie J. Thompson offers a vulnerable exploration of caregiving intertwined with both her own many years of intimate caregiving of family members and collected stories of caregivers in varied settings and stages of life.

    While not shying away from the demanding physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of caregiving, Courage for Caregivers also celebrates the gifts of caregiving grounded in the belovedness both caregiver and care receiver share in God’s eyes.

    Practical leader guides and resources make Courage for Caregivers a tool that moves smoothly from individual encouragement to group and congregational ministry to develop support for the universal experience of caregiving.

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  • Military Guide To Disarming Deception


    The world is caught in the middle of what the army calls “asymmetrical warfare,” involving mass media disinformation, government psychological operations, social media censorship, and other sophisticated mind-control techniques. All signs and events are pointing to the end times, and if we don’t pay attention to what we are up against, we can be swept away by it.

    In this enlightening book, Colonel David J. Giammona and journalist Troy Anderson inform and prepare you to navigate the propaganda, disinformation, and deceptive ideologies that have infiltrated the church and society. Through their profound insights, you will be prepared to:

    * combat the demonic deceit, duplicity, and deceptiveness
    * discern fact from fiction for current events and what your role is
    * military and spiritual intelligence disciplines to become an on-fire disciple of Christ

    Time is running out to renew our commitment to the Lord, to make the church stronger, to fulfill the Great Commission. Armor up and get battle ready!

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  • Kings Signet Ring


    Through biblical insights and powerful revelations, spiritual leaders Chuck D. Pierce and Alemu Beeftu unpack the symbol of the signet ring and what it means for you today as they reveal how God’s power works through his covenant to clarify your identity in Christ and begin to operate in the authority of the kingdom. In The King’s Signet Ring you will:

    – discover a greater revelation of God’s covenant and his promises for you
    – experience greater manifestation of God’s presence in your personal relationship with him – enjoy his magnificent blessings for you
    – confidently walk in the authority of the kingdom

    Unlocking the powerful truths in this book will cause you to become part of bringing kingdom change to earth.

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  • Strong In Battle


    Your battle is real, but Jesus has won the war

    What you believe determines how well you’ll fight. Your understanding of who God is and who you are in His Kingdom makes all the difference when the enemy attacks, whether he’s coming after your health, your finances, your relationships, or anything else. And though it sometimes seems like the enemy is winning the day, God Himself will have the final word.

    Strong in Battle is about how to gain victory in your hardships and overcome obstacles you face in this life. God is training your hands for battle and your dependence on Him is your superpower, leading to better discernment and more power, wisdom, and authority. Intimacy with God will lead to love overcoming fear, which will help you fight with more courage, joy, and strength.

    The battle is real; you’re not imagining it. And this book’s practical battle strategies will help you arise victorious with a stronger sense of who you are and what you possess through Jesus Christ. So fear not–you’re on the winning side.

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  • Curious Faith : The Questions God Asks, We Ask, And We Wish Someone Would A


    God created us to be curious. We innately wonder about the world, one another, ourselves, and our Creator. But fear of the unknown, cultural taboos, technology, or even church leaders can smother our curiosity.

    Popular writer Lore Ferguson Wilbert has belonged to Christian communities that discouraged curiosity. The point of the Christian life was to have the right answers, and asking questions reflected a wavering faith. But Wilbert came to discover that the Bible is a permission slip to anyone who wants to ask questions.

    Reflecting her own theological trajectory toward a more contemplative, expansive faith, Wilbert invites readers to foster curiosity as a spiritual habit. This book explores questions God asks us, questions we ask God, and questions we ask each other. Christianity is not about knowing good answers, says Wilbert, but about asking good questions–ones that foster deeper intimacy with God and others.

    A Curious Faith invites readers to go beyond pat answers and embrace curiosity, rather than certainty, as a hallmark of authentic faith. Foreword by Seth Haines.

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  • Mothering By The Book


    As a mom, you want to nurture a strong family, but fear steals your joy every day. There are times you wonder if you’re failing your children or if you’re cut out for this.Well-known homeschool mom Jennifer Pepito understands. She was intent on loving her children well, but the lies she believed about her capabilities–and even God’s faithfulness–allowed fear and worry to push her around. And self-help books were no help at all. Ultimately, she found her joy in a most surprising place: in the pages of classic literature that she was reading aloud to her children every day. Books like The Long Winter, The Hiding Place, and Pride and Prejudice helped recapture her confidence as a mom. And along the way, she found the wonder of childhood for herself and her children.

    In Mothering by the Book, Jennifer takes you on a fascinating, whimsical journey that will bring freedom and fun to your parenting–one great book at a time.

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  • Teach Your Children Well


    Half of Christian high school students walk away from their faith after graduation.

    But parental involvement is the most influential predictor of a child’s spirituality throughout their lives. How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?

    Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children’s faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.

    Filled with exercises and activities for families to do together, this handbook is an essential resource for discipling children with confidence and creativity.

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  • Grace For The Moment Note Taking Edition


    Take comfort and renew your hope in God with this 365-day devotional by New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado. With scripture and space on each page for personal reflection, Grace for the Moment Note-Taking Edition has plenty of room to pen your own prayers and insights into grace-filled living.

    You’ll be reminded that God’s grace covers you in each and every moment. Inside this 365-day devotional, which has encouraged nearly 4 million lives, you’ll find:

    *Journaling lines in the margin and a ribbon marker
    *Short, impactful reflections that have the power to change your life
    *Inspirational insight on how to choose love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and faithfulness
    *Larger text for easier reading

    With valuable insight to help you see the everyday moments God is present in, this devotional is a heartfelt gift for

    *Encouraging times and seasons of grief and loss
    *Graduations and any other gifting holidays

    This special edition with lined space to write your thoughts in is sure to be a favorite you return to time and time again. After all, we all need grace for the moment.

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  • Little Bit Of Hope


    A Little Bit of Hope is the perfect 100 day injection of positivity to take with you wherever you go.

    This short and sweet collection 100 bite-sized affirmations, abridged from Katie Piper’s bestselling book A Little Bit of Faith, encourages us to see that heartbreak and hardship can become fuel for your fight. Whatever life has thrown at you lately, you can fall countless times and still get back up again – all you need is a little bit of hope.

    Beautifully designed and wonderfully uplifting, this 100-day devotional is easy to dip in and out of and take on the go. It will help you find strength and confidence when you need it most, right where you are.

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  • Choosing Forgiveness : Moving From Hurt To Hope


    Perhaps you still remember the moment, the time of day, the look in the other person’s eye, when you were deeply hurt by someone you trusted. And since then your life has been put on hold, sabotaged by harbored resentment, dreams of revenge, or perhaps indifference and numbness. Or it may be just the “stuff” of every day life and relationships that has left you with a knot in your stomach and a dull ache in your heart. There are no magic words or secret formulas for forgiveness. But there are biblical principles that can help you break free from bitterness and pain. In Choosing Forgiveness, celebrated teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth delves into God’s word to uncover the promises and expose the myths of forgiveness. Discover specific strategies for putting God’s grace and mercy into practice, forgiving others as God has forgiven you. Break free: choose forgiveness.

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  • What Will They Think


    In this inspiring guide for young women, Grace Valentine shines a spotlight on nine courageous women in the Bible who lived their faith boldly. In a world that pressures you to seek validation from others, learn to focus on what truly matters.

    What will they think? It’s a question that consumes many women and may even stop them from living the lives God has called them to live. Whether it’s don’t be too loud, don’t be too aggressive, or your role is to be a sidekick for men, women struggle to live a life that is about pleasing others–but Scripture describes women who actually did the opposite.

    In this third release from popular blogger and podcaster Grace Valentine, What Will They Think? features the stories of nine incredible women in the Bible, including Esther, Deborah, Sarah, Mary Magdalene, and Tabitha. These women did not bend to peer pressure or seek to people-please but instead turned their focus on God.

    What Will They Think? contains:

    *Inspiring and motivating stories of strong women who lived courageously in their faith
    *Practical steps on how to stop caring what others think and focus on what truly matters
    *Personal stories from Grace’s life and her own struggle to stop focusing on the opinions of others

    For inspiration found in the lives of these biblical heroes, What Will They Think? provides steps to finding freedom to live life boldly and to stop caring about what others might think.

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  • Having The Mind Of Christ


    Why doesn’t the Christian life work like I thought it would?

    While we often start with good intentions, it feels like real transformation is elusive at best, and maybe even impossible. We deeply want to live in the freedom that Christ offers, but we are acutely aware of the gap between a transformed life and our reality. Having the Mind of Christ tackles the issues of lasting life change.

    When we feel some kind of inspiration or need to seek change in our lives, we start with behaviors: new to-dos, tactics, techniques, or spiritual disciplines that we hope will bring about the transformation we desire. While these behavioral changes can bear good results, they just as often fail to produce the lasting change we deeply desire. That’s because transformation requires more than a change in practice – it requires a change in paradigm.

    Pastors Matt Tebbe and Ben Sternke share eight axioms that help reframe the way that we see God, ourselves, and others. By seeing through new lenses, we can open ourselves to the transformational change that God wants for our lives.

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  • Make Room : Take Control Of Your Space, Time, Energy, And Money To Live On


    Stuff. We have too much of it. Clothing, kitchen gadgets, electronics, home decor. And more of it arrives on our doorstep all the time. Our stuff takes up an incredible amount of our space, time, energy, and money. But do all these possessions truly make us happier?

    Certified professional organizer and bestselling author Jennifer Ford Berry says no. Rather than living for our stuff, what actually gives us joy is knowing and living out our purpose in life. In Make Room, Berry shows you how to live a more meaningful and intentional life by revealing how to:

    – define your purpose
    – plan your time
    – declutter your home
    – prepare for the future
    – and much more

    If you long to get rid of what distracts you from living out your God-given calling in life, this book is your roadmap to success, offering principles to recognize and eliminate anything that is cluttering up your life.

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  • Hacedores De Avivamiento – (Spanish)


    !Se el mover de Dios por el cual has estado orando!

    Posiblemente uno de los mayores impedimentos al siguiente gran despertar es que muchos creyentes estan consumidos con el concepto que suena tan espiritual de esperar a que Dios se mueva. Esta espera incluye la oracion ferviente, eventos organizados y mucha discusion. Aunque se necesita desesperadamente la oracion y los eventos pueden ser catalizadores para la obra de Dios, podria ser que estemos esperando algo que Dios ya ha desatado?

    El Espiritu Santo ya ha sido derramado, pero que estamos haciendo con Su presencia?

    El evangelista e instrumento de avivamiento Tony Suarez cree que dondequiera que vaya un creyente lleno del Espiritu Santo, debe surgir un mover de Dios. Por que? Porque el Espiritu Santo, el Espiritu de Avivamiento, esta dentro de ti. !Esto es caminar en tu identidad de avivamiento!

    Al entender y aplicar esta enseanza:

    Cambiaras atmosferas por medio del poder del Espiritu Santo que vive dentro de ti

    Tomaras autoridad sobre los poderes de las tinieblas en una persona o un lugar

    Saturaras tu hogar, lugar de trabajo o escuela con la presencia de Dios.

    Entraras en tu identidad de avivamiento donde te conviertes en el mover de Dios por el cual has estado esperando y orando.

    Es tiempo de ser el mover de Dios por el cual has estado orando. !El avivamiento esta aqui! !Es hora de entrar en el mover de Dios!

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  • Talks To Farmers


    What can God’s creation teach us about ourselves, our communities, and modern Christianity? Talks to Farmers: Inspiring, Uplifting, Faith-Building Meditations, written by world renowned preacher Charles H. Spurgeon, uncovers the lessons we can learn from taking a closer look at nature. Includes Foreword by New York Times bestselling author, pastor, and Spurgeon admirer John MacArthur.

    First published in 1882, Talks to Farmers is a collection of nineteen of Spurgeon’s best-known sermons. Within each chapter, Spurgeon artfully breaks down biblical parables, psalms, and passages through an agricultural lens to teach you timeless spiritual truths and deepen your relationship with Christ. Updated for today’s reader, this new edition of Talks to Farmers is designed to cultivate your faith along the way.

    Talks to Farmers is a hopeful, encouraging read for every Christian. Convicting and enlightening, Spurgeon’s style of dissecting a verse and beautifully weaving it back together for its true purpose–to point us to Christ, our everlasting source of hope and joy–truly shines in this modern edition of Talks to Farmers.

    Throughout Talks to Farmers, Spurgeon shares the essential life lessons he’s learned about:

    *The importance of developing a healthy prayer life
    *How implementing a practice of gratitude can change your perspective on the world forever
    *What God’s creation can teach us about humanity, society, and modern Christianity
    *The power of our day-to-day observations of nature
    *The incredible variety of ways in which faith journeys can unfold
    *How God cares for us, just as he cares for every creature on earth

    Nearly 140 years after these sermons were first delivered, Spurgeon’s inspirational messages continue to prove practical and relevant for modern believers, drawing from salt-of-the-earth stories from the Bible that explore our relationship with both God and his creation.

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  • How To Be A Patriotic Christian


    What does it mean to love our country?

    Some Christians see loyalty to America as central to our faith and identity. Other Christians are skeptical that our nation warrants such devotion or attachment. But Richard Mouw encourages Christians to have a healthy sense of national peoplehood that promotes civic kinship and responsible citizenship. He navigates between Christian nationalism on one hand and cynicism about country on the other to avoid the perils of both idolatry and disengagement.

    Mouw grapples with sticky questions such as how to honor national holidays in church and the place of protests in forging a more perfect union. Placing love of country in the context of Christian love of neighbor, he sees patriotism as an expression of our heavenly citizenship and a call to help our country be a place where all people can thrive in peace.

    Mouw’s winsome and wise reflections direct our patriotic affections toward the civic good of others within our churches and in our communities. This guide helps us travel together on a shared national journey toward liberty and justice for all.

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  • Gateway To A Supernatural Life


    An Experience That Transforms You and Lifts You into Partnership with God

    Many people are curious about the baptism in the Holy Spirit but are confused or cautious about what it involves. They ask themselves the following: “Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit really necessary for believers?” “Is it available to everyone?” “Is it as relevant today as it was in Bible times?”

    Written in an accessible style and incorporating a solid biblical foundation, this book clearly shows how to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to help, guide, and empower you. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly the gateway to a supernatural life! Author Jeff Leake addresses these essential questions and more:

    *What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    *What is the real purpose of speaking in tongues?
    *Can every believer see supernatural answers to prayer?
    *How does the Holy Spirit heal people from hurt, loss, and feelings of inadequacy?
    *Can the Holy Spirit help overcome addictive patterns?

    The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience that transforms you and lifts you into partnership with God. Through this book, you will come to grips with the supernatural potential of the Holy Spirit in your life. Read it with a hunger to see God do all that He wants to do through you!

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  • On The Edge Of Hope


    Mental anguish, depression, anxiety, and the battle for your mind and well-being are not your new normal, and it is not here to stay. There is a path that leads to the freedom you desire. Through the pages of On the Edge of Hope, Dr. Mark Chironna shares his three-plus year journey through a long, dark hallway. With candor and vulnerability, he reflects on the scriptural and holistic truths that led him out of the dark place and onto solid ground.

    Dr. Chironna integrates the best of theology with psychology to bring healing and hope in the midst of your struggles. He will help you to:
    – acknowledge your pain and recognize its roots
    – get off autopilot and embrace a fully conscious life
    – move forward–not with “how tos” but a “heart to”

    Your struggle might seem like a life sentence, but it is only a season. Working with the Holy Spirit, you can find the edge of hope.

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  • Analog Christian : Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, And Wisdom In The D


    The digital age is in the business of commodifying our attention.

    The technologies of our day are determined to keep us scrolling and swiping at all costs, plugged into a feedback loop of impatience, comparison, outrage, and contempt. Blind to the dangers, we enjoy its temporary pleasures, unaware of the damage to our souls.

    Jay Kim’s Analog Church explored the ways the digital age and its values affect the life of the church. In Analog Christian, he asks the same question of Christian discipleship. As the digital age inclines us to discontentment, fragility, and foolishness, how are followers of Jesus to respond? What is the theological basis for living in creative resistance to the forces of our day? How can Christians cultivate the contentment, resilience, and wisdom to not only survive but to thrive as we navigate the specific challenges of our age?

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  • Fighting For Life


    What makes your heart break for our broken world?

    You want to make a difference in the world. You’re concerned about all the problems you see, the injustices and the suffering. But you don’t know where to begin. Designed for the aspiring activist or world-changer, this book is the key to get you started.

    Live Action founder Lila Rose says transformation begins with heartbreak–with seeing the injustices around you and allowing that suffering to light a fire in your soul. In this book, she shares raw and intimate stories from both her personal journey and pro-life activism that will inspire you to become a champion for your own cause. Along the way, you’ll discover how to:

    *determine where the need for your gifts is the greatest and begin making a difference;
    *overcome insecurities and imposter syndrome and become a leader through practice;
    *find inner courage and confidence in the face of obstacles and criticism; and
    *bounce back from mistakes to continually grow and make a long-lasting impact.

    The fight for a world that is more just, more beautiful, and more loving needs all of us. In allowing yourself to be wounded by the brokenness of our world, you’ll find the passion you need to make a difference–and draw closer to the One who truly saves.

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  • Kingdom Politics : Returning God To Govenment


    Christians love to talk about politics, but the current conversation is full of contentious words that divide our churches and families. Dr. Tony Evans takes a step back to find foundational Bible principles for integrating politics into our daily lives. He challenges readers to incorporate all of Scripture when addressing divisive issues, forcing us to look at political issues we’ve neglected. Learn to speak with grace when you disagree with family and friends. Maintain your political affiliations without causing divisions in your church. Take sides on moral issues while demonstrating the compassion and love of Jesus Christ. Kingdom Politics offers a biblical path through one of the most divisive issues of our time.

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  • Going Higher With God In Prayer


    It’s been said that not knowing how to pray is one of the great obstacles in a Christian’s life. A.W. Tozer pointed out that the church’s greatest curse is unanswered prayer, and that we do not seem bothered by that. Many just don’t understand what answered prayer is all about. Tozer outlines this as only he can, describing the conditions that lend themselves to God’s response as well as those conditions that lead to his remaining silent.

    Ultimately, Tozer challenges you to ask: Are my prayers more powerful and effective today than they were a year ago? The book opens with Jacob’s Ladder, with the theme centering on ascending into God’s presence. What better place to begin dialoging with God! Only he can teach us what is on his heart, what is his will, and what our part in it could be. Deep inspiration and elevated understanding await readers in this new book, masterfully compiled by James L. Snyder.

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  • Resilient : Restoring Your Weary Soul In These Turbulent Times


    New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge gives readers who are drained from the madness of modern life the tools they need to follow Jesus’ path of supernatural resilience so they can recover their joy, strengthen their hearts, and thrive through the storm.

    The human soul has a built-in yearning for joy and beauty and all good things. But that craving for life has taken a real beating in recent years. Between false promises of ease and comfort on one side and the sheer trauma of global disease and disasters on the other, people today are facing a shortage of peace, happiness, and strength.

    In Resilient, Eldredge provides skills and tools to strengthen your heart and soul–and reveals a path toward genuine recovery and resilience provided by Jesus himself. Drawing on wisdom from Scripture and Christian tradition, and illustrated throughout with powerful, true stories of grit and survival, Resilient will help readers:

    *recover from the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic;

    *tap into supernatural graces like the river of life that God promises his people;

    *learn to be patient with themselves–genuine recovery from spiritual and emotional trauma takes time and intentionality;

    *create a plan, because resilience and victory aren’t going to come with a swipe on your home screen; and

    *discover deep wells of freedom and strength through Christ who lives within us.

    Thriving requires a resilient soul. This book will help readers find the resilience they need when the world has gone mad–and discover in Jesus himself the strength that prevails.

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  • Tell Me The Stories Of Jesus


    In Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, pastor and theologian R. Albert Mohler Jr. reveals the unique power of Jesus’ parables for today’s readers, showing how they announce the kingdom, communicate both judgment and grace, and call every human heart toward transformation in the light of God’s love.

    He who has ears, let him hear… The Prodigal Son. The Good Samaritan. The parable of the mustard seed. The stories Jesus told during his earthly ministry are packed with such memorable images and characters that they now permeate our culture’s popular imagination. But what if their familiarity has muted their powerful message, causing today’s readers to miss their ability to shock and transform?

    In Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, renowned pastor and theologian R. Albert Mohler Jr. unlocks the power of Jesus’ parables for readers today. Jesus perfected the art of telling parables–short stories with a surprising twist and an explosive message that confronted his listeners with surprising (and often uncomfortable) truths about the human heart and the kingdom of heaven. But two thousand years later, modern readers may not grasp the cultural and historical context that made these stories so compelling for Jesus’ original audience. Mohler brings Jesus’ stories to life, uncovering the context and allowing readers to hear these stories in all their shocking, paradigm-shifting power.

    Readers will:

    *feel a deeper connection with Jesus by stepping into the shoes of his first-century followers and hearing with fresh ears the stories he shared with his closest followers;

    *gain a deeper understanding of the gospel through Jesus’ own words; and

    *see the parables in a new light, experiencing–perhaps for the first time–their ability to draw people into Jesus’ kingdom.

    Every parable Jesus told contains judgment and grace. They hold up a mirror that reveals the human heart–and invites everyone to welcome Jesus’ kingdom and reign. Will you have ears to hear their vital message?

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  • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


    Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

    Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

    Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

    A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

    Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

    Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

    The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

    Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

    Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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  • Ordinary Walks With An Extraordinary God


    From Genesis to Revelation, scripture is full of references to walking: God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Enoch walked with God, and Noah walked with God. We walk by faith and not by sight. We are told to walk humbly with our God, to walk in the light, to walk in love, to walk in the law, to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. Revelation tells us we will one day walk in white.

    In these devotionals, Robyn shares how walking humbly with God has helped her overcome obstacles, clear her head, and boost her soul. While she began walking to help her knees, it turned into so much more than a simple exercise. Her walks have evolved into uninterrupted, life-giving time with our extraordinary God.These fifty-two devotions point to an extraordinary God who goes with us all the way through our journey. You’ll find hope, encouragement, and perspective for all seasons.

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  • Lord Is My Courage


    This is a book for those in need of a new path to feeling God’s kindness and grace. Come, receive courage–not beyond your fear, but within it.

    Trauma-informed therapist and author K.J. Ramsey offers reflections on one of the darkest valleys of her life and asks: How can you become courageous when you feel crushed? How can you feel loved by God when you’re afraid he’s forgotten you? How can you experience God’s kindness right in the middle of your fears? The question of what to do with our fear often plagues us, but The Lord Is My Courage explores how fear might bring the possibility of courageous faith.

    The Lord Is My Courage is a creative meditation on Psalm 23 that shows you courage is more accessible than you think, because courage is something we can practice to grow in trust that we do have a Good Shepherd who is with us always–no matter where we’ve been or what we’re facing today. Braiding contemplative storytelling, rich theological reflection, and practical neuroscience, Ramsey reveals a path into connection and joy that begins where we are–right in the middle of our stress, anxiety, and pain. Learn to walk the road of resilience, where the Good Shepherd will always meet you in regulating your nervous system and refreshing your soul. Come, find a faith that never leaves your fear or body behind. Learn how to let your fear prompt you to follow the Shepherd. This is a book for all of us who want something better than having to be brave–getting to be beloved.

    Your fear is not the enemy.

    You do not have to hide your broken heart to belong or fight your fears to fit into the flock of faith.

    You could live in the face of your fear and know you are God’s friend.

    You could discover and trust that Courage Himself has come to dwell with you–forever.

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  • Turn Toward The Sun


    If recent world events have taught us anything, it’s that life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look. And while we can’t control the curveballs life throws at us, we can control our response to them. We can choose to loosen our grip on what we think life is “supposed” to be and embrace life for exactly what it is–messiness and mayhem and all. We can choose to stubbornly turn toward the sun, even as the storm rages around us. That surrender is where true happiness and peace lie.

    With insights born from her own hard-won battles, Mandy Hale turns her attention (and her sizable wit) to showing you what she’s learned about letting go of the desire to control everything in life. With the honesty and authenticity she’s known for, Mandy inspires you to stop striving, live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.

    If you’ve felt depleted or despairing as you’ve wrestled with circumstances beyond your control, you will find in Mandy a kind and trustworthy guide through the storm.

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  • Whats Big Starts Small


    Of the 30 parables Jesus told, the one that gets the most space on God’s sacred pages is the story about the sower, the seed, and the soil (Matthew 13). Just like a farmer isn’t sowing seed to get rid of it, God never brings you into contact with his Word just to get it over with. Rather, just as a farmer wants fruit, God wants to help you to experience and exhibit peace, joy, love, and more. And while he certainly could make our behavior one hundred times more sanctified in a single moment, Jesus’s story reminds us that God normally grows us organically, in that slow and steady process that we witness throughout the created world. And just as in farming, there are some obstacles to overcome along the way.

    This book is structured around the six threats Jesus lists in the parable of the sower and the seed, and the corresponding strategies to overcome them: pride, pain, worries, wealth, wanting, and not waiting. If you’re wondering why your faith “isn’t working” in some aspects of your life, Jesus’ words may contain the key you’re looking for.

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  • This Dangerous Book


    From Steve and Jackie Green, founders and curators of the Museum of the Bible–a fascinating exploration of the history, authenticity, and power of the Bible, the book that has changed people and nations throughout the centuries.

    It is the top selling book in history. It brings social upheaval, international arguments, and political controversy. It has been used to justify both love and war. And for generations, it has found its way into the hearts of millions, offering comfort, direction, and life-changing truths.

    How could one book have such power? In This Dangerous Book, Steve and Jackie Green explore the incredible history and impact of the Bible. As the founders and visionaries of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C., the Greens have a unique perspective on the Bible’s journey–from its ancient beginnings, to its effect on the moral fiber of nations, to its transformative influence in individual hearts.

    The Greens share the challenges they have faced in acquiring biblical artifacts from around the world and why generations–in every time period and in every geographical location–have risked their lives to preserve this precious book.

    Exploring ancient tablets, medieval commentaries, and modern translations, This Dangerous Book offers fascinating insight into the miracles and martyrdoms that have led to the Scriptures we read today. The Greens explore how cutting-edge technology gives new insight into the authenticity of the Bible, including the work of fifty scholars who recently uncovered hidden details about thirteen unpublished Dead Sea Scroll fragments. This Dangerous Book also looks at the link between the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, what we can learn from how the Bible was passed down to us, and why God’s Word is foundational to America’s past and crucial for its future.

    The Bible is a world-changer and a heart-changer. Whether you have read the Bible for years or are simply curious about its influence, This Dangerous Book could change your heart as well.

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  • Good And Beautiful You


    The Christian faith is not only about belief and practices, it is also about the kind of people that we become.

    Yet some of the biggest barriers to our transformation come from our toxic self-narratives. These narratives shape the way we see ourselves and the way we interact in the world. God designed us with a deep longing in our souls to be wanted, loved, alive, and connected to God. Healing our souls requires more than knowing what God thinks about us. Our healing comes not through reason alone, but through revelation. The best practice I have seen in Christian spiritual formation was Dallas Willard’s endorsement of the Good and Beautiful series a decade ago. Now this fourth book in the series, The Good and Beautiful You, addresses the self-narratives that hinder spiritual growth and the desires of the soul that only God can satisfy. James Bryan Smith reminds us how Scripture reveals the beauty and goodness of our own souls and how we long for healing that only God can provide. Complete with spiritual practices that help us live into that reality, The Good and Beautiful You will serve as a welcome companion on your journey to discover who you truly are in Christ.

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  • Connected Life : The Art And Science Of Relational Spirituality


    We live in an increasingly isolated and lonely world. How do we find genuine relational connection? According to psychologist Todd Hall, real human growth doesn’t come through head knowledge alone but through relational knowledge and strong attachment bonds. This accessible introduction invites us into lasting relationships-with God and others-that lead to authentic transformation.

    It’s no secret that we live in an increasingly isolated world. The pandemic has only exacerbated what was already a startling trend: loneliness and disconnection have been on the rise for a long time in our society. We long for a deep sense of meaning to make sense of our lives, but we don’t know how to find it. Even worse, we often search for it in unhealthy ways that hinder the very thing we’re desperate for: genuine relational connection.

    Psychologist Todd Hall has been researching human relationships and ways of connecting for many years. In The Connected Life, he offers the fruit of that work, contending that real human growth doesn’t come through head knowledge alone but through relational knowledge and strong attachment bonds. It’s our relationships-with God and others-that lead to authentic transformation. Ultimately, the family of God provides the best context for lasting growth.

    Here is a wise, accessible introduction to transformative relational connection, addressing the deeply felt disconnection in our society and inviting us into lasting relationships with God and others.

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  • Last Sweet Mile


    When Allen Levi’s brother, Gary, was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, neither realized they were about to embark on the best year of their lives. More than mere brothers, Allen and Gary were best friends, life-long bachelors, one a lawyer turned singer-songwriter, the other a globe-trotting missions worker. Their relationship was one of rare and powerful beauty, and in this rich memoir, Levi captures the small yet telling details of a life lived to the fullest-right up to the finish line.

    Like Sheldon Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy, Levi’s The Last Sweet Mile gives us a tale of both great loss and enduring faith, demonstrating that love is a refining fire, brotherhood a holy gift, and death itself a doorway to a wedding feast. The Last Sweet Mile is not only a testament to the life of Gary Levi, it is a testament to the hope that shaped and sustained him.

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  • Church Of Us Vs Them


    We are living in angry times. No matter where we go, what we watch, or how we communicate, our culture is rife with conflict. Unfortunately, Christians appear to be caught up in the same animosity as the culture at large. We are perceived as angry, judgmental, and defensive, fighting among ourselves in various media while the world looks on. How have we failed to be a people of reconciliation and renewal in the face of such tumult?

    Claiming that the church has lost itself in the grip of an antagonistic culture, David Fitch takes a close look at what drives the vitriol in our congregations. He traces the enemy-making patterns in church history and diagnoses the divisiveness that marks the contemporary evangelical church. Fitch shows a way for the church to be true to itself, unwinding the antagonisms of our day and making space for Christ’s reconciling presence in our day-to-day lives. He offers new patterns and practices that move the church beyond making enemies to being the presence of Christ in the world, helping us free ourselves from a faith that feeds on division.

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  • Living Fearless : Exchanging The Lies Of The World For The Liberating Truth


    With a penetrating combination of stories, Scripture, and insightful questions, this book takes you on a deep dive into abiding in Christ, helping you exchange false ideas about “god,” the world, your neighbors, and yourself for the life-changing pursuit of knowing God experientially.

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  • Global Reset : Do Current Events Point To The Antichrist And His Worldwide


    Global Reset will open readers’ eyes and alert them to how world leaders are using the “Great Reset” agenda to seize pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes, civil disorder, political unrest, and other current events to reshape every facet of life–all pointing toward the universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist.

    COVID unleashed a cascade of consequences that are now reaching far beyond the pandemic itself. Governments have begun leveraging the coronavirus and even the vaccine as a power grab, setting the stage for further intrusions in the future. These accelerants are driving the world to the precipice of fundamental, irreversible transformation. The winds of change are blowing. Tectonic shifts are underway at every level.

    These realities are alarming by themselves. And yet, there remains a still deeper, more sinister agenda imbedded within. According to prophecies found in the Bible, a one-world government will indeed emerge in the end times. According to the book of Revelation, a future unified government will encompass the whole earth, and Satan himself will be behind it for the ultimate purpose of ruling over all the earth and being worshipped by its inhabitants. While we aren’t in the end times, we’re on the edge of the precipice. In Global Rest, readers will discover:

    *The “Great Reset” agenda that sets the stage for the end time scenario prophesied in Scripture

    *How China and other great nations are beginning to play a dominant role in international, socioeconomic, and political dynamics

    *Possible scenarios regarding America in the end times and what believers can do to stem the tide of decline

    *God’s great reset planned for planet earth and humanity–the millennial reign of Christ

    *Every person’s needs for an eternal personal reset that can come only through Jesus Christ

    Prepare yourself spiritually and arm yourself with information. Find answers to the questions everyone should be asking about current world events and how they may be ushering in Christ’s return.

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  • Whats Big Starts Small


    Of the 30 parables Jesus told, the one that gets the most space on God’s sacred pages is the story about the sower, the seed, and the soil (Matthew 13). Just like a farmer isn’t sowing seed to get rid of it, God never brings you into contact with his Word just to get it over with. Rather, just as a farmer wants fruit, God wants to help you to experience and exhibit peace, joy, love, and more. And while he certainly could make our behavior one hundred times more sanctified in a single moment, Jesus’s story reminds us that God normally grows us organically, in that slow and steady process that we witness throughout the created world. And just as in farming, there are some obstacles to overcome along the way.

    This book is structured around the six threats Jesus lists in the parable of the sower and the seed, and the corresponding strategies to overcome them: pride, pain, worries, wealth, wanting, and not waiting. If you’re wondering why your faith “isn’t working” in some aspects of your life, Jesus’ words may contain the key you’re looking for.

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  • Raising Emotionally Strong Boys


    Research tells us that globally, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day. This staggering statistic indicates that many men suffer from hopelessness and despair. Parents may detect warning signs of hopelessness in their sons who regularly exhibit behaviors such as meltdowns, outbursts, and terse one-word answers. How can we help raise our sons to handle difficult emotions and process complex ideas of masculinity? Drawing from 25 years of counseling boys and working with parents, David Thomas explains what’s behind these and other common struggles such as anger issues, anxiety, and depression. In all, parents will be equipped to raise emotionally strong and healthy boys who will grow up to be rooted in practices of well-being that will serve them their whole lives.

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  • Beautiful People Dont Just Happen


    Find the freedom from regret, hurt, and fear that God wants for you, so you can embrace a life of relief, joy, and hope in him.

    We all carry regret, hurt, and fear. These are burdens that weigh us down and make us feel trapped.

    Scott Sauls understands. In twenty-five years of pastoral ministry, he’s walked with countless individuals through weary seasons and circumstances. He’s also battled his own anxiety and depression. He knows what it’s like to be worn out and burdened by life.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way. Freedom, healing, and joy are available to us even in the midst of suffering, even when circumstances don’t change. Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen reveals how you can find a new way of living that helps you:

    *Give honest voice to your emotions through the practice of lament

    *Confront your debilitating thoughts with the divine counter-voice of the God who loves you

    *Find meaning, purpose, and “the best you” as you journey through grief and sorrow

    *Discover God’s heart for sinners and sufferers as you grow closer to him

    *Learn and live out what the Bible calls the “secret of contentment” in any circumstance

    Don’t settle for the way things are. Dare to hope for a better future. Dare to embrace the healing and freedom God wants for you–the freedom he freely offers to all who receive it.

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  • Kingdom Values : Character Over Chaos


    Good character produces good quality, individually and culturally. In light of the turmoil our society currently faces, this book is critical.

    In the midst of our busy and often chaotic lives, we sometimes forget the importance of building character qualities. By curating our values, we can rise up and fight against cultural instability, family breakdown, social media ranting, and narcissistic and grandiose personal promotions.

    Values to be discussed include:
    – integrity
    – excellence
    – authenticity
    – compassion
    – generosity
    – accountability
    – kindness
    – and many more

    Dr. Evans provides insights based on biblical virtues derived from the Beatitudes as well as the rest of Christ’s teachings. This book will give men and women a framework for personal growth and awareness. When we align ourselves with God’s ways, and exhibit that behavior for our neighbors to see and benefit from, that’s when real change occurs.

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  • Life Changing Cross Cultural Friendships


    We can heal our communities–one friendship at a time.

    Many of us want to do something to improve race relations, but we don’t know where to start or even if we can make a difference. In Life-Changing Cross-Cultural Friendships, beloved authors and good friends Gary Chapman and Clarence Shuler answer those questions and more by recounting their own story together.

    Long before Gary was the bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages and Clarence was the president and CEO of Building Lasting Relationships, they were just an associate pastor and a young high school student, bonded by a love of Christ and learning how to navigate their newly desegregated community. Decades of friendship later, they are sharing the important lessons they learned that will enable you to experience enriching friendships across racial and ethnic barriers.

    Each chapter of this inspiring and practical book will guide you into a deeper level of understanding about what friendship is and about the benefits of cross-cultural friendships on an individual and national level. These powerful lessons will include:

    *The importance of choosing the right words
    *How to differentiate true friends from mere acquaintances
    *How Jesus initiated a cross-cultural relationship
    *The first two steps to your own cross-cultural friendship
    *Three ways to resolve conflict in a cross-cultural friendship
    *How to make friendships last through life’s many seasons

    Breaking down the walls of division might not be easy, but the simple act of building friendships tears down walls of racism and fear. Will you accept the cross-cultural friendship challenge?

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  • Lessons From A Wandering Prophet



    What happens when God’s plans and your prophetic journey intersect?

    This book will help me grow in my prophetic gifts so that I can discover the plans that God has for me and move forward in my purpose.

    God has a plan and a future for each of us, but many people don’t know what that plan is, and if they do, they don’t know how to walk in it. Hubie Synn knows the feeling. Step by step, one adventure at a time, Synn has been discovering and growing in the prophetic gift God has given him–a gift that has taken him before celebrities, politicians, and power brokers, and even around the world.

    In Lessons From a Wandering Prophet, Synn shares the highs and lows he has experienced in ministry to teach principles of prophetic ministry:

    – How to discern when God is speaking
    – How to step out to say what God has given you to say
    – How to grow in the prophetic
    – What to do when a prophecy is not well-received
    – How to let go and let God lead you

    This book will inspire readers to receive with open hands and hearts the prophetic gifts God has given them, discover the plans God has for them, and walk fully in their calling.

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  • Your Calling Here And Now


    Our vocation is the outworking of how God has made us. It is not a goal on the horizon but a present reality that we are called to discern and explore. However, in the midst of our daily lives, finding meaning can prove both difficult and elusive, and we are often left wondering if we are missing out on God’s purpose for our lives.

    Gordon Smith invites us to reflect on our vocation and step into God’s call in the present moment. When discerning our vocation feels overwhelming, Smith offers a simple question as a way forward: At this time and place, who am I meant to be, and what am I called to do?

    Theologically and historically grounded, Your Calling Here and Now offers theological reflections and spiritual practices that will help you discern God’s call on your life. Whether you are navigating career transitions or looking for meaning in the ordinary, God has a purpose for your life for the here and now.

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  • Your Daily Phil


    A daily dose of truth, morality, and biblical wisdom from A&E Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson in this 100-day devotional.

    There is a war being waged on the soul of America, but Phil Robertson believes there is hope. In this compilation of 100 days of readings taken from his bestselling books The Theft of America’s Soul and Jesus Politics, now with newly added prayers and Bible verses, he shows how Americans can turn away from the lies of the devil and embrace the life-giving, healing, and wholly transforming love of God, helping to bring the kingdom of heaven to our homes, neighborhoods, churches, communities, and country.

    These 100 devotionals cover God-honoring principles, including:

    *committing to the life of Christ and his words;
    *understanding the importance of kindness, respect, hard work, and financial stewardship;
    *enjoying God’s creation–Earth, animals, and each other.

    Written with captivating storytelling and unflinching honesty, this book is a call for Christians to wake up and use their time, talents, resources, influence, and votes to protect and advance the policies of King Jesus–the only policies that will truly heal the soul of America.

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  • Living Fearless : Exchanging The Lies Of The World For The Liberating Truth


    With a penetrating combination of stories, Scripture, and insightful questions, this book takes you on a deep dive into abiding in Christ, helping you exchange false ideas about “god,” the world, your neighbors, and yourself for the life-changing pursuit of knowing God experientially.

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  • They Walked With God


    The characters we meet in the Bible play a huge role in our lives. Whether we personally relate to Joseph’s dedication to serving the Lord even when he was confused or we understand when Mary Magdalene mourns in front of the vacant tomb, the timeless stories we find in the Bible influence and inspire us to learn to be more like Christ. But how can we apply these lessons to our everyday lives?

    In They Walked with God, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado takes a closer look at 40 of the most inspirational characters in the Bible and shares a powerful message: if God can find a place for each character in the Bible, we can rest assured that he’s carved out a spot for us too.

    They Walked with God also includes a series of meaningful, in-depth discussion questions that correspond with each biblical character that Max has highlighted, giving you a chance to reflect further about the incredible lives they led and the lessons we can learn from them. This one-of-a-kind, interactive resource is perfect for devout followers and new believers alike.

    Max weaves together stories from Scripture with stories that offer a modern perspective, bringing each of these men and women to life within the pages of They Walked with God. Max will encourage you as you get to know these figures, and yourself, better by:

    *Guiding you through a comprehensive study of 40 of the Bible’s most remarkable–and sometimes seemingly unremarkable–characters

    *Providing 185+ thoughtful and engaging discussion questions designed to spark further conversation about how we can apply these lessons to our daily lives

    *Sharing personal stories that will help you grow your faith and strengthen your relationship with Jesus

    Max adds dimension and depth to 40 incredible people who had the chance to walk alongside God, reminding us that we’re invited to walk alongside him too.

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  • Satans Big Fat Lie


    Have you ever wondered what Satan’s biggest weapon against God’s people is?

    This book is going to help me understand shame as the root spirit that the enemy has unleased to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. No longer will I be bound to the enemy’s tactics as I begin to set my eyes on the things that Jesus cares most deeply about.

    During one of his most intense spiritual battles, international evangelist Steve Foss received a series of prophetic dreams and visions that exposed the key weapon the enemy is using against God’s people–shame.

    Believers are ashamed of past mistakes. Churches are being shamed for standing for the gospel. Brother is turning against brother as the culture shames those who don’t walk in lockstep with their agenda. Cancel culture itself is a way of shaming people into submission to the status quo. Shame is transforming our culture into a godless, sin-celebrating society.

    Shame was the final attack upon Jesus when He was on the cross, and it was designed to keep Him from fulfilling His destiny. But God has given His people a more powerful weapon to overcome the enemy’s attacks. We just have to learn how to use it.

    In Satan’s Big Fat Lie, Foss exposes Satan’s great end-time strategy and how Christians can war against it. Shame is that great demon power the enemy has unleashed to control, dominate, manipulate, and demoralize God’s people. But discovering what Jesus is focused on will empower us to overcome and walk in perfect peace in the midst of the chaos of this world.

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  • Generosity Ladder : Your Next Step To Financial Peace


    The quintessential guidebook for anyone who desires to handle money with excellence, The Generosity Ladder clarifies what the Bible really says about honoring God with our finances and details a step-by-step plan for attaining financial excellence. This accessible book allows you to fully grasp God’s plan for your finances, acknowledge your current level of stewardship, and chart out the steps you need to take in order to handle money in a way that honors God.

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  • Glad Youre Here


    When Craig Cooper and Walker Hayes met, Walker was an alcoholic atheist reeling from the backlash of a failed music career. Through their unlikely friendship, Craig’s life demonstrated the love of Christ in a way that shattered Walker’s misconceptions of Christianity, ultimately leading him down the path to a dramatic conversion. The two are now close as brothers, choosing to be next-door neighbors and ripped out the fence between their homes as a testament to the power of the gospel to break down barriers and unite people together in Christ. Glad You’re Here helps us discover how building relationships, sacrificing for the good of others, and drawing near in times of need can lead to powerful transformation. Through story and biblical reflections, Glad You’re Here helps readers see how God works in the everyday lives of those who love him.

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  • Path To Peace


    Overwhelmed. Stressed out. Burnt out. Fried.

    However we name it, all of us know what it feels like to deal with circumstances and worries that drag us down and wear us out. Many of us experience persistent anxiety. Peace can be hard to find.

    But it is in the middle of our stress and fear that God extends his unshakable peace to us.

    In this beautiful book that is part devotional and part Bible study, Ann Swindell shares how the biblical stories of eight women and men helped her realize that what she needed most in her own journey wasn’t a stable job or healthy kids or good friends–it was God’s peace. Through forty faith-stirring readings, Ann will help you:

    * Experience God’s peace in your daily life
    * Respond to challenges with faith rather than fear
    * Find hope in God’s goodness and faithfulness toward you

    The good news is that even if our situations don’t change, we can still experience Christ’s peace in our daily lives. The Path to Peace is for everyone who longs to experience a soul at rest.

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  • Como Ser Un Cristiano – (Spanish)


    Del venerado maestro y autor de best sellers de obras cristianas clasicas como Mero cristianismo y Cartas del diablo a su sobrino llega una coleccion que reune lo mejor de los consejos practicos de C. S. Lewis sobre como encarnar una vida cristiana.

    Como ser cristiano reune lo mejor de las ideas de Lewis sobre la practica cristiana y su expresion en nuestra vida diaria. Cultivada a partir de sus numerosos ensayos, articulos y cartas, asi como de sus obras clasicas, esta coleccion esclarecedora y estimulante proporciona sabiduria practica y direccion que los cristianos pueden utilizar para nutrir su fe y convertirse en discipulos mas devotos de Cristo.

    From the revered teacher and best-selling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and Screwtape Letters comes a collection that brings together the best of C. S. Lewis’s practical advice on how to embody a Christian life.

    How to be a Christian brings together the best of Lewis’s insights into Christian practice and its expression in our daily lives. Cultivated from his numerous essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, this enlightening and stimulating collection provides practical wisdom and direction that Christians can use to nurture their faith and become more devoted disciples of Christ.

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  • 1st 30 Days Of Walking With Jesus


    First 30 Days of Walking with Jesus is exactly what it sounds like – a simple and accessible guide that offers 30 days of Bible readings and devotions, along with practical advice, motivation, and additional guides, for anyone starting or restarting their Christian walk.

    Featuring Bible verses for many of life’s questions, it will guide you through various Christian living from worship and loving your neighbour to fear and vulnerability. Drawing on their own experience of the Christian life, well-known TV personalities, Church leaders, and mentors David and Carrie Grant offer compassionate insight and wisdom, alongside contributions from other trusted Church leaders and writers, for anyone seeking to follow Jesus and be His disciple but unsure where to start.

    The daily devotions are easy to dip and out of, and will encourage and inspire you to live each day with faith and joy in Jesus Christ. The devotions are also undated, so they can be used throughout the year.

    First 30 Days of Walking with Jesus is an ideal guide to give to new Christian believers, especially as a follow up to Christian courses such as the Alpha Course and Christianity Explored. It’s perfect for giving as a confirmation or baptism gift for teens and adults, to help them as they start on their Christian life.

    This guide will also help those who have drifted from the church but want to reaffirm and refresh their faith. The daily Bible readings and practical advice will help you get back in touch with your spirituality so that you can walk and grow as a Christian alongside Jesus.

    Whether you are a new disciple or a returning one, anyone who has asked how to be a Christian will find guidance and encouragement in First 30 Days of Walking with Jesus that will help them start their journey to become faithful, spiritually fulfilled disciples.?

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  • Famous At Home


    No one wakes up and decides, “I’m planning to ruin my marriage, neglect my kids, and cause mistrust in my family.” Yet our personal pursuits and busyness can lead us there. In this book, marriage and leadership coaches Dr. Josh and Christi Straub show how seven core decisions can help us put what’s most important center stage in our lives.

    Famous at Home is Josh and Christi’s realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face in a culture that competes for their time, attention, and identity. Whether you’ve found yourself putting more effort into becoming famous on stages outside the home, or your stage is the home, Famous at Home offers guidance and inspiration to help you give your family the best version of you instead of your leftovers.

    Famous at Home will help you and your spouse:
    *Be on the same team–fighting for each other and not against each other
    *Stay emotionally connected even if work, distance, or busyness are in the way
    *Deeply invest in the emotional lives of your children

    You really can be famous at home, showing up in intentional and meaningful ways for your biggest fans. All it takes is realizing that the greatest red carpet you’ll ever walk is through your front door.

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  • 2nd Happy : Seven Practices To Make Your Marriage Better Than Your Honeymoo


    What is the secret to a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage?

    Nearly every marriage starts out happy, and if we’re honest, nearly every marriage at some point becomes unhappy. Is there a solution? Can an unhappy marriage really get back to being happy? Can it be truly and authentically happy–even better than it was at first? Kevin and Marcia Myers, married for thirty-seven years through nearly every challenge a couple can face, emphatically say yes.

    Revealing seven practices that offer help and hope for a happy and enduring marriage, The Second Happy is a captivating, practical resource that provides the tools necessary to tune-up, overhaul, or even rebuild your marriage. Practices to sustain and strengthen marriage include the following:

    *breaking the quit cycle;
    *picking a fair fight so both people win;
    *keeping disagreements from escalating; and
    *removing pretense from your relationship.

    Rooted in Scripture and contemporary insights from the Myers’ marriage, as well as real stories from other couples, this revelatory book shows how any marriage can regain depth, meaning and, yes, happiness.

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  • Fuego De La Presencia De Dios – (Spanish)


    Alguna vez ha experimentado realmente la presencia de Dios? Si no es asi, que cree que se interpone en el camino?

    Cuando Moises se encontro con Dios en la zarza ardiente, eso cambio su vida y su percepcion de lo que es Dios. En ese momento en que la zarza ardia, empezo a comprender y a apreciar lo sagrado de la adoracion. La adoracion apropiada tiene que encajar con lo que estamos adorando; por lo que si adoramos a Dios, debemos hacerlo en sus terminos. Esto implica tener un espiritu de reverencia y santidad, como Moises al quitarse el calzado y arrodillarse ante El.

    El fuego de la zarza no atemorizo a Moises, sino que hizo derramar la esencia de lo sagrado en su vida. Le hizo experimentar la presencia de Dios en una manera que nunca habia sentido. Permita que este libro le ensee como encontrar a Dios al igual que Moises.

    What Would It Be Like to Encounter God Face-to-Face?

    Have you ever truly experienced God’s presence? If not, what do you think is getting in the way?

    When Moses met God at the burning bush, it changed his life and his perception of who God is. In that burning-bush moment, he began to understand and appreciate the sacredness of worship. Proper worship has to fit the one we are worshiping, so if we are worshiping God, we must do it on His terms. This means having a spirit of reverence and holiness–like Moses taking off his shoes and kneeling before Him.

    The bush’s fire did not frighten Moses, but rather it poured the essence of sacredness into his life. It gave him an experience of God’s presence he had never had before. Let this book teach you how, like Moses, to encounter God afresh.

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  • Out Of Chaos


    Life is a hot mess. There’s the bedlam of getting out the door in the morning. The constant breaking down of our homes and bodies and the cars we drive. And the institutions that promise to help are often no better. We are surrounded by the constant disorder of governments and disappointed by organized religion, the very entities that tell us they can provide us sanity and security. Instead, they leave us scratching our heads or licking our wounds. Chaos surrounds us, and at times, it seems to rule our souls, our families, and our world.

    But does chaos always end in failure or flaw?

    What if chaos was more than the check engine light of lost causes? What if chaos was the raw material out of which God creates? In the beginning God brought order from chaos, filling the chaos with a beautiful creation, and he’s been doing it ever since. Where you and I may experience confusion and disorder, God sees an opportunity for something new–for a rebirth, a renewal, and a renovation. God did this in the beginning, he did it again at the cross, and with renewed vision for our disordered world today, we look to God to do it again.

    Inspired by the powerful picture of creation in Genesis 1:2, author Jessica LaGrone challenges the hope-destroying belief that God has abandoned us in our broken relationships, our pain, and our grief. In the midst of our out-of-control lives, God is there, and he specializes in making new things from the chaos threatens to drown us. When we experience chaos in our own lives and everything feels like it is falling apart, God is just getting started. When the Spirit of God hovers, chaos can give birth to hope.

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  • Get The Girl


    “The ‘manosphere’ online is filled with a certain kind of red-pilled bitterness which, when it is coupled with evolutionary and materialistic assumptions, produces an odd mix of appalling selfishness and cynicism (and reductionism with regard to sex) coupled with common grace insights that you would never hear from an evangelical beta-preacher.” ~ from the book

    Douglas Wilson writes to a young man on how he should pursue a woman. Feminism has catechized us in many lies about what makes the sexes attracted to each other, and evangelical pastors have often only reinforced those lies with platitudes about servant-leadership (heavy on the servant, light on the leadership). When they find out that being a doormat doesn’t attract anyone, young men often rebound to the secular manosphere. Douglas Wilson offers his own commonsense advice, sharp-edged and thoroughly biblical, not just on how to be the kind of man who attracts the right woman, but how to be the kind of man that keeps her.

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  • Abuelita Fe – (Spanish)


    Que pasaria si algunos de nuestros mas grandes teologos no fueran considerados como tales, en absoluto?

    Kat Armas es una cubanoamericana de segunda generacion que crecio en las cercanias del famoso vecindario La Pequea Habana de Miami. Su temprana formacion teologica provino de su abuela, que huyo de Cuba durante el apogeo de los disturbios politicos y crio a sus tres hijos sola tras la muerte de su esposo. Combinando la narracion personal con la reflexion biblica, Armas nos muestra el modo en que las voces marginadas –las que a menudo son rechazadas, aisladas y oprimidas debido a su genero, estatus socioeconomico o falta de educacion–, tienen mas que ensearnos en cuanto a seguir a Dios que lo que nos damos cuenta.

    Abuelita fe cuenta la historia de teologas anonimas e ignoradas en la sociedad y en la Biblia –madres, abuelas, hermanas e hijas– cuya supervivencia, fuerza, resistencia y perseverancia nos ensean el verdadero poder de la fe y el amor. La exploracion de la autora en cuanto a la teologia de abuelita ayudara a personas de todos los origenes culturales y etnicos a reflexionar sobre las abuelitas en sus vidas y sus ministerios, y sobre las formas en que pueden vivir la fe de abuelita cada dia.

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  • Motivational Prayers For Men


    Empowered Through Prayer

    In Motivational Prayers for Men, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans prepares you to approach God with the confidence that He will meet your every need. These insightful, inspiring prayers will guide you to seek His wisdom in every area of your life.

    Dr. Evans will help you come humbly before your heavenly Father, asking for His power and protection over your…

    *and beyond

    Prayer is the most powerful tool you have for strengthening your walk with God. Draw closer to Him and be transformed from the inside out.

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  • What You Do Best


    Have you found fulfillment in life?

    When you look at a plate, cup, or fork, you realize each has been designed and created for a different purpose. What if you could look into the mind and heart of God and see just how you have been designed and created? If you truly knew you were a plate, cup, or fork, you would be freed from trying to be someone you are not, and free to live your life with greater faithfulness, fruitfulness, and fulfillment…making God famous!

    God created you to be fruitful by discovering your God-given design and the role he created for you. What You Do Best equips you to identify and express your unique contribution to this world as an integral part of your relationships, life, and ministry. The biblical principles in these pages can free you to pursue your life’s calling with enthusiasm and confidence as you gain a better understanding of who God made you to be. Bruce Bugbee provides proven tools and a conversational approach that will guide you with confidence and competence toward a greater fulfillment of God’s will for your life.

    What You Do Best provides reflection questions for each chapter that help you journal or discuss what you are learning with others, as well as Scripture passages for further study. You’ll learn about the importance and use of spiritual gifts and how to identify the gifts God has given to you. You’ll discover your unique relational style and uncover your life passion. What You Do Best helps you to closely examine yourself, assess your relationship with God, and reflect on what you need in order to thrive as the person you were created to be. You’ll emerge from the process with a greater understanding of God, his purposes, your calling, and your role in this world. Each copy of the book includes access to three online self-assessments that help you to identify your unique spiritual gifts, relational style, and life passion.

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  • Sacred Smallness : Finding Kingdom Greatness In A Fruitful, Hidden Life


    ‘I asked God for a mic, and He gave me a broom!’

    Have you noticed Jesus’ kingdom is upside down? To be first, you must be last. To find your life, you must lose it. To receive, you must give. And to lead, you must follow.

    Jenny Kutz Papapostolou, who accepted God’s assignment to run a children’s orphanage in Greece, knows from experience that to achieve greatness in God’s Kingdom, you must first learn humility.

    In Sacred Smallness, Jenny points out that, while Christian culture often heralds notoriety and wealth as the ultimate success, God is delighted in humble surrender–even when it leads to sacred smallness and holy hiddenness.

    The granddaughter of well-known ministers Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jenny observed firsthand that successful ministry actually begins in servanthood and shares:

    *The best place to be faithful is wherever God has put you
    *God’s measuring stick is all that counts, so don’t compare yourself to others
    *God says you’re precious, so refuse all pressure to be perfect
    *The key to finding quiet, dynamic strength in mustard-seed faith
    *How to identify and remove idols that block you from God’s highest and best

    True excitement and success await in your God-destined place, and it all begins with a heart toward God.

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  • 1st Love : Keeping Passion For Jesus In A World Growing Cold


    Fervent passion for Jesus is often one of the first things to fade as we struggle through the daily grind of life, especially after grappling with disappointments and pain. Yet inherent in Jesus’s call to return to our first love is his promise to help us never to lose it–to have a heart sustained in joy, delight, and passion for him all of our days.International House of Prayer leader Dana Candler shares her own wrestle with weariness and unbelief, and reveals that a heart fully alive in Jesus is not only possible but is the promise and invitation of God’s infinite grace. First Love will guide you to:

    – discover the root of a loss of fervency and live with a persistent hunger to know Jesus

    – successfully navigate relational pain and circumstances that have led to offense, cynicism, and bitterness

    – recognize distractions from the enemy and keep your love for God alive

    – sustain a tender and burning heart that is unquenched in an hour of increasing darkness

    Circumstances change, life plays out, and trials come, but love for Jesus is always to remain alive and provide the fire for your daily walk. The Holy Spirit doesn’t want to only maintain the passion inside of you, but to increase it!

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  • Heaven Here : Experience God’s Glory This Side Of Eternity


    “…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!” – Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27)

    Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often found himself feeling burned out, disappointed, and distant from God–until a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything!

    In his candid, often humorous style, Josh reveals through Scriptural teaching and over 50 miraculous testimonies how near God really is, how His kingdom is already breaking into the earth, and how Jesus desires all believers to daily engage with Heaven!

    In Heaven Here, you will:

    *Learn how to stop working for God, and instead start working with Him
    *Discover the keys to becoming one of Jesus’ closest friends.
    *Better recognize the Holy Spirit’s voice and variety of ways He speaks
    *Uncover secrets to daily hosting the manifest Presence of God
    *Walk in greater authority and power to heal the sick and cast out devils
    *See that nothing is impossible in God’s glory realm, even in this life

    The veil between Heaven and earth has been torn and you are invited to participate with God in demonstrating His miraculous kingdom to the earth. It’s time to discover how close heaven really is!

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  • Good And Beautiful Journal


    James Bryan Smith believes the gospel is about change in our lives today, not just our eternal destiny.

    In the Good and Beautiful Series, he offers a transformative approach to discipleship by placing the focus on who God is, what it means to be a Christian, and what it means to live in community as a part of God’s kingdom. In the introduction to this journal Smith describes the significance of journaling as a part of the spiritual journey.

    As you engage the content from the Good and Beautiful Series, this journal will provide a place to record your thoughts and reflections as God transforms your relationship with him, your community-and you.

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  • Discover Your Gifts Workbook


    Discover your gifts! All of us have gifts that can be used for the common good. The Discover Your Gifts Workbook has sessions on twelve different kinds of gifts, from artistic and technical gifts to entrepreneurial and civic gifts. Every session defines and describes what each gift looks like and gives examples of how the gift can be used in four distinct vocations of life: church, family, work, and society. By using this workbook alongside the Discover Your Gifts book and the EveryGift online inventory, you can grow in your understanding and use of your gifts. And you will be better equipped to recognize the gifts of others and unleash them for use in all areas of life.

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  • Discover Your Gifts


    You have gifts! And you are a gift to the world around you. Because every human is fearfully and wonderfully made, each one of us has something to offer to the world. But we have not always identified or developed our gifts well, nor deployed them effectively. Don Everts explores the gifts God has given every person and what new research reveals about the difference those gifts can make for us, our churches, and our communities. Churches have unfortunately focused mostly on spiritual gifts and vocations within the church. But we don’t always recognize the wide range of abilities, skills, and aptitudes that all of us have, whether civic, artistic, or entrepreneurial. We each have God-given gifts and are called by God to use them in our vocations in the world. Discover how our gifts are a blessing to others and pave the way for reconnecting with our surrounding communities.

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  • Life Under God


    Daily readings to align you with God’s great agenda

    It seems that everyone has an agenda. People have plans, programs, things they want to accomplish, and the way they want to accomplish them. God has an agenda too, something He wants to accomplish His way.

    This agenda, according to Scripture, is God’s Kingdom, which is an alternative to the kingdom of this world. God’s people are not limited by the choices the world offers but are called to live according to God’s kingdom agenda.

    Dr. Tony Evans adapts the core themes of his legacy work The Kingdom Agenda: Life Under God into a format to be read daily–365 devotions to challenge, encourage, and inspire readers to live according to God’s agenda in every area of life.

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  • Hope On The Horizon


    Hope on the Horizon tells the story of Laura Davey, who sustained an acquired brain injury at the age of twelve. The book chronicles the high and low points of being an injured individual, including the many trials she faced and overcame only through the grace of God.

    Through this book, she hopes to serve as an advocate for others who have been affected by a brain injury and shed some light on what people can expect when similar injuries occur in their lives.

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  • Jesus Takes A Side


    Jesus sides with the oppressed. Will you?

    In a world divided by left and right, red and blue, many Christians have upheld a “third way” approach in pursuit of moderation, harmony, and unity. But if Christians are more concerned with divisiveness than with faithfulness, we have failed to grasp the gospel’s political demands. We do not see Jesus taking a “third way” between oppressor and oppressed. And as followers of Jesus, neither should we.

    For the sake of our faith, for the sake of the least of these among us, and for Christ’s sake, Christians need to stand firmly for truth, peace, and justice. In Jesus Takes a Side, author Jonny Rashid lays out the political demands of following Jesus and offers strategies for how to engage politics practically and prophetically–even if it means taking a side.

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  • Lazarus And Me


    Have you ever wondered what happened to Lazarus after Jesus resurrected him from death?

    Lazarus was given an extension of life and time spent on earth. Do you think Lazarus lived a drastically different life after his resurrection? Would you think and live differently if you were given such an opportunity?

    Dr. Asher Chanan-Khan, a world-renowned cancer researcher and clinical oncologist, experienced such a “Lazarus moment” in his very own life when his terminal cancer was miraculously paused, rendering him an extension of life. Now, 15 years later, Dr. Asher ponders upon his living in these “Lazarus moments.”

    Discover how you too can learn about God’s grace in the face of imminent mortality and how the author’s journey in these extended moments of life are purposefully designed to bring glory to his Creator.

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  • Jesus Takes A Side


    Jesus sides with the oppressed. Will you?

    In a world divided by left and right, red and blue, many Christians have upheld a “third way” approach in pursuit of moderation, harmony, and unity. But if Christians are more concerned with divisiveness than with faithfulness, we have failed to grasp the gospel’s political demands. We do not see Jesus taking a “third way” between oppressor and oppressed. And as followers of Jesus, neither should we.

    For the sake of our faith, for the sake of the least of these among us, and for Christ’s sake, Christians need to stand firmly for truth, peace, and justice. In Jesus Takes a Side, author Jonny Rashid lays out the political demands of following Jesus and offers strategies for how to engage politics practically and prophetically–even if it means taking a side.

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  • 30 Life Principles Revised And Updated (Revised)


    In this revised and updated 30-lesson study guide, Dr. Charles Stanley guides readers through 30 Life Principles found in God’s Word that have shaped and changed his life. God has given these principles to guide, comfort, instruct, and teach us how to live triumphant Christian lives. When we open His Word and begin to study these truths, we gain hope for the future and fresh insights into His promises and blessings. We find that life doesn’t have to be a constant struggle–it can be an exciting adventure! This begins with us studying the Bible so we can learn about God, know His ways, and follow His awesome plan for our future.

    Each lesson includes:

    *Key Scripture: The main verse or passage on which the principle is based
    *Life’s Questions: A brief teaching from Dr. Stanley that unpacks the principle
    *What the Bible Says: Bible study questions to help readers explore the principle
    *What It Means: Key takeaways to put into practice
    *Life Examples: Practical questions to help readers apply the principle
    *Living the Principle: A closing teaching on how to live out the principle
    *Life Lessons to Remember: A summary of the takeaways for the lesson

    This revised and updated edition includes new Bible study and reflection questions and a new leader’s guide to aid groups in going through the material together.

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  • Prophetic Integrity : Aligning Our Words With God’s Word


    What happens when prophets are wrong?

    In 2020, many Christians claiming to be prophets said that God told them that Donald Trump would be re-elected as president, which did not happen. What happens when prophets get it wrong? Are there consequences for misleading God’s people?

    In recent years, gross misjudgments among Charismatic Christians claiming to speak for God and moral failures within Evangelicalism have resulted in a crisis of belief. In Prophetic Integrity, bestselling author and speaker, R.T. Kendall gives a warning to those speaking in God’s name and offers a way forward in trusting God despite the failures of the church.

    *Personal accounts of visions and supernatural experiences
    *Good, bad, and ugly examples of modern-day prophecy
    *Seven levels of prophetic gifting
    *Examples of false teachings within open theism
    *Relevant Bible verses and meaningful quotes
    *Thought-provoking questions
    *A call for honesty, vulnerability, and repentance

    Prophetic Integrity is a book for those who believe that God still speaks today but have serious questions about those within the church that identify as prophets.

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  • You Are Free Even If You Dont Feel Like It


    In You Are Free (Even if You Don’t Feel Like It) award-winning campaigner Hope Virgo opens up about her own journey with mental health and illness. With powerful honesty, she relates her experiences from being sexually abused in her youth group when she was just 13 and admitted to a mental health hospital with a failing heart at 17, to feeling like she was ready to end it all at 28 – when a new hope found her after a stranger told her about Jesus.

    This is a raw and relatable memoir, in which Hope candidly lays out how she worked through her rage, hurt, disappointments and doubts, and the power that the Christian faith has had in her life. Sharing what she has learned, Hope’s story is an inspiring look at one woman’s fight to keep going, even in the face of confusion that sometimes God chooses not to heal us – or at least, not in the way we expect – and the ongoing stigma and shame that still follows mental health issues around.

    Featuring interviews with Rachel Hughes, Matt Hogg, Zeke Rink, Jemimah Haley and many more, You Are Free (Even If You Don’t Feel Like It) is an autobiography that will speak to anyone who has struggled with their mental health, in the church and outside of it, and to anyone interested in how the Christian faith can offer hope even in the darkest of times.

    A testimony both to the resilience of the human spirit and to the power of God, Hope’s autobiography is an understanding voice for all those in the midst of their struggles, offering hope and encouragement that they too will find their way on to the path towards healing.

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  • Why Marriage Counseling Fails


    Like life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.

    Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.

    “Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”

    Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:

    *Offers wise instruction
    *Takes an active interest in the couple
    *Offers insight into why problems recur
    *Is willing to work intensively
    *Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutions

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.

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  • Holiness : 30-Day Devotional


    Who are we when nobody’s looking? Do we practise what we preach, or do we take the easy way out and follow the crowd?

    This 30-day devotional, part of the Food for the Journey series, reminds us of what true biblical holiness looks like, and how glorious it can be when fully understood and lived out.

    Exploring passages from throughout the Bible, in this devotional some of the Keswick Convention’s most inspirational preachers – including Don Carson, Jonathan Lamb and John Stott – unpack the bible’s teaching on holiness. In self-contained devotions perfect for a daily quiet time they look at God’s holiness and show us how we can reflect it in every part of our lives

    In a small, slim paperback format, Holiness: Food for the Journey is perfect for carrying around with you and reading while you’re on the go to carve out some quiet time with God. Whether on your commute, over coffee, or during a lunch break, these devotions will help you make Bible reading part of every day. Like all the Food for the Journey books, its undated format means you can start and finish at any time of the year, and work through it at your own pace.

    If you are looking to understand what holiness means for our lives, trying to find more quiet time with God or just want to dig more deeply into what the Bible teaches us about God’s holiness, this little devotional is packed full of wisdom that will help us in the pursuit of holy living and our divine calling.

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  • Rediscovering You : Solving Your Personality Puzzle To Enhance Your Life


    “Who are you?” the Caterpillar asked Alice in Wonderland.

    It’s a question that many of us might ask ourselves. What makes us grumpy one day and cheerful the next? Why would some of us prefer to receive little love notes from our spouse rather than a back rub? What makes some people behave like Energizer bunnies until they collapse? In short, what makes us tick?

    Author Craig Walker sets out to put the puzzle pieces together in Rediscovering You. He merges personality tests, the Enneagram, the Five Love Languages, and the Word of God into one mosaic to provide you with a detailed and accurate self-portrait so that you can see yourself as you truly are, with all of your strengths, weaknesses, and complexities.

    “Decades of conducting counseling sessions taught me that self-awareness is the single greatest leap forward to personal happiness and better relationships,” Craig says. “The Word of God, personality, Enneagram, and love languages honestly answer the question, ‘Who are you?’ Knowing that answer will change everything. It will create a ripple effect across all of your relationships.”

    Rediscovering You uses Scripture to address three areas:

    *Personality, the way we operate day to day
    *The Enneagram, what motivates us to do what we do
    *Love Languages, how we give and receive love

    “This book will speak to those who truly want to learn how to love others as they love themselves, but first, they must learn to love themselves as God sees them,” Craig says. “Taking a deep look into your personality, the personalities of specific men and women throughout Scripture, learning how you are truly meant to be loved, and being honest with yourself will together build a beautiful and unique tapestry of your identity in Christ.”

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  • 1st Love : Keeping Passion For Jesus In A World Growing Cold


    Fervent passion for Jesus is often one of the first things to fade as we struggle through the daily grind of life, especially after grappling with disappointments and pain. Yet inherent in Jesus’s call to return to our first love is his promise to help us never to lose it–to have a heart sustained in joy, delight, and passion for him all of our days.International House of Prayer leader Dana Candler shares her own wrestle with weariness and unbelief, and reveals that a heart fully alive in Jesus is not only possible but is the promise and invitation of God’s infinite grace. First Love will guide you to:

    – discover the root of a loss of fervency and live with a persistent hunger to know Jesus

    – successfully navigate relational pain and circumstances that have led to offense, cynicism, and bitterness

    – recognize distractions from the enemy and keep your love for God alive

    – sustain a tender and burning heart that is unquenched in an hour of increasing darkness

    Circumstances change, life plays out, and trials come, but love for Jesus is always to remain alive and provide the fire for your daily walk. The Holy Spirit doesn’t want to only maintain the passion inside of you, but to increase it!

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  • Dont Scroll : Evangelism In The Digital Age


    The method has changed. The message has not. After 11 years of reaching students on campuses, Brian Barcelona’s world was turned upside down when every public school shut down in March 2020. He wondered if his ministry to students was over until he met two teenagers who challenged him to minister using digital platforms–a method that would not be hindered by the capacity of a physical room, the inability to travel, or a lack of finances, and would have the ability to reach millions in a moment. Don’t Scroll will help you capture the vision for what God can do to authentically reach a new generation through your smartphone, leading others in salvation, healing, deliverance, and even baptisms!

    Through this innovative resource, you will:

    – understand how younger generations think and communicate

    – see instant results of people engaging with your message

    – be inspired by success stories and best practices from those using social media and texting

    – rekindle the fire to share the gospel and what God has done

    Brian now reaches millions online and disciples thousands to Christ monthly, and he will show you how to use the tools in your hand to tell others about Jesus.

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  • Not In It To Win It


    People often use religion to justify their personal views–but Christianity isn’t a weapon we wield to win arguments. Sadly, many Christians today have confused what Jesus came to do and accomplish with political agendas and the latest round of the culture wars. But the message of Jesus transcends cultural skirmishes and political affiliations. It calls us to follow another king and to live by the ethics of another kingdom. Jesus never asked his followers to agree on everything, but he did command them to love their neighbors and exercise their faith for the benefit of others–not at the expense of others.

    Not In It To Win It is a relatable and practical resource that guides readers by focusing on the priorities of Jesus, even as we are navigating the complicated and emotionally-charged terrain of today’s cultural divides and hot-button disagreements. Rather than viewing Christianity through the filter of partisanship, Andy challenges readers to evaluate all of life through the wide-angle lens of faith.

    Jesus called his followers to obey a new command, to love others in the same way he has loved us. Instead of asserting our rights or fighting for power, we are to ask ourselves: what does love require of me? Don’t settle for winning a game that God isn’t playing. Instead seek to live in a way that your life makes a difference for others, showcasing the love of God to the world.

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  • Double Anointing : Lessons To Be Learned From Elisha



    God uses people as they are and will let history determine one’s legacy.

    This book will guide me through the challenges and blessings of receiving God’s anointing so that I can use greater wisdom and discernment of how to properly use a double portion of anointing.

    Next to Moses, Elijah was the greatest prophet of the Old Testament. But he was so human–so much so that James said he was “just like us” (Jas. 5:17). One day he challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and fire fell from heaven. The next day he was running from Jezebel, scared to death. Toward the end of his ministry Elijah selected an unknown person–Elisha–with no obvious qualifications to succeed him.

    Elijah was Elisha’s mentor, but they were different. Elijah was colorful; Elisha was by comparison colorless. But God’s hand was equally on Elisha as with Elijah. In a short period of time Elisha put a bold request to Elijah, asking for a double portion of his spirit. It was granted. But how was this manifested? That is what this book is about.

    The anointing can be manifested in more than one way; we must all discover our anointing and live within it (Rom. 12:3). Elisha’s double anointing was partly in quantity rather than quality. Elijah performed something like seven miracles; some of Elisha’s miracles overlap with Elijah’s. But the total of Elisha’s miracles comes to at least fourteen, including raising the dead, as Elijah did.

    These things said, the two men were different in personality. Elijah ended brilliantly. Elisha ended not only as a lackluster successor to Elijah but in personal disappointment. This is a reminder that not all saintly Christians end their pilgrimage with sensational testimonies.

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  • I Found Love


    From the influential and ever-growing movement I Am Second, a remarkable collection of stories of people searching for and finding love.

    When I Am Second launched in 2008, the organization intended simply to tell stories of lives changed utterly by people placing God first and themselves second. Although the organization has exploded in size and influence since, that original mission has remained the same–and continues to have enormous power and influence today. I Found Love is the highly anticipated new book from I Am Second, gathering together stories of people who searched everywhere for fulfillment and wholeness and found it only when they surrendered to God. People whose stories appear include the following, among others:

    *David and Tamela Mann
    *Jason Castro
    *Sean Lowe
    *Stephen Baldwin
    *Amanda Cooper

    Moving, compelling, and profoundly inspiring, the stories found here remind us that our hearts will always be restless until they find their rest in God and always unsatisfied until we find the love of God.

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  • Finding Joy In The Empty Nest


    When the kids are gone, you can discover a richer, deeper, and more fulfilling life than you ever imagined!

    Whether you’ve been looking forward to it or dreading it, the experience of coming home to an empty nest brings with it a well of emotions, realizations, and one gigantic, all-consuming thought: Now what? As an empty nester, the options before you are practically limitless–a fact that can be as exciting as it is terrifying.

    In this book, Jim Burns combines his personal experiences with extensive research, interviews with other empty nesters, and his professional work as a family educator to help you navigate your new life as an empty nester and find joy in the opportunities for life-change before you.

    Rather than offering shallow suggestions of hobbies you should take up, Burns encourages you to actively pursue a fresh start, reinvent yourself, and thrive beyond this new stage. To help you do this, he equips you with practical advice and timeless principles, including how to:

    *Change the relationship you once had with your children–for the better
    *Face big issues (like aging parents, finances, and kids returning home) with confidence
    *And rekindle your fire and purpose to live with passion day by day

    Amid his wealth of know-how, you’ll uncover what may be the most important takeaway of all: hope that the best is yet to come.

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  • Living Gratitude : 28 Days Of Prayer And Thanksgiving


    Not only are humans born to be generous, we are born in the image of a loving and generous God. And sometimes we need a reminder.These 28 devotionals gathered into four weekly themes, inspire the reader to discover the powerful Christian principles of gratitude, prayer, and faith-leading them back to the generous life they were born to live.The daily readings are written by the diverse group of pastors, business and church leaders, speakers, and authors who make up the Horizons Stewardship Team. Each reading includes scripture, a message containing personal stories and anecdotes, and a challenge to inspire the reader toward the discovery of the powerful Christian principles of gratitude, prayer, and faith-all which will lead them back to the generous life they were born to live.

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  • Reading Black Books


    Learning from Black voices means listening to more than snippets. It means attending to Black stories. Reading Black Books helps Christians hear and learn from enduring Black voices and stories as captured in classic African American literature.

    Pastor and teacher Claude Atcho offers a theological approach to 10 seminal texts of 20th-century African American literature. Each chapter takes up a theological category for inquiry through a close literary reading and theological reflection on a primary literary text, from Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and Richard Wright’s Native Son to Zora Neale Hurston’s Moses, Man of the Mountain and James Baldwin’s Go Tell It on the Mountain. The book includes end-of-chapter discussion questions.

    Reading Black Books helps readers of all backgrounds learn from the contours of Christian faith formed and forged by Black stories, and it spurs continued conversations about racial justice in the church. It demonstrates that reading about Black experience as shown in the literature of great African American writers can guide us toward sharper theological thinking and more faithful living.

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  • Lets Go Deeper



    The only thing holding back the spread of the gospel is the church.

    This book will teach me how to go deeper in my relationship with God so that I may become a more fully developed disciple of Jesus to help bring the gospel to the world around me.

    The Bible tells us there is one true God who sits on the throne of the universe. He is the Creator of everything, and He is worthy of all the praise and honor of the world’s people. Because He is our Creator and the Sustainer of life, He has the right to rule over us and expect obedience.

    In Let’s Go Deeper, J. Lee Grady shares how by revealing Himself to Moses, God demonstrated His true desire to be with us. Even though He is almighty, enthroned in the glory of heaven, He makes Himself accessible and available to those who love Him.

    Join in the journey of discipleship with this practical guide of thirty short and powerful lessons to take you deeper in your relationship with God. This resource will transform your Christian faith and act as a tool kit for those who are new to Christianity. Following Jesus and coming to know your Creator doesn’t have to be difficult; you just have to be willing to take the first step toward Him.

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