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Christian Living

Showing 1001–1100 of 9104 results

  • Promise Code : 40 Bible Promises Every Believer Should Claim


    Do you trust in the promises of God you’ve read in the Bible? Do you live your life by them? In The Promise Code, join trusted Bible teacher O. S. Hawkins as he dives into 40 of those promises, giving them context and meaning. Find the joy and peace that can only come through an understanding of how you can count on God’s promises to be true in your own life.

    Learn how to:

    *Lead a faithful Christian life by believing in God’s promises
    *Draw nearer to God through studying what He says to be true in His Word
    *Experience peace amid life’s troubles

    Each of the 40 entries contains a Bible promise, a reading that illuminates that promise, and a prayer that will stay with you throughout your week, helping you to remember God’s promise to you.

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  • Mortification Of Sin


    In this abridgment of a classic work, The Mortification of Sin, the famous Puritan John Owen shows the need for Christians to engage in a lifelong battle against the sinful tendencies that remain in them, despite having been brought to faith and new life in Christ.

    Owen is very insistent that believers cannot hope to succeed in this battle in their own strength. He sees clearly that the fight can be won only through faith in Christ, and in the power of the Spirit. Fighting sin with human strength will produce only self-righteousness, superstition, and anxiety of conscience. But with faith in Christ and the power of the Spirit, victory is certain. The temptations in times like Owen’s and ours are obvious on every side; the remedy to them is clearly pointed out in this practical and helpful book.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Every Day


    The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional is a pocket-sized devotional offering 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers to strengthen your faith.

    The softcover devotional’s cover features a blazing sun setting over fields of wheat. The title is framed by a gold-foiled frame and is presented in gold-foiled lettering. The subtitle is printed in black letters.

    Pocket Prayers for Every Day
    365 Days of speaking with Jesus and experiencing a closer walk with Him.

    Do you sometimes wonder what you should pray for? Do you long for a richer, deeper prayer life? In this pocket-sized devotional, author Angus Buchan will be your prayer partner as you speak with Jesus through 365 short, powerful, and faith-filled prayers. Pages are printed in one color, and each daily entry features a key Scripture verse accompanied by a prayer to inspire a deeper prayer life. Entries close with pointed quotes for meditation.

    Author Angus Buchan felt God’s calling on his life to spread the gospel and started Shalom Ministries in South Africa in 1980. He spends much of his time writing, recording faith-filled TV messages, and traveling around the world to preach. Angus is a full-time evangelist and sought-after speaker.

    Whether you are in search of patience, peace, joy, or God’s loving grace, the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will guide you as you open up your heart to God and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. The Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional will be a meaningful gift to give to a new believer who needs guidance in prayer or a seasoned believer who needs a fresh perspective on prayer. This year, offer the Pocket Prayers for Every Day Daily Prayer Devotional as Easter or Christmas gifts to family and friends.

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  • Miracle Of Peace


    God has instructed us in the Bible not to worry about tomorrow. It sounds simple, so why is it so difficult to achieve? Why can’t we find peace? Explore what the Bible says about letting go of anxiety and fear and embracing a new way of thinking that brings us into a closer relationship with God.

    Trusted author Jack Countryman and other dynamic people of faith from their thirties to their nineties will share inspiration and hope about the miraculous peace that only God can bring about during the stormiest seasons in life. You’ll be encouraged as you discover how to:

    *Understand God’s plans when nothing seems to make sense
    *Find calm when all around you is chaos
    *Trust that God has you in the palm of His hand

    This beautiful book includes:

    *A presentation page for gift-giving
    *A ribbon marker to keep your place
    *52 meditations about finding peace in a troubled world

    God doesn’t want His loved ones to suffer with worry. As you draw closer to Him, you’ll experience the miracle of peace that is available to you. You only need ask.

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  • Prayer Starters : Talking With God About Hard Times


    This is not a book on how to pray. There are many great books on that topic. Instead, Prayer Starters is a creative, interactive invitation to help you pray right where you are. If you ask a woman if she wants to pray, the answer is almost always yes. If you ask that same believer if she ever struggles to pray, not surprisingly the answer is the same. So, Suzanne Eller has provided the lead-in to 90 conversations with God about the difficult season you’re in, whether in your prayer time or in the middle of the night when there are no words to be found.

    A topical index and space for readers to write in your own words will help you replace the fear of not knowing what to say with the power of simply showing up, trade a list of rules for taking one small step, and stop comparing your prayer life to others’ as you discover the beauty of your own.

    It’s not the longevity of your faith that determines your struggle. It’s the clash between your longing to connect and all the things that seem to stand between you and prayer. Allow this book to draw you into daily, intimate conversations with a God who loves you like crazy.

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  • Evangelio Del Reino – (Spanish)


    En El evangelio del reino, George Eldon Ladd da una explicacion clara y practica del mensaje central del ministerio de Jesus para el lector comun.

    Al evitar discusiones tecnicas y argumentos largos sobre temas de interpretacion, Ladd ha buscado en cambio explicar el reino de Dios y la urgencia de su significado y mensaje para nuestro tiempo. El estudio de Ladd de las parabolas de Jesus y el Sermon del Monte es tan devocional como instructivo. Pocos leeran este volumen sin sentirse profundamente convencidos.

    En palabras de Oswald J. Smith, la explicacion de Ladd del concepto del reino de Dios hara de la Biblia un libro nuevo.

    En este libro encontraras:

    *Un estudio tecnico de la doctrina del reino
    *Estudios biblicos practicos de los muchos aspectos del reino
    *Material devocional
    *Analisis de las parabolas, el Sermon del Monte y otros pasajes claves de la Biblia

    The Gospel of the Kingdom

    In The Gospel of the Kingdom George Eldon Ladd gives a clear and practical explanation of the central message of Jesus’ ministry for the general reader.

    Avoiding technical discussions and long arguments about issues of interpretation, Ladd has instead sought to explain the Kingdom of God and the urgency of its meaning and message for our own time. Ladd’s study of Jesus’ parables and the Sermon on the Mount is as devotional as it is instructive. Few will read this volume without becoming deeply convicted.

    In the words of Oswald J. Smith, Ladd’s explanation of the concept of the Kingdom of God will “make the Bible a new book.”

    *A technical study of the doctrine of the kingdom
    *Practical biblical studies of the many aspects of the Kingdom
    *Analysis on parables, the Sermon on the Mount, and other key Bible passages

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  • Bright Hope For Tomorrow


    Hope is fuel. For Jesus’ disciples, the hope of seeing their risen Lord again, face to face, powered their endurance through persecution, their patience in discipling new believers, and their courage to renounce injustice and sinful passions.

    But have we set aside that fuel because the topic of Jesus’ return is mired in confusion and controversy? Many Christians have lost or overlooked the importance of the Lord’s appearing, resulting in a sluggish, ineffective faith.

    What if there is a way to recapture spiritual momentum? What if we could tap into the apostles’ longing to simply be in the presence of the resurrected Christ without getting entangled in date-setting or disagreements about the Millennium? And what if this fresh hope could drive our daily responses to temptation, affliction, discouragement, and life in a broken world?

    In Bright Hope for Tomorrow, pastor Chris Davis points the way forward. Exploring the return of Jesus on the terms of the New Testament letters, this book looks at portraits of Jesus’ appearing, rhythms necessary to maintain expectancy (including gathering, fasting, and resting), and the practical transformation such anticipation effects. Bright Hope for Tomorrow is not the next new thing. Rather, it is a recovery of what has been lost by end-times studies that have veered into peripheral concerns. Join this return to the gospel center: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

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  • Is The End Near


    When will the insanity end?

    This book will answer your questions about end times issues by examining statements that Jesus Himself made about what was to come. You will be encouraged as you anticipate Christ’s return.

    Both inside and outside the church, people are asking the same question: Is this the end of the world? With a global pandemic that has killed millions; nations spending millions of dollars to update their nuclear weapons arsenals; and an increase in fire, floods, plagues, and other natural disasters, Christians and non-Christians alike are concluding that history appears to be drawing to a close.

    Yet Dr. Michael Youssef says now is not the time to fear. In Is The End Near? Dr. Youssef looks at Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 and 25 about the end of civilization and the coming of the one world ruler and examines:

    *Whether the “birth pains” Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 are signs that the end times are near

    *Evidence for potentially apocalyptic events such as asteroid or comet collisions with earth-events that could trigger unprecedented tsunamis and global darkness

    *Whether it’s possible for Christians to be deceived by the Antichrist and other false messiahs in the end times

    *The four dimensions of the coming judgment

    *How to live in the hope and security of the Lord’s return, even as the world is collapsing around us

    As believers, we don’t have to fear the end. Using God’s Word as our guide, we can look toward the future with hope, because we know the One who holds the future in His hands.

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  • Comfort And Joy


    Comfort and Joy speaks to the heart of those who long for hope and to those who find joy in the sacred celebration of Christ at Christmas.

    Advent is the period in the Christian calendar that culminates in the celebration of the birth of

    Christ. During this holy season of waiting, we reflect, meditate, and prepare our hearts for the coming into the world of the promised Messiah.

    Advent reminds us of our longing for light, comfort, love, and joy, the eternal qualities of God.

    Advent is a time to look within and listen for the voice of God. Advent responds to our deep
    yearning for a closer, more intimate relationship with God through Christ.

    In this book of devotions, you will find:

    *a daily thought
    *a prayer suggestion
    *a study scripture
    *a question for consideration about how God is alive in Christ in your life and in the world.

    As you read the devotional for each day, may you feel the presence of God in Christ in the love that holds you close at Christmas and always.

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  • Awaken Your Call


    Not all intercessors are prophets; however, prophets are called to intercede.

    The daily readings of this book will give you the encouragement you need to move forward in your prophetic gift despite any troubles that may come your way. You will have the bravery and the boldness to shine in my God given gift.

    *Is something stirring inside of you, waiting to be called out, trained, and activated?
    *Are you waiting to use your gift to hear God’s voice and deliver His message?

    In Awaken Your Call, best-selling author John Eckhardt provides thirty days of encouragement and activation as he focuses on the characteristics of prophets and intercessors and their role in our culture and the church. Prophets who have been silenced, misunderstood, mistreated, and even persecuted are being touched by heaven.

    It’s time to restore these watchmen and strengthen them to endure. Discover fresh insights that encourage you in your prophetic gift no matter how difficult the journey becomes. Arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

    Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for saints according to the will of God. (MEV – Romans 8:26-27)

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  • Regreso De Los Dioses – (Spanish)


    Es posible que detras de lo que esta ocurriendo en nuestros dias haya un misterio que se remonte a las deidades del mundo antiguo… y que ahora han regresado?

    El retorno de los dioses es el libro mas explosivo que Jonathan Cahn ha escrito. Este autor es reconocido por revelar asombrosos misterios, muchos de ellos de la antiguedad, que yacen tras los acontecimientos que se desarrollan en nuestro tiempo. Pero con El retorno de los dioses, Cahn lleva a sus lectores a un nivel y una dimension completamente nuevos.

    El misterio involucra a los dioses. Quienes son esos dioses? Que son? Y es posible que esos seres, cuyos origenes se remontan a la antiguedad, sean los invisibles catalizadores de la cultura moderna? Es posible que esos dioses esten detras de los acontecimientos, fuerzas y movimientos mas importantes que ocurren en todo el mundo en este preciso momento? Estan ellos, en este instante, transformando nuestra cultura, nuestros hijos, nuestras vidas y todo el mundo como lo conocemos?

    El retorno de los dioses no es solo uno de los libros mas asombrosos que jamas hayas leido, sino tambien uno de los mas profundos. Esta obra te revelara los secretos y las verdades mas sorprendentes subyacentes a lo que pasa ante tus ojos en Estados Unidos de America y el resto del mundo. Y, sobre todo, veras las cosas desde una perspectiva completamente novedosa.

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  • Kingdom Living : The Essentials Of Spiritual Growth


    Tired of religion? Longing for relationship?

    You’re not alone. Most Christians yearn to grow spiritually, but many don’t know how to begin. Some seek maturity through deeds or doctrine.

    But Tony Evans reminds us that flourishing faith comes from a vibrant walk with Christ.

    “If you are pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ and are passionately committed to bringing Him glory, your spiritual life will grow at a speed you never imagined possible,” says Evans.

    In Kingdom Living: The Essentials for Spiritual Growth, Tony Evans helps us to understand God’s plan for our maturity, addressing topics like conversion, the Holy Spirit, power, and Scripture.

    You’ll discover how:

    *Knowing God better is a passion more than a process.
    *Experiencing God deeper is a matter of the heart first, then the mind.
    *Loving God more is what we do when we follow the God who first loved us.

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  • Extravagant : Discovering A Life Of Dangerous Generosity


    From the senior pastor of New Life Church, a revolutionary book that redefines the notion of extravagance by using the parable of the Good Samaritan to demonstrate how to live a truly compassionate and selfless life of giving freely without expecting anything in return.

    We all know people in our lives who have “yes” faces. They are calm but energetic, present but still purposeful with their time. They are curious. They ask questions. They’re genuine in their desire to know about you-how you’re doing, what you’re up to, how you feel. Even with full lives of their own, they somehow still have the energy to inquire about others. These are extravagant people.

    In Extravagant, Pastor Brady Boyd shows us that by constantly offering up our time, talents, and hearts we can live life more like these exceptional people. Drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, he encourages us to stop living a life driven by selfish desire and start building lasting relationships that will be spiritually fulfilling.

    Discover how to begin this transformation by ceasing to be a passerby and become one who pauses in the course of daily life. By embracing the spirit of generosity, Pastor Boyd shows us that the path to a happier life is by living closer to God’s vision and building a community that will be there in times of need. Timely, thought-provoking, and inspiring, Boyd’s uplifting message of reclaiming your connections to others and being a good neighbor is just the remedy we need in today’s fractured culture and troubled times.

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  • Justice Primer 3rd Edition


    Christians should know that social justice internet mobs are a far cry from truly Biblical justice that accords with God’s law. But we don’t. Biblical justice requires multiple witnesses, matching stories, and objective facts considered by an appropriate authority.

    A Justice Primer is written by two longtime pastors who have worked inside denominations, sessions, and institutions, and who have seen more than their share of controversy where people do not know what the rules are. A whispered conversation is not authoritative. An anonymous comment on a blog is not authoritative. A party of disgruntled church members who “feel abused” is not authoritative. Instead, the key to true justice is due process conducted by wise men who know how to weigh evidence.

    God is justice, and it is because of His justice that Jesus went to the cross. Therefore, we must care about what justice is and how God says to pursue it.

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  • Courage To Heal


    Can you really start over again and have a meaningful life?

    After experiencing deep emotional hurts?

    After struggling with ingrained dysfunctional habits?

    After falling into addiction?

    After making destructive choices that alienate your family and friends?

    Can guilt, shame, and regret ever be healed?

    Many people feel that once they’ve made mistakes or bad decisions, or once they’ve been damaged by others, they can never set their life on a positive course again. If you feel this way, the real answer is that you can.

    Author Tracy Strawberry, wife of baseball great Darryl Strawberry, says it starts with who you are. Both she and her husband have been in that hopeless place and successfully moved past it. Tracy knows what it takes to get free and to stay free in multiple areas of life, and for twenty years, she has helped numerous people do the same. She knows how hard it is to face the daily challenges of moving forward from the past and the consequences it brings. She understands that it takes step-by-step direction, faith, and encouragement to achieve it, and you will find all of that in abundance in these pages.

    This book presents proven, practical, systematic steps for attaining healing from past pain, addictions, and dysfunctional patterns of living. Tracy explains that God does not just evacuate us out of our struggles. It requires a process of change where we learn to make positive and creative new choices. You can live a victorious life by relying on the transformative power of God and actively engaging in the process of change, one choice at a time.

    Your struggles are not who you are-they are what you are overcoming. No matter where you are in life, you have permission to hope and dream again. To dare to image yourself in a better place with a good future. To have The Courage to Heal.

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  • Beyond Welcome : Centering Immigrants In Our Christian Response To Immigrat


    Many American Christians have good intentions, working hard to welcome immigrants with hospitality and solidarity. But how can we do that in a way that empowers our immigrant neighbors rather than pushing them to the fringes of white dominant culture and keeping them as outsiders? That’s exactly the question Karen Gonzalez explores in Beyond Welcome.

    A Guatemalan immigrant, Gonzalez draws from the Bible and her own experiences to examine why the traditional approach to immigration ministries and activism can be at best incomplete and at worst harmful. By advocating for putting immigrants in the center of the conversation, Gonzalez helps readers grow in discipleship and recognize themselves in their immigrant neighbors.

    Accessible to any Christian who is called to serve immigrants, this book equips readers to take action to dismantle white supremacy and xenophobia in the church. They will emerge with new insight into our shared humanity and need for belonging and liberation.

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  • Let There Be Art


    Perhaps in no other way do we more vibrantly reflect our creator than with our creativity. Whether through music, writing, baking, painting, posting on social media, dancing, or any other form of artistic expression within our grasp, we were created to create. Yet, there are times we may be unsure about our art, times when our creating and making doesn’t feel possible or purposeful or practical.

    Rachel Marie Kang wants you to know that your art is not peripheral to life–it is at the very heart of why you exist and what you have to offer to yourself and to the world. In Let There Be Art, she gives you permission to embrace the peace, pleasure, and purpose inherent in your art and in the process of making it. This passionate, creative, and cathartic journey invites you to create truthfully out of the broken and beautiful pieces of your life, as well as offer your heart and your art in hopes of helping a hurting world.

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  • Gift Grows In The Ghetto


    In his classic essay Of Our Spiritual Strivings, W. E. B. Du Bois asks, how does it feel to be a problem? This question has become a means of diagnosing the lived experience of Black men, particularly in America’s most neglected and feared environment: the ghetto. What is often overlooked, however, is the vital role that spirituality has in remedying the problem. A Gift Grows in the Ghetto examines how not being in relationship with one’s gift can lead to feelings of despair, entrapment, and abandonment, all of which contribute to Black men feeling as though they are nothing more than a problem. By utilizing the biblical story of Ishmael’s miraculous survival, growth, and giftedness in the wilderness, the book encourages Black men to embrace a life of faith that is dependent on the God who always sees, nurtures, and is in relationship with us and our gifts in the wilderness and the ghetto.

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  • Things That Matter Most


    Have you forgotten how wondrous life can be? Chris De Vinck offers a timeless collection of wisdom on family, childhood, God, love, compassion, buttered toast, snowmen, Hamlet, Bugs Bunny, bees.

    For anyone who is caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, weary and perhaps a little jaded by all that seems wrong in the world, this is a book that helps us to see again.

    In essays that are warm, evocative, and often amusing, Christopher De Vinck gives us back the eyes of a child, the fresh vision of delight, and a renewed reminder that we are surrounded with awe that we often take for granted. This is a book about living with a perpetual array of treasures: the voices of people we love, the taste of marzipan, the sounds of October geese. This is a book that reminds us to look, smell, see, touch, and listen to what is revealed to us each morning. Chris invites us to realize life as we live it, every minute.

    Reflecting on the joys of family, writing, and education, Chris doesn’t shy away from loneliness, disappointments and regrets. His is a voice that combines both the joys and sorrows of living, speaking with hope and acceptance, and celebrating the power of simplicity in our modern age.

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  • Gift Of Jesus


    This Christmas, discover the gift of Jesus and what He means for your life. What if, in accepting this most precious gift, you are met with His grace and mercy and His peaceful presence? In the midst of chaotic holiday preparations, The Gift of Jesus will remind you that Christmas is a season of joy and renewal.

    In The Gift of Jesus, beloved pastor and teacher Dr. Charles Stanley takes a deeply personal and inspiring look at how God gave us Himself through the birth of Christ. When He sent Jesus, He closed the separation between us, showing Himself to be intimately involved in every detail that concerns us. This book will usher you into Jesus’ presence, reveal His compassionate heart, and help you treasure the best parts of the Advent season. In this book of Christmas meditations, you will:

    *See the Christmas story and God’s precious gift for you with fresh eyes
    *Find the calm in the chaos
    *Carve out time for reflection, prayer, and Scripture readings
    *Know that Jesus is walking with you, whatever you’re facing this Christmas season

    If you’re searching for comfort and direction or if you’d like to embrace together with your loved ones the significance of Christ’s birth, come worship the One who gave everything to walk with you each step of the way.

    Each entry in The Gift of Jesus includes:

    *A thoughtful meditation to illuminate the story of Christ’s birth
    *Guided journaling questions with room to write your thoughts
    *A Gift for Today statement to inspire you throughout the day
    *Lyrics to a beautiful seasonal hymn

    This Christmas season, reflect on the gift of Jesus and all He wants to be in your life.

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  • Doing Nothing Is No Longer An Option


    During a bus ride with a group of fellow college students, Jenny Booth Potter came to a life-changing realization.

    She decided that racism in all its forms–in policies and systems, in organizations and churches, in neighborhoods and families-could no longer be tolerated. And even though Jenny didn’t know what to do about racism, she was certain of one thing: doing nothing is no longer an option. That declaration Jenny made to her peers was more than seven words uttered on a bus. It was a vow, a lifetime commitment to seek racial justice.

    With candor and humility, Jenny shares her very imperfect but relentless journey of growing in awareness of racism, of reckoning with her own white privilege, and of learning how to be an antiracism advocate alongside her young family. If you’re anything like Jenny was on that bus–overwhelmed by the enormity of racism and compelled to do something, but uncertain if you can actually make any difference–then this book is for you. Join Jenny and see for yourself what everyday antiracism looks like.

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  • Praying Like Monks Living Like Fools


    An invitation to an ordinary yet radical way of life, using historic Christian practices as both inspiring vision and practical instruction for how to encounter the wondrous, mysterious, living God through prayer.

    Prayer is the source of Jesus’s most astonishing miracles and the subject of Jesus’s most audacious promises, and yet, most people–even most Bible-believing Christians–find prayer to be boring, obligatory, disappointing, confusing, or, most often, all of the above.

    If you’ve ever felt this way, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is your invitation to trade your conceptions and misconceptions about prayer for prayer in its purest form: a vital, sustaining, powerful connection with God that is more real and alive than you could have ever imagined. In these pages, Tyler Staton–author, pastor, and National Director of the 24/7 Prayer movement–addresses common roadblocks to prayer and gives you the confidence to come to God just as you are.

    Through biblical teaching, powerful storytelling, and insights on historic Christian practices, Staton helps you . . .

    *Express your doubts and disappointments about prayer

    *Discover and practice multiple postures of prayer, including silence, persistence, confession, and more

    *Understand and embrace the wonder and mystery of prayer in everyday life

    *Realize that prayer is a powerful invitation to partner with God in the redemption of a fallen world

    *And, ultimately, open or reopen the line of communication with your Creator and experience afresh his divine power on earth

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  • Valores Del Reino – (Spanish)


    Inestabilidad cultural. Desintegracion familiar. Despotricando en las redes sociales. Narcisismo desenfrenado. La unica forma de luchar contra esta atmosfera toxica de nuestro mundo actual es a traves del caracter. Al vivir los valores del reino en lugar de simplemente sealar la virtud (tratar de parecer que nos preocupamos por todas las cosas correctas), podemos levantarnos y modelar lo que el mundo necesita ver.

    Pero los valores del reino no son solo algo que adoptamos para mejorar el mundo que nos rodea. Vienen con un beneficio, una bonificacion. Vienen con bendiciones. Al alinear tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones con los valores de Dios, recibiras la paz, el consuelo y el proposito que siempre has estado buscando.

    El Dr. Evans brinda ideas basadas en las virtudes biblicas que se encuentran en las Bienaventuranzas, asi como en el resto de las enseanzas de Cristo. Cuando vives la vida a la manera de Dios, demostrando sus valores a quienes te rodean, introduciras un cambio autentico no solo en los demas sino tambien en la cultura. Los valores del Reino son contagiosos. Pasalas.

    Cultural instability. Family breakdown. Social media ranting. Unchecked narcissism. The only way to fight against this toxic atmosphere of our world today is through character. By living out kingdom values rather than merely virtue signaling (trying to appear like we care about all the right things), we can rise up and model what the world needs to see.
    But kingdom values aren’t just something we embrace to improve the world around us. They come with a benefit–a bonus. They come with blessings. By aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with God’s values, you will receive the peace, comfort, and purpose you’ve been looking for all along.

    Dr. Evans provides insights based on biblical virtues found in the Beatitudes as well as throughout the rest of Christ’s teachings. When you live life God’s way, demonstrating His values to those around you, you will usher in authentic change not only in others but in the culture as well. Kingdom values are contagious. Pass them on.

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  • Where Is God In This


    Life is unfair. Bad things happen to good people. Not all dreams come true. We lose people. We fail people. And when we encounter the inevitable struggles of life, we may be tempted to ask God Why me? as we try to reconcile our pain with God’s promises. But a far more helpful and life-enriching question for us to ask God is What are you trying to teach me in this?

    Tackling ten common struggles, such as isolation, fear, rejection, failure, insecurity, temptation, and more, Landra Young Hughes shows you how to have peace even when life doesn’t make sense. Speaking with great empathy born from her own losses and years in ministry, Hughes doesn’t suggest you “get over” your hard times. Instead, she helps you recognize that, while you will always live in a broken world this side of heaven, your pain has much to teach you about God and yourself. With her empathetic help, you’ll discover how to grow through grief and thrive despite adversity.

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  • Your Divine Invitation


    After years of discontent, feeling a lack of the Holy Spirit’s power and believing for healings and miracles, Frankie Mazzapica was fighting insomnia one night when he decided to look for a book that would put him to sleep.

    He downloaded Power from on High: What It Is and How to Obtain It by Charles Finney for his e-book reader. However, rather than sleeping, he stayed up and kept reading until he finished the book early the next morning.

    Frankie says Finney’s book made him realize that “power from on high” is something that God wants for every believer. He decided to write Your Divine Invitation: Access the Holy Spirit to Complete Your Assignment to help Christians everywhere discover that power.

    “The belief that only a small few are selected to receive supernatural power is a fallacy. God knows that before we have anything to offer, we must have His power,” Frankie says. “We have the same assignment the disciples did. If they needed power then, we need power now.”

    Frankie’s mission statement is, “I live to walk with the Lord and share His love and His power.”

    His conviction is that Jesus’ three-year ministry, where teaching and miracles attracted seekers and built disciples, is the model for today’s church. Believers should not rest until the same power displayed in the life of the Lord’s disciples is present in their lives.

    Your Divine Invitation includes practical steps every believer can take to position themselves to receive God’s promised endowment of power.

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  • Wild About You


    Are you looking to reignite the spark in your relationship? Hoping to deepen your relationship with your spouse and with God? Join beloved bestselling authors John and Stasi Eldredge as they guide you through Wild About You, 60 days of uplifting devotions that will lead you to a life of passion, freedom, and adventure, all while strengthening your hearts for each other.

    Wild About You gracefully blends timely Scripture readings, devotions inspired by Captivating and Wild at Heart, and heartfelt prayers designed to draw couples closer together and help them discover who God created them to be.

    No matter what season of life and love you and your spouse are currently walking through, Wild About You has something for every couple. With a deep understanding of the hearts of men and women, John and Stasi are here to support you with their practical and loving advice.

    Throughout the 60 days of thoughtful, encouraging devotions in Wild About You:

    Men will:

    *Recover their masculine heart by better understanding what makes them come alive
    *See themselves in the image of an intentional God
    *Delight in their deeply spiritual longing–the strength and wildness that all men were created to experience

    Women will:

    *Discover that their heart matters more than anything in all of creation
    *Catch a glimpse of the beautiful life God has in store for them
    *Understand that there is hope and that they can be restored and healed of any pain in their past

    Couples will:

    *Get to know one another better than ever before
    *Strengthen their faith together, one step at a time
    *Rediscover their love and passion for each other

    Learn firsthand why Wild About You is the go-to devotional resource for couples who want to get (and stay!) wild about each other. Let your journey to hope and healing begin today.

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  • Jesus Listens Note Taking Edition


    When your days feel overwhelming and your life is anxious and stressed, you can find peace and hope in Jesus. In Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition by Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling, you’ll find a 365-day devotional prayer book with Scripture and space on each day to write your thoughts and prayers. Each entry helps you find confidence to come to God in all circumstances with short, heartfelt prayers based on Scripture.

    God desires a relationship with you through continual conversation–prayer. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition can serve as your prayer journal, empowering you to pray daily, whether it’s your only prayer for the day or simply a jump-starter to your own prayers.

    Jesus Listens is ideal for those who:

    *Are going through difficult times and looking for rest and hope
    *Are busy with life’s demands, but want to grow their prayer life
    *Are not sure how to pray
    *Have been praying for years but want a closer relationship with God

    The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God’s promises in Scripture. Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition includes:

    *Space on each page to record your personal reflections and prayer lists
    *365 days of Bible-based prayers
    *Scripture references with emphasis on words quoted directly from the Bible
    *A beautifully designed interior
    *A ribbon marker to hold your place

    Whether you gift Jesus Listens Note-Taking Edition or pick it up yourself to establish a more consistent prayer practice, this devotional journal will greatly enrich your prayer. By praying Scripture through this daily devotional prayer book, you’ll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains.

    This special edition is sure to be a favorite. The cover has a striking, contemporary yet classic design, along with written-out Scripture verses, and journaling space on every page.

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  • Miracles By The Moment


    Are you tapping into the miracles that God promised you?

    This book will change my perspective of God to see that no matter what the enemy or the world throws at me, He has given me thousands of promises to overcome these obstacles.

    For forty-five years, Larry and Tiz Huch have been teaching believers how to access the promises God has given in His Word. They have shared keys for activating, receiving, and releasing miracles, and taught principles of faith and prayer to help believers reach God’s great destiny for their lives.

    But in the last three years, the Huchs have gained an even deeper revelation of how to overcome the enemy’s attacks and access God’s promises as they walked through two life-altering traumas–and two life-altering victories. Both Tiz Huch and the Huchs’ seven-month-old grandson, Lion, were diagnosed with aggressive forms of cancer and faced grim prognoses. But God had the last word!

    In Miracles by the Moment, pastors Larry and Tiz Huch share their journey through one of the most challenging seasons of their lives and how they walked out, moment by moment, the foundational principles of prayer and faith they’ve lived by and taught for years. Drawing lessons from the Huchs’ journey as well as others who walked through different circumstances, this book offers hope and encouragement for those facing various types of challenges–in their families, marriages, finances, careers, or health.

    Sometimes breakthrough comes in the form of one giant miracle. More often, it comes in the form of thousands of small miracles that add up to huge breakthroughs! We don’t have to beg God to help and bless us. He already has! This book will teach readers what God promises us and the steps they can take to enter into those promises.

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  • Thrill Of Orthodoxy


    Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy–to seek out the jolt that comes with false teaching, and to drift with cultural currents.

    And so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith.

    In The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Trevin Wax turns the tables on those who believe Christian teaching is narrow and outdated. Returning to the church’s creeds, he explains what orthodoxy is and why we can have proper confidence in it, and lays out common ways we can stray from it. By showing how heresies are always actually narrower than orthodoxy–taking one aspect of the truth and wielding it as a weapon against others–Wax beckons us away from the broad road that ultimately proves bland and boring, and toward the straight and narrow path, where true adventure can be found.

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  • Divine Dispatch : Discover, Develop And Deploy Your Kingdom Assignment


    Only you can do what He sent you to do.

    Throughout the Bible, God sent people like Joseph, Deborah, David, Jesus and Paul to accomplish His purposes on the earth. You, too, were born with a divine and distinct assignment to make a difference. Yet most of us have trouble recognizing what that actually is–let alone living it out day-to-day.

    Filled with practical insights and tangible takeaways, this book will help you discern how the Lord has uniquely equipped you–and for what purpose. You’ll also learn how to master and maximize your gifts and discover how to joyfully carry out His call on your life each and every day.

    You were created to become a force of change in the lives of others–to reform, transform, ignite hope, solve problems, and bring healing and deliverance. It’s time to find and fulfill the reason you are here.

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  • Say Goodbye To What Holds You Back


    God thinks you can do anything–do you believe it?

    As women, we tend to shoulder the burdens of our family, friends and work–not to mention the heaviness of world events. As a result, we often feel overwhelmed, stuck, full of fear, believing we are never enough. We unknowingly build walls that hinder us from thriving in who God created us to be.

    Sharing from her own story, author Krissy Nelson helps you identify the twelve most common walls that hold women back. Diving into biblical stories and truth, she gives you the spiritual and practical tools to see those walls come crashing down, rediscover a vibrant life of joy and move forward from weary survival to daily revival through Jesus.

    You were created to flourish in any storm or season of life. It’s time to break down your barriers and step confidently into all God has for you.

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  • Single Just Because


    Why are you single?

    Just because.

    However we answer that question, what’s more important than why we are single is how we live as singles. Regardless of our relationship status, all of us are called to a life of vital discipleship. And walking with God can reshape singleness into a pilgrimage of transformation.

    Pilgrim and podcaster Bridget Gee shares her singular journey of vibrant life in the kingdom of God. Her travels have become a personal pilgrimage of walking with God and others, experiencing spiritual formation in the ups and downs of literal mountains and valleys. She explores her longings and hopes in vulnerable narratives, navigating issues of identity, community, mental health, dating, sexuality, and more.

    Gee invites us into a purposeful story of following Jesus in life not as we think it might be, but as it really is. The pilgrim journey takes us places we did not expect to become people we did not know we could be.

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  • Join The Resistance


    An awakening has been happening across our society.

    People increasingly recognize how long-standing, systemic issues have prevented many from flourishing. But often Christians are not sure how best to engage. Does it help to march and hold signs? What can we do to contribute and not further complicate things?

    Faith-rooted justice advocate and activist Michelle Ferrigno Warren equips Christians to join Christ’s restorative work in the world. In nearly three decades of experience, she left much of her privilege to work alongside the poor and marginalized in the restoration of individuals and communities, collaborating with community leaders, marching in streets, and meeting with and speaking truth to power. She says, How you show up is just as important as showing up. From the grassroots to the grass tops, Warren invites us to understand our place in this moment and learn from those who have gone before: the poets and prophets who call us to resist oppression and injustice.

    Biblical, historical, and contemporary examples give us ways to walk in God’s righteousness, truth, and peace. We can better understand our shared solidarity, persevere in the midst of struggle, bring people along, and remain rooted in joy as we continue the good work of kingdom justice.

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  • Wandering Toward God


    Is it wrong to doubt? Many Christians assume that doubt is faith’s opposite and that wandering among the hard questions of faith will lead us further and further away from God. True believers, the assumption goes, never waver in their confidence in the fundamental truths of the Christian faith.

    Professor and philosopher Travis Dickinson disagrees. Instead, he says, our doubts and hard questions about the faith are actually an important way we can express our commitment and love to God. Doubt isn’t our destination but it’s an important step on the way. It’s possible to wander toward God as we ask our questions honestly, in faith and trust. As we do, we’ll discover the truth, goodness, and beauty of God waiting for us.

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  • Cultivating Mentors : Sharing Wisdom In Christian Higher Education


    Many colleges and universities informally highlight the value of mentoring among academic professionals.

    Yet scholars often lack clear definitions, goals, practices, and commitments that help them actually reap the benefits mentoring offers. As new faculty members from younger generations continue to face evolving challenges while also reshaping institutions, their ability to connect with more experienced mentors is critical to their vocations–and to the future of higher education.

    In Cultivating Mentors, a distinguished group of contributors explores the practice of mentoring in Christian higher education. Drawing on traditional theological understandings of the mentee-mentor relationship, they consider what goals should define such relationships and what practices make their cultivation possible among educators. With special attention to generational dynamics, they discuss how mentoring can help institutions navigate generational faculty transitions and cultivate rising leaders. Contributors include:

    *David Kinnaman
    *Tim Clydesdale
    *Margaret Diddams
    *Edgardo Colon-Emeric
    *Rebecca C. Hong
    *Tim Elmore
    *Beck A. Taylor
    *Stacy A. Hammons

    This book offers valuable insights and practical recommendations for faculty members, administrators, and policy makers. Whether pursuing their vocation in Christian or secular institutions, Christian scholars will benefit from the sharing of wisdom mapped out in Cultivating Mentors.

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  • Embracing Rhythms Of Work And Rest


    In our frenzied culture, the possibility of living in balanced rhythms of work and rest often feels elusive. This rings especially true for pastors and leaders who carry the weight of nonstop responsibility. Most know they need rest but might be surprised to find within themselves a deep resistance to letting go and resting in God one day a week, let alone for longer seasons of sabbatical.

    The journey to a meaningful sabbath practice is slow and gradual, and it is a journey we need to take in community. Sharing her own story of practicing sabbath for the past twenty years, Ruth Haley Barton offers hard-won wisdom regarding the rhythms of sabbath, exploring both weekly sabbath keeping as well as extended periods of sabbatical time.

    Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest grounds us in God’s intentions in giving us the gift of sabbath, providing practical steps for embedding sabbath rhythms in churches and organizations. Each chapter concludes with What Your Soul Wants to Say to God, an opportunity to reflect and engage God around your own journey with the material. Sabbath is more than a practice–it is a way of life ordered around God’s invitation to regular rhythms of work, rest, and replenishment that will sustain us for the long haul of life in leadership.

    Includes a conversation guide for small groups and communities.

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  • Art Of Advent


    Join Jane Williams on a reflective journey from Advent to Epiphany, and discover the timeless wisdom to be found in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

    Illustrated in full color with nearly forty famous and lesser-known masterpieces of Western art, this beautiful devotional will lead you into a deeply prayerful response to all that these paintings convey to a discerning eye during Christmas time and beyond.

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  • Return Of The Gods


    The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

    The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?

    Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself?

    Could this mystery have even determined the exact days on which Supreme Court decisions had to be handed down?

    What is the Dark Trinity? Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?

    Who is the Possessor? The Enchanter? The Destroyer? And the Sorceress? Could a sign that has appeared all over America and the world be linked to the gods of Mesopotamia? And if so, what does it actually mean?

    Could the gods have returned to New York City and an ancient mythology played out on the streets in real time? Is it possible that the gods lie behind everything from what appears on our computer monitors, our televisions and movie screens; to the lessons given in our classrooms; to the breakdown of the family; to wokism; to the occult; to our addictions; to the Supreme Court; to cancel culture; to children?s cartoons; to every force and factor that has transformed the parameters of gender; to that which appears in our stores, on our T-shirts, and on our coffee mugs—to that which is, at this very moment, transforming America and much of the world? Is it possible that behind all these things are ancient mysteries that go back to the Middle East and ancient Mesopotamia? This and so much more, most of which we can?t even reveal in this description, will be uncovered.

    Is it possible that the gods are even affecting your life right now? How can you recognize it? And what can you do about it?

    The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you?ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In this companion study guide, learn to intentionally love the people in life that are more difficult to love with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    In this companion study guide to Loving People Who Are Hard to Love, Joyce Meyer teaches us that everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it-and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

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  • Loving People Who Are Hard To Love


    How do you love the people in your life who are hard to love?

    We’re never going to be able to prevent people from saying or doing things that hurt our feelings. We will always have opportunities to get offended. But if we do things God’s way, we can choose to save ourselves a lot of misery and hardship. This doesn’t mean we allow people to abuse us. No, there is a time for confronting people and dealing with situations. However, the Bible commands us to love our enemies and forgive those who have wronged us, even when it feels impossible.

    Everything the Lord asks us to do in the Bible is ultimately for our good. In fact, when we choose to love our enemies and forgive those who have hurt us, we are actually helping ourselves more than anyone else. Because whatever the Lord commands us to do, He is going to give us the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it–and that includes loving and being good to difficult people! God’s love flowing through us is strong enough to melt even the hardest hearts, so use kindness as a weapon to overcome the meanness in people.

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  • Expecting Emmanuel : Eight Women Who Prepared The Way – An Advent Devotiona


    Journey through Advent and Christmas with the women of Jesus’ family line.

    Christmas is about so much more than twinkle lights, sugar cookies, and perfect family photos. It’s about the world-changing, transforming, and sometimes messy reality of “God with us.” As we dive deep into the biblical accounts of Jesus’ female ancestors and reflect on God’s presence in their complicated lives, we can begin to release our expectations of a “perfect Christmas” and instead seek the experience of a holy season.
    Through invitational spiritual practices and reflections, this daily devotional centers the stories of five women in Jesus’ genealogy–Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary–plus three additional female figures connected to Jesus’ early life in the days leading up to Epiphany. You will also find resources for exploring the lives of these women in worship, small group, and retreat settings. This Advent and Christmas season, step into the true power of the Incarnation as we journey together to the manger and encounter the omnipotent God who has come to us in the vulnerable Christ-child.

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  • Stand In Confidence


    Culture, church, and life have sold us narratives about who we’re supposed to be as women. If we play the part well, we gain love, acceptance, validation, and significance. When we don’t know which role to play from one day to the next, we sink in insecurity. We feel driven to people-please, downplay, settle, and perform. In all this, we accept less than the abundant life Jesus died to give us.

    Amanda Pittman, founder of Confident Woman Co., explains how we can rewrite our damaging self-beliefs with the truth about our God-given identity by establishing the Four Components of Confidence:

    *Clarity-Embrace our identity and define our design
    *Connection-Connect with God and connect with others
    *Competency-Develop our ability and expand our capacity
    *Conviction-Know our responsibility and use our authority

    With a new perspective and focus, we will stand confidently upon the finished work of Jesus and live boldly in our Christ-given callings.

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  • Heaven Rules : Take Courage. Take Comfort. Our God Is In Control.


    Two words are sometimes all it takes to upset and overwhelm us.

    Treatment options, work layoffs, election season, pandemic spikes, family trouble, car repairs. They take up so little room, just two little words, and yet they can fill the whole day, the whole house, our whole lives with anxiety and fear.

    Heaven Rules is the two-word answer for every two-word worry. The promise we need for every wave of trouble, every assault on our peace of mind. Heaven’s rule is God’s rule: His rule over nations and nature. His rule over renegade viruses, cancer, and concerns about your marriage, your kids, your job, and everything else. The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that’s taking place here on earth. He’s reigning over each tear and scar and crisis and conflict. Heaven is ruling, always ruling. That doesn’t mean we won’t experience distress, but it does mean we can find a refuge by looking upward and letting His peace rule in our hearts.

    Using the timeless book and example of Daniel as a guide, author Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reveals how seeing our lives and world through the lens of Heaven’s rule can shield us from panic and give us renewed hope and perspective.

    Job worries. Deadline pressures. Deep regrets. Culture wars. There will always be alarms screeching. But two simple words can quiet them, calm our fears, comfort our hearts, and give us courage to press on: Heaven Rules!

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  • No Reason To Hide Workbook (Workbook)


    Keep Swimming Against the Tide of a Sinking Culture

    In No Reason to Hide, bestselling author Erwin W. Lutzer examines the culture-wide spiritual freefall that has left Christ-followers misplaced and targeted. Now with this companion workbook, he leads you deeper into the chaotic tides of today, preparing you with biblical responses for the harmful effects of an aggressively secular society.

    Take a closer look at the battleground issues Christians face and prepare to compassionately minister to those who believe differently. As you journey through this study, you will be:

    *empowered to withstand the cultural tsunami and remain faithful to God, no matter the cost

    *alerted to the trends that undermine Christian convictions and values, and prepared to effectively proclaim the truth

    *reminded that God is present with us in every challenge, helping us to not only survive but thrive in a hostile world

    In a culture where we as Christians can no longer afford to remain silent, the No Reason to Hide Workbook will encourage and equip you as you take a bold stand for faith in today’s wayward world.

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  • No Reason To Hide


    Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous?

    In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. From bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, No Reason to Hide examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall–and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

    As you read, you’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today, including:

    *identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite
    *cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war
    *progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings

    A call for believers to standing firm in today’s oppressive world, No Reason to Hide is a rallying reminder that will ready Christians everywhere to have the courage to proclaim Scripture’s truth to a culture in desperate need of what only God can offer.

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  • Fighting Your Battles


    Today’s Struggles Build Tomorrow’s Strength

    In life’s difficult moments, we each must resist the temptation to surrender to the challenges before us. We find refuge when we remember that the God we serve fights our battles alongside us–and when we feel we can’t carry on, we can take heart knowing that it’s through times of turmoil that God is equipping us to grow and draw closer to Him.
    In Fighting Your Battles, author, speaker, and former NFL fullback Jonathan Evans will show how you can face every hardship with strength and hope, confident that God never lets your experiences go to waste. You’ll understand what it means to:

    *see the “giants” you are facing from God’s point of view
    *relinquish self-reliance and depend completely on God
    *progress toward the purpose you were created to fulfill

    This is the book you want in your hand when you’re in situations you can’t manage alone, asking questions you could never answer on your own. Fighting Your Battles will give you biblical encouragement, support, and perspective, empowering you to follow God into victory.

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  • Jesus Followers : Real-life Lessons For Igniting Faith In The Next Generati


    The daughter and granddaughter of Billy Graham offer a warm and inspiring glimpse into their family life, sharing stories that reveal spiritual wisdom and practical insight for raising the next generation of Jesus Followers.

    In order to instill truth that leads to genuine faith, parents and grandparents must be intentional. Using the metaphor of a relay race, Anne Graham Lotz and her daughter, Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright, demonstrate how the baton of faith is passed through our witness, our worship, our walk, and our work. Within the framework of Anne’s exploration of biblical characters from Genesis 5, Rachel-Ruth tells family stories that will encourage, inspire, and motivate Christians to follow hard after Jesus and to develop their children and grandchildren into Jesus Followers.

    For example, Rachel-Ruth describes how her grandmother, Ruth Bell Graham, poignantly demonstrated the value of praise amid pain. She discusses her own challenges in parenting against the cultural trends and reveals the unforgettable way her own father taught her about God’s grace. With each chapter, Rachel-Ruth mines the family memory album for inspiring examples of how to live out our highest priorities in everyday situations.

    While some stories are funny, some heart-wrenching, others awe-inspiring, each snapshot conveys a spiritual truth along with an application that will help you continue, or begin, building a legacy of authentic faith.

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  • Entertaining Angels : True Stories And Art Inspired By Divine Encounters


    Have you ever had a moment when you were certain angels were protecting you, comforting you, holding you close? Or perhaps in a time of need, you’ve longed for a reminder that God’s angels are nearer than we know. Experience amazing stories of the angels among us in Entertaining Angels, alongside art that will remind you clearly of the words of Scripture: Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2).

    Popular fine artist, writer, and philanthropist Anne Neilson has personally experienced the presence of God’s angels. In her newest book, Entertaining Angels, Anne and several guest contributors share thought-provoking, moving, and inspiring stories of their own angel encounters. You’ll be comforted and encouraged as each entry recounts a story of an angel among us–accompanied by gorgeous original angel paintings by Anne, Scripture, and reminders of God’s love in the promise of the angels around us.

    Inside, read personal stories from guest contributors including:

    *Kathie Lee Gifford, actress, author, and singer

    *New York Times bestselling author Ron Hall

    *Singer-songwriter Sheila Walsh

    *Award-winning country music artist Jimmy Wayne

    *Tracy Kornet, NBC anchor in Nashville, Tennessee

    *Cheryl Scruggs, author and host of Thriving Beyond Belief podcast

    *Gwen Smith, host of the Graceologie podcast, coach, speaker, and author of I Want It All and Broken into Beautiful

    *Anne Ferrell Tata, author and politician

    Known for painting with both passion and purpose, Anne is committed to donating to those experiencing homelessness and poverty in our world, ensuring that Entertaining Angels will continue to give back for years to come. Let the compelling heartfelt stories and the beauty of Entertaining Angels inspire you to become more present to the divine encounters in your own life.

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  • Love Pray Listen


    There’s no doubt that your parenting role changes drastically when your kids become adults. You are deeply invested in and affected by your adult children’s choices. Parents whose children choose difficult–even seemingly wrong–paths deal with heartache, disappointment, and the danger of strained or severed relationships. You need a robust theology for long-term parenting gleaned from the discipleship model Jesus exemplified, one that will carefully and thoughtfully apply his way of expressing love.

    Mary DeMuth has written a gracious, practical resource for wisely navigating the rocky terrain of family conflict. In this book, Mary will help you gain a better understanding of your new parental role, find reassurance that you are not alone, develop practical ways to move forward, and discover a clear path for growing in your own spiritual maturity during this phase of parenting.

    Leaning on the truths of 1 Corinthians 13–the “love” chapter–the book reveals that your changing role is not the end of joy. It is an invitation for spiritual growth and a path toward fulfilling relationships with your adult children.

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  • On Our Knees


    Rediscover the joy, power, and intimacy of prayer in On Our Knees, a forty-day devotional that illuminates the power of being with God-inspired by Dove Award-winning worship music artist Phil Wickham’s hit song “Battle Belongs.”

    Phil Wickham’s On Our Knees: 40 Days to Living Boldly in Prayer explores biblical stories from Genesis to Revelation to learn about prayer from the heroes of our faith, including Moses, King David, and many more. How did these “heroes of the faith” pray? How did Jesus teach us to pray? Each entry in On Our Knees helps readers establish their own daily prayer routines, ultimately encouraging the lifelong practice of prayer as a means of connecting with and better understanding God. The devotional includes a suggested passage of scripture and Phil’s reflections on the reading, a daily prayer and prayer practice to encourage spiritual growth, and a set of reflection questions to help the reader go deeper in his or her prayer journey.

    This devotional highlights:

    *Jesus’s teachings on prayer
    *Prayer as the foundation for faith
    *Finding intimacy with God
    *Following God’s path for our lives
    *Praying with boldness and courage, while also in humility and honesty
    *Letting go of anxiety and fear

    On Our Knees brings readers into a deeper intimacy with Jesus, encouraging a habit of prayer that can last a lifetime and cultivate a closer relationship with God.

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  • Holy Hygge : Creating A Place For People To Gather And The Gospel To Grow


    Women were made to give life–and they can do that right in their own homes.

    Hygge [hue-guh] has become a cultural buzzword. When many read about this Danish practice, their shoulders lift in excitement, then fall in exhale. In a culture of rush, hygge appeals to their desire for rest–for slow living, shared moments, and fostered friendships. Hygge has strong ties to beauty, contentment, and well-being. It’s warm and inviting. Hygge is the opposite of hustle. It eschews abundance. It savors. It takes things slow and envelopes you in sanctuary. Hygge is home. When you sit in a comfy chair by the fire, that’s hygge. When you arrange a fresh bouquet of wildflowers on a bedside table, that’s hygge too. Candles, soft furnishings, natural light, fresh-baked pastries, intimate gatherings with friends–these are what come to mind when you think of hygge. But hygge can be so much more.

    In Holy Hygge, author Jamie Erickson unites the popular Danish practice with the deep, theological truths of the gospel. She unpacks the seven tenets of hygge: hospitality, relationships, well-being, atmosphere, comfort, contentment, and rest. In addition, Erickson shows how the external veneer of a lifestyle can create a life-giving home only when placed under the hope of the gospel. Holy Hygge provides practical ideas for using hygge to gather people and introduce them to faith in Christ. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions, Scripture references, and a prayer.

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  • Prayer Power : 40 Days Of Learning To Pray Like George Muller


    Prayer is the master key that opens the door to the blessings of God. It opens the heart, opens possibilities that are impossible by natural means, and opens the door to God’s presence.

    Through a particular and persistent kind of prayer, peace and power flow from God into our lives. The problem is that many people have an experience of prayer that is dull, unimaginative, and lacking power. Their prayer yields few answers and little peace.

    Jesus’s disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Hearing Jesus pray, they knew that they needed to learn how to pray on a deeper level in order to see the miracles and transformation of persistent prayer. In the same way, we need to learn the conditions of prayer that prevail so that we can walk in faith, expect answers, and give thanks even before prayer is answered.

    In Prayer Power: 40 Days of Learning to Pray Like George Muller, author Brent Patrick McDougal invites you to take a forty-day journey to discover that kind of prayer.

    Each day features a teaching from Scripture and a story from the life of nineteenth-century pastor George Muller, one of the great heroes of our faith. Over a lifetime of ministry, Muller launched multiple orphanages that cared for more than 10,000 children. But not once did he ever ask for donations. Instead, he prayed as each need arose.

    Prayer Power teaches everyday people of faith how to pray with the faith of George Muller, expecting answers because our good God is waiting to meet and reward those who seek Him.

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  • Brain Washed : Overcome Toxic Thoughts And Take Back Control Of Your Mind


    Every mental struggle, from toxic thoughts and self-doubt to depression and unforgiveness, can be traced back to Adam and Eve’s fall. After growing up with a drug-addicted father and mentally unstable teenage mother, Manny Arango knows the power our thought life has and the incredible power of the gospel to fully transform our minds.

    With his signature energizing style, Manny illuminates a path from default ways of thinking to having a free, confident, and renewed mind in all of life’s circumstances. By first identifying toxic thoughts and habits in your life, you will be able to overcome unhealthy thought patterns and adopt the mind of Christ. You can walk in secure confidence in who God made you and his plans for your life, moving from independence to intimacy with God, from insecurity to a strong identity, and from isolation to interdependence with others.

    Win the battles taking place in your mind and take every thought captive under the authority of Christ–for good.

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  • Breath As Prayer


    Find hope amid anxiety through the spiritual practice of breath prayer in this beautifully illustrated and practical guide to connecting body, mind, and spirit during times of stress.

    Breath as Prayer will lead you through the practice and the proven health benefits of Christian breath prayer: intentional prayers centered around Scripture that focus our minds on Christ as we calm our bodies through breathing.

    Breath as Prayer offers:

    *More than 80 breath prayers focused on Scripture, along with brief meditations
    *Gorgeous original full-color illustrations
    *A quick-start how-to guide to refer to as needed
    *Guidance on how to implement a breath prayer practice
    *The science behind breath work and prayer and why it works
    *An invitation to reflect on the effect of breath prayers on your body

    With a beautiful foil-accented cover, Breath as Prayer is an ideal gift for:

    *Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or fear
    *Grief and anxiety support groups
    *Prayer groups and prayer ministries
    *Men and women looking for new avenues for connecting with God
    *Teens and young adults dealing with stress and anxiety
    *Adult baptism and confirmation

    God created our bodies, minds, and spirits to be intimately connected with one another. Purpose-filled breathing is one of the most effective, calming ways to integrate all aspects of who we are, especially during times of intense stress. Breath as Prayer invites you to the crossroads of Christian contemplative practice, Scripture, psychology, and science to deepen your faith, bring peace to your body, and discover a new reliance on Christ.

    Breathe deeply, lean into God’s Word, and discover why every breath can be an invitation to pray.

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  • Whole And Healthy Family


    All parents want their children to thrive, but what does that actually look like? And what does it take to get there? In The Whole and Healthy Family, Jodi Mockabee shares her parenting philosophy, one that encourages the equipping of each unique child to be able to function as a whole person so that they can enter adulthood as physically, spiritually, and mentally healthy individuals. Developed over years of research and personal practice, Jodi’s whole-person and whole-family approach shows you how to:

    – understand your personality and those of your spouse and children
    – create a simple, wholesome home environment
    – make healthy and nourishing meals
    – stay active as a family
    – prioritize spiritual growth and serving together
    – affirm and bless one another
    – and more

    Whether you’re just starting your family or have been in the parenting trenches for a while and are looking for a fresh alternative to the way you’ve been doing things, Jodi can help you create a family culture that allows for the flourishing of every family member in mind, body, and spirit.

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  • On Asking God Why


    God does many things we do not understand, but that doesn’t keep us from wanting to understand. When faced with suffering, sickness, death, and confusion, most of us want to know why? Beloved writer Elisabeth Elliot knew too well this feeling of uncertainty. But she also knew that God is faithful to answer us in our distress.

    On Asking God Why offers honest insights into many of today’s most prevalent heartaches, including sickness and death, family issues and loneliness, aging and hopelessness. Chapter by chapter, this insightful book will remind you that God invites his children to lay our questions before him–because in him we will find every answer we need.

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  • Letter To The American Church


    In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer’s prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.

    “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
    Not to speak is to speak.
    Not to act is to act.
    God will not hold us guiltless.”

    Can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as godly meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle.

    The author of a bestselling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Metaxas reveals the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. Echoing the German martyr’s prophetic call, he exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil.

    An attenuated and unbiblical “faith” based on what Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace” has sapped the spiritual vitality of millions of Americans. Paying lip service to an insipid “evangelism,” they shrink from combating the evils of our time. Metaxas refutes the pernicious lie that fighting evil politicizes Christianity. As Bonhoeffer and other heroes of the faith insisted, the Church has an irreplaceable role in the culture of a nation. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable.

    Silence is not an option. God calls us to defend the unborn, to confront the lies of cultural Marxism, and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom. Confident that this is His fight, the Church must overcome fear and enter the fray, armed with the spiritual weapons of prayer, self-sacrifice, and love.

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  • God Isnt Finished With You Yet


    When life is tough and we seem to have reached a dead end, it’s easy to feel as if God has given up on us.

    We’re not alone in feeling like this. Catherine Campbell vividly retells the stories of real people from the Bible with difficult and sometimes painful lives, who struggled to see God’s path for them.

    *Abigail was trapped in marriage to a fool.
    *John Mark ran away from his friends.
    *The Samaritan woman faced shame in the society of her day.
    *Judah sinned against Tamar and Joseph.
    *Simeon and Anna had the challenges of old age.

    But God hadn’t finished with any of them.

    With Life Lessons reflections to encourage us to respond biblically to our own life circumstances, and questions for personal reflection or group discussion, Catherine Campbell helps us see what the Bible tells us – God isn’t finished with you yet!

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  • Marriage Aint For Punks


    Marriage is a bond that requires hard work from two people in order to achieve happiness–find all the tips and tools to a happily-ever-after, using the guidance of a trusted relationship expert.
    Beloved marriage counselor Pastor Cal Roberson captivates millions of viewers with his eccentric personality and unabashed yet effective marriage advice–and Marriage Ain’t for Punks is no different.

    This book is a relationship game changer. It’s a straightforward and unapologetic dive into why people fail or struggle at one of the most popular and sought-after unions in society. Even though some marriages look like a hot mess, don’t give up hope, because it is transparency, honesty, and downright fearlessness that make a great marriage. A good relationship is about refusing to allow pettiness to destroy the loving connection that partners truly seek to find with each other. Those with healthy marriages are not weaklings. They are not quitters. They know that Marriage Ain’t for Punks!

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  • From Horror To Hope


    Behind every testimony is an army of God’s warriors.

    After reading this book, you will appreciate those who have dedicated their lives to preaching the Gospel, and you will empathize with those imprisoned by human trafficking as you see how God can redeem their lives.

    Project Rescue was no grand strategy of a lone abolitionist who set out to stop sex slavery twenty-five years ago. Instead, courageous men and women of God in different cities of Southern Asia and Europe were led by the Spirit to take Jesus and hope to their cities’ darkest streets and victims of sex slavery. These pioneers had little in common to bring to this battle. But each one was marked by a daring willingness to obey God’s voice and a relentless belief that women and children in prostitution were indeed in the heart and plans of God. What made them different in the anti-trafficking space is that they decided to do the journey together, not alone.

    Project Rescue network ministry leaders have learned together, prayed together, shared resources, fought hell on behalf of God’s violated sons and daughters, and celebrated the hard-won victories of rescue and restoration together. These leaders asked themselves early on, “If organized crime can work together around the world for evil purposes of greed, injustice, and exploitation, why can’t good people – God’s people – work together across denominations, organizations, and borders for God’s great purposes of justice, freedom, and healing?”

    In From Horror to Hope, Grant shares Project Rescue’s inspiring story of a growing collaborative movement to bring hope, restoration, and freedom to generations of trafficked women and their children around the world. But even more, it’s the grand story of God’s great love for victims of sexual exploitation and His amazing power to redeem and restore their lives.

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  • Fully Human Fully Divine


    Fully Human, Fully Divine is an invitation to an embodied Advent. Over the course of four weeks, it encourages us to embrace the experience of the Advent season fully, with our whole selves and remember that Jesus showed us what it meant to be both fully human and fully divine. It challenges us to live right here, right now as we await the birth of the Christ Child, the embodiment of God’s presence in our midst.

    During a season that can often become stressful and overwhelming, we are rarely permitted time to be present in our own bodies. We forget that our bodies are blessed and consecrated. God did not create the body to bring us doubt or shame, instead, God created us as living, breathing human beings who have the ability to live wholly-body and spirit together.

    In this book, the author, Whitney Simpson, suggests practices that will help us focus on the body God created and embrace what it means to be fully human. By letting go of external demands and giving ourselves permission to be present as we listen for God in our lives, we can learn what it looks like to notice and pay attention to our bodies.

    Each chapter covers one week of Advent and each week focuses on one of the following themes: Slow Down and Hope, Simplify for Peace, Sit with Joy, and Savor God’s Love. Within each week are a rotation of daily practices including breath prayer, mindful movement, lectio divina, visio divina (which utilizes beautiful, colorful works of art each week), Christian meditation, creative contemplation, and practicing presence.

    The book also includes tips on contemplation beyond Christmas, suggestions for small groups and small-group leaders, and advice on creating safe sacred space for small groups.

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  • Whole And Healthy Family


    All parents want their children to thrive, but what does that actually look like? And what does it take to get there? In The Whole and Healthy Family, Jodi Mockabee shares her parenting philosophy, one that encourages the equipping of each unique child to be able to function as a whole person so that they can enter adulthood as physically, spiritually, and mentally healthy individuals. Developed over years of research and personal practice, Jodi’s whole-person and whole-family approach shows you how to:

    – understand your personality and those of your spouse and children
    – create a simple, wholesome home environment
    – make healthy and nourishing meals
    – stay active as a family
    – prioritize spiritual growth and serving together
    – affirm and bless one another
    – and more

    Whether you’re just starting your family or have been in the parenting trenches for a while and are looking for a fresh alternative to the way you’ve been doing things, Jodi can help you create a family culture that allows for the flourishing of every family member in mind, body, and spirit.

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  • 360 Coach : A Biblical Approach To Coaching The Heart Mind And Body


    Do you long to be connected to a global community of coaches who desire to live out the Kingdom of God in every area of their lives? Begin the journey now with 360 Coach. This 10-lesson study guide takes you through a biblical approach to coaching the heart, mind, and body. Through video teaching, discussion questions, and relevant scriptures, 360 Coach is designed to grow you as a disciple of Jesus, give you a new purpose for coaching, and, in turn, empower you to impact the coaches and athletes around you.

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  • Make A Break For It


    Bill Purvis had to be left for dead before he discovered that everything he was searching for could be found in Jesus Christ. As a teen, Purvis nearly died when stabbed three times by a pimp during an encounter with a prostitute. With his pericardium sac pierced, liver punctured and his jugular vein completely severed, he cried out to Jesus, who miraculously saved his life. In the more than thirty years since that day, he’s built a large church and become a leader and mentor to many.

    Make a Break for It is a transformational road map meant to guide you by helping you pinpoint where you need to start and then providing detailed step-by-step guidance on how to successfully and continuously cultivate the transformation God has in mind for you. Your life will truly be transformed as you discover the importance of alone time with God, the secret to keeping your own excuses from holding you back, the significant role mentors play in your success, how to handle betrayal, and how to cultivate traits like integrity and humility. You have all of the tools you need to break out of the mold and begin living the life God called you to!

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  • Hope For Ukraine


    Part narrative, part wartime dispatch, Hope for Ukraine–written by the father of an adopted Ukrainian son–transports you into the gritty reality of war-torn Ukraine and the frontlines of God’s miraculous intervention. From the refugee camps and border crossings to the homes of Ukrainian residents whose neighborhoods are being bombed–to the microvan full of orphans fleeing Russian tanks–these stunning firsthand accounts prove that nothing, not even the fear and horrors of war, can separate us from the miracle-working love of God.

    Along with sharing dramatic “boots on the ground” stories, this book also takes you into the heart of the conflict, revealing the spiritual implications of Russia’s invasion, what the responsibility of the Church is, and what the Holy Spirit is saying in these unprecedented times. As the world holds its collective breath, God has a redemptive plan–for Ukraine, for those displaced by war, and for you. It’s time for the Church to rise up in boldness and take our place in his unfolding story.

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  • Running Into The Fire


    We are the answer to America’s growing darkness.

    After reading this book, you will have the keys you need to be a vibrant participant of the political system to see laws and policies passed that will positively affect generations for God’s purposes.

    In Running Into the Fire, Terri Hasdorff draws from her more than twenty years in politics to reveal how people of faith can effectively influence government and push back against the liberal socialist agenda.

    In addition to revealing how the rise of super PACs and massive marketing machines are getting unqualified and corrupt candidates elected, this book gives clear-cut direction for how people of conscience can get involved in politics, whether they are soccer moms with limited resources or multimillionaires capable of making sizeable campaign contributions. Sharing advice for finding and supporting honest candidates and ensuring contributions go to campaign needs and not bloated consultant salaries, Hasdorff also reveals:

    – How to make a difference as an average citizen,
    – What to know before running for political office, and
    – How to give in the most effective way.

    All is not lost. People of faith really can make a difference in their communities and the nation, but they must get involved in politics. If they don’t, the country could be in for years of darkness. This book will reveal practical ways they can affect change starting now.

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  • Water For The Way


    The journey that God’s people are called to make to the cross with Christ is not an easy one. Each year we spend forty days in reflection upon all the seasons of wilderness we know we will experience in our lives, or have already experienced. The wilderness makes us thirsty and weary, but we know we do not journey alone. Christ carries and sustains us on our way. Experience the thirst-quenching, soul-refreshing sufficiency of Jesus in a new way this Lenten season as you walk in community toward the cross with Water for the Way.

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  • Christians Secret Of A Happy Life


    Is your life all you want it to be? Or do you find yourself wishing for more? More peace. More presence. More happiness.

    Hannah Whitall Smith–believer, rebel, and realist–faced life as she found it, and she found it good. Despite the trials of life, she took God’s promises literally, tested them, and found them true. She stepped out of conjecture into certainty, and the shadows of life disappeared in the light of God’s power and peace.

    You, too, can have that kind of confidence–confidence that leads to true happiness no matter what is going on around you.

    In this classic book with more than 10 million copies sold, Smith reveals the secret to replacing unhappiness and uncertainty with serenity and confidence in every day of your life.

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  • Elusive Grace : Loving Your Enemies While Striving For God’s Justice


    The United States is suffering through a season of social and political division unseen since the Civil War. Unrest over long-standing social (especially racial) injustices are confronting new, antidemocratic perspectives and practices. So much is at stake. Will this country fulfill or abandon its historic commitment to equality and civil liberties? Can a nation so divided come together again?

    These questions cut to the core of the beliefs articulated by Christian communities. How can we as people of faith reconcile the call to participate in God’s ongoing struggle for justice while not losing our souls to hatred? How can we love our enemies in this time? Scott Black Johnston believes that there is a way to pursue this difficult work and that people of faith can light the way. He encourages us to recommit to our highest principles–our virtues–and to turn hearts poisoned by cynicism into instruments of love.

    From his pulpit in midtown Manhattan, just one block from Trump Tower, Johnston has a unique perspective on the ideological discord tearing at the nation’s fabric. From there, he raises a moral voice that beckons us to become better neighbors, better citizens, better human beings. He calls for the church to model robust advocacy for justice, without denying the full humanity of those on the other side of the argument.

    This provocative book brings the wisdom of Scripture into conversation with such diverse minds as Emily Dickinson, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ayn Rand, and Mister Rogers. Johnston’s prose is by turns erudite and poignant, yet always insightful. He offers not just words of hope but a prescribed course of action for individuals and communities alike, as we look to mend our souls and restore our civic life.

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  • Then They Came For Mine


    Black Americans’ resilience during centuries of racially-motivated violence is beyond remarkable. But continuing to endure this harm allows for generations of trauma to fester and grow. Healing has to be the priority going forward.

    For decades, Tracey Michae’l Lewis-Giggetts clung to her upbringing in the church, believing that racial reconciliation would come through faith and discipline, being respectable, and doing what’s right. But when her cousin became the victim of a white supremacist’s hateful rampage, her body and soul said, “no more.”

    The trauma of America’s racial history, wreaking havoc on not only Black and Brown folk but white people too, in its own way, will not be alleviated without the will to face it head-on. We must name the dehumanization that plagues us, practice truth-telling and self-care, and make space for our vulnerability–to do the hard work of healing ourselves and our communities.

    This book is written with that healing in mind. It unpacks how American systems and institutions enable the kind of violence we’ve seen connected to white supremacy and nationalism. It examines the way media has created a desensitization to violence against Black bodies. It outlines what it looks like for a person who claims to follow Jesus to be anti-racist. But more than anything, it offers a blueprint for healing and reconciliation that includes the necessity of white people untangling from an ancestral mandate of colonization and false notions of supremacy, and Black and Brown people reckoning with the impact of trauma and feeling free to grieve in whatever way grief shows up.

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  • Making Room In Advent


    Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

    What if we stopped and listened to the movement and unfolding of God’s plan around us? Making Room in Advent is an invitation away from the chaos and into the space where God is at work.

    The unfolding of God’s plan often happens in unlikely spaces, both in Scripture and in our own lives. Join Bette Dickinson as she moves through the story of Jesus’ birth and the stories of the many people that were part of the journey. Each page is filled with an original painting that will fill you with hope and wonder during the Advent season. The twenty-five devotionals offer spiritual practices, breath prayers, and reflection questions that allow you to truly make room for God’s work in your life, your community, and the world.

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  • Arise And Climb The Mountain



    Arise, and Climb the Mountain is an opportunity to join Sharon on her inspirational faith journey of discovering renewed hope and purpose. With the beautiful Adirondacks as a backdrop, Sharon recounts God’s love and faithfulness on her trek through life’s mountainous terrain. Be encouraged and equipped to conquer your own mountains with powerful biblical truths and the Holy Spirit as your guide.

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  • Hold That Thought


    You’re not good enough.

    You need to try harder.

    Everything’s fine!

    These are the sorts of voices that we all have in our heads, and they often push us to act in ways that are both unhelpful and unsustainable. How do we quiet these narratives? More importantly, amid the chatter, how do we hear the voice of God?

    Gem Fadling helps us identify the competing voices and shows how they hinder our personal transformation. Drawing on years of spiritual direction and leadership at Unhurried Living, she shares her wisdom of how we make sense of inner voices and settle down enough to find our true voice.

    Using the discussion guide in the back of the book, groups can discuss the competing voices that they experience within their own souls and learn to notice, discern, and respond to the movement of God in their lives. When we find our true voice, we can let go of the striving and people-pleasing and rest in the presence of God and his plan for our lives.

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  • Winning At Home


    Combining the expertise of credentialed counselors, coaches, and pastors, Winning at Home offers clarity in the midst of chaos on hard-hitting topics like mental health, technology, sexuality, and identity, for parents who are trying to raise children from a faith-based perspective.

    Winning at Home tackles the tough topics that are rarely addressed from the church pulpit. Understanding that parents need tools to help them navigate the pressures of raising children in the twenty-first century, this book will look at parenting children with mental health concerns, sexual identity issues, and substance abuse issues, as well as discussing how to handle technology well. In addition to tackling difficult topics, this book also encourages parents to set boundaries and launch children into adulthood well. It is designed as a manual that lets parents flip straight to the section that addresses a current need, making it a valuable resource for those who want to raise children who will honor God in the midst of challenging situations and a toxic culture.

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  • Up From The Ashes


    Dinah Hodgson looks like she has it all-perfect husband, three great kids, ??fulfilling volunteer work. But behind the American-dream persona, Dinah carries dark secrets in her subconscious, ready to spill out.

    How is your here-and-now? Are you struggling with issues that are overwhelming, with no end in sight? Are you, like Dinah, pressing on, fully cognizant that even the most “perfect” life doesn’t always feel so perfect?

    In Up from the Ashes, Dinah recounts her journey of reclaiming her destiny as God brings her through restoration. Surprisingly, He leads her to reexamine her tumultuous childhood. Delving into her story, Dinah describes not only how she received healing from her dysfunctional background and recovered her destiny, but provides valuable insights into how others can be healed and reclaim their stolen destinies too. Using Scripture, Dinah offers key principles to uncover and dismantle spiritual and emotional captivity so individuals can experience the life Christ secured for them.

    God can do the unimaginable in your life if you’re willing to let Him. If you allow Christ to redeem the territories of your heart, you too can be led up from the ashes into a life of abundant blessing. Let this insightful book be a roadmap for your journey.

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  • Triumph Of Beauty


    This last year exposed the anger and fear of the world. It also exposed the trajectory of humankind away from God, against his Church, and into increasing darkness–with the darkest hours still ahead. But the Lord has an unexpected answer for the rise of ugliness and violence.

    Here International House of Prayer leader David Sliker gives believers hope for the times to come. God’s merciful answer to the world’s rage is a beautiful, unified Church, one that counters anger with kindness and mercy, loves its enemies, and overcomes bitterness and offense. David also shows how we can lay hold of the Lord’s beauty via revelation and transformation. When we do, we will love like he loves. We will endure without despair. We will display his works. We will boldly, tenderly, and lovingly stand for his truth. And we will rise up as his Bride, whose beauty eclipses the darkness.

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  • Art Of Christmas


    A star, a stable, angels, shepherds, kings and, at the heart of it all, a mother and her baby. . .

    Jane Williams’ meditations on the birth of Jesus take you deep into the story of the original Christmas, as depicted in some of the world’s greatest paintings.

    These profoundly perceptive reflections on the different ways in which artists have imagined the nativity will deepen and refresh your appreciation of the real meaning of Christmas, and the message of love, joy, and peace that it speaks to all the world.

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  • Crazy Joy : Finding Wild Happiness In A World That’s Upside Down


    Best-selling author Mary Katherine Backstrom knows that life is a wild ride, and happiness fluctuates with our circumstances. Happiness is considered a destination, but the finish line is constantly moving-when we get married, find that dream job, move away from home, have a baby, build a dream house, etc. We are promised that a happy life is tied to these milestones.

    But what if society has it wrong? What if happiness isn’t the goal at all?

    With her trademark candor and hilarious storytelling, MK paints a picture of a different life-one bursting with a force that is far more sustainable and vibrant: joy.
    Crazy Joy will help readers:

    1. Identify and reject ridiculous expectations that society has placed on their lives.

    2. Liberate their hearts from the comparison prison and feel content in their current circumstances.

    3. View themselves, inside and out, as the masterpiece creations they are.

    4. Find joy (and dare we say, laughter!) in the middle of life’s biggest messes.

    Witty and refreshingly honest, MK invites her readers to embark on a counter-cultural journey toward a life filled to the brim with contentment, humor, and most importantly, Crazy Joy.

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  • God Who Stays


    Have you ever felt adrift and alone after losing a job, a dream, a loved one, or your sense of purpose in life? In The God Who Stays, Matthew West uses stories and Scripture to encourage you that wherever you are and whatever you’re going through, God is right by your side–and nothing can separate you from His love and grace.

    Through the dramatic events of 2020 and the ensuing uncertainty and anxiety ever since, people’s lives and illusions of security have been turned upside down. Whenever our plans, hopes, and dreams are put on hold–or worse, lost forever–we feel discouraged, lost, and isolated, and desperately praying, “God, where are You?”

    Matthew West’s newest book, The God Who Stays, is an engaging and thoughtful exploration, balanced with his trademark wit and humor, that helps us reconnect to the biblical truth of Immanuel–“God with us”–a personal Savior who never leaves our side and who always answers when we cry out for help.

    The God Who Stays contains:

    *An exploration of the character of the God who faithfully travels with us through every season of our life

    *Encouragement in a time of isolation and anxiety that many have been experiencing

    *Personal stories, experiences, and discoveries from Matthew’s own faith journey

    In his most personal book yet, join Matthew on a spiritual journey of rediscovery and revival inspired by the words of his hit song “The God Who Stays.” Renew your faith and find rest and healing through biblical truth.

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  • When Faith Meets Therapy


    The power of faith intersects with the practicality of counseling in this unique partnership of a faith/worship leader and a therapist as they offer a pathway for readers to find help, hope, healing, and freedom while navigating life’s struggles.

    No one is immune from life’s difficulties, yet many people are reluctant to talk about mental health or seek professional help when they are struggling. People of faith who are battling issues such as anxiety, depression, life changes, stress, or relationship problems may suffer in silence, believing things will get better if only their faith was stronger, they prayed more, or they had more self-discipline. The stigma about needing to seek help is all too real.

    But seeking professional help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that someone is serious about moving forward emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Written by producer, artist, and author Anthony Evans, along with licensed psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser, When Faith Meets Therapy:

    *dispels the cultural myths and stigmas that surround professional therapy;

    *shares stories from the authors’ personal experiences and from others who are facing life’s challenges; and

    *provides practical steps that readers can take in the pursuit of emotional, relational, and spiritual progress.

    Anthony and Stacy met five years ago when he was seeking emotional and relational healing of his own. Stacy led Anthony through a process of internal renovation and continues as his personal therapist.

    When Faith Meets Therapy contains priceless, practical knowledge to break stereotypes that surround therapy while also offering immeasurable hope and encouragement.

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  • Worried About Everything Because I Pray About Nothing


    Say Good-bye to Stress and Burnout, and Hello to Peace and Purpose

    What comes to mind when you think about prayer? Does it feel like something for holy people but not for you? Or like a mystical experience you could never hope to achieve in real life? Or maybe just a boring duty with little payoff.

    In this book, author and pastor Chad Veach demystifies the concept of prayer by explaining in practical terms what prayer looks like in our day-to-day lives. It turns out, it’s not hard! This passionate, personal approach to prayer removes the pressure to “pray right” and replaces it with the calm assurance that God wants to hear from us and respond to us in love.

    Along with building a case for the importance of prayer, Chad uses stories and compelling insights from the Bible to give practical advice for how to make your prayers more effective. He highlights where we can and should pray and offers tangible strategies to implement a praying lifestyle within the busyness of modern life.

    Prayer works! Here’s how to connect with God just like He’s always wanted.

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  • Dare To Follow


    Let Jesus Lead You on the Ultimate Adventure

    Following God isn’t just a one-time decision–it’s a daily journey! Dare to Be authors Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant have written this 100-day devotional guide to help you turn your focus from today’s distractions and onto the One who says, “Follow me.”
    Find soul-deep encouragement as you identify the specific, personal ways God is calling you to draw closer to Him. Dare to Follow will lead you to uncover…

    *what strongholds remain in your heart that need to be handed over to God
    *how the spiritual fruits produced by your life reflect your walk with Christ
    *what influences you need to “unfollow” so you can better follow Jesus
    *how you can remain obedient to God even on the days you don’t hear His voice
    *how and where will you lead the people who follow you

    Your future may be unknown, but your direction is certain! With room to journal and reflect, Dare to Follow will inspire you to joyfully walk in the footsteps of Jesus, allowing Him to lead you in every area of your life.

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  • 1 Minute Prayers For Women With Cancer


    More than a survivor, thriver Niki Hardy offers this book of bite-sized devotions, Scripture verses, and prayers to help women cope with the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that comes with cancer.

    Niki Hardy had already lost her mom and sister to cancer when she received her own diagnosis of rectal cancer. She decided early on that she wasn’t going to put life on hold simply because the dreaded C-word had become part of her personal lexicon, and she doesn’t want you to miss out on anything God has for you, either.

    With wisdom, insight, empathy, and yes, a little humor, Niki helps you transform fear into faith and navigate the ups and downs of your cancer journey. You can experience God’s peace and provision during this challenging time.

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  • Resilient Hope : 100 Devotions For Building Endurance In An Unpredictable W


    Discover a life of resilient hope and develop the endurance you need to keep moving forward in life–one mountain at a time–through this 100-day devotional journey from bestselling author, speaker, and activist Christine Caine.

    Christine learned from the joys and setbacks of hiking California’s mountains that endurance is key to finishing any difficult climb. Drawing on life lessons from those mountain trails, Christine offers Resilient Hope for times when . . .

    *You’ve had one disappointment after another

    *Life isn’t turning out like you expected

    *You need encouragement to keep moving forward despite the fatigue, stress, or pressure you face

    *You want to stay focused on God and his purpose for your life

    *You are looking for the courage to do what seems impossible

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  • Plenitud De Vida – (Spanish)


    En este recurso, Ben Bennett y el autor de best sellers Josh McDowell combinan la sabiduria ganada con esfuerzo y pasion juvenil para presentar principios biblicos, probados por el tiempo y respaldados por la investigacion, para superar las heridas, las luchas y los obstaculos para vivir una vida en todo su potencial, el tipo de vida para el que has nacido.

    Supera tus luchas. Realiza tus anhelos mas profundos. Toda tu vida te espera.

    Hoy en dia, muchas personas luchan con niveles de ansiedad, dolor, duda, culpa y verguenza sin precedentes. Los profesionales de la medicina y la salud mental confirman que gran parte de la disfuncion y la desconexion que experimentamos en la vida proviene de heridas relacionales y emocionales no resueltas. Estas heridas nos dejan con anhelos dados por Dios insatisfechos que tratamos de satisfacer mediante comportamientos y relaciones poco saludables. Sin embargo, nuestras luchas no son aleatorias; son seales que, cuando se atienden, pueden allanar nuestro camino hacia una vida prospera.

    En Plenitud de vida Josh McDowell y Ben Bennett te invitan a un viaje hacia la sanidad y te ensean a superar los comportamientos no deseados al lidiar con tus anhelos insatisfechos. Con una mezcla de sabiduria ganada con esfuerzo y energia juvenil, presentan:

    *Enseanza biblica
    *Investigaciones neurocientificas recientes
    *Principios probados con el tiempo
    *Historias personales de liberacion
    *Herramientas practicas
    *Oportunidades de reflexion

    No importa con que estes luchando, es posible experimentar la plenitud espiritual, emocional y relacional que Dios quiere que tengas, y vivir la vida prospera para la que fuiste creado ..

    Free to Thrive

    In this resource, Ben Bennett and bestselling author Josh McDowell blend hard-won wisdom and youthful passion to present biblical, time-tested, and research-supported principles for overcoming hurts, struggles, and hindrances to living a whole life–the kind of life you were born to live.

    Overcome your struggles. Fulfill your deepest longings. Your whole life awaits you.

    Many people today are struggling with unprecedented levels of anxiety, hurt, doubt, guilt, and shame. Medical and mental health professionals confirm that much of the dysfunction and disconnectedness we experience in life stems from unresolved relational and emotional hurts. These hurts leave us with unfulfilled God-given longings that we seek to fulfill through unhealthy behaviors and relationships. Yet, our

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  • Military Guide To Disarming Deception


    The world is caught in the middle of what the army calls “asymmetrical warfare,” involving mass media disinformation, government psychological operations, social media censorship, and other sophisticated mind-control techniques. All signs and events are pointing to the end times, and if we don’t pay attention to what we are up against, we can be swept away by it.

    In this enlightening book, Colonel David J. Giammona and journalist Troy Anderson inform and prepare you to navigate the propaganda, disinformation, and deceptive ideologies that have infiltrated the church and society. Through their profound insights, you will be prepared to:

    * combat the demonic deceit, duplicity, and deceptiveness
    * discern fact from fiction for current events and what your role is
    * military and spiritual intelligence disciplines to become an on-fire disciple of Christ

    Time is running out to renew our commitment to the Lord, to make the church stronger, to fulfill the Great Commission. Armor up and get battle ready!

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  • Embracing Trust : The Art Of Letting Go And Holding On To A Forever-Faithfu


    Trusting God. It’s such a cliche. Yet nothing means more to our heavenly Father than when we surrender our lives completely to him and choose to believe he has our best in mind. David modeled that kind of deliberate dependence: as a shepherd boy, as a man running for his life, as a king who made grave mistakes. In both triumph and failure, David looked to God rather than to himself.

    In Embracing Trust, Joanna Weaver, bestselling author of the runaway hit Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, shares personal stories, practical tips, and life-changing principles gleaned from Scripture. If you struggle with disappointment from the past, frustration with the present, or fear of the future, Joanna invites you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Relinquishing control and putting your hope in a forever-faithful Father–that’s the beautiful secret of unshakeable faith.

    Includes a 10-week companion Bible study.

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  • Fresh From The Word 2023


    Fresh from the Word 2023 aims to help us build the discipline of Bible reading into our lives so we are grounded in God’s word and our faith may deepen and develop. By offering accessible and engaging material, it aids our understanding of the Bible and helps us understand it from different Christian perspectives.

    One of the key themes in this year’s edition is ‘Hidden Heroes & Heroines’, characters in the Bible who are overlooked but play a pivotal role in the unfolding of the Kingdom. As we read their stories, we may be encouraged that our lives, though they sometimes feel insignificant, are indeed being used by God in ways possibly beyond our imagining!

    The book also explores the different types of literature in the Bible. A number of the international and diverse community of writers who have contributed their wisdom, understanding and hard-won insights to encourage and bless us, unpack passages written in each particular style. And so we learn how we might safely interpret poetry, law, prophecy, narrative or apocalyptic. The hope is that these reflections – and indeed the complete volume – will will help us see revealed that which was previously hidden from us.
    Contributors this year include:

    Terry Lester, who writes on the Judges of Israel. Terry has been an Anglican priest in Cape Town for almost four decades and currently serves in Constantia. A vocal advocate for justice, he is engaged in projects aimed at restoring dignity and building reconciliation in his fragmented community.

    Immaculee Hedden, who writes on Healing Divisions in the Old Testament. She and her husband Richard are the authors of Under His Mighty Hand, the story of how she survived the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The couple are currently based in Rwanda, serving in healing and counselling support ministry with YWAM.

    Jane Gonzalez, who writes on Celebrations. Jane is a Roman Catholic laywoman and an active member of the Justice and Peace Group.

    Joshua Taylor, who writes on The God of all Comfort and Mercy. Joshua is an Anglican Priest in New Zealand, where he and his family have been exploring what it means to be a family following the way of Jesus.

    Louise Jones, who writes on Lord of the Sabbath. Working for an embedded, community-based organization (Newbigin Community Trust), Louise has a passion for empowering, resourcing and loving those who have slipped through the cracks of our systems, in order to help people see their immense value and worth in J

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  • Its On The Way


    Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church and sister to Joel Osteen, Lisa Osteen Comes, demonstrates how to keep an attitude of faith in discouraging times and to trust God in every season.
    At times, we all find ourselves in seasons of waiting-for our dreams to be fulfilled, our prayers to be answered, or our circumstances to change. But your dream has an appointed time and God always has victory in store for you. And the seasons of waiting don’t need to be periods of discouragement or hopelessness. Instead, they can be rich periods of joy, growth and preparation for the plans and promotion that God has in store for you.

    In It’s On the Way, Lisa Osteen Comes reminds readers that during these inevitable times in our lives, God is faithful and our current season is temporary. Lisa teaches readers how to press through challenges, quit taking shortcuts instead of trusting God to give you His best, allow God to fight your battles, and silence the enemy within, while giving encouragement and practical steps to take when you don’t know what to do next.

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  • Strong In Battle


    Your battle is real, but Jesus has won the war

    What you believe determines how well you’ll fight. Your understanding of who God is and who you are in His Kingdom makes all the difference when the enemy attacks, whether he’s coming after your health, your finances, your relationships, or anything else. And though it sometimes seems like the enemy is winning the day, God Himself will have the final word.

    Strong in Battle is about how to gain victory in your hardships and overcome obstacles you face in this life. God is training your hands for battle and your dependence on Him is your superpower, leading to better discernment and more power, wisdom, and authority. Intimacy with God will lead to love overcoming fear, which will help you fight with more courage, joy, and strength.

    The battle is real; you’re not imagining it. And this book’s practical battle strategies will help you arise victorious with a stronger sense of who you are and what you possess through Jesus Christ. So fear not–you’re on the winning side.

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  • Bible In 52 Weeks For Families


    A journey through the Bible to nurture your family’s faith

    This book features a yearlong reading plan designed to guide your family through the entire Bible–a few verses at a time. With weekly commentaries, discussion questions, and activities, it will spark exciting conversations and inspire every family member to apply God’s teachings to their own life.

    *All you need is a Bible–Every week’s entry includes six daily readings from your Bible (with a day to catch up), a brief lesson on the theme for the week, a few questions to talk through, and a fun activity for the whole family to try.

    *Touch on every chapter–Explore every verse of the Bible over the course of a year with a simple schedule that only requires about 15 minutes of reading each day and one study session each week.

    *Made for families–Lessons are appropriate for all ages, so even young children can join in on the conversation.

    Connect with His Word and spend quality time together with this Bible study guide for families.

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  • Authentically Uniquely You


    Discover your unique gifts and dare to be different with #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher, Joyce Meyer.

    God has given you gifts so you can fulfill His purpose for your life, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may not have recognized your talents yet. Start asking God to show you something special about the way He’s made you.

    To some people, He’s given a very tender, compassionate heart, and some He has wired to lead others effectively. Others, He has given a gift of being able to communicate clearly, to teach, to make scientific discoveries, or to write beautiful music. Only you can discover all the dynamic gifts He’s placed in you.

    Become Authentically, Uniquely You because God is never going to help you be anyone but yourself. He loves you just as you are. Let God use you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and transform you from the inside out to do something powerful beyond your wildest dreams.

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  • Dynamite Prayer : A 28 Day Experiment


    Break through the walls of your prayer life and discover miraculous new possibilities.

    Dynamite Prayer is a daily prayer guide that will show you how to begin a practice of “breakthrough prayer,” a way of praying where we ask God to open new doors and reveal new possibilities, fueled by the Spirit’s power. This 28-day adventure will take you from feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and uninspired to curious and expectant as you surrender your own preferences and ideas and courageously follow the miracles God brings into your life.

    Each day contains:

    *A brief meditation on a verse from Scripture that will help you see how the Spirit’s dynamic power has been at work throughout history and in your life today

    *Reflection questions for the day

    *A short breakthrough prayer for the day

    *A prayer word or phrase to help you make breakthrough prayer part of each moment

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  • Cost Of Control


    We all wish we had more control. When our relationships are strained, when our bodies refuse to cooperate, when the future is uncertain, control promises security and peace. If only I were in charge, we dream. And this illusion seems more attainable than ever. Technology, science, medicine, and the internet all promise us ever-increasing mastery over our world.

    The problem is, control is a “devil’s deal.” The more we seek it, the more it betrays us. In place of predictability, it gives us anxiety. In place of certainty, it creates more complexity. And in place of unity, it divides. It’s not just that we cannot control things; it’s that we break them even more when we try.

    Thankfully the answer to our craving is not simply to “let go and let God.” When our kids aren’t listening, when our loved ones are self-destructing, or when our health is declining, we don’t have to scramble after control, nor do we have to throw up our hands. Instead, God has given us a better tool.

    In this culturally insightful and eye-opening book, Sharon Hodde Miller helps us discover the real power God has given us in Christ, to exercise influence over ourselves and our lives.

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  • Curious Faith : The Questions God Asks, We Ask, And We Wish Someone Would A


    God created us to be curious. We innately wonder about the world, one another, ourselves, and our Creator. But fear of the unknown, cultural taboos, technology, or even church leaders can smother our curiosity.

    Popular writer Lore Ferguson Wilbert has belonged to Christian communities that discouraged curiosity. The point of the Christian life was to have the right answers, and asking questions reflected a wavering faith. But Wilbert came to discover that the Bible is a permission slip to anyone who wants to ask questions.

    Reflecting her own theological trajectory toward a more contemplative, expansive faith, Wilbert invites readers to foster curiosity as a spiritual habit. This book explores questions God asks us, questions we ask God, and questions we ask each other. Christianity is not about knowing good answers, says Wilbert, but about asking good questions–ones that foster deeper intimacy with God and others.

    A Curious Faith invites readers to go beyond pat answers and embrace curiosity, rather than certainty, as a hallmark of authentic faith. Foreword by Seth Haines.

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  • Silencing White Noise


    Racism is omnipresent in American life, both public and private. We are immersed in what prominent Black church leader Willie Dwayne Francois III calls white noise–the racist speech, ideas, and policies that lull us into inaction on racial justice. White noise masks racial realities and prevents constructive responses to microaggressions, structural inequality, and overt interpersonal racism.

    In this book, Francois calls people of all races to take up practices that overcome silence and inaction on race and that advance racial repair. Drawing from his antiracism curriculum, the Public Love Organizing and Training (PLOT) Project, Francois encourages us to move from a “colorblind” stance and mythic innocence to one that takes an honest account of our national history and acknowledges our complicity in racism as a prelude to antiracist interventions.

    Weaving together personal narrative, theology, and history, this book invites us to engage 6 “rhythms of reparative intercession.” These are six practices of antiracism that aim to repair harm by speaking up and “acting up” on behalf of others. Silencing White Noise offers concrete ways to help people wrest free from the dangers of racism and to develop lifelong Christian antiracist practices.

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  • Now I Am Known


    At age ten, Peter Mutabazi ran away from home in rural Uganda to escape his abusive father. For five years Peter survived on the streets of Kampala, a city of 1.5 million, until one man saw potential in him. This one person not only supported Peter through school but altered Peter’s outlook on life in every possible way. Since then, Peter has served as a relief coordinator during the Rwandan genocide, worked for the International Committee of Red Cross during the Sudan conflict, emigrated to the United States, fostered countless children, and become a single foster and adoptive parent. He speaks seven languages and has traveled to more than 100 countries as an international advocate for vulnerable children.

    Now I Am Known is Peter’s inspiring true story. In it he reveals the transformational power of taking risks, learning to forgive, overcoming self-doubt, breaking negative patterns, and believing in a better future. He becomes a friend in this must-read, encouraging you to propel forward into a purpose-driven life marked by hope and meaning.

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  • Soul Care To Save Your Life


    In our image-conscious culture, life can become a never-ending performance. The perfection we feel pressured to project to those in our social sphere comes at the expense of our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. In the end, we are left exhausted and unfulfilled. How do we flip the script and feed ourselves rather than simply adding to our feeds?

    In Soul Care to Save Your Life, author, speaker, and recovering performer Manda Carpenter offers an invitation to shift your focus from performing to purposeful living from the inside out. In this book she guides you on a three-part journey to:

    – identify the habits that are holding you back
    – take ownership of your path to growth
    – embrace practices of soul care for your well-being

    It’s time to drop the faade of the picture-perfect life and instead get radically honest in order to heal and embrace the confidence that comes from knowing and loving your whole self, no filter needed.

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  • Now I Am Known


    At age ten, Peter Mutabazi ran away from home in rural Uganda to escape his abusive father. For five years Peter survived on the streets of Kampala, a city of 1.5 million, until one man saw potential in him. This one person not only supported Peter through school but altered Peter’s outlook on life in every possible way. Since then, Peter has served as a relief coordinator during the Rwandan genocide, worked for the International Committee of Red Cross during the Sudan conflict, emigrated to the United States, fostered countless children, and become a single foster and adoptive parent. He speaks seven languages and has traveled to more than 100 countries as an international advocate for vulnerable children.

    Now I Am Known is Peter’s inspiring true story. In it he reveals the transformational power of taking risks, learning to forgive, overcoming self-doubt, breaking negative patterns, and believing in a better future. He becomes a friend in this must-read, encouraging you to propel forward into a purpose-driven life marked by hope and meaning.

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  • Gospel Of Peace In A Violent World


    Blessed are the peacemakers.

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our broken, violent world.

    In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and practitioners on the importance and implementation of Christian nonviolence in today’s world. The vision they cast not only responds to the realities of war and conflict but also offers a broader, deeper understanding of peace that addresses topics such as race, gender, disability, immigration, the environment, food scarcity, and more–a holistic shalom that is evidence of God’s presence.

    May it be so.

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