Catherine Gonzalez
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Worship In The Early Church
$35.00While many histories of Christian worship exist, this project undertakes a task both more focused and more urgent. Rather than survey the whole history of the Christian church, it focuses on the formative period between the first and fifth centuries CE, when so many of the understandings and patterns of Christian worship came to be. And rather than include such developments as the monastic hours of prayer and the history of ordination, the authors deal primarily with those aspects of worship that recur on a weekly or regular basis: preaching, Eucharist, and baptism. The book divides its subject into three period. It begins with the emerging worship of the New Testament era. It moves to the second and third centuries, when the church’s main tasks of establishing its identity in relation to its Jewish roots and making its way in a hostile Roman environment showed up in its theology and practice of worship. And it concludes with the fourth and fifth centuries, when introducing the increasing numbers of converts after Constantine to Christian faith became one of the highest priorities of the church’s worship. This resource will serve as a valuable guide to the historical developments that brought about Christian worship as we know it today.
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Como Leer El Apocalipsis – (Spanish)
$14.99La primera palabra de todo el libro es “Apocalipsis”, que queria decir “revelacion”. Esta palabra ha venido a ser, no solamente el titulo de este libro en particular, sino tambien, el nombre que se le da a todo un genero de literatura que resulto comun en los circulos judios unos pocos siglos antes del advenimiento de la fe cristiana.
Los cristianos adoptaron este genero para su propia literatura. El primer caso, y el que le dio nombre a todo el genero apocaliptico, fue el Apocalipsis de Juan. En general, la literatura apocaliptica se enfrenta a la cuestion del sufrimiento de los justos en manos de los injustos, y lo hace empleando un lenguaje altamente simbolico que combina un frecuente uso de la metafora con numeros que reciben significados misteriosos.
Este libro de Justo L. Gonzalez y Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explica con gran claridad todo el contexto historico y tambien la exegesis del libro del Apocalipsis; con gran erudicion, pero de forma muy clara y pedagogica, conectando, tambien, nuestras circunstancias semejantes a las del siglo primero. La injusticia y la idolatria todavia se pasean en nuestra sociedad y sobre la faz de la tierra. Por esas razones, resulta ser una gran bendicion el que el Apocalipsis, con sus advertencias aterradoras para quienes prefieren la comodidad y el exito antes que la fidelidad, sea parte de nuestro Nuevo Testamento.
Aqui, dos de los historiadores mas importantes, ofrecen a los lectores un comentario altamente accesible, perfecto para los lideres de estudios biblicos o el propio estudio personal.
Un estudio del libro del Apocalipsis de Juan, como guia para la fe y la practica cristiana. Se explica el libro biblico y explora su significado para vivir con fidelidad hoy.
How to Read Revelation
Justo L Gonzalez and Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explain with great clarity the whole historical context exegesis the book of Revelation, with great erudition, clearly, and pedagogically.
Christians adopted this genre for some of their own literature. The first case, and the one that named the entire apocalyptic genre, was the Apocalypse of John. In general, apocalyptic literature addresses the issue of the suffering of the righteous at the hands of the unjust, using highly symbolic language that combines frequent use of metaphor with numbers that receive mysterious meanings.
This book by Justo L Gonzalez and Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez explains with great clarity the entire historical context and also th
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Resources In The Ancient Church For Todays Worship
$22.99There is much that the church today can learn from the worship of the early church, particularly in the second century. This was a time when increasing numbers of gentiles were coming to the church with little or no previous knowledge of the Judeo-Christian tradition. How did the church train and instruct those who wished to join it? How did its worship, particularly in baptism and in communion, respond to the challenge of shaping and nurturing believers who would have to live their faith in a hostile environment? Today the church begins to face similar conditions. Growing numbers around us have little or no idea what our faith is all about. As such people seek membership in the church, and as we all seek ways to be faithful in the present environment, we have much to learn from the church in those earlier times, and particularly from its worship.
La iglesia de hoy tiene mucho que aprender del culto de la iglesia antigua, particularmente de la iglesia durante el siglo segundo. En aquel tiempo cada vez eran mas los gentiles se acercaban a la iglesia sin saber mucho de la tradicion judeo-cristiana. Como era que la iglesia instruia y adiestraba a quienes deseaban unirse a ella? En que modos el culto de la iglesia respondia al reto de formar y nutrir a aquellos creyentes que tendrian que vivir en un ambiente hostil? Hoy la iglesia se enfrenta a retos semejantes. Cada vez son mas nuestros contemporaneos que saben bien poco acerca de la fe cristiana. Cuando tales personas piden unirse a la iglesia, y cuando nosotros mismos buscamos como ser fieles en el ambiente de hoy, la iglesia de aquellos tiempos tiene mucho que ensenarnos, particularmente en lo que se refiere al culto.
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1-2 Peter And Jude
$55.29Theologian and church historian Catherine Gunsalus Gonzalez studies three often overlooked books in the New Testament, 1 and 2 Peter and the Letter of Jude. These writings from the late first century or early second century helped guide the young church as it faced a variety of issues, both internal to the church’s life, and external in the social and political culture in which it was growing. The letters help us focus on the character of the church and the importance of congregations in the church’s ongoing life. They raise basic issues of authority, on how the church knows the directions to follow, how Christians should live, and how diverse views should be considered. Gonzalez uses a variety of resources to illuminate these letters. She very helpfully centers on their theological importance for contemporary churches and for Christian living.
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Heretics For Armchair Theologians
$24.00In this unique Armchair volume, noted church historians Justo and Catherine Gonzalez introduce readers to important early church figures whose teachings were denounced by the church as heresies. Instructional for what they taught and for revealing what the church wished to safeguard and uphold, these “heretics,” including Marcion, Arius, Nestorius, and Pelagius, are engagingly presented in their contexts through a clear and accessible text that is highlighted by the humorous illustrations of Ron Hill. Heretics for Armchair Theologians is an enjoyable way to learn about the church’s early life and beliefs.
Written by experts but designed for the novice, the Armchair series provides accurate, concise, and witty overviews of some of the most profound moments and theologians in Christian history. These books are essential supplements for first-time encounters with primary texts, lucid refreshers for scholars and clergy, and enjoyable reads for the theologically curious.
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$34.00Few books of the Bible have had a reversal of fortune like that of Revelation. Written to offer comfort, to aid those trying to understand their faith, and to be read aloud in church, Revelation is viewed by many readers today as shrouded in mystery and rife with elusive symbolism. Yet, as Catherine and Justo Gonzalez point out, we are not as far from the situation about which John writes as we might think. Although we may not face daily challenges of life and death, injustice and idolatry are rampant in our society. And Revelation’s dire warnings against those who would rather be comfortable or successful than faithful is of great relevance in our lives today.
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