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    C.S. Lewis

    • Regreso Del Peregrino – (Spanish)


      Conocida como la primera novela de C. S. Lewis, esta elocuente, erudita y a menudo ingeniosa satira de la filosofia contemporanea sigue siendo relevante mas de 90 aos despues.

      Siguiendo el modelo del famoso Progreso del peregrino de John Bunyan, El regreso del peregrino de C. S. Lewis representa una serie de primicias para Lewis: el primer libro que escribio tras su conversion al cristianismo, su primer libro de ficcion y el primer libro que publico con su propio nombre. En cierto sentido, es el registro de la propia busqueda de Lewis de sentido y satisfaccion espiritual, una busqueda que finalmente le condujo al cristianismo.

      Esta es la historia del peregrino Juan y su odisea hacia una isla encantadora que ha creado en el un intenso anhelo; un misterioso y dulce deseo. La persecucion de este deseo por parte de Juan le lleva a traves de aventuras con personas como el Sr. Ilustracion, Media Media, el Sr. Mamon, el Sr. Sensato y el Sr. Humanista, y a traves de lugares como el Valle de la Humillacion.

      Aunque aqui los dragones y los gigantes son distintos de los de El progreso del peregrino de Bunyan, la alegoria de Lewis cumple la misma funcion de permitir al autor decir de forma sencilla y mediante la fantasia lo que de otro modo habria exigido una filosofia de la religion en toda regla.

      La alegoria de Lewis sigue siendo una ingeniosa satira de las modas culturales, un vivido relato de los peligros espirituales y una historia iluminadora para generaciones de antiguos y nuevos peregrinos.

      The Pilgrim’s Regress

      Known as C. S. Lewis’s first novel, this eloquent, erudite, and often wittysatire of contemporary philosophy is still relevant over 90 years later.

      Modeled after John Bunyan’s famous Pilgrim’s Progress, C. S. Lewis’s Pilgrim’s Regress represents several firsts for Lewis–the first book he wrote after his conversion to Christianity, his first book of fiction, and the first book he published under his own name. It is, in a sense, the record of Lewis’s own search for meaning and spiritual satisfaction–a search that eventually led him to Christianity.

      Here is the story of the pilgrim John and his odyssey to an enchanting island which has created in him an intense longing; a mysterious, sweet desire. John’s pursuit of this desire takes him through adventures with such people as Mr. Enlightenment, Media Halfways, Mr. Mammon, Mother Kirk, Mr. Sensible, and Mr. Humanist and through such cities as Thrill and Eschropolis as well as the V

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    • Si Dios No Escuchase – (Spanish)


      Compuestas como una coleccion de envios ficticios a su amigo Malcolm, Si Dios no escuchase: Cartas a Malcolm acerca de la oracion considera esta muestra basica de devocion en su forma, contenido y regularidad, y las maneras en que refleja nuestra fe y moldea nuestra forma de creer.

      En esta edicion de la ficticia coleccion de cartas de C. S. Lewis, el venerado autor reflexiona sobre la naturaleza de la oracion: que es, como funciona y como debe practicarse. La oracion es un don puro, un gran regalo de Dios. Asi lo entiende tambien Lewis. Con su brillantez habitual, el autor utiliza su correspondencia con otro intelectual para arrojar luz sobre cuestiones como:

      *Cual es el valor de la oracion?
      *Es la oracion un soliloquio que nadie escucha?
      *Que ocurre realmente cuando oramos?
      *Tiene sentido orar por los difuntos?
      *Por que es importante la liturgia?

      En sus argumentos, Lewis muestra una fuerte conviccion y, al mismo tiempo, una gran sensibilidad y comprension hacia las debilidades y temores del hombre. Aunque Lewis nunca pretendio que este fuera un libro de instrucciones sobre como orar, descubrio que el formato de correspondencia le permitia compartir sus reflexiones de forma dinamica y personal.

      Si Dios no escuchase: Cartas a Malcom acerca de la oracion fue el ultimo libro que termino C. S. Lewis. Publicado postumamente en enero de 1964, tres meses despues de su muerte, es uno de los mejores libros de Lewis, aunque quiza no uno de los mas conocidos.

      Letters To Malcom: Chiefly on Prayer

      Composed as a collection of fictitious dispatches to his friend, Malcolm, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer considers this basic display of devotion in its form, content, and regularity, and the ways it both reflects our faith and shapes how we believe.

      In this edition of C. S. Lewis’s fictitious collection of letters, the revered author ruminates on the nature of prayer–what it is, how it works, and how it should be practiced. Prayer is a pure gift, a great gift from God. This is also how Lewis understands it. With his usual brilliance, the author uses his correspondence with another intellectual to shed light on questions such as:

      *What is the value of prayer?
      *Is prayer a soliloquy that no one listens to?
      *What is happening when we pray?
      *Does it make sense to pray for the deceased?
      *Why is liturgy important?

      In his arguments, Lewis shows a strong conviction and, at the same time, a great sensitivity and understanding for the weakne

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    • Cartas En Latin De C S Lewis A – (Spanish)


      Aficionados de C.S Lewis disfrutaran de este gran trabajo historico con comentarios sobre cartas entre grandes eclesiasticos en temas de divinidad, guerras, la iglesia y oraciones.

      En septiembre de 1947, tras leer Cartas del diablo a su sobrino, el padre Giovanni Calabria se sintio impulsado a escribirle al autor, pero no sabia ingles, de modo que lo hizo en latin. Asi comenzo una correspondencia que sobreviviria al propio padre Calabria (murio en diciembre de 1954 y le sucedio en la correspondencia el padre Luigi Pedrollo).

      El traductor y editor Martin Moynihan califica estas cartas de “limpidas, fluidas y profundamente refrescantes. Tambien poseen un gran encanto, sobre todo por la forma en que se inician y concluyen, es decir, por los variopintos formalismos que se emplean para presentarlas o para despedirse”.

      Las Cartas en latin de C. S. Lewis a Don Giovanni Calabriamuestran, mas que otras de sus publicaciones, la fuerte faceta devocional de Lewis y contienen temas que van desde la unidad de los cristianos y la historia moderna de Europa hasta la liturgia y el comportamiento etico general. Ademas, adquieren a menudo un caracter intimo y personal.

      Fans of C.S. Lewis will enjoy this great historical work with commentaries on letters between great ecclesiastics on the subjects of divinity, war, the church and prayer.

      In September 1947, after reading C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters in Italian, Fr. (now St.) Giovanni Calabria was moved to write the author, but he knew no English and assumed (rightly) that Lewis knew no Italian. So, he wrote his letter in Latin, hoping that, as a classicist, Lewis would know Latin. Therein began a correspondence that was to outlive Fr. Calabria himself (he died in December 1954, and was succeeded in correspondence by Fr. Luigi Pedrollo, which continued until Lewis’s own death in 1963).

      Translator/editor Martin Moynihan calls these letters “limpid, fluent and deeply refreshing. There was a charm about them, too, and not least in the way they were ‘topped and tailed’ — that is, in their ever-slightly-varied formalities of address and of farewell.”

      More than any other of his published works The Latin Letters shows the strong devotional side of Lewis and contains letters ranging from Christian unity and modern European history to liturgical worship and general ethical behavior.

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    • Lo Primero Y Lo Segundo – (Spanish)


      Esta brillante coleccion de las obras de C. S. Lewis sacudira toda tu vision de la historia, el trabajo, la oracion, el amor y la vida misma desde un nuevo patron; siendo uno de los escritores cristianos mas influyentes del siglo XX C. S Lewis conducira tu mente en una suave pero irresistible travesia sobre de la verdad.

      Descubre esta vibrante recopilacion de ensayos sobre la vida del ser humano y la apologetica cristina en contra de las corrientes de teologias modernistas. Un resultado de diversas publicaciones a lo largo del tiempo y en distintas obras del autor, esta lectura llevara tu mundo a pensar en algunas de las cuestiones mas desafiantes para el individuo y la sociedad de forma fresca y cautivadora.

      First and Second Things

      This brilliant collection of the works of C. S. Lewis will shake your whole view of history, work, prayer, love, and life itself into a new pattern; as one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century, C. S Lewis will lead your mind on a gentle but compelling journey through the truth.

      Discover this vibrant collection of essays on the life of the human being and Christian apologetics against the currents of modernist theologies. A result of various publications over time and in different works by the author, this reading will lead your world to think about some of the most challenging questions for the individual and society in a fresh and captivating way.

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    • Sobre Cuentos Historias Y Lite – (Spanish)


      Esta recopilacion reune nueve ensayos que recogen sus ideas sobre la ficcion, entre ellos Sobre cuentos, The Death of Words y On Three Ways of Writing for Children, asi como once piezas que no fueron publicadas en vida.

      C. S. Lewis, el gran escritor britanico, erudito, teologo laico, locutor, apologista cristiano y autor de best-sellers como Mero cristianismo, Las cartas del diablo a su sobrino, El gran divorcio, Las cronicas de Narnia y muchos otros amados clasicos– fue profesor de literatura en la Universidad de Oxford, donde era conocido por sus perspicaces y a menudo ingeniosas presentaciones sobre la naturaleza de las historias. Esta recopilacion reune nueve ensayos que condensan sus ideas sobre la ficcion, entre ellos Sobre los cuentos, La muerte de las palabras y Sobre tres formas de escribir para los nios, asi como once piezas que no se publicaron en vida.

      On Stories

      This collection assembles nine essays that encapsulate his ideas about fiction, including On Stories, The Death of Words, and On Three Ways of Writing for Children, as well as eleven pieces that were unpublished during his lifetime.

      C. S. Lewis, the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics–was a professor of literature at Oxford University, where he was known for his insightful and often witty presentations on the nature of stories.

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    • Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo – (Spanish)


      Lo eterno sin disimulo, es una recopilacion de nueve ensayos y varias cartas anteriormente publicados en los que Lewis hace un despliegue de su capacidad para razonar con rigor y escribir con lucidez sobre el cristianismo.

      Hablar de lo eterno, sin caretas, sin disimulos, sin trampas, esa es la tarea a la que se entrega Lewis en este libro sustancioso. Y para ello utiliza muy distintos medios: una conferencia docta, un coloquio, un debate, una conversacion entre amigos, un articulo de prensa, una carta…

      Toda ocasion es buena para dar testimonio de la fe y la verdad intemporal, para mostrar a todos una noticia inaudita de plenitudes, con un afan apostolico que nos interpela. Y Lewis lo aborda con su proverbial claridad, lucidez y agudeza.

      Timeless at Heart

      Timeless at Heart, is a compilation of nine essays and several letters previously published in which Lewis displays his ability to reason rigorously and write lucidly about Christianity.

      Talking about the eternal, without masks, without dissimulation, without traps, that is the task to which Lewis gives himself in this substantial book. And for this he uses very different means: a learned conference, a colloquium, a debate, a conversation between friends, a press article, a letter…

      Every occasion is a good one to bear witness to the faith and the timeless truth, to show everyone unprecedented news of fullness, with an apostolic eagerness that challenges us. And Lewis approaches it with his proverbial clarity, lucidity, and sharpness.

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    • Alegoria Del Amor – (Spanish)


      Esta obra, publicada originalmente en 1936, constituye uno de los trabajos academicos mas influyentes de C. S. Lewis en el campo de la literatura medieval. En ella se desarrolla un profundo estudio sobre la poesia amorosa alegorica de la Edad Media, cuyo origen se situa en los poemas de amor cortes de los trovadores del Languedoc desde el siglo XI, a traves de su transformacion y fin a finales del siglo XVI.

      Esta poesia de los trovadores, que constituiria el primer modo de expresion del amor romantico, supuso tal cambio respecto de la literatura precedente que, como el propio Lewis seala, no dejo intocado rincon alguno en nuestra etica, nuestra imaginacion y nuestra vida diaria, erigiendo barreras infranqueables entre nosotros y el pasado clasico o el presente oriental. Comparado con esta revolucion, el Renacimiento es un simple remolino en la superficie de la literatura.

      Resulta particularmente relevante dentro del presente ensayo el estudio que Lewis realiza de El libro de la rosa, obra cumbre del genero dentro de la literatura tardo medieval.

      The Allegory of Love

      This work, originally published in 1936, constitutes one of the most influential academic works of C.S. Lewis in the field of medieval literature. It develops an in-depth study of the allegorical love poetry of the Middle Ages, whose origins lie in the courtly love poems of the Languedoc troubadours in eleventh century, through its transformation and gradual demise at the end of the sixteenth century.

      This poetry of the troubadours, which would constitute the first mode of expression of romantic love, supposed such a change with respect to the preceding literature that, as Lewis himself points out, it left no corner untouched in our ethics, our imagination and our lives. daily, erecting insurmountable barriers between us and the classical past or the Eastern present. Compared with this revolution, the Renaissance is a mere whirlpool on the surface of literature.

      Lewis’s study of The Book of the Rose, the masterpiece of the genre within late medieval literature, is particularly relevant in this essay.

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    • De Otros Mundos – (Spanish)


      C. S. Lewis; el gran escritor britanico, erudito, teologo laico, locutor, apologista cristiano y autor de grandes exitos como Mero cristianismo, Cartas del diablo a su sobrino, El gran divorcio, Las cronicas de Narnia y muchos otros clasicos; presenta la importancia de los relatos y el asombro de la imaginacion, elementos a menudo ignorados por los criticos de su epoca. Tambien relata sus tipos de historias favoritas; cuentos infantiles y las fantasias de la mano con una vision de sus obras mas famosas: Las cronicas de Narnia y La trilogia cosmica.

      Of Other Worlds

      C. S. Lewis; the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics presents a well-reasoned case for the importance of story and wonder, elements often ignored by critics of his time. He also discusses his favorite kinds of stories; children’s stories and fantasies and offers insights into his most famous works, The Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy.

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    • Como Ser Un Cristiano – (Spanish)


      Del venerado maestro y autor de best sellers de obras cristianas clasicas como Mero cristianismo y Cartas del diablo a su sobrino llega una coleccion que reune lo mejor de los consejos practicos de C. S. Lewis sobre como encarnar una vida cristiana.

      Como ser cristiano reune lo mejor de las ideas de Lewis sobre la practica cristiana y su expresion en nuestra vida diaria. Cultivada a partir de sus numerosos ensayos, articulos y cartas, asi como de sus obras clasicas, esta coleccion esclarecedora y estimulante proporciona sabiduria practica y direccion que los cristianos pueden utilizar para nutrir su fe y convertirse en discipulos mas devotos de Cristo.

      From the revered teacher and best-selling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and Screwtape Letters comes a collection that brings together the best of C. S. Lewis’s practical advice on how to embody a Christian life.

      How to be a Christian brings together the best of Lewis’s insights into Christian practice and its expression in our daily lives. Cultivated from his numerous essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, this enlightening and stimulating collection provides practical wisdom and direction that Christians can use to nurture their faith and become more devoted disciples of Christ.

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    • Esa Horrible Fortaleza – (Spanish)


      Esa horrible fortaleza es la tercera novela de la trilogia de ciencia ficcion de Lewis. Ambientada en la Tierra, narra una terrorifica conspiracion contra la humanidad. La historia rodea a Mark y Jane Studdock, una pareja recien casada. Mark es un sociologo que se siente atraido por una organizacion llamada N.I.C.E., que pretende controlar toda la vida humana. Jane, por su parte, tiene extraos sueos profeticos sobre un cientifico decapitado, Alcasan. Mientras Mark se ve arrastrado inextricablemente a la siniestra organizacion, descubre la verdad de los sueos de su mujer cuando conoce la cabeza literal de Alcasan, que se mantiene viva mediante infusiones de sangre. Jane busca ayuda en relacion con sus sueos en una comunidad llamada Santa Ana, donde conoce a su lider, el Dr. Ransom. La historia termina en una espectacular escena final en la sede de la N.I.C.E., donde Merlin aparece para enfrentarse a los poderes del infierno.

      That Hideous Strength

      That Hideous Strength is the third novel in Lewis’s science fiction trilogy. Set on Earth, it tells of a terrifying conspiracy against humanity. The story surrounds Mark and Jane Studdock, a newly married couple. Mark is a sociologist who is enticed to join an organization called N.I.C.E., which aims to control all human life. Jane, meanwhile, has bizarre prophetic dreams about a decapitated scientist, Alcasan. As Mark is drawn inextricably into the sinister organization, he discovers the truth of his wife’s dreams when he meets the literal head of Alcasan, which is being kept alive by infusions of blood. Jane seeks help concerning her dreams at a community called St. Anne’s, where she meets their leader–Dr. Ransom. The story ends in a final spectacular scene at the N.I.C.E. headquarters where Merlin appears to confront the powers of Hell.

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    • Mas Alla Del Planeta Silencios – (Spanish)


      Mas alla del planeta silencioso es la primera novela de la clasica trilogia de ciencia ficcion de C. S. Lewis. Cuenta la aventura del Dr. Ransom, un academico de Cambridge, que es secuestrado y llevado en una nave espacial al planeta rojo de Malacandra, que el conoce como Marte. Sus captores planean saquear los tesoros del planeta y ofrecer a Ransom como sacrificio a las criaturas que viven alli. Ransom descubre que viene del planeta silencioso, la Tierra, cuya tragica historia es conocida en todo el universo.

      Out of the Silent Planet

      Out of the Silent Planet is the first novel in C. S. Lewis’s classic science fiction trilogy. It tells the adventure of Dr. Ransom, a Cambridge academic, who is abducted and taken on a spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra, which he knows as Mars. His captors are plotting to plunder the planet’s treasures and plan to offer Ransom as a sacrifice to the creatures who live there. Ransom discovers he has come from the silent planet–Earth–whose tragic story is known throughout the universe!

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    • Narrative Poems


      C.S. Lewis often said that the narrative poem was his favorite form of literary expression, although he appears to have written just four, all of which are collected in this volume. Of these, only “Dymer” was published in his lifetime. These four poems exhibit the romantic aspects of Lewis’s temperment and reveal his deep love for the medieval of Renaissance poetry on which they are modeled.

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    • Worlds Last Night And Other Essays


      Reveals the expected wit, the Chestertonian ability to make Christian orthodoxy exciting and fit for the brave rebel, and an abundance of offbeat insights into the human scene

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    • Mero Christianismo – (Spanish)


      This is a forceful and accessible discussion of Christian belief that has become one of the most popular introductions into Christianity and the most popular among C.S. Lewis books. Mere Christianity is a book that uncovers common ground upon which all those who have Christian faith can stand together. This is the Spanish-language edition of MERE CHRISTIANITY.

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    • Leon La Bruja Y El Ropero – (Spanish)


      A whole new audience of young readers can now step into the magical world beyond the wardrobe! The best-selling title in C. S. Lewis’s classic The Chronicles of Narnia is available for the first time in a Spanish-language edition. This paperback edition features the original black-and-white illustrations by award-winning artist Pauline Baynes.

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    • Cautivado Por La Alegria – (Spanish)


      This is the Spanish-language edition of SURPRISED BY JOY, in which Lewis tells of his search for joy, a spiritual journey that led him from the Christianity of his early youth into atheism and then back to Christianity.

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    • That Hideous Strength


      The final book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy, which includes Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, That Hideous Strength concludes the adventures of the matchless Dr. Ransom. The dark forces that were repulsed in Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra are massed for an assault on the planet Earth itself. Word is on the wind that the mighty wizard Merlin has come back to the land of the living after many centuries, holding the key to ultimate power for that force which can find him and bend him to its will. A sinister technocratic organization is gaining power throughout Europe with a plan to “recondition” society, and it is up to Ransom and his friends to squelch this threat by applying age-old wisdom to a new universe dominated by science. The two groups struggle to a climactic resolution that brings the Space Trilogy to a magnificent, crashing close.

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    • Perelandra


      The second book in C.S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy continues the adventures of the extraordinary Dr. Ransom. Pitted against the most destructive of human weaknesses, temptation, the great man must battle evil on a new planet – Perelandra – when it is invaded by a dark force. Will Perelandra succumb to the malevolent being, who strives to creat a new world order and who must destroy an old and beautiful civilization to do so? Or will it throw off the yoke of corruption and achieve a spiritual perfection as yet unknown to man? The outcome of Dr. Ransom’s mighty struggle alone will determine the fate of this peace-loving planet.

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    • Out Of The Silent Planet


      The first book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy, which continues with Perelandra and That Hideous Strength, Out of the Silent Planet begins the adventures of the remarkable Dr. Ransom. Here, that estimable man is abducted by a megalomaniacal physicist and his accomplice and taken via spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra. The two men are in need of a human sacrifice, and Dr. Ransom would seem to fit the bill. Once on the planet, however, Ransom eludes his captors, risking his life and his chances of returning to Earth, becoming a stranger in a land that is enchanting in its difference from Earth and instructive in its similarity. First published in 1943, Out of the Silent Planet remains a mysterious and suspenseful tour de force.

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    • George MacDonald : An Anthology 365 Readings


      George MacDonald (1824-1905) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Briefly a clergyman, then a professor of English literature at Bedford and King’s College in London, he was a popular lecturer and published poetry, stories, novels, and fairy tales. In this collection selected by C. S. Lewis, we are offered 365 selections from MacDonald’s inspiring and useful writings.

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    • Weight Of Glory


      Selected from sermons delivered by C. S. Lewis during World War II, these nine addresses show the beloved author and theologian bringing hope and courage in a time of great doubt. “The Weight of Glory,” considered by many to be Lewis’s finest sermon of all, is an incomparable explication of virtue, goodness, desire, and glory. Also included are “Transposition,” “On Forgiveness,” “Why I Am Not a Pacifist,” and “Learning in War-Time,” in which Lewis presents his compassionate vision of Christianity in language that is both lucid and compelling.

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    • Abolition Of Man


      In this graceful work, C. S. Lewis reflects on society and nature and the challenges of how best to educate our children. He eloquently argues that we need as a society to underpin reading and writing with lessons on morality and in the process both educate and re-educate ourselves. In the words of Walter Hooper, “If someone were to come to me and say that, with the exception of the Bible, everyone on earth was going to be required to read one and the same book, and then ask what it should be, I would with no hesitation say The Abolition of Man. It is the most perfectly reasoned defense of Natural Law (Morality) I have ever seen, or believe to exist. If any book is able to save us from future excesses of folly and evil, it is this book.” This beautiful paperback edition is sure to attract new readers to this classic book.

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    • Miracles


      “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares the way for this, or results from this.” This is the key statement of Miracles, in which C.S. Lewis shows that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement of God in His creation. Using his characteristic lucidity and wit to develop his argument, Lewis challenges the rationalists, agnostics, and deists on their own grounds and makes out an impressive case for the irrationality of their assumptions.

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    • Grief Observed


      Written by C. S. Lewis with love and humility, this brief but poignant volume was first published in 1961 and courageously encounters the anger and heart-break that followed the death of his wife, an American-born poet, Joy Davidman. Handwritten entries from notebooks that Lewis found in his home capture the doubt and anguish that we all face in times of great loss. He questions his beliefs in this graceful and poignant affirmation of faith in the face of senseless loss.

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    • Problem Of Pain


      For centuries Christians have been tormented by one question above all — If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain? C. S. Lewis sets out to disentangle this knotty issue but wisely adds that in the end no intellectual solution can dispense with the necessity for patience and courage.

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    • Screwtape Letters


      Wormwood, a demon apprentice, must secure the damnation of a young man who’s just become a Christian. He seeks the advice of an experienced devil, his uncle Screwtape. Their correspondence offers invaluable—and often humorous—insights on temptation, pride, and the ultimate victory of faith over evil forces. Paperback with French flaps and deckled page edges.

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    • Mere Christianity


      Arguably the 20th century’s most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound classic, originally delivered as a series of radio broadcasts, is a book to be thoroughly digested by believers and generously shared with skeptics. Paperback with French f laps and deckled page edges.

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    • Joyful Christian



      117 Topics In 228 Pages

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      C. S. Lewis, himself a convert, wrote of being “surprised by joy” when he discovered his belief in Jesus Christ. In these 127 devotional readings, selected from Lewis’s many works on faith and spirituality, Christians everywhere can share in the joy of this master theologian as he discusses topics ranging from the nature of prayer and good works to psychoanalysis and fascism. In The Joyful Christian, Lewis offers inspiration for all those who hunger and thirst after joy.

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    • Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe


      17 Chapters

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      They open a door and enter a world.
      NARNIA … the land beyond the wardrobe, the secret country known only to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy … the place where the adventure begins.

      Lucy is the first to find the secret of the wardrobe in the professor’s mysterious old house. At first, no one believes her when she tells of her adventures in the land of Narnia. But soon Edmund and then Peter and Susan discover the Magic and meet Aslan, the Great Lion, for themselves. In the blink of an eye, their lives are changed forever.

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