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Bethany Turner

  • Do Over : A Novel


    Sometimes dreams come true. Other times, the best outcome begins with an epic fail.

    Career-driven McKenna Keaton has devoted her life to attaining the senior partnership at her law firm. Not only that, she once walked out of a gusty hailstorm–in which she got a run in her pantyhose and a bit of tree branch stuck in her hair–straight into an elevator with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. So asking a man on a date is nothing. But the past four days have been the worst of her life and have called everything she thought she knew about herself into question. Besides, she can’t remember her last real date–one that didn’t involve using a blind date as an opportunity to get a stranger’s perspective. (It’s like sharing fondue with a jury!)

    But a real date? And with shy, nerdy Henry Blumenthal, McKenna’s high school rival for valedictorian who took three hours to beat her at chess in high school? Scratch that. He’s Hank Blume now, the famed documentarian, Durham’s darling son, who has attained all his dreams and more, and also happens to look like he stepped out of an Eddie Bauer catalog.

    Whereas McKenna is a disgraced workaholic from New York on unpaid leave, accused of a white-collar crime she would never commit, succumbing to panic attacks, watching her dreams unravel. At age thirty-eight–and destined by the family curse to die before she turns forty, it appears–it’s absolutely the wrong time to have a major crush on a man. Especially one who treasures his memories of McKenna as the girl Most Likely to Succeed.

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  • Plot Twist : A Novel


    February 4, 2003, is just another day for Olivia Ross-a greeting card writer whose passion project is a screenplay of her own. After she and a handsome, struggling actor have a near-magic encounter in a coffee shop, they make a spontaneous pact: in ten years, after they’ve found the success they’re just sure they’re going to achieve, they’ll return to the coffeehouse to partner up and make a film together. The only problem? Olivia neglected to get the stranger’s name. But she doesn’t forget the date.

    For the next ten years, every February 4, Olivia has an exceptional day, full of coincidences and ironies. As men come and go and return to her life, and as she continues to write her screenplay, she still wonders about the guy from the coffee shop-the nameless actor she’s almost certain was Hamish McDougal, now a famous member of the Hollywood elite.

    But a lot can happen in ten years, and while waiting for the curtain to rise on her fate, the true story of Olivia’s life is being written-and if she’s not careful, she’ll completely miss the epic romance playing out right before her eyes.

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  • Wooing Cadie McCaffrey


    After four years with her boyfriend, Cadie McCaffrey is thinking of ending things. Convinced Will doesn’t love her in the “forever” way she loves him, Cadie believes it’s time for her to let him go before life passes her by. When a misunderstanding leads to a mistake, leaving her hurt, disappointed, and full of regret, she finally sends him packing.

    But for Will, the end of their relationship is only the beginning of his quest to figure out how to be the man Cadie wanted him to be. With the dubious guidance of his former pro-athlete work friends and tactics drawn from Cadie’s favorite romantic comedies, Will attempts to win her back. It’s a foolproof plan. What could possibly go wrong?

    Bethany Turner is back with more of the heart and humor readers love. Anyone who enjoys a good romance or binges romantic comedies on Netflix will devour this delightful story.

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  • Secret Life Of Sarah Hollenbeck


    Steamy romance writer Sarah Hollenbeck’s career is at its peak, but reconciling her writing with her newfound faith proves more difficult than she imagined–and falling for her pastor doesn’t make things any easier.

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