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    Barbour Publishing

    • 5 Minute Bible Study Journal For Women


      Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study?

      You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word-even if you only have five minutes!

      *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.
      *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.
      *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.
      *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

      The 5-Minute Bible Study Journal for Women will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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    • Mapa De Oracion Para Mujeres – (Spanish)


      What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .
      Find out in The Prayer Map for Women.

      This engaging prayer journal is a fun and creative way for you to more fully experience the power of prayer. Each page features a lovely 2-color design that guides you to write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a specific “map” for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your life. The Prayer Map for Women will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

      Como es la oracion?…
      Descubrelo en Mapa de oracion para mujeres

      Este atractivo diario de oracion es una forma divertida y creativa de experimentar el poder de la oracion de un modo mas pleno. Cada pagina presenta un encantador diseo a dos colores que te guia a anotar pensamientos, ideas y listas especificos… que, a su vez, crean un “mapa” detallado que seguir al hablar con Dios. Cada mapa incluye un lugar para registrar la fecha, de manera que puedas repasar tus oraciones y ver como ha obrado Dios en tu vida. Mapa de oracion para mujeres no solo te alentara a pasar tiempo hablando con Dios sobre las cosas que mas importan…, sino que tambien te ayudara a fomentar un habito espiritual saludable de oracion continua para toda la vida.

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    • 199 Promesas De Dios – (Spanish)


      Discover Dozens of Uplifting Scriptures in this Simple Guide

      It’s often easy to get weighed down with the disappointments and challenges of life. Without realizing it, our hearts become heavy and our hope dries up.

      In His kindness, God has provided uplifting promises of help and encouragement for His children within the pages of His Word, the Bible. Whatever our needs, we can find in scripture the principles we need to address the issues we face.

      This collection of Bible verses is the perfect everyday pick-me-up–a quick guide to dozens of the most uplifting scriptures in the Bible.

      Descubre docenas de versiculos inspiradores en esta guia sencilla.
      Con frecuencia resulta facil que las decepciones y los retos de la vida nos desanimen. Sin percatarnos de ello, nuestros corazones se apesadumbran y nuestras esperanzas se secan.

      En su bondad, Dios ha provisto promesas edificantes de ayuda y aliento para sus hijos en las paginas de su Palabra, la Biblia. Cualesquiera que sean nuestras necesidades, en las Escrituras podemos descubrir los principios que precisamos para abordar los problemas a los que nos enfrentamos.

      Esta coleccion de versiculos biblicos es el estimulante perfecto para cada dia, una guia rapida a docenas de los versiculos mas inspiradores de la Biblia.

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    • Devocionales De 3 Minutos Para – (Spanish)


      3 Minutes of Encouragement: Scripture, Devotion, and Prayer

      Here you’ll find the encouraging pick-me-up you need in 3-Minute Devotions for Men. Written especially for the modern man, this devotional packs a powerful dose of challenge and encouragement into just-right-sized readings for men of all ages.

      Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
      Minute 2: a short devotional reading
      Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God.

      Each reading addresses topics that are important to you–like courage, leadership, Bible study, and prayer–and is the ideal way to begin or end the day.

      3 minutos de inspiracion: versiculo, devocional y oracion

      En Devocionales de 3 minutos para hombres encontraras el aliento estimulante que necesitas. Escrito especialmente para el hombre moderno, este devocional esta repleto de una dosis poderosa de desafio y aliento en lecturas del tamao ideal para hombres de todas las edades.

      Minuto 1: versiculo para meditar
      Minuto 2: una breve lectura devocional
      Minuto 3: una oracion para impulsar una conversacion con Dios.

      Cada lectura trata temas importantes para ti, como el valor, el liderazgo, el estudio biblico y la oracion, y es la forma ideal de empezar o acabar el dia.

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    • 199 Promises Of God


      What is it that keeps God’s children hopeful in a hopeless world? What guarantees can a person cling to on the most difficult of days? Readers will find dozens of God’s most uplifting guarantees in 199 Promises of God. This compact book offers real and powerful promises from the Creator of the universe and true refreshment for the spirit and a renewed sense of God’s commitment to His children.

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