Showing 101–200 of 269 resultsSorted by latest
Proofs Of God
$37.64Leading theologian Matthew Levering presents a thoroughgoing critical survey of the proofs of God’s existence for readers interested in traditional Christian responses to the problem of atheism. Beginning with Tertullian and ending with Karl Barth, Levering covers twenty-one theologians and philosophers from the early church to the modern period, examining how they answered the critics of their day. He also shows the relevance of the classical arguments to contemporary debates and challenges to Christianity. In addition to students, this book will appeal to readers of apologetics.
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Nuevo Ateismo – (Spanish)
$12.99Un libro esencialmente didactico sobre el nuevo ateismo. Escrito por un cientifico en lenguaje comprensible para todos. Pastores, lideres, profesores y maestros cristianos encontraran en el un valioso aliado para dialogar en una apologetica distinta; cristiana evangelica, pero mas acorde a los tiempos desde una perspectiva de equilibrio entre Ciencia y Biblia (Diseno Inteligente).
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Reasons To Believe
$16.99Why would a good God allow suffering? Has science disproven God? Is the Bible really trustworthy? Is it reasonable to believe in God? Do all religions teach the same thing? Questions like these can peak curiosities, stimulate thinking, and challenge faith in God. Reasons to Believe takes ten relevant questions about God, the Bible, and the Christian life head-on and provides thoughtful, easy-to-understand responses in one concise resource. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, Reasons to Believe can serve as a timely tool to answer questions, remove doubts, deepen Christian conviction, and provide compelling reasons to believe. Reasons to Believe is an easy-to-understand book for the individual with questions.
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Beauty Of Intolerance
$16.99Today’s message of cultural acceptance is dangerously distorted and deceptive. In a world that shouts: “If you truly care about other people, you must agree that their beliefs, values, lifestyle, and truth claims are equal and as valid as yours!” it’s no wonder our youth are confused. The Beauty of Intolerance–brand-new from Josh McDowell with son Sean McDowell–cuts through the confusion and points you back to the place where the only truth resides. . .Jesus Christ. Tied directly to the Heroic Truth initiative launched by the Josh McDowell Ministry, McDowell will share how a biblical view of truth can counter cultural tolerance and encourage a love and acceptance of others apart from their actions with a heart of
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51 Percent Christian
$28.31God is not an idea. Christian faith is not a set of propositions you either believe or reject. According to a proper Trinitarian understanding, God is essentially relationship, a relationship of sheer, active, ecstatic, self-giving love. If we truly are encountered by this magnificent love of the Trinity, then faith becomes a living and active daily practice. Just like a healthy marriage or a close and loyal friendship, it becomes something you choose every day.
This “51% Christian” moniker is a ridiculous label with a deadly serious point. You now have permission to doubt, to question, to get angry at God. But, in the end, it’s not about you. Faith is about relationship: a living, daily relationship, based on trust, and active in concrete, daily practices.
With this sort of freedom in grace, Stenberg takes a fresh new look at theology, thirteen topics that, one by one, examine the best of what the Bible and the history of Christian practitioners have to say. Looking through this grace-based, radically relational lens, the author offers a lively and engaging discussion of topics such as creation, violence, love, death, heaven, and hell. You might not always agree. But you will not be bored.
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We Destroy Arguments
$37.00Have you ever had your faith challenged by an unbeliever to where you felt helpless and without an answer? If so, this book is for you. Whether the challenge comes from unsaved loved ones, co-workers, college professors, or TV personalities, you can be certain that such challenges will come to every Christian. Knowing this, the Bible commands every Christian to be ready. The purpose of this book is to help Christians to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is within them (1Peter 3:15). Yet, if we are to properly achieve this goal, then a particular type of defense is in order-a presuppositional defense. “We Destroy Arguments” gives you just that. When it is all said and done, Christians will learn how to make an irrefutable defense for the hope that is within them. Truly, this book is what Evangelicals have been waiting for. Stephen Feinstein is a pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, CA. His ministry focuses heavily on expositional preaching, biblical counseling, systematic theology, apologetics, church history, and practical theology. His goal is to help Christians become biblical people doing biblical things in the biblical way. He also is a United States Army Reserve chaplain.
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Machine Or Man
$24.98Areli Media
“Picking up where the great philosopher-theologian Francis Schaeffer left off, Henry Patino gives us another tool in the toolbox for standing against the spirit of this age with the power of the Spirit of all ages.” – Cal Thomas (American syndicated columnist, pundit, author and radio commentator) ..”.this is the most comprehensive apologetics series I have ever read.” – Steve Brown (professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, author, and teacher at Key Life ministries) Machine or Man is the first in an apologetics series by Rev. Henry Patino that sets out to address the increasingly rapid moving of global cultures and our education systems away from our Lord and toward a completely humanistic viewpoint. Machine or Man is an artful journey through the evaluation of different worldviews that tackle the human origins of Relativism, Humanism, Existentialism, Naturalism, and the Biblical view of Man. As a student of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Henry Patino approaches each topic logically and methodically and most importantly reasonably. Backed by decades of study and teaching on the topics in this book, in the end, the goal of Machine or Man is simple. “Apologetics is not about debate. It’s not above one-upsmanship. It’s about winning the lost for Christ through love.” – Rev. Henry PatinoAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Atheist Who Didnt Exist
$14.99In the last decade, atheism has leapt from obscurity to the front pages: producing best-selling books, making movies, and plastering adverts on the side of buses. There’s an energy and a confidence to contemporary atheism: many people now assume that a godless skepticism is the default position, indeed the only position for anybody wishing to appear educated, contemporary and urbane. Atheism is hip, religion is boring. Yet when one pokes at popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel. The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist is designed to expose some of the loose threads on the cardigan of atheism, tug a little, and see what happens. Blending humour with serious thought, Andy Bannister helps the reader question everything, assume nothing and, above all, recognise lazy skepticism and bad arguments. Be an atheist by all means: but do be a thought-through one.
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Boundless (Reprinted)
$20.00Director of research for YWAM discovers a startling phenomenon–worldwide movements of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and others who follow Jesus outside the boundaries of Western Christianity–and imagines new possibilities for our faith.
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Experiencing God Outside The Box
$19.99The greatest calling we can have during our brief journey here on Planet Earth is to earnestly yearn and search, without prejudice, for an intimate relationship with the one and only true Creator God, outside the box. The vast masses of humans never get this deep and blindly believe whatever they have been taught about God, often out of fear of rejection by family or peers. Others see God as a Heavenly Version of their earthly fathers. Paul Meier, MD, is a psychiatrist and theologian whose books have been read by over seven million people in over thirty languages all around the world, and he describes the many prejudicial mountains that must be climbed to become intimate with the real God. Dr. Meier also gives many positive ways to assist you to make that earnest search for “Experiencing God Outside the Box”.
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Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense
$28.23In recent years the Christian faith has been challenged by skeptics, including the New Atheists, who claim that belief in God is simply not reasonable. Here prominent Christian philosopher C. Stephen Evans offers a fresh, contemporary, and nuanced response. He makes the case for belief in a personal God through an exploration of natural “signs,” which open our minds to theistic possibilities and foster belief in the Christian revelation. Evans then discusses why God’s self-revelation is both authoritative and authentic. This sophisticated yet accessible book provides a clear account of the evidence for Christian faith, concluding that it still makes sense to believe.
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Political Agape : Christian Love And Liberal Democracy
$43.99What is the place of Christian love in a pluralistic society dedicated to “liberty and justice for all”? What would it mean to take both Jesus Christ and Abraham Lincoln seriously and attempt to translate love of God and neighbor into every quarter of life, including law and politics? Timothy Jackson addresses such questions in Political Agape: Prophetic Christianity and Liberal Democracy.
Jackson argues that love of God and neighbor is the perilously neglected civil virtue of our time and that it must be considered even before justice in structuring political principles and policies. To indicate the specific implications of civic agapism, he looks at such issues as the death penalty, Christian complicity in the Holocaust, the case for same-sex marriage, and the morality of adoption. The book concludes with Jackson’s reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. as a Christian hero.
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Talking With Catholics About The Gospel
$22.99In Talking with Catholics about Jesus, author Chris Castaldo provides an easy-to-follow introduction to basic Catholic belief and practice, equipping evangelical Protestants for more fruitful spiritual conversations.
Written in accessible, non-technical language, this short book offers readers:
*A more informed awareness of Catholicism
*Encouragement to move from a combative posture to a gracious one
*Clarification of erroneous caricatures of Catholics in favor of a more constructive understanding
Based in part on Castaldo’s experience as a Catholic and time spent working professionally in the Catholic Church, Talking with Catholics about Jesus gives readers a framework for recognizing where lines of similarity and difference fall between Catholics and evangelical Protestants, along with handy tips for engaging in spiritual discussions.Readers will gain encouragement and practical insights for gracious and worthwhile discussions of faith with Catholic believers.
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Gods Not Dead
$19.99A compelling argument for Christianity that equips believers like never before.
The goal of God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty is straightforward: to help readers develop “a faith that is real and credible-and strong enough to help others find faith in God.” To that end, Rice Broocks outlines a roadmap that guides seekers to acknowledge the most basic truths of Christianity:
There is overwhelming and exciting evidence for God’s existence
The God who exists is indeed the God of the Bible
God has revealed his nature through his Son, Jesus ChristPersuasive arguments crafted with tools borrowed from logic, science, and philosophy, as well as scripture, solidify the faith of the Christian reader and provide starting points for discussions with skeptics. With clear, easy-to-follow explanations of key concepts and controversies, God’s Not Dead is apologetics for the twenty-first century, presented in layman’s terms. Readers will be empowered not only to talk about their own faith with confidence but to lead others to a relationship with Jesus.
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Star Of The King
Star of the King presents a detailed Bible study on the Star of Bethlehem, revealing how popular astronomical theories have distorted Bible facts. You will learn about: How the Ordinances of God regulate nature; How God and Satan can manipulate nature; The purpose and origin of signs and wonders; How the nation of Israel relates to the appearance of the Star; Details on angels, fallen angels, mysterious appearances of God and more! Illustrated – Indexed.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Atheists Fatal Flaw
$22.35Most critiques of atheism focus on refuting head-on the claims of atheists. Instead, this unique book faithfully represents what atheists say they believe and stands back to watch as the natural inconsistencies in that worldview inevitably rise to the surface.
Norman L. Geisler, the apologetic giant of our time, is joined by Daniel J. McCoy, highlighting two inconsistencies in particular. First they examine the atheist’s assertion that God cannot exist because there is evil in the world and that if God truly existed, he would intervene. These same people then turn around and say any intervention on God’s part would impose upon human autonomy, and thus would be unjust. Second, these very interventions that would be considered immoral if imposed upon the earth by God are lauded when they stem instead from some human institution or authority.
Geisler and McCoy highlight this kind of “doublethink” step by step, showing readers how to identify such inconsistencies in atheistic arguments and refute them–or rather show atheists how they refute themselves.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Case For Christ Student Edition
$16.99There’s little question that he actually lived. But miracles? Rising from the dead? Some of the stories you hear about him sound like just that—stories. A reasonable person would never believe them, let alone the claim that he’s the only way to God! But a reasonable person would also make sure that he or she understood the facts before jumping to conclusions. That’s why Lee Strobel—an award-winning legal journalist with a knack for asking tough questions—decided to investigate Jesus for himself. An atheist, Strobel felt certain his findings would bring Christianity’s claims about Jesus tumbling down like a house of cards. He was in for the surprise of his life. Join him as he retraces his journey from skepticism to faith. You’ll consult expert testimony as you sift through the truths that history, science, psychiatry, literature, and religion reveal. Like Strobel, you’ll be amazed at the evidence—how much there is, how strong it is, and what it says. The facts are in. What will your verdict be in The Case for Christ?
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Case For A Creator Student Edition
$16.99Has Science Discovered God? When Lee Strobel was a high school freshman, science convinced him that God didn’t exist. Since then, however, incredible scientific discoveries have not only helped restore Lee’s faith, but have strengthened it. Lee is not alone. More and more scientists, confronted with startling, cutting-edge evidence from many areas of research, no longer believe the universe just ‘happened’ or that life arose by mere chance. Behind a universe of staggering complexity, they are seeing signs of a Master Designer. Are your science textbooks still telling you the same ‘facts’ that Lee’s did years ago? Prepare to be astonished by what some of today’s most respected experts have to say about:
The birth of the universe
Darwinism and the origin of life
The astounding fine-tuning of the cosmos
Amazing molecular machines and DNA researchWeigh the evidence for yourself. Then consider this question: Could it be that the universe looks designed … because it is?
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Jesus Or Nothing
$15.00“Pop” atheism is on the rise, and it’s taking many college campuses by storm. The popularity of atheistic authors such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris has led many young adults to abandon the Christian faith as an outdated and uneducated belief system. Seeking to counteract this disturbing trend, Dan DeWitt, dean of Boyce College, has crafted a compelling address to America’s youth, explaining the startling implications of the atheistic worldview. This book-written in an accessible, conversational style-uses the fictional journey of a young man named Zach to illustrate how the gospel provides a rock-solid foundation for life and offers an explanation for our existence, grace for our guilt, and meaning for our mortality.
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Confusion Factor
$21.86Pastor Paul stresses truths that are sadly much confused today: the promise of everlasting life (security), the simplicity of faith in Christ, and the differences between Position and Practice, salvation and discipleship.
Biblical answers are given to questions such as: What is Saving Faith? Is the Christian secure in his Salvation? Must a person be a disciple of Christ and make Him Lord to be saved? Who lives the Christian Life – the Christian or Christ? Included is an Appendix of Passages Subject to Confusion with Biblical explanations.
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Grand Central Question
$25.99Foreword By Josh McDowell
Prologue: What Truth Costs – What Truth Is Worth
Chapter One: Grand Central QuestionsPart I – Secular Humanism Or The Gospel — Which Provides Us With Intrinsic Value And Objective Purpose?
Chapter Two: Secular Humanism – The Secular Search
Chapter Three: Saying Nothing As Loud As We Can
Chapter Four: Will The Real Humanism Please Stand Up?Part II – Eastern & Western Spirituality Or The Gospel — Which Gives Real Answers To Suffering?
Chapter Five: Pantheism And Pain
Chapter Six: Escaping The EscapismPart III – Islam Or The Gospel — Which Tells Us About God’s Greatness?
Chapter Seven: From Whence Comes God’s Greatness?
Chapter Eight: God’s Greatness And The Preservation Of The Gospel
Chapter Nine: God’s Triune Greatness
Chapter Ten: Greatness IncarnateEpilogue: A Worldview That Views The Whole World
AcknowledgmentsRead More: Http://www.ivpress.com/cgi-ivpress/book.pl/toc/code=3665#ixzz2fBEY4td6
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All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence: Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central question. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of human beings? Pantheism emphasizes: How do we escape suffering? Islam’s main concern is: How is God great? Abdu Murray digs deeply into these three representatives of major worldviews of our day: atheism, pantheism and theism. This lawyer and former Muslim brings compassion, understanding and clarity to his analysis, comparing the answers of each view to the central message of Christianity.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Why Do The Innocent Suffer
$19.36If God is loving and powerful, why did He allow suffering to exist?
If God is all loving, and all powerful, couldn’t He stop all suffering?
Why are innocent children born deformed?
Why are there wars? What about tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis?
Doesn’t God care about all the people who are suffering in the world?Why Do The Innocent Suffer? is the most comprehensive discussion of this topic. Saia compares the various religious and philosophical reasons offered to answer this question, then solves the problem with a thoroughly Biblical answer. We might summarize the message of the book as an answer to the question of Moses in Genesis 18:25, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
Mike’s thorough exegesis of the book of Job is a highlight of the book, and would serve every pastor and teacher very well.
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Urban Apologetics : Why The Gospel Is Good News For The City
$16.99Much of the New Testament was written in urban settings, in which the Christian communities had to deal head-on with issues such as race, equality, justice, sexuality, money, and economics. But much of today’s apologetics (engagement with the questions that people are asking about Christianity) come from suburban churches and academic studies. Urban believers-those who live and minister in America’s inner cities-often face unique issues, not often addressed by the larger Christian community. These questions aren’t neat or easy to answer but need to be addressed by applying biblical truth in the culture and challenges of urban life.
Author Chris Brooks has ministered for years in the urban environment as well as received extensive theological training. In Urban Apologetics, he seeks to connect the riches of the Christian apologetic tradition with the issues facing cities-such as poverty, violence, and broken families. He brings an urban rhythm and sensitivity to the task of demonstrating the relevance of faith and the healing truth that Christ provides.
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Is Our Gospel The Gospel
$25.61Pastor-first, theologian-second Dr. Prince Parker is more plainspoken than any scholar has any right to be-what he writes, readers can actually comprehend! In Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel?, he follows the same teaching method he does with his students-easy-to-understand concepts followed by increasingly complex ideas that challenge and expand understanding-and the very same syntactical style he unashamedly proclaims in his Author’s Notes: In the same fashion, the vocabulary…swings between humorously colloquial Californian American English and polysyllabic academia.
In this extraordinarily comprehensive text, the author examines three fundamental questions every Christian must answer with utmost clarity and understanding:
The person of Christ-who is he?
The Word of God and the doctrine of salvation-exactly how can we be saved?
How should we present this incalculably valuable message to the world?To find answers, Dr. Parker shares stimulating and thought-provoking insights into biblical stories-from all corners of the Word-in minute detail, all the while encouraging believers to pay attention in order to more fully understand what Scripture has to say.
As friendly and readable as his voice may be, Dr. Parker is unflinching in his presentation of Scriptural truth: I know there are some who profess to have an exact theology of evangelism but are doing very little to actually win sinners for Christ…The glories of the Savior are hidden even from His servants because those preaching have not given the deserved attention to the gospel they are announcing…The truth to impart life has been hidden behind the smokescreen of human inventions.
Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel? is an intelligent theological discourse equally suitable for personal edification or small or large group study-not only educational, but fun to read. How many scholarly texts can make such a claim?
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Jesus Quest : The Danger From Within
$42.48This work examines the historical and philosophical strengths and/or weaknesses of current evangelical approaches espousing some forms of post-modernistic historiography and its resultant search for the “historical Jesus.” It demonstrates the marked undermining impact these efforts have had on the biblical text, especially the Gospels, as well inerrancy issues. It compares the Jesus Seminar’s approach with current evangelical practices of searching in terms of their evidential apologetic impact on the trustworthiness of the Gospels. A number of well-known, contemporary evangelical scholars are involved in the so-called “Third Quest” for the historical Jesus. This book raises serious questions about such an endeavor.
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Reading Richard Dawkins
1. A Distinct Methodological Framework
2. Encountering Evolution: The Dawkins Perspective
3. Beyond Biology: An Evolutionary Weltanschauung
4. Religion: An Evolutionary View
5. Evil, Evolution, And God: Dawkins And Theology In Dialogue
Additional Info
Theological reactions to the rise of the new atheist movement have largely been critically hostile or defensively deployed apologetics to shore up the faith against attack. Gary Keogh contends that focusing on scholarly material that is inherently agreeable to theology will not suffice in the context of modern academia. Theology, he says, needs to test its boundaries.Reading Richard Dawkins illustrates how dialogue with antithetical viewpoints offers new perspectives on classical theological problems. Keogh demonstrates how a dialogical paradigm may take shape-one which is up to the task of facing its critics in the context of modern academia.
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Case For A Creator
$19.99A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God ‘My road to atheism was paved by science…but, ironically, so was my later journey to God.’—Lee Strobel
During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Science had made the idea of a Creator irrelevant—or so Strobel thought. But today science is pointing in a different direction. In recent years, a diverse and impressive body of research has increasingly supported the conclusion that the universe was intelligently designed. At the same time, Darwinism has faltered in the face of concrete facts and hard reason. Has science discovered God? At the very least, it’s giving faith an immense boost as new findings emerge about the incredible complexity of our universe. Join Strobel as he reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. Through his compelling and highly readable account, you’ll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present astonishing evidence in The Case for a Creator.
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Most Encouraging Book On Hell Ever
$9.99It’s become a modern question because of the traditional doctrine: How can God be both loving and wrathful?
In The Most Encouraging Book on Hell Ever, Thor Ramsey (an author, pastor, and comedian…but don’t let that fool you) tackles this question by probing deeper. Avoiding the caricatures of God as either a Frankenstein out to crush you or a Santa Claus ready to grant your every wish (as long as you’ve been really, really good), he asks, “What changes about God if this traditional understanding of the doctrine of hell changes?” As it turns out, everything changes.
If you think a God without hell is more loving, this book will surprise you. While many believe that by eliminating hell they’re getting a new and improved God, this new thinking is more troubling than the old doctrine itself. The new doctrine of hell being sold today is only good news at the most superficial level, leaving us with a wrath-less God who tolerates evils that make even the average atheist cringe.
What if hell itself is good news about God? What if hell highlights everything we find glorious about God? What if the loss of hell leaves the world with a smaller God? Discover why the church needs a new and different breed of hellfire-and-brimstone preacher in the pulpit today. If you can’t imagine how the doctrine of hell could ever make you say, “Praise God,” this book (often funny, but deadly serious) lays out the biblical vision.
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Is Reality Secular
$27.99What is the nature of reality? How do we best understand and explain the world around us? What does it mean to be human? And how do we account for ethics and morality? Mary Poplin argues that the ultimate test of a worldview, philosophy or ideology is whether it corresponds with reality. Since different perspectives conflict with each other, how do we make sense of the differences? And if a worldview system accurately reflects reality, what implications does that have for our thinking and living? In this wide-ranging and perceptive study, Poplin examines four major worldviews: naturalism, humanism, pantheism and Judeo-Christian theism. She explores the fundamental assumptions of each, pressing for limitations. Ultimately she puts each perspective to the test, asking, what if this worldview is true? And what does it matter? If reality is secular, that means something for how we orient our lives. But if reality is not best explained by secular perspectives, that would mean something quite different. Consider for yourself what best makes sense of reality.
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Christ In Conflict (Revised)
$20.99Opening our eyes to the persistance of the controversies that followed Jesus throughout his public ministry, John Stott explains why the tension-filled social exchanges depicted in the Gospels provide us with a key to the heart of Christian doctrine.
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$18.99There is a vast Christian audience that longs for clear explanations in their “case for God” that gives them reason, confidence, and the language to effectively communicate their belief. Hardwired is that book, that confidence, that accessible wisdom and that language! Christian apologetics remains a popular and widely-read genre, with works like The Case for Christ selling millions of copies and Craig’s Reasonable Faith making inroads into professional academic discussion. However, those works require readers to have a certain degree of academic curiosity or to defer to credible scholars-even to have an existing faith. Hardwired is altogether different. Rather than mounting an academic case for faith, Hardwired explores the many surprising levels of faith and “inherent” facts that the casual observer has inadvertently picked up as a latent knowledge of God. Miller begins with the language of our own lives: seekers/questioners/”Nones” and “Somes” needs only to examine their lives, their human existence, to find God. Like a baseball player who has delved into physics while simply trying to get on base, humanity has inferred God’s existence from daily life. Building on the biblical principle that God’s existence is plain in what He has made, Hardwired explores fascinating and common presuppositions that we necessarily take for granted-that imply the existence of God-and Hardwired builds the case for our natural lives speaking of God with humor, metaphor, and whimsy. Hardwired will empower the layperson to find God without a Ph.D. It’s readable and even fun, even as it rests on a credible, scholarly foundation.
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End Of Apologetics
$30.00The modern apologetic enterprise, according to Myron Penner, is no longer valid. It tends toward an unbiblical and unchristian form of Christian witness and does not have the ability to attest truthfully to Christ in our postmodern context. In fact, Christians need an entirely new way of conceiving the apologetic task.
This provocative text critiques modern apologetic efforts and offers a concept of faithful Christian witness that is characterized by love and grounded in God’s revelation. Penner seeks to reorient the discussion of Christian belief, change a well-entrenched vocabulary that no longer works, and contextualize the enterprise of apologetics for a postmodern generation.
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C S Lewis Vs The New Atheists
$26.23The book will counter the ‘new atheist’ movement using the arguments of C.S. Lewis, thereby appealing to readers interested in both loci and showing that there is nothing especially ‘new’ about the new atheism.
How might C.S. Lewis, the greatest Christian apologist of the twentieth century, respond to the twenty-first century ‘new atheism’ of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and company? Might Lewis’ own journey from atheism to Christian belief illuminate and undercut the objections of the new atheists? Christian philosopher Peter S. Williams takes us on an intellectual journey through Lewis’ conversion in conversation with today’s anti-theists.
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Christian Apologetics (Reprinted)
$47.05World-famous apologist Norman Geisler offers a new edition of his bestselling apologetics text, which has sold consistently for over thirty years (over 125,000 copies sold). This edition has been updated throughout and includes three new chapters. It offers readers a systematic approach that presents both the reasons and the methods for defending the claims of Christianity. Topics covered include deism, theism, Christ’s authority, and the inspiration of the Bible.
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When Skeptics Ask (Revised)
$30.58When skeptics ask tough questions, believers can turn to this helpful, user-friendly guide for thoughtful, up-to-date answers. Readers will also learn to identify and respond to the misuse of Scripture by nonbelievers and help detractors see the fullness, beauty, and truth of Christianity.
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God And Evil
$25.99If God is good, why is there suffering? The question is as timeless as it is urgent. In this volume, Chad Meister and James K. Dew, leading thinkers in Christian philosophy and apologetics, take on the problem of suffering from all angles. They seriously engage contemporary critiques leveled against the faith and offer readers new confidence and hope in the God who suffered and died and rose again.
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Reasons For Belief (Reprinted)
$18.00Seminary professor and bestselling author teams with a seminary-trained apologist and teacher to give readers basic, solid evidence for the Christian faith. This book is ideal for both teens and adults. Lay leaders and teachers as well as students will be equipped to explain the basics of Christianity to unbelievers and new believers. The accessible and topically organized book is easy to understand and use.
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Science And Religion In The 21st Century
$88.00Despite the upsurge in public interest in science-and-religion provoked by the so-called “new atheist” attacks on religion, there has been surprisingly little publically accessible informed discussion of the central issues at stake in contemporary work at the interface of science and religion. This book fills this gap by providing a snapshot of what is really at stake in contemporary interactions and debates between scientists and theologians. What the collection shows, above all, is the vibrant complexity of discussions in science-and-religion. Old models of conflict between the two disciplines no longer hold; but neither do the alternative comprehensive models of independence, dialogue or integration. What emerges instead is a complex set of relations between science and religion in the twenty-first century.
Contributors include Keith Ward, Jurgen Moltmann, John Hedley Brooke, Celia Deane-Drummond and John Polkinghorne.
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Bible : Intellligent Design Or Chance
$21.00“The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance? is a brilliantly written book on the supernatural order and structure of the Bible (that consists of 66 books or scrolls) that was not the result of chance nor was there a council that convened to determine the order of the scrolls in the canon, but rather the result of the Supreme Ruler of the Universe who sovereignly determined the order of the scrolls in canon we call the Bible. Dr. Morey’s scholarship and dedication for over 50 years to the King of kings and Lord of lords, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, has produced a book that will be etched in stone for generations to come.” Didymus, President, New Jersey Institute for the Advancement of Truth (NJIAT) Dr. Robert A. Morey Ph.D., D.Min., D.D. Faith Defenders http://faithdefenders.com Dr. Robert A. Morey’s ministry is recommended by some of best-known Christian leaders in this generation: D. James Kennedy, John Ankerberg, Gordon Clark, John Frame, Cornelius Van Til, Walter Martin, Gleason Archer, Stephen Olford, Francis A. Schaeffer and many others. He is the author of over 58 books. It should be noted that Dr. Robert A. Morey as a young protege with an IQ of 185 was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade of high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Morey is also a Greek and Hebrew scholar and has debated some of the top scholars in the world who are against Christianity-see some of his free video debates on Faith Defenders website.
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Science And Religion In The 21st Century
$60.99Despite the upsurge in public interest in science-and-religion provoked by the so-called “new atheist” attacks on religion, there has been surprisingly little publically accessible informed discussion of the central issues at stake in contemporary work at the interface of science and religion. This book fills this gap by providing a snapshot of what is really at stake in contemporary interactions and debates between scientists and theologians. What the collection shows, above all, is the vibrant complexity of discussions in science-and-religion. Old models of conflict between the two disciplines no longer hold; but neither do the alternative comprehensive models of independence, dialogue or integration. What emerges instead is a complex set of relations between science and religion in the twenty-first century.
Contributors include Keith Ward, Jurgen Moltmann, John Hedley Brooke, Celia Deane-Drummond and John Polkinghorne.
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Christian Confidence : An Introduction To Defending The Faith
1. Apology For Apologetics
2. Apologetics And Philosophy
3. Christian Persuaders
4. The Right Way To Reason
5. Apologetics Through The Ages
6. Brave New World
7. Digging Up The Bible
8. Science Friction
9. Jesus And The Many Roads
10. Suffering And The Cross
ConclusionAdditional Info
IVP Print On Demand TitlePhilosophy, archaeology and science are hot topics in Christian circles, perplexing many believers about how these issues relate to faith. Fortunately for us, Chris Sinkinson has investigated these areas and gathered historical Christian perspective. The result is this accessible introduction to apologetics, which enlightens minds and inspires confidence. Christian Confidence is a one-stop shop for anyone desiring to engage thoughtfully and persuasively in the difficult conversations surrounding faith in the twenty-first century. This book will deepen your understanding of Christianity and empower you to present the case for faith convincingly, credibly and cleverly.
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Real Kosher Jesus
$15.99Jesus-Yeshua.The most influential Jew who ever lived. The most controversial Jew who ever lived.
He has been called a rabbi, a rebel, a reformer, a religious teacher, a reprobate sinner, a revolutionary, a redeemer. Some have claimed he was a magician, others the Messiah. Some say he was a deceiver; others say he was divine. Who is this Jesus-Yeshua, and why are we still talking about him two thousand years later?
Recently a prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbi presented a new version of Jesus, a “Kosher Jesus” that Jews can accept. By reclaiming Yeshua as a fellow Jew and rabbi, he has taken a very major and truly wonderful step in the right direction, but by re-creating Jesus, he has also robbed him of his uniqueness.
The Real Kosher Jesus takes you on a journey to uncover the truth. It is a journey filled with amazing discoveries and delightful surprises, a journey that is sometimes painful but that ends with joy, a journey through which you will learn the real story of this man named Yeshua: the most famous Jew of all time, the Jewish nation’s greatest prophet, the most illustrious rabbi ever, the light of the nations-and Israel’s hidden Messiah.
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Truth Please : Science And Bible Truths The Government Does Not Want You To
$33.11The things I’ve written about in this book reflect my approach to life, that approach is “common sense.” The scientific laws I”ve written about are proven facts of science that can be found elaborated on in numerous sources and the Bible verses are I’ve quoted are right out of the King James Version Bible. Whether looking at science, the Bible or how to build a house, I want to know what makes sense. Certainly all answers to life are not simple, but there is no reason to accept complicated nonsense for an answer if by common sense the question can be reasoned and answered.
I was nominated for an appointment to West Point during my junior year in high school but because of some heart changing decisions I made just before and during my senior year, I chose to go to Bible college instead. I have served the Lord as a laymen in the church all of my adult life and worked in the secular world, mostly in the construction industry as a contractor.
I have had a passion about the creation vs. evolution subject since my teens and have read and studied everything I’ve gotten in my possession, whether pro creation or pro evolution. I have listened diligently when the subject was being taught and have watched numerous evolution programs on educational and documentary television programs. Everything I read, heard or saw on the subject, caused me to do deeper studies.
When all is said and done and all hoaxes, errors, contradictions, and impossibilities are eliminated, what is still left standing and makes common sense, is creation!
I hope this book will give some Christians the ammunition to withstand Atheistic confrontations and that it may also win some nonbelievers over to understand that there really is a Creator God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Truth Please : Science And Bible Truths The Government Does Not Want You To
$20.61The things I’ve written about in this book reflect my approach to life, that approach is “common sense.” The scientific laws I”ve written about are proven facts of science that can be found elaborated on in numerous sources and the Bible verses are I’ve quoted are right out of the King James Version Bible. Whether looking at science, the Bible or how to build a house, I want to know what makes sense. Certainly all answers to life are not simple, but there is no reason to accept complicated nonsense for an answer if by common sense the question can be reasoned and answered.
I was nominated for an appointment to West Point during my junior year in high school but because of some heart changing decisions I made just before and during my senior year, I chose to go to Bible college instead. I have served the Lord as a laymen in the church all of my adult life and worked in the secular world, mostly in the construction industry as a contractor.
I have had a passion about the creation vs. evolution subject since my teens and have read and studied everything I’ve gotten in my possession, whether pro creation or pro evolution. I have listened diligently when the subject was being taught and have watched numerous evolution programs on educational and documentary television programs. Everything I read, heard or saw on the subject, caused me to do deeper studies.
When all is said and done and all hoaxes, errors, contradictions, and impossibilities are eliminated, what is still left standing and makes common sense, is creation!
I hope this book will give some Christians the ammunition to withstand Atheistic confrontations and that it may also win some nonbelievers over to understand that there really is a Creator God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Do Historical Matters Matter To Faith
$35.00Equips Christians to defend the doctrine of inerrancy against a culture and academy ever skeptical of the Bible’s historical claims.
Is historical accuracy an indispensable part of the Bible’s storyline, or is Scripture only concerned with theological truths? As progressive evangelicals threaten to reduce the Bible’s jurisdiction by undermining its historical claims, every Christian who cares about the integrity of Scripture must be prepared to answer this question.
Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? offers a firm defense of Scripture’s legitimacy and the theological implications of modern and postmodern approaches that teach otherwise. In this timely and timeless collection of essays, scholars from diverse areas of expertise lend strong arguments in support of the doctrine of inerrancy. Contributors explore how the specific challenges of history, authenticity, and authority are answered in the text of the Old and New Testaments as well as how the Bible is corroborated by philosophy and archaeology.
With contributions from respected scholars-including Allan Millard, Craig Blomberg, Graham Cole, Michael Haykin, Robert Yarbrough, and Darrell Bock-Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? arms Christians with fresh insight, arguments, and language with which to defend Scripture’s historical accuracy against a culture and academy skeptical of those claims.
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Mere Apologetics : How To Help Seekers And Skeptics Find Faith (Reprinted)
$22.35Throughout history there have been great and articulate defenders of the faith, from Augustine and Aquinas to Jonathan Edwards, G. K. Chesterton, Francis Schaeffer, and C. S. Lewis. But with new challenges comes the need for a fresh apologetic that specifically addresses the arguments levied against faith in our time of scientific atheism and skepticism.
In the spirit of C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, Alister McGrath’s Mere Apologetics seeks to equip readers to engage gracefully and intelligently with the challenges facing the faith today while drawing appropriately on the wisdom of the past. Rather than supplying the fine detail of every apologetic issue in order to win arguments, Mere Apologetics teaches a method that appeals not only to the mind but also to the heart and the imagination. This highly accessible, easy-to-read book is perfect for pastors, teachers, students, and lay people who want to speak clearly and lovingly to the issues that confront people of faith today.
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Defending Inerrancy : Affirming The Accuracy Of Scripture For A New Generat
$32.94The doctrine of inerrancy has been taught for a millennium. Now, it’s at risk.
Leading apologist and bestselling author Norman L. Geisler, who was one of the original drafters of the “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy,” and his coauthor, William C. Roach, present here a defense of the traditional understanding of inerrancy for a new generation of Christians who are being assaulted with challenges to the nature of God, truth, and language.
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Thinking About Christian Apologetics
$22.99Most introductions to apologetics begin with the “how to” of defending the faith, diving headlong into the major apologetic arguments and the body of evidence. For those who want a more foundational look at this contested theological discipline, this book examines Christian apologetics in its nature, history, approaches, objections and practice.
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Sow God
$28.73The author offers an education on how the world was created and why God is worthy of love and worship. After reading this book, there is no doubt that God does exist and that He is the Creator of the universe. The most important message McDaniels shares, however, is that the Lord is all-wise and truly has the best plans for this life and for every individual.
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Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics (Expanded)
$26.99Preface And Acknowledgments
1. Bumper Stickers And Ethical Systems
2. When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do: Cultural Relativism
3. Look Out For Number One: Ethical Egoism
4. I Couldn’t Help Myself: Behaviorism
5. Survival Of The (Ethical) Fittest: Evolutionary Ethics
6. The Greatest Happiness: Utilitarianism
7. It’s Your Duty: Kantian Ethics
8. Be Good: Virtue Ethics
9. The Moral Of The Story Is . . . : Narrative Ethics
10. All You Need Is Love: Situation Ethics
11. Doing What Comes Naturally: Natural Law Ethics
12. God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It: Divine Command Theory
13. Unraveling The Options
NotesAdditional Info
Ideas have consequences. And sometimes those ideas can be squeezed in to slogans, slapped on bumper stickers and tweeted into cyberspace. These compact messages coming at us from all directions often compress in a few words entire ethical systems. It turns out that there’s a lot more to the ideas behind these slogans–ideas that need to be sorted out before we make important moral decisions as individuals or as societies.In this revised and expanded edition of Steve Wilkens’s widely-used text, the author has updated his introductions to basic ethical systems:
cultural relativism
ethical egoism
situation ethics
Kantian ethics
virtue ethics
natural law ethics
divine command theoryHe has also added two new chapters:
evolutionary ethics
narrative ethicsWith clarity and wit Wilkens unpacks the complicated ideas behind the slogans and offers Christian evaluations of each.
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Truth Considered And Applied
$29.99For philosophy and theology students, Truth Considered and Applied examines the leading theories of truth in relation to postmodernism, history, and the Christian faith. Author Stewart E. Kelly defends Christianity in the face of postmodernist challenges that would label such religious faith as merely one version of truth among many in a pluralistic world. Likewise, in looking at Christianity as a historical faith, Kelly supports the need for Christians to develop a hermeneutic that does justice to the biblical texts and our informed understanding of the past in general; because if a genuine past cannot be recovered in some meaningful sense, the claims of Jesus being incarnate and risen from the dead are seriously jeopardized.
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Why God Wont Go Away
$18.99An accessible discourse written by a trusted expert and scholar critiquing the new atheism on its own merits and claims. The rise of the new atheism, which includes the manifestos of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, has created a public willingness in today’s marketplace to talk about God and religion. Yet the debate up to this point has focused largely on rebutting the new atheist critique of Christianity. Why God Won’t God Away moves into new territory by challenging the new atheism on its own grounds. Chapters include discussion on:
What is the new atheism
The problem of religion
The problem of human nature
Believing only what can be proved
Dealing with imagined worlds and myths
The new humanism and the new enlightenment
Violence and dogmatismThis book is written by a theology professor and Christian apologist who not only has a best-selling book rebutting the new atheist critique of Christianity but has debated Richard Dawkins in Oxford, Christopher Hitchens in Washington, and Daniel Dennett in London.
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No Argument For God
$24.99Countless apologetists over the centuries have labored to show that Christianity is not unreasonable. But, as John Wilkinson contends, neither is faith a matter of mere reason. In No Argument for God Wilkinson calls Christians to reserve for God’s wisdom–which often looks, to the human brain, like foolishness–the role of vindicating and authenticating faith. Read this book and break through the gridlock of apologetic arguments to a life-giving encounter with the God who satisfies our minds and seeks our good.
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Reliability Of The New Testament
$45.00Introduction: Why New Testament Textual Criticism Matters: A Non-Critic’s Perspective
1. The Textual Reliability Of The New Testament: A Dialogue
2. Text And Transmission In The Second Century
3. The Necessity Of A Theology Of Scripture
4. What Is The Text Of The New Testament?
5. Who Changed The Text And Why? Probable, Possible, And Unlikely Explanations
6. Assessing The Stability Of The Transmitted Texts Of The New Testament And The Shepherd Of Hermas
7. Textual Criticism And Textual Confidence: How Reliable Is Scripture?
8. Authors Or Preservers? Scribal Culture And The Theology Of ScripturesNotes
Subject Index
Scripture IndexAdditional Info
This volume highlights points of agreement and disagreement between two leading scholars on the subject of the textual reliability of the New Testament: Bart Ehrman, James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of the best-selling book Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, and Daniel Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.This conversation between Ehrman and Wallace allows the reader to see in print how each presents his position in light of the other’s. Contributions follow from an interdisciplinary team featuring specialists in biblical studies, philosophy, and theology. The textual reliability of the New Testament is logically prior to its interpretation and thus important for the Christian religion. This book provides interested readers a fair and balanced case for both sides and allows them to decide for themselves: What does it mean for a text to be textually reliable? How reliable is the New Testament? How reliable is reliable enough?
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Power Of I Will
$12.95There once was a time in the history of mankind when knowledge was passed on by pictures or by oral tradition. There have been periods when the common man was kept away from truth and enlightenment by cultural elite, ruthless dictators, elevated clergy and even mystics. People of the past were often kept in ignorance or were assumed to not be able to understand the very things that might set them free. We now live in an age where people have almost instant access to virtual libraries and treasuries of the accumulated wisdom and history of man. Often times in their maddening rush to learn, uncover or sort through the avalanche of information, they demand the “condensed” version. This is not a good time in history to be an encyclopedia salesman. Our parents never dreamed of a day when handwritten letters would give way to emails, which are already being replaced by text messages, tweets and twitters! With this in mind the author has created a “less is more” masterpiece. Today’s seeker is not an idiot. If she or he finds a topic of intrigue or connection, they will use whatever means at hand to search it out and build upon it. However, there is one facet in life everyone must and will face. It will change your life!
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Is God A Moral Monster (Reprinted)
$19.99A recent string of popular-level books written by the New Atheists have leveled the accusation that the God of the Old Testament is nothing but a bully, a murderer, and a cosmic child abuser. This viewpoint is even making inroads into the church. How are Christians to respond to such accusations? And how are we to reconcile the seemingly disconnected natures of God portrayed in the two testaments?
In this timely and readable book, apologist Paul Copan takes on some of the most vexing accusations of our time, including:
God is arrogant and jealous
God punishes people too harshly
God is guilty of ethnic cleansing
God oppresses women
God endorses slavery
Christianity causes violence
and moreCopan not only answers God’s critics, he also shows how to read both the Old and New Testaments faithfully, seeing an unchanging, righteous, and loving God in both.
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Prepared To Answer
$22.48Follow the personal odyssey of a man of science as he journeys from skepticism to faith. Logic, science, and history become bridges instead of barriers, as doubt is transformed into confidence. Scrutinize the evidence that compels the verdict that Christian faith rests upon truth and fact, not legend and myth.
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Siloh Puente A Dios – (Spanish)
$21.86Desde muy temprana edad senti el llamado de Dios, pero los afanes me dominaron hasta convertirme en Su enemigo. En 1980 cometi una falta tan grave, que ocasiono lo siguiente. Concluida la transgresion, escuche cuando una voz masculina y profunda me dijo: “Ya me perteneces”. De inmediato, la esencia de vida fue succionada por la corona de mi cabeza. Entonces comence a caer por un abismo, sin llegar a tocar fondo.
Desatendi mi familia, solo me importaba satisfacer el deseo carnal que habia tomado control de mi. Mi angustia fue tal, que en 1982 tome mi revolver, lo martille y coloque en mi cabeza para terminar con la angustia que vivia. De inmediato vino a mi el recuerdo de Jesus y le dije: “Si verdaderamente eres el Hijo de Dios y tienes poder para dar vida, te pido que me devuelvas la esencia de vida que perdi. Pero si lo haces, te suplico que no sea para solo respirar; dale sentido a mi ser, utilizame”.
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Against All Gods
$20.99IVP Print On Demand Title
In this book Phillip E. Johnson and John Mark Reynolds welcome the debate the New Atheists are stirring up and castigates our universities for squashing public debate about the place of faith in all knowing in the name of a false science. They argue for the reasonableness of Christian claims to take a place at the table of public debate and evaluate the strengths of arguments for atheism or naturalism. Ultimately they encourage us to ask the right questions and follow the evidence where it leads.
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God As Author
$19.99God as Author takes a thoughtful literary approach to understanding the Gospel. Gene Fant writes in the preface:
“Most of us have heard that Christ is ‘the Author and Finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2), so it makes sense that the Gospel would be God’s story. As many a church message board has noted so succinctly, ‘History is His Story.’ In our easy discussions of special revelation, I cannot help but wonder if we
have missed something awe-inspiring that may be revealed by a reversal of the lens that we turn toward narrative. Perhaps the Gospel is not just like a story; perhaps story, narrative in general, is like the Gospel. My clear conviction is that something stands behind the power of narrative. In fact, I believe that Someone stands behind it. There is an Author whose skill and grace imbues the broad range of the stories that we tell. There is a Father who gave us a story to help us understand our place in this world, a story that points back to Him. His story is, in many ways, the only story that we know. When we use that realization as a foundation for interpreting and generating narrative, it changes everything, including ourselves.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Case For Christ For Kids (Expanded)
$12.99With clear facts and answers to the questions kids eight to twelve ask most, this adaptation of Lee Strobel’s New York Times bestselling and award-winning The Case for Christ uses kid-friendly language to explore the research, eyewitness accounts, and evidence behind the question of whether Jesus really was the savior the Bible promised, and what that answer means for our lives today.
Whether they’ve grown up in the church or are encountering faith for the first time, The Case for Christ for Kids is the perfect resource to answer the questions about Jesus kids 8-12 ask most. Inside, readers will discover:
*Historical evidence, expert testimonies, extensive research, and scientific proof that back up what the Bible says
*Answers for why Christians believe what they do
*Kid-friendly stories that make the facts easy to understand
*Ways to talk to other people about Jesus and share what they knowThe Case for Christ for Kids:
*Is a solid source of information that looks at all sides of the issue to present solid evidence behind each conclusion and fact about the Christian faith
*Has illustrations and callout graphics to make the topics memorable for kids eight and up
*Is an excellent resource for Sunday schools, church libraries, and homeschooling
*Pairs with Case for Christ for Kids 90-Day Devotional, which expands on the themes of TheCase for Christ for Kids to apply those truths to late elementary and middle school kids’ everyday lives
This book can be used on its own or alongside The Case for a Creator for Kids, The Case for Faith for Kids, and The Case for Miracles for Kids to help children with faith development and answer questions they wonder about most.
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On Guard : Defending Your Faith With Reason And Precision
$18.99An excellent training manual for defending the Christian faith! Equipping believers to stand their ground, Craig offers four arguments for God’s existence, defends the historicity of Jesus’ personal claims and resurrection, addresses the problem of suffering, and shows why religious relativism isn’t viable. Discover not only what you believe but why!
Add to cartOnly 1 left in stock (additional units can be purchased)
Abusing Memory : The Healing Theology Of Agnes Sanford (Revised)
1. Mother Of Inner Healing
2. A Free Spirit
3. Motives For Healing
4. New Thought, New Age, And Agnes
5. Agnes And God
6. A Blurred Picture Of Jesus
7. Flirting With Spiritism
8. Prayer Of Faith
9. Turning God On
10. Laying On Of Hands
11. Failure Of The Prayer Of Faith
12. “Healing Of The Soul Never Fails”
13. Inner Healing And Memories
14. The Inner Child
15. The Source Of The Unconscious
16. The Collective Unconscious
17. Agnes’s Legacy: The Ministry Of John Sandford
18. What Then Shall We Say?
BibliographyAdditional Info
Agnes Sanford has long been hailed as the mother of the Inner Healing/Healing of Memories movement. Though her methods are popular in various segments of the Church, they are anything but Christian.Dr. Gumprecht explores the beginnings of this religious arm of the New Age movement, focusing on Agnes Sanford’s rebellion against the orthodox church, her understanding of God’s will in connection with suffering, her involvement with New Age leader Emmet Fox, and more.
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Communicating Christ In A Religious World (Revised)
$21.23You hear a knock at your door, and you notice through the window two bicycles parked in your driveway. Two clean-cut young men who appear to be conservative salesman or Christian seminary students dressed in white shirts, ties, and dress slacks wait outside. They inform you that they are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons. What do you say? The fact is that religious people are everywhere from the next door neighbor to the person sitting next to you on the plane. They follow multiple systems of beliefs, and some of them have very different living practices. Not all belong to cults. Some come from common, acceptable religious systems, while others appear extreme. How do you talk to these people and share the message of Christ? How do you even begin to prepare when so many different groups teach so many different doctrines? This book will help you prepare for these conversations. It is not about the teachings of religious groups; plenty of other books outline those teachings. This book explains how to communicate to those in religious systems the love of Christ without a heated debate. You will find Communicating Christ in a Religious World to be a powerful tool which will prepare you to share biblical truth with religious people!
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Preguntas Claves Sobre El Nuev – (Spanish)
$15.99SPANISH EDITION: The New Testament is the foundation of the Christian church, but some question its historical accuracy. Others have claimed that Paul’s teaching differs from that of the Gospels. How can we reconcile the seemingly different messages of Jesus and Paul? What is the relevance of the New Testament in our world today, in cultures far removed by time and space from the first-century Mediterranean world? What principles can we use to make appropriate applications? In Making Sense of the New Testament, Craig Blomberg offers a reasonable, well-informed response to these crucial questions encountered by Bible readers. Grounded in sound scholarship but written in an accessible style, this book offers reliable guidance to pastors, students, and anyone interested in a better understanding of the New Testament.
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Creation Under Fire From Within The Church
$26.23This book picks up where the Creation vs. Evolution debate leaves off for the Christian. Without rehashing the debates, this book moves forward with what the Bible says and what it does not say about the subject of creation! This book will equip you in answering today’s pressing questions, with the simplicity of God’s Word. This book also sounds the alarm to the Body of Christ on one of Satan’s most successful lies ever perpetrated on humanity by exposing a dreadful theory called “uniformitarianism” and how it has infected the Body of Christ. Why does what we believe about origins matter? This book brings answers to tons of tough questions and sets the story straight. We invite you to see these answers uncovered from the Bible alone!
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When Athens Met Jerusalem
$34.99Table Of Contents
Introduction: Athens And Jerusalem
1 Building Athens: Philosophy Before Socrates
2 The Death Of A Good Man
3 The Ideal Philosopher: Plato And His Teachings
4 Follow The Logos Wherever It Leads
5 In Love With The Good
6 The City In Words: On Justice
7 The Likely Story: The Timaeus
8 Breaking With The Master: Aristotle And The “Other” Path
9 The Middle Way: Aristotle’s Ethics
10 Preparing The Way For Christ: Hellenistic Philosophy
11 A Postscript: Where Do We Go From Here?Additional Info
John Mark Reynolds’s book When Athens Met Jerusalem provides students a well-informed introduction to the intellectual underpinnings of Western civilization and highlights how certain intellectual trends are eroding those very foundations.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Atheist Delusion : A Christian Response To Christopher Hitchens And Richard
$21.23In this book, Phil Fernandes refutes the arguments of the new militant atheists. This book is a thorough and timely defense of the Christian faith that enables the believer to contend for the faith against the latest assault on God’s kingdom.
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Apologetics For A New Generation
$15.99Many teenagers leave home for college but don’t take their faith with them. Popular writer and speaker Sean McDowell offers a solution for this problem: a new way of approaching faith that addresses the questions the emerging generation is asking and that incorporates a radically humble and relational approach. An impressive list of contributors, including Dan Kimball (They Like Jesus but Not the Church) and David Kinnaman (unChristian), show that today’s apologetics must employ… a clear connection with everyday life an invitation for people to express their doubts and wrestle with tough questions a culturally savvy understanding of the way secular people view Christians an engaging methodology that captures the imagination before engaging the mind a strong emphasis on the resurrection and how it changes everything This resource is imperative for leaders who are ready to engage a new generation with the claims of Christ.
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Apologetics Of Jesus
$16.99Apologetics books abound, but how did Jesus defend the faith? The Apologetics of Jesus presents the Savior at his convincing best. The most tentative Christian–or belligerent skeptic–will find meaty arguments for the godhead of Christ through his parables, prophecies, and more. This hard-hitting resource shows how Christ led the curious to commitment.
In this original book, readers will find a new way of looking at the message and miracles of Christ and will be revived by the example of Christ’s caring approach to dealing with doubters. Recommended for both laypeople and ministry leaders alike.
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There Is A God
$16.99In There Is a God, one of the world’s preeminent atheists discloses how his commitment to “follow the argument wherever it leads” led him to a belief in God as Creator. This is a compelling and refreshingly open-minded argument that will forever change the atheism debate.
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Como Llegar A Ellos – (Spanish)
$15.99Una obra que explora como evangelizar y como hacer buena Apologetica en el mundo en el que nos ha tocado vivir, el mundo postmoderno escrita por expertos en Evangelizacion y Teologia. Como comunicamos y defendemos la fe cristiana ante personas que piensan que todo vale, que el pecado no existe, o que todas las religiones son validas? Este libro examina tanto las principales religiones del mundo (el Islam, el Judaismo, las Religiones Orientales, etc.), como la religion del ateismo, para ensearnos como podemos hablarles del evangelio de forma eficaz.
A work that explores how to witness in our post-modern world – the world we have been given to live in. Examines the main religions of the world as well as atheism in order to teach us how to evangelize effectively.
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Friendly Letter To Skeptics And Atheists
$16.95A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists helps readers-both secular and religious-appreciate their common ground. For those whose thinking has moved from the religious thesis to the skeptical antithesis (or vice versa), Myers offers pointers to a science-respecting Christian synthesis. He shows how skeptics and people of faith can share a commitment to reason, evidence, and critical thinking, while also embracing a faith that supports human flourishing-by making sense of the universe, giving meaning to life, connecting us in supportive communities, mandating altruism, and offering hope in the face of adversity and death.
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Why There Almost Certainly Is A God
$11.99Richard Dawkins claimed that ‘no theologian has ever produced a satisfactory response to his arguments’. Well-known broadcaster and author Keith Ward is one of Britain’s foremost philosopher-theologians. This is his response. Ward welcomes all comers into philosophy’s world of clear definitions, sharp arguments, and diverse conclusions. But when Dawkins enters this world, his passion tends to get the better of him, and he descends into stereotyping, pastiche, and mockery. In this stimulating and thought-provoking philosophical challenge, Ward demonstrates not only how Dawkins’ arguments are flawed, but that a perfectly rational case can be made that there, almost certainly, is a God.
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What If Jesus Had Never Been Born
$19.99One powerful truth is undeniable: if Christ had never been born, nearly every facet of human life would be worse. Discover what the world would have been like without Jesus, and how some of the world’s greatest accomplishments exist only because he lived.
We live in a cynical age in which only one prejudice is tolerated: anti-Christian bigotry. Yet despite the near constant and attacks against the faith, one powerful truth is undeniable: if Christ had never been born, nearly every aspect of human life would be much more miserable than it is today.
In What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?, discover:
*Christianity’s impact on the value of human life, helping the poor, and education
*Christianity’s impact on world history and the founding of America
*Christianity’s contribution to civil liberties, science, medicine, and economics
*Lives changed by Jesus ChristThe author also examines what happens in a world without Christianity, as well as fulfilling the purpose of believers as we move forward.
Arranged topically and presenting compelling, little-known historical facts, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? clearly demonstrates that an enormous benefits to humankind–from economics to art to government, science to civil liberties, morality to health, and beyond–would never have occurred had Jesus Christ not lived.
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Love The Ultimate Apologetic
$24.99InterVarsity Press Publication
Defending the Christian faith is a multidimensional task. But central to that task must be the presentation and example of the uniqueness of Christian love. Author and apologist Art Lindsley explores the persuasive and illuminating power of Christ-like love expressed in commitment, conscience, community and courage.
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Triumph Of God Over Evil
$33.99IVP Print On Demand Title
Noted philosopher William Hasker explores a full range of questions concerning the problem of evil. Hasker forges constructive answers in some depth showing why the evil in the world does not provide evidence of a moral fault in God, the world’s creator and governor.
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Know Who You Believe (Revised)
$18.99In writings lovingly collected and edited by his wife, Marie, after his death, Paul E. Little explores the central question of Christianity: can we know God? By looking at the identity of Jesus Christ, his claims regarding his identity, and his promises to his followers and inquirers, we arrive at the wonderful conclusion of the Christian faith: through Jesus Christ we may know God personally.
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Know Why You Believe (Revised)
$20.99Paul Little responds to the toughest intellectual questions posed to Christians, including: Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?
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Know What You Believe (Revised)
$16.00What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? With these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring you into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ.
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Aspects Of The Atonement
$29.99The Christian understanding of the meaning of the death of Jesus Christ and its relationship to the salvation of sinful humanity is currently the subject of intense debate and criticism. In the first two chapters Howard Marshall discusses the nature of the human plight in relation to the judgment of God and then offers a nuanced defence of the doctrine of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for sinners. The third chapter examines the place of the resurrection of Christ as an integral part of the process whereby sinners are put in the right with God. In the final chapter, Marshall argues that in our communication of the gospel today the New Testament concept of reconciliation may be the most comprehensive and apt expression of the lasting significance of the death of Christ. The papers are expanded versions of the 2006 series of Chuen King Lectures given in the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Solomon Among The Postmoderns (Reprinted)
$31.251. Vapor’s Revenge
2. The Elusive Word
3. The Decentered Self
4. Power Is With The Oppressor
5. Eat, Drink, RejoiceAdditional Info
Solomon’s words from a famous passage of Ecclesiastes have been translated, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” But in Solomon among the Postmoderns, author Peter Leithart says those words are better translated as “Vapor of vapors, all is vapor,” emphasizing that human life is fleeting. Leithart uses this theme, as well as the entire book of Ecclesiastes, to indicate how Solomon resonated with postmodernism.Exploring the strengths and limits of postmodernism, he displays how the theory reflects an important biblical theme: the elusiveness and instability of the world. But he goes on to show that biblical faith takes us beyond cynicism and despair, exploring Solomon’s frequent call to “eat, drink, and rejoice.”
A skilled theologian and widely published author, Leithart writes for audiences including professors and students of philosophy, apologetics, biblical studies, and theology, as well as laypeople seeking a biblical view of postmodernism. Those familiar and unfamiliar with postmodernism will learn from the book’s forthright exegetical approach, which is unique among the many books about postmodernism available today.
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Missing Gospels : Unearthing The Truth Behind Alternative Christianities
$14.99On the heels of his New York Times besteller, Breaking the Da Vinci Code, New Testament expert Darrell Bock, in an easy-to-understand writing style, helps readers examine the claims about missing “secret” gospels and other early forms of Christianity. Bock presents samples of extra-biblical materials and compares them to biblical texts, enabling readers to make their own judgments.
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What Does The Bible Say About
$27.48Popular author and Bible teacher Ron Rhodes offers straightforward, easy-to-understand responses to frequently asked questions about God, faith, and living for Christ. He addresses more than 300 issues as diverse as… Do guardian angels exist? What will heaven and hell be like? Did Jesus physically come back to life? Is meditation okay for Christians? Does a person have to be baptized to be saved? Readers will also find information about apparent Bible contradictions and difficult verses, supposed conflicts between science and the Bible, and the effects of atheism, agnosticism, and humanism on society. With solid biblical insights and accurate research, this indispensable reference will help readers explore God’s incredible plan, the life of Christ, the teaching of the Bible, church doctrines, and more. Perfect for personal study, small groups, and every Christian’s reference library.
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Sense And Nonsense About Angels And Demons
$18.99This fascinating, easy-to-read book cuts through the folklore and misinformation about angels and demons to show what the Bible actually reveals-and doesn’t reveal-about them. You might be surprised. You’ll definitely be interested. And you’ll learn how t
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Sense And Nonsense About Heaven And Hell
$19.99This fascinating, easy-to-read book cuts through the folklore and misinformation about heaven and hell to show what the Bible actually reveals-and doesn’t reveal-about them. You might be surprised. You’ll definitely be interested. And you’ll learn how to
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Other Side Of The River
$17.58A compelling and deeply personal account of a young man’s spiritual plunge into a movement called “the River,” which is said to be spreading the kingdom of God through signs and wonders. Sometimes referred to as the River revival, the Third Wave or the Latter Rain, this movement is marked by bizarre manifestations, false prophecies and esoteric revelations. Warnings of divine retribution keep many adherents in bondage, afraid to speak out or even question those things they are taught and are witness to.
For Kevin Reeves, the determination to rescue his family came to the forefront. Even if the cost was high and even if he had to stand alone, his journey back into the freedom and simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be worth the price.
Some of the topics this book addresses:
* Word Faith movement
* Holy Laughter
* “Slain” in the Spirit practice
* Emphasis on humanity of Jesus over Deity
* Gifts & Calling for the unbeliever?
* Experience versus Scripture
* Repetitive chanting & singing
* Paradigm shift
* Understanding true worshipAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
For Many Shall Come In My Name
$16.41Millions of people are having deep mystical experiences. As a result, the fields of education, health, business, and religion are being profoundly affected. The very fabric of the world we live in is being transformed. This is not a fad! This is a society-changing movement that isn’t going away. Every person needs to know what is taking place in their town, in their school, in their church, and in their family. Discover … how popular authors are promoting the New Age (Ancient Wisdom) unbeknownst to the majority of readers. Learn … how the modern-day New Age movement is discussed in both the New and Old Testaments. … how mystical prayer practices are redefining most evangelical denominations. Find out … how some of the fastest growing techniques sweeping the medical field are based on occultism.
Answers the following questions:
What is the New Age (Ancient Wisdom) movement and how is it affecting society?
What is mystical meditation and what is wrong with it?
Who are some of the key players in promoting and teaching the Ancient Wisdom?
What are these mystical experiences and how are they integrating education, business and medicine?Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
No Other Gods
$16.99Kern Enterprises Publication
NO OTHER GODS is a compilation of lectures by Dr. Steve Kern given over a 20 year period in his class, The Biblical Creation Worldview. Examining the first 11 chapters of Genesis, Dr. Kern gives indepth evidence from science, archeology, history and scripture, providing an invaluable tool to those who want to give an answer for what they believe. “I have had the opportunity of reading No Other Gods prior to its publication and am privileged to write a Foreword introducing this helpful new book…Dr. Kern covers the records in those early chapters of Genesis in great detail and their relevance to God’s wonderful plan of creation and redemption…I believe this fine treatment could be a life-changing experience.”-Henry M. Morris, Institute in Creation Research “The foundation of God’s revealed truth is the book of Genesis. Reject it and you ultimately reject Jesus Christ – ‘the last Adam.’ Dr. Steve Kern’s book, No Other Gods, encourages readers to believe God’s word and provides reasons why they should.”-D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries “Dr. Steve Kern is a close friend and associate. I know you will benefit greatly from learning the truths he communicates in his book, No Other Gods.” G. Thomas Sharp, Creation Truth Foundation NO OTHER GODS is a verse by verse apologetic of Genesis 1-11 from the literal creation point of view, historical fall of Adam & Eve, a worldwide flood and the diversification of languages resulting in the many people groups around the world.
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I Sold My Soul On eBay
$17.00When Hemant Mehta was a teenager he stopped believing in God, but he never lost his interest in religion. Mehta is “the eBay atheist,” the nonbeliever who auctioned off the opportunity for the winning bidder to send him to church. The auction winner was Jim Henderson, a former pastor and author of Evangelism Without Additives. Since then, Mehta has visited a variety of church services-posting his insightful critiques on the Internet and spawning a positive, ongoing dialogue between atheists and believers.
I Sold My Soul on eBay tells how and why Mehta became an atheist and features his latest church critiques, including descriptions of his visits to some of the best-known churches in the country. His observations will surprise and challenge you, revealing how the church comes across to those outside the faith. Who better than a nonbeliever to offer an eye-opening assessment of how the gospel is being presented-and the elements that enhance or detract from the presentation.
Mehta announced prior to his churchgoing odyssey that he would watch for any signs of God’s existence. After spending Sunday mornings in some of the nation’s leading churches, what happened to the man who sold his soul on eBay? Did attending church change his lack of belief? The answers can be found inside.
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Charts Of Apologetics And Christian Evidences
$18.99Apologetics-the intellectual defense of the Christian faith-is an important topic at a time when postmodernism, relativism, and religious pluralism are prevalent.
Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences deals with every aspect of apologetics, from the reasons for apologetics, to various apologetic methods and their presuppositions, to different apologetic approaches, to specific topics such as the resurrection. The limitations of rational argument and reasoned proof, often overlooked, are also addressed.
Sixty-eight charts fall into six sections: Apologetic Methodologies, Philosophical Apologetics, Theistic Apologetics, Religious Apologetics, Biblical Apologetics, and Scientific Apologetics. The charts cover historical, literary, archaeological, and theological aspects of both the Old and the New Testaments.
A sampling of the charts in this book includes
* What Is Apologetics? * Reasons for and against Apologetics * General Apologetics Systems * Philosophical Inquiry * How Can Truth Be Known? * Seven Major Worldviews * Views of Evil * Theories on the Origin of Religion * Secular Humanism versus Christianity * Old Testament Archaeology * Archaeologists and Historians Confirm Biblical Reliability * Jesus Seminar and the Bible * Intelligent Design Theory * Scientific Evidence for the Age of the Universe
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