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Addison Bevere

  • Palabras Con Dios – (Spanish)


    Con conviccion y profundidad biblica, este ascendente lider del pensamiento y orador popular lo invita por un camino de oracion y practicas espirituales simples que uniran las piezas quebrantadas de su vida.

    With conviction and biblical depth, this rising thought leader and popular speaker invites you to follow a path of prayer and simple spiritual practices that will bring the fractured pieces of your life back together.

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  • Words With God


    For most of us, prayer is a struggle. We know we should pray. It would be good for us–help us be more grounded, more connected to God. But in our hurried lives, slowing down to pray can feel like a cosmic waste of time. Do our prayers even matter? What, if anything, happens when we pray? Are we having words with God or just words with ourselves?

    In this thoughtful book, Addison Bevere takes you into and through the tension of prayer–the struggles, the doubts, the answers–to the place where God makes himself real to you.

    Tired of boring, empty, transactional prayer? This is the book for you.

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