Theology Proper (God The Father)
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Knowing God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99Over a million people have found J. I. Packer’s classic Knowing God to be an immense help, and tens of thousands have used this study guide to know God even better.
This twenty-two-session guide takes readers through the essential truths of Packer’s classic. Individuals can stretch their understanding and allow the material to change their lives. Small groups can see God more clearly through rich and transforming discussions.
As part of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, start your adventure with these studies for guided travel through each chapter of the book.
Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Bible Study, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.
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Beginning With God (Expanded)
1. What’s In A Name?
2. Beginning With God
3. A Name For God
4. The God Who Is
5. Man And Woman: The Image Of God
6. The Bad News About Human Beings
7. Sin: From The Inside Out
8. God In Search Of His People
9. God’s Finished Work
10. New Life In Christ
11. A New Lifestyle
12. God’s Forever Farmily
NotesAdditional Info
In this personal, easy-to-read book, James Sire offers a basic introduction to the foundational beliefs of Christians at all times and in all places. The chapters are organized around a simple scheme: creation, fall, redemption, new life in Christ, life in the church. A first book for seekers and believers wanting to understand the Christian faith.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Triune God And Unity In Diversity
$49.99Timothy Miller defends and further develops the foundationally Trinitarian, multiperspectival theological method of John Frame and Vern Poythress, an eminently useful, historically Reformed tool for understanding all created reality.
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Examination Of Conscience Of The Understanding
$27.00Seeking his own utmost depth of comprehensive understanding, the author sets out to prove empirically that God exists. The seed of proof is the Birth Paradox, its florescence a faith grounded in his spirituality disposed soul: As empirically real as his conscious self, as mathematically certain as the probability laws of genetic science, as necessary as that the universe requires a creator for its rational possibility, as immanently intuitive as the Divine Allegory he mirrors.
The Birth Paradox is the contingency of personal conscious existence on the body. Is there any scientific or commonsense belief as certain of itself? And yet, as a practical proposition, it is an utterly impossible conjunction! Personal consciousness is necessary specific to its own experience, a subtly profound tautology! How is it, then, that one’s necessary being can be dependent on a chance body?
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Love Itself Is Understanding
1. The Ignatian Balthasar
2. Balthasar On Mission
3. Saints, Truth, And Theology
4. Truth And Love
5. “I Am The Truth”
6. The Spirit Of Truth
7. Love Itself Is Understanding
8. Mystical Styles: A Case Study
9. Knowledge, Love, And Mission
IndexAdditional Info
What do the saints have to do with truth? Saints and their concern for holiness are often relegated to the realm of spirituality or kitsch, while the search for truth is reserved for the intellectual elite. Truth and spirituality appear to be utterly separate categories.Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988) set out to reunite truth and holiness by returning the saints to their proper place at the heart of philosophy, theology, and metaphysics. Love Itself Is Understanding is one of the first systematic treatments of Balthasar’s theology of the saints. Matthew Rothaus Moser presents Balthasar as an alternative to Idealist philosophy, a thinker who develops a religious metaphysics in which the saints’ practices of prayer and contemplation are the chief mode of knowing that the truth of Being is divine love. Love Itself Is Understanding casts new light on dominant themes in Balthasar’s thought and invites a renewed vision of the theological and metaphysical significance of the spiritual practices of prayer, obedience, and charity.
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Truth Of Who God Is
$19.00The Truth of Who God Is was written for one reason: the Bible insists that we speak and teach our faith.
2 Timothy 4:2-3 and 5: “Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. ….make full proof of thy ministry.”
2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Romans 8:14 and John 1:12 say that I, a sinner, bound for hell, was given by faith the power to become an adopted son of the one and only living God.
On July 30, 1972, C. Ray Sandefur was spiritually born again of the same eternal spirit that Grandfather Adam died from eternally (Romans 5:12). The power for this blessing of mercy and grace came from John 1:12, 3:3, 16, and 8:32. After being set free from the bondage of this world, he became a servant as his Savior Christ was. He, God in the flesh, washed him with the Word and cleaned up his sinful life. He, God, knelt down and washed His disciples’ dirty feet (John 13:5). He can wash your dirty heart.
Read this book to clearly see and understand the truth from the one and only God of all creation, to understand who he is and how man was made in his image and should therefore respect him.
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Love Of God
$35.99For God so loved the world . . . We believe these words, but what do they really mean? Does God choose to love, or does God love necessarily? Is God’s love emotional? Does the love of God include desire or enjoyment? Is God’s love conditional? Can God receive love from human beings? Attempts to answer these questions have produced sharply divided pictures of God’s relationship to the world. One widely held position is that of classical theism, which understands God as necessary, self-sufficient, perfect, simple, timeless, immutable and impassible. On this view, God is entirely unaffected by the world and his love is thus unconditional, unilateral and arbitrary. In the twentieth century, process theologians replaced classical theism with an understanding of God as bound up essentially with the world and dependent on it. In this view God necessarily feels all feelings and loves all others, because they are included within himself. In The Love of God, John Peckham offers a comprehensive canonical interpretation of divine love in dialogue with, and at times in contrast to, both classical and process theism. God’s love, he argues, is freely willed, evaluative, emotional and reciprocal, given before but not without conditions. According to Peckham’s reading of Scripture, the God who loves the world is both perfect and passible, both self-sufficient and desirous of reciprocal relationships with each person, so that “whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
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Gods Light
$1.99In this book, Norvel Hayes teaches on the light of God. Norvel challenges you as a child of God to allow God’s light to shine through you as you minister to others. Jesus’ first action in His ministry was to resist the devil and cause him to flee. We are to follow Jesus’ example in ministry as we resist devils, feed the poor, lay hands on the sick, and pray for people, letting the light of God pour through us upon those who sit in darkness.
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God Man And Common Sense
$19.36We are living proof that creation occurred. The only question is; how did it occur? In this book we will use the Bible and our God given common sense to seek the truth and the truth has no middle ground. One caution: In seeking the truth we will only use what the Bible actually says; not what we might have been told or taught it says.
America is becoming a Godless nation and the ones of us that are age 50 or older have let it happen; on our watch. Our Forefathers gave us a God Fearing Christian Nation with Jesus Christ at the heart and center, and we have let our elected political leaders appoint atheist judges that have kicked God out of our schools, court houses and public life in general.
The chapter, God’s Creation may be controversial to some Christians. If you are an Old Earth Creationist, please read the entire chapter before you judge this work. I make the same challenge to the Young Earth Creationists. Regardless of when Creation of the Universe occurred, the Bible is very clear that Adam & Eve were on Earth only 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.
I am neither an ordained minister nor a Bible theologian and my only qualification for writing this book is: I believe God wanted it written. After you read the chapter, God in Action, I believe you will understand why.I am a Baptist by faith, but the important thing is, I am a member of Christ’s Church and His Church is not of this earth. As such, I cannot guarantee you will like this book, but I can guarantee that it will be different from any book you have ever read.
Jerry McConnell, AuthorAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Unfolding Of Thy Love
$19.98How can a finite human being understand God who is infinite in every way beyond this universe? We can only know God and His great love by His own Revelation, or unfolding, of Himself. God the constant GREAT I AM is beyond our ever changing perception of reality. The continuous unfolding of the Divine Revelation of His love is the journey of our hearts that requires the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit – who searches all things and even the heart of God – who will lead us to that eternal converging point of all of our desires and destinies in all history: Jesus Christ, our One True King and the High Priest of the Universe.
This book is a spiritual weapon of the unchanging, eternal Word of God that systematically destroys all fear, doubt, hatred and evil in our hearts in order for us to take the first revolutionary step in taking hold of all surpassing and conquering love of Christ for which He has taken hold of all of His people for all eternity…
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God Of Unusual
God Of Miracles
The Greatness Of God
Acknowledging The God Of The Unusual
The Amazing God Of The Unusual
God Of The Unusual
God Of Possibilities
He Has Final Authority
Power In The Word
God Answers Prayer By Fire
Doing Exploits In The God Of The Unusual
About The AuthorAdditional Info
From the Introduction:
….The reasons for writing this book is to showcase the unusualness and greatness of the omnipotent king; the Lion of the tribes of Judah, the reigning king, the Rock of ages, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Beginning and the Ending……It may interest you to know why I feel so elated in praising and writing about this God of the Unusual. He is a covenant keeping God; whatever He says is settled and not subject to debate and negotiation. There is no one who is amazingly and unusually great as God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
God Matters
$20.99Perhaps human beings are animals, driven by the will to survive and reproduce, perhaps responsibility is a useful fiction and religion is the opium of the masses. Perhaps death is the end, life is ultimately meaningless, brutish and short. Perhaps man is the measure of all things and beauty, truth and justice are open to interpretation. Or, perhaps not.
God matters. The choice over whether and what to believe is inescapable because it determines how we live our lives. Nothing matters more.Here is a book that encourages and enables students and general readers to ask fundamental questions about the nature and meaning of human life in an open, engaging but academically rigorous way. Centuries of scholarship in the Philosophy of Religion, from Jewish and Muslim as well as Christian traditions, are put in context and critically evaluated.
Examples from art, film, and literature show the contemporary relevance of debates which have raged throughout human history. provides recommendations for further reading, a rich anthology of primary texts, questions for discussion and related activities.
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Cosmic Bully : Discovering The True Character Of God
$21.23How do we fear God and love Him at the same time? Does God endorse genocide? How can a loving God send people to a place where they burn forever? Is God just waiting to bring judgment upon anyone who messes up? The Bible provides numerous examples of a God who seems to have a mean streak. He wiped out most of humanity with a flood, brought enormous devastation to His own children, and plans to judge the whole earth in the future. Individuals in the Bible have also experienced God’s wrath, including a man who touched a wooden container, another man who picked up sticks on the wrong day, and a couple church goers who lied about a business transaction. How can God be good in the midst of all this judgment? Is He simply using judgment to manipulate us into doing His will? If this is the case, He is no more than a Cosmic Bully. What if we have God all wrong? Does God have a reasonable defense against such accusations? What is God’s perspective and what was He trying to accomplish through these judgments? Did he have good reasons for doing what He did? God followers need good answers to these questions because if they are unable to show that God is good in spite of many difficult Bible passages, then how deep is their faith?
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Quest For The Trinity
1. ‘The History That God Is’: Studying The Doctrine Of The Trinity In The Twenty-First Century
2. ‘In Your Light, We See Light’: The Trinity In The Bible
3. ‘Always With Him Are His Word And Wisdom’: Early Patristic Developments In The Doctrine Of The Trinity
4. ‘From The Ousia Of The Father’: The Fourth-Century Debates 1
5. ‘The Godhead Is By Nature Simple’: The Fourth-Century Debates 2
6. ‘Understood By A Few Saints And Holy Persons’: The West And Augustine
Interlude: The Harvest Of Patristic Trinitarianism
7. ‘Distinction In The Persons But Unity In The Nature’: The Medieval Doctrine Of The Trinity
8. ‘By The Testimonies Of The Scriptures Or By Manifest Reason’: Anti-Trinitarianism From The Reformation To The Eighteenth Century
9. ‘A Transformation Which Will Go Back To Its Very Beginning’: The Doctrine Of The Trinity Since 1800
Bibliography Of Works Cited
Index Of Biblical Texts Cited
Index Of Technical Terms/Phrases In Latin/Greek
General Index Of Authors And SubjectsAdditional Info
The doctrine of the Trinity was settled in the fourth century, and maintained, with only very minor disagreement or development, by all strands of the church–Western and Eastern, Protestant and Catholic–until the modern period. In the twentieth century, there arose a sense that the doctrine had been neglected and stood in need of recovery. In The Quest for the Trinity, Holmes takes us on a remarkable journey through 2,000 years of the Christian doctrine of God. We witness the churchs discovery of the Trinity from the biblical testimony, its crucial patristic developments, and medieval and Reformation continuity. We are also confronted with the questioning of traditional dogma during the Enlightenment, and asked to consider anew the character of the modern Trinitarian revival. Holmess controversial conclusion is that the explosion of theological work in recent decades claiming to recapture the heart of Christian theology in fact deeply misunderstands and misappropriates the traditional doctrine of the Trinity. Yet his aim is constructive: to grasp the wisdom of the past and, ultimately, to bring a clearer understanding of the meaning of the present.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
God : The Sources Of Christian Theology
$55.00An authoritative examination of important source materials on the development of the Christian doctrine of God
This volume provides an excellent collection of primary source documents from key Christian theologians that show ways in which God has been understood throughout the history of Christian thought. Malcolm surveys the major features which have marked theological understandings of God throughout six distinct periods, including the early church, the medieval era, the Reformation, modernity, the twentieth-century, and the present day. She describes the historical contexts and theological relevance of each of these works, which have helped shape the various ways Christians have come to understand God. This book will be particularly valuable to students of theology by providing significant insights from these important and accessible texts.
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Grace : The Free Unconditional And Limitless Love Of God
$19.99Grace is the first in a series of books on ‘serious theology for a popular audience’ which will explore key aspects of their belief in clear, accessible and attractive language. The volumes in this series will mostly have one-word titles, words that are commonly used in church.
Grace – the free, unconditional and limitless love of God – is one of the epic words of the Christian faith and a key part of what is most distinctive about it. It lies at the heart of what is proclaimed in the Gospel, but is not well understood, even by Christians. For centuries, Christians have laboured under two opposing misunderstandings: the Catholic view: We must strive to be good in order to deserve God’s love,or the Protestant view: Humankind is so sinful, we can do no good at all. To set a great imbalance right, this volume explores what grace is; how it flows from an understanding of the Trinity; how it becomes visible in the life of Christ; grace in creation, human freedom and the Church; ways of thinking about grace and living the life of grace.
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Eternal Generation Of The Son
$35.99Should all Christians, especially evangelicals, hold on to the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son? What is lost if we don’t? Theologian Kevin Giles defends the historically orthodox and ecumenical doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son of God. He argues on biblical, historical and theological bases that, given its fundamental meaning, this formulation is indispensable, irreplaceable and faithful to Christian revelation. The book will be especially helpful in the current discussion of this doctrine. It will also be of interest to students, pastors and laypersons who want to delve into the Christian understanding of the identity of the Son of God and serious study of trinitarian theology.
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Forsaken : The Trinity The Cross And Why It Matters
$24.99My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? How should a Christian interpret this passage? What implications does the cross have for the trinitarian theology? Did the Father kill the Son? Theologian Thomas McCall presents a trinitarian reading of Christ’s darkest moment–the moment of his prayer to his heavenly Father from the cross. McCall revisits the biblical texts and surveys the various interpretations of Jesus cry, ranging from early church theologians to the Reformation to contemporary theologians. Along the way, he explains the terms of the scholarly debate and clearly marks out what he believes to be the historically orthodox point of view. By approaching the Son’s cry to the Father as an event in the life of the Triune God, Forsaken calls the church to a new reverence for the cross.
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Truth Please : Science And Bible Truths The Government Does Not Want You To
$33.11The things I’ve written about in this book reflect my approach to life, that approach is “common sense.” The scientific laws I”ve written about are proven facts of science that can be found elaborated on in numerous sources and the Bible verses are I’ve quoted are right out of the King James Version Bible. Whether looking at science, the Bible or how to build a house, I want to know what makes sense. Certainly all answers to life are not simple, but there is no reason to accept complicated nonsense for an answer if by common sense the question can be reasoned and answered.
I was nominated for an appointment to West Point during my junior year in high school but because of some heart changing decisions I made just before and during my senior year, I chose to go to Bible college instead. I have served the Lord as a laymen in the church all of my adult life and worked in the secular world, mostly in the construction industry as a contractor.
I have had a passion about the creation vs. evolution subject since my teens and have read and studied everything I’ve gotten in my possession, whether pro creation or pro evolution. I have listened diligently when the subject was being taught and have watched numerous evolution programs on educational and documentary television programs. Everything I read, heard or saw on the subject, caused me to do deeper studies.
When all is said and done and all hoaxes, errors, contradictions, and impossibilities are eliminated, what is still left standing and makes common sense, is creation!
I hope this book will give some Christians the ammunition to withstand Atheistic confrontations and that it may also win some nonbelievers over to understand that there really is a Creator God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Truth Please : Science And Bible Truths The Government Does Not Want You To
$20.61The things I’ve written about in this book reflect my approach to life, that approach is “common sense.” The scientific laws I”ve written about are proven facts of science that can be found elaborated on in numerous sources and the Bible verses are I’ve quoted are right out of the King James Version Bible. Whether looking at science, the Bible or how to build a house, I want to know what makes sense. Certainly all answers to life are not simple, but there is no reason to accept complicated nonsense for an answer if by common sense the question can be reasoned and answered.
I was nominated for an appointment to West Point during my junior year in high school but because of some heart changing decisions I made just before and during my senior year, I chose to go to Bible college instead. I have served the Lord as a laymen in the church all of my adult life and worked in the secular world, mostly in the construction industry as a contractor.
I have had a passion about the creation vs. evolution subject since my teens and have read and studied everything I’ve gotten in my possession, whether pro creation or pro evolution. I have listened diligently when the subject was being taught and have watched numerous evolution programs on educational and documentary television programs. Everything I read, heard or saw on the subject, caused me to do deeper studies.
When all is said and done and all hoaxes, errors, contradictions, and impossibilities are eliminated, what is still left standing and makes common sense, is creation!
I hope this book will give some Christians the ammunition to withstand Atheistic confrontations and that it may also win some nonbelievers over to understand that there really is a Creator God.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Names Of God (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99God is called by many names in Scripture–names that highlight specific aspects of his character. This guide by Doug Connelly, focused on eight titles for God from the Old Testament, invites you to know and experience the Lord Almighty in deeper ways. As you do so, you will come to trust him more fully and worship him with fresh awe and reverence.
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Sow God
$28.73The author offers an education on how the world was created and why God is worthy of love and worship. After reading this book, there is no doubt that God does exist and that He is the Creator of the universe. The most important message McDaniels shares, however, is that the Lord is all-wise and truly has the best plans for this life and for every individual.
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God Said : Let Us Make Man In Our Image Genesis 1:26
$27.48The concept of the Holy Trinity has always been an enigma. Now, through the perspective of the creative process, a formula that permeates throughout creation discovers how a person is created in the image of the Holy Trinity. Here is just a sample where a formula for creation has uncovered this truth:
The mathematical formula 1+1+1=3
The mathematical formula 1x1x1=1
The creative process: mental, physical, spiritual
Science and the 3 realms of existence
The 3 types of human knowledge and faith
The 3 parts of human existence and essence
The 3 parts to God’s essence and existence
The 3 branches of government
The 3 ways parts to good and evil
The 3 parts to change and time
The 3 contents in the Ark of the Covenant
The 3 requirements for divine authority
Etc., etc., etcAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
God Is Nice
$20.61God’s gentle temperament, genuine concern for all life and compassion are rarely if ever discussed. In fact most conversations about Him focus on His wrath, judgment and invincible power. As a result, many are left with the impression that the Lord is an angry being who holds grudges and keeps a long record of every sin ever committed. This misconception has prevented most from grasping the truth that God is: nice, gracious, patient, slow to anger, and forgiving.
From the dawn of time until now, the Lord has shown kindness to all. In God is Nice, His characteristics are revealed through careful study of the relationship He has with mankind. When you read this book you will see an eye-opening depiction of the Lord’s character. God is Nice uses biblical accounts of the Lord’s encounters with humanity to reveal who He is as a person.
In God is Nice, Rev. Dr. Hodge guides you through the scriptures to help you:
* Comprehend the essence of the Lord’s character.
* Realize that God, your greatest supporter, has always wanted good things for you.
* Understand the role wrongdoing plays in concealing the truth about the Lord’s nature.
* Decide that God is a gracious person abounding in love and forgiveness.
* Run to the Lord not away from Him.
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Witness Of God
$39.99The Witness of God is a constructive revision of Trinitarian missio Dei theology. In it John G. Flett argues that the neglect of mission as a theological locus has harmful consequences both for understanding the nature of God’s connection with world and the corresponding nature of the Christian community.
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Which Trinity Whose Monotheism
$33.99The last few decades have witnessed a renaissance of Trinitarian theology. Theologians have worked to recover this doctrine for a proper understanding of the God and for the life of the church. At the same time, analytic philosophers of religion have become keenly interested in the Trinity, engaging in vigorous debates related to it. To this point, however, the work of the two groups has taken place in almost complete isolation from one another. Which Trinity? Whose Monotheism? Seeks to bridge that divide. / Thomas H. McCall compares the work of significant philosophers of religion – Richard Swinburne, Brian Leftow, and others – with that of influential theologians such as Ji 1/2rgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, and John Zizioulas. He then evaluates several important proposals and offers suggestion for the future of Trinitarian theology. / There are many books on the doctrine of the Trinity, but no other book brings the concerns of analytic philosophers of religion into direct conversation with those of mainstream theologians.
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Whats His Name
$33.11What’s His Name? explores the names attributed to God in the Bible. Names such as: Elohim, Yahweh, Adonay, El Shadday, El Elyon, Abba Father and Jesus to mention a few. Each name reveals in detail God’s attributes (what He is like) and His divine nature (how He acts). By knowing and understanding His names we discover with indisputable evidence that He is the only true and living God. He is the holy, eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing One, who loves us and is always faithful to us. He is our Creator, our Rock, our Redeemer, our Righteousness, our Provider, our Protector and our Shepherd. He is always present in our midst working in our lives to draw us closer to Himself. Each name unveils personal applications showing us how God interacts with us and how we are to interact with Him. By knowing and understanding His names, we can experience an unwavering trust in Him, a deeper personal relationship with Him and the assurance that He will never forsake those who seek Him.
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Whats His Name
$20.61What’s His Name? explores the names attributed to God in the Bible. Names such as: Elohim, Yahweh, Adonay, El Shadday, El Elyon, Abba Father and Jesus to mention a few. Each name reveals in detail God’s attributes (what He is like) and His divine nature (how He acts). By knowing and understanding His names we discover with indisputable evidence that He is the only true and living God. He is the holy, eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing One, who loves us and is always faithful to us. He is our Creator, our Rock, our Redeemer, our Righteousness, our Provider, our Protector and our Shepherd. He is always present in our midst working in our lives to draw us closer to Himself. Each name unveils personal applications showing us how God interacts with us and how we are to interact with Him. By knowing and understanding His names, we can experience an unwavering trust in Him, a deeper personal relationship with Him and the assurance that He will never forsake those who seek Him.
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Misunderstood God : The Lies Religion Tells Us About God
$19.99THE MISUNDERSTOOD GOD tells the truth about who the Creator is. This book analyzes what religion says about God’s heart and personality and measures it up to what God calls Himself: Love. It simplifies a generation’s tangled perceptions of God by taking a journey through the sixteen aspects of love described in one of the most well-known Bible passages in the world: 1 Corinthians 13, also known as “the love chapter.” So many Christians have been bombarded with confusing teachings and doctrines that their understanding of God resembles a tightly tangled ball of Christmas tree lights. This book takes that twisted mess and replaces it with one soft, warm light of truth that anyone can embrace: God is love.
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Knowledge Of The Holy
$17.99Informative and inspiring, The Knowledge of the Holy illuminates God’s attributes–from wisdom, to grace, to mercy–and shows through prayerful and discussion, how we can more fully recognize and appreciate each of these divine aspects. This book will be treasured by anyone committed to the Christian faith. It bears eloquent witness to God’s majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and the power of God’s spirit in our daily lives.
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Philosophy Of Religion (Revised)
$26.99With over 40,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1982, Steve Evans’s Philosophy of Religion has served many generations of students. In this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, while maintaining the qualities of clarity and brevity that made the first edition so appreciated.
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Disturbing Divine Behavior
$48.33How should we understand biblical texts where God is depicted as acting irrationally, violently, or destructively? If we distance ourselves from disturbing portrayals of God, how should we understand the authority of Scripture? How does the often wrathful God portrayed in the Old Testament relate to the God of love proclaimed in the New Testament? Is that contrast even accurate?
Disturbing Divine Behavior addresses these perennially vexing questions for the student of the Bible. Eric A. Seibert calls for an engaged and discerning reading of the Old Testament that distinguishes the particular literary and theological goals achieved through narrative characterizations of God from the rich understanding of the divine to which the Old Testament as a whole points. Providing illuminating reflections on theological reading as well, this book will be a welcome resource for any readers who puzzle over disturbing representations of God in the Bible.
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Gods Empowering Presence (Reprinted)
$76.47God’s Empowering Presence is a fresh and original analysis of all the passages in the Pauline corpus (including Ephesians, Colossians, and the Pastoral Epistles) that concern the Holy Spirit. Through comprehensive lexical, historical, and grammatical study, Fee provides an exegesis of every Spirit text in Paul’s writings. He then investigates the Holy Spirit’s crucial roles in Pauline theology including eschatological fulfillment, divine Person of the Trinity, and evidence for and guarantee of salvation. New, updated cover.
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Biography Of The Holy Trinity And Man
$33.73If you’re like most people you have questions about God that are difficult to find answers for. But, there are answers to some of these and other intriguing, and sometimes troubling, questions about life inside this book in easy-to-understand language. This book is designed to lessen some of the mystery of God. God wants us to know more about Him and His plans for us. God wants us to know about His Son, Christ Jesus, and exactly what He did for us then and what He does for us now. God wants us to know about His power, the Holy Spirit, and what He does. God wants us to understand how we are viewed by Him and how we fit into His overall plans. He wants us to see ourselves, the condition that we have, and the position that we are in. God wants us to understand that there must be a faithful and productive relationship between Him and us if we are to please Him. And we must have a solid understanding of how that relationship itself works. It is extremely important that we know what sin is and how it affects our relationship with Him. He wants and expects us to know all these things. God has never wanted to remain a total mystery to us because we cannot serve Him if He is a total mystery. Therefore, this book explains to the undecided, enlightens the newly converted, and reinforces for those already “born again” the necessity of understanding the relationship between God and themselves. Also, you will come to know that there are choices that must be made that only you can make. But they will not be as difficult to make once you have a better understanding of the relationship between God and man.
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Trinitarian Theology For The Church
$34.99Table Of Contents
IntroductionPart One: Scripture: The Bible And The Triune Economy
1.Triune Discourse: Theological Reflections On The Claim That God Speaks, Part 1
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
2.Triune Discourse: Theological Reflections On The Claim That God Speaks, Part 2
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
3. The Gift Of The Father: Looking At Salvation History Upside Down
Edith M. HumphreyPart Two: Community: The Trinity And Society?
4. God Is Love: The Social Trinity And The Mission Of God
John R. Franke
5. The Trinity Is Not Our Social Program: Volf, Gregory Of Nyssa And Barth
Mark Husbands
6. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Hold The Key To A Christian Theology Of Religions?
Keith E. Johnson
7. Trinity And Missions: Theological Priority In Missionary Nomenclature
Robert K. Lang?atPart Three: Worship: Church Practices And The Triune Mission
8. The Sacraments And The Embodiment Of Our Trinitarian Faith
Gordon T. Smith
9. Preaching As A Trinitarian Event
Philip W. Butin
10. The Church?s Proclamation As A Participation In God?s Mission
Leanne Van Dyk
11. What To Do With Our Renewed Trinitarian Enthusiasm: Forming Trinitarian Piety And Imagination Through Worship And Catechesis
John D. WitvlietAdditional Info
These select essays, brought together from the 2008 Wheaton College Theology Conference by editors Daniel J. Treier and David Lauber, show both the substance and the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for our worship, our reading of Scripture and the mission of the church.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Speaking Of God
$37.99D. Stephen Long here addresses a key question in current theological debate: the conditions of the possibility of “God-talk,” along with attending questions about natural theology, fideism, and theological truth-claims. He engages not only the most significant contemporary theologians and philosophers on this score (Denys Turner, Bruce Marshall, John Milbank, Charles Taylor, Fergus Kerr) but also the legacy of twentieth-century theology (Barth, von Balthasar) and the analytic philosophical tradition from Wittgenstein to Davidson. Throughout, Long sustains a careful exegetical engagement with Aquinas, showing that what’s at stake in contemporary theology is just how we inherit St. Thomas.
In joining all of these voices into one conversation, Long does a remarkable job of surveying the current theological scene with respect to issues of language and truth, arguing for the need to deal head-on with classical questions of metaphysics. Central to his project is averting the charge of “fideism” so often laid at the feet of “postliberal” approaches (like Long’s). To that end Long argues for a (chastened) natural theology, while challenging any simple distinction between “natural” and “confessional” theology.
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Hiking The Trail Of Truth
$24.98The desire to know God is universal- we want to understand our connection. Have you ever hiked the high mountains or explored the deserts of the American southwest? Have you wandered inquisitively through a thick forest, or just sat down beside a rushing stream? Have you pondered the intricate design of a flower or discovered the water canals in a single blade of grass? Have you considered the majesty of the birds or the way of the animals? The greatest Artist in all the universe created each of these things. They know the Artist and can teach you how deeply He cares for you as a human being. You are about to embark on an illuminating journey in the company of author Mark Stephen Taylor. A former California police officer, educated in criminal psychology, geology, and now a Biblical teacher and counselor, Mark offers us unique insights into the profound attributes of God, through His creation. He also enlightens us, with intense honesty, regarding who we are, what we are, and where we’re going. He helps us to understand our purpose in life. Through his own autobiography He hikes us over a diversity of terrain, allowing us to make personal discoveries beyond any expectation. Hiking the Trail of Truth is the adventure of a lifetime. If you have what it takes to endure the journey it will be remarkably well worth your time. Whether you are an artist, a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a preacher, an executive, an office worker or a laborer of any kind – no matter what your calling in life- you will be both physically and spiritually nourished by this hike. Do you enjoy hiking? Well, what are you waiting for? Come along -let’s do it!
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How To Explain The Trinity
$15.61When was the last time you heard a sermon at church entitled “How to Explain the Trinity”? For nearly all of us, the answer to that question is “never.” This is what you should expect. I would not try to explain to you how to fix an automobile engine. I don’t KNOW how to fix an automobile engine. Although I KNOW the engine works, I really don’t know “how” it works. Similarly, the Christian knows by a careful study of the scriptures that the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, but yet there is just one God, but doesn’t know how to explain that to you ……… until now! Not only is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity explainable, but it can be CLEARLY SEEN, and it can be UNDERSTOOD …. then you can explain it to your child using a puppet stage.
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Identifying God : Who Is God And Who Are We In Him
$19.98Do you know who God is? You may think you know, but you have no idea. God is not who you think He is. God is not who others say He is. God is who He said He is. “IDENTIFYING GOD” offers a biblical definition of the One True Deity. This Scriptural portrait of the character of God can be a tremendous help for new believers looking to foundationalize their faith. It can also be beneficial for established believers by filling in some of the gaps in their personal faith. Through this study you will discover … * The nature of God from the meanings of His biblical names. * Why the name of Jesus has authority over every name. * The ministry of God’s Holy Spirit, who works within you. In a world that is faced with a serious “identity crisis,” this book can help to settle much of your confusion by aligning your faith with “the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.”
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To The Unknown God
$21.86Yes, you can know God! The Holy Scriptures stand the test of time, as a loving invitation from the Creator of the universe to enter into an intimate relationship with Him. Take another step on your journey into truth. Let insight into God’s Word, the two edged sword of the Spirit, cut through the thousands of years of religious counterfeit that has dimmed the vision of those whose hearts long to know Him. Your next step in coming to the knowledge of God may be in your hands right now! As the apostle Paul said, concerning the quest to know the Unknown God, “Him I preach to you!” Go ahead, scan the main points at the end of each chapter and make your decision to accept the invitation. You will be gently ushered by the Spirit of revelation into the mysteries of the kingdom of God.
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Name Of God
$28.31Throughout history, God has revealed Himself through many and various Names and Titles. Each of these have some distinctive feature about them. However, there is a Name which is above every Name, and this Name includes or comprehends in itself all the Names and Titles of God. It is the all-comprehensive Redemptive Name of God as revealed in the Triune Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This volume endeavors to set forth the glory of the Triune Name of the Triune God. Its biblical insights are provocative, especially in the area of the application of “The Name” in Water Baptism.
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What Am I
$16.86We all want to know what we are and why we are here. What is the origin and purpose of our life? We study hard to find the truth about this world, but is there no Designer and no real cause of this universe? If there is no one in charge of the universe, is there any meaning to it? Jesus made many startling claims about Himself. Have you checked to see if they are true? The millions of lives which have been transformed by Christ speak to us daily.
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Attributes Of God (Reprinted)
$14.99An explanation of God’s solitariness, decrees, knowledge, foreknowledge, supremacy, sovereignty, immutability, holiness, power, faithfulness, goodness, patience, grace, mercy, love, wrath, and contemplation.
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Christianity Versus The God Of Calvin
$33.11Just in time for the end of the Age of Grace and in a manner that shouldn’t surprise believers in Jesus Christ, Satan has unleashed his most clever scheme. He has always desired to be worshipped. He loves to deceive the self-righteous. He laughs at the idea of people believing the worst about the Lord God. Put these puzzle pieces together and you come up with a picture of the false religion that seems to be taking American churches and seminaries by storm! The only safe haven from this insidious plot is found in knowing the true character of our awesome God and Creator. Even though a child can easily understand the love of God, with adults it can seem too simple. The truth is simply this: God loves all people, not just a few! This book will help you understand the loving nature of God.
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Christianity Versus The God Of Calvin
$20.61Just in time for the end of the Age of Grace and in a manner that shouldn’t surprise believers in Jesus Christ, Satan has unleashed his most clever scheme. He has always desired to be worshipped. He loves to deceive the self-righteous. He laughs at the idea of people believing the worst about the Lord God. Put these puzzle pieces together and you come up with a picture of the false religion that seems to be taking American churches and seminaries by storm! The only safe haven from this insidious plot is found in knowing the true character of our awesome God and Creator. Even though a child can easily understand the love of God, with adults it can seem too simple. The truth is simply this: God loves all people, not just a few! This book will help you understand the loving nature of God.
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God The Holy Trinity (Reprinted)
1. The Doctrine Of The Trinity
2. Out Of The Box
3. Faith And Christian Life In The African American Spirituals
4. The Trinity And Christian Unity
5. The Old Testament Trinity
6. A Puritan Perspective
7. The Trinity And The Challenge Of Islam
8. The Soteriological Importance Of The Divine Perfections
9. Deep Wisdom
List Of Contributors
IndexAdditional Info
Leading scholars from diverse theological traditions reflect on various theological and practical aspects of the core Christian doctrine of the Trinity.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Fragrance Of God
$20.99In this literary gem Vigen Guroian chronicles not merely the changing seasons but the course of his own life as he and his family move from Maryland to a new home near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Leaving the old garden behind and cultivating another garden become an emblem of our journey through life, marked as it is by both bitter losses and sweet new blessings.
While deeply personal, The Fragrance of God vividly unfolds the great biblical themes of the grandeur of God’s creation, the senses as “paths” to experiencing God, and the garden as a “place” of birth, death, and renewal.
Laced throughout with quotations from Guroian’s beloved church fathers and replete with theological reflection, The Fragrance of God will lead readers down a path of deeper insight into the creation and the Creator.
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Names Of God
$16.99God’s names reveal His favor and immeasurable love for you. He is your Healer, Provider, Peacemaker, Conqueror, and much more. By knowing how God expresses His love for you through His names, you can:
*deepen your fellowship with Him
*discover your purpose in life
*find security and peace in His presence
*receive healing for your body
*defeat Satan’s influence in your lifeBy understanding the nature of God, you’ll reap the blessings of His many promises, live out the great plan He has for your life, and have your deepest needs met.
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Father And The Son And The Holy Spirit
$19.98“The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” OR “Oneness-Jesus Only”: This book strives to provide biblically based answers to very important questions. Do we serve a Triune God who is ONE GOD and is seen in the three distinct persons of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as Jesus Himself taught in Matthew 28:19? Or do we adhere to the teachings of the “Oneness-Jesus Only” doctrines that contradict the directives of Jesus Himself as given by Him to His disciples? This book also focuses on other doctrines within the “Oneness-Jesus Only” teachings that are in direct contradiction to the Word of God. Is water baptism in the Name of Jesus Only required for salvation? Is speaking in tongues a requirement of salvation as taught by Oneness Believers, or is speaking in tongues one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as we read in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12? Are we saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as the Scriptures teach “OR” are we saved through faith and works as set forth by some denominations? Who are we to follow-God or man?
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Grace In A Tree Stump
$19.00Christians often assume too sharp a distinction between the Old and New Testaments, argues preacher, author, and teacher J. Ellsworth Kalas. They are too quick to view the Old Testament as a strict book of laws and commandments and the New Testament as a witness to grace. The God of the Old Testament is misperceived as a God of wrath and judgment, while the God of the New Testament is viewed as a God of love and mercy. This book will help laypeople see that grace has always been part of the character of God and that the Old Testament demonstrates that fact in a variety of ways. The character of God has not changed, says Kalas. In exploring various Old Testament texts, he helps us understand this more clearly.
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Rediscovering The Triune God
$56.66Theologian Stanley Grenz here tells the story of trinitarian theology in the last century. He analyzes the remarkable ferment in the discipline and discusses key theologians including Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, Jurgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Robert Jenson, Elizabeth Johnson, Catherine Mowry LaCugna, Leonardo Boff, John Zizioulas, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Thomas F. Torrance. In doing so, Grenz examines a variety of trinitarian issues such as God’s inner life versus God’s relationship to creation (immanent and economic trinity), social versus psychological analogies for the relationships within God, the relationship between trinity and Christology, the feminist critique of classical categories, and how God’s trinitarian life figures in evolution, social justice, and spirituality. Grenz’s engaging introduction places the recent ferment in trinitarian thought within a historical framework, while his conclusion sets a future agenda for the doctrine and theology.
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Gods Love : Knowing God Through The Psalms (Student/Study Guide)
$12.99This is the revised edition of the popular LifeGuide Bible study on knowing God through the Psalms. These 10 lessons reveal the character of our loving God. God cares for us in so many ways. He offers help, calms our fears, guides and strengthens us. Find how God brings true satisfaction to our lives.
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Father : A Love Story Untold
$16.86Father is a fresh and timely revelation that introduces the Father in the context of modern church life. Samuel Lee passionately expresses the Father’s heartbeat on existing realities in the church. Father demonstrates how every son and daughter can receive and experience the fullness of the Father’s love in our modern day and seemingly fatherless generation. In this book Samuel Lee will bring you back at home where the Father is. Are you ready to come? “The gospel message never changes, but times and seasons change frequently. In this stimulating book, Samuel Lee skillfully guides us along the road to living a godly life in today’s challenging world. Father will lift you to a new level of service to God.” -C. PETER WAGNER, CHANCELLOR, WAGNER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE “I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a special revelation of the Father’s love as you meditate on the truths in this special book.” -J. LEE GRADY, SENIOR EDITOR, CHARISMA MAGAZINE “Samuel Lee has once again shared with passion and insight his burden to see God’s kingdom touch the earth and transform lives. May that commitment strengthen all who read this book and make them equally contagious!” -DENNIS T. PEACOCKE, PRESIDENT, STRATEGIC CHRISTIAN SERVICES “Samuel Lee got into the Father’s presence and sat with Him to hear and to see what He sees. Now you too can see by reading Father.” -APOSTLE JOHN P. KELLY PRESIDENT, LEADERSHIP EDUCATION FOR APOSTOLIC DEVELOPMENT (LEAD) AMBASSADOR APOSTLE, INTERNATIONAL COALITION OF APOSTLES (ICA)
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Is God Real
$33.11Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Boogey Man, the devil, and God are a few of the oldest American childhood stories. The people and environment around the children, as they develop, are the things that will feed and shape their natural curiosity to determine how much they believe or disbelieve these stories. With the exception of God, every child has probably seen some kind of physical representation of all of the characters listed above. We live in a “seeing is believing” society. Therefore, every American parent has probably experienced his or her children wanting to know the who, what, when, where, and why about God. “Is God real?” Come, “let the truth be told” by going on one man’s lifetime journey to answer that very question. Every atheist and believer who takes this trip from start to finish will come away knowing the absolute truth.
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Kingdom Of God
$12.99Jesus speaks often of “the kingdom of God.”
What is it?
Where is it?
When is it?
Why is it so important?
Understanding and participating in God’s kingdom on earth is central to the Christian life. In this study guide, Gregory Jao leads you through ten Bible studies that explore God’s kindgom–transforming your picture of God, Christianity and your role in the world.
This LifeGuide Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study
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Is God Real
$20.61Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Boogey Man, the devil, and God are a few of the oldest American childhood stories. The people and environment around the children, as they develop, are the things that will feed and shape their natural curiosity to determine how much they believe or disbelieve these stories. With the exception of God, every child has probably seen some kind of physical representation of all of the characters listed above. We live in a “seeing is believing” society. Therefore, every American parent has probably experienced his or her children wanting to know the who, what, when, where, and why about God. “Is God real?” Come, “let the truth be told” by going on one man’s lifetime journey to answer that very question. Every atheist and believer who takes this trip from start to finish will come away knowing the absolute truth.
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Wonders Of God
$13.73In this devotional, the author presents an array of evidence – from creation, providence, and redemption – that God is the most wonderful Person in the universe. Know Him better, and love HIm more through this stirring real-life drama all around us.
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Father Jesus Christ And Holy Spirit
$16.86I give God the glory for what He has inspired in me. Without Him, I could not have done this. One day I decided to do a study on the names and attributes of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I started off doing this for my personal use. As I searched for the names and attributes, more began to be revealed. I was in awe as I saw what the Holy Spirit brought through my study. When I was finished, I realized I had enough to have a book published. The Holy Spirit would often wake me up in the middle of the night to give me the names of God. I believe God has a plan for many to read this book and to search for the names of God as I have with great joy. Most of the information I searched for came from the King James Bible, Nathan Stone, outlines from Marilyn Hickey, teachings from Benny Hinn, the Amplified Bible, the American Standard Bible, and the New International Version Bible. May God bless you as you read this book.
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Forgotten God : Perspectives In Biblical Theology
$50.00This volume provides a comprehensive survey of the unity and diversity behind biblical conceptions of “God”. This is accomplished by respecting the distinctive theology of each canonical book and by placing reflection about God in conversation with major themes of biblical theology (e.g., Christology, pneumatology, anthropology). Four essays examine the Old Testament images of God while ten essays address the way in which God is presented in the New Testament. The volume is rounded off with an essay exploring biblical preaching about God.
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Trinity A Print On Demand Title
$21.99The premier volume in an exciting new series of guides to the core beliefs of the Christian faith, The Trinity provides beginning theology readers with a basic knowledge of the doctrine of God’s triune nature.
Concise, nontechnical, and up-to-date, the book offers a detailed historical and theological description of the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing its development from the first days of Christianity through the medieval and Reformation eras and into the modern age. Special attention is given to early church controversies and church fathers who helped carve out the doctrine of the triune God as well as to its twentieth-century renaissance. The second half of the book contains a detailed, annotated bibliography of all major books written about the Trinity.
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Our God Is Awesome
$19.99Do you want to be challenged to deepen your understanding of the characteristics and requirements of Almighty God? The Understanding God Series contains the bulk of Pastor Tony Evans’ compelling and hard-hitting resources on the essentials about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and prophecy. Now available in paperback, readers will not want to be without a single book in the series by this popular and powerful speaker and author.
God’s sovereignty inspires our worship. His omnipotence guides our lives. The more we learn about God’s attributes, the more awestruck we become. In his captivating style, Tony Evans explores the characteristics of God and challenges readers to a deeper level of intimacy with the Father.
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Shadow Of The Almighty
$21.99The Shadow of the Almighty introduces readers to the nature of God by exploring the biblical references to God as “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit.” This fruitful approach offers fresh insight into the meaning of the biblical language used for God, giving readers the background necessary for properly understanding the trinitarian perspective of the New Testament and of the Christian faith.
Divided into four chapters, the book looks at “Father” language in early Judaism, at “Father” language in early Christianity, at “Son” language, and at language designating the Spirit. This thorough review of the traditional God language across the biblical texts shows what the earliest Christians understood by using these terms and, ultimately, what these terms mean for modern faith and practice.
While much of this material is deceptively familiar, the authors’ close examination of how and where the different terms are used reveals some surprising results. It makes clear, for example, that speaking of God in trinitarian terms was not as radical a departure from early Jewish monotheism as many have thought, and it shows that while early Christianity was characterized by disparate ideas, the first Christians nevertheless shared a common understanding of God. Equally engaging findings of the book include the authors’ support for the traditional gendered term “Father” when speaking about God.
Complete with helpful questions at the end of each chapter, The Shadow of the Almighty provides an excellent place to begin a deeper study of God.
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Anatomy Of God
$22.00208 Pages
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Special Order Title
God is a Spirit, yet, throughout Scripture, He describes Himself in anatomical terms and images we are familiar with. His eyes wink and squint. His mouth whispers, His smile radiates, and He inclines an attentive ear to our cries. God has hands, arms, and fingers that build, shape, give, protect, and deliver. His heart can be broken, and His nostrils flare when He is angry. His face reveals His glory and His favor. This book God is an invitation to see God at work in us, for us, and through us. With appropriate humor and humility, Dr. Kenneth Ulmer introduces us to the Father as we seldom see Him-touchable, emotional, and accessible. He navigates the seemingly unfathomable depths of the person of God with a pastor’s care, a teacher’s skill, and a preacher’s passion, guiding us into deeper, more meaningful communion. This book is for every man or woman who desires to know God, or to know Him better. It is for anyone who questions God’s closeness, or doubts His concern. The Anatomy of God brings us closer to God by bringing God closer to us.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Participating In God
$50.00Seeks to develop an image of God which is appropriate to the demands of experience in the pastor care for others. Explores the way in which pastoral care shapes our doctrine of God, and how faith in the triune God shapes the practice of pastoral care.
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Mighty Acts Of God (Revised)
$32.00This new edition of A.B. Rhodes’s The Mighty Acts Of God is an essential tool for learning more about the Bible. The original volume, which has been well-loved as a guide for Bible study, has been carefully revised by Dr. W. Eugene March of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to incorporate the most up-to-date historical and theological research. From the beinnings of creation to final consummation and hope, readers will find the same easily readable quality as in the first edition along with helpful quesitons for either group or individual study.
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God Of Miracles
$21.99Part of the debate over God’s existence centers on questions about the possibility and “provability” of miracles. In this groundbreaking work, Dr. C. John Collins provides a thorough exegetical foundation for discussing God’s action in the world within the framework of biblical Christian theology. He begins by presenting and contrasting the options within traditional Christian theism. He then explores the biblical passages that support a classically theistic foundation and relates these results to the philosophical theological, scientific, and apologetic questions that this rises. In so doing, he effectively takes on the God-of-the-gaps position and answers with a persuasive “yes” the crucial question of whether it is intellectually responsible to embrace the biblical view of God’s action in the world.
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Friendship : Portraits In Gods Family Album (Student/Study Guide)
$9.991. Abraham, God’s Friend – Genesis 12:1-9: Hebrews 11;8-19; Genesis 13
2. Are You A Friend Of God – John 15:5-17; Selected Passages From Genesis
3. Introducing Ruth, Who Risked Commitment – Ruth 1
4. Unfailing Kindness In God And His People – Ruth 2-4
5. Jonathan And David: Faithful Friends – 1 Samuel 18-19
6. Jonathan And David: Covenant Friends – 1 Samuel 20; 2 Samuel 9; Ecclesiastes 5:2-6
7. Introducing Solomon, Son Of David – 2 Samuel 9; Selected Verses From Solomon’s Writings
8. Solomon’s Folly: Failure To Apply Wisdom – Verses From Proverbs; 1 Kings 9: 1-9; 11:1-13
9. Mary And Elizabeth: Sharing Faith In God – Luke 1:5 -80
10. Jesus, Friend Of Sinners – Matthew 26: 36-56; Luke 5:27-32
11. Barnabas, Son Of Encouragement – Acts 4: 32-36; Luke 5:27-32
12. Barnabaas’s Later Ministry – Acts 11:19-30; 15:25-26; 36-39Additional Info
To be rich in friends is true wealth! These 12 studies for group or private use focus on the treasure of good relationships. Here you will find vivid profiles of friends in the Bible like Jonathan and David Ruth and Naomi, Barnabas, Abraham and Jesus-the preeminent Friend and Brother. Steve and Dee Brestin are veteran Bible study authors with six popular titles in the Fisherman line.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Is God A Delusion
$11.99Has science disproved God?
Does religion do more harm than good?
Is faith irrational?
In this book Nicky Gumbel draws on his experience as a barrister and addresses the biggest issue of the age: does God exist? He sifts through the arguments adopted by some prominent atheists and assesses the evidence.A response to Richard Dawkins bestselling book The God Delusion. Based on talks given by Nicky Gumbel. These closely examine the complex claims made by Dawkins. A useful Christian perspective on this popular book.
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Predestination And Free Will
$28.99If God is in control, are people really free? The Basingers present four views on this thought-provoking question: Bruce Reichenbach on God’s self-limited power, John Feinberg on God’s control through foreordination, Clark Pinnock on God’s self-limited knowledge, and Norman Geisler on God’s control by foreknowledge.
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Doctrine Of God
$35.99What is theology? What is the nature of God? How should we think about the relationships among the persons of the Trinity? In a carefully reasoned style, Gerald Bray distills the essence of these questions and introduces readers to a theological understanding of the personal, trinitarian existence of God. Engaging classical and contemporary theology along the way, Bray also leads us into conversation with the Eastern Orthodox tradition, where he finds valuable insights sadly neglected by evangelical theology. Here is a substantial introduction to the nature and subject of God, and a compelling call for evangelicals to renew their commitment to the solid foundation of a truly trinitarian theology.
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Openness Of God
$25.99THE OPENNESS of GOD presents a careful and full-orbed argument that the God known through Christ desires “responsive relationships” with his creatures. While it rejects process theology, the book asserts that such classical doctrines as God’s immutability, impassibility and foreknowledge demand reconsideration. The authors insist that our understanding of God will be more consistently bibical and more true to the actual devotional lives of Christians if we profess that “God, in grace, grants humans significant freedom” and enters into relationship with a genuine “give and take dymanic.”
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Our God Is Wonderful
$14.981. God’s Wonderful Creation
2. God’s Wonderful Providence
3. God’s Wonderful RedemptionAdditional Info
We should take time to revel in all God’s creation. Everything He made is marvelous beyond description. Everyone owes it to himself or herself to be awestruck by the demensions of the universe, the number of stars, and the precision with which they move. No one should miss the mind-boggling world of potential in the living cell. What a tragedy it would be to go through life hugging the commonplace and missing the beautiful, majoring in the mundane and missing the majestic. So let’s stop and smell the roses and also admire God’s works in the universe.In this thrilling book, a companion volume to his popular The Wonders Of God, the author takes us on a journey through creation, providence, and redemption–proving again that Our God Is Wonderful. The more we spend time with Him, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will become like Him.
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Pulse Of Creation
$38.33Paul Sponheim here articulates the felt need for transformation – personal, social, cultural, even global conversion – and how the Christian doctrine of creation, making “all things new,” might yet prove a vehicle for the rescue and even betterment of our predicament.
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In Quest Of Jesus (Revised)
$29.99Within the context of the current debate over the historical Jesus, W. Barmes Tatum focuses on the issue of the relationship between the Christ of faith and the Jesus of history, between the creedal Son of God and Jesus the Jew whose life and message centered around the symbol of “God’s rule.” In contrast to those who belittle historical research into the life of Jesus and in contrast to those who reject the church’s creedal definition of Jesus as the Son of God, Tatum argues for continuity between the church’s traditional claim of Jesus as God’s Son and Jesus as a historical figure who reflected but transcended the social categories of sage, healer, and prophet. W. Barnes Tatum is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Greensboro College in Greensboro, North Carolina. This is a revised and expanded edition of a book first published in 1982.
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Perfect Love : Intensely Personal Overflowing Never Ending
$16.99Most people fail to grasp the incredibly deep, passionate love God has for them. Yet so many personal problems and needs can be traced to this misunderstanding of God. With clear, biblical insight, Ruth Myers leads readers to a deeper understanding of God’s perfect, intensely personal love for them and helps them make this love a cherished reality in their everyday experience.
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Basic Theology : A Popular Systematic Guide To Understanding Biblical Truth
$32.00Ryrie’s deep understanding of the Bible and smooth writing style make Basic Theology a powerful resource. Complete with charts, definitions and Scripture/subject indices, readers of all ages will clearly understand biblical truth and its life application.
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Scaling The Secular City A Defense Of Christianity (Reprinted)
$37.501. The Cosmological Argument
2. The Design Argument
3. God And The Argument From Mind
4. God And The Meaning Of Life
5. The Historicity Of The New Testament
6. The Resurrection Of Jesus
7. Science And Christianity
8. Four Final Issues288 Pages
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C. S. Lewis once wrote: “To be ignorant and simple now-not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground-would be to throw down our weapons, and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defense but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen. Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”SCALING THE SECULAR CITY is not just another apologetics book. This is a fresh, up-to-date defense of the Christian faith by a bright mind. J. P. Moreland musters new arguments, tackles new problems, and reveals penetrating insight as he gives reasons for the historic Christian faith. His rich background in philosophy, science, and theology is manifest in the helpful way he operates on the borders of these disciplines. His insights into the contemporary philosophical issues make him one of the ablest young apologists in America. This book not only will help the average Christian, but also will challenge the best scholars. It is another good example of the renaissance of classical apologetics in a day that refuses to either capitulate to the philosophical skeptics or give a reason for our hope.
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God In The Fray
$58.33If there were risks and consequences for the poet-prophet Isaiah, there are certainly also risks and consequences for the writer who today wishes to take the biblical literature seriously. No one – not even his strongest opponents – could accuse Walter Brueggemann of not being capable of a firm persuasion of anything. On the contrary, he has cared not for consequences but has written, boldly and with a passionate conviction that echoes William Blake as well as Isaiah. This book is a tribute to the great writer, Walter Brueggemann.
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Perfect Love A Study Guide Based On The Book (Student/Study Guide)
$10.9996 Pages
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Most people-even those with a deep faith-fail to really grasp the incredibly passionate and deep love God has for them. And yet so many personal problems and needs can be traced back to this misunderstanding of God. The result, as Ruth Myers points out, is “a lack of true identity-a lack of inner sureness about who we are.” Ultimately, everyone is on the same quest: to find and know the perfect love of God. The Perfect Love opens the Scriptures to reveal one delighful discovery of God’s love after another. With this study Guide, you can explore those same Bible passages and make your own life-changing discoveries about God’s love.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Imagining God A Print On Demand Title
$23.99This is an important, vigorously and eloquently argued book. Garrett Green undertakes to locate theology on a larger intellectual map, specifically that of religious and philosophical studies. His explanation of the concept “imagination” is original and powerful. Drawing on sources as diverse as Ludwig Wittgenstein, Thomas Kuhn, S.T. Coleridge, John Calvin, and John of Damascus, he has put together a tightly knit and powerful case for seeing “paradigmatic imagination” as the clue to the nature of religion and theology.
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Can God Be Trusted
In a world riddled with disappointment, malice, and tragedy, what rationale do we have for believing in a benevolent God? If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why is there so much evil in the world? John Stackhouse goes beyond Rabbi Kushner, M. Scott Peck, and others to take a more historically informed approach to this dilemma, examining what philosophers and theologians have said on the subject and offering reassuring answers for thoughtful readers.John Stackhouse explores how great thinkers have grappled with the problem of evil–from the Buddha, Confucius, Augustine, and David Hume to Martin Luther, C. S. Lewis, Alvin Plantinga, and others–and grounds his analysis in everyday examples. Without brushing aside the serious contradictions posed by all-powerful God who allows incurable diseases, natural disasters, birth defects, and senseless crimes to bring misery into our lives, Stackhouse asks if a world completely without evil is what we truly want. Would a life without suffering be a meaningful life? Could free will exist if we were able to choose only good? Stackhouse examines, clearly and concisely, what the best minds have had to say on these questions and boldly affirms that the benefits of evil, in fact, outweigh the costs. Finally, he points to Christian revelation–which promises the transformation of suffering into joy–as the best guide to God’s dealings with the world.
A lucidly written and sweeping consideration of one of the central dilemmas of human existence, Can God Be Trusted? challenges us to take responsibility for our actions, to reexamine the “celestial blueprint” with less despair, and to say yes to a well-informed faith.
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God Of Israel And Christian Theology
$48.33With acknowledgement that Christian theology contributed to the persecution and genocide of Jews comes a delemma: how to excise the cancer withour killing the patient? Kendall Soulen shows how important Christian assertions-the uniqueness of Jesus, the Christian covenant, the finality of salvation in Chirst-have been formulated in destructive, supersessionist ways not only in the classical period (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus) and early moderniity (Kant and Schleiermacher) but even comtemporary theology (Barth and Rahner). Along with this first full-scale critque of Christian supersessionism, Soulen’s own constructive proposal regrasps the narrative unity of Christian identity and the canon through an original and important insight into the divine-human covenant, the election of Israel, and the meaning of history.
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God And The Nations
$25.00In a time of rapid change and global confusion, how are Christians to perceive God at work in history? The theme of God’s presence among the nations is here addressed from different perspectives by two major theologians. Douglas John Hall explores foundational theological questions: the providence of God, the relation of global to national concerns, and the role of the church in relation to God’s worldly work. Rosemary Radford Ruether raises the question of the presence of God in the context of three major crises of our times-the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, global poverty and the preferential option for the poor, and the ecological crisis. This book originated as the Hein/Fry Lectures of 1994.
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Modern Search For The Real Jesus
$17.99169 pages
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Critical scholars have increasingly questioned the reliability of the gospels, voicing doubts as to what, if anything, we can know about the historical Jesus. But are the critics as objective as they purport to be? Strimple examines their claims and assumptions in this concise survey of the historical roots of Gospels criticism from Reimarus to Bultmann and beyond.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Tongues Of Fire
$19.93Tongues Of Fire is a refreshingly bold approach to the study of the Holy Spirit. Stroman explores in depth the various manifestations of the Holy Spirit from that “wild, weird day” of Pentecost to the characteristics of the Spirit’s activity today. He maintains that what has followed from that New Testament experience of the Holy Spirit has been a well-disciplined maturity by the church through the ages in which the embarrassing earlier irregularities no longer appear. In that process, he says, the present church has lost something. The spontaneity of the Spirit has been replaced by the accommodations we have sought to make between the Christian life and middle class cultural values. Comparing the strength and vigor of the early church with the confused and sometimes feeble performance of the divided church today, he acknowledges that the early church was open “on the Godward side of life” that is unknown to Christians today.
Stroman examines the patterns that came out of the experience of Pentecost and discovers what meaning they have today. He finds that it is not a question of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our midst, but our awareness of where that activity is taking place.
Toward the end of the book is a chapter on the Trinity. After all, a book on new life in the Spirit must deal with the Trinity. Christian theology begins, continues, and ends with the inexhaustible mystery of God. It helps deal with this mystery and is basic to understanding the Christian experience.
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God The Redeemer
$36.00What do we proclaim when we preach the gospel? Paul McGlasson poses this question as the best point of departure for fresh theological work as a new era in theology begins. Influenced by contemporary discussion and indebted to classical tradition, McGlasson contrasts literal and critical interpretations of the Bible. His thought-provoking work presents and analyzes the central biblical and theological concepts of the Christian witness in an original and illuminating way.
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God As Trinity
$40.00Ted Peters brings Trinitarian theology conversation to a new level by examining the works of Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, Eberhard Jungel, Jurgen Moltmann, Robert Jenson, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and Catherine Mowry LaCugna. He highlights talk about the becoming of God by process theologians, sexism in Trinitarian language by feminists, and divine and human community by liberation theologians. Peters addresses the relationship of God’s eternity to the world’s temporality, and claims that thinking of God as Trinity affirms that the word “God” applies to both eternity and temporality.
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Gods Power : Traditional Understandings And Contemporary Challenges
$40.00With this book, Anna Case-Winters provides a reconstruction of the doctrine of God based on process theology and feminist thought. She takes a fresh approach to the problem of theodicy (the justification of God’s goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil) and contends that traditional attempts to address this problem are unsuccessful because they do not discuss the meaning of omnipotence. Once the dispute is recast, it is not a question of how much power is attributed to God, but what kind. Case-Winters provides a coherent and theologically viable doctrine of omnipotence that avoids the pitfalls of traditional beliefs.
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Triumph Of God
1.The Hermeneutical Problem
Three Solutions
Summary2.Primary Themes In Pauline Thought
The Dialectic Of Coherence And Contingency
Apocalyptic As The Basis Of Paul’s GospelPART TWO: THEOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES
3.The Contingency Of The Gospel
Paul’s Occasional Letters
Galatians And Romans4.The Coherence Of The Gospel
Objections To Apocalyptic
Apocalyptic And The Resurrection Of Christ
The Cross Of Christ And The Demonic Powers
Christian Life And The Church: The Appropriation And Practice Of The Gospel In The Horizon Of Hope5.The Enigma Of The Law And The Struggle Between Sin And Death
The Law Amid The Struggle Between The Powers
The Dilemma Of Sin And Death: Equal Or Disparate Powers?6.Summary
Appendix: Paul The Theologian: Major Motifs In Pauline Theology
IndexesAdditional Info
This book posits two pillars as the foundations of Paul’s thought: 1) the interaction between coherence and contingency in Paul’s interpretation of the gospel and 2) the apocalyptic character of his gospel. The author ventures to demonstrate how Paul’s interpretation of the gospel as coherent is integral with Paul’s communication of the gospel as situationally contingent. These ostensibly opposing perspectives actually combine to form a fluid Pauline hermeneutic. The centrality of Christological apocalyptic in Paul’s interpretation is posited and involves a radical shift in traditional conceptions of Paul’s theology. The author is “recasting Paul’s theology as a theocentric theology of hope rather than as a Christocentric salvation-history (O. Cullmann) or as an existentialist theology of the cross (R. Bultmann). A theology of hope views the present as the dawn of the future and the future as the full actualization of the present.” Examining the implications of this approach-the ultimacy of God’s sovereignty and triumph beside the Christ- event, the formation of a “biblical- theology,” a rethinking of traditional concepts of salvation and ethics-the author intends to reveal a fresh and most enlightening view of Paul’s theology.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Understanding The Trinity
$12.99McGrath gives new life and vitality to traditional answers by refusing to be trapped in outdated or facile jargon and models. In doing so, he triggers sometimes unexpected trains of thought in the reader’s mind, making theology relevant to today without surrendering truth.
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God In History
$43.33“The value of this book is not to be found only in its important constructive theological proposals. Almost as important as these is his persuasive and illuminating reading of Hegel and his ability to show Hegel’s significance for the address of major contemporary theological issues…. Those who desire a solid and intellectually exciting introduction to Hegel’s significance for contemporary theological issues could do no better than spend some time with this book.”
– Gordon D. Kaufman, Mallinckrodt Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Harvard Divinity School“In this book, Hodgson uses Hegel’s dialectical triadic logic to define what he calls the triune figuration. His ‘Trinity’ is God the One (rather than the Father), Love to and in the world (rather than the Son), and Freedom in history (rather than the Spirit)…. Jesus in history is the Christian symbol of this historicized God. History is viewed not as a line of evolution nor a circle of recurrence but an open spiral.”
– Robert Paul Roth, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota“I am convinced that Hodgson’s position is developing a deeply thought-out and valuable attempt to tackle a major aporia in contemporary theology. Rather than a history of salvation, Hodgson prefers a history of freedom….”
– Maurice Wiles, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Christ Church, Oxford UniversityAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Mind Of The Maker
$20.99This classic, with a new introduction by Madeleine L’Engle, is by turns an entrancing mediation on language; a piercing commentary on the nature of art and why so much of what we read, hear, and see falls short; and a brilliant examination of the fundamental tenets of Christianity. The Mind of the Maker will be relished by those already in love with Dorothy L. Sayers and those who have not yet met her.
A mystery writer, a witty and perceptive theologian, culture critic, and playwright, Dorothy Sayers sheds new, unexpected light on a specific set of statements made in the Christian creeds. She examines anew such ideas as the image of God, the Trinity, free will, and evil, and in these pages a wholly revitalized understanding of them emerges. The author finds the key in the parallels between the creation of God and the human creative process. She continually refers to each in a way that illuminates both.
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