Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm

Suspense Fiction

Showing 301–400 of 451 results

  • Submerged (Reprinted)


    Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey again. She has a past, and a reputation–and Yancey’s a small town. She’s returned to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash and is determined not to stay even an hour more than necessary. But then dark evidence emerges and Bailey’s own expertise becomes invaluable for the case. Cole McKenna can handle the deep-sea dives and helping the police recover evidence. He can even handle the fact that a murderer has settled in his town and doesn’t appear to be moving on. But dealing with the reality of Bailey’s reappearance is a tougher challenge. She broke his heart, but she is not the same girl who left Yancey. He let her down, but he’s not the same guy she left behind. Can they move beyond the hurts of their pasts and find a future together?

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  • Coveted Bride


    Hawse Pipe Ministries

    Do arranged marriages still happen? For Lindsey Buchannan, yes. Everything was kept in her husband’s name, giving him full control of all they owned. And upon his death-bed, he exposes his plan for his family’s future. Lindsey has two months to marry Keaton Durham or a charity will inherit their trusts and home.

    Determined to make it on her own, Lindsey rejects the idea immediately. But when a drug-addicted family member threatens her children for the sake of money, it is Keaton she continually turns to. Would it be so wrong to fall in love with the alluring man that sends shivers along her spine with just one look?

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  • Ambition : A Novel


    A routine mob hit lights the fuse on an explosive collision of ambition and deception inside the Windy City’s corridors of power in this softcover edition of The Ambition. Drawing on his years as an investigative reporter for The Chicago Tribune, bestselling author Lee Strobel reveals an insider’s tale of power, politics, and payoffs ripped from today’s headlines. When a down-on-his-luck lawyer must bribe a federal judge to fix an upcoming mob trial, he secretly tapes the exchange to protect himself. After the dirty judge becomes a finalist for an open U.S. Senate seat, the incriminating tape isn’t the only thing standing in his way. Pastor-turned-politician Eric Snow is determined to use his suburban megachurch as a launching pad for securing the Senate appointment. And Newspaper reporter Garry Strider threatens to uncover both candidates’ secrets in an investigation that may cost him his life. Strobel weaves these edgy characters into an intricate thriller set in a gleaming, suburban megachurch, a big-city newspaper struggling for survival, and the shadowy corridors of political intrigue. The unexpected climax is as gripping as the contract killing that punctuates the opening scene.

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  • 13th Tribe


    Immortals from the time of Moses roam the earth on a quest for justice . . . and heaven. One man stands in their way. In 1476 BC, the Israelites turned their backs on the One True God by worshipping a golden calf. For their transgression, forty were cursed to walk the earth forever. Banished from their people, they formed their own tribe, The 13th Tribe. Now, three and a half millennia later, the remnant of this Tribe continues to seek redemption through vigilante justice-goaded by dark forces in the spiritual realm. They are planning a bold strike modeled on the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan: the complete destruction of a major city-only now, they possess the horrific technology of modern weapons to ensure their success. Jagger Baird is a husband and father-and security guard of an archaeological dig at the base of Mount Siani. Jagger suddenly finds himself in a fight for the future as he discovers the Tribe’s plans. But to win this fight, he must overcome his own struggles with faith and self-worth – as well as his anger at God for a past tragedy. This taut thriller by acclaimed novelist Robert Liparulo fuses tomorrow’s technology with faith and non-stop action for a supernatural suspense novel unlike any other.

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  • Rebellion


    Using his strong background in the Scripture mixed with a complex and rich imagination, Kenneth John Marks sets out to tell a dramatic but biblically rooted account of evil’s origin in the universe. He does this largely through children’s perspectives, which adds a layer of wonder and innocence to the narration that contrasts effectively with some of the less-than-innocent characters and dramatic twists. What starts off as a simple tale deepens into a riveting story of evil versus good, Lucifer’s followers against God’s, which culminates in an unforgettable battle between Lucifer as a seven-headed dragon and the Destroyer that burns and pierces him. Readers will enjoy the author’s skillful story telling and poetic prose, such as “the noonday sun reached with bright shining fingers.” Even more importantly, many readers will see their faith and life choices mirrored in the characters, inspiring prayerful self-examination and reflection.

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  • Rebellion


    Using his strong background in the Scripture mixed with a complex and rich imagination, Kenneth John Marks sets out to tell a dramatic but biblically rooted account of evil’s origin in the universe. He does this largely through children’s perspectives, which adds a layer of wonder and innocence to the narration that contrasts effectively with some of the less-than-innocent characters and dramatic twists. What starts off as a simple tale deepens into a riveting story of evil versus good, Lucifer’s followers against God’s, which culminates in an unforgettable battle between Lucifer as a seven-headed dragon and the Destroyer that burns and pierces him. Readers will enjoy the author’s skillful story telling and poetic prose, such as “the noonday sun reached with bright shining fingers.” Even more importantly, many readers will see their faith and life choices mirrored in the characters, inspiring prayerful self-examination and reflection.

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  • Saving Hope


    When a teenager goes missing from the Beacon of Hope School, Texas Ranger Wyatt Sheridan and school director Kate Winslow are forced into a dangerous struggle against a human trafficking organization. But the battle brings dire consequences as Wyatt’s daughter is terrorized and Kate is kidnapped. Now it’s personal, and Wyatt finds both his faith and investigative skills challenged as he fights to discover the mastermind behind the ring before evil destroys everyone he loves.

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  • Joshua Covenant


    Micah House Media Publication

    God’s covenants to His people take center stage as CIA Agent Bo Rider races to help Israel defeat a dangerous enemy amidst unfolding Bible prophecy. After years of clandestine spying, Bo’s new assignment plunges him into Middle East intrigue at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv where he is rocked by a menacing plot against America’s ally. Julia immerses herself in her role as a diplomatic wife and in the ancient land where Jesus lived, only to discover the life changing truths of God’s promises for the end days. Meanwhile sinister forces challenge Bo’s loyalty. His battle to regain his stature tests his very core. Will Bo survive the greatest threat ever to his career, his family, and his life?

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  • Harbinger : The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret Of Americas Future


    22 Chapters

    Additional Info
    An ancient mystery involving a series of prophetic signs, harbingers, once given to a nation on the verge of destruction…has reappeared in modern times.

    Written in an engaging narrative style, the book opens in an executive office with the appearance of a man burdened with a message he has received from a mysterious figure he calls “the prophet.” He tells the story of his encounters with the prophet and as the narrative unfolds, each revelation becomes a puzzle piece in a still greater mystery, the ramifications of which keep growing larger and larger. In the final scene, with the unlocking of the last seal, the man, for the first time, realizes the reason for it all – and the book comes full circle.

    Although written in a fictional narrative framework, The Harbinger contains actual biblical prophecy and facts combined with historical American events that began with the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

    The ancient harbingers that were given to the nation of Israel are again manifested but this time on American soil-in the same precise progression, containing the same prophetic warning, and holding the key to the nation’s future. The book unveils biblical prophecy so real and so specific that even the most hardened skeptic will find it difficult to dismiss and though it sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller-it’s real.

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  • Future Door


    A mystery is afoot at 221 Baker Street, but will Griffin Sharpe be able to figure out the clues before the future catches up with the past? When Sherlock Holmes moves out of Baker Street, a new tenant moves in-a mysterious woman named Elizabeth who has long been a fan of Holmes. When she discovers that Griffin and his uncle are also detectives, she becomes very friendly. So when Elizabeth goes missing along with a special invention, Griffin sets out to rescue her. But finding Elizabeth will take them on a race against the clock that bends time itself!

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  • Lonestar Angel


    For Eden, hope is rekindled when her estranged husband delivers the astounding news: that their lost baby girl has been found. Years ago Eden and Clay Larson’s baby was stolen. Kidnappers demanded a ransom, but something went horribly wrong at the exchange: the kidnapper’s car crashed into the river and was never recovered. Eden blamed herself, Clay lost himself in work. Their young and rocky marriage ended. Or so Eden thought. Now she’s met Kent. He’s everything Clay wasn’t: funny, stable, and eager to please her. Just as he’s about to propose marriage at a romantic dinner, Clay arrives and tells Eden she can’t marry Kent. She’s still married to him. He never signed the divorce decree. Even more earth-shattering than this news is that he’s never stopped looking for Brianna. Based on a tip, he thinks their daughter is in Bluebird, Texas, at a youth ranch. All five little girls there are the right age, but he’s not sure which is Brianna.

    To discover the truth, the couple becomes counselors to the girls at Bluebird Ranch. They move into small quarters in the bunkhouse and oversee the kids as they try to find out more. As they work together, their love for the children grows and their love for each other is rekindled. But as danger closes in, Eden and Clay realize they’ve been lured to this remote West Texas location; their lives and the lives of the little girls are in danger. But as Eden learns, “hope does not disappoint.”

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  • Wonderland Creek : A Novel


    Alice Grace Ripley lives in a dream world, her nose stuck in a book. But happily-ever-after life she’s planned on suddenly falls apart when her boyfriend, Gordon, breaks up with her, accusing her of living in a world of fiction instead of the real world. Then to top it off, Alice loses her beloved job at the library because of cutbacks due to the Great Depression. Fleeing small-town gossip, Alice heads to the mountains of eastern Kentucky to deliver five boxes of donated books to the library in the tiny coal-mining village of Acorn. Dropped off by her relatives, Alice volunteers to stay for two weeks to help the librarian, Leslie McDougal. But the librarian turns out to be far different than she anticipated–not to mention the four lady librarians who travel to the remote homes to deliver the much-desired books. While Alice is trapped in Acorn against her will, she soon finds that real-life adventure and mystery–and especially romance–are far better than her humble dreams could have imagined.

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  • Bakers Wife


    What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, so why is Audrey weakening day by day? It’s been a tough year for Audrey’s family. Her husband Geoff, a pastor, lost his job after a scandal rocked their congregation. Audrey hasn’t lost faith. She’s held her family together. Their attempt to resurrect a failing bakery is an effort to heal the family wounds and restore their place in the community. Late to the bakery one dim, foggy morning, Audrey turns into the intersection in front of the shop and strikes a vehicle that she can’t see even after the collision settles. Emerging from her car into the fog, she discovers she’s hit a motor scooter. There’s no rider in sight. There’s blood, though, so much that she slips in it, injuring her wrists. The absence of the scooter driver is a mystery, especially to Sergeant Jack Mansfield, the detective and church member who drove Geoff from his pulpit. The scooter belongs to Jack’s wife, Julie, a teacher at the local high school. She has vanished like morning fog. Though there is no evidence to support Jack’s growing suspicion that Audrey and Geoff were involved in Julie’s disappearance, the detective is convinced of their guilt. Jack’s ability to reason slips as the leads on his wife dry up. When Jack takes the tiny bakery and its patrons hostage, Audrey must find Julie and unravel the secret of her own mysterious suffering before Jack comes undone.

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  • Weed Man : The Remarkable Journey Of Jimmy Divine


    Weed Man – The Remarkable Journey of Jimmy Divine – is John McCaslin’s account of the unbelievable exploits of a Jimmy Moree – a law-abiding citizen turned million-dollar drug trafficker, who, amidst sometimes unbelievable, hilarious and escalating circumstances, risked life and limb to both make – and give away – a fortune. Shiploads of Colombian weed Sack loads of cash Island huts made of marijuana bales. Trafficking drugs while directing the neighborhood crime watch Crooked cops and politicians and CIA operatives, Weed Man details exploits of one of the biggest drug traffickers to infiltrate the United States.

    D.C. political columnist John McCaslin’s account of a law-abiding citizen turned swashbuckling Caribbean Robin Hood is an unbelievable, entertaining – and true – story of crime, high jinx on the high seas. It was on a secluded cay in the Bahamas one otherwise ordinary morning that Jimmy Moree went for his usual jog on the beach-one that changed his life forever. After all, how many people stumble upon several million dollars while exercising? Soon, millions more would fall into his lap. And with every million, Jimmy spins an amazing yarn, each more incredible than the last-like when he tried to poison a mean neighbor with a deadly barracuda; how ungodly deception caused him to steal the holy garments and identity of his Catholic school priest and principal; why several thousand pounds of particularly potent marijuana came to be stored in the crawl space of a church during its Easter services; his extreme generosity shown to the poor farmers and fishermen who helped care for his ailing mother; and his unlikely view as of one of the world’s biggest drug smugglers from his pew at the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.

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  • Hide And Secret


    Anna Mae Shetler is a tomboy who loves nothing more than exploring the woods with her two best friends, Amos and Jeremiah. During a game of hide and seek they stumble upon a mystery that will threaten to tear apart their friendship, and-as they soon discover-it’s a mystery that caused a rift in their families decades earlier.

    Anna Mae and her friends are playing in the old tree house in the woods when a floor board suddenly breaks. No one is seriously hurt, but when they take a second look, they see that a metal box of money and a diary have been hidden under the floor in the crook of the tree branches. Upon further inspection, they discover that it is a lot of money.

    As the three set out to solve the mystery, they discover that Jeremiah and Anna Mae’s grandmothers were once great friends, something they would have never guessed since the two women have only been distantly civil to each other in their lifetimes. As they investigate further, they realize there is a missing third party who must certainly hold the answers to this puzzle. Before they can find out, the money disappears again and threatens the trust of the three friends.

    Can Anna Mae solve this mystery before it tears apart more relationships? And can God bring restoration to decades-old pain and distrust?

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  • Gold Trap : A Tale Of High Adventure And Divine Appointments


    I simply wanted to step out of my ordinary life and find the Divine Appointment God had planned for me. I’d read about Mary Kinglsey, and it occurred to me that if I truly wanted to share an historical biography with my students, hers was it. So (with much trepidation) I booked the cheapest tour I could find to visit the Dark Continent of Africa. Who knew I’d meet a psychic named Vidalia (after the onion?) – not that I should have been surprised (after all, Bremen Tours specialized in “Voodoo relics of the Dark Continent,” or so it was emblazoned on their carry-alls, one of which I owned). But life got really strange when I met a mad (or was he drunk?) professor, a dashing prince (or possibly, the villain), a village headman (the warrior king? Or the prince of thieves?) and a witchdoctor who was neither witch nor doctor, but rather the sinister embodiment of a charlatan who preyed on tourists…and let’s not forget the man who started the whole mess-an embezzler-turned-kidnapper…of me! And that’s not to mention floating down a river full of crocodiles, two boys who wanted to hold me for ransom, an earthquake, a cave-in, the leopard in my bed, and a pink hippopotamus. In the end, my Divine Appointment from God held mystery, excitement and a whole lot more. Enjoy my adventure, Dear Reader, because I did!

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  • Thunder In The Morning Calm


    Young naval intelligence officer Bob Molster never knew his grandfather who disappeared in Korea in 1950. Haunted for years by the uncertainty of his grandfather’s fate, Molster is determined to find out the truth behind rumors that the North Koreas may still be holding some American POWs. He enlists the help of two retired special forces commandos, and finances an elaborate and dangerous plan that takes the trio deep into North Korea. The only thing they know for sure is that they’ll probably return heroes, or not at all.

    Author Don Brown is building a loyal fan base by writing what he knows best: thrillers with heart. A former Navy JAG officer and action officer in the Pentagon, Brown pens action-packed plots and finely-drawn characters that are credible and compelling.

    Thunder in the Morning Calm is a novel of bravery, duty, and family love that will keep readers of all ages reading straight through to the last page.

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  • Life Support


    Alexi knows this new case is a matter of life and death. She doesn’t have a clue what it will do to her heart and soul. Baxter Richardson survived a fall from a cliff while hiking in the mountains. Whether he’ll make it through the next few weeks is unclear. His survival depends on the machines that help him breathe. His haunted, unstable wife wants to pull the plug and hide her secrets. His doting father wants him alive for reasons of love and money. But conflicting legal documents send the fight to court. Attorney Alexi Lindale must navigate the mixed motives and warring facts to determine-and fight for-what’s right for Baxter. A twisting tale of tough decisions and of a mysterious, healing grace.

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  • Chase


    Ryan Mansfield wishes he could turn back time. Wishes he could’ve saved his marriage. But once Shelly found out about the affair there was no going back.

    Despite cleaning up his act and finding God, Ryan knows Shelly has moved on. She even plans to marry Tim, a successful dentist who attends her church. But when Sean, Shelly and Ryan’s son, is kidnapped from their house, they are drawn together by grief, worry, and love of their son. As they work together to track Sean down and bring him back home again, can they find forgiveness and give their family a second chance?

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  • Immanuels Veins


    This story is for everyone–but not everyone is for this story. It is a dangerous tale of times past. A love story full of deep seduction. A story of terrible longing and bold sacrifice. Then as now, evil begins its courtship cloaked in light. And the heart embraces what it should flee. Forgetting it once had a truer lover. With a kiss, evil will ravage body, soul, and mind. Yet there remains hope, because the heart knows no bounds. Love will prove greater than lust. Sacrifice will overcome seduction. And blood will flow. Because the battle for the heart is always violently opposed. For those desperate to drink deep from this fountain of life, enter. But remember, not everyone is for this story.

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  • Relentless Pursuit : A Novel


    Rich with the Cajun flavors of south Louisiana, this final book in the Secrets of Roux River Bayou Series is a story of what it means to find true peace in an uncertain world.

    Sax Landry left home at seventeen to escape his father’s abuse, leaving his mother and sister to fend for themselves. Now, twenty-eight years later, both parents are dead, and guilt compels him to find his sister and make peace. His search leads to Les Barbes, Louisiana, where authorities fear a bio-terrorist has injected cyanide into juice cartons and fresh produce at the grocery store. People are dead. It’s not safe. Sax stays, fearing death less than living another day without peace. A divine appointment is about to change all that forever.

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  • Priests Graveyard


    The last thing Renee Gilmore remembers is being rescued by a pair of unknown arms after her drug-dealer boyfriend attempts to murder her. She wakes up in a beautiful glass house surrounded by doctors and the man that saved her life, Lamont Myers. Lamont offers her protection, if she abides by his rules. Among these; she must not leave the house, making her the bird in his gilded cage.

    Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America to escape the bloodshed of his country and the memories of his own involvement. Danny is a priest who lives by a strict moral code, one which values the loving of others above all else. It is those that pretend to abide by religious and legal law but intentionally harm others that insence Danny. And he believes it is duty to show them the error of their ways. Those few that admit and renounce their behavior are forgiven and set free, but never without a severe reminder of their wrongdoings. Those that refuse to admit to their behavior are killed.

    A year after Renee is rescued by Lamont he is murdered and she vows to seek revenge. At the same time, Danny has continued to carve a swath of judgement and punishment.

    In their individual pursuits, Danny and Renee’s paths become entangled and before long it is clear that neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

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  • Lightkeepers Ball


    Olivia seems to have it all, but her heart yearns for more. Olivia Stewart’s family is one of the Four Hundred-the highest echelon of society in 1910. When her sister dies under mysterious circumstances, Olivia leaves their New York City home for Mercy Falls, California, to determine what befell Eleanor. She suspects Harrison Bennett, the man Eleanor planned to marry. But the more Olivia gets to know him, the more she doubts his guilt-and the more she is drawn to him herself. When several attempts are made on her life, Olivia turns to Harrison for help. He takes her on a ride in his aeroplane, but then crashes, and they’re forced to spend two days alone together. With her reputation hanging by a thread, Harrison offers to marry her to make the situation right. As a charity ball to rebuild the Mercy Falls lighthouse draws near, she realizes she wants more than a sham engagement-she wants Harrison in her life forever. But her enemy plans to shatter the happiness she is ready to grasp. If Olivia dares to drop her masquerade, she just might see the path to true happiness.

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  • End The Book Part One


    Not a cloud in the blue Atlanta sky, Jeffrey Ross made his morning visit to the Dunwoody Starbucks, expecting this day to be like any other. It wouldn’t.

    Samarra Russell left her meeting at Emory Medical Center after receiving the strange call and wondered if it had anything to do with her immunology research at CDC. It was a secret, or was supposed to be.

    Going home as instructed, Samarra opened the box of Valentine candy on the kitchen counter and collapsed. Before losing her balance, Samarra recognized the small finger, severed and still wearing the tiny ring she gave him for his 7th birthday. Her precious son.

    She opened the note after regaining limited senses and read. If she didn’t want to receive young Thomas Russell’s head in a box, she would do as instructed.

    And she did.

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  • End The Book Part One


    Not a cloud in the blue Atlanta sky, Jeffrey Ross made his morning visit to the Dunwoody Starbucks, expecting this day to be like any other. It wouldn’t.

    Samarra Russell left her meeting at Emory Medical Center after receiving the strange call and wondered if it had anything to do with her immunology research at CDC. It was a secret, or was supposed to be.

    Going home as instructed, Samarra opened the box of Valentine candy on the kitchen counter and collapsed. Before losing her balance, Samarra recognized the small finger, severed and still wearing the tiny ring she gave him for his 7th birthday. Her precious son.

    She opened the note after regaining limited senses and read. If she didn’t want to receive young Thomas Russell’s head in a box, she would do as instructed.

    And she did.

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  • Priests Graveyard (Large Type)


    Two abandoned souls are on the hunt for one powerful man. Soon, their paths will cross and lead to one twisted fate.

    Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America with hopes of escaping haunted memories of a tragic war that took his mother’s life. Now he’s a priest who lives by a law of love and compassion. It is powerful men and hypocrites who abide by legal law but eschew the law of love that most incense Danny. As an avenging angel, he believes it is his duty to show them the error of their ways, at any cost.

    Renee Gilmore is the frail and helpless victim of one such powerful man. Having escaped his clutches, she now lives only to satisfy justice by destroying him, regardless of whom she must become in that pursuit.

    But when Danny and Renee’s paths become inexorably entangled things go very, very badly and neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

    Judge not, or you too will be judged.

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  • Wolves Among Us


    This richly imagined tale takes readers to a tiny German town in the time of “the burnings,” when pious and heretic alike became victims of witch-hunting zealots. When a double murder stirs up festering fears, the village priest sends for help. But the charismatic Inquisitor who answers the call brings a deadly mix of spiritual fervor and self-deceptive evil. Under his influence, village fear, guilt, and suspicion of women take a deadly turn. In the midst of this nightmare, a doubting priest and an unloved wife-a secret friend of the recently martyred William Tyndale-somehow manage to hear another Voice…and discover the power of love over fear.

    Dinfoil, Germany, 1538. In a little town on the edge of the Black Forest, a double murder stirs up festering fears. A lonely woman despairs of pleasing her husband and wonders why other women shun her. An overworked sheriff struggles to hold the town-and himself-together. A priest begins to doubt the power of the words he shares daily with his flock. And the charismatic Inquisitor who arrives to help-with a filthy witch in a cage as an object lesson-brings his own mix of lofty ideals and treacherous evil. Under his influence, ordinary village fears and resentments take a deadly turn. Terror mounts. Dark deeds come to light. And men and women alike discover not only what they are capable of, but who they are…and what it means to grapple for grace.

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  • Long Way Home


    From Edgar Award winning and best-selling author Andrew Klavan comes the second novel in the Homelanders series. Charlie West was an ordinary high school kid who went to bed one night and woke up in the clutches of terrorists and wanted by the police for murder. Now, with both the terrorists and the cops on his trail, Charlie makes his way home to find some answers. Holed up in an abandoned mansion, Charlie is joined by his high school buddies as he tries to find the truth about a murder he can’t remember–and recover the love he can’t forget.

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  • Deadly Ties : A Novel


    Award-winning author Vicki Hinze explores the incredible depth and frighteningly destructive nature of family relationships in this heart-pounding novel.

    Doctor Lisa Harper is determined to rescue her mother, Annie, from an abusive husband and end the separation they’ve endured since Lisa was sixteen. If not for security expert Mark Taylor – Lisa’s devoted friend who’s loved her from afar for years – Lisa wouldn’t know if her mother was dead or alive. But her stepfather refuses to let Lisa interfere, so he hires NINA, a multinational organized crime group, to assault Annie, luring Lisa out into the open where she’s abducted. Lisa is one of several young women being trafficked to Mexico to be sold. Meanwhile, Mark and his former Shadow Warrior teammates mobilize and enlist the aid of all of their contacts to gain information as to Lisa’s location. To further complicate matters, Annie is in a coma and her recovery is uncertain. Will Lisa survive her ordeal and escape her fate at the hands of madman? Through all her trials and suffering, ultimately Lisa learns that God has not forgotten her or her mother – He has been with them all along the way. And now she sees that the skills she’d acquired in hardships endured are the very skills she needs to help her mother, Mark, and herself.

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  • Fatal Judgment : A Novel (Reprinted)


    U.S. Marshal Jake Taylor has seen plenty of action during his years in law enforcement. But he’d rather go back to Iraq than face his next assignment: protection detail for federal judge Liz Michaels. His feelings toward Liz haven’t warmed in the five years since she lost her husband–and Jake’s best friend–to possible suicide. How can Jake be expected to care for the coldhearted workaholic who drove his friend to despair?

    As the danger mounts and Jake gets to know Liz better, his feelings slowly start to change. When it becomes clear that an unknown enemy may want her dead, the stakes are raised. Because now both her life–and his heart–are in mortal danger.

    Full of the suspense and romance Irene Hannon’s fans have come to love, Fatal Judgment is a thrilling story that will keep readers turning the pages late into the night.

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  • Love Of The Father


    A Young Boy is Lost in the Mall…and the Clock is Ticking Someone is trying to kidnap children from the local mall. So when ten year old Mark Albright wanders away from his older brother at the mall and disappears, many expect the worst. Who was the old, bearded man in the grubby clothes who was last seen talking with Mark? It soon becomes clear that it is up to Jason Albright, CEO of Bright Idea (computer and networking systems powerhouse), to save his son’s life. Just when all hope seems to be lost, Jason encounters a strange man with a powerful story to tell, a story that provides the key that he needs to save his son. But is there still time? Is he willing to pay the price? Can Jason move through the pain of his past, reclaim the fiery faith of his youth, and learn to rely on a power far greater than his own…the power of the love of the father to save his son? Love of the Father is a captivating story of enduring faith, unwavering hope, and the special bond of love that can exist between a father and son. The Author… New to the literary world with Love of the Father being his first novel to publish but surely not his last. Through the experiences of his life, being very difficult at times, David has lived with the Love of the Father and His direction. His personal journey has equipped this author to write these great works. David, his wife Charlotte and their son Jason continue to live their life serving the Lord and His people.

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  • Redeeming Liberty


    In this timely thriller by ExFeds Diane and David Munson (former Federal Prosecutor and Federal Agent), parole officer Dawn Ahern is shocked to witness her friend Liberty, the chosen bride of Wally (former “lost boy” from Sudan) being kidnapped by modern-day African slave traders. Dawn tackles overwhelming danger head-on in her quest to redeem Liberty. When she reaches out to FBI agent Griff Topping and CIA agent Bo Rider, her life is changed forever. Suspense soars as Bo launches a clandestine rescue effort for Liberty only to discover a deadly Iranian secret threatening the lives of millions of Americans and Israelis.

    Glimpse tomorrow’s startling headlines in this captivating story of faith and freedom under fire.

    The Munsons’ novels are companion books, with some characters re-appearing in new titles. They can be read in any order.

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  • Ishmaels Apocalypse


    Ishmael’s Apocalypse is a mystery thriller with intriguing true-to-life terrorism that can happen at any moment in any nation on earth. The story unfolds within an odyssey of world events, during a timeline the author calls ‘his last seven days of grace’. This period begins seven days prior to the Jewish New Year in the Hebrew Calendar year of 5777. The mystery ‘who is Ishmael’ is archetypal, connecting the main characters with secret twists and uncertain turns, pulsing through the storyline. Its action packed scenes engage modern military weapons in authentic places. Unlike typical action novels, this plot incorporates the spiritual nature of people and the significant influence that world religions play on the governing of sovereign nations. The themes of national pride and moral values are succinctly questioned. Each apocalyptical scene moves your mind, body and soul into a future realm of terror on a grand scale. Even so, the magnitude of events will not overshadow the value of one human life.

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  • Secrets Beneath


    Rebekah Yoder loves a good mystery-that is, until she becomes a part of one. Rebekah Yoder has always been curious . . . or nosy depending on whom you ask. When a Yankee stranger moves into the house next door, she’s fascinated. Who is this strange old man who never waves or smiles? When Bekah sees him digging holes in his back yard, she’s sure there is a case to be solved. Unfortunately, when her cousin blabs the story to the whole school, rumors fly. Is he hiding something? Treasure? Victims? And worst of all, annoying Caleb Mullet is now determined to solve the mystery with her. What they don’t realize is there’s not just secrecy lurking next door-there’s danger. Will Bekah take her curiosity too far? Readers will love journeying with Bekah Yoder as they learn the danger of gossip, the importance of prayer, and the real story of The Secrets Beneath.

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  • Burn


    She escaped the fire–but not the effects of the burn. Years ago, the Gypsy Kumpania where Janeal Mikkado lived was attacked by outsiders. With her best friend about to be consumed by a fire, Janeal had two options: try to save her friend–at serious risk to her own life–or disappear with the million dollars that she had just discovered . . . But the past is quickly coming back to haunt her. Both the best friend and the boyfriend that she was sure were dead have reappeared in her life, as has someone who knows about the money. There’s a debt to be paid for the money she found, but there’s an even greater debt she must face–and if the chaff isn’t burned from her own heart, it will consume her.

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  • I Shall Not Want


    Even though they work right next door to each other, Cindy and Jeremiah come from two different worlds – Cindy is a church secretary; Jeremiah is a Reformed rabbi with a mysterious past full of danger and excitement. Together they faced down a serial killer at Easter and put an end to his murderous spree. Their alliance should have ended, but the church secretary and the rabbi quickly find themselves enmeshed in another mystery. Soon the two are exploring personal history and faith and growing closer with each passing adventure.
    Charity work can be murder!

    It’s Thanksgiving and Joseph Tyler, one of the members of Cindy’s church, has organized a new charity that provides homeless people with rescue dogs to love and care for. But one by one, the homeless recipients are being murdered and their dogs stolen. Could an overly competitive millionaire with his prize-winning pooches and a grudge be behind the crimes? Or could it be someone much closer to Joseph who has something sinister to hide? Cindy and Jeremiah must rush to find a killer before he strikes again.

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  • Medical Error


    Dr. Anna McIntyre’s patient dies in surgery from a reaction to a drug his records show he should have tolerated. Then two DEA agents confront her about a flood of narcotics prescriptions that bear her name and permit number. In a single day, she finds herself suspected of a felony, suspended from her position at the medical school, and likely to be the target of a malpractice suit. Could it get worse? She finds that it can, and it does.

    As she investigates the death of her patient, Anna forms an alliance with pathologist Dr. Nick Valentine. When the DEA and police begin to pressure her, Anna turns to attorney Ross Donovan for help. The two men seem to be polar opposites, yet she is attracted to both of them. The tension mounts as new discoveries threaten to destroy both Anna’s professional and personal life, and her efforts to resolve her problems put her life in jeopardy.

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  • Black Madonna


    Storm Syrrell and Harry Bennett travel throughout Europe searching for the Black Madonna and the secret behind Storm’s grandfather’s murder.

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  • Magog Rising


    Israel and the United States have been devastated by nuclear attacks, and it seems as if the prophesies of Ezekiel are finally being fulfilled. Taking off where the action-filled Distant Thunder ends, Magog Rising delivers a spectacular new installment in The Lightning Chronicles. After the United States is bombed in multiple locations, Pastor Ty Dempsey is convinced that God has begun the countdown to the end of days. Meanwhile, in Israel, F-16 fighter pilot Moshe Eldan is beginning to see evidence that the God of his people is living, and the prophecies of the Bible are true. While performing his duty to protect Israel, Moshe begins to not only believe in the God of old, but also in his Son. As the countdown to the ends ticks away, these men will have to discover how God will use them in the coming days. This thriller is sure to provide endless excitement and a plotline that will make you ask yourself: what would happen if the world, as we knew it, ended tomorrow?

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  • Distant Thunder


    The prophet Ezekiel was never taken seriously when he predicted the destruction of Israel’s enemies, but unfortunately for them, he was right. The truth of Ezekiel’s words will soon be felt by the entire modern world, and it seems chaos will reign supreme. In the midst of the ensuing mayhem, Pastor Ty Dempsey arises as the man who is able to connect the dots of modern day occurrences with the prophecies of the ancient scriptures. Meanwhile, Israeli F-16 “Lightning” pilot Moshe Eldan begins to discover the truth of those same prophecies in his daily dealing with terrorists. Dempsey and Eldan will learn that they are part of a bigger plan. However, they are not alone. This thriller provides an answer to an age-old question: What would happen if the entire world turned on Israel? This story provides the first installment of a fast-paced, electrifying read called The Lightning Chronicles. It is filled with all the action and adventure that usually accompanies the last day events of the prophesied end of the world.

    “In Distant Thunder, Jimmy Root Jr. brings to life a story as relevant as tomorrow’s newspaper, built on a foundation as ancient as a 2,500 year old prophecy. This fast-paced narrative brings the reader into a world of human intrigue and spiritual revelation.”

    Robert Whitlow
    NY Times Bestselling Author
    of Deeper Water

    “Zip up your G suit and strap in tight! This is a prophetic thriller I could not put down.”

    Randy Reed USAF (Ret)
    F-15 Eagle Pilot

    Distant Thunder is “a well-written chilling yarn that will make you eager to stick around and enjoy the read!”

    Norm Goldman

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  • Bishop : A Patrick Bowers Thriller (Reprinted)


    FBI Special Agent Patrick Bowers’s cutting-edge 21st-century geospatial investigative techniques and impeccable logic have helped him track some of the country’s most grisly killers. But those skills are pushed to the limit in this new installment of the highly-acclaimed, award-winning The Bowers Files series.

    This time it’s a congressman’s daughter who is found dead even as her killers launch a spree of perfect murders in the Northeast. With nothing to link the crimes to each other, Agent Bowers faces his most difficult case yet–even as his personal life begins to crumble around him.

    Known for his intricately woven, masterfully plotted novels of high-octane action and spine-tingling suspense, Steven James delivers once again. The Bishop is a gripping, adrenaline-laced story for readers who are tired of timid thrillers. Strap on your seatbelt and get ready for a wild ride. The game is on.

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  • Cooper Kids Adventure Series 2 In 1 Book


    Mystery and danger lurk . . . Two of the top-selling books in The Cooper Kids Adventure Series are now in onevolume. Children will love embarking on these thrilling adventures:TheSecret of the Desert Stone: Biblicalarcheologist Dr. Jacob Cooper arrives in Togwana with his children Jay and Lilaand one goal-to discover the secret behind the two-mile-high Stone that has mysteriously appeared overnight. The Coopers’ uneasiness soon turns into dread as they are watched and threatened by the country’s new government and brutal dictator Idi Nkromo.TheDeadly Curse of Toco-Rey: Lila andJay Cooper have joined their dad on a mission to the jungles of Central America where a group of American treasure hunters have already become the victims ofthe deadly curse of Toco-Rey. Before Dr. Cooper can solve the mystery, his children are kidnapped and his integrity is put to the test. What price will he pay to get his children back? Follow the Coopers as they explore unknown ruins, plunge through dangerous jungles,face hostile natives, and battle ancient evil forces. Will their courage and faith in God bring them through?

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  • Lunatic


    Fight the Horde . . . or die with love. Separated by time and space, our heroes finally return home. But five years have passed and they find a nightmarishly changed world. The despised Horde are now in control. The healing lakes of Elyon are now blood red. And mighty Thomas Hunter and his Forest Guard have disappeared. Then the world unravels further. Dive into a journey among the Horde whose sole mission is the destruction of the Circle. Come face-to-face with an enchantingly beautiful creature with unearthly powers–and questionable motives. Take a stand with the chosen but be wary, for not all is as it seems. Now the chosen themselves are questioning their very sanity. For the only way to win may be to lose. The only way to live may be to die. And the only one to lead may be a lunatic.

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  • Elyon


    Elyon’s lakes have turned blood red. Is it a curse. . . or the cure? Shaeda has one blue eye and one purple eye. No one fully knows her story, but her mere gaze eats away at the core of one’s being. In his quest for power, Johnis now finds himself in her intoxicating grip. Assumed identities, a magic amulet, control of the fearsome Shataiki bats, and a troubling alliance with the Dark Priest all converge against the three remaining chosen. Only Elyon knows what will happen when the forces of ultimate good and evil clash in their final battle. Dive deep with them in this epic conclusion to the Lost Novels–if you dare! “Dekker ratchets up the suspense, delivering a full-force clash between good and evil. A tornado of action and stratagem . . . will leave you knowing for certain you are not in Kansas anymore.

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  • Green


    The New York Times bestseller that brings the epic series full circle.The story of how Thomas Hunter first entered the Black Forest and forever changed our history began at a time when armies were gathered for a final battle in the valley of Migdon. Green is a story of love, betrayal, and sweeping reversals set within the apocalypse. It is the beginning: the truth behind a saga that has captured the imagination ofmore thana million readers with the Books of History Chronicles. But even more, Green brings full meaning to the Circle Series as a whole, reading as both prequel to Black and sequel to White, completing a full circle. This is Book Zero, the Circle Reborn, both the beginning and the end.The preferred starting point for new readers. . . and the perfect conclusion for the countless fans who’ve experienced Black, Red, and White.

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  • Renegade


    One of the chosen has gone renegade. Turning his back on all that he once believed, Billos enters the forbidden book and lands in a reality that is as foreign to him as water is to oil. A place called Paradise, Colorado, where he discovers he has strange new powers given to him courtesy of a mysterious figure known as Marsuvees Black. The chosen four have survived the desert, escaped the Black Forest, battled the Horde, and added a spirited refugee to their number. But nothing has prepared them for the showdown that Billos, the renegade, will lure them into.

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  • Intrusion : A Novel Of Suspense


    When dark secrets from the past collide with the present, Jake and Arin Welsh’s lives are thrown into a tailspin. Suddenly, their only son’s life hangs in the balance. Will they reconcile their pasts in time to save their family? Arin Welsh grew up in the foster care system. She and her husband Jake spent years entangled in a cult before breaking free. When they decided to start a family, they were thwarted by infertility. Finally, Arin has found stability. Through in vitro fertilization, she gave birth to Troy. Her warm marriage, professional fulfillment as a sign language interpreter, and the affection and support of an unlikely friend provide the backdrop for a tranquil life. Then one chilling day, four-year-old Troy is maliciously altered by forces that Arin and Jake are unable to comprehend. Can Arin contend with the mayhem surrounding her? Or will she dare to consider a source of protection and redemption greater than herself?

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  • Chaos


    A final quest and an ultimate betrayal. Deep in the mountains of Romania stands a fortress, and deep within that fortress lies a chamber. In that chamber, ruling the dead for over two thousand years, lives one Shataiki bat straight from the bowels of the Black Forest. He seeks the final Books of History with which he will destroy the world. But there are four who stand in the way. The chosen are trapped in a new world of high technology and weapons of mass destruction. In the midst of chaos, they must find the last book before the Dark One can in this final test to save the world.

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  • Infidel


    From Chosen to Traitor? After being stretched to their limits, the four heroic young Forest Guard recruits–Johnis, Silvie, Billos, and Darsal–are pulled into deeper danger on their mission to secure the seven lost Books of History. Celebrated as a hero, Johnis’s world is shattered when he learns that his mother may not be dead as presumed but could be living as a slave to the Horde. Throwing caution to the wind, he rushes to her rescue. But this is precisely what the Horde has planned. Now he will face a choice between Silvie, whom he is quickly falling for, and his sworn duty to protect the Forest Dwellers. How can he save those he loves without betraying his own people? In the end, one will be revealed as the Infidel. And nothing will be the same for the remaining Chosen.

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  • Chosen


    Think with your heart and prepare to die for you have been Chosen. The land of the Forest Dwellers has been decimated by the Horde under the watchful eye of the vilest of all creatures, Teeleh. Thomas Hunter, supreme commander of the Forest Guard, is forced to lower the recruitment age of his army from 18 to 16. From among thousands, four new recruits are chosen to lead–and perhaps die–for the greater good. The chosen four are sent on a quest to prove their character, but their mission takes a dramatic turn when they are intercepted, sworn to secrecy, and redirected to a different endgame. Now they must find the seven lost Books of History. Books that have power over the past, present, and future. Books whose words are alive. Books sought by the Dark One that control not only the destiny of their world . . . but that of ours as well.

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  • Last Thing I Remember


    Charlie West just woke up in someone else’s nightmare.

    He’s strapped to a chair. He’s covered in blood and bruises. He hurts all over. And a strange voice outside the door just ordered his death.

    The last thing he can remember, he was a normal high-school kid doing normal things–working on his homework, practicing karate, daydreaming of becoming an air force pilot, writing a pretty girl’s number on his hand. How long ago was that? Where is he now? Who is he really?

    And more to the point . . . how is he going to get out of this room alive?

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  • Texas Pursuit


    After no longer being able to wait for the perfect guy, Tanya O’Brien adopted her son, Coty, from Korea. On the return flight, she sat by Maurice Salazar, who dropped numerous innuendoes on the flight and Tanya was thrilled when their twelve hour journey was over. But once she arrived back home in Dallas, Maurice began to stalk her. Even though Tanya insisted he stay out of her life, he persisted in crossing her path, buying her gifts, and leaving voice mails. After she filed a restraining order against Maurice, he still watched her from a distance. Finding little support from law enforcement, Tanya moved. And so far, no Maurice.

    Detective Sonny Mansfield is hired by a man to find his “ex-wife.” The man convinces Sonny that Tanya O’Brien has wrongfully divorced him and kidnapped their adopted son. The minute Sonny discovers where Tanya O’Brien lives and gives the information to his client, he senses he may have made a mistake. The man’s eyes take on a crazed gleam as he pays Sonny for his services.

    When Sonny watches Tanya with her little boy, he knows he has made a dreadful mistake. Tanya O’Brien seems to be an honest, excellent mother. Sonny expects she’s in danger and thus arranges to keep watch over her by renting out her garage apartment. Tanya feels that Sonny must be a provision from God. She feels so much safer having someone on the premises. But neither Sonny nor Tanya realize what they’re up against.

    As they join forces to fight evil, they can’t deny the attraction between them. But Tanya is someone whose relationship with God is the most important thing in her life, while Sonny left church behind long ago. Will this new friendship be the very thing that brings him back? And will Tanya finally have the father figure for her son she’s long desired?

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  • Summers Kill


    Assistant District Attorney Trisha Miller grew up in a loving, protective Christian home. The horror of one dark night and an encounter with pure evil left Trisha first questioning and then abandoning her faith. If God didn’t answer her desperate prayer cried out in terror, she didn’t need Him. Now, depending only on herself, Trisha is driven to seek justice for other victims, knowing full well that she might never experience that same justice as the years pass and her assailant remains at large. Criminal behavioralist Colin Reid has spent the last eleven years trying to track down the diabolical murderer who stole his fiancee Liz from him, and who continues to murder another young woman in the same manner every summer since. As their paths cross unexpectedly, neither can deny the attraction toward the other. Just as God begins to heal Trisha’s wounded heart, her worst nightmare materializes in the flesh. Can Colin put the pieces together in time to solve the mystery and rescue the woman who now means more to him than any other that he’s met? If you have ever struggled with unanswered prayer, forgiveness, and trust, this is a book for you.

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  • Gold Of Kings


    After Storm Syrrell’s grandfather is murdered, she discovers that he served as a trusted go-between for those in the highest ranks of international business and government. Desperate to solve the mystery of his death, Storm joins forces with professional treasure hunter Harry Bennett. Will she uncover the truth—or suffer the same fate as her grandfather?

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  • In Harms Way (Reprinted)


    FBI special agent Nick Bradley has seen his share of kooks during his fifteen years with the Bureau. But Rachel Sutton is an enigma. She seems normal when she shows up at the FBI office in St. Louis–until she produces a tattered Raggedy Ann doll she found and tells him she thinks something is wrong because of a strange feeling of terror it gives her when she touches it. Nick dismisses her, only to stumble across a link between the doll and an abducted child, setting in motion a chain of events that uncovers startling connections–and puts Rachel’s life on the line.

    Filled with palpable suspense and a touch of romance, In Harm’s Way is the final installment of the thrilling HEROES OF QUANTICO series.

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  • Heros Ransom



    CIA Agent Bo Rider (The Camelot Conspiracy) and Federal Agents Eva Montanna and Griff Topping (Facing Justice, Confirming Justice, The Camelot Conspiracy) return in “Hero’s Ransom”, the Munsons’ fourth family-friendly adventure. When archeologist Amber Worthing uncovers a two-thousand-year-old mummy and witnesses a secret rocket launch at a Chinese missile base, she is arrested for espionage. Her imprisonment sparks a custody battle between grandparents over her young son, Lucas. Caught between sinister world powers, Amber’s faith is challenged in ways she never dreamed possible. Danger escalates as Bo Rider races to stop China’s killer satellite from destroying America, and with Eva and Griff’s help, must rescue Amber using an unexpected ransom.

    Based on their exciting careers, Diane, former federal prosecutor, and David, former federal agent, blend insiders’ savvy and surprising plot twists to ratchet up the tension in “Hero’s Ransom,” captivating readers. You won’t blink from page one until the end. Could Chinese espionage disrupt your home town?

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  • Face Of Betrayal


    Fox News correspondent and former Federal Prosecutor Lis Wiehl’s New York Times
    bestseller that’s as timely as tomorrow’s headlines.

    While home on Christmas break, a seventeen-year-old Senate page takes her dog out for a walk and never returns. Reporter Cassidy Shaw is the first to break the story. The resulting media firestorm quickly ensnares Federal Prosecutor Allison Pierce and FBI Special Agent Nicole Hedges. The three unique women are life-long friends who call themselves The Triple Threat–a nickname derived from their favorite dessert and their uncanny ability to crack cases via their three positions of power.

    Though authorities think Katie might have been kidnapped or run away, those theories shatter when Nicole uncovers Katie’s blog. They reveal a girl troubled by a mysterious relationship with an older man. Possibly a US Senator.

    There are many faces of betrayal, but they must find the one face in a crowd of growing suspects before they become the next victims.

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  • Tuck


    The story of Rhi Bran y Hud-Robin Hood-concludes as Abbot Hugo and the Norman invaders attempt to wipe out King Raven and his flock once and for all. Their merciless attack, the first of many to come, heralds a dark and desperate day for the realm of Elfael. Bran and his few stalwarts desperately need encouragement and reinforcement if they are to survive. But Friar Tuck, a most unconventional priest, has a daring solution to their dilemma that will radically alter all we’ve known about the legendary figure known as Robin Hood.

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  • Last Word : A Novel


    When Vanessa Jessup returns home from her sophomore year of college, her mother, Police Chief Brill Jessup, is stunned to see that she’s pregnant–by one of her professors. Brill is glad Vanessa rejected the father’s abortion ultimatum, but hurt that she ignored her upbringing and angry that the professor has disappeared without a trace. When Vanessa Jessup returns home from her sophomore year of college, her mother, Police Chief Brill Jessup, is stunned to see that she’s pregnant–by one of her professors. Brill is glad Vanessa rejected the father’s abortion ultimatum, but hurt that she ignored her upbringing and angry that the professor has disappeared without a trace.But that’s not all Brill’s got on her plate. One of her detectives has been killed, and the attacker has threatened to come for her next. When a second cop is wounded, public criticism mounts as Brill attempts to stay alive long enough to catch the perp. And she’s trying to find that deadbeat dad as Vanessa struggles to make decisions about her future. The killer seems to be everywhere and nowhere. How can a police chief–and a mother–do her job with her life on the line? In a show of grace under pressure, Brill will manage to have the last word, even if it kills her.Kathy Herman returns to Sophie Trace in this page-turner about God’s power to heal the broken.

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  • Camelot Conspiracy


    “The Camelot Conspiracy” rocks with a sinister plot even more menacing than the headlines. Former DC insiders Diane and David Munson feature Kat Kowicki, the feisty TV reporter who receives an ominous email that throws her into a 21st century conspiracy of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. When Kat uncovers new evidence that proves Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, she turns for help to Federal Special Agents Eva Montanna and Griff Topping who uncover the chilling truth: A shadow government threatens to tear down the very foundation of the American justice system. Readers will be satisfied with how the Munsons treat the historical and newly declassified evidence in President Kennedy’s assassination and surprised by Kat’s conclusions of the powers behind the killing.

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  • Mercys Reach : Deep In The Darknes Lurks An Evil That Will Test The Boundar


    While driving home one night on an unfamiliar highway, suddenly, they’re stranded with no one to help them. Much worse, they have driven into an unimaginable nightmare. Are Amy and Jeremy ready to face what lies ahead? Can they survive the evil they will have to endure? Will they see their need of God through their hopeless circumstances? Will they even get the chance to find the Lord?

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  • Facing Justice


    Former Federal prosecutor Diane Munson and former Federal Special Agent David Munson draw on their true-life experiences in this debut suspense novel about Special Agent Eva Montanna, whose twin sister died at the Pentagon on 9/11. Eva dedicates her career to avenge her death while investigating Emile Jubayl, a member of Eva’s church and CEO of Helpers International, who is accused of using his aid organization to funnel money to El Samoud, head of the Armed Revolutionary Cause, and successor to Al Qaeda. Family relationships are tested in this fast-paced, true-to-life legal thriller about the men and women who are racing to defuse the ticking time bomb of international terrorism.

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  • Angels : A Story About Fannie And Freddie The President Blackmail And Murde


    Angels: A Story about Fannie &Freddie, the President, Blackmail and Murder THE NOVEL THAT SAYS GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL… NO MATTER WHO LIVES IN THE WHITE HOUSE Matt Davidson’s real estate company is being taken down by the busted housing bubble and the economic crisis of 2009. As a prayerful believer and ordinary family man, Matt has prayed for help to survive the economic downturn and he is given a gift that lets him see into the spiritual world. The gift is the ability to see angels and demons on earth. He can see them in the world, on television and in photography. Matt sees patterns of demonic activity around certain politicians, some more than others. He prays to find out why and for what purpose he has been given this ability. This leads him on a spiritual mission and he is shown where evil forces lie in the highest offices in American government. Matt is used, with the help and protection of angels, to reveal an Iranian plot to control the American presidency. Matt remains faithful and with the help of a fellow believer friend, they go to “seek out” the one who is revealed to him to be at the center of the plan. Fast paced, romantic, political, intense, funny, tender, dark and spiritual. John C. Bieber takes the reader from modern day Valley Forge, to the New Jersey shore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Paris, Monte Carlo, on board Air Force One, Detroit, Tehran, New York City and into the White House. The momentum builds and builds to a dramatic conclusion.

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  • Mercys Reach : Deep In The Darknes Lurks An Evil That Will Test The Boundar


    While driving home one night on an unfamiliar highway, suddenly, they’re stranded with no one to help them. Much worse, they have driven into an unimaginable nightmare. Are Amy and Jeremy ready to face what lies ahead? Can they survive the evil they will have to endure? Will they see their need of God through their hopeless circumstances? Will they even get the chance to find the Lord?

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  • Eve Ann


    Time and circumstances merge as the destinies of Derrick Ellum Havelock, a convicted criminal, Mel Sanders, a street savvy Minneapolis Police Detective, and Rocky Jo Bob Eubanks, a strange drifter in Personville Texas converge around the unveiling mystery of Eve Ann. Sweet passionate romance and the worse kind of skullduggery become the backdrop as Lieutenant Sanders works a cold murder case in an unlikely partnership with a college student living hundreds of miles away in Dallas Texas. If you enjoy intrigue and suspense, you will find Eve Ann teeming with both.

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  • Outcasts


    “You will marry Fidel.” Her father’s menacing tone was all too loud and clear. “Yesterday I gave him my word.” Victoria’s long black hair flew over her shoulder as the fifteen-year-old met her father’s angry glare. His hands were hurting her arms, as he continued to grasp her tightly. Her once-beautiful, soft brown eyes were wild with fear and hate. With all of her heart she wanted to die rather than succumb to his demand. But, she had no choice-no choice at all! Fidel and Victoria-in their remote Central American village-are bound by fear and traditions that have held their people captive for generations. At the words of mysterious outsiders, the tiniest spark of hope ignites within Victoria’s heart. But, defying a deadly taboo, Fidel and Victoria are forced into exile-evading those who seek to destroy their family. Through the pages of this Christian fiction-though the year is 1972-you will step into another world and experience life through the eyes of people who have been suspended in time by isolation. You will be caught up in adventure and intrigue as two worlds finally collide.

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  • Unseen : A Novel


    T.L. Hines’s distinct “Noir Bizarre” brand is where supernatural thriller meets mystery. Lucas Freund is a loner with an odd habit: he’s an urban explorer. But while visiting the hidden areas of public buildings is a hobby for others, it’s a way of life for Lucas. He lives inside those hidden areas–the utility chases, the abandoned storage rooms, the ceiling ductwork. Then Lucas meets other urban explorers and discovers a group that has taken the concept to a new level: they infiltrate homes and watch the people inside. Lucas is appalled that these unseen watchers don’t offer help when it is needed. But when he is approached by a federal agent who knows about his own past, he has no choice but to infiltrate the Creep Club. Things take a deadly turn when Creep Club members start to die. Even worse, all signs point to Lucas as the killer. Will he be able to prove his own innocence . . . or will he be the next victim?

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  • Kluffords Holler


    Southern humorist Darrell Sroufe brings this delightful little tale about a tiny Smoky Mountain town called Klufford’s Holler, a community so far in the backhills, backwoods and backward old time ways that hardly anyone knows or cares it’s there at all. Well… hardly anyone until now.

    A fictional story set within actual historical events, Klufford’s Holler tells a witty, creative and heart touching tale about the culture, traditions and religion of mountain people who’s lives have always been the same for generations. Then all of a sudden, powerful forces from the outside world come to take the whole region over. Why? Because there’s a whole lot more to things than may appear!

    Klufford’s Holler is a story filled with southern culture humor, lovable mountain townsfolk, some evil villains, a heroic town preacher, a mysterious old hermit and a wealth of Messianic imagery. The story not only entertains, but also educates the reader about the intriguing history of the Smoky Mountains in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. The very real part the region played in winning WWII is an amazing story all in itself!

    The town of Klufford’s Holler is a place you’ll never forget. This wonderful little tale will make you laugh, keep you in suspense and leave you in awe of the God of the universe who cares for even the most common folks. It’s a story you’ll want to read over and over again, so go ahead and get started. See ya’ll in the mountains!

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  • Faces In The Fire


    The stories of four individuals collide in trademark T.L. Hines style where supernatural thriller meets mystery. Kurt Marlowe is a long-haul truck driver who is hearing strange things over his CB radio. When he goes to a truck stop to try to find a phone, he ends up having breakfast with a young woman with a stunning catfish tattoo on her arm. Inside the tattoo is a series of numbers that she didn’t even realize were there . . . but that have great significance.This collision with her life sets off an unstoppable series of interactions . . . each of which leaves the participants with the bizarre feeling that something fundamental has changed, and yet they have also, somehow, been freed.

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  • Book Of Hours


    Brian thought he had no future. Now he has the chance to start over…if he can solve the mysteries of the past found inside Castle Keep. After his wife’s death, Brian Blackstone’s days and hours had become a meaningless blur. He finally wills himself to go to the English village of Knightsbridge to confront the inheritance he doesn’t want to claim. His wife had insisted that Castle Keep was a place of enchantment, and urged him to hold on to the crumbling property. Impoverished and alone, Brian feels only the despair of trying to honor her dying wish.Then a mysterious letter sends Brian on a search to find the secrets of the ancient estate. And the local doctor, Cecilia Lyons, soon becomes an ally in the fight to save Castle Keep before it can be auctioned off.Before he comes to the end of his quest, Brian will unearth the crumbling English manor’s secrets as well as find his own life in jeopardy. But it is Brian’s internal quest that proves the most dificult as he desperately searches for renewal and healing.

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  • Less Than Dead


    Nick Polchak, “The Bug Man,” has finally met his match–an outcast who trains dogs to locate cadavers. When a grave is discovered on the property being excavated for the new Patriot Center mall–property that is owned by the front-running candidate for the next presidential election–the FBI immediately becomes involved. Nick’s services are requested to help determine ifthis is a forgotten graveyard or evidence of foul play. But when the cadaver team the FBI has secured can’t find any more graves, Nick follows local legend to a bizarre woman named Alena who keeps to herself in the mountains and trains the best cadaver dogs. When the FBI team takes credit for Alena’s work on the local newsand then immediately vanishes, Nick knows there’s more here than simply a forgotten graveyard. This small town–and the presidential-hopeful and his wife–have closets full of skeletons. But how far will they go to keep Nick and Alena from uncovering the truth?

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  • Texas Heat : A Woman Framed For A Felony And The Police Chief Determined To


    In a riveting romantic suspense, Christian author Debra White Smith tells the story of a woman wrongly accused and the chief of police who accepts the task to prove her innocence

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  • Sinner : A Paradise Novel


    It has been predicted that Christians will one day be hated even in the land of the free. Now that day has arrived with the help of Marsuvees Black. When a string of racially motivated lynchings threatens to tear the country apart, two stunningly gifted orators, Darcy Lange and Billy Rediger, sweep into Washington and demand that the constitution be modified to allow for a law that will end the widespread violence.Racial and religious speech that undermines others’ beliefs must be classified as hate speech and must be severely punished. But out of the desert comes one man, Johnny Drake, who refuses to deny his faith in Christ through silence. Now the whole world watches as Christianity faces a showdown not seen since the times of the early church.

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  • Broken Angel : A Novel


    Caitlyn is just fifteen. Her mutated body has made her an outcast, a freak, and the target of vicious bounty hunters. Why did her father betray her by leaving her and making her run? Why must she pay the price for his sins?

    In the rough, shadowy, hills of Appalachia, a nation carved from the United States following years of government infighting, Caitlyn and her companions are on the run as fugitives. They must outwit the relentless bounty hunters, skirt an oppressive, ever-watchful society, and find passage over the walls of Appalachia to reveal the dark secrets behind Caitlyn’s existence-and understand her father’s betrayal.

    As they make their way to the walled borders of Appalachia, can the young girl stay ahead of all that threatens her in time to reach a monument where she will finally learn the secrets of her past…and the destiny she must fulfill?

    In this engrossing, lightning-paced story with a post-apocalyptic edge, bestselling author Sigmund Brouwer explores timely and explosive issues through the lens of a treacherous culture only one or two steps removed from our own.

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  • Storm Over Coronado


    On a stormy summer night, the peace of San Diego’s upscale Coronado Island is shattered. At an elegant gala, Southern belle Cami Carrington’s mega-millionaire husband Braxton plans to announce his intent to run for mayor. However, the party-along with Braxton’s life-is cut short by a bit of poison in a flute of pink champagne. This is only the beginning of a tangled web of lies, deceit, and violence. While grieving for her unfaithful husband and comforting Debra and Durant, her 19-year-old twins, Cami joins forces with Kate Elfmon, visiting from Boston. In the midst of deep personal drama and grave danger, the two employ all the charm, intellect, courage and faith they possess in their search for Braxton’s murderer.

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  • Anathema


    Welcome to Parke County, Indiana-land of peaceful farms and covered bridges, Amish quilts and horse drawn buggies, romance and murder. After years of running, Hannah Schwartz has finally built a life for herself-far from the close-knit Amish community who raised her, then shunned her. Still haunted by nightmare memories of her parents’ murder and the guilty secret that made her anathema-a true outcast-from her friends and family. Only love can bring her home again. Love for a child she had feared was lost forever. And love for the peaceful people who shaped her life. But can love heal old wounds . . . or keep the community safe from a deadly danger?

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  • Love Deferred


    H. V. Bennett and W. E. Lawson offer a unique female/male perspective of “he thought, she thought”, more so than ” he said, she said.” These fictional characters may ring true for many readers. Is this love deferred a delay, a deception, a delight, or a delusion? Is it man-manufacutured or God- given?

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  • Exposure : A Novel


    Someone is watching Kaycee Raye. But who will believe her? In Kaycee’s newspaper column she’s known for writing of her paranoia and fears. Is the new danger real-or is she going crazy? In this story of terror, twists, and desperate faith, the startling questions pile high. But Kaycee’s descent to answers proves even more frightening.

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  • Real Enemy : A Novel


    Work has become Police Chief Brill Jessup’s favorite distraction from trying to forgive her husband’s infidelity. But when seven people in her town go missing, her tireless investigation threatens her family and she’s forced to confront the real enemy.

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  • Adam : He Died Once To Stop The Killer Now He Is Dying Again To Save His Wi


    ackling near-death experiences and demon possession, NY Times best-selling author Ted Dekker delivers a riveting thriller of sin and salvation.FBI behavioral psychologist Daniel Clark has been made famous by his arguments that religion is one of society’s greatest antagonists. What Daniel doesn’t know is that his obsessive pursuit of a serial killer known only as “Eve” will end in his own death at Eve’s hand. Twenty minutes later Daniel is resuscitated, only to be haunted by those twenty missing minutes of life. It soon becomes painfully clear that the only way to stop Eve is to recover those missing minutes by dying . . . again. What isn’t nearly as clear is just how many times he will have to die to discover the truth, not only about Eve, but about himself. Daniel will have to face haunting realities about demon possession in the modern world–and reevaluate his own prejudice against religion–to stop the killer.

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  • Midnight In Madrid


    U.S. Treasury agent Alexandra LaDuca (Conspiracy in Kiev) is back crisscrossing Europe in pursuit of an ancient relic stolen from a Madrid museum-and the chilling secrets behind its theft. With a new partner, danger, and betrayal at every turn, Alex must make the toughest decision of her life-whom should she trust?

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  • President Was A Good Man


    The Presidency is in the hands of a very popular President, but who is he, really? There is more to being President than votes, popularity, and power. Death and mayhem awaits those who cross the head executive. The President’s family will pay the price for his indiscretions. The President didn’t know that his dark dealings with the hearts of others would lead to death and disaster. When he planned the theft of millions from the United States Treasury he started the beginning of the end for himself. His wife is fascinated by the occult, his daughter is demon possessed, but his son stands alone as the bearer of light. The President Was A Good Man weaves a tale of maddening suspense that ends in strange triumph.

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  • Little Red Jacket


    This book focuses on a great aunt’s efforts to replace a lost button and mend the buttonholes of a little red jacket she wants to send to her grandniece for Christmas – and the mysterious incidents which involve, the great aunt believes, the ghostly help of her deceased mother.

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  • Double Minds


    Struggling to succeed in the Nashville music scene, talented singer/songwriter Parker James finds the competition fierce – even deadly. A young woman’s murder, industry corruption, and a menacing stalker draw Parker into danger and intrigue. Nothing is as it appears, and unraveling the truth challenges everything Parker believes about her talent, her future, and her faith.

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  • Jeshurun : The Land Of The Upright One


    Jeshurun. . .a novel set against a backdrop of political intrigue and treason. America’s first female president, Jazelle Damon, has placed control of the U.S. armed forces under the United Nations. Her husband, Lucis, former U.S. president and now UN secretary general, demands that Israel relinquish Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians. This could cost the nation of Israel its very existence. John Redden, youngest general in UN history, has been assigned to command the UN forces and remove all Jews from Judea and Samaria. To persuade them to leave peacefully, Redden meets with Rabbi Levy, an influential leader in Judea. The rabbi’s daughter, Rachel, agrees to show him the holy sites in hopes of convincing him his mission is wrong. Rachel Levy is unlike any woman Redden has ever known. The wide chasm of religion, ethics and belief systems, however, creates impregnable walls, but he cannot let go of his desire to have her for himself. Redden learns the secretary general may have a personal bias against Israel, and financial kickbacks from the Arab world become visible. Has he been sent to bring stability to the region, or does his employer want to create Auschwitz-type borders around Israel to further the Arabs’ goal of annihilating the Jews once and for all? Before the final stages of the attack are set in motion, John Redden is forced to make a decision he never thought possible. Will he be a great general or a great man? He cannot be both.

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  • How To Live Forever


    Barring devastating accidents and disseminated cancer, man usually dies because of the failure of just one organ. Theoretically, through progressive replacement of failing organs, man could live forever and veritably spout the fountain of youth for the first time in history. However, a critical four-hour survival time between organ donor and recipient is a limiting factor for making organ replacement feasible. To start the fountain flowing, to offer transplantation on demand, and to anticipate over-flowing demands, would require one of the greatest discoveries of the decade-a simple means for organ preservation. Through meticulous research and happenstance, Dr. Frederick Middleton does indeed discover a unique freeze-dry formula to preserve organs without fracturing the cell walls, so invariably typical of any freezing or thawing process. But, as with all things good, a profiteering underworld soon corrupts the organ exchange business, garnering fortunes from trusting recipients who hopefully would give most anything they own for one just more fling at life. Within this milieu, this struggle for life, lies a stream of patients whose heart-rending stories question traditional concepts for dealing with the dying.

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  • Daisy Chain : A Novel


    The abrupt disappearance of young Daisy Chance haunts the small town of Defiance, Texas. Fourteen-year-old Jed Pepper searches for answers in this gritty and compelling story of love and sorrow, revealing God’s hand of redemption in impossible situations. Lyrical fiction from a bright new literary talent.

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  • Gideons Torch : A Novel


    A newly elected president must deal with a crisis that challenges his administration’s agenda and changes the course of the nation. Full of insider information, this political thriller paints a believable picture of Washington’s corridors of power with an alarming ring of truth.

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  • In The Crosshairs Of Deception


    A young woman has disappeared and her fiance believes she is being held against her will by a fanatical religious cult and its hypnotic leader. He enlists the help of a friend to rescue her from the cult before certain catastrophe occurs. The two men race against time and evil as the deadline nears for a prophecy of doom that they fear might mean they’ll never see her again. God’s power and grace, coupled with steeled determination, protect these men as they dodge the Crosshairs of Deception.

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  • Amber Morn


    In book four of the Kanner Lake Series, a Saturday morning celebration at Java Joint coffee shop for the “Scenes and Beans” bloggers turns into terror when three gunmen burst into the coffee shop, shoot one person, and hold the rest hostage. Their demand: the world’s attention. The stakes: the lives of over a dozen Kanner Lake citizens.

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  • Dark Reflection


    When Princess Angel finds a mirror in a haunted caste, her dark reflection comes to life. Her simple life shatters and she must find the missing pieces. She’ll fade away forever if she does not put back the pieces in time. Will she be able to defeat the dark side of her soul that she can’t control?

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  • Dark Reflection


    When Princess Angel finds a mirror in a haunted caste, her dark reflection comes to life. Her simple life shatters and she must find the missing pieces. She’ll fade away forever if she does not put back the pieces in time. Will she be able to defeat the dark side of her soul that she can’t control?

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  • Sarah Phimm


    Sarah Phimm’s mysterious arrival at The Sebastian Christian Academy has caused quite a stir! For some, she is just a normal third grade teacher – normal, that is, if you do not try to open or carry her “light” briefcase equipped for her secret mission! For others, she is a covert agent for “The Lord,” a secret organization under His Majesty’s Secret Service. What no one knows is that the Sebastian Academy is really a battlefield for celestial warfare. The beautiful Sarah Phimm has been “heavenly” trained to fight the underground forces of evil. Her mission? To restore the Sebastian’s family most greatest weapon: faith. Will Sarah Phimm be able to execute her celestial assignment without blowing her cover? Let the battle begin for Sarah Phimm has come to announce that the victory only belongs to THE LORD!

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  • When Zeffie Got A Clue


    It’s an ordinary afternoon in Summer Breeze, Florida, when a wide-eyed girl steps into I Saw It First, the trash-to-treasure shop Christy Castleman and her Aunt Bobbie just opened. Clutching a jewelry box, Zeffie Adams tells Christy she needs money to pay her grandmother’s medical bills, prompting Christy to offer this curious visitor more than the jewelry box is worth-or so she thinks.

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  • Taste Of Bread


    A Taste of Bread “This stalk is depicted as the staff of life in many cultures. It symbolizes to the Akan that food is a basis of life and that they could not survive if not for the food that God has placed here on Earth for their nourishment” (W. Bruce Willis, The Adinkra Dictionary). Shona Whey is young, beautiful, and vibrant. She appears the perfect picture of health. One warm and sunny day, Shona’s sweet and energetic four-year-old son Nicoby mysteriously disappears from a local park. After her son’s disappearance, the world Shona knew as bright and beautiful suddenly becomes a dark and desolate place as her life spirals deeper and deeper into torment, misery, and agony. In the midst of blinding pain, Shona encounters a stranger – Mrs. Grace Allay. The chance meeting gives Shona and her family reasons to hope and a welcome lifeline to cling to. The predestine encounter also allows the anguished young woman to finally leave her suffering behind and awake to a world full of incredulous wonders…and new beginnings!

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  • Black Sea Affair


    As the U.S. Navy searches for weapons-grade plutonium that has been smuggled by terrorists out of Russia, a submarine mishap in the Black Sea brings the United States and Russia to the brink of nuclear war. It is a race against the clock, with Russian missiles activated and programmed for American cities.

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  • Valley Of The Giants


    The Valley of the Giants Joseph Pines, an old retired editor, who believes that there’s race of giants living in Nepal, is convinced when further evidence comes in from his grand nephew, Danes Barnet, a guide in the Himalayas.’ He convinces a beautiful reporter, Peggy Kephart, to meet up with his nephew and his friend, Tim Matthews, guiding an expedition to that area. However, she soon discovers her life is in danger, not only from those in the expedition but also from the giants she encounters. The Alaskan Caper Tim Matthew’s life changes dramatically when he falls in love with an Indian Princess. But his life is in peril when his plane is hijacked, his friend shot and he is stranded in a blizzard. Hanzan It soon becomes apparent that this rescued child in the story of “The Valley of the Giants” becomes extraordinary big and strong and will face many difficulties growing up in America.

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  • Pawn : A Patrick Bowers Thriller (Reprinted)


    A savvy detective and a clever serial killer face off in a deadly battle of wits

    Well-researched and brilliantly written, The Pawn will attract fans of Patricia Cornwell, James Peterson, and Ted Dekker

    Special agent Patrick Bowers had only met one man who made him truly afraid. Until now. When he’s called to North Carolina to consult on the case of an area serial killer, he finds himself in a deadly game. Cunning and lethal, the killer is always one step ahead of the law, and he’s about to strike again. It will take all of Bower’s instincts and training to stop this man who calls himself the illusionist. And just when the pieces start to come together, Bowers realizes they’re not quite adding up. Can he unravel the pattern and save the next victim? Or will the illusionist win the game by taking one of his opponent’s pieces? Thrilling, chilling, and impossible to put down, The Pawn will hold suspense lovers in its iron grip until the very last page.

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  • 1 Smooth Stone Revised


    The novel tells the story of Alex Donnelly who is running and trying to hide from nearly everyone. He has picked a good place to do it – the Yukon – but is pursued by friends, enemies, and most effectively, by God. Burning with the need to know about his parents, Alex returns to his birth-city, Seattle, where he discovers that his mother tried to abort him. The trauma sends him on the run again only to find out God has orchestrated a divine appointment for him back in the Yukon. The story is filled with miraculous healing, struggles with rage, and an obsession with revenge for a childhood abuser. It shows that God never gives up on those whom He has chosen. His mercy and grace extend to those who consider themselves unworthy, and even more so, to those who are considered unworthy in the eyes of the world.

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  • Germ : If You Breathe It Will Find You.


    The list of 10,000 names was created for maximum devastation. Business leaders, housewives, politicians, celebrities, janitors, children. None of them is aware of what is about to happen-but all will be part of the most frightening brand of warfare the world has ever known.The germ-an advanced form of the Ebola virus-has been genetically engineered to infect only those people whose DNA matches the codes embedded within it. Those whose DNA is not a match simply catch a cold. But those who are a match experience a far worse fate. Within days, their internal organs liquify.Death is the only escape.The release of the virus will usher in a new era of power where countries are left without defense. Where a single person-or millions-could be killed with perfect accuracy and zero collateral damage. Where your own DNA works against you.The time isn’t coming. It is now. Pray the assassins get you first.

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