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    Self Help

    • Think Learn Succeed Workbook (Workbook)


      Bestselling author and therapist combines current scientific research with biblical teaching to show how each person has the power to improve their creativity, intelligence, and emotional health, and achieve their goals by utilizing the MTP and 5-step learning process.

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    • More Than Just Pretty



      1. Value
      Am I Who I Know? Friendships/popularity/family/boys
      Am I What I Achieve? School
      Am I What I Look Like? We Are More Than Our Image
      Be You: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

      2. Beauty
      Am I Enough? Model Culture-nobody’s Perfect
      Am I Pretty? Instagram Perfection Culture, Comparison
      Am I A Selfie Queen? Social Media
      Be Beautiful: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

      3. Purpose
      Am I What Has Happened To Me?
      Am I Happy? Inner Critic, Don’t Worry
      Am I Significant? Future Plans, Dreaming, The Journey
      Be A Dreamer: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

      4. #AskJessie – Social Media Wave, Final Advice, Further Support

      Additional Info
      In today’s world, youth are growing up in a society where social media is an integral part of their sense of self. But what are the repercussions of this, and how can we teach young girls where their true worth and identity is found?Jessie Faerber sets out to put the record straight and redefine how girls see themselves. Highlighting the pervasiveness of selfies, the distortion of beauty on social media, and the chase after perfectionism, she offers hope amidst the pressures of internet perfection and reaffirms our identity as God’s masterpiece: original, exquisite, and of infinite value.

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    • Complete Guide To Dream Interpretation


      Thoroughly grounded in Scripture, this simple but comprehensive approach to dream interpretation lays out a concise 4-step process and gives you real, modern-day examples of dreams and their meanings. It also includes one of the most extensive dream symbols dictionaries on the market, with over 3,800 entries, all with biblical references.

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    • Girls Guide To Conquering Life (Reprinted)


      Packed full of practical, step-by-step instructions and helpful advice from successful women, this illustrated guide helps girls gain confidence and develop life skills.

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    • Decluttering At The Speed Of Life


      You don’t have to live overwhelmed by stuff-you can get rid of clutter for good!

      While the world seems to be in love with the idea of tiny houses and minimalism, real women with real families who are constantly growing and changing simply can’t purge it all and start from nothing. Yet a home with too much stuff is a home that is difficult to maintain, so where do we begin? Add in paralyzing emotional attachments and constant life challenges, and it can feel almost impossible to make real decluttering progress.

      In Decluttering at the Speed of Life, decluttering expert and author Dana White identifies the mind-sets and emotional challenges that make it difficult to declutter. Then, in her signature humorous approach, she provides workable solutions to break through these struggles and get clutter out-for good!

      But more than simply offering strategies, Dana dives deep into how to implement them, no matter the reader’s clutter level or emotional resistance to decluttering. She helps identify procrasticlutter-the stuff that will get done eventually so it doesn’t seem urgent-as well as how to make progress when there’s no time to declutter.

      Sections of the book include

      Why You Need This Book (You Know Why)
      Your Unique Home
      Decluttering in the Midst of Real Life
      Change Your Mind, Change Your Home
      Breaking Through Your Decluttering Delusions
      Working It Out Room by Room
      Helping Others Declutter
      Real Life Goes On (and On)
      As long as we’re living and breathing, new clutter will appear. The good news is that decluttering can get easier, become more natural, and require significantly fewer hours, less emotional bandwidth, and little to no sweat to keep going.

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    • Blessed Are The Unsatisfied


      Introduction: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
      1. Jesus Doesn’t Want You To Be Satisfied . . . Yet
      The Blessing Of Need
      2. Sustainable Faith Is Unsatisfied
      The Blessing Of Perspective
      3. Curses And Blessings
      The Blessing Of God’s Heartbeat
      4. How To Live The Unsatisfied Life
      The Blessing Of Focus
      5. Enjoy A Meaningful Life
      The Blessing Of Company
      6. Look For Fulfillment
      The Blessing Of Growth
      7. Appreciate The Gift Of Pleasure
      The Blessing Of Vision
      8. Embrace Contentment
      The Blessing Of Anticipation
      9. Satisfaction Is Coming
      Discussion Guide

      Additional Info
      We know that our material comforts and temporal accomplishments are not enough to fully satisfy us. Momentary pleasures, whether of pure or darker motivations, are fleeting at best. But Christians often hear the idea that following Jesus means that we should be living a life of full satisfaction. How many of us actually experience that kind of life?

      Amy Simpson wants to debunk this satisfaction myth in the church. After forty years of walking with Jesus, she writes, “I am deeply unsatisfied not only with my ability to reflect Jesus, but also with the very quality of my intimacy with him. I strongly suspect that the abyss of my nature has not been entirely satisfied by Jesus.”

      Hers is a freeing confession for us all. Simpson explains that our very unsatisfaction indicates a longing for God, and understanding those longings can bring us closer to relationship with him. And that is where true spiritual health and vitality reside. Read on to discover anew what it truly means to be satisfied in Christ.

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    • Life In The Presence Of God



      Part I: The Biblical Basis
      1. The Secret
      2. The Images
      3. The Exemplar
      4. The Walk

      Part II: How To Practice His Presence
      5. Training
      6. Rewiring Your Mind
      7. Reseeing The World
      8. Reorganizing Your Time
      9. Rejoicing Amid Suffering
      10. Repenting Of Sin
      11. Remaining In Community
      12. Reimagining Life

      Additional Info
      God is everywhere and always with us. So why don’t we experience his presence more?

      Life is full of distractions, and our 24/7 news cycles and social media drown out the voice of God. It’s hard to discern God’s presence amid the hubbub. But experiencing God is not just for the super-spiritual or ultra-mature. Every Christian can learn to cultivate a greater awareness of God in the everyday.

      Ken Boa offers a contemporary guide to practicing the presence of God. Using biblical foundations, living and historical examples, and evidence from neuroscience, Ken reveals how we can walk with God and abide in his presence. We need to rethink how we use our time and technology to make room for God, to train ourselves with new habits that deepen our awareness of God. This book offers not a magical technique but dozens of practical exercises and disciplines that help us draw close to God even in the midst of our cacophonous modern culture.

      Practicing God’s presence is not just for the professionals. It’s for ordinary people like us. And the more we live in God’s presence, the greater our abiding peace and joy.

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    • Untrapped : Nine Secrets To Getting Along


      Marie feels trapped in her relationship with her mother. Her mom is a hoarder, so Marie came to Dr. Daniel Nerhbass with the question: “How can I get my mom to stop hoarding, so we can all live a normal life?” Dr. Nehrbass couldn’t think of one thing that would get her mom to stop hoarding, but he could think of several options she had for improving the relationship.

      In UnTrapped, Dr. Nehrbass shows that whenever a relationship has you feeling trapped, you have options. While you may not be able to control another person’s behavior, you can take control of your happiness by determining how you respond.

      Dr. Nehrbass shares real-life stories of people who’ve tried these options for relational change and he also offers biblical examples. Next time you feel trapped, you’ll be prepared with the options you find in UnTrapped. And whichever option you choose, you’ll know that God used this experience to grow you and the people around you.

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    • Put More Time On Your Side (Revised)


      In Put More Time on Your Side: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World, sociologist, business, and relationship expert Dr. Jan Yager helps you to become more efficient in a work world that is more demanding and 24/7 than ever before.

      In this concise and provocative book, you will learn:
      *The #1 factor you can control to revolutionize your time management.
      *How to deal with distractions and fragmentation.
      *Coping with time wasters like over-scheduling, inadequate pacing, poor planning, procrastination, or perfection.
      *How to master office relationships and politics to save time.
      *Cultural considerations
      *And lots more.

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    • Steps To Online Dating Success


      What You Need to Know About Online Dating… First! Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not.

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    • 7 Days To Change Your Life


      When did being “too busy” and “going through the motions” become a way of life? It’s no surprise that the rush between meetings and e-mails, sports practices and church functions is tiring, even exhausting. It’s time to stop running and start following. Jesus’s call to “Follow Me” was not just an invitation to faith; it was a prescription for living well. Walking through the seven “Follow Me” statements in the Gospel of Matthew, author Josh Moody explores Jesus’s teachings of hope, life, truth, freedom, humility, greatness, and glory in 7 Days to Change Your Life. In each statement and with each teaching, Jesus gets closer to Calvary and closer to the cross, and you get closer to finding a focus for your life-no matter how hectic it may be. Although following Jesus is not a new concept to believers, following Jesus completely becomes difficult when life moves faster and faster. Organized to be read a chapter a day, Josh meets you in your busy, hectic schedule and reveals a biblical plan to revitalize your life in as little as seven days.

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    • How To Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind


      Bring your home out of the mess it’s in and learn how to keep it under control. “The dirty little secret about most organizing advice is that it’s written by organized people,” says blogger, speaker, and decluttering expert Dana K. White. “But that’s not how my brain works. I’m lost on page three.” Dana blogs at A Slob Comes Clean, chronicling her successes and failures with her self-described “deslobification process.” In the beginning she used the name “Nony” (short for aNONYmous), because she was sharing her deep, dark, slob secret. Now she has truly come clean-with not only her real name but the strategies she has developed, tested, and proved in her own home. She has learned what it takes to bring a home out of Disaster Status, which habits make the biggest and most lasting impact, and how to keep clutter under control. In How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind, Dana explains that cleaning your house is not a onetime project but a series of ongoing premade decisions. Her reality-based cleaning and organizing techniques debunk the biggest housekeeping fantasies and help readers learn what really works.

      Chapter titles include:
      My First Step: Giving Up on the Fantasy
      The Worst Thing About the Best Way
      Just Tell Me What to Do
      Conquering Laundry
      Get Dinner on the Table
      Putting an End to the Never-Ending Weekly Cleaning Tasks
      Don’t Get Organized
      How to Declutter Without Making a Bigger Mess
      Fighting the Perceived Value Battle
      But Will It Last?

      With a huge helping of empathy and humor, Dana provides a step-by-step process with strategies for getting rid of enormous amounts of stuff in as little time (and with as little emotional drama) as possible.

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    • Steward Leadership In The Nonprofit Organization


      Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents a comprehensive model for steward leadership, in which leaders act as stewards or trustees, never as owners. Scripture and history give concrete examples of stewards who manage resources on behalf of others for the good of others. Wilson applies this classical understanding of the steward to modern organizational management, defining and developing steward leadership as an alternative to its cousin, servant leadership. Steward leadership offers great hope for the transformation and effectiveness of nonprofit leadership for stakeholders, board members, executive directors and staff members. Designed by nonprofit leaders for nonprofit leaders, this fresh approach to leadership gives you a new focus to lead your organization with excellence.

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    • Take Charge Of Your Destiny


      Take Charge of Your Destiny by Jim Donovan

      Take Charge of Your Destiny teaches how you can create a compelling vision for your future, eliminate any subconscious blocks in your way, and design a life of abundant health, success, prosperity and joy. Exactly the kind of life you were born to live.

      Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll learn:
      *How to break the illusions that are holding you back.
      *How to easily uncover the resistance that is blocking your progress.
      *Why you’re never too old to pursue your dreams.
      *How a simple question can improve interpersonal communication.
      *How to create your own personal health team with you as captain.
      *What to do if you’re not rich yet.
      *How to attract more money into your life easily and joyfully.
      *How to feel better no matter what happens.
      *How taking a few simple steps can lead to ultimate success.

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    • Marriage Is For Losers Celibacy Is For Fools


      Two books in one! Marriage is for Losers is a fool-proof guide designed to help, hope and heal marital relationships. Celibacy is for Fools is a fool proof-guide designed to help, hope and heal singles that dare to do relationships God’s way. Pastor John R. Adolph employs practical teachings that can help married couples and single adults.

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    • When My Well Ran Dry


      Written for anyone working to recover from an emotionally painful experience, “When My Well Ran Dry” is an inspiration. With a focus on marriage and relationships, Racquel D. Innis-Shelton, MD writes from personal experience. She tells of the path she took during her day-to-day struggle with grief, all the while carrying on with everyday responsibilities.

      Her words are inspirational for anyone who finds themselves in the midst of despair, whatever the cause, with no obvious way out. It can be difficult to suffer alone, but her experiences let us know we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a pathway out.

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    • Woman Thou Art Loosed


      Let your heart be warmed as the oil of T.D. Jakes’ teaching flows from your @mind to your spirit. The balm in this book will soothe all manner of traumas, tragedies and disappointments. For the single parent and the battered wife, for the abused girt and the insecure woman, there is a cure for the crisis!

      In this soft word for the sensitive ear, there is a deep cleansing for those inaccessible areas of the feminine heart. This book will help to fight back the infections of life. Woman, Thou Art Loosed! will break the bands off the neck of every woman who dares to read it!

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    • Developing The Qualities Of Success Volume 1


      Made For Success Publishing

      What can you learn about motivation from the world s greatest motivator, Zig Ziglar? “How to Stay Motived: Developing the Qualities of Success” was created with a focus on helping people succeed. Zig had a passion for helping people become their best and this program was designed to help you grow personally and professionally in four critical areas: qualities, abilities, skills, and attitudes.

      By focusing on these 4 core areas, you gain characteristics of success, professionalism, excellence, and perhaps the very best return of all: improved overall performance. Developing the Qualities of Success will cover: Planning, preparing and expecting to win Taking the first step to a brighter future Motivation, the key to accomplishment Identifying the qualities of success Developing the qualities of success Maintaining a winning attitude
      In this valuable program Zig encourages you to remember, You were designed for accomplishment. You were engineered for success. You were endowed with the seeds of greatness. Apply these winning steps from the motivational master himself to build a better, more productive and satisfying life for yourself and what you do for yourself will naturally extend to your family. Developing the qualities of success will help you maintain your motivation, through all the ups and downs of life. Join millions who have used the success principles from Zig Ziglar and we will see you at the top!

      “How to Stay Motivated” provides you with clear and proven techniques to use to enhance relationships, improve your self-image, set and achieve goals, and so much more! Learn how to apply these motivational qualities to achieve success in life. Apply these winning steps from the motivational master himself to build a better, more productive, satisfying life for yourself and your family. Change your picture and change every facet of your life. “

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    • Gift Of Being Yourself (Expanded)


      Foreword By M. Basil Pennington
      Preface: Identity And Authenticity
      1. Transformational Knowing Of Self And God
      2. Knowing God
      3. First Steps Toward Knowing Yourself
      4. Knowing Yourself As You Really Are
      5. Unmasking Your False Self
      6. Becoming Your True Self
      Epilogue: Identity And The Spiritual Journey

      Appendix: For Reflection And Discussion
      A Six-Session Discussion Guide To The Gift Of Being Yourself
      A One-Session Discussion Guide To The Gift Of Being Yourself

      Additional Info
      “Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee.” -Augustine

      Much is said in Christian circles about knowing God. But Christians throughout the ages have agreed that there cannot be deep knowledge of God without deep knowledge of the self. Discerning your true self is inextricably related to discerning God’s purposes for you. Paradoxically, the more you become like Christ, the more you become authentically yourself.

      In this profound exploration of Christian identity, psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner illuminates the spirituality of self-discovery. He exposes the false selves that you may hide behind and calls you to discover the true self that emerges from your uniqueness in Christ. Freeing you from illusions about yourself, Benner shows that self-understanding leads to the fulfillment of your God-given destiny and vocation.

      Rest assured, you need not try to be someone you are not. But you will deepen your experience of God through discovering the gift of being yourself.

      This expanded edition, one of three titles in The Spiritual Journey trilogy, includes a new epilogue and an experiential guide with questions for individual reflection or group discussion.

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    • Live Your Life For Half The Price (Reprinted)


      “It’s the money you don’t spend that ultimately gives you the freedom to live the life you love!

      “You work hard for your money. You know you should save some, but it seems like every month something comes up that sets back your best laid plans. If you’re tired of working hard just to get by, this user-friendly guide shows you that you can slash the cost of nearly everything you need without sacrificing joy and quality of life.

      Mary Hunt shows you how to get off the monthly money roller coaster. She offers the specific techniques, resources, and motivation you need to keep more of your money every month, including-finding money you didn’t know you had-cutting your grocery bill by 50%-controlling the mother of all budget-busters-avoiding fees-paying off your mortgage-saving on bills-preparing for disaster-paying less for your dream car-planning family vacations-and moreIt’s time to start saving, giving, and finally making financial progress, and with humor and compassion, Mary Hunt is leading the way!

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    • Healing Waters


      This world is broken, and its inhabitants are broken as well. Whether from the loss and wounds of divorce, the crushing weight of grief, the hollow pain of loneliness, people often suffer in silence without hope of restoration. In Healing Waters, biblical counselor Wendy Torres offers practical tools based in the truth of scripture to help struggling Christians take progressive, well thought out steps in a journey toward emotional recovery. With insight and sensitivity, Wendy provides a guide to healing, making use of hands-on activities, prayers, meditation on scripture, affirmations and spiritual exercises that expose the enemy’s lies, build faith and develop patterns that establish life-long vitality. Wendy begins by encouraging readers to tell their stories, uncovering the wounds of the past. She then guides them in understanding the mercy of God and His unfailing love. Building upon a foundation of God’s character, Wendy points readers to honestly assess the patterns of thoughts, words and actions that hinder the healing God has for them. Whether facing their own struggles or helping others on the road to wholeness, readers will be uplifted by Wendy’s encouraging and sensitive writing style and the compassion she has for hurting Christians. Ms. Wendy Torres, BCBC, is a Board Certified Biblical Counselor with years of experience as a marriage and family counselor who maintains a private practice in Grand Prairie, Texas, working with a broad spectrum of clients. As a graduate of Light University she specializes in individual, family and marriage therapy. In addition to being a prominent relationship counselor, Wendy Torres also hosts Matters of the Heart, a daily show on local radio stations in Dallas and Denver and has been actively involved in ministry work for more than 23 years. She has presented at Christian marriage conferences, women’s conferences and to general audiences speaking on the topics of marriage and family relationships and encouragement for women.

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    • 30 Days To Overcoming Emotional Strongholds


      Emotional strongholds come in all shapes and sizes–doubt, rejection, poor self-esteem, pride, stubbornness, a victim mentality, or defeatism. Which of these are you battling? Which ones are undermining your confidence and eroding your spiritual strength? Tearing down emotional strongholds so they no longer dominate your thoughts and actions can come only through an intentional alignment of your thoughts with God’s truth in the Bible. Join Dr. Tony Evans in examining key emotional strongholds and their corresponding biblical truths that you can declare and apply to bring victory into your life.

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    • Birth Order Book (Reprinted)


      The Order in which we are born has a powerful, far-reaching influence on the way we interact with others- at home, at work, with friends, and in the public square. Dr. Kevin Leman’s classic book on birth order is getting a new look, bring his engaging, fascinating, and often funny observations to a new audience. With insight and wit, Dr. Leman shows readers how birth order affects personality, marriage and relationships, parenting style, career, and children. Anyone who wants to gain understanding about the ways they interact with others- and even overcome ingrained tendencies they never thought they’d be rid of will love Dr. Leman’s insightful book.

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    • You Can Adopt Without Debt


      Important facts, encouragement, and tips help readers avoid the huge cost that can come with adoption.Many families want to adopt, but do not have the large amount of money it takes to complete a private domestic or international adoption. Some quickly give up the idea of adopting and are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged. Those who choose to proceed often take out large loans or borrow from family and friends which adds to the financial pressure on the family. Author Julie Gumm shares proven strategies from her own experience as well as from others that include applying for grants, creative budgeting, and fundraising prospective adoptive parents can use to prepare for and avoid those high costs associated with adoption.

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    • How To Talk So People Will Listen (Reprinted)


      Do you long to be able to persuade others with your words?

      Have you ever made a fool of yourself in a public speech?

      Have you ever wondered what to say next in a conversation?

      Words are powerful when they are used correctly. If you want to motivate your kids or employees, convince your boss to give you a raise, speak with confidence to large groups of people, or give a report that won’t leave them snoozing, How to Talk So People Will Listen is the resource you need.

      Forget the academic jargon and the ivory tower rhetoric. This book is about regular people talking to other regular people in ways that are effective and engaging. With humorous stories and inventive, practical tips, communicator Steve Brown shows you how to speak with authority, win an argument, overcome your fears of public speaking, and more.

      You can become an effective, persuasive speaker no matter who you are or what your line of work. It all starts here.

      The audio book is read by the author.


      Have you ever seen speakers sway a crowd and thought that you would like to be able to do that? Have you ever wondered why your words had no effect on the people who heard them? Have you ever felt ignored in a conversation, at a party or behind a podium? Have you ever wished you could improve your speaking and conversation skills?

      If you’ve had those wishes, this book is for you

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    • 10 Ways To Save Money On A Funeral Plan


      Two and a half million Americans will die this year, and every year. Unfortunately, many of them will leave behind unfinished business, unpaid bills, unfilled hopes and dreams, unresolved conflicts, and unspoken words.

      It is also a sad fact that many will leave behind unplanned and unpaid funeral arrangements. What an unpleasant and untimely surprise is in store for the loved ones who now must step up and take care of these matters!

      If you are considering reading this book, then obviously you are still alive, and it’s not too late to spare your family of that “surprise”.

      Perhaps you have been putting this off because you think it is too expensive, or because you just don’t know how to go about these things. Maybe you have been waiting for the right kind of resource to help you get started. Well, your wait is over.

      10 Ways to Save Money on a Funeral Plan is just what you need to get going. This book will not only walk you through the decisions that must be made, but will also show you practical, common-sense ways to save money, even lots of money, in the process.

      With the help of this book you truly can get the remembrance you want at a price you can live with.

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    • Commitment To Unleash Your Leader Potential


      Below are two of twelve words we will briefly discuss. All twelve are words that edify, educate, enable, encourage, energize, enlarge, enlighten, equip, and exhilarate.
      Remembering and reflection speak of thinking to recall from memory. This is a good process to help you learn from history for setting new goals. Remembering requires exercise to develop and maintain a satisfactory level of memory. In addition, it takes slowing down and sometimes even stopping for proper reflection. Many times clarity is not obtainable because we are not fully engaged in the process.
      The study of these words leads us into twelve qualities of a leader. We will visit each one and learn a process to evaluate and improve them.
      Are you ready to learn how to unleash your potential? It will start with a commitment. The level of commitment you make and maintain will help determine your success.
      This one-day process takes you through five steps. The practicality in the steps helps bring clarity and revelation. Dedicate one day and glean many days after.
      The Five Steps
      Step 1: Stay Focused
      Step 2: Make Commitments
      Step 3: Implement Structure
      Step 4: Learn to Glean
      Step 5: Measure Up

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    • 7 Steps To Finding Your Biblical Mate


      SKU (ISBN): 9781629525549ISBN10: 1629525545Richard SchalesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Waking Up Debt Free


      Learning how to handle Money

      Too many people do not know how to handle their money. From budgeting to savings to investing people just do not know what to do. They let their money control them instead of them controlling their money.

      Do you see yourself living from paycheck to paycheck? Have you let investment opportunities pass you by? Why has this happened to you? It has happened and will continue to happen until you learn how to handle money.

      If you are ready to take control of your financial life and take charge of your money, then now is the time to read this book and change your financial life forever.

      Welcome to the road of financial freedom and independence.

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    • Job Readiness Handbook


      If you need help in preparing to enter into the workforce or with job search assistance, this is the book for you. The training methodology has been proven and accredited to the success of the author in assisting underemployed job seekers who have been deemed hard to employ. The material may be used by anyone desiring to prepare for employment in the United States of America.

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    • Telling Yourself The Truth Repackaged Edition (Reprinted)


      Most of What Happens in Your Life Happens Because of the Way You Think.
      Wrong thinking produces wrong emotions, wrong reactions, wrong behavior–and unhappiness! Learning to deal with your thoughts is the first step on the road to healthy thinking.

      How to handle one’s thoughts properly is what this book is all about! It explains the life-changing method the authors call Misbelief Therapy, and it can work for you-

      In your home
      In your own circumstances
      In your own problems
      In your own adverse environment
      In your own thinking

      Based on the Bible, this book has helped thousands of people for many years, and it can help you!

      Telling Yourself the Truth can show you how to identify your own misbeliefs and replace them with the truth.

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    • Rethink How You Think (Reprinted)


      Did you know most of our patterns of behavior are set by the time we are six years old? No wonder it’s so hard to change! Even when we’re committed to making a change in life, it’s always an uphill battle. But there is a secret to lasting change that God gave us long before modern neuroscience and self-help gurus were the norm.

      Rethink How You Think is for anyone who has been frustrated by an inability to change habits, overcome fears, or keep up new healthy patterns of living and thinking. Dr. David Stoop shows readers that the true way to lasting change is in the renewing of our minds, which we accomplish when we faithfully read God’s Word and meditate on it daily. He clearly shows how to move from fear to love, from resentment to gratitude, from lust to purity, from loneliness to connection, from idolatry to contentment, and from mistrust to trust. Anyone eager to find change that lasts will welcome this practical and encouraging message.

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    • Take Charge Of Your Emotions (Reprinted)


      Respected Christian Psychologist Helps Readers Find Relief from Emotional Pain

      Linda J. Solie, a psychologist who has been in private practice for more than 20 years, says everyone can benefit from taking charge of their emotional health. She gives readers the skills to take control of their thoughts and behaviors by first identifying the problem thinking that creates painful feelings and undesirable conduct. Then using a seven-step process, she helps them change their feelings and behavior. Throughout the book the seven steps are applied to a variety of situations, both short term–such as a distressing mood–and longer term, including significant longstanding emotional pain. Grounded in faith, the reader’s relationship with Jesus is always central to the process.

      As William Backus pioneered a generation ago with Telling Yourself the Truth (more than 700,000 sold), Solie will reach thousands of readers who don’t have easy access to mental health providers or can’t afford them. Pastors and lay counselors will also find this an excellent resource to use and recommend.

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    • What Your Dreams Are Telling You


      Non-Mystical, Non-Charismatic, Christian Approach to a Bestselling Topic

      Most people think their dreams are interesting, perplexing, maybe even strange. But a secret weapon for success? Messages from God to help the impossible become possible? Author Cindy McGill contends that this is exactly the case.

      Readers will discover that solutions to their problems can come on any given night–as they sleep. This book is for anyone–believer and non-believer alike–searching for spiritually sound teaching on a fascinating topic. Not only is it possible to remember dreams, but the tools for decoding those puzzling words and pictures are within easy reach.

      God has something to say, McGill explains, and ever since Bible times, he likes to use dreams to say it. Learning to speak this language will bring readers into relationship with God for the first time, or deepen that relationship in a powerful way.

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    • Jumpstart Your Creativity


      Are you creative? Do you want to be more creative in your business and personal life?
      Everyone has the ability to be creative.
      This fun lighthearted and easy to read book will give you 10 Jolts to reawaken and tap into your innate creativity in order to be more successful at work and in your personal life. In this book, you will learn the tools techniques and methods for getting and staying creative in a competitive world.
      “Jumpstart Your Creativity gives you proven specific effective tools and great tips to use, to both generate ideas and evaluate them effectively. Are you ready to tap into your creativity? This book will show you how, and you will be amazed at the results!”

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    • Ministry In The Digital Age


      1. What Hath God Wrought?
      2. Getting In The Stream
      3. Creating Change
      4. The Digital Ministry Framework
      5. Planning Your Digital Strategy
      6. Implementing And Running Your Digital Ministry
      7. Privacy And Security Considerations For Digital Ministry
      Appendix: Digital Tool Categories
      Appendix: Genesys11
      Research Report: Best Practices In Internet Ministry
      Appendix: Church Web Usage Survey

      Additional Info
      Christianity is fundamentally a communication event. It is God revealing God’s self to the world. And God uses a large variety of media to accomplish that revelation. -Shane Hipps, author of Flickering Pixels Viral videos and retweeted posts fill the air around us. In the midst of constant news feeds and mobile alerts, ministries have unprecedented opportunities to connect with people yearning for community with others and God. But how? In this post-website world, its no longer enough to have a static website and hope that people find it. If you want to get your online content in front of your audience, you need to have a digital presence in the streams where theyre already active. David Bourgeois offers a practical step-by-step guide for discerning and implementing a digital strategy for your ministry. He provides an overview of how Christians can use technology and communication media wisely, with concrete ideas for churches and nonprofit organizations. Discover how you can make the most of every opportunity to extend your ministrys electronic reach and impact.

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    • What Your Doctor Doesnt Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You


      SKU (ISBN): 9780849921964ISBN10: 0849921961Ray StrandBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2013Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Take Control Of Whats Controlling You


      SKU (ISBN): 9781400323937ISBN10: 1400323932Stephen ArterburnBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2013Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Do You Want To Be Healed


      So you’ve prayed to God that He will take your pain away, but it just seems as if He wants you to carry that cross forever. Have you ever thought that perhaps God really does want to heal you, but you’re actually standing in the way? Do You Want to Be Healed? Allowing God to Heal Brokenness in Your Life shares a little-known truth about Jesus’ healing ministry-you have to be ready for healing before Jesus will heal you. That means you can’t keep one foot in your dysfunction while crying out to God for help. You have to go all in before Jesus can perform that healing miracle in your life. If you’re ready for that kind of commitment-ready for Jesus to wipe away your tears and heal the brokenness in your soul-take a chance and say, yes, I want to be healed. Newspaper editor, soldier, political consultant, private investigator, intelligence officer, adjunct professor, business owner, senior executive, Bachelors and Masters Degrees-on paper Tom Mann looks like one of the more successful people you will meet. You would never see the dysfunction that consumed him, caused by too many years of neglect and abuse as a child. For years, he thought everyone else was nuts until the day he realized it was actually him. Crying out to Jesus, Tom found healing, but not in some “shabalee-doo, you’re healed” kind of way. No, more like the “Submit yourself fully to Jesus and do things you don’t want to do” kind of way. God has used Tom’s pain for good, giving Tom the ability to powerfully speak into other’s lives about healing. Now he desperately wants you to have the same kind of healing God has given him. Visit

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    • From Dreaming To Becoming


      Are you living your best life? How would you want to live the life of your dreams for the rest of your life? Everyone dreams of becoming successful or achieving something significant in life. Our greatest challenge is taking our dreams from thoughts and wishes and making them realities. This process can be frustrating and difficult to know where to start. This must-have book offers ten unique and essential yet practical principles guaranteed to help you pursue your dreams with great passion and live the life of your dreams without limits.

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    • Happiness Is A Choice (Revised)


      Whether depression is felt mildly or acutely, temporarily or persistently, it strikes just about everyone at some point. Drs. Minirth and Meier believe, however, that the emotional pain of depression can be overcome and avoided. Drawing from their professional training, counseling experience, and biblical knowledge, they explore the complex relationship between spiritual life and psychological health and then spell out basic steps for recovering from depression and maintaining a happy, fulfilling life.

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    • 5 Days To A Clutter Free House


      While most of us aren’t hoarders we can all benefit from assessing and reducing the clutter in our homes–and then organizing what’s left. Many things stop us from succeeding: the sheer scope of the project, the tendency to lose momentum if the job takes too long, and the fact that we’re always acquiring new clutter. But what if it really took only a week to de-clutter the whole house, and then you even had the weekend to relax and enjoy your new clutter-free space? Could it really be that simple?

      Organizing and time management experts Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims show how with the right game plan and a healthy dose of adrenaline, anyone can de-clutter their home in just five days. With this systematic, team-based approach, even the most overwhelming de-cluttering job becomes doable. The authors’ enthusiasm and energy keep readers pushing forward to the goal, and their time-tested tips and habits help readers maintain their hard-won gains. The authors even show how to deal with common obstacles to achieving and keeping a clutter-free house, like filing, storage needs, health issues, space restrictions, the car, and even family sabotage!

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    • Fresh Hope : Living Well In Spite Of A Mental Health Diagnosis (Workbook)


      Fresh Hope is a FANTASTIC and much needed resource for the church! I particularly appreciate the emphasis on the wellness versus medical model, as it empowers us to be active participants in the pursuit of healing. I would have given anything to be part of a group like this years back. Now I am so excited to help bring this ministry to the Chicago area. Jon Press MA Christian Education blogger for BP magazine A well written book that is concise, easy to understand and free of psychobabble. I highly recommend Brad Hoefs’ book, Fresh Hope, for those suffering from mood disorders. Fresh Hope is an excellent resource that is informative and enlightening. It will bring insight to family and friends wanting to increase their understanding of their loved ones’ mood disorders. Definitely a must read. Encouraging, explicit, resounding in truth…begin your own journey and allow God to redeem your pain and suffering into trophies of His wonderful grace. Allen L. Minnig LMHP, C.P., Omaha, NE, 2012 Brad has provided a great resource for the faith community in their effort to serve those who struggle with mood disorders. As a “wounded healer” he has provided a theological framework and philosophy of ministry for the church in partnering with the medical community on behalf of those who live with a chemical imbalance. Brad’s story of recovery and growth brings hope to those who are not satisfied with merely coping with the challenges of a harsh medical diagnosis and medication. It is an invaluable resource for the church in coming alongside the millions in our communities who struggle with depression and anxiety. Brad’s story of integrating faith in his recovery will bring hope to all who battle with depression. Dr Wendell Nelson Pastor of Spiritual Formation Christ Community Church Pastor Brad Hoefs was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder in 1995, after experiencing a very public and painful manic episode. This episode led to him being asked to resign as the senior pastor of a large growing church. After his resignation a group of people formed Community of Grace Church and provided the Hoefs with a safe place to heal and find hope. It is out of this experience that Brad started Fresh Hope in 2009, a Christ-centered support group for those who suffer from mood disorders, as well as for their loved ones. Fresh Hope has grown to numerous locations throughout the US, with new groups starting all the time. Brad serves as senior pastor at Community of Grace in Elkhorn, NE an

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    • Art Of Pastoring (Revised)


      An Ebenezer Story: Introduction
      1. Beginning
      2. Call
      3. The Holy Spirit
      4. Temptation
      5. Eschatology
      6. Preaching
      7. Prayer
      8. Friendship
      9. Sacrament
      10. Leadership
      11. Leaving
      12. Reward

      Additional Info
      Named one of the Top Ten Books of 1994 by the Academy of Parish Clergy! Hundreds of books, tapes, workshops and seminars promise to answer these impossible questions. Some offer a set of practical guidelines; others suggest a system or pattern to follow. Some stress various ministry functions; others feature case studies as models of success or failure. Some are helpful. Others are not. But in The Art of Pastoring, David Hansen turns pastoral self-help programs on their heads. He tackles the perennial questions from within his own experience. From the Inside Out Hansen’s fresh, bold narrative grows from nearly a decade of ministry. He draws you into his life and into the lives of Florence-Victor Parish in the mountains of Montana, including unforgettable encounters with unforgettable people–a stubborn pioneer woman who still chops her own firewood though she’s blind and 90 years old, a championship rodeo cowboy who was baptized in his boots, and many more. Hansen’s goal is to help you discover “that pastoral ministry is a life, not a technology . . . [that] life as a pastor is far more than the sum of the tasks I carry out. It is a call from God that involves my whole life.” From Calling to Living Parable Every pastor has encountered those who struggle to hear God’s voice in a hospital room, who reach for Jesus in the sacraments. No systematic answers can meet their deep, eternal needs. What can touch them, Hansen contends, is a life itself, a life lived as a parable of Jesus. “As a parable of Jesus Christ,” Hansen writes, “I deliver something to the parishioner that I am not, and in the process I deliver the parishioner into the hands of God.” It is this knack for getting to the heart of things that makes The Art of Pastoring valuable for pastors in any setting–rural, suburban or urban. Parachurch workers, missionaries, church leaders and ministry volunteers will also find inspiration here. In this significantly revised new edition, Hansen includes new insights into his view of pastorate as parable and adds a new postlude in which he comes clean on his “constant attempts to leave the ministry.”

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    • Recovery In Christ


      “Through the words of Recovery In Christ, Floyd Kelley has brought unique and insightful teaching on the mysteries of deliverance and healing. The ability to reach inside of his own personal experience gives Floyd a unique gift and perspective to break down Biblical truths in these areas. He is able to take a vast subject and walk readers through comprehensible steps to understanding healing and spiritual deliverance.” Rabbi Curt Landry “Floyd’s understanding of Hebraic Roots along with his personal testimony and background as a gentile have given him the perfect vantage-point from which to write this powerful and practical book that is sure to establish all of us in Yeshua!” Dr. Dwain Miller In these end-times, compulsions, obsessions and addictions are at epidemic levels. Satan uses compulsions, obsessions and addictions to force his slaves to build up his kingdom. Satan also uses compulsions, obsessions and addictions to prevent Christians from living the abundant life. As compulsion, obsession or addiction becomes too painful people reach out for help. So Satan formulated a recovery program that revolves around a couple of biblical principles that, when misapplied, do not harm his kingdom. Unsurprisingly, this “Biblical” program pushes people away from the Father’s table. In contrast, Recovery In Christ invites people to the Father’s table where they can dine with Yeshua’s Spirit and feast on His Word to overcome compulsions, obsessions and addictions as a part of the One New Man, and live the abundant life. Floyd Kelley earned degrees in Engineering and Psychology at Louisiana Tech University before entering the corporate world. After becoming a successful executive, Floyd hit Rock Bottom. After recovering, Floyd and his wife, Stephanie, joined Lowery International Ministries and ran their woman’s shelter and jail ministry. Today, Floyd is the Founder and President of Recovery In Christ Ministries Incorporated.

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    • Anger Workbook : An Interactive Guide To Anger Management (Workbook)


      Don’t Let Anger Take Control!

      Most people stereotype anger by assuming that it always results in shouting, slamming fists, or throwing things. However, anger is not that one-dimensional.

      In fact, all of the statements below represent feelings of anger:
      When I am displeased with someone I shut down any communication and withdraw.
      I get very tense inside as I tackle a demanding task.
      I feel frustrated when i see someone else having fewer struggles than I.
      There are times when my discouragement just makes me want to call it quits.
      I can be quite aggressive in my business pursuits or even when just playing a game.

      We all deal with anger in our lives, whether it be in a subtle or violent manner. Being angry can involve such emotional expressions as frustration, irritability, annoyance, aggravation, blowing off steam, or fretting.

      The good news is anger can be managed. In The Anger Workbook Les Carter, Ph.D., and Frank Minirth, M.D., offer a unique 13-step interactive program that will help you:
      Identify the best ways to handle anger
      Understand how pride, fear, loneliness, and inferiority feed your anger
      Uncover and eliminate the myths that perpetuate anger-“Letting go of my anger means I am conceding defeat” or “No one understand my unique problems.”
      Identify learned patterns or relating, thinking, and behaving in your life that influence your anger.

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    • New Name : Grace And Healing For Anorexia


      The face of anorexia is not a glossy model in a perfume ad. It’s a starving animal, circling the empty cupboards, blank-eyed and vacant. It’s a face frozen in a rictus grin, mouthing lies. ‘I’m fine,’ it says. ‘Everything is under control.’ ‘I have always felt hungry,’ says Emma Scrivener. “Not just for food, but for everything: from money to recognition. I’m a human chasm, a vortex of insatiable longing.’Rescued from a disorder that nearly killed her, Emma is now passionate about warning others about the dark and hidden world she inhabited for too long. Harrowing, heart-breaking, human and humourous, this book will grip you from start to finish.

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    • Predators Live Among Us


      In the time it took for Ward Cleaver and the Fonze to morph into Homer Simpson and his South Park neighbors, the fiber of humanity changed. Once-safe sidewalks, filled with active children, emptied into avenues where anxious parents now drive their children to school. Child molestation is epidemic in our society-even in our churches. Protecting our children is of utmost importance to every parent. “Predators Live Among Us” offers insight into how to recognize a potential molester, raises awareness regarding the ripple effects of child sexual abuse, contains suggestions on how to keep kids safe, exposes the connection between pornography and child molestation, reveals new findings with regard to the role of the brain in child molestation, points the way to healing for victims and offers solutions regarding reintegration of convicted predators when they’re released back into the church and community.

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    • Upside Down In America


      “If you are ‘upside down’ and/or facing foreclosure of your home, life can seem like a runaway train careening toward disaster. During the process of completing this book, I noticed the laws are changing rapidly. But real options are open to you-and it’s time you knew them……

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    • Surrounded By Inspiration


      Surrounded by Inspiration is a collection of personal quotes, advice, life experiences, and inspiration from Marala Scott. These inspirational messages share truthful insight for the reader in regards to faith, relationships, and personal growth. Marala reveals her secrets to surviving life’s pain. The book ends with a powerful poem on forgiveness. It will inspire you to forgive and let go of your past adversities so that you can live a successful, happier, and fulfilling life.

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    • MO : Everyday Heroes Who Live With MOmentum MOtivation And MOxie


      What is MO?

      The purpose of MO! is to help people get and stay motivated but with a very unique twist. See most people think that motivation for them is out of reach. They have an average job at an average company. This book is intended to give people hope by shining the light on people who are in average regular jobs but are amazing.

      In the book we offer inspiring profiles of Service Advisors, Hot Dog vendors, Airline Gate Agents, Seafood MarketOwners, Construction workers, Seamstresses, Fitness Trainers, and Taxi drivers who all have the magic MO! qualities. They are all normal people who work every day but their work isn’t normal. At the end of each profile we provide a summation of the 3-4 special qualities that they have and our suggestions on how to incorporate it into the readers life and how they can get more MO!

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    • Lift Up Your Head


      Shame has been called the most unendurable of sentiments. Shame hurts so much that we do everything we can to stop the pain and to keep other people from realizing that we have it. The cover-ups we use end up hurting other people and can be the root cause of marital breakups, workplace conflicts, racial tensions, and church splits. In contrast to guilt, which can lead to repentance and reconciliation, shame leads to isolation and continuing problems.

      Everyone feels shame from time to time, but some people live with it constantly. Whether you yourself have felt the pain of shame or whether you would like to reach out to someone who does, you need to find out how to recognize shame and how to apply the solution that God has provided in Christ.

      Lift Up Your Head can help you discover what may be happening behind the masks. At the end of each chapter are questions for reflection to help you digest what you have read. The questions can also be used for small-group discussion.

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    • Lift Up Your Head


      Shame has been called the most unendurable of sentiments. Shame hurts so much that we do everything we can to stop the pain and to keep other people from realizing that we have it. The cover-ups we use end up hurting other people and can be the root cause of marital breakups, workplace conflicts, racial tensions, and church splits. In contrast to guilt, which can lead to repentance and reconciliation, shame leads to isolation and continuing problems.

      Everyone feels shame from time to time, but some people live with it constantly. Whether you yourself have felt the pain of shame or whether you would like to reach out to someone who does, you need to find out how to recognize shame and how to apply the solution that God has provided in Christ.

      Lift Up Your Head can help you discover what may be happening behind the masks. At the end of each chapter are questions for reflection to help you digest what you have read. The questions can also be used for small-group discussion.

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    • Book On Bullies


      Forward: The Book On Bullies
      Introduction: The Bully Checklists

      Part I: Types Of Bullies

      1. The Narcissistic Bullies
      2. The Crowd Pleaser Bullies
      3. The Backdoor Bullies

      Part II: Ways To Help Your Children

      4. Be Bullyproof
      5. Become Someone Who Won’t Bully
      6. Be A Bystander No More

      Additional Info
      This book will inspire and equip you to handle the bullies in your life and the lives of your children. Using Christian principles and practical strategies you can take back control.

      The Book On Bullies moves you quickly from page to page describing what to look for and how to talk to your children about bullying. You will become confident in dealing with a bully boss or coworker. Most of all you will be fully prepared to handle bullies by the time you close the back cover.

      Did you know?
      Students witness four out of five acts of bullying at school. The bullied are in danger of experiencing depression, anxiety and health problems. If students are simply bystanders they are at risk for the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Read The Book On Bullies with your teenagers or for your children empowering them to stop feeling helpless and start taking charge.

      The author draws from many years of experience as a family therapist to bring you proven techniques for handling bullies.

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    • Book On Bullies


      Forward: The Book On Bullies
      Introduction: The Bully Checklists

      Part I: Types Of Bullies

      1. The Narcissistic Bullies
      2. The Crowd Pleaser Bullies
      3. The Backdoor Bullies

      Part II: Ways To Help Your Children

      4. Be Bullyproof
      5. Become Someone Who Won’t Bully
      6. Be A Bystander No More

      Additional Info
      This book will inspire and equip you to handle the bullies in your life and the lives of your children. Using Christian principles and practical strategies you can take back control.

      The Book On Bullies moves you quickly from page to page describing what to look for and how to talk to your children about bullying. You will become confident in dealing with a bully boss or coworker. Most of all you will be fully prepared to handle bullies by the time you close the back cover.

      Did you know?
      Students witness four out of five acts of bullying at school. The bullied are in danger of experiencing depression, anxiety and health problems. If students are simply bystanders they are at risk for the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Read The Book On Bullies with your teenagers or for your children empowering them to stop feeling helpless and start taking charge.

      The author draws from many years of experience as a family therapist to bring you proven techniques for handling bullies.

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    • My Miracle On Mount Shasta


      What would you do if you were lost in a 2 million-acre mountain wilderness, with no map, no trails, no water, and no way of finding your way home?

      What would you do if you felt these were your last days alive on Earth and had no one to complete your life with?

      How would you keep your hope alive and your will to survive strong when your options have run out?

      How would your relationship with God change if He was the only one you could connect to?

      These are some of the questions that went through author Blaine Carman’s mind as he spent seventeen hours trying to navigate his way back to civilization, after becoming separated from his climbing party on Mt. Shasta, the highest mountain in the contiguous United States. A true story, My Miracle on Mount Shasta takes the reader on a personal journey of the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges that happen when you believe that these might be your last days on Earth.

      More than just a survival story, My Miracle on Mount Shasta addresses the question of what part our individual will really plays, versus surrendering to a greater destiny, in determining what happens with our lives.

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    • My Journey : Reflections On Life From A Cancer Survivor


      With a grateful heart Shirley returned to an active life after her recovery from breast cancer. Her collection of stories and poetry represent two years of journaling and spiritual growth. A rhythm of life is found in her writing where courage, faith, and joy abound.

      Beyond her cancer reflections, she shares memories of her childhood and married life in Iowa and her recent move to Montana. She takes you from the prairies to sheep pastures to mountaintop experiences. Her love for biking, hiking, skiing, and scuba diving give you energy to explore your path.

      As an artist, Shirley paints pictures in her writing that help you relate to the wonder of God’s creation. Throughout, you will be lifted by the experiences that she shares of her life, family, friends, and God.

      She hopes this story of survival and joy will encourage and strengthen her readers. The poems and stories are short and easy to read. Shirley, her husband Bob and their cat Bunny now live in the beautiful state of Montana.

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    • My Journey : Reflections On Life From A Cancer Survivor


      With a grateful heart Shirley returned to an active life after her recovery from breast cancer. Her collection of stories and poetry represent two years of journaling and spiritual growth. A rhythm of life is found in her writing where courage, faith, and joy abound.

      Beyond her cancer reflections, she shares memories of her childhood and married life in Iowa and her recent move to Montana. She takes you from the prairies to sheep pastures to mountaintop experiences. Her love for biking, hiking, skiing, and scuba diving give you energy to explore your path.

      As an artist, Shirley paints pictures in her writing that help you relate to the wonder of God’s creation. Throughout, you will be lifted by the experiences that she shares of her life, family, friends, and God.

      She hopes this story of survival and joy will encourage and strengthen her readers. The poems and stories are short and easy to read. Shirley, her husband Bob and their cat Bunny now live in the beautiful state of Montana.

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    • Living His Dream


      Pastor Joey Cannady has written his first book to share the story of the life of his son, Zachary Andrew Cannady, who was born in 1986 with a severe birth defect known as spina bifida, which rendered Zac paralyzed. Joey has been inspired by Zac for the past twenty-five years and wrote this book from the principles he learned from his son over the past years. Zac was not supposed to live outside his mother’s womb, but twenty-two years later was working his dream job as a police dispatcher for the city of Albertville, in northeast Alabama, when a newspaper reporter did a story on him for the local paper. The title of the story was Living His Dream. In this article, Zac told the reporter, George Jones, that he was truly living his dream of working in law enforcement. After reading the article, Pastor Joey was inspired to write this chronicle of their lives together. May the writing of Pastor Joey and the story of his son’s victories and struggles to overcome life in a wheelchair inspire you, motivate you, encourage you to live your life and fulfill your dreams.

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    • Secret Plan : Had He Only Known


      “You Died, so We Can Live!
      So We Die, So You Can Live!”

      2 Timothy 1:9b (NIV)

      * This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time Ephesians 1:4 (NIV).
      * For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

      “Hebrews 10:10 “And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”

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    • Secret Plan : Had He Only Known


      “You Died, so We Can Live!
      So We Die, So You Can Live!”

      2 Timothy 1:9b (NIV)

      * This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time Ephesians 1:4 (NIV).
      * For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

      “Hebrews 10:10 “And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”

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    • Sleeping Beauty Awakened


      Once upon a time you were the princess of your own fairy tale; you lived in your own imaginary world. But then, as you grew older, you became more aware of the reality around you-the fact that the world continuously states that there are no such things as happily ever afters and that no man is a prince. The little princess dies inside of you.

      Throughout this book you will rediscover that every desire you have as a woman fits into a fairy tale. All you need is a prince to fight for you to awaken your princess heart again-because being a princess is the preparation for becoming a queen, his queen.

      This book will touch various aspects of your feminine heart, from how to unlock your husband’s love to being a lady-in-waiting and rediscovering who God really is in your life.

      The created will go to the Creator, and only there she will find her true identity.

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    • Bold Fierce And Transformed


      Have you ever set out to accomplish a major goal such as becoming an award-winning actress, getting signed by a record company, publishing a book, or completing your PhD but were met with obstacles at every turn? Has it ever seemed like the moment you set out to complete a goal was the moment when previously unseen barriers arose to block your path? That happens to all of us, but when that happens to you, there is a way to press forward into the future you envision.

      This book is about being bold enough to recognize the barriers but still daring to move forward to accomplish your goals. It’s about being fierce, persistent, and passionate enough to break through every obstacle and reach your desired destination. It’s a book that invites you to take a journey-a transformational journey-and encourages you that no matter where you are now, it’s not where you have to always be. It’s a book that will challenge you to your core to be bold, be fierce, be transformed!

      Empowering speaker, passionate writer, visionary, innovator and teacher are just some of the words used to describe Bridgette Murphy. The President and CEO of Bridgette Murphy Enterprises, she created the company with the mission to help women, and youth come into their purpose as they understand their value, find their passion for life, and reach their true potential. This global enterprise specializes in delivering practical purpose driven messages to religious organizations, educational institutions, women, young professionals and adolescents through the art of dancing, writing and speaking.

      She has always been a profound speaker, traveling conducting over 30 seminars for corporate employees. She has also been requested to speak at various events for women and youth.

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    • 365 Ways To Organize Everything


      Bestselling author Emilie Barnes teams up with fellow home-management expert and author Sheri Torelli to provide readers with an all-in-one collection of ideas, shortcuts, and inspiration to bring beauty and order to every aspect of their lives and homes.

      These creative, experienced coauthors of the popular More Hours In My Day (over 240,000 copies sold) offer women proven ways to:
      organize, clean, and maintain every room in the house
      prioritize time to best serve their families, and God
      clear clutter and create space for more peaceful living
      simplify meal planning, preparation, and cooking with fast tips
      plan efficiently for daily needs, special trips, and family activities

      Readers will refer to this practical resource again and again to discover the freedom and gift of conserving energy, space, and time and turning those resources toward richer, more joyful living.

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    • Underneath The Scars


      Underneath the Scars is a journey of emotional and spiritual healing associated with physical deformities. You will laugh, cry, and reflect as Candida shares her story and the woman underneath her scars.

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    • Wordsmithy : Hot Tips For The Writing Life


      Wordsmithy is for writers of every sort, whether experienced veterans, still just hoping, or somewhere in between. Through a series of out-of-the-ordinary lessons, each with its own takeaway points and recommended readings, Douglas Wilson provides indispensable guidance, showing how to develop the writer’s craft and the kind of life from which good writing comes.

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    • Gentrified : An Owners Manual For The Rest Of Your Life


      We have in our care just one temple, and after many years of allowing it to deteriorate, it is now time to restore and improve that rundown temple. Ownership has responsibility; accepting that responsibility is up to us. In our rush toward the rest of our lives, we have tried taking shortcuts, only to end up somewhere we don’t want to be. We take medications we rely on to live, ingest nutritional supplements to balance our lack of energy, and end up with a spirit that is just plain worn out from seeking God in all the wrong places. This book is about taking ownership of the temple we live in. It’s about adjusting our attitudes toward wellness, realizing new ways to find exercise in the normal everyday motions we make, seeing food in a new and exciting way, and rediscovering the life-giving spirit.

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    • Gentrified : An Owners Manual For The Rest Of Your Life


      We have in our care just one temple, and after many years of allowing it to deteriorate, it is now time to restore and improve that rundown temple. Ownership has responsibility; accepting that responsibility is up to us. In our rush toward the rest of our lives, we have tried taking shortcuts, only to end up somewhere we don’t want to be. We take medications we rely on to live, ingest nutritional supplements to balance our lack of energy, and end up with a spirit that is just plain worn out from seeking God in all the wrong places. This book is about taking ownership of the temple we live in. It’s about adjusting our attitudes toward wellness, realizing new ways to find exercise in the normal everyday motions we make, seeing food in a new and exciting way, and rediscovering the life-giving spirit.

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    • Calling : How To Discover Your Calling In Three Days


      I count myself fortunate and blessed. Blessed to have had and still have a father in my life. And because I was one of the fortunate ones, it was my father who loved and assisted me as I grew from a boy to a man in understanding my “purpose” and “calling” in life.

      A common mistake that most people will make is, confusing a purpose for a calling or a calling for a purpose. Though the two are intertwined, they are still very much different. How so? Continue reading this book and you will soon find out. The nuggets that my dad is sharing with you, have shared with me and my brothers; I too will use to share with my own children, now that I am a dad myself.

      Thank you dad for listening! Thank you for being a good example of a loving father by assisting me in truly understanding my purpose and calling as I grew from a boy to a man. Thank you for not sparing a butt whoopin’ when I needed it as a child. Thank you for not sparing hours of long sermons on life whenever I came to a crossroad. Thank you for the encouraging words when I needed the extra push. I love you dad!

      In this book, my dad will share with you the same life lessons, instructions, and principles he exemplifies still-today. The Calling, is not only a book, it is literally a life manuscript on “how” a person; be it woman or man, boy or girl, can truly discover and understand their Godly divine purpose and calling in this journey called “life.” I hope this book will be as much a blessing to you as it was to me.

      Nick Cannon

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    • Have A New Husband By Friday (Reprinted)


      Have a new husband by Friday? Is that even possible? Dr. Kevin Leman says it is. The New York Times bestselling author and self-help guru shows even the most frustrated wife how she can have a new husband by Friday. Leman reminds any wife that if what she’s doing to get better behavior out of her husband isn’t working now, it never will. So it’s time for a change. That means it’s time to change her own patterns of behavior. Here’s how Leman suggests she handle it day to day: Monday: Secrets Revealed: Cracking the Male Code Yes, you’re different species, but you can work together in harmony. Tuesday: Creatures from Another Planet . . . or Creatures of Habit? To understand men, you have to track ’em to their den. Wednesday: Think about What You Want to Say, Then Divide It by Ten How to talk so your guy will really listen . . . and listen so your guy will really talk. Thursday: Think of Him as a Seal Waiting for a Three-Pound Fish Why making love to your man is a key to who he is and how satisfied he’ll be, and what’s in it for you. Friday: It Takes a Real Woman to Make a Man Feel like a Real Man How to open your man’s heart, revolutionize your love life, and turn him into the knight you’ve always dreamed of.

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    • Have A New You By Friday (Reprinted)


      How many times have we tried to change our own habits, only to find that changing ourselves is even harder than trying to change someone else? Now, what the bestselling Have a New Kid by Friday has done for families and Have a New Husband by Friday has done for couples, Have a New You by Friday will do for individuals. With his signature wit and commonsense psychology, Dr. Kevin Leman will walk readers through their own personal five-day action plan. Readers will come to -accept the truth about themselves -boost their confidence by identifying the lies they’re telling themselves–and putting them to rest for good -change their lives by concentrating on becoming who they really want to be Based on content from The Real You, Have a New You by Friday is the way to a happier, more fulfilling life.

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    • Overcoming Anxiety Worry And Fear (Reprinted)


      Fretting over seemingly inconsequential daily headaches. Constantly worrying about family members’ health or safety. Being weighed down by negativity from the 24-hour news cycle. It’s a wonder anyone can escape anxiety. Unchecked, anxiety can swiftly rob us of our sense of safety, well-being, and peace.

      Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear offers a whole-person approach to coping with and eliminating anxiety. This compassionate combination of common sense, biblical wisdom, and therapeutic advice will help readers unchain themselves from constant worry so that they can “be anxious about nothing” (Phil. 4:6). Trusted author Dr. Gregory L. Jantz helps readers identify the causes for their anxiety, assess the severity of their symptoms, and start down avenues for positive change.

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    • Beyond Positive Thinking


      Author and motivational speaker, Jim Collins, explains how God’s Word can help you create the life you were designed to live by tapping into your God-given abilities. He emphasizes “life-application” of the truths in Scripture to help readers reach his or hers full potential. Beyond Positive Thinking expounds on the Scriptures, making them come alive so they are relatable to those living in the 21st Century. These principles will help readers achieve freedom from fear, anxiety and negative thinking.

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    • Gatekeeper : Writing The WRONGS Right


      Gatekeeper, Writing the WRONGS right, was written with the intention of eliminating mind spam, allowing you to be brought to higher levels of becoming and being.

      Gatekeeper’s purpose is to awaken, inspire and empower the multitude of nations to create lasting change and deep fulfillment in their lives! You will learn to maximize emotional energy, and break negative habits and patterns to clear the root cause of self-sabotage. One’s outlook on life is a very important aspect of healing and well-being. The bottom line is you cannot afford the luxury of fear, anxiety, anger, guilt or depression, no matter what the cause; it has only one purpose, to zap your overall health in mind, body and spirit. The existential calamity about purpose and spiritual meaning in life is a major root cause of many illnesses and diseases of the mind.

      If you are searching for a deeper understanding, this book can give you the deliverance in other areas that will bring you forward on your personal path to birth your destiny. The Divine Voice of Truth calls for those who are willing to bear witness to the truth of Christ. In order to become a masterpiece, you have to know the Master.

      Just as when a prisoner is set free, you too will recognize that you were that prisoner in your own mind.

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    • Finishing Strong : With What You Have Left


      After several years of being wheelchair-bound, the author became aware that there were men and women all around who have been wounded by physical, emotional, or other issues, and yet they still manage to accomplish significant things for God. In this book, you will find inspiring stories about Federal Judge Bill Osteen, Sr., Royce Reynolds, Al Lineberry, Sr. and many others.

      Although the accomplishments of those included here are impressive and, in some cases amazing, it is the significant things they accomplished after life got tougher that really gets your attention. Your own faith will be strengthened as you learn how God became their source of strength.

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    • Strong On The Outside Dying On The Inside


      Strong on the Outside, Dying on the Inside is a wonderfully written tribute to faith, courage, hope and healing.”

      Don’t be fooled by the small size of this book. In it, Lisa Brown packs a powerful message of liberation: With the help of God and qualified professionals, Black women can break free from depression.

      A successful businesswoman in Washington, D.C., Lisa uses her own experience and the Biblical story of Hannah to shed light on the unspoken sadness that plagues so many Black women today. With the energy, humor and compassion of a close girlfriend, she describes the signs of depression and charts a way out.

      Depression is an equal-opportunity illness. But Black women – especially those who consider themselves strong – are particularly reluctant to seek help: Only 12 percent of those affected receive treatment.

      Why this resistance? Citing contemporary experts, Lisa points to reasons rooted in African American culture: the widespread belief that depression is nothing more than a bad attitude, a case of the blues, or a sign of personal weakness.

      Emotional needs are not easily acknowledged by women who have been the backbone of their communities while enduring the harsh realities of slavery, bigotry and bias.

      What’s more, many of these God-fearing, church-going women may resign themselves to depression, accepting their sadness as a fact of life that God, the church and their families expect them to bear.

      Lisa rejects that interpretation, reminding Black women that God offers them both joy and peace. She urges readers to draw on their inner strength not to deny depression, but to face and overcome it.

      Lisa calls herself “a living testimony to the value of good therapy and God’s undeniable ability to heal depression.” In these pages, she reaches out to strong Black women, inviting them to embrace the same blessing and recover a life of promise and purpose.

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    • Impact : How To Make A Positive Difference


      SKU (ISBN): 9781615795253ISBN10: 1615795251Geo RobertsBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Impact : How To Make A Positive Difference


      SKU (ISBN): 9781615793112ISBN10: 1615793119Geo RobertsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Become One : Is It Really Possible To Become One When Men Hide Lust And Wom


      The image on the cover (NGC 6240) is a well-studied nearby ultra luminous infrared galaxy in the constellation Ophiuchus. This galaxy is the remnant of a merger between two smaller galaxies. The collision between the two galaxies has resulted in a single larger galaxy with two distinct nuclei.

      Colliding galaxies are pairs of galaxies caught by the tug of their own mutual gravitational attraction. Just like a Man and a Woman some colliding galaxies eventually merge to form a new whole or become one, while other colliding galaxies eventually part. In the process of becoming one these galaxies will continue to pull and tug at one another for several billion years, before they eventually merge together to form a new galaxy. In the same way a husband and wife pull and tug at each other to bring the change that makes them one. Like the galaxies if they achieve this union the glory of God will be seen in all its splendor!

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    • Money Miracles God And Me


      “Money, Miracles, God and Me tells the story of one single mother’s struggle to survive when she had been disappointed and nearly destroyed. She found resources in God to face a frightening future and in the power of prayer received miracles of money and personal direction. Her testimony gives current evidence that God answers prayer, meets human need, and does not leave us to struggle with life’s fears alone.”

      Ben Campbell Johnson PH.D.
      Professor of Christian Spirituality, Emeritus
      Columbia Theological Seminary
      Decatur, Georgia

      “What an amazing and exciting journey between the promising and providing God of the universe and one of His precious and faithful pilgrims. Rooted in Scripture and biblical truth throughout, it reveals a concerned God and how He communicates and fulfills His promises in our chaotic and stress-filled world. This is an insightful and inspirational ‘must’ for a discerning believer.”

      The Rev. Don Nichols – Retired pastor
      Florida United Methodist Conference,
      Long-time friend and pilgrim with the author

      “When it appeared that this mother would be knocked down, she ‘stepped forward’ instead, into a life of serious study and use of scripture, deep prayer, and remarkable generosity through tithing and other ways. She lived it and has written about it. We are her benefactors.”

      Danny E. Morris – Humorist and Storyteller
      Executive Director of the Academy for Spiritual Formation of The Upper Room, Nashville, Tennessee Author of Yearning to Know God’s Will, Spirits Laughing: the Gift of a cheerful Heart

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    • Something More : A Devotional Dimension For The Joseph-Daniel Calling


      For those chosen, the Joseph-Daniel calling requires “something more.” The “something more” marks true Kingdom leadership with a maturity that endures. It demands a cost far beyond spoon feeding, or the good intentions, ambitions, or any other notion of man. While the more easily digestible milk mode referred to in Hebrews comes primarily from absorbing information, the meat or proactive mode to maturity takes time, dedication and a first-priority commitment. It is the dividing asunder between the many who are called and the few who are chosen. This book outlines a pathway to steward your calling. It is not designed for those focused on their comforts, the lusts of the flesh or the love of the world. If taken seriously and acted on; it will release the meat of maturity leading to “something more” than might ever come from the best of human efforts.

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    • Taking Out Your Emotional Trash


      What needs to grow and what needs to go? Licensed psychologist and author Georgia Shaffer asks women this vital question as she encourages them to recognize and let go of the unhealthy, toxic emotions and lies they hold onto and replace them with godly truths.

      With a strong biblical foundation, Shaffer offers encouragement, insightful questions, practical steps, and personal prayers to help readers

      release destructive guilt and insecurities by embracing their value in God
      reduce anxiety by addressing their deepest fears with God’s wisdom
      experience greater intimacy and honesty in their relationships
      increase their physical energy and spiritual peace in God’s strength
      turn from unrealistic expectations toward realistic expectations and positive goals

      Readers will discover hope and renewal as they watch God transform their trash into treasure through His mighty grace.

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    • My Be Attitude


      Our society doesn’t teach us how to be, it just teaches us how to stay busy doing remakes and makeovers and going nowhere. This book wants to develop how we think as instructed by the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. It shows how to better develop good character and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding and ultimately define who you are in Christ.

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    • 12 Rules For Living


      This book is meant for followers of Jesus who would like some biblically-based, life-experience-inspired rules for living the Christian life.

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    • Jesus Was A Capitalist


      In the Ancient Scrolls of His written teachings, Jesus taught very clearly in simple words:

      The obligation of all people to have great wealth for the good of all.
      How to have great wealth no matter how poor, or small you start.
      That it is so easy for the very rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.
      That it is very spiritual to have great wealth for the right purposes.
      That the statement”you can not serve God and money”, actually means to have more money, not less.
      That the very rich should generate much more and how.
      He told the Apostles and the disciples to keep their wealth, but not take it in their purses, for they were worthy of pay where they ministered.
      Also, many wealthy women traveled with Jesus and financed His ministry. One of these wealthy women of great influence was the wife of rich Herod’s business manager. (LK 8:1-3).
      These ancient scrolls are labeled Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They originally, accurately recorded all the wealth – Dominion – teachings of Jesus for the benefit of all persons. Over 2,000 years later these scrolls still teach the same simple truths of easy success for all.
      These scrolls are now in the Book called the Bible. Here they are for you in this book on the scrolls-to-gold-teachings-of-Jesus, the Master Teacher of true capitalism, etc.

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    • Talkin About Christ


      This text provides a unique approach to evangelism in its design to integrate the disciplines of engineering, theology, and human behavior to examine a person’s progress toward Christ and build an action plan for closing the gap. The first 10 chapters apply well-known Christian materials to measure a prospect’s current beliefs as a launching pad for helping them move toward Christ. The second 10 chapters interpret prospect responses and apply them to tracking progress over the next days, weeks, or years.

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    • Terrific Tips For Tired Teachers


      Be transformed from tired to inspired, and bring your students along with you! Teaching is never easy. Learn how to filter your daily choices through the L.A.U.G.H.T.E.R. grid and you will experience: more positive participation in your classroom; more energy for your day, with less stress; more time to do things you enjoy; more laughter, more focus; and more fun!!

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    • Learning How To Establish A Personal Prayer Life With The Almighty God


      1 John chapter 5 verse 4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

      God has given the church through Jesus Christ, victory and power to reign in dominion to overcome the world, power to overcome sin, and power to overcome darkness. Fear not only Believe.

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    • Diary Of My Pilgrimage Of Faith


      In this inspiring book Tecla Tawonezvi shares stories from both her own life and the teachings from the Bible. Some of the stories are pretty hilarious; and others are sad and sorrowful. Her life story will have you laughing, then crying-and then pausing for a moment, to contemplate what it means to have faith. The amazing story of her mother’s faith to still find her two kidnapped sons is beyond anybody’s compelling imagination. These stories in Tecla’s life makes you re-examine your own beliefs, and then seek a clearer path in your travels as well as filled with a desire to live by faith. You will certainly learn how to grow into your own absolute potential, simply by following God’s directions. You will also discover that life’s greatest accomplishment is doing the will of God, by tapping into your faith.

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    • Finding My Way Home


      I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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    • Finding My Way Home


      I had asked the ultimate question; what is Life before and so now my prayers were being answered. I was about to find out for myself. Never imagined this is how God was going to capture my heart but he did and so the journey begun. This provided insight on how God healed my broken heart as he mended and repaired my being. At first it felt like I went in for an open heart surgery and I was not on any medication so every single thing that was touched on I really felt it. As painful as some of the things done to me in the past felt, I came to understand that was the reason why my Lord was there so I chose to allow Him into my life for healing to begin. It was in Him to give and so a new heart was provided for me to be able to live pain free. As I accepted the gift I was given I felt the heart beat like never before. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and I knew I was transformed. I came to find out it was new life in me. I was coming out a new person, a new being who was no longer conformed to the world but renewed, enlightened & enriched. I woke up and realized I was no longer sleeping beauty as I got the awakening. To me that was healing from the house of heaven. I was now free from heartache, no longer day dreaming but living the dream. The documentary touches on life experiences and showcases a woman’s journey as she worked to free herself from oppression rebuilding her life to make it out of the wilderness alive. It turned out to be a journey of a lifetime.

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    • Passionate Pursuit Of Purity


      The new buzz word of this decade seems to be the word change. Everyone is talking about change! We want changes in politics, changes in healthcare, changes in the policies of our financial institutions and changes in the laws that govern education. We’re looking for a better life, for a way to right the wrongs of our society. Change can be a really good thing, if we are working to bring about the right kinds of changes for the right reasons.

      God is all about change. He wants us to experience the kinds of changes that will produce goodness and excellence in our lives. The plans that God designed for us are disclosed in the pages of the Bible. It is his heart’s desire that we discover the purpose for which we were created and that we fulfill the destiny he hand-crafted for each of us.

      Passionate Pursuit of Purity is written to help us to understand the condition of our human hearts, how we became estranged from God and his remarkable plan of reconciliation for each of our lives. Through the lessons contained in this book we will discover God’s redeeming love and how we can begin to fulfill our unique purpose and experience the amazing destiny that God has in store for those who pursue purity.

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    • Photos Of The Heart


      Out of my hopelessness and desperation, I realized I couldn’t go on living with this terrible pain that had taken over my life. I needed help, but I didn’t know who could help me deal with this grief I was going through. I knew I couldn’t do it in my own strength, and it had to be someone much stronger than me. It had to be someone who could understand and know the pain in my heart. I found that someone who took away this pain that was choking the life out of me. I found strength in his loving arms. Without Him, I could not have made it on my own. He knew what I was going through because He could feel my pain. This is my story about my grief journey and how someone rescued me from my grief. He gave me so much of Himself that the only way I could share it with you is to take you through the ‘Photos of The Heart.”

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    • Agent Called Change


      Rid yourself of the world’s influences and stereotypes; maximize your God-given potential as you discover the “real you.” After the veil has been lifted, enjoy a purposeful and productive life as you pursue God’s will, and engage others in finding real truth. The Agent Called Change takes you on a comprehensive journey in search of purpose and fulfillment. Life is a maze, a winding road filled with peaks and valleys, twists and turns; dangerous and deceptive curves. The purposeful connoisseur must enroll in a series of courses designed to renew thought patterns; leading to the discovery of the hidden gem that lies within. Upon licenser, the change agent embarks on a pathway to purpose, possess a greater sense of destiny, and embraces his calling to change the world one person at a time. After reading this book the reader will no longer approach life from a careless or casual perspective but realizes the essence of his/her creation is centered-around understanding purpose, maximizing potential, and fostering everlasting change. Get ready for an exciting adventure as God uncovers the real you the world needs to know.

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    • You Made Your Bed Now Wake Up In It


      Life has a way of taking the wind out of our sails if we allow it. Everyday stress takes away that desire to accomplish great things. Your day involves the people who annoy you at work, and the pressures of being a responsible adult. This stress has many “sleepwalking” through life.

      Keith Ballard is a Christian author, inspirational teacher, entrepreneur, and professor of business administration and psychology. Life threw challenges at him that could not be solved by his collegiate and professional success. Like many people out there, Keith searched for spiritual and practical answers to the following questions:

      How do we obtain enjoyment out of life and work?
      How do we live out those big dreams and goals that keep tugging at us?
      How does one find a sense of mental, physical, and emotional freedom?
      How do we become more secure and confident in ourselves?

      You Made Your Bed, Now WAKE UP In It is a book that answers these questions and many more. This book is for anyone in search of answers. Those with no spiritual belief system and those with a spiritual belief system who read this book will learn:

      * How to be more effective and successful in your everyday goals.
      * How to break free from past mental and spiritual barriers.
      * How to rely on God as your source and supply for every need.
      * How to use spiritual principles that can be applied to everyday life.
      * How to obtain quality relationships, true peace, and happiness.
      * How to identify your gifts, talents, and purpose in life.
      * How to take authority over life’s challenges.

      If life does not seem to be giving you what you want, then this book is a must read for you. Wake up to a new reality.

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    • Yes You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too



      Yes You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too dispels the popular notion that you cannot have your cake and eat it. The book challenges you to climb until your dream comes true. It gives you a road map for expecting great things in your life, to plan for success by dreaming bigger, and to work smarter. In this compelling book Dr. Viv Ewing shares a series of strategies for achieving more success and fulfillment. You will be inspired to seek and understand your purpose in life and to live with passion.

      “This is an inspiring book that will challenge everyone to reach their dreams”
      Kathleen Moore, CRC
      CEO Rainbow of Hope

      “Motivating, practical, and relevant for today’s achievers”
      Bruce Norris ?Author, Speaker, Preacher

      “A must read for anyone who wants to get more satisfaction out of life”
      Jennifer Wilkins
      Speaker, Community Leader and Civic Leader

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    • Heaven Bound : Know Where Your Saved Loved One Has Gone And Recovering From






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    • Dont Give In Give Choices


      “We have to leave NOW!” you call up the stairs.

      “No! I’m not ready. I can’t find my shoes!” comes back the whiny response.

      What will you do?

      A. Give in, find the shoes, and put them on your child
      B. Remind the child of all the other things ‘lost’ this week
      C. Find the shoes and fling them at the child
      D. Put the barefoot child into the car
      E. Give the child a choice of ways to leave immediately

      Every day parents are faced with power struggles. As your child grows, the need for cooperation increases, yet it becomes more difficult to get. Grace Ketterman and Pat Holt offer simple, practical advice: you get the results you want; the child gains confidence and self-reliance. Included here are specialized chapters dealing with each stage of childhood from infancy to adolescence.

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    • Different World : Predator Proof Your Family


      “A Different World” offers insight into how to recognize a potential molester, raises awareness regarding the ripple effects of child sexual abuse, contains suggestions on how to keep kids safe, exposes the connection between pornography and child molestation, and points the way to healing for victims.

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    • Young Persons Guide To Wisdom


      Colleges and Universities do not offer courses or degrees in wisdom and Governments do not have departments of wisdom to guide the actions and decisions of presidents and government officials. Due to a lack of wisdom, Federal, State and Local governments have pushed many nations to the brink of moral and financial bankruptcy. A heavy dependence upon academia is not sufficient for them to make wise decisions. In our society many marriages fail and families suffer because they lack wisdom. Unwise financial decisions in our government and among individual citizens negatively affect many in our society. There are many pitfalls in society and living life is like walking through a minefield of life changing and difficult decisions.

      The Young Person’s Guide to wisdom fills the void of wisdom that exists in academia, our families and our government. Wisdom is presented in the context of knowing God’s will, being successful, being proactive in your education, finances, relationships, redemption and our understanding of God and his Word. It is an excellent resource for new Christians and Christian Parents and their children to build a wise foundation in Christ. It is a straight forward Biblical Guide to understanding the God of the Bible and God’s instructions to us concerning Wisdom.

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