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Showing 24101–24200 of 30946 results

  • Are You Following Jesus


    What other noted ministers are saying about this book: “With no apologies, Ray Cummings calls today’s Christians on the carpet for the thoughtless compromises that creep into daily life and soil the Savior’s witness. Read through the work and you will find it reading you.” Dr. Harry L. Lucenay -Writer/Conference Speaker/Former Pastor of First Baptist Church -San Antonio, TX. “Dr. Cummings cuts to the heart of the matter. . . . If you are serious about growing in your faith . . . read and learn from Dr. Cummings’ insight and experience.” Dr. Ryan F. Whitley -Pastor of First Baptist Church of Center Point -Birmingham, AL. In Are You Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around? author Ray Cummings has chosen some oxymorons through which God has challenged him in his own personal walk with the Lord. Dr. Cummings focuses each chapter on spiritual evaluations that may help determine whether or not we are truly following Jesus. At the close of each chapter, the character of Christ is contrasted with the actions of many Christians. The goal of this work is that when readers view their inconsistencies in light of God’s unchanging character, they would have a greater desire to be “imitators of Christ” (Ephesians 5:1). May God allow you to be honest with yourself as you personalize this book by seeking to answer the question: “Am I Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around?”

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  • Marketplace Priest


    In Marketplace Priest, Frank Marinkovich, M.D. presents us two ways to conduct business. There is a way of a career versus the way of holy calling. A career is a self-chosen pursuit. It is based on something rational such as security, necessity, vacation, or parental desire. Maybe it satisfies your need for identity. A holy calling is a destiny that was birthed in the heart of God. A calling awakens you to the reality that your destiny started in eternity first in the mind and heart of God. Do you know God, and has God set you free? Then concurrent with that liberty is a mandate to set the culture free. This culture is the area that you are in: business, law, medicine, the arts, government, the trades, etc. It is of necessity that Scripture exhorts us to wake up. Liberation is our calling, cultural reform our mandate. The method starts with who you are. It starts with the nature of Christ, the Spirit of sonship. This book is a must read for all those involved in the marketplace as it will awaken you to God’s destiny, to bring transformation to you and to your sphere of influence. “If there ever was a timely book, this is one. Here is a medical doctor, Frank Marinkovich, cognizant of the concern of the Lord for our vocational calling. He writes in such a practical manner about the “how to” in taking truth out of the meeting place into the market place. In a very clear and definitive fashion we are challenged to see the workplace as an open door of ministry. It is rare today to find someone other than a church leader with such insights and convictions. This is a must read for every member of the body of Christ who desires to make a difference in the marketplace.” JAMES HAMMAN President, Foundations Ministries “As the Spirit of God continues to awaken and endorse those called to marketplace ministries, many new books will emerge. Some will be filled with inspiration and some simply with information. Frank Marinkovich has eclipsed them both; his book is filled with revelation, and the best part of it all is that he is living it out in his life and in his business.” DENNIS PEACOCKE President, Strategic Christian Services “Dr Frank Marinkovich is certainly qualified to speak about this very important subject. I have personally observed him as he has dealt with the issues of health and life purpose with many people, including my wife and I and many of our staff members. His insight into the marketplace and your purpose in life will encourage you and his passion

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  • Wonder Of Wonders (Student/Study Guide)


    I was overawed when Norma’s manuscript reached me this spring. Can you imagine using close to 50,000 words to describe the grace of God? Norma’s book is only the tip of the iceberg. Paul’s words in Romans 11:33 (J.B. Phillips) says, “I stand amazed at the fathomless wealth of God’s wisdom and God’s knowledge. How could any man ever understand His reasons for action, or explain His methods of working?” Norma has listed 192 definitions and examples of the Bible word “grace.” I was fascinated when Norma explained that grace is not exclusively a New Testament word. So many scholars have stated that the subject of the N.T. is “grace” while that of the O.T. is “the Law.” In the introduction Norma explains why she divided the O.T. references from the N.T. This book is encyclopedic or comprehensive in scope. It will be a welcome addition to the library of any person who is serious about studying the Word of God. It will go along side of other reference books such as translations, Bible dictionaries, commentaries, and lexicons. The other day a young Christian, looking at the age-lines in my face, asked, “As you grow older, what surprises you most about following Jesus?” My immediate answer was His Grace. Now, Norma Svenhard has written Wonder of Wonders, a definitive Bible study-outline on this very subject. Tracing God’s Grace through both Old and New Testaments, Norma’s guide is an invaluable tool for all of us seeking a deeper understanding of God’s unmerited kindness, which we call Grace. -John Sherrill, Roving Editor, Guideposts Magazine

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    Black Coffee Press
    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Lectures On Systematic Theology 2


    Not only is this work a highly advanced moral philosophy text and logically tight systematic theology, but it is also a profoundly spiritual and devotional book. These continually interjected devotional elements make for a systematic theology as it was meant to be. Finney could not converse long on any important subject without his heart overflowing with the magnificent theme at hand in a way that vividly opens up the subject to make us see it from heaven’s perspective.

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  • Lectures On Systematic Theology 1


    After 150 years, it is time for the most important work of America’s greatest revivalist to be revived. This is the unadulterated theology at the foundation of Finney’s revivals. These volumes are a republication of the enlarged, unabridged 1851 London (final) edition.
    Not only is the work before us a highly advanced moral philosophy text and logically tight systematic theology, but it is also a profoundly spiritual and devotional book. These continually interjected devotional elements make for a systematic theology as it was meant to be. Finney could not converse long on any important subject without his heart overflowing with the magnificent theme at hand in a way that vividly opens up the subject to make us see it from heaven’s perspective.

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  • Gods Noggin Nudgers


    GOD’S NOGGIN NUDGERS (Those Times God Has to Slap Us Upside the Head to Get Our Attention) GOD’S NOGGIN NUDGERS is a book designed to take a humorous yet “shoot from the hip” approach to a better understanding of some of the lessons God wants us to learn. Unfortunately, too many of us suffer from “thickskullitis,” thus making it difficult for God’s message to penetrate. Therefore, there may be times when He has to slap us upside the head just a bit to get us to focus on what He’s trying to convey. Living in a time where most of us want the quick version to just about every facet in life, this book addresses some valuable life lessons without dragging out the point. In fact, most chapters can be read in less than ten minutes. Be assured that the reader will find this book fun to read, enlightening, challenging, and most of all, Christ centered.

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  • Gods People Gods Plan


    When Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, God’s creation came under the judgment of death. Almighty God came up with a plan for His creation to defeat death. He chose His people and made a covenant (promise) with them. That promise was twofold: to defeat death by way of a Redeemer, and to defeat their enemies by way of a conqueror, the Messiah. Why should we believe the Bible is true? Doesn’t science disprove the biblical creation account? Then why should we believe any Messiah hype? Was the talk of a Messiah a false hope? This book is written for Jews who want to learn the truth about the foundations that bind their faith, beginning with the creation, and how beliefs about our origins should affect our daily lives. Scripture from the Hebrew Bible is included within the text to help make the biblical integration most effective. The author explains why scientific evidence supports biblical creation and a young earth. More importantly, he upholds the accuracy of the biblical messianic prophecies-that God has made a plan for redemption and for conquering the enemies of Israel. When will the Messiah come? Has He come already? Would you know Him?

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  • Take A Look Within


    What’s going on with you? Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? When faced with a challenge, do we think horizontally or vertically? Why do we blame the devil for all of our issues? When do we get better instead of bitter? Take a Look Within will result in you personally seeking the Scriptures and reflecting on the biblical personality of Samson to understand life’s challenges. It will teach you to think vertically and ask God to reveal what is within your heart and soul to help you face specific life challenges more effectively. Take a Look Within will provide you with water for life’s journey and reveal through the Bible how you can become the best person you can be. “Dane Cunningham exposes how we sometimes attempt to mask internal voids using superficial coverings. Ultimately the truth is that lasting eternal change cannot come unless there is a tough and realistic internal look. Liberty comes after we Take a Look Within.” -Bishop Eddie L. Long, Senior Pastor, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

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  • Prescription For The Impotent Christian


    Impotent, ineffective, fruitless, unproductive-you pick the word that best describes how you’ve been living out your Christianity. You seem to be doing and saying all the right things, but do you yearn for something more? Does it seem as though every time you try to live for God you screw up? Why does it seem to be so hard to live the way we’re supposed to? Do you feel as though you’re missing something? You may be! Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV): “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” You may be quite content with where you are in your Christian “walk”-if so, then this book is not for you. If, however, you would like to understand what Jesus was talking about, then read on. It will unleash a power in your life unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It truly is “A Prescription for the Impotent Christian.”

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  • Rainbows : The Beauty In A Storm


    Rainbow, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, means: “An arc of color appearing opposite the sun as a result of the sunlight in rain or mist.” God used a rainbow as a covenant with Noah after the flood destroyed the earth. Ms. Schiager was aware of her daughter Christina’s eating problem and had done everything she knew to do to help. She prayed for God to use whatever method necessary to show Christina her need for help. God answered this prayer far differently than she had ever imagined. During the year that followed, information came to light that changed every life in this family forever. Ms. Schiager writes of the devastating realities that came to light, how the Lord brought her through it victoriously, how her relationship with Christ deepened through it all, and how she learned to trust God’s will in everything. She tells about many answered prayers and blessings that she experienced through it all. She describes it this way: “This past year has definitely been the stormiest in my life, but there were so many rainbows, I was compelled to share them. My rainbows are a result of the Son’s presence in my life during the storms.”

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  • Shadow On The Creek


    In the quiet wooded farming community of Tamrock Creek, Michigan, in the late 1800s, Maybelle Peat grows to womanhood. She enjoys fishing the creek with her friend, Jacob Page. At age fourteen, a startling remark shatters her dreams of marriage. She prepares to become a teacher to avoid the stigma of becoming an old maid. Maybelle is drawn by curiosity to the red brick house on an adjacent farm that is rumored to contain evil spirits. She meets Peter Foltz, the wealthy horse trader who owns the red brick house. She falls in love. When a disaster destroys her dreams, she feels doomed and believes God has deserted her. Unable to face the world, she goes into seclusion with an unforgiving heart. God opens a window for her through a little boy. Her mother’s death and her sister’s wedding push her back into the world of the living. Does Maybelle become trapped by evil spirits in the red brick house? Will she face a lifetime of loneliness if her husband goes to prison? Tamrock Creek and the Meadow Cemetery carry her secrets. Will she ever find it in her heart to forgive?

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  • Harvesting Spiritual Fruit


    Millions of Americans have turned to books on prayer in hopes of attaining God’s favor and wonderful blessings. In Harvesting Spiritual Fruit – Following God’s Path to True Love, Joy and Peace, Jonathan Niemeyer now takes us beyond prayer to Christian living through a practical application of Galatians 5:22, the fruit of the spirit. Mr. Niemeyer contends that God, although He obviously invites us and even instructs us to come before Him in prayer, is also keenly interested in how we live our lives when not praying as well. He maintains that a simple verse of Paul’s letter to the Galatians holds phenomenal promise for those of us who truly employ the fruit of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control — in our relationships with God, our spouses, our children, our friends and our neighbors. Faithfully applying the fruit of the spirit to our lives is much easier said than done, but the rewards – pure love, joy and peace — can be everlasting!

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  • Holiness 101


    22 Chapters

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    Sometimes, living the holy life seems like an impossible task. But God’s call to “be holy as I am holy” remains. The call to holiness is a message of hope, not condemnation. This is the message Christ taught, lived, and died to deliver. Hope and salvation for our dying world flow only from hearts transformed by the love of Christ.

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  • Preaching Through Holy Days And Holidays


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819218926ISBN10: 0819218928Roger Alling | David SchlaferBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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  • Preaching From The Soul


    Careful biblical interpretation; insights into contemporary life; polished delivery; humorous anecdotes; these are the building blocks of preaching that genuinely reach people. Right? Wrong, says Ellsworth Kalas. We have all encountered preachers who seem to know all the fine points of exegesis and inflection, yet whose sermons leave us surprisingly unmoved, aware that we were in the presence of good speaking, but not great preaching.
    The difference, Kalas reminds us, lies in that hard-to-describe, yet essential quality known as soul. Soul is the collection of those perspectives and convictions that matter most to the preacher. Soul preaching means offering one’s particular ideas, attitudes, and convictions fully to the congregation. When one preaches with soul, one engages the biblical text with the core of one’s values and beliefs. Soul preaching is, in other words, simply giving the whole self to the task of proclamation. While the concept may sound simple, the reality is anything but.

    In the clear, insightful style for which he is known, Kalas takes readers on a path of discovery, introducing them to the unique gifts that they can bring to preaching, and the best way to engage those gifts in preparing and delivering the sermon.

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  • If God Has A Refrigerator Your Picture Is On It (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687026814ISBN10: 0687026814James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Bible From Scratch


    Well-known educator and author Don Griggs has written this accessible overview of the Bible for adults who have-or fear they have-little or no Bible knowledge. Now, in this much-anticipated second volume, Griggs guides us through the New Testament and introduces basic tools and skills for Bible study. Like the Old Testament volume, the first half of the book overviews the text while the second half provides questions for study.

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  • Revelation : Believers Church Bible Commentary


    The message of Revelation speaks to Christians for all times, and historically has especially encouraged persecuted groups. Today Christians in many parts of the world are also at opposition to the worldview of the time. Revelation gives strength to those who are oppressed, and John R. Yeatts’ new commentary attends to themes of martyrdom, suffering, service in the world, hope, the triumph of Christ, and the role of the church in bearing witness to the triumphant Christ.

    The commentary includes clear biblical commentary, relationships between various portions of scripture, and applications drawn from the Anabaptist tradition and the larger Christian community.

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  • Border Crossing


    SKU (ISBN): 9781931038089ISBN10: 1931038082Katie WiebeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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  • Jesus And Caesar


    This book by Brian C. Stiller thoughtfully captures 20 years of insights and reflections from his work in the public square, providing an analysis for the biblical call to “occupy until I come” and a practical guide for serving God through serving our world. As president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Stiller bacame a key public voice for people of biblical faith. As founder and editor-in-chief of Canada’s national Christian magazine, “Faith Today,” he spoke out on these issues. He also hosted the national television program, Cross Currents, and is author of eight books. Today he serves as president of Tyndale College &Seminary. He and his wife Lily live in Newmarket, Ontario.

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  • Heart Of A Mother And The Hand Of God


    This is the heart-wrenching story of a woman’s journey through life, beginning with her loving but painful childhood. It then tells of a young love that ended sadly, but with three beautiful little girls. It continues with the most devastating loss a mother could ever endure. Finally, it describes a true and lasting love and a deep peace within, found only through an everlasting and abiding faith in God.

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  • Caitys Touch : A Story Of Alpers Disease


    Few things in life are as devastating as the death of a child. How does one deal with such crushing disappointment after the long-anticipated birth? How does one deal with the frustration and helplessness of not being able to change the situation or comfort the child? Where does one find answers, find solace, and find peace in the crushing reality of death? This book will show you how one family dealt with these issues. You will see that life goes on. It is possible to find joy and peace in your world again. And although the pain will never be erased completely, it doesn’t have to confine you to a life of grief. This book is about hope.

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  • To The Ends Of The Earth


    Moving from California to a developing country is the ultimate life-changing experience! After five decades of normal Western living, Hal and Jenny felt God calling them to Mongolia. This is about their early days in that faraway land and the awesome way God provided for them. Some of the stories are funny. Some are disgusting. Some are heart-rending. Some are faith-building. All are true!

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  • Last Fall Of Babylon


    Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen. (Rev. 18:2) We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed. (Jer. 51:9) And the world passeth away. (1 John 2:17) Yes, this world is Babylon the great! Since that infamous day in the Garden of Eden, man has been a fallen being. Likewise, the world in which man lives is a fallen one. This present world will not be resurrected by fallen man, but do not despair. A new world is dawning-a glorious kingdom is coming. But the great question is: Will you be there? Everything that we see in the world today was foretold in the Bible. No book on earth can be compared to the Word of God. Read about amazing prophecies regarding: Jesus Christ’s first coming Israel’s unique role Iraq as the literal Babylon Coming wars in the Middle East The Rapture The Millennium The glory of Heaven And much more-all documented. You will be startled, saddened, surprised, strengthened, uplifted, and humbled when you read through the pages of The Last Fall of Babylon and the coming Kingdom. One thing is sure: you will not be left the same.

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  • Lectures On Systematic Theology 1


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591603481ISBN10: 159160348XCharles FinneyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gods People Gods Plan


    When Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, God’s creation came under the judgment of death. Almighty God came up with a plan for His creation to defeat death. He chose His people and made a covenant (promise) with them. That promise was twofold: to defeat death by way of a Redeemer, and to defeat their enemies by way of a conqueror, the Messiah. Why should we believe the Bible is true? Doesn’t science disprove the biblical creation account? Then why should we believe any Messiah hype? Was the talk of a Messiah a false hope? This book is written for Jews who want to learn the truth about the foundations that bind their faith, beginning with the creation, and how beliefs about our origins should affect our daily lives. Scripture from the Hebrew Bible is included within the text to help make the biblical integration most effective. The author explains why scientific evidence supports biblical creation and a young earth. More importantly, he upholds the accuracy of the biblical messianic prophecies-that God has made a plan for redemption and for conquering the enemies of Israel. When will the Messiah come? Has He come already? Would you know Him?

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  • Divine Interlude Mercy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591603337ISBN10: 1591603331Bob BedfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Does God Know The Future


    Does God know what we will choose to do in the future? If God knows the future, do we have a free will? Does God live outside of time? Is this idea biblical? If God knows who will be saved or lost, does it do any good to preach the gospel? Does God Know the Future? offers answers to these important questions from a radically biblical perspective, with intellectually satisfying arguments and easyto- understand practical application. Divided into biblical, philosophical, and practical sections, Does God Know the Future? addresses all the major elements of the foreknowledge vs. free-will question. Does God Know the Future? is a valuable tool for anyone interested in the “open theism” discussion. ——————————————————————————– Gilbert Bilezikian, Professor Emeritus of Wheaton College, says: “Does God Know the Future? was a necessary book. Before the term ‘open theism’ was ever invented, Michael Saia had already conducted a lifetime of careful research relevant to the current discussion. The results of this pursuit have now been made graciously available in Does God Know the Future? This book constitutes the most thorough presentation available on the subject of the ‘openness of God’ theology. In it, the biblical basis for the openness teaching is clearly described, and the arguments propounded against this teaching are systematically examined and critically evaluated. Because the contents of the book have been targeted to include a general readership and because its tone is irenic, it will benefit a wide public who may be aware of the present debate without knowing where to turn to receive simple answers.”

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  • Clothesline Chats


    Whether studying the Bible, attending a conference or seminar together, or supporting a common interest, Christian women form groups for many reasons. A group’s effectiveness is influenced by its appreciation of the unique life experiences God has given to each of its members. However, many groups focus on achieving goals without providing adequate forums for their members to truly learn about each other. Clothesline Chats is a turnkey approach to getting to know fellow group members. A Chat group of up to fifteen women follows a schedule to telephone one another. Each woman receives a Chat name, and the group selects fourteen Chat days. On each Chat day, each woman considers a suggested conversation topic and initiates a Chat with one group member. Through these Chats, the women gain a familiarity with each other that rarely occurs in a group setting. Whether a group is diverse or similar, newly formed or well established, knowledgeable about Christianity or new to the faith, any Christian woman can benefit from the support and encouragement that comes from sharing her life experiences with her sisters in Christ

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  • Take A Look Within


    What’s going on with you? Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? When faced with a challenge, do we think horizontally or vertically? Why do we blame the devil for all of our issues? When do we get better instead of bitter? Take a Look Within will result in you personally seeking the Scriptures and reflecting on the biblical personality of Samson to understand life’s challenges. It will teach you to think vertically and ask God to reveal what is within your heart and soul to help you face specific life challenges more effectively. Take a Look Within will provide you with water for life’s journey and reveal through the Bible how you can become the best person you can be. “Dane Cunningham exposes how we sometimes attempt to mask internal voids using superficial coverings. Ultimately the truth is that lasting eternal change cannot come unless there is a tough and realistic internal look. Liberty comes after we Take a Look Within.” -Bishop Eddie L. Long, Senior Pastor, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

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  • Beautiful Reflections : Lessons On Inner And Outer Beauty For Gods Woman


    Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who’s the fairest of them all? In one sense, mirrors can be brutally honest, especially in matters of outer beauty. But then again, mirrors can be deceptive regarding matters of the heart-those qualities of the inner person that only God can see. Beautiful Reflections is designed to give women a balanced perspective on both inner and outer beauty. Eight lessons from God’s Word offer spiritual answers to character issues that rob a woman of her inner beauty. Written in a two-part format, the first half of each class discusses inner beauty issues; the last half of each class gives outer beauty lessons to participate in. Outer beauty lessons include skin and hair care, social graces, figure control, wardrobe, etiquette, and more. If you feel it’s time for a change, both inside and out, and would like to become the best you can be for the kingdom of God, then Beautiful Reflections has been written for you.

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  • Tour Of The Nations


    Tour of the Nations is a book designed to aid teachers in assisting their students to become more knowledgeable in foreign missions. It takes students on a one-year visit to the seven major continents of the world, introducing them to many cultural and spiritual adventures. It presents lesson material each week for approximately one year, and provides thorough lessons for each session. This book will serve as a great tool for missions training and Christian education for children from preschool through the elementary grades. The work of training children in the local church setting can be a great task, but one that is commanded of us by Christ. Tour of the Nations will help make that task easier, providing lessons and ideas for classroom teachers in introducing their students to foreign mission countries, hopefully igniting the embers that may be placed in young, tender hearts by the gifting power of the Holy Spirit.

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  • Differences The Bible And The Koran


    Since September 11, 2001, many people have been asking, What is Islam? Is it a peaceful religion? Who was Muhammad? What is the Koran? How does the Koran differ from the Bible? What, if anything, does the Bible have to say about events like the extremist attacks on America and across the world? Differences: The Bible and the Koran was written to give readers a brief introduction to the Bible and the Koran. It is a topical compilation of passages from the two books, offering insights into the teachings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Written in layman’s language with an easy-to-read style, Differences: The Bible and the Koran does not explore the many possible interpretations and various doctrinal theories of the two religions. No attempt has been made to interpret the Bible passages or to explain the meanings of each verse and sura. Discovery and understanding are left to the reader after comparing the texts dear to the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religions. Some of the subjects treated are adultery, booty, creation, enemies, faith, the Garden of Eden, God, heaven, hell, Jesus, Jinns, love, Moses, sin, unbelievers, vengeance, war, wives, and women.

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  • Key To Your Childs Heart


    208 Pages

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    A repeat bestseller for two decades, this child-rearing classic cuts to the heart of the anger and alienation that mar so many modern homes. In this ultimately practical book, Gary Smalley outlines effective steps for parents to open up a child that has shut them out. He describes family-tested ways for parents to set limits and enforce them, and he reveals the simple but powerful secret for achieving a close-knit family. Learn proven parenting methods that can spell the difference between an angry, rebellious, distant child and a happy, cooperative one.

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  • Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching


    12 Chapters

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    Pastors are judged by their preaching. How are you measuring up?
    Every week, those 30 minutes you spend in front of the congregation impact their decisions about whether or not to attend your church.
    Preaching changes lives when Christians answer the call to do what
    God asks of them.
    In The Pastors Guide To Effective Preaching, Billy Graham William Willimon, Eugene Peterson, and other well known church leaders will teach you to connect with the congregation through your preaching. Beyond the “how to’s” of preaching, The Pastors Guide provides a foundation for embodying God’s grace and holiness as a means of communicating His message.
    You’ll learn to
    Keep your congregation engaged in what you’re saying.
    Plan an extended preaching schedule.
    Relate the gospel to our secular and humanistic society
    Understand the role of preaching in your overall ministry
    Preach with authority and communicate the gospel with simplicity
    And much more.

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  • Men And Women In The Church


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830823918ISBN10: 0830823913Sarah SumnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Lord I Want To Be Whole Workbook And Journal (Workbook)


    Stormies abusive mother often told her, “You are worthless, and youll never amount to anything.” That little girl grew up to be a young woman who still felt she was always wrong, and always bad, which led to chronic, clinical depression. In this interactive workbook, the reader will advance through five steps to better emotional health. A prayer journal will help the reader pray for herself and her own healing.This stand-alone workbook will be a welcome support for women who know their everyday experiences are clouded by past problems or abuse.

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  • Out Of The Silent Planet


    The first book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy, which continues with Perelandra and That Hideous Strength, Out of the Silent Planet begins the adventures of the remarkable Dr. Ransom. Here, that estimable man is abducted by a megalomaniacal physicist and his accomplice and taken via spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra. The two men are in need of a human sacrifice, and Dr. Ransom would seem to fit the bill. Once on the planet, however, Ransom eludes his captors, risking his life and his chances of returning to Earth, becoming a stranger in a land that is enchanting in its difference from Earth and instructive in its similarity. First published in 1943, Out of the Silent Planet remains a mysterious and suspenseful tour de force.

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  • Power


    The image of power is prevalent in the Bible as well as in daily life. This volume of 20/30: Bible Study for Young Adults will center on both the use and abuse of power in and toward oneself, others, God, and the church. It defines power in human experience and bilbical witness and explores powerlessness and vulnerability, the power of the Divine, the power of evil, the work of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Church, and what it means to give God power over our lives. This study includes 7 sessions, and uses the NRSV.

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  • Unfettered Hope : A Call To Faithful Living In An Affluent Society


    1. Why Are Our Hopes So Fettered?
    2. Why Does The Technological Society Overwhelm Us?
    3. What Focal Concerns Are Worthy?
    4. Do We And Our Churches Live By Our Focal Concerns?
    5. How Can We Escape From Death And Despair?
    6. How Can We Learn To Live The Language Of Focal Concerns?
    7. The Only Unfettered Hope Is Eschatological Works Cited For Further Study

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    In this prophetic call to faithful Christian living, Marva Dawn identifies the epidemic socio-cultural attitudes that destroy hope in our modern lives. Because affluent persons don’t know what to value, we remain dissatisfied with what we have and are compelled to want more at the expense of the world’s less fortunate. Dawn demonstrates, however, how Christians can organize their lives to live in ways that allow them to love God and neighbor and, in the process, alleviate the despair in their lives and in the lives of others in the world.

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  • If Jesus Were A Senior


    1. Dream Preparation: Participating In God’s Drama
    2. Travel Preparation: It’s Not The Road You Travel
    3. Calling Preparations: Discovering Our Uniqueness
    4. Healing Preparations : Moving Toward Wholeness
    5. Pacing Preparation: Holy Wholeness
    6. Success Preparations: Mustard Seed Conspiracies
    7. Wardrobe Preparations: Whom To Impress When We Dress
    8. Community Preparations: Why We Need Others
    9. Portfolio Preparations: Other World Investing

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    The final years of college can be a difficult time for students committed to a life of Christian discipleship. How does a student begin to prepare for the “real world,” so that it will not end in a collapse of faith or a slow series of compromises? Noted youth leader Bruce Main suggests that students should imagine how Jesus might have used his final years of college. This, he argues, will assist readers in making the necessary preparations for post-college life.

    With study material and chapters such as “Calling Preparations” (How to determine who will be the ultimate authority in your life), “Pacing Preparations” (Avoiding the rat race), and “Portfolio Preparations” (How to keep money from becoming a driving force in your life), this book is ideal for both personal and group study.

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  • History And Theology In The Fourth Gospel (Revised)


    1. A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
    2. He Is Excluded From The Synagogue And Enters The Church
    3. The Jewish-Christian Beguiler Must Be Identified
    4. He Must Be Arrested And Tried By The Court
    5. Yet The Conversation Continues
    6. From The Expectation Of The Prophet-Messiah Like Moses
    7. To The Presence Of The Son Of Man

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    In his comprehensive survey, Understanding The Fourth Gospel John Ashton divides the history of modern Johannine scholarship into three epochs: Before Bultmann, Bultmann, and After Bultmann. The reference is, of course, to the towering commentary on John by Rudolf Bultmann. In Ashton’s view, which many would share, J. Louis Martyn’s History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel “for all its brevity is probably the most important single work on the Gospel since Bultmann’s commentary”.

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  • Miracles And Wonders


    208 Pages

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    At some time or another, nearly everyone needs a miracle. Failing health, financial difficulties, deteriorating relationships all are problems that make people cry out for divine intervention. But while Scripture offers numerous examples of God performing miracles for ancient generations from Moses and the burning bush to the loaves and fishes that fed 5,000 does He still do it in the 21st century? Author Calvin Miller investigates, delving into the Scriptures and drawing on modern testimonials to find the answer. He examines the Bible’s most famous miracles from the Virgin Birth to the Resurrection of Christ, analyzes the discrepancy between science and miracle, and explores such perplexing questions as why God chooses to intervene on some occasions but not on others. By illuminating God’s patterns, Miller reaches a conclusion that offers a tremendous source of faith and inspiration: Yes, God breaks His natural laws to bless mankind with His mercy, compassion, and love.

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  • Christs Own Forever Parent Godparent Journal


    This interactive journal invites parents and godparents on a child’s spiritual journey as he or she takes this important first step.

    If you are ordering a quantity of 30 or more, please call 1-800-824-1813 to receive your volume discount.

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  • Christs Own Forever Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    The Leader’s Guide provides clergy and lay people with a flexible, succinct framework for meeting with parents, informally or in a group setting. Includes background on baptism and Christian initiation, as well as guidance on preparation for baptism in the Episcopal Church today. Guidance is provided for preparation and follow-up with parents who are parish members and those who are unchurched. (Living the Good News)

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  • Is The Antichrist Alive Today


    Find out what Mark Hitchcock means when he says there is an Antichrist alive today, right now, in this generation! Easy to read and biblically solid, Hitchcock’s fascinating resource illuminates what the Bible say about the Antichrist and explains how the prophecies about him strikingly foreshadow today’s events: 1) the rise of the European Union; 2) the peace process in Israel; 3) the rush toward globalization; 4) the technology and desire for a worldwide identification system; 5) the movement to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem.

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  • Beyond The Bounds


    Isaiah tells us that knowing the future distinguishes God from idols. In denying exhaustive foreknowledge, “open theism” undermines the foundation of orthodox Christianity. Explaining why this new theology’s god is not the God of Scripture, 12 pastors and teachers provide a philosophical, historical, and linguistic understanding of the boundary lines at stake.

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  • Race And Prayer


    The damage done by hatred and prejudice-based on race, sexual orientation, religion, or gender-runs very deep. The damage done is often invisible, but it simmers beneath the surface anyway. In Race and Prayer, Malcolm Boyd and Chester Talton have collected poems, prayers, and prose that bring the anger and frustration to light, and ultimately, they hope, to a place of reconciliation and healing.

    Race and Prayer is divided into five sections: Suffering and Anger; Prejudice and Hatred; Diversity; Reconciliation and Healing; and Growth in Understanding and Sharing. Contributors to this collection range in age from teenagers to the elderly, and include men and women from a wide variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, all of whom speak honestly of their own experiences, heartbreaks, and hopes. Twelve cartoons from three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Conrad, editorial cartoonist at the Los Angeles Times, add to the power of this collection.

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  • Christly Gestures : Learning To Be Members Of The Body Of Christ


    The church is not only the central place of Christian worship but also a place of faith-filled education. Christly Gestures reframes the very meaning of religious education, exploring what the form and content of Christian learning would look like if local churches truly saw themselves as the body of Christ.

    Author Brett Webb-Mitchell begins with the writings of Paul, using them to clarify the biblical image of Christ’s body as the community of believers. Taking this powerful analogy to heart, he suggests that Christian education must not only nurture the minds and spiritual lives of church members but also educate their bodies into the “Christly gestures” – performing acts of faith that imitate Jesus and embody the gospel in daily life. In the quest for a richer, more relevant understanding of Christian education, Webb-Mitchell provides meaningful answers to questions concerning the purpose, context, ways, and means of educating Christians today.

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  • Signs Amid The Rubble Print On Demand Title


    The late Lesslie Newbigin was widely regarded as one of this generation’s most significant voices on Christianity in relation to modern society. Now that he is gone, there is a call for his unpublished writings to be made available. To that end “Signs amid the Rubble” gathers some of Newbigin’s finest statements on issues of continuing relevance.

    The first set of chapters consists of the 1941 Bangalore Lectures, in which Newbigin speaks powerfully of the kingdom of God in relation to the modern severely deficient idea of “progress.” The second group of writings, the Henry Martyn Lectures of 1986, deals mainly with the importance of Christian mission. In the last piece, his address to the World Council of Churches conference on mission and evangelism in Brazil in 1996 which editor Geoffrey Wainwright calls his “swan song on the ecumenical stage” Newbigin wonders aloud how future generations will judge today’s practice of abortion.

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  • Where All Hope Lies Print On Demand Title


    304 Pages

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    “Where All Hope Lies” presents fifty-six select sermons by James Van Tholen, a gifted young pastor who lost his battle with cancer in January 2001 at the age of thirty-six.

    Though Jim’s untimely death gives a certain poignancy to this volume, these sermons are far from dark or despairing. Van Tholen’s conversational style, thought-provoking insights into Scripture, and frequent interaction with such writers as Flannery O’Connor, Frederick Buechner, Kathleen Norris, and others make these sermons truly enjoyable as well as profitable to read. Through them all there runs a sense of concentrating on what really matters trusting in God no matter what suffering or difficulties might come our way. Indeed, as demonstrated by the book’s title sermon first published in “Christianity Today” as “Surprised by Death” more than anything, Van Tholen preached the grace and goodness of God.

    Including a foreword by Neal Plantinga and a closing reflection on “the man behind the sermons” by Jim’s wife, Rachel, “Where All Hope Lies” offers gracious, powerful, uplifting words for believers throughout the church year

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  • How Much Is Enough (Reprinted)


    In a world filled with both prosperity and poverty, how can Christians handle their finances in a way that honors God? In How Much Is Enough?, Arthur Simon takes an uncompromising look at America’s wealth, reflecting what dominates the hearts and motivations of its people. He diagnoses Western civilization as sick with “affluenza,” or runaway materialism, and shows readers how to reject the disease and set new priorities. Churches, social ministry groups, and thoughtful readers will be enlightened by Simon’s grasp of Western affluence against the backdrop of a world where 800 million people are chronically starving. Readers will gain a clearer understanding of how money becomes an object of worship when passion for material things is stronger than compassion for the poor. Simon’s life-changing book also reveals how affluenza takes control of people’s lives and goals. Without discounting prosperity as a blessing, This book proposes new pathways to living as disciples of Jesus. It suggests a myriad of solutions for taming materialism and sheds light on the profound reality that possessions may capture our hearts, but they are unable to nourish our souls.

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  • In Search Of Wisdom


    This book unlocks the way toward wise thinking and the intergenerational transmission of wisdom not only for the Pan-African community but for all communities that seek to teach the ancient art of discernment. It integrates the understandings of mentoring, discipleship, and healing on both the personal and communal levels. At a time when Christian educators face the need for creating community for a postmodern generation, this book offers a wealth of wisdom to its members. This is for pastors, church leaders, and all who seek wisdom from the rich heritage of the black church.

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  • 3 Months With The Spirit (Student/Study Guide)


    In his lively writing style, renowned author Justo Gonzalez makes this material, formerly available only in Spanish, available to an English-speaking audience. Consisting of 13 Bible studies–each in 7 parts–Three Months with the Spirit can be used for individual or group study.

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  • Street Smart Ethics


    Success, as it is currently defined, usually depends on winning-beating the competition-which often places incredible pressures on business professionals. Street-Smart Ethics is divided into three sections: an action-packed primer on ethics, a collection of Proverbs-based guidelines for staying out of trouble, and a self-test that contains true-false questions and ethical brainteasers. With engaging writing and a lack of jargon, this book navigates executives, managers, and supervisors through the ethical decisions they must make every day. An indispensable resource for your briefcase!

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  • Progressive Christians Speak


    Remaining passive under the guise of the separation of church and state and being subsumed in the media by the vocal conservative church, mainline Christians have allowed an inaccurate view of where the majority of Christians stand to dominate popular understanding. Here, members of the grassroots organization Progressive Christians Uniting implore Christian churches to take a more active role in addressing contemporary social problems, maintaining that religion is an important factor in their solutions. Issues examined include food security and the ever expanding world population, the welfare system, civil and human rights, the war on drugs, abortion, immigration, and the destruction of ecosystems.
    Progressive Christians Uniting is an ecumenical Christian organization headquartered in Southern California that promotes activism that is faith motivated and well informed on the complex, compelling issues of our time.

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  • Being Disciples Of Jesus In A Dot Com World


    1. Is Postmodernism Real, Or Are We Just Making It Up?
    2. Is God Eccentric Or Comfortably Middle Class
    3. How Much Is Grace, Or Is It Just Cheap? Grace In An Ebay World
    4. Can We Hang With The Names On Jesus” Buddy List?
    5. What Would Jesus Drive?
    6. Am I My Siblings’ Keeper, Or Are They The Weakest Links? Community In A Survivor’s World
    7. “Have It Your Way” Or “We Love To See You Smile”? Courage In A Fast-Food World
    8. Can Sotmogs Exist Outside Of Institutional Captivity? Being Nonsectarian By The Grace Of God

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    Authors of the acclaimed Being Presbyterian In The Bible Belt return with a new book that engagingly and wittily examines Christian discipleship in the midst of the postmodern world. With chapter titles such as “Is God Eccentric or Comfortably Middle Class?” “How Much Is Grace, or Is It Just Cheap?” “What Would Jesus Drive?” and “Am I My Siblings’ Keeper, or Are They the Weakest Links?’ Foote and Thornburg once again make a fun and enlightening read out of weighty theological topics. The authors include study questions, journaling opportunities, and suggestions for group leaders.

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  • Allegory And Event


    In this classic work in patristic studies, Hanson elucidates the views of the third-century theologian Origen on the nature and interpretation of Scripture. The new introductory essay by a leading Origen scholar sets Hanson’s work in its context and explores its significance in Origen scholarship.

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  • Tell Them I Love Them


    Every bit of God’s power and love is available to you–and today! And you aren’t just one of the crowd. God loves you as if you were the only person on Earth. The problem is that, like most people, you may not understand it…or if you know it with your head, you may not feel it with your heart. Now you can. The powerful message in this inspiring book will show you: how to recognize God’s love inside you; how to stop wondering if you’re good enough for God; how you can experience an amazing revelation of God’s love; how to find God even during life’s painful circumstances; and how God’s love will change you forever. Sharing her insights and the revelation that transformed her own life, Joyce Meyer brings you Scripture and other words of wisdom that can open up the window to God’s love…and let its light shine on you, personally!

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  • When God When


    God has perfect timing for everything in your life. He answers prayers quickly. Other times He waits until He knows you are ready to use His gifts wisely. The wait is not always easy. Impatience, frustration, and disappointment can build because you’re waiting for things to happen now. It is only when you learn to respect, appreciate and, most of all, trust the times of waiting that God really goes to work behind the scenes in earnest. In this uplifting guide, Joyce Meyers shows you that in God’s time you will see the dreams and the visions He has given you fulfilled. God hears you and is working to answer your prayers. If you are willing to wait on His perfect timing, your dreams will be fulfilled with all the blessings of his love.

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  • Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make


    Many people are only concerned with what happens today or perhaps a few months down the road. At best, they may be concerned with what happens after retirement. But what about life after death? Are you prepared for it? Although your physical body will die someday, your spirit will continue to live for eternity. Whether your spirit resides in heaven or in hell depends on the choices you have made. In this book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines God’s plan for salvation so you can make the right decision. Lovingly and patiently, she teaches you: the story–and the importance–of Jesus; how belief happens in the heart, not the mind; what you must believe to be born again; and the difference between being born again and receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Don’t put it off any longer. Now is the time for you to make the most important decision you will ever make!

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  • Straight Talk On Fear


    Many people live their entire lives crippled and bound by fear. Whether it is the fear of dying or the fear of a bad haircut, it makes life miserable! Fear cannot be wished away…it must be confronted and dealt with through the Word of God. We have to show fear that it is not going to rule us! In this powerful book, bestsellng author Joyce Meyer offers answers from the Scriptures and from her own experience revealing the way out of this particular bondage. You will learn how to face fear head-on with the Word of God and use the “keys of the kingdom” to keep it out of your life. Joyce also explains these life-changing truths: Perfect love casts out fear and prayer plays an important role in combating it. Don’t let intimidation and fear rule your life one more day! Break the back of fear and be set free today!

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  • Straight Talk On Depression


    Do you consistently experience hopelessness and boredom for no apparent reason? Or have you experienced so many disappointments you can’t seem to pull yourself out of despair? Whatever the reason for depression, the source is always the same-Satan is ultimately behind it all. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer brings powerful insight from the Scriptures and from her own experience to help you win over depression! You will discover how to walk by faith and not by feelings, the power of willful rejoicing, and the vital role of forgiveness. As believers, joy is not something we try to manufacture-it is something already within us waiting to be released. The victory over depression is yours through Jesus Christ. Rise up in His power and take back your position of joy and freedom today!

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  • Straight Talk On Insecurity


    Do you feel unloved and rejected by those around you and perhaps even by God? When you make mistakes, are you often overwhelmed with the feeling that you are somehow flawed and inferior? Are you threatened by the victories and successes of others? These are all symptoms of a life-crippling condition called insecurity. If you can identify with any of them, there is good news for you–you have picked up the right book! In this life-revolutionizing book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer presents the truth of God’s Word that will set you free from insecurity. You will be empowered to change as you find the courage to be different and keep your flaws in perspective. By realizing that your value lies in who God says you are and not in what you do, you can learn to cope with criticism and lead a fruitful and fulfilled life. Don’t allow insecurity to choke out the seeds of greatness God has planted in you! Let today be the beginning of lifetime of genuine security in Christ’s love!

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  • Straight Talk On Worry


    Worry is a sin that steals your peace, wears you out physically, and even makes you sick. It is the opposite of faith and can do nothing to change your situation. If you are caught in the deadly trap of trying to figure out everything in your life, then this book is for you! Best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines Scripture and personal examples to help you discover how to truly cast your cares upon the Lord. These powerful truths will help you learn how to abide in the secret place of God and rely on Him without neglecting your responsibilities. Joyce also shares advice on how to handle unreasonable fear and worry. You can learn to enjoy your life now and rest assured that in Christ your future is secured!

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  • Straight Talk On Stress


    Are you peaceful and happy one minute and ready to explode the nest? Perhaps you are always exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep. Chances are you are under too much stress. You are not alone! It is impossible to live in this world and not encounter stress. However, we often push ourselves to levels beyond what is normal until our bodies reach a breaking point. In this powerful little book, best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines biblical truths that will help you overcome your stressful situations as you learn you to recognize the telltale signs of tension. Discover how you can manage stress and learn to bend so you won’t break. Joyce also shares the value of learning to say no, along with vital keys to avoid burnout. Find out how to live life as a human being rather than a human doing! Take control over stress and start enjoying life today!

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  • Straight Talk On Discouragement


    We all have been disappointed when things do not turn out as we had planned. Sometimes it may seem as if everything is going wrong and all our hopes remain unfulfilled. If we do not deal with the disappointment immediately, we give the devil permission to lead us down the path of discouragement and ultimately into devastating depression. Best-selling author Joyce Meyer outlines scriptural principles to help you resist the devil before he leads you down the crippling road. These powerful truths will help you discover the differences between godly aggression and satanic oppression and teach you how to resist the devil the first moment he tempts you. You will learn how to deal with disappointment and turn it around into victory! Don’t become an unhappy Christian lying along the roadside of life! You can stand in your authority in Jesus Christ and resist the devil today!

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  • Straight Talk On Loneliness


    Are you experiencing a loss in your life? A loss that has left you feeling alone, crippled, or in despair? Maybe it’s the sudden death of a loved one, the breakup of a close relationship, or maybe the loneliness of feeling misunderstood. There are many reasons people feel lonely, but thank God we can overcome them through His Word! In this book, bestselling author Joyce Meyer will teach you how to conquer the feelings of loneliness and find renewed strength, hope, and joy through the Lord Jesus. She offers you practical and effective ways to triumph over loneliness and grief so you can live a happy, more fulfilled life. There may be times in life when you feel lonely, but just remember, you’re never alone when God is standing by your side!

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  • Expect A Move Of God In Your Life Suddenly


    Have you been waiting for your breakthrough from God? Are you wondering why the answer you know God has promised has not shown up yet? Do you feel as though the victory is passing you by? Don’t be discouraged! God has a “suddenly” planned for you! In this dynamic message, Joyce Meyer reveals how God works to bring His promises to you. God is always working even though we do not know all the details. Start expecting Him to bring your breakthrough…suddenly!

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  • Im More Than A Pastors Wife


    A serious yet good humored look at the unique challenges facing pastors9 wives in the 21st century. Pastor9s wives confront unique challenges, both as wives of a public figure and as members of the congregation. Lorna Dobson, whose husband, Ed, is senior pastor of Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, MI, speaks from experience. In this open and caring discussion she addresses the dynamics that pastors9 wives face in a church culture that is in transition to a new era in the 21st century. Dobson9s writing has been praised for its combination of good humor and serious advice and for its balance of scriptural basis, personal illustrations, honesty, and sincerity. In this revised edition she draws on fresh experiences and mature reflection. Here she delves further into the ways wives can support their husbands9 ministries, and she explores the dynamics of dealing with “problem people” and conflicts between pastor and congregation. “Although this book is an easy read, Dobson isn9t always easy on readers, using a tone of gentle exhortation .[She] is well read and includes great quotes from authors .This book will help any pastor9s wife wanting to fine-tune her role.” Bookstore Journal

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  • Preaching In Black And White


    12 Chapters

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    A noted black preacher and a white preacher interact on the dynamics of pulpit ministry Black preachers and white preachers have tended to minister in isolation within their separate communities. They have been unaware of what they might learn from each other as members of the same body of Christ. Yet as America becomes increasingly diverse, pastors need to become more sensitive to the needs of people from other cultural backgrounds. Preaching in Black and White is the first attempt to bring together a noted black preacher and white preacher to interact on the dynamics of pulpit ministry and what can be learned from each other. Readers are invited to pull up a chair and listen in to a conversation between the two authors as they discuss the context in which African-American preaching has developed, the similarities and differences in styles of preaching in the two communities, and how they go about preparing and delivering a sermon. Humor and stories punctuate the dialogue including the stories of Dr. Bailey9s receiving a beating from the police in California and how forgetting the second point in his sermon brought the house down with laughter. Features include: * Two illustrative sermons on the same text about Zacchaeus by a white preacher and a black preacher * Audio CD featuring signature sermon from E. K. Bailey, “Testing of a Tax Collector” * Annotated bibliography of preaching resources * Biographical section introducing noted black preachers * Black and white photographs

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  • Noahs Ark


    SKU (ISBN): 9780307104403ISBN10: 0307104400Barbara Hazen | Illustrator: Mircea CatusanuBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Little Golden BooksPublisher: Golden Books

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  • 2nd Coming Of Babylon


    The Bible speaks of Babylon being rebuilt as the economic center of the world. Even now the ruins of the ancient city—just 60 miles south of Baghdad—are stirring! What might this mean for America, Israel, and the world? A pastor and prophecy expert, Hitchcock offers a timely look at these arresting questions.

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  • Dont Dread : Overcoming The Spirit Of Dread With The Supernatural Power Of


    In this life-changing book, Joyce Meyer reveals the forms dread can take to destroy the abundant life God has provided for you. God’s Word gives you the ability to recognize these “little foxes” and the power to confront them as soon as they appear. Discover how to use the power of God to defeat fear, see even ordinary tasks in a spiritual light, replace dread with a joyful expectancy of God’s rest, and more.

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  • Why God Why


    Are you confused? Is there something happening in your life today that you don’t understand? Do you wonder why your life had to be the way it was? Do you find yourself asking, “Why, God, why?” This very question once tormented estselling inspirational author Joyce Meyer, until she realized that waiting fdor the answer only stole her peace and robbed her joy. Now you too can end confusion…and bring happiness back into your life.

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  • Don Quixote


    Don Quixote, errant knight and sane madman, with the company of his faithful squire and wise fool, Sancho Panza, together roam the world and haunt readers’ imaginations as they have for nearly four hundred years.

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  • Prince


    Machiavelli grew up at a time when the excesses of the church were more under scrutiny than at any time since Constantine. As Savonarola was decrying Florentine governmental excesses in the 1490s, Machiavelli’s star was on the rise. The same year that Savonarola was executed for heresy, Machiavelli began his career as a diplomat and, as Savonarola presaged the Reformation, Machiavelli became an early champion of pragmatism. Il Principe (“The Prince”) eschews the idealism of the politics of its age and espouses the realistic political situation that, to a great extent, it inspired.

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  • Good Ole Spiritual Food


    Good Ole Spiritual Food is that early morning breath of fresh air to get the day going, the mid-day encouragement for the weary hearted, and the evening meditations to end a long, stressful day. It is thought provoking and uplifting, relational and moody, inspiring and moving. Readers will want to share this book with others because it was written out of real life experiences that most people face at some point in their lives. Good Ole Spiritual Food references scripture from the Bible to enhance the meaning of each inspirational poem, to confirm the unconditional love of Christ, and to open the eyes of the reader to the realization that Christ cares about every detail of his or her life. Good Ole Spiritual Food provides a short prayer with each poem. Too many times we get hung up on well-articulated prayers, thinking we have to know big words to be able to pray. This is just not true. Christ wants us to come to Him as little children, so how we pray is not important as long as we pray.

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  • Making Of American Liberal Theology


    1. Creating A New Mainstream’
    2. Thy Kingdom Com
    3. Post-Ritschlian Religion
    4. In The Spirit Of William James
    5. The Real Is The Personal
    6. Practical Divinity
    7. Revolt Of The Neoliberals
    8. Modern Gospels

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    In this second of a three-volume, comprehensive, landmark history, Gary Dorrien mixes theological and philosophical analyses with historical and biographical detail in interpreting the liberal era of American theology. Exploring American theological liberalism in its heyday, Dorrien emphasizes the diversity of liberal theologians and schools of thought, as well as the central importance of liberal debates over idealism, realism, naturalistic empiricism, and “making Christianity modern.” Breaking with previous interpretations, he treats Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich as theorists of a “neoliberal” position within the liberal tradition.

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  • Peace : Cast All Your Cares Upon Him


    Are you trying to do the impossible? Are you working too hard to change the people around you? Are you unhappy because you’re not where you want to be spiritually? Are you losing your peace? If you don’t have peace, you can’t enjoy life. Now Joyce Meyer shows you how to gain mastery over you day-to-day existence…while you find peace in the midst of the storm. She’ll teach you how to: wait on God and His perfect timing; outsmart the “peace stealers” who set you up to get you upset; find power in a calm and trusting attitude; focus on the grace of today and not the worries of tomorrow. The peace of God passes all understanding. It’s His free gift to you. Are you ready to receive it?

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  • Healing The Brokenhearted


    God loves you and He has a wonderful, glorious plan for your life. In these pages, Joyce Meyer reveals how to change the image you have of yourself into the one God sees. When you believe what God says about you, your present and future will miraculously change to reflect God’s divine plan. You will learn how to triumph over fear and have the peace of mind that comes when you trust God with your future.

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  • Ancient Psalms For Contemporary Pilgrims


    13 Chapters

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    Because it is sometimes challenging for today’s Christians to move from the frenetic pace and noisy world of today’s society and enter into the silence and stillness of contemplative praying, Jeanie Miley provides a way of using the psalms as a doorway into prayer. Reading the psalm indicated for each day’s meditation and then reflecting on the day’s reading, persons are invited to “pray the psalms” in a way that connects the ancient prayers with their own present-day experience. By moving back and forth between the psalm and your own experience in prayer, Ancient Psalms for Contemporary Pilgrims provides a process through which the Living God can lead you to a deeper reflection on your own life

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  • Help Im Leading A Childrens Sermon 1


    1. Common Lectionary Year A
    2. Common Lectionary Year B
    3. Common Lectionary Year C

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    Children are an important part of the worshipping community and need to have opportunities that create for them a sense of belonging. Children’s sermons provide this opportunity and should be events of proclamation. Help! I’m Leading a Children’s Sermon, Volume 1 contains a collection of children’s sermons designed to involve children creatively in worship and the proclamation of the Word. The collection contains two sermons for each Sunday with a key emphasis on Scripture, including key verses to be read within the sermon. The sermons invite the children to participate in corporate worship in a meaningful, creative way by asking questions and using hands-on activities to explain themes such as hope, forgiveness, repentance and God’s sovereignty. Help I’m Leading a Children’s Sermon, Volume 1 is an essential book for the collection of any worship leader

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  • Be Healed In Jesus Name


    SKU (ISBN): 9780446691734ISBN10: 0446691739Joyce MeyerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: FaithWords/Hachette Book Group Print On Demand Product

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  • Weird And Gross Bible Stuff


    There is something for everyone in the Bible and Weird & Gross Bible Stuff proves it. Boys ages 8-12 will love reading about the bizarre and almost grotesque facts that are part of the stories of the Bible. (Like King Eglon in Judges 3:21 who was so fat that an 18 inch sword got lost in his belly.) The weirdness will keep their attention, but they will also learn the lesson of Luke 2:52 – how to become Smarter, Stronger, Deeper and Cooler for God.

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  • Mission Trip Prep Kit Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    You work hard planning mission trips. Now make mission trips work for you and your group. Headed to inner-city America? Appalachia? A border of Shantytown? Overseas? Wherever your destination, the MISSION TRIP PREP KIT contains all you need to prepare your students for an unforgettable cross-cultural experience _ and tools to debrief them after they9ve returned to their worlds. Use this kit- *To get on-site impact as well as long-term spiritual change in your kids. *Whether you9re a mission-trip novice or a savvy traveler outside your comfort zones. *Whether your group9s is geared toward reaching others with the gospel or to disciple your young missionaries. *In several sessions spread over a month or two _ or in an intensive, two-day training session or retreat. IN THIS LEADER9S GUIDE: You9ll receive not only the rationale, the how, and the logistics of planning and pulling off a missions trip, but _ and this is the genius of the leader9s guide _ 4 PRE-TRIP TEACHING SESSIONS that will help your students _ *Assess their EXPECTATIONS, their fears, their motivations. *Adjust their PERCEPTIONS of the culture they9ll be working in. *Improve their emotional and spiritual STAMINA for living for a week or a month in a very different world from their own. *Practice the skills and ATTITUDES (teamwork, servanthood, Christ-centeredness) they9ll need for a missions trip. And to make sure your trip9s goals are accomplished and the benefits stick around for a long haul, you9ll also receive 2 POST-TRIP SESSIONS that will help you DEBRIEF your students, ease them back into their own worlds, CELEBRATE with them, and make missions and ministry part of their EVERYDAY LIVES WITH JESUS. What9s more, in these pre- and post-trip teaching sessions are a variety of ACTIVITIES processing points creative PRAYER IDEAS take-home applications BIBLE STUDIES relevant to mission tripping TALK OUTLINES that both instruct and inspire and lots of sessions options you can tailor to your own HIGH SCHOOLERS OR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS.

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  • Symbolism In The Fourth Gospel (Reprinted)


    Koester’s respected study uses the symbolic language of the Gospel of John as a focus to explore “the Gospel’s literary dimensions, social and historical context, and theological import.” This edition is fully revised and updated and includes a number of new sections on such topics as Judas and the knowledge of God. Fresh treatments are given on several issues, including the Gospel’s Christology. The book offers both new insights and proven worth for students and scholars alike.

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  • 10 Great Dates Before You Say I Do


    Fun, relationship-building dates for seriously dating and engaged couples Are we suited for each other? Should we become engaged? Imagine fun-filled dates that actually teach relationship skills you’ll use once you’re married. Want to learn about the differences between men and women while you peruse the shelves at the movie rental store? How about realizing your role in the marriage by planning and preparing a meal together? Like the format used in the Arps previous book, 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage, a short date “launch” using the book primes the pump for a series of fun, enriching, and energizing dates. Couples will soon discover whether or not to go to the next level of commitment, and will spend quality time together now while preparing for a great marriage in the future. Each dates theme is based upon research of the best and most-used marriage preparation topics, interpersonal inventories, and courses. Counselors, clergy, and marriage counselors will use this book as an add-on resource in programs such as Foccus, Prepare, PREP, SYMBIS, and Marriage Savers. Couples will use 10 Great Dates before You Say “I Do” to practice the skills they’re learning in these courses_and have a lot of fun doing it!

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  • Christian Virtues : 9 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Virtue may not be a word you use every day, but it defines the qualities of a person of character. One of the good things about belonging to God is that he develops virtues in you. In nine sessions Cindy Bunch leads you to investigate–and learn to practice–key Christian virtues: faith, hope, love, wisdom, justice, courage, moderation, integrity and perseverance.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • 30 Days With Jesus


    Each day’s devotion begins with a portion of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John and concludes with a fresh insight that will draw readers closer to Jesus. The gospel message provides daily strength and spiritual nourishment. In just a few minutes each day, readers experience a deeper understanding of God’s character and the attitudes of the Christian life.

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  • Teaching Todays Teachers To Teach (Revised)


    A revision of a standard resource for classes and seminary courses in Christian education. A revised edition of the best-selling Teaching Teachers to Teach (1974), this book is a basic, comprehensive manual offering practical guidance that helps teachers learn the art and practice of teaching. Throughout the book, Griggs identifies the basic elements of the teaching process and outlines the essential ingredients needed for effective teaching.

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  • My Bondage And My Freedom


    SKU (ISBN): 9780140439182ISBN10: 0140439188Frederick DouglasBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2003Publisher: Penguin Group USA

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  • Money Possessions And Eternity (Revised)


    What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author’s painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

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  • 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


    The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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  • Did You Get What You Prayed For


    Millions of people struggle with questions about how to pray, what to pray for, and even whether to pray at all. Nancy Jo Sullivan and Jane Kise help people get away from the magic formula mentality of prayer and recognize how God is at work in their lives. With explorative retellings of relevant Bible stories, true accounts of people’s prayer experiences, and reflections by the authors, this book will lead people past the topic of prayer and straight to the God who is listening.

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  • Praying The Psalms (Student/Study Guide)


    Joy. Anger. Distress. Hope. Trust.

    These and many more emotions are expressed in the Psalms. Juanita Ryan offers these studies to help you learn how to openly express the full range of your emotions to God.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study, originally titled Psalms II, features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • 8 Ways To Keep The Devil Under Your Feet


    Learn to manage the devil instead of letting him manage you! There are all kinds of things that tempt us, hurt us, and confuse us. The devil loves nothing more than using these things to keep us down so he can have the upper hand! Yet God has given us everything we need to keep the devil in his place, beginning with the Word of God. To win over the enemy and live in victory, we must do more than know His Word – we must put it into action! Satan may attack you, but he does not have to defeat you. Bestselling author Joyce Meyer reveals eight proven ways for you to keep the devil under your feet. Master these eight ways and you’ll experience the countless ways God wants to bless you!

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  • Job : Wrestling With God (Student/Study Guide)


    Why do faithful people suffer?

    Job wanted to know. So he demanded an answer from God. His friends thought he was crazy, but Job persisted. And, finally, God answered.

    As Paul Stevens leads you through Job’s questions and God’s answers, you discover comfort, hope and meaning for the suffering in your own life.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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