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    • Forgotten Manifesto Of Jesus


      Phil Moore tells us how a persecuted group of Iranian Christians radically ‘rediscovered’ Luke 10 as the ‘forgotten manifesto’ of Jesus.

      Something remarkable is happening across the Middle East. A counter-cultural gospel movement is growing disciples of Jesus deep within the heartland of Islam.

      Starting in Iran, a radical form of evangelism and discipleship, predominantly led by brand new believers, has begun to spread across Muslim majority nations. Author Phil Moore shares the first-hand stories of these courageous Middle Eastern Christians and compares them to the words of Jesus to his seventy-two disciples in Luke 10. The striking similarities between their experiences show how this spectacular move of God relies on the same instruction, and Spirit, as the first followers of Jesus.

      And it does not stop there. Phil goes on to share how this gospel movement is now spreading across Europe and North America. If you long to see new believers coming to faith in the secular post-Christian West too, then let the testimonies in The Forgotten Manifesto of Jesus show you that with God all things are possible.

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    • Reviving Mission : Awakening To The Everyday Movement Of God


      God’s mission is for everyone, every day.

      In the midst of societal disruption and disillusionment, we’re seeing signs of a new season of God bringing people into renewal and revival. Jesus is the Sent One who invites us to become like him and live as sent people. God is leading us into a new normal where all of us-not just the professionals-can encounter him and experience his work.

      Apostolic mission leaders Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty reveal God’s invitation into everyday mission in the way of Jesus. Though Christians may be discouraged by various challenges, this season holds opportunities for experiencing God’s movement in fresh ways among unlikely people.

      With biblical insights into how Jesus and the early church lived, the authors invite us into four Es of reviving mission:

      *Encountering God
      *Exploring what he’s doing all around us
      *Empowering those he sends us to, and
      *Establishing communal rhythms of transforming habits and habitats.

      This model of holistic mission brings together the person of God, postures of redemption, and practices of engagement in a way that equips ordinary people for transformation and renewal.

      God’s mission revives us as sent ones and the communities we are sent to. Come and be awakened to his everyday movement all around you.

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    • Teach A Man To Fish


      You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

      The same basic principle applies to missions work. Too many churches and other missions organizations over-emphasize Relief Aid no-strings-attached, handouts of vital supplies given in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. While necessary and lifesaving, Relief Aid is only a temporary fix. Once the funds dry up and the ground team leaves, the impoverished community is often no better off than they were before.

      In Teach a Man to Fish, the authors illustrate the benefits of “wholistic transformational development,” where through engagement with the local church the community is empowered to identify and carry out long-term sustainable solutions to meet its own needs. A few of the steps that “wholistic transformational development” includes are:

      *Give dignity to “the least of these”
      *Address the root causes of poverty to provide solutions for the affected
      *Help the vulnerable to become empowered in their own communities

      Filled with real-life stories from the authors’ own experiences, Teach a Man to Fish provides churches and missions organizations with a blueprint for helping people help themselves in order to create lasting change and long-term sustainability and independence.

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    • New And Ancient Evangelism


      Evangelism has a bad reputation. It’s been loaded with sales tactics, market analysis, and high-pressure psychology, an approach that often flattens other cultures and dishonors those we want to reach. Evangelizers are encouraged to believe that everything depends on their understanding of the gospel and their powers of persuasion. No wonder so few people want to get involved in sharing the faith.

      This book recovers the ancient tradition of the church’s evangelism, rooted in the conversion stories of the Bible, to offer a truly biblical understanding of evangelism. Drawing on twenty-five years of experience teaching evangelism to laypeople and ministry students, Judith Paulsen shows that God uses ordinary people of faith within their everyday spheres of influence to draw people to himself. She helps readers share the good news in a way that is authentic, respectful, and ideally suited to the cultural dynamics of today’s world. Above all, she places the real work of evangelism where it belongs: with the God who is still at work calling people to himself.

      This book will be a valuable resource for professors and students in evangelism, discipleship, and missional theology courses as well as pastors and church leaders. Discussion questions are included.

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    • Sharing Jesus Showing Kindness


      How You Act Matters

      Many churches struggle with the impact of the dramatic and sweeping changes that mark our time. People identify as nones (no religious affiliation) or dones (formerly churched but now dechurched). So how do we reach people and disciple believers in this cultural shift? How does the church have a positive impact for Christ in a broken world? The answer is found in history!

      Go back to what the early church did: show kindness to a broken world–the Great Commandment. Go back to the church’s mission: share the good news of Jesus Christ–the Great Commission.

      Filled with practical applications and stories of real impact, Sharing Jesus, Showing Kindness will encourage and equip you and others to get out of the church building and into the community. You’ll be inspired to make an impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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    • Crossing Cultures With The Gospel


      Southwestern Journal of Theology 2023 Book Award (Honorable Mention, Evangelism/Missions/Global Church)

      Drawing on forty years of teaching and mission experience, leading missiological anthropologist Darrell Whiteman brings a wealth of insight to bear on cross-cultural ministry.

      After explaining the nature and function of culture and the importance of understanding culture for ministry, Whiteman addresses the most common challenges of ministering across cultures. He then provides practical solutions based on lived experience, helping readers develop healthy patterns so they can communicate the gospel effectively. Issues addressed include negotiating differences in worldview, the problem of nonverbal communication, understanding cultural forms and their meanings, and the challenge of overcoming culture shock.

      Professors, students, and anyone ministering cross-culturally will benefit from this informed yet accessible guide. Foreword by Miriam Adeney.

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    • Journals Of Jim Elliot


      Uncover the spiritual riches of the personal journals of missionary and martyr Jim Elliot

      Jim Elliot arrived in Ecuador as a missionary at age twenty-five. Three years later, he would become a martyr at the hands of the Auca, the indigenous people to whom he was witnessing. He left behind a young wife, a baby daughter, and an incredible legacy of faith.

      Jim’s volumes of personal journals, written over many years, reveal the inner struggles and victories that he experienced before his untimely death in 1956. In The Journals of Jim Elliot, you’ll come to know this intelligent and articulate man who yearned to know God’s plan for his life, detailed his fascinating missions work, and revealed his love for Elisabeth–first as a single man, then as a happily married one.

      Edited by his wife, Elisabeth, Jim’s personal yet universal musings about faith, love, and work will show you how to apply the Bible to the situations you face every day. They will inspire you to lead a life of obedience, regardless of the cost, and delight you with an amazing story of courage and determination.

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    • Impacting Eternity : A Practitioner’s Guide For Sustained Movement Expansio


      Growing from 4 to 400 Generations

      We’ve heard stories about disciple-making movements that are sweeping the globe, transforming the way people are coming to Christ in places like Asia, western Africa, and South America. We’ve learned specific principles and strategies to encourage such movements. If only we had a book that combined empirical research with established missiological practice. Now we do.

      Impacting Eternity builds on multi-dimensional research performed over a period of years. Its findings have been refined in practice within three different movements that the author helped to facilitate. Robert Reach gives seven concrete, root principles that bear kingdom fruit. This is not merely information that might work; it has proven effective in the trenches of movement life resulting in miraculous growth. Reach has found that his 5-5-5 methodology is very effective, but instead of promoting it, he helps readers think about the underlying leadership dynamics that spark and sustain a movement.

      We cannot see the Spirit, but we see his work in our lives. In the same way, the visible leaves and fruit of a movement have many hidden roots. And so, we must pay attention. This book can help you learn to recognize and follow God’s Spirit as he accomplishes his purposes among the nations.

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    • Depth By Drama


      Michael Merker’s personal experience with a touring production of the popular musical Godspell, a dramatization of God’s Word, led him to experiment with the adaptation of Bible literature into performance material. Through directing and performing these works, he not only grew in his own understanding of the Word but shared the gospel with his audiences and fellow performers.

      With the desire to spark a movement of committed practitioners who aim to reach the entire world for Jesus Christ, Michael has created a practical guide for others who share his love for theater and discipleship. Depth by Drama is for missionaries, group leaders, pastors, and anyone who wants to create and present Bible-based shows for the evangelism of the lost and the discipleship of performers and others involved in the productions. With the help of this thorough guidebook, readers can discover the great blessings gained from rehearsing and performing the Word of God and biblical literature, both for the actor and the audience.

      Whether it’s for your personal Bible study, an exercise for a group, or a full-scale performance for an audience, this book-along with the Bible-will be all you need to learn how to put together a production based on Scripture. Now, break-a-leg for Jesus!

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    • Facing Fear: : The Journey To Mature Courage In Risk And Persecution


      Developing an Anti-Fragile Faith

      Violence against Christ-followers is increasing globally. The lived reality for many Christians involves daily threats, risks, and persecution. When evil casts its shadow on us, and we’re tempted to despair, it is vital to develop anti-fragile faith and the guts to endure in hard places.

      Facing Fear is a practical guide for believers who long to have bold, mature courage. Cultivating this courage is necessary to endure wisely for Christ’s sake. Anna Hampton integrates exegesis and psychology to explain how humans respond to fear and how the Holy Spirit enables us to make a different choice than our normal. Learning to face our fears, name them, and manage them requires learning specific steps to reduce their impact on us.

      This book is a pastoral and practical resource for those working to advance the gospel in the world’s most dangerous places. You’ll gain valuable skills to become “shrewd as a serpent” and stand with unshakable faith in unsafe situations. Risk can be an offering of worship. Jesus is worthy of whatever pain you go through, whatever loss you experience, and whatever fears you have.

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    • Faithful Disobedience : Writings On Church And State From A Chinese House C


      Throughout China’s rapidly growing cities, a new wave of unregistered house churches is growing. They are developing rich theological perspectives that are both uniquely Chinese and rooted in the historical doctrines of the faith. To understand how they have endured despite government pressure and cultural marginalization, we must understand both their history and their theology.

      In this volume, key writings from the house church have been compiled, translated, and made accessible to English speakers. Featured here is a manifesto by well-known pastor Wang Yi and his church, Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, to clarify their theological stance on the house church and its relationship to the Chinese government. There are also works by prominent voices such as Jin Tianming, Jin Mingri, and Sun Yi. The editors have provided introductions, notes, and a glossary to give context to each selection.

      These writings are an important body of theology historically and spiritually. Though defined by a specific set of circumstances, they have universal applications in a world where the relationship between church and state is more complicated than ever. This unique resource will be valuable to practical and political theologians as well as readers interested in international relations, political philosophy, history, and intercultural studies.

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    • Buried Seeds : Learning From The Vibrant Resilience Of Marginalized Christi


      This book demonstrates how two overlooked ministry models–base ecclesial communities of the Global South in the late 20th century and hush harbors of the US Deep South during antebellum times–offer proven strategies for the 21st-century church. These ministry models provide insight into the creation and sustenance of vital Christian community, particularly for those seeking indigenous culturally-rooted models, and show how to and show how to integrate vibrant Christ-centered faith and mission with world-changing social justice and political action. The book includes on-the-ground stories from multiethnic communities, a foreword by Robert Chao Romero, and an afterword by Willie James Jennings.

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    • Buried Seeds : Learning From The Vibrant Resilience Of Marginalized Christi


      This book demonstrates how two overlooked ministry models–base ecclesial communities of the Global South in the late 20th century and hush harbors of the US Deep South during antebellum times–offer proven strategies for the 21st-century church. These ministry models provide insight into the creation and sustenance of vital Christian community, particularly for those seeking indigenous culturally-rooted models, and show how to and show how to integrate vibrant Christ-centered faith and mission with world-changing social justice and political action. The book includes on-the-ground stories from multiethnic communities, a foreword by Robert Chao Romero, and an afterword by Willie James Jennings.

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    • Becoming A Missionary Church


      This book offers a historical assessment and balanced critique of contemporary church movements, especially in light of missional ecclesiology. An expert on Lesslie Newbigin and an expert on contemporary church models show how Newbigin’s ideas have been developed and contextualized in three popular contemporary church movements: missional, emergent, and center church. In addition, the authors explain that some of Newbigin’s insights have been neglected and need to be retrieved for the present day. This book calls for the recovery of the missionary nature of the church and commends church practices applicable to any congregation.

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    • God At Work In The World


      A leading scholar offers an up-to-date articulation of the theological grounding of the missionary endeavor. Lalsangkima (Kima) Pachuau argues that theology of mission deals with God’s work in and for the world, which is centered on salvation in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pachuau brings a global perspective to mission theology, explains how theology of mission is related to theology as a discipline, and recognizes recent critiques of “missions,” offering a compelling response rooted in the very nature of God.

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    • Teamwork Cross Culturally


      Following Sherwood Lingenfelter’s successful books on ministering, teaching, and leading cross-culturally (with combined sales of over 200,000 copies), Teamwork Cross-Culturally casts a vision for how teams made up of diverse peoples can serve in unity as the body of Christ despite the complicated problems that arise. The book equips leaders to respond to divisive issues so that multinational mission teams can do the work of ministry in ways that honor God. Real-life examples of teamwork challenges from around the world demonstrate that “in Christ” responses are achievable.

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    • Apostolic Imagination : Recovering A Biblical Vision For The Church’s Missi


      A leading expert in the field of Christian missions encourages the church to recover the apostolic imagination that fueled the multiplication of disciples in the first century. J. D. Payne examines the contemporary practice of Western missions and advocates a more central place for Scripture in defining missionary language, identity, purpose, function, and strategy. He shows that an apostolic understanding of the church’s disciple-making commission requires rethinking every aspect of missionary engagement. The book includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and action steps to help pastors and church leaders develop an apostolic imagination.

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    • Development In Mission


      God is inviting us to join in the transformation of global poverty. It’s time to act.

      Jesus’s words, “Blessed are you who are poor,” are the seeds of a new reality. So how can God’s people participate in this transformation of how to live and serve? Development in Mission offers a way forward and encourages readers to embrace a holistic approach to poverty alleviation.

      Gathering their diverse perspectives on international development, the authors construct a solid theological foundation for global mission. They distill principles for effective Christian engagement in several key sectors, including education, income and poverty reduction, water and sanitation systems, creation care, healthcare delivery, disaster relief, peacemaking, sports ministries, and others.

      Congregations, missionaries, nonprofit leaders, and Christians in the Global North will find fresh perspectives for engaging global vulnerability, poverty, and injustice faithfully and effectively. Along the way, readers will find that they are being transformed themselves as they join God’s mission in the world.

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    • Born To Give


      How does God get the Word out to a lost and dying world?

      This book will inspire you to see yourself as a tool for God’s kingdom. God has a ministry for everyone, and He will use what you make available to Him.

      Missionary-preacher David Grant’s name has become synonymous in the Assemblies of God with riveting storytelling that makes listeners laugh one minute and cry the next. Very human stories of a kid growing up in Southern parsonages mix with deeply moving stories that expose great human need around the world and the great heart of our compassionate God who cares for the neediest and exploited.

      In Born to Give, Grant tells his own riveting story, of a young boy who gave God his life in an offering pan at the invitation of a legendary missionary and became a missionary to the nations, ministering throughout Southern Asia, Europe, and Asia Pacific, and to victims of sexual slavery. Inspiring both laughter and tears, Born to Give is a refreshing and real story that will lead readers to place their own lives and resources in God’s miracle-working hands and engage with Him to bring hope in a broken, unjust world.

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    • Advanced Missiology : How To Study Missions Incredible And Useful Ways


      Advanced Missiology draws the connections between the theory and practice of missions. Using the metaphor of a river, the book shows how theories “”upstream”” such as theology, education, anthropology, community development, and history have exerted an influence on missiology (and missiology, in turn, has gone back upstream to influence those disciplines). What causes these disciplines to converge in missiology is the goal of making disciples across cultures. Whereas missiologists are not always explicit about how their abstract theories actually relate to the task of making disciples across cultures, each chapter in Advanced Missiology shows how numerous theories, sub-fields, models, and strategies of missiology ultimately facilitate the Great Commission. The book argues that by using interdisciplinarity for this fundamental purpose, missiological studies will be more credible and useful. With contributions from: Rebecca Burnett Leanne Dzubinski Julie Martinez

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    • Advanced Missiology : How To Study Missions Incredible And Useful Ways


      Advanced Missiology draws the connections between the theory and practice of missions. Using the metaphor of a river, the book shows how theories “”upstream”” such as theology, education, anthropology, community development, and history have exerted an influence on missiology (and missiology, in turn, has gone back upstream to influence those disciplines). What causes these disciplines to converge in missiology is the goal of making disciples across cultures. Whereas missiologists are not always explicit about how their abstract theories actually relate to the task of making disciples across cultures, each chapter in Advanced Missiology shows how numerous theories, sub-fields, models, and strategies of missiology ultimately facilitate the Great Commission. The book argues that by using interdisciplinarity for this fundamental purpose, missiological studies will be more credible and useful. With contributions from: Rebecca Burnett Leanne Dzubinski Julie Martinez

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    • Language Learning In Ministry


      Chart a Path for Language Success

      Are you excited to minister in another culture, but worried about how best to learn the language of the people you are going to serve? While a new culture and a new language will change you and your family in dramatic ways, let the author dispel common myths about language acquisition and share a hopeful outlook.

      Language Learning in Ministry is essential for learning a new language or providing guidance for those headed into a new language context. With chapters on both formal and informal language learning to guide the selection of language schools, programs, and methodologies, this book walks you through the options, opportunities, and challenges ahead.

      Special attention is given to:
      *Viewing language learning through a ministry lens
      *Language development of children and the needs of the family, including schooling options and opportunities for MKs to learn the local
      *Personal application-walking the reader through decision-making processes to chart a path for success in language learning
      *Rich resources such as language proficiency scales, language learning methodologies, and online resources
      *A complete task-based language learning curriculum that can be adapted to any language

      Don’t let language learning be a desert of waiting, but rather, a launch-pad for ministry opportunities. Utilizing the knowledge and guidance provided in this book will minimize your stress, increase the potential for your success in acquiring a new language, and fuel your ministry.

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    • Public Missiology : How Local Churches Witness To A Complex World


      How can Christians witness to the complexity of our world? Gregg Okesson shows that local congregations are the primary means of public witness in and for the world. As Christians move back and forth between their churches and their neighborhoods, workplaces, and other public spaces, they weave a thick gospel witness. This introduction to public missiology explains how local congregations can thicken their witness in the public realms where they live, work, and play. Real-life examples from around the world help readers envision approaches to public witness and social change.

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    • Arts As Witness In Multifaith Contexts


      In search of holistic Christian witness, we must cultivate new approaches for integrating the arts into mission praxis. Written by missiologists, art critics, ethnodoxologists, and theologians from around the world, these essays present historical and contemporary case studies while calling Christians to understand the power of art for expressing cultural and religious identity, opening spaces for transformative encounters, and resisting injustice.

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    • Holy Ambition : To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named – Second Revised (Revi


      This vision of, and invitation to, the work of global missions challenges Christians everywhere to cultivate a holy ambition to preach Christ where he has not yet been named.

      The apostle Paul had a holy ambition: to preach the gospel to peoples who had never heard. He ached to proclaim Jesus where he had not yet been named. So today, missionaries cross cultures, learn languages, and pour out their lives in word and deed to break through thousands of years of darkness and the reign of Satan over a people who do not know the King of kings and the Savior of the world. Missionaries go to, and minister among, peoples who otherwise have little to no access to the saving news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

      And since Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is still in effect–and since there are thousands of peoples today who have never heard of him–every church should pray that God would not only make all of us evangelists among our own people, but also that he would raise up from among us missionaries to take the gospel where it has never gone before.

      Note to the Second Revised Edition: This book was first released in 2011. Since then, John Piper has continued to preach and write about missions. So, to prepare this Second Revised Edition, Desiring God added four chapters of new material, removed about a third of the original, and freshly edited and organized the remainder.

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    • Mission After Pentecost


      A leading scholar moves through the entire Bible in canonical order and puts the biblical text in conversation with twenty-first-century questions, offering the church a fresh understanding of its mission and how to pursue it in the decades to come.

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    • Symphony Of Mission


      Argues that God’s mission is broad and that all of us can live intentionally into this mission by understanding its many facets and focusing on a particular calling.

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    • Taking It To The Streets


      Reverend Harry “OG Rev.” Williams from Oakland, California, is called to the streets: to the hungry, homeless, addicted, incarcerated, and vulnerable. Bringing us face-to-face with both the injustices that plague our cities and the gospel of compassion that offers hope to the downtrodden, this introduction to urban ministry will inspire and equip a new generation to bring the life-giving good news of Jesus to our cities.

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    • Jesus King Of Strangers


      Recovering the church’s native language for migrantsNationalistic tribalism is on the rise around the world. How we treat strangers (foreigners, immigrants, migrants) is a prominent political, economic, and religious issue. Drawing on his personal experiences and expertise as a biblical scholar, Mark Hamilton argues that Scripture describes God’s people as strangers who are called to show grace and hospitality to others.The church has often identified itself as a community of strangers. This was the story of the church during much of its early history. In many parts of the world, it still is. In a world in which 240 million persons are voluntary immigrants and another 60 to 70 million are refugees, the urgency of the church’s recovery of its native language on immigration remains vital. Jesus, King of Strangers examines the Bible’s key ideas about human movement and the relationship between migrants and their hosts. Hamilton argues that reclaiming the biblical language will free the church from hypernationalism and fear-driven demagoguery.

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    • Ethnic Realities And The Church


      Between Iraq and a Hard Place. Before I moved to study Arabic in Jordan, friends said I should “wait until the Middle East calms down.” They were even more emphatic after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. Instead, we moved to Kurdistan, where people live “between Iraq and a hard place.” This is the history of remarkable missionaries who came before us. They learned lessons the hard way; that hasn’t changed. The “great experiment” that they undertook for 200 years did not produce the results they hoped for. No doubt the next generation of missionaries will learn their own lessons, sometimes the hard way, but with more wisdom for having been careful students of the past.

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    • To The Ends Of The Earth


      Jesus is always on the move. If we follow Him, where will we end up? An expert on nomadic peoples, Malcolm Hunter shares stories from a lifetime of working in some of the world’s most remote, colorful, and neglected communities. In the early 1960’s Malcolm and his wife, Jean, arrived in Ethiopia with only their professional skills-medicine and engineering-and a desire to show God’s love to those in need. Over the next forty years God would lead them across Africa, through lush hills and scorched bush, to a dozen people groups who hadn’t heard the gospel. Wherever the Hunters went, they found that God had been there first. This book is full of astonishing true accounts of Jesus preparing the world’s least reached peoples to encounter Him. Visions, dreams, miracles, shocking customs, and even human blunders and tragedies-God used all these and more to open a way to share the good news. Honest, hopeful, and never far from laughter, Malcolm invites us to consider anew what we can expect when we follow Jesus-wherever He leads.

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    • Gospel Of Our King


      This accessible overview shows how the Bible–with its 66 books, dozens of authors, and multiple genres–comes together to provide an overarching story about God the King and explains how the Christian gospel and mission address the totality of human life.

      Written by a biblical scholar and a theologian, The Gospel of Our King shows how any account of gospel and mission can only be understood in light of the whole biblical testimony. The authors help us understand the Bible’s overarching narrative as the true story of the whole world. This story, revealed by God and centered on Jesus the King, enables us to know and love God and to fulfill his purpose for our lives. It is the framework within which we come to understand the Christian worldview, the Christian gospel, and the Christian mission. When we understand how the whole Bible fits together to shape the totality of a Christian’s life, we will be prepared to show the goodness of Christ and the gospel to others in our personal, social, cultural, and global contexts.

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    • Neighborhood Church : Transforming Your Congregation Into A Powerhouse For


      How can we embody the values of love, grace, and justice? As faith communities, how can our collective embodiment of these values shine even brighter? The answers to these questions must always unfold right here, right now, exactly where God has planted us. Neighborhood Churchacts as a resource to inspire churches to become a vibrant and engaging community partner with the families and neighborhoods living around them. The need for transformation is acute. Congregational decline continues across all mainline denominations. The abandonment of the church by the millennial generation is ubiquitous; no denomination is escaping it. This is, in part, a consequence of disconnection from our communities. Van Tatenhove and Mueller believe that, parish by parish, we can reverse this trend. They dare to have an audacious hope for local congregations not only as signs of God’s kingdom but as life-giving institutions that anchor their neighborhoods. Drawing on their combined sixty years of parish experience, wisdom from Asset-Based Community Development, and compelling case stories, Van Tatenhove and Mueller do more than just call us to incarnational ministry. They give practical, essential tools that lead to communal conversion, develop the DNA of listening, spur fruitful partnerships, promote integrated space, and sustain long-term visions. They believe these tools will spark true revival and unleash the power of incarnational ministry.

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    • Mile High Missionary


      A James Rush Manley Title

      The jungle pilot occupies a high visibility seat.

      His role creates the convincing illusion of connection. But the truth is, he or she often leads a solitary life. He drops in from the sky, visits for 15 minutes, then leaves. He touches many worlds but rarely becomes part of any.

      The stories in Mile-High Missionary show how one pilot changed from hiding as a sky-creature to reentering the world of real people.

      Sit in the pilot’s seat as this missionary memoir flies you into the Amazon Jungle. Encounter the pilot’s view. See what he saw. Hear what he heard. Meet who he met. Feel what he felt as he wrestles with his own hopes and joys, doubts and fears.

      Experience bush aviation first hand as this Christian pilot asks the hard questions:
      *Is my airplane safe to fly?
      *Can I find one tiny scratch of an airstrip hidden in an immense jungle?
      *What if the weather changes?
      *Can I land and stay on the runway, then takeoff without hitting trees?
      *After all that, am I really helping my passengers’ ministry?
      *Does my flying benefit the ex-headhunters I work among?
      *Am I honoring God, or just playing with airplanes?

      Read how he juggled safety and service while doing a dangerous job, then found himself changed by the ones he served.

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    • Made For The Journey


      In her first year as a missionary to a small group of native women in the Ecuadorian jungle, Elisabeth Elliot faced physical and spiritual trials. In Made for the Journey, Elliot captures the mysteries and stark realities surrounding the colorful and primitive world in which she ministered. More than just a recounting of her early days, this is a beautifully crafted and deeply personal reflection on the important questions of life and a remarkable testimony to authentic Christian obedience to God.

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    • Praying For Your Missionary


      Introduction: Why A Book On Praying For Missionaries?
      1. Pray For More Workers To Finish The Mission
      2. Pray For Intimacy With God
      3. Pray For Spiritual Coverage
      4. Pray For Strong Singles, Marriages, And Families
      5. Pray For Incarnational Love
      6. Pray For Oneness In The Teams
      7. Pray For Never-Ending Devotion
      8. Pray For Successful Ministry
      9. Pray For Churches To Partner Well
      10. Pray For Agencies To Partner Well
      11. Pray For Missionaries’ Reentry Period
      12. Pray To End Well
      Epilogue: Let’s Finish The Mission And Go Home

      Additional Info
      Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it’s also a difficult one.

      Missionaries face many challenges, whether adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, or guarding against spiritual attacks. They need the support of the church and a faithful covering of prayer. But for many Christians, missionaries are out of sight, out of mind. How can we effectively intercede for the missionaries in our lives?

      Eddie Byun provides a handy guide to praying for missionaries. He shows the vital connection between prayer and missions, how our prayers are connected to both the well-being of missionaries and the fruit of their work. This book offers ways to pray for the various needs that missionaries have on the mission field, to prevent burnout and protect them from harm. We can partner with our missionaries as individual intercessors and as sending churches.

      The fields are ready for harvest. Your prayers for the workers and their ministry can make a difference.

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    • Contextualizing The Faith


      This major statement by a leading missiologist represents a lifetime of wrestling with a topic every cross-cultural leader must address: how to adapt the universal gospel to particular settings. This comprehensive yet accessible textbook organizes contextualization, which includes “everything the church is and does,” into seven dimensions. Filled with examples, case studies, and diagrams and conversant with contemporary arguments and debates, it offers the author’s unique take on the challenge of adapting the faith in local cultures.

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    • Church And Its Vocation


      Lesslie Newbigin, one of the twentieth century’s most important church leaders, offered insights on the church in a pluralistic world that are arguably more relevant now than when first written. This volume presents his ecclesiology to a new generation. Michael Goheen clearly articulates Newbigin’s missionary understanding of the church and places it in the context of Newbigin’s core theological convictions. Suitable for students as well as church leaders, this book offers readers a better understanding of the mission of the church in the world today. Foreword by N. T. Wright.

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    • Teaching Across Cultures


      Foreword By Duane H. Elmer
      1. Metaphors Of Teaching
      2. The Rail Fence As A Crosscultural Model For Teaching
      3. Adapting Our Colored Glasses
      4. Teaching Complex Creatures
      5. Teaching And Context
      6. Teaching And Cultural Values
      7. Teaching Aims Across Cultures
      8. Cultural Influences On Teaching Aims
      9. Teaching Through Struggle
      10. Harmony Through The Rail-Fence Model
      11. Examples Of Pilgrim Teaching
      12. Improving Teaching Through Evaluation
      Recommended Reading
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

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      In our globalized world, ideas are constantly being exchanged between people of different cultural backgrounds. But educators often struggle to adapt to the contexts of diverse learners. Some focus so much on content delivery that they overlook crosscultural barriers to effective teaching.

      Educator and missiologist James Plueddemann offers field-tested insights for teaching across cultural differences. He unpacks how different cultural dynamics may inhibit learning and offers a framework for integrating conceptual ideas into practical experience. He provides a model of teaching as pilgrimage, where the aim is not merely the mastery of information but the use of knowledge to foster the development of the pilgrim learner.

      Plueddemann’s crosscultural experience shows how teachers can make connections between content and context, bridging truth and life. Those who teach in educational institutions, mission organizations, churches, and other ministries will find insights here for transformational crosscultural learning.

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    • Women In Gods Mission



      Part 1: Appreciating Their Stories
      1. God’s Amazing Daughters
      2. Navigating Power When Serving
      3. Being Authentic When Leading

      Part 2: The Faithful Connected Leader
      4. A Distinctive Foundation
      5. Connected In Different Ways
      6. Persevering With Wisdom
      7. Prioritizing Impact And Excellence

      Part 3: Realities Of Gender Discrimination
      8. Caring About Challenges
      9. Strategies That Accommodate Others
      10. When Accommodation Hinders Faithfulness

      Part 4: What Women Need To Do Their Best Work
      11. Husbands Who Act Like Jesus
      12. A Healthier Metaphor In The Workplace
      13. Men Courageously Opening Opportunities
      14. Cultivating Encouragement And Growth
      15. Addressing Remaining Issues

      Conclusion: What Might This Mean For The Future?
      Appendix: Research Details And Methodology

      Additional Info
      Women have advanced God’s mission throughout history and around the world. But women often face particular obstacles in ministry. What do we need to know about how women thrive?

      Mission researcher Mary Lederleitner interviewed and surveyed respected women in mission leadership from across the globe to gather their insights, expertise, and best practices. She unveils how women serve in distinctive ways and identifies key traits of faithful connected leaders. When women face opposition based on their gender, they employ various strategies to carry on with resilience and hope. Real-life stories and case studies shed light on dynamics that inhibit women and also give testimony to God’s grace and empowerment in the midst of challenges.

      Women and men will find resources here for partnering together in effective ministry and mission. Organizations can help women flourish through advocacy, mentoring, and addressing structural issues. Wherever God has invited you to serve and lead, discover that you are not alone as you answer the call.

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    • 1 Step At A Time


      One Step at a Time shows readers how God has a way of throwing responsibilities at people that are far too big for them, but never too big for him. Elmer and Eileen Lehman’s story describes how God took two quite ordinary people and led them on a missionary pilgrimage for more than sixty years of marriage. God’s path led them from a rural farm in northern New York State to a children’s home in Puerto Rico, then to academic study in Virginia followed by twenty-two years in Costa Rica, and then further study in Virginia, culminating with a ministry of teaching, Missions administration, church planting, and retirement in Ohio. One Step at a Time includes eight key lessons they learned along the way that speak to others’ journeys as well. Their prayer is that others would be encouraged to step out and respond to God’s call upon their lives and risk their future for Him.

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    • Whole And Reconciled


      The ministry of reconciliation is the new whole in holistic ministry. It must be if the Christian mission is to remain relevant in our increasingly fractured world. This book offers a fresh treatment of holistic ministry that takes the role of reconciliation seriously, rethinking the meaning of the gospel, the nature of the church, and the practice of mission in light of globalization, post-Christendom, and postcolonialism. It also includes theological and practical resources for effectively engaging in evangelism, compassion and justice, and reconciliation ministries. Includes a foreword by Ruth Padilla DeBorst and an afterword by Ronald J. Sider.

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    • Seeing Jesus In East Harlem



      Part 1: Show Up
      1. El Testimonio: Go And Show Yourself
      2. The “Here I Ams” Of Life: Calling And Holy Disorientation
      3. Incarnational: Tracing Our Presence Through Christ’s Body
      4. Naming Whiteness: Discerning Space As Disciple Making

      Part 2: Staying Put
      5. Staying Public: Welcoming Home The Prophets
      6. Remaining At Work: Becoming God’s Crowdsource In The Barrio
      7. Staying Together: When Hope Became A Household

      Part 3: See
      8. Look Again: Generous Seeing As A Measure Of Discipleship
      9. Curating Heaven: Dance And Dirge At Christ’s Table
      10. El Culto: Marking Life’s Moments, Rescripting Trauma
      11. Apocalypse: Church From A Different Vantage Point


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      We are all located in different places. Some of us move from neighborhood to neighborhood or even state to state. And the way we grow as disciples and lead others in spiritual growth depends on our contexts. Pastor Jose Humphreys recognizes how deeply our faith is tied to our particular stories in our particular places. Grounded in his own deep faith and wisdom, he writes out of his experiences as a Puerto Rican pastor who has planted a multiethnic church in East Harlem. In this book, he offers a framework to help church leaders take discipleship seriously in their places, calling them to show up, stay put, and see what God is doing in their midst. Combining spiritual formation with activism, vivid narrative with exhortation, and realism with hopefulness, Humphreys offers pastors and church planters a thoughtful look at discipleship in a complex world.

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    • They Called Us Love


      April Holden is from St Helens, Merseyside. As a child she suffered from persistent ill health, and was both physically and emotionally fragile. Coming to faith in her teens, she became convinced that God was calling her to work with street children in Africa. While at university she applied to Africa Inland Mission, but they rejected her because of her chronic health problems. She then trained as a teacher, and during this period became filled with the Holy Spirit.In due course she was accepted by Operation Mobilization, who sent her initially to Egypt for training. While there she had an opportunity to move to Sudan, where the needs of the street boys were most acute: many had been traumatized by war, or were the offspring of sex workers, or had fled abuse. She opened a series of centers, despite ongoing infirmity caused by arthritis in her spine and frequent, severe muscle spasms.When the Americans invaded Iraq in 2003 the Sudanese reacted angrily, attacking anyone who looked American. One day, faced with an angry mob, April was protected in her car by four large men who held the crowd at bay while she escaped to a nearby compound. The following day she looked for them to thank them, but the manager of the compound assured her he had been alone.After harrowing experiences during the separation of North and South Sudan in 2011 she returned to Britain, emotionally and physically exhausted, and OM insisted she took a sabbatical. Within months however she was back in action, this time from a base in Zambia, where she continues to train workers from surrounding countries. Her team has also begun to train professionals like police officers who are already working with vulnerable children. Her passion is to prepare missionaries to serve as facilitators alongside African churches and communities, mobilizing and equipping them to work with homeless children and youth in a godly, professional, and sustainable manner. She continues to work tirelessly to this end.

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    • Window On The World (Revised)


      Window on the World is your ticket to travel around the world! If you appreciate Operation World as an adult, your kids will love this invaluable and age-appropriate prayer resource that develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere through prayer-from the frozen Arctic to the hottest desert, on the highest mountains and in crowded cities.

      Window on the World brings alive the culture, history, and traditions of all sorts of different people. With “Fact Files” and “Do You Know?” features, each section brings you information, true stories, maps, and easy-to-use prayer points that take you into homes around the world. See how children live, what they like to do, where they go to school, what they eat and wear, and what they hope and dream.

      This revised edition includes new entries for more countries and people groups, with updated information and prayer points from the team at Operation World. It will draw a new generation into learning about the world, reaching out to people, and praying for those who have never heard about Jesus. Through Window on the World, young people and adults alike can discover and pray for the peoples of the world.

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    • Refugee Diaspora : Missions Amid The Greatest Humanitarian Crisis Of The Wo


      Refugee Diaspora is a contemporary account of the global refugee situation and how the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ is shining brightly in the darkest corners of the greatest crisis on our planet. These hope-filled pages of refugees encountering Jesus Christ presents models of Christian ministry from the front lines of the refugee crisis and the real challenges of ministering to today’s refugees. It includes biblical, theological and practical reflections on mission in diverse diaspora contexts from leading scholars as well as practitioners in all major regions of the world.

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    • Walking Together On The Jesus Road


      Christians who serve Jesus among people from a different culture than their own often struggle to find a good way to disciple people. Walking Together on the Jesus Road addresses this need by guiding readers through three essential practices for making disciples across cultures: listening to disciples to get to know them and their context, focusing on relationships with Christ, fellow disciples, and others, and enabling disciples to live out their faith in culturally relevant ways. These practices are the foundation for the long-term, intentional process of helping disciples from other cultures become more like Jesus. The book also engages with practical challenges, such as enabling disciples to find and belong to a nurturing community of faith, as well as contextualizing the way we teach the Bible.

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    • Building Saint Tabithas House


      Michael Raymond Astle
      This book was created to help support the orphans of Saint Tabitha’s House. Sales of new copies of this book will help to fund the orphanage and school.

      This is a story told through the eyes of the people who have helped build Saint Tabitha’s House, a Greek Orthodox orphanage and school in Kenya. It is primarily a photographic record of the events which have shaped the community which supports the children in need. It contains comments explaining some of the happenings and significant people involved, the thoughts and feelings of the children, expressions of gratitude, and numerous letters of appeal from the children themselves.

      Saint Tabitha’s House is run by Father Agapios Habbil Lipesa Omukuba who was canonically ordained by His Eminence the Most Reverend Archbishop Makarios the Metropolitan of Kenya. The orphanage and school has been placed under the protection and guidance of His Grace Bishop Athanasius Akunda.

      The book is divided into five main chapters entitled, “Our Family,” “Our Education,” “Our Community,” “Our Faith,” and “Our Home.” It also contains information about how to contact Fr Agapios and how to provide further support to the orphanage and school.

      May prayers ascend before the Lord God for all those who buy and read this book.

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    • Serving God In A Migrant Crisis


      “God has used migration for millennia to achieve his purposes for his people,” writes Patrick Johnstone. “He is doing so again in our time.”

      Millions are on the move, driven by war, drought, terrorism, poverty, failed states, environmental catastrophes, disease, revolutions, and the desire for a better life. Christians have a unique perspective on the migrant crisis: after all, Jesus was a refugee. So were Abraham, Joseph, and Moses.

      Today, some turn their backs on refugees. In Serving God in a Migrant Crisis, Patrick Johnstone and Dean Merrill help us understand what’s causing today’s refugee crisis, explore Christian theology and tradition on migration, and show us how Christian workers around the globe are opening their hearts to embrace these modern outcasts.

      “The world has literally come to our doorstep,” they write. “Will we open the door?”

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    • Gods Direction : Our Journey


      This is a thrilling narrative of the remarkable journey of a medical missionary couple and the way God worked to reveal his leading to accomplish his purpose. The narrative covers a period of over fifty years, describing the great variety of work situations in exotic and sometimes dangerous places in over thirty countries. The journey portrays the couple merging to become a team that labored together in providing medical care to an astonishing variety of tribal groups, refugees, leprosy patients, and remote Thai villagers.

      The story unfolds to provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in a stunning variety of places in needy, unreached areas. Those doors included a hospital in rural Southeast Thailand in a previously underserved area, providing medical care to over four thousand leprosy patients from a wide area, also in Southeast Thailand. Another open door developed when Dr. Goatcher became medical director of a hundred-bed, M*A*S*H* type hospital in a camp of twenty-two thousand refugees in the jungle between Thailand and Cambodia. It was in that setting, with artillery and small arms fire a daily occurrence, that unusual manifestations of God brought thousands of people to become Christians. Concurrently with medical care, the author was responsible for providing food and other services to over forty-five thousand refugees daily in four different camps. In India, the couple trained locally selected leaders in how to provide primary health care to the villagers in a remote, tribal area. Those ministries provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in an amazing array of places.

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    • Missional Economics : Biblical Justice And Christian Formation


      American Christians today, says Michael Barram, have a significant blind spot when it comes to economic matters in the Bible. In this book Barram reads biblical texts related to matters of money, wealth, and poverty through a missional lens, showing how they function to transform our economic reasoning.

      Barram searches for insight into God’s purposes for economic justice by exploring what it might look like to think and act in life-giving ways in the face of contemporary economic orthodoxies. The Bible repeatedly tells us how to treat the poor and marginalized, Barram says, and faithful Christians cannot but reflect carefully and concretely on such concerns.

      Written in an accessible style, this biblically rooted study reflects years of research and teaching on social and economic justice in the Bible and will prove useful for lay readers, preachers, teachers, students, and scholars.

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    • Fellowship Of The Suffering



      Part 1: Welcome To The Fellowship
      1. Suffering Comes With The Territory
      2. The Worst Suffering: Paul’s Story
      3. Learning To Trust Anyway: Dave And Erin’s Story

      Part 2: Fellowship With Christ
      4. The Sun Comes From The Dark: Prayer Through Suffering
      5. Becoming The Kind Of People The World Needs: Transformation Through Suffering
      6. Not What I Expected: Joy Through Suffering

      Part 3: Fellowship With Others
      7. It’s Our Family: Solidarity Through Suffering
      8. Pain As Common Ground: Neighboring Through Suffering

      Part 4: Fellowship With The World
      9. The Seed Must Die To Multiply: Mission Through Suffering
      10. Are You Really Passionate? Calling Through Suffering

      Recommended Reading

      Additional Info
      “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Philippians 3:10 (ASV)

      If we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. It comes with the territory. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate in his suffering.

      But that’s not the whole story. Missionary Paul Borthwick and pastor Dave Ripper show how transformation through our personal pain enables us to minister faithfully to a hurting world. They candidly share about their own struggles and how they have seen God’s kingdom advance through hardship and suffering. Though we naturally avoid suffering, Christians throughout church history have become powerful witnesses to Christ as a result of their brokenness.

      Life is painful, but pain need not have dominion over us. Instead, it can propel us in missional solidarity with our suffering world. Come find comfort and renewed purpose in the fellowship of the suffering.

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    • Pipeline : Engaging The Church In Missionary Mobilization


      What would it look like if your church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to his followers. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well-equipped disciples. We need a fully integrated global supply chain-a pipeline-that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe. Pipeline seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest. This is a collaboration of forty different authors from churches, agencies, and cross-cultural servants. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

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    • Gods Direction : Our Journey


      This is a thrilling narrative of the remarkable journey of a medical missionary couple and the way God worked to reveal his leading to accomplish his purpose. The narrative covers a period of over fifty years, describing the great variety of work situations in exotic and sometimes dangerous places in over thirty countries. The journey portrays the couple merging to become a team that labored together in providing medical care to an astonishing variety of tribal groups, refugees, leprosy patients, and remote Thai villagers.

      The story unfolds to provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in a stunning variety of places in needy, unreached areas. Those doors included a hospital in rural Southeast Thailand in a previously underserved area, providing medical care to over four thousand leprosy patients from a wide area, also in Southeast Thailand. Another open door developed when Dr. Goatcher became medical director of a hundred-bed, M*A*S*H* type hospital in a camp of twenty-two thousand refugees in the jungle between Thailand and Cambodia. It was in that setting, with artillery and small arms fire a daily occurrence, that unusual manifestations of God brought thousands of people to become Christians. Concurrently with medical care, the author was responsible for providing food and other services to over forty-five thousand refugees daily in four different camps. In India, the couple trained locally selected leaders in how to provide primary health care to the villagers in a remote, tribal area. Those ministries provide insight into the way a sovereign God can open doors to ministry in an amazing array of places.

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    • Mission Of God



      Part I: The Bible And Mission
      1. Searching For A Missional Hermeneutic
      2. Shaping A Missional Hermeneutic

      Part II: The God Of Mission
      3. The Living God Makes Himself Known In Israel
      4. The Living God Makes Himself Known In Jesus Christ
      5. The Living God Confronts Idolatry

      Part III: The People Of Mission
      6. God’s Elect People: Chosen For Blessing
      7. God’s Particular People: Chosen For All
      8. God’s Model Of Redemption: The Exodus
      9. God’s Model Of Restoration: The Jubilee
      10. The Span Of God’s Missional Covenant
      11. The Life Of God’s Missional People

      Part IV: The Arena Of Mission
      12. Mission And God’s Earth
      13. Mission And God’s Image
      14. God And The Nations In Old Testament Vision
      15. God And The Nations In New Testament Mission


      Additional Info
      Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that there is a missional basis for the Bible! The entire Bible is generated by and all about God’s mission.

      In order to understand the Bible, we need a missional hermeneutic, an interpretive perspective in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see how the familiar bits and pieces fit into the grand narrative of Scripture.

      Beginning with the Old Testament and its groundwork for understanding who God is, what he has called his people to be and do, and how the nations fit into God’s mission, Wright gives us a new hermeneutical perspective on Scripture. This perspective provides a solid and expansive basis for holistic mission. God’s mission is to reclaim the world-including the created order-and God’s people have a designated role to play.

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    • What Kind Of God


      How does a missional mindset or perspective impact the way we read Scripture? How does the Bible speak to and through a missional disciple? And seriously, what kind of God is God? A missional reading of Scripture is pivotal to helping the church find its way back to its true vocation and to helping newly forming missional communities follow the triune God revealed in Jesus. To the extent that the church is absorbed with itself and its own comfort and agendas, it has forsaken the God revealed in Jesus, whom we claim to follow. The mission of God will lead us to confront the injustices in our society, shed light on the lies we tell ourselves, and name the sickness in our midst. Reading the Bible with (and as) a missional church means we approach the Bible with the assumption that God is actually up to something in this world, that we are all called to play an active role in that something, and that the Bible is the story of that something. What kind of God is God? We invite you to read with us, and see for yourself.

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    • What Kind Of God


      How does a missional mindset or perspective impact the way we read Scripture? How does the Bible speak to and through a missional disciple? And seriously, what kind of God is God? A missional reading of Scripture is pivotal to helping the church find its way back to its true vocation and to helping newly forming missional communities follow the triune God revealed in Jesus. To the extent that the church is absorbed with itself and its own comfort and agendas, it has forsaken the God revealed in Jesus, whom we claim to follow. The mission of God will lead us to confront the injustices in our society, shed light on the lies we tell ourselves, and name the sickness in our midst. Reading the Bible with (and as) a missional church means we approach the Bible with the assumption that God is actually up to something in this world, that we are all called to play an active role in that something, and that the Bible is the story of that something. What kind of God is God? We invite you to read with us, and see for yourself.

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    • For The Gospels Sake


      Informed take on the amazing growth of a very unusual missionary organization

      The two-sided mission organization comprising Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics is a paradox that begs explanation. The scientific Summer Institute of Linguistics has worked in many countries around the world to translate the New Testament, develop unwritten languages, and educate indigenous communities. At the same time, Wycliffe Bible Translators has been one of the largest, fastest growing, and most controversial evangelical Christian movements during the last century.

      In this wide-ranging study Boone Aldridge-a religious historian and twenty-year insider at WBT-SIL-looks back at the organization’s early years, from its inception in 1934 to the death of its visionary founder, William Cameron Townsend, in 1982. He situates the iconic institution within the evolving landscape of mid-twentieth-century evangelicalism, examines its complex and occasionally confusing strategies and policies, and investigates the factors that led, despite persistent criticism from many sides, to its remarkable rise to prominence.

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    • Church In Life


      Church in Life breaks fresh ground by proposing a new framework for thinking about innovation in the church, by arguing that starting new ecclesial communities should be at the centre of the church’s life and thought, and by offering new theology and methodologies for church planting. Church planters will find in it the theoretical and practical resources for a radical missional ecclesiology, while theologians will find a nuanced reworking of the purpose and nature of the church. “”I love the framework for innovation that Mike uses here. It’s a really exciting way to come at mission and pioneering, and a welcome voice in a church that can so often be risk averse. There’s a lot of energy in an approach that is fuelled by imagination, possibility and hope rather than anxiety. As a result of seeing the material I invited Mike to teach pioneers at CMS and they found it energising for their pioneering practice.

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    • Missional Discipleship After Christendom


      It is not a changing culture, reduced resources, or a rescinding Christian memory that creates the greatest challenges for the church in the West. It is the lack of a clear commitment to the intentional, authentic, and contextual expressions of missional disciple-making, which will shape current and future generations of followers of Jesus to express the values of the Kingdom today. This book offers stimulating historical, biblical, and theological reflections on discipleship and considers some of the possibilities and opportunities afforded to us by our post-Christian context. Missional discipleship allows the missio Dei to shape us in our engagement our practices and sustain us in the lifelong journey of becoming and developing disciples that follow Jesus today.

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    • From Jerusalem To Timbuktu


      Christianity started in Jerusalem. For many centuries it was concentrated in the West, in Europe and North America. But in the past century the church expanded rapidly across Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Thus Christianity’s geographic center of density is now in the West African country of Mali-in Timbuktu.

      What led to the church’s vibrant growth throughout the Global South? Brian Stiller identifies five key factors that have shaped the church, from a renewed openness to the move of the Holy Spirit to the empowerment of indigenous leadership. While in some areas Christianity is embattled and threatened, in many places it is flourishing as never before.

      Discover the surprising story of the global advance of the gospel. And be encouraged that Jesus’ witness continues to the ends of the earth.

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    • Underground Church : A Living Example Of The Church In Its Most Potent Form


      What If the Church Truly Empowered People to Engage in God’s Mission?

      Something extraordinary has been happening in Tampa, Florida. A new expression of the church has been quietly growing. It’s something of an experiment, but over the last ten years the church has been validating its ideas with sustained and growing results. At The Underground, being the church is not focused around a weekly gathering or church programs. It’s about empowering individuals to respond to God’s call to ministry and mission, especially to the poor and disadvantaged in our midst.

      While many churches talk about discerning calling and engaging in mission, very few are structured to make this their ministry focus. The Underground Church is a new vision for the church rooted in its biblical mission to share the love of God and serve the poor. Sanders explores how to make structural changes, how to think about leadership, how to fund ministries, and how to truly engage people in God’s mission. Filled with creative insights, he explains what it means to center the mission of the church around the callings of individuals to outward ministry – whether that involves leading Bible studies in the workplace, feeding the homeless, or working to free women and children from sex trafficking.

      This book will both tell the inspiring story of a church that is rethinking what church looks like while also outlining and uncovering the principles that transfer for every church and Christian community that hopes for more. It’s the true story of a 10-year experiment that unpacks the possibilities of a church structured and streamlined for mission.

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    • Participating In Gods Mission


      Explores how the church has engaged-and should engage-the American context

      What might faithful and meaningful Christian witness look like within our changing contemporary American context?

      After analyzing contemporary challenges and developing a missiological approach for the US church, Craig Van Gelder and Dwight Zscheile reflect on the long, complex, and contested history of Christian mission in America. Five distinct historical periods from the beginning of the colonial era to the dawn of the third millennium are reviewed and critiqued.

      They then bring the story forward to the present day, discussing current realities confronting the church, discerning possibilities of where and how the Spirit of God might be at work today, and imagining what participating in the triune God’s mission may look like in an uncertain tomorrow.

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    • Ying And Grace Kais Training For Trainers


      Ying and Grace Kai’s Training for Trainers provides the most reliable resource available today for catalyzing Church Planting Movements. With personal insights and stories from around the world, this book pulls back the curtain and shows you the lives and life lessons behind the movements that have changed the world. Dr. David Garrison, Missionary Author, Church Planting Movements.

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    • When Everything Is Missions


      Bottomline Media

      What happens when the definition of missions becomes murky? Everything becomes missions and everyone becomes a missionary, but does that really fulfill the Great Commission? The authors challenge readers to reexamine their definitions and recommit to a biblical vision of global evangelism.

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    • Stay In The City


      We live in an urban age. To a degree unprecedented in human history, most of the world’s people live in cities. It is thus vital, say Mark Gornik and Maria Liu Wong, for Christians to think constructively about how to live out their faith in an urban setting.

      In Stay in the City Gornik and Liu Wong look at what is happening in the urban church–and what Christians everywhere can learn from it. Once viewed suspiciously for their worldly temptations and vices, cities are increasingly becoming centers of vibrant Christian faith. Writing from their experience living and working in New York City, Gornik and Liu Wong invite readers everywhere to join together in creating a more flourishing–and faith-filled–urban world.

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    • Roland Allens The Ministry Of Expansion


      Roland Allen was one of the most influential mission thinkers of the twentieth century. As a High Church Anglican, he had great respect and value for Church tradition, but was quick to confront cultural preferences when they appeared to contradict biblical prescriptions.

      The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity reflects his thoughts that dealt with Communion-related activities in the Majority World where the Anglican Church did not have well-developed church structures and priests. In this work, Allen argues that there are times and circumstances when non-clergy must take the lead in the administration of Holy Communion. Written around 1938, The Ministry of Expansion: The Priesthood of the Laity has remained unpublished until now. The work you hold represents one of the last book-length manuscripts written by Allen and includes a collection of articles by contemporary Allen scholars. Though nearly eighty years since he first put pen to paper, Allen’s principles and convictions still speak to the Church with great gravitas. What should be the response when the Church’s cultural preferences are unable to keep up with the work of the Spirit on the mission field? This was a not only a question in Allen’s day, but one for every generation of believers.

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    • Watching The Dragonfly Dance


      Since the fall of the USSR, Mongolia has been a veritable open door for Christianity to spread far and wide. Starting in the early 1990s, God set the stage for Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ (MCCC) to facilitate a message of hope and deliverance for a time such as this … when Zula, a young Mongolian mother and MCCC staff member would forge a lasting friendship with Rhonda, a stateside Christian conciliator and grandmother, through a short-term mission partnership with MCCC.

      This story takes you on the journey of God’s design that brought these two women together from completely different countries and cultures and transformed them through heartrending tragedy.

      Gratitude has come as I’ve made this journey. I’m thankful that God is using my broken heart to transform me for His purposes and for His glory, and to bring encouragement to the hurting hearts of others who have also experienced loss.

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    • If I Had Two Lives To Live


      Pioneer missionary Costas Macris was a man who believed God for great things. Born in Greece, he moved his family to the jungles of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, where he confronted cannibalistic head-hunters, opened new mission stations, and introduced the gospel to stone-age tribes. He later returned to Greece, where he founded a bold evangelistic work where the Apostle Paul had preached some 2,000 years before. As a young man, Costas read William Carey s famous challenge: Attempt great things for God; expect great things from God. Costas took these words to heart, and over a lifetime of ministry God responded in amazing ways. This inspiring account of Costas life will challenge you to trust God at a deeper level. You ll be encouraged by what God did through an ordinary man who abandoned himself, without reservation, to an extraordinary God.

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    • Termites Ate My Couch


      Have you ever wondered what life on the mission field is like? These are true tales from a mom, nurse, wife, and flawed person. These stories show how reliance on Jesus Christ brought her through the most emotional, rewarding, and hilarious times of her life. You are invited to read these stories and laugh and cry along with her.

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    • Explorations In Asian Christianity


      Asia is the birthplace of Christianity. If Christianity is not usually seen as an Asian religion, that is because the history of Christianity in Asia has long been a difficult one. Whereas Christianity in the West received royal support, Asian Christianity has led a more nomadic and exilic existence. Today it is the least Christianized region of the world. Scott W. Sunquist is a recognized expert on the history of the Christian faith in Asia. Over the years he has published and spoken frequently on this theme. Explorations in Asian Christianity gathers his key writings on the topic and organizes them into four main categories: surveys that look at Asian Christianity in broad perspective, historical investigations that look at how Christianity shapes our understanding of history and historiography, missiological studies that look closely at issues of place, and finally essays on theological education. Topics explored in this volume include Ecumenism in AsiaThe cruciform nature of ChristianityA missiology of placeThe Christian view of timeGlobal migrationExplorations in Asian Christianity sheds light on one of the most important but least well-known areas in Christian history.

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    • Muslim Insider Christ Followers


      Are Muslim insider Christ followers real believers? Are they Muslims or Christians? Does that matter? The topic of insider movements is controversial within the church. The debate rages on, opinions differ widely, and convictions often are defended aggressively. The set of voices sorely missing from this hot debate has been that of the insiders themselves. This book finally breaks that silence. Henk Prenger researched the views of 26 Muslim insider Christ followers who are leaders in their movements. You will be surprised by their insights. Prenger presents their views on 21 theology-proper topics such as God, man, the gospel, sin, Satan, the cross, heaven and hell, the Bible, and our mandate. He plotted these views in a theological/missional framework with four paradigms: Fundamental, Ecumenical, Integral, and Global. This M-Framework is a powerful catalyst for honest conversations about theological paradigms that inform how we approach insider movements and the kingdom of God on earth.

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    • To Alter Your World


      1. God Groans Like A Woman In Labor
      2. What’s Standing In Our Way?
      3. A Divine Disruption
      4. Midwives To The Birth Of The New Creation
      5. Making Space For Birth To Happen
      6. On Being Adaptive And Daring
      7. How To Really Change The World
      8. Changing The World Through Our Work
      9. Changing The World Through Placecrafting
      10. Being Changed As We Bring Change
      11. Suffering Along The Way

      Additional Info
      In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional leaders Michael Frost and Christiana Rice introduce the bold metaphor of a midwife to depict us as God’s birthing assistants as the kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. With groundbreaking ideas and practical illustrations from all corners of the globe, To Alter Your World will change the way you see how your church can partner in God’s world-altering mission. Nothing else could be more rewarding than laboring alongside a God who is birthing the new creation and inviting all to join in its benefits and blessings.

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    • Transcending Mission : The Eclipse Of A Modern Tradition


      Introduction: The Enigma Of Mission

      Part I: Justifying Mission
      1. Partisans And Apologists
      2. Reading Scripture As Mission
      3. Presenting History As Mission
      4. Rhetoric And Trope

      Part II: Innovating Mission
      5. Holy Conquest
      6. Latin Occupation
      7. Mission Vow
      8. Ignatian Mission

      Part III: Revising Mission
      9. Protestant Reception
      10. Missionary Problems

      Epilogue: Toward Pilgrim Witness
      Works Cited

      Additional Info
      Mission, missions, missional, and all its linguistic variations are part of the expanding vocabulary and rhetoric of the contemporary Christian missionary enterprise. Its language and assumptions are deeply ingrained in the thought and speech of the church today. Christianity is a missionary religion and faithful churches are mission-minded. What’s more, in telling the story of apostles and bishops and monks as missionaries, we think we have grasped the true thread of Christian history. But what about those odd shapes, those unsettling gaps and creases in the historical record? Is the language of mission so clearly evident across the broad reaches of time? Is the trajectory of mission really so explicit from the early church to the present? Or has the modern missionary enterprise distorted our view of the past? As with every reigning paradigm, there comes a point when enough questions surface to beg for a close and critical look, even when it may seem transgressive to do so. In this study of the language of mission-its origin, development, and application-Michael Stroope investigates how the modern church has come to understand, speak of, and engage in the global expansion of Christianity. There is both surprise and hope in this tale. And perhaps the beginnings of a new conversation.

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    • Smart Compassion : How To Stop Doing Outreach And Start Making Change


      When is doing good not good enough? When does “doing outreach” actually do harm?
      Smart Compassion calls Christians to strategic, prayerful, and biblically based approaches to compassion. With evangelical Anabaptist convictions and insights from psychology, Wesley Furlong uses his background as a church leader and nonprofit founder to guide readers through the three aspects of smart compassion needed for families and neighborhoods to flourish: collective empowerment, radical hospitality, and healing presence. In the vein of When Helping Hurts, discover wise strategies that bring Jesus’ love to your neighbors. Shift your paradigm from fixing everybody’s problems to spending yourself well. Learn how to hold together justice and evangelism, worldly wisdom and divine revelation, action and prayer.

      For anyone who wants to make a difference but doesn’t know how, Smart Compassion offers a contagious vision and practical steps for real change.

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    • Megachurch Accountability In Missions


      Megachurches are of relatively recent vintage. Their numerical strength invests them with social and financial power. To whom, if anyone, however, are megachurches accountable? What role do they play as innovators in missions? How have their enormous influence and financial strength been harnessed? What lessons can be learned? What course corrections ought to be made? Over the course of a week, the third meeting of the Korean Global Mission Leadership Forum (KGMLF), held in Korea in 2015, addressed these and related questions. Combining the insights of a rich mix of Korean and international megachurch leaders and scholars, Megachurch Accountability in Missions: Korean and Global Case Studies offers analysis, critique, and positive recommendations for future megachurch engagement in mission. This book is the third volume in KGMLF’s Accountability in Missions series.

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    • What Christians Believe


      Georgia Harkness contributed much during the mid-twentieth century to the clarification of beliefs for people throughout the church. In this volume she summarizes the Christian faith so that the typical individual can find firm ground on which to stand during trying times. She summarizes what Christians believe about God, the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. She explains how these beliefs affect Christian life.

      Georgia Harkness was a staunch believer that religious faith of the right kind nourishes insight and stamina, which are both needed as much now as they were in the turbulent 1960s. “If [Christians] are not to live by community pressures and the persuasive forces that impinge on them constantly from business, politics, the television or the newspaper, they must have a perspective from beyond these forces and agencies by which to judge them.” Here is such a perspective!

      Georgia Harkness (1891-1971) Wherever the Protestant Christian struggled to understand faith during the 20th century, the name of Georgia Harkness was well known. She was one of the most respected interpreters of the faith for the laity and for pastors. Her previous books, Understanding the Christian Faith, Toward Understanding the Bible, The Providence of God, The Ministry of Reconciliation, and Beliefs that Count typify an unmatched capacity for clarity and directness. Georgia Elma Harkness was an ordained Methodist minister and a graduate of Cornell University. She earned two masters’ degrees and then the PhD from Boston University. She finished her teaching and writing career as professor emeritus of applied theology at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California. For more information, see the biography by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Georgia Harkness: For Such a Time As This (Abingdon Press, 1992).

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    • Understanding Christian Mission


      This comprehensive introduction helps students, pastors, and mission committees understand contemporary Christian mission historically, biblically, and theologically. Scott Sunquist, a respected scholar and teacher of world Christianity, recovers missiological thinking from the early church for the twenty-first century. He traces the mission of the church throughout history in order to address the global church and offers a constructive theology and practice for missionary work today.Sunquist views spirituality as the foundation for all mission involvement, for mission practice springs from spiritual formation. He highlights the Holy Spirit in the work of mission and emphasizes its trinitarian nature. Sunquist explores mission from a primarily theological–rather than sociological–perspective, showing that the whole of Christian theology depends on and feeds into mission. Throughout the book, he presents Christian mission as our participation in the suffering and glory of Jesus Christ for the redemption of the nations.

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    • Church Planting In The Secular West


      An expert study of church planting in the most secular part of contemporary Europe

      In this book Stefan Paas offers thoughtful analysis of reasons and motives for missionary church planting in Europe, and he explores successful and unsuccessful strategies in that post-Christian secularized context.

      Drawing in part on his own involvement with planting two churches in the Netherlands, Paas explores confessional motives, growth motives, and innovation motives for church planting in Europe, tracing them back to different traditions and reflecting on them from theological and empirical perspectives. He presents examples from the European context and offers sound advice for improving existing missional practices. Paas also draws out lessons for North America in a chapter coauthored with Darrell Guder and John Franke. Finally, Paas weaves together the various threads in the book with a theological defense of church planting.

      Presenting new research as it does, this critical missiological perspective will add significantly to a fuller understanding of church planting in our contemporary context.

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    • Reading The Bible Missionally


      Insights from a noteworthy convergence of top scholars in biblical studies and missiology

      Over the past half century, it has become clear that mission is a central theme in the Bible’s narrative and, moreover, is central to the very identity of the church. This book significantly widens and deepens the emerging conversation on missional hermeneutics.

      Essays from top biblical and missiological scholars discuss reading the Scriptures missionally, using mission as a key interpretive lens. Five introductory chapters probe various elements of a missional hermeneutic, followed by sections on the Old and New Testaments that include chapters on two books from each to illustrate what a missional reading of them looks like. Essays in two concluding sections draw out the implications of a missional reading of Scripture for preaching and for theological education.

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    • Standing With The Vulnerable


      1. Understanding Development
      2. Understanding Poverty
      3. God’s Compassion For The Poor
      4. The Transformation Tree
      5. Development And Transformation
      6. Harmful Beliefs And Poverty
      7. Replacing Harmful Beliefs With God’s Truth
      8. Relationships And Transformation
      9. The Church And Poverty
      10. Reflection And Review

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      The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. God calls us to integral mission, obeying both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment in ministering to people’s spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being. This curriculum from World Relief is designed to mobilize the church to engage the great causes of our day, stand with the vulnerable and meet the needs of our neighbors as Jesus did. These ten sessions show how shaping our fundamental beliefs and values lead to better actions and results. Together we can alleviate poverty, welcome the stranger and transform communities at home and around the world. Join with others in learning how to love God, love your neighbors and put that love into action.

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    • State Of Missiology Today


      The 2015 Missiology Lectures at Fuller Theological Seminary marked the fiftieth anniversary of the School of Intercultural Studies (formerly School of World Mission). The papers from that conference present a “state of the art” in the field of missiology, drawing on the past and looking ahead to a diverse, global future.

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    • Church As Movement


      Part I: Distributing
      1. Movement Mentality
      2. Polycentric Leadership

      Part II: Discipleship
      3. Being Disciples
      4. Making Disciples

      Part III: Designing
      5. Missional Theology
      6. Ecclesial Architecture

      Part IV: Doing
      7. Community Formation
      8. Incarnational Practice


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      A training resource to help readers plant missional-incarnational churches, written by leading thinkers and practitioners in the area of church planting and missional living. This book is a thorough, comprehensive manual to help those on the long and challenging journey of church planting to survive and thrive.

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    • Joyful Witness In The Muslim World


      This up-to-date textbook features global perspectives on current Christian engagement with Islam, equipping readers for mission among Muslims. Evelyne Reisacher, who has worked extensively with Muslims in Europe, helps readers move from fear to joy as they share the gospel with Muslims. Reisacher surveys areas where Muslims and Christians encounter one another in the twenty-first century, highlighting innovative models of Christian witness in everyday life. Drawing on insights from global Christianity, this survey takes account of diverse conceptions of Muslim-Christian relations. The book may surprise those who believe mission among Muslims is difficult, challenging, and almost impossible.

      This is the first book in the Mission in Global Community series, which reframes missiological themes and studies for students around the common theme of mission as partnership with others. Series authors draw upon their own global experience and that of their global colleagues to illumine present realities and chart a course into the future. Series editors are Scott W. Sunquist and Amos Yong.

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    • Gaining By Losing


      People are leaving the church J.D. Greear pastors. Big givers. Key volunteers. Some of his best leaders and friends. And that’s exactly how he wants it to be. When Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission, he revealed that the key for reaching the world with the gospel is found in sending, not gathering. Though many churches focus time and energy on attracting people and counting numbers, the real mission of the church isn’t how many people you can gather. It’s about training up disciples and then sending them out. The true measure of success for a church should be its sending capacity, not its seating capacity. But there is a cost to this. To see ministry multiply, we must release the seeds God has placed in our hands. And to do that, we must ask ourselves whether we are concerned more with building our kingdom or God’s. In Gaining By Losing, J.D. Greear unpacks ten plumb lines that you can use to reorient your church’s priorities around God’s mission to reach a lost world. The good news is that you don’t need to choose between gathering or sending. Effective churches can, and must, do both.

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    • Innovation In World Mission


      Our world is changing: mass migrations, the emergence of mega-cities, globalization, travel, and ubiquitous connectivity. How do we make sense
      of it all? Innovation in World Mission was written for those who care about being relevant in this chaotic, yet exciting new world. This book explores the categories of mega-changes happening around us, and the impacts they are making, specifically in world mission. It explores how God created us in his image, to be creative and innovative-modern day children of Issachar who understand change and know how to respond. Real-life examples from ministries, non-profits, and businesses are used throughout to help understand how to put these tools into practice.

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    • Mission In Motion


      This book represents an historic and unprecedented piece of research. The research project took nearly ten years to complete from start to finish. It is not a longitudinal study but rather a snapshot in time, which took far longer to process than it did to take. Nevertheless, the picture that developed was well worth the wait. Our hope is that this work will remain relevant for many years to come and promote much discussion and interest to foster more effective mission involvement.

      As confirmation of the contemporary relevance of our project, while we were writing this book two localized studies were undertaken to investigate mission involvement in their contexts. How Australian Missionaries Are Being Called and Choose Mission Agencies (Hibbert, Hibbert, and Silberman, 2015) was researched in Sydney, Australia. Mobilizing More Missionaries: Insights from Surveys of Long-termers and Prospective Missionaries (McVay and Parrott, 2015) was the result of an online survey of 466 long-term missionaries from forty-six agencies undertaken in the United States.

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    • Mission Of The Church


      Leading voices representing a range of Christian traditions engage in an enlightening conversation as they present and compare their perspectives on the mission of the church.

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    • Apostolicity : The Ecumenical Question In World Christian Perspective


      1. The Problem Of Apostolicity
      2. Apostolicity Under The Horizon Of Schism
      3. Culture As The Nature Of Apostolic Continuity
      4. Apostolicity And Colonization: A Relationship?
      5. Subordinating Apostolicity To The Apostolate
      6. Historical Continuity In The Perspective Of World Christianity
      7. Jesus Christ, The One Ground Of The Apostle
      8. Apostolicity: The Livingness Of The Living Word
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      What constitutes the unity of the church over time and across cultures? Can our account of the church’s apostolic faith embrace the cultural diversity of world Christianity? The ecumenical movement that began in the twentieth century posed the problem of the church’s apostolicity in profound new ways. In the attempt to find unity in the midst of the Protestant-Catholic schism, participants in this movement defined the church as a distinct culture-complete with its own structures, rituals, architecture and music. Apostolicity became a matter of cultivating the church’s own (Western) culture. At the same time it became disconnected from mission, and more importantly, from the diverse reality of world Christianity. In this pioneering study, John Flett assesses the state of the conversation about the apostolic nature of the church. He contends that the pursuit of ecumenical unity has come at the expense of dealing responsibly with crosscultural difference. By looking out to the church beyond the West and back to the New Testament, Flett presents a bold account of an apostolicity that embraces plurality.

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    • Missionary Mindset : What Church Leaders Need To Know To Reach Their Commun


      Doug Ruffle writes A Missionary Mindset using the timeless principles of E. Stanley Jones and transfers them for use today. Teaching us to approach the mission field as if we were from a different country and learning a new culture, a new way of communicating, and a new way to connect people to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    • Challenging Islamic Traditions


      The Hadith are Islam’s most influential texts after the Qur’an. They outline in detail what the Qur’an often leaves unsaid. The Hadith are a foundation for Islamic law and theology and a key to understanding the worldview of Islam and why many Muslims do the things they do. This book subjects the Hadith to a critical analysis from a biblical perspective. In a scholarly and respectful way, it exposes significant inconsistencies within these ancient documents and highlights potential problems with the Muslim-Christian interface.

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    • Korean Missionary Movement


      This book provides the most thorough, penetrating analysis of trends in Korean missions to date. Seasoned researcher Steve Sang-Cheol Moon maps the relatively recent rise and explosive growth of the Korean missionary movement, studying the mission force and significant themes in its experience over a twenty-five-year period. These articles and papers supply data on every facet: mission fields and ministry foci; finances; age, marriage, family, and general demographics; training and credentials; burnout and attrition; education of missionary children; leadership trends; and global partnership.

      These chapters do not merely catalogue statistics-they probe beneath the surface to ask hard questions and set priorities for Korean missions. Moon explores painful subjects such as the 2007 hostage incident involving short-term workers in Afghanistan, and chronic concerns like workaholism and missionaries’ retirement. Ultimately, however, he finds much to commend and celebrate, tracing God’s providence in making Korea, within the span of a few decades, a dynamic leader in global missions.

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    • Church In Mission


      The WEA Mission Commission and William Carey Library are pleased to introduce the new volume of the “Globalization of Mission” series, The Church in Mission: Foundations and Global Case Studies. Edited by Dr. Bertil Ekstrom, Executive Director of the WEA MC, the book is the most recent distillation of Evangelical and globally-grounded studies on the local church-people of God. Dr. Ekstrom has led an MC global missiology task force team of reflective practitioners through a 3-year process working in community to present this singular publication gift to the church on and in mission. Some 31 writers from 19 nations have contributed to this resource, demonstrating yet again the Mission Commission’s commitment to listen to the global voice and provide a publishing platform for those voices to be heard.

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    • Jesus Of Korea


      SKU (ISBN): 9781506406817ISBN10: 1506406815Paul KimBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2016Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers – 1517 Media Print On Demand Product

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    • Engaging Islamic Traditions


      The Hadith have long been neglected by Christians, yet they may hold the key to reaching Muslims with the good news of Jesus Christ. In this ground-breaking book, the earliest traditions of Islam are assessed from a biblical perspective. Insights into the Islamic worldview and potential springboards to Christian truth are uncovered along the way. For those contextualizing the gospel to Muslim friends and colleagues, this book seeks for concord and connection with Muslim thinking, while maintaining a clear commitment to Jesus Christ and his gospel.

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    • Ministering Cross Culturally (Reprinted)


      With more than 125,000 copies in print, this model for effective personal relationships in a multicultural and multiethnic world has proven successful for many. On the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, this contemporary classic has been thoroughly updated to reflect Sherwood Lingenfelter’s mature thinking on the topic and to communicate with modern readers, helping them minister more effectively to people of different cultural and social backgrounds. It is accessible, practical, and applicable to many ministry situations.

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    • Shaped By The Gospel


      It is easy to assume that if we understand the gospel and preach it faithfully, our ministry will necessarily be shaped by it-but this is not true. Many churches claim to be gospel-centered but do not have a ministry that is shaped by, centered on, and empowered through the gospel. The implications of the gospel have not yet worked their way into the fabric of how that church does ministry.

      Gospel-centered ministry is more theologically driven than program driven. To pursue it, we must spend time reflecting on the essence, the truths, and the very patterns of the gospel itself. The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely-a third way of relating to God through grace. In Gospel-Centered Church, bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller addresses several current discussion and conflicts about the nature of the gospel and shows how faithful preaching of the gospel leads to individual and corporate renewal.

      This new edition contains the first section of Center Church in an easy-to-read format with new reflections and additional essays from Timothy Keller and several other contributors.

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    • Serving A Movement


      Our goal as Christians is never simply to build our own tribe. Instead, we seek the peace and prosperity of the city or community in which we live through a gospel movement led by the Holy Spirit, a movement united by the gospel of Jesus Christ, a common mission to reach and serve others, and a commitment to be gracious and generous to those who disagree with you.

      In Serving a Movement, best-selling author and pastor Timothy Keller looks at the nature of the church’s mission and its relationship to the work of individual Christians in the world. He examines what it means to be a “missional” church today and how churches can practically equip people for missional living. Churches need to intentionally cultivate an integrative ministry that connects people to God, to one another, to the needs of the city, and to the culture around us. Finally, he highlights the need for intentional movements of churches planting new churches that faithfully proclaim God’s truth and serve their communities.

      This new edition contains the third section of Center Church in an easy-to-read format with new reflections and additional essays from Timothy Keller and several other contributors.

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    • Seeking The Unseen


      Buddhism claims no god, yet spiritual realities abound in popular practice. What are these realities? What do they mean to the practitioners? How can understanding these realities inform Christ-followers seeking to communicate the good news of Jesus in ways that all can understand and relate to? In answer to these and other questions, SEANET proudly presents its twelfth volume,

      Seeking the Unseen: Spiritual Realities in the Buddhist World. Christian practitioners
      from thirteen different Buddhist cultures share insights gained from their wideranging
      experiences and perspectives. From Sri Lanka to Japan, from China to the Philippines, these women and men, Asian and Western, present on a topic that is often missing in mission literature today.

      And for readers seeking personal insight into the growing spiritual complexities of their own place in the postmodern world, lessons from these authors will guide you with practical principles from engaging, firsthand cultural encounters.

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    • Apostolic Church Planting


      1. What Is Church Planting?
      2. How’s Your Ecclesiology?
      3. Practices Of Team Members
      4. Pathway To Planting
      5. Stages Of Planting
      6. Planned Role Changes
      7. Church Multiplication Cycle
      8. Methods
      9. Where To Begin?
      10. Pastoral Development
      11. Strategy Development
      12. Ethical Guidelines
      About The Author

      Additional Info
      Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples.

      Missionary church planter J. D. Payne explains the process and stages of church planting, with biblical foundations and practical steps for planting teams. He provides a pathway for the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches. Here are church planting strategies and activities that are simple, highly reproducible and can be implemented by ordinary team members, not just by charismatic leaders.

      This guide can be used for planting in contexts among any given people group, domestically or internationally. It is an ideal resource for teams to work through together as they follow God’s call in their community.

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