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Showing 701–800 of 2017 results

  • Axe And The Tree


    A powerful account of costly mission in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, this book details how British missionaries Peter and Brenda Griffiths and their team set up a superb secondary school, only for guerrillas to massacre almost all the staff. Peter died prematurely of a brain tumor; Brenda was repeatedly robbed and ultimately fled the country in her seventies, leaving behind the ruins of all they sought to accomplish.

    Yet this is not the end of the story. Many students Brenda and Peter taught have kept their faith, though scattered across the country, and many are now in positions of leadership and influence. The strong Christian church in Zimbabwe today continues to honor Peter and Brenda’s courage and sacrifice.

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  • Jesus Club : Incredible True Stories Of How God Is Moving In Our High Schoo (Rep


    How a Simple Act of Obedience Is Igniting Revival in Our Nation’s Schools

    What happens when a teenage convert from atheism hears a challenge from the Lord–and decides to act on it? This true story is the catalyst for a move of God that is taking the high schools of America for Jesus.

    Brian Barcelona, a dynamic leader on the forefront of youth evangelism, recounts how he answered God’s call on his life with dramatic and miraculous results. Just a few months out of high school, Brian obeyed God’s directive to return to his alma mater and preach the gospel to the kids in the Bible club. Suddenly lives began to be changed. Hearts were saved. Numbers grew. Soon other schools joined in, sparking a youth revival in which thousands of teens are letting Jesus heal their lives.

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  • When Oceans Roar


    Publisher Marketing:
    When Oceans Roar tells the remarkable stories of people who heard the still small voice of God, and saw God do amazing things when they took God at his word and surrendered themselves to him.

    The stories told in this book represent roads that few people would have chosen. Yet having said ‘yes’ to God, and taken the first step, each one was strengthened, empowered and equipped for the journey ahead. It includes the story of a couple who prayed over their child who had no heart beat for three days in the sure knowledge that God would meet them at their point of need, and of a Bangladeshi freedom fighter taken before a firing squad only to learn that God had a plan for his life. This is a book that will challenge you to find your true identity, and having done so to step out of complacency and take risks in the sure knowledge that God will never leave you or forsake you as you surrender yourself to him. Be inspired to listen out for the still small voice of God above the ocean’s roar.

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  • Burning Bush : To Gods Suffering Children


    There are many struggles and challenges that must be navigated when moving through life. It can seem overwhelming at first, as if being on a difficult journey without a guide. It can even seem like the entire path has to be taken entirely alone. However, this is not the case.

    The Burning Bush: To God’s Suffering Children provides valuable lessons that can be applied to readers’ lives to tackle daily and also complex struggles. The author uses personal accounts and conversations with the Lord in order to connect with readers. Scriptures and stories are combined to highlight the importance of living a spiritual life in order to develop a greater understanding of the Lord’s plan. Modeled as an educational tool, The Burning Bush: To God’s Suffering Children inspires readers to discover or strengthen their relationship with the living God. Each claim made about God’s mercy is thoroughly explored and explained, working to provide comfort, knowledge, and peace to all readers.

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  • Revelation In A Chair


    Revelation in a Chair concerns delivering a vehicle to understand why God made us and whether we are using all we are (past and present) to deliver our best in HIS WORLD. The book creates a process for achieving our best by documenting who we come from, what relationships we have had, what jobs we have performed, and what activities we have engaged in. From there we can round out a picture of where God is leading us, recognizing that EVERYTHING matters in building that picture. We can free ourselves with information about ourselves to paint ourselves with GOD’S BRUSH rather than the WORLD’S!

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  • Minute Motivators For Weight Loss


    One Minute of Encouragement Can Empower Your Whole Day

    You’ve realized it’s going to take more than a good plan and wishful thinking to get you to that healthy place you long to be. It’s going to take an act of the will, day after day-making choices that will eventually change the way you live for the better.

    Bestselling author Stan Toler has provided the quick, to-the-point motivation you need for those moments you’re tempted to give in and those days you struggle to keep hope alive. You’ll find great tips for maintaining a healthier lifestyle, served with a side of humor and grace to keep your heart satisfied.

    Fill your mind with encouragement first thing in the morning, right before a meal, or in the midst of your midnight-snack cravings-and stay on track for losing weight and enjoying a revitalized life.

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  • Blitz Your Life


    If you’ve ever dreamed of something more in life, this book is for you. Blitz Your Life is a collection of reflections from a former NFL linebacker on a life lived fearlessly and challenges from a man with a sense of urgency for impact. These powerful stories range from Tim’s time on the football field to the radically different life and goals that resulted from his diagnosis with ALS in 2014. Tim also shares stories of ordinary people who have faced everyday challenges and accomplished extraordinary things. Whether they sweep floors or rebuild neighborhoods or make music, all are living lives that make a difference. At times funny and others serious, Tim encourages readers to “write” their own goals and stories while pursuing their dreams. Through his “whiteboard challenges,” he provides practical help that takes readers on a road to success. From his NFL days to his support of ALS awareness, this fighter’s message is a courageous call to find and enjoy a life with purpose.

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  • Treasures In Dark Places


    Skinny-armed toddlers with wide, hungry eyes and bloated bellies watched us beneath thatched eaves, a black string around their waists and heavy mascara smeared around their eyes to fend off the demons. Their rescue and freedom were why I had come. But now that I was here, what was I, one small woman, to do in the face of overwhelming poverty and evil?

    From the beautiful Himalayas to the mighty Ganges River of northern India, a soul-stealing spiritual darkness ravages the land. More than 35 million children are orphaned and destitute. Over 25,000 girls are abducted annually for sex trafficking. Dictators and loan sharks force millions into physical slavery while witch doctors and centuries old idol worship imprison even more in spiritual bondage.

    God’s heart breaks for them. And in His great mercy, He called one unlikely young woman to shine His light in this dark place.

    With warmth and disarming honesty, Leanna Cinquanta shares the rigors, heartaches and miraculous experiences of living hand-in-hand with God, invading the blackness and liberating His treasures. You will be amazed and encouraged at how the supernatural love of Jesus can transform not just one heart, but the hearts of a nation.

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  • He Chose The Nails


    Linger on the hill of Calvary. Rub a finger on the timber and press the nail into your hand. Taste the tinge of cheap wine and feel the scrape of a thorn on your brow. Touch the velvet dirt, moist with the blood of God. Allow the tools of torture to tell their story. Listen as they tell you what God did to win your heart.

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  • Facing God : Unlocking The Truth Of His Love And Mercy Through The Life Of


    Mention the story of Job and you might as well open a can of worms. There are many different opinions on suffering and trials and what happened to cause Job to go through the most horrific trials.

    Author Daphne Delay opens the eyes of the reader to many important truths. First, we have an enemy named Satan who has twisted and perverted our world. Although we might think that his destructive ways would push people toward a loving God, the devil has actually deceived many of us into believing that the world’s pain and tragedies are part of God’s doing. Yet, on the contrary, God promises in His word to be a “shelter for the oppressed and a refuge in times of trouble”.

    God never promised that we would not have adversity. In fact, the Scriptures teach just the opposite but with a promise, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all”. But, we also have a part to play. We have a free will and have to choose to trust in Him when hard times come. Many times we confuse what comes from our enemy and what comes from God. He is merciful and kind and patient with us and longs for us to know His character.

    In this book, you will realize that it isn’t about your own self-righteousness to live holy but through faith in Jesus and the loving character of God that we can live an upright life.

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  • Angel In Aisle 3


    In the tradition of An Invisible Thread and Same Kind of Different as Me, Angel in Aisle 3 is the heartwrenching yet hopeful ( Publishers Weekly) true story of an unlikely friendship that began with a chance meeting in a grocery store between a bank executive bound for prison and an elderly stranger.

    When Kevin West resigned from his job as vice president of a bank after making fraudulent loans, he spent the time before his trial managing a family-owned, small grocery store in Ironton, Ohio. Dealing with serious marriage problems and with a prison sentence almost certainly in his future, Kevin was overcome with remorse and without a scrap of hope. It was at his lowest moment that Kevin called out to a power beyond himself for help, and God answered his prayer in the form of an elderly vagrant named Don. What began as a chance meeting between two individuals whose lives seemed headed for certain ruin turns into an unlikely friendship that saved them both.

    It was this friendship that helped Kevin thrive in prison, restore his failed marriage, and gave Don a chance at a new life that went beyond anyone s imagination. Moving and awe-inspiring, this story of a pure friendship sheds light on the redemption and hope that can grow out of relationships based in faith.

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  • Spiritual Depression : Lifting Up For The Downcast


    13 Chapters

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    Life is a battle. Whosoever you see around or meet on the road in the market, in the worship centre or at school is fighting a battle of spiritual depression. The great men we sometimes celebrate and assume as problem-free, are often times victims of spiritual depression. All of us are victims and must acknowledge that we need help. Spiritual Depression provides you with the help necessary to understand and overcome the evil disease. You need it if you are a victim or still struggling with spiritual depression.

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  • Emotional Rollercoaster : A Collection Of Poems


    This is different to your everyday collection of poems about love, heartache, God, humanity, addiction and don’t forget to throw in a little joy too. I have also been able to take a moment and add my own little twist to a subject, it will make you change the way you see the simple things in life. The way two people see something can be totally different and if I don’t show you, well you would have never even known about it. Written by an Australian poet D.A. Hopkins.

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  • Man Whose Eyes Are Open


    The book has been inspired by God to explain scripturally the will of God for an opened eye for knowledge and a spiritual understanding in the life of a Christian. It will help you look deeper into a situation which can be easy to neglect and thus may cause spiritual problems for a Christian. And more the message in this book is coupled with series of prayers. It is time to wake up from our slumber and be delivered from spiritual cataract and move forward.

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  • Unleash The Power Of Prayer In Your Life


    A Horace Williams Jr Title

    Do you desire a powerful prayer life? Prayer is a mystery that we struggle to understand. Your prayer life is a reflection of your relationship with God. Almighty God has given you unlimited access to His throne of grace, and you have access to His AMAZING power. A power that TRANSFORMS lives. Power to transform your life and the lives others.

    I have experienced this power in my own life. God in His goodness rescued me from the dark and dangerous path my life was headed down. In this book I will share some of the blessings available to you as you strengthen your prayer life while seeking God in prayer. When you make prayer a priority and pray with purpose, God’s power will be revealed and lives are transformed! Are you ready to unleash God’s power in your life?

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  • But If Not


    A spunky, fun-loving leader-of-leaders, Brenda Pue made a lasting impact through her mentoring work with Arrow Leadership from 1996 till her death in 2016. Here in But If Not she writes authentically about her journey with cancer so that she might now mentor us in also finishing well.

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  • God Is A Bad Mother


    Tereatha Allen Akbar is a mother, daughter, sister, wife, teacher, and a conduit for God’s voice in the real story of her life. Though she and her family have dealt with more than their fair share of obstacles, she deals with them all with grace, poise, and a healthy dose of humor. Throughout it all, she realizes that God never puts more in front of you than you can handle, especially if you’re not afraid to ask for help and know that He speaks your language.

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  • Success Model : Five Steps To Revolutionize Your Life


    What would your life be like if you achieved all your goals? How do you overcome fear and inhibition in order to accomplish things that only before were unimaginable? What if you had a five-step system that you could plug any desire into and get immediate results?

    The Success Model outlines a five-step system you can use in any of the major seven areas of life. Learn to overcome fear, gain balance in your life, improve your communication skills and much more. The Success Model will leave you thirsty for personal growth, ready to achieve and positioned to teach those you lead.

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  • W Clement Stones The Success System That Never Fails


    Would you like to be more successful?

    What do you want most in life? Recognition? Money? Health? Happiness? Prestige? Love?

    All of these things and more can be yours if you will follow a few simple rules and put to work the easy to follow principles in this book. Within these pages, it is proven that success can be reduced to a formula to a system that NEVER fails.In your hands lies the golden key to a glittering future and the true riches of life.

    Now is the time to unlock the powerful potential within you!”

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  • Praying With Mandalas


    Coloring books aren’t just for kids anymore. In recent years adult coloring books have become popular. Many grownups have discovered that coloring can quiet their thoughts and reduce anxiety. Sharon Seyfarth Garner found that coloring offered her a new way to pray. She felt especially drawn to mandalas-beautiful circular designs containing geometric patterns. Contemplative coloring is a simple, enjoyable, and tangible way for adults to “be with God on purpose,” as Garner defines prayer. Praying with Mandalas blends the relaxing practice of coloring with the ancient spiritual practices of lectio divina (savoring the words of scripture), intercessory prayer, centering prayer, and Examen (seeing God in the events of our daily lives). This coloring book guides adults through a heartfelt, tangible experience of prayer, helping them create a visual prayer journal. Coloring books aren’t just for kids anymore. In recent years adult coloring books have become popular. Many grownups have discovered that coloring can quiet their thoughts and reduce anxiety. Sharon Seyfarth Garner found that coloring offered her a new way to pray. She felt especially drawn to mandalas-beautiful circular designs containing geometric patterns. Contemplative coloring is a simple, enjoyable, and tangible way for adults to “be with God on purpose,” as Garner defines prayer. Praying with Mandalas blends the relaxing practice of coloring with the ancient spiritual practices of lectio divina (savoring the words of scripture), intercessory prayer, centering prayer, and Examen (seeing God in the events of our daily lives). This coloring book guides adults through a heartfelt, tangible experience of prayer, helping them create a visual prayer journal.

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  • Collision Course : How To Harness The Power Of Love To Heal Your Broken Lif


    Want to know God’s long lost secret to transforming and healing your broken life?

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  • 100 Most Encouraging Verses Of The Bible (Reprinted)


    The 100 Most Encouraging Verses in the BibleEveryone struggles with discouragement as they face various trials of life, big or small. Whether you are struggling with your health, family, job, or relationships, God wants to give you hope and peace again. What does he want you to know and remember in the hard times? This book goes straight to the source of all Truth to reveal how much God loves you and how he’s right by your side through thick and thin. The 100 verses that are highlighted include well-known passages as well as hidden treasures you may have never read. Each verse is followed by a brief devotional reading that will help you find understanding and comfort from the text–and in the process draw you ever nearer to God. The book’s length and focus make it perfect as a daily meditation or to read as a family. It also makes an ideal gift for those who love the Bible and seek the hope of God’s promises.

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  • Scent Of Water


    Follow Naomi as she talks to women working in brothels in Mumbai; survivors of an Indonesian tsunami in which more than 160,000 lives were lost; a young girl waiting on an operation to save her life; and victims of domestic violence horrifically burned by fire. Be still with her when she realizes the pain she feels in the face of these extreme injustices reveals a common struggle that exists within all of humanity. And rise with her as she wrestles with confusion over her identity, comes face to face with redemption, and then begins to understand her own story … and to find her calling.

    The Scent of Water will open your eyes to the complexities of the world, showing you pain can also be beauty, and how each are found in the unlikeliest of places.

    Zacharias doesn’t have all the answers. But she has hope and encouragement that will empower you to find and begin the adventure of your life.

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  • 66 Ways God Loves You


    God’s Word is many things-instructive, historical, poetic. Yet to Jennifer Rothschild, the Bible is also an incredible love letter. In 66 Ways God Loves You, she walks you through each of the sixty-six books of the Bible and shows, in concise and thoughtful ways, how every book reflects God’s love for each of us, such as:
    *In Genesis God fashions me with His hands.
    *In Esther He Makes You Royalty
    *In Acts God’s Spirit comes to live in me.
    *In I Peter God gives me victory over suffering.

    Each chapter includes a succinct, meaningful reading on the message of that book in the Bible, along with a simple takeaway to help you bring the message to light in your own heart and life.

    Whether you are a new believer, struggling with doubt, questioning your self-worth, or just looking to celebrate God’s unwavering love for you, join Jennifer as she opens the Word in fresh, beautiful ways to show you how God’s love is the common thread that runs through every single page.

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  • Worship Changes Everything


    What Does Worship Look Like the Other Six Days of the Week?
    With wisdom and joy, Darlene Zschech shares her thoughts on what worship truly is and what it looks like in real life–during your weekday commute, when the laundry’s piling up, even while you’re out for coffee with a friend. In Worship Changes Everything, you’ll discover how to let praise and wonder invade every facet of your being and experience God in every moment of life. Get ready to be transformed by the purpose and freedom that come from living a life of worship. Now in paper.

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  • Raw And Reverent


    Following Jesus’ practice of prayer, may you experience afresh God’s power, presence, and relationship from this amazing discipline of communication with our awe-inspiring God.

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  • Successful Women Speak Differently


    What if the goal is how you live instead of what you achieve? Valorie Burton, certified personal life coach and bestselling author of Successful Women Think Differently (over 150,000 copies sold), identifies key habits that will help you reexamine your priorities and create a new definition of success for yourself. Learn how to set priorities so the things that matter actually get attentiondefine “normal” for yourself instead of following the crowd focus on long-term dreams instead of momentary successInstead of checking off endless to-do lists, discover the power of living at peace, being content, and having enough instead of striving for more.

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  • Sea Changed


    A moving story of one woman’s search for God, truth and fulfilment which has led to a transformed life and has ultimately witnessed God’s extraordinary healing power. Growing up with a strong sense of spirituality, Kate searched long and hard throughout the world to find the God who made sense of that spiritual longing. After catching glimpses of God in many cultures along the way, Kate finally found God and her life was transformed for ever. Despite a highly successful journalistic career, she felt there was a disconnect between her work and faith, which eventually led her to work for the charity World Vision where she is now the Chief Communications Officer. Kate has had some personal battles to face, including the loss of both her parents, the loss of a baby, and debilitating ME. She has recently battled breast cancer, from which God has miraculously healed her.

    Sea Change encourages readers to recognise the unseen hand that shifts our perspective, alters our trajectory and lifts us up even in our darkest moments.

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  • Psalms To Color


    Fill these beautiful psalms and other poetic phrases with your favorite colors. These illustrations will transport you, helping you relax and transcend the stresses of daily life. No matter your faith, you will derive spiritual satisfaction from these divine designs.

    Drawing quotations directly from the Bible, this coloring book offers important and inspiring messages to live by, including: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” The book also includes Psalms such as “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” and “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Surrounding these uplifting biblical psalms are beautiful black-and-white illustrations adorned with florals, animal life, and much more for you to color!

    Additionally, this book is perfectly sized for on-the-go coloring and includes perforated pages so that colorists can easily remove and display their finished works. So pick up your copy of Psalms to Color: Words That Inspire and relax by coloring these hopeful and soothing images.

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  • Flash : The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me About Life Faith And Second Chanc


    The heartwarming tale of an irrepressible donkey who needed a home-and forever changed a family.

    Rachel Anne Ridge was at the end of her rope. The economy had crashed, taking her formerly thriving business along with it. She had been a successful artist, doing work she loved, but now she felt like a failure. How would her family pay their bills? What would the future hold? If only God would somehow let them know that everything was going to be all right . . . and then Flash the donkey showed up.

    If there is ever a good time to discover a wounded, frightened, bedraggled donkey standing in your driveway, this wasn’t it. The local sheriff dismissed Flash as “worthless.”

    But Rachel didn’t believe that, and she couldn’t turn him away. She brought Flash into her struggling family during their darkest hour-and he turned out to be the very thing they needed most. Flash is the true story of their adventures together in learning to love and trust; breaking down whatever fences stood in their way; and finding the strength, confidence, and faith to carry on. Prepare to fall in love with Flash: a quirky, unlikely hero with gigantic ears, a deafening bray, a personality as big as Texas, and a story you’ll never forget.

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  • She Believes : Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live (Reprinted)


    Dynamic Leader Helps Women Embrace the Life They Were Created to Live
    With over seven billion people in the world, it can be difficult for women to believe they were designed for a purpose. That they individually have value, and their life has meaning that goes beyond what they see or have been told to believe. But that’s just the life-changing message Debbie Lindell passionately shares and champions. Every woman, no matter her history, social status, or position in society, was beautifully and magnificently designed by her Creator to live an amazing life. In She Believes, Lindell shares with women the beautiful truth of God’s love for them, empowering them to live out their own unique purpose and bring change to their homes, their workplaces, their communities, and the world. With personal stories and biblical truth, Debbie invites women to trust God’s Word–and discover the incredible, abundant life that he created them to live.

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  • Beauty Of Grace


    Encouraging and Heartfelt Stories of Grace Connect Women’s Hearts with God–Now in Paper
    In this hectic life, it’s easy to forget that God is always near, even though he sends us frequent reminders. The beauty amid the mess, a well-timed word of encouragement from a friend, the memories that won’t let go of our hearts–they’re all ways God extends us grace. But if we’re not paying attention, we can miss them. With heartfelt stories from some of today’s foremost writers, The Beauty of Grace is a haven of calm contemplation amid the chaos. These inspiring stories helps readers appreciate the benefits of cultivating friendship, waiting on God, choosing joy, staying connected, learning to trust, and much more.Contributors include Jessica Turner, Lisa-Jo Baker, Holley Gerth, Ann Voskamp, Bonnie Gray, Tsh Oxenreider, Leeana Tankersley, Emily Freeman, Margaret Feinberg, and many others.

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  • Mulligan : A Parable Of Second Chances


    In this hardcover book endorsed by golf legend Jack Nicklaus and written in the appealing parable style of other bestselling books such as Who Moved My Cheese?; Gungo Ho!; and Whale Done!; golf pro Wally Armstrong and author Ken Blanchard walk you through time-tested steps for improving your golf game and your life. Told through the eyes of Paul McAllister, the Ivy League-educated founder of a multimillion dollar business, this inspiring story about relationships, forgiveness, and priorities is the shot of grace you’ve been looking for. Golf’s gracious do-over, a mulligan is the beginning of Paul’s own second chance. Guided by the wisdom and advice of an old pro, Paul learns about priorities, self-confidence, and playing a good game both on and off the course. If you ever thought it would be great to do some things over in life-to get a second chance-in the grip of golf pro Wally Armstrong and Ken Blanchard, author of the bestselling The One Minute Manager, The Mulligan becomes a life-changing principle.

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  • Troubles Dont Last You Do Persevering Through Adversity


    STILL STANDING! No obstacle Satan hurls your way will last. In every instance, you emerge victoriously. Life’s troubles are equal to speed bumps, you slow down just enough to drive over them, thump, thump, and then those bumps become a distant memory. The power residing in you helps you overcome adversity, resolve problems, and find peace. The only resolution to the never-ending problems of life is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Your relationship with him and the Father is sacred and eternal. Rest assured that at the end of all your trials, eternal bliss is waiting. With God as the benevolent guide: Troubles don’t last, you do.

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  • She Reads Truth


    Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, “She Reads Truth” is the message that will help you understand the place of God’s Word in your life.

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  • Bless The Lord O My Soul


    Taken from the ESV, the complete book of Psalms has been divided into 365 readings. Every day has space for a short reflection at the end of the reading. Includes 52 illustrated Scripture verses that can be colored in.
    Foiled cover
    One-color insides
    Rose-gold printed edge

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  • Reluctant Leader


    Taking on a leadership role does not always come naturally. Lack of confidence, self-doubt, apprehension and fear of failure all hold many gifted people back. In The Reluctant Leader, coaching experts Peter Shaw and Hillary Douglas share wisdom gained from working extensively with leaders across all sectors, helping you turn your natural hesitation into a confident use of your leadership gifts.
    Recognising the importance of humility, they offer many practical tips for gaining confidence by adopting good role models, building support, experimenting with a wider repertoire of skills, celebrating success and growing through failure.
    With many examples and tips for good practice, The Reluctant Leader explores reluctance at emotional, intellectual and practical levels, asking such questions as:
    – Why do I not want to stand out from others?
    – Why do I dwell on risks and fears?
    – Why do I shy away from conflict?
    – Why do I have to be 100 per cent sure before taking a step forward?
    – How can I overcome a fear of public speaking?

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  • Kidnapped By A Cult


    As a founder of the China Gospel Fellowship, one of the largest underground churches in China comprising millions of believers, Pastor Shen Xiaoming knew the meaning of persecution. Time and again, while preaching and traveling throughout Tanghe County, Pastor Shen experienced deprivation, disease, and imprisonment for the sake of the incredible spread of the gospel.

    But April 16, 2002, brought the persecution to a new level. Pastor Shen was kidnapped by the murderous Eastern Lightning cult after being lured into a supposed Bible conference. This dangerous cult believes that Christ returned in the form of a female Chinese leader in 1992, and they use force, torture, and indoctrination to convert others. For two months, Pastor Shen was held captive.

    As Eastern Lightning slowly gains worldwide attention for their violence, Pastor Shen’s first-person account of his life and work in Tanghe County and his persevering stand against this murderous sect will both inspire and inform.

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  • New Wine Is Better


    The lively, amusing, and true story of Robert Thom traces his downward trek from a twelve-bedroom South African mansion to an orphanage to the hopeless world of an alcoholic on the verge of suicide. Then he met Mrs. Walker and his life was forever changed. She introduced him to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and soon he was walking in a world or faith, power, and joy, with one of the most power prophetic healing ministries in the twentieth century. Robert Thom’s story is a modern-day miracle that reveals the secret of faith-how it worked in the life or Robert Thom and how it can work for you.

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  • Seize The Day


    Today is no ordinary day. You may perform simple routines, feel uninspired, or lack the excitement of hope. But today could be the most important one of your life–depending on how you choose to spend it.

    Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, encourages you not to waste another minute. There is something special, valuable waiting for you to discover in each day. And when you spend time with God daily, asking Him to help you find it, you’ll unlock the wonderful purpose He has in store for you. When you commit to letting God direct you, instead of resting passively in your own disappointments, you’ll be open to receive greater happiness and blessings than you ever thought possible.

    All you need is the right encouragement. With over four decades of experience helping others find fulfillment, Joyce shares key biblical insights and personal stories that will help you make the most of this moment and SEIZE THE DAY

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  • 5 Minutes With Jesus A Fresh Infusion Of Joy


    We all have days when joy feels out of reach. Maybe it’s because our routines feel mundane or our struggles seem unending, but we end up just trying to get through the day. We forget that Scripture tells us joy-the joy of the Lord-is always within in reach. Jesus told his disciples to remain in his truth and love so that his joy may be in them, and Sheila Walsh guides women toward this amazing experience in 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy. Powerful devotions, encouraging scriptures, and memorable takeaways will inspire readers to draw close to Jesus and live with his joy every day. Spending time with the Savior can make a world of difference! With contemporary packaging and inspiring content, 5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy makes a beautiful gift for a friend who needs encouragement and a great self-purchase for anyone looking for a little more joy in her life.

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  • You Have A Brain


    Throughout his life, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson has needed to overcome many obstacles: his father leaving the family; being considered stupid by his classmates in grade school; growing up in inner-city Detroit; and having a violent temper. But Dr. Carson didn’t let his circumstances control him, and instead discovered eight principles that helped shape his future.

    In You Have a Brain: A Teen’s Guide to Think Big, Dr. Carson unpacks the eight important parts of Thinking Big-Talent, Honesty, Insight, Being Nice, Knowledge, Books, In-Depth Learning, and God-and presents the stories of people who demonstrated those things in his life. By applying the idea of T.H.I.N.K. B.I.G. to your life, and by looking at those around you as well, you too can overcome obstacles and work toward achieving your dreams.

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  • Facing The Mirror


    When you look in your mirror, do you like what you see? Or, are you like most people who avoid their mirror to mask the reminders of their mistakes, or the scars of their experiences. Even though trials are unavoidable, they don’t have to define us. In this book, author Daphne Delay shares the valuable lesson that she learned in front of her own mirror and how she was able to teach it to her son a few years before a tragic car accident left him scarred from third-degree burns.

    In this book, you will learn to see yourself as God sees you and also discover the truth about God. You will learn the truth about the lies and deception that have held you back and be taught how to live in the freedom that God intended you too have!

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  • My Homesteaders Heritage


    My Homesteader’s Heritage is an account of the bravery and perseverance of two families who left family and friends in Europe to immigrate and homestead in Canada. They overcame the difficulties and hardships of a frontier land to pass on a legacy of faith, determination, hard work, and success for their children to follow and emulate.

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  • Minute Motivators For Women


    Whether you pick up this book before you’re off to the races in the morning or when you’re winding down at bedtime, Minute Motivators for Women will inspire and encourage you over and over again.

    We don’t always need more knowledge. Often, what we need is time for reflection on what we already know. Each chapter of this engaging book will draw your attention to a single attribute that every godly woman wants to cultivate in her life, such as patience, wisdom, persistence, courage, and gratitude.

    The Tolers’ bite-size portions of inspiration make this the perfect devotional for, well, anytime, especially those days when you wake up feeling as though you’re already several hours behind. It also offers a terrific way to recharge in the middle of a hectic schedule. And reading a brief chapter at the end of your day will remind you that God has every aspect of your life under control.

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  • Not Without A Fight


    Not Without A Fight is a 40-day journey of excitement into God’s Word designed to enrich and inspire you in your daily walk. This six-week journey will require only 7 minutes a day during which time your soul will be fed the truth in God’s Word which will propel you into victorious living in the battleground of life. You will learn to fight to win against sin and the evil supernaturalism we all face in every-day life.

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  • Running For My Life


    Running for My Life is not a story about Africa or track and field athletics. It is about outrunning the devil and achieving the impossible faith, diligence, and the desire to give back. It is the American dream come true and a stark reminder that saving one can help to save thousands more. Lopez Lomong chronicles his inspiring ascent from a barefoot lost boy of the Sudanese Civil War to a Nike sponsored athlete on the US Olympic Team. Though most of us fall somewhere between the catastrophic lows and dizzying highs of Lomong’s incredible life, every reader will find in his story the human spark to pursue dreams that might seem unthinkable, even from circumstances that might appear hopeless.

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  • Hikes Flights And Lookout Stories


    Hikes, Flights & Lookout Stories – Life Lessons From High Places is a collection of unforgettable tales from my life as a hiker, pilot, and fire lookout. The 33 chapters brim with true accounts of such notable narratives as the grueling 50-mile hike on the West Coast Trail of Vancouver Island, a near accident in a float plane on Quilcene Bay, and the night a fire broke out inside a fire lookout station during a tower-rocking lightning storm. You’ll read about a menacing storm and dehydration in the Enchantments, the author’s near-death experience making an instrument landing at Jamestown N.Y., and a funeral service for two kittens on Granite Mountain. The author is brutally honest about his errors of judgment, modest about his occasional heroics, and faithful in making relevant applications to life today. As with his other life-lesson books, you will wince or laugh, and perhaps even experience a bit of inspiration.

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  • Jesus Calling : Enjoying Peace In His Presence (Large Type)


    Experience peace in the presence of the Savior who is closer than you can imagine. This #1 bestselling 365-day devotional is written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you-words of encouragement, comfort, and reassurance of His unending love. Sarah Young shares her personal prayer journal and her reflections based on Jesus’ words of hope, guidance, and peace within Scripture. Penned by one who loves Jesus and reveres His Word, these writings will help your love for Jesus grow as you spend time with Him each day. Sarah Young has also added 100 new scriptures to this beloved book. Experience a deeper relationship with the Lord as you savor the presence of the One who will never leave you. The Jesus Calling brand has touched millions of lives and remains a bestselling-and truly transformative-gift for loved ones and new friends alike.

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  • Living And Active


    All in all, they need daily reminders and encouragement to follow God’s Word. The Bible is always useful for current situations that college students face, so the focus of these devotionals is more useful to them than other, more generalized types of devotional readings.
    To emphasize the enduring truth of the Bible, devotional readings come from every book of both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is absolutely true, every part of it, every word of it. An index of passages and an index of readings are appended at the back of the book to show the biblical emphasis.

    Devotional readings include the scripture passage, so that students need not carry a separate Bible with them in order to read the selection. The readings are purposely kept short (300-500 words), so that students can gain the most from their available time. Devotionals are meant to be thought-provoking and applicable to current college situations.

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  • Living And Active


    All in all, they need daily reminders and encouragement to follow God’s Word. The Bible is always useful for current situations that college students face, so the focus of these devotionals is more useful to them than other, more generalized types of devotional readings.
    To emphasize the enduring truth of the Bible, devotional readings come from every book of both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is absolutely true, every part of it, every word of it. An index of passages and an index of readings are appended at the back of the book to show the biblical emphasis.

    Devotional readings include the scripture passage, so that students need not carry a separate Bible with them in order to read the selection. The readings are purposely kept short (300-500 words), so that students can gain the most from their available time. Devotionals are meant to be thought-provoking and applicable to current college situations.

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  • Heart Made Whole


    In Heart Made Whole, Christa Black Gifford shares her own stories of loss, betrayal, and personal tragedy, chronicling clear steps to redemption to help those in pain invite the true Healer into the tangled mess of their broken hearts. Gifford reminds readers that pain is not their enemy, however, unhealed pain can become their greatest foe if it’s not taken to Jesus.
    Growing up as a preacher’s kid, Gifford had been submerged in Christian culture for decades when she uncovered the truth–that there were broken parts of her heart that weren’t on friendly terms with the God who lived inside. Through disappointments and traumas, she had learned to guard her heart from God, keeping her angry, entrapped, and disconnected. As struggles and hardships continued, she finally learned to run towards her relationship with God when things got hard, instead of running away from Him like she had in the past. The more that she did this–building her heart’s capacity for intimacy and deep relationship–the more her heart began to heal from the inside-out. She teaches the reader to access the solution that’s already living inside of them–the God who forever made their heart a home. When trials and tragedy hit our lives in a fallen world, our hearts can get smashed to bits, and we end up putting God on trial and blaming Him for the mess. But Christa helps readers understand that they don’t have to live controlled by their circumstances – or angry with God. Instead, she provides powerful insight and practical steps to turn the painful fire that comes to destroy us into an unexpected friend that can produce our greatest healing. The condition of the heart determines the condition of life-and the heart can be bound up and healed, producing freedom and abundant life. With personal workbook sections for each chapter Christa helps readers experience steps to turn their pain into the healing and wholeness available to every believer.

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  • When Grace Showed Up


    Tich was a South African sports star who lost it all to alcohol. Joan had recently lost her husband. Their lives were at rock bottom when grace showed up and inspired these two middle class South Africans to move past the racial prejudices of the Apartheid era and launch a ministry together.

    The result was Lungisisa Indlela village (LIV), the legendary residential facility that rescues children, restores lives, and raises young leaders in South Africa. This is the story of transformed lives-both theirs and the orphans-as a country begins to embrace grace and love others as Christ loves the church.

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  • Saving My Assassin


    Strong women who stand up for justice in the face of deadly opposition have been featured recently in the international media–from the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner boldly standing up for the educational rights of Pakistani girls, to an Iranian professor whose secret book club defied the oppression of a brutal regime.

    Virginia Prodan is to be counted among these women. Denouncing one of the most powerful and brutal communist dictators of the time, Virginia dared to defend Christians in communist Romania while fearlessly declaring Christ–even to the assassin who was ordered to kill her.

    Virginia’s true story of faith, obedience, and courage can still be witnessed today as she continues to defend, in court, those who have been discriminated against for their Christian faith–only now in her adopted country of the United States!

    Saving My Assassin: One Woman’s Stand against an Evil Empire is the unbelievable, true story of a living heroine of the faith.

    Virginia Prodan’s compelling story of courage in the face of intimidation and even death on behalf of others is a testament to her unwavering faith in a God who delivers. Exiled from Romania since 1988, Virginia frequently shares her story as a keynote speaker in large public forums–including public and private schools and universities–and has been featured prominently in media reports. She was the focus of a full-length documentary and has been interviewed by Fox News, Heritage Foundation, The Daily Signal, WFAA-TV Channel 8, Dallas Morning News, Fox-TV 4, BBC Radio, The Daily Signal, Heritage Action for America, Glenn Beck, KCBI-Dallas 90.9, and the Christian Science Monitor.

    Virginia is a naturalized American citizen and a single mother of two daughters and a son. Her first daughter is a graduate of SMU and is a professional counselor; her second daughter is a graduate of Harvard Law School and is a practicing attorney; and her son is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy, currently serving as a U.S.Airforce – Captain – helicopter rescue pilot.

    Today, Virginia Prodan resides in Dallas, Texas, where she enjoys practicing law, writing, opera, swimming, the symphony, and traveling for pleasure. She also enjoys her numerous speaking engagements, where she continues to inspire and impact lives with her incredible true-life story.

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  • They Were Christians


    What do Abraham Lincoln, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Louis Pasteur, Frederick Douglass, Florence Nightingale, and John D. Rockefeller Sr. all have in common? They all changed the world–and they were all Christians. Now the little-known stories of faith behind twelve influential people of history are available in one inspiring volume.

    They Were Christians reveals the faith-filled motivations behind some of the most outstanding political, scientific, and humanitarian contributions of history. From the founding of the Red Cross to the family crisis that drove America’s favorite president to his knees and cracked his religious skepticism, from the supernatural call that led a beautiful English socialite to save thousands of soldiers to the chance encounter on a train that led to the writing of Ben-Hur, the fascinating stories of these faithful history-makers will inspire, encourage, and entertain readers of history and biography.

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  • God Cares About Sports


    30 Chapters

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    Have you ever felt like you still had more to offer your team? Many athletes struggle, thinking that Go only wants to be part of their lives when they are at church. In this book, I will show you how God wants to be part of every area of your life including sports.

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  • Philadelphia Proverbs : Wisdom And Everyday Life


    Words are written to mold, make and re-shape the reader. There is a basic blueprint to one’s soul designed by his Maker. Things sympathetic to the soul’s blueprint tend to disturb and excite centers of awareness in the reader. It is for this reason that when an extraordinary “gift” is on public display countless souls will beat a path to its door. The singer’s voice, an athlete’s physical prowess in action on the playing field, the stroke of an artist’s brush upon the canvass, and yes, also words on parchment. The audience “draws” from the gift of words ‘something’ that excites and revitalizes their inner being. Words that transcend the ordinary plateau of a man’s thoughts elevate his being. Philadelphia Proverbs may accomplish just that.

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  • Magnificent Adventure : When He Who Is Invisible Is At The Helm


    The Whisper, to a child’s heart, had proven itself to be true and enduring through many years of life’s journey. Often feeling alone was proven through time to be quite the opposite. In looking back, a long path of travel was unfolding. Steps of fear and a small faith had been led, while dancing sugarplums now stood to attention. Life is a one- time chance to soar, a journey meant for purpose. The simplicity of a child’s fable and the most treacherous of life’s storms, what could they have in common, a famous racehorse, a fireman, a wooden puppet, an old scrooge, a Ghost, a banker, a king and four dysfunctional friends on a path? They all carried a depth of truth that in later life would reveal the mystery to a Magnificent Adventure.

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  • Magnificent Adventure : When He Who Is Invisible Is At The Helm


    The Whisper, to a child’s heart, had proven itself to be true and enduring through many years of life’s journey. Often feeling alone was proven through time to be quite the opposite. In looking back, a long path of travel was unfolding. Steps of fear and a small faith had been led, while dancing sugarplums now stood to attention. Life is a one- time chance to soar, a journey meant for purpose. The simplicity of a child’s fable and the most treacherous of life’s storms, what could they have in common, a famous racehorse, a fireman, a wooden puppet, an old scrooge, a Ghost, a banker, a king and four dysfunctional friends on a path? They all carried a depth of truth that in later life would reveal the mystery to a Magnificent Adventure.

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  • Psalms In Color Coloring Book


    The Book of Psalms is featured in this beautifully crafted Christian Adult Coloring Book. The pages include a variety of delightful patterns, designs, motifs and ink drawings that incorporate Scripture from Psalms. Rejoice in the songs of praise while you put color to the pages to create your unique work-of-art. Because the one-sided pages are perforated, you can share the joyful pastime of coloring and display or share your artwork as a source of inspiration. The book is bound in heavy-duty stock with embossed text and design and lavish applications of spot-varnish and silver foil.

    Perforated One-Side Printed Sturdy Pages
    Designed for Fun – Serenity – Calmness & Quiet Inspiration
    56 Full Page Ink Drawings With Scripture From Psalms
    Includes 7 Pages With Gift Tags – Bookmarks – Cards to Color
    Presentation Page for Gift-Giving

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  • Michael Jackson Speaks From Heaven


    17 Chapters

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    Did you know that it is possible to visit heaven and see who is living up there? Do you know that if you have a great relationship with Jesus, and if God has a purpose for it, that people who are living in heaven can come down to earth and visit you and spend time with you? One day, while Matthew watched a documentary called “This Is It” by Michael Jackson, Michael appeared to him. He proceeded to sing the songs on the film and dance in the room with Matthew. Soon, through multiple visits, Matthew grew to know Michael fairly well. In April 2016, Michael got Matthew out of bed and with the help of God’s Spirit, did a three-hour interview with Matthew. It was a divine revelation of heaven and more. Why don’t you read this message and spend some time to see what Michael has to say about: What heaven is like What he is doing up there What Jesus is really like The keys to a happy life and What true love looks like. Jesus wants you to read this message, and Michael wants to speak to you, so what are you waiting for?”

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  • You Dont Have To Be Poor


    You Don’t Have to be Poor”” is a book addressing perhaps the most important component of life for the individual or family. Financial security or the lack thereof is the main factor in the breakdown of families, affecting both mental and physical health. It is not a simple manual on how to become wealthy. It is not just a manual of merely preparing a budget designed to lift the reader from poverty. The theoretical basis of building wealth from a Biblical and a commonsense approach to provide financial guidance is found in this book. Those who don’t have a theoretical background of what the government can do and can’t do may foster and maintain a mindset of dependence on social programs. The responsibility and accountability of the individual is outlined from a Biblical and a practical standpoint. When given only tools for preparing a budget without addressing root causes of poverty and the characteristics of those who build wealth, one is prone to fall back on old habits. Some will lapse into the same approach to life that was previously unsuccessful. A practical education in the economy of the country and about the world is included to provide the reader of the complexities of a global economy for which we all must prepare to insure the future of our families and our country. Decisions must be made daily that influence the financial standing of everyone, based on future goals. Biblical scriptures address these problems for everyone and perhps leaders of entire countries. Common sense approaches to personal finance based on Scripture from thousands of years ago is stressed, and simple basics have not changed since. It is imperative that habits of sound financial practices become a part of one’s daily existence. Each decision should be prayerfully considered, and a budget built from at least a year of transactions should be a guide for making prudent plans. Christians must care for others and provide advice and aid as needed, based on Biblical commands to give to the poor and to help those unable to help themselves. Learning based upon the Scriptures and practical expertise should engage the same approaches when preparing a realistic budget. The focus of this book is not to merely provide handouts but to teach the individual or family to begin a journey leading to financial security, rising from the ranks of the poor through individual effort.

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  • Divine Makeover Eight Key Truths


    A Letter to My Daughter
    My daughter, My one of a kind princess, I knew you before you were conceived. I knit you together in your mother’s womb and brought you forth on the day you were born. I chose you when I planned creation. You are not a mistake; I took great care and thought when I made you. I love you unconditionally. Prepare to start loving you again. Prepare to be made over from the inside out.
    Know that I have a plan for you; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, I have plans to give you a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11 NET). Prepare to move from a place of brokenness to wholeness. Prepare to be empowered, restored, and set free.
    I love you always
    Your Daddy( Jesus)

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  • Divine Makeover Eight Key Truths


    A Letter to My Daughter
    My daughter, My one of a kind princess, I knew you before you were conceived. I knit you together in your mother’s womb and brought you forth on the day you were born. I chose you when I planned creation. You are not a mistake; I took great care and thought when I made you. I love you unconditionally. Prepare to start loving you again. Prepare to be made over from the inside out.
    Know that I have a plan for you; plans to prosper you, not to harm you, I have plans to give you a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11 NET). Prepare to move from a place of brokenness to wholeness. Prepare to be empowered, restored, and set free.
    I love you always
    Your Daddy( Jesus)

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  • If You Find This Letter


    A … memoir of love and faith from Hannah Brencher … who has dedicated her life to showing total strangers that they are not alone in the world. Fresh out of college, Hannah Brencher moved to New York, expecting her life to look like a scene from Sex and the City. Instead, she found a city full of people who knew where they were going and what they were doing … Lonely and depressed, she noticed a woman who looked like she felt the same way on the subway. Hannah did something strange–she wrote the woman a letter. She folded it, scribbled ‘If you find this letter, it’s for you…’ on the front and left it behind. When she realized that it made her feel better, she started writing and leaving love notes all over the city … [eventually sending 400 handwritten letters as a result of an Internet post and starting the website The World Needs More Love Letters]”

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  • Real Love For Real Life


    As society grows increasingly technological, isolated, and lonely, those who take their caregiving gifts seriously can fill a tremendous void.

    In Real Love for Real Life, caregivers of all kinds can find the help and hope they need to fulfill their calling. Through personal illustrations, timely research, and thoughtful quotations, Ashworth addresses the practicalities, philosophies, challenges, and joys of providing care in the relationships of home and community-leading readers to a greater understanding of the value and the validity of their call to be caregivers.

    What if caregiving means giving loving care everywhere and in everything? What if caregiving actually applies to all people of all ages?

    Ashworth believes it does and shows us how. Her remarkable book has, for many, become the handbook for living a loving, hospitable, caregiving life. For Andi, imaginative care for people and planet is the human mission on earth.

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  • Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet


    Taste the Goodness of God Sara Hagerty found Him when life stopped working for her. She found Him when she was a young adult mired in spiritual busyness and when she was a newlywed bride with doubts about whether her fledgling marriage would survive. She found Him alone in the night as she cradled her longing for babies who did not come. She found Him as she kissed the faces of children on another continent who had lived years without a mommy’s touch. In Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet, Hagerty weaves fabric from the narrative of her life into the mosaic of a Creator who mends broken stories. Here you will see a God who is present in every changing circumstance. Most significantly, you see a God who is present in every unchanging circumstance as well. Whatever lost expectations you are facing-in family, career, singleness, or marriage-Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet will bring you closer to a God who longs for you to know Him more. Going beyond the narrative to offer timeless insight, Hagerty brings you back to hope, back to healing, back to a place that God is holding for you alone-a place where the unseen is more real than what the eye can perceive. A place where every bitter thing is sweet.

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  • Genesis The Beginning


    This divinely inspired book is a poetic expression of the first book in the Holy Bible. Each poem gives a detailed description of the events that occurred in the original text in an appealing and understandable manner. The message from chapter to chapter will cause you to continually reflect on who God really is.

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  • Genesis The Beginning


    This divinely inspired book is a poetic expression of the first book in the Holy Bible. Each poem gives a detailed description of the events that occurred in the original text in an appealing and understandable manner. The message from chapter to chapter will cause you to continually reflect on who God really is.

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  • Day On The Farm


    This true story chronicles life on a sheep and alpaca farm through a season of dramatic change. From the deepest, darkest, coldest days of a severe Midwestern winter to the warm summer days that bring unexpected visitors, you can experience the real-life happenings as told by a retired stockbroker who never dreamed she suddenly would be alone on a farm. The shocking reason her life changed becomes the start of an incredible faith journey where she learns firsthand about God’s promises, His faithfulness and the miracles He provides. Meet the animals, the knitting ladies who jump in to help, and the people who step forward to unselfishly offer hope in what seems to be a hopeless situation. Follow the journey that sent a riptide through a small town but ended up pulling a community together. Learn about the ultimate hope that God provides with forgiveness and victory over evil in today’s world through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the amazing power of the Holy Spirit to make the impossible become real.

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  • Day On The Farm


    This true story chronicles life on a sheep and alpaca farm through a season of dramatic change. From the deepest, darkest, coldest days of a severe Midwestern winter to the warm summer days that bring unexpected visitors, you can experience the real-life happenings as told by a retired stockbroker who never dreamed she suddenly would be alone on a farm. The shocking reason her life changed becomes the start of an incredible faith journey where she learns firsthand about God’s promises, His faithfulness and the miracles He provides. Meet the animals, the knitting ladies who jump in to help, and the people who step forward to unselfishly offer hope in what seems to be a hopeless situation. Follow the journey that sent a riptide through a small town but ended up pulling a community together. Learn about the ultimate hope that God provides with forgiveness and victory over evil in today’s world through His Son, Jesus Christ, and the amazing power of the Holy Spirit to make the impossible become real.

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  • Road From Troas


    This book is the life story of a learning-disabled boy who became a physician. Later in life, he felt led by God to create a concept called the Troas concept. It is a story of faith and trust in God that resulted in a very successful career. This autobiography shows how life events gradually resulted in the development of a new concept in medicine, an alternative type of medical practice. He believes that this concept will save the profession he loves and that it will eventually lead to the restoration of the patient-physician-God relationship that is lacking in the practice of medicine today. The book is really about a love story concerning his relationship to God and the women who helped direct the course of his life.

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  • Road From Troas


    This book is the life story of a learning-disabled boy who became a physician. Later in life, he felt led by God to create a concept called the Troas concept. It is a story of faith and trust in God that resulted in a very successful career. This autobiography shows how life events gradually resulted in the development of a new concept in medicine, an alternative type of medical practice. He believes that this concept will save the profession he loves and that it will eventually lead to the restoration of the patient-physician-God relationship that is lacking in the practice of medicine today. The book is really about a love story concerning his relationship to God and the women who helped direct the course of his life.

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  • When My Well Ran Dry


    Written for anyone working to recover from an emotionally painful experience, “When My Well Ran Dry” is an inspiration. With a focus on marriage and relationships, Racquel D. Innis-Shelton, MD writes from personal experience. She tells of the path she took during her day-to-day struggle with grief, all the while carrying on with everyday responsibilities.

    Her words are inspirational for anyone who finds themselves in the midst of despair, whatever the cause, with no obvious way out. It can be difficult to suffer alone, but her experiences let us know we are not alone in our struggles and that there is a pathway out.

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  • Pocket Prayers For Teachers


    All the way from coloring inside the lines to calculus, teachers have given us the tools to thrive. Where would we be without them? But a teacher’s job is often a difficult one. Sometimes anxiety and exhaustion become the norm. For those in need of a little peace and renewal, Max Lucado points to the Teacher who offered just that. Pocket Prayers for Teachers contains forty scriptures and guided prayers written especially for those special people, who encourage and inspire our students.

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  • Suddenly Single Mom


    Raising your children alone may not have been your plan, but these 52 encouragements will support and inspire you to thrive in your new role.

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  • Before Amen : The Power Of A Simple Prayer


    We all pray . . . some.

    We pray to stay sober, centered, or solvent. When the lump is deemed malignant. When the money runs out before the month does. When the marriage is falling apart. We pray.

    But wouldn’t we like to pray more? Better? Stronger? With more fire, faith, and fervency?

    Yet we have kids to feed, bills to pay, deadlines to meet. The calendar pounces on our good intentions like a tiger on a rabbit. And what about our checkered history with prayer? Uncertain words. Unmet expectations. Unanswered requests.

    We aren’t the first to struggle with prayer. The first followers of Jesus needed prayer guidance too. In fact, prayer is the only tutorial they ever requested.

    And Jesus gave them a prayer. Not a lecture on prayer. Not the doctrine of prayer. He gave them a quotable, repeatable, portable prayer. Couldn’t we use the same?

    In Before Amen best-selling author Max Lucado joins readers on a journey to the very heart of biblical prayer, offering hope for doubts and confidence even for prayer wimps. Distilling prayers in the Bible down to one pocket-sized prayer, Max reminds readers that prayer is not a privilege for the pious nor the art of a chosen few. Prayer is simply a heartfelt conversation between God and his child. Let the conversation begin.

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  • Treasures In My Garden


    This is a collection of inspirational writings by the author over the last twelve to fifteen years. Many of the poems and essays were divinely inspired while meditating on the Lord.

    With keen insight, the author portrays the divine character qualities of those most dear to her. Intertwined in her thought-provoking work is seen a love for her heavenly Father, family, and nature and creation.

    The author shares her journey into a greater awareness and appreciation for God’s magnificent creation. Becoming fond of observing God’s nature and the growth of plant life, she produces some of her literary writings from a gardening aspect.

    The book is light-hearted at times, yet it suggests and encourages deeper spiritual growth for the individual.

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  • Treasures In My Garden


    This is a collection of inspirational writings by the author over the last twelve to fifteen years. Many of the poems and essays were divinely inspired while meditating on the Lord.

    With keen insight, the author portrays the divine character qualities of those most dear to her. Intertwined in her thought-provoking work is seen a love for her heavenly Father, family, and nature and creation.

    The author shares her journey into a greater awareness and appreciation for God’s magnificent creation. Becoming fond of observing God’s nature and the growth of plant life, she produces some of her literary writings from a gardening aspect.

    The book is light-hearted at times, yet it suggests and encourages deeper spiritual growth for the individual.

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  • Sparrow : A Journey Of Grace And Miracles While Battling ALS


    Jennifer Durant, busy career woman, wife, and mom of two, made a drastic Career 2.0 change. In the lexicon of ministry, God called her to be an Episcopal priest, and Jennifer answered. Several years later, in the final weeks of seminary, Durant’s world changed dramatically again, when the persistent weakness in one of her hands was diagnosed as ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease). In Sparrow, completed with her husband, Matthew, Durant recounts her battle and brings the reader with her on her spiritual journey, through her priesthood and ministry, which, despite her illness, continued to her death – with the aid of a speech box, she preached her final sermon on the Sunday before her death. Durant leads readers forward through the confusion of our caffeine-fueled and perpetually exhausted world to discover, as she did, a renewing sense of God-given purpose and sacred light, which even the darkest of circumstances cannot extinguish, a place where, even in silence, God is present, whispering through us. An inspiration to any who suffer from a debilitating disease (or know someone who does) and those who provide pastoral care to others. It is a story of God’s redemption and new life. “

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  • Jesus Today Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Hope shines brightest when our world is darkest.

    This new edition of Jesus Today, the 2013 ECPA Christian Book of the Year, makes bestselling content available to enjoy in a beautiful, large leathersoft format. Jesus Today was written during a very difficult time in Sarah Young’s life. Yet the words of Scripture and Jesus’ own Presence were ever near, bringing her hope and comfort for each new day. The theme of the book is hope.

    Hope shines brightest when our world is darkest. This book is for you if you are feeling insecure or anxious about the conditions around them; hopeless because of problems; helpless due to a lost job, home, or loved one; or who want to start the day with a fresh sense of encouragement. Jesus Today includes 50 quotations about hope from the Bible and from respected Christian authors to provide a “hope boost.” Scripture index included. Now in a large format, with easy-to-read text and a beautiful leathersoft cover.

    Based on truths in Scripture, Jesus Today(R) is written as if Jesus Himself is assuring you that He is in control, that He is good, and that a glorious future awaits all who anchor their hope in Him.

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  • Wrestling With Faith Love And Gators


    “Chad, jump on the gator’s back!” In a split second, a decision had to be made. Did Chad love his future brother-in-law enough to help him control a powerful seven-and-a-half-foot alligator? Ultimately, there was a subconscious devotion that affected his decision. We all face decisions every day. Some of them are small, but others are potentially life-altering. What you decide to do in those split seconds comes down to this: We all have beliefs about life and love, about what is most important, and we all act on those beliefs. In this book, Chad Young addresses what many Christians are missing: being in love with God. The lack of genuine faith and love in the church is the main reason why 59% of college students who grew up with a Christian background are leaving the Christian faith. Chad uses his own faith journey and humorous stories to call you to a deeper, legitimate love for God.

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  • Gift From Julie


    This book was written to encourage people facing a life-threatening illness, in the case of the author, nonalcohol cirrhosis of the liver. One of my doctors said, “If you don’t get a liver transplant soon, you are going to die.” What a statement to hear from your doctor! This doctor, who is a caring and compassionate person, referred me to the Liver Center at Lahey Clinic in Massachusetts. As I found out, getting a new liver is not quick, and definitely not easy. The power of prayer is evident throughout this entire crisis. Judy received many blessings and miracles throughout this grueling journey. I was told I had Factor 5, which is a blood clotting problem, therefore I could not have a live donor liver. This meant I had to wait and pray a cadaver liver could be found before I would die from liver disease. Through prayers, blessings, and miracles, the doctors said they would do a live-donor liver transplant. My niece became my liver donor after having difficulty finding a donor. If you have ever been thrust into a life threatening situation, this book will interest you.

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  • Growth In The Wilderness


    Life sometimes doesn’t pan out as expected and that is where many emotions can see you unravel. In A Mum in Waiting, Natalia shared of the first eight years of their infertility journey in a very real and raw way. In this book, she recounts the three years to follow where God brought such growth, depth, joy, and beauty from what many would look on and think was a vast wilderness.

    Within the pages you not only see the ups and downs, but also how God brings transformation as only He can. She shows that there is reason to hope, to keep on and pursue a full life. From such brokenness has come great growth. Natalia’s world turned upside down in the most wonderful way.

    Go on the journey with her.

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  • Growth In The Wilderness


    Life sometimes doesn’t pan out as expected and that is where many emotions can see you unravel. In A Mum in Waiting, Natalia shared of the first eight years of their infertility journey in a very real and raw way. In this book, she recounts the three years to follow where God brought such growth, depth, joy, and beauty from what many would look on and think was a vast wilderness.

    Within the pages you not only see the ups and downs, but also how God brings transformation as only He can. She shows that there is reason to hope, to keep on and pursue a full life. From such brokenness has come great growth. Natalia’s world turned upside down in the most wonderful way.

    Go on the journey with her.

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  • Fight For My Soul


    A Fight for My Soul: A True Story of Spiritual Warfare is true story of one person’s experience with spiritual warfare and the spiritual world.

    The author takes you through her personal journey that began after reading a book about hell in October 2005.

    The author describes her encounters with Jesus, the Devil, and an angel in this inspirational book about committing the eternal sin.

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  • Increasing Your Prophetic Gift


    If you are a beginner or have been in the prophetic for years, this book is for you. This book starts out with basic principles of the prophetic ministry. You will discover and be encouraged as you read chapter after chapter of Increasing Your Prophetic Gift. It is time for everyone to tap into their prophetic call and dig to a deeper anointing than ever before. At the end of this book you will read and be activated as you hear the personal experiences of a young prophet. Bill started as a simple minister and increased to a powerful prophetic minister. Bill has prophesied to many and has seen hundreds healed and set free through personal prophetic ministry. It is time for you to increase your prophetic gift today.

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  • Miracles From Heaven


    In time for the motion picture event from the production team that brought us “Heaven is for Real”-starring Jennifer Garner and Queen Latifah-“Miracles from Heaven” is the inspiring true story of healing and family love.
    A remarkable memoir of faith, “Miracles from Heaven” is the true story of one little girl, her journey to heaven, and the astonishing recovery that followed.
    Annabel Beam spent most of her childhood in and out of hospitals with a rare and incurable digestive disorder that prevented her from living a normal, healthy life. One sunny day when she was able to go outside and play with her sisters, she fell three stories headfirst into an old, hollowed-out tree. Implausibly, she survived without a scratch. While unconscious inside the tree, with rescue workers struggling to get to her, she visited heaven. After being released from the hospital, she defied science and had inexplicably recovered from her chronic ailment.
    Includes photo insert, and discussion guide.

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  • Bumps Are What You Climb On (Reprinted)


    When feelings of frustration, disappointment, or loneliness hit, readers can find powerful encouragement in Warren Wiersbe’s solid teaching. In The Bumps Are What You Climb On, he extracts wisdom from the Bible and helps those who are facing difficult days to respond with faith and hope.

    These thirty brief meditations spark a fresh optimism for facing new challenges. They show readers how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more. With Wiersbe’s uplifting, accessible teaching and empowering challenges, The Bumps Are What You Climb On is also useful as a devotional for any believer, at any time.

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  • Inspirational Coloring Book For Girls


    Illustrator Amylee Weeks has combined her trademark style artistry with Biblical verses familiar to kids to create a faith-filled coloring book to enchant your girl. Join in the fun – the perforated pages make this a shareable pastime. When you’re finished, hang your artwork for constant encouragement. The glossy hardcover volume features embossed text and designs and a 5/8 inch coil binding.

    Perforated One-Side Printed Sturdy Pages
    Designed for Fun & Inspiration
    Includes Gift Tags, Bookmarks & Cards to Color
    Presentation Page for Gift-Giving
    Bible Scripture & Christian Content
    50 Designs Plus Extras

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  • Divine Collision : An African Boy An American Lawyer And Their Remarkable B


    In a Ugandan prison for two murders he didn t commit, Henry is losing hope. He pleads with God for a sign. Jim, in California, finds himself saying a small yes to God who brings their two lives together with momentous results.

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  • Whos Your Daddy


    The art of storytelling and writing, which is integral to the development of the Christian church, must be encouraged. This is important because Jesus often used stories to illustrate or make a point. A well-crafted, Bible-based story has the capacity to capture the imagination, inspire, comfort, and encourage.

    Harvey Cox, in The Seduction of the Spirit, is quoted as saying, ‘All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by …religion, whatever else it has done, has provided one of the main ways of meeting the abiding need.’

    Who’s Your Daddy? Bible-Based Stories for Modern Families: Season 1 is well-crafted and inspired and provides an opportunity for all to meet the abiding need to ‘hear and tell’ and to have a story to live by.

    The book is a delightful read for teens and families and can be usefully utilised in organisations such as churches and schools to supplement their existing teaching programmes.

    Season 1 begins with the author’s version of the Christmas story, followed by Vol. 1: Sons, which depicts scenes from the lives of young biblical characters from both the Old and New Testaments. The issues explored are varied – teen identity, self acceptance, mentorship, healing, forgiveness, and commitment.

    Vol. 2: Fathers reflects on some of the issues we all face at some point in our lives, such as self-conflict, the grieving process, self-sacrifice, and surrender to God’s divine will. The book’s climax is the Easter edition of the Who’s Your Daddy series which I can only describe as exceptional.

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  • Joyful In Affliction


    This book contains a selection of inspirational poems written over a period of forty years. “It’s Just Impossible” was her first poem/song and came one dark, dreadful day when the author doubted she could go on. The poem was a miracle that took the sting out of the emotional pain she experienced and turned her weeping into joy.

    This collection of poems covers many topics: self-worth, hope, grace, encouragement, laughter, gratitude, praise, and glory to our Creator and Redeemer. Apart from Him, not one poem would have been written, because the author was simply not capable.

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  • Understanding When Others Dont


    To whatever extent our dreams, expectations, and plans fall short of our reality, there is loss.

    Our idealized dream of life may include avoiding abuse and tragedy, marrying once to the “right” person, having successful careers, having children who mirror our values, and after a long and healthy life, dying peacefully in our sleep.

    But life doesn’t always go that way.

    Life often includes abuse, divorce, premature death, illness, financial setbacks, and unfulfilled dreams. In each situation, there is loss. And loss may be experienced very differently depending on a person’s background and personality.

    Understanding grief and loss, then, may be more complex than you think. This book shows you why and how you can help. It offers a different perspective for people who want to minister to those who are hurting from loss. And along the way, you may learn something about yourself.

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  • Healed From A Bent Condition


    When I was growing up, I attended a Catholic school. One of our daily subjects was catechism. During class, we had to read and discuss the Bible, and we received homework assignments. The subject that excited me most was the miracles of the Bible, especially the ones Jesus performed. To me, there was just something special about this man named Jesus. When I read the Bible, I believed what it said about His miracles. In studying how He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), calmed a raging sea (Mark 4:35-41), fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:30-44), healed a deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37), and restored sight to the blind (Mark 8:22-26), I believe God’s Word. I accepted the fact that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:3).

    I believed then, as I believe now, that Jesus Christ could perform any miracle. It didn’t matter how unbelievable the narratives sounded to other people or how impossible it seemed for others to accept the situations as true. The miracles were true to me. Why? Because of who Jesus is.

    That was the kind of faith I had in Jesus as a child. If nothing is impossible for God, then whatever is impossible for man is fully possible with God. He can take nothing and create something. Whatever is crooked, He can make straight. Whatever is broken, He can make whole. Whatever is cast out, He can take in. Whatever is knocked down, He can pick up. Whatever is way down in the valley, He can put on a mountaintop. God is sovereign. He is the almighty God. He is the great I Am. Think about it: if He could call chaos into order and create something out of nothing just by saying, “Let there be” (Genesis 1:3), it is evident He can do anything-even the impossible.

    During my childhood and adolescence, my faith was strong in the Master Healer. All I desired from God, from the depths of my soul, was for Him to perform what I called a radical, supernatural miracle in my life. I knew He woke me up in the morning and started me on my way, but I was seeking and talking about something deeper than that. I wanted to experience Jesus in the spiritual realm. I wanted to taste heaven down here on Earth, even though I did not understand what that really meant, until I was in a “Bent Over Condition.”

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  • Healed From A Bent Condition


    When I was growing up, I attended a Catholic school. One of our daily subjects was catechism. During class, we had to read and discuss the Bible, and we received homework assignments. The subject that excited me most was the miracles of the Bible, especially the ones Jesus performed. To me, there was just something special about this man named Jesus. When I read the Bible, I believed what it said about His miracles. In studying how He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), calmed a raging sea (Mark 4:35-41), fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:30-44), healed a deaf mute (Mark 7:31-37), and restored sight to the blind (Mark 8:22-26), I believe God’s Word. I accepted the fact that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:3).

    I believed then, as I believe now, that Jesus Christ could perform any miracle. It didn’t matter how unbelievable the narratives sounded to other people or how impossible it seemed for others to accept the situations as true. The miracles were true to me. Why? Because of who Jesus is.

    That was the kind of faith I had in Jesus as a child. If nothing is impossible for God, then whatever is impossible for man is fully possible with God. He can take nothing and create something. Whatever is crooked, He can make straight. Whatever is broken, He can make whole. Whatever is cast out, He can take in. Whatever is knocked down, He can pick up. Whatever is way down in the valley, He can put on a mountaintop. God is sovereign. He is the almighty God. He is the great I Am. Think about it: if He could call chaos into order and create something out of nothing just by saying, “Let there be” (Genesis 1:3), it is evident He can do anything-even the impossible.

    During my childhood and adolescence, my faith was strong in the Master Healer. All I desired from God, from the depths of my soul, was for Him to perform what I called a radical, supernatural miracle in my life. I knew He woke me up in the morning and started me on my way, but I was seeking and talking about something deeper than that. I wanted to experience Jesus in the spiritual realm. I wanted to taste heaven down here on Earth, even though I did not understand what that really meant, until I was in a “Bent Over Condition.”

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  • Youre The Best


    As a child, Houston Nutt looked like a typical tow-headed boy, with blue eyes, a wide forehead, and a cowlick. Even so, there was something unusual about him; he was born into a deep deaf culture, and sign language was his first language. This would be the focus of his life.

    In You’re the Best! author Emogene Nutt, Houston’s wife, pays tribute to this man, who was born during the depths of the Great Depression and eventually became one of the leading figures in expanding opportunities for young deaf students at the Arkansas School for the Deaf. In this memoir, she weaves together treasured family memories, insights, and observations from external sources that place the life of Houston and his family in historical perspective. Emogene reflects on Houston’s accomplishments including leading the ASD basketball team to national prominence and bringing to national attention the athletic skills of legendary player Bennie Fuller.

    Inspiring, heartbreaking, informative, and humorous, this collection of stories honors the life of Houston Nutt who will always be remembered by his signature phrase, “You’re the best,” which he used to encourage countless students. He died in 2005.

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  • Gathering Courage : A Life-Changing Journey Through Adoption Adversity And


    Gathering Courage Media
    Award winning, Gathering Courage, illustrates how perseverance conquered adversity, heartache, and a reading disability. T.A. McMullin’s life is amazing and inspirational. Her journey of overcoming the struggles of adoption, rejection, and foster home loneliness to a life of a distinguished educator brings hope and encouragement to readers.

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  • Understanding When Others Dont


    To whatever extent our dreams, expectations, and plans fall short of our reality, there is loss.

    Our idealized dream of life may include avoiding abuse and tragedy, marrying once to the “right” person, having successful careers, having children who mirror our values, and after a long and healthy life, dying peacefully in our sleep.

    But life doesn’t always go that way.

    Life often includes abuse, divorce, premature death, illness, financial setbacks, and unfulfilled dreams. In each situation, there is loss. And loss may be experienced very differently depending on a person’s background and personality.

    Understanding grief and loss, then, may be more complex than you think. This book shows you why and how you can help. It offers a different perspective for people who want to minister to those who are hurting from loss. And along the way, you may learn something about yourself.

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  • God Is With You Every Day


    It’s easier to face the day when you know God is with you.

    God Is With You Every Day is a brand-new 365-day devotional from Max Lucado, and his first new devotional since the creation of the Grace for the Moment(R) line. Max’s signature reassuring and encouraging voice, paired with the practical, relevant, and personal message that God is with you every day, makes a great way to start each day of the year.

    This devotional begins each week with a prayer and scripture, followed by six days of devotions and scripture for reflection. Weaving messages of comfort, grace, and encouragement, this book is wonderful for anyone who wants a fresh infusion of faith to start each day, as well as those walking through difficult seasons of life such as loneliness, grief, or change.

    You can face each day with courage – because God is with you.

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