Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm


Showing 601–700 of 2017 results

  • 2 Seeds : Deepest Truths To Rule The World



    THE TWO SEEDS book takes the Multifaceted Law of Double Reference (the major tool to decode all Scriptures) into another facet with the revelation of the GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYS. Understanding this Law that guides the Law of Faith is what promotes us from Babes Christians to Mature Christians (Heb. 5:13-14, Matt. 13:52). Know for sure that a Babe (a Christian who lives in the flesh) cannot please the Lord (Rom. 8:5-8, 1Cor. 3:1-4) nor reign in life (Gal. 4:1-2). Only the Mature Christian can please the Lord (Heb. 11:6) because he is a possessor of the true Faith. Most things in life have two sides, for example, Head and Tail, Right and Left, Male and Female, Light and Darkness, White and Black, New and Old, Good and Bad, Up and Down, Joy and Sorrow, Positive and Negative, 1st Leg or Coming and 2nd Leg or Coming, Beginning and End etc to make up the TWO WITNESSES of things (see Duet. 19:15, Matt. 18:16, 2Cor. 13:1, Luke 10:1, Eccles. 4:9). One prophet may speak of the Tail or Left or New while the other or even the same prophet speaks differently on the Head or Right or Old e.g. earth is forever (Ps. 104:5, Is. 60:21) and earth is NOT forever (Matt. 24:35, Ps. 102:25-26, Is. 51:6, 2Pet. 3:10) yet no prophet is wrong. Hence, no one should DISAGREE or speak against any Bible prophet just because what you want to hear is different from what you need to hear from the prophet of God. All prophets are like brothers pointing to one Father or like road-signs pointing to one Destination – which is JESUS. Humanity must not be divided on prophets (see 1Cor. 3:4-6) as in many religions with the many denominations. Humanity must be UNITED (Eph. 1:10) on JESUS – the Unification of all things for Global – Peace. Looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2) – the Pointed and not unto any prophet or any man – the Pointer. See 2Pet. 1:20.

    What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be u

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  • Spirituality In Mission


    Authors from eighteen countries give us their perspectives on biblical principles and cultural expressions of spirituality particularly as the church engages in God’s mission. The anthology of texts enriches our understanding of the depth and the meaning of being spiritual and the diversity of forms to live out the Christian faith. The issue today is how spirituality should direct and guide a daily life as followers of Jesus in the engagement in the mission of God. No doubt that it has to do with our inner life and our relationship to God, but it is in showing our love and concern to others that we prove our love to God, according to the Apostle John (1 John 4). Mission without spirituality will only be a human effort to convince people of religious theories. Spirituality without a missionary involvement of the church will not express God’s desire that the transforming gospel reaches every person. This book will help you rethink your understanding of what is spiritual, revisit your own spiritual journey, and appreciate the different forms of spirituality as they are described and performed around the globe.

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  • Clouds Ye So Much Dread


    The Clouds Ye So Much Dread is a beautiful blend of memoir, theology, meditation, and storytelling. Each of these chapters — from dreading the birth of her first child, to living in unfamiliar and dangerous places, to facing the news that her son had been diagnosed with cancer — describes the stories through which Hannah K. Grieser has come to see that hard or uncertain circumstances, rather than being cause for doubt and dread, can instead become the unasked-for means that our loving Father uses to turn us toward Him and to show us His faithfulness. Told in Hannah’s graceful yet punchy prose, the reflections in this powerful book will challenge readers to revisit their own hard times and see how God can take the storms that we most fear and turn them into downpours of blessings.

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  • 2 Seeds : Deepest Truths To Rule The World



    THE TWO SEEDS book takes the Multifaceted Law of Double Reference (the major tool to decode all Scriptures) into another facet with the revelation of the GOOD GUYS and BAD GUYS. Understanding this Law that guides the Law of Faith is what promotes us from Babes Christians to Mature Christians (Heb. 5:13-14, Matt. 13:52). Know for sure that a Babe (a Christian who lives in the flesh) cannot please the Lord (Rom. 8:5-8, 1Cor. 3:1-4) nor reign in life (Gal. 4:1-2). Only the Mature Christian can please the Lord (Heb. 11:6) because he is a possessor of the true Faith. Most things in life have two sides, for example, Head and Tail, Right and Left, Male and Female, Light and Darkness, White and Black, New and Old, Good and Bad, Up and Down, Joy and Sorrow, Positive and Negative, 1st Leg or Coming and 2nd Leg or Coming, Beginning and End etc to make up the TWO WITNESSES of things (see Duet. 19:15, Matt. 18:16, 2Cor. 13:1, Luke 10:1, Eccles. 4:9). One prophet may speak of the Tail or Left or New while the other or even the same prophet speaks differently on the Head or Right or Old e.g. earth is forever (Ps. 104:5, Is. 60:21) and earth is NOT forever (Matt. 24:35, Ps. 102:25-26, Is. 51:6, 2Pet. 3:10) yet no prophet is wrong. Hence, no one should DISAGREE or speak against any Bible prophet just because what you want to hear is different from what you need to hear from the prophet of God. All prophets are like brothers pointing to one Father or like road-signs pointing to one Destination – which is JESUS. Humanity must not be divided on prophets (see 1Cor. 3:4-6) as in many religions with the many denominations. Humanity must be UNITED (Eph. 1:10) on JESUS – the Unification of all things for Global – Peace. Looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:2) – the Pointed and not unto any prophet or any man – the Pointer. See 2Pet. 1:20.

    What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be u

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  • True Jesus : The Highest Revelation Of God



    “21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord (or Jesus, Jesus – that is to judge all men – John 5:22) shall ENTER into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 and then will I profess into them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended, and the FLOODS came, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock…” (Matt. 7:21-27). Life is a school and the greatest common sense EXAMINATION question that every living soul MUST answer is “Who is Jesus?” in connection with the true God and the true Holy Spirit (Prov. 30:4, John 5:39, Matt. 12:32). The correct answer earns promotion to the promised Everlasting Life (Titus 1:2) while the wrong answer attracts demotion to Everlasting Death. Everlasting Life simply means KNOWING the true Jesus and the true God (John 17:3) before doing His work. If our Lord Jesus should say on that day that He doesn’t know Pastor X and Follower F as in Matt. 7:23, it simply means that both Pastor X and Follower F never knew Him too, even though they claimed they knew Him. What a wasted life and a false confidence to be ashamed of on that day! Worse still is the fact that, then, there will be no more opportunity to repent (see Luke 13:24-30). Now is our LAST OPPORTUNITY to repent (see Luke 13:6-9) and to know who the true Jesus really is so as to ESCAPE the Greatest Judgment on earth and ENTER into the Everlasting Life of Everlasting Righteousness, Everlasting Peace with Unspeakable Everlasting Joy (see Matt. 25:23, Rom. 14:17-18).

    What a man knows is under his control but what he doesn’t know is above him and will control him. The same heat that softens and refines the Gold (BELIEVER) is the same heat that hardens and destroys the Clay (UNBELIEVER). Strive to enter into the true kingdom of God because most people are only interested in their own kingdoms (Luke 13:24-30, Phil. 2:20-21). Refuse to be limited by their limitations. Get out of the prophesied Second Babylonian Captivity in (Rev. 18:2)! Get out of mind captivity!! Be unlimited for true freedom!!!

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  • Firm Foundation : Genesis 1-3


    A properly formed foundation is the most important part of a building. Foundations are not always readily seen, yet, the structure either will stand or fall when adversity comes its way. In the same sense, faith is built upon a spiritual foundation, the word of God.

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  • Wake Up Call


    Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

    Does sickness and dis-ease run in your family? Have you had moments in your life of slipping in and out of a higher consciousness or God consciousness?

    If you think about it, at times of a higher conscioiusness, you are more at peace. You are healthier, happier, and more content. The struggles of life seem to vanish and true living begins. In A Wake Up Call, Gary S. Hall instructs on how to take the healing power of the Spirit to whatever dis-ease, dis-harmony, or discord you may have in your life. Read how to make initial contact with our Creator, how to manitain this contact through losing doubt, controlling the ego, living in the now as oppose to the past, and how to manifest abundance in your life and the lives of others. Reclaim dominion and leave the past in its proper place and where it already is – behind you.

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  • Bruised And Wounded


    The bestselling author of The Holy Longing turns his attention to one of the stigmas of our time: suicide. His book, Bruised and Wounded, presents a new way of understanding death by suicide with chapters on:

    *Removing the Taboo
    *Despair as Weakness Rather than Sin
    *Reclaiming the Memory of Our Loved One

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  • Glory Happening : Finding The Divine In Everyday Places


    When you have an experience and tell the story of that experience to someone, something sacred happens inside of you. That experience doesn’t have to be an extravagant moment, but it can be beautiful, nonetheless. And as you store up all those stories and share them, you grow your world’s boundaries. You build community and remind yourself that every moment of your life counts for something holy, good, and glorious.

    The search for glory will bring freedom and a fresh perspective to whatever season you happen to find yourself in. Glory Happening is a book of stories and prayers that remind you to take a closer look at your everyday circumstances, to find the magical beauty in everyday experiences. It is an invitation to live deeply into every moment with the expectation that something good will find you at the end of the day. And once you experience glory, you have words to speak, a prayer to pray, and a story to tell. And so glory grows from person to person, and community is created around the reality that God is truly in our midst.

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  • Unfold Mysteries Behind Prayer


    Unfold mysteries behind prayer is about those mysteries that the devil does not want you to know about your prayer. The Devil understands that whenever you know these mysteries, you can never stop praying. Unfold mysteries behind prayer exposes you to understand that it is even the perfect will and dream of God to answer your prayer and give you whatsoever you ask from him. Unfold mysteries behind prayer shows you that to answer your prayer is of great joy to God because it brings glory to his name and joy in his heart. He benefits from answering your prayer that is why he said pray without ceasing. Answering your prayer is for his name to be glorified, so any time he answers you, he is doing it because it gives him joy to do it. So you don’t need to bother yourself when you pray because God will answer you and do whatsoever you ask him to do for his name to be glorified and for the joy he will receive from doing it. Before you pray, you will believe that God can do all things including the one you are asking him, because he will benefit from answering your prayers. You will learn how to believe in the efficacy of your prayer through this book. This book will open you to understand that every prayer you pray in the name of Jesus according to his will is answerable by God and you will stop thinking that you are not qualified to receive answers to prayers rather understand that whenever you pray that God expects you to believe in your prayers and he will answer you. And you will understand why the devil is trying to convince you not to believe in your prayers.

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  • Gods Gentle Nudges


    This warm and nourishing collection of inspirational stories reveal the author’s sensitivity to God’s promptings in her life. Be encouraged to seek Him in the ordinary splendors of daily living.

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  • Leading Wisdom : Asian And Asian North American Women


    Discussions about leadership, even those centered on women, often overlook contributions made by Asian and Asian North American women. Now, Su Yon Pak and Jung Ha Kim share stories of Asian and Asian North American women who found their ways, sometimes circuitously, sometimes unexpectedly, into leadership roles.

    Divided into three sections-“Remembering Wisdom,” Unsettling Wisdom,” and “Inciting Wisdom”-the book presents narratives of leadership experiences in the fields of social activism, parish ministry, teaching, U.S. Army chaplaincy, religious history, Christian denominational work, theology, nonprofit organization, theological social ethics, clinical spiritual care education in healthcare systems, and community organizing.

    Leading Wisdom challenges conventional understanding through its creative reimagining of what it means to lead.

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  • No Ordinary Life


    Carol J Kelso

    After walking away from her Catholic faith, Carol Kelso tells the story of her journey back to God and the joy and challenges she experiences along the way. She shares openly and honestly about learning to practice and share her faith in a world often hostile to believers – journeying from a place of brokenness to healing, transformation and joy.

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  • By Inspiration Poetry Et Cetera


    By Inspiration can be compared to my journey through life. Departure began at birth on March 15, 1948 on Jack Craigs Place in a little shack surrounded by a cotton field, located across the pass at the end of a little dusty road. I was the tenth child born to William J. and Callie Donnie Davis Robinson. Life has taken me on an expressway with many exits, detours, and points of construction. By Inspiration is a compilation that reflects a shallow view of life experiences at different intervals through expressions in creative writings and visual art. In it, a myriad of emotions of love, joy, sorrow, gratitude, disappointment, and disgust are evident. By Inspiration gives the reader and viewer a glance at my interpretation of how life experiences can influence and impact the minds eyes reality. But we know that all things work together for good to them who love God to them who are called according to his purpose (Romans).

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  • Impossible : The Miraculous Story Of A Mothers Faith And Her Childs Resurre


    THE IMPOSSIBLE reveals prayer’s immediate and powerful impact through the true account of a family whose son died and was miraculously resurrected.

    Through the years and the struggles, when life seemed more about hurt and loss than hope and mercy, God was positioning the Smiths for something extraordinary – the death and resurrection of their son.

    When Joyce Smith’s 14-year-old son John fell through an icy Missouri lake one winter morning, she and her family had seemingly lost everything. At the hospital, John lay lifeless for more than 60 minutes. They asked themselves, How could God do this to us? But Joyce was not ready to give up on her son. She mustered all her faith and strength and cried out to God in a loud voice to save her son.

    Immediately, her son’s heart miraculously started beating, again.

    In the coming days, her son would defy every expert, every case history, and every scientific prediction. Sixteen days after falling through the ice and being clinically dead for an hour, John Smith walked out of the hospital under his own power, completely healed.

    THE IMPOSSIBLE is about a profound truth: prayer really does work. God uses it to remind us that He is always with us, and when we combine it with unshakable faith, nothing is impossible.

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  • Map Is Not The Journey


    Replace weariness with refreshment, obligations with passion, and staleness with joy.

    After twenty years of working the same job, Richard was burned out. When a close friend died, grief led to questions about faith, meaning, work, and life. Seeking answers, Richard hiked four hundred kilometers through the Alps in forty days.

    The profoundly shaping experiences in our lives are often born out of the mundane rather than the spectacular, yet there is also great value in stepping away from “normal” life for a period of time. This is especially true for developing companionship with God, which is less about prescribed practices imposed by religious institutions, and more about being open to what God has to reveal through the beauty of creation, the challenge of trials, and the joy of companions. Richard’s experiences and discoveries illustrate that we were all created for beauty, and opening ourselves to it every day is vital to keeping our faith fresh and alive.

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  • Seeds Of Destruction


    Elizabeth Abbott Green has written a compelling narrative of the life of a family, lived well but not without struggle…a life that spans the last half of the 20th Century and into the Millenium, a life of equal parts of joy, heartache…and faith. Even though the rigors of a military life impose unique requirements on the family…the added pressures of a foreign war, extended absence from the family unit by the military member, unexpected and frequent family moves and changes of schools…our family seemed to adapt well, and, for a time, to thrive.

    The catalyst for the book, “Seeds of Destruction,” was a major incident that almost took the life of our second son Greg. The book should be interesting to many audiences: young military families trying to cope with the almost constant overseas demands placed on them in today’s military; people of all ages who love travel and are willing and able to accept the challenge; and Christians everywhere who are interested in Bible prophecy.

    Seeds of Destruction is the work of a lifetime, not only of the entire family who lived it, but especially a work of total commitment for over 30 years by the author, and the focused study of Christianity and the signs of our times. Elizabeth Abbott Green’s analysis of the true path to God’s will for us is exemplary, and I believe it should be read by all who feel that much of today’s world is taking us in the opposite direction.

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  • Hannahs Hope : A Mully Childrens Rescue Story


    A quiet, poor Kenyan girl named Hannah becomes an orphan and worries that her life will have no future and no hope. But then she is rescued by a former Kenyan multimillionaire who had sold everything to operate a vast home for abandoned children. As Hannah experiences the love of this new father she also discovers the love of her heavenly Father

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  • Crazy Holy Grace


    When pain is real, why is God silent?

    Frederick Buechner has grappled with the nature of pain, grief, and grace ever since his father committed suicide when Buechner was a young boy. He continued that search as a father when his daughter struggled with anorexia. In this essential collection of essays, including one never before published, Frederick Buechner finds that the God who might seem so silent is ever near. He writes about what it means to be a steward of our pain, and about this grace from God that seems arbitrary and yet draws us to his holiness and care. Finally he writes about the magic of memory and how it can close up the old wounds with the memories of past goodnesses and graces from God.

    Here now are the best of Buechner’s writings on pain and loss, covering such topics as the power of hidden secrets, loss of a dearly beloved, letting go, resurrection from the ruins, peace, and listening for the quiet voice of God. And he reveals that pain and sorrow can be a treasure-an amazing grace.

    Buechner says that loss will come to all of us, but he writes that we are not alone. Crazy and unreal as it may sometimes seem, God’s holy, healing grace is always present and available if we are still enough to receive it.

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  • Daring To Hope


    Picking up where she left off in the New York Times best-selling book Kisses from Katie, Katie Davis Majors shares her ongoing experiences in Uganda as the adoptive mother to thirteen girls and describes how she’s wrestled through the darkness of disappointment to find the answer to whether God truly is good.

    New readers and long-time followers will find themselves alternately celebrating and crying as they witness a life of faith where death and loss are daily companions alongside miracles and joy. Readers will recognize their own questions and doubts in Majors’s descriptions of seeking evidence of God’s grace in both the beauty and brokenness of life. Through the wrestling, Majors finds an unshakable hope, one that she prays her readers will find as well in the pages of her story.

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  • What Will Your Legacy Be



    Being raised in America by a Nazi mother

    Losing a beloved son

    Surviving 4 POW Camps in WWII with a hidden Bible

    A legacy of loving all of God’s creatures, large and small

    Rising from truck repairman to producer of Schindler’s List

    Overcoming childhood Polio to become a great dancer.

    Living a life of loving the goodness of America.

    Saving one life at a time.

    A marriage made in Heaven.

    These are just some of the inspiring stories in this book.

    We all leave a legacy. Billy Graham will. Margaret Thatcher did. Adolph Hitler did. So will you.

    A legacy is defined as the impact, influence or imprint we leave in the lives of those we care about. We create it either by purpose and intent or we create it just by existing day by day. Every day of life contributes to our living legacy. The product of those many days will define the legacy we leave.

    These and many other true, heart-touching stories in this book will inspire you to examine the values and principles by which you live and how you will be remembered. It’s the perfect Christmas gift for your entire list.

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  • Just Breathe : All Stories Redeemable All Brokenness Repairable All Addicti


    This is for the people who are drowning in the pain of addiction.

    You can be free and create a new way of life to change your life and legacy.

    It is a unique story that hasn’t been told. There have been some, though not many, books written and stories told about women leaving the porn industry and the pain it has caused. Not many men (if any) have been telling this story. The porn industry gave Keith everything he thought he wanted, but his choice to walk away from it is powerful and unique.

    Just Breathe is divided into six chapters, each using a portion of Keith’s story, as well as a letter from the acronym BREATHE to take people on a journey from addiction to freedom.
    *B-Blessed are the Broken
    *R-Ready to Surrender
    *E-Evaluate my Life with Fearless Honesty
    *A-Make Amends
    *TH-Think a Whole New Way
    *E-Encourage Others with My Life and Story

    Resource guide in appendix with list of books and resources for further research and practical help.

    We are never finished with the process and journey of growth, and the best way to keep what we have is to give it away.

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  • Fruitfulness On The Frontline


    Daily life may never be quite the same.In this horizon-expanding, spirit-lifting, heart-warming book Mark Greene serves up a liberating view of how God can and does work in and through us in our daily lives. Whether you’re a student or retired, at the gym or at work, at the school gate or in the supermarket, here is a fresh and original framework for fruitfulness which will open up a host of possibilities to make a difference for Christ among the people you naturally meet in the places you find yourself day by day.Brimming with true stories, the combination of fresh Biblical insight, humour and practical steps will not only spark your imagination; it will enrich your sense of wonder at the greatness and grace of the God who not only gave his life for us, but invites us to join him in his glorious, transforming work.And who helps us as we do.

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  • Complete You : Discover How To Be Whole


    1. Becoming Whole
    2. Wholeness = Peace
    3. Wholeness = Integrity
    4. Wholeness = Good Attitude
    5. Wholeness = Spiritual Warfare
    6. Wholeness = Change

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    Many of us have heard of the promise God has made, what he offers to those who believe in Him: Life. More abundantly.

    Even knowing this, perhaps you struggle with really tapping into that Life, and being truly whole in His love and in His grace. Maybe you have fears, concerns, and guilt that keep you from what God wants for you.

    Whatever it is, this booklet will help lead you to the fullness of the loving relationship with the God who made you. Here is your chance to be the complete you. Don’t miss it.

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  • Princess Diana Speaks From Heaven


    When we were graced on this earth with the people’s princess, Lady, Diana, the world was a brighter place. The world just seemed a whole lot more hopeful when she was here. Tragedy struck on that fateful day when she was taken from us so early in her life.

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  • Blueprint : Easiest Way For Living


    When you don’t know the way, you become a weight to people in their way. The whole world wants to follow Him that know the way. That is the reason, everyone needs to understand his life from bottom-up, and to understand what God and the world really require of him.
    In this book we will be discussing issues under a topic such as: -What is a curse? -Gates of a curse -Define your world -Be creatively alive. To mention a few

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  • Unshakeable Trust : Find The Joy Of Trusting God At All Times In All Things


    In her new book, New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer explores a life lived in complete and total dependence on God. Drawing on her own experiences and inspiration from the Word of God, Joyce makes the case that in every area of your life–spiritually, relationally, emotionally, financially–you can trust that God has your very best in store.

    With each new chapter, Joyce unveils a sovereign and trustworthy God who longs to be in a relationship with his people, and inspires you to tear down the walls of self-reliance. This book will both equip and encourage, as you learn how to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

    Regardless of your past pain, your present circumstances, or your future uncertainty, when you learn to trust God each day, you’ll experience the joy-filled life Jesus came to give you. Others may have let you down . . . but God never will!

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  • Shine On : The Remarkable True Story Of A Quadruple Amputee


    “Honey, you’ve been very ill and they’ve had to amputate…” His voice cracked. I searched his face, looking for some kind of clue to tell me why I sensed so much pain from him and in me. “Your hands and feet.”

    Cyndi tried to grasp the new reality that flesh-eating disease had changed her life forever. Her recent memories of being a successful business manager and new mom seemed oceans away.

    It just couldn’t be true. I tried to speak, but no words came. Please God-let this be a dream. A sinking, overwhelming feeling crashed down on me as my eyes became heavier and heavier. Darkness threatened to overtake me.

    As she grappled with the challenges of an unknown future, Cyndi was left with a question: Why had God allowed this to happen to her? And furthermore, could she ever be whole again?

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  • Vintage Saints And Sinners


    Saints are people too. The word saint conjures up images of superstar Christians revered for their spectacular acts and otherworldly piety. But when we take a closer look at the lives of these spiritual heavyweights, we learn that they also experienced struggle, doubt, and heartache. In fact, we learn that in many ways they?re not all that different from you and me. Narrating her own winding pilgrimage through faith, Karen Marsh reveals surprising lessons in everyday spirituality from these “saints”?folks who lived and breathed, and failed and followed God. Told with humor and vulnerability, Vintage Saints and Sinners introduces us afresh to twenty-five brothers and sisters who challenge and inspire us with their honest faith. Join Karen on her journey with the likes of Augustine, Brother Lawrence, and Saint Francis, as well as Amanda Berry Smith, Sren Kierkegaard, Dorothy Day, Howard Thurman, Flannery O?Conner, and many more. Let their lives and their wisdom be an invitation to authentic life in Christ.

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  • Winds Of Heaven Stuff Of Earth


    Rich Mullins was a once-in-a-lifetime singer/songwriter whose impact on Christian music and the church is still felt today, even twenty years after his passing. His words and music softened and inspired the most hardened hearts to believe. His was a ragged and raw faith of a pilgrim, poet, and prophet. Now more than a dozen of today’s singers, songwriters, producers, and authors gather to share never-before-heard stories and lessons from Rich that continue to influence their music and ministries today. These lessons, gleaned from Rich’s own struggles and pursuits, are combined with lyrics from eleven unreleased Rich Mullins songs that will inspire longtime Mullins fans, new Christian music followers, and spiritual seekers trying to understand the reckless love of God.

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  • Lifting Up The Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9781945470004ISBN10: 1945470003Cary SummersBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 2017Publisher: Museum of the Bible Books

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  • Come Go With Me


    God is about people, and this has been the case since the beginning of time when God created man and woman in the beautiful Garden of Eden. He established from the very beginning that he wanted fellowship with us, so what better way for us to know God than to know him through the Holy Bible, prayer, and fellowship prayer with God’s people?

    In Come Go with Me, author Kathy Carpenter offers us a way to discover fellowship with believers through their own personal and inspiring true stories of experiencing God in their daily lives. From Southern Georgia and Colorado to Africa, Israel, and Hawaii, these stories will speak to real and breathtaking encounters with God and his Holy Spirit. The stories will bring the inspiration for an adventure of a lifetime–because when God shows up, your life is changed forever!

    Prayer is about getting close to God and realizing that when you know our blessed Father, you will have the comfort of the Holy Spirit now and forever. If you seek God for comfort from sickness, a troubled marriage, and death, or if you look to him for guidance in supernatural and joyous moments, then Come Go with Me–all aboard the spiritual soul train

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  • Untamed Gospel : Reflections Poems And Prayers For The Christian Year


    Untamed Gospel complements The Bright Field and Darkness Yielding, and offers meditations, reflections, stories, prayers and poems for use throughout the church year. Each one focuses on the often startling nature of Jesusa(TM) sayings and teachings, the raw honesty of the psalms and other biblical texts, and on contemporary issues, such as mental health and displacement, seen in the light of the demands of the kingdom of God. It offers a prophetic challenge to the churcha(TM)s tendency towards management and control. A rich resource for worship, preaching, teaching and personal reflection throughout the year, Untamed Gospel contains hundreds of reproducible items, including seasonal reflections, stories, homilies, poems and some of Jim Cottera(TM)s last writings as he was being treated for cancer: a moving sequence of prayer poems inspired by the psalms.

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  • Princess Diana Speaks From Heaven


    When we were graced on this earth with the people’s princess, Lady, Diana, the world was a brighter place. The world just seemed a whole lot more hopeful when she was here. Tragedy struck on that fateful day when she was taken from us so early in her life.

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  • Mary Magdalene Speaks From Heaven


    Numerous bestselling books have been written about Mary Magdalene with many hushed conversations about this mysterious woman who followed Jesus. However, until now, no one has produced a book about who she is in her own words.

    Join Matthew Robert Payne as he brings the words of Mary Magdalene to earth after an interview with her. She discusses topics such as:

    What Jesus was like when he ministered on earth
    What Jesus is like in heaven now
    How you can qualify to go to heaven when you die
    Her message for women on earth
    Her message for men on earth and
    Much more.

    Mary speaks quite candidly about several topics that are not covered in the Gospels, including her former life before Christ, her life with Jesus, and the backstory of her relationship with Jesus. Join her for a look behind the scenes into the times of the Gospels.

    Learn about Mary’s role in heaven and the truth behind the false accounts about her and Jesus in popular books. Find out who Mary really is and let her convince you to rededicate your life to Jesus and his sacred and holy teachings.

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  • Angels Among Us


    A vision in a dream. A long-awaited healing. Protection from an accident waiting to happen. Angels Among Us is a collection of nineteen stories of everyday people-little children, old women, young men-who had their lives redirected with a little help from above. Some came to help. Some to heal. Others stood as protectors and guardians. Some were prayed for and others showed up totally unbidden, but all were remembered by those whose lives were changed from a visit by their guardian angel. These inspiring stories will give you comfort and hope as you learn that you are seen, protected, and loved throughout each and every day.

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  • 101 Seeds : Planting And Germinating Greatness


    101 Seeds: Planting and Germinating Greatness contains heartfelt moments of reflections that inspired author Ray Martinez over the years. All the comments and quotes were organically developed during Ray’s successful and troubling journey in life, inspired with spiritual inspirations that are peppered with Christian and everyday insight for living. I think you will find cause to pause and rethink.

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  • Living In Light Of The Manger


    Why did God send His Son Jesus as a baby, born of human flesh, to rescue mankind? What is significant about the way God chose to redeem? Take time this Advent Season to meditate on the manger. Jesus was born, so that we could be born again. His timely arrival and the circumstances surrounding His birth have valuable lessons to teach us how to live in light of the manger.

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  • Re Entry : How Pain Roots And Rhythm Guide Us From Darkness To Light


    How do you survive lengthy seasons of darkness?

    As vital as the message of entry is to the Christian faith, many Christians are also desperate for a message of reentry after many seasons of doubt, confusion, bondage to the past, severed relationships, loss, depression, and stress. From places of darkness and shadows, God comes and reveals himself as the one who enters into our pain both as a companion who walks with us through our trials and as the one who is eager to eventually lead us into a healthier place.

    In January of 2014, Josh Ross traveled to Barrow, Alaska, to interact with a community that experiences over sixty-five days of darkness every winter. His time there revealed how essential the principles of reentry, roots, and rhythm are to our survival and health far beyond the Arctic Circle.

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  • Being A Chaplain


    Chaplaincy – a place for those who have sold out, can’t hack church ministry and don’t believe in mission? Against the negative stereotypes, this book argues that chaplains are a valuable resource to the Church. Embedded in places as diverse as prisons, hospitals, educational establishments and the armed forces, chaplains often encounter social trends well in advance of the institutional churches. Their experiences and expertise can be very helpful for thinking about ministry, ecclesiology and the engagement with contemporary society. The first five parts of this book gather together stories of 22 chaplains working in a wide variety of contexts and from a range of Christian churches. The final part consists of four essays on key themes: multi-faith issues; the core skills needed by a chaplain; models of chaplaincy; and tensions that can arise in the work. This book is for chaplains, students, clergy and all those who are considering becoming a chaplain or have dealings with people in the role. It will be of considerable interest to anyone who wonders what exactly chaplains do, how and why they do it and what the churches can learn from their experiences.

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  • Steal Away Home


    Thomas Johnson and Charles Spurgeon lived worlds apart.

    Johnson, an American slave, born into captivity and longing for freedom-Spurgeon, an Englishman born into relative ease and comfort, but, longing too for a freedom of his own. Their respective journeys lead to an unlikely meeting and an even more unlikely friendship, forged by fate and mutual love for the mission of Christ.

    Steal Away Home is a new kind of book based on historical research, tells a previously untold story set in the 1800’s of the relationship between an African-American missionary and one of the greatest preachers to ever live.

    Authors Matt Carter and Aaron Ivey tell a compelling story in a fresh, new way about one of Christianity’s most famed ministers. Readers will discover, perhaps for the first time, Spurgeon was merely one among many in a court of London preachers.

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  • Mary Magdalene Speaks From Heaven


    Numerous bestselling books have been written about Mary Magdalene with many hushed conversations about this mysterious woman who followed Jesus. However, until now, no one has produced a book about who she is in her own words.

    Join Matthew Robert Payne as he brings the words of Mary Magdalene to earth after an interview with her. She discusses topics such as:

    What Jesus was like when he ministered on earth
    What Jesus is like in heaven now
    How you can qualify to go to heaven when you die
    Her message for women on earth
    Her message for men on earth and
    Much more.

    Mary speaks quite candidly about several topics that are not covered in the Gospels, including her former life before Christ, her life with Jesus, and the backstory of her relationship with Jesus. Join her for a look behind the scenes into the times of the Gospels.

    Learn about Mary’s role in heaven and the truth behind the false accounts about her and Jesus in popular books. Find out who Mary really is and let her convince you to rededicate your life to Jesus and his sacred and holy teachings.

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  • Sarahs Journey Of Faith V3


    Learn from Sarah the childlike faith that saw her through the darkest nights and brought her to us, to lift us into the daylight of God’s grace.

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  • Disruptive Generosity : Stories Of Transforming Cities Through Strategic Gi


    Visionary leader and outreach strategist motivates marketplace Christians to make a difference with their generosity and helps guide them in those decisions so they can make an impact and inspire others to do the same.

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  • All Saints


    The True Story Behind the Powerful Upcoming Film ALL SAINTS

    This nonfiction book will tell the story behind the upcoming film ALL SAINTS. The movie is inspired by the true story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock (Corbett), the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they risk everything to plant seeds for a future that might just save them all.
    Michael’s first assignment as their new pastor is to close down All Saints, a dilapidated country church with a dozen devoted members and a mortgage well beyond its means. But when the church hesitantly begins welcoming Karen refugees from Burma–former farmers scrambling for a fresh start in America–Michael feels called to an improbable new mission.

    Jeopardizing his family’s future by ignoring his superiors, Michael must choose between completing what he was assigned to do–close the church and sell the property–or listening to a still, small voice challenging the people of All Saints to risk it all and provide much-needed hope to their new community.

    This nonfiction book will tell the true story that inspired the film while also diving deeper into the background of the Karen people, the church, and how a community of believers can coordinate their efforts to help those in need.

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  • North Of Hope


    After author Shannon Huffman Polson’s parents are killed by a wild grizzly bear in Alaska’s Arctic, her quest for healing is recounted with heartbreaking candor in North of Hope.

    Undergirded by her faith, Polson’s expedition takes her through her through the wilds of her own grief as well as God’s beautiful, yet wild and untamed creation-ultimately arriving at a place of unshaken hope. She travels from the suburbs of Seattle to the concert hall, performing Mozart’s Requiem with the Seattle Symphony, to the wilderness of Alaska-where she retraces their final days along an Arctic river.

    This beautifully written book is for anyone who has experienced grief and is looking for new ways to understand overwhelming loss. Readers will find empathy and understanding through Polson’s journey. North of Hope is also for those who love the outdoors and find solace and healing in nature, as they experience Alaska’s wild Arctic through the author’s travels.

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  • I Saw The Glories Of Heaven


    On December 23, 1966, eighteen-year-old Gary Wood was driving with his younger sister Sue along a dark street in their hometown. They were heading home singing Christmas songs when Sue spotted an illegally-parked tow truck sticking out into their lane of traffic. Her scream pierced the night only a moment before the car crashed headlong into the obstruction. In the accident, Gary suffered a mid-face injury with laryngeal fractures-his vocal cords and voice box were completely shattered. Doctors offered no hope that Gary would ever talk again. What the doctors didn’t realize, however, was that in the aftermath of the accident, Gary was given the miraculous experience of spending twenty minutes in A Place Called Heaven. While there, Gary witnessed sights such as the city of heaven; the grand auditorium; the spare parts room; and the Throne Room, as well as his very own personal mansion. He was also given ten amazing signs regarding Christ’s ultimate return. At the end of his time in heaven, Gary was commissioned to spend the rest of his time on earth telling his story and making Jesus real for people. God miraculously healed Gary and promised him that wherever he told his story, people would be saved, healed, and delivered. In the years that followed, Gary became a world-renowned evangelist, overcoming obstacles such as medical mysteries and the threats of unfriendly motorcycle gangs along the way, all while thanking God for his inspired life.

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  • Message From My Angel 1


    What if you could learn the name of your angel, receive a picture of your angel’s likeness, and receive a five-minute message from your angel? Would that initial message stir your heart enough to start a dialogue with your angel? This unique Christian book that might be more at home in a New Age bookstore is A Message From My Angel: Book 1.

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  • I Write For Jesus


    Buttercup Media

    These short stories of love, faith and belief in our Savior Jesus Christ are written for all Christians. Neal once a month reads a story to the congregation of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Clarendon, Texas, In Turkey, Texas his stories have been shared in monthly bible study groups consisting of many faiths including Baptist, Methodist and Chirch of Christ. Neal shares his readings not only in these churches but also many out of state.

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  • Spoken Into Being


    Everyone is a storyteller, according to Michael Williams, and all of us are on a spiritual journey. Storytelling helps us make sense of our lives, the world around us, and God. When we tell stories, we speak a world into being-just as God did in the creation accounts in the book of Genesis. Spoken into Being is both a guide to telling our own stories and a reminder that we have been spoken into being as part of a much larger story. It is a voyage of discovery for those of us who wish to deepen our experience of God’s presence in our lives.

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  • 1 For Sorrow


    One for Sorrow relates the story of the loss of 21-year-old Tom to cancer, and how his family lived through the aftermath. When Alan began writing the memoir, he believed it would be about his son’s illness and death. He soon realized, however, that he was recording his own painful journey through the ‘valley of the shadow’, as a father and as someone responsible for ministering to others in similar situations. His core beliefs were challenged and his perspective on life changed.

    Now retired, Alan is passionate about the capacity we all have to grow through adversity and, like our crucified God, rise up from pain and death to live and love and laugh again.

    Inspired by the classic poem, and beautifully and poignantly written, this memoir is destined to become a classic.

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  • Chasing Grace : What The Quarter Mile Has Taught Me About God And Life


    “For as long as I can remember, life has been measured in seconds. The fewer, the better.”

    Most people equate success with having more, but Sanya’s quest was always for less. She starting running track as a little girl in Jamaica and began competing when she was only seven. At 31 she’s had a career’s worth of conditioning to run a 400-meter race in 50 seconds, hopefully 49, or even better, 48.

    When she started training with her coach, Clyde Hart, they divided her race into four phases: push, pace, position, poise, and with the inherent prayer. For years Sanya worked to hone every phase in practice so that when it came time to race, her body would respond as her mind instinctively transitioned from one phase to the next. As she got older and embraced a life that measures more than just a number on the time clock, she has realized the genius of this strategy for not just racing the 400 meters, but for living her best life.

    Sanya shares triumphant as well as heartbreaking stories as she reveals her journey to becoming a world-class runner. From her childhood in Jamaica to Athens, Beijing and London Olympics, readers will find themselves inspired by the unique insights she’s gained through her victories and losses, including her devastating injury during the 2016 Olympic Trials forcing career retirement just weeks before Rio. Sanya demonstrates how even this devastating loss brought her closer to the ultimate goal of becoming all God created her to be.

    “Sometimes you think you are chasing a gold medal, but that’s not what you are chasing. You’re racing to become the best version of yourself.”

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  • Believers Garden


    It is written, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32). Believers’ garden is a faith building, spiritual development and mind renewing piece that will enable believers to overcome deceptions and falsehood. Due to traditions, culture and false doctrines that have found themselves in the body of Christ, as well as deceptions and falsehood from the other Religions purposely to tarnish the image of the church and the bible, has caused many believers faith to grow cold. It is also making the church unpleasant for the outsiders to join. For this reason, this book has been written to equip and to build believers mentally and spiritually to defend and to hold on to their faith. It contains vital divine truth needful for the growth and development of every believer. It is a must read book.

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  • My True Loves Gifts


    If you have ever found the Christmas season to be an emotional and spiritual letdown, My True Love’s Gifts is for you. We are about to discover the real message in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” and experience Christmas from a perspective that is broader and deeper than the traditional nativity scene. We will discover something entirely new, inspiring, and encouraging in the words of a centuries-old lyric. As the amazing scope and extent of the true love’s generosity is discovered, there will be no post-Christmas blues this season.

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  • Case For Kindness


    Inspired by the author’s fortieth birthday celebration where she committed to forty days of intentional kindness, this book shares the ripple effect that changed an entire community. In less than a year, more than 20,000 separate acts of kindness took place in her hometown, and then began to spread as others embraced the endeavour.

    A Case for Kindness equips you to have that same impact on the lives of your own neighbors, family and friends. In this book, you will find forty kindness practices that easily fit the margins of your day-to-day interactions. It is a forty-day journey that will have a lasting impact on the lives of others, while enriching your own life in the process.

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  • Contemporary Art And The Church


    The church and the contemporary art world often find themselves in an uneasy relationship in which misunderstanding and mistrust abound. On one hand, the leaders of local congregations, seminaries, and other Christian ministries often don’t know what to make of works by contemporary artists. Not only are these artists mostly unknown to church leaders, they and their work often lead them to regard the world of contemporary art with indifference, frustration, or even disdain. On the other hand, many artists lack any meaningful experience with the contemporary church and are mostly ignorant of its mission. Not infrequently, these artists regard religion as irrelevant to their work, are disinclined to trust the church and its leaders, and have experienced personal rejection from these communities. In response to this situation, the 2015 biennial conference of Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA) facilitated a conversation between these two worlds. The present volume gathers together essays and reflections by artists, theologians, and church leaders as they sought to explore misperceptions, create a hospitable space to learn from each other, and imagine the possibility of a renewed and mutually fruitful relationship. Contemporary Art and the Church seeks common ground for the common good of both the church and the contemporary art world.

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  • Jesus Speaking Today


    It takes tremendous courage and honor to live up to what being a true Christian is all about. You have to be consistent in your thoughts, words and actions towards others. However, there are so many challenges and hurdles in your journey that sometimes, it feels like you are alone and have no one to turn to. The burdens can be so heavy that you may feel like giving up.

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  • Michael Jackson Speaks From Heaven


    17 Chapters

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    Did you know that it is possible to visit heaven and see who is living up there? Do you know that if you have a great relationship with Jesus, and if God has a purpose for it, that people who are living in heaven can come down to earth and visit you and spend time with you? One day, while Matthew watched a documentary called “This Is It” by Michael Jackson, Michael appeared to him. He proceeded to sing the songs on the film and dance in the room with Matthew. Soon, through multiple visits, Matthew grew to know Michael fairly well. In April 2016, Michael got Matthew out of bed and with the help of God’s Spirit, did a three-hour interview with Matthew. It was a divine revelation of heaven and more. Why don’t you read this message and spend some time to see what Michael has to say about: What heaven is like What he is doing up there What Jesus is really like The keys to a happy life and What true love looks like. Jesus wants you to read this message, and Michael wants to speak to you, so what are you waiting for?”

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  • Breaking Family Ties


    There is a real epidemic occurring in our society that is keeping people oppressed within the walls of their own mind. In a simple moment of time, your life can completely change by a recurring negative thought. Words spoken over your life as a child can affect your life now. Breaking Family Ties will explore the power of words over your life, and what you can do to be free. Be free to fulfill your purpose and follow your dreams. You can be free from the bondage of unspoken and spoken curses upon your life. Freedom is a right and is not unattainable. Breaking Family Ties descriptively goes through different stages in life that can trigger negative ties. By the end of this book, you will discover the tools necessary to see the walls come down.

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  • Termites Ate My Couch


    Have you ever wondered what life on the mission field is like? These are true tales from a mom, nurse, wife, and flawed person. These stories show how reliance on Jesus Christ brought her through the most emotional, rewarding, and hilarious times of her life. You are invited to read these stories and laugh and cry along with her.

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  • In You Gods Trust 2


    In You, GOD’s Trust: Book 2 gracefully welcomes you as a precious scholar to offer spiritual success during seasons of growth. As we walk through trials, utilize this guide with the aspect of pace to attain fulfillment – and be rewarded for your value!

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  • Come Up Hither


    Friend, the Lord has spoken better things of you. Don’t settle at the plain, go further with the Lord. There is more to God than speaking in tongues. You are eligible to experiencing these over-flows. Consider the mighty experiences of the men of faith, yet they didn’t finish their divine proportion of grace.

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  • Sisterhood : How The Power Of The Feminine Heart Can Become A Catalyst For


    As Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and founder of The Colour Sisterhood, Bobbie Houston paints a vision of God’s plan for women of all ages and backgrounds to flourish, empower each other, and unite to change the world.

    We don’t need to look far to realize that not all women live with the same opportunities and confidence. THE SISTERHOOD invites women to explore and expand what they believe about God, themselves, and their responsibility to the world around them. Tracing the rise of Hillsong Church’s global Sisterhood movement, author Bobbie Houston challenges women to join her in creating a new era of outreach. Readers will learn how to embrace their individual gifts and value as women, growing seeds of change into greater possibilities for women everywhere. If one woman can change her world, then only heaven truly knows what an entire company of women can achieve.

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  • Dealing With The Elephant In The Room (Reprinted)


    Communication and personal relationship expert shows readers how handle difficult conversations with tact, kindness, and confidence.

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  • Holy Spokes : The Search For Urban Spirituality On Two Wheels


    After Laura Everett’s car died on the highway one rainy night, she made the utterly practical decision to start riding her bicycle to work through the streets of Boston. Seven years later, she’s never looked back.

    Holy Spokes tells the story of Everett’s unlikely conversion to urban cycling. As she pedaled her way into a new way of life, Everett discovered that her year-round bicycle commuting wasn’t just benefiting her body, her wallet, and her environment. It was enriching her soul.

    Ride along with Everett through Holy Spokes as she explores the history of cycling, makes friends with a diverse and joyful community of fellow cyclists, gets up close and personal with the city she loves-and begins to develop a deep, robust, and distinctly urban spirituality.

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  • Never Give Up Youre Stronger Than You Think (Reprinted)


    Everything worth doing is going to have some obstacles. Some people look at setbacks as evidence that whatever it is they’ve been striving for just wasn’t meant to be. But according to bestselling author and master motivator John Mason, the moment most people give up is the moment of their greatest opportunity.

    In this inspiring book, Mason gives readers fifty-two keys to never giving up on their dreams. He shows them how to ask the right questions when they are on the verge of quitting, how to avoid unnecessary trouble, and how to keep their energy level up in the face of setbacks. Whether readers are building a business, a family, a portfolio, or relationships, they’ll find the strength and motivation to go on, break through, and claim the prize.

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  • 20 Ways To Make Every Day Better Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Joyce Meyer’s practical study guide companion to 20 Ways To Make Every Day Better helps readers put her powerful lessons into action.

    Daily challenges can rob us of joy. But simply writing today off in hope of a better tomorrow only allows one terrible day to become many-and soon we’re living a life far from what God has in mind for us. Starting now, we can make each moment count for the better. It’s not about what’s happening around us, it’s about what He can do within us. Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, presents a study guide companion to 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better, filled with biblical illustrations, engaging exercises, and practical advice. This study guide will make it possible for readers to master the book’s lessons and begin the life that they’re meant to lead.

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  • Understanding Heavens Court System


    1. Reclaiming Authority
    2. The Commanding Power Of God
    3. God Will Command His Blessings To Come Upon Us
    4. Court System Of Heaven
    5. Prophetic Decrees
    6. Prophetic Decrees Have Power
    7. Break All The Way Through
    8. Reassignments Coming

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    There has been a change in the Christian religion which isn’t good. We have lost our way and forgotten who God is. But we have to remember that God is the one who delivers justice to us in the end. He is the one who will decide what happens to your soul when you die. And if you do things right in this world, then He will make sure that you are cared for in the next.

    Understanding Heaven’s Court System: Explosive Life Changing Secrets is an insightful book, written by Bill Vincent, which seeks to help us understand better, the changes we can make to our lives which will directly influence our relationship with God.

    Within the chapters, packed with scripture which backs up the theory, you are given the tools and strategies you need in order to reclaim authority and rediscover the commanding power of God.

    It is a book which will probably alter the way you think and act, as well as changing your view of God, and perhaps His view of you.

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  • Understanding Heavens Court System


    1. Reclaiming Authority
    2. The Commanding Power Of God
    3. God Will Command His Blessings To Come Upon Us
    4. Court System Of Heaven
    5. Prophetic Decrees
    6. Prophetic Decrees Have Power
    7. Break All The Way Through
    8. Reassignments Coming

    Additional Info
    There has been a change in the Christian religion which isn’t good. We have lost our way and forgotten who God is. But we have to remember that God is the one who delivers justice to us in the end. He is the one who will decide what happens to your soul when you die. And if you do things right in this world, then He will make sure that you are cared for in the next.

    Understanding Heaven’s Court System: Explosive Life Changing Secrets is an insightful book, written by Bill Vincent, which seeks to help us understand better, the changes we can make to our lives which will directly influence our relationship with God.

    Within the chapters, packed with scripture which backs up the theory, you are given the tools and strategies you need in order to reclaim authority and rediscover the commanding power of God.

    It is a book which will probably alter the way you think and act, as well as changing your view of God, and perhaps His view of you.

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  • God Gave Us Wings


    A breathtaking book that demonstrates through stunning tell-all stories about a celebrity’s life to a wounded warrior’s battle that proves God is alive and well.

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  • Missing Jewel : The Worship Moverment That Impacted The Nations


    A. W. Tozer famously described worship as ‘the missing jewel of the evangelical church’. Since he penned those words in 1961, there has been an explosion of musical and lyrical creativity in churches across the United Kingdom.

    From encountering God in house churches to declaring His praise in Stadiums, contemporary worship has transformed the British Church and spread across the world.

    Les Moir had a front row seat for much of this time. Recording, producing and playing on landmark albums as well as shaping significant songs from 3 generations of worship leaders, including: Matt Redman, Martin Smith, Tim Hughes and Graham Kendrick.

    In Missing Jewel he tells this story using his own experiences and inspiring first-hand accounts of the many musicians, songwriters and Church leaders who found themselves part of a journey that continues to bless and exhilarate new generations of believers.

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  • Communion Of Saints


    This collection of poems explores the saints of the church’s history and contemporary persons who embody something of their charism. Three sections are arranged around the themes of the three “theological virtues”: faith, portrayed as a source of strength in times of trial; hope, the darkest in the book, dealing with matters of the body’s frailty, illness, social discrimination, and the search for a way to live within the constraints of society; and love, offering a panoply of outward-looking characters who give to others in radical or personal ways. The volume ends with a cycle of Franciscan poems that offer a model for the Christian life, not simply in terms of individual moments but also as a complete life-cycle of practice and prayer.

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  • Sound Of A Million Dreams


    20 Chapters

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    What does a dream sound like? “The first time the sound of a dream slammed, hard, in the center of my spirit, was almost a decade ago. It’s the sound that has led me on the journey whose threads are pulled through this book, an intimate journey that I’ve often struggled to comprehend; it’s been unlike anything else I’ve ever known. It happened in a coffee shop during my thirtieth year, and in less than two hours it would cause me to listen to my life anew.” In these pages writer and speaker Suanne Camfield writes of the varied dreams that she has pursued over the course of her life. With captivating and eloquent stories and concepts, she guides us through what it feels like to have a stirring deep inside of us-and how God guides and shapes us through that sense of calling. This is not a book primarily about vocation or even discernment. It is a book about being a dreamer who is shaped by God. It is about having the wisdom and courage to step into the places of our most vulnerable longing.

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  • And Still She Laughs


    Kate Merrick examines the Bible’s gritty stories of resilient women as well as her own experience losing a child-a journey followed by more than a million on reveal the reality of surprising joy and deep hope even in the midst of heartache. Kate Merrick faced the crippling grief that life can bring when her five-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Three and a half years of suffering followed, accompanied by fervent prayer, hospital stays, emotional agony, and teeth-grinding fear. And in the end, her baby girl was gone. How was Kate to believe again, to hope again?

    To find out, she turned to stories in the Bible of real women who dealt with pain and survived. How did Sarah, after twenty-five years of achingly empty arms, learn in the end to laugh without bitterness? How did Bathsheba, defiled by the king who then had her husband killed, come to walk in strength and dignity, to smile without fear of the future? In And Still She Laughs, Merrick writes poignantly and transparently about finding joy in sorrow and shows how we-just like the ordinary women seen in the Bible-can rise above unbearable circumstances and live fully. In the middle of whatever hardships we face, we can smile, cry, and come away full-laughing without fear and eagerly looking for what is to come.

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  • Hell Bent Heaven Bound


    Growing up in a neighborhood where crack cocaine and prostitution coexisted alongside a gospel-preaching old woman named Sister Lou, Shawnta Pulliam saw the futility of life around her in the hood, yet knew deep inside she was born for something more something great even. Still, with a drug-addicted mother and a father behind bars, the pull of the streets and deep emotional wounding took their toll, and she easily fell in with a crowd hurtling headlong in the wrong direction. A nervous breakdown that led to her breakthrough revived Shawnta s faith and stirred up the gifts God had planted in her long ago. Propelled by that faith, she watched as God opened door after door for her to walk through. Following her heart-cry, she eventually founded an organization called Nurturing Hearts for at-risk girls ages ten to eighteen. In Hell Bent, Heaven Bound, she reminds us all that God uses the things we like least about ourselves and breathes purpose into them.

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  • Lightning Struck Twice


    Shawny was born to very young parents. When they decided to go their separate ways. Her mom finds a man who she thought was the man of her dreams. What he was keeping on the inside was later revealed when her prince charming exposed himself with his true identity.

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  • Lightning Struck Twice


    Shawny was born to very young parents. When they decided to go their separate ways. Her mom finds a man who she thought was the man of her dreams. What he was keeping on the inside was later revealed when her prince charming exposed himself with his true identity.

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  • My Visits To Heaven


    If you are anything like me, then one of your favorite subjects is heaven. It is so hard to find a really good book on heaven. However, this book is much more than a description of heaven. Instead, you will discover how you can access heaven for yourself. It is my prayer that this short book of mine will not only inspire you to go to heaven but even take you there while you read it.

    We have access to heaven as part of our inheritance through Christ’s shed blood. The Bible says that we are already seated in heavenly places. If you can imagine that you are seated next to Jesus on a throne, then all you really need to do is open your spiritual eyes, and you will be in heaven.

    In this book, I hope to encourage you about heaven and to teach you how to visit heaven. I will share the lessons that I learned from my encounters in heaven. I pray that you will add this to your catalogue of books on heaven and visit there yourself one day. I have included exercises that might even help you encounter heaven before you finish reading it if you approach them with faith. If you do not encounter heaven by reading this book, you can visit my website to access your own trip to heaven.

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  • My Visits To Heaven


    If you are anything like me, then one of your favorite subjects is heaven. It is so hard to find a really good book on heaven. However, this book is much more than a description of heaven. Instead, you will discover how you can access heaven for yourself. It is my prayer that this short book of mine will not only inspire you to go to heaven but even take you there while you read it.

    We have access to heaven as part of our inheritance through Christ’s shed blood. The Bible says that we are already seated in heavenly places. If you can imagine that you are seated next to Jesus on a throne, then all you really need to do is open your spiritual eyes, and you will be in heaven.

    In this book, I hope to encourage you about heaven and to teach you how to visit heaven. I will share the lessons that I learned from my encounters in heaven. I pray that you will add this to your catalogue of books on heaven and visit there yourself one day. I have included exercises that might even help you encounter heaven before you finish reading it if you approach them with faith. If you do not encounter heaven by reading this book, you can visit my website to access your own trip to heaven.

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  • Glimpses Of Heaven


    Drawn from her decades of experience as a hospice nurse, Trudy Harris shares stories that offer an incredible glimpse at what lies beyond this world–ethereal music, colors that did not exist on earth, angels, and loved ones who have gone on before. She has been with hundreds of patients as they took their last breaths and knows the kinds of questions that both the dying and their loved ones ask: What happens when we die? What should I say to a loved one who is dying? How can I make a dying friend feel safe? The stories she shares will bring the reader comfort and peace even amidst pain.

    Tender, heartbreaking, and eye-opening, this expanded edition of the New York Times bestseller offers more incredible windows into the world beyond and life after death.

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  • Daily Light For Your Daily Path


    Start each day empowered with the motivation and guidance from the Daily Light For Your Daily Path. This classic devotional compiled by the Bagster family centuries ago contains Scripture verses from the clear and concise English Standard Version that will help you stay focused on God as you journey down life s path.

    In a graceful display of elegant style, this softcover devotional design features a subtle dusty rose backdrop with a vintage bicycle and its front basket filled with a colorful bouquet of blooming roses accented with brilliant metallic rose gold detailing. Its beautifully designed 408 pages offer something new each day of the year and also provide plenty of space for writing notes or thoughts during daily reflection.

    This Christian devotional can fit inside totes, briefcases, backpacks and more for a daily reminder of the wonderful things God has in store for you anytime and anywhere. It adds a sophisticated touch to a tabletop, bedside table or desk. With a presentation page for gift-giving, this elegant devotional makes an ideal gift of encouragement for a friend or loved one for any occasion.

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  • Cross


    In contemporary Christianity, the cross is a symbol of the atonement and reminds Christians of God’s love in sacrificing His own Son for humanity. It represents Jesus’ victory over sin and death since it is believed that through His death and resurrection He conquered death itself.

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  • Losing Susan


    The Story of Brain Disease and the Priest’s Wife

    This is the story of Susan–a wife, a mother, a Christian believer, a lover of children, a writer of stories, and a woman of extraordinary intellect. Susan was diagnosed with a brain tumor in her late thirties. Although it was successfully treated, the process led to her slow and unending decline throughout the remaining nineteen years of her life.

    In this personal story of love and loss, seasoned pastor-theologian Victor Lee Austin shares how caring for his wife during her long, painful struggle with brain cancer and its aftereffects brought him face-to-face with his God and with his faith in unsettling ways. God gave Victor what his heart most desired–marriage to Susan–then God took away what he had given. Yet God never withdrew his presence. Weaving together autobiographical details and profound theological insights, this powerful narrative of suffering and love is told with bracing honesty. It shows that while we cannot tidily make sense of God’s role in suffering, we are called to turn to him in the face of pain and death.

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  • Spiritual Leadership : Kingdom Foundation Principles


    Revival Waves Of Glory
    All across the world Christian people have not truly learned the ability to arm themselves. A Christian who is not prepared to suffer is comparable to a soldier who goes to war unarmed. It seems that one of the hardest things to accomplish after a little ministry success is humility. A proud person blames everyone while excusing himself. We all must learn to win in the fight of faith. This is a powerful book that is sure to stir your fight. Have you ever seen a person start their walk on fire for Jesus, only to end up in a lukewarm state after a process of time? You wonder, how could someone so enthusiastic end up so weary in their walk? There is a battle many leaders face today and this cutting edge book reveals some powerful strategies to be Spiritual Leaders.

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  • Coloring The Silence


    In a world of constant interruption that values speed over reflection, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso offers an interactive way to find the quiet we need to get in touch with our deepest selves. Designed to give you peace, inspiration, and a much-needed pause amid the business of daily life, Coloring the Silence contains twenty-five illustrations for coloring along with twenty-five reflections and prayers for meditation.

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  • Walking With The Savior


    Start each day empowered and equipped with the inspirational and insightful words of the Walking With the Savior devotional by the influential Christian author Max Lucado. His challenging and impactful messages combined with God s precious words will encourage you in your daily walk with God.

    In a graceful display of elegant style, this softcover devotional features a subtle blue backdrop with a watercolor design depicting a watering can filled with a colorful bouquet of flowers accented with butterflies and brilliant metallic gold detailing. Its beautifully designed 408 pages offer something new each day of the year and also provide plenty of space for writing notes or thoughts during daily reflection.

    This Christian devotional can fit inside totes, briefcases, backpacks and more for a daily reminder of the wonderful things God has in store for you anytime and anywhere. It adds a sophisticated touch to a tabletop, bedside table or desk. With a presentation page for gift-giving, this elegant devotional makes an ideal gift of encouragement for a friend or loved one for any occasion.

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  • Jesus Calling Creative Coloring And Hand Lettering


    Enjoy peace in the presence of the Savior as you relax and reflect on the words of Jesus Calling through this gorgeous new Jesus Calling Creative Coloring & Hand Lettering. Favorite Jesus Calling quotes and scriptures are selected to hand letter-with a tutorial in the front of the book and faint guidelines on each lettering page-alongside 100 beautifully detailed coloring pages. Book includes quotes from Jesus Calling, 100 pages of intricate coloring designs, a tutorial and templates to learn basic hand lettering, and perforated pages. In addition to the beautiful, intricate adult coloring book art, enjoy learning the art of hand lettering with a simple guided tutorial and templates for hand lettering throughout the book. In the same way that the bestselling devotional offers a moment of peace during your busy day, so this new coloring book will remind you of His still, quiet voice in the midst of a bustling world.

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  • Unfold Mysteries Behind Prayer


    Unfold mysteries behind prayer is about those mysteries that the devil does not want you to know about your prayer. The Devil understands that whenever you know these mysteries, you can never stop praying. Unfold mysteries behind prayer exposes you to understand that it is even the perfect will and dream of God to answer your prayer and give you whatsoever you ask from him. Unfold mysteries behind prayer shows you that to answer your prayer is of great joy to God because it brings glory to his name and joy in his heart. He benefits from answering your prayer that is why he said pray without ceasing. Answering your prayer is for his name to be glorified, so any time he answers you, he is doing it because it gives him joy to do it. So you don’t need to bother yourself when you pray because God will answer you and do whatsoever you ask him to do for his name to be glorified and for the joy he will receive from doing it. Before you pray, you will believe that God can do all things including the one you are asking him, because he will benefit from answering your prayers. You will learn how to believe in the efficacy of your prayer through this book. This book will open you to understand that every prayer you pray in the name of Jesus according to his will is answerable by God and you will stop thinking that you are not qualified to receive answers to prayers rather understand that whenever you pray that God expects you to believe in your prayers and he will answer you. And you will understand why the devil is trying to convince you not to believe in your prayers.

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  • Born To Be A Success


    Success is a state of being predestined for inclusive experiences through the unfolding revelation of the mystery which unveils to a believer his unique identity toward God’s opinion about his life as the ultimate standard of the all-inclusive graces.

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  • Fruitfulness : How To Get The Work Done


    Life does not consist of a series of activities. Life responds to principles rather than beliefs. The fact that you believe in something does not automatically result in your achieving that thing. Not all that believe in riches eventually get rich. And not everyone who worked hard to get something finally gets it. Wishing does very little in achieving the desired result. When wish is coupled with action progress is attained yet results are not guaranteed. The variables for results consist not only of wishing and action, but wishing and the right action. It is the same as saying, ‘No one gets to the right destination while heading the wrong direction’.

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  • My Visits To The Galactic Council Of Heaven 1


    The writer of this book experienced hundreds of encounters with the great cloud of witnesses before he first met Bob Jones in a vision. Bob visited him three times over a couple of years, and then one day, he told Matthew to sit down and type and record their conversations.

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  • Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness


    I lived a lie that kept me bound in Satan’s chains most of my life. I was a wretched soul.

    I found my true spiritual destination thru severe loss and much grief..

    I am truly a young woman that has gone through the fire of being purged and cleansed.

    In the face of darkness, God’s marvelous light helps me find inner strength,
    apply faith and conquer the enemy. I am a young woman and a mother that has transformed myself into the masters use; (Amen).

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  • Love Him Anyway


    One night can change everything. Abby Banks put her healthy, happy infant son to sleep, but when she awoke the next morning, she felt as though she was living a nightmare. Her son, Wyatt, was paralyzed. There was no fall, no accident, no warning. A rare autoimmune disease attacked his spinal cord, and there was no cure. In an instant, all her hopes and dreams for him were wiped away. The life she envisioned for her family was gone, and she was frozen by the fear of a future she never imagined.

    As she struggled to come to grips with her son’s devastating diagnosis and difficult rehabilitation, she found true hope in making a simple choice, a choice to love anyway-to love her son, the life she didn’t plan, and the God of hope, who is faithful even when the healing doesn’t come. In Love Him Anyway, Abby shares her family’s journey from heartbreak to triumph and reminds us that hope and joy can be found in life’s hardest places.

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  • Because It Is Finished


    Because “It Is Finished” You Can Still Be Successful posits that humankind was created for a specific role–to be successful in advancing the agenda of the Kingdom of Heaven–and was blessed in the Kingdom of God to be creative, innovative, and competitive. Despite numerous attempts by Satan to derail the Original Master Plan for the creation of humankind, with the restoration on the CROSS and the declaration “it is finished,” humankind can still be successful, if behavioral activities are aligned to the minimum standards of obedience. After creation, humankind was given a series of strategic tools for guidance: First was the Original Equation of Success, which was followed by the Unifying Equation of Success, and then the Restored Equation of Success, which serves as the central theme of this book.

    Jesus explained in parables the minimum standards of obedience that humankind should embrace in order to be successful, and in Because “It Is Finished” You Can Still Be Successful, Professor Mashela explores these biblical teachings and parables on how we can structure our behavior for genuine success.

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  • Soul Ties : What s In Your Soul


    Together speaks of more than one, it speaks for a oneness, or unity in spirit as a whole, even when there is more than one, no man has ever won a war alone, there is no I need, there is no I in help there is no I in us, there is no I in serve, there is no I on Jesus’ team, it’s just Jesus and his covenant he made with the father first for man, through his blood, death sacrifice on the cross to the grave then he has risen forever, to offer his covenant plan of salvation, but this plan starts with one, you saying yes to Jesus from your heart and willingly learning how to keep his covenant blessing. Eternal life with Jesus in his kingdom. Jesus through the father always had us in the heart, even all through time, he had mercy on our disobeying him, and going astray after other god’s that were always false and never could help us or give us what we really needed in our hearts, that which could really please us fully, only Jesus can supernaturally do this give you a peace and a hope in him which passes all understanding. Together we can Divided we die.

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  • What Every Believer Must Know


    The main motive of this book is to draw believers’ attention from false doctrines concerning Holy Spirit baptism, water baptism, salvation and prayer. This book will enable believers to know their identity and heritage as children of God. This book also talks about the personality of Jesus Christ, His baptism and the importance of His death. This book will also enable believers to know some of the Bible prophecies concerning the events of the end time. The Bible says, For lack of knowledge my people perish. This book contains light to direct you. Read it to be wiser.

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  • Enlightenment And Success Garden


    The Bible says that, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” For this reason, this book has been written to transform the lives of believers physically, spiritually and mentally. This will enable you to know some of the sources of the problems of the world such as lack of peace, lack of unity, wars, etc., that has become cankered in the world. This book will also enable believers to know the four types of people in the Church in order to be wise in their Christian lives. The Bible says that, “A righteous man may fall seven times, but rise again.” Unfortunately, many believers easily give up when they encounter problems. For this reason, this book has been written to disclose to believers that, failure is not the end of their lives. This book is full of divine truth. The Bible says that, “Thou shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Read this book to be wiser.

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  • Reaching The Perishing


    From the little community of Morgan’s Bluff, located on the very banks of the Sabine River near Orange, Texas, to Israel, the land where our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to redeem fallen mankind from their sinful condition. This is an amazing story of how God can use anyone He chooses to spread His Word. This book will bring laughter at the funny stories that took place in the fishing, hunting, boating, fast cars and student pranks that were done in my school years. There are humorous accounts of shoplifters being caught and terrorized by store managers, as well as amazing accounts of how God provided time and time again for a simple ministry that has grown to a world-wide ministry, reaching billions with God’s Word. You can read many recent real life testimonies of students who have suffered great persecution at the hands of the enemy and also be blessed to read how God has used this ministry to transform their lives through His Word. This book is my life story from the humble beginnings in Orange, Texas, to now, President Of The Bread Of Life International Bible Correspondence Institute. But even more than that, it is a testimony of how God can use anyone who is willing to allow Him to lead and direct their lives and trust in His ability to do so, and not their own abilities. To God be the glory how He continues to reach down to fallen man with His love through simple men and women who are not afraid to live by faith. Dr. Johnny Woodard~DD

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  • Battle Of Identity


    “The Battle of Identity” is all about how to regain our past glory, honor and authority to rule and reign over every circumstance around us, because man was created to have dominion and to excel in whatsoever he does, hence we’re born to rule, but the setback can be recovered. The Book enumerated the principles to recover that which is lost and enter into the divine covenant originally meant for man, by humility and fear of God that will avail tributes blessings of riches, honor and long life as stated in Proverbs 22:4. The book further revealed that there is no solution to the jigsaw puzzle of our lives called “difficult” hence we must learn to hear from God first before we embark the journey of our lives else we may end up on a wild-goose chase that produce nothing. The Battle of our Identity may appear difficult, we are however not alone, we have God’s assurance of His presence in our journey of life. When we think we are all alone He watches over us.

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  • Increasing Your Prophetic Gift


    If you are a beginner or have been in the prophetic for years, this book is for you. This book starts out with basic principles of the prophetic ministry. You will discover and be encouraged as you read chapter after chapter of Increasing Your Prophetic Gift. It is time for everyone to tap into their prophetic call and dig to a deeper anointing than ever before. At the end of this book you will read and be activated as you hear the personal experiences of a young prophet. Bill started as a simple minister and increased to a powerful prophetic minister. Bill has prophesied to many and has seen hundreds healed and set free through personal prophetic ministry. It is time for you to increase your prophetic gift today.

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