Monday thru Thursday 10 am - 6 pm , Friday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 9am-2pm



Showing 601–700 of 2437 results

  • Brightest Of Dreams


    Quinten Aspinall is determined to fulfill a promise he made to his deceased father to keep his family together. To do so, he must travel to Canada to find his younger siblings, who were sent there as indentured workers while Quinn was away at war. He is also solicited by his employer to look for the man’s niece who ran off with a Canadian soldier. If Quinn can bring Julia back, he will receive his own tenant farm, enabling him to provide a home for his ailing mother and siblings.

    Julia Holloway’s decision to come to Toronto has been met with disaster. When her uncle’s employee rescues her from a bad situation, she fears she can never repay Quinn’s kindness. So when he asks her to help find his sister, she agrees. Soon after, however, Julia receives some devastating news that changes everything.

    Torn between reuniting his family and protecting Julia, will Quinn have to sacrifice his chance at happiness to finally keep his promise?

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  • Jordans Arrow


    “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die . . . A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

    War has come to Algoran. The Gulstaa nation is determined to expand their territory with merciless resolve. Their end goal is revenge for a past defeat — they want to conquer the Mountain Mokta and anyone else in their way.

    Jordan SnowFire is now the Mokta Chieftess. She has the daunting task of stopping a conflict she never asked for. Will she seek the wisdom of God or the wisdom of her tribe? What impact will the blood of SnowFire flowing through her veins have on the way she conducts this war? How far will she go to protect her family and the Mokta people?

    Meanwhile, Erica Melendez finds herself trapped in the middle of the hostilities. Tragedy forces her away from the Ullvarr village and into circumstances she never imagined when she came to this world. Can she survive long enough to be reunited with Jordan?

    Loyalties are tested. Decisions are made. And Algoran will never be the same after Jordan’s Arrow finds its target.

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  • Interview With The Antichrist


    The story you are about to read is told from the perspective of Julien, a young journalist in close proximity to a person the Bible calls the “Beast.” Julien will give us a window into the character of the Antichrist and how our last days could unfold according to Scripture’s ultimate plot. This imagined prophetic narrative will also reveal how this coming prince may alter reality and impact humankind–and eventually transform into the most malevolent human in history.

    But what can be known about this man? What does the Bible actually say about this nefarious individual? How close are we to his unveiling?

    More than a suspenseful mystery, however, this speculative account will arouse your prophetic curiosity, whetting your appetite for more information, more solid biblical food on the subject. And you’ll find that in the last section of the book.

    Your imagination and curiosity will soar in this raw, rugged, often shocking account of the rise of the Antichrist.

    He is real, my friend. And he is coming.

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  • Land Beneath Us


    In 1943, Private Clay Paxton trains hard with the US Army Rangers at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, determined to do his best in the upcoming Allied invasion of France. With his future stolen by his brothers’ betrayal, Clay has only one thing to live for–fulfilling the recurring dream of his death.

    Leah Jones works as a librarian at Camp Forrest, longing to rise above her orphanage upbringing and belong to the community, even as she uses her spare time to search for her real family–the baby sisters she was separated from so long ago.

    After Clay saves Leah’s life from a brutal attack, he saves her virtue with a marriage of convenience. When he ships out to train in England for D-day, their letters bind them together over the distance. But can a love strong enough to overcome death grow between them before Clay’s recurring dream comes true?

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  • 2 Steps Forward


    Back and broke in Stoney Ridge, Jimmy Fisher has coasted as long as he could through life on charm, good looks, and deep-set dimples. They always worked just fine for him–until they didn’t. His smile has no effect on the violet-eyed beauty he met at the Bent N’ Dent, the one with that stunning horse. She’s offered him a job, but nothing else.The last thing Sylvie Schrock King needs around Rising Star Farm is a grown boy working for her, especially her neighbor Edith’s son. The woman holds a serious grudge against Sylvie and her son, and hiring Jimmy Fisher will only fan the flames of Edith’s rancor. But Sylvie is desperate for help on the farm, and Jimmy understands horses like no one else. While Jimmy’s lazy smile and teasing ways steal Sylvie’s heart, Edith is working on a way to claim her land. Has Sylvie made another terrible mistake? Or is it too late to outfox the fox? More importantly . . . just who is the fox? Writing with both wit and warmth, Fisher delivers a supremely satisfying conclusion to the popular Deacon’s Family series.

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  • Cry Of The Raven


    Lady Selene Ravenwood has come into her full power as a dreamwalker just as the war with the Dominia Empire begins. Working with the other Great Houses, Selene and Damien use their gifts to secure the borders and save those devastated by the war. But conflict, betrayal, and hatred begin to spread between the Great Houses, destroying their unity as the empire burns a path across their lands. At the same time, Damien Maris starts to lose his ability to raise the waters, leaving the lands vulnerable to the empire’s attacks.

    The only one who can unite the houses and restore her husband’s power is Selene Ravenwood. But it will require that she open her heart to those who have hurt her and let go of her past, despite the one who hunts her and will do anything to stop her power.

    Will Selene survive? Or is she destined to fall like the dreamwalkers before her?

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  • 5th Avenue Story Society


    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a captivating new novel about the healing power of story, community, and love.

    Executive assistant Lexa Prescott is trying to find her way after a devastating divorce. She’s not prepared to come face-to-face with her ex as he assumes leadership of the place she feels safest–the Fifth Avenue Story Society. Professor Jett Wilder has plans for his life. They don’t include a Monday night story society at an old library, but his university department chair has other ideas.

    This Story Society isn’t about writing. It’s about the lives of the people sitting in the chairs. All the members of the Story Society are broken, and they’ve found community in sharing their stories with one another. With the arrival of Jett, things begin to shift, and the Society members must confront the secrets they wish they didn’t have to tell anyone.

    Circumstances continue to throw Jett and Lexa together, and both are forced to reexamine the disintegration of the love they once shared. For it to have another chance, they’ll have to find the courage to tell their stories honestly, no matter what else it costs them . . . and that’s almost always easier said than done.

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  • Promised Land


    Bestselling author Robert Whitlow continues the story of Hana and Daud from Chosen People as they fight for their faith, their family, and their home.

    Now married, Hana and Daud are establishing their life together in the United States. They cannot safely return to Israel because of threats to Daud. Hana is perfectly fine remaining in the United States, working for a law firm in Atlanta, especially when she learns she’s pregnant. But Daud can’t shake the call to return home to Israel, even if it makes him a walking target.

    Hana is helping her boss plan a huge Middle East summit in Atlanta when Jakob Brodsky, her old friend and former co-litigator, asks for her help with a current case. His client is attempting to recover ancient artifacts stolen from his Jewish great-grandfather by a Soviet colonel at the end of World War II. Because the case crosses several national borders, he knows he needs Hana’s knowledge and skill in getting to the bottom of what happened to these precious artifacts.

    Meanwhile, Daud is called in to help the US intelligence agencies in extracting a Ukrainian doctor from a dicey situation in Egypt. While overseas, he can’t resist the call to Jerusalem and sets off a series of events, putting thousands of people in danger, including his wife and unborn child.

    With historical mysteries, religious intrigue, and political danger, Promised Land explores what it means to be called home.

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  • Last Voyage Of The Emir


    Temeros is a young man alone in the world and seeking his purpose in life. His father, Demetrius the silversmith of Ephesus, hated Paul and his rage led to tragedy leaving Temeros homeless, orphaned and scarred. Eventually, Temeros finds himself in the port of Myra where he joins the crew of an Egyptian grain ship, called The Emir, bound for Rome. During this voyage, he meets Paul and realizes he is not the monster his father believed him to be. He comes to faith in Christ and becomes Luke’s apprentice in treating the medical needs of the passengers and crew.

    It is not all smooth sailing, however. Someone sneaks aboard intent on revenge against Paul, but within a few hours the ship is caught in a terrible storm that threatens the lives of everyone on board. Eventually, The Emir runs aground on the island of Malta. When Temeros discovers the identity of the attacker, he and his newfound friends must rush to save Paul.

    Come along on The Last Voyage of The Emir as we explore what happens in the storm and the ensuing shipwreck.

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  • Anelthalien


    When Kindle discovers a necklace that transports her to a strange land called Anelthalien, all she wants is to return home. Soon, though, Kindle meets the strange yet kind Cifra and discovers that the necklace carries with it much more than a simple painting. After meeting three others who also find similar necklaces, the Cifra lead them to a farmer who also proves to hold many more secrets from times altered out of Anelthalien’s memory. Once the farmer begins recalling the past and linking Kindle and the three others to it, Kindle realizes that returning home may not be as easy or as important as she believes. In fact, none of them expect the necklaces will tie them to not only an almost forgotten past but a gilded present and possibly disastrous future.

    Anelthalien provides an approachable, enchanting picture of the difficult, destructive problem of apathy toward God so that readers readily realize the problem does exist and that they must leave their preoccupations and misconceptions to follow God. From Anelthalien, readers will learn that tying yourself to God results in living out a purpose bigger and more important than yourself and also that followers of God must tell others about Him.

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  • John The Beloved


    Despite being raised in a religion and culture that forbids secular music, John has always heard music where others simply hear sound. Entirely self-taught, John composes music that he hides from the world; music that has never been played out loud but exists only inside his mind. Then one day while working in the cornfield, John hears beautiful music coming from a nearby farmhouse. Entranced, he walks towards the music and through an open window sees a beautiful, young lady playing the piano. This chance encounter awakens within his heart the desire to hear his own music played. John places one of his compositions in an envelope along with a note and slides it under the door of the pianist.

    After a life of glamour, travel and music, acclaimed concert pianist, Elise finds herself facing a personal crisis entirely alone. Needing a quiet, peaceful place to recover and heal, Elise abandons her cosmopolitan life and retreats to the Indiana farmhouse she inherited from her grandparents. Broken-hearted and ill, Elise’s days seem to be filled with darkness and depression until she receives a note and sheet music from a stranger. Intrigued, she plays the composition and finds it to be unique, unorthodox and beautiful. Because the music brings joy into her previously dark days, Elise writes a note in response and leaves it on her doorstep hoping the mysterious person will return and find it. Thus, begins a journey that will take both John and Elise down a path that neither expected to walk. In the days ahead, they will face moral and spiritual dilemmas and will have to answer the question: will they follow God’s plan for their lives no matter how high the cost may be?

    Come: follow John and Elise on a musical journey that will either bring them the greatest heartache they have ever known or the greatest joy.

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  • Wounded Angels : Sometimes The Only Way To Heal A Broken Heart Is Through A


    On a sweltering Fourth of July, the suicide of fourteen-year-old Maureen Bower’s father shatters her security. She fears that eventually, everyone she loves will abandon her.

    With the words, “May I have this dance,” Frank Russo introduces himself to Maureen at a roller-skating rink. As he teaches her skate dancing, she falls deeply in love with him. Meanwhile, the country advances further into World War 2. They wait until they feel it is safe to marry only to return from their honeymoon to find Frank’s draft notice. He leaves for the Pacific and is gone for the next three years. When Frank’s best friend, Harvey, dies at Normandy, Maureen’s closest friend, June, walks out of her life too.

    Frank returns from the war physically and emotionally scarred, Maureen does her best to mend him until their first child’s birth hastens his recovery. They share rich experiences, develop close friendships, raise two daughters and eventually welcome the young women’s husbands into their lives. When their children move from Brooklyn, New York to suburban Connecticut, Frank and Maureen follow and become active volunteers at the Bristol Senior Center. On the night of Lieutenant William Calley’s conviction for the Mai Lai Massacre however, Frank is overcome with guilt. When he confesses his own wartime atrocities to Maureen, she struggles to understand the man she thought she knew.

    Through fifty-plus years of marriage, Frank becomes the center of Maureen’s world until his sudden death shatters her faith and rekindles her deep fear of abandonment. She can’t escape from the crushing loneliness. Friends, family and even ministers are helpless to lift her from her depression. Maureen finds tasks like driving a car, paying the bills, even cleaning the house overwhelming and her smallest joy feels like a betrayal to Frank. As she prepares to end her suffering, help comes from the unlikeliest of sources: Doris Cantrell. Following an abusive childhood, a troubled marriage and estrangement with her own daughter, Doris is as damaged as is Maureen. The mistreatment she inflicts on others evidences her contempt, yet underneath it all, Maureen senses a deep sadness.

    Doris refuses to sympathize with Maureen’s plight and persists in exposing her to different experiences and new ways of living. Maureen also refuses to accept that Doris’s past gave her the right to abuse people in the present or to neglect her bond with her daughter. Both women lack the strength or will to help an

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  • Wounded Angels : Sometimes The Only Way To Heal A Broken Heart Is Through A


    On a sweltering Fourth of July, the suicide of fourteen-year-old Maureen Bower’s father shatters her security. She fears that eventually, everyone she loves will abandon her.

    With the words, “May I have this dance,” Frank Russo introduces himself to Maureen at a roller-skating rink. As he teaches her skate dancing, she falls deeply in love with him. Meanwhile, the country advances further into World War 2. They wait until they feel it is safe to marry only to return from their honeymoon to find Frank’s draft notice. He leaves for the Pacific and is gone for the next three years. When Frank’s best friend, Harvey, dies at Normandy, Maureen’s closest friend, June, walks out of her life too.

    Frank returns from the war physically and emotionally scarred, Maureen does her best to mend him until their first child’s birth hastens his recovery. They share rich experiences, develop close friendships, raise two daughters and eventually welcome the young women’s husbands into their lives. When their children move from Brooklyn, New York to suburban Connecticut, Frank and Maureen follow and become active volunteers at the Bristol Senior Center. On the night of Lieutenant William Calley’s conviction for the Mai Lai Massacre however, Frank is overcome with guilt. When he confesses his own wartime atrocities to Maureen, she struggles to understand the man she thought she knew.

    Through fifty-plus years of marriage, Frank becomes the center of Maureen’s world until his sudden death shatters her faith and rekindles her deep fear of abandonment. She can’t escape from the crushing loneliness. Friends, family and even ministers are helpless to lift her from her depression. Maureen finds tasks like driving a car, paying the bills, even cleaning the house overwhelming and her smallest joy feels like a betrayal to Frank. As she prepares to end her suffering, help comes from the unlikeliest of sources: Doris Cantrell. Following an abusive childhood, a troubled marriage and estrangement with her own daughter, Doris is as damaged as is Maureen. The mistreatment she inflicts on others evidences her contempt, yet underneath it all, Maureen senses a deep sadness.

    Doris refuses to sympathize with Maureen’s plight and persists in exposing her to different experiences and new ways of living. Maureen also refuses to accept that Doris’s past gave her the right to abuse people in the present or to neglect her bond with her daughter. Both women lack the strength or will to help an

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  • Anelthalien


    When Kindle discovers a necklace that transports her to a strange land called Anelthalien, all she wants is to return home. Soon, though, Kindle meets the strange yet kind Cifra and discovers that the necklace carries with it much more than a simple painting. After meeting three others who also find similar necklaces, the Cifra lead them to a farmer who also proves to hold many more secrets from times altered out of Anelthalien’s memory. Once the farmer begins recalling the past and linking Kindle and the three others to it, Kindle realizes that returning home may not be as easy or as important as she believes. In fact, none of them expect the necklaces will tie them to not only an almost forgotten past but a gilded present and possibly disastrous future.

    Anelthalien provides an approachable, enchanting picture of the difficult, destructive problem of apathy toward God so that readers readily realize the problem does exist and that they must leave their preoccupations and misconceptions to follow God. From Anelthalien, readers will learn that tying yourself to God results in living out a purpose bigger and more important than yourself and also that followers of God must tell others about Him.

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  • Best Family Ever


    Much-loved storyteller Karen Kingsbury’s Baxter Family books have captured the hearts of millions who have come to think of the Baxter family as their own. Now Karen Kingsbury and her son Tyler Russell tell the childhood stories of the beloved Baxter children–Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Luke–to inspire and entertain younger readers.

    Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are of Brooke. Each girl has her own talents. Brooke is an excellent student. Kari is a great soccer player. Ashley, a talented artist. And they are always there for each other. But when the news comes that Dr. Baxter is moving the family from Ann Arbor to Bloomington, Indiana, and the Baxters need to leave the only home and friends they’ve ever known, no one is happy. Saying goodbye is hard but the family still has what’s most important–their faith and their love for each other.

    The first book in the Baxter Family Children series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell tell the story of what it was like to grow up in the Baxter family, the best family ever.

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  • Moondust Lake : It’s Not About Forgetting The Past. It’s About Facing It.


    What to do with a life where everything he’s worked for is shattered?

    A top executive in the family business, Buddy Helms lives and works under the thumb of his powerful father. He’s proved himself time and again to the manipulative patriarch–even saving the company from financial ruin. Yet for six years Buddy’s waited to hear that he’s worthy of his father’s love and respect. Now, after another cold dismissal, Buddy’s slamming the door on everything he’s strived for.When his church counselor recommends a soothing tonic for his disillusionment, frustration, and rage, he grabs at it: the solitude of Moondust Lake, a retreat just outside Miramar Bay.

    Believing in others comes easily–it’s believing in herself that’s a risk . . .

    Kimberly Sturgiss is a professional psychotherapist, whose tragic past has granted her a rare ability to gently release her patients from their self-made prisons. She’s well acquainted with the Helms family and the dark burdens that come with them. But the most intriguing challenge of all is Buddy. He and Kimberly share more than she’s prepared to admit–the same emotional cage, the guarded heart, and the broken trusts that come with being alive. Maybe it’s finally time that Kimberly finds herself, too–by reaching out to the man who’s reaching out to her.

    Poignant and heartfelt, Moondust Lake is an uplifting novel about searching for all the things in life that matter, embracing them, and never letting go.

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  • Killing A Messiah


    As Passover approaches, the city of Jerusalem is a political tinderbox. Judah, a resistance leader, plots to overthrow the Roman occupation. Eleazar and his father, the high priest Caiaphas, seek peace in the city at all costs. Pilate, the Roman governor, maneuvers to keep order (and his own hold on power). Caleb, a shopkeeper, is reluctantly caught up in the intrigue. When rumors start spreading about the popular prophet Jesus, hailed by many as the Messiah, Roman and Jewish leaders alike fear unrest and violence during the upcoming festival. Then, in the midst of this tension, unexpected alliances emerge. In Killing a Messiah, New Testament scholar Adam Winn weaves together stories of historical and fictional characters in a fresh reimagining of the events leading up to Jesus’ execution. Based on what we know of the first-century context, Winn’s narrative offers compelling explanations for gaps in the Gospel accounts. The social, political, and religious realities of Jesus’ world come to life and shed new light on our reading of the biblical texts. In a city full of political entanglements, espionage, and competing interests, the blame for the crucifixion is complex and can’t land on just a single party. It takes more than one to kill a messiah.

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  • Uncommon Woman


    Unflinching and plainspoken, Tessa Swan is not your typical 18th-century woman. Born and bred on the western Virginia frontier along with her five brothers, she is a force to be reckoned with.

    Quiet and courageous, Clay Tygart is not your typical 18th-century man. Raised by Lenape Indians, he returns a hero from the French and Indian War to the fort that bears his name, bringing with him Tessa’s long-lost friend, Keturah, a redeemed Indian captive like himself.

    Determined to avoid any romantic entanglements as fort commander, Clay remains aloof whenever he encounters the lovely Tessa. But when she is taken captive by the tribe Clay left, his hand–and heart–are forced, leading to one very private and one very public reckoning.

    Intense, evocative, and laced with intricate historical details that bring the past to life, An Uncommon Woman will transport you to the picturesque and dangerous western Virginia mountains of 1770.

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  • Thief Of Lanwyn Manor


    Perfect for fans of Poldark, Sarah Ladd’s latest Regency romance, The Thief of Lanwyn Manor, explores Cornwall, England, and the secrets within one of its historic manor houses.

    Cornwall, England 1818

    A diversion is what Julia Twethewey needs to mend her broken heart, so when her aunt invites her to Lanwyn Manor to be a companion to her pregnant cousin, Julia eagerly accepts. Lanwyn Manor is at the heart of Cornwall’s thriving mining industry, and as a guest there Julia is instantly swept into its world of balls and parties. Despite her initial enchantment with her new surroundings, she soon realizes something dark lurks in Lanwyn Manor’s ancient halls.

    As a respected tin mine owner’s youngest son, Isaac Blake knows his place in his family, their business, and the community. He’s determined to keep his late father’s legacy alive and make their family business profitable, but his brother’s clandestine dealings are driving them to bankruptcy. In order to save their livelihood, they plan to ask the master of Lanwyn Manor to invest in their expansion plans. Isaac can’t deny his attraction to his host’s charming niece, but his brother has made his intentions to court the lovely guest clear.

    Lanwyn Manor’s peace is shattered when stolen jewelry is discovered in Julia’s chamber. Determined to prove her innocence, Julia stops at nothing to clear her name, even accepting the assistance from an unlikely source–her suitor’s brother, Isaac Blake.

    Both eager for justice, Julia and Isaac join forces to uncover who is behind the thefts. By doing so, Isaac must choose between his family and justice, and Julia must put her faith in God or face what she fears most.

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  • Forever Hidden


    For Havyn Powell, growing up on her grandfather Chuck Bondrant’s dairy outside the 1904 gold-rush boomtown of Nome, Alaska, offered all she needed. She had the love of her mother, two sisters, and grandfather. But now, at 23, Havyn realizes the stability of her life may soon vanish. Havyn is determined to find a way to keep the family together, but her grandfather’s health is declining and everyone seems to be holding secrets from each other, including the handsome, dark-haired stranger who recently arrived.

    John Roselli arrives in Nome looking for a steady, consistent job. He has grown tired of the promises of getting rich quick and just wants an honest job with honest pay. His grandfather once knew a Chuck Bondrant, and so when John arrives at the dairy, he’s quickly offered a job–and a path to more if he wants it.

    Havyn’s plan for helping out the family means using her beautiful singing voice and her sisters’ musical talent at a local roadhouse. They’re an immediate hit, and it looks like her plan will be a success. But the spotlight brings with it dangerous eyes that covet Havyn and are jealous as she and John grow ever closer. But will they realize the peril before it’s too late?

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  • On Wings Of Devotion


    All of England thinks Phillip Camden a monster–a man who deliberately caused the deaths of his squadron. But as nurse Arabelle Denler watches the so-dubbed “Black Heart” every day, she sees something far different: a hurting man desperate for mercy. And when their paths twist together and he declares himself her new protector, she realizes she has her own role to play in his healing.

    Phillip Camden would have preferred to die that day with his squadron rather than be recruited to the Admiralty’s codebreaking division. The threats he receives daily are no great surprise and, in his opinion, well deserved. What comes as a shock is the reborn desire to truly live that Arabelle inspires in him.

    But when an old acquaintance shows up and seems set on using him in a plot that has the codebreakers of Room 40 in a frenzy, new affections are put to the test.

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  • Collateral Damage


    Honorably discharged from the Army after an explosion nearly killed her, former military psychiatrist Brooke Adams has set up shop to help others–but her days of helping military personnel are over. She’s got her own battles to fight from her time overseas, and she’s not equipped to take on more. Former Army Special Ops Sergeant First Class Asher James could handle anything that war sent his way–terrorists, bombs, bullets. The only thing that scares him now is sleep. As the shadows close in, the nightmares begin.

    Finally convinced that he needs help, Asher makes an appointment with a counselor, and Brooke is pressed by her boss to take him on. When he arrives at her office she isn’t there–but a dead body is. Brooke is devastated when she walks in, and Asher is a conveniently strong shoulder to cry on. But she can’t take him on as a client after sharing such an intimate and unprofessional moment, can she? And he’s not sure he can handle sharing his deepest fears with such a beautiful woman.

    When it becomes clear that Brooke was the real target of the attack–and that her secrets go even deeper than his own–Asher vows to protect her no matter what.

    Bestselling author Lynette Eason is back with a new series that spans the globe and
    will have your heart working overtime.

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  • Seasons Of An Amish Garden


    Enjoy a year of beautiful seasons in this story collection, as young Amish couples manage a community garden and harvest friendships and love along the way.
    Spring Is in the Air

    As the young people of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, plant a garden in memory of their friend, Katie Ann begins to worry that her older brother, Ephraim, is dating her best friend. What if she somehow loses them both? But Christian, a new boy in the community, also works in the garden–and falling for him may be exactly the distraction, and lesson, that Katie Ann needs.

    Home by Summer

    Clara Hertzler is surprised when Jerry Petersheim, her old friend, comes to the garden to drop off his younger sister–especially because Jerry has been gone for years, and now seems to be living as an Englisher. As the friends get to know each other again, Clara pushes Jerry to examine why he abandoned his Amish beliefs. Will Clara help Jerry renew his faith in God, and will they find love beneath the summer sun?

    The Fruits of Fall

    Tena Speicher has come to live in Bird-in-Hand after her fiance left her for an English woman. When a homeless veteran comes to the fruit stand one day and asks for food, Tena is not sure how to respond–but Wayne intervenes and offers to let him stay in the barn. Afraid to trust Englishers, Tena must learn, with Wayne’s help, that everyone is a child of God and deserving of kindness.

    Winter Blessings

    Ephraim and Mandy have dated for some time and now have plans to marry. But after a series of unexpected events and misunderstandings, they wonder if they should go their separate ways. What will happen when their friends at the Amish garden conspire to bring them back together?

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  • Dating Charade : A Novel


    Melissa Ferguson’s warmhearted debut reminds us that some of life’s biggest rewards come in the smallest packages.

    Cassie Everson has a habit of escaping in the middle of notoriously bad first dates. And, after years of meeting, greeting, and running from the men who try to woo her, Cassie is just about ready to retire her hopes for a husband-and children-altogether. Cassie finally decides to throw herself into her career as Director of Girls Haven-a demanding position that is already central to her life.

    But fate has other plans, and Cassie’s online dating profile catches the eye of Jett Bentley. In Jett’s memory, Cassie Everson is the unreachable, untouchable girl from their high school days. Nervously, he messages her.

    After a knockout first date where both Jett and Cassie claim to not want kids, they go home to find three children dropped in their laps. Each. Without wanting to give up on their new relationship, Jett and Cassie decide to do the right and mature thing: hide the kids from each other while sorting it all out. What could go wrong?

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  • Majors Daughter


    Caroline Adams returns to Indian Territory craving adventure after tiring of society life. When she comes across swaggering outlaw Frisco Smith, his dreams to obtain a piece of property on the Unassigned Lands are very persuasive. When the gun sounds, they find themselves battling over a claim–and both dig in their heels.

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  • Bridge To Belle Island


    While Benjamin investigates a mysterious death, evidence takes him to a remote island on the Thames. There, Isabelle is trapped by fear and a recurring dream about a man’s death. Or is it a memory? When a second death brings everyone under suspicion, and the search for truth brings secrets to light, she realizes her island sanctuary will never be the same.

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  • Remember Me : A Novella About Finding Our Way To The Cross


    “‘It is finished, ‘ Jesus says. It’s a bold declaration for us to make too. What does it mean to say ‘It is finished’ when so much is unfinished? It means we are people who live hope in two directions, both backward and forward. We long for the kingdom to come in fullness, even as it has already come. And we trust that the One who has begun the good work in us and for us will indeed complete it.” In this sequel to Shades of Light, Katherine Rhodes, the beloved director of the New Hope Retreat Center, finds her own grief tapped by Wren Crawford’s struggles with depression and loss. Through a series of letters to Wren, Katherine reflects on the meaning of Christ’s suffering and shares her own story of finding hope. How does one begin to live again under the crushing weight of grief? And how can healing come when there’s so much left unresolved? With Katherine as a companion in sorrow, Wren moves forward in her commitment to paint the stations of the cross for a prayer journey at New Hope, discovering along the way a deeper communion with the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief. Readers are invited into a similar journey of reflection through Katherine’s words and Wren’s paintings. At the back of the book, a devotional guide with Scripture readings, prayer prompts, and full-color art provides the opportunity to ponder the depths of God’s love by meditating on Jesus’ journey to the cross.

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  • Of Friends And Followers


    “Miriam, a widow in Judea, has only one hope for survival: she must go to Capernaum and live as a beggar.

    On her way to the city, she is viciously attacked and left for dead. A leper, an unlikely and dangerous hero, saves her life but Miriam’s journey has only begun.Miriam’s resilience and faith are tested again and again.

    Meeting unlikely friends along the way, Miriam’s path winds from Capernaum to the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem. As she searches for friends and security, she eventually meets a man named Jesus of Nazareth.

    By His miracles and teaching, Miriam and her friends finally find something to believe in. But can they overcome the doubt and treachery that lurks in Jerusalem? Realistic friendships, love interests, conflict, and bonding friendships await in Of Friends and Followers, historical fiction from author S.A. Jewell. “

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  • Within These Lines


    Evalina Cassano’s life in an Italian-American family in 1941 is quiet and ordinary … until she falls in love with Taichi Hamasaki, the son of Japanese immigrants. Despite the scandal it would cause and the fact that interracial marriage is illegal in California, Evalina and Taichi vow they will find a way to be together. But anti-Japanese feelings erupt across the country after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and Taichi and his family are forced to give up their farm and are incarcerated in a Japanese internment camp.

    Degrading treatment at Manzanar Relocation Center is so difficult, Taichi doubts he will ever leave the camp alive. Treasured letters from Evalina are his sole connection to the outside world. Embracing the boldest action she can to help Taichi, Evalina begins to radically speak out at school and at home, shining a light on this dark and shameful racial injustice.

    With their future together on the line, Evalina and Taichi can only hold true to their values and believe in their love against all odds to have any hope of making it back to one another.

    Within These Lines is:
    *A historical YA novel set against the backdrop of WWII and the shameful era of American injustice surrounding Japanese internment camps
    *Told from the dual points of view of an Italian-American woman and Japanese-American man brought together by love then separated by war, injustice, and hatred
    *As haunting and unflinching as it is hope-filled and love-driven
    *Perfect for fans of Monica Hesse, Ruta Sepetys, and Elizabeth Wein

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  • Between Before And After


    A mother being dragged ever deeper into the icy waters of depression. A daughter who finds a devastating secret about a shadowy past buried in her mom’s dresser. And the key to unlocking a long-hidden family mystery that could save or destroy much more than their two lives.

    Fourteen-year-old Molly worries about school, friends, and her parents’ failed marriage, but mostly about her mother Elaine’s growing depression. Molly knows her mother, who shuts herself off from human connections and instead buries herself in the lives and deaths of the strangers she writes about, is nursing her own carefully-kept secret. But in Elaine’s raw and fragile state, Molly knows not to pry too deeply.

    Until her Uncle Stephen is thrust into the limelight because of his miracle cure of a young man and her mother can no longer hide behind other people’s stories. As Molly digs into her mother’s past, she finds a secret hidden in her mother’s dresser that may be the key to unlocking a family mystery dating to 1918 New York–a secret that could save or destroy their future.

    Between Before and After is:
    *A riveting YA story told in dual narratives during the flu epidemic in 1918 New York City and 1955 San Jose, California
    *An historical coming-of-age novel about the complex bonds between mothers and daughters.
    *Written by award-winning poet, novelist, and teacher Maureen McQuerry
    *Perfect for fans of Ruta Sepetys and Laurie Halse Anderson

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  • Out Ot The Darkness


    A Falling Dusk Publising Title

    The honeymoon is over. Real life must begin and it is here, in Bria and Jonah’s married life, that Bria discovers the strength her friends always knew she had. Along with some of their friends, Bria and Jonah leave their home and family in North Carolina, and travel toward DC in hopes of finding East and bringing her home. Meanwhile, East longs for home, peace, and safety as she perseveres in her mission to save the country. Haz remains by her side and his devotion challenges her to acknowledge the wounds of the past and the fears of the present. In this truth, healing for both of them begins.

    A nation is saved. Friends are lost. Futures are discovered. All questions are answered in this climactic ending to The Light Series.

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  • End Of The Magi


    Fleeing for his life after his adoptive father is put to death by a ruthless Parthian queen, Myrad, a young magi acolyte, escapes the city. There he begins an epic journey filled with peril, close escapes, and dangerous battles. Over everything shines the dream of a star that Myrad can’t forget and the promise that the world will never be the same.

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  • When I Close My Eyes


    Famous author Josephine Bourdillon is in a coma, jumping across memory as her body fights to survive. But those around her are fighting their own battles: Henry Hughes, who agreed to kill her for hire out of desperation, is uncertain how to finish the job now, and her teenage daughter Paige is overwhelmed by fear. Can grace bring them all into the light?

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  • Serving Up Love


    This intriguing novella collection crosses the country–from Kansas to Texas, the Grand Canyon to New Mexico–with tales of sweet romance while exploring the fascinating history of the Harvey girls: young women seeking adventure and independence who worked in hotels throughout the country from the early 1880s to the late 1920s.

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  • Opiate Jane


    Jane is a magnet. A magnet for addicts. First, there was her mother, a constant disappointment whose penchant for drugs left Jane and her four-year-old sister, Lizzie, in foster care. Now, relocated with her fractured family to the Middle of Nowhere, Ohio, Jane is learning that the too-good-to-be-true boy she’s fallen for has a drug problem of his own.

    Jane tries to make peace with Landon’s drug use, even though she knows she’ll never really be able to trust her boyfriend or let her guard down again. Is there anyone she can rely on, or is she doomed to be a loner, looking out for her little sister while keeping her feelings locked inside?

    Opiate Jane is a moving portrait of a girl who simply wants to know that she means more to the people she loves than their addictions do.

    A timely piece of fiction, Opiate Jane is rooted in the author’s own experiences with addicted loved ones.

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  • Exit Stage Right


    She wants to dance, and she’s willing to sacrifice everything, everyone, to get it.

    Coco Bradley is a talented ballet dancer, and when an opportunity arises for her to audition for the prestigious Spencer School of the Performing Arts, she’s not about to let anyone stop her– including her parents, her friends, and any of the prima donnas of the art school. A pastor’s kid, Coco has grown up serving God and people, but gaining entry to Spencer means leaving behind all the expectations that come with growing up in the pastorate, as well as the dead-end town of Wyattsville.

    Coco lives by the creed “Ballet First,” but she’s about to find out in a painful way that there’s more to life than dancing.

    Opportunities, fame, and love all come calling as Coco chases her dream. But in going after what she wants, will she lose the things that matter most?

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  • Lake Season


    A lost letter, a new love, and old secrets beckon this summer at the Bluebell Inn.

    When their parents die in a tragic accident, Molly Bennett and her siblings pull together to fulfill their parents’ dream: turning their historic Bluebell, North Carolina home back into an inn. The situation would just be temporary-three years at the most-then they would sell the inn and Molly could get back to chasing her own dreams.

    Adam Bradford (aka bestselling author Nathanial Grey) is a reclusive novelist with a bad case of writer’s block. Desperate for inspiration as his deadline approaches, he travels to the setting of his next book, a North Carolina lake town. There he immediately meets his muse, a young innkeeper who fancies herself in love with his alter ego.

    Molly and Adam strike up an instant friendship. When Molly finds a long-lost letter in the walls of her inn she embarks on a mission with Adam to find the star-crossed lovers and bring them the closure they deserve. But Adam has secrets of his own. Past and present collide as truths are revealed, and Molly and Adam will have to decide if love is worth trusting.

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  • Hobomok And Thanksgiving


    What happened to the Pilgrims after the first Thanksgiving?

    Hobomok and Thanksgiving introduces Hobomok, a Wampanoag leader and friend of the Pilgrims, and shows the struggles that still confronted the new colony. It also gives a glimpse of the first Thanksgiving and recounts the miraculous events that led to the second recorded Thanksgiving, from Hobomok’s perspective.

    Readers will witness God’s answer to prayer and the life-altering impact it had on the Pilgrims–and Hobomok as well.

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  • Stitches In Time


    A new teacher in Stoney Ridge takes on the challenge to help find homes for foster children in Lancaster County. Her effort brings hope to two young girls, but complicates her budding romance.

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  • Unwanted


    Debbie Spencer is a lot like most twelve year olds. She loves her friends, loves to laugh, and she’s not afraid to pray. Debbie is an average seventh grader . . . except she lives at an orphanage . . . even though she’s not an orphan. Convinced her family is damaged beyond repair, Debbie longs for a new family, and she’s going to find one.

    When a fire breaks out at Our Lady of the Angels parochial school in Chicago on December 1, 1958, almost one hundred children die tragically. Debbie’s roommate, Noreen, loses several friends in the deadly fire, and Debbie must put aside her own desires to help her friend. Debbie learns how to protect others, stand up for what’s right, and even figures out how to befriend bullies.

    Inspired by true events, Unwanted proves while things aren’t always what they seem, forgiveness is always the best choice.

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  • Starting Over


    Ted and Diana Rutherford’s dreams of a peaceful retirement go up in flames along with their furniture store one fateful night. Insured for the goods on consignment, but not the building itself, they desperately answer an employment ad in the Denver Post and find themselves managers of an aging apartment hotel in downtown Denver. Once a glorious fixture of Capitol Hill, Hartwick House now stands forlorn over a street forgotten in the name of progress.

    Faced with new challenges, scandalous secrets, and tenuous relationships, Ted and Diana must begin anew. Can they really start over and maintain their hope when the future looks so grim?

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  • Journey : A Novel


    Fred Thorne must shoulder the full care and protection of his sisters after a fire leaves them homeless and friendless. He sets out to follow the last advice given to him by his great-aunt: Take the girls to Menevace, to the refuge home. But the road to Menevace is fraught with bandits, famine, and unknown dangers.

    The Journey follows the three Thorne siblings through rejection, captivity, and an increasing downward spiral of guilt as Fred fails time and time again to protect his family from the dangers of a hostile world. Can the Thornes find a place of rest and safety? Will their journey ever end? Dangerous cities, breathtaking creatures, and an incredible adventure awaits in this debut novel by Verity A. Buchanan.

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  • Roll Of The Drums


    When a widower offers a marriage of convenience, Ruby Weaver wonders if it’s worth sacrificing her hope for love in order to keep a promise.

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  • Aiming For Love


    Growing up in Colorado, Josephine Madson has been fascinated by but has shied away from the outside world–one she’s been raised to believe killed her parents. When Dave Warden, a rancher, shows up to their secret home with his wounded father, will Josephine and her sisters risk stepping into the world to help or remain separated but safe on Hope Mountain?

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  • What Comes My Way


    Only while trick riding can Ella Fleming forget the truth about who she really is–the daughter of a murderer. Phillip DeShazer buries the guilt he feels for his father’s death in work and drink, and his guilt continues to grow the more Ella Fleming comes to his rescue. Will they be able to overcome their pasts and trust God to guide their futures?

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  • Timepiece


    When her world is upended by the arrival of Englisher Adeline Pelham–her existence the reminder of a painful family secret–young Amishwoman Sylvia Miller must learn to come to terms with the past while grappling with issues of her own. Is it possible that God can make something good out of the mistakes of the past?

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  • You Belong With Me


    Small-town realtor Hannah Thornton has many talents–unfortunately, selling houses isn’t one of them. When a developer sets his sights on the historic homes in Heritage, Hannah turns to her best friend Luke for help. Will Luke risk his future and confront his past to help her succeed?

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  • Amish Christmas Kitchen


    This cheerful and heartwarming Amish novella collection captures the heart of the Christmas season with a trio of heartfelt stories from bestselling authors Leslie Gould, Jan Drexler, and Kate Lloyd. All three tales feature a unique Amish recipe perfect for the Christmas table!

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  • Oracle : The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled


    To know what the future holds, know what the past is hiding.?

    Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times best sellers The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm, now unveils The Oracle, in which he opens up the jubilean prophecies and a mystery so big that it has determined everything from the rise and fall of world empires to two world wars, the current events of our day, the future, end-time prophecy, and much more.

    *Could an ancient prophecy and a mysterious ordinance given in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago be determining the events of our day?
    *Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery–even a modern president of the United States?
    *Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our times down to the year, month, and day of their occurring?
    *Could a mysterious phenomenon be manifesting on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?
    *Could these manifestations have altered–and now be altering–the course of world events?

    Jonathan Cahn takes the reader on a journey to find the man called “the Oracle.” One by one each of the jubilean mysteries will be revealed through the giving of a vision. The Oracle will uncover The Mystery of the Stranger, The Lost City, The Man With the Measuring Line, The Birds, The Return, The Day of the Lions, and much, much more. The reader will discover the ancient scrolls that contain the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to our day. Ultimately The Oracle will reveal the secret that lies behind end-time prophecy and the mystery of the end of the age. As with The Harbinger and The Book of Mysteries, Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative; a traveler is given seven keys, each for the opening of one of seven doors. Behind each door lies one of the seven streams of the jubilean mysteries. The reader will be taken on a journey, led by angelic guides, through each door and vision to uncover the ancient secrets that lie behind the world-changing events of modern times. As with Cahn’s other works, the reader will find that the mysteries revealed within the pages of The Oracle are absolutely real, amazing, life-changing, and mind-blowing.

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  • Line Between : A Thriller


    In this frighteningly believable thriller from New York Times bestselling author and master storyteller Tosca Lee, an extinct disease re-emerges from the melting Alaskan permafrost and causes madness in its victims. For recent apocalyptic cult escapee Wynter Roth, it’s the end she’d always been told was coming.

    When Wynter Roth finally escapes from New Earth, a self-contained doomsday cult on the American prairie, she emerges into a world poised on the brink of madness as a mysterious outbreak of rapid early onset dementia spreads across the nation.
    As Wynter struggles to start over in a world she’s been taught to regard as evil, she finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse she’s feared all her life–until the night her sister shows up at her doorstep with a set of medical samples. That night, Wynter learns there’s something far more sinister at play: that the prophet they once idolized has been toying with the fate of mankind, and that these samples are key to understanding the disease.

    Now, as the power grid fails and the nation descends into chaos, Wynter must find a way to get the samples to a lab in Colorado. Uncertain who to trust, she takes up with former military man Chase Miller, who has his own reasons for wanting to get close to the samples in her possession, and to Wynter, herself.

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  • He That Covereth His Sins


    On the run after committing a crime and deserting the Civilian Conservation Corp in 1935, Harlan Jensen has been riding the rails and living in fear that someone will recognize him. Hunger causes him to jump off a train at the Meyer farm in rural West Pottawattamie County, Iowa, where he plans to work just long enough to earn a square meal and then be on his way. Elsie Meyer, the farmwife who feeds him, knows more about God’s plan for his life than he does, though. Harlan is the answer to her prayers. Just before harvest, her husband suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed and mute, so the Meyers had asked God to send a farmhand. Harlan is surprised to discover a family’s love, an unexpected romance, and the grace of Jesus. But everything in his life changes as he learns the truth of Proverbs 28:13: “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.”

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  • Perfect Silhouette


    In 1850, Mellicent “Mellie” Blanchard takes a job at a mill in Manchester, New Hampshire, to help support her family. In search of additional earning opportunities, she approaches a daguerreotype shop owner with the proposal that he hire her to make paper cuttings or silhouette portraits for those who can’t afford an expensive daguerreotype.

    When a particularly charming customer–whose broad smile and twinkling eyes catch her off guard–asks to escort her home, the seeds of romance begin to blossom. All the pieces of her new life seem to have fallen perfectly into place, but when her new venture brings her an unexpected opportunity, she is confronted with the truth that all is not as it seems. Will Mellie, who is keeping secrets of her own, find happiness in the new life she has carved out for herself in the busy mill town?

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  • Fire Storm


    FBI Profiler Kaely Quinn visits Nebraska to care for her ailing mother. She cant help but notice suspicious connections among a series of local fires, so she calls on her partner, Noah Hunter, to help find the arsonist. Together they unwittingly embark on a twisted path to a mad man who is determined his last heinous act will be Kaelys death.

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  • Perfect Silhouette


    In 1850, Mellicent “Mellie” Blanchard takes a job at a mill in Manchester, New Hampshire, to help support her family. In search of additional earning opportunities, she approaches a daguerreotype shop owner with the proposal that he hire her to make paper cuttings or silhouette portraits for those who can’t afford an expensive daguerreotype.

    When a particularly charming customer–whose broad smile and twinkling eyes catch her off guard–asks to escort her home, the seeds of romance begin to blossom. All the pieces of her new life seem to have fallen perfectly into place, but when her new venture brings her an unexpected opportunity, she is confronted with the truth that all is not as it seems. Will Mellie, who is keeping secrets of her own, find happiness in the new life she has carved out for herself in the busy mill town?

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  • Killing Tide


    When one Coast Guard officer is found dead and another goes missing, CGIS special agent Finn Walker faces his most dangerous and volatile crime yet. His only clues are what little evidence remains aboard the dead officer’s adrift cutter, and the direction the clues point will test him and the guard to their limits.

    Complicating matters further is the arrival of investigative reporter Harper Grace. An unrelenting journalist who was nearly killed as the result of her last expose, Harper has been sent to Wilmington on the hunch of her boss that the Coast Guard is stonewalling the truth about the officers. An interview with the dead victim’s wife convinces her there’s a story worth uncovering, even if it means risking her life again.

    Thrown together by the heinous crime, Finn and Harper can’t ignore the sparks or judgments flying between them, but will they be able to see past their preconceptions long enough to track down an elusive killer before they become his next mark?

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  • Fire Storm


    When FBI profiler Kaely Quinn’s mother is diagnosed with cancer, Kaely takes time off work to go to Dark Water, Nebraska, to help her brother care for their mother. Upon her arrival, she learns of a series of fires in the small town, attributed by the fire chief to misuse of space heaters in the frigid winter. But Kaely is skeptical, and a search for a pattern in the locations of the fires bolsters her suspicions.

    After yet another blaze devastates a local family, Kaely is certain a serial arsonist is on the loose. Calling upon her partner from St. Louis, Noah Hunter, and her brother’s firefighter neighbor who backs Kaely’s suspicions, Kaely and her team begin an investigation that swiftly leads them down a twisted path. When the truth is finally revealed, Kaely finds herself confronting a madman who is determined his last heinous act will be her death.

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  • Shades Of Light


    “I was desperate. . . . I couldn’t turn off the dark thoughts, no matter how hard I tried or how much I prayed. And then I spent a whole weekend in bed, and the crying wouldn’t stop, and I got really scared. I’ve had bouts with depression before-it’s kind of a cloud I’ve learned to live with-but this time was different. I felt like I was going under, like I’d never feel hopeful again, and then that just made my anxiety worse and it all spiraled from there.” Wren Crawford is a social worker who finds herself overwhelmed with the troubles of the world. Her lifelong struggles with anxiety and depression are starting to overcome her. She finds solace in art, spiritual formation, and pastoral care along with traditional therapeutic interventions. But a complicated relationship from her past also threatens to undo her progress. Fans of Sharon Brown’s bestselling Sensible Shoes Series will be delighted to discover some old friends along the way. As Wren seeks healing in this beautifully written novel, readers are invited to move beyond pat answers and shallow theology into an experience of hope and presence that illuminates even the darkness.

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  • Love At Last


    Three acclaimed Christian historical fiction authors’ romantic and intriguing stories will delight inspirational readers. Romance and history across the years make this collection a perfect fit for fans of timeless love stories.

    Hunter’s “A Search for Refuge” tells of solicitor Nash Banfield, hiding from society in a market town, and Lady Margaretta Fortescue, on the run from a mysterious threat and in desperate need of refuge. Camden’s “Summer of Dreams” follows the whip-smart daughter of an army general, determined never to marry a man in uniform, and a charismatic West Point cadet just as determined to change her mind. Dykes’s “Up from the Sea” follows the romance between the daughter of a Southern lumber baron who finds herself out of her element in coastal Maine and the humble local lobsterman and lumberjack far below her station.

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  • Kings Shadow : A Novel Of King Herod’s Court


    Two women occupy a place in Herod’s court. The first, Salome, is the king’s only sister, a resentful woman who has been told she is from an inferior race, a people God will never accept or approve.

    The second woman, Zara, is a lowly handmaid who serves Salome, but where Salome spies conspiracies and treachery, Zara sees hurting people in need of understanding and compassion.

    Powerful and powerless, Idumean and Jew, selfish and selfless–both women struggle to reach their goals and survive in Herod the Great’s tumultuous court, where no one is trustworthy and no one is safe.

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  • Song Of Joy


    In Minnesota in 1911, Nilda Carlson is torn between society life in the city of Blackduck and spending time with her family back home on the farm. Her employer, Mrs. Schoenleber, gives her more and more responsibility and experience, including recommending new opportunities for her philanthropy. Still new to America herself, Nilda focuses on the area’s immigrant community, but she’ll have to fight to get her ideas accepted by the locals and donors alike.

    In the meantime, one of her greatest joys is her weekly piano lesson with the handsome schoolteacher, Fritz. But just as Nilda is beginning to realize she has feelings for him, a stylish, affluent young woman moves to Blackduck and monopolizes Fritz’s attention. With her humble background, how can Nilda hope to compete with such a sophisticated beauty?

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  • Until The Mountains Fall


    Recently widowed, Rivkah refuses to submit to the Torah law compelling her to marry her husband’s brother and instead flees Kedesh, hoping to use her talents as a scribe to support herself. Without the protections of her father, Kedesh’s head priest, and the safety of the city of refuge, Rivkah soon discovers that the cost of recklessness is her own freedom.

    Malakhi has secretly loved Rivkah for years, but he never imagined his older brother’s death would mean wedding her himself. After her disappearance, he throws himself into the ongoing fight against the Canaanites instead of dwelling on all he has lost. But with impending war looming over Israel, Rivkah’s father comes to Malakhi with an impossible request.

    As the enemies that Rivkah and Malakhi face from without and within Israel grow more threatening each day, is it too late for the restoration their wounded souls seek?

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  • Mission Hollywood


    “A Hollywood bad boy. A pastor’s daughter. What could possibly go wrong?

    Movie star Ben Prescott arrives back in Hollywood after causing a scandal with his ex-girlfriend in Rome. Chased through the airport by paparazzi, he jumps into a limo hoping for a quick getaway. Instead he finds Lily Shaw, a pastor’s daughter and preschool teacher. When the paparazzi capture a photo of the two of them together, Ben’s agent demands that he do whatever it takes to keep the story from hitting the gossip pages . . . even volunteer to work at Lily’s church. Sparks fly as the movie star and the pastor’s daughter work side by side. When Lily accompanies Ben to the premiere of his latest movie, Hollywood takes notice. Under intense media scrutiny and pressure from the movie industry, Ben must risk his career to follow his heart, but Lily wants the one thing he doesn’t have, faith.

    Mission Hollywood is an inspirational story about love, faith, and second chances.”

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  • Clear Confusion


    What am I going to do, God? Who am I?

    Charlotte Hallaway needs to come to terms with her father’s death. He had been her only family, and she wasn’t handling her grief well. It was just supposed to be a few weeks of peace and quiet to process it all, but then she saw them-a drug deal and a murder within seconds of each other.

    And they saw her.

    Now running for her life, Charlotte boards a bus to escape her pursuers and wakes up the next morning in the woods of Jennings, Georgia, without a memory of how she got there or of who she is. All she knows is an underlying fear she can’t seem to shake.

    When two hunters find her battered and scared, can she put aside the clear confusion she’s experiencing to trust them? She wants to trust them, especially Nicholas, but fear is holding her back. Trust is incredibly hard when one is so clearly confused. Could it be he and his friend are not who they claim to be?

    Who are they really . . . and who is she?

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  • Storm Rising


    Mentioned in the pages of the Septuagint but lost to history, the Book of the Wars has resurfaced, and its pages hold secrets–and dangers–never before seen on earth.

    Tasked with capturing the ancient text, former Navy SEAL Leif Metcalfe is finally given command of his own team. But their best efforts are ruined when a notorious Bulgarian operative known as OVioricaO snatches the volume right out from under them.

    Iskra “Viorica” Todorova is determined to use the book to secure the thing that matters most–freedom. But a series of strange storms erupts around the globe and the coming dangers foretold in the text threaten crops, lives–entire nations. Though both are haunted by secrets of their past and neither trusts the other, Leif and Iskra must form an uneasy alliance to thwart impending disaster. However, the truth hidden in two-thousand-year-old words could unleash the storm of their own destruction.

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  • Remnant


    “The year is 2522. Anna is a Remnant-a secret Christian in a world that has banned any form of religion. She is also an astro-geologist working with her Robot, named Z, for the Planetary Science Commission. The PSC has worked for 200 years to find alien life on another planet, and finally, after two centuries, a primitive lifeform has been discovered. Faced with the reality of evolved primitives on a forested moon, Anna begins to question all she has ever believed. Anna and Z travel to the newly-discovered moon in search of answers, but a terrible accident leaves them stranded. Faced with dangerous natives and unfamiliar surroundings, Anna and Z stumble upon a conspiracy that has universal implications. Will Anna discover the truth about the moon and its inhabitants? Can God still move within a culture that has abandoned Him? “

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  • Jordans World


    “Jordan Lewis and her mother have been abducted and marooned on an alien world. Taken in by a friendly tribe of natives, Jordan tries her best to adapt to living on this strange planet called Algoran. Jordan becomes a respectable huntress, but she still longs for the life she once knew on Earth. When she learns the beings who took her may be on the other side of Algoran, she sets out for answers. Joined by three of her fellow hunters, Jordan crosses dangerous terrain, facing perilous creatures and people. Will Jordan risk death for a chance to return to Earth? What is God’s will for her life on Algoran?

    Exploring the life of an ordinary young woman torn from all she’s ever known, Jordan’s World shows that God reigns over the whole universe, and that consequences can sometimes span solar systems.”

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  • Where I Was Planted


    In the spring of 1961, ten-year-old Nate “Weenie” Dooley has a revelation-his father is not a good one.

    Inspired by National Geographic, his favorite thing next to the Bible storybook his mother gave him before she died, Nate plans to leave his father and their home in the Smokies to set out on adventure.

    When he discovers that his father has left him first, it will take the help of a stray dog, some kind neighbors, a one-man-band, letters from a long-lost-aunt, and a new understanding of God to figure out he isn’t really alone.

    Will he find that Copper Creek is where he’s always belonged? Or will his wanderlust keep him from ever coming back?

    In her second novel, Heather Norman Smith demonstrates that love makes a family, and that while fathers may leave, our Heavenly Father is faithful, and He has a plan for all of us.

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  • String


    Welcome to the string, a game of impossible decisions and deadly consequences. Let’s go over the ground rules.
    Rule #1: Participation is mandatory.
    Rule #2: If anyone refuses to play, all threats will come to pass.
    Game on.

    Get ready for a deadly social experiment as a sociopath known as The Conductor delivers disturbing threats and twisted moral dilemmas to unsuspecting students and staff.

    As a powerful instinct for self-preservation sweeps through the campus, one man has a grave decision to make. Will university cop Markus Haas play the game to protect those he loves? Or will he break the string and incite massive chaos–and even death?

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  • Light From Distant Stars


    When Cohen Marah steps over his father’s body in the basement embalming room of the family’s funeral home, he has no idea that he is stepping into a labyrinth of memory. As the last one to see his father, Cohen is the primary suspect.

    Over the next week, Cohen’s childhood memories come back in living color. The dramatic events that led to his father being asked to leave his pastoral position. The game of baseball that somehow kept them together. And the two children in the forest who became his friends–and enlisted him in a dark and dangerous undertaking. As the lines blur between what was real and what was imaginary, Cohen is faced with the question he’s been avoiding: Did he kill his father?

    In Light from Distant Stars, master story weaver Shawn Smucker relays a tale both eerie and enchanting, one that will have you questioning reality and reaching out for what is true, good, and genuine.

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  • Love And Other Mistakes


    There’s a fine line between love and hate . . . And for the last seven years, Natalie Groves has hated Jeremy Walters.

    Natalie Groves was meant for great things. But soon after her fiance left, Natalie’s father was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly her grand plans evaporated . . . and God felt very far away.

    Fast-forward seven years, and an internship presents Natalie a chance at her destiny-but she needs a job to work around it. And the only offer available is worse than a life sentence. Her ex Jeremy, now back in town, is desperate for help with his infant son and troubled teenage niece, Lili. And Natalie may be just the one to help Jeremy . . . provided they don’t kill each other in the process.

    When Jeremy and Natalie join forces, sparks fly. But will either of them get burned along the way?

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  • Solo : When The Heart Gets Lost Let The Music Find You


    New York Times bestseller!

    Blade never asked for a life of the rich and famous. In fact, he’d give anything not to be the son of Rutherford Morrison, a washed-up rock star and drug addict with delusions of a comeback. Or to no longer be part of a family known most for lost potential, failure, and tragedy, including the loss of his mother. The one true light is his girlfriend, Chapel, but her parents have forbidden their relationship, assuming Blade will become just like his father.

    In reality, the only thing Blade and Rutherford have in common is the music that lives inside them. And songwriting is all Blade has left after Rutherford, while drunk, crashes his high school graduation speech and effectively rips Chapel away forever. But when a long-held family secret comes to light, the music disappears. In its place is a letter, one that could bring Blade the freedom and love he’s been searching for, or leave him feeling even more adrift.

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  • Pilgrims Progress In Modern Language Illustrated


    Acclaimed as “one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world,” John Bunyan’s beloved allegory captivates the reader’s attention while providing insight into the Christian life. Join Bunyan in this illustrated edition in modern language as he tells the story of “Christian,” a man on an adventurous journey across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark valleys. His trek is an intriguing allegory for today–mixed with the chivalric adventure of yesterday–as the pilgrimage takes us from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God.

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  • Inception Of A Brigade


    The inception of a spiritual odyssey begins . . .

    Artka, once a nobleman’s son, is now a Carnalian soldier fighting a war against Ecclessa, which is said to be ruled by a ruthless Magician.

    Lost in the forest while escaping tophets, Artka is pierced by an Ecclessite’s kingsman sword-but the sword does not immediately harm nor kill. To survive the piercing and heal his heart’s wound, Artka seeks Logon who waits at the rock where he was slain, only to learn a new brigade is soon to be created and Artka is to be a kingsman of it.

    Invisible enemies lurk around him.
    Hate battles against him.
    Sacrifice is required of him.
    Knowledge awaits him.

    Only the runes on his Ecclessite sword can lead him to safety . . . if he can survive the journey.

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  • Heaven On Earth


    Heaven on Earth, the second book in the Finley’s Tale series, brings to light more amusing adventures and further intriguing developments at Historic St. Peter’s, recorded by church mouse Finley Newcastle.

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  • More Than Words Can Say


    After fulfilling a pledge to a dying friend, Zacharias Hamilton is finally free. No family entanglements. No disappointing those around him. Just the quiet bachelor existence he’s always craved. Until fate snatches his freedom away when the baker of his favorite breakfast bun is railroaded by the city council. Despite not wanting to get involved, he can’t turn a blind eye to her predicament . . . or her adorable dimples.

    Abigail Kemp needs a man’s name on her bakery’s deed. A marriage of convenience seems the best solution . . . if it involves a man she can control. That person definitely isn’t the stoic lumberman who oozes silent confidence whenever he enters her shop. Control Zacharias Hamilton? She can’t even control her pulse when she’s around him.When vows are spoken, Abigail’s troubles should be over. Yet threats to the bakery worsen, and darker dangers hound her sister. Can she put ever more trust in Zach without losing her dreams of independence?

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  • Number Of Love


    Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is their intelligence network–field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.

    Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an enemy who just won’t give up. He’s smitten quickly by the too-intelligent Margot, but how can he convince a girl who lives entirely in her mind that sometimes life’s answers lie in the heart?

    Amid biological warfare, encrypted letters, and a German spy who wants to destroy not just them but others they love, Margot and Drake will have to work together to save themselves form the very secrets that brought them together.

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  • Touch Of Gold


    Featuring a strong female lead and plenty of enchanting twists and turns, A Touch of Gold is a captivating fantasy adventure-the untold story of the daughter King Midas turned to gold.

    Gold is wealth. Wealth is power. Power is a curse.

    After King Midas’s gift-or curse-almost killed his daughter, he relinquished The Touch forever. Ten years later, Princess Kora still bears the consequences of her father’s wish: her skin shines golden, rumors follow her everywhere she goes, and she harbors secret powers that are getting harder to hide.

    Kora spends her days concealed behind gloves and veils. It isn’t until a charming duke arrives that Kora believes she could indeed be loved. But their courtship is disrupted when a thief steals treasures her father needs to survive. Thanks to Kora’s unique ability to sense gold, only she can find the missing items. As she sails off on her quest, Kora learns that not everything is what it seems-not her companions, or the thieves, or Kora herself.

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  • Day The Angels Came To Dunning


    A host of heavenly visitors appear unexpectedly at St. Michael’s AME Church, and local news stations are immediately contacted. Rival reporters Chad Simmons and Cynthia Davis cover the story, where each become involved in life-changing experiences. Is this incredibly unbelievable event a message from God or, as one apocalyptic figure sees it, “an end to his perceived plan of God”? Thousands of people descend upon Dunning to witness firsthand the “visitors,” including the president of the US and other world and religious leaders.

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  • Day The Angels Came To Dunning


    A host of heavenly visitors appear unexpectedly at St. Michael’s AME Church, and local news stations are immediately contacted. Rival reporters Chad Simmons and Cynthia Davis cover the story, where each become involved in life-changing experiences. Is this incredibly unbelievable event a message from God or, as one apocalyptic figure sees it, “an end to his perceived plan of God”? Thousands of people descend upon Dunning to witness firsthand the “visitors,” including the president of the US and other world and religious leaders.

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  • Wherever You Go (Large Type)


    Mary Reichert is one of the best sharpshooters in the country, and in the Brookstone Wild West Extravaganza her skills are on display in every performance. But unless the man responsible for her brother’s death is brought to justice, Mary’s fame and accomplishments seem hollow. She feels helpless in the face of the murderer’s money, power, and connections. The only bright spot in her days is the handsome journalist who keeps attending their shows.

    Christopher Williams has been assigned to follow the Brookstone show on its 1901 tour of England and write a series of articles for his magazine. As he gets to know the cast he quickly finds himself irresistibly drawn to the show’s sharpshooter. But getting close to someone would threaten to bring his past to light. How could he ever win Mary’s heart if she knows the truth? Mary and Chris will both have to trust God if they are to heal from the wounds of the past and chart a new future together.

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  • Reluctant Bride


    Living in London’s poorest slum, Mercy Wilkins has little hope of a better life. When she’s offered an opportunity to join a bride ship sailing to British Columbia, she agrees. After witnessing so much painful heartache and loss in the slums, the bride ship is her only prospect to escape a bleak future, not only for herself but, she hopes, someday for her sister.

    Wealthy and titled Joseph Colville leaves home and takes to the sea in order to escape the pain of losing his family. As ship’s surgeon, he’s in charge of the passengers’ welfare aboard the Tynemouth, including sixty brides-to-be. He has no immediate intention of settling down, but when Mercy becomes his assistant, the two must fight against a forbidden love.

    With hundreds of single men congregating on the shore eager to claim a bride from the Tynemouth, will Mercy and Joseph lose their chance at true love, or will they be able to overcome the obstacles that threaten to keep them apart?

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  • Before We Were Yours


    Teen, Magazines, Lisa Wingate

    Additional Info
    Memphis, 1939. Twelve-year-old Rill Foss and her four younger siblings live a magical life aboard their family’s Mississippi River shantyboat. But when their father must rush their mother to the hospital one stormy night, Rill is left in charge–until strangers arrive in force. Wrenched from all that is familiar and thrown into a Tennessee Children’s Home Society orphanage, the Foss children are assured that they will soon be returned to their parents–but they quickly realize the dark truth. At the mercy of the facility’s cruel director, Rill fights to keep her sisters and brother together in a world of danger and uncertainty.

    Aiken, South Carolina, present day. Born into wealth and privilege, Avery Stafford seems to have it all: a successful career as a federal prosecutor, a handsome fiance, and a lavish wedding on the horizon. But when Avery returns home to help her father weather a health crisis, a chance encounter leaves her with uncomfortable questions and compels her to take a journey through her family’s long-hidden history, on a path that will ultimately lead either to devastation or to redemption.

    Based on one of America’s most notorious real-life scandals–in which Georgia Tann, director of a Memphis-based adoption organization, kidnapped and sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country–Lisa Wingate’s riveting, wrenching, and ultimately uplifting tale reminds us how, even though the paths we take can lead to many places, the heart never forgets where we belong.

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  • Printed Letter Bookshop


    Amid literature and lattes, three women come together and find that sharing one’s journey with best friends makes life richer.

    When attorney Madeline Carter inherits her aunt’s bookstore in a small town north of Chicago, she plans to sell it and add the proceeds to her nonexistent “investment portfolio.” But plans change when Madeline discovers the store isn’t making money and she gets passed over for promotion at her firm. She quits in protest, takes the train north, and decides to work at the store to prep it for sale. Madeline soon finds herself at odds with employees Jessica and Courtney; when she also finds herself attracted to an affianced man, it only confuses the entire situation.

    After blowing up her marriage two years earlier, Jessica has found solace working at the bookstore and a kindred spirit within its owner, Maddie Cullen. But when Maddie dies and her niece, Madeline, barges in like a bulldozer, Jessica pushes at the new owner in every way-until she trips over common ground. Soon the women are delving into online dating and fashion makeovers, and Jessica feels the pull to rediscover her art, a love she thought long behind her.

    After a night of bad decisions leaves the store in peril, Courtney arrives and tries to save the day. While she, too, found sanctuary in the little bookstore, she knows it’s under-insured, in the red, and will never survive. When she discovers her teenage daughter has played a part in vandalizing the store, Courtney taps into strength she didn’t know existed-or had long forgotten. The quietest of the three, she steps up and finds a way to save her family, the store, and the precious friendships that have grown within it.

    The Printed Letter Bookshop is the story of friends who find each other-and themselves-in a place none of them ever expected.

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  • Summer By The Tides


    From the bestselling author of The Convenient Groom (now a beloved Hallmark Original movie) comes a heartfelt story of family secrets, forgiveness, and unexpected romance.

    Following a painful betrayal, Maddy Monroe’s love life is a wreck, and her restaurant career is in shambles. When her grandmother goes missing, she and her estranged sisters converge at the family beach house in Sea Haven, North Carolina. Being with uptight Nora and free-spirited Emma at the place where their family broke apart is a struggle, and undercurrents of jealousy and resentment threaten to pull the sisters under. In the midst of the storm, sparks begin to fly between Maddy and Gram’s maddening neighbor, Connor Murphy.

    As the sisters pack up the family belongings, memories of idyllic, slow-paced summers are resurrected. But long-buried secrets also come to light as Maddy discovers that all was not as it appeared that last summer in Sea Haven-nor today in the seemingly perfect lives of her sisters.

    As family tensions rise and Connor causes tumult in Maddy’s heart, the sisters must find a way to accept each other for the women they’ve become before the bitterness of the past destroys their hope for a future.

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  • Murder In The City Of Liberty


    Hamish DeLuca and Regina “Reggie” Van Buren have a new case-and this one brings the war in Europe dangerously close to home.

    Determined to make a life for herself, Regina “Reggie” Van Buren bid goodbye to fine china and the man her parents expected her to marry and escaped to Boston. What she never expected to discover was that an unknown talent for sleuthing would develop into a business partnership with the handsome, yet shy, Hamish DeLuca.Their latest case arrives when Errol Parker, the leading base stealer in the Boston farm leagues, hires Hamish and Reggie to investigate what the Boston police shove off as a series of harmless pranks. Errol believes these are hate crimes linked to the outbreak of war in Europe, and he’s afraid for his life. Hamish and Reggie quickly find themselves in the midst of an escalating series of crimes that seem to link

    Boston to Hamish’s hometown of Toronto.When an act of violence hits too close to home, Hamish is driven to a decision that may sever him from Reggie forever . . . even more than her engagement to wealthy architect Vaughan Vanderlaan.

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  • Love Bears All Things


    Could God be o-ffering Charlotte a second chance at true love?

    Charlo-tte Dolinsky needs time to recover after breaking up with her boyfriend, Ryan. But when a surprise visitor shows up on her doorstep in Texas, she’s forced to put aside her own worries to help her Amish friends in Lancaster County. Soon she is entangled in a web of deception–and this time, she isn’t the only one keeping secrets.

    Daniel Byler struggles each day in his Amish community to heal from his fiancee’s betrayal. When he discovers that a member of his family is in danger of being shunned, his pain turns to fear. His only way to help is by partnering with Charlo-tte, a woman he barely knows who has already deceived them all before.

    Charlo-tte begins building a friendship with Daniel that she’ll need to lean on when more surprises surface from her past and she once again finds herself torn between two worlds. Will Charlotte’s friends in the Amish community be able to show her the power of redemption and lead her home? And can she help young Jacob realize that God offers second chances at happiness when she isn’t even sure herself?

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  • Driftwood Bay : A Hope Harbor Novel


    After tragedy robs her of everyone she loves, Jeannette Mason retreats to the tiny Oregon seaside town of Hope Harbor to create a new life. Vowing to avoid emotional attachments, she focuses on running her lavender farm and tea-room–until a new neighbor with a destructive dog and a forlorn little girl invades her turf. But she needn’t worry. Dr. Logan West is too busy coping with an unexpected family, a radical lifestyle change, and an unruly pup to have any interest in his aloof and disagreeable neighbor.

    Yet when both Jeanette and Logan find themselves pulled into the life of a tattered Christian family fleeing persecution in war-torn Syria, might they discover that love sometimes comes calling when it’s least expected?

    Bestselling and award-winning author Irene Hannon invites readers back to the charming seaside town of Hope Harbor, where they are sure to find peace, healing, and a second chance at happiness.

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  • Rise Of The Mystics


    Some say the great mystery of how one can live in two worlds at once died with Thomas Hunter many years ago. Still others that the gateway to that greater reality was and is only the stuff of dreams. They are all wrong.

    Rachelle Matthews, who grew up in the small town of Eden, Utah, discovered just how wrong when she dreamed and awoke in another world. There she learned that she was the 49th Mystic, the prophesied one, tasked with finding five ancient seals before powerful enemies destroy her. If Rachelle succeeds in her quest, peace will reign. If she fails, the world will forever be locked in darkness.

    In The 49th Mystic, Rachelle found the first three of those five seals through great peril and mind-altering adventure. But two seals remain hidden and the fate of both worlds hangs in their balance.

    As Rachelle Matthews sits deep in a dungeon, Vlad Smith is just getting started. Thomas Hunter’s world is about to be turned inside out. The mystics say that there is no defense against the Fifth Seal–but finding it will cost Rachelle everything.

    So begins the final volume of high stakes in one girl’s quest to find an ancient path that will save humanity. The clock is ticking; the end rushes forward.

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  • Never Say Never


    A sudden shift in a hurricane’s course cancels senior citizen Donetta’s cruise at the last minute. Thrown together with a young woman named Kai, Donetta leads a group of evacuees back to Daily, Texas, where the charm of the town–and the high school coach–has Kai rethinking her drifter existence. Donetta, on the other hand, is contemplating moving on from her floundering marriage. As more people seek refuge in the small town, can they transition from merely surviving to truly thriving?

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  • Heart Changer : Only He Could Set A Captive Free


    Can an Israelite captive, wrenched from all she loves, serve the very man who destroyed her village?

    Miriam is asked to do the impossible: serve the wife of Naaman, commander of the Syrian army. Clinging to treasured memories of home and faith, Miriam faces captivity with worry and bitterness. Little does she know the Heart Changer is wooing and preparing her for a greater mission-far beyond what she could imagine.

    This middle-grade historical novel reflects the heartache and angst of a young refugee in a foreign land where all hope seems lost.

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  • On A Summer Tide


    Sometimes love hurts–and sometimes it can heal in the most unexpected way.Camden Grayson loves her challenging career, but the rest of her life could use some improvement. “Moving on” is Cam’s mantra. But there’s a difference, her two sisters insist, between one who moves on . . . and one who keeps moving. Cam’s full-throttle life skids to a stop when her father buys a remote island off the coast of Maine. Paul Grayson has a dream to breathe new life into the island–a dream that includes reuniting his estranged daughters. Certain Dad has lost his mind, the three sisters rush to the island. To Cam’s surprise, the slow pace of island life appeals to her, along with the locals–and one in particular. Sam Walker, the scruffy island schoolteacher harbors more than a few surprises.

    With On a Summer Tide, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher begins a brand-new contemporary romance series that is sure to delight her fans and draw new ones.

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  • Heart Of A King


    Four women captured King Solomon’s heart in different ways, and he indulges his desires despite warnings. For all his wisdom, did Solomon or the women he loved ever find what they were searching for?

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  • Edge Of Over There


    The captivating sequel to the award-winning The Day the Angels Fell

    Abra Miller carries a secret and a responsibility she never expected.

    Before the Tree of Life, everything in Abra Miller’s life had been predictable. Safe. Normal. But after the Tree, everything has felt fragile . . . like holding a soap bubble in the palm of her hand. After years of fruitless searching for the next Tree, she begins to wonder if it was nothing more than a vivid dream.

    Now sixteen, Abra finds a clue to the whereabouts of the next Tree of Life when an ominous woman–who looks exactly like a ghost from her past–compels her to travel to New Orleans where she’ll find one of seven gateways between this world and Over There. But she’s not the only one interested in finding the gateway. There’s also a young man searching for his father and sister, who escaped through it years before. As Abra enters the Edge of Over There and begins her pursuit of the Tree once more, she doesn’t know whom to fear or whom to trust.

    She’s also starting to think that some doorways should never be opened.

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  • Flight Of The Raven


    Selene Ravenwood, once the heir to House Ravenwood, is now an exile. On the run and free of her family’s destiny, Selene hopes to find the real reason her family was given the gift of dreamwalking. But first she must adapt to her new life as wife to Lord Damien Maris, the man she was originally assigned to kill.

    While adjusting to her marriage and her home in the north, her power over dreams begins to grow. As the strongest dreamwalker to exist in ages, her expanding power attracts not only nightmares but the attention of the Dark Lady herself.

    With a war looming on the horizon and a wicked being after her gift, Selene is faced with a choice: embrace the Dark Lady’s offer, or search out the one who gave her the gift of dreamwalking. One path offers power, the other offers freedom. But time is running out, and soon her choice will be made for her.

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  • Love Made New


    Abigail Schrock knows God can make all things new, but does that include her broken heart?

    It seems as if everyone is falling in love in Birch Creek, including Abigail Schrock. But when heartbreak descends on her already fragile world, she can’t help but feel that if she’d only been a little prettier, she could be on her way down the aisle. To make matters worse, Abigail’s two sisters have found love, and all Abigail can seem to find is the chocolate she has stashed away in the pantry.

    Asa Bontrager has never had trouble with the ladies in his Amish community–his good looks have always gotten him far. Which is why he’s baffled by the call he’s received from God to pursue Abigail, a woman who seems determined to turn him away.

    Can Abigail find the peace and joy she so desperately desires? Will she allow herself to stop running and melt into the embrace of unforeseen comfort? If she does, she may discover a love powerful enough to restore her hope in a promising future.

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  • Memory House


    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a new captivating novel of two women whose lives have been destroyed by disaster but find healing in a special house.

    In the spring of 1953, Everleigh Applegate is happily married and newly pregnant. But a tornado sweeps through Waco, Texas, taking her hopes of a bright future with it. Seven years later, widowed and childless, she is living with her mother and older than her years. It is not until she runs into an old high school friend, Don Callahan, that a small spark of hope for what life could be is rekindled. However, a secret Everleigh has kept threatens their happiness and future.

    Beck Holiday is a tough, angry, New York City cop. Her father’s death on 9/11 took not just her father’s life but many of her memories as well. She learns that she’s inherited a house from an Everleigh Callahan-whom Beck apparently knows but cannot remember-in north Florida, and her suspension from work because of her anger issues leaves her with time to make the trip to figure out why. Upon her arrival, she meets Bruno Endicott, who clearly remembers her. Beck must work to regain her memory, face her anger, and open her heart to love.

    Connected through a beautiful house in ways they will both come to understand, both women must find the courage to face the truth about themselves and their past in order to truly love and be loved in return.

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  • How Santa And His Reindeer Came To Fly


    Christmas as a contemporary holiday is centered much on the whimsical activity of jolly bearded magical elf in a red suit who answers wishes and brings presents. When in reality, the reason for the season is Christ’s birth, the beginning of God’s love for man through redemption. This small story is an attempt to join fantasy with a historical perspective.

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  • Mindfire : Power Alone Does Not Make A Hero Or A Villain


    “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”

    Leia Hamilton can move things and set them on fire-with her mind.

    Leia’s father and step-mother tried to hide their past: a time when they were part of a team of superheroes. But despite being disbanded for over twenty years following a series of tragedies, their problems were passed to their children and Leia finds that her future collides with their past.

    In the diverse world of human and superhuman, heroes and villains, friends and enemies, some of Leia’s choices have terrible consequences. For Leia, this leads to a personal crossroads and a search for redemption.

    Not your normal superhero novel, Mindfire isn’t about secret identities, costumes, or evil plots endangering the world. Instead, self-discovery and adaptation is at the forefront as the reader follows the lives of the characters who are unafraid to show love and explore spirituality.

    Can redemption and renewed grace weather the flames of absolute power and superhuman strength?

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  • Young Whit And The Shroud Of Secrecy


    The Young Whit series explores the history of the much-loved Adventures in Odyssey character John Avery Whittaker. The series introduces newcomers to the larger world of Odyssey. For readers who are already Odyssey fans, the novels provide the history of the franchise’s most important character.

    In book 2, the backstory of Whit continues with more intriguing mysteries and exciting action. A dead body is found in a coffin previously hidden under the floor in an old, supposedly haunted mansion. Questions swirl around its identity and what that means for Whit and his family.

    Another mystery spanning the first 5 books in the series is the meaning behind an old journal bequeathed to Whit by his grandfather and an ancient cloth that seems to have the power to heal.

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  • Midnight At The Tuscany Hotel


    A once-beloved hotel and a fountain whose water suddenly can restore lost memories. But is it a miracle, or are there strings attached?

    The Tuscany Hotel was once a haven for young artists. A place full of inspiration and a work of art in and of itself, the hotel was built by Robert Gandy for his wife, Magdalena: a woman of beauty beyond description who was orphaned as an infant in Florence and grew up without the ability to remember. A tragedy caused the hotel to close its doors, however, and it has been years since the fountain in the courtyard ran with water and inspiration.

    Vitto Gandy, Robert’s son, returns from the horrors of World War II to a wife who fears him, a son who is too young to remember him, and a father whose memory of him is fading. As Vitto faces the memories that torture his heart and mind, his father runs off in the night to seek solace in the last place he was happy: the Tuscany Hotel. Instead of finding ruins, he discovers that the water in the fountain has begun to run again. And as he drinks it, his memory returns.

    Filled with Alzheimer’s patients hoping for restored memories rather than artists longing for inspiration, the hotel is once again a source of life and art. But nothing is truly as good as it seems, and the mysterious gift of the hotel comes with a price that each must determine they’re willing to pay. Bursting with beauty, art, and inspiration, Midnight at the Tuscany Hotel is a story of parent and child, husband and wife, and the joy and pain of what it means to be alive.

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