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Showing 1501–1600 of 2491 results

  • Hidden Mercies


    When Amish widow Claire Shetler is attracted to the man who caused her fiance’s death, they must both heal deep wounds to discover God’s hidden mercies.

    At seventeen, Tom Miller smashed his car into a tree, killing his brother only four hours before he was scheduled to marry Claire Shetler. Unable to live with his father’s bottomless grief and anger, Tom left the Amish church, ran away, and joined the Marines. Twenty-seven years later, Tom returns to Mt. Hope, Ohio, a wounded, decorated Marine helicopter pilot, and rents an apartment over Claire’s workshop. A widowed Amish midwife, Claire is struggling to support her family, and despite her unresolved anger toward Tom, she sees the money as a Godsend. She never dreams that she will end up falling in love with a battle-scarred soldier.

    As Claire and Tom fight their way through the traumas of the past, they discover the tender mercies God has hidden along the way-one of which is a loving father who has been praying for his prodigal son to come home.

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  • Healing Heart


    Mara Corazon is an uber-successful mother of three, widowed three years ago. She’s been chasing success and all the “good things in life” for her family to make up for the cruel whim God played on them by taking her husband. In an effort to be the perfect mom, she decides to make a photo memory quilt, a graduation present for her daughter, Corinn.

    She’s not yet finished when she experiences a heart attack. While Mara recuperates, she visits the choices she’s made that led to this physically and spiritually broken heart. The memory quilt must be finished in time for Corinn’s big day, but Mara struggles with her burgeoning feelings for the man who must keep Mara’s business going during her recovery, Joel Asher. Can Joel find his way into Mara’s heart and onto Corinn’s quilt?

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  • When The Morning Glory Blooms


    Becky rockes a baby that rocked her world. Sixty years earlier, with her fiance Drew in the middle of the Korean Conflict, Ivy throws herself into her work at a nursing home to keep her sanity and provide for the child Drew doesn’t know is coming. Ivy cares for Anna, an elderly patient who taxes Ivy’s listening ear until the day she suspects Anna’s tall tales are not the ramblings of dementia. They’re fragments of Anna’s disjointed memories of a remarkable life. Finding a faint thread of hope she can’t resist tugging, Ivy records Anna’s memoir, scribbling furiously after hours to keep up with the woman’s emotion-packed, grace-hemmed stories. Is Ivy’s answer buried in Anna’s past? Beck, Ivy, Anna – three women fight a tangled vine of deception in search of the blossoming simplicity of truth.

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  • Noble Groom : A Novel


    Recently widowed Analisa Weiss has the feeling her husband was murdered but can’t prove it. Alone with her young daughter in 1881 Michigan, she has six months left to finish raising the money needed to pay back the land contract her husband purchased, and the land is difficult to toil by herself. She needs a husband. With unmarried men scarce, her father sends a letter to his brother in the Old Country, asking him to find Analisa a groom.

    For nobleman Karl von Reichert, the noose of the hangman’s rope is his fate. He’s been accused and convicted of a serious crime he didn’t commit, and his only escape is to flee to a small German community in Michigan where he’ll be safe. He secures a job on Analisa’s farm but bumbles through learning about farming and manual labor.

    Analisa senses that Karl is harboring a secret about his past, yet she finds herself drawn to him anyway. He’s gentle, kind, and romantic–unlike any of the men she’s ever known. He begins to restore her faith in the ability to love–but her true groom is still on his way. And time is running out on them all.

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  • Sensible Shoes : A Story About The Spiritual Journey


    Follow the stories of four women as they are drawn into a spiritual formation journey at a retreat center: Hannah, a pastor who doesn’t realize how exhausted she is. Meg, a widow and recent empty-nester who is haunted by her past. Mara, a woman who has bounced from relationship to relationship, trying to navigate a difficult marriage. Charissa, a hard-working graduate student who wants to get things right. Written with a compelling narrative weaving their lives together, this book also takes the reader into a new understanding of key spiritual practices and offers support for those who want to travel deeper into life with God themselves. If you want to travel this journey with others, you will find a group study guide and book club resources at

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  • Katies Journey To Love


    In book two of Amish fiction author Jerry S. Eichers new Emma Raber’s Daughter series, Katie Raber’s journey of discovery continues after her mamms marriage to Jesse Mast. Drawn back from the Mennonite world briefly by the miracle of Mamm’s changed heart, Katie finds she can’t totally abandon her new Mennonite friends. Jesse’s oldest daughter, Mabel, refuses to accept Katie, creating conflict at home. Ben Yoder, the most popular boy in the community, also begins to attend the Mennonite youth gatherings in his attempt to run away from personal problems. Overjoyed at the attention Ben pays her, Katie pursues the relationship willingly. When an opportunity comes to travel with her Mennonite friends to Europe to explore the roots of the faith, Katie cant believe how much she is being blessed. Especially after a secret donor pays for the trip. While in Europe, Katie learns the truth about Ben when he is arrested. As her world comes crashing down, she finds healing in her visit to the Alps and the land where her forefathers suffered so much. She returns home determined to mend the bad feelings with Jesse’s daughter, Mabel, and to continue on the path to healing without Ben. Book two in the Emma Raber’s Daughter series.

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  • DMR 5 : The Next Generation


    The country’s going to hell in a hand basket but “Chaplain” and her young neighbor, Major, are fiercely determined to prevent that from happening. Their paths crossing is no accident in the heavenly scheme of things yet both harbor some dark secrets. As the light is shed on their darkness, it also blasts through the hearts of many young people who also hunger for a new kind of revival. A revival that raises up the next generation…the DMR-5! The author, a Vietnam Veteran Flight Nurse, former college nursing instructor, Christian schoolteacher, and volunteer Florida Army National Guard Chaplain, is currently ministering as an Associate Pastor in Tampa, FL, as well as continuing service as Chaplain (Lt Col) in the Air Force Auxiliary/Civil Air Patrol. Dr. Pugsley is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars while living out a life of service to God and country. With degrees in Nursing, Counseling and a Doctorate in Biblical Studies, she brings a multi-faceted voice to the reader. She is a lifetime member of numerous veteran and military organizations; is still an active (though much slower) athlete who has completed three triathlons, run six marathons and numerous half marathons from 1999-2012. In addition to running, Dr. Pugsley is a frequent hiker on the Appalachian Trail, facetiously remarking that she has only 1,800 miles left to finish the little dear!

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  • Kaitty Lorenz Under Siege


    Second in the Kaitty Lorenz series… Kaitty Lorenz is heartbroken at the news that her husband is being deployed for duty. While he is away, she finds herself struggling with the past events of her childhood. Overseas, Captain Edmund Lorenz encounters unforeseen tribulation as he and a group of soldiers embark on a dangerous mission. What will happen when there’s only two of them? Are Kaitty’s past and Edmund’s uncertain future connected? “Like” the page on Facebook! Search “Kaitty Lorenz Book Series” and “like” the page to keep up-to-date on new books, updates, and more!

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  • Always The Baker Finally The Bride


    In Always the Baker, Never the Bride, readers fell in love with Emma Rae and Jackson, and they’ve gotten more acquainted with them in the two books that followed.

    But now it’s time for the diamond to meet the road as Jackson fields an offer to sell The Tanglewood, a move that will uproot this high-flying family act once and for all. Get reacquainted with all of the lovable and quirky characters from the first three books as your favorite diabetic baker figures out if she’ll achieve her greatest goal of all. Will Emma, at last, become FINALLY the Bride?

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  • Cry In The Night


    Bree Nichols gets the shock of her life when her husband–presumed dead–reappears.
    Bree and her search and rescue dog Samson discover a crying infant in the densely forested woods outside Rock Harbor, Michigan. Against objections from her husband, Kade, who knows she’ll become attached, Bree takes the baby in. Quickly she begins a search for the mother–presumably the woman reported missing just days earlier.

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  • Beyond A Doubt


    SKU (ISBN): 9781401688592ISBN10: 1401688594Colleen CobleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2013Rock Harbor # 2Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Into The Deep


    SKU (ISBN): 9781401688585ISBN10: 1401688586Colleen CobleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2013Rock Harbor # 3Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Without A Trace


    SKU (ISBN): 9781401688578ISBN10: 1401688578Colleen CobleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2013Rock Harbor # 1Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Heiress Of Winterwood


    Amelia Barrett gave her word. Keeping it could cost her everything.

    Darbury, England, 1814

    Amelia Barrett, heiress to an estate nestled in the English moors, defies family expectations and promises to raise her dying friend’s infant baby. She’ll risk everything to keep her word-even to the point of proposing to the child’s father, Graham, a sea captain she’s never met.

    When the child vanishes with little more than a sketchy ransom note hinting to her whereabouts, Amelia and Graham are driven to test the boundaries of their love for this infant.

    Amelia’s detailed plans would normally see her through any trial, but now, desperate and shaken; she examines her soul and must face her one weakness: pride.

    Graham’s strength and self-control have served him well and earned him much respect, but chasing perfection has kept him a prisoner of his own discipline.

    Both must learn to accept God’s sovereignty and relinquish control so they can grasp the future He has for planned for them.

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  • Stress Test


    SKU (ISBN): 9781401687083ISBN10: 1401687083Richard MabryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2013Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Place To Belong


    As winter settles over the ranch, the Engstrom brothers are much on the mind of Cassie Lockwood. The way Lucas smiles at her should set her heart to tripping. But it doesn’t. Shouldn’t there be some attraction to him if they are going to be married? His vow to make her love him does not seem to be working, no matter how considerate and charming he is.

    Ransom Engstrom is another matter. After Cassie’s train trip to a shooting competition, she realizes she misses Ransom more than Lucas. And then there’s the look she caught Lucas sending Betsy Hudson at church one Sunday. Are she and Lucas drifting apart?

    Meanwhile, Ransom has discovered that he cares for Cassie but can’t bring himself to express his true feelings to her. When she leaves to join a Wild West show for the summer, will Ransom summon the courage to go after her?

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  • Merlins Blade


    Merlin’s Greatest Weakness Could Become His Greatest Strength When a meteorite crashes near a small village in fifth-century Britain, it brings with it a mysterious black stone that bewitches anyone who comes in contact with its glow—a power the druids hope to use to destroy King Uthur’s kingdom, as well as the new Christian faith. The only person who seems immune is a young, shy, half-blind swordsmith’s son named Merlin. As his family, village, and even the young Arthur, are placed in danger, Merlin must face his fears and his blindness to take hold of the role God ordained for him. But when he is surrounded by adversaries, armed only by a sword he’s named Excalibur, how will he save the girl he cherishes and rid Britain of this deadly evil … without losing his life?

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  • Chip Ed : They Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell Without The Mark Revelation


    Chip’ed is a fictional look into our near future based on Bible prophecy, and current events in our world today. The RFID chip is going to be a part of the new health care plan. Chip’ed is a story about a group of church members and what they will go through because of this chip. It’s time to warn everyone, the CHIP is coming!

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  • Threads Of Hope


    Passed over for promotion and dumped by her boyfriend, Nina O’Malley is further frustrated when her editor assigns her one of the “soft” stories she despises–covering a gala benefit supporting the AIDS Memorial. More determined than ever to prove she deserves a promotion to the NY office, Nina decides to write a series featuring the benefit and a local quilting group raising money for AIDs research, not that she cares about any of it, but her editor does. And if she has to pretend she’s interested, she will.

    Reluctantly, she goes to the benefit, only to find Greg, her high school crush, there, creating yet another awkward, socially embarrassing situation where he is involved. She comes to learn Greg is widowed and is involved with the quilting group because he and his wife adopted Jazarah, an HIV positive daughter from Ethiopia. Greg, unlike Nina, has faith in a loving God, and he trusts in God’s plan for his life.

    Greg and Nina grow closer, and as Nina interviews the quilt families, she begins to question the choices she made in her life and her lack of faith. Nina suddenly finds herself facing two possible dreams, two paths for her life.

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  • Grave Consequences : A Novel


    The Powerful, Epic Romance Continues

    For Cora Kensington, the journey of a lifetime takes unexpected twists. And her future–her very life–depends on the decisions she’ll make at each crossroad. As her European tour with her newfound family takes her through Austria, France, and Italy, an unseen enemy trails close behind. Meanwhile, a forbidden love continues to claim her heart, putting everyone’s plans in danger. And as Cora stays one step ahead of it all, what might need the most protection is her own heart, torn between the dramatic pursuit of a dashing Frenchman and a man who has been quietly staking claim to her affections all along. Love has dangers all its own. She must escape the bonds of the past and discover the faith to make the right choices, as each one has grave consequences.

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  • Icecutters Daughter (Reprinted)


    Merrill Krause longs for a family of her own, but she’s bound by a promise to her dying mother to care for her father and older brothers until they no longer need her. She enjoys being part of the family business, harvesting ice during the brutal Minnesota winters. Merrill actively takes part, possessing a keen ability to work with the horses–despite the advice of her good friend, who disapproves of her unladylike behavior.

    When Rurik Jorgenson arrives in their small town to join his uncle doing carpentry, he soon crosses paths with Merrill. But unlike other men, who are often frightened away by her older brothers, Rurik isn’t intimidated by them or by Merrill’s strength and lack of femininity. As he thrives under the mentorship of his uncle, Rurik dreams of inheriting the business and claiming Merrill as his wife. But while he is determined to start a new life, the past is determined to follow him when his former fiancee and her brother show up in town. Soon Rurik is put in the center of a major scandal that may damage his relationship with Merrill. Can they learn to trust God–and each other–and embrace the promise of love?

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  • When Jesus Wept


    Lazarus occupies a surprising position in the Gospel accounts. Widely known as the man Jesus raised from the dead, his story is actually much broader and richer than that. Living as he did at Bethany, near Jerusalem, Lazarus was uniquely placed to witness the swirl of events around Jesus. When Jesus Wept, the first novel in The Jerusalem Chronicles series by bestselling authors Bodie and Brock Thoene, unfolds the turbulent times in Judea during Jesus’ ministry, centering on the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus. With rich insights from vineyard owners and vine dressers, the Thoenes explore the metaphor of Jesus as the True Vine, harvesting the ancient secrets found in the Old Testament. Weaving the life of Lazarus, who owned a vineyard, into the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ will help you understand it is the hand of Love Divine that holds the knife, that cuts and breaks with such tender and loving touch, and that we who have born some fruit, after the pruning, can bear much more.

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  • Sky Beneath My Feet


    SKU (ISBN): 9781595545459UPC: 020049134559Lisa SamsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2013Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Ball The Bat And The Unforgiving Brat


    Meet Chuck, an avid baseball fan. There is only one thing that will keep Chuck out of the major leagues – his lack of talent. Following a series of events, Chuck is taught a valuable lesson about forgiveness after receiving a new baseball, bat, and glove for his birthday. Upon entrance to the park, to try out his new bat, Chuck is forced to make a choice between friendship and forgiveness. What Chuck does not realize is that with the next swing of the bat, Chuck will hit a homerun – right into the Bible Zone. Author, illustrator and experienced children’s pastor, Rich Ablondi created the Adventures In The Bible Zone series to educate children the parables and teachings of Jesus. The Ball, The Bat, And Unforgiving Brat is the second book in the series. This book shares the parable of the unforgiving servant from a perspective that every child may one day experience. Moreover, readers will learn the importance of forgiveness and the high cost God paid to redeem mankind to live with him forever.

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  • Guardian (Reprinted)


    When schoolteacher Jodi Winfield goes for a morning run, the last thing she expects is to find a disheveled little girl all alone on the side of the Pennsylvania road, clad only in her undergarments, her chubby cheeks streaked with tears. Jodi takes the preschooler home with her, intending to find out where she belongs. But Jodi is mystified when no one seems to know of a missing child, and the girl herself is no help, since she can’t speak a word of English. It’s as if the child appeared out of nowhere.

    As the days pass, Jodi becomes increasingly attached to the mysterious girl, yet she is no closer to learning her identity. Then an unexpected opportunity brings Jodi to Hickory Hollow–and into the cloistered world of the Lancaster Old Order Amish. Might the answers lie there?

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  • Swept Away (Reprinted)


    Swept away when her wagon train attempts a difficult river crossing, Ruthy MacNeil isn’t all that upset at being separated from the family who raised her. All they’ve ever done is work her to the bone. She prayed for a chance to get away, and then came the raging flood. Alive but disoriented, she’s rescued by Luke Stone…so unfortunately, there are more chances to die in her immediate future.

    Luke is heading home to reclaim the ranch stolen from his family. But the men who killed his father are working hard to ensure Luke doesn’t make it alive. He has no choice but to keep moving. Still, he can’t just abandon Ruthy, so she’ll have to come along.

    His friends–a ragtag group of former Civil War soldiers–take a fast interest in the pretty gal. Luke thinks that’s rather rude–he’s the one who found her. And the more time he spends around the hard-working young woman who is a mighty good cook, the more he finds himself thinking beyond revenge and toward a different future. For the first time in a long time, Luke is tempted to turn from his destructive path and be swept away by love.

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  • Cast Of Stones (Reprinted)


    An Epic Medieval Saga Fantasy Readers Will Love

    In the backwater village of Callowford, Errol Stone’s search for a drink is interrupted by a church messenger who arrives with urgent missives for the hermit priest in the hills. Desperate for coin, Errol volunteers to deliver them but soon finds himself hunted by deadly assassins. Forced to flee with the priest and a small band of travelers, Errol soon learns he’s joined a quest that could change the fate of his kingdom.

    Protected for millennia by the heirs of the first king, the kingdom’s dynasty is near an end and a new king must be selected. As tension and danger mount, Errol must leave behind his drunkenness and grief, learn to fight, and come to know his God in order to survive a journey to discover his destiny.

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  • Katie Opens Her Heart


    Bestselling Amish fiction author Jerry S. Eicher (nearly half a million copies sold) returns with the first book in another of his delightful and compelling series. Here is the touching story of an awakening young Amish girl, Katie Raber, who finds she wants more from life than to be known as simply Emma Raber’s daughter. Emma has refused to remarry since Katie’s daett died soon after she was born. And in an effort to keep Katie home, Emma has forbidden her from participating in the rumspringa tradition. When widower Jesse Mast calls for Mamms hand in marriage, Katie hopes to move into a new phase of life and leave the old Emma Raber’s daughter behind. But Emma is having none of it, and Katie must consider abandoning all hope of ever changing her mamms bitterness or of ever having popular Ben Yoder notice her. Out of sheer frustration, she begins attending nearby Mennonite youth gatherings. Sparks fly when Jesse’s children object fiercely to the attentions their daett is paying to Emma Raber. And widowed Ruth Hochstetler makes her own move for Jesse Masts hand. Book one in the Emma Rabers Daughter series.

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  • Survivor : A Novel


    Kariss meets Dr. Amy Garrett, who survived a brutal childhood attack in which the assailant was never found. Now Dr. Garrett wants her story written in a novel. Kariss wishes she could seek the advice of Special Agent Tigo Harris, but she broke off the relationship a few months prior and seeing him again would be too painful. She interviews Amy and conducts her own research, stepping unaware into a viper’s pit of danger. Tigo misses Kariss and wants her back, but he understands why she broke off their relationship. Instead, he concentrates on solving a car bombing and bringing the killer to justice. As Kariss’s new story attracts an onslaught of danger that she never expected, can Tigo save the woman he loves and find who wants her dead for writing about an unsolved cold-case?

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  • Moon Over Edisto


    Julia’s parents’ marriage was ruined by Marney, and now years later she’s asking for a favor! Marney, recently widowed, needs somebody to take care of her children while she’s in the hospital. Reluctantly, Julia agrees to look after them. But could it be a family secret that finally heals Julia’s shattered heart?

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  • Bitter With The Sweet


    SKU (ISBN): 9781625095770ISBN10: 1625095775J.W. WatkinsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2013Jett Blakemore # 2Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Crazy Dangerous : Do Right Fear Nothing


    Do Right, Fear Nothing. Sam Hopkins is a good kid who has fallen in with the wrong crowd. Hanging around with car thieves and thugs, Sam knows it’s only a matter of time before he makes one bad decision too many and gets into real trouble. But one day, Sam sees these thugs harassing an eccentric schoolmate named Jennifer. Finding the courage to face the bullies down, Sam loses a bad set of friends and acquires a very strange new one. Because Jennifer is not just eccentric. To Sam, she seems downright crazy. She has terrifying hallucinations involving demons, the devil, and death. And here’s the really crazy part: Sam is beginning to suspect that these visions may actually be prophecies-prophecies of something terrible that’s going to happen very soon. Unless he can stop it. With no one to believe him, with no one to help him, Sam is now all alone in a race against time. Finding the truth before disaster strikes is going to be both crazy and very, very dangerous.

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  • I Dont Have Crooked Legs


    I Don’t Have Crooked Legs tells the story of a beautiful young filly named Kit Kat, born on a wonderful place called Unwanted Farms. Everything appears to be fine until one day two other babies laugh at her, and she hears them say she has crooked legs. Their laughter and those words, “crooked legs,” leave her wanting to hide from everyone. Her mom, Cookie, shows her own imperfection to Kit Kat and sends her off on a journey of self discovery and acceptance. In her conversations with other animals on the farm, Kit Kat learns that she is very special, that she can overcome bullying, and that other people don’t determine her value.

    I Don’t Have Crooked Legs offers lessons we all need to learn.

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  • Firefly Island : A Novel


    At thirty-four, congressional staffer Mallory Hale is about to embark on an adventure completely off the map. After a whirlwind romance, she is hopelessly in love with two men–fortunately, they’re related. Daniel Everson and his little boy, Nick, are a package deal, and Mallory suddenly can’t imagine her future without them.

    Mallory couldn’t be more shocked when Daniel asks her to marry him, move to Texas, and form a family with him and motherless Nick. The idea is both thrilling and terrifying.

    Mallory takes a leap of faith and begins a sweet, mishap-filled journey into ranch living, Moses Lake society, and a marriage that at times reminds her of the mail-order-bride stories. But despite the wild adventure of her new life, she discovers secrets and questions beneath her rosy new life. Can she find answers on Firefly Island, a little chunk of property just off the lakeshore, where mysterious lights glisten at night?

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  • Captives


    One choice could destroy them all. When eighteen-year-old Levi returned from Denver City with his latest scavenged finds, he never imagined he’d find his village of Glenrock decimated, loved ones killed by enforcers, and many—including his fiancee, Jem–taken captive. Now alone, Levi is determined to rescue what remains of his people, even if it means entering the Safe Land, a walled city that seems anything but safe. Omar knows he betrayed his brother by sending him away to Denver City, but helping the enforcers was necessary. Living off the land like nomads and clinging to an outdated religion holds his village back. The Safe Land has protected people since the plague decimated the world generations ago … and its rulers have promised power and wealth beyond Omar’s dreams. Meanwhile, Jem is locked in a cell, awaiting the Safe Landers’ plan to protect their future by seizing her own. Can Levi uncover the truth hidden behind the Safe Land’s facade before it’s too late?

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  • Tutors Daughter (Reprinted)


    Emma Smallwood, determined to help her widowed father regain his spirits when his academy fails, agrees to travel with him to the distant Cornwall coast, to the cliff-top manor of a baronet and his four sons. But after they arrive and begin teaching the younger boys, mysterious things begin to happen and danger mounts. Who does Emma hear playing the pianoforte, only to find the music room empty? Who sneaks into her room at night? Who rips a page from her journal, only to return it with a chilling illustration?

    The baronet’s older sons, Phillip and Henry, wrestle with problems–and secrets–of their own. They both remember Emma Smallwood from their days at her father’s academy. She had been an awkward, studious girl. But now one of them finds himself unexpectedly drawn to her.

    When the suspicious acts escalate, can the clever tutor’s daughter figure out which brother to blame… and which brother to trust with her heart?

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  • Archon Of Babylon


    Prolific religious fiction centered on Daniel during the time of the Israelite captivity under Nebuchadnezzar; this novel has a large cast of characters that collectively demonstrates the push and pull of good and evil. While set it ancient times, the parallels to today are pertinent. Readers will be completely engrossed by each of the story lines as they intertwine up to the finale.

    * This is the kind of book that people stay up reading even though they know they need to go to sleep.

    * The Archon of Babylon is very well written, completely realistic and so detailed it reads like a movie. The audience will pull vivid images from things they have seen and will get lost in the events taking place. The author thoroughly transports them to this past era.

    * The author has read so deeply between the lines of the Bible into what every day life must have been like for Daniel and the rest of the captives at that time. The plot is ingenious, especially considering how familiar these stories are to most Christians. Readers will be totally blown away by the situations that feel like a clandestine behind-the-scenes production; they will definitely recommend this book to others and probably read it two or three times themselves.

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  • Safe In His Arms


    SKU (ISBN): 9781595549143UPC: 020049137574Colleen CobleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2013Under Texas StarsPublisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • Home In Harrison Mountain


    Come visit the small Southern town of Harrison and meet the people who live here.

    Ella struggles with the loss of her husband, but with the help of her dear friend Jackson and love from her daughter’s family, she just may overcome her sadness.

    Amy and Jessica’s friendship grows stronger as they share their day-to-day lives, working together at the school and dating two guys who are also best friends.

    Jodie faces tragedy that leads her to new beginnings.

    Richard’s career at his very prestigious law firm takes a scary turn, leading him to an unexpected new life with his wife, Kathy, by his side.

    Experience faith, love, loss, and humor in this cozy story of the everyday lives of the people of Harrison.

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  • Fairest Beauty


    A daring rescue. A difficult choice. Sophie desperately wants to get away from her stepmother’s jealousy, and believes escape is her only chance to be happy. Then a young man named Gabe arrives from Hagenheim Castle, claiming she is betrothed to his older brother, and everything twists upside down. This could be Sophie’s one chance at freedom—but can she trust another person to keep her safe?

    Gabe defied his parents Rose and Wilhelm by going to find Sophie, and now he believes they had a right to worry: the girl’s inner and outer beauty has enchanted him. Though romance is impossible—she is his brother’s future wife, and Gabe himself is betrothed to someone else—he promises himself he will see the mission through, no matter what. When the pair flee to the Cottage of the Seven, they find help—but also find their feelings for each other have grown. Now both must not only protect each other from the dangers around them—they must also protect their hearts.

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  • Angels Wings


    Tyler Reid had everything he could possibly want in life…a good job, a beautiful wife, and a six-year-old daughter who made his life complete. Then suddenly, when his life started to crumble and he was in danger of losing everything that was important to him, he made a decision that would change the lives of everyone he loved.

    Tyler Reid needed a miracle, yet he didn’t believe he was worthy of a miracle. That is, until he met the angel.

    “An Angel’s Wings” is an inspirational story about love and of God’s greatest gift. It is a story about priorities…and a story about miracles.

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  • Wednesdays Child


    A Romantic Suspense for Every Day of the Week Wednesday’s Child grieves for his soul… Liam Page, school teacher and ex-missionary, is a man with a secret agenda. Revenge. But when he says it with flowers, and accidentally drenches a woman who just happens to be the school’s landscape architect, he may have found a light in his darkness. After an abusive relationship, Jacqui Dorne prefers work to men. It’s safer. But Liam Page with his boyish charm and wounded soul, manages to change her preferences. Has God led her to Liam to help him heal? When their growing relationship is marred by the reappearance of Jacqui’s ex-boyfriend, they find themselves suddenly embroiled in a series of dangerous events which leads them to Africa and has them fighting for both love and life.

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  • Whispers On Shadow Bay


    Ejected from her privileged life, Rosetta comes to Noble Island with a broken heart and shaken faith. She is enticed by hope in the arms of the dark and brooding Simon Hale, but people keep dying at Shadow Bay Hall, and Rosetta hears something in the walls. Simon Hale finds the reclusive Rosetta both beautiful and intriguing, but when she seeks out the truth behind Shadow Bay Hall’s unexplained happenings, he is torn between hope for the future and his need to protect a dangerous secret. With dark forces determined to keep truth at bay, Rosetta and Simon fight to uncover lies that imprison the island with fear. His wife’s death, tangled memories, a Romany feud, Rosetta must decide if she is strong enough to discover what’s behind The Whispers on Shadow Bay.

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  • Ruthie


    Eleven-year-old Ruthie has been placed into a children’s home, due to her mother’s illness. She is a girl with a strong and loving heart, even though she was abandoned by her father when she was just a baby. While in the home, Ruthie longs to be reunited with her mother and finds it hard to adjust to life in the home. Pamela, who is thirteen, makes friends with Ruthie, which makes living in the home a lot easier. Then Ruthie meets Joe, who is 12 years old, and discovers that he has plans to run away. This idea is very interesting to Ruthie. She has many adventures with Pamela, Joe and other children in the home, all under the watchful eyes of Miss Johnson, the head matron, and overseer. During this time, with the supervision of a friendly social worker, Mrs. Teaman, she is allowed to visit with her mother and an ailing old aunt, who lives in a rest home. She accidentally finds out, from this aunt, that she has living grandparents. Her mother had never told her of them, because they were her father’s parents. Ruthie finds out where they live and writes them a letter, which results in some life changing events for herself, and her mother.

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  • Secretly Smitten : Love Changes Everything


    While visiting their mother for Sunday dinner, sisters Tess, Zoe, and Clare Thomas discover a pair of dog tags belonging to their grandmother’s first love—and determine to find this man and reunite the couple. But will the four Thomas women also be smitten by their own men along the way?

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  • To Honor And Trust


    Callie DeBoyer is unsettled as she arrives at Bridal Veil Island with the Bridgeport family. She’s just received a letter from her parents, missionaries in coastal Africa, stating they are in dire need of more personnel. Should Callie give up her governess job and join her parents in their important work? Is God calling her to the mission field, or does she just want to escape the emotional scars of being jilted by her former beau?

    When she enrolls young Thomas Bridgeport in golf lessons, Callie meets Wesley Townsend, who urges Callie to take lessons, as well. During their time at the golf course, Callie comes to care for Wesley–until she discovers hidden secrets about his past.

    Then expensive jewels go missing from various homes on the island, and suspicion is aimed in Callie’s direction. As the investigation continues, Callie wonders if she should escape it all by going to Africa. After the secrets he kept about his past, will Wesley ever be a man she can honor and trust for the rest of her life?

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  • Though Mountains Fall


    Amish pacifism is sorely tested in the Paradise Valley settlement in the 1920s. When an army of bandits descends on them, the Amish are saved by the last-minute arrival of government troops. But they soon learn that soldiers can be as cruel as the bandits themselves. Then a bishop travels to Mexico, and Caleb’s daughters are finally able to marry, though the ban still looms for Miriam even as her beloved Domingo decides he must go off to fight in the coming war. As Caleb’s frail hope of peace and freedom in Mexico slips away, he is left to ponder the question: In times of trouble, on whom should we rely?

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  • Moving Prison : A Novel


    The year is 1979 and Ezra Solaiman and his family are trapped in a country in turmoil. Their homeland is increasingly ruled by Islamic fundamentalists who are becoming a law unto themselves. The Solaimans plan their escape only to have Ezra captured and imprisoned on trumped-up charges. Unsure just who his enemies are, Ezra is desperate for a way out-out of prison, out of Iran, out of the chaos his life has become. The Moving Prison is a riveting tale of revolution and revelation, of failure … and faith.

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  • Come To The Table


    Kat is new in her faith and she’s embraced the more radical implications of Christianity with reckless abandon. She invited Rochelle, a homeless mother, and her son to move into the apartment she shares with two other housemates. An unexpected reunion takes place and life grows more complicated in every direction with Kat’s vibrant spirit. From getting the brain child to start a new food pantry at Souledout Community church to her budding feelings for her roommate, Nick, an intern pastor at Souledout, Kat life is a whirlwind of ups and downs, as she tries to listen to God and find the path He has directed for her.

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  • Amish Kitchen : Three Sweet Stories To Nourish Your Soul


    New stories from three best-selling Amish fiction authors.

    A Recipe for Hope-Eve Bender and her family are forced to move in with her parents for two months while the house is being repaired. Not an easy task-loading up husband and three teenage boys in their rumschpringe to grandma and grandpa’s house. Eve and Benjamin have been raising their children according to the Ordnung, but they’ve also allowed some liberties that Eve is certain will create some friction. Can peace reside in this house of old and new?

    A Spoonful of Love-Hannah King is determined to prove that she can run the Paradise Inn Bed & Breakfast and take care of her parents without anyone else’s help. But when Stephen Esh, a bachelor from Sugarcreek, Ohio, comes to stay, can Hannah see past her stubbornness to find true love brewing in her kitchen?

    A Taste of Grace-Amish herbalist, Deborah “Fern” Zook knows that life began in a garden; she just wishes God would plant a suitable man in her life. When the handsome and brooding Abram Fisher arrives at her door with a sick child in his arms, it seems as though Fern has gotten her wish, but how do two different personalities entwine to grow a faithful love?

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  • Knitting Fairy : A Crabapple Yarns Mystery


    The Knitting Fairy is about a dejected librarian turned novice knitter who finds herself caught in a mysterious knitting scandal. The cast of variegated characters will keep you laughing as the intricately woven chain of events unwinds. The mystery will have you hooked all the way to the end.

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  • Way To Be A Winner


    Everyone wants to be a winner, right? But what does that mean? Join Little Tommy in The Way to Be a Winner, the second book in the Little Tommy seven-book series, as he learns how to be a winner in God’s eyes. Little Tommy is just like every other five-year-old who yearns to be a winner. And with the help of his parents and basketball coach, Little Tommy learns that he is a real winner every time he plays on God’s team and uses his special talents to work together, help others, and honor God.

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  • Crater


    A Helium-3 miner named Crater makes a treacherous journey through space to find a mysterious and priceless treasure.

    It’s the 22nd Century and a tough, pioneering people are mining the moon to produce energy for a desperate, war-torn Earth. Crater, an orphan, loves his life in Moontown, a frontier mining settlement. Not quite sixteen-years-old, he is already a seasoned Helium-3 miner with hopes to be a foreman on the scrapes someday.

    But the man who owns the mine has a different plan for Crater and another orphan, a young girl with a violent past named Souza. With Souza and his gillie-a sentient and sometimes insubordinate clump of slime-mold cells-Crater must venture forth on a forbidding river of dust. Together, they’ll cross the hostile Lunar terrain before vaulting in to the far reaches of space. Danger, adventure, and discovery await them as Crater, the gillie, and Souza use their wits and courage to find a mysterious treasure.

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  • Welcome Back To Pie Town


    Lynne Hinton of Friendship Cake fame delighted readers everywhere when she invited them to experience the simple joys and small triumphs of the endearing residents of Pie Town-a tiny New Mexico community once renowned for its unsurpassable baked desserts. And now, Welcome Back to Pie Town for a second slice of small-town life, as sweet and tasty as the first. The recently rejuvenated Pie Town is a tiny speck of heaven on earth for most of its inhabitants, but not for one recently returned veteran of the war in Afghanistan, who now feels ill at ease and out of place-and it will take the love of a good woman and the support of the whole town to truly bring him back home again. As an extra added treat, Welcome Back to Pie Town features recipes from the novel…for mouth-watering pies, of course.

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  • Secret Of Cibola


    SKU (ISBN): 9781624198779ISBN10: 1624198775J.W. WatkinsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2012Jett Blakemore # 1Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Love And Fury


    The mystery of true love is unveiled by characters who are often not what they seem to be in this romantic adventure of war and rescue. A kingdom, once Faithland, is enshrouded by a Rogue who has ousted his older sister, Grace, true heir to the throne. Yet is she still alive and productive within the forest? Her cousin, Prince Peter, a fine young prince-knight from Heartland, is on a quest to rescue his beloved Cassandra and the other female serfs from the ruthless clutches of this Rogue’s dark knights, who have turned from following the chivalry code. He fights his own father, who has succumbed to this darkness. The torment of love and hate within him ignite in one single flame toward the ancient truth and a friend whose maps may just be the answer to finding the helpless. This friend has been taken captive by his father, and the maps, where are they to be found?

    This merchant/mason, Jacob Santoro, a Jewish man from Venice, has throughout the past twenty years taught and shared civilization with all people in the lands past the Frankish Sea. Though he could have afforded to stay safe and satisfied in the refinement of Venice, he chooses to return, year after year. On this last adventure, he loses everything, including that which is most precious to him: his teenage daughter, Tirzah. She is kidnapped with the female workers of the fields.

    A dying dragon and commoners most valiant and loyal to true nobility take back their freedom with the help of a very humble hermit whom nobody even seems to notice.

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  • Love And Fury


    The mystery of true love is unveiled by characters who are often not what they seem to be in this romantic adventure of war and rescue. A kingdom, once Faithland, is enshrouded by a Rogue who has ousted his older sister, Grace, true heir to the throne. Yet is she still alive and productive within the forest? Her cousin, Prince Peter, a fine young prince-knight from Heartland, is on a quest to rescue his beloved Cassandra and the other female serfs from the ruthless clutches of this Rogue’s dark knights, who have turned from following the chivalry code. He fights his own father, who has succumbed to this darkness. The torment of love and hate within him ignite in one single flame toward the ancient truth and a friend whose maps may just be the answer to finding the helpless. This friend has been taken captive by his father, and the maps, where are they to be found?

    This merchant/mason, Jacob Santoro, a Jewish man from Venice, has throughout the past twenty years taught and shared civilization with all people in the lands past the Frankish Sea. Though he could have afforded to stay safe and satisfied in the refinement of Venice, he chooses to return, year after year. On this last adventure, he loses everything, including that which is most precious to him: his teenage daughter, Tirzah. She is kidnapped with the female workers of the fields.

    A dying dragon and commoners most valiant and loyal to true nobility take back their freedom with the help of a very humble hermit whom nobody even seems to notice.

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  • Voices In The Wilderness


    Jack Davidson has all the experience he needs for any survival situation-or so he thinks. As he prepares to instruct his next basic navigation course on Seeley’s Mountain, he is unaware of the evil tracking toward his wilderness destination that will change everything.

    His students are expecting a pleasant getaway from their high-pressure lives in the city. Their weekend will soon turn to terror and put their rudimentary survival skills to the test.
    Residents of this backwoods region and visitors alike are thrust together while they battle the elements, the terrain, and the malevolent force within an escalating storm. As suspicions build and lives are compromised by the pervading darkness on Seeley’s Mountain, they soon turn to and against each other and learn more than they ever expected.

    Who will they trust as events spiral out of control, and who will survive?

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  • Voices In The Wilderness


    Jack Davidson has all the experience he needs for any survival situation-or so he thinks. As he prepares to instruct his next basic navigation course on Seeley’s Mountain, he is unaware of the evil tracking toward his wilderness destination that will change everything.

    His students are expecting a pleasant getaway from their high-pressure lives in the city. Their weekend will soon turn to terror and put their rudimentary survival skills to the test.
    Residents of this backwoods region and visitors alike are thrust together while they battle the elements, the terrain, and the malevolent force within an escalating storm. As suspicions build and lives are compromised by the pervading darkness on Seeley’s Mountain, they soon turn to and against each other and learn more than they ever expected.

    Who will they trust as events spiral out of control, and who will survive?

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  • Marriage Of The Heart


    Three Kelly Long Amish novellas-available for the first time in one collection.

    Christmas Cradles-When Anna takes over for her aunt, the local midwife, Christmas night heats up with multiple deliveries, three strangers’ quilts, and unexpected help from the handsome, brooding Asa Lapp.

    A Marriage of the Heart-Since her mother’s death, Abigail Kauffman has lived alone with her father. She longs to escape the emptiness of the farmhouse that has never felt like home. Joseph Lambert is a newcomer in their close-knit community. Only after suddenly marrying do they begin to understand the tender truths of life-long love.

    A Perfect Secret-Rose’s betrothed, Luke, is safe and dependable-maybe a little too safe. Or so she thought, until she ran into him into the woods one night and learned there was more to him than she ever suspected. Now his secret haunts her. She wasn’t sure about marrying a man she knew too well. But should she marry a man she doesn’t understand at all?

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  • Souls Gate


    Reece Roth once was able to step into the supernatural world and see things with stunning clarity. But that was decades ago—before the enemy destroyed his family. Now God has chosen four people to change the world and appointed Reece to train them. But will they be able to overcome the evil one’s relentless pursuit?

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  • Amish By Accident


    Luke Beiler has loved Elisabeth Schrock for as long as he can remember and is looking forward to the day they both join their Amish church so they can marry. Elisabeth, however, chafes under the church rules and flees to the Englisch world leaving Luke heart broken. When an accident leaves Brianna Mitchell with amnesia, she feels helplessly lost. What will happen when she is mistaken for Elisabeth Schrock and taken home to Paradise, Pennsylvania? Inspirational Christian Fiction.

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  • Jacks Carousel : Can Love Overcome Deep Prejudice


    Jack Emerson is proud of his old-fashioned scruples. After retirement in the mid-1980s, his life settles into a peaceful routine centered around carving wooden horses. He thinks nothing can send his life spinning off its comfortable course-until his teenage grandson challenges Jack’s staunch beliefs.

    “Granpop, can I live with you?”

    Jack Emerson lives by the Ten Commandments and doesn’t think allowing Scott, a teenager, under his roof is part of God’s job description for a widower who is content in retirement. But his grandson is miserable, and Jack loves him. Scott moves in, shrouded in unanswered questions. Who inflicted the wound on Scott’s back? Why won’t he talk about his parents? Who is he afraid of in school and why?

    An unexpected romance with a vibrant woman he meets at the Carousel gives Jack a welcome respite from his worries.

    Then Scott reveals that he’s gay.

    Jack is stunned and repulsed. The boy’s parents are mired in their own problems and are no help for Jack. He feels as though his life is spinning like a merry-go-round out of control. The master craftsman who carves exquisite wooden carousel ponies cannot carve away his family’s problems. Nikolas, his best friend, counsels faith, trust, and patience. But Jack wants resolution now. Scott must change. Surely God does not want Jack to accept the boy’s homosexual lifestyle. Does He? Can love and faith overcome deep-seated prejudice?

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  • Jacks Carousel : Can Love Overcome Deep Prejudice


    Jack Emerson is proud of his old-fashioned scruples. After retirement in the mid-1980s, his life settles into a peaceful routine centered around carving wooden horses. He thinks nothing can send his life spinning off its comfortable course-until his teenage grandson challenges Jack’s staunch beliefs.

    “Granpop, can I live with you?”

    Jack Emerson lives by the Ten Commandments and doesn’t think allowing Scott, a teenager, under his roof is part of God’s job description for a widower who is content in retirement. But his grandson is miserable, and Jack loves him. Scott moves in, shrouded in unanswered questions. Who inflicted the wound on Scott’s back? Why won’t he talk about his parents? Who is he afraid of in school and why?

    An unexpected romance with a vibrant woman he meets at the Carousel gives Jack a welcome respite from his worries.

    Then Scott reveals that he’s gay.

    Jack is stunned and repulsed. The boy’s parents are mired in their own problems and are no help for Jack. He feels as though his life is spinning like a merry-go-round out of control. The master craftsman who carves exquisite wooden carousel ponies cannot carve away his family’s problems. Nikolas, his best friend, counsels faith, trust, and patience. But Jack wants resolution now. Scott must change. Surely God does not want Jack to accept the boy’s homosexual lifestyle. Does He? Can love and faith overcome deep-seated prejudice?

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  • I Have Grown In His Love


    One method of enjoying reading the Bible is to live the events as one reads them by becoming an observer or a participant in those events. In this novel, the author became “James,” the lad who was carrying five loaves of bread and two fish which Jesus blessed to feed over five thousand people. From that perspective, he followed James’s growth in love of Jesus Christ. Through listening to Jesus’ teachings, observing His miraculous deeds, following Him on the way to the cross, and hearing the news of His resurrection from the dead, James developed his understanding of who Jesus is. First, he thought of Him as a prophet, the Messiah, and finally he believed that He is the Son of God. At a mature age, James wrote his memoirs, from the first time he met Jesus, to the time he was preparing to leave on his first missionary trip to preach the Way. Although the miracle of feeding the crowd happened almost one year before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the novel is developed to present to the reader other important events that happened prior to that miracle. Prophecies of the Old Testament were incorporated in the body of the story as they were being fulfilled. The Bible events in the novel are real. James is an imaginary figure whom the author followed in his growth in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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  • I Have Grown In His Love


    One method of enjoying reading the Bible is to live the events as one reads them by becoming an observer or a participant in those events. In this novel, the author became “James,” the lad who was carrying five loaves of bread and two fish which Jesus blessed to feed over five thousand people. From that perspective, he followed James’s growth in love of Jesus Christ. Through listening to Jesus’ teachings, observing His miraculous deeds, following Him on the way to the cross, and hearing the news of His resurrection from the dead, James developed his understanding of who Jesus is. First, he thought of Him as a prophet, the Messiah, and finally he believed that He is the Son of God. At a mature age, James wrote his memoirs, from the first time he met Jesus, to the time he was preparing to leave on his first missionary trip to preach the Way. Although the miracle of feeding the crowd happened almost one year before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, the novel is developed to present to the reader other important events that happened prior to that miracle. Prophecies of the Old Testament were incorporated in the body of the story as they were being fulfilled. The Bible events in the novel are real. James is an imaginary figure whom the author followed in his growth in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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  • In His Providence


    Family life in Germany during World War I brings dramatic hardships, loss, and bitterness to Helga, as her family faces diminishing pride in their homeland and fear concerning the future. The story of Providence offers an account of their journey and an historical view of Germany and the United States from pre-World War I to World War II. Despite humanity’s misanthropic actions and insecurities, Helga is led to trust that the world can be transformed. Between the covers of this book, providence is not defined; it is exemplified.

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  • In His Providence


    Family life in Germany during World War I brings dramatic hardships, loss, and bitterness to Helga, as her family faces diminishing pride in their homeland and fear concerning the future. The story of Providence offers an account of their journey and an historical view of Germany and the United States from pre-World War I to World War II. Despite humanity’s misanthropic actions and insecurities, Helga is led to trust that the world can be transformed. Between the covers of this book, providence is not defined; it is exemplified.

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  • Matchmakers Of Butternut Creek


    A traumatic experience as a college freshman has left Gussie Milton ‘once bitten, twice shy.’ Although she’d like a relationship, she’s frightened, so she’s thrown herself into caring for her aging parents, her photography business, and her church. In the eyes of Miss Birdie and her friend Mercedes, aka ‘the Widows,’ Gussie would make their young pastor the perfect wife. And though the attraction proves mutual, first Gussie’s past and then the pastor’s hopes for the future threaten to keep them apart. Can the Widows’ meddling be the catalyst that changes the couple’s lives forever?

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  • Sugar Fork : A Novel


    In the Great Smoky Mountains wilderness in 1926, Nate Randolph and his five daughters struggle to maintain their farm, forests, family, and faith after the death of his wife, Callie. To make matters worse, they are battling a menacing business and an evil company manager trying to pilfer their land and raze their forest.

    Sixteen-year-old Abbie Randolph falls in love for the first time while trying to mother her sisters and work with her father to save their family farm. At the same time, she has to preserve her own faith, which wavers after the death of her mother and the senseless murder of her fianci. Will the family survive intact? Will the farm be saved? Only a miracle could make it happen.

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  • Twice Promised : A Novel


    Seeing how successful her older sister’s “mail order marriage” has been and longing to strike out on her own, Greta Olsen answers an ad for a mail order bride in Central City, Colorado. But when she meets Jess Gifford, owner of a thriving mercantile, she begins to harbor doubts. He didn’t place the ad to begin with and his business in a busy mining town leaves him little time or energy for love. To compound her troubles, she was not the only bride to answer the ad! Will either bride strike the match she hopes for?

    Filled with amusing and awkward situations that will keep the reader interested and guessing, Twice Promised is another sweet romance from Maggie Brendan.

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  • Full Disclosure (Reprinted)


    Ann Silver is a cop’s cop. As the Midwest Homicide Investigator, she is called in to help local law enforcement on the worst of cases, looking for answers to murder. Hers is one of the region’s most trusted investigative positions.

    Paul Falcon is the FBI’s top murder cop in the Midwest. If the victim carried a federal badge or had a security clearance, odds are good Paul and his team see the case file or work the murder.

    Their lives intersect when Ann arrives to pass a case off her desk and onto his. A car wreck and a suspicious death offer a lead on a hired shooter he is tracking. Paul isn’t expecting to meet someone, the kind that goes on the personal side of the ledger, but Ann Silver has his attention.

    The better he gets to know her, the more Paul realizes her job barely scratches the surface of who she is. She knows spies and soldiers and U.S. Marshals, and has written books about them. She is friends with the former Vice President. People with good reason to be cautious about who they let into their lives deeply trust her. Paul wonders just what secrets Ann is keeping, until she shows him the John Doe Killer case file, and he starts to realize just who this lady he is falling in love with really is…

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  • Josiah For President


    When former Congressman Mark Stedman throws in the towel on his presidential campaign, his only choice is to return to his home state and decide how to spend the rest of his life … until he meets Josiah Stoltzfus, an Amish farmer from Pennsylvania. Stedman learns more from Josiah in a few hours than in his many years in office. He comes to the conclusion that someone like Josiah should be running the country. Not a career politician, but someone with a little old-fashioned common sense, someone who’s not afraid of rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty. Someone like Josiah Stoltzfus. Using his old campaign headquarters for a base, Mark Stedman determines to introduce a new candidate to America. He pledges to do everything in his power to make sure Josiah gets elected. But can a plain man of faith turn the tide of politics and become the leader of America, and what will he have to risk to do it?

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  • To Whisper Her Name


    Olivia Aberdeen, destitute widow of a murdered carpetbagger, gratefully accepts an invitation from ‘Aunt’ Elizabeth Harding, mistress of Belle Meade Plantation and the dearest friend of Olivia’s late mother. Expecting to be the Harding’s housekeeper, Olivia is disillusioned once again when she learns the real reason why Elizabeth’s husband, Confederate General William Giles Harding, agreed to her coming. Caring for an ill Aunt Elizabeth, Olivia is caught off guard by her feelings for Ridley Adam Cooper, a southern-born son who—unbeknownst to her and everyone else—fought for the Union. Determined to learn ‘the gift’ that Belle Meade’s head horse trainer, Bob Green, possesses, Ridley is a man desperate to end the war still raging inside him while harboring secrets that threaten his life. As Ridley seeks to make peace within himself for ‘betraying’ the South he loved, Olivia is determined to never be betrayed again… Set within the remarkable history of Nashville’s historic Belle Meade Plantation, comes a story about enslavement and freedom, arrogance and humility, and the power of love to heal even the deepest of wounds.

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  • America Under Attack


    What if World War II Germany had developed long range bombers that could reach the U.S.? How would that have changed the war in Europe and especially here at home?

    In this exciting new novel, a shockingly unprepared New York City is attacked only months after Pearl Harbor. As shock waves reverberate through the press and White House, the home front defenders scramble to prepare. When will the next attack happen? Where will they strike?

    Crack Army pilot Major Joel Knight is assigned to a training base, frustrating his ambitions to fight in Europe. Suddenly, he is thrust into a desperate defense of America’s cities with obsolete airplanes and untested tactics. With help from a beautiful school teacher, he must prevent a diabolical attack on America’s secret atomic labs at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

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  • Dancing From The Shadows


    Successful businesswoman Tori St. John is haunted by the verse “From whom much is given, much is required”. Poised at the glass ceiling with sledgehammer in hand, Tori decides to do something with real impact. She and her husband Phillip adopt two children from a Bulgarian orphanage. At five, Lydia is sugar-coated dynamite. Two-year-old Gabe avoids eye contact, prefers a silver bowl over shiny new toys and fears the vacuum cleaner. His diagnosis of autism leaves Tori depressed, obsessed with helping her son and angry at God. She adores her quirky, charming son, but what will his future be like if Tori can’t free him? Tori plunges into the special-needs world with the vigor that made her a business diva. This time the stakes are critical. As she struggles with Gabe’s disability, Tori’s world unravels. School’s not working for Gabe, their church rejects him, Lydia’s resentment escalates and a sultry co-worker is after Phillip. As she battles to save her family, Tori must learn how to balance a life she can’t control and embrace a different concept of normal.

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  • Trouble With Cowboys


    Annie refuses to fall for a sweet-talking cowboy. But when her boss throws her a curveball, there’s only one person who can help. Annie Stevens is the premier horse trainer in Moose Creek, Montana, and writes a horse advice column to help put her little sister through college and to support her young nephew. Money’s tight, so when the vexing Dylan Dawson needs assistance with a blinded horse, it’s not easy to turn down the extra cash. But turn it down she must, for her own sanity.

    Then Annie’s editor tells her she must change her column to a lovelorn column. Annie-who’s never been in love-knows she needs help fast. And no one is more qualified for the job, unfortunately, than the smooth-talking, lady-charming Dylan Dawson.

    Tension builds as they work together on both projects. As Annie’s life begins falling apart around her, she realizes she needs to let God have control, and she fights to put aside her prejudice toward cowboys-no easy task with Dylan’s unwavering attention. The last thing she needs is to fall for a man who would only break her heart. And she knows he will because that is the trouble with cowboys.

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  • Roxanne And The Healer


    Roxanne and the Healer is a tale about the bond we all feel when we learn to love, trust, forgive, and open our hearts to healing.

    It is the adventures of a homeless man, a dog of many personalities, and a time in history when trust was a very difficult thing to do, but through a series of adventures, and difficult times, and some very scary trials, they come full circle and find something more precious than anything they ever dreamed!

    As you read this book, I know that you will laugh, cry, and enjoy every adventure, and maybe even see your pet or a little of yourself in the characters of this story, as I did in the writing this tale of the heart!

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  • Flight Of Fancy


    Cassandra Bainbridge has twice set aside her scholarly pursuits–once for the London Season and once for her wedding preparations. Love seems a wonderful alternative to study, until disaster strikes. When an accident brings an end to her betrothal, she heads for the country to recover from both her injuries and her broken heart. There she pursues her love for ballooning and envisions a future for herself as a daring aeronaut. But when her former fiance slips back into her life, what course will she choose.

    Filled with the mystique of London society and the charming beauty of the English countryside, A Flight of Fancy explores what it means to find the true source of happiness and love amid the distractions of life. Readers will love the next installment in this rousing Regency series from accomplished author Laurie Alice Eakes.

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  • When A Heart Stops (Reprinted)


    Spunky and outgoing, nothing much bothers medical examiner Serena Hopkins–except for the thought of falling in love again. But when a serial killer is picking off her former classmates, Serena’s life becomes intertwined with her old high school crush, FBI agent Dominic Allen. Is the secret she’s keeping putting her next on the killer’s hit list? Can she trust Dominic with the truth before it’s too late?

    Intense, emotional, and fast-paced, When a Heart Stops will have readers up late as they race to the finish to find out what happens.

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  • Hobbit : 75th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Respectable, comfort-loving Bilbo Baggins has no use for adventures—until Gandalf the Wizard “volunteers” him to lead a dragon-defying, cross-country treasure hunt! The beloved prequel to The Lord of the Rings.

    75th Anniversary Edition with illustrations by Tolkien.

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  • Jackson Jones Book 2


    You never know where your story will take you. All Jackson had to do was clean the pool. One simple task. It would have been simple, anyway, if that freak storm hadn’t come from nowhere and carried him away. Now Jackson is trapped in the branches of a massive tree, and he can’t find a way out. While he wanders, he meets a flesh-eating hound named Muffin, a hen who wears too much makeup, a million angry squirrels, and a Troll with nose hair down to there. Before Jackson can go home, he’ll have to discover the great task the Author has planned for him and learn what it really means to put down roots.

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  • Eyes Of The Master


    As the Bible is the book of preference for me, I began to wonder what brought the people in the Scriptures to the place where they met the Master. The stories mostly wrote themselves. The hardest person to write about was the demonic from Gadarene. How does a person become so demon-possessed? Why does Jesus say to some, stop sinning? What did they do? They were more than likely doing the same things we are doing today.

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  • Eyes Of The Master


    As the Bible is the book of preference for me, I began to wonder what brought the people in the Scriptures to the place where they met the Master. The stories mostly wrote themselves. The hardest person to write about was the demonic from Gadarene. How does a person become so demon-possessed? Why does Jesus say to some, stop sinning? What did they do? They were more than likely doing the same things we are doing today.

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  • J.R.R. Tolkien 4 Book Boxed Set





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  • Strangers Next Door


    Christians in the West are living among some of the least-reached people groups in the world and have the unprecedented opportunity to share the gospel with them. Here J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of human migration to the West and discusses how the Western church ought to respond.

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  • Loves Reckoning : A Novel


    On a bitter December day in 1785, Silas Ballantyne arrives at the door of master blacksmith Liege Lee in York, Pennsylvania. Just months from becoming a master blacksmith himself, Silas is determined to finish his apprenticeship and move west. But Liege soon discovers that Silas is a prodigious worker and craftsman and endeavors to keep him in Lancaster. Silas becomes interested in both of Liege’s daughters, the gentle and faith-filled Eden and the clever and high-spirited Elspeth. When he chooses one, will the other’s jealousy destroy their love?

    In this sweeping family saga set in western Pennsylvania, one man’s choices in love and work, in friends and enemies, set the stage for generations to come. Love’s Reckoning is the first entry in The Ballantyne Legacy, a rich, multi-layered historical quartet from talented writer Laura Frantz, beginning in the late 1700s and following the Ballantyne family through the end of the Civil War.

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  • Susannas Christmas Wish


    From the pen of bestselling Amish fiction author Jerry Eicher, (more than 350,000 books sold), comes a truly delightful and inspiring Christmas novella. Fans will be delighted by this peek at an Amish Christmas, complete with the romantic wish of Susanna Byler to spend the holidays with the man of her dreams.

    But who is the man of her dreams? Is it the competent but plain Amishman she married for convenience – or is it her first love an Englisha man with whom she has recently had an unexpected encounter and who wants her back in his life? A perfect holiday delight for lovers of Amish fiction and those who love a heartwarming and tender Christmas tale.

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  • House Of Mercy


    When Beth’s world falls apart, can she ever be whole again?

    Beth has a gift of healing-which is why she wants to become a vet and help her family run their fifth-generation cattle ranch. Her father’s dream of helping men in trouble and giving them a second chance is her dream too. But it only takes one foolish decision for Beth to destroy it all.

    Beth scrambles to redeem her mistake, pleading with God for help, even as a mystery complicates her life. The repercussions grow more unbearable-a lawsuit, a death, a divided family, and the looming loss of everything she cares about. Beth’s only hope is to find the grandfather she never knew and beg for his help. Confused, grieving, and determined to make amends, she embarks on a horseback journey across the mountains, guided by a wild, unpredictable wolf who may or may not be real.

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  • Song Of The Brokenhearted


    Ava’s life is full of great things. Her daughter is getting married to just the right guy, her husband’s company has kept them financially thriving for years, her son is a freshman in high school, playing football and doing well, and the ministry she started is keeping her busy as she reaches out to those with “broken hearts.”

    Then it all falls apart. Ava’s safe world becomes unanchored, and she is forced to face the childhood she’s run away from her entire life. Just as she’s trying to sift through the pieces, the doorbell rings and Ava is confronted with the surprise of her life.

    Ava must set out on a journey that takes her back home-something Ava hasn’t done in twenty years. As she travels across the state of Texas, strangers offer her kindness and remind her of the meaning of hope and forgiveness.

    It is in this journey back that Ava discovers God in a new way. She sees she’s been hiding her brokenness behind good deeds and a safe life. Learning what it means to lose it all is just the start of Ava’s journey – as is the new song God is writing on her heart.

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  • Seasons Of Deception


    “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV). Samantha Campbell is a thirty-five-year old, single Christian woman. She has built her life on Christian values and integrity. Stable and educated, she has been employed at a financial institution for eleven years. Samantha is a good woman who desires to be with a man who shares her same value system. She has had her share of failed relationships. After seven years of celibacy, and a long talk with God, Samantha decides to date again. Lisa, a co-worker, introduces Samantha to a minister of music and the two begin going out. Although his looks are unattractive, he seems dedicated, full of personality, and passionate about music and ministry. Samantha is a singer and believes that her dream of meeting her match has finally come true. Is this a match made in heaven? All of Samantha’s past experiences, faith, and knowledge could not begin to prepare her for the days ahead. Samantha experiences God in a way she never has before. The lessons she learns will change her outlook on love, relationships, faith, and life.

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  • To Love And Cherish


    A Story of Romance and Intrigue on a Beautiful Island Resort, From Two Bestselling Authors

    When Melinda Colson’s employer announces they’ll be leaving Bridal Veil Island to return to their home in Cleveland, Melinda hopes her beau, Evan, will propose. But Evan isn’t prepared to make an offer of marriage until he knows he can support a wife and family. Evan works as the assistant gamekeeper on Bridal Veil but hopes to be promoted soon.
    Letters strengthen their love, but Melinda remains frustrated at being apart from the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Then she learns of a devastating hurricane in Bridal Veil and knows she must give up her position as a lady’s maid and make her way back to Evan. The destruction on Bridal Veil is extensive, meaning every available person is needed to help with cleanup and repairs. Melinda finds a new job on the island, but Evan seems even busier than before, meaning she still never gets to see him. Has she given her heart to the wrong man? And when Melinda overhears a vicious plot against President McKinley, who is scheduled to visit the island, is Evan the one she should turn to? Will Melinda and Evan ever get the chance to stand at the front of a church and promise “to love and cherish”?

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  • Tinis Tangles


    Things get a little hairy for Tini after a day of rickety-rackety hair-brushing drama! Shelly Calcagno is a freelance writer who lives in Waterdown, Ontario, with her amazing husband, two energetic kids, and a cranky cat named Zoe.

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  • Seasons Of Deception


    “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV). Samantha Campbell is a thirty-five-year old, single Christian woman. She has built her life on Christian values and integrity. Stable and educated, she has been employed at a financial institution for eleven years. Samantha is a good woman who desires to be with a man who shares her same value system. She has had her share of failed relationships. After seven years of celibacy, and a long talk with God, Samantha decides to date again. Lisa, a co-worker, introduces Samantha to a minister of music and the two begin going out. Although his looks are unattractive, he seems dedicated, full of personality, and passionate about music and ministry. Samantha is a singer and believes that her dream of meeting her match has finally come true. Is this a match made in heaven? All of Samantha’s past experiences, faith, and knowledge could not begin to prepare her for the days ahead. Samantha experiences God in a way she never has before. The lessons she learns will change her outlook on love, relationships, faith, and life.

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  • Reflections Of A Stranger


    Cora and her husband, PGA golf pro Steady Eddie Timms, live in a safe gated community, so when Cora witnesses a murder, she’s shocked and frightened. But without a body, murder weapon, or evidence of a crime, Cora’s sanity is called into question-especially when it comes to light that Cora’s not been dealing well with the stress and grief of losing a daughter, and her memory of late hasn’t been all it should be.

    Determined to prove her sanity, Cora bursts into a flurry of danger and unanswered questions as she sets out to find evidence of foul play. With the help of a bumbling security guard, a loyal best friend, and a neighbor’s yappy dog, pieces finally fall into place. By all appearance, the mystery is solved…until Cora is kidnapped and implicated in a case of hidden identity and an old embezzlement scheme.

    It will take more than the national attention garnered from Steady Eddie’s status to clear Cora’s name, rescue her from the kidnappers, and help find her way back to the peace and sanity found only in God’s loving arms.

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  • Giants In The Earth


    “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them…” Gen. 6:4 (KJV) It didn’t take long after creation before Satan, in his jealousy toward the newly created humans, found a way to manipulate them into trading perfection for the death that comes through sin. But God still loved them anyway. Satan vowed to find a way to destroy them himself, so he charged one of his most devious minions, Azazel, with two tasks to reach his goal. He was to teach the humans war and corrupt the human bloodlines. This led to the birth of the Nephilim; giants who were to wreak havoc on the people of the earth. Standing in his way was Enoch, a man who “walked with God.” When Azazel devises a plan to kill him, he discovers that he is up against an obstacle even larger than his giant sons; the immovable faith of Enoch and his son, Methuselah. With the help of the Creator and a few giant friends of their own, they are able to triumph over colossal evil in this action-packed adventure set during the pre-flood era of the earth.

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  • Choice


    One young woman. Two very different roads. The choice will change everything.

    Even as a pregnant, unwed teen in 1974, Sandy Lincoln wanted to do the right thing. But when an ageless woman approached her in a convenience store with a mysterious prophecy and a warning, doing the right thing became even more unclear. She made the best choice she could . . . and has lived with the consequences.

    More than thirty years later, a pregnant teen has come into her life, and Sandy’s long-ago decision has come back to haunt her. The stakes rise quickly, leaving Sandy with split seconds to choose once more. But will her choice decision bring life . . . or death?

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  • Lethal Legacy : A Novel (Reprinted)


    The police say her father’s death was suicide. But Kelly Warren says it was murder–and she has new evidence that she believes proves it. Detective Cole Taylor doesn’t put much credence in her claim, and nothing in his case review suggests foul play. But when Kelly ends up in the emergency room with a suspicious life-threatening medical condition, the incident strikes him as more than just coincidence. Digging deeper, he discovers she’s linked to a long-ago crime. Is history repeating itself? And who wants Kelly silenced?

    With her trademark high-intensity action and taut suspense, Irene Hannon closes out her Guardians of Justice series with a story of old grudges and budding romance that is sure to increase her substantial fan base.

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  • Over The Edge


    Bestselling Author Mary Connealy Delivers Her Trademark Historical Romantic Comedy

    Seth Kincaid survived a fire in a cave, but he’s never been the same. He was always a reckless youth, but now he’s gone over the edge. He ran off to the Civil War and came back crazier than ever. After the war, nearly dead from his injuries, it appears Seth got married. Oh, he’s got a lot of excuses, but his wife isn’t happy to find out Seth doesn’t remember her. Callie has searched, prayed, and worried. Now she’s come to the Kincaid family’s ranch in Colorado to find her lost husband. Callie isn’t a long-suffering woman. Once she knows her husband is alive, she wants to kill him. She’s not even close to forgiving him for abandoning her. Then more trouble shows up in the form of a secret Seth’s pa kept for years. The Kincaid brothers might lose their ranch if they can’t sort things out. It’s enough to drive a man insane–but somehow it’s all making Seth see things more clearly. And now that he knows what he wants, no one better stand in his way.

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