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Showing 1101–1200 of 2429 results

  • Come Rain Or Come Shine


    Over the course of ten Mitford novels, fans have kept a special place in their hearts for Dooley Kavanagh, first seen in At Home in Mitford as a barefoot, freckle-faced boy in filthy overalls.

    Now, Father Tim Kavanagh’s adopted son has graduated from vet school and opened his own animal clinic. Since money will be tight for a while, maybe he and Lace Harper, his once and future soul mate, should keep their wedding simple.

    So the plan is to eliminate the cost of catering and do potluck. Ought to be fun.

    An old friend offers to bring his well-known country band. Gratis.

    And once mucked out, the barn works as a perfect venue for seating family and friends.

    Piece of cake, right?

    In Come Rain or Come Shine, Jan Karon delivers the wedding that millions of Mitford fans have waited for. It’s a June day in the mountains, with more than a few creatures great and small, and you’re invited-because you’re family.

    By the way, it’s a pretty casual affair, so come as you are and remember to bring a tissue or two. After all, what’s a good wedding without a good cry?

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  • Sown In Dark Soil


    After the death of their father, Ivy and Leah Morgan are suddenly thrust into unpleasant, arranged marriages by their mother. Ivy, however, has other plans. Having fallen in love with Luke Moretz, Ivy is insistent upon running away to Luke’s farm in the Appalachian Mountains far from her home and her mother’s disapproval.

    Convincing her sister to come along, the Morgan girls leave town with Luke. Along the way, feelings between Ivy and Luke become strained as Ivy’s true personality and distaste for the mountains begin to show. Luke must face following his growing attraction to Leah or keeping his promise to Ivy. Meanwhile, Leah can’t help falling for all the things about Luke that her sister seems to dislike.

    Mixed emotions and the testing of relationships lead to dangerous and unfortunate circumstances that put any chance of future happiness at risk. Will this journey bring the sisters closer than ever, or drive them further apart than they could have ever imagined?

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  • Angel Academy : The Gathering Of The Watchers


    David Ward, Lucy Garcia, Sameer Gupta, Tiger Kobayashi, and Ethan Parker are college students that could not be more different from one another. They’re all strangers, but they go to the same University in Houston
    David suffers with addiction to pornography. Lucy is conflicted by her stance on science versus religion. Sameer suffers from persecution as a Christian. Tiger is an atheist and drug addict. Ethan is an alcoholic.
    When they all reach their most desperate hours, they have just one thing in common: They reach out to God. Soon after, they each receive a strange text from someone known only as “The Recruiter.” When they make the choice to meet this mysterious person, they are recruited to the Angel Academy. There, they are shown the mysteries of God, learning to defend and protect as angels do-even coming face-to-face with Jesus himself.
    They all come to know their Savior better and must make the choice within themselves to become a Watcher. However, when faced with the strategies of the Enemy they must use what they have learned, or their lives will never be the same.

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  • Lazarus : The Samaritan


    Northern Lights Publishing House
    Read this amazing rags-to-riches story. His name is really Lazarus, but everyone calls him Zarus. His wealth is from a discovery of copper in a first-century desert. Everywhere he goes, people try to cheat him through lies, traps, and even murder. How can he maintain his integrity under such conditions?
    To complicate matters even more, he is a Samaritan who marries a Jewish young lady. Their mutual love of horses is what brings them together. Their mutual love for their two sons even in adulthood keeps them together. Along the way they meet Jesus through Zarus’ sister, Istar, famously known as the “woman at the well.”
    Events take place in Arabia, Idumea, Palestine, Samaria, China, India, and Persia.
    This is the story of the Good Samaritan and forty-five years of his life as he also lives through most of Jesus’ other parables. Zarus endures false imprisonment, a cruel indenturement, a mine collapse, a brutal sandstorm, an earthquake, an epidemic, and kidnapping. What is all the exhilaration and heartache for? What is life all about, especially when it is hard? Why are we here?
    Follow the suspense, romance, and adventure as Zarus and the love of his life, Jewish Devorah, sacrifice, persist, survive, rise and fall then rise one last time. The surprise ending is based on one of Jesus’ last parables and will take your breath away.

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  • Summers Flame


    All Proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit Food for the Poor(R) Firefighter Aiden Hawk has found his calling-giving back to the community that helped raise him-but deep down he longs for more. When Summer Cassel comes into his life hope sparks, and he dares to dream of a family to call his own, but each time he nears her, his nerves kick in and a shy streak takes hold. When Aiden moves in next door, Summer is determined to give him a proper welcome. After all, the handsome man ignites a flame she can’t seem to resist. But, she doesn’t take risks, especially those involving her heart, so when she discovers there is more to her bashful neighbor than meets the eye, Summer must make the ultimate decision… Will she be bound by fear or released by faith?

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  • Be My Valentino


    Jessie’s back, and she’s caught between a rock and a new place.
    Now that the whole truth has come out about her husband’s double life – including the fact that she and Jack were never legally married – Jessie is standing on her own for the first time in her life. As she struggles to put Adornments, her rental store for designer labels, on the map in Tinsel Town, her relationship with private investigator Danny Callahan gains momentum.

    When she dresses a reluctant Danny in Valentino for undercover work at a formal affair, it’s him rather than her store that captures Hollywood’s notice. Danny, snapped by photogs, lands as the unlikely cover model on the front of L.A. Magazine. So much for inconspicuous. Will his popularity thwart her efforts to grow her business? Or worse, can Jessie afford to put her faith – and heart – into another relationship when she’s so obviously handicapped in the good judgment department?

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  • Potters Lady (Reprinted)


    When Rose McKay convinces her brother, Ewan, to invest in a pottery business, she’s determined to assist him in making the venture a success. Having just graduated from the Philadelphia School of Design for Women, she believes she can design pieces that will sell well. In her efforts to help the pottery flourish, Rose reconnects with Joshua Harkness, who oversees his own family’s pottery works in a nearby town.

    Rylan Campbell has never liked change, but the new owners of the pottery seem to be the decent sort. He just wishes Rose wouldn’t insist on cleaning and moving everything. But when McKay Pottery starts losing business to the Harkness company, Rylan realizes Joshua might be taking advantage of Rose.

    Then Franklin Hotels announces a design contest. Winning the Franklin contract would be exactly the boost McKay Pottery needs, so Rose and Rylan work closely together to create something magnificent. With Joshua’s company as their main competition, can Rylan convince Rose her trust in Joshua may be misplaced?

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  • Autumn Brides : Three Novellas


    Happily ever after begins today. The honor of your presence is requested at three autumn weddings . . . A September Bride by Kathryn Springer When Annie moves to Red Leaf, she’s ready to call the little town home. Deputy Jesse Kent can’t believe his mother has handed the keys to her bookshop over to a woman she met on the internet. Jesse has seen his mother taken advantage of before, and he decides to keep a close eye on this Annie Price. But when a close eye turns into a historical wedding reenactment with Jesse and Annie as the couple, make-believe nuptials quickly give way to real-life emotions. An October Bride by Katie Ganshert No one but Jake and Emma know the true reason they’re getting married-so Emma’s dying father can walk her down the aisle. While Jake and Emma plan an autumn wedding together, it becomes clear that their agreement has a few complications-the biggest being their true feelings for each other. A November Bride by Beth K. Vogt Having celebrated the big 3-0 by ending a relationship, Sadie is tired of romantic relationships-by-text. The only man she knows willing to put down his iPhone and have face-to-face conversations with her is Erik. It’s time to put a 21st-century twist on the Sadie Hawkins’ tradition of a woman going after her man. But when he realizes he’s fallen for her, can Erik convince Sadie his just-for-fun dates were the prelude to “’til death do us part”?

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  • Wedding At The Orange Blossom Inn


    Emma Keim was heartbroken when her husband Sanford passed away, leaving her to raise three young daughters alone. In the years since, her relatives have made it no secret that they expect Emma to remain a widow, mourning Sanford indefinitely. But when she meets Jay Hilty-a widower with three young sons of his own-Emma is delighted to have a new friend who understands her struggles. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s also handsome and kind. Still, Emma is dismayed that her family is so opposed to their friendship-and the idea of it ever becoming anything more. She honors her husband’s memory every day, but is she destined to be alone forever?

    Jay knows that few people his age understand what it’s like to lose a spouse, and Emma’s gentleness with his boys stirs something in his heart that’s been quiet for far too long. But when Jay’s oldest son becomes engaged to a local woman, suddenly Jay, Emma, and their children are swept up in wedding preparations. Witnessing his son’s joy, Jay wonders if it’s time for him to move forward, too, and find happiness again.

    Jay wants to court Emma in earnest, but Emma’s relatives remain troubled by the prospect of her moving on. Once again, love has come to Pinecraft. But can these two parties of four become a happy, healthy family of eight?

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  • Amos The Philosophical Churchmouse


    Living under a church pew can give you an interesting-and enlightened-view of Christianity – just as long as it doesn’t resemble what Amos calls, “church-ianity.” Amos is a mouse, but he doesn’t merely wander about, searching for communion crumbs. Amos is a philosopher, and he has plenty of time to consider the meaning of it all, especially since he also has plenty of opportunity hearing about the wisdom of life in Jesus. Amos is not just a philosopher; he is also a poet. Although he has some difficulty using a keyboard (he’s not fond of capital letters or punctuation marks), he has important things to discuss. In “Amos Meets an Agnostic,” the clever mouse tries to share his view of faith in God. “Life in the Pit” challenges us to realize that even bad days can be redeemed as part of God’s intended purpose. Amos adores free verse, almost as much as he loves talking about Jesus. He tackles everyday emotions, theological concepts, biblical issues, and current topics with the help of his church pew pals. When your house is beneath a church pew, you must retain a certain amount of wit to get by. Amos the philosopher has it, as well as an intelligent, Christian perspective on a world filled with dark corners, trap-door spiders, and lurking alley cats.

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  • Bullet For Jesus


    But Bill isn t there some other way? I didn t give up all I had and come here just to let some punk gang leader kill me?

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  • Plain Peace


    Anna loves the grandfather who raised her, but his strict adherence to the Ordnung is scaring away any boy who might be interested in her-except newcomer Jacob. Under normal circumstances Anna Byler would have her choice of any of the young men in her Amish community. But because of the strict rules enforced by her grandfather, the bishop, the available suitors are afraid to court her. Then handsome Jacob Hostetler moves to Paradise and decides Anna is worth the challenge. Anna sees that the bishop’s legalism is dividing the community and even risking the lives of its members-but her grandfather doesn’t. When she is forced to deception in order to pursue her dream of marriage and family with Jacob, Anna feels her own faith slipping. If only she could get her grandmother to help her stand up to the bishop. ButMammi is keeping secrets of her own. Anna wants to honor her grandparents, the two most important people in her life, but her heart is divided by the rules that guide their little Amish community and the growing love she has for Jacob. How can she be true to both?

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  • Hearts Home


    This Christmas, a tragic loss at Fort Laramie ushers in hope and healing.

    When a young mother dies after giving birth at Fort Laramie, Emmie Croftner is shaken by the death of her dear friend-and reminded of the dangers of childbirth. She won’t be able to hide her own pregnancy much longer. She’s dreading the day that Isaac Liddle, the handsome soldier she adores, discovers her secret.

    Then the young infant’s father offers a solution: Emmie should marry him so the child can have a family.

    With the Sioux Wars threatening soldier and civilian alike, a ready-made family could be the answer to Emmie’s prayers for safety. But at what cost to her heart-and Isaac’s?

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  • Baxters Take Four


    Are fairytale endings only in the movies?

    After Chase Ryan returns to his family and a job in his hometown, his best friend and fellow filmmaker Keith Ellison pairs up with former Hollywood heartthrob Dayne Matthews to finish following the dream-making movies that might change the world. Keith Ellison and Dayne Matthews have finally inked a deal to have the nation’s top young actor star in their current film. But at the same time, the actor takes a very public fall that threatens his reputation among his fan base. Meanwhile, healing happens for Andi Ellison in her relationship with God, her family, and those she loves, but is it too late? The new producers find they must truly act as missionaries in order to help save the film, their families, and the young movie star. Breakthroughs take place that the public will never know about, as the possibility of saving the world through film is finally a very real possibility.

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  • Pirate By Night


    His uncle wanted him dead. Instead, Nicholas Collington was given to pirates. Robbed of his rightful title and position, Nicholas survived. Now he rides the high seas, helping the wronged and avenging the downtrodden while the man who stole his life goes unpunished. But it’s time to reclaim his title and lands…time to make his uncle pay. However, to get close enough, Nicholas has a role to play. Grace Thonburg is a gentle soul. Ostracized by the Ton after an accident leaves her maimed, she is content to minister to the villagers with her dear friend and elderly vicar, Finn. But Finn must leave, and a new vicar has arrived–A man so powerful and handsome that Grace is attracted to him in ways she hardly understands. She has accepted that she will never find love, but is this new vicar heaven sent? He seems unconcerned with her past or her position in Society…Yet, she senses he’s hiding something. After Nicholas assumes the role of the town’s new vicar, his desire for revenge pales when compared to the desire he feels for Grace. But she is a lady, and he is a pirate. He loves her unconditionally, but can he win her heart or will the weight of Nicholas’s secret quash their new-found love?

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  • Irish Meadows (Reprinted)


    Mason’s Debut Sets Its Sights at the Top of Inspirational Romance

    Irish immigrant James O’Leary has spent his life building Irish Meadows into a thriving horse farm and is not about to let hard economic times threaten its success. He intends for his daughters to marry prosperous men–ones who will secure the family’s rightful place in society, and at the same time, guarantee the future of Irish Meadows. Both girls, however, have different visions for their futures.

    Brianna and Colleen O’Leary know their father expects them to marry well. Yet despite his wishes, Brianna, the quieter sister, dreams of attending college. Vivacious Colleen, meanwhile, is happy to marry–as long as her father’s choice meets her exacting standards. When stable hand Gilbert Whelan returns from college and distant family member Rylan Montgomery stops in on his way to the seminary in Boston, the two men quickly complicate everyone’s plans. It will take every ounce of courage for both sisters to follow their hearts. And even if they do, will they inevitably find their dreams too distant to reach?

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  • Legacy


    The murder conviction of the former middleweight boxer Ranja Williams in 1950 demoralized his six-year-old son, Chako. Without a role model in his life, Chako became a notorious street fighter, terrorizing his school classmates and teachers at Oakland Tech Memorial High School. This all changed the day Chako was challenged by Scott Johnson, a substitute teacher who was a former Olympic wrestler. The lives of both individuals were altered with that confrontation, as they discovered that the quest for fame and recognition would demand a far greater sacrifice than they could imagine.

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  • Legacy


    The murder conviction of the former middleweight boxer Ranja Williams in 1950 demoralized his six-year-old son, Chako. Without a role model in his life, Chako became a notorious street fighter, terrorizing his school classmates and teachers at Oakland Tech Memorial High School. This all changed the day Chako was challenged by Scott Johnson, a substitute teacher who was a former Olympic wrestler. The lives of both individuals were altered with that confrontation, as they discovered that the quest for fame and recognition would demand a far greater sacrifice than they could imagine.

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  • Hearts Promise


    A rival threatens Emmie’s budding romance with Isaac. At Fort Laramie, soldier Isaac Liddle determines he will court and win Emmie Croftner’s hand. Though courting seems improbable for a woman in her condition, Emmie begins to care deeply for Issac and chafes as Jessica Dubois sets her bonnet for him.

    When Jessica learns of Emmie’s secret pregnancy, she blackmails her. With the Sioux Wars raging outside the safety of Fort Laramie, Emmie knows she cannot lose Isaac. But will he reject her-and her child-if he learns the truth?

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  • Baxters Take Two


    Will the price of fame be worth the cost?

    Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison have completed their first feature film, and Hollywood is buzzing with the news. In the wake of that excitement, the producers acquire rights to a novel that has all the ingredients they want for their next project. At the same time they cross paths with a well-connected player who introduces them to the right people, and suddenly every studio in town wants to talk to Chase and Keith. The producers’ dreams are on the verge of coming true, but Chase’s marriage is strained and Keith’s daughter-Andi Ellison-is making questionable choices in her quest for stardom. The producers are gaining respect and are on the verge of truly changing culture through the power of film-but is the change worth the cost?

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  • Stealthy Steps


    A Faith-Filled Fiction Title

    Gemma Keyes is an ordinary, unexceptional young woman with a lackluster life-until an overheard conversation ends her budding career and her loyalty to an old friend puts her life in jeopardy. As the truth emerges, Gemma discovers the hard way that INVISIBILITY comes with its own set of problems.

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  • Flying Affair : A Novel


    Award-winning author Carla Stewart returns to the 1920s in this vivid historical novel about a female pilot navigating love and life. Daredevil Mittie Humphreys developed her taste for adventure on horseback, on her family’s prosperous Kentucky horse farm. But her love of horses is surpassed by her passion for the thrill of the skies, especially since the dashing pilot Ames first took her up in his plane. When handsome British aviator Bobby York offers her flying lessons, he is equally surprised–and beguiled–by Mittie’s grit, determination, and talent. Soon, Mittie is competing in cross-country air races, barnstorming, and wing-walking. But when Calista “Peach” Gilson, a charming Southern belle, becomes her rival in both aviation and in love, Mittie must learn to navigate her heart as well as the skies.

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  • Midwifes Tale


    Fans of Jan Karon…should love Parr’s work.–

    Philadelphia Inquirer Martha Cade comes from a long line of midwives who have served the families of Trinity, Pennsylvania, for generations. A widow with two grown children, she’s hopeful that her daughter will follow in her footsteps. But when Victoria runs off, Martha’s world is shattered. Worse, a new doctor has arrived in town, threatening her job, and she can’t remember a time when her faith was more tested. Still determined to do the work she knows God intended for her, Martha is unprepared for all that waits ahead. Whether it’s trying to stop a town scandal, mending broken relationships, or feeling the first whispers of an unexpected romance, she faces every trial and every opportunity with hope and faith.

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  • Worthy Pursuit (Reprinted)


    Stone Hammond is the best tracker in Texas. He never comes home empty-handed. So when a wealthy railroad investor hires him to find his abducted granddaughter, Stone eagerly accepts.

    Charlotte Atherton, former headmistress of Sullivan’s Academy for Exceptional Youths, will do anything to keep her charges safe, especially the little girl entrusted to her care after her mother’s death. Charlotte promised Lily’s mother she’d keep the girl away from her unscrupulous grandfather, and nothing will stop Charlotte from fulfilling that pledge. Not even the handsome bounty hunter with surprisingly honest eyes who comes looking for them.

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  • Hearts Betrayal


    Emmie finds shelter in the arms of a soldier, but her secret could drive them apart.

    When Emmie Croftner answered the door to her late husband’s home, she discovered a terrible truth. A woman she’s never met reveals that she and Emmie shared the same husband and that the bigamist had never divorced his first wife. The home and farm are not Emmie’s property after all.

    Suddenly displaced and powerless, Emmie realizes she can’t stay in Wabash, Indiana, any longer. She makes for Fort Laramie, Wyoming, where her friend Sarah Montgomery and a new beginning await her. But when she arrives, she discovers she’s carrying a child, conceived before her husband’s death. Was the new start she’d hoped for only a mirage?

    At Fort Laramie, a soldier named Isaac Liddle begins to court Emmie, prompting her to wonder whether she could ever really be his-and whether she dares to tell him she is carrying another man’s baby.

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  • Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good


    Welcome back home to Mitford. We’ve been waiting for you…

    After five hectic years of retirement from Lord’s Chapel, Father Tim Kavanagh returns with his wife, Cynthia, from the land of his Irish ancestors. While he’s glad to be at home in Mitford, something is definitely missing from his life: a pulpit. But when he’s offered one, he decides he doesn’t want it.

    For years, he believed he had a few answers. Now he has questions. How can he possibly help Dooley’s younger brother, Sammy, make it through the fallout of a disasterous childhood? Could doing a good deed for the town bookstore be the best thing for his befuddled spirit? And who was riding through town in a limo? Not Edith Mallory.

    Then an editorial in the weekly Muse poses a question that sets the whole town looking for answers: Does Mitford still take care of its own?

    Now sit back, relax, and discover why USA Today says Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good “hits the sweet spot at the intersection of your heart and your funny bone.”

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  • Dead Can Talk In The Presidents Service Episode 6


    In The Dead Can Talk, episode 6 of the exciting “”In the President’s Service”” series by bestselling author Ace Collins, Helen Meeker persuades the president to send her and two other agents behind enemy lines in Germany in a desperate attempt to obtain needed information for the Allies. In a life-and-death chase to escape the Nazis that are hot on their trail, one of the agents is shot and left for dead, but not before Nazi plans are smuggled out with the two remaining agents. Meanwhile, back in the States, Alistar Fister believes he has at last discovered the elusive Fountain of Youth-and he is willing to kill anyone who tries to stop him from drinking it.

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  • Before The Apocalypse


    In this final installment of the Before the Apocalypse trilogy, James and Ashley, safe for years, have once again come to the attention of the evil forces of Terra Nova and must flee for their lives. Fearing for the lives of their two children, the couple decides the best chance is for them to provide a distraction for Terra Nova, giving the children time to escape. Success is far from guaranteed. Therion, ruler of the Skotoi, has returned to Earth in human form with the intention of establishing his kingdom, and has sworn vengeance upon both of them, the only two Alpha commandoes to ever escape his clutches. In this action-packed finale, discover how the power of love, family and Jesus can conquer even the darkest evils.

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  • Plain Paradise : A Daughter Of The Promise Novel


    Josephine will discover more than she bargained for as her world collides with the Plain people of Lancaster County.

    Josephine Dronberger was a scared teenager when she left her baby in the care of an Old Order Amish couple. But seventeen years have passed and Josie longs to reconnect with her daughter.

    Linda-as the couple named the child-is promised to Stephen Ebersol, the bishop’s grandson. They plan to marry in the fall. When her birth mother comes to Paradise, Linda is drawn to a world she’s never known. Will the direction she’s been heading since birth be suddenly derailed, and who will stand by her convictions-mother or daughter?

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  • Murder Freshly Baked


    When delicious baked goods become lethal, it’s time to find a killer.

    Kindness is a virtue

    Meanness is a sin

    Better watch your bakery pies

    For poison I’ve slipped in

    The Amish Artisan Village in Middlebury, Indiana, has been decorated with every color of balloon and flower for the Race for a Cure. As manager of the Village, Amber Bowman is thrilled to see the turnout-and relieved to have something to distract her from the “Poison Poet”-an individual who has been sending notes containing bad poetry to warn of poisoned baked goods.

    Then Ryan Duvall crosses the finish line of the race-and falls down dead, murdered in broad daylight. But who did it? And why? The police suspect Preston Johnston, but Amber refuses to believe her employee could do such a thing.

    Amber once again looks to her young Amish friend Hannah Troyer to help her find the killer-and to determine if it’s the same person leaving the cryptic poems and pies. Can they help the police before the Poison Poet strikes again? Both Amber and Hannah will need to draw on their faith as they fight to preserve the peaceful community they’ve built at the Amish Artisan Village.

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  • Battle For Halcyon


    In the first book of The Halcyon Cycle, a risky physics experiment transports the island University of Halcyon to a new world. Meglir, a being of great power, is released from his prison and threatens Halcyon and the tiny refugee colony of Eleytheria.
    In The Battle for Halcyon, we follow the struggles of Dave, Al, Pam and Floyd with their Hansa allies as they work to stop Meglir’s army and find a way to return Halcyon home to its own space-time. Surprising new facts about the continent of Feiramar, her peoples, and her history unfold. A new menace, in league with Meglir, threatens from the east. Will Halcyon continue to follow its program of tyranny to establish a secular utopia? Can Meglir be defeated? Can the island University of Halcyon undo the dislocation and return home?

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  • Place Called Hope


    When Quaker Pastor Sam Gardner is asked by the ill Unitarian minister to oversee a wedding in his place, Sam naturally agrees. It’s not until the couple stands before him that he realizes they’re two women. In the tempest of strong opinions and misunderstandings that follows the incident, Sam faces potential unemployment. Deeply discouraged, he wonders if his pastoral usefulness has come to an end. Perhaps it’s time for a change. After all, his wife has found a new job at the library, his elder son is off to college, and the younger has decided to join the military once he graduates high school. Sam is contemplating a future selling used cars when he receives a call from a woman in the suburban town of Hope, Indiana. It seems Hope Friends Meeting is in desperate need of a pastor. Though they only have twelve members, they also have a beautiful meetinghouse and a pie committee (Sam is fond of pie). But can he really leave his beloved hometown of Harmony?

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  • Tiffany Girl : A Novel


    From the bestselling author of It Happened at the Fair and Fair Play comes a compelling historical novel about a progressive “New Woman”-the girl behind Tiffany’s chapel-and the love that threatens it all.

    As preparations for the 1893 World’s Fair set Chicago and the nation on fire, Louis Tiffany-heir to the exclusive Fifth Avenue jewelry empire-seizes the opportunity to unveil his state-of-the-art, stained glass, mosaic chapel, the likes of which the world has never seen.

    But when Louis’s dream is threatened by a glassworkers’ strike months before the Fair opens, he turns to an unforeseen source for help: the female students at the Art Students League of New York. Eager for adventure, the young women pick up their skirts, move to boarding houses, take up steel cutters, and assume new identities as the “Tiffany Girls.”

    Tiffany Girl is the heartwarming story of the impetuous Flossie Jayne, a beautiful, budding artist who is handpicked by Louis to help complete the Tiffany chapel. Though excited to live in a boarding house when most women stayed home, she quickly finds the world is less welcoming than anticipated. From a Casanova male, to an unconventional married couple, and a condescending singing master, she takes on a colorful cast of characters to transform the boarding house into a home while racing to complete the Tiffany chapel and make a name for herself in the art world.

    As challenges mount, her ambitions become threatened from an unexpected quarter: her own heart. Who will claim victory? Her dreams or the captivating boarder next door?

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  • As Waters Gone By


    How can a marriage survive when separated by hundreds of miles and impenetrable prison walls?Emmalyn and Max Ross may have to endure the fight of their lives to mend the tattered fabric of their marriage. His actions ensured she could never be a mother and put him in prison, giving their relationship a court-mandated five-year time-out. On a self-imposed exile to beautiful but remote Madeline Island, one of the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior, Emmalyn has just a few months left to figure out if and how they can ever be a couple again. Nudged along by the exuberant owner of the Wild Iris Inn and Cafe, a circle of misfit people in their small town, and a young girl who desperately needs someone to love her, Emmalyn restores an island cottage that could become a home and begins to restore her heart by learning what it means to love unconditionally. Yet even as hope begins to find a place within the cottage walls, Emmalyn still wonders if she’s ready for Max’s release. She may be able to rebuild a cottage, but can she rebuild a marriage?

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  • Shadows Of Ladenbrooke Manor


    When Heather Toulson returns to her parents’ cottage in the English countryside, she uncovers long-hidden secrets about her family history and stumbles onto the truth about a sixty-year-old murder.

    Libby, a free spirit who can’t be tamed by her parents, finds solace with her neighbor Oliver, the son of Lord Croft of Ladenbrooke Manor. Libby finds herself pregnant and alone when her father kicks her out and Oliver mysteriously drowns in a nearby river. Though theories spread across the English countryside, no one is ever held responsible for Oliver’s death.

    Sixty years later, Heather Toulson, returning to her family’s cottage in the shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor, is filled with mixed emotions. She’s mourning her father’s passing but can’t let go of the anger and resentment over their strained relationship. Adding to her confusion, Heather has an uneasy reunion with her first love, all while sorting through her family’s belongings left behind in the cottage. What she uncovers will change everything she thought she knew about her family’s history.

    Award-winning author Melanie Dobson seamlessly weaves the past and present together, fluidly unraveling the decades-old mystery and reveals how the characters are connected in shocking ways.

    Set in a charming world of thatched cottages, lush gardens, and lovely summer evenings, this romantic and historical mystery brings to light the secrets and heartaches that have divided a family for generations.

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  • Whenever You Come Around


    Just when Charity’s wild imagination failed her, a flesh-and-blood hero walked into her life.

    Best-selling author Charity Anderson returns to her hometown of King’s Meadow to defeat a bad case of writer’s block. She imagines she’ll spend a lonely summer writing and then return to her home in Boise. She soon finds herself caring for Buck Malone, a wilderness guide-and the object of her unrequited teenage crush. But what else can she do? Her dog Cocoa caused the accident that left Buck with a broken ankle and wrist, taking him off the trail for weeks of prime tourist-season work.

    Buck and Charity have gone different ways since high school, and at first it seems they have little in common. Buck loves the simple, low-key life he’s made for himself in the mountains of Idaho, and she’s a woman accustomed to the faster, bustling pace of the city. But spending so much time together has Buck hoping to change her mind about staying in the small town she thought she’d left behind for good.

    It’s a summer for discovering that young love is a spark not soon extinguished.

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  • Fatal Trauma


    When Dr. Mark Baker and Nurse Kelly Atkinson are held at the mercy of a dangerous gunman, the lives of every emergency room patient are at stake. At the end of the evening three men are dead. One of them is a police officer who couldn’t be saved despite Mark’s best efforts. The other two are members of the feared Zeta drug cartel.

    Though the standoff is over, the killing is not, because when the drug cartel loses its members, revenge is not far behind. Facing an adversary whose desires are dark and efforts are ruthless, Mark finds himself under suspicion as a killer, yet still a potential victim. When he turns to his high school sweetheart, attorney Gwen Woodruff, for help, Kelly helplessly looks on, as she hides her own feelings for the good doctor.

    At the height of the conflict, three questions remain: Who is the shooter? Who will the next victim be? And can Mark prove his innocence before the gun turns on him?

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  • Let There Be Light


    Let There Be Light accompanies Bill Abrams on a time-traveling journey through history. Harnessing the energy of the sun’s ultraviolet light, his Light Assimilator enables him to travel on a voyage to discover the truth. His adventure takes him to the moments in time in which he discovers how the Ice Age fits into the Bible, the fate of the dinosaurs, the reasons why people lived to be hundreds of years old prior to the flood, and how, in fact, the flood itself could cover the whole earth.
    Mark Leonard, a veteran presenter at numerous youth conferences and church camps, weaves together the Bible’s truth with this tale of a time-traveling explorer. He tells how, after several test runs, Bill decides to make a journey back to first-century Palestine to see the temple in Jerusalem. Taking off, Bill made three loops around the area and with the ship angled in a southerly direction towards the equator; the landing gear and the wings began retracting. In the blink of an eye, the craft disappeared into nothingness. And so his adventures begin.
    Written for young adults, Let There Be Light will appeal to adult readers as well. If you enjoy stories that mix together adventure, engaging characters, and the discovery of deep scientific truths, then Let There Be Light will offer you a chance to go on an adventure that will change your view of the world and its history.

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  • Legend Of Sheba


    Her name is legend. Her story, the epic of nations. The Queen of Sheba. A powerful new novel of love, power, and the questions at the heart of existence by the author of the award-winning “brilliant” (Library Journal) and “masterful” (Publishers Weekly) Iscariot.

    There is the story you know: A foreign queen, journeying north with a caravan of riches to pay tribute to a king favored by the One God. The tale of a queen conquered by a king and god both before returning to her own land laden with gifts. That is the tale you were meant to believe. Which means most of it is a lie.

    In the tenth century BC, the new Queen of Sheba has inherited her father’s throne and all its riches at great personal cost. Her realm stretches west across the Red Sea into land wealthy in gold, frankincense, and spices. But now new alliances to the North threaten the trade routes that are the lifeblood of her nation. Solomon, the brash new king of Israel famous for his wealth and wisdom, will not be denied the tribute of the world-or of Sheba’s queen. With tensions ready to erupt within her own borders and the future of her nation at stake, the one woman who can match wits with Solomon undertakes the journey of a lifetime in a daring bid to test and win the king. But neither ruler has anticipated the clash of agendas, gods, and passion that threatens to ignite-and ruin-them both. An explosive retelling of the legendary king and queen and the nations that shaped history.

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  • Reuben : The World Of The Amish People


    Growing up in an Amish home is no protection from peer pressure. Reuben struggles to balance wanting to prove himself to his friends and living up to the expectations of his parents. On a dare, Reuben tries to show how fast his horse can run and trouble erupts. Book #5 in the Ellie’s People series.

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  • Huntress Of Thornbeck Forest


    Swan Lake meets Robin Hood when the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant by day becomes the region’s most notorious poacher by night, and falls in love with the gamekeeper.

    Jorgen is the gamekeeper for the wealthy margrave, and he is in pursuit of the poacher who has been killing and stealing the margrave’s game. When he meets the lovely and refined Odette at the festival and shares a connection during a dance, he has no idea that at night she is the one who has been poaching the margrave’s game.

    Odette is caught up in a ring of black market sellers of poached animals. She thinks the game is going to feed the poor, who are all but starving, both in the city and just outside its walls. However, most of the animals are being sold by the greedy leader of the ring-her stepfather. When Odette discovers what he is doing, she threatens to expose him, putting herself in great danger.

    The gamekeeper finds her poaching one night and shoots her, wounding her. When he realizes who she is, he hides her to keep her from being executed by the margrave and also to protect her from her stepfather. Jorgen and Odette will band together to stop the black market poaching ring . . . as they fall in love. But what will the margrave do when he discovers his gamekeeper is protecting a notorious poacher?

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  • Last Breath


    With his last breath, a dying man whispered four stunning words into Shaley O’Connor’s ear. Shaley is reeling after two murders on the Rayne concert tour. But she has no time to rest. If the dying man’s claim is right, the danger is far from over. Shaley’s quest for the truth leads to the mysterious and wrenching past of her mother and father. Could what happened to them so many years ago threaten Shaley’s life now?

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  • Summer By Summer


    When Summer took a job as a nanny for a couple vacationing in Belize, she imagined it would be a fresh start before starting college in the fall. And while she adores her charge, Josh, she can’t say the same for her employers’ oldest son, Bray. He’s cocky, inconsiderate, and makes her feel she’s a chore he has to put up with. In short, he’s everything she dislikes in a guy.

    Bray had a plan for the summer: party, hang out with friends, and forget all the responsibilities waiting for him back home. But every time he’s forced to be around Summer, her dour, serious mood sets him off. Not to mention she has a habit of picking up on what he already knows is wrong with him.

    Then the two find themselves on a dive trip gone wrong, stranded on a remote island. As they focus on survival, their differences melt away, and they find being together may be what both needed all along.

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  • Katys Decision


    After this summer, Katy’s life may change forever. Katy is looking forward to the best summer ever as her closest friend, Shelby, is staying with her after an accident forces her to miss her family’s mission trip. But when Katy’s aunt faces a serious illness and needs the girls to run the fabric store, Katy’s plans fall apart. Suddenly what should have been a summer of relaxation becomes filled with long hours at the shop. But then a Mennonite boy visits her community for the summer. His presence complicates her life, as do her feelings for Bryce, her non-Mennonite crush. Katy has several decisions to make by the time August arrives, the largest being whether she will attend school in the fall and follow her dreams, or continue on in her Mennonite life to help her family. Katy struggles to choose between the two worlds she loves, but the final decision may be out of her hands.

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  • When Love Calls


    When the woman she always thought was her mother dies, Gail Templeton learns that she was adopted as a baby and that her birth mother still lives in California. Impulsively, Gail decides to go to California to find her.
    But in California, confronting the lovely estate overlooking the Pacific where her birth mother lives, she is taken by a sudden fear of rejection. Was her birth kept a secret from family and friends? Is her mother a socialite who will be embarrassed by Gail’s Christian faith and by the fact she is just a special education teacher? Gail loses her courage, makes her way down to the beach under the cliff, finds what looks like a cozy spot, and sits down to contemplate the beautiful ocean and think.
    Almost immediately, she is interrupted by an angry man, Ron Casabon, who shouts at her in Spanish and English, telling her to leave and calling her Loro. When the cliff behind them crumbles at the edge and they are both showered with dirt and rocks, Gail’s ankle is sprained.
    Ron takes Gail to his home. When he learns that Gail is a teacher, he hires her to help his little daughter, Tabitha, who cannot speak and has been diagnosed as autistic.
    Gail and Ron fall passionately in love and want to marry, but obstacles remain. Ron is suspected of murdering his wife. Gail does not want to be “unequally yoked.” Someone wants to kidnap and kill Tabitha. Gail meets her birth mother and her lookalike half-sister, Loro, a jealous cocaine addict also in love with Ron. Can Gail, with God’s help, overcome these problems? Is He telling her that love, in the form of Ron, her mother, Tabitha, and Loro, is calling?

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  • Samantha Sanderson Off The Record


    Sam Sanderson is an independent, resourceful, high-tech cheerleader. She dreams of becoming an award-winning journalist like her mother, so she’s always looking for articles to publish in her middle-school paper (where she secretly hopes to become chief editor). With a police officer for a father, Sam is in no short supply of writing material. In the third book of the Samantha Sanderson series, when the school’s grades were tampered with, Sam must enlist Makayla’s help in hacking the system to discover the virus that was used and who committed the crime. But when the lead suspect is her newfound friend, Felicia, Sam must choose whether to stick by her friends at all costs or report the story as she sees it. The Samantha Sanderson series is about an ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams. Each book touches on a crime straight from headlines, from bomb threats to bullying, while following Samantha and her friends as they navigate middle-school and questions of faith.

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  • Detained


    A dream-trip to America becomes a tortuous nightmare at the Guantanamo Bay military prison camp. When a Navy Petty Officer is arrested and accused of terrorism, Navy JAG Officer Matt Davis is called on to right a wrong. Davis’ clients are incarcerated indefinitely on trumped-up “terror” charges, and one faces execution. Somewhere between the war-torn plains of Northern Lebanon and the secret torture chamber of Guantanamo lie the keys to justice.  But can Davis expose the truth in time to save the lives of those being accused, and at the same time, escape with his own life?

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  • Love Under Siege


    It has been twenty-four years since Violette de la Marne was told her parents were dead. Now as she stands beside her Grand-Pere Philippe’s death bed, she clutches the only thing she has left from her parents-a golden locket-and waits for him to take his last breath. But before he does, she overhears him reveal a shocking secret during a confession to a bishop: he has lied to Violette for years, fearing he would lose her to the Huguenots. Her parents are alive.

    Betrayed by her Grand-Pere and betrothed to a man she does not love, Violette derives strength from the locket, rejects the arranged marriage, and embarks on a determined quest through sixteenth century France to find her parents who may be imprisoned in Paris. Drawn to the Huguenots who promise intimacy with God and assurance of salvation, Violette continues to hope for a marriage built on love, trust, and faith. With the help of God and the handsome rogue, Thomas Montmorency, her search eventually propels her into the immoral and promiscuous court of Henry II and Catherine de Medici where she must hide the truth in order to avoid persecution and death.

    Love under Siege shares the tale of a young woman’s struggles after she overhears a shocking secret and risks everything in a valiant search for her parents, true love, and a new faith.

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  • Love Under Siege


    It has been twenty-four years since Violette de la Marne was told her parents were dead. Now as she stands beside her Grand-Pere Philippe’s death bed, she clutches the only thing she has left from her parents-a golden locket-and waits for him to take his last breath. But before he does, she overhears him reveal a shocking secret during a confession to a bishop: he has lied to Violette for years, fearing he would lose her to the Huguenots. Her parents are alive.

    Betrayed by her Grand-Pere and betrothed to a man she does not love, Violette derives strength from the locket, rejects the arranged marriage, and embarks on a determined quest through sixteenth century France to find her parents who may be imprisoned in Paris. Drawn to the Huguenots who promise intimacy with God and assurance of salvation, Violette continues to hope for a marriage built on love, trust, and faith. With the help of God and the handsome rogue, Thomas Montmorency, her search eventually propels her into the immoral and promiscuous court of Henry II and Catherine de Medici where she must hide the truth in order to avoid persecution and death.

    Love under Siege shares the tale of a young woman’s struggles after she overhears a shocking secret and risks everything in a valiant search for her parents, true love, and a new faith.

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  • Though The Waters Be Troubled


    Anneke and Romke, from two very different provinces, fall deeply in love when Anneke slips in the marketplace, and Romke comes to her rescue. After their wedding a year later, they sail to his family’s home to live. Anneke is jubilant and anticipates a wonderful life with Romke. Though she’s heard of a disturbing custom practiced by his village, she shoves it aside, believing it would never involve her. But to her horror, what she hoped would never happen, has fallen on her. What awaits Anneke. . . and Romke, her devoted husband?

    The colorful setting of the early twentieth-century Netherlands and the nature of the dilemmas Anneke must face make her book distinctive. Targeted toward adult women, this story opens up a new world: time, place, culture, and customs. This book is filled with relational drama, romance and suspense.

    Her purpose for writing this novel is to show the reader that no matter how dark our life becomes, the Lord is there for all who seek Him.

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  • Though The Waters Be Troubled


    Anneke and Romke, from two very different provinces, fall deeply in love when Anneke slips in the marketplace, and Romke comes to her rescue. After their wedding a year later, they sail to his family’s home to live. Anneke is jubilant and anticipates a wonderful life with Romke. Though she’s heard of a disturbing custom practiced by his village, she shoves it aside, believing it would never involve her. But to her horror, what she hoped would never happen, has fallen on her. What awaits Anneke. . . and Romke, her devoted husband?

    The colorful setting of the early twentieth-century Netherlands and the nature of the dilemmas Anneke must face make her book distinctive. Targeted toward adult women, this story opens up a new world: time, place, culture, and customs. This book is filled with relational drama, romance and suspense.

    Her purpose for writing this novel is to show the reader that no matter how dark our life becomes, the Lord is there for all who seek Him.

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  • Sorry Im Not Sorry


    Bullies aren’t born mean-through the vicious cycle of mean, bullies are made.

    According to the Ambassadors 4 Kids Club, one out of every four students is bullied-and 85% of these situations never receive intervention. Parents, students, and teachers have amped up solving the bullying problem for a networked generation of kids. Written by bestselling author Nancy Rue, each book in the Mean Girl Makeover trilogy focuses on a different character’s point of view: the bully, the victim, and the bystander. The books show solid biblical solutions to the bullying problem set in a story for tween girls.

    Sorry I’m Not Sorry tells the story of Kylie Steppe, former queen bee of Gold Country Middle School. After bullying a fellow GCMS student, Kylie has been expelled-and she has to attend mandatory counseling. Without her posse to aid her and other peers to torment, Kylie focuses on the person who stole her GVMS popularity crown: Tori Taylor. As Kylie plots revenge on Tori, she attends therapy sessions, where she reveals a few details that might explain why she finds power in preying on her middle school peers. After a rough year with bullying backfire, will Kylie decide to become more empathetic with her peers?

    It’s hard for tweens to imagine why a bully acts the way she does. Sorry I’m Not Sorry shows girls that they hold the power to stop bullying through mutual understanding and acts of love.

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  • Every Bride Needs A Groom (Reprinted)


    Small-town girl Katie Fisher is planning her wedding. Sure, her boyfriend hasn’t managed to pop the question just yet, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t enter a contest in Texas Bride magazine to win the dress of her dreams, right? But when her boyfriend breaks up with her and takes a job in another town–the very same day Katie wins her dream dress–her world is turned upside down. Should she claim her prize? And will the hunky former pro-basketball player who runs the swanky Dallas bridal shop–yeah, you read that right–catch on to her humiliation if she does?

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  • Creole Princess : A Novel


    All along the eastern seaboard, the American struggle for independence rages. In the British-held southern port of Mobile, Alabama, the conflict brewing is quieter–though no less deadly. The lovely Frenchwoman Lyse Lanier is best friends with the daughter of the British commander. Rafael Gonzalez is a charming young Spanish merchant with a secret mission and a shipment of gold to support General Washington. As their paths cross and their destinies become increasingly tangled, Lyse and Rafael must decide where their true loyalties lie–and somehow keep Lyse’s family from being executed as traitors to the British Crown.

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  • Legacy


    Doug Anderson has been drifting slowly but steadily away from both his family and his faith. His parents, along with Christina, a young woman taken into the family during a crisis pregnancy, have been trying to reach him before he falls too far. But sometimes you have to hit bottom before you’re ready to grow up and give your life over to God. Christina’s feelings for Doug have been growing, even though he writes her off as not worth his time. Will Doug’s own crisis finally clear his vision and help him focus on what he has right in front of him?

    Readers who have been on this emotional and romantic journey with the Anderson family will fall in love with this satisfying conclusion to the popular series.

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  • Hearts Obsession


    Can a woman held captive by her family make it back to the one man she knows she can trust?

    When Sarah Montgomery’s father succumbs to his long illness, Sarah is faced with a life-altering choice: submit to her brother’s will and marry the deceptive Ben Croftner . . . or escape through the dangerous American West to reclaim the heart of her beloved Rand Campbell at Fort Laramie, Wyoming.

    From captivity in her family’s home, Sarah makes her decision-and begins the perilous journey to Wyoming by train. But even in the company of Rand’s brother, Sarah does not receive the reception she had hoped for. The necessity of a military wife has preempted her, and Rand is already engaged to Jessica DuBois, the seductive daughter of the post commander. With her heart broken and her life in ruins,Sarah has no choice but to remain at Fort Laramie and try to win Rand back. But things will get tougher before they get easier . . . the obsessive Ben Croftnerhas just shown up in Wyoming.

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  • Miles From Nowhere


    Chelsea Morris has always been responsible, dependable, and focused on her dreams of fashion design-a dream that will officially begin come fall, when she leaves for college in New York City. And as she settles into her role as the lead designer for the local summer stock theater group, she decides to make the most of her last summer in North Carolina. But with her best friend Emily busy working late and spending time with Zander, and tensions with Chelsea’s boyfriend, Todd, running high, the summer she envisioned seems to be falling flat. Then Dylan joins the latest summer production. There’s something about the college boy that makes her feel free and alive, and soon she’s broken up with Todd, and is sneaking out late to meet Dylan at parties and breaking rules at the playhouse. But before she knows it, her exciting nights are interfering with her job, her role on the play, as well as her relationship with Emily and with her parents. Worse, Chelsea finds herself feeling more and more estranged from God. As the summer becomes wilder than she ever dreamed, Chelsea must decide if her heart is leading her in the right direction after all.

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  • Strangers Secret


    As a grieving widow, Morwenna only wants to make a life for herself and her young son at her murdered husband’s estate. Until an unconscious man washes up on her shore, entangling her in a web of mysteries that threatens everything she holds dear. Still grieving the loss of her husband, Morwenna Penvenan fills her days preserving her son’s heritage: the dilapidated estate his father left them. But all attempts at restoration are thwarted when she is accused of deliberately causing ships to crash on her shore in order to steal their cargo. While seeking clues to the true culprits, she finds an unconscious man wearing a medallion with the Penvenan crest enameled upon it. Upon learning of his father’s death, David pursues answers to the many questions left in his father’s wake: Why was his father in Cornwall when he said he would be in Scotland? Why did he die in possession of a medallion belonging to a prominent Cornwall family? Why did his father take money from the family’s ship-building business? And why did someone kill him? Only after waking up at the Penvenan estate under Morwenna’s care do the pieces start falling together. As David recovers in Morwenna’s house, they grow to care about one another, while knowing each have reasons to distrust the other. The closer they work together, the more they learn how their lives-and mysteries-are entwined. As the past continues to intrude on their lives, they must learn to ask the Lord and others for help or risk losing each other and maybe even losing their lives.

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  • Faith Of Her Own


    Jeremiah thought leaving Middlefield was the hardest thing he’d ever do. That was nothing compared to returning home.

    When Jeremiah left his Amish community to pursue his dream of becoming a veterinarian, he left more than just his faith behind-he walked away from his family and his childhood friend, Anna Mae. Now that he’s returned to help out his mentor and work in a Yankee veterinarian practice, Jeremiah must face his past-and the people he betrayed.Anna Mae had finally put the loss of Jeremiah and the broken vow between them behind her. Even though she supported her best friend’s pursuit of his dream, she never let on how his departure left her questioning her own place in the Amish world. With his return, new questions arise, along with feelings she’d never fully acknowledged before.

    As their rekindled friendship begins to turn into something more, Jeremiah and Anna Mae must examine their own faith and their relationship with each other and their families. With both of them torn between loyalty to their loved ones and being pulled in different directions, they must decide whether to heed God’s call, even if it means being apart forever.

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  • Strangers Son : A Novel


    Just who is Father anyway? he wondered. Why did God choose him? What will become of our family? Will life be always like this? For Gershom, a twelve-year-old boy in Bible-times Egypt, being the son of a leader isn’t the big deal one might think it is. For one, his dad keeps leaving his mom, his brother, and him to go on long trips away from home. Meanwhile, Gershom is stuck trying to figure out how to be a godly young man among people who are bitterly trapped in slavery. Even worse, his very own aunt-the one his father adores-and his cousins make his mother and him feel like unwanted outsiders. And then there are those nagging questions about who his father is and why God selected him for this special mission. Join Gershom and his family on a vivid journey across an arid desert, up close to a glistening palace, and onward to a burning mountain as they follow his father’s calling from God. When Gershom experiences emotions such as fear, resentment, family pride, and joyfulness, you will recognize how his exciting story mirrors much of what you go through today. Most importantly, you will see what it might have been like to witness the events from the Bible’s book of Exodus through Gershom’s clever eyes. When the answers to Gershom’s questions are finally revealed, you will have a whole new appreciation for what it meant to be Moses’ child – “The Stranger’s Son.”

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  • Conversations With Saint Bernard


    George Gibson is determined to check off the last item on his bucket list: a trip across America. He hops in his RV to visit – and sketch – the buildings and places across America that he and his wife never got to see. When his daughter learns of a young boy forced to give up a beloved Saint Bernard named Lewis, she suggests George adopt the animal as a traveling companion. The dog even fits perfectly in the sidecar of George’s Vespa motor scooter. As George warms to his travel mate, he begins talking to Lewis, sharing stories from his life and his unrealized dreams. Along the way, Lewis seems to attract people and make instant friends with the quirky and charming, funny and odd people who cross their path. Could it be that his new friends – and this strange dog – will help George to finally confront the secret he’s been hiding? Can Lewis’s devotion to the truth be enough to save George from himself?

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  • Love Letters


    When her sister falls gravely ill, twenty-year-old Marlena Wenger takes on the responsibility of caring for her infant niece, Angel Rose. Worried that this turn of events portends a more complicated future than he is prepared for, her beau ends their relationship. Marlena is devastated, but is determined to give Angel Rose the best care possible.

    Though from the Beachy Amish herself, Marlena meets Ellie Bitner, an Old Order Amish mother who offers quilting and needlepoint classes. They soon form a bond, and Marlena is drawn into the circle of Ellie’s family. Ellie’s handsome cousin seems rather taken with Marlena, but after her recent breakup, she is cautious where her feelings are concerned.

    But things begin to change when Ellie’s young son Jacob discovers an older homeless man camped out in the nearby abandoned mill. Suffering from some cognitive disorder, the man has few prospects and fewer possessions–among them a small clutch of letters apparently from his own courting days. Could these letters be the key to the old man’s identity? And can they bring healing and hope to Marlena and Ellie as well?

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  • God Made The Rainbow A Love Story


    Michael Griggs, a young man about to become a minister, has a crisis of faith when his new bride Jenny dies, leaving him to raise her two little daughters alone. When the girls’ grandparents seek custody of the girls, Michael must confront his doubts in order to keep the girls in his life. Could the memories of how he met and fell in love with Jenny hold the key to rediscovering his faith? God Made the Rainbow is a story of love and faith-lost and regained.

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  • God Made The Rainbow A Love Story


    Michael Griggs, a young man about to become a minister, has a crisis of faith when his new bride Jenny dies, leaving him to raise her two little daughters alone. When the girls’ grandparents seek custody of the girls, Michael must confront his doubts in order to keep the girls in his life. Could the memories of how he met and fell in love with Jenny hold the key to rediscovering his faith? God Made the Rainbow is a story of love and faith-lost and regained.

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  • Until Shiloh Comes


    Historical Chronicles Press

    In the Civil War Battle of Shiloh, two soldiers are among the many thousands wounded or killed. One is Stanley, a Yankee, shot, his leg broken. The other is a Confederate, mortally wounded, the son of a local Christian family. Stanley tells Davina, the Confederate’s mother, where her son is?on the condition that she will nurse him back to health. In spite of her anger that a Yankee should demand this of her, she agrees. Before her son dies, he urges his mother to take care of the Union soldier as if he were her own son.

    Davina’s family is outraged that the soldier whose army killed their brother is being allowed to recover in their home. But her youngest son, Willy, who is blind, befriends Stanley. Eventually her teenaged daughter, Anna, and Stanley fall in love. But the oldest remaining son, Luke, resists Stanley with all his heart. Stanley befriends a slave family, the Jacksons, and they lead him to faith in Christ. But Luke’s bitterness grows, and after wounding Stanley, he betrays him to a slave trader. Can Stanley escape and remain with the family he has come to love?

    Until Shiloh Comes is a story of love?love between Stanley and Anna, and love among the members of the two families on the farm, one white, one black. It is a story of honor and loyalty. It is a story of personal choices and their consequences. And once you have begun this new novel, you won’t be able to put it down.

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  • Hearts Disguise


    In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young woman searches for her lost love at the edge of the West.

    The Civil War has destroyed Sarah Montgomery’s marriage before it’s even begun. After Sarah receives word that her fiance, Rand Campbell, has been killed fighting for the Union, her brothers and ailing father persuade her to pledge herself to Ben Croftner-despite her strong misgivings. But when Sarah finds out that Rand is in fact alive-and that Ben Croftner knew it-she indignantly breaks off the engagement and goes in search of Rand.

    But Ben Croftner does not take rejection lightly-and a single woman with a sick father makes an easy target. When Sarah is abducted by her treacherous fiance, Rand finally comes to her aid . . . only to reveal that he has been posted at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, and intends to take her there as his wife. But could Sarah leave her dying father’s side for the love of her life? And what plans are forming in the jealous heart of Ben Croftner?

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  • Uncertain Choice


    Due to her parents’ promise at her birth, Lady Rosemarie has been prepared to become a nun on the day she turns eighteen. Then, a month before her birthday, a friend of her father’s enters the kingdom and proclaims her parents’ will left a second choice-if Rosemarie can marry before the eve of her eighteenth year, she will be exempt from the ancient vow. Before long, Rosemarie is presented with the three most handsome and brave knights in the land. But when the competition for her heart seemingly results in a knight playing foul, she begins to wonder if the cloister is the best place after all. If only one of the knights-the one who appears the most guilty-had not already captured her heart. she rules with compassion, Lady Rosemarie questions whether life in a cloister is really the best choice for her life. She agrees to allow the three handsomest and noblest knights in the land the chance to win her heart in one month. But as she struggles to make a choice between the three men, strange outbreaks of the Plague are killing off her poorest subjects with increasing numbers. Worry over her people soon turns into worry for the knights when it becomes clear that someone is endangering them and trying to put them out of the competition to win her heart. As an evil presence undermines a blossoming love for one of the knights and threatens to destroy everything she holds dear, will Lady Rosemarie make the right choice?

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  • Below The Surface


    Something is wrong with Cooper. He’s plagued by a fear he doesn’t understand and can’t control. Cooper just wants to escape, and a summer vacation aboard the restored cabin cruiser, The Getaway, with best friends Gordy, Hiro, and Lunk seems like the perfect way to do it. Two weeks of fun-with no mysteries or life-and-death danger. That’s the plan. But their plans are shattered the very first night when they witness a murder. Or did they? Despite their intentions of leaving the investigation to the police, narrow misses and creepy encounters lure them in. Is there really a body floating in the underwater currents of the lake? The closer they get to the truth, the deeper into danger they get. Too late they see the trap. Now each of them must face their own buried fears . . . just below the surface.

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  • Angels Walking : A Novel


    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury comes the first in a brand-new series about second chances-a dramatic story about a washed up baseball player, the love he left behind, and the miracles that might save them both.

    When former national baseball star Tyler Ames suffers a career-ending injury, all he can think about is putting his life back together the way it was before. He has lost everyone he loves on his way to the big leagues. Then just when things seem to be turning around, Tyler hits rock bottom. Across the country, Tyler’s one true love Sami Dawson has moved on.

    A series of small miracles leads Tyler to a maintenance job at a retirement home and a friendship with Virginia Hutcheson, an old woman with Alzheimer’s who strangely might have the answers he so desperately seeks.

    A team of Angels Walking take on the mission to restore hope for Tyler, Sami, and Virginia. Can such small and seemingly insignificant actions of the unseen bring healing and redemption? And can the words of a stranger rekindle lost love? Every journey begins with a step.

    It is time for the mission to begin…

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  • Remember The Lilies


    Irene and Rand come from very different walks of life. Will they find common ground in their fight to survive?

    Irene has grown up in the jungle as a missionary with her Aunt Anita, but now she and countless others are imprisoned by Japanese soldiers at the Santo Tomas Internment Camp in the Philippines. Irene and her aunt are safe there, and she keeps busy with her duty of delivering censored messages to the camp’s prisoners, but like everyone else, she prays for the war to end and for her freedom.

    Rand is a wealthy, womanizing American, whose attempted escape from the internment camp has put himself and others in danger. When Rand and Irene’s Aunt Anita meet one another in the hospital, Irene learns more of his story and her heart is determined to save his family.

    But the danger outside the walls of the hospital worsens every day, and life in this exotic place is anything but luxurious. Can Irene find Rand’s family before they disappear forever? And can a humble missionary woman and an arrogant man find common ground in the face of their biggest fears?

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  • Mulligan


    Twenty-year-old Bobbi Snow is more at home behind an easel than on the golf green. After all, being a pro golfer was her twin brother’s goal and her father’s obsession. But when Bobbi’s careless accident causes a fire that leaves her brother crippled, she’s determined to dust off her clubs and follow his dream. Playing the hero might be the only way to save her splintering family. Maybe then her father will forgive her. But can she ever forgive herself?

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  • Where Trust Lies (Reprinted)


    Beth Thatcher returns home from her first year as a schoolteacher in the mining town of Coal Valley and steps into a whole different world. Her life back among her wealthy Eastern family is a stark contrast to her primitive life in the West, and Beth isn’t sure where she belongs anymore.

    She barely has time to settle in before her mother announces plans for a family holiday–a luxurious steamship tour along the eastern coast of Canada and the U.S. Wishing to reconnect with her mother and sister, Beth agrees to go but quickly finds herself at odds with her mother’s expectations. After enjoying complete freedom in the western wilds, Beth isn’t sure what to make of her mother’s ongoing efforts to direct her life–and her heart.

    Beth keeps in touch with her Mountie beau, Jarrick, even as young men more of her station catch her eye. Is she ready to fully give her heart to Jarrick, knowing it will mean saying good-bye to her family and her life of privilege once again? And when Beth trusts the wrong person, will Jarrick be able to help her despite the distance between them?

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  • Amish Cradle : Four Novellas


    In His Father’s Arms by Beth Wiseman
    Ruth Anne Zook is excited that she and her best friend are due with their children the same week. But when Ruth Anne’s baby is born with Down Syndrome, she and her husband struggle to understand God’s plan.

    A Son for Always by Amy Clipston
    Carolyn and her husband Joshua are thrilled to be pregnant with their first child. A teenager when she had her son Benjamin, Carolyn still feels obligated to work to secure Ben’s future, even though Josh adopted Ben. She struggles to realize that Josh will love and protect both of their children equally.

    A Heart Full of Love by Kathleen Fuller
    Ellie’s mother loves to meddle in her personal life-especially now that Ellie’s pregnant. Since Ellie is blind, her mother worries that she won’t be able to handle the baby. When Ellie gives birth to twins, her mother insists on moving in. Just as everyone reaches the breaking point, a miracle draws them closer to each other and to God.

    An Unexpected Blessing by Vannetta Chapman
    At 42, Etta thought her time of having children was over, but she’s pregnant again. She goes into labor during a blizzard, and complications with the delivery raise fear. Etta struggles to accept Gotte’s wille for the baby and her son, David, who moved away two years earlier in search of what he would do with his life.

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  • Cleared For Planting


    Living in the Appalichian Mountains in 1804 takes a strong person, and the unexpected can be lurking just around the corner. Emma has high hopes when her family moves to the North Carolina mountains. Her father appears to have finally quit drinking, and he plans to settle their family once and for all near the Linville River. Here Emma meets Edgar Moretz, an intelligent, passionate, and godly young man. Things are looking up for her, but when she is captured by a Cherokee raiding party, Emma’s problems have just begun. Years later, Clifton has finally finished his medical training and plans to spend some time at his family’s mountain farm until he can decide his next step. He also hopes God will send him a special woman to become his wife. But when she arrives unexpectedly, he finds that the road to happiness is not always smooth.

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  • 489 : A Short Story About Forgiveness


    Loaded with plot twists and surprises, this short story delivers a powerful message about forgiveness and how our life affects other people, even those we don’t know. The book is widely endorsed by therapists and ministry leaders because it helps the reader to be set free from the bondage of unforgiveness.

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  • Walton Dorsey Wonder Boy


    Walton Dorsey, Wonder Boy is the exciting story of an unusual teenager who has a special gift. The news media are so impressed that they refer to him as “Wonder Boy.” But when he expresses his ideas in a TV interview, there are antagonistic reactions-including a serious death threat. Walton then goes into hiding, but when it seems that a terrible catastrophe is about to happen, he risks his life in an attempt to save his beloved grandmother.

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  • Vines Of Entanglement


    A tangled web of lies characterizes the life Laura Mabry has built for herself and her son after the tragic death of her husband. But Laura’s carefully constructed world slides off its axis when she stumbles upon the body of a young college student on the recreational trails of Raleigh’s Greenway. What’s worse, Detective Jon Locklear is Laura’s worst nightmare…and her dream come true. Jon has spent years trying to forget Laura. Past experience has taught him that he can’t trust her, but old habits – like old loves – die hard. When the killer turns his attention on Laura, Jon may be the only one who can save her. Truth and murder lurk just around the corner for Laura. Can she find the courage to face her deepest fears and unravel the lies of her past before she and her son become the Greenway Killer’s next victims?

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  • Betting On Hope


    A bet gone wrong. A small town’s meddling. And a cowboy intent on saving his ranch.Maggie Hope is an advice columnist whose background leaves her with little advice to give . . . and it’s beginning to show. When Maggie fills in at an interview with champion horse trainer Tru Monahan, the on-camera chemistry between them is undeniable. Maggie’s bosses know this is the opportunity she’s been looking for to launch her career-and their bank accounts. In order to save her column, Maggie takes Tru up on the bet that he can teach her to ride a quick-stepping cutting horse like any cowgirl, despite the fact that she has never been on a horse. And in the meantime, she can get the scoop on the man under the cowboy hat.Tru has been on the competition circuit for longer than he’d like, but he knows it’s the only way he can afford to keep the Four of Hearts Ranch that means so much to his ailing grandfather. So when his sponsors see the opportunity for Tru’s fans to get to know the star on a more intimate level, he knows he must oblige. To his dismay, Maggie not only invades his small town of Wishing Springs, but she also invades his heart, and that is something he cannot let any woman do-for her own good.In Wishing Springs, Maggie finds what she has always been looking for: a community and a home. But when her past catches up to her, it threatens everything, even the tender hope that this town holds all of her heart’s desires.

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  • Sabotaged (Reprinted)


    Growing up, goody-two-shoes Kirra Jacobs and troublemaker Reef McKenna were always at odds. Now paired together on Yancey’s search-and-rescue canine unit, they begin to put aside old arguments as they come to see each other in a different light. Then a call comes in from the Iditarod that will push them to their limits.

    Kirra’s uncle, a musher in the race, has disappeared. Kirra and Reef quickly track the man, but what they discover is harrowing. Frank’s daughter has been kidnapped. In order to save her, the man must use his knowledge as a mechanical engineer to do the kidnapper’s bidding or she will die. Kirra and Reef, along with the entire McKenna family, are thrown into a race to stop a shadowy villain who is not only threatening a girl’s life, but appears willing to unleash one of the largest disasters Alaska has ever seen.

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  • Twisted Innocence


    When Holly’s secrets backfire, is the mess too big to unravel? Holly Cramer has worked hard to keep the identity of her daughter’s father a secret, shamed and embarrassed by the one-night stand. But when the police knock on her door searching for Creed Kershaw, she realizes his identity isn’t as hidden as she thought. The fact that Creed is a person of interest in a recent drug-related murder only increases her humiliation. When Holly’s and Creed’s paths cross, Holly is unsure whether to be terrified of him or trust him. His tenderness with their daughter makes her want to believe his story that he had nothing to do with the murder. Then she discovers that Creed has a connection to Leonard Miller-who killed both her sister’s fiance and her brother-in-law, and kidnapped her nephews-and things only become more complicated. Will Creed lead them to the man who has plagued her family, or become another of his victims?

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  • Brentwoods Ward


    Place an unpolished lawman named Nicholas Brentwood as guardian over a spoiled, pompous beauty named Emily Payne and what do you get? More trouble than Brentwood bargains for. She is determined to find a husband this season. He just wants the large fee her father will pay him to help his ailing sister. After a series of dire mishaps, both their desires are thwarted, but each discovers that no matter what, God is in charge.

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  • Fixing Perfect


    In the community of Avalon on Catalina Island, a psychopath is kidnapping children and perfectly posing and painting the bodies of adult victims to resemble handicapped artist, Robin Ingram. Robin struggles with feelings of imperfection, and knowing some madman has a macabre agenda-which includes fixing her-is unsettling. She’s relieved when paramedic Sam Albrecht steps up to help. Sam believes he knows the identity of the killer, and he wants nothing more than to prove it in order to keep Robin out of danger. Then Sam is arrested as a suspect for the crimes, and Robin’s life is thrown into a fresh whirlwind. She may not know who the real killer is, but she does know Sam is innocent…and she will find the proof to set him free, or she’ll die trying.

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  • Esther : Royal Beauty (Reprinted)


    An ambitious tyrant threatens genocide against the Jews in ancient Persia, so an inexperienced beautiful young queen must take a stand for her people.

    When Xerxes, king of Persia, issues a call for beautiful young women, Hadassah, a Jewish orphan living in Susa, is forcibly taken to the palace of the pagan ruler. After months of preparation, the girl known to the Persians as Esther wins the king’s heart and a queen’s crown. But because her situation is uncertain, she keeps her ethnic identity a secret until she learns that an evil and ambitious man has won the king’s permission to exterminate all Jews–young and old, powerful and helpless. Purposely violating an ancient Persian law, she risks her life in order to save her people…and bind her husband’s heart.

    Esther marks bestselling author Angela Hunt’s return to biblical fiction. In each novel she explores an example of a Hebrew Old Testament tob woman: a woman whose physical beauty influences those around her–and can change the course of history.

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  • Dandelion Field


    The handsome firefighter makes a living coming to people’s rescue, but Gin is used to fighting her own battles. Nothing has ever come easy for single mom Genevieve Lightly. Over the years, she’s managed to pay the bills waitressing, and she is deeply devoted to her daughter, Raine. Gin has been satisfied moving from city to city, never putting down roots or making commitments. But when engine trouble temporarily strands them in the small town of Banister Falls, Wisconsin, Gin promises her daughter they will stay put until Raine graduates from high school in the spring. Dan Moretti couldn’t imagine a life without Evie, but she married his best friend. After Max died while fighting a huge blaze, Dan has looked out for Evie and her son, Cody. Evie has always made it clear she thinks of him only as a friend, but Dan has secretly held out hope that her feelings would change. When a small town scandal erupts, Dan is caught in the middle and his loyalty put to the test when he realizes his feelings are the ones that are changing. He’s falling for a beautiful, unconventional waitress named Gin. As Cody and Raine move closer to making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives, Dan makes a decision, too. But can he convince a woman who doesn’t believe in happy endings to take a chance on a new beginning . . . with him?

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  • Compromised Journey : Inspiratinal Book For All Who Have Allowed Themselves


    Elizabeth was not aware that she had the right to use the word ‘no’, especially to adults and those who were older than she. She knew nothing about self worth or self esteem and, therefore, grew up void of any confidence in her own self and any real value equated to her personal worth. Experiencing the horror of rape, rejection and betrayal, she was physically abused and lied to by those whom she trusted the most. Everything around her represented negativity and failure. So many people let her down. Those who would normally be there to support and protect her had obviously abandoned her. Compromised Journey will anger you. It will encourage you and it will captivate you as you travel with the author through the pages of her book. Throughout her story, you will see the mighty hand of God protecting Elizabeth as she struggles through one catastrophe after another. Not until she reaches out to God from the realness of her very core, is she able to experience God’s purpose for her life.

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  • Promise Of Palm Grove


    A young Amish woman finds herself torn between the man she’s pledged to wed and the man her heart desires in this heartwarming story of chance, duty, and choice in the face of love-the first volume in beloved New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray’s new Amish Brides of Pinecraft series
    Amish bride-to-be Leona is thrilled to be in Florida, on a mini vacation in the pretty town of Pinecraft. Her girlfriends think she’s happy because she’s away from the stress of wedding planning. They have no idea that Leona’s real joy is in being away from her fiance.

    Edmund is a good man and will make a decent husband . . . just not for Leona. The more time she spends with him and his overbearing ways, the less she wants to be his wife. Her cousins are sure Edmund is the right man for her-and their certainty makes Leona begin to doubt herself. But when a chance encounter with a wayward cat brings her face-to-face with a handsome, fun-loving Amish man named Zachary Kaufmann, Leona’s faced with two vastly different futures.

    Leona must decide: Should she follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

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  • Hidden Agenda : A Novel (Reprinted)


    Michael Hunt is alive–and on the run. Presumed dead by friends and family, the undercover assignment he’s been working for the past eight months has just been blown. With a hit out on his life and corruption inside the Atlanta police department, Michael finds himself hunted by both the cartel and the law. His only hope is the daughter of the man who wants him dead.

    This nonstop chase from taut suspense writer Lisa Harris will leave readers breathless as they race to connect the dots before it’s too late.

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  • Steadfast Heart (Reprinted)


    Beloved Author Tracie Peterson Launches Exciting New Series

    Lenore Fulcher isn’t pretentious despite her spoiled upbringing. Her deepest desire at the age of twenty is to find true love. However, her father believes she’s wasted enough time searching for a suitable husband, and he wants to marry her off to one of his business partners–thirty-seven-year-old James Rybus. But the idea of marriage to a man so much older is out of the question for Lenore.

    Kolbein Booth, a lawyer from Chicago, arrives in Seattle looking for his headstrong sister who he believes may have answered an advertisement for mail-order brides. Sick with worry, he storms the Madison Bridal School, demanding to see his sister, only to learn she isn’t there. But Lenore Fulcher is, and something about her captures his attention.

    Is this the man Lenore has been searching for? She may not have long to find out…

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  • Rivers Edge


    The man Lisa Jackson loved most may have betrayed her. Another used deception to manipulate her. But did one of them kill her? Ben Jackson is sure to defeat Jonathan Cleary in Cape Refuge’s mayoral race, until his wife turns up missing the day before a major debate. Suspecting foul play, Police Chief Cade launches an island-wide search. But it takes a psychic’s “vision” to point police to the riverside—and Lisa’s body. The evidence implicating Ben in his wife’s murder is convincing. But as a local scandal escalates into a national media circus, Cade’s instincts tell him to dig deeper. And he’s not the only one. Blair Owens of the Cape Refuge Journal is using her investigative skills to uncover a rat’s nest of dirty secrets—and more than one person with a motive for murder. But Blair’s methods are jeopardizing her relationship with Cade, and an unsolicited prediction from the psychic only adds to her troubles. Is the man’s so-called gift truly from God, as he claims? Did Lisa’s murder have anything to do with the mayoral race, her husband’s alleged affair, or her decade-long struggle with infertility? Whoever the killer is, he’s about to take his evasion of justice to the next, lethal level. And someone else is going to die.

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  • Breakers Reef


    Murder and mystery continue in Book Four of the Cape Refuge series A famous mystery writer has just moved to Cape Refuge when a teenage girl is found murdered. Sheila Caruso-ex-con, mother to Sadie and Caleb, and resident of Hanover House-is working for the writer when she discovers that a scene in one of his novels matches the crime scene. When Police Chief Cade and Blair Owens discover a second dead teenager-mirroring a murder in another of the eccentric writer’s books-Cade is drawn into a web of trickery and deceit. Evidence turns up in Cade’s own truck, and suddenly he becomes the number-one suspect. Cade tries to clear his name, but when eighteen-year-old Sadie Caruso disappears, tensions mount to a fever pitch. Can Cade find the real killer before Sadie winds up dead? Is the novelist a demented killer, or a hapless victim? And what does Sadie’s own mother have to do with the crimes? Secrets are uncovered, while lessons are learned about the sins of the father being visited upon his children. Will the consequences of Sheila’s life be fatal, or is there redemption and mercy for her and her children? “Chief Matthew Cade rarely considered another line of work, but news of the dead teenage girl made him long for a job as an accountant or electrician—some benign vocation that didn’t require him to look into the eyes of grieving parents.”

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  • Masterpiece Marriage


    After a flood damages the looms at Zenus Dane’s Philadelphia textile mill and the bank demands loan payment, Zenus turns to his aunt for help repurposing his textiles. Trouble is . . . his aunt has already been hired by the lovely yet secretive Englishwoman Mary Varrs. Eager to acquire his aunt’s quilt patterns, Zenus attends the summer Quilting Bee, a social event his aunt has uniquely designed with the secret purpose of finding Zenus a wife. However Zenus only has eyes for Mary, but Mary has no such desire for him. Though his aunt is determined to design a masterpiece marriage, both Zenus and Mary will have to overcome their stubborn ways. Can he realize that love requires stepping out of his routine? And will she recognize that following her heart doesn’t mean sacrificing her ambition?

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  • Sister Eve Private Eye


    Sister Eve always says God moves in mysterious ways. And Eve adores a good mystery. Especially a murder.

    A member of the Benedictine Order in Pecos, New Mexico, Sister Evangeline has been feeling disconnected and a bit uncertain about her calling. She’s not thrilled when she must return home to Madrid, New Mexico, to care for her testy, ailing father, but she’s also invigorated to take on some new challenges.

    Retired Police Captain Jackson Divine is in trouble. “The Captain” is a Private Eye specializing in finding lost people and he’s been hot on case. But his diabetes has spiraled out of control, requiring surgery. Just before the crisis, he was hired to find Chaz Cheston, a missing Hollywood director. But when Cheston turns up dead-murdered-the stakes for The Captain are raised. Suspects abound, including Cheston’s mistress, a young starlet and most recent client of Captain Divine.

    Evangeline steps in to help solve the case. But one answered question raises another: Will Sister Eve return to the cloistered life or decide to give up her habit?

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  • Wishing Season


    She daydreams of whipping up sauces and souffles in her own restaurant. His heart is set on helping foster children. Both dreams are at stake. So are their hearts.

    With grand plans to open her own bed & breakfast in Chapel Springs, PJ McKinley can’t afford the most crucial part: the brick and mortar. But when the owner of a local historic home announces a contest and promises her property to the worthiest candidate, PJ makes a fervent wish and tosses her name into the hat.

    Cole Evans is cool, confident, and successful, but he’ll never forget his roots. He’s thankful for how far he’s come and knows his life could have turned out drastically different. If he can win the stately old mansion, he’ll turn it into a home for children aging out of the foster system.

    When the eccentric house owner narrows the entries down to only two applicants, she extends the contest, giving PJ and Cole one year to prove which one of them can make the best use of her beloved home. As the pair competes in close proximity, something deeper than rivalry sparks between PJ and Cole. And in this battle, they’re likely to lose their hearts.

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  • Murder Tightly Knit


    When a local Amish man is found dead, the Middlebury Amish Artisan Village comes under suspicion. Two amateur sleuths—one Amish, one English—will have to work quickly to keep fear from dividing their community. As fall blankets the Pumpkinvine Trail with leaves of brown, gold, and orange, a local Amish man is found dead on the path. The only clues to the murderer’s identity point in two very different directions—toward the local survivalist group and toward the Amish Village—specifically the village’s knitting shop, The Cat’s Meow. The police call in a federal investigator, and he quickly puts everyone on the suspect list. Amber Wright and Hannah Troyer know who isn’t guilty—they know this community down to the last buggy, but can find the guilty party before someone else is in danger? While Hannah helps Amber solve the mystery, she and Jesse Miller continue courting. But when Jesse’s prodigal brother returns to their farm, Jesse becomes distracted by family troubles. He and Hannah will have to overcome the tension in order to keep their relationship alive. And Amber and Hannah will need to work quickly to solve the murder mystery and bring harmony back to the Amish community.

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  • Aquifer : Truth Lies Just Below The Surface


    Only He Can Bring What They Need to Survive. In the year 2250, water is scarce, and those who control it control everything. Sixteen-year-old Luca has struggled with this truth, and what it means, his entire life. As the son of the Deliverer, he will one day have to descend to the underground Aquifer each year and negotiate with the reportedly ratlike miners who harvest the world’s fresh water. But he has learned the true control rests with the Council aboveground, a group that has people following without hesitation, and which has forbidden all emotion and art in the name of keeping the peace. And this Council has broken his father’s spirit, while also forcing Luca to hide every feeling that rules his heart.

    But when Luca’s father goes missing, everything shifts. Luca is forced underground, and discovers secrets, lies, and mysteries that cause him to reevaluate who he is and the world he serves. Together with his friends and a very alluring girl, Luca seeks to free his people and the Rats from the Council’s control. But Luca’s mission is not without struggle and loss, as his desire to uncover the truth could have greater consequences than he ever imagined.

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  • World Split Open


    Jesus or no Jesus, Mitch and Jules Millhouse are a Christian couple whose lives are falling apart. Their marriage is hanging by a thread, filled with unmet expectations and unkindnesses aimed at each other every day. There is underlying abuse and addiction taking place but Jules is not at first aware of this which keeps them in a cycle of crazy-making behaviors that leaves them frustrated and beaten down. In the midst of all this, Jules struggles to know how to be a good Christian wife, mother, friend, anything in the middle of such pain and chaos; Mitch is in a job crisis as his drinking was the cause of a plane crash on his watch as an air traffic controller; their two teenagers are flailing; and Jules receives a surprise: a stack of letters that her deceased mother wrote her as she was growing up has surfaced, and its insights and guidance couldn’t have come at a better time. Jules moves from beaten down woman, unaware of all that’s really going on, to a woman on the verge of healing and answers. She is sincere in her desires for help and healing and yet she struggles constantly with wanting out of a marriage that is suffocating her. “World Split Open” will resonate with some, almost too closely, and challenge others’ perspective that Christian marriages – and Christians’ lives – just aren’t supposed to be messy.

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  • Wayward Hearts


    Hairstylist Maxi North is living her dream in Manhattan, poised to become junior partner in one of the city’s classiest salons. Her father’s death puts her plans on hold while she travels home to face her past. There, she is forced to confront unrequited feelings for her former best friend, Jason Hanley, as well as her deeply buried guilt over her younger brother’s death. Fireman-in-training, Jason Hanley knows how badly Rainbow Falls needs its own fire station. As a new Christian, he pledges to serve the people of his community and to open a fire station as soon as possible. When his friend, Maxi North, and her mother almost perish in a fire, Jason becomes involved in helping them re-build their farmhouse. Soon he finds himself wondering if he and Maxi can ever put aside their differences to find a future together.

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  • Most Dangerous Mission


    Freezer has just decided to leave with Jealousness to Villain World. In Villain world there was a evil scientist who’s name was Dr. Scuttle, he turned Freezer into a villain. After a long transformation and a evil scheme the hero’s went to save Freezer. Will the Hero’s be able to save the world and Freezer from being under X-Finney’s control? The Most Dangerous Mission was written by H. Madison at age 13.

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  • Cape Refuge


    Mystery and suspense combine in this first book in an exciting new 4-book series by best-selling author Terri Blackstock. Thelma and Wayne Owens run a bed and breakfast in Cape Refuge, Georgia. They minister to the seamen on the nearby docks and prisoners just out of nearby jails, holding services in an old warehouse and taking many of the ‘down-and-outers’ into their home. They have two daughters: the dutiful Morgan who is married to Jonathan, a fisherman, and helps them out at the B and B, and Blair, the still-single town librarian, who would be beautiful if it weren’t for the serious scar on the side of her face. After a heated, public argument with his in-laws, Jonathan discovers Thelma and Wayne murdered in the warehouse where they held their church services. Considered the prime suspect, Jonathan is arrested. Grief-stricken, Morgan and Blair launch their own investigation to help Matthew Cade, the town’s young police chief, find the real killer. Shady characters and a raft of suspects keep the plot twisting and the suspense building as we learn not only who murdered Thelma and Wayne, but also the secrets about their family’s past and the true reason for Blair’s disfigurement.

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  • Southern Storm


    Sequel to the #1 best-selling Cape Refuge First a dead stranger. Now a missing Police Chief. Did Chief Cade run off to elope . . . or has he met with foul play? The body in the morgue had no ID. No one knew who he was or where he came from when he walked out in front of Cade’s car. And when Cade learns he had a gunshot wound before he was struck, finding his identity becomes even more urgent. Then Cade vanishes. Authorities discover the victim’s name, and the woman Cade was last seen with turns out to have been the dead man’s wife. Speculation abounds about Cade’s relationship to the woman and his part in the victim’s death. His disappearance makes him look even more suspicious. But Blair Owens doesn’t believe the rumors. Something has happened to Cade, and she’s determined to find him. Saving Cade’s life will take faith in a God whom Blair has always doubted—but he may be her only hope.

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