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    • 2 Good Friday Tenebrae Services


      These services can be used by any number of participants, and include an order of service. Paradoxes Of The Passion examines the circumstances leading up to the crucifixion of an itinerant preacher from Galilee. What Shall I Do, Then, With Jesus Who Is Called Christ? brings us face to face with Pilate’s question that has echoed down the centuries.

      Each of the Tenebrae services in this booklet can be used by any number of participants. An order of service for your bulletin preparations is also included.

      Paradoxes Of The Passion brings to the worshiping congregation the circumstances leading up to the crucifixion of an itinerant preacher from Galilee who was no less than the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. The seven paradoxes are interspersed with hymns and prayers.

      What Shall I Do, Then, With Jesus Who Is Called Christ? To Pilate’s surprise the crowd sought freedom for the murderer Barabbas rather than for Jesus. Pilate then asked the question that has echoed down the centuries to every man, woman, and child who has ever heard the Gospel: “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?” In this thought-provoking Good Friday Tenebrae service, Douglas Meyer explores how various key characters in the Passion story answered that question. Then he considers how The person in the pew answers that question today.

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    • On The Way To Bethlehem


      Richard Goodlin writes: “Having been born in Bethlehem (Pennsylvania), I wondered what it would be like to get a letter from the IRS stating I had to go back to Bethlehem for the purpose of taxation. This gave rise to On The Way To Bethlehem.”

      The assigned scripture lessons for Advent in the lectionary present themes and concepts, but there is little in the way of a story that flows from one week to the next. In these dialogues Goodlin engages people in the unfolding drama of events that lead up to the birth of Jesus, as well as the story of the life of Jesus.

      These dialogues may be performed as a readers’ theater and few props are needed. Costuming is optional.

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    • 3 For The Third Day


      Brevity and flexibility are the strengths of this volume. Each of these three drama-based Sunrise services takes only about 30 minutes to perform. The maximum number of participants required is nine and the minimum is four. Ages of the participants can range from adults to older elementary children.

      The first service is titled We Were There and features an all female cast. It is the story of the women who were waiting for the sunrise trip to the tomb. The second is titled A Night Of Memories. It has Mary, the mother of Jesus, remembering the life of her son. As she recalls highlights of his life, corresponding scenes from the past become visible. The third service is called The Dream. It is the story of two young friends — a believer and a non-believer. One appears in the other’s dream as an angel and leads him through the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

      Hymn, costume and scenery suggestions are included with each service. Scriptural references are also cited.

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    • Drama Skits And Sketches 3


      More great ideas for youth group activities

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    • Spontaneous Melodramas 2


      The lights are dim. The crowd is hushed.

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    • Empty Chair


      All of us have lost family members, friends, and people who influenced our lives. Although we cannot physically bring these people back to life, they can and do continue to live in our minds, our thoughts, and our dreams. The Empty Chair was created with those people in mind. Of course, The Empty Chair also symbolizes the unseen (yet always talked about) guest at every meal, Jesus himself.

      Written for a Thanksgiving service, this program in readers’ theater format is set in a restaurant where a pastor has taken four young people out to dinner as a reward for packing Thanksgiving baskets for the needy. Although there are only five in the party, the pastor asks for a table for six. The story unfolds as the pastor explains why he has requested an extra place setting and chair.

      The practical format of The Empty Chair allows participants to use scripts instead of memorizing long passages. If desired, the characters may conceal their scripts within their menus. The Christian message is blended into the words of each reader as a means to get the gospel message to the audience.

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    • Reformations Rib : Remembering Katherine Von Bora


      Reformation’s Rib is a chancel drama detailing the life of Katherine von Bora (Martin Luther’s wife). The historical script gives an insightful look into the husband and wife relationship that helped shape the writings of the founder of the Lutheran church. Originally written to celebrate the 500th anniversary of von Bora’s birth, this easy-to-stage presentation calls for a cast of three: Katherine von Bora (Katie Luther), Martin Luther, and a narrator.

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    • Scenes And Monologs From The Best New Plays


      An anthology of new scenes from contemporary American plays edited by Roger Ellis. Forty-two selections from thirty-eight of the best new plays, culled from around the country, address the major trends and conflicts of today through revealing glimpses of society as we know it. Scenes are varied in tone and content, with humor, pathos, reflection, poignancy, angst, and other qualities for dramatic expression. Scenes are short for auditioning ease – no longer than ten minutes. A must for every auditioning actor, theatre student, or drama aficionado.

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    • Scenes That Happen


      Snapshot dramatizations about life in high school by Mary Krell-Oishi. Thirty-four real-life scenes for guys and girls and mixed casts of two to four actors. Suitable for classroom or stage performance. Excellent contest scripts because student actors portray themselves in the bearable and impossible situations of teenage existence. Themes include dating, popularity, growing up, graduation, suspension from school, and moving – experiences to laugh about and cry about. Scene lengths vary from four to seven minutes each. Royalty-free performance with book purchase

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    • On Stage


      Twenty-three one-act plays for performance by Robert Mauro. Most all of the plays in this book are easily adapted to classroom or stage performance. Suggestive props and simple costuming will provide the mood and setting. The emphasis is on contemporary characters in contemporary situations. Parts for actors of all ages from teens to middle age. Light drama, tragicomedy and satire. Small cast plays, monologs and duologs. A versatile source book of short plays for many uses.

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    • Doubletalk


      Comedy duets for actors by Bill Majeski. Concise, incisive and very funny! These professional-level satirical dialogs are an actor’s delight. The characters are exaggerated, talking cartoons. Each short skit gets big laughs because the dialog bites, stabs and tickles with wit and insight. Simple staging and costumes. Excellent for drama competitions. Choose from fifty comedy duets. Arranged for two men, two women, one man and one woman. More of the best from a top comedy writer.

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    • Comedy Improvisation


      1. Basics Of Improvisation And Comedy
      2. Improvisation In The Classroom
      3. Simple Improv Structures
      4. Character Improv Structures
      5. Advanced Improv Structures
      6. Advanced Acting Exercises
      7. Forming A Comedy/Improv Show
      8. Putting On An Improv Show
      9. Protecting Yourself And Your Work

      Additional Info
      Improv structures and exercises for young actors by Delton T. Horn. From the Renaissance commedia dell’arte to today’s Second City comedy troupe, improvisation has been a hit. Learn the structure behind the spontaneity of comedy improvisation. Over 35 performance-tested improv structures and performance tips in this book help even a beginner tackle this “off the cuff” humor with confidence. Learn the elements of successful improvisation: setting, characters, conflict and action, dialog and humor. Then have fun polishing your new skills in comedy clubs, coffee houses or acting classes. Instructions on loosening up, writing routines, coping with audiences and protecting original routines through contracts and copyrights are also included.

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    • Encore


      More honest-to-life characterizations by Peg Kehret. So great were the reviews and the sales response to Winning Monologs for Young Actors, that we had to develop this sequel! It includes sixty-three more monologs written expressly for teenagers to use for classroom exercises, speech contests, play tryouts or as discussion starters on many educational themes. The book is divided into three sections: monologs for girls – for boys – for girls or boys. These are all “real talk” monologs portraying life’s funny situations and its pathos written as teens are thinking today.

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    • Acting And Stage Movement


      A complete handbook for amateurs and professionals by Edwin C. White. In one handy volume, a concise course in all phases of acting and stage movement. Speech control, interpretation of a character style – all the essentials of good acting are fully reviewed. Every phase of acting and motion is included: sitting, walking, standing, hand and arm coordination and opposition, the eyes, the head, body movement, exits and entrances, mechanics of emotional range and relaxation and tension. A fully illustrated book.

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    • Theatre And You


      An introductory text on all aspects of theatre by Marsh Cassady. The fascinating world of the theatre is explored in this comprehensive new text by a director/playwright/author of distinction.Fifteen chapters present a complete overview of acting, directing, playwriting, scenery, lighting, costumes, and the history of theatre. Abundant photos and illustrations are used to explain each of the key concepts.Included are several plays and scenes to allow students to “flesh out” characters and gain perspective of various types of dramatic works.Playwrights include Shakespeare, Ibsen, Wilde, and several well-known contemporary writers

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    • 2 Character Plays For Student Actors


      A collection of fifteen one-act plays by Robert Mauro. Each of the plays in this book is a complete dramatic work balanced for a two-actor performance. Lengths vary from ten to thirty minutes. Many different types of roles from liberated women to bumbling detectives, from childhood sweethearts to homeless immigrants. Many styles: slapstick comedy, modern drama, satire, character study and tragedy. No royalties required. Especially good for classroom and workshop use. Scripts are excellent for secondary and university-level forensic competitions

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    • Theatre Games For Young Performers


      Improvisations and exercises for developing acting skills by Maria C. Novelly. Written especially for those who coach adolescent actors, this delightfully fresh workbook tells you the how, when, what and why of theatre games for young performers. Anyone working with young actors in schools or recreational centers will find this book exceptionally helpful. The basics of pantomime, improvisations, voice control, monologs and dialogs are all presented in game formats with exercises and worksheets for easy organization.

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    • Complete Book Of Speech Communication


      A workbook of ideas and activities for students of speech and theatre by Carol Marrs. “Students learn best by doing” is the essence of this lively textbook of creative activities. Ten chapters suitable for a full year’s course in speech communication. Involvement is essential, but these learning experiences are such great fun that students will want to participate. Sample activities include rap, pantomime, charades, a game show, Readers Theatre, TV news, a mock trial, talk show improvisation, and dozens more, including a “grab bag” of extra activities. Assignment instructions and the sign-up sheet may be reproduced. Cartoon illustrations throughout.

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    • Scenes From Shakespeare


      Fifteen cuttings for the classroom edited by Michael Wilson. Now students are able to easily study a variety of Shakespeare’s works and come to a more complete understanding of the world’s most famous playwright. Only scenes with small casts are included. Each scene is preceded by character descriptions and plot synopsis so that actors will understand the setting and motivation of the characters.All scenes are between fifteen and twenty-five minutes in length.Ideal for classroom performance or for auditions and acting workshops. Features scenes from Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Julius Caesar, and Hamlet.

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    • Acting Natural


      A book of monologs, dialogs and playlets by Peg Kehret. Short-length scripts expressing the honest feelings of teenagers – their joys and their problems. Subjects include the environment, diets, baby-sitting, self-image, drunk driving, teenage sex, and more – all treated with humor, warmth and realism. Most roles may be played by either male or female performers. May be staged with no special sets, props or costumes. Ideal for speech and drama classrooms, variety shows and forensic competitions.

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    • Improvisations In Creative Drama


      Workshops and dramatic sketches for student actors by Betty Keller. Students will learn both improvisational and structured drama by using the sequential workshops and plays included in the lesson plans of this book. A two-part book with fourteen dramatic sketches that can be done in the classroom. The workshops cover the basics of sound and music, words and movement, and poetry and imagination. The sketches allow the students to apply the basics they have learned. Many students may participate simultaneously in the workshops and playlets. This book can be the basic text for any acting class.

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    • Improve With Improv


      A guide to improvisation and character development by Brie Jones. This book is a complete improv curriculum program divided into twenty class-length workshops. Each workshop contains carefully selected exercises designed to help students focus on one aspect of a character’s personality. Students learn how to create characters from their own imaginations through the use of solo and ensemble pantomime, physicalization, vocal techniques, props, and more. Gestures, facial expressions, voice and body language are studied in isolation. Many ensemble sketches are included. Also includes a class syllabus and guidelines, a character outline sheet to duplicate, character examples, and a recommended reading list.

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    • Scenebook For Actors


      A book of selected scenes from the world’s leading playwrights by Norman A. Bert. Somewhere in this book is one or several perfect monologs or dialogs for your audition. Short cuttings from some of the very best scenes in theatre yesterday and today. All selections are by leading international playwrights: Pinter, Goldsmith, Ionesco, Mamet and many more. Powerful moments. Some soft and quiet. Others strident and commanding. The choices are many. The book explains how to find the right audition monolog for your voice, your face, your style, your stage persona. Valuable tips on how to develop your audition monolog for performance and how to build a systematic file of scenes for your personal working repertoire.

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    • Acting Games


      A textbook of theatre games by Marsh Cassady. A four-section book of acting games and improvisations to assist students in developing their creative abilities. Section one includes games for relaxing and focusing. Section two helps students discover new ways of seeing themselves, others and the world around them. The third section demonstrates with improvisations how to use space to build scenes and create characters from imagination. Section four features acting games to analyze and play characters from existing plays. All of the essential elements of acting and character development are explored. A working textbook for acting students of all ages.

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    • 1 Act Plays For Acting Students


      Twenty-three outstanding short length plays for a cast of one, two or three actors edited by Norman A. Bert. No cuttings. Each play is a complete dramatic work. No walk-ons. All balanced roles. About five minutes acting time for each character. Each playscript written by a nationally known playwright. Scripts are excellent for secondary and university level forensic competitions. Also included in the text are sections on rehearsal techniques and procedures. The anthology offers a variety of performance rights options including royalty-free classroom use. Recommended as an exceptional text for playwriting, acting and general theatre classes. Some of the playwrights included are: Tim Kelly, Megan Terry and Stephen Grecco.

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    • Small Stage Sets On Tour (Revised)


      Written by the leading authority on portable stage sets, James Hull Miller. This book contains Miller’s fifty years experience in design, construction and application of portable stage sets. Dozens of actual sets and how to build them are included. Also examines various types of theatres and other playing spaces encountered in traveling productions. There are chapters on folding and clamped sets, stagecraft in schools and recital halls, and small theatre designs. An indispensable resource for stage crews and theatre students. Now in its second, revised edition

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    • Winning Monologs For Young Actors


      Honest-to-life characterizations to delight actors and audiences of all ages by Peg Kehret. For speech contests, acting exercises, auditions or audience entertainment in a stage review, these short monologs are to theatre what Art Buchwald is to journalism. Warm. Funny. And best of all – real! Sixty-five characterizations for girls, boys and both together.Any young person will relate to the topics of these scripts. And they will like them as performance material that is “scare-free.” The only book of “nontheatrical” monologs we know of.

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    • Stagecraft 1 (Reprinted)


      A complete guide to backstage work by William H. Lord. Nineteen chapters detailing all the fundamentals of backstage work – all the tools and the language which applies to any theatre operation. The book is loaded with photographs, illustrations and diagrams of the text material.The what, when and why of stagecraft. Student Workbook for Stagecraft 1 is B195. Teacher’s edition of workbook is B199

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    • Mime Time


      A book of routines and performance tips by Happy Jack Feder. Forty-five complete mime routines for performers of all ages adaptable to audiences of different types. This book may be used as a class text or a library resource. In addition to the wide variety of routines are technique suggestions and ideas about makeup, props, staging, where and when to perform and teamwork! Routines for solo and ensemble presentation

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    • Mel Whites Readers Theatre Anthology


      A collection of twenty-eight readings by Melvin R. White. A variety of stories from the pens of classical and contemporary writers, journalists and playwrights have been adapted for Readers Theatre performance in this new collection of scripts by a nationally-known authority on the subject. Sample titles include:The Taming of the Shrew, Sire de Maletroit’s Door, The Wind in the Willows and Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Included is a section defining Readers Theatre as a performance art.

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    • 50 Great Monologs For Student Actors


      A workbook of comedy characterizations for students by Bill Majeski. These are professional-level comedy monologs, but they can be easily performed by talented high-school actors.Most of all the characterizations can be effectively performed by either sex. The emphasis is on comedy and social satire. Nothing is sacred, yet all monologs are within the boundaries of good taste. In most instances, the monologist is making fun of his/her own dilemmas of everyday living. Good contest material. Excellent for classroom use. Each monolog is three to five minutes long

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    • Day Miss Grouchy Melted


      Trying to prepare a holiday children’s program is often a stressful affair for both the youngsters, who worry about memorizing their lines, and for their directors, who tear their hair out trying to make sure everyone attends rehearsals, not to mention coordinating props and costumes. Mel Ann Coley has devised a way to lower the stress for everyone involved while still providing a meaningful experience. Her solution is in the form of a story told by a narrator, with children “acting out” their parts. This frees children from memorizing lines, makes the program very adaptable (it’s easy to add or delete characters), and allows for many ages to participate. It’s perfect for churches looking for a fun, easy-to-do resource that requires a minimum of rehearsals and few props!

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    • Lectionary Scenes Cycle B


      Studies have indicated that 75% of what an audience learns and remembers is a result of what they see, while 13% comes from what they hear. Drama puts both together and prepares the audience with a vivid sermon illustration that kindles their anticipation of the pastor’s sermon.

      The majority of these mini-dramas run 3-5 minutes in length. Each introduces the theme of the Gospel lesson in the Cycle B lectionary. Written with wit, wisdom, and humor, they help to plant the scriptural message in an unforgettable, poignant, contemporary application.

      Minimal preparation is required
      Few props needed
      2-4 characters are involved in each sketch

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    • Drama Skits And Sketches 2


      Here are 62 brand-new, youth-group-tested scripts you can use to introduce a topic with flair . . . To retell a Bible story with humor . . . To apply your lessons with poignancy. And they’re flexible, too — have fun with them as informal, no-prep reader’s theater, or rehearse them seriously for polished performances. – Scripture Sketches . . . Don’t despair if your students can’t tell the difference between Beelzebub and Barnabas — the Bible will be brought to life for them as they act out scriptural episodes, stories, and passages. (And on page 6 is an index to all this book’s scripts by Bible reference. Teaching the Prodigal Son? 1 Corinthians? Exodus? We’ve got a script for you!) – Contemporary Sketches . . . Off with the togas, on with the tank tops. Here are right-now, real-life scripts for everything from event announcements (that you can tailor to your own events) to dealing with emotional scars. Thanks to the topical index on page 7, you can zip right to the script that fits your meeting. – TV Takeoffs . . . In a TV world of talk shows and sitcoms, sketches based on TV shows always kick off lively discussions. Since all these scripts are also humorous, they’re great as openers at camps and conferences, too. – Monologues . . . Does your youth group’s dramatic talent reside in only one or two students? Or do you want to raise interest in starting a drama ministry? A monologue is your ticket — one-person scripts that require little or no costumes or props, yet can be as powerful as a three-act play. – To the Tune of CCM (And More) . . . Take the music many of your students listen to, and use it for dramatic purposes! These scripts each use a song by a Christian artist (or a song whose lyrics encourage or challenge Christians).

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    • Littlest Christmas Tree


      Unable to find a Christmas play for their congregation that would be appropriate for all age groups, three creative members of Good Shepherd United Church of Christ in Slatington, Pennsylvania, collaborated to create one of their own. They wrote a play that included humor and the Christmas miracle of family love. Easy to prepare and present, this short vignette about a Christmas tree and Christ’s birth can be used and enjoyed by congregations of any size.

      This play, cast in a nature setting, involves a family (two parents and three children), an angel, and 11 youth, each representing a different variety of tree. The presentation includes the singing of Christmas carols and the decorating of a Christmas tree.

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    • Strange Way To Save You And Me


      This play is presented as a reading with the actors silently acting out their parts as the narrators read from the side of the stage or chancel. Accompanying the script are suggested solos and hymns for choir or congregational participation.

      Requires no memorization
      Minimal rehearsal needed
      Ideal for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day

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    • In Him Was Life


      Through these contemporary and easy-to-perform dramas the message of Easter walks off the pages of the Bible and becomes a living, life-changing reality in the lives of people. They are written to introduce people afresh to a living Savior.

      Included are:
      “The Lenten Car Pool, ” a modern drama for Lent
      “In Him Was Life,” a biblical character play
      “Judas,” a dramatic monologue
      “He Is Risen,” for an Easter Sunday worship service

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    • When Baby Jesus Grows Up


      Adaptable to any number of children, this delightful Christmas story-play focuses on the attributes of the Christ child and enables young and old to identify with those attributes in their own lives.

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    • Word Became Flesh


      This 25-minute Christmas Nativity pageant tells the story of Jesus Christ from creation to present day. The birth of Christ is seen as an event with a much wider scope than an incident that occurred long ago in Bethlehem. This drama is unique in highlighting Jesus’ birth as part of the greater picture of God’s activity throughout history: in creation, in the words of the prophets, in the cross, in the resurrection, and in our world today.

      The Word Became Flesh provides drama that is biblically sound, educational, and thought-provoking.

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    • Hear The Bells Ring


      Anyone who has used Cynthia Cowen’s resources knows that they have the following characteristics:

      They are complete — everything you need is here;
      They require little preparation, rehearsal, or props;
      They are theologically sound and spiritually uplifting.

      Many churches have discovered recently that families wish to include worship in the festivities of their Christmas day. This is the perfect way to do it without requiring a lot of work.

      It’s all here: call to worship, Christmas carols, litanies, meditations, scripture readings, and more!

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    • Whose Birthday Is It Anyway


      For the small church that does not have a lot of time to prepare, here is an ideal Christmas program and worship service. It can be presented as part of a Sunday School program or Sunday worship service.

      The true message of Christmas is spoken through the words of “the friendly beasts,” which include two donkeys, three doves, four cows and four sheep.

      This program enables children to become involved in a Christmas project in which they share their Christmas ornaments and angel food cake with the congregation.

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    • Letters From Bethlehem


      Five monologues, in the form of short letters, take you into the thoughts and reflections of the traditional Advent figures as they share their experiences with those close to them. The vignettes may be memorized or may be presented in a modified reader’s theater format — the reader actually reading the letter aloud as it is being written.

      The letters are from:
      The angel to a friend
      The shepherd to his family
      The wise man to his court
      Mary to her mother
      Jesus to the children

      Each letter is followed by a hymn suggestion.

      These five dramatic monologues for Advent will enrich your worship services.

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    • In The Carpenters Workshop 1


      As a seminary student Jerry Eckert listened to his seminary professor, Dr. W.J.A. Power, encourage his students to realize how much of scripture is story. “Let that reality enter your preaching,” he instructed them.

      Jerry Eckert became a master storyteller and began writing church members’ voices into his story sermons. The result of this involvement on the part of the congregation became a source of joy and fascination to both young and old at “sermon time.”

      Have you tried preaching story sermons? If you are interested in learning more ways in which this preaching style can be used, this book will become the most useful resource in your library.

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    • Spontaneous Melodramas : 24 Impromptu Skits That Bring Bible Stories To Lif


      You know them as hilarious, boisterous skits that get kids involved, whether they’re hamming up front, or in the audience cheering for the good guys, hissing the bad guys, and getting nearly as animated as the onstage actors.

      Better yet, these no-rehearsal skits are comic takes on 24 of the classic Bible stories, from Babel to Zacchaeus. Use these skits to take your students into or out of your Bible lesson-for the humor never buries the central message of the Bible passage.

      Inside you’ll find 12 Old Testament and 12 New Testament stories-like these:
      *The First Tongue Twister (The Tower Of Babel)
      *Josephine’s Dream (Joseph And His Brothers)
      *The Young And The Hairless (Samson And Delilah)
      *Dave, The Wave, And The Giant Kahuna (David And Goliath)
      *Dances With Lions (Daniel)
      *World Serious: The Empire Strikes Out (The Temptation Of Jesus)
      *Good Same, The Levis, And Judas Priest (Parable Of The Good Samaritan)
      *Showdown At Tombstone (Jesus And The Demon-Possessed Man)

      unchurched teenagers who can’t tell Samson from Solomon, or long-time youth group kids-everyone will love not merely hearing or reading Bible stories, but doing them.

      Welcome to more than a year’s worth of slapstick, pratfalls, and melodrama. These Bible-story skits are anything but solemn, but they’ll make Bible stories memorable for your students.

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    • In The Upper Room


      Requiring no memorization, this drama can be performed by any size congregation. Most of the reading is done out of sight while the 15 participants portray what the narrators are reading.

      The primary narrator is a Greek woman named Sophia who is drawn to the Christian church and community in Ephesus. She is preparing to become baptized in the church which the Apostle Paul had started approximately 50 years earlier. Her instructors in the faith are none other than the Gospel writers Mark and John, who share in the narration of this drama.

      Highlights include a footwashing and communal meal. Following the Communion by the disciples, the bread and chalice are shared with the congregation.

      This is a very useful resource for pastors or worship and music committees looking for something a little out of the ordinary for the Lenten season. Little rehearsal is needed.

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    • Voices Of Christmas


      Using a skillful blend of irony and humor, this work is designed to reveal the realities of Christmas-both the detrimental and the divine. Involving no scenery or props, cast members address visualized listeners as if no interruptions from other characters or changes of subject occur. Lines may be read or recited and the cast may stand or be seated on various levels. No one needs to move about, though use of pantomime is suggested in some cases.

      Characters include:
      * Patient — a resident of a nursing home
      * Homemaker — a food-happy matron
      * Shopper — a wealthy, materialistic socialite
      * Sportsman — a ski enthusiast
      * Merchant — a toy store owner
      * Traditionalist — a sentimental Swedish-American grandmother
      * Corporation Man — a heavy-drinking partygoer
      * Child — a greedy little girl
      * Working Wife — a frazzled victim of the Christmas rush

      With a presentation time of about 30 minutes, this creative, easy- to-produce play can be used in a variety of situations and settings. It will be one of the most popular programs of the entire year.

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    • Born One Of Us


      This Christmas chancel drama, used by itself or incorporated into a worship service, uses seven speaking parts (from children to adults) and takes about 30-35 minutes to perform. It is designed as a readers’ theater so that little rehearsal is needed. Included is a closing litany for the minister and congregation which provides a gripping conclusion to the drama of Christ’s birth. (Copying privileges are also included.)

      The action takes place in the home of a middle-class Jewish family in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Christ. The father is a rabbi, the mother one who helps out in almost any needy situation, the daughter a dream-struck adolescent, and the son a rebellious young adult.

      The dialogue builds to the point at which the daughter returns struck by heaven’s light, which she calls a miracle. Her mother explains to her (and the congregation) that the real miracle is Jesus, who on that holy night was born, one of us.

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    • 1st Christmas Present Ever


      Versatile — “ready-to-use” — no memorization required. Just what the volunteer ordered.

      This program is appropriate for Christmas Eve or any Sunday morning in Advent. Involving children of all ages and one adult, it can be used in any size church with a few participants or many. Two versions — a longer version intended for a full-length service and a shortened version to be used in place of a sermon — are also included.

      Symbols of Christmas (a tree, ornaments, candy canes, a creche and more) are combined with biblical readings and brief dialogue to create a greater understanding of Christian traditions. While the narrative dialogue is being read, a silent, active nativity scene is shown to illustrate the first Christmas present ever. (Copying privileges included.)

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    • Reflections Of Light Ponderings Of Mary The Mother


      Here are five brief dramatic monologues that tell the Christmas story through the eyes of Mary. A suggested order of worship includes hymns, scripture and a candlelighting ceremony, but the monologues could be used throughout Advent during the lighting of the Advent candles, in Sunday school or even weekday programs.

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    • Sunday Morning Readers Theater Cycle C


      A fresh look at scripture, a new presentation of the gospel, a deeper communication for God’s truths — this is what church drama has to offer.

      Sunday Morning Readers’ Theater, C, offers 19 skits for use during the church year. Each skit’s performance falls between five and 10 minutes with the exception of readings for major church days.

      “What I hope to do is to help people see the gospels. Jesus and the other scripture passages with new vision. unclouded by familiarity,” writes Pamela Urfer of these readings.

      This series provides one more form of worship designed to unfold the meaning of selected readings. either as a replacement or a supplement to the sermon. The style varies from comic to tragic and the skits are set in both biblical and modern times.

      Readings include the Sundays of Advent and Lent, Christmas Eve/Day, Martin Luther King Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week selections, Pentecost Sunday, and All Saints’ Sunday.

      This is volume two of a three-book series.

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    • Good Tidings Of Great Joy


      CASPAR: I had a strange dream last night, and I woke convinced that we should go in a different way.

      MELCHIOR: Odd that you should say that — I had a dream, too! I am convinced that Herod has no desire to worship the child — he sees him as a threat to his throne. (From “The Wise Men” drama)

      Here is a collection of short Advent dramas. The series can be presented with few rehearsals and limited props and costumes. Each drama easily fits within a worship setting. For a longer service, the dramas could be combined and offered as scenes for one complete service.

      This series includes:
      Mary and Elizabeth — Advent 1
      The villagers of Nazareth — Advent 2
      Ziph the Shepherd and his Wife Jerah — Advent 3
      Gabriel — Advent 4
      The Innkeeper’s Wife — Christmas Eve
      The Wise Men — Epiphany

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    • Biblical Perspectives On Evangelism


      “From the Publisher:” BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES ON EVANGELISM by Walter Brueggemann Describes evangelism as a drama: God’s victory over chaos and death, announcement of victory, and its appropriation by hearers.

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    • Miracle In The Bethlehem Inn


      Miracle In The Bethlehem Inn is a Christmas play based on a Jewish family who are descendants of King David. They are in Bethlehem to pay their tax. The owner of the inn is Aaron. Earlier he promised a room to his brother, Joshua.

      A Gentile merchant and his family arrive at the inn before Joshua. Aaron lets the Gentile family have the room promised to Joshua. Joshua and his family go to the stable to sleep, but give it up for the Holy Family.

      Throughout the play Aaron is skeptical. He is only interested in money until the miracle occurs, which he then proclaims “will shatter the world.” At the end of the drama, Aaron sings a song to tell all that “I Have Seen Him.”

      This play has a performance time of about 45 minutes. It appeals to an audience of all ages. Speaking parts are for seven women and six men. It can be played with a variety of ages, with non-speaking parts for youth.

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    • Prodigal Daughter


      The Prodigal Daughter comes from the prodigal son parable in Luke. The drama is appropriate for any reconciliation service. It is especially relevant during Maundy Thursday or any other time in Lent. As a religious service, it dramatizes God’s love and longing for us to return when we stray.

      The drama has parts for six characters and two commentators. It uses simple props. Performance time is about 30 minutes. The drama is appropriate for junior high to adults.

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    • Final Triumph


      This Easter chancel drama offers roles for Annas, Caiaphas, Mary Magdalene, Mary (mother of Jesus), and two guards. The service is easy to produce and it offers the opportunity for lay people of various ages to be involved.
      The drama is part of a complete order of service for Easter morning. The entire service — drama included — is about 50 minutes.

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    • Fragrance Of A New Dawn


      Jesus: “(with joy) Now go, quickly. Tell my brothers what you have seen and heard. I have risen as I said I would. I will meet them in Galilee!”

      Here is an Easter sunrise one-act and order of service full of impact. Scriptures from Isaiah, John, and Luke lead into the drama. Speaking parts are provided for 11 persons. The drama is in two scenes: the home of Zebedee at 4 a.m. on Easter morning, and later in the morning at the empty tomb.

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    • Season Of Joy


      Drama 1
      These Things Belong to Christmas
      For Advent or Christmas Eve
      By Emmeline S. Miller and Char Schultz

      Drama 2
      Three Gifts Of Love
      For Advent Or Christmas Eve
      By Linda Aranda

      Season Of Joy offers two short, easy-to-produce plays for the season of Advent-Christmas-Epiphany.

      These Things Belong to Christmas, suitable for Advent or Christmas, offers five scenes in modern-day settings with parts for youths and adults. It also includes a one-scene monologue by the prophet Isaiah. The play provides an order of service with four suggested Advent-Christmas hymns. Performance time is 20-25 minutes.

      Three Gifts Of Love, a play in two acts, is appropriate for Christmas or Epiphany. Its setting is the time of Jesus’ birth. The play’s focus is on the pilgrimage of the three magi. Parts are for two women and nine men. The play’s performance time is 25 minutes.

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    • Saint Nicholas Speaks


      Includes Costume Instructions

      How recently have you shared with your congregation and its children the story of the “Christian” Saint Nicholas? This book offers you the opportunity to tell the story in a visual way by dressing the part of The Bishop of Myra, Turkey.

      Saint Nicholas Speaks enables you to tell the story in an informal format with children, from your pulpit, or to groups outside the church. The monologue is also appropriate for parents and grandparents to read to young children during Advent.

      The book offers instructions on how to make Saint Nicholas’ costume and a brief description of Christmas traditions in eight countries around the world.

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    • Innkeepers Wife


      Miriam had awaited all her life for the spectacular arrival of God’s Messiah. She had dreamed of him stopping at her inn, sleeping on her fine linen pillows, and eating from the expensive bowls she had prepared in anticipation of that day.

      Why, then, did he pass her by? Why was his arrival proclaimed to the uncouth shepherd who had stolen her daughter’s heart away from her mother? Why had he made himself known to the crippled stable boy whom she disliked so? Why would the Messiah come to her enemies, while ignoring the faithful servant who had so long awaited his arrival?

      Reflect with Miriam on the nature of God’s love and his expectations for his people — as she find’s God’s greatest gift in some very unexpected places.

      Sets and costumes may be simple or elaborate. The monolog may be read by a single actor or performed by a cast of older youth and adults. Performance time is approximately 25 minutes.

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    • Joyful Noise


      Organs, choirs, hand bells, trumpets — even a brass quartet — are all possibilities with this versatile service for Easter morning.

      Appropriate for use as a sunrise service or regular Sunday worship, this celebration of Easter joy will leave you and your congregation exulting in the full meaning and significance of Christ’s triumph over death.

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    • Surprise Christ Comes


      How does Christ come?

      Christ comes in Covenant
      Christ comes Hidden
      Christ comes as Royalty
      Christ comes as an Inferior
      Christ comes for Sinners
      Christ’s coming is Timely
      Christ comes in many surprising ways!

      This easy-to-produce Christmas Eve worship service explores the many ways in which Christ comes to his people. The service requires no special costumes or complicated staging and simple banners are the only props necessary. Spoken parts can be adapted to include from 2 to 63 readers.

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    • Light Shines In The Darkness


      The familiar music and scripture of the Christmas season is interwoven with prayers and responses for the congregation in this well-crafted Christmas Eve candlelight worship resource. Four readers share speaking parts. Suggested music may be sung either by the congregation or by choir or soloists. Holy Communion may be included as a part of the service.

      The message suggested for inclusion with the service is a powerful modern take about a twelve-year-old Salvadoran refugee named Jesus (pronouced Hay-SOOS), who stumbles across the international border into Arizona following a time of terror in his home country. In modern dress, the story focuses on the horror of King Herod’s plan to exterminate his enemies in the days of Jesus’ birth 2,000 years ago.

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    • Day Of Redemption


      This service and drama provide a complete worship resource for Good Friday. The tenebrae service Seven Words To Us makes use of the traditional “Seven Last Words” (or sentences) of Jesus from the cross. Each section includes a brief reading, a litany, and a reading or dialogue. The service concludes with a litany of commitment.

      The worship drama, The Escape, may either be included as part of the service or could be used at another service — or even another time during Lent. The action focuses on two “death row prisoners” who struggle with their fate on that first Good Friday. The conclusion will catch the worshiper by surprise.

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    • Isaiahs Surprise


      What might have happened had the Prophet Isaiah been able to transport himself, through time, to the date of Jesus’ birth? Nancy Steltz asked that question. The result is this delightful Christmas pageant. Isaiah, wide-eyed and unsure of how his prophecies are coming to fruition, punctuates the dialog and action. Seven scenes introduce the congregation to all the familiar Christmas characters from the narratives in Saint Luke and Saint Matthew. Parts are included for children from nursery through senior high.

      Scenes include:
      The Annunciation
      Joseph’s Quandary
      The Roman Decree
      Finding a Room
      Jesus’ Birth
      The Shepherds
      The Wise Men

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    • He Is Risen Indeed


      Each of these sermon — length dramas celebrates the resurrection from an unusual perspective. Suitable for use at Easter Sunrise, Easter Festival worship, or on a series of Sundays during the Easter Season, Gurden Henley’s dramas involve 5-8 characters each.

      Sunrise Surprise tells the traditional Easter morning story through the eyes and mouths of Mary Magdalene, John, Peter, and Jesus.

      A Zealot’s Greatest Battle deals With the resurrection from the perspective of a Jewish freedom- fighter of Jesus’ generation who saw his hopes for freedom going down the drain on Good Friday.

      When Old Nick Met Nicodemus tells the resurrection story from the perspective of contemporary American society. An unchurched outsider is profoundly moved by the rehearsal of an Easter drama and is caught in the story.

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    • Come Holy Spirit


      Come, Holy Spirit was created by a pastor in the United Church of Christ and a laywoman in the American Lutheran Church. Nevin Feather’s order of service includes rich historical background, locating the roots of the Christian festival in the Jewish harvest celebration. Complete plans are included for the construction of a Pentecost banner for use on this day. Myrtle Collins’ sermon drama, “The Treasure That Makes All Things New,” focuses upon the gifts which every member of a Christian congregation has received from the outpouring of God’s Spirit.

      Breathe new life into your congregation’s celebration of the Festival of Pentecost by using this complete program in your parish year.

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    • Joy To You And Me


      Joseph, Jesus’ Guardian; the Bethlehem shepherds; and aged Simeon are featured in these three new Christmas worship dramas. Any of the three could provide the message for the service for one of the Sundays in Advent, or for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or a special worship time near Christmas. With the use of selected prayers and hymns, any of these dramas can provide a complete worship service.

      When Joseph Doubted confronts the congregation with the turmoil with which Jesus’ guardian was faced when God gave him the task to stand by Mary and her infant son. The drama involves a cast of four.

      Off-limits To Shepherds features the first visitors to the manger in a Nativity play for eight participants. The Old Torch Lighter, with three speaking parts, tells the story of Simeon, who waited in the Jerusalem Temple hoping to see the Messiah.

      All three dramas are easily staged with a minimum of props.

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    • Darkest Day


      The centerpiece of this Good Friday worship service is the monologue, The Ghost of Judas. Designed to be presented by the pastor or any lay-person who can speak with a sense of drama, the monologue places Judas Iscariot at center stage on the day Christ died. His reflections on his own behavior, his remorse, and his deep sense of regret and self-examination lead the worshiping congregation to search their own souls, an appropriate activity on this most profound of all Christian days.

      The monologue is sermon length. If not available in local hymnals, suggested hymns may be replaced by others more appropriate.

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    • 2 Christmas Plays


      The Lost Feeling Of Christmas echoes themes from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to the extent that a grumpy senior citizen is forced, through a confrontive dream, to come to terms with what the time of Christ’s nativity is really all about. The messenger who speaks most forcefully to him is, of all things, his cat.

      A Lot Of Christmas Love speaks to a world where poverty and broken families are too painfully in evidence. A family has suffered the disappearance of husband and father. Those who are left to help mother and children cope find their relationships are strained, particularly as the Christmas season comes again. Like God, who comes disguised at Christmastime, this play includes a visit from a stranger in extraordinary dress.

      These two Christmas plays combine traditional biblical content from the Christmas cycle of stories with contemporary life. Each is a full program, taking approximately one hour to produce, and each involves a wide spectrum of participants from the congregation, including one or more choirs or singing groups. Those who purchase this two-play set will have a pair of excellent Christmas dramas from which to choose, both created by a professor of theatre arts at Penn State University at Mount Altos, Pennsylvania.

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    • 2 Nativity Dramas


      Either of the two dramas in this book are suitable for use as a Sunday church school Christmas program, a special Christmas season worship service (hymns may be added), or a program for a youth group or other church organization during the Advent or Christmas season. Either can be produced with simple props, and parts can either be read or recited from memory.

      The Tinsel Time Machine is a charming Christmas fantasy in the style of H. G. Wells. An unlikely contraption proves capable of transporting members of a disillusioned Midwestern family to other times and places at the Christmas season.

      Rag Doll Number Thirty-Seven tells the story of an aging couple who create and give away a homemade gift of love each Christmas season — a rag doll, intended for someone in special need.

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    • Passion Play


      Passion Play offers a series of six brief sketches for Lent or Holy Week which focus on three people who knew Jesus very well: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Through their eyes we see some of the major events of the Gospel, in particular those final days in the life of Jesus. Passion Play is a simple production; characters wear modern day dress and there is only one “set.” Passion Play presents a sensitive insight concerning Jesus’ affect on others, in his life and in his death on a cross.

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    • Way Of The Cross


      The Way Of The Cross is an adaptation of the historic Stations of the Cross which developed in the 14th and 15th centuries to aid the devotional life of the faithful. In Jerusalem, the scenes of Christ’s suffering had long been a goal of pilgrims and among them had been the traditional walk, later called the via dolorosa, which he traversed to his crucifixion. Since only a minority of Christians could journey to Jerusalem, these fourteen stations were set up in churches, usually in the form of pictures, where the faithful would consider the incidents in Jesus’ sad and memorable progress to Golgotha. By following and pausing for prayer and meditation at each Station, the faithful would have their imaginations quickened and their devotion deepened.

      The Way Of The Cross features several speaking parts and numerous pantomime roles, as well as musical solos and sound and lighting effects, to provide a dramatic and moving service.

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