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    • 5 Christmas Plays


      David L Winters

      Five Christmas Plays (WIth Joy Inside) are suitable for performance by churches, groups and families. The plays are: The Singing Trees, I’ll Be Late for Christmas, Christmas Prayer of Forgiveness, The Christmas Cabin, Grandma Louise’s Christmas Miracle

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    • 3 Elderly Wisemen


      ages and all ages can reenact this traditional celebration. Author, Judy Gattis-Smith takes the traditional Christmas pageant story of the three wisemen and presents it in such a way that all ages can enact, particularly seniors!

      Three Elderly Wisemen is simple to produce, has lines that are easy to learn and, through a Bible story, deals with real issues seniors face. This play considers the wisemen as “senior citizens” with the same characteristics as senior citizens today. The running time is about one hour and at least fourteen characters are included. The play can also be done as a Readers Theater without costumes, props, or scenery. In this case, the narrator would set the scene, inviting the audience to use their imaginations.

      Some characters included

      Aalijah (wife of Melchior)

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    • Beyond Bethlehem And Calvary


      Beyond Bethlehem and Calvary: 12 Dramas for Christmas, Easter and More! is a collection of brief dramatic presentations that invites everyone, from the novice performer to the most experienced, to share basic Biblical truths in a variety of settings. Flexibility, ease of production, and themes that meet us where we live make this collection suitable for large or small groups, whether in a church setting or on the most rugged mission trip. The themes are universal. They include tough choices and their consequences, acceptance and rejection, and the impact of attitudes.

      Each presentation includes:

      A title that identifies the content focus

      Related scripture

      A brief summary

      Props and costuming suggestions

      Run time

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    • Promise Fulfilled : A Christmas Drama


      His story changed the world: Jesus — born to Mary and Joseph, worshiped as Savior by the Magi and the shepherds who had found him through divine guidance. We do not dispute the significance of their part in Jesus’ story. We marvel at their obedience. We sing songs recounting their trust and their faith.

      But if we dare allow ourselves to peer just a bit deeper into the pages of scripture, extending just beyond the edges of the nativity story, we find the embodiment of patience and faithfulness – Simeon and Anna, a prophet and a prophetess, who waited for the arrival of the Messiah with an unwavering expectation.

      It is a story that reminds us that a hope placed in God does not disappoint.

      In seven scenes, The Promise Fulfilled presents a simple drama, intertwining the familiar details of the Christmas story with the steadfast hope of Simeon and Anna. Drawing upon the gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke and using extended scripture readings, The Promise Fulfilled invites cast and audience members to marvel at the events surrounding Christ’s birth, taking us into the expected while challenging us to look beyond the well-told storyline found within the walls of the nativity.

      Simple to learn and powerful to present, this short drama will allow youth groups and adult drama teams to develop a rich understanding of the events leading up to Christ’s birth. Easily adaptable for Bible studies and children’s lessons, The Promise Fulfilled offers a fresh perspective to a story that has been changing hearts for over 2,000 years, ushering us into the Advent season with a subtle and powerful proclamation: a transformed world requires an enduring faithfulness anchored in Christian love. Twelve copies of this play are needed for production and copy privileges are included.

      This is David Allison’s first book with CSS Publishing. Pastor Allison received his master of ministry degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Currently Allison is head pastor at Havens Corners Church. He has also been bi-vocational and youth pastor at Havens Corners Church. Allison is married to Karla and they have one grown son. Some of David’s interests are golf, chess, and landscaping.

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    • Breakdown On Bethlehem Street


      Imagine that it’s Christmas Eve and you’re on your way to the store before the annual candlelight service. Suddenly you find yourself transported back in time to the night of the birth of the Messiah! The places you’re used to seeing are all gone; the usual trappings of modern society don’t work. And, to top it off, you’re placed in a situation where you have to help a young couple deal with having a baby — with no hospital! Yikes!

      This imaginative chancel drama for Advent / Christmas will make the members of your congregation think about the night of Jesus’ birth in a new way. A variety of ages can be used in the production from young children to older adults. The dialogue can be easily modified with local references. Suggested readings and music are included for use between scenes for additional congregational involvement.

      Copy privileges are included.

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    • Nativity Dramas The Third Season


      Keith Hewitt is back with a third volume of clever nativity dramas in which he adapts biblical Christmas stories to popular television programs. In the same way Jesus communicated in a context that people of his time could relate to, Hewitt presents four sharp-witted takeoffs on something our culture can really relate to — TV. The humorous treatments of these biblical narratives will hold people’s attention and breathe new life into traditional nativity texts.

      All four plays are specifically designed to be produced in churches and can be easily staged by congregations of almost any size. Props are simple and easy to find.

      The four plays in this third volume are popular television shows from right now:
      “Psyched in Bethlehem” (45 minutes)
      “Everybody Loves Joseph” (45 minutes)
      “Big Bang Bethlehem” (50 minutes)
      “Burned in Bethlehem” (40 minutes)

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    • Healing Traumatized Churches


      This unique and entertaining format offers a plan of healing for individuals and congregations through the power of The Cross. Each Scene is designed for personal meditation, or to be presented as a Sunday School or Book Study Series, or produced in its entirety as a play.

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    • Holy Saturday : An Easter Chancel Drama In Three Acts


      This dramatization of the hours and days immediately following the crucifixion and its effects on the disciples and other followers of Jesus will captivate the congregation. The audience will be drawn into the events as the disciples struggle through the despair of Good Friday and the hope of Easter Day.

      Holy Saturday was written to be presented as a chancel drama or it can be used as a stand-alone drama. Simple costumes are recommended. Also included in the script is communion for the entire congregation, distributed by the disciples themselves. The audience and cast will find the distribution of communion by the disciples to be a moving experience. The players include Peter; John; Mary, the mother of Jesus; and eleven others but can be adjusted according to the number of people available. This drama will take 35-45 minutes plus the time for communion. Copying privileges by the original purchaser are included.

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    • Skits That Teach Volume 2


      Scripts written for youth groups have traditionally been cheesy or just simply not funny. Thankfully, the Skit Guys have refined the art of the youth group sketch. In this second volume of Skits That Teach, youth groups will find dozens of scripts to use as illustrations, discussion starters, or icebreakers. Tommy Woodard and Eddie James have tested these scripts with teenagers across the country, and they know what it takes to write a scene that is simple for teens to perform, while at the same time making a point or getting a laugh. Easy for youth pastors to hand off to a group of teenagers, these scripts address a variety of topics and offer options for monologues, duets or bigger casts to perform funny, serious or musical scenes. No matter how they use the skits, youth workers can teach students important lessons with the easy-to-perform scenes in Skits That Teach, Volume 2.

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    • Bible In Action


      The Bible In Action is a collection of 59 Bible dramas for church, Christian school, and home. It uses the dialogue in the Bible (KJV updated), presents the narrative as dialogue, and fills in the gaps with what might have happened in between the lines. These dramas, which provide literature weekly for more than a year, are arranged in historical order with Scripture reference and are available at a fraction of the cost of most literature for a quarter. They are simply the Bible in dialogue.

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    • Awakening The Creative Spirit


      The new resource is designed to help spiritual directors and others use expressive arts in the context of spiritual direction. It is the latest book in the unique SDI series, designed for professional spiritual directors, but also useful for clergy, therapists, and Christian formation specialists.

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    • Nativity Dramas The Second Season


      Keith Hewitt is back with a second volume of cleverly developed nativity dramas in which he adapts biblical stories to popular television programs. In the same way Jesus communicated in a context that people of his time could relate to, Hewitt presents four sharp-witted takeoffs on something our culture can really relate to — TV. The humorous yet reverent treatments of these biblical narratives will hold people’s attention and breathe new life into traditional nativity texts.

      All four plays are specifically designed to be produced in churches, and can be easily staged by congregations of almost any size. Props are simple and easy to find.

      The four plays in this second volume are:

      “A Night for News” — Taken from a CNN (Caesar News Network) news broadcast
      “Bethlehem Blues” — A takeoff of the popular 80s police drama, Hill Street Blues
      “Two-And-A-Half Wise Men” — A parody of the CBS sitcom Two-And-A-Half Men
      “Dirty Jobs: Bethlehem” — An adaptation of Mike Rowe’s Discovery Channel show Dirty Jobs

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    • Spiritual Plays For Christmas Easter And Other Occasions


      A compilation of 22 Spiritual plays for Christmas, Easter, and Other Occasions, written by a Black Christian Woman. The plays are practical lessons from God’s Word in a simplified format injected with humor for the edification, inspiration and enjoyment to Christians and non-Christians alike. Working as scriptwriter, producer and director for the performance of these plays in her church for thirteen years provided the writer an additional way to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, enhancing Biblical knowledge to the writer, reader, play performer and viewing audience.

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    • Who Is This Man This Jesus


      Take your congregation back in time and put worshipers right in the midst of the events surrounding humanity’s salvation with this collection of three sets of five monologues, each centered around a different perspective on the life and death of Jesus.

      Who Is This Man? looks at the death of Jesus through the eyes of ordinary people who through various circumstances find themselves caught up in the passion story, including a soldier of King Herod, Roman centurions, and Malchus, a servant of the high priest.

      In Women of the Promise, audiences will journey through the Old Testament as five women look with faithful anticipation to the future coming of the Savior.

      Come, Follow Me tells the story of Jesus’ life and death as seen by his followers, including Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and even Judas Iscariot.

      Each series of monologues will be sure to enrich the Lenten observances of any congregation, as well as any small group study throughout the year.

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    • Come All Ye Faithful


      Drama can be a wonderful tool for presenting spiritual truths in a fresh and creative way. Come All Ye Faithful is a valuable resource for churches seeking new methods for presenting the joyous message of Advent and Christmas. From an insightful allegory illuminating the symbolism of the Advent wreath to mice depicting the nativity scene in whimsical verse, this resource will appeal to any dramatic preference.
      These plays can be used by congregations of almost any size, with only minimal props and costuming required. Copy privileges are included.
      The plays featured in this volume are:
      * The Living Advent Wreath – a musical allegory depicting a pilgrim’s journey to discover the true meaning of Advent as revealed through the Advent Wreath (sheet music is included).
      * The Mouse Christmas – a lighthearted children’s play written in rhyming verse.
      * The Ad Vent Wheat — a humorous children’s play offering a slightly altered view of the Christmas message.
      Each of these plays will help congregations capture anew the true joy of the Advent and Christmas season.

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    • I Spy Christmas


      I Spy Christmas is an excellent resource for pastors and churches that either need to add another element to their Christmas service or are simply in need of a Christmas order of worship. This volume provides both, including three Christmas dramas that are intended for casts of various ages, from children to teenagers to adults. Each play can be produced by congregations of various sizes, providing an attractive mix of humor, wit, and inspiration that will speak to any congregation.

      The plays included are:

      * I Spy Christmas

      * Taking Jesus

      * Open Auditions

      Also included is Shattering Christmas to Find Christmas, a candlelight Christmas Eve service complete with an order of service, liturgical prayers, hymn selections, and meditations.

      I Spy Christmas will enhance your congregation’s Christmas worship experience for years to come.

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    • Living In The Light


      This anthology for Lent and Easter includes 22 creative components such as monologues
      and skits, services, dialogues, dramas, as well as a service and a litany. Requiring little to no staging and props, each program involves a varying number of participants, perfect for congregations of any size. Included are materials for Ash Wednesday through Holy Week. Copy privileges are granted.

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    • It Takes Courage


      With this award-winning collection of scripts for drama, readers’ theater, and a monologue, teachers and drama coordinators will find exactly what they are looking for — plays that touch the hearts of the congregation while also helping the participants to develop their abilities in the fine arts. As an added bonus, the scripts included herein can all be produced without sets or props making them especially suited to be used as dramatic insertions during worship services. It Takes Courage includes:

      Be A Blessing — a drama based on a true story of a unique challenge given to a congregation by its pastor.
      What’s In Your Backpack? — a sketch about a teen who chooses to trust God when wrongly accused and sent to in-school suspension.
      Where Is Courage? — a play which portrays children searching for true bravery.
      Every Knee Shall Bow — readers’ theater based on Revelation 5 and 6.
      This Joy We Share — readers’ theater written for women that explores the amazing power of the Holy Spirit.
      Who Is In Control? — a monologue with one adult woman portraying the mother of the apostle Paul.

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    • Nativity Dramas : Four Nontraditional Christmas Plays For All Ages


      Everyone knows the nativity story — the inn, the stable, and all the rest. If your traditional Christmas pageant has become a bit stale and you want to give it new life, this collection of engaging plays is sure to fit your needs. Keith Hewitt gives the usual narrative a modern treatment by adapting characters and settings from four popular television series (Blue’s Clues, CSI, Cops, and Trading Spaces) and transferring them to the events in Bethlehem. By twisting the lens a little to change the focus, these sketches tell how common people are affected by incredible events. Audiences will love these entertaining programs, and they’ll have fun watching the characters as they learn a valuable lesson.

      All four plays are specifically designed to be produced in churches, and can be easily staged by congregations of almost any size. There are roles suitable for a range of ages from kindergarten through adult, allowing you to involve the whole congregation in the production. “Ewe’s Clues” is intended primarily for younger children (although adults and older children will also enjoy it) and has a running time of approximately 30 minutes. “Cops: Bethlehem,” “CSI: Bethlehem,” and “Trading Spaces: Bethlehem” each have a running time of approximately 45 minutes, and are designed for older audiences (though children will get something out of them as well).

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    • Skits That Teach


      If you’re looking for fun and creative ways to involve your students in learning, you can stop looking. Skits That Teach provides you and your students everything you need to act out funny and compelling skits with confidence. Search by topic or by group size to find the perfect comedic or dramatic sketch to help illustrate a point or just start a dialogue. The Skit Guys, Eddie James and Tommy Woodard, have tested these skits on teenagers around the country, and they’ve brought some of the best together for this great resource. Plus they give you everything you need for each skit-overview, characters, location, Scripture reference, props, direction pointers, and a complete script.

      The Skit Guys avoid the cheesy dialogues and scenes typically found in Christian dramas and instead bring fun characters, witty dialogue, and

      entertaining situations to their skits, all categorized for you by:

      * Skits for Idiots (it would take an idiot not to be able to do them right!) * Monologues * Duets/Ensembles * Comedy * Drama * Scripture Readings

      You will want to have this book around for those energetic, creative students who are always looking for ways to help.

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    • Life Scripts For The Church Volume 3 Holiday


      This is the third in a series of volumes, each containing 24 skits of brilliant, insightful, often comedic material ideal for performance during church services, specifically geared to the major holidays. Does not require huge casts or highly experienc

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    • Life Scripts For The Church Volume 2


      This is the second in a series of volumes, each containing 24 skits of brilliant, insightful, often comedic material ideal for performance during church services. Does not require huge casts or highly experienced players — most skits use 2-6 performers,

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    • Life Scripts For The Church Volume 1


      This is the first in a series of volumes, each containing 24 skits of brilliant, insightful, often comedic material ideal for performance during church services. Does not require huge casts or highly experienced players — most skits use 2-6 performers, m

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    • Women Of Calvary


      This five-scene chancel drama tells the story of Jesus’ arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection through the eyes of the women who knew Jesus and were influenced by his life and death. From the Upper Room through Golgotha and the Empty Tomb, we hear the passionate feelings the Master stirred in these women who are much like us. The scenes can be presented separately for midweek services or in a single 90-minute performance. (Performance time for each individual scene is approximately15-20 minutes.) Since no setting is necessary and costumes and props are simple, this play is easy to stage for congregations of all sizes. There are roles for nine women, but for smaller groups, some performers could portray more than one role. There are also small roles for four men.

      Biblical women featured are:

      * Mary (mother of Jesus)
      * Mary Magdalene
      * Mary (mother of James and Joseph)
      * Salome (mother of James and John)
      * Mary (mother of Mark)
      * Mary (sister of Martha)
      * Martha
      * Claudia (Pilate’s wife)
      * Julia (Claudia’s maid)

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    • Spotlight On Jesus


      Looking for a novel approach to the children’s sermon — something more creative than a simple story or object lesson? This collection of 40 dramatic sketches in readers’ theater format will teach your young people about the events of Jesus’ life — while also actively involving your members in the worship service. Each scene vividly relates a story from the Gospels in easy-to-read dialogue that can be performed with minimal rehearsal by teenagers or adults — providing a memorable illustration that’s certain to captivate the attention of everyone in your congregation. Discussion questions accompany each skit, so you can maximize the educational value by focusing youngsters’ attention on the main themes. Ideal for use during the “children’s moment” in Sunday morning worship, these brief pieces are also a perfect resource for children’s church, Vacation Bible School, youth meetings, and many other settings.

      Sketches include:
      * Jesus And The Shepherds Of Bethlehem
      * Jesus And The Devil
      * Jesus Preaches In Nazareth
      * Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son
      * Jesus And The Rich Young Man
      * Jesus Predicts Things To Come
      * Jesus In The Upper Room
      * Jesus On The Road To Emmaus
      …and many more!

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    • From A Soldier Of Rome To A Soldier For Christ


      Give your congregation a new perspective on the Easter story with this chancel drama that depicts the familiar events of Jesus’ death and resurrection from the viewpoint of a Roman soldier. A series of brief vignettes portrays the soldier’s transformation into a follower of Christ, and the drama climaxes as the soldier announces his new identity while the setting is altered. Congregational participation is encouraged through the singing of hymns between each scene. This adaptable piece is easy to stage and can be presented by any number of youth or adults (or a combination of age groups); most of the speaking is done by a narrator who speaks from the pulpit, so there’s no need to memorize extensive dialogue. A list of props and costumes is included, along with simple instructions for the setting. Performance time is approximately 30 minutes.

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    • Dinner With The King


      Here’s a set of six chancel dramas that will captivate young people (and the entire congregation) while helping them to learn the deeper significance of the sacramental meal at the heart of Christian worship — and what it means to be invited guests at the Lord’s Table. Originally conceived for middle-school age youth, these flexible pieces can be adapted for any size group; some can even be performed by adults. Minimal props and costumes are required, so the sketches are perfect for smaller churches — yet they lend themselves to more elaborate presentation as well. These insightful dramas are excellent not only for presentation during worship, but also for congregational programs, youth nights, classroom instruction, or individual devotional reading.

      Titles include:
      * Dinner With The King
      * Passover
      * Jesus Food
      * Partytime
      * Youth Retreat
      * The Evening “Good” News

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    • No Stable Too Small


      Here’s a collection of humorous, down-to-earth plays that bring a fresh perspective to the Christmas story through such creative devices as imagining the thoughts and feelings of fringe characters (like an innkeeper or a servant to one of the magi) or by updating the story with contemporary settings and characters. No Stable Too Small offers a variety of practical material for any situation, ranging from shorter plays with small casts and lines that can be easily mastered by younger children to more elaborate pieces with sophisticated themes for older children and adults. And they’re ideal for use with today’s young people — the dialogue reflects the way they really talk, yet never detracts from the biblical message.

      These flexible scenes offer a mix of speaking parts for all age groups, from preschool through adult, and are especially valuable for small congregations that lack the resources to mount large-scale productions. No sets are required, and only simple costumes and minimal props are needed. The plays can be performed by smaller churches with as few as 8-10 cast members, or parts can be easily divided to accommodate groups as large as 25-30. And with a running time of approximately 20-25 minutes each, it’s easy to fit them within a Christmas Eve or Advent Sunday worship service.

      Some of the charming presentations include:
      * Love Finds a Way
      * It Wasn’t the Hilton, You Know
      * Christmas Eve at Angel School
      * Because God Said So, That’s Why
      * No Small Parts
      * “Unto Us a Child Is Born”… Next on Omar
      * Miracles? No Problem!
      …and eight more!

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    • 6 Advent Plays For Children


      So you’ve just been asked to put together your church’s Christmas pageant — are you feeling overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry… Six Advent Plays For Children provides you with all the tools you need to make this ministry an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for everyone. In addition to six delightful programs designed for children of preschool age through sixth grade (including a synopsis and stage directions), this book provides comprehensive, easy-to-follow guidelines that walk you through the entire process of planning, rehearsing, and presenting your holiday production. There’s even a step-by-step worksheet to keep you organized and on top of all the details. The material is suitable for congregations of any size: props, sets, and costumes are kept simple for maximum flexibility, and most of the programs require no more than a dozen participants. With all these practical resources, your children’s Christmas program this year is bound to be successful — Six Advent Plays For Children has all the help you need in one convenient volume. Copying privileges are included.

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    • Sampsons First Christmas


      Sampson’s First Christmas is a charming play that’s perfect for a holiday children’s program in small congregations. The story details the attempts of Sampson Squirrel to discover Christmas. After overhearing a conversation between the rustic characters of Ma and Pa, Sampson asks his forest friends where to find this wonderful place. When they are unable to help, Ma and Pa show Sampson the true meaning of Christmas.

      This adaptable piece can accommodate any number of actors, and can be presented as a play, a puppet show, or a readers’ theater. The characters, plot, and message appeal to all ages, with dialogue that’s easy for youngsters to learn and memorize. Costumes are affordable and easy to assemble — and clear and concise directions with reproducible patterns are provided to help you make distinctive animal hats that children will love. Instructions are also included for creating simple Christmas tree decorations that accentuate the animal theme. With all these craft ideas plus production suggestions, Sampson’s First Christmas is bound to be a hit with your church!

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    • Cinema Divinite : Religion Theology And The Bible In Film


      Cinema Divinite sets out various critical approaches to the study of film, religion and theology. It provides introduction to major concepts in film studies such as cinema spectatorship, the nature and application of film theory and includes discussion of the extensive literature which has been published recently on film and religion. Here readers will also find in-depth case studies of specific films, filmmakers and genres – from Clint Eastwood to Luis Bruel, from animation to film noir. The final part looks specifically at the significance of religion within film, with a concluding discussion of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.

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    • Scenes From The Life


      Create living illustrations of the Christian life that will make audiences laugh, cry, and even occasionally wince in truthful recognition with this superb collection of comic, dramatic, and seasonal material. Appropriate for any denomination and audience, these brief sketches and monologues examine topics ranging from faith to gossip, from conviction to children’s work, in a humorous and poignant style. The easy-to-stage pieces utilize small casts and can be performed in any setting with minimal costumes and a few simple props, making them accessible to church drama groups of all sizes. Scenes From The Life is a great source for attention-getting sermon introductions, worship enhancers, or just entertaining fun with a message.

      Some of the insightful pieces include:

      ? All Quiet on the Front Pew
      ? The Great Church Trade-In
      ? The Nursery Zone
      ? The Faith Bridge
      ? A Sparrow Falls
      ? Joey The Wise Guy
      …and several more!

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    • Gabriels Horn : Readers Theater For Advent


      Looking for something fresh and creative for the Advent season? Here’s a charming set of five lighthearted plays that’s sure to engage audiences and set the holiday spirit while remaining focused on the scriptural message. Written in whimsical rhyming verse, the scenes detail the prophecies of the Messiah and the story of the Incarnation through the interaction of three angels (Gabriel, Wonderful, and, Marvelous) with several biblical characters.

      Congregations of any size will find these sketches easy to use — only a small cast is needed, and the readers’ theater format means no extensive costuming or staging is required.

      Scenes include:
      * Gabriel’s Horn (Last Sunday of Pentecost)
      * The Honeymooners (Advent 1)
      * The Cleanup Crew (Advent 2)
      * The Reading Club (Advent 3)
      * Step Up To The Plate (Advent 4)

      Two of the angel characters reappear after a 33-year “vacation” in “M.I.H. — Missing In Heaven,” an Easter verse drama (also written by Frank Ramirez) included in the CSS anthology Roll Back The Stone.

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    • Beastly Christmas : A Comedy For All Ages


      Centering around the theme of the familiar song “The Friendly Beasts,” this intriguing program depicts what the animals who witnessed Jesus’ birth might really have been thinking — if they had human minds. There’s humorous interplay among camels, sheep, cows, and the donkey that carried the pregnant Mary as they share their unique perspective on the nativity. This complete presentation allows many different parts of the congregation to participate; speaking roles can be performed in a readers’ theater format by adults or youth, young children can portray the humans at the manger in a silent tableau, and musical selections allow the choir to be involved as well. A special feature is more than 70 reproducible drawings that can be projected for audience viewing. (Purchase of this book includes access to a downloadable PowerPoint file for use in performances.) This adaptable drama is ideal for use not only in church settings, but also in schools or for children’s programs.

      A five-copy package of supplementary coloring books for young children based on the imagery in the PowerPoint file is also available.

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    • Night Before : Two Christmas Eve Services With Childrens Sermons


      Comprised of two compelling services plus a pair of delightful children’s messages, this complete set of Christmas Eve resources provides everything you need to create a special worship experience that your congregation will remember long after the holiday decorations have been stored away.

      A Christmas Gift contemplates Christmas Eve’s mixture of madness and magic through a creative weaving together of carols, prayers, scripture readings, and several brief meditations. By highlighting some of the diverse moments, memories, and traditions that contribute to the gift of Christmas, this worship service evokes the powerful mystery and miracle of the nativity.

      O Come, Emmanuel is a moving candlelight service which utilizes the ancient antiphons of Advent to explore the longing behind our search for the Messiah. As the service unfolds, the singing and reading of each antiphon leads worshipers to reflect on the hopes and desires that bring us to Bethlehem, culminating in the joyful announcement that God has come among us. The service employs two readers and a solo quartet, along with congregational singing of several traditional hymns. An original choral arrangement of the Christmas antiphon is included.

      Two inspiring messages for the “children’s moment” are also included. Featuring an interactive, conversational style that involves young people, these lessons can be used with either service or separately. One message helps children think about where Jesus might be in their town or neighborhood if he were born today, while the other celebrates how Christ’s birth draws us all together.

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    • Why Did Jesus Die


      What really motivated the main characters in the events surrounding Jesus’ death? Was Judas merely a pragmatic man dealing with the unpleasant realities of everyday life in an occupied land? Was Herod an honorable leader of the Hebrew people who was concerned with saving lives? Was Pontius Pilate a talented and efficient representative of Rome who was simply trying to keep the peace? Or did they all intentionally participate in the wrongful execution of an innocent man?

      Written in an easy-to-present format, this fascinating drama series will have your congregation pondering how they would answer these and many other questions. Six biblical characters come to life in new and revealing ways as they take the witness stand in a contemporary grand jury inquiry into the meaning of Jesus’ death. While attempting to explain their thoughts and actions, Judas, Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and Peter face intense questioning by a state’s attorney. The innovative grand jury approach makes audiences active participants in the drama, as they are challenged to determine the true significance of the crucifixion.

      Why Did Jesus Die? is an enlightening six-part resource that’s perfect for weekly Lenten worship, but it can also be easily used as a single dramatic production. Several thought-provoking questions relating to each witness’s testimony are provided to spark follow-up discussion, and a closing argument by the state’s attorney summarizes the evidence pointing to Jesus’ innocence ? and our sinful guilt.

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    • Roll Back The Stone


      Create memorable services that help worshipers experience the profound sadness of the crucifixion as well as the marvelous joy of the risen Christ with this diverse collection of ready-to-use dramatic material. With ample selections for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, there’s something special here for congregations of any size or worship style. Copying privileges are included for all segments. Included are:

      * A Travesty Of Justice: In The Shadow Of The Cross (Kathy Martz), a series of six meditations in which an unusual assortment of “eyewitnesses” – the thorn, robe, nail, spear, shroud, and stone – tell about their extraordinary encounters with Jesus. Designed for use in Lenten vesper services, these spiritual contemplations examine the events leading up to the crucifixion from a unique perspective. Each user-friendly monologue comes with a brief scripture reading and a prayer.

      * Live From Jerusalem (John O. Eby), a short Palm Sunday play that helps audiences envision what it would have been like to be on the scene of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Tying biblical prophecy together with a contemporary view, television-style news anchors and correspondents vividly portray the chaos and uncertainty of the first day of Passover while speculating on how simmering conflicts will be resolved – leaving audiences to ponder the question “What comes next?”

      * Maundy Thursday Testimonies (David H. Covington), a brief set of dramatic readings depicting the Passion events and their meaning from the viewpoint of four characters: Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Judas, and Peter. An excellent vehicle for members to participate in worship, these moving monologues provide an especially powerful contribution to the Maundy Thursday service.

      * God On Trial, Or…? (John O. Eby), a courtroom drama for Good Friday which portrays Jesus’ trial before Pilate ? with the novel twist of Beelzebub as the prosecutor, questioning several witnesses who level accusations against Jesus. While it is ostensibly Jesus who is on trial, it gradually becomes clear that everyone else (including all of us) is actually on trial before him ? giving new and deeper meaning to Christ’s plea, “Father, forgive them, for they do not understand what they are doing!”

      * Sons Of Thunder (Carol Secord), a brief Good Friday sketch in which James and John struggle to come to grips with the stark reality of the crucifixion. As they bitterly lash out in anger and frustration at those who abandoned Jesu

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    • Visualizing The Parables


      If you want an intriguing resource that can help you bring a fresh, contemporary perspective to some of Jesus’ most enduring stories, then Visualizing The Parables is just what you’re looking for. Originally conceived as a Lenten series, this set of brief plays updates five familiar parables, placing them in a modern context that suggests new ways of understanding these familiar texts. Written in an easy, conversational style and easily adapted to your individual circumstances, these scenes are simple to produce and can be used in a variety of settings. In addition to worship services, they are also excellent for classroom use or as openers for church council or congregational meetings — and they’re a great way of involving your church members (especially youth) in programs or worship.

      Parables dramatized include:

      * The Ten Bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-12)
      * The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
      * The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
      * The Rich Man (Mark 10:17-27)
      * The Great Banquet (Luke 14:16-24)

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    • My Way Or Thy Way


      Ever overhear a pre-teen or early teen conversation? It can be pretty dramatic — in fact, young people and drama go together like … God and the Bible! If you’re looking for quality material that draws middle school/junior high age young people into the scriptures, here’s an invaluable resource. My Way Or Thy Way is a collection of 12 brief plays that bring familiar Bible stories to life in contemporary conversation that’s easy to understand.

      By focusing on the choices made by the main characters — and their consequences — the scenes help young people make better choices in their own lives. “I want to do it my way, not thy way” was the struggle of these biblical personages, and many of us face similar issues today. Each skit lets participants “walk in the sandals” of ordinary people who faced extraordinary choices.

      Designed for versatility, these scenes can be given full dramatic performances with props, scenery, and costumes, or presented in readers’ theater format for use as dynamic classroom discussion starters. Each drama is accompanied by questions and a variety of related activities. My Way Or Thy Way is an excellent supplement to a Sunday school, Bible school, or Bible study curriculum, and is especially useful for youth groups.

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    • Bit Players In The Big Play


      Do you wonder what the stories in the Bible would look like from the viewpoint of those who were there? If so, then this collection of thirteen first-person narratives and readers’ theater presentations spotlighting a variety of New Testament characters — both familiar and not so well-known — will give you a new perspective on the scriptural witness. After all, while the experience of these people is rooted in the distant past, we still relate to the same fears, joys, and motivations as they did. By listening in on these characters as they converse with themselves, these creative pieces provide an intimate look at their humanity and experience of the Good News, which in turn enables us to better understand our lives and our faith.

      This volume provides material for a variety of seasons and settings — they’re perfect for church drama groups, homiletical source material, and for inspiring devotional reading. And an introductory chapter addresses performance issues (including whether or not to use costumes) as well as how to use this format to develop your own material.

      Some of the intriguing presentations include:
      * Herod — The First Christmas Grinch (Matthew 2:1-12)
      * Leaving Egypt For Home (Matthew 2:19-23)
      * My Name Is Levi (Mark 2:13-17)
      * Kneeling Before Him (Luke 10:38-42)
      * Just A Jar Of Water (Luke 22:7-13)
      * Rock The Boat! (John 21)

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle C


      Stimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new and refreshing light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle C lectionary readings for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the enjoyable scenes in this latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each simple, easy-to-perform skit comes with brief “Thespian Theological Thoughts” that explore the connection between the drama and the scripture text. These versatile pieces can be used in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings — they’re sure to amuse and enlighten audiences of all ages.

      Some of the intriguing titles include:
      * Watch For The Signs! … Yo, What Signs? (Advent 1)
      * Whose Gift Is It, Anyway? (Epiphany 2)
      * So, You Wanta To Be A Prophet, Huh? (Epiphany 4)
      * The Church Of The Twinkling Of An Eye (Epiphany 8)

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    • Destination Bethlehem


      This anthology provides you with a great selection of dramatic material for memorable Advent and Christmas worship. With a variety of approaches, there’s ample material to choose from to fit your needs, whatever your congregation’s size or worship style.

      Five Advent Candle Dramas (Anne W. Anderson) explores the traditional meanings of the Advent wreath candles in brief 3-5 minute sketches which incorporate the lighting of each week’s candle. The Advent themes of hope, love, joy, and peace are couched in contemporary dramatic settings yet connected to the powerful reality of Christ’s coming. Each scene includes concise instructions for costumes, props, and settings.

      The Savior Of The World (Nelson Chamberlain) is a five-scene play that tells the traditional Christmas story — with a touch of humor and a few unexpected twists. With roles for children from preschool age through sixth grade, this fun, easy-to-produce program is perfect for that special day when the church is full and you want to highlight the young people in your congregation.

      Time Travelers’ Tale Of The Carols (Linda Buff & Sharon Cathcart) is an entertaining and educational presentation that combines the story of Jesus’ birth with the stories of several beloved Christmas carols. Through the imaginative device of a time machine, audiences will hear from some of the musicians and writers who created these familiar classics. Sets and costumes are minimal, and this simple play can be produced by churches of any size — while there are parts for many children, the script can be easily adapted for any age or number of participants. Performance time is approximately 35-40 minutes.

      Here We Come To Bethlehem (Pamela Honan Peterson) is a Christmas pageant and congregational worship service that lets audiences eavesdrop on the thoughts, stories, and questions of ancient travelers as they make their way to Bethlehem. There are roles for 18 performers ranging from age three through high school, but with this flexible program it’s easy to involve as many children, youth, and adults as desired. Performance time is approximately 20-25 minutes.

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    • Worship Innovations 3


      Dedicated to providing fresh ideas for busy ministers and worship planners in a variety of settings, the Worship Innovations series offers practical resources that will bring the Bible to life and brighten your worship services. The easy-to-produce dramas and programs can be used in any size church, yet are flexible enough to fit almost any worship style. And each user-friendly resource comes with detailed instructions, including a complete list of everything you need to prepare for.

      In this Worship Innovations volume, the focus is on the Lent and Easter season. Like the first two books, this is a rich storehouse that will supply you with many seasons worth of compelling, scripturally authentic material. Included are:

      * The Paths to Calvary — a series of six short dramatic monologues for the weeks leading up to Easter in which biblical characters tell of their encounters with Jesus
      * Our Place at the Table — a dramatic re-enactment of the events preceding the Last Supper, culminating in a congregational communion service
      * A Passover to Remember — a complete Maundy Thursday service with a modified Passover seder as the centerpiece
      * A Growing Darkness — a Good Friday tenebrae service featuring seven readings about the day’s events, brought to life with several costumed monologues
      * Seven Words to Die By — based on Christ’s seven last words, this tenebrae service finds meaningful truths in the somber events of the crucifixion through monologues, scripture readings, music, and prayers
      * Surprise at Sunrise — an Easter sunrise service depicting the resurrection discovery in four vignettes using child actors
      * The Week of Weeks — a set of interactive scripture readings for each of the Sundays between Easter and Pentecost

      Other titles in the Worship Innovations series:
      Hanging The Greens For Christmas
      Easy Bible Drama

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    • Speaking Of Christmas


      If you want to celebrate the birth of the Savior by participating in a Christmas play but have a limited budget and want to avoid long rehearsals, you’ll want to have this fascinating collection of twelve short plays in readers’ theater format. Whether you’re a novice or have plenty of experience, you’ll find these scripts, varying from humorous to deeply religious and ranging from 5-20 minutes in length, to be easy to stage yet packed with meaning. Suitable for worship services, prayer groups, religious education classes, retreats, or for entertainment at parish social functions, these flexible dramas can be staged in a sanctuary, classroom, lounge, or any large space, and require no scenery, costumes, or special lighting. Brief background essays on the Christmas play and on readers’ theater are also included, along with a list of other helpful resources.

      Some of the intriguing presentations include:
      * A Discussion Among Angels
      * The Tree That Didn’t Get Trimmed
      * Million Dollar Christmas
      * Hoodoo McFiggin’s Christmas
      * Home For The Holidays

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle C


      Stimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle C lectionary readings for the Lent and Easter seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes in this latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by brief “Thespian Theological Thoughts” on the drama and the scripture texts. These versatile pieces can be staged as an alternative to the Sunday sermon or used for youth programs and other fellowship settings — they’re sure to enlighten audiences of all ages while leaving an indelible impression.

      Some of the intriguing titles include:
      * Dust Thou Art… Art Thou Dust? (Ash Wednesday)
      * Moses The Fig Tree (Lent 3)
      * The Spiritual Struggle Of Sidney Centurion (Passion/Palm Sunday)
      * “But I Wasn’t There… Ya Gotta Show Me!” (Easter 2)
      * Let Everyone Who Is Thirsty Come (Easter 7)

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    • Troubled House : A Play In Three Acts


      Troubled House is a timely reminder that intolerance is not exclusive to religion–and that naturalistic philosophy masquerading as science has become the new orthodoxy. Teachers who truly want to challenge students to think independently will find Troubled House inspiring and challenging. This play will fuel great discussion about the definition of science, intolerance, academic freedom, and integrity. Dan Schwabauer has a rare talent for putting his finger on heart of hypocrisy.

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    • Mrs Johnsons Rummage Sale


      Cultivating good stewardship is vital for strengthening Christian discipleship — but helping congregations focus on what that really means can be difficult because many people treat “stewardship” as nothing more than a pitch for money. Mrs. Johnson’s Rummage Sale is just the fresh and attention-getting resource you need to stimulate discussion and broaden understanding of this important topic. It’s a flexible collection of seven brief dramatic sketches, each highlighting a different aspect of stewardship, that will move audiences to consider stewardship from a variety of angles. With minimal stage directions and props, the scenes can easily be performed in a few minutes as part of a worship service, or as part of a congregational meeting, dinner, or other program. Sprinkled with a light touch of humor, Mrs. Johnson’s Rummage Sale provides you with a different, more accessible method for discussing what good stewardship means… and it’s an excellent supplement to other stewardship programs.

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    • Drama Team Handbook


      If a picture is worth a thousand words, a skit may be wortheven-more–especially when you are trying to make the Gospels come alive for a modern audience! Alison Siewert’s Drama Team Handbook helps you do just that. This resource features 11 attention-grabbing scripts to illustrate passages in Matthew, Luke, and John–including sketches for Christmas and Easter. Perfect for evangelism, urban ministry, youth outreach.

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    • Sermons Alive : 52 Short Dramatic Sketches For Sunday Worship


      1. All I Want For Christmas
      2. Back To Back With Benny
      3. A Ball Game
      4. The Bible Study
      5. The Bonsai Tree
      6. Bringing My World To God
      7. The Choir Member
      8. Christianity Lite
      9. The Christian Plant
      10. Counting The Cost
      11. The Dream
      12. Fat Jack
      13. The Fisherman Etc.

      Additional Info
      A sketch a week companion to sunday worship services. The 52 3 to 7 minute dramas included in this book are ideal for introducing sermons. These entertaining sketches illustrate prayer,giving,peer pressure,eternal life,dealing with failure and others. Minimal to no props or set pieces required. Right and permission to reproduce sketckes is included.

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    • Clown Skits For Everyone


      1. Clown Skits For Everyone
      2. The Road To Clowntown
      3. Silly Solos
      4. Dizzy Duets

      Additional Info
      Everything you need to know to be a performing clown – written by a performing clown! The author, Happy Jack Feder, is an accomplished mime and clown. Advice and ideas plus thirty-two easy-to-perform skits for one or two clown acts. Talks about gestures and actions, rehearsals and routines, talking and miming, modifying skits and the mechanics of performance. Tells about how to make props and the best techniques for beginners. All of the thirty-two skits included in the book have been performance-tested – simplified for easy memorization. Delightfully illustrated throughout by Lafe Locke.

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    • You Can Do Christian Puppets


      1. Puppet Craft Constructing Paper Mache Puppets
      2. Constructing Movable Mouth Muppets
      3. Using Your Puppets
      4. Building A Folding Puppet State
      5. Playscripts Old Testament Puppet Plays
      6. Church Life Plays
      7. Christian Behavior Plays, Etc.

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      A basic text for any would-be puppeteer. Really two books in one! First a book of puppet craft which details how to construct paper-mache’ puppets, cloth, movable-mouth puppets, how to build a folding puppet stage and instructions about using puppets in performance. Many pages of action illustraions and patterns to help guide the user. The second half of the book includes a wide variety of puppet playscripts including Old Testament themes, chuch life plays, Christian behavior, Bible lessons, specials days and other topics. The best possible book for a beginner or for a teacheer who is instructing others to do puppetry. A book for every church school library.

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    • Mime Ministry : An Illustrated Easy To Follow Guidebook For Training Christ


      1. Mime Yesterday And Today
      2. Rationale For Mime In Christian Ministry
      3. Purpose Of A Christian Mime Ministry
      4. How To Organize A Mime Troupe
      5. Programming A Mime Ministry
      6. Makeup And Costumes
      7. Warm Up Exercises And Games
      8. Techniques Of Mime
      9. Performance Tips, Etc.

      Additional Info
      An illustrated, easy-to-follow guidebook for organizing, programming and training a troupe of Christian mimes. Tells how to organize a mime troupe for in church or an outreach program; includes war up exercises, games and performance tip. Ideas for song and Scripture interpretations; many performance skis and sketches.

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    • Everything New And Whos Who In Clown Ministry


      1. Who’s Who Clowns Of God
      2. Clowns Across America
      3. Clowns Around The World
      4. Everything New Skits For Clowning Around
      5. Skits For Clowning Around

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    • Self Supporting Scenery For Childrens Theatre And Grown Ups Too (Revised)


      1. Stagecraft I
      2. Scene Design
      3. Stagecraft II
      4. Scene Painting
      5. Dramatic Lighting
      6. Scenic Progression
      7. Architectural Section
      8. Summary

      Additional Info
      By James Hull Miller. Fifth edition – revised. Free standing scenery creates its own theatre – compact, economical and flexible. It marches right onto any stage platform, into the classroom, the recreation hall and the garden theatre. This book tells how to construct it. Includes 128 pages and over 175 drawings. Covers tools, materials, designs and craft. An excellent reference book. Written by a leading designer in the field.

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    • Elegantly Frugal Costumes


      1. Introduction Resources
      2. Where Do I Start
      3. Period Costumes
      4. What Was That Masked Man
      5. Underneath It All
      6. Helpful Hints And Useful Information
      7. The Play’s The Thing
      8. Epilogue Behind The Scenes

      Additional Info
      Do-it-yourself costume maker’s guide by Shirley Dearing. This wonderfully practical book literally shows you how to make costumes for plays, pageants and musicals at the lowest possible expense! Over 150 detailed illustrations work with the easy-to-follow text to walk you through every step of the process. Just about every basic period is covered: Biblical to Medieval, Renaissance, The Fabulous Fifties, 1800s to World War I, the Roaring Twenties and more.Many helpful hints on making or buying realistic period theatrical costumes on a shoestring budget from cast-offs, donations, scraps, and other easily obtained materials.

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    • Christmas On Stage


      1. Elementary Grades
      2. Middle Grades
      3. Programs For Teens And Adults
      4. Readers Theatre For Christmas
      5. Adaptions From Classics And Legends
      6. Christmas Legends

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      A collection of twenty-seven Christmas plays for all ages and all types of worship services compiled and edited by Theodore O. Zapel.The one-act plays included contain both traditional and contemporary settings, drama and humor, and new offerings and old favorites.The plays are easily staged with a minimum of costumes and props, and many of the scripts require no memorization.Christmas music interspersed with the drama adds a special touch to worship services. Since no royalty payments are required for performances, this low-cost anthology is a money-saving program resource for any drama group.

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    • Mime Book


      1. The Body Isolation
      2. Coordination
      3. The Illusion
      4. The Movement Of The Mime
      5. The Mime Of The Object
      6. The Subject As An Object
      7. Creating A World
      8. The Mime Of The Subject
      9. Pantomime
      10. The Mime
      11. Appendices

      Additional Info
      A comprehensive guide to mime by Claude Kipnis. The great French mime performer, Claude Kipnis, reveals the mechanisms and techniques of mime in an easy-to-understand translation. This book is not a theoretical “art of” book, but a functional “how to” and “why to” instructional guide. Individual exercises are included, together with detailed coverage of body movements, the illusion and how to create a world. We know of no other book that so comprehensively explains how the functions of mime are achieved. Certainly a basic text for any aspiring mime.

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    • Sermon Warm Ups


      Could you use an attention-getting introduction to set up a talk or sermon? If so, the brief sketches in this collection are exactly what you need to create living illustrations of scriptural themes that will stick in your audience’s memory. Jesus explained concepts about God’s kingdom through parables utilizing elements familiar to his listeners; likewise, the modern storytelling in these short, easy-to-prepare scenes helps worshipers understand the gospel by depicting the biblical message in the context of our daily lives. And they’re effective. Since drama draws on both our visual and auditory senses, it’s a proven vehicle for increasing learning and retention rates. When you want a change of pace that will really make a difference, these scenes are great for use in place of the sermon or for various types of fellowship programs.

      Contents include:
      * The Inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14; Mark 6:14-29)
      * Cooking With Carol (John 6:24-35, 41-51)
      * The Pray-er (James 5:13-20)
      * Are You Calling Me? (Hebrews 5:1-10; Mark 10:35-40)
      … and many more!

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    • 9 Changed Lives


      I found Nine Changed Lives to be an intriguing series of Easter season monologues. Each met me on a personal level and pointed me to Christ. Their unique format enables a great deal of flexibility for their presentation.
      Rev. Dennis H. Greenwald
      Upper Midwest Area Representative for the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

      Nine brief monologues for Lent are spoken by:
      * Simon of Cyrene (for Ash Wednesday)
      * Tamar of Jerusalem
      * Zimri the Pharisee
      * King Herod
      * Pilate and Claudia
      * Thomas
      * The Centurion
      * Mary Magdalene (for Easter sunrise)

      This book also includes a youth one-act for Palm Sunday and a Maundy Thursday meditation. Directions to make a cross and whip for use in two monologues are part of the book.

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    • From My Point Of View


      Add flesh and blood to some familiar biblical characters with this collection of short presentations which offers a humanizing glimpse into the lives of a dozen individuals who played crucial roles in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Each dialogue is a brief biographical sketch, with one reader portraying the featured personality while a narrator provides background information and historical context. Peter, Mary Magdalene, Simon of Cyrene, Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate are just some of the people Reece humanizes. These scripturally sound dramatic pieces can be used in a wide variety of situations, but are particularly appropriate for the Lent and Easter seasons, either as midweek programming, a sermon series, for Bible study, or as introductory material for a longer program. A complete list of scriptural references is included.

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle B


      Stimulate audiences to see the scriptural message in a new light with these inspiring sketches based on Cycle B lectionary readings for the Lent and Easter seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by “Thespian Theological Thoughts” that briefly make an explicit connection between the drama and the scripture text. Use these versatile pieces in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings — this latest installment in the popular Thespian Theology series will enlighten audiences of all ages while leaving an indelible impression.

      Some of the intriguing titles include:
      * Blow The Trumpet! (Ash Wednesday)
      * A Single Granary (Lent 5)
      * Everyone’s Invited To The Feast! (Easter Day)
      * Righteous Rudy And Judgmental Judy (Easter 6)

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle B


      If you want audiences to laugh while being stimulated to see the scriptural message in a new light, you’ll love the enjoyable and enlightening sketches in the latest installment of John TenBrook’s popular Thespian Theology series. It’s an inspiring collection based on Cycle B lectionary readings for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, the simple, easy-to-perform scenes are an excellent tool for sharing the Gospel with unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is introduced by “Thespian Theological Thoughts: that briefly make an explicit connection between the drama and the scripture passage. Use these versatile pieces in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings-their offbeat humor is just what you need to inject a healthy dose of fun into the serious business of speaking and hearing the Word of God.

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    • Enacting The Word


      The addition of simple drama to sermons is effective in bringing Bible passages alive and involving a variety of church members in preaching. In this book, James O. Chatham invites clergy to develop a use of drama to proclaim the gospel. Chatham writes that the Bible is comprised primarily of stories–stories of the relationship between God and God’s people spanning over more than a thousand years–many of which are so good that they need little explanation. There is no more engaging way to tell these stories, he says, than through effective sermon drama. Chatham offers seven example dramas that are ready for use, complete with lines, stage directions and a list of characters and needed props. Drawing from both New Testament and Old Testament texts, Chatham’s dramas tell the stories of the persistent widow in Luke 18, of Rahab, and of Jonah; give testimony to the re-creative power of God. God’s continued calling of God’s people, and the importance of the Easter story in modern contexts, and provides a lesson for discerning light from darkness.

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    • 7 Advent Programs For Children


      In addition to seven delightful programs designed for children of preschool age through sixth grade, this book provides comprehensive, easy-to-follw guidelines that walk you through the entire process of planning, rehearsing, and presenting a holiday production. There’s even a step-by-step worksheet to help you keep organized and stay on top of all the details. Each complete script comes with a synopsis and stage directions, as well as an attractive cover that can be reproduced for your program. You’ll find material suitable for congregations of any size; most require no more than a dozen participants. And props, sets, and costumes are kept simple for maximum flexibility. With these practical resources, your children’s Christmas program this year is bound to be successful.

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    • Christmas Star : Readings And Pageants For Christmas


      The Christmas Star is a potpourri of holiday gifts for those planning worship-the charming collection includes three plays and five brief meditations suitable for reading during services or for use in bulletins and newsletters. Each presentation is simple for small churches to produce, with minimal costumes and props required. Insightful and scripturally sound, The Christmas Star is a wonderful package that you won’t be able to resist!

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle A


      John TenBrook follows up his popular titles with an all-new collection of fun and enlightening sketches based on Cycle A lectionary readings for Lent and Easter. The offbeat humor of TenBrook’s scenes is a great way to share the Gospel. Audiences will laugh while they are stimulated to look at the scriptural message in a new light. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, these versatile pieces can be used in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth porgrams and other fellowship settings. The simple, easy-to-perform sketches are an excellent tool for reaching out to unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is accompanied by “Thespian Theological Thoughts” that make a clear connection between the drama and the scripture passage. It’s just what you need to inject a healthy dose of fun into the serious business of speaking and hearing the Word of God.

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    • In The Carpenters Workshop 2


      Have you ever wished you could find ways other than a monologue to express the Sunday sermon? This volume will help preachers who are seeking alternative forms for presenting the life transforming power of the Gospel. It will also be useful to Sunday School teachers, youth group leaders, worship committees, and Bible study groups

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    • Shadows To Sunrise


      Are you looking for fresh, vibrant material for Holy Week worship? Do you want your congregation to experience the unforgettable drama of Jesus’ suffering, so that they more fully appreciate the celebration and joy of Easter? If so, then you’ll want this anthology that provides several innovative choices for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter sunrise worship. Copying privileges are included for all six segments.

      Beyond The Shadows combines communion with gradually extinguished candlelight to create a moving Maundy Thursday tenebrae experience. As each part of the Passion story unfolds, more candles are snuffed out, and the service concludes in total darkness. By reminding us that the Light of the World came to us, yet was engulfed in total darkness as his life slipped away, Beyond The Shadows focuses worshipers’ attention on the coming resurrection, and how that brightness contrasts with the darkness of the crucifixion.

      When The Son’s Light Failed is a poignant Good Friday dramatization that imagines the presence at the crucifixion of many women whose lives were profoundly affected by Jesus. The women all share their stories with each other as they witness our Lord’s ultimate sacrifice. It’s a moving portrayal which reminds us that Jesus’ ministry touched the lives of everyone.

      The tenebrae service Choices At The Cross explores some of the choices faced by those involved in the events of Christ’s Passion — ones of far greater magnitude than what we often face on a daily basis. Choices At The Cross emphasizes that the most important decision we ultimately face is our response to the question posed by Pilate: “What shall I do, then, with Jesus, who is called Christ?”

      Based on John’s account of Christ’s passion, Good Friday Readings, Meditations, And Prayers is a series of seven brief contemplations and prayers that can form the basis for a remarkably effective Good Friday service or be used for personal devotional reading during Lent. Filled with vivid imagery, the meditations make the scriptures come alive while relating them to contemporary life.

      Good Friday: I Was There is a stark, gripping Good Friday worship experience which confronts us with the powers of darkness and destruction which were responsible for Christ’s crucifixion. Brief monologues from seven shadowy personae (Doubt, Sorrow, Fear, Shame, Agony, Hate, and Death) dramatically recall how our Lord suffered as he took the sins of humanity upon himself.

      Designed as a co

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    • Getting Our Feet Wet


      Lent is a great time to work dramatic presentations into your congregation’s programming — and Getting Our Feet Wet, a collection of 14 thoughtful sketches depicting Lenten themes, is a great resource for communicating the Gospel in fresh and exciting ways. Written with grace and style, the scenes probe common assumptions about faith, making a vivid impression on audiences while stretching their theological imagination. Most of the dramas explore familiar biblical events from novel vantage points: the proprietor of the upper room, two anonymous women at the crucifixion, wine-weary disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. Some of the stories bring out the humor and theological edge in scripture, while others leave readers yearning for the Good News of Easter. Appropriate for intimate gatherings or large worship services (particularly during Holy Week), many of the scenes require only one or two characters, and each comes with specific directions for props, sound, and lighting. Performance time of the scenes varies from approximately 5 to 12 minutes.

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    • Thespian Theology


      Many congregations are searching for fresh approaches to telling the good news – and Thespian Theology is just what you need to inject a healthy dose of fun into the scriptural message. Twelve of Jesus’ parables are depicted in a humorous, offbeat way in scripts that were originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group. While the plays are especially appropriate for adolescents, they also maintain a focus on the biblical text and will appeal to all ages. Pastors and youth leaders will discover that these simple, easy-to-perform sketches can be an excellent tool for reaching out to unchurched people and getting them excited about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone who participates in (or witnesses a performance) of these sketches will enjoy them while learning about God in the process.

      Some of the amusing titles include:
      Who Is My Neighbor? or The Parable of the Good Geek (The Good Samaritan)
      Wilfred Wonderful’s Weightless Wooden Widget Works (The Unforgiving Servant)
      Hey … Who’s in Charge Here? (The Laborers in the Vineyard)
      Irkum D. Judge, Esq. (The Judge and the Widow)

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    • Worship Innovations 2


      In Worship Innovations: Easy Bible Drama, you will meet Bible persons just outside their recorded stories. Listen to Sarah and Isaac on the evening he returns from Mt. Moriah; watch Joseph (in Potiphar’s jail) confront Satan about whether integrity pays. Agonize with Anne (the mother of Mary) as she sends her daughter off to register for taxes in Bethlehem; hear the private conversation of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea following Nicodemus’ secret meeting with Jesus.

      Each of these fifteen sketches raises issues and questions designed to take readers deeper into a study of the Bible story itself. They can form the heart of a dynamic worship service, inspire a sermon, brighten a Bible study, or energize a personal walk in the word of God. Also included is “Everything You Need To Know About Easy Bible Drama,” a chapter of “how-to’s” for any church that wants to initiate the use of drama in worship.

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    • Gathering At Golgotha


      Gathering At Golgotha provides a simple yet dramatic way for a group of readers to present the human drama at the heart of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion by focusing on the emotions of those with whom Jesus was most intimate. Including an original song, the script gives fresh voice to the feelings of Jesus’ close companions on that black night. This easy-to-produce piece uses very few props and needs minimal rehearsal time to create a lasting effect.

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    • Were You There


      The story of Good Friday and Easter Day is dramatized through the device of “man-on-the-street” interviews. As a radio reporter tries to obtain details of the crucifixion, we hear the viewpoints of many people who witnessed the events, from children to a Roman soldier to a rabbi to some of the disciples. Then we hear radio announcers “on the scene” reporting the astounding good news of the resurrection. With parts for 6 men, 2 women, and 3 children, Were You There? is an excellent way to bring the Passion story to life while involving many members of your congregation.

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    • Empty Spaces Empty Places


      While we often try to fill the empty spaces in our lives with family, work, and material things, a lingering sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction seems to remain. The connections between biblical characters and these empty spaces in our lives are the focus of three dramatic sketches. By revisiting the stories of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection through interviews with the innkeeper’s wife, the centurion, and Mary Magdalene, Empty Spaces, Empty Places shows us the lives Jesus touched then (and continues to touch today). The centurion who witnessed the crucifixion tells how he became convinced that Jesus was the Son of God in the monologue Filling In The Empty Spaces: The Soldier. And the Apostle Paul’s life and Christian witness is depicted in Filling In The Empty Spaces: Saint Paul. Each presentation confronts audiences with the same question: “What do you fill your empty spaces with?”

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    • Dramatic Sketches From Romans


      Dramatic Sketches From Romans is a series of thirty dramatic “parablizations” of the principles taught in Paul’s letter to the Romans. Each scene is designed to take one to four minutes to read within a group setting.

      The sketches are …
      hard-hitting, but not harsh
      biblical, but not preachy
      entertaining, but not lightweight

      Study groups — Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, discussion groups — will love the variety of styles used. Audiences will find themselves anticipating “what’s coming next?” Many vignettes are left open-ended, leading to discussion and discovery in order to resolve the issues. Though designed primarily for an expository adventure through Romans, any group will find this an invaluable anthology of resources for nearly any occasion.

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    • Lectionary Scenes Cycle A


      Studies have indicated that 75% of what an audience learns and remembers is a result of what they see, while 13% comes from what they hear. Drama puts them both together and prepares the audience with a sermon illustration that kindles their anticipation of the pastor’s sermon. The majority of these mini-dramas run 3 to 5 minutes in length, with a few as long as 7 to 10 minutes. Each introduces the theme of the Gospel lesson in the Cycle A lectionary. Written with wit, wisdom, and humor, they help to plant the Gospel theme in an unforgettable, poignant, contemporary application. The scenes require minimal preparation. Few props are needed and 2 to 4 characters are involved in each sketch.

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    • Living Parables


      These brief 3- to 5-minute skits provide an effective introduction for a talk or sermon. Other uses are for family night programs, Bible study introductions, youth meetings, and special times of the year such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Easter. A topical index lists dozens of subjects the skits address: from aging, business practices, children, and friendship to lying, marriage, mid-life crisis, relationships, and work.

      The index lists over 100 topics:
      The dysfunctional marriage/relationship
      Stressful living
      Ethics and reputations
      McChurch — church attendance
      Easter service
      1-900-Midlife (crisis)
      Mother’s Day
      … and dozens more!

      These clever, witty, inspirational skits will inspire discussion and promote deeper faith and commitment.

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    • Faithful Men Of God


      These six monologues are accompanied by a worship service which includes a call to worship, scripture readings, a pastoral prayer, and suggested hymns.

      Monologues include:
      A Wise Man

      The script is fascinating and fast-paced from the start: “I was considered strange at best and at times mentally ill, I suppose.” (Noah)

      This series will be useful for any season and in a variety of ways: Lenten services, retreats, summer worship series, or high school or adult education classes.

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    • Watch And Pray


      Watch And Pray was written for use by untrained actors. There are no character roles and the dialogue can be divided among as many people as are available to participate.

      The seven dramatic mediations begin with Ash Wednesday, followed with the five mid-week readings and conclude with a Maundy Thursday presentation.

      Themes are:

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    • Provocables


      Robbins intends for these eighteen dramas to provoke reflection and discussion. Designed to be read aloud by one, two, three, four or more “provocateurs,” they require no special sets and only a few simple props. The creative and playful readings bring alive central doctrines of the Christian faith while addressing everyday human concerns.

      In this collection you will find such intriguing titles as:
      “The Adam And Eve Story” (males and females)
      “The Story of Job For Today (evil)
      “Getting It Together” (vocation)
      “Bad Brother Comes Home” (forgiveness)
      … and many more!

      Each selection in Provocables! is biblically based and includes a brief commentary and a set of questions to guide discussion.

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    • Graduation Is Not For Angels


      Many of today’s growing churches are turning to drama to convey the biblical message. These visual portrayals are used for sermon emphasis, general interest, and greater membership participation — with exciting results. Add life to your congregation with over twenty concise, powerful, and life-changing sketches. Needing only simple staging and props, these sometimes humorous skits depict both modern-day and ancient Bible personalities. Several dramas appropriate for youth are included.

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    • At The Foot Of The Cross


      Seven figures who were at the foot of the cross (or might have been there) pour their hearts out to Jesus in these dramatic conversations. Judas opens the series, spiritually wrestling with himself at the cross before taking his own life, pondering what he had done to Jesus. Other characters include the Centurion, Simon of Cyrene, the disciples John and Peter, as well as Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus. An additional monologue for Easter sunrise worship dramatizes the angel at the empty tomb waiting for the women to arrive, reflecting on the week’s events.

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    • Artisans Of The Crucifixion


      These dramatic monologues offer a unique perspective on Jesus’ crucifixion. Viewed through the eyes of a Blacksmith, Carpenter, Stone Mason, Tanner, and Basket Maker, the presentations introduce the congregation to those who crafted items used in the crucifixion. These monologues are flexible, and few if any props are necessary.

      Use these dramatic monologues for a unique perspective on the events of Jesus’ crucifixion. Viewed through the eyes of a Blacksmith, Carpenter, Stone Mason, Tanner, and Basket Maker, the presentations introduce the congregation to those who crafted the whip, wove the crown of thorns, forged the nails, constructed the cross, and chiseled out the tomb.

      Pastors can present these monologues themselves or assign them to church members. They have the flexibility of being performed very simply or quite elaborately. Few if any props are necessary.

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    • People Vs Judas Iscariot The Punishment Phase


      Written in an easy-to-present format, this captivating five-part series takes place in a courtroom, as attorneys present evidence based upon the Bible and tradition. Witnesses who are “subpoenaed” to testify include Peter, John, and Mary Magdalene.

      The People vs. Judas Iscariot is a captivating five-part series for Lenten worship or group discussion. Detailed worship bulletins with an order of service are provided for each of the five presentations.

      The People vs. Judas Iscariot is written in an easy-to-present format (no memorization required) and includes scripture readings that follow carefully defined themes. The homily takes the shape of a court hearing in which Judas undergoes his punishment phase. Prosecution and defense attorneys attempt to sway the judge and congregation with evidence based upon the Bible and tradition. Various witnesses are “subpoenaed” to testify, including Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, and others.

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    • In The Carpenters Workshop 3


      The creativity of preachers and worship leaders is vitally important in this day of competition with television, videos, and CD-ROMs. This third volume by Jerry Eckert is filled with scripts and suggestions for presenting the Gospel in a dramatic and exciting fashion. Using the style of presentation made famous by You Are There, some of these offerings are usable scripts for holiday special services. Unlike volumes one and two, this could be called a “play book.”

      Eckert writes: Very early in my ministry I was told at a Mental Health Association Conference how important the church is in the prevention of mental illness. Over the years I saw how that was true not just for young people but for all ages … my sermons became not only more pastoral but brought in as much of the real lives of the Bible times as I could find.

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    • Drama For All Seasons


      In a time when our culture is becoming dominated by visual modes of communication such as television, movies, videos, and computer games, church people are recognizing the need to keep up with the trends. Drama is a useful tool in the work of the church: it adds interest and variety; it can reveal new insights on spiritual truths; and it appeals to all ages while being non-threatening for those unused to regular church services.

      This collection of easy-to-perform sketches includes both seasonal drama and pieces for any time of the year. They’re suitable for worship services, social programs, or other occasions, as well as just-for-fun reading. Most have a performance time of less than five minutes, and few props are required.

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    • Mary Of Nazareth


      Mary of Nazareth lived a dangerously demanding, yet holy life, She knew loneliness and poverty and endured extreme hardships of faith while maintaining a close relationship with God. During the crucifixion she knew raging and numbed pain which challenged her sanity. But her joy was overflowing after the Resurrection. Her story provides powerful information about God’s sovereignty in the universe toward those who believe in Him and seek Him.

      Based primarily on the Gospel of Luke, the sole New Testament writer to interview and consider the female point of view, this dramatic monologue comes complete with an Order of Worship. It provides powerful insight into Mary’s suffering and, likewise, the joy she felt from her conquering on. The presentation is divided into five sections, making it possible to use as a five week series allowing five different women to participate instead of just one. It also provides hymn suggestions which help to amplify the monologue.

      This easily yet effectively prepared service offers a profound experience any time during the Lenten season.

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    • Thespian Theology Cycle A


      The author of Thespian Theology: The Parables Of Jesus As One-Act Plays follows up that popular CSS title with an all-new collection of fun and enlightening sketches based on Cycle A lectionary readings for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons. The offbeat humor of TenBrook’s scenes is a great way to share the Gospel — audiences will laugh while they are stimulated to look at the scriptural message in a new light. Originally developed for presentation by a high school-age youth group, these versatile pieces can be used in place of the Sunday sermon or for youth programs and other fellowship settings — and these simple, easy-to-perform sketches are an excellent tool for reaching out to unchurched people and getting them excited about Jesus Christ. Each skit is accompanied by a page of “Thespian Theological Thoughts” that briefly makes an explicit connection between the drama and the scripture passage. It’s just what you need to inject a healthy dose of fun into the serious business of speaking and hearing the Word of God.

      Some of the amusing titles include:
      * N-o-o-o-t Exactly (Advent 1)
      * What’s The Word? (Christmas)
      * Unfathomable Riches! No Assembly Required, Gentiles Included (Epiphany)
      * The Foolishness Of God (Epiphany 4)

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    • Reviving The Spark


      Are we becoming a nation of moral illiterates? These brief skits with their accompanying discussion questions challenge young people to consider their own value system. What about cheating, rationalizing one’s behavior, setting personal goals, using your God-given talents, gambling, self-discipline, the desire for wealth, facing temptation? Youth leaders will find that these brief skits are the perfect tool for helping youth deal with their personal struggles.

      THE CLOAKING DEVICE: Is it okay to break the rules as long as one does not get caught?
      THE REMNANT: Does everyone have to be just like us?
      THE WISH: What would a life free of problems be like?
      TWO DOORS: Crisis solutions: which path should one take?
      … and more

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    • Angel At McDonalds


      Angel At McDonald’s is a provocative drama that is a striking parable about belief in something that seems impossible and the courage to do what God commands. Two young women who are decorating a community center in an underprivileged neighborhood encounter three angry toughs who resent the girls’ “kindness.” With the gentle insistence of an angel who gives them an unusual assignment, the girls confront their fear and tell the skeptical ghetto kids about Jesus. And despite initial wariness, the message finds a home in some of their hearts.

      This play can be presented as part of a worship service or as the entertainment at a church dinner or other gathering. It can be staged as elaborately or as simply as you wish, and lends itself to a readers’ theater format. Angel At McDonald’s is an excellent discussion starter that is sure to generate many viewpoints about our preconceived ideas of what constitutes “missions.” And it connects the occasion of Christ’s birth to the birth of new spiritual life. With realistic dialogue and situations, it’s perfect for use with teenagers.

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    • Last Supper : A Maundy Thursday Portrayal


      With The Last Supper, you won’t just hear about this familiar story, you’ll see it and feel it! It’s an insightful look at one of the most poignant moments in the life of Jesus. Glimpses into the personalities and backgrounds of the disciples emphasize the human qualities that we share with them. It’s also a visual portrayal of the sacrament of Holy Communion. This is a dramatic way to celebrate Maundy Thursday, as the program deftly combines a depiction of the Last Supper with a tenebrae service conclusion. In addition to the pastor, there are parts for 14 men and one woman. Character synopses and a seating chart for the portrayal are included.

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    • Attitude Adjustments


      These four playlets treat serious subjects in a thought-provoking yet humorous manner. Each one is followed by a suggested order of worship, prayer, litany, and “meditation.” The subjects covered are: Greed, Pride, Guilt, and Forgiveness.

      They are excellent resources for:
      Youth meetings
      Men’s or women’s gatherings

      This resource will be helpful in every church library or reference shelf.

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    • They Worshiped Him


      In today’s “hurry-up” world, it seems we rarely take the time to think of other people and “walk a mile in the other man’s shoes.” If we did, what would we see? They Worshiped Him revisits the nativity story from the perspective of the people who were actually there. In this dramatic retelling, we glimpse the innermost thoughts and feelings of some of the very common people whose lives were forever changed by a most extraordinary event. What did the shepherds feel? What did others think of them? Were they perceived as “eccentric”? And what about the wise men who followed the star? Did they have an entire entourage, or did people treat them like three dottering old men? And what about Mary and Joseph; how did this unusual pregnancy affect them? They Worshiped Him answers many of these questions while reminding us of the biblical characters’ humanity.

      The singing of favorite seasonal carols is woven into the drama, encouraging audience participation. And it’s an adaptable work that can be staged as elaborately or simply as you wish. While there are speaking parts for 12 angels, 5 animals, 6 shepherds, 3 magi, the innkeeper, Mary, Joseph, and a narrator, roles can easily be combined for use with any size congregation. Staging instructions are included.

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    • Every Knee Shall Bow


      The scene for this Christmas play and worship service is a familiar one: a nativity display in a town square. As different individuals or families approach the manger scene they hear the voice of God speaking his words of truth, encouragement, and hope to their own unique needs and circumstances. When the members of your congregation hear God’s message to these individuals, they will hear God speaking to them as well. The service includes the congregational singing of familiar Christmas carols.

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    • Through The Eyes Of A Child


      The dialogues in this resource are designed for use between a youth and an adult (pastor, parent, or youth leader). Six bulletin formats are included with dialogue scripts.

      Worship themes are:
      Advent Past, Present, and Future
      Jesus Came To Earth
      Jesus Will Come Again
      Lord Jesus, Quickly Come
      Through The Eyes Of A Child (Christmas dialogue)
      Through The Eyes Of A Child (Epiphany dialogue)

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    • Prelude To Black Saturday


      This liturgical drama provides a stark contrast to the joy and celebration of Easter morning. This service captures the reality of that Friday when our Lord was crucified. The cast includes people who were present on that final Friday – each sharing their emotions, from the sneering soldiers, to the heart-wrenching sobs and pleas of his mother, to Christ himself.

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    • Disciples Redeemed


      Though it is perfect for the Easter season, this series of monologues about the lives of the Disciples following Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, may be used any time throughout the year. Congregations will learn the often overlooked post-Easter story of each of the Disciples as they never have before.

      The staging of Disciples Redeemed can be one with a table set up like the last supper table with the Disciples, except for Judas, seated around the table. The story begins with Saul giving his monologue at floor level with the audience and ends with Paul at the table with the rest of the Disciples. The monologue of Judas is optional.

      Suggestions for staging and optional costumes are included.

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    • Table Talk


      This service requires little preparation and involves only three readers. The build up to Holy Communion is dramatic and scriptural, climaxing in the betrayal of Judas, the sense of corporate guilt and the need for forgiveness.

      In Table Talk we hear conversations between Jesus and his friends, enemies and those who are indifferent. These talks occur at tables where Jesus has come as a guest. The service culminates with Jesus serving as host to his disciples.

      In his own table story we learn that whether or not we come to the great banquet, the table of the Lord will be filled. It forces us to ask that if we do come and receive the bread and wine what will Jesus say to us? What will we say to him? How can we not find our faith strengthened, our love enlarged, and our understanding deepened by the table talk of Jesus?

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    • Worship Innovations 1


      Beginning with a step-by-step guide for initiating a “Hanging the Greens” celebration, Janet Burton offers nine creative, easy-to-produce programs in which all ages of the church family can participate in the process of decorating worship areas for the Advent and Christmas seasons. She also includes five plans for breathing new life into using the Advent wreath. Best of all, these practical ideas are very flexible and easily adapted to fit the worship style of almost any congregation.

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    • Trials Of Christ


      The Trials Of Christ is a readers’ theater presentation involving six people. It requires little rehearsal and no memorization.

      The narrative is biblically based and provides a captivating message for Good Friday or Easter Sunday.

      The Trials Of Christ attempts to demand a stand for truth from its audience, whether that stand be a theological position for Christ or a stand for truth in general. It challenges a congregation to consider the difficulty of taking a position that is totally unpopular or detrimental to the person taking that stand. The message helps direct listeners to live for eternal values.

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