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Showing 1001–1100 of 1788 results

  • Violent Grace : Meeting Christ At The Cross


    1. He Was Born To Die So I Could Be Born To New Life
    2. He Suffered Temptation So I Can Experience Victory
    3. He Was Betrayed So I Might Know His Faithfulness
    4. He Was Arrested And Bound So I Could Be Rescued From Bondage
    5. He Stood Trial Alone So I Might Have An Advocate
    6. He Was Wounded So I Could Be Healed
    7. He Endured Mockery So I Could Know Dignity And Joy
    8. He Was Condemned So The Truth Could Set Me Free
    9. He Was Crowned With Thorns So I Might Crown Him With Praise
    10. He Was Nailed To The Cross So I Might Escape Judgment
    11. He Was Stretched Out Between Thieves So I Could Know The Reach Of Love
    12. He Suffered Thirst So I Can Drink Living Water
    13. He Said, “It Is Finished” So I Could Begin My Walk Of Faith
    14. He Was Gods Lamb, Slain So I Could Claim His Sacrifice As My Own
    15. He Was Forsaken By The Father So I Would Never Be Rejected
    16. He Chose The Shame Of Weakness So I Can Know The Hope Of Glory
    17. He Shed His Blood So I Can Be White As Snow
    18. His Heart Was Pierced So Mine Could Be Made Whole
    19. He Died And Was Buried So The Grave Could Not Hold Me
    20. He Rose Again So I Might Experience Eternal Life
    21. He Is Known By His Scars So I Will Take Up My Cross And Follow Him

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    Jesus was condemned . . . so we could be set free. He was wounded . . . so we can be healed. He died . . . so we might have life. The cross has lost much of its appeal as a symbol of Christianity. Yet what Christ did at the cross remains central to our faith. Michael Card calls us to focus our attention once again on the cross. Explore with this impassioned troubadour the Old Testament prophecies and Gospel accounts of Jesus’ self-sacrifice. Follow Jesus to the cross and realize anew that God’s free gift of grace to us was purchased at the cost of inconceivable violence to his Son.

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  • Whole Armor Of God


    When Paul wrote to the Ephesians people were likely to encounter soldiers in armor.In areas making up the Roman Empire elements of armor were present in daily life. Today one is much less likely to observe someone wearing and training for battle in Armor. Merry’s book describes elements of armor and training those who read Paul’s words in early times might have encountered. Each element is then applied to the spiritual warfare we face today with scriptural references. Mary’s purpose is to help the reader better appreciate the context of Paul’s instruction “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD”!!

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  • Judas Syndrome : Why Good People Do Awful Things


    Even people we think are our friends will deny and betray us. Are they bad people, or just don’t do enough, or people with good intentions but acting in ignorance? Or are they basically decent people who, when put to the test, fail because of their weak faith? Filled with many examples, Judas Syndrome gives concrete ways to prevent people, even other Christians, from hurting you and the role that faith can play in changing them and helping you avoid the pain that these relationships often bring. Although sometimes we suffer as a result of our own shortcomings and missteps, placing our trust in Christ’s message of love provides the gateway to the life God intends for us. In other words, faith can really save us-a faith, however, that is not easily undertaken on a daily basis or one that can be sustained alone.

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  • Walking In The Dust Of Rabbi Jesus


    In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Lois Tverberg challenges readers to follow their Rabbi more closely by re-examining his words in the light of their Jewish context. Doing so will provide a richer, deeper understanding of his ministry, compelling us to live differently, to become more Christ-like. We’ll begin to understand why his first Jewish disciples abandoned everything to follow him, to live out his commands. Our modern society, with its individualism and materialism, is very different than the tight-knit, family-oriented setting Jesus lived and taught in. What wisdom can we glean from his Eastern, biblical attitude toward life? How can knowing Jesus within this context shed light on his teachings for us today? In Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus we’ll journey back in time to eavesdrop on the conversations that arose among the rabbis of Jesus’ day, and consider how hearing Rabbi Jesus with the ears of a first-century disciple can bring new meaning to our faith. And we’ll listen to Jewish thinkers through the ages, discovering how ideas that germinated in Jesus’ time have borne fruit. Doing so will yield fresh, practical insights for following our Rabbi’s teachings from a Jewish point of view.

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  • Jesus Is : Find A New Way To Be Human


    Jesus is ____. How would you finish that sentence?

    The subject is there, and so is the verb, but what comes next? Your answer could shed light on the path to becoming who you were made to be.

    In these pages, Judah Smith fills out that sentence again and again, each time further revealing the character of Jesus. He writes as if to a friend, illustrating the importance of Christ’s message to modern men and women. This is a book for new believers, for lifelong followers, and for the merely curious.

    Judah Smith shows us the Jesus that somber paintings and hymns fail to capture. With passion, humor, and conviction, he shows that Jesus is life. Jesus is grace. Jesus is your friend. Jesus is a new and better way to be human.

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  • Unexpected Love : Gods Heart Revealed In Jesus Conversations With Women


    God’s heart for women is revealed through a captivating study of the gospels.

    A first look at the conversations recorded between Jesus and women can be rather disconcerting. Where is the loving Savior in his demand for the hemorrhaging woman to make her embarrassing ailment public? How could a man of compassion call the Syro-Phoenician woman a dog? Why would he address his mother “Woman” and refuse to help her? Do these conversations and others depict a Savior who was insensitive and even dismissing to women in general?

    Unexpected Love offers solutions gleaned from historical, cultural, and contextual sources, resulting in an interpretation that reveals a fresh perspective and the sometimes surprising truth. It moves the reader past the usual shallow interpretations to find the heart of Christ.

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  • Witness Essentials : Evangelism That Makes Disciples


    Part One: Seeing The Big Picture
    1. Believe In The Call And Power Of God: Receiving Christ’s Wonderful Charge And Promise
    2. Examine The News: Understanding The Daily And Divine News
    3. Mourn The Changed Conditions: Embracing The Context For Contemporary Witness

    Part Two: Reaching Out To People
    4. Yearn For People As God Does: Developing A Heart For Others Like The Heart Of God
    5. Walk With People: Starting To Build Redemptive Relationships
    6. Investigate And Invest In The Soil: Cultivating The Ground For Spiritual Conversations

    Part Three: Displaying Christ In You
    7. Testify To The Truth You Know: Bearing Witness To The Truth About God, Life And Self
    8. Nail The Sins That Slay You: Overcoming The Character And Caricatures That Limit Our Credibility
    9. Express Grace Under Pressure: Revealing God’s Power In Times Of Trial
    10. Serve Needs: Displaying The Love Of Christ With Its Sleeves Rolled Up

    Part Four: Helping Someone Home
    11. Share The Invitation To Salvation: Inviting People Into The Kingdom
    12. Point Out The Pathway: Guiding New Believers Onto The Discipleship Pathway

    Appendix: The Three Ladders
    Additional Resources
    About The Author

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    We know the radical difference the gospel of Jesus Christ makes, and we want others to see and enjoy its benefits. In fact, we don’t want them to just pray a prayer and move on to the next interesting thing. We want them to sink their roots deeply into the grace of God.

    So often, though, we feel that we are inadequate to this important task–that we don’t know enough or that we will offend our friends. Daniel Meyer has provided the tools you need to move forward:

    the basics of the gospel message
    the role of life change in our witness
    how to present the good news

    The Bible studies, exercises and readings in this book will deepen your personal faith and equip you to minister to others with a new sense of confidence and calling.

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  • Get Off Your Donkey (Reprinted)


    Jesus had little patience with institutional religion that cared for its own needs while neglecting the plight of ordinary people. In one of his most famous parables, he sets up as a model of Christian behavior a man who, unlike some religious folks, actually gets down off his donkey and helps a person in dire need.

    With energy and enthusiasm, Reggie McNeal calls believers to dismount, get down and dirty, and live a life that makes a difference. He shows readers how to recalibrate their spiritual efforts to move from church-centric service to greater community engagement in order to do their essential part in creating a world worth living in. McNeal also shows readers that helping others actually helps the one doing the service just as much as the one being served. In fact, serving is the very best way to learn about yourself and grow spiritually.

    Anyone who longs to have the impact on the world that Jesus did will love this provocative and inspirational message.

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  • Activating The Power Of The Cross


    Without a proper understanding of the power that was granted to believers through the cross, it is difficult for the Christian to truly benefit from and maximize its authority while on earth. The cross accomplished eternal security for those who place their faith in Christ alone; however, what is often overlooked are the accomplishments of the cross that are to be carried out on earth. In his unique style, Dr. Evans examines the cross in such a way as to bring hope into the hearts of each reader while giving them practical tools for leveraging all God intended and achieved at Calvary.

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  • Dog God Parables


    Have you watched in awe as dogs performed amazing feats on TV? Do you wonder, “Why doesn’t my dog mind me?” Packed with dog training tips in every chapter, this book challenges you to explore and expand your relationship with your dog. But the author does not stop there. She goes on to employ the same training principles we use with our dogs to evoke a deeper relationship with our Creator.

    Often, we respond to God the same way our dogs respond to us-confused, distracted, or downright disobedient! Can we learn about obedience, teamwork, and developing a relationship with God by observing our dogs?

    Margie Clutter’s strong Christian faith and proven dog training ability have given her a unique perspective on relationships between dogs and humans, and humans and God. The result is this collection of practical, scriptural, modern-day parables for spiritual growth in your relationship with God.

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  • Light Giver : Discovering Gods Uncommon Wisdom


    Dale Fife, author of The Secret Place, takes readers on another visionary journey into the inner sanctum of God’s presence. To experience the mysteries and revelation that Fife has experienced is to know the peace, joy, and rest that can be found only in intimate communion with the Father.

    Moses encountered the light and fire of the burning bush. On their way to the Promised Land, the Israelites followed a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night. The priests of God ministered in the temple with the flame of a lamp stand as their only source of light. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

    God wants all believers to walk in that same light of supernatural revelation. He wants you to transcend human limitations and access the divine realm. Open your spirit to receive fresh illumination, for you are about to have an intimate encounter with The Light Giver.

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  • Idolatry Of God


    Whether readers are devout believers or distant seekers, The Idolatry of God shows that we must lay down our certainties and honestly admit our doubts to identify with Jesus. Rollins purposely upsets fundamentalist certainty in order to open readers up to a more loving, active manifestation of Christ’s love.

    In contrast to the usual understanding of the “Good News” as a message offering satisfaction and certainty, Rollins argues for a radical and shattering alternative. He explores how the Good News actually involves embracing the idea that we can’t be whole, that life is difficult, and that we are in the dark. Showing how God has traditionally been approached as a product that will render us complete, remove our suffering, and reveal the answers, he introduces an incendiary approach to faith that invites us to joyfully embrace our brokenness, resolutely face our unknowing, and courageously accept the difficulties of existence. Only then, he argues, can we truly rob death of its sting and enter into the fullness of life.

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  • What Jesus Started


    Sometimes we get so caught up in the power of Jesus shouting from the cross, “It is finished!” that we forget that Jesus started something. What Jesus started was a movement that began small, with intimate conversations designed to build disciples into apostles who would go out in the world and seed it with God’s kingdom vision. That movement grew rapidly and spread wide as people recognized the truth in it and gave their lives to the power of it. That movement is still happening today, and we are called to play our part in it.

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  • When Donkeys Talk


    Tired of church as you’ve known it? Thirsty for a fresh look at Christian faith? American singer/songwriter and author Tyler Blanski was, too. So he set out on a Holy Pilgrimage to rediscover the saints, stars, and beauty of Christianity for the twenty-first century. Rich with deep application for living in the modern world, When Donkeys Talk is an invitation to become enchanted again with Christ and his world. Tyler reminds us that God works in unexpected, unusual, and miraculous ways and that he inhabits and speaks through the wondrous world he has made. Blanski redefines ‘magical’ to help us see that the world is guided by a hand greater than science and materialism. Using scripture, the wisdom of the church fathers, and respected theologians and Christian thinkers from centuries past, as well as a creative and humorous narrative, you will find the wonder of our ancient faith still alive and well.

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  • Ultimate Survivor : Overcoming Lifes Greatest Challenges


    Whether we are aware of it or not, there is a challenge lodged in the very core of our being. Our response determines how well we handle trials, and whether or not we find true satisfaction.

    Author Bob Guthrie revisits many of Jesus’ teachings that have been overlooked, ignored, or misinterpreted to increase your understanding of God and His Word. Ultimate Survivors provides the wisdom you need to rise to the challenge and confront the issues keeping you from the best in life.

    Are you ready to overcome your greatest trials? Will you embrace God’s process of restoration, confident that His is the best plan for your life? Ultimate Survivors will inspire you to accept the challenge and become all that God created you to be.

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  • Risen : 50 Reasons Why The Resurrection Changed Everything (Reprinted)


    What would happen if believers truly grasped how the resurrection of Jesus changes not just their own standing with God, but that it changes everything? In the spirit of John Piper’s Fifty Reasons Why Christ Came to Die, Steven D. Mathewson unpacks the New Testament Scriptures that speak of the reasons Jesus was raised from the dead.

    In fifty brief chapters, he offers readers faith-filled meditations on the primary passages on the resurrection, taking these ancient truths and applying them to contemporary life. With compelling insight, he shows why Jesus not only had to die, but why his resurrection was necessary and how our lives change when we understand and embrace this essential truth of the Christian faith.

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  • What You Need To Know About Salvation


    Bad news first: everyone is born lost. Now the good news: Jesus saves! Simple enough. But today’s secular and new age optimism blinds many to the reality that we need a Savior. And even some who come to Christ don’t fully understand the stupendous treasure God gives when He saves them. What You Need to Know about Salvation will fortify your confidence in the salvation you’ve received and help you experience more of its infinite riches. You’ll thrill at the drama of redemption as it unfolds through Scripture: the glory of creation, the tragedy of sin and the Fall, the provision of salvation in Jesus Christ, and its application today through the Holy Spirit. And you’ll be moved to worship your Savior and share the good news with others.

    Features include:
    12 lessons you can complete in under one hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on the topic
    Easy-to-teach resources, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion
    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation

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  • Wonderstruck : Awaken To The Nearness Of God


    Today many Christians are plagued to an even greater degree by age-old issues of spiritual malnourishment, boredom, disenchantment, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and uncertainty. In Wonder Struck, author and speaker Margaret Feinberg gently leads readers to rediscover the wonder of God anew, rekindle their prayer lives, remember the faithfulness of God’s presence, and jolts us to reawaken to the wonder of His love.

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  • Through The Year With Jimmy Carter


    In Through the Year with Jimmy Carter, the thirty-ninth President of the United States takes you on a unique journey into the heart of the Christian faith. Based on more than three decades of practical Bible teaching, these readings draw from the riches of God’s Word and the compelling experiences of Mr. Carter’s own life. Whether through fascinating glimpses into behind-the-scenes activity at the White House, or insightful remembrances of his career in the U.S. Navy, Mr. Carter never ceases to connect the wisdom of Scripture with your own crucial place on the stage of life. Frank, honest, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and always relevant, Through the Year with Jimmy Carter challenges readers to be more Christ-like every day of their lives.

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  • Real Life : A Christianity Worth Living Out


    What does it mean to follow Jesus? And how should we help others become more like him? Once upon a time, being a Christian seemed clear. Say these words, pray these prayers, do these things. But out in the real world, following Jesus feels more nebulous. What’s the point? That’s Stephen’s struggle in these pages as he wonders if he has missed his calling. In this compelling narrative, James Choung explores what it means to follow Jesus in the real world. Is Christianity something you just believe in, or can it be something you actually live out? Engineer Stephen wants to encourage his younger colleague Jared in his spiritual journey, but both feel at a loss. Stephen’s friend Bridget offers insights on how Boomers, Xers, Millennials and younger generations approach spiritual questions, with implications for discipleship, community and service. Together they walk through deepening stages of faith as they discern how God is calling them to live. Join Stephen, Bridget and Jared on their journey of following Jesus, as they discover what it means to move from skeptic to world-changer. And find new pathways for Christian discipleship and disciplemaking in a world yearning for hope.

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  • Heaven On Earth


    Many approach the Beatitudes as if they were a list of steps to be taken on the road to personal happiness. Or buttons to be pushed to secure God’s favor in pursuit of one’s own agenda.

    But when we see what ws transpiring in Matthew 5, we realize the Beatitudes are less about what we do and more about what God is doing – what God values, how God operates, what God is up to in our world.

    The Beatitudes are Jesus’ declaration of where “the good life” is. They comprise an invitation to immerse ourselves in the good life and experience a river of joy running through us to transform the world around us.

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  • Great House Of God


    God’s greatest desire is to be your dwelling place. The home for your heart.

    He doesn’t want to be merely a weekend getaway. He has no interest in being a Sunday bungalow or even a summer cottage. He wants to be your mailing address, your point of reference, your home…always. He wants you to live in the Great House of God.

    Using the Lord’s Prayer as a floor plan, bestselling author Max Lucado takes you on a tour of the home God intended for you. Warm your heart by the fire in the living room. Nourish your spirit in the kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family room. Step into the hallway and find forgiveness.

    It’s the perfect home for you. After all, it was created with you in mind. There’s only one home built just for your heart. No house more complete, no structure more solid.

    The roof never leaks. The walls never crack. The foundation never trembles.

    In God’s house, you’re home. So come into the house built just for you. Your father is waiting.

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  • Next Door Savior


    We applaud men for doing good things.

    We enshrine God for doing great things.

    But what about a man who does God things?

    One thing is certain. We can’t ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God.

    The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity’s best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him.

    Dismiss him? We can’t. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to?

    Don’t we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus?

    Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.

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  • Purpose Driven Life What On Earth Am I Here For Expanded Edition (Large Type)


    A fresh look at life from a treasured book of hope. This isn’t your grandfather’s Purpose Driven Life. Retooled and newly titled What On Earth Am I Here For? for a new generation, this 10th anniversary edition includes all the wisdom of the original book, plus two new chapters and fresh insights Rick Warren has gleaned since he first wrote his #1 international bestseller. Discover God’s amazing plan for you both now and for eternity as you take a spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life’s most important question: What On Earth Am I Here For?

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  • Faith


    In one of the best explanations of faith ever given, Charles Spurgeon paints a panoramic picture of faith that covers each element of this essential topic and yet also shows us the big picture of what it means to believe in Jesus Christ and live for Him. Spurgeon answers our questions about faith, such as…

    What is faith? How do I obtain it? Can faith really change my life?

    The promise of faith can be yours. Step into a new life and experience the truth and power of real life.

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  • Awake : Rise To Your Divine Assignment


    Every person has a part to play. We all are unique. We have individual assignments. We’re all a part of the Body, as First Corinthians 12 says. But some have fallen asleep spiritually speaking. They’re not walking in the fullness of all that God has for them. They’re not walking in the fullness of the purpose, the call, and the gifting that God placed in them, because of tragedy, fear, and depression.

    It’s time for people to wake up to the purpose and the plan that God has for them. Each one has an individual assignment, and purpose, but we have to wake up. In this book, learn what it means to be awakened to the gifts and callings of God and how to renew your mind daily so you can walk in the call that God has for you.

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  • Kick Anxiety : Let Go Of Anxiety And Live In The Peace Of God


    Do you find yourself constantly worrying? Are you feeling trapped and anxious, powerless to change your seemingly hopeless situation?

    In Kick Anxiety, author and counselor Anne Laidlaw encourages readers to get to the root of their anxiety so they can overcome the doubt, unbelief, and other self-destructive patterns of behavior that are destroying them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

    Don’t give anxiety the power to steal your joy. Make the decision to cast your fear and anxiety upon God, and surrender the burdens you were never meant to bear. These inspired words will encourage you to stop relying on yourself and give God complete control of your life, knowing that He is your safe place. When you do, you will Kick Anxiety and begin to enjoy the abundant life that only God can offer!

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  • John Ploughmans Pictures


    Wisdom for a Lifetime-and Beyond

    “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.”
    -Proverbs 3:13 (NKJV)

    Charles Spurgeon follows up his popular John Ploughman’s Talks with another volume of plain talk, proverbial sayings, and wise counsel. Tackling key moral issues with both gentle satire and straightforward advice, he guides the reader to discover the depths of God’s mercy, salvation through Christ, and timeless, biblically based principles for living a virtuous life.

    Prepare to laugh, reflect deeply, and gain wisdom for a lifetime-and beyond.

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  • Praise Avenue


    The Power of Praise Can Revolutionize Your Life!

    Praise can change your life! In fact, it’s impossible to overestimate the power, victory, blessing, healing, and inspiration available to you through the simple decision to praise God more and worry and complain less.

    In this book, Don Gossett shares his experiences with the powerful practice of praise so that you can…
    *Live in good health and success
    *Defeat discouragement
    *Overcome financial obstacles
    *Receive spiritual protection for your family
    *Experience God’s will for your future

    Don’s message has been an inspiration to millions around the world. Now, you, too, can unlock the secrets of living a life of praise.

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  • Key To Holiness


    Through his teaching on sanctification, Spurgeon reveals how to apply the many benefits of Christ’s sacrifice for us.

    As you discover that you can be cleansed from sin and free from the tendencies to sin, you will also learn about:
    *Becoming pure in both heart and mind
    *How God makes us holy vessels He can use
    *Gaining peace of mind
    *Finding true fellowship with God
    *Having constant access to God

    You can know that you are completely accepted in God’s sight, eternally secure in Him, and fit for His service, while experiencing the tremendous joy promised in the Bible.

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  • I Am That I Am


    I AM THAT I AM, Tracing the Footprints of God is a book that you’ve always wanted to have in your library but could never find. I AM THAT I AM provides a biblically based, theologically sound narration of all eight covenants of God-presents main themes and summaries of over forty-five of Jesus’ timeless parables-describes over fifty supernatural miracles that God executed through the hands of Jesus-and traces over fifty divine names and titles reflecting different facets of God’s nature, character, and personality. The captivating pages offer commentaries by over seventy-five renowned bible scholars, includes full color archeological images of recent excavation findings of biblical events, and historical illustrations and map images showing relevance to contemporary locations-all uniquely woven into one convenient reader-friendly volume.

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  • Biblical Discipleship Program For Women


    In memory of Dr. Anne Morey (May 16, 1948-June 3, 2012) Dr. Robert A. Morey’s wife, Anne, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, June 3, 2012, while they were in Florida celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. They were lifelong friends and partners in faith who met in high school in New York City when she was 15 and he was 16 years old. The Lord, in His sovereignty, allowed Anne to complete her book on women’s discipleship before her death. May her book be a blessing to Christian women everywhere. Dr. Anne Morey was not just a wonderful wife and mother, but she was also a fearless soldier of Christ who was not afraid, like Deborah of old, who took up the Sword of the Spirit in the cause of God and truth. Her love of truth and courage in spiritual warfare is what drew me to her when we were teenagers. She accompanied me on the streets of New York City to hand out tracts to the lost. Together we counseled runaway teenagers in Greenwich Village. She loved going to Walter Martin’s Apologetics Class every Monday night. We discussed philosophy and theology with great relish. We loved Francis and Edith Schaeffer so much that we spent part of our honeymoon at L’Abri. Anne graduated cum laude and went on to earn an MA and then a PhD. She ran the women’s ministries in the church, and gave biblical instruction on how women could use their spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ. This is how she developed a Biblical women’s discipleship program. Most “women’s ministries” focus on baking cookies, making dolls, gathering clothing for the poor, and sinful gossip and slander. My wife viewed them as a total waste of time. Why can’t women study the Bible in depth? Why can’t they study apologetics and theology? Titus 2:3-5 gave Anne the key to developing God’s plan for discipling women. Mature Christian women were to be instructed by the elders of the church in seven topics, and then personally train the younger women in those subjects. If churches were to follow what God laid out in Titus 2:3-5, the women in the church would rise up as a mighty army of God to confront and conquer the evil in the church and the world. Anne’s graduation to Glory was the most painful experience in my life. While her death was gain to her and she is far better off with Christ in heaven, the rest of us are left to struggle on in the battle. But, by the Grace of God, before she died, Anne finished her book on the biblical plan for women’s discipleship programs. Her godly influence and example li

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  • Attitude Is Your Paintbrush


    James W. Moore’s warm, conversational style inspires readers to transform negative, pessimistic attitudes into positive, optimistic attitudes centered on the love and hope of Jesus Christ. The book includes a discussion guide designed for both group and individual use, features questions related to each chapter, and presents several options for study.

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  • Everything : What You Give And What You Gain To Become Like Jesus


    Readers discover exactly what it takes to grow in Christ and become like Him.

    You don’t need a plan, and you don’t need a program. To experience the abundant Christian life, you only need Jesus. In Everything, critically acclaimed author Mary DeMuth answers the question: what exactly does it take to become more like our irresistible Savior? The answers readers find will inspire and surprise them. They discover revolutionary insights about:
    how undecorated obedience brings unprecedented spiritual growth
    how to rise above doubt, worry and fear
    how to develop an intimate friendship with the Holy Spirit
    how to cherish brokenness as a wide open pathway to God
    and much, much more

    A life committed to Jesus is not about spiritual “bootstrapping,” pulling up our broken selves, hoping God didn’t notice our stumbling. With hard-hitting words written in love and smothered in biblical truth, Everything reminds us that the spiritually vibrant life we long for can be grasped. We must fight for it, strive for it ceaselessly, reach for it when we fall, and lift our hands in praise when we’re victorious. With extraordinary writing and fresh thinking, this groundbreaking book inspires believers to give everything to Jesus to gain everything he offers.

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  • Daily Help Devotional


    Guidance & Comfort

    The Daily Help Devotional directs you through each day of the year, touching and inspiring your faith and anchoring your soul to the Lord. These messages, along with key verses of Scripture, will bring you into fellowship with God in a remarkable way. These teachings will guide you in…
    *Experiencing God’s direction
    *Relieving tensions of the day
    *Finding the peace that passes understanding
    *Developing a stronger faith
    *Knowing the mind of the Lord

    Spurgeon’s writings directly reflect God’s words and principles, while they convey his characteristic warmth and compassion. In only a few moments each day, these meditations will help those who are seeking intimacy with our Lord and want to discover the joy of dwelling daily with our Savior.

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  • Year Of Biblical Womanhood


    A strong Christian woman embarks on a radical life experiment-a year of biblical womanhood.

    Strong and committed in her faith-but frustrated by the inconsistencies she saw in her evangelical culture’s view of women-Rachel Held Evans became an independent woman. But, intrigued by the traditionalist resurgence that led many of her friends to abandon their careers to assume traditional gender roles in the home, Evans had a crazy idea:What if I took “biblical womanhood” literally for a full year? In the next twelve months Rachel:
    Wore a scarf over her head to pray
    Called her husband “master” and stood on the roadside with a sign that said “Dan is Awesome”
    Adopted a computerized baby
    Perched on the roof for an afternoon of penance for gossiping
    Camped out in her front yard during her period
    Visited an Amish schoolhouse, a pig farm in Bolivia, and a Benedictine monastery
    Took up baking and knitting
    Interviewed a polygamist, a Quiverfull daughter, and a courtship couple

    With just the right mixture of humor and insight, Evans takes readers along with her on a lively adventure. In the process she discovers that the journey itself leads her right to the heart of God.

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  • Glimpses Of Glory


    Glimpses of Glory can help you to discover the frequently overlooked spiritual truths present in your own daily life. The author uses a winsome and realistic style of reflection, which can be both easily understood and often personally instructive.

    Christmas Letters and Faith Notes, which contain poems and prose tenderly crafted from a grateful heart, can create in you a longing to explore such ordinary topics as the following:

    * Beginnings
    * Changes
    * Companionship
    * New Life
    * Time
    * Trust

    If you yearn to have a deeper understanding of how spiritual power can be released in your daily life, read Glimpses of Glory.

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  • Glimpses Of Glory


    Glimpses of Glory can help you to discover the frequently overlooked spiritual truths present in your own daily life. The author uses a winsome and realistic style of reflection, which can be both easily understood and often personally instructive.

    Christmas Letters and Faith Notes, which contain poems and prose tenderly crafted from a grateful heart, can create in you a longing to explore such ordinary topics as the following:

    * Beginnings
    * Changes
    * Companionship
    * New Life
    * Time
    * Trust

    If you yearn to have a deeper understanding of how spiritual power can be released in your daily life, read Glimpses of Glory.

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  • You Will Receive Power


    You were created for glory! Christ came so that you might be restored to the initial glory for which God made you. The whole place of redemption is to put the divine nature back into your spirit, as it was meant to be from the very beginning. As William Law reveals the power of the Holy Spirit to you, he explains how you can…
    *Know Christ as your source of strength
    *Receive your heart’s desires
    *Move mountains with your faith
    *Minister to others effectively
    *Be led by God
    *Have the power of the Holy Spirit
    *Experience the presence of God

    Discover how you can have the Christ-centered, Spirit-filled life that God originally created you for!

    “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
    -2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

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  • Spirit Hunger : Filling Our Deep Longing To Connect With God


    We all have a desperate need for God — not just for following him or being committed to him, but to be intimately connected to him. We long for purpose, for affirmation, for attention, for nurture. But Gari Meacham writes that we fall short of being desperate for God, or we miss the longed-for romance with God we hear about in scripture.andnbsp; We’re uncertain how to distinguish our longings from our fears.andnbsp; When, says Meacham, did our longings turn to hauntings? And when did we buy into the counterfeit yearnings for control, and the insecurity, perfectionism and other attitudes that quench Spirit Hunger? The answer to Spirit Hunger is to engage God like never before. In this book Meacham shows through her story and the stories of others how to turn worry into belief, problems and heartaches into a life of intimate prayer, and sighs for intimacy into closeness with God.andnbsp; She discusses her discoveries about prayer including why asking is sometimes hard, how we can notice and track God’s movements as we seek his answers, and why it’s sometimes such a struggle to believe after we’ve prayed. Meacham writes, ‘With the authenticity of my own life stories—marriage to a professional baseball player, struggles with severe food bondage, and a father who was a quadriplegic—I came to the crisp realization that my prayer life and my belief needed to match. Spirit Hunger provides a clear path towards matching these heart cries—leading away from crumbs and counterfeit, to a hungering for God.’

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  • Undaunted Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    In Your God Is So Big!, Christine Caine, popular conference speaker and co-founder of Equip and Empower Ministries and the A21 Campaign (the ‘Ministries’) makes her North American literary debut with an inspirational book offering life-transforming insights about how to not only overcome tile challenges, wrong turns, and often painful circumstances we all experience, but to actually grow from those experiences and be equipped and empowered. Using her dramatic life story to create the narrative arc, Christine Caine will take her readers on an epic journey through the stages of pain and loss that ultimately lead to hope, healing, transformation and new beginnings. Along the way, she will show readers how they pass by miracles every day without realizing it miracles hidden in plain sight — in their communities and their lives. She will show readers how God healed her and then opened her to eyes to the shadows of our world where He is actively working — the very places we too often overlook or ignore. She will encourage her readers to open their lives to God’s miraculous touch and determine today to be the miracle! Grounded in reality and personal experience, and using the passionate narrative style that has made Christine Caine one of the most sought after speakers in the world, Be the Miracle is much more than a typical self-help book. It is a call to action for anyone who has experienced the challenges of life and is willing to let God use those experiences to bring strength and transformation to their lives and in a world of hurt and need open themselves up to a loving, caring, miracle-working God and be changed forever.

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  • What You Need To Know About Spiritual Growth


    Discover the exciting growth plan for your life! Find out how God can use anything in your life to help you become more like His Son, Jesus Christ. Explore God’s abundant resources that nourish you-His Spirit, the Bible, the church, time and challenges, and the spiritual disciplines-proven paths to a fruitful life. Learn how God speaks to believers and empowers them to overcome entrenched sins. What You Need to Know about Spiritual Growth will help you grow in Christ-secure in His love, strong in His grace, and seasoned to persevere for daily victories and joyful service to others.

    Features include:
    12 lessons you can complete in under 1 hour each
    Real-life application of biblical truth
    Explanations of prominent Christian views on the topic
    Easy-to-teach resources, including previews and summary features
    Questions for discussion

    Core teachings on Christianity that will challenge any seeker, new believer, or veteran believer looking for a stronger foundation.

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  • Start To Finish


    The goal of this book is to lay biblical foundations concerning the discovery of your gifts, the development of them, and the practical implementation of those gifts. It is truth that is simple, attainable, and applicable. It is my goal to present truth in such a way that you are moved beyond intellectual assent to application, which transforms our character and manner of life.

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  • 25 Truths : Life Principles Of The Happiest And Most Successful Among Us


    25 Truths is an experience-tested guide to successful living for people of all ages, persuasions, and stations in life. This is an invaluable guide for anyone who desires to become a better person and to live life to its fullest potential.

    Ed Douglas provides truths that are more than theories; they are proven principles that you can use in your everyday life. In this book you will learn valuable truths to help you avoid mistakes in your life and live life to its fullest.

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  • Let The Beatitudes Be My Attitude In You


    The Beatitudes occupy an expansive realm in God’s Promised Land, a bountiful spiritual frontier suspended between heaven and earth. Plunge into God’s plentiful grace and goodness to explore this marvelous kingdom in his sequenced and purposeful order. The Beatitudes are a supremely challenging journey, requiring significant sacrifice of earthly nature and great emptying of self. The grand reward is total saturation in God’s spirit and living life as Jesus did upon this earth.
    Experience the Beatitudes in all their richness to comprehend even more completely that celestial world’s way of life!
    Enter through the Door of Christ and encounter your spiritual poverty alongside God’s great richness! Climb the Mirrored Mountains of Meekness. Descend into the Purging Valley for the Pure in Heart. Allow each incredible Beatitude to lead you forward toward the unique and purposeful life God has planned for you-first on earth and forever in heaven! Discover an ever deeper relationship with God and your fellowman-which will never end, neither here nor there!
    Accompany Wesley Baker’s amazing spiritual journey in The Epilogue: The Powerful Pilgrimage of a Suffering Saint, as he finds himself transformed by each Beatitude, allowing them to remake his life in Christ!

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  • Let The Beatitudes Be My Attitude In You


    The Beatitudes occupy an expansive realm in God’s Promised Land, a bountiful spiritual frontier suspended between heaven and earth. Plunge into God’s plentiful grace and goodness to explore this marvelous kingdom in his sequenced and purposeful order. The Beatitudes are a supremely challenging journey, requiring significant sacrifice of earthly nature and great emptying of self. The grand reward is total saturation in God’s spirit and living life as Jesus did upon this earth.
    Experience the Beatitudes in all their richness to comprehend even more completely that celestial world’s way of life!
    Enter through the Door of Christ and encounter your spiritual poverty alongside God’s great richness! Climb the Mirrored Mountains of Meekness. Descend into the Purging Valley for the Pure in Heart. Allow each incredible Beatitude to lead you forward toward the unique and purposeful life God has planned for you-first on earth and forever in heaven! Discover an ever deeper relationship with God and your fellowman-which will never end, neither here nor there!
    Accompany Wesley Baker’s amazing spiritual journey in The Epilogue: The Powerful Pilgrimage of a Suffering Saint, as he finds himself transformed by each Beatitude, allowing them to remake his life in Christ!

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  • Meditation And Communion With God


    1. Introduction

    2. Reading Scripture Today: Communion With God In An Age Of Distraction
    A Renaissance Of Interest In The Spiritual Disciplines
    Religious Pluralism In America: Salad Bars Of Spirituality
    Biblical Illiteracy In America
    Reading The Bible In An Age Of Information Overload
    Scientific Studies Of Meditation: Health, Medicine, Neuroscience
    New Developments In Biblical And Systematic Theology
    Spiritual Benefits: An Enhanced, Meditative Reading Of Scripture

    3. The Arrival Of The Age To Come: New Intimacy With God
    The Father’s Real, Intimate Presence With His People
    Brought Near By The Spirit: Temple Of God; “Abba” Father Union With Christ: Real Presence, All The Time Trinitarian God, Christian MeditationExcursus: How Personal Agents Are Located In Space Extended Selves And Union With Christ Implications For Worship And Biblical Meditation

    4. Inaugurated Ontology: A Biblical Worldview For Meditation Theology: Trinity As Ultimate Reality Cosmology: How Heaven Disappeared, And How To Get It Back Anthropology: Who Am I? Christian As Trinitarian-Ecclesial Self Teleology & Soteriology: Purpose And Fulfillment Of Human Life

    5. A “New” Way Of Knowing God And Reading The Bible Epistemology: Knowing God And Heaven By Word And Spirit Bibliology: The Ontology And Teleology Of Scripture

    6. The Hermeneutics Of The Age To Come: Inaugurated Eschatology And Recovering The Ancient Four-Fold Sense Of Scripture

    7. Experiencing Communion With God In Biblical Meditation
    Biblical Meditation: Getting Started
    Excursus: “Centering” Prayer; The Jesus Prayer; Focusing Prayer Biblical Meditation: The Next Step: Whole-Brain Meditation Biblical Meditation As A Way Of Life: Worldview Meditation And The Five Practices Of Right Comprehension

    Additional Info
    As culture has become at once more secular and more religiously pluralistic, a renaissance of interest in the spiritual disciplines has been sparked in evangelical Protestant circles. Mounting levels of stress, burnout and spiritual dryness among those in ministry has only stoked this desire for spiritual nourishment and renewal. John Jefferson Davis helps us recover the practice of meditation on Scripture as he explores the biblical and theological foundations rooted in the arrival of “the age to come” in Jesus Christ. Indeed by virtue of our union with Christ, the Triune God of the Bible draws near to his people so that they may also draw near to him. Meditation on God’s revelation has always been central to enjoying communion with the Father through the Son and in the Spirit. Davis gives us fresh and practical guidance on removing the obstacles that block our fellowship with God and listening to Scripture in ways that can enrich our worship, faith, hope and love.

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  • Enjoying God : Experiencing The Love Of Your Heavenly Father


    You know you should spend time with God. How can you move from duty to delight in your relationship with him? Challenging you to turn away from the humdrum and embrace the passionate, Hill exposes misapprehensions that can damage your faith; offers practical steps to overcome pain; and encourages you to enjoy God every day.

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  • Cycle Of Victorious Living (Revised)


    With over 100,000 copies in print, The Cycle of Victorious Living has inspired many lives and will continue to inspire for years to come. First published in 1971, it became an instant classic, touching a responsive chord in the hearts of countless individuals with the simple, life-transforming message of Psalm 37: God has made provision for abundant living through the fully yielded heart.

    Now it is time for a new generation–both the young and the old–to discover the secret of the transcendent grace of God which enables us to live above the turmoil and changes of these days in victorious and holy living.

    This revised edition contains all the original work along with additional thoughts interspersed throughout by Scott Daniels.

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  • Know Your Ministry


    Fulfill Your Unique Calling

    Everyone has gifts and talents, but do you know what gift is the foundation of your God-given purpose in life?

    In Know Your Ministry: Spiritual Gifts for Every Believer, renowned Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey explains the seven foundational gifts of the Holy Spirit-also known as motivational gifts-found in Romans 12. You will discover the one gift that you identify with most closely and through which you will obtain the most success. Once you have identified your core gift, you will see how it permeates all areas of your life.

    You have an indispensible part in the fulfillment of God’s purposes, and your foundational gift enables you to carry out your unique role. Through Know Your Ministry, you can…
    * Feel confident about your life calling
    * Be encouraged and motivated in your area of service
    * Live a satisfying life exercising your gifts
    * Work together harmoniously with other believers
    * Realize your full potential

    God designed a special gift for you! Discover and enjoy that gift as you fulfill your unique calling and serve others in His name.

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  • Relationship With God


    1. Finding A Relationship With God
    2. A Personal Relationship Is Enough
    3. Seven Habits Of Relationship People
    4. The God Who Seeks Relationship
    5. A Personal Walk With God
    6. Religion And Relationship
    7. The Spirit’s Fire-Proof Of Relationship
    8. Prayer-Instant Messaging God
    9. God’s Word-Nourishment For The Soul
    10. A Relationship Brings God’s Gifts
    11. Shipwrecked-A Broken Relationship
    12. A Personal Relationship Brings Peace
    13. A Relationship With God Influences Others
    14. A Relationship That Lasts Forever
    15. Knowing God Is Eternal Life

    Additional Info
    Are you tired of the constant pressure of trying to be “good enough” to please God? Are you weary of the church’s nitpicking rules that seem to have no foundation in Scripture? Does church attendance feel more like a duty than a joy? Maybe it’s time for you to discover a relationship with your Heavenly Father.

    Let Ken Schott lead you on a journey from legalism to liberty, from traditionalism to truth, from empty religion to relationship. Based on his own personal journey, Schott gently guides readers into the riches of a personal relationship with the God who loves you, knows you by name, and wants only the best for you. The journey will take you through changes in attitudes, changes in habits, and changes in your perceptions of God. The final result is a renewed relationship with God and a confidence in your future with Him. You’ll embrace the Father who longs to embrace you.

    Trade your burdensome religion for a loving relationship with your Heavenly Father.

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  • Produced By Faith


    Hollywood executive DeVon Franklin shows readers how to live and work their faith from nine to five, not just after quitting time.

    Highly inspirational and instructive, Produced by Faith shows readers that being open about their Christianity in the workplace can enhance their enjoyment of their work, their sense of purpose, their perception among colleagues, and their professional prospects.

    Featuring candid personal experiences and anecdotes from the business world, Produced by Faith challenges the conventional wisdom about what it means to be a Christian in an increasingly polarized society. A wildly successful young executive, DeVon Franklin shows believers they do not have to spend their working lives shrouded in secrecy and hypocrisy. Instead, they can turn their faith into a professional advantage, using the compass of Christ’s Word to guide them to their true calling, one they can pursue with passion, joy, and true service to God.

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  • Faith


    SKU (ISBN): 9780310324942ISBN10: 0310324947Charles Colson | Harold FickettBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2012Publisher: Zondervan

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  • You Are Already Clean


    A believer that does not know what the Word says will be ineffective in the Lord’s vineyard because this believer cannot grow spiritually by being ignorant of the Word of God. The Word reveals the great promises God has for His children and it also motivates and empowers us to be victorious Christians here on earth.

    God has already given us everything we need to succeed in this world, and we will be ignorant of the potentials we have in us to live righteous lives if we do not study the Word and strive to emulate the examples of Jesus Christ and those faithful saints that laid the foundation for our faith in God.

    This book will motivate and empower the reader to read the Bible every day; to depend on God, to pray and also to strive to live above temptation and sin. God is holy and anyone that truly desires to serve God must be holy unto Him.

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  • Beyond Baptism : The First Steps Toward Heaven


    Beyond Baptism walks new Christians through the first few weeks of their young spiritual lives, integrating them into the congregation, strengthening their faith, and helping them to become active as Christians. Designed for Bible classes, personal work, or individual study, Beyond Baptism offers gentle guidance, challenging questions, and practical assignments to make baptism a prelude to faithful Christian living.

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  • Gospel Driven Life


    In his well-received Christless Christianity, Michael Horton offered a prophetic wake-up call for a self-centered American church. With The Gospel-Driven Life he turns from the crisis to the solutions, offering his recommendations for a new reformation in the faith, practice, and witness of contemporary Christianity. This insightful book will guide readers in reorienting their faith and the church’s purpose toward the Good News of the gospel. The first six chapters explore that breaking news from heaven, while the rest of the book focuses on the kind of community that the gospel generates and the surprising ways in which God is at work in the world. Here is fresh news for Christians who are burned out on hype and are looking for hope.

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  • Word Plus Spirit Equals Power (Reprinted)


    Proven Formula for a Balanced, Effective Christian Life

    Too often churches emphasize the Bible without welcoming the work of the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible. Or they focus on seeking manifestations of the Spirit while neglecting sound Bible teaching. The result: a schism in their faith lives in which they cut God–and his power–out of Christianity’s equation. How can God draw a lost world to his Son through people who are powerless?

    With over 170 years of diverse ministry experience among them, respected veteran leaders R. T. Kendall, Charles Carrin, and Jack Taylor restore balance to the Christian walk. They show that when the Word is faithfully preached and the Holy Spirit warmly welcomed, the Lord manifests his power, bringing salvation, miracles, healings, heart understanding, and much more. Only when Christians honor the Word and the Spirit can they lead empowered, fruitful lives.

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  • Breaking The Back Of The Spirit Of Religion


    Ann Marie Green was born in St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I. I am 45 years old and I was born June 10, 1966. I moved to the U.S in 1995. I am one of the eight children. I was born to the parents of Carmelita Green and Vivian Green. I have three beautiful children Kemar, Alix, and Jamisha. I am a member of a powerful ministry, Rhema Word New Life A.D.I Ministries. I’m under the leadership of Dr. J. Tanner and Apostle S. Peoples. I was licensed as a Minister in August 2011. I now presently live in Winder, Georgia.

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  • Reality Of Prayer


    Has prayer become just another complicated ritual?

    Is it a struggle to spend time in prayer?

    Does God really answer prayer?

    E. M. Bounds shows us that prayer is not difficult. It is a privilege and a blessing. By examining how Jesus prayed, Bounds helps us to pray boldly and expectantly. When we pray with the confidence of a child, we will find that God is eager to answer us, and we will discover the reality of what Jesus knew-prayer works!

    “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” -James 5:16

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  • How To Make Prayer More Effective


    Without a doubt, prayer is the greatest art in the world, a holy art that only needs to be learned and practiced.

    The greatest difference between effective and anemic Christianity, is prayer. The most fruitful soul winners are those who make much of prayer. The greatest preachers of the gospel and missionaries of the cross are those who pray long and often. Everyday believers who walk in the power and miracles of God are people who see prayer as an attitude of life, not as a series of isolated acts.

    To succeed at prayer is to realize that heaven is not far from earth. It is the ability to bend the arm of God.

    Join with best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer as he sets out to study the nature of prayer, and to better understand the simplicity and effectiveness of heartfelt communication with God.

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  • Wisdom Walk : 31 Days In The Book Of Proverbs


    Instructions, order, riches, wisdom, causeless curses, money, good men leaving an inheritance for their children’s children, foolishness, slothfulness, greed, drunkenness-these are some of the topics that Bishop George Bloomer tackles in this walk through the book of Proverbs.

    “Will you walk with me?” he asks.

    There are 31 days in most months, just as there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs: a word of wisdom every day, for 31 days.

    Thirty-one days from now can be “the beginning of the rest of your life.” This devotional has changed the lives of others, and it can change yours, too!

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  • Living Jesus : Doing What Jesus Says In The Sermon On The Mount


    12 Chapters

    Additional Info
    The Sermon on the Mount is more than great ideas by a great teacher. It is a way of life. Randy Harris invites you not just to understand these great teachings but to live them in ways you never before imagined.

    This new book is a training tool for people who want to live the way of Jesus. Centered on the entire contents of the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7, it unpacks the sermon in hard-hitting, easy-to-understand, and practical ways.

    G. K. Chesterton said Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried. Many people today view the Sermon on the Mount this way. They simply believe the teaching is too hard and give up in exasperation and guilt or confusion. The single most important interpretive key for the sermon, says Randy Harris, is to believe that Jesus really intended for us to live these teachings.

    Martin Luther said the Sermon on the Mount is so di!cult that we can only fall on the grace of God. The teachings are indeed difficult, and we can only fall on the grace of God, but this doesn’t mean the teachings cannot become a necessary guide for living the way of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount, says Harris, is livable and this book is a guide to the greatest teaching of all time that will change your life forever.

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  • Shes Got Issues


    We’ve all got our issues! Maybe you feel like life just isn’t going your way, or you’re afraid that you don’t measure up to other people’s expectations. Perhaps you have a hard time managing your temper or have someone in your life you just can’t forgive. We deal with our issues every day in one form or another; the problem is, after a while, they start to feel . . . normal. Unchanging. Just part of who we are. And we forget that we have access to the power of Christ-a power that can transform our everyday weaknesses into our greatest strengths and gifts.

    In She’s Got Issues, Christian counselor, ministry leader, and regular mom Nicole Unice explores the ordinary issues that are keeping you from the full and free life you were meant to have. Applying years of counseling with practical scriptural teaching and a fresh and authentic voice, Nicole shows you how to let God freely shape your character-and transform your life from ordinary to abundant.

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  • Destiny Awaits : Discovering Your Purpose In God


    My wife has a coffee mug she purchased when she was on a trip with her sister to the British Virgin Isles. The cup has a hammock stretched between two palm trees and displays the iconic phrase “Life is good.” The good life is a mindset. The pessimist says, “Life is bad and I have the t-shirt and the ticket stub.”

    Jenny’s mug now has a chip on the lip of it. My son, Chase asked, “Are you going to throw that cup away now that it’s chipped?” My wife replied, “Nope, life is good, even with a chip.” I like that kind of thinking, don’t you?

    In Destiny Awaits, Michael Vicars passionately demonstrates what it means to discover and pursue your God-given purpose. He takes you on an adventure, searching for the unique hidden gems that lie inside of every man, woman, boy, and girl. These undiscovered gems are God’s fingerprints, His handiwork and design to propel you through life’s normalcy and mediocrity to a breathtaking ABUNDANT LIFE that can only be found in JESUS CHRIST!

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  • Dreams And Visions


    Debora Reeves is a first time author and founder of “Spiritual Eyes Ministries,” where she is able to share her personal struggles in walking in her gift of dreams and visions. With this personal struggle, she hopes to encourage and relate with others who seeks or already operate in the spiritual gifting that God has placed within their spirit. You will be able to see her personal fears, doubts and final acceptance of this gift as her loving Heavenly Father guides her through this spiritual journey she calls riding in the spiritual realm with training wheels. You will experience her tears, thrills and the reality of hearing God’s voice through dreams and visions.

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  • Making Things Happen For The Lord


    Making Things Happen is a “Survival Manual” for those who desire to abound in the work of the Lord. The church contains many types of personalities, which creates a challenge for those who desire to “Make Things Happen” for the Lord. As we attempt to walk in the fullness of God and carry on the works of Jesus, keeping unity within the Church can be a challenging endeavor. Having an understanding of what to expect will be the key to survival. Realizing and having an understanding that there are generally three types of people who make up the Church world will equip leaders and laymen with the tools to excel. The Lord’s will is that we have the strength and wisdom to keep peace and harmony within the Church, as we face the challenge of working with Those Who Make Things Happen – Those Who Watch Things Happen – and Those Who Wonder What Happened!

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  • Satan A Defeated Foe


    Seize Your Victory!

    Satan wants to blanket the earth in darkness, but Jesus is the Light of the world. Christ has made His power available to us so that we can defeat the enemy in our lives. Here are powerful biblical strategies to overcome Satan when he tries to maneuver his way into your life.

    Charles Spurgeon reveals how you can…
    *Dodge the darts of the enemy
    *Live without condemnation and guilt
    *Bring your loved ones to Christ
    *Have power over sin
    *Be set free from anxiety
    *Literally shake the gates of hell

    Discover your God-given ability to use Satan as your stepping stone to greater spiritual heights. Learn how to defeat the enemy of your soul and experience victory in Jesus’ name.

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  • Overcoming Life : Experience The Joy Of The Lord


    As a Christian, you have victory. Jesus has overcome sin’s controlling force, conquered the shame of your past, and guaranteed your heavenly life with Him forever. Because of Christ, you have victory.

    But are you living in victory?

    Sure, you understand that you’re supposed to be victorious. You understand that you’re forgiven and no longer need to feel guilty about sins of the past. You know that eternal life awaits. You understand all of this, but you’re not living it. Instead, you’re paralyzed by the guilt and shame of the past, immobilized by fear for the future.

    This is not the life of victory.

    Join legendary Bible teacher D. L. Moody as he explores true victory. Begin experiencing the overcoming life, the life ruled by Christ instead of fear. Learn how to let your life shine. Be confident of the eternal gifts that are yours to taste both now and later. Understand your victory in Jesus Christ.

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  • Working For God


    God has exciting plans for you that will give your life purpose and joy. God’s desire is that everyone should find new life and destiny in Him. He has given you specific gifts to accomplish His purposes. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will show you:
    *How to find and live out your true calling
    *How to discover your spiritual gifts
    *The excitement of working for God
    *How to lead many to salvation
    *How to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit

    “There is a treasury of good works God has prepared for us to do,” writes Andrew Murray. In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!

    “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)

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  • God Is Faithful (Reprinted)


    David Wilkerson, best known for his blockbuster memoir The Cross and the Switchblade and as the founder of both Teen Challenge and World Challenge, was a man devoted to seeking and serving the Lord. This April marks his one-year passing, and this devotional commemorates his tremendous spiritual legacy.

    Mined from his own reflections, God Is Faithful offers 365 deeply personal, deeply inspiring devotional thoughts that reflect what Wilkerson came to know intimately and preached passionately to all: God takes delight in you–and is blessed to keep and deliver you.

    Complete with accompanying Scriptures, this year-long devotional journey will take believers deeper into the Father heart of God. Readers will not only glean wisdom and insight from a man sold out for the Lord, but they will encounter a loving God whose eyes are always trained on his children.

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  • Which Jesus : Choosing Between Love And Power


    What if there were two men named Jesus in the city of Nazareth? One was Jesus Barabbas, son of Abbas. One was Jesus Barjoseph, son of Joseph. One man was famous for his hatred and destruction. One was famous for his love and compassion. They lived, played, studied, and worked side by side, with one crucial difference: only one of them offered the way to salvation and eternal life. In Which Jesus, Campolo follows the divergent paths of the two until they converge at the feet of Pilate. Comparing the lives of two distinctly different men, a portrait emerges of One who had power over life and death versus one who would live by the sword and die by the sword. As Campolo draws the compelling distinction between true power and love and ill-gotten power and hate, Christians see that they have the ability today to do even greater works for the Kingdom than they ever believed possible. It’s a simple question of choosing which Jesus to serve.

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  • Word Versus Deed


    The Bible teaches that the church is called to a balanced ministry of both preaching the gospel in words and showing it with deeds. Yet the church has often found it difficult to find and maintain this balance. Today some are emphasizing deeds at the expense of words, while others hold fast to “talking” and forsake the doing. This is an imbalance that must be righted.

    Standing at the helm of a leading Christian college, Duane Litfin has had a first-hand look at the issues students and alumni are talking about. Many Christians are excited to debate the importance of social justice and evangelism now more than ever before. Seeking to level the balance, Litfin steers the conversation toward the biblical harmony of word and deed, pointing out the church’s tendency to overcorrect-either cutting out the preaching of the gospel or forgetting the application of action.

    An elder statesmen in the church, Litfin’s training in communication theory and in detailed exegesis is brought to bear on this important subject, bringing verbal proclamation in sync with the witness of one’s actions.

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  • Healing Your Past Releasing Your Future (Reprinted)


    God has a plan and a purpose for every person’s life–a divine destiny. Yet many people are stuck, arrested in their spiritual development, because of problems in their emotional development. In Healing Your Past, Releasing Your Future, readers will explore the developmental process that forms the human personality and discover the impact, both positive and negative, of trauma at each stage of development. They’ll connect the dots between their childhood hurts and their adult “stuckness” and be gently guided toward total healing and restoration in Christ. Based on sound doctrine and solid research, this book will offer healing to any reader with a wounded past, freeing them to move into the future God has planned all along.

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  • Facedown (Reprinted)


    Most believers understand that worship is not a compartmentalized aspect of the Christian experience, but rather it is the motivation–the driving force–behind all that we do and are. We exist to worship God. For years we have been basking in God’s love and worshipping Him with uplifted hands and hearts. Now we need to go deeper and see that God is also an awesome, mysterious being who should engender our silent, even dumbstruck, reverence for His holiness, His “otherness.” Until we are undone by the knowledge of who God is in all His glory, we will only touch the edges of true worship. Matt Redman says, “When we face up to the glory of God, we find ourselves face down in worship.” This book shows the biblical record of those who found themselves prostrate before God.

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  • Leader After Gods Own Heart


    From the author of the bestseller A Man After Gods Own Heart (more than 100,000 copies sold)a survey of God’s priorities for leaders as exhibited in the life of Nehemiah.

    The Bible is filled with amazing people, and Nehemiah stands out prominently among them. What made him so effective, so influential? It starts with knowing what God desires in a leader. From Nehemiahs example, readers will learn 15 ways to lead with purpose. Among them are:
    giving direction to your leadership by cultivating a vision for the future
    solidifying your leadership by recognizing the value of conviction
    refining your leadership by acquiring problem-solving skills
    validating your leadership by pursuing personal integrity
    extending your leadership by understanding the power of motivation

    Because it is God who enables us, these great qualities are accessible to every believer. Readers will experience real fulfillment as they take steps toward becoming Gods kind of leader.

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  • Heaven Answer Book


    Billy Graham answers questions about heaven and eternity with understanding and reassurance. God’s Word says heaven awaits all the saints of His kingdom, but how many of us really know what heaven will be like? The Heaven Answer Book is a biblically based book written in Q&A format with answers to commonly asked questions about our future and final home. Topics include what we’ll do, what we’ll be, what we’ll see, our rewards in heaven, and more. Billy Graham’s trustworthy Bible knowledge offers interesting insight and enduring truth about how believers can prepare their hearts for spending eternity with their Maker and Lord.

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  • Jesus Life


    In his follow-up to The Lazarus Life, author Stephen W. Smith encourages believers to wholly embrace authentic Christianity.

    Aspiring to live like Christ is no easy feat. We’re surrounded daily by a loud, chaotic culture that is the very opposite of such a life. To walk in the way of Jesus we must intentionally choose to not walk in the ways of the world. Featuring a distinct, fresh voice, The Jesus Life shares how we’ve lost our way; how to reconnect with core values such as community, family, and quiet living; and how we can take a proactive approach in personal ministry. Each chapter features an enhanced study guide, which can be used in small group, class, or personal study.

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  • Running The Race To Win


    ‘Running The Race To Win’ is a book about developing a deeper understanding of discipleship and developing a deeper relationship with Christ. It does not matter if you are a businessperson, schoolteacher, nurse, athlete, computer technician, student etc. you are called to be a disciple and to make disciples. The contemporary church has many times neglected the original command laid down by Christ Himself and for this reason discipleship seems to be a radical message. However, for the church to fulfill its mission we must once again return to this radical call. The word radical comes from the Latin word radix meaning the root of things. Radical discipleship is simply a call to return to biblical foundations. Biblical foundations are at the root of discipleship since a disciple is one who has been instructed in the foundational teachings of Christ.

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  • Glory Of God


    Become a Vessel of God’s Glory

    When you experience the glory of God, your life is transformed, and you are empowered in remarkable ways to fulfill His purposes for you, increasing the influence of His kingdom on earth.

    For more than twenty years-and in over fifty countries around the world-Apostle Guillermo Maldonado has seen God’s supernatural power and glory manifested through his ministry. He has been used by God to enable the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the dead to be raised, and the oppressed to be delivered. Through the insights he presents in The Glory of God, you can…
    *Understand the nature of God’s glory
    *Enter into genuine worship
    *Enjoy the benefits of pursuing God’s presence
    *Witness God’s revealed glory
    *Receive joy, peace, and guidance
    *Powerfully lead others to Christ
    *Bring God glory through miracles, healings, deliverances, signs, and wonders
    *Distinguish genuine spiritual power from counterfeit power

    God designed human beings to live continually in the glory of His presence. This book will answer the longing in your heart to know Him better and reveal how you can exhibit His supernatural power as His vessel of glory.

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  • Truth : A Nobody


    When we realize and accept that truth exists than we can use it to guide us through a seemingly untruthful world. Find out what God, Jesus and the Holy spirit say truth is and how it can help you in everyway..

    The author’s mission is for his audience to turn away from the false mindsets of the world and examine the actual truth found in Christ. This undeniable, unchanging truth will lead the reader to discover real answers in life.

    “…God and Jesus is the only real truth and what they have said will always be true no matter who you are or what your circumstances you may find yourself in,” states the author. “So each person can realize and find that Jesus is the only salvation and the only true thing that is unchanging and always ready to help.”

    The author writes “The reason for A. Nobody is because I am not important to this world in the grand scheme of things. I am neither famous nor rich in wealth. I am not popular or an idol. I am, in a sense, a nobody.” He is clear in making it known that this book is not about him, but the one who inspired him, being God. The proceeds of this book will go to missions “…to declare to a world that the truth is here, the truth is ready, and the truth is yours, if only you will receive it.”

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  • Imitate Me : Ephesians 5:1 Imitate God As Dearly Beloved Children


    In several places in the bible the Apostle Paul makes the statement “Imitate Me,” however here in Ephesians 5:1 he specifically states “Imitate God.” He makes the argument that as children of God we are to imitate Him. This book by D. Sterling Harlow takes us on the journey of discovering just what that means. How do I imitate God? Does He really believe we can?

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  • Imitate Me : Ephesians 5:1 Imitate God As Dearly Beloved Children


    In several places in the bible the Apostle Paul makes the statement “Imitate Me,” however here in Ephesians 5:1 he specifically states “Imitate God.” He makes the argument that as children of God we are to imitate Him. This book by D. Sterling Harlow takes us on the journey of discovering just what that means. How do I imitate God? Does He really believe we can?

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  • Spiritual Cleansing : Getting To The Root


    Have you ever grown weary of going around the same mountain over and over again? Have you ever wondered why you continuously deal with the same issues generation after generation, with no victory in sight? Then you are probably dealing with something that is hidden much deeper within. It may have been planted generations before, unknown to you. This may have produced evil fruit and kept you and your family in bondage, robbing you of their blessings and ultimate destiny.

    In the Book Spiritual Cleansing, you will understand the importance of getting to the root causes of the issue, thereby eliminating the evil fruit that is continuously reproduced in your life. It is time for the body of Christ to walk in freedom in every area of our lives. Sometimes as believers, we get stuck in a particular area of our lives in our walk with the Lord. And we often wonder why we can never gain the victory. The enemy tries to convince us that we can’t get past it and we continue to reap a harvest of pain and defeat.

    It is time we stop settling for less than wholeness. Jesus defeated everything in His death, burial and resurrection. Obtain your Spiritual Cleansing and learn how to gain freedom in every area of your life and to share that freedom with others who need to break the chains of bondage in their own lives.

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  • Why Me : For Every Tear Youve Cried For Every Pain Youve Endured God Has A


    Who would have ever known that my innocence would be taken away from me at age five. That for the next 35 years, I would live every day anxiously awaiting the end, struggling to escape this prison and continually wondering what I did wrong to get here. How could I have known that my precious baby, finally, someone who would love me back would grow to love me too much, pushing me away from her. How did my life become her problem? And finally, how could I have known that God would use all of my life’s trauma to restore me unto himself, that I might understand His divine plan for my existence. My prayer for you is that you not only understand creation and your purpose in this divine occurrence, but more importantly, you come to know your creator (God), his son Jesus Christ and his very nature in the person of the Holy Spirit. That your life may be transformed through Him and that when He calls you home, he might say, “Well done, thy good and faithful servant”.

    I trust that the insights and revelations in this book will serve as a source of understanding, forgiveness and healing for your lives; that you will discover the incredible life that God has for you and that your life will be transformed through Him. That you will finally understand, “Why You”!

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  • Cure For Troubled Hearts


    Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1)

    Jesus Christ loves us as no one else ever has. But do we love Him as we should?

    We hear sermons about Him; we sing about Him; we read about Him; we even try to speak to Him. And yet, for far too many, Jesus is not real. Is it no wonder that our hearts are troubled by the worries, pressures, and sorrows of this world?

    Best-selling author Dr. Herbert Lockyer reminds us that Jesus’ willingness to receive us is the cure for our troubled heart. But His reception of us depends on our reception of Him. Through his teachings, Dr. Lockyer challenges us to enjoy Christ’s fullness, and to give Him the place of preeminence in every part of our life and being!

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  • Shaping The Journey Of Emerging Adults


    Between adolescence and adulthood is a new stage of life: emerging adulthood.

    Those in their twenties and early thirties find themselves in transition. This “provisional adulthood” is a time of identity exploration and instability in which one’s vocation, purpose, relationships and spirituality are all being renegotiated. Many emerging adults lose sight of God and experience significant confusion and brokenness. Others unexpectedly reconnect with the Christian faith and seek deeper discipleship, yet lack helpful mentoring and direction.

    Veteran disciplemakers Rick Dunn and Jana Sundene offer concrete guidance for those who shepherd and care for emerging adults. Some traditional models of disciplemaking focus on a set curriculum to be transferred from the discipler to the disciplee. Dunn and Sundene instead emphasize relational rhythms of discernment, intentionality and reflection to meet emerging adults where they are at and then to walk with them further into the Christlife.

    Whether you’re an older adult ministering to the next generation or a younger adult with a heart for your peers, this book is an accessible, hopeful guide for effective ministry to emerging adults

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  • Spirituality Of Living


    What’s the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world – we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God.

    “If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we have to live a disciplined life,” Nouwen asserts. In the spiritual life, discipline requires conscious effort to keep every area in life from being filled. It means creating space in one’s life for God.

    Nouwen identifies 3 essential disciplines for maintaining a life of discipleship: solitude, community, and ministry.

    This encouraging, insightful book inspires Christians to practice solitude, community, and ministry. The result, Nouwen promises, is a fruitful, Spirit-filled life.

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  • Truth : A Nobody


    When we realize and accept that truth exists than we can use it to guide us through a seemingly untruthful world. Find out what God, Jesus and the Holy spirit say truth is and how it can help you in everyway..

    The author’s mission is for his audience to turn away from the false mindsets of the world and examine the actual truth found in Christ. This undeniable, unchanging truth will lead the reader to discover real answers in life.

    “…God and Jesus is the only real truth and what they have said will always be true no matter who you are or what your circumstances you may find yourself in,” states the author. “So each person can realize and find that Jesus is the only salvation and the only true thing that is unchanging and always ready to help.”

    The author writes “The reason for A. Nobody is because I am not important to this world in the grand scheme of things. I am neither famous nor rich in wealth. I am not popular or an idol. I am, in a sense, a nobody.” He is clear in making it known that this book is not about him, but the one who inspired him, being God. The proceeds of this book will go to missions “…to declare to a world that the truth is here, the truth is ready, and the truth is yours, if only you will receive it.”

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  • Standards Of Christian Conduct


    Are you experiencing satisfaction and peace in your life with Christ?

    If not, maybe you are experiencing the frustration of understanding Christian principles and how to apply them to your own life. The path of a new believer or even a person who has been a Christian for a while can be difficult when there is confusion and no one to walk with you. Finally, there is hope and help for you!

    The Standards of Christian Conduct course is an in-depth and thorough curriculum that deals with standards and guidelines for Christian living. It will prove to be a useful resource for new believers as well as long-time Christians.

    In this course you will:

    * Understand the process of sanctification
    * Explore Religion vs. Relationship
    * Discover the process of “coming out of the world”
    * Learn how to set up a basic program for personal study
    * Learn what to do when you fall
    * Learn how to deal with fellow Christians, Unbelievers, and Enemies
    * Learn how to develop a strong Christian character
    * Learn how to deal with sickness, disease and death
    * Read the author’s personal experiences as she shares them in a down to earth and transparent way
    * Share in true life experiences and personal testimonies from practicing Christian disciples
    * Participate in exercises to evaluate your progress

    Never feel alone and confused again! Join me as we understand and practice God’s design for a victorious Christian life.

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  • Standards Of Christian Conduct


    Are you experiencing satisfaction and peace in your life with Christ?

    If not, maybe you are experiencing the frustration of understanding Christian principles and how to apply them to your own life. The path of a new believer or even a person who has been a Christian for a while can be difficult when there is confusion and no one to walk with you. Finally, there is hope and help for you!

    The Standards of Christian Conduct course is an in-depth and thorough curriculum that deals with standards and guidelines for Christian living. It will prove to be a useful resource for new believers as well as long-time Christians.

    In this course you will:

    * Understand the process of sanctification
    * Explore Religion vs. Relationship
    * Discover the process of “coming out of the world”
    * Learn how to set up a basic program for personal study
    * Learn what to do when you fall
    * Learn how to deal with fellow Christians, Unbelievers, and Enemies
    * Learn how to develop a strong Christian character
    * Learn how to deal with sickness, disease and death
    * Read the author’s personal experiences as she shares them in a down to earth and transparent way
    * Share in true life experiences and personal testimonies from practicing Christian disciples
    * Participate in exercises to evaluate your progress

    Never feel alone and confused again! Join me as we understand and practice God’s design for a victorious Christian life.

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  • Abba Give Me A Word


    SKU (ISBN): 9781557257994ISBN10: 155725799XL. Roger OwensBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2012Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Crafting A Rule Of Life


    Introduction: Crafting A Personal Rule Of Life

    Part One: Forming Your Personal Rule Of Life
    1. Roles: What Are My Primary Relationships?
    2. Gifts: What Are My God-Given Gifts, Talents And Temperament?
    3. Desires: What Are The Deepest Longings And Core Values Of My Heart?
    4. Vision: What Is The Intentional Passion God Is Inviting Me To?
    5. Mission: What Am I Currently Doing That Leads Toward The Vision God Has Given Me?

    Part Two: Forming Your Personal Rule Of Life
    6. Time: Spiritual Priorities
    7. Trust: Relational Priorities
    8. Temple: Physical Priorities
    9. Treasure: Financial Priorities
    10. Talent: Missional Priorities

    Part Three: Fulfilling Your Personal Rule Of Life
    11. Commitment To The Body Of Christ
    12. Context Of A Spiritual Community

    Conclusion: Celebrating Your Personal Rule Of Life
    Resources For Creating A Communal Rule Of Life
    Additional Reading On Church History Notables
    Four Individuals Crafting Their Personal Rule Of Life

    Additional Info
    Your personal rule of life is a holistic description of the Spirit-empowered rhythms and relationships that create, redeem, sustain and transform the life God invites you to humbly fulfill for Christ’s glory.

    All of us have an unwritten personal rule of life. We wake at certain times, get ready for our days in particular ways, use our free time for assorted purposes and practice rhythms of work, hobbies, and worship. There is already a rule in place that you are following. Isn’t it time to give up your unwritten rule and prayerfully write one that more closely matches the heartbeat of God?

    In this practical workbook Stephen A. Macchia looks to St. Benedict as a guide for discovering your own rule of life in community. It is a process that takes time and concerted effort; you must listen to God and discern what he wants you to be and do for his glory. But through the basic disciplines of Scripture, prayer and reflection in a small group context you will be lead forward in a journey toward Christlikeness.

    The invitation is transformational, so brace yourself for sweet release. By letting go and trusting God, you will receive the gift of life in its fullest and richest form.

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  • Truth Will Set You Free


    It is a harsh world that we find ourselves living in, a daily struggle to survive. For the Christian the struggle is two folded for to survive spiritually is even harder. It is a daily struggle to stay on your feet spiritually and stand firm in what you believe. The pressure to conform to the world and give in to the pressure not to give up the things you know and your way of living that is so familiar and comforting to you, is so strong. There is little or no victory in your spiritual life and at the end of the day you look back at the wrong choices you made and feel so disappointed in yourself and worse, so guilty before God that you can’t face Him in prayer.

    If you are one of my brothers or sister that are still seeking and know there must be something more for you are still spiritually weak, in chains, hungry and seeking, can’t let go of the old person and still wants to be part of the world, come with me on our journey and let the Truth set you free and the Holy Spirit change your life and way of thinking.

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  • Life God Honors


    Discover what it Means to be Truly Spiritual
    Many Western Christians get sucked into the crippling thinking that a life which God will honor means going through the motions of religious observation without any real attention to the process of character transformation as we follow the example of Christ.
    Still others, especially those in the charismatic circles to whom most of this book will address – the same circles in which the author spent most of his Christian life – seem to believe that a truly spiritual life is one that is marked by ecstatic emotional experiences with only a secondary focus on the daily task of building one’s faith and character down in the trenches of day-to-day living where emotional highs are often absent.
    A discussion on the importance of understanding God’s work in the day-to-day might not seem like material noteworthy enough to write a book about. Yet, you might be surprised how much emphasis God puts on it and how many Christians are frustrated in their spiritual walks because they fail to recognize how God works in the everyday events of their common day.

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  • Spirituality And The Awakening Self


    Being human is a lifelong journey of becoming. This journey defines our humanity, for it is a journey toward our source and our fulfillment, described in Christian theology as union with God. If we remain open to God as our sense of self awakens, we experience a deeper consciousness of being in him. The self that emerges during this process is larger, more enlightened, and whole.

    David Benner, who has spent thirty-five years integrating psychology and spirituality, presents psychological insights in a readable fashion to offer readers a deeper understanding of the self and its spiritual development. Drawing on a broad range of Christian traditions, Benner shows that the transformation of self is foundational to Christian spirituality.

    This book will appeal to readers interested in a psychologically grounded, fresh exploration of Christian spirituality; professionals engaged in pastoral care, counseling, and spiritual direction; and students in ministry development and spiritual formation courses. Questions and answers for individual or group use are included at the end of each chapter.

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  • Greatest Man Who Ever Lived


    Just as the sun blinds our eyes to a sky filled with stars, Jesus’ deity can blind us to the unseen riches of His humanity. In The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Steven K. Scott reveals the hidden treasures to be found in Christ’s life as a human. When you learn from Jesus’ life on earth, your own life will be propelled to a whole new level of achievement, happiness, and success.

    As you look at Jesus’ life, you will learn how to:
    *Find new meanings that will raise your life to new heights.
    *Develop missions that will produce greater creativity and productivity.
    *Communicate messages that will move the minds and hearts of your listeners.
    *Act in a manner that attracts others, increases your value, and heightens your self-esteem.
    *Adopt a method that accelerates extraordinary success.
    *Discover your incredible worth.
    *Give and receive a type of love that is truer than any you have experienced before.

    Let the greatest Man who ever lived turn your purpose-driven life into a purpose-accomplished life!

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  • Life God Honors


    Discover what it Means to be Truly Spiritual
    Many Western Christians get sucked into the crippling thinking that a life which God will honor means going through the motions of religious observation without any real attention to the process of character transformation as we follow the example of Christ.
    Still others, especially those in the charismatic circles to whom most of this book will address – the same circles in which the author spent most of his Christian life – seem to believe that a truly spiritual life is one that is marked by ecstatic emotional experiences with only a secondary focus on the daily task of building one’s faith and character down in the trenches of day-to-day living where emotional highs are often absent.
    A discussion on the importance of understanding God’s work in the day-to-day might not seem like material noteworthy enough to write a book about. Yet, you might be surprised how much emphasis God puts on it and how many Christians are frustrated in their spiritual walks because they fail to recognize how God works in the everyday events of their common day.

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  • Awaken Your Senses


    In “Awaken Your Senses”, longtime ministers Beth Booram and Brent Bill invite you to engage your right brain in your faith through sensory spiritual practices that position your heart for divine encounter. Readings and a variety of exercises lead you to experience God in new ways through seeing, tasting, touching, smelling and hearing.

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  • Discerning The Voice Of God


    Do you feel that the ability to hear God’s voice is for other people and not for you? Is it only for people who lived in Biblical times? Not at all! The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to talk to you. And wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with the Voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts. Hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them-and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God.

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  • More Of Him


    Are you walking in power as Christ did? Is your desire for intimacy with the Father increasing? Are you passionately pursuing the Holy Spirit’s presence? Prepare to discover a deeper understanding of the indwelling of the Spirit. Don’t be lost in this doctrinal tug-of-war. Join Bishop George G. Bloomer as he provides solid, scriptural answers on the Holy Spirit–His person, His fruits, His gifts, His unifying work. There’s no need to live in confusion any longer. As you begin to walk in this deeper understanding, you will be filled with new wisdom, power, and strength. Prepare to find more of Him and receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

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