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Christian Living

Showing 6301–6400 of 7972 results

  • Race Done Right


    United we stand, but divided we will continue to fall. The church in America remains largely segregated across racial lines. While many Christians view this racial division as a part of life, God continues to remind His followers that He is grieved by the church’s actions toward healing racial divisiveness in the body. There are many Christians who are wondering why the church has lost its moral authority in the marketplace. Could it be that the culture has grown wearisome of the way Christians proclaim Christ’s love, but rarely display this same love toward other Christians of differing races? Is today’s church actively demonstrating that we love other Christians who are not of our own race? There must be a change. There must be a racial reformation! The pervasive sins of racism and ethnocentrism must be addressed by the church. The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ is at stake.

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  • Kill Your Giants


    In his debut book “Kill Your Giants”, David speaks candidly a bout issues that impede us from our spiritual, emotional and financial empowerment. There is a destiny waiting for us that will exceed our expectations but, in order for us to possess it, we must remove all that hinders us from our promise. Our dreams are easily accessible and possible if we lay aside the weights that beset us. This heroistic book will challenge noxious thinking and strengthen one’s character.

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  • Overcoming Giants : 7 Spirits To Conquer On The Way To Your Destiny


    We all have giants we have to face. Some we’ve shared with others and other’s we keep secret. However sooner or later they will block your path and attempt to hinder you from growing and discovering the destiny God has for you. This book is not only descriptive of various obstacles but also insightful in providing ways to deal with them. No matter where you are in life’s journey and no matter how difficult the challenges are you’re facing, you will find inspiration as well as information that will build up your courage and strengthen your faith to overcome problematic spiritual hindrances. Overcoming Giants is from God to you – and is sure to change the way you view your destiny.

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  • Quietly He Speaks


    The gift giver, the life changer, and the world hated Him! Quietly, He Speaks in the pages of this book. Here are a few excerpts: I do not change like the shifting winds. Keep seeking me. Take time to read my Word and to sit quietly before me. The world needs to wake up and not be in slumber. I would completely take my hand of protection. Each time a soul dies without my forgiveness, they go to the deep and it is another stripe on my Son’s back. Share my gospel with them. They are filled with shame and guilt; you must bring it to them. So few seek me. Show them my love. I will not delay. They know not me, only an idea of me. The time is too short to play church with me. My heart’s cry is that none should perish. Oh, how lost are the multitudes! Discover the heart of God and what He longs for you to know about Him!

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  • Lawful Or Legalistic


    The laws of the Old Testament have immense practical value because they are a prophetic roadmap to lead us into deeper experiences of the spiritual fullness found in Christ. The Law is the shadow but the substance is in Christ. This book gives clear understanding as to why we are not obligated to keep the literal content of the Old Testament laws. Proper respect for the Law is maintained as you are instructed how to “serve in newness of the Spirit, and not in oldness of the letter” (Rom. 7:6 NASB). Though the bulk of the book is concerned with how to apply Old Testament commands, it also explains how to understand and obey New Testament commands. Practical instruction is given on how to walk by the Spirit to live by the Sermon on the Mount and the apostles’ teachings given in the Epistles

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  • Our Spirit Led Life


    This is indeed a unique and different contribution in the Word of God. There are many new truths and revelations which God has intended for people to know, both those who have accepted Him as Lord and those who hopefully will accept Him as Lord and Savior. God is now revealing to us that we are His children. He loves us and will never leave us nor forsake us, even though we left Him. God is willing to dispense unmerited favor (grace) upon all of us, literally, if we but believe in Christ, His son, and accept His sacrifice for our sins. God is raising us today to a higher level of revelation as He did at the time after the flood, with the covenant, laws, kings, etc., and again at the time when Christ came into the world. This book is an excellent nonfiction, inspirational, edifying, teaching manual.

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  • Were All In Prison


    Statistics support the fact that hundreds of people go to prison every day of the year. The Bible supports the fact that all of us are in some form of prison. It may be the Prison of Self and Pride, Addiction, Emotional or Physical Sickness, or Unhealthy Relationships, but we are all shackled. Drawing on her experiences as a Counselor for the Florida Prison System, the author shows how, through parental upbringing, unmet needs, life crises, and other unresolved issues, we end up in prisons of our own making. There is a WAY out, however. As a matter of fact, there’s only one WAY out. That WAY is Jesus and He promises that when He sets you free from your prison, you will be permanently free. Give Him a try! What do you have to lose but your shackles?

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  • KIDS Forecast For Life (Workbook)


    Today’s kids need more power than just ordinary nursery rhymes. They need an extraordinary boost for dealing with the 21st century. This Bible study workbook is for grade school ages and early teens-and for those who are young at heart. (It will be great for family nights or kids’ church!) Kid’s Forecast for Life is all about looking forward. You can talk about how things are today, or you can talk about a better tomorrow. Either way, your words are a forecast of what you expect-before it happens-just like weather forecasters. There are sixteen chapters of example stories and activity pages. You will learn some things about the Bible, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, God’s “secret place,” and the power of your own words. With some help from Kid’s Forecast for Life, you can look forward to becoming the best you can be in Christ!

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  • Long Life And Good Days


    Too many Christians are preparing to die without considering the choice of life in abundance. Long life and good days have never been an option with God. The original blueprint for His creation did not have death listed as an alternative. The entrance of sin, through disobedience, loosed the death process into the earth realm. The good news is the Bible has been filled with “life extenders” that not only lengthen our lives but provide us keys to enhance the quality of our days. As you read this book, allow what you receive to become a launching pad that propels you into a life and lifestyle that brings glory to the “Giver of long life, and the Author of good days!”

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  • Let My People Go


    Chronicles the route to freedom from sin, self and Satan. Knowing freeign truth from God’s Word is one thing – applying it is quite another!

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  • Journey To Now


    Journey with the author to a state where unconditional love is the currency and joy perfumes the air…where laughter replaces grumpiness as you look through rose-colored glasses…wher storytellers are VIPs and ordinary details are celebrated. Choose the genuine; reject the fake. Fend off wilderness bandits seeking to beat you and steal your joy. Let this adventure turn your world inside out. Share it with all who will listen.

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  • What If : What If Its All True


    Written for the questioning seeker, the new follower, and even the seasoned believer
    There is a reward in this book that you cannot buy or earn.
    So dive in and experience the full life that was planned for you all along.

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  • Things Left Behind


    Provides a practical roadmap that leads to spiritual healing and intimacy with God.
    How to for dealing with unsettled issues in your life.

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  • Fall And Rise Of Christian Standards


    If you associate dress standards with legalism, this book will postively rock your world! For those struggling with the balance between nit-picky rules and permissiveness, it’s an indispensable resource of biblical reason. In gracious, conversational style, the reality of christianity’s cultural adaptation is illustrated, along with a practical understanding of relevant scriptural principles and their legitimate application to the polarizing issue of personal standards. This is a makover for the church from the inside out!

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  • Playing By The Rules


    The apostle Paul wrote to his young protA(C)gA(C), Timothy: “If anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules” (II Timothy 2:5 NASB). To be on God’s team, one must play by the rules. But rule-keeping alone is not enough. There is a higher level. Rules, like laws, simply test the bare minimum of acceptability. (How far can I stretch the limits of legality and not get caught?) Dedicated players aim higher. They will strive for excellence, not simply by observing the rules, but by cultivating wholesome attitudes, good team spirit, and personal integrity. Many sports figures have been disqualified because they failed in these vital areas. On the playing field of life, true disciples of the Lord will elevate the rules of behavior to a level of righteousness that goes far beyond the slavish grind of a cold and sterile legalism. We may trace this pattern in the beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12, the Spirit’s fruit in Galatians 5:22-23, and the Christian graces of II Peter 1:1-8. Together they form a composite of godliness. That is what this book is all about

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  • Transforming Word : Discovering The Power And Provision Of The Bible


    Maybe you read a portion of the Bible every day, or several times a week…but do you know the transforming power of that book you hold in your hands? The Word of God is unlike any other book…it is divinely inspired and therefore an agent by which we can be changed. In his personable style, Tony Evans explains where Scripture came from and why it is so unique. You will never view the Bible the same way again!

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  • Being A Girl Who Leads (Reprinted)


    Shannon Kubiak Primicerio continues to engage girls with her BEING A GIRL series. In her newest book Shannon encourages girls to lead through their choices and their beliefs.

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  • My Journey So Far


    The Christian walk is often filled with perserverance, puzzlement, and even persecution. This collection of experiences from 17 leaders will encourage readers along that narrow path. The contributors respond with honesty and vulnerability to questions such as What have you learned? and How is your relationship with God developing? Whether you are just starting out or thinking about finishing well, you will discover a rich source of guidance through this book.

    The contributors respond with honesty and vulnerability to questions such as What have you learned? and How is your relationship with God developing? Whether you are just starting out or thinking about finishing well, you will discover a rich source of guidance through this book.

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  • So You Want To Be Mentored


    So You Want To Be Mentored-But Can You Handle It draws from one woman’s twenty-plus years of practical experience as a mentor. See how God gave timely wisdom to a young mother, nurse and wife through the actions and words of older women. Observe the transition when she began to reach out to others and impart to them the things she had learned. As a practical workbook, Mary asks the reader penetrating questions based on six areas that an individual must develop before searching for a mentor. And, for the one who is prepared, she gives practical tips on how to look for, initiate and maintain a mentoring relationship. For the reader desiring the benefits of mentoring, this is a must-have book that will let you know if you can handle the benefits and blessings of the relationship that you seek.

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  • No More Bondage


    No More Bondage takes the reader on a journey from a heartbreaking childhood and the hopelessness that followed, to personal victory and total freedom from the past. Speaker and Author Pam Sauer shares candidly from her heart, with a passion to help others see that no matter what their past, they too can have personal freedom and live a victorious life through Christ! Pam uses unrelenting honesty and candor to search beyond the surface of the issues and plunges right into the soul of the matter. Nothing is held back in her story as she reveals her painful journey to finding true love and the power of God to break sins that affected her family for generations. Pam’s passion is to see these vicious cycles broken in the lives of any child from a home affected by alcoholism, drug abuse, poverty, and sexual or emotional abuse. She points the way to freedom for all who desire a better life for themselves and their future generations. Pam knows the bondage of generational sin can be broken. If this is your struggle, take hope: you too can lead a victorious life!

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  • Mandate : The Battle The Victory The Finish Line


    Life is a grand racetrack and all of us are runners in this marathon. We race not against each other, but we compete against the forces that enforce themselves against us to push us off the track. Instead of keeping our eyes on the goal ahead of us, too often we jostle with each other for position, and it is then that we stumble and fall. We all fall, but some never run again with the fervor required, because of the injuries suffered. The Mandate is sufficient for you realize that it is not how much greatness you achieve, that will satisfy your search for God’s greatest purpose for your life. Your reward will be grand when you recognize that you have done all, to be everything God wants you to be. Determine to find the treasure at all costs. “I will stand like a guard to watch.” Habakkuk 2:1

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  • Mysteries Of The Dark Delving Into The Hidden Treasures Of The Secret Place


    Are you hungry? Do you have a hunger that cannot be satisfied for a deeper understanding of truth? Or a thirst that cannot be quenched? Mysteries of the Dark is for those who live their everyday lives with a Kingdom mindset. Within it’s pages you will: Unfold the treasure hidden within your heart Experience the passion of the Father’s heartbeat Understand God’s plan for Kingdom expansion See the unfolding realization of God’s Glory in the earth Know the depth of God’s love for you Mysteries of the Dark, Delving Into The Hidden Treasures of the Secret Place is written with simple but profound words that will move the reader deeper into the Throne Room and the Presence of the King. You are cordially invited to begin the journey of your life in these pages.

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  • How Christians Unknowingly Talk To The Dead


    Millions of Christians have become trapped in sinful habits. Many Christian men are slaves to pornography; Christian marriages have a divorce rate equal to that of the secular world, and many Christian youth look, act and talk like their secular counterparts. Could all of this be the result of Christians talking to the dead? Why did Jesus refuse to communicate with the dead? What secret did Jesus possess that kept Him from committing even one sin? He refused to talk to, communicate with the dead! Could your communication with the dead be keeping you from being like Jesus? Are you communicating with the dead? Read this book and find out!

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  • Prophet Has Spoken


    We are living in a generation where prophets and prophecies abound. Everywhere you go the word of the Lord is being spoken into people’s lives about the great things God desires to do for them or through them. However, in the midst of all of these wonderful prophecies, the biggest question that lingers in the minds and the hearts of God’s prophetic people is, “When will it come to pass?” In this timely and riveting book, author Stephen Clarke shares with you how God fulfilled personal prophecies given to him about ministry, marriage, children, business, etc. You will… Discover the power and purpose for the prophetic Understand why “process” is necessary Learn why God’s wisdom is needed for your prophetic words Discover how prophets receive their revelation from God …and much, much more. As you read, you will be enlightened and inspired by this thought-provoking prophetic book.

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  • Satans Secrets Broken


    The book reveals some of the many before unknown complex issues that are involved in the daily living activities of most of us. The works includes the many problems that are encountered in the marriage and family issues. For the fi rst time the core ingredients of the enemy of mankind are examined at this level. Millions are affected yearly in their social livings, mental health, success and family integrity, the book breaks the secrets that has plague the ills of many, as well as societies, countries and nations.

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  • Meditation For Prosperity


    About the Meditation for Prosperity, the book is an attempt to teach the serious believers to follow the advice given to Joshua when the Lord put him in command to replace Moses. ” Do not let the book of the Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night…Then you will be prosperous and successful.” -Jos. 1: 8 Daily meditation is a head start to achieve success. The book leads to the discovery of the Key to prosperity that God placed in the Bible.

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  • Divine Agenda : A Last Day Message To The Church


    There is much to be done before the close of the Church Age. Many have confused busyness with My work, My Spirit work. I have a plan, an ordered list of things that must be done, A Divine Agenda!” This is no ordinary book. Dr. Stephens shares a message given her by the Holy Spirit. Your spirit will bear witness as you discover the seven critical things on His agenda that every believer must know. Individually and corporately, the Holy Spirit instructs His Body, “See to it that you do these things”: First and Foremost, Love, Love, Love Trust Me – I Am Your Source Discern the Spirit of Division Among You Do Not Neglect Your Work Set the Captives Free Replace Fear With Peace Sow Into My Kingdom Each critical “must do” is addressed in a separate chapter as Stephens shares personal insights, visions, dreams, revelations, and encounters with angels and demons. These augment the Spirit’s message as they attest to His faithfulness to guide, bless, chastise, and deliver His children from evil. In this book you will also discover ten practical ways to overcome fear. Key points at the end of each chapter make A Divine Agenda an excellent source for private devotions or group study

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  • Im Saved Now What


    Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior there are many questions, like… What happens now? How do I share what I’ve just received with my family and friends? Who is the Holy Spirit? How do I hear from God? Well.. .thank God in advance-today you have just found some of the answers to your questions in, I’m Saved! Now What? In this book, the author, Ivorine Brown addresses the questions and concerns of a new person in Christ. It is also a refresher to the seasoned Christian and can be used as a tool when ministering to a new believer. I’m Saved Now What? is a wonderful introduction to Christianity and it will assist the new believer as they grow and develop into a more mature Christian. It is written with simplicity for everyone to understand. Most importantly, you will feel the love and compassion, with which it was written. It will penetrate your heart and soul to want to know more about God through Jesus Christ and the Bible.

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  • Made Over : Renewal From The Inside Out


    Are you tired of what you see in the mirror each day? Have you spent countless hours and money to improve your outward appearance only to be left still feeling an emptiness inside? You need an extreme makeover! You need to let God make you over from the inside out. Join us as we become vessels of honor, designed and decorated by His loving hands. Your makeover starts on the inside. In this study, we’ll face the facts about our spiritual condition. We’ll deal with the reality of our circumstances and situations, and we’ll allow God to transform our minds and revive our hearts. Sure, the Great Physician will have to do some makeover surgery on our spirit, but we’ll nurse the wounds and overcome the pains. When the healing process is complete, we’ll have an unveiling where we can show off the new creature we’ve become in Christ

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  • Bible Questionnaire


    This booklet will take you on a journey of an author’s vision to help people have a better understanding of the bible and the results that can happen when people stop to understand the Word of God.

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  • Death Goes To School


    The author of Death Goes to School clearly explores both the where, when and how we lost our way in educating and rearing our children, with a detailed emphasis on the how to in fulfilling the responsibility of “train[ing] up a child” (Proverbs 22:6) and “bring'[ing] them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) – principles from a Christian/biblical perspective, yet helpful for all. WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT THIS BOOK: The author makes a compelling case that…any genuine lasting solution [in education] must include the involvement and oversight of parents in a traditional family setting…greatly needed principles. I commend this treatise to you…. -Earl Radmacher, Ph.D Chancellor Emeritus, Conservative Baptist Seminary If you are looking…for wisdom in rearing your children, please read Death Goes to School. -Jon R. Wallace, DBA President, Azusa Pacific University [Death Goes to School] has many insightful parts that I see being used by young families in effectively ministering to their children. -Bruce Clatterbuck, Th.D Director at Large, Next Generation Churches

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  • Power On High


    Is It Possible? Power on High? To Know?????? Yes!!!!!! Gail will take you step by step on the Healings-Miracles-Deliverance in her life! By the Power of God! ***Campbell’s Ministries (Rev. Gail)-has been New in the**** Ministry since 1999-she was taken off a sickbed in 1994 on the Power of God. How Jesus spoke to her heart. She believed! She stayed on faith-and the testimonies God has put in her life-reading this book will lift your faith and give you hope…as she shares her story! ****A Book You Must Read**** ==This book would not be possible== Without the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God! /////and///// ==Support of Prayer== Stood by her in: up times and in down times in the ministry and also in their personal lives. Her husband-John R. Campbell May God bless you abundantly for reading this book.

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  • Forgiven But Not Perfect


    In many of our churches the two men (outward and inward) have been misunderstood. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). The two men are misunderstood because most Christians don’t know that man is a tri-being: spirit, soul, and body. This book goes into a little detail explaining the difference between the spirit, soul, and body, and baby Christians will then understand why most Christians’ actions are negative, but it doesn’t mean that they are not born-again. THEY NEED SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND MATURITY.

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  • Building Lasting Relationships


    Godly relationships are not optional but obligatory, and success in life depends on it to a large extent. In life, what we do with relationships will determine our level of success, and the summary of life is all about relationships, but a godly one, as exemplified in this book, can explode your destiny, make it colorful, and make you an evening star shining on all fronts.” -Rev. (Dr) Uma Ukpai International evangelist Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association Uyo, Nigeria “This book is dynamite-a permanent classic which will empower the youths to discover the springboard for great achievements.” -Dr. D.K Olukoya General Overseer Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries “This book is a voice from God to awaken the conscience to some of these vital demands of the Holy Spirit if you must marry. Otherwise don’t.” -Pastor Emmanuel Kure Throneroom Trust Ministries Kafanchan, Nigeria

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  • Way To Glory Land


    What does it take to enter Glory Land? The ultimate goal of a believer is to go to Glory Land and be with God eternally, and entering there is not as difficult as you might think. In The Way to Glory Land, the author keeps you on the path to Glory Land by exploring God’s words through biblical verses, helping the reader to deal with those difficult areas of a believer’s life. You will be amazed to learn: That the faith of one person could lead to a miracle for another That the most essential element of Christianity is love That humility brings healing That it is important to thank God always for everything and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ That we worship God for renewal of strength How moderation in our daily life can bring us closer to God How the circle of forgiveness works How to pray the prayer of faith

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  • KIDS Forecast For Life (Workbook)


    Today’s kids need more power than just ordinary nursery rhymes. They need an extraordinary boost for dealing with the 21st century. This Bible study workbook is for grade school ages and early teens-and for those who are young at heart. (It will be great for family nights or kids’ church!) Kid’s Forecast for Life is all about looking forward. You can talk about how things are today, or you can talk about a better tomorrow. Either way, your words are a forecast of what you expect-before it happens-just like weather forecasters. There are sixteen chapters of example stories and activity pages. You will learn some things about the Bible, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, heaven, God’s “secret place,” and the power of your own words. With some help from Kid’s Forecast for Life, you can look forward to becoming the best you can be in Christ!
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  • Praying The Right Way


    Discover the secrets and principles of effective prayer in this concise, yet comprehensive book. Rid yourself of any wrong mindsets, doctrines, perceptions, practices and prayers that may have clogged the wheels of your prayer life.

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  • What If : What If Its All True


    Written for the questioning seeker, the new follower, and even the seasoned believer
    There is a reward in this book that you cannot buy or earn.
    So dive in and experience the full life that was planned for you all along.

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  • Gods House Of Mirrors


    You will see from God’s Word the proper reflection of yourself.
    Freeing you from Satan’s inaccurate, deceptive reflection replacing it with a true image of you from your heavenly Father.

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  • Mind Field Of Success Or Defeat


    This book will challenge and motivate the readers to walk in obedience to God’s Word and to fulfill our purpose and destiny, according to God’s design and not according to the dictates of our minds. It will provide valuable insights on how to achieve the victory that Jesus obtained for us on the cross of Calvary.

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  • Best Days Are Ahead


    Although it may appear that the forces of darkness are prevailing over the people of God, the Word declares that the very gates of hell shall not overtake the Church of the Living God. Jesus said, “On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:18-19). The Church has been marching victoriously for over two thousand years, despite periods of bitter struggle, divisions, and persecution.As the struggles continue, many believers succumb to a spirit of defeat. But if we trust God, we can be confident that the best days are ahead. Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Once more … I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory. … The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine. … The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former. … And in this place, I will give peace” (Haggai 2:6-9)

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  • Unveiling The New Covenant (Student/Study Guide)


    What are the Four Decrees and what do they have to do with the New Covenant? ALL scripture is God-breathed and useful for the edification and correction of the Believer. Why hasn’t the Church at large taught the Four Decrees as a basic tenet of our faith? They are part of the Mystery that Paul writes about. A mystery is a hidden truth that can be seen only through divine revelation. Unveiling the New Covenant-The Four Decrees is a strong revelatory teaching. Please read this work carefully and check it with the Word. Once you unveil the Mystery of the New Covenant, the Lord can bless you with the full meaning and application of the New Covenant. Those who have understood this revelation have changed spiritually so they not only know scripture, but they also know how to rightly divide it and LIVE IT. Dare to understand the Word of the Lord. Unveiling the New Covenant-the Four Decrees will draw you closer to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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  • Why Bad Things Happen To Good People


    We’ve all heard this question – now here’s the answer
    What do you plan to do about it now? Time to stop being trod upon, and start doing the treading.

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  • Rescued From Darkness


    Your Life Is About to Take a Dramatic Turn for the Better. Life with God is an extreme adventure! Rescued is your personal growth resource, supplying fifty essential truths that will take you higher with God than you ever imagined possible. Expect positive and lasting changes in your life as you discover these God-invented ways of living: You Can Change: Leaving Your Past Behind Finding God’s Will for Your Life Secrets to Living in Peace Who is Satan? What Does He Want With Me? Dealing with Temptation How to Pray So God Will Answer How to Reconcile with People Choosing a Church and Making New Friends Many, many more practical, life-transforming concepts! Rescued from Darkness will inspire you to fulfill your destiny as a follower of Jesus Christ. “Excellent and concise walk in 50 days through the Book of Colossians. You’ve done a superb job covering the bases; each day is well-illustrated and practical and stays true to the text…it will be a great blessing and resource to persons starting the Christian life, as well as those who are in continuing stages of the journey.” Dr. George O. Wood, General Secretary, Assemblies of God “Lisa Clay has provided the body of Christ an outstanding resource designed to move the reader from complacency to commitment and from exaltation to evangelism. Her approach to Colossians is compelling, creative, and captivating from the beginning to the end. If you are interested in life-change, then this book is a must for you.” Dr. James O. Davis, Co-Founder/President, Global Pastors Network

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  • On This Day


    Each morning the alarm goes off, and a new day begins.

    Who was born on this day of the year?
    What happened on this day in history?

    This book is a fun, quick-moving way to learn more about each day of the year. You will discover people who share your birthday, and you will learn events that took place on your special day.

    * When did the Titanic sink? (April 15)
    * What day was Billy Graham born? (November 7)
    * When did Carnegie Hall open? (May 5)
    * What day was Jeff Foxworthy born? (September 6)
    * When did TV show Meet The Press begin? (November 6)
    * What day was Eric Clapton born? (March 30)
    * When did St. Jude’s Hospital open? (February 4)
    * What day was Paul Revere born? (January 1)

    Each day includes a list of historical events, the birthdays of famous people, a scripture, and a short devotional thought to inspire you. You will grow in knowledge and in spiritual development.

    Read a page each day! Learn for yourself and impress your friends at the same time.

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  • North Face Of God


    The North Face of God addresses those times of adversity when God seems to have abandoned us. Sometimes, when the cold winds of life blow and we cry out to God, he’s silent, and we wonder if he still cares about us–or ever cared. Drawing on the Psalms, Ken Gire climbs the mountainous terrain of God’s seeming indifference and helps us learn how to hold on to hope, despite our circumstances. He also calls us to become good “climbing partners” for other people who need help and encouragement along the way.

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  • Luminous Dusk : Finding God In The Deep Still Places


    A lyrical call to seek the stillness of God in a clamorous world.

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  • Serious Way Of Wondering


    When renowned novelist and poet Reynolds Price, one of Christianity’s most eloquent outlaws, was invited to deliver the annual Peabody Lecture at Harvard University Memorial Church in 2001, he chose to explore a subject of fierce debate and timeless relevance: the ethics of Jesus.

    In two succeeding lectures at the National Cathedral and at Auburn Seminary, Price continued to explore the apparently contradictory ethics that Jesus articulates in the Gospels; and in a controversial act of artistic license, Price reimagined the historical Jesus. In A Serious Way of Wondering, Price expands these lectures to present Jesus with three problems of burning moral concern — suicide, homosexuality, and the plight of women in male-dominated cultures and faiths. A sweeping view of the inescapable implications of Jesus’ merciful life and all-embracing thought — and of the benefits of enlarging our notions of humanity, community, and equality — A Serious Way of Wondering is a significant contribution to Price’s penetrating works of religious inquiry.

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  • 500 Plus Time Saving Hints For Every Woman


    Harvest House Print On Demand Title

    Bestselling author Emilie Barnes (more than 4.8 million total copies sold) has been sharing time and sanity-saving tips with women for years. Now in this easy to use resource, Emilie reveals 500 fabulous ideas to help readers
    *declutter their lives and homes
    *stop piling it and start filing it
    *begin each day with a To Do list
    *clean efficiently and effectively
    *tackle projects at home and elsewhere

    Every homeowner, bride, mom, and working woman will find the secrets to creating a life that has less mess and more room for what really matters.

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  • Importance Of Being Foolish


    A guide for how to become mature, passionate fools for Christ who are willing to do the kingdom work God has called us to do and so change the world, one soul at a time.

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  • What God Wants For Your Life


    A Practical and Engaging Guide for Changing the Way We Seek God’s Will

    How do we know God’s will for our lives? This question lies at the heart of Christian life. And yet, attempting to understand our greater purpose can become a source of frustration as we look for help when making important life decisions. Spiritual retreat leader and Episcopal priest Fred Schmidt reveals how we can better recognize the difference between God’s will and our own, deepen our ability to hear God’s voice, and sharpen our powers of discernment.

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  • Tragic Redemption : Healing The Guilt And Shame


    Tragic Redemption tells the story of how one man dealt with his guilt and despair after he caused the death of a young woman. The story climaxes with an inspiring message as the author leads the reader through the process that helped him discover God’s peace and forgiveness.

    Readers will learn how to:
    *Understand divine meaning for experiencing guilt, shame, grace and forgiveness.
    *Recognize the unconscious benefits of dysfunctional behavior as a whole.
    *Realize that healing is a life-long journey that will involve both adversity and joy in
    their walk to wholeness.
    *Comprehend that salvation and trust may not have an immediate impact on their
    current emotional state.

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  • Faith Doubts Trials And Assurance


    Ongoing faith is essential for answered prayer, effective service, spiritual stability and real communion with God. In this book many questions are answered about faith, such as – How may we assess the state of our faith? How can faith be strengthened? What are the most dangerous doubts? How should difficult doubts be handled? What is the biblical attitude to trials? How can we tell if troubles are intended to chastise or to refine? What can be done to obtain assurance? What are the sources of assurance? Can a believer commit the unpardonable sin? Exactly how is the Lord’s presence felt? Dr Masters provides answers, with much pastoral advice, drawing on Scripture throughout.

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  • What Am I Supposed To Do With My Life


    All of us long for a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. But where does that meaning come from? How do we find our calling in life?
    In this short, helpful book Douglas Brouwer offers a personal, spiritual response to the vocational questions that people commonly ask. He links our true purpose to following Jesus’ greatest commandment—love God and love your neighbor—and points out that we find meaning and purpose by living not for ourselves but for something larger outside ourselves.

    Written for seekers of all ages, What Am I Supposed to Do with My Life? describes Brouwer’s own struggle to come to grips with the concept of vocation, incorporates inspirational stories of people and vocation from throughout his ministry, and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

    Whether used for personal reading or small-group study, What Am I Supposed to Do with My Life? will encourage many to reflect meaningfully on their lives and vocations

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  • How To Be A Christian In A Brave New World


    Stem-cell research. Cloning. Genetic engineering. New biotechnology is being discovered so rapidly, our nation is unable to address one ethical debate before another looms overhead. In How to be a Christian in a Brave New World, authors Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Nigel Cameron bring focus and clarity to the turbulent debates. With a tumor slowly taking the life of her 5-year-old niece, a series of strokes landing her father in the hospital amid tubes and machines, herself paralyzed since age 17, Joni sought answers to grave questions such as … why quadriplegics like herself shouldn’t kill themselves … why her family shouldn’t “mercifully” cut short her niece’s suffering … what should she do about all the tubes and machines her father suddenly depended on. With the renowned Dr. Cameron, Joni navigates this new world of biotechnology to help you understand the complexities, judge the soundest course of action, gain discernment, and discover How to be a Christian in a Brave New World.

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  • Seeing What Is Sacred


    Around us, there are hints that there is a way of life vastly richer and deeper than all this hurried existence, a life unhurried serenity and peace and power. A life where we see all that is sacred. It seems the more we pack into our lives, the less we experience of our lives. We’ve become modern-day Marthas, busy, distracted, and empty, instead of like her sister Mary, calm, focused, and fulfilled. How do we, like Mary, create “pauses” in our days and weeks to hear what the Savior has to say to us? How do we make time for the things that ultimately matter? How can we become more spiritually sensitive to the everyday moments of life? In Seeing What Is Sacred (formerly titled The Reflective Life), acclaimed writer Ken Gire unlocks the door to change by introducing us not to a trendy new method, but to a centuries-old tradition of seeing the sacred in the everyday through reflective living. In this momentous work, readers will: Discover this rich heritage that stretches from David, Solomon, and Jesus himself to Augustine, Brother Lawrence and Mother Teresa. Learn “habits of the heart” that deepen their intimacy with Christ through Scripture, meditation, and prayer Cultivate a spiritual sensitivity that allows them to see God at work in all of life’s moments

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  • Prayer Of The Heart


    Down through the centuries, people of faith have known that prayer has many languages, and not all of them have words. Here in this book readers will learn to use art as a way to open up a deep conversation with God.
    It opens readers to new possibilities: the art they create here is the visual result of an experience with God through visual imaging.
    Readers will find a variety of drawing techniques and media, and ways of dialoguing with the images they create.

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  • Religiously Transmitted Diseases


    Do you feel like something is always wrong, that you can’t seem to “get it right’ in your relationship with God? Then you probably have a diseased faith – thankfully, there is a way back to the innocence and freshness of the hour you first believed.

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  • Queen Of The Castle


    Broken into 52 weeks of encouragement, Queen of the Castle talks more about caring than china, fun than function, and participating than perfecting. Walker, who freely admits she is not Homemaker of the Year, is more like a neighbor sharing tips over coffee than a domestic diva. Wisdom combined with fun, Queen of the Castle encourages women and reminds them that hugs matter, prayer helps, and home counts.

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  • Perfecting Your Purpose


    In this inspiring and practical book, Dr. David Ireland teaches how to honor your God-given reason for living-your purpose-and help bring it to fruition every day of your life. He shows you how Moses, Ezekiel, David, and other biblical heroes each had a Transforming Interval, an experience that lasted forty days and totally changed their lives. Dr. Ireland then offers you a forty-day plan to journey, like those biblical leaders, through your own period of transformation. You will learn:

    The accessibility of the mountaintop experience

    How to follow the right voice

    How to win the war against discouragement

    How to connect with God on a deeper level
    . . . and much more.

    To develop new spiritual practices, new mental disciplines, and new emotional habits that will make your purpose not just a dream but a reality, look no further. Step on the path; the time is now.

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  • 12 Ordinary Men


    Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God’s work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men – fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots – and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ’s careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today’s modern disciple – you.

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  • Fountain Of Youth Called Truth


    Search no more…these everlasting inner beauty secrets can’t be purchased through cosmetic surgery, nor can they be purchased over the cosmetic counters of the world. A transformed life through the Word of God is an awesome life. Transformation in our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions through Christ as we live and move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28) will have a lasting and eternal effect on us as well as those with whom we come in contact. Growing up in a family with parents in the beauty industry, appearance played an important role in my upbringing. Not until I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior did I come to realize that beauty from the inside out was more important. Truth is a supernatural life preserver because it never changes, it always remains the same. As we continue to allow the truth to make us free, we are preserved from a life of darkness and defeat. Applying these supernatural beauty secrets will slow down the aging process in life by reducing the daily stress. That alone will cause us to smile more and reduce the wrinkles from frowning brought on by stress and confusion. Daily Wisdom to Win Tips… a If I’m losing, it’s what I’m choosing a My objective is to be effective a When you travel light you travel right a When I walk upright, I’m not uptight a Let love take over, let love have control, love is God and love is bold.

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  • Good Thief : A Mystery Of Mercy


    In The Good Thief Fr. Andre persuasively shows that the gospel is the Good News of God’s mercy for the poor and for sinners-for all people who know they have nothing by which to earn or deserve mercy. Jesus is the Savior of sinners. As He did when He reached out to Zaccheus and the woman caught in adultery, Jesus reaches out to sinners with mercy. It is a quality of mercy that finds its most eloquent expression in Jesus’ promise of salvation to the penitent thief on the cross at Calvary. In his dying moment Jesus justifies the Penitent Thief on the run. The story of the Penitent Thief stands as an example for all people who find themselves excluded, injured, abandoned, and rejected in life. In the Penitent Thief ‘s encounter with Jesus, we see the holy work of grace in which Jesus Christ takes the initiative. Among some of the most excluded people today are the prisoners of the world. Among them and us, the Penitent Thief serves as a compelling example. He leads us to welcome, in our poverty and unworthiness, the unlimited mercy of Jesus the Savior. This book is a meditation on the story of the Penitent Thief, who accepted the love and salvation of Jesus and who is an example for all people who stand before God as thieves and sinners.

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  • Evangelism For The Rest Of Us (Reprinted)


    Shows readers how to ditch fear and learn to share their faith in ways that are comfortable and compatible with their unique personality.

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  • Recovering From Losses In Life (Revised)


    Best-selling author and certified trauma specialist H. Norman Wright offers gentle guidance, encouragement, and hope-filled counsel for anyone experiencing loss or disaster. Study questions included.

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  • Beautiful Offering : Returning Gods Love With Your Life


    When you read the Beatitudes, do you “hear” a list of commands? Be meek. Be merciful. Thomas did, and always felt inadequate. Then she began seeing them as “when you are’s” that offer a spiritual inheritance. When you mourn, you’ll be comforted. Discover that God doesn’t require perfection—just your gracious obedience! 224 pages, softcover from Nelson

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  • Walking Wisely : Real Guidance For Lifes Journey


    In Scripture, wisdom is portrayed as a most important treasure, something to be sought after with consistent discipline. We, as Christians, tend to think of wisdom as something to be attained-an ideal to which we aspire. Charles Stanley contends that genuine wisdom is evidenced in how we live. The truly wise person is one whose values, perspectives, career goals, and daily decisions are all shaped by the wisdom found in Christ. Choosing to live according to Biblical precepts is a lifestyle foreign to the worldly patterns among which we live. Inevitably, there will be clashes between the wisdom of God and that of the world. Dr. Stanley teaches how to apply God’s wisdom as we handle finances, relate to others, care for our physical health, and carry out day-to-day duties. This significant volume presents a way of living that embodies wisdom from above.

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  • Sanctuary : Creating A Blessed Place To Live And Love


    t doesn’t matter whether you own or rent; whether you live in a mansion or a trailer. We each have the ability to create a beautiful, peaceful environment of our own-a more spiritual space to enjoy.

    Is the place you live truly your home? Is it where you can take refuge from the world and emerge refreshed…a place to nourish your family’s dreams and draw strength from what you believe in? Now, inspired by a personal moment of revelation and insight, environment specialist Pamela J. Bailey shows you how to apply biblical principles and prayer to make your house a restful, vital place that fulfills your soul and heart. Learn how to:

    Find innovative, inexpensive ways to make the most of-and enjoy-wherever you are living

    Create a home that reflects your unique interests and values

    Develop a personalized “Power Cleaning” routine that makes housekeeping easy-and fun

    Set aside time for rest and doing the things you love to do-and reap their God-given benefits to the fullest.

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  • Things Unseen : Living With Eternity In Your Heart


    Blending pastoral warmth, philosophical depth, storytelling skill, and literary craft, Mark Buchanan encourages Christians to make heaven, literally, our “fixation” — filling our vision, gripping our heart, and anchoring our hope. Only then, says Buchanan, can we become truly fearless on this earth, free from the fear of losing our life, property, status, title, or comfort; free from the threat of tyrants, the power of armies, and the day of trouble. Buchanan reawakens the instinctive yearning for things above, showing that only the heavenly minded are of much earthly good.

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  • Father Force


    In Father Force, Phillip Davis reveals the purpose and destiny intended for the role of the father. Father Force deals with the critical issues that face our society and fathers of the day including the growing fatherless generation and the role the church plays in this society.

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  • Making Of A Marriage


    SKU (ISBN): 9780975303634ISBN10: 0975303635Brent Sharpe | Janis SharpeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2006Publisher: Destiny Image Print On Demand Product

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  • Resilient Life : You Can Move Ahead No Matter What (Reprinted)


    At a young age, Gordon MacDonald recognized that he had inherited a “quitter’s gene,” and because of this–and an influential track coach–he began a lifelong quest for answers. “Why,” he had to ask, “do some people finish what they start, persevere in moments of adversity, push themselves in the direction of their potential, and often make their greatest contributions in the latter half of life? Why do others expect to retire from life when they reach their senior years?” The element in those who don’t quit is resilience. Those who have it, MacDonald insists, have gathered all the lessons from life–success and failures–to build a foundation of strength and character, preparing them to face anything. Using examples from the Bible, from his own life, and from the lives of contemporary people, MacDonald identifies the characteristics of resilience, leading readers through the self-assessment needed to develop them. The journey is demanding and humbling, he reminds us, but the rewards of living well are immeasurable.

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  • Look Great Feel Great (Large Type)


    God’s plan for each of us involves a sound mind, soul—and body. Best-selling author Meyer shares her own struggle to overcome unhealthy habits, addresses the “self-esteem drought” that leads to mismanaged personal practices, and reveals 12 keys for reclaiming our well-being through exercise, mindful eating, soul care, and responsibility. Includes resources for self-maintenance.

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  • Alive And Loose In The Ordinary


    With a light touch and warm voice, and just a hint of Southern accent, Martha Sterne tells the stoires of her encounters with Christ – in the supermarket and the beauty parlor, the garden, the kitchen, and sometimes even in the church.
    Sterne shares her gift for storytelling, showing readers that the Incarnation is alive and loose everywhere they look, in the listening ears, kind voices, and loving hearts of people they bump into everywhere. Each essay is followed by reflection questions, making this a lovely volume for group study.

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  • Phoenix Affirmations : A New Vision For The Future Of Christianity


    The Phoenix Affirmations, named for the town in which the principles were created and the mythological bird adopted by ancient Christians as a symbol of resurrection, offers disillusioned and spiritually homeless Christians and others a sense of hope and a more tolerant, joyful, and compassionate message than those we often hear from the media and some Christian leaders. These twelve central affirmative principles of Christian faith are built on the three great loves that the Bible reveals: love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. They reflect commitments to environmental stewardship, social justice, and artistic expression as well as openness to other faiths. Transcending theological and culture wars, inclusive and generous in spirit and practice, these principles ask believers and seekers alike to affirm their Christian faith in a fresh way.

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  • Broken Heart On Hold


    A woman who is separated needs a friend to walk beside her on her difficult journey. Broken Heart on Hold is that friend, one that will uplift, encourage, and hold her up while offering practical insights and pointing her to God. It is a book of hope. Because it is written by a woman who has gone through the trauma of a separation and the eventual healing of her own marriage, the reader will know she is not alone.
    This collection of honest, heartfelt messages reaches down into the valleys of a woman’s loneliness, travels with her through her mental labyrinths, and sheds light in the dark tunnels where answers seem nonexistent. It provides the emotional and spiritual strength to help a woman sort through her confusion. While winding her way through the maze of her emotions, she will realize there is hope as she hangs on to God and trusts him for the outcome. Broken Heart on Hold is a book she will return to again and again.

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  • God Will Make A Way


    We all have times when we feel lost and hurt and find ourselves asking: “Where is God in all of this?” When the road gets rough, and we don’t know which way to turn it, it can feel like God is distant. Yet that’s exactly when He can step in and move as we’ve never seen Him do before.

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  • Love Worth Giving


    God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And His love–if you will let it–can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving. Best-sell

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  • Next Door Savior


    Master storyteller Max Lucado presents the life of Jesus Christ in stunning contrast, revealing the irresistible human qualities and the undeniably divine characteristics of Jesus. Lucado describes, as only he can, a Savior who is as approachable as a next-door neighbor, yet mighty enough to save humanity.

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  • Tender Warrior : Every Mans Purpose Every Womans Dream Every Childs Hope


    Become the man you were created to be! Now revised and updated with chapters on “finishing the course” God has set before you, Weber’s book lays out the divine blueprint for manhood. Discover how to balance tenderness with strength, speak your wife’s language, foster friendships, and be an obedient and blessed servant of the Lord! 288 pages, softcover from Multnomah.

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  • For Women Only Discussion Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    What’s going on in a man’s mind? You don’t have to scratch your head any longer. After Shaunti Feldhahn’s For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men broached the subject, women everywhere responded with an overwhelming desire to dig deeper. Now this all-new discussion guide will help you and your friends explore the complex terrain beneath a man’s confident exterior. Personal stories, fascinating case studies, and pointed questions will launch the conversations you need to open your eyes to what the man in your life-a boyfriend, brother, husband, or son-is really thinking and feeling. Men want to be understood, but they’re afraid to “freak out” the women they love by confessing what is happening inside their heads. For women who really do want to understand, this group or one-on-one discussion guide is a must for helping you apply all those “ah ha” revelations to your relationships with the men in your life!

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  • Accountable Discipleship : Living In Gods Household


    SKU (ISBN): 9780881773392ISBN10: 0881773395Steven ManskarBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2006Publisher: Upper Room Ministries Print On Demand Product

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  • Jonah Factor : 13 Spiritual Steps To Finding The Job Of A Lifetime


    Extensively researched, The Jonah Factor provides a step-by-step approach to helping Christians discern what jobs, careers, and volunteer activities will provide the delight and fulfillment God intends. This unique and proven thirteen-step process utilizes a combination of spiritual discernment, an inventory of talents and abilities, and partnership with a church or congregation that culminates in a carefully considered leap of faith.

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  • Balancing Acts : Obligation Liberation And Contemporary Christian Conflicts


    American congregations are more divided than ever over a broad range of theological and social issues — and this book outlines an innovative way to understand and address these difficult conflicts. Balancing Acts introduces readers to the two major spiritual themes that animate life in America today — obligation and liberation — and discusses how most Christians align themselves with one of these attitudes. One group focuses on the obligations of religious life and seeks moral clarity, while the other tends to see religion as a liberation movement and stresses God’s love for the oppressed of the earth.

    The ability to strike a balance between these competing camps is the key to managing tension in the church and in the larger community — and Balancing Acts provides readers with the tools to find and nurture Christian unity in the face of political, cultural, and theological diversity. Whether the issue is women in ministry, presidential politics, immigration, homosexuality, or war, this book demonstrates how common ground can be found by people of faith who are willing to perform a balancing act between obligation and liberation.

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  • Christian Reflections On The Leadership Challenge


    Christian Reflections on The Leadership Challenge gathers together in one place a remarkable collection of leaders who share insights on faith and leadership. Well-grounded in research, this reflective and practical book shows how Christian leaders – no matter the setting – put into place The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart.

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  • Fire Someone Today


    Bob Pritchett started his first business at age six. In high school, he ran a software company that sold to Fortune 500 companies. By the age of 20, he had cofounded Logos Research Systems, Inc. He has seen the ups of high profits and the downs of a failed IPO attempt. Pritchett’s successes and failures led him to write Fire Someone Today. Far from a treatise on giving employees the axe, Fire Someone Today uses four categories-People, Leadership, Finance, and Operations-to cover a wide range of issues unique to the more than 20 million small business owners in the United States. Filled with hands-on advice and practical examples from real businesses, the book takes a no-nonsense approach to the uncomfortable decisions and actions that every manager, business owner, or entrepreneur must face.

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  • Risk Workbook (Workbook)


    SKU (ISBN): 9781578569915ISBN10: 1578569915Kenny LuckBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2006Gods Man # 1Publisher: WaterBrook

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  • Heart Of David


    This is not just another story about the famed King of Israel. In The Heart of David, we explore the magnificence of using blueprints drawn from the Bible to decipher the “mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.” On our voyage to the Promised Land, we journey from Captivity, through the Wilderness, and ultimately find ourselves standing at the shore of the Jordan. What will it take to cross over on dry ground? It will take unshakable faith to proclaim the unthinkable, the faith of a man after God’s own heart! Come unlock the mysteries. Discover that the extraordinary is possible. And proclaim the most powerful prayer in all of Scripture. Step into the Jordan and pass over on dry ground. Then, take part in the most exciting events the world has ever known. “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Mat 24:14). Join me now as we hear his prayer and seek The Heart of David.

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  • Heart Of David


    This is not just another story about the famed King of Israel. In The Heart of David, we explore the magnificence of using blueprints drawn from the Bible to decipher the “mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.” On our voyage to the Promised Land, we journey from Captivity, through the Wilderness, and ultimately find ourselves standing at the shore of the Jordan. What will it take to cross over on dry ground? It will take unshakable faith to proclaim the unthinkable, the faith of a man after God’s own heart! Come unlock the mysteries. Discover that the extraordinary is possible. And proclaim the most powerful prayer in all of Scripture. Step into the Jordan and pass over on dry ground. Then, take part in the most exciting events the world has ever known. “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Mat 24:14). Join me now as we hear his prayer and seek The Heart of David.

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  • Ask For The Ancient Paths


    Ask for the Ancient Path is an amazing, life-changing vision that takes you on the journey from before time to the end of this age. It shows how the jealousy of one angel forever marred the life of every angel and man alike. This vision reveals aspects of three heavens, hell and angels that will forever change the way you look at the supernatural world. Follow through this Holy Spirit inspired journey of how choices and agendas in the spirit realm have influenced and misdirected our path away from the perfect plan of God for His Bride. In order to find our way back into the incredible intimacy of relationship with God the Father, our Creator, it is essential to understand what went wrong. Discover the truth about the subtleties of sin from the perspective of the Godhead. Lucifer had it all but decided to take what belonged to everyone else. The Lord says, “It’s enough! It’s time to take back what is rightfully the inheritance of the Body of Christ.” The Ancient Path is there to be discovered and enjoyed. And He wants you back on it towards Him, and the life, rewards and privilege He bought back for you on the cross.

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  • Out Of The Box And Loving It


    This engaging and motivating book brings new meaning to the phrase “outreach.” In Out of the Box, the author calls for a shift in the way Christians look at what ministry is and how it can be applied to those who most need it. With practical, pertinent ways to move the focus of ministry from “in the church” to “out of the church,” this book provides guidance and encouragement to make a real impact on others in exciting and relevant ways. Out of the Box helps bring into focus ways to build ministries using God-given gifts and characteristics unique to each person. This easy to follow guide can help anyone discover and create a personal plan to reach others for Christ.

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  • Out Of The Box And Loving It


    This engaging and motivating book brings new meaning to the phrase “outreach.” In Out of the Box, the author calls for a shift in the way Christians look at what ministry is and how it can be applied to those who most need it. With practical, pertinent ways to move the focus of ministry from “in the church” to “out of the church,” this book provides guidance and encouragement to make a real impact on others in exciting and relevant ways. Out of the Box helps bring into focus ways to build ministries using God-given gifts and characteristics unique to each person. This easy to follow guide can help anyone discover and create a personal plan to reach others for Christ.

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  • Can I Get A Witness


    Telling a friend how Jesus Christ has changed you should be both natural and normal. It should be as easy as sharing where to find a bargain on a great product. And it should be just as quick. Every Christian man, woman, and child ought to have a witness for each of those changes. Can I Get A Witness? can teach anyone how to organize and share a conversational and relational witness of thirty seconds to three minutes that is both clear and concise. Inside is the 1-2-3 Witness Workbook providing step-by-step instructions for writing a witness and includes eight Bible studies. “1-2-3 WITNESS is a very comprehensive, detailed exploration of how to be a more effective Christian witness-it is my hope that Richard’s book will help people throughout the world become better witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” -Dr. Ted Baehr, Chairman The Christian Film & Television Commission “I heartily commend this seminar.” -Rev. Dr. Mark A. Pearson Author of “Christian Healing, A Practical And Comprehensive Guide” Trinity Church, Plaistow, NH The other book in this series is the: 1-2-3 Witness Seminar Leader’s Manual 1-2-3 Witness Seminar multi-media presentation tools, available on DVD, include: the Bible study series, Foundations In Witnessing, plus Seminar Team Training, and the Introduction For Participants. See our website, for more information

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  • 50 Ways To Pray


    The explosion of interest today in Christian mystics, ancient prayer practices, and guided meditations speaks to a need for more hands-on tools that will help people pray in traditional as well as new and exciting ways. This book is intended to address that need.

    The exercises in this book invite readers to new ways of walking with God. They are ways to become in tune with God’s spirit, which is already moving and desiring to live in people’s lives. They help individuals and groups reclaim the power to be in relationship with God in innumerable ways.

    Each of the exercises includes not only instructions on how to use it as a prayer practice, but also some background, an introduction, a statement of intention, and tips to help readers become comfortable with the practice. For those wanting to lead these practices in a group, there are special instructions and information in the Leader’s Guide at the end of the book.

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  • God Do You Really Care


    You’re in over your head. The hits just keep coming. Maybe you could handle this if you knew God cared. But right now? Well…you’re not really sure.

    Catastrophe, sickness, loss, and other unexpected trials and setbacks can make you doubt the God is good or wants your best. But He is good. And He does care.

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  • Request For Divine Inspection


    A Request for Divine Inspection is a courageous plea for exploratory surgery and an abandoned surrender to excise any sinful thing concealed in the recesses of the soul through repenting and forgiveness. Not only does the author expose many sins and even weights that we overlook or count as harmless, but he lays them bare and challenges us to deal with now, while it is still called today, before we stand before the all-seeing eyes of the Judge of all the earth. From his lofty appointment in God, Bishop Clifton Jones is still crying aloud and sparing not and sounding the alarm that time is not long. “Hurry!” “Get everything ready!” “The King is coming!” The theme is seek God daily for erroneous thinking that leads to sinful behavior and clear the record now that we may have continual fellowship with the lover of our souls, ultimately preparing our souls for kingdom living.

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  • Living A Milk And Honey Life


    1. Realization: Where Am I And What Do My Taste Buds Like?
    2. Location: How Did I End Up Here?
    3. Perception: What Can I Understand About Myself?
    4. Inclination: What Do I Accept As Truth?
    5. Evaluation: What Do I Lack From My Past?
    6. Obstructions: What Is Hindering My Deliverance?
    7. Emancipation: What Part Do I Play In My Deliverance?
    8. Transformation: What Should I Leave Behind?
    9. Satisfaction: What Should My Taste Buds Enjoy?
    10. Destination: How Do I Consistently Live By This New Plan?

    Additional Info
    Stressful relationships? Problems with your children? Are you hindered by financial difficulties? Sin? You may have something in common with the Israelites. They were struggling along on their way to something better-just like you are. But while they were trekking through Egypt, they went beyond adapting to their situation; they adopted it.

    And as they struggled, the Israelites developed a taste for the diet of leeks and onions. So much so that when God delivered them to the land of milk and honey, they couldn’t get the taste of leeks and onions out of their mouths! Are you developing a taste for your ungodly circumstances?

    Sharon Norris Elliott leads you from bondage to deliverance and teaches you to embrace your new land now that you’re a child of God. She helps you identify where you are in your walk so that you can understand how to get to the place He would have you go.
    *Personal reflection questions
    *Practical ideas and exercises
    *Scriptures and insightful anecdotes to illustrate concepts
    Isn’t it time for you to fully enjoy the sweetness of a milk-and-honey life?

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  • Whispers Of The Shepherd


    He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. (Ps. 23:2)

    “Comfort food for the soul” is the best way to describe this wonderful collection of stories that will inspire and encourage your heart. Using vivid word pictures, Y.M. Tikkun illustrates how life’s intricate details are woven by God’s hand, reminding us of His intimate involvement in all aspects of our lives.

    The author, a Messianic Jew and teacher, has carried the message of God’s love and strength worldwide for nearly 20 years. The stories she shares are gripping yet gentle, simple yet deep, powerful yet sweet to the soul.

    There is no doubt that you will enjoy her encouraging style and the words of loving instruction she brings from the throne of His grace.

    This book is full of beautiful imagery and soothing prose that you will find yourself repeating often and to others.

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  • Live Without Fear


    If you struggle with fear or anxiety, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar has life-altering news: you don’t have to be subject to those crippling emotions any longer!

    In this compelling and compassionate book, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar expertly equips you with the Word of God to overcome and conquer negative mind-sets. Dr. Dollar gives clear, practical principles that will banish these strongholds from your life forever. You will learn:
    The principles that govern fear and its operation
    The way to break away from the bondage of fear
    How the words we speak and the actions we take impact fear
    The keys to staying free from fear.

    Be encouraged! Your breakthrough is within reach. Your life can be one filled with peace and joy as you find the victory to LIVE WITHOUT FEAR.

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  • Principles And Power Of Vision (Student/Study Guide)


    In this study guide companion to Myles Munroe’s eye-opening book, The Principles and Power of Vision, you will explore deeper insights into your purpose and thought-provoking questions for personal application to your life. Designed for either individual or group study, this guide will help you to find out the most important thing you can about yourself–the purpose for your existence. As you progress through the time-tested truths and principles of vision in these pages, you will come to understand your life’s purpose, discover how to make your dreams and hopes a living reality, and find a new passion for living.

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