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Christian Living

Showing 6001–6100 of 7972 results

  • Every Day Deserves A Chance Teen Edition


    Teens are notorious for attitude issues that create struggles for their own lives and those around them. This book teaches that life is a gift, that gratitude is critical, how to deal with days in bite-sized portions, and to trust God through the great days and worst days.

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  • Building Dynamic Faith


    Though perhaps better known for political activism through his creation of the Moral Majority, the late Dr. Jerry Falwell’s personal activities confirmed his passion for being a pastor and a Christian educator. Out of this desire to teach and lead, he wrote Building Dynamic Faith so that readers would know God better and see their lives radically changed for Him. Divided into 31 chapters, Building Dynamic Faith is perfect for a month of daily readings, but it is more than simply a devotional. Readers will progress from a simple understanding of faith, to practicing the skills needed to exercise their faith, and finally to experiencing the blessing of God through answered prayer.

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  • Depression Exposed : A Spiritual Enlightenment On A Dark Subject


    What makes this book different from all the other books on depression? This book offers hope outside the traditional remedies that only manage depression. Dr. Moss promises a 100 percent cure rate for anyone who aggressively applies the principles revealed in this book. This is compared to a 70 percent recurrence of depression for those taking anti-depressants. In this book, you are introduced to another reality; a spiritual reality called the Kingdom of God. As a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you can operate by the principles of heaven that totally annihilate all oppression including depression. The information presented can be used to eradicate not only sickness from your life, but poverty, lack, low-self esteem and many others. A prescription consisting of foolproof and drug-free principles is provided at the end of the book that guarantees unparalleled success.

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  • When Grief Comes (Reprinted)


    Helps people understand the stages and phases of grief so they can choose to rest in God’s tender blessings.

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  • Disciples Joy : Six Practices For Spiritual Growth


    Focusing on the powerful theme of discipleship, The Disciple’s Joy explores the joy of faith, helping readers discover joy in the midst of struggle. Foss explores the benefits of practicing discipleship and shows, through recent research, how a practicing faith provides meaning, belonging, and joy.

    Intended for both personal reflection and small group study, The Disciple’s Joy builds on the six-time-tested marks of discipleship and introduces six practices for spiritual growth. Includes questions for reflection and discussion.

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  • Illumined Heart : Capture The Vibrant Faith Of Ancient Christians


    Why are modern Christians so indistinguishable from everyone else?

    How come Christians who lived in times of bloody persecution were so heroic, while we who live in safety are not?

    How could the first Christians fast valiantly, but we feel deprived without dessert?

    How did New Testament believers pray without ceasing?

    How could the early Christian martyrs actually forgive their torturers?

    What did the Christians of the first centuries know that we don’t?

    That’s what this book is about.

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  • Longing For More


    Ruth Haley Barton looks at the complexity of women’s lives and how women experience spiritual transformation. Underneath all the confusion is a longing for freedom–not the freedom to do as we please, but the freedom to discover our full identity in Christ and use our gifts to serve him.

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  • Breaking The Idols Of Your Heart


    We all want to know our life matters. Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III look at how we are tempted to find meaning in the various areas addressed in the book of Ecclesiastes: work, success, relationships, gaining knowledge, money, etc. A fictionalized narrative introduces each chapter, creating an ongoing story throughout the book.

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  • Spiritual Friendship (Student/Study Guide)


    Mindy Caliguire takes an in depth look at the concept of spiritual companionship or friendship, which is walking through life with others in deep relationship.

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  • What Women Want


    In What Women Want, bestselling authors Lisa T. Bergren and Rebecca Price invite readers to thoughtfully consider their soul-deep longings – and pursue God’s best in every area of life. Using in-depth interviews from a national survey and hundreds of personal interviews, biblical narratives, their own personal stories and inspiring quotes, the authors point fellow seekers toward the kind of wholeness God desires, providing lots of fun and inspiration along the way. They explore friendship, how and where to find happiness, health, and more with an eye on physical, emotional, and spiritual matters.

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  • How We Are Healed


    This book is a “first aid” resource for the deep problems we all face in life. From wherever we are today, it offers comfort and hope to soothe our fears and anxiety. The book starts with the existence of God, because that is the only way we can have any meaning to our existence, and because God has a plan for each of us. Each chapter deals with a specific subject, such as divorce, illness, death, parenting issues, finances, or addictions, and provides immediate help to the reader.

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  • Becoming A True Spiritual Community


    In today’s frenetic society, people rarely develop intimate friendships. Instead, they spend their lives essentially disconnected from others, rushing through life content with brief visits and casual conversations. But what if one were to develop a community, a spiritual community, of people who walked with and supported each other through life’s journey? A community of real friends who listened to each other’s personal tragedies without merely trying to fix the problems, who encouraged and nurtured each others strengths, and who accepted people for who they really are, instead of the image they try to portray. In The Safest Place on Earth, Larry Crabb explores such a place, where God can heal disconnected people and allow them to reconnect with each other and, ultimately, with Him.

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  • Secret Revealed


    ust as “The DaVinci Code” challenged orthodox Christian theology and impacted millions around the world-even Christians-“The Secret” is now sweeping America with its twisted new “religion.” Just as Jim Garlow spoke up with his book “Cracking DaVinci’s Code,” which exposed Dan Brown’s tangle of errors, he is now doing the same in “The Secret – Exposed” which will reveal the truth missing from Rhonda Byne’s book.

    “The Secret” is touted as a centuries-old principle known throughout history only to those privileged few who came to know great success, but is now being shared with the general public. Garlow and Marschall direct us to other centuries-old principles from the Bible which will instruct Christians on the real secret to success: the Truth of God’s love and divine providence.

    The authors will reveal what in “The Secret” is real or just smoke and mirrors. They will illuminate the errors and the dangers in these empty promises packaged for the eager consumer. Garlow and Marschall will leave the reader with hope and a rock-solid philosphy upon which they can effectively build their lives.

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  • Discovering Soul Care (Student/Study Guide)


    If you identify with the image of a fainting runner, then this book will come as refreshing water for your thirsty soul. You have been running hard, and you’ve run a long way. But the end is nowhere in sight, and it may be uphill from here. You are going to need some resources to get you there.

    Mindy Caliguire introduces us to the concept of soul care (the spiritual discipline).. Soul Care Resources are designed to be simple, but not simplistic, guides to maintaining or recovering the life and health of your soul, that essential personhood created by God as you.

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  • Hush : Moving From Silence To Healing After Childhood Sexual Abuse


    Childhood sexual abuse is running rampant . . . so why aren’t more people talking about it? Bromley shares her own painful past along with other survivors’ stories in order to help fellow victims break their silence, rethink false beliefs, and begin the journey toward healing. Important reading for pastors, caregivers, and those in recovery.

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  • Covenant : A Study Of Gods Extraordinary Love For You


    One of the most powerful rituals in ancient Hebrew culture was that of the blood covenant. This agreement united two individuals for a lifetime and meant that the most intense forms of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice had been exchanged. God chose to make this kind of covenant with Abraham in order to demonstrate His intense love for humanity and His deep desire to fellowship with His creation. By asking Abraham to perform the covenant ritual, God the Father and humanity were bonded for eternity.

    In The Covenant, well-known author Jim Garlow explains, with passion and possibility, the importance and meaning of the Covenant ritual and shows how this ceremony provides the foundation for everything we, as Christians, believe. The powerful revelations he presents will impact and transform your life and forever change your knowledge and appreciation of the Christian faith.

    This powerful Bible study will dramatically enrich your understanding of God’s nature and love for His people and reveal a whole new appreciation for God’s amazing story and the beautiful, incredible, breathtaking sacrifice that Christ made so God’s covenant with us would not be broken.

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  • Confessions Of An Adulterous Christian Woman


    Confessions of an Adulterous Christian Woman offers a rare and honest look at the destructive descent into adultery and reveals the redeeming power of God’s grace and His ability to restore a ruined life. Author Lyndell Hetrick Holtz was a pastor’s wife, Bible study leader, and retreat speaker who never believed she would commit adultery. She thought her involvement with ministry gave her extra protection from the temptation to have an affair. But, in her forties, her life began to crumble, and suddenly adultery seemed to be the solution for an unhappy life and marriage. With emotion and conviction, Lyndell reflects on the disillusionment and faulty beliefs that led to destructive decisions. She tells of the heartache and pain she experienced when her affair was discovered and the resulting consequences, including the loss of her 25 year marriage, her beautiful home, her witness in the community, her friends, and the respect of her four adult children. It seemed as if her life was over and her relationship with Christ forever ruined.

    But it was here, broken and sprawled in the dust of shame and defeat, where Lyndell encountered love unlike any she had ever known. With worship and humility, she shares how God lovingly embraced her shattered life and began to redeem, restore, and rebuild it in miraculous ways.

    Confessions of an Adulterous Christian Woman gives women a first-hand look at the destruction of adultery and provides the awareness needed to avoid assuming that Christian women are immune to adultery’s snare. This powerful story examines the devastating effects of adultery, but more importantly, reveals a God who continues to write His story of redemption, restoration, and reconciliation on the broken lives of humanity, taking us, from utter despair to undying devotion to Him and the unconditional, healing love He gives.

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  • Silent God : Finding Him When You Cant Hear His Voice


    As Christians, many of us experience times in our spiritual lives when it feels like God is silent. For reasons we don’t understand, we’re unable to sense His presence, feel His comfort, or hear His direction. And although we may be following Him as best we know, our spiritual lives feel dry and He seems more distant than ever.

    In Silent God, Joseph Bentz addresses the pain and bewilderment many feel when they can’t hear God’s voice. He examines the possible influences that can unknowingly invade our lives and block our ability to hear God. Television, radio, iPods, cell phones, internet, email, traffic, and crowded schedules contribute to our noisy world. Every moment is bombarded by noise, both external and mental, that clutters our thoughts and causes us to lose the ability or desire to settle down and really commune with and listen to God. Bentz explains how the accumulation of all this noise can contribute to God’s silence in our lives and shares valuable and practical ways to control the noise so we can hear God once again. He also explores ways God may use silence as a means of working out His spiritual purposes in our lives. Bentz shows how sometimes our spiritual routines become spiritual comforts that, instead of pointing us to God, end up replacing Him. He offers insight and understanding for persevering through the silence and reassures us that doing so will result in essential spiritual growth and a deeper commitment to Christ.

    Silent God reveals a new understanding of the mystery and power of God and shows how to find Him through the silence and emerge with a greater sense of purpose and a deeper connection with Christ and His love.

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  • Making The Climb



    Whatever our age or experience, we all have challenges and obstacles that loom over our lives like mountains. No matter what the cost, we must climb them before we can go any farther.

    This riveting first-person account of one man’s successful climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro will inspire and encourage you as you traverse life’s rugged terrain. Novice climber John Bowling takes you with him on a nine-day trek to the top of Africa’s tallest mountain and shares with you the spiritual insights he learned along the way.

    Join the author on his exhilarating journey. His adventure will not only captivate you but also help you conquer life’s most challenging mountains-no matter how difficult they might seem.

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  • Devotions For Sunday School Teachers 2


    Leading a Sunday School class isn’t easy. Sunday School teachers stay up late on Saturday nights preparing lessons, show up early at church every Sunday without fail, and often spend a large portion of their lesson focusing children’s attention or mediating adult discussions. It’s a commitment that requires dedication, sacrifice, and patience, but they faithfully serve every week because they know the eternal impact of their labors. Introducing a friend to the love of Christ, helping teenagers improve their self-worth, instilling biblical truth and God’s love in the hearts and minds of little children-this is why they serve.

    Devotions for Sunday School Teachers 2 is a collection of short devotionals designed to challenge, uplift, and inspire Sunday School teachers and small-group leaders. Authors Stan Toler, John Baldwin, and David Graves use their varied Sunday School experiences to share words of comfort and offer guidance, insight, and even a little humor in order to help teachers renew their commitment to serve and rediscover the joys of teaching the children of God.

    Devotions for Sunday School Teachers and Devotions for Sunday School Teachers 2 are perfect for gift-giving and offer teachers opportunities to read, meditate, and pray for a short time on Sunday morning before class starts or use the included Scriptures and stories to supplement their own lessons.

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  • Healing Your Family Tree


    Every family has relational habits–both positive and negative–that have been passed down from generation to generation. Experienced counselor Beverly Hubble Tauke cites real-life stories and suggests specific “transforming practices” to change family patterns. By putting an end to the cycle of negativity, families can find the joy that God intended for them and enjoy healthy relationships for generations to come. This is a repackage with new title (previous title, [Overcoming the] Sins of the Family, 2004).

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  • Strong Winds And Crashing Waves


    Why do some people overreact emotionally to normal life stresses? Have you ever felt as if your emotions are suddenly raging out of control and you seem powerless to do anything about it? Many people live with debilitating emotional upheaval and it hurts their
    health, their relationships, and even their walk with God. They are looking feverishly for freedom and relief, yet often experience frustration and misunderstanding in the attempt. Strong Winds and Crashing Waves helps people understand the lingering effects of
    past traumatic wounding and provides the wounded with a pathway to freedom through the healing touch of Jesus Christ. Sharing from his own experience with post traumatic stress disorder, Terry Wardle writes candidly about the nature of deep emotional struggle and helps readers encounter the transforming Christ in the memories of past traumatic events.

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  • Honesty Morality And Conscience


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    In Honesty, Morality, and Conscience , Jerry White takes a hard look at some of life’s gray areas. Exploring the origin and depth of our conscience, our moral compass, and truthful living, he explains how God has given us everything we need to face the moral and ethical questions of today in all areas of our lives.

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  • Why Live This Way When You Dont Have To


    Are you a “What if” kind of person? Do you forfeit your future because of the sins of your past? Are your plans frequently hindered and it seems that everything is against you? You may have strongholds if: criticism wrecks you, you cannot bear to face certain individuals, you are so tired of living for people’s acceptance but you cannot stop, you cannot escape the pain of rejection, abuse, or betrayal, you cannot hope, and your dreams go unfulfilled. What has taken Satan years to build, Jesus can demolish in a moment!

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  • Thin Places : An Evangelical Journey Into Celtic Christianity


    There has been a revival of all things “Celtic” in recent decades, producing everything from Irish folk music to a rise in pagan mysticism. By contrast, Tracy Balzer’s book, Thin Places: An Evangelical Journey into Celtic Christianity is written to introduce contemporary Christians to the great spiritual legacy of the early Celts, a legacy that has remained undiscovered or inaccessible for many in the evangelical tradition. Thin Places not only reveals the deeply scriptural, sacramental faith of the Celts, but also provides ways for us to learn from this ancient faith expression, applying fresh and lively spiritual disciplines to our lives today.

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  • True Measure Of A Woman (Revised)


    It’s time for every woman to discover her eternal value!

    With the truths in this book in place, every Christian woman can remove the veil, find new freedom, and claim God as the Lord of her future!

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  • Rx For Worry (Revised)


    Revised and updated, Dr. James P. Gills gives the cure for worry – a thankful heart. With bold honesty and an understanding of Scripture, he reveals the importance of thankfulness in our daily lives and how it will dispel fear caused by worry. Specific features included are a table of scriptures showing the contrast between worry and thankfulness, a scripture index, weapons against worry, and a list of common worries accompanied by God’s promise.

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  • Completely Loved : Recognizing Gods Passionate Pursuit Of Us


    Fans of the Every Woman’s Battle books will want this first in a series of four devotional companions to Shannon Ethridge’s new trade book, Completely His, about the unlimited love of God for his people.

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  • Joy For The Journey


    Philippians has been called The Epistle of Joy, but when Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, they were going through difficult times. Opposition to the gospel confronted these first-century Christians daily. His letter is one of encouragement and gentle proding. Again and again Paul implores them to rejoice. Paul reminds God’s people that we have something to rejoice about, in spite of adverse circumstances. Joy for the Journey offers a perscription for worry that works! Exchange your doubts, fears, and worries for joy in the Lord!

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  • Joy For The Journey


    Philippians has been called The Epistle of Joy, but when Paul wrote to the Christians in Philippi, they were going through difficult times. Opposition to the gospel confronted these first-century Christians daily. His letter is one of encouragement and gentle proding. Again and again Paul implores them to rejoice. Paul reminds God’s people that we have something to rejoice about, in spite of adverse circumstances. Joy for the Journey offers a perscription for worry that works! Exchange your doubts, fears, and worries for joy in the Lord!

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  • Rich Hikers Guide To Walking With God


    We are all spiritual hikers on a journey towards the kingdom of God. And we are rich. This inspiring and informative guide starts by looking at the basic attitude and approach we are to have in our walk with God and goes on to answer such questions as: where, why, and how we are to walk and takes a look at various walking styles we may adopt at different stages of our lives. It also examines a number of pitfalls and potholes we can fall into and provides some guidelines for spiritual foot care.

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  • Being Real : Sharing Your Faith Without Losing Your Friends


    1. A Look At Evangelism
    2. Evangelism Through Relationship
    3. Imago Me
    4. Imago You
    5. Kingdom Come
    6. A Story From The Road
    7. Final Thoughts

    Additional Info
    You don’t have to be an expert in Biblical history or have a PhD in Religion to share Christ with your world. It’s not about having every scripture memorized or reciting the perfect prayer to lead your friends to the Lord.

    So why does it seem that we struggle to share Christ with those we care about? Maybe it’s because we have the wrong approach ingrained into us. Being Real is not a guide to evangelism. Instead, it addresses the act of reaching others the way Jesus did, with grace and love.

    Discover how to make your Christian life so contagious that people around you are drawn to the Lord simply by being your friend.

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  • Writing Tides : Finding Grace And Growth Through Writing


    Thomas Merton once wrote: “Writing is a form of contemplation.” Exquisitely written, Writing Tides embodies Groff’s passion to help anyone discover contemplative insights through personal reflections, practical notes, or work-related writing. Drawing upon his own experience leading courses in writing, spiritual formation, and vocation. Groff guides readers to discover writing practices that aid meditation, prayer, and spiritual growth.

    People write all the time – memos, cards, or emails, presentations for speaking, teaching, or preaching. Whether they write for personal reflection or for others, they will find that this book helps deepen the creative process by finding meaning and mystery in ordinary notes or analytical essays, prose or poetry, sermons or lectures, music or lyrics, committee minutes or family stories.

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  • When Sinners Say I Do


    Marriage is the union of two people who arrive at the altar toting some surprisingly large luggage. Often it gets opened right there on the honeymoon, sometimes it waits for the week after. The Bible calls it sin and understanding its influence can make all the difference for a man and woman who are building a life together. When Sinners Say “I Do” is about encountering the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage.

    Dave’s writing style embraces the reader as he speaks honestly, and sometimes humorously, about sin and the power of the gospel to overcome it. He opens the delightful truth of God s word and encourages the reader to see more clearly the glorious picture of what God does when sinners say “I do.”

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  • Men Of Valor Women Of Virtue


    This book is a primer to all daily relationships and a road map to discover your true self as you were wonderfully created. Take the journey into Valor and Virtue, then watch the world as you know it make a positive change before your eyes! God loves every piece of you and has had a purpose for your life from the beginning of time. He is not the architect of our shortcomings; He is the creator of our healings.

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  • Men Of Valor Women Of Virtue


    This book is a primer to all daily relationships and a road map to discover your true self as you were wonderfully created. Take the journey into Valor and Virtue, then watch the world as you know it make a positive change before your eyes! God loves every piece of you and has had a purpose for your life from the beginning of time. He is not the architect of our shortcomings; He is the creator of our healings.

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  • Why Live This Way When You Dont Have To


    Are you a “What if” kind of person? Do you forfeit your future because of the sins of your past? Are your plans frequently hindered and it seems that everything is against you? You may have strongholds if: criticism wrecks you, you cannot bear to face certain individuals, you are so tired of living for people’s acceptance but you cannot stop, you cannot escape the pain of rejection, abuse, or betrayal, you cannot hope, and your dreams go unfulfilled. What has taken Satan years to build, Jesus can demolish in a moment!

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  • Words That Hurt Words That Heal


    The Bible tells us that our mouths are to be fountains of life, but our day-to-day interactions prove otherwise. So how do we address our hearts as well as our words?

    This book explores the impact our words can have and helps us develop a filter to hold back things we shouldn’t say.

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  • Everyday Saint : Rejecting Sin Choosing Love


    1. What Holiness Is…And Isn’t
    2. Undivided Loyalties-Loving God More Than Ourselves
    3. Breaking The Chains-Experiencing Liberation From Sin
    4. The Perfect Love-Responding In Obedience
    5. Chasing Lions-Choosing To Love Others For The Sake Of God
    6. Lions And Lambs-The Communities That Shape Our Character

    Additional Info
    We live in a world that tells us that truth is relative, we should do what feels good, and we should expect to fall because, after all, no one is perfect, holiness is a foreign concept. But God is calling us to join Him on an exciting journey–to become “Everyday Saints,” people who are committed to Christlikeness in every area of our lives.

    In Everyday Saint, Jim Hampton explores what it means to live according to Christ’s definition of holiness–simply to love God and love our neighbor.

    Through reading this book, you will discover that it is indeed possible for you to be a holy person-an Everyday Saint-who is committed to loving God and loving your neighbor. This is the essence of holiness.

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  • Girl Soldier : A Story Of Hope For Northern Ugandas Children (Reprinted)


    Compelling narrative by one of the “invisible children” of northern Uganda kidnapped and abused, alternating with chapters describing the Acholi “night commuters”-and how to help.

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  • Brand Jesus : Christianity In A Consumerist Age


    * Expanding on ground covered by Jim Wallis, Ronald Sider, Mark Noll, and others, Brand Jesus will appeal to politically interested readers.
    * Provocative nature of Stevenson?s argument will generate strong word of mouth. Likely both positive and negative.
    * Author has strong contracts throughout the American Baptist Church and the Episcopal Church.
    * Has appeal across denominational lines.

    American evangelical faith has been corrupted by a series of forces at work in America-consumerism, the economy, and American politics-and has become idolatrous. Using Paul’s letter to the Romans as a starting point, Stevenson ‘reads’ the letter to today?s American church.

    With provocative discussions of Christian hypocrisy, megachurches, the ways in which Christian ideas are distressingly combined with private property and market-driven economics, the blurring boundaries between law and religion, and other topics, Stevenson offers an analysis of where the American church finds itself, and how that place is quite different from that which Paul wrote of. He seeks to answer the question; in this age of consumerism and politicization of religion, how will the church reject the idolatry of Jesus as brand, and embrace Him as He asked to be?

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  • God At Your Wits End


    “I know God loves me but does he like me? Can I really trust Him with my life? Are my prayers not answered because I don’t have enough faith? Maybe these problems I’m having are because God hasn’t really forgiven me-” These questions and more constantly plague our minds and weaken our faith in God. In God at Your Wit’s End author and counselor Marilyn Meberg probes the corners of our mind to uncover the faulty thinking that leads to an uncertain faith. She then explains how God affirms and even welcomes our humanity in the midst of our brokenness. As she continually points us to the awesome power of God’s majestic truth, she helps us reshape our thinking as we re-establish the foundations of our belief in a loving God. Complete with thoughtful applications and probing questions, each chapter is designed for either group or personal study and in-depth reflection.

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  • Rendezvous : A Sacred Encounter With God


    Transform your spiritual routine into a sacred romance.

    He’s waiting.

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  • Standing On The Promises Or Sitting On The Premises (Student/Study Guide)


    James W. Moore asks readers a series of challenging questions: Are you standing on the promises, or just sitting on the premises? Do you claim and embrace and celebrate the great promises of God that are underscored again and again in the Bible? Or do you sit lifelessly and listlessly on the remote edges of the church, responding halfheartedly to its message?

    In this reissue of one of his best-selling titles, Moore reminds readers of the awesome promises of God that are found in the Bible. On page after page of the Scriptures, God gives generous and gracious promises that believers can claim and rely on. Moore shows that when people fail to lean on God and trust in those promises, they may open themselves to many frustrating, embarrassing, even painful experiences. However, when they truly “stand on the promises,” they can discover the richness and fullness that God intended for their lives.
    Now includes a study guide.

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  • Anger : Discovering Your Spiritual Ally


    Shows the reader how to understand anger so that it will be helpful, not hurtful, to Christian life. Challenges misconceptions about anger that have followed Christians for centuries. Author says that anger occurs when you, or those people or things close to you, are threatened.

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  • Reduce Me To Love


    Joyce Meyer offers biblical insights to introduce you to a life filled with God’s love – love that not only blesses you, but also motivates you to love others.

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  • How To Be Free From Bitterness


    This updated edition includes three new articles, study guides, readers’ letters, and a new cover. It outgrew “booklet” size and is now debuting in paperback.

    Bitterness often grows out of a small offense-perhaps a passing word, an accidental shove, or a pair of dirty socks left in the middle of the living room floor. Yet when bitterness takes root in our hearts, its effects are anything but small.

    In this collection of short articles, Jim Wilson and others discuss what it means to live as “imitators of God.” As the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians, we have been called to leave the bitterness and anger of the world and instead embrace the love and compassion of our God. The authors remind us that we are to forgive others just as we have been forgiven, pointing to Scriptural admonitions and examples as they offer sound teaching on the trials and temptations of everyday life.

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  • Truth War Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Right now, Truth is under attack, and much is at stake. Christians are caught in the crossfire of alternative Christian histories, emerging faulty texts, and a cultural push to eliminate absolute Truth altogether. As a result, many churches and Christians have been deceived. Worse still, they propagate the deception that poses itself as Truth! In The Truth War Study Guide John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God’s Truth and anchors Christians in the eternal, immovable promises that are found in His Word.

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  • Wisdom Of Wilderness


    The natural world has a power to inspire the best and soothe the worst in each of us. It also has much to teach us about the wilderness within and the divine presence that is manifest in nature. In this, his last work, beloved author Gerald May offers a memoir and spiritual guide that reveals the great lessons available to us when we retreat from our busy lives to the serenity of the natural wilderness.

    The Wisdom of Wilderness expresses the healing and wholeness May received through spending time in the wild — whether hiking, camping, canoeing, fishing, or, often, just sitting. Also, May saw that wilderness can be found anywhere — a garden, a park, perhaps in one’s own room, or even in other people. Wherever we find it, it calls to what is natural in each of our hearts, reassuring us that we are part of a bigger creation and teaching us how to make peace with the outer world and with our inner selves.

    For May, nature was not something to rise above. The belief that we must dominate and tame all that is wild around and within us is the most fundamental estrangement of Western civilization, long inflicting wounds upon the planet and upon ourselves. But before we can effectively heal the earth, we must somehow recover our own natural wholeness, our own wildness and kinship with nature. We cannot do this healing for ourselves, but only through “the grace of Something or Someone beyond” — and in May’s case, he found this grace in Nature itself.

    This moving, beautifully written book is Gerald May at his best. It includes a foreword by author Parker J. Palmer, which illuminates the importance of May’s life and writing and explains how this last book fits into the body of his work.

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  • Living The Mission


    This guide explores the people of God right after Jesus’s death, as they were just discovering what being a Christian really meant, how to follow the teachings of Jesus, and what the church was to look like. Using primarily the book of Acts, this guide reminds us of what being a follower of Jesus is really about.

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  • Transforming The Inner Man


    This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father.

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  • Big Questions


    Jonathan Hill explores how Christian thinkers, as well as selected philosophers and other religious leaders, have addressed key issues over the centuries. Considering the arguments for and against each position, he encourages readers to think the issues through for themselves in this enjoyable, discursive book. Questions include: – How can we believe in God when there is so much suffering? – Does science mean the end of religion? – Does life after death really exist? – Is freedom just an illusion? – Is there such a thing as evil? – Have we any good reason to believe in God? – What is the ultimate goal of life? – What does it mean to lead a good life?

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  • Raising Girls : All You Need To Know About


    Raising Girls journeys into the heart of girls to help parents understand their daughter’s different stages of development: what is normal, what is not, and how to relate effectively. Drawing on fifty-five years of combined counseling experience, the authors help parents call out the unique identity God has given their daughter.

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  • Dirty Laundry Secrets


    Got dirty laundry? Are you tired of hiding your dirty laundry? Are you ready to be free from lies, hurts and guilt? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. Alene’s heart-lightening and soul-cleansing study is designed to free you from the stains of life. Alene will challenge, inspire and motivate you to:
    * continually be washed clean
    * make a unique laundry list
    * examine your actions daily
    * begin a relationship with the Launderer who makes the difference

    Dirty Laundry Secrets ~ a Journey to Meet the Launderer is a complete 7-week Bible study with discussion questions included. Each daily lesson can be completed in less than 20 minutes. Self-tests, checklists and how-to’s will free you from your spiritual dirty laundry. These are secrets worth knowing! Dirty Laundry Secrets will cleanse you as you come splash around in God’s sudsy bucket of grace.

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  • Have You Met Your Soul


    Have you met your soul? What jewels lie in yours? Through prayer and God, our silent companions, and our guides, we can take flight to the fountain of all laws. The laws of the universe rest in our souls and encourage us to listen to our hearts so that we may let love sow its seed so as to gain access to the KEY of peace, happiness, and fulfillment. How does the energy in and around us lift us to a higher understanding? Meet your soul, expand your spirit, and find-YOU are more than you ever dreamed! As we go through life understanding the beauty of love, we become more like the Brilliance of our God. God shows us his mysterious style and elegance of life, and in the Rainbow of Love, we find Gods face-fascinating! His awesome expression of love and his kindness lead us not only to joy and abundance, but to His natural repair of life. In these pages you will be given gifts to guide you, to open your heart, to understand, to accept, and to love. Most importantly to meet your soul!

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  • Deacon Letters : From A Montana Woman To Her Church Family 1995-2005


    Written over a ten year period, these Letters convey with wisdom, humor and candor not only the joys and quiet pleasures but also the inevitable strivings and sorrows of a mature life. As a Vocational Deacon, speaking from a place somewhere between the altar and the congregation, the writer inspires readers to experience fully the small and large moments of their own lives, and to pursue the Christian life with gratitude, charity, hope and a cheerful heart.

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  • Life Within The Veil


    Jesus suffered and died so that the veil of separation could be rent. No longer would we be separated from the Most Holy Place. No longer would we be separated from the fullness of the manifested presence of the lover of our soul. Now we could freely enter within. But this was not to be a place of visitation. This was to become our dwelling place. It would be in this place – in Him – that we would live and move and have our being. Tragically, we have spent centuries living outside the veil in a land so far beneath the fullness of our inheritance. But, “No more!” is the cry of our heavenly Father.

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  • In The Cleft Of The Rock


    Where is the “cleft of the rock?” How do we get there? What will we find once we arrive? Both Moses and the Shulamite woman had extraordinary encounters with God in the cleft of the rock. What did they discover hidden there, and why is it important for us? In the Cleft of the Rock offers dramatic Biblical insights into the process of bringing the soul into submission to the spirit, and thereby walking in the Glory of God on a daily basis. If you sincerely desire to see the Glory of God manifested in your life, this book is for you. The Apostle Peter instructs us that the “completion, or the perfection, of our faith is the saving of the soul.” What does this mean, and how do we accomplish it? This book answers those questions, and many more.

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  • In The Cleft Of The Rock


    Where is the “cleft of the rock?” How do we get there? What will we find once we arrive? Both Moses and the Shulamite woman had extraordinary encounters with God in the cleft of the rock. What did they discover hidden there, and why is it important for us? In the Cleft of the Rock offers dramatic Biblical insights into the process of bringing the soul into submission to the spirit, and thereby walking in the Glory of God on a daily basis. If you sincerely desire to see the Glory of God manifested in your life, this book is for you. The Apostle Peter instructs us that the “completion, or the perfection, of our faith is the saving of the soul.” What does this mean, and how do we accomplish it? This book answers those questions, and many more.

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  • Controlling The Fires Of Anger


    1. The Capacity For Anger-Who?
    2. Good Anger…Bad Anger-Which?
    3. Anger Inspection-Willing?
    4. Secondary Causes Of Anger-Be Aware!
    5. The Primary Cause Of Anger-Beware!
    6. The Types Of Anger-Yours?
    7. The Effects Of Anger-Where?
    8. Healing Anger Burns-Forgive! (Part 1)
    9. Healing Anger Burns-Forgive! (Part 2)
    10. Anger Control-A Plan To Succeed!

    Additional Info
    Anger is one letter short of danger. If allowed to smolder and ignite, the fires of anger can quickly burn out of control and cause great damage. The heat of anger will destroy your peace of mind. It will damage your body. It will devastate important relationships in your life. And worst of all, it can create a sin-barrier between you and God.

    Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we no longer have to be victimized by sinful anger. We can be victors over this powerful and deadly force. Controlling the Fires of Anger will help you to understand your anger and formulate a plan to overcome it that is based on biblical principles. Without one, we are easily controlled by the evil one.

    It’s time! Enough pain has been suffered. Enough damage has been done. We must open God’s Word and learn Christian “mad skills.” It is time to tap the powerful resources that God makes available to us so that we can learn “to be angry and sin not.” (Ephesians 4:26-27)

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  • There Is More To The Secret


    The Law of Attraction contends that one can have any health, wealth or relationship desired if the mind is trained to put out continual thoughts to attract it into one’s life. Although there is some truth to the fact that we tend to become what we think (the apostle Paul taught us that), the new-age representation of “individual as God” is a dangerous contention. In this companion book to the current media storm, Ed Gungor seeks to establish a more complete and accurate representation of the power of the mind by explaining the obvious role that the Almighty God plays in our lives with the power of the Gospel. This book is not written to attack recent publications but rather to correct their misguided advice while still speaking to the felt need that is causing millions to explore their pages.

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  • Heartache No One Sees


    At a time that should have been considered the highlight of her career, Sheila Walsh admitted herself to the psychiatric wing of a Washington, D.C. hospital. Having worked for five years as cohost of The 700 Club, the years of treading water while trying to keep so much around her afloat and keep various plates spinning left her drowning in a hopeless sea of clinical depression. Despite her best efforts, she simply couldn’t will herself out of it. Now more than ten years later, Sheila understands what it’s like to be wounded. It has been the passion of her heart to study what God’s Word has to say about this and then share her liberty with other hurting souls. Divided into three sections (Healing, Spiritual Warfare, and Relationship), this book offers readers practical steps to not only receive the healing that God offers but also to maintain the ground that Christ has restored to them.

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  • Water Fire Wind


    Has the word “Christianity” lost its meaning? Is Christianity distorted by fast food religion and cultural fads? Christ challenges you to develop a deep, meaningful and powerful faith. Water, Fire, Wind immerses you in the life giving elements of Christianity that are essential to your own unique existence and spirituality. These elements are symbolized by water, fire, and wind.

    Water the life-giving foundation that keeps our faith from becoming dry.

    Fire the transforming agent that melts and shapes us.

    Wind the driving force that moves us to action.

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  • At The Heart Of The Gospel


    Suffering, while a part of the human condition, is a state of being we would rather ignore. L. Ann Jervis here presents a convincing argument that human suffering is worth considering and offers the words of Paul as proof. Paul’s insights into the predicament and significance of suffering provide the foundation for some of Christianity’s most profound and unique contributions to understanding human life. Examination of three of his letters “1 Thessalonians, Philippians, and Romans” reveals his important reflections on accepting the suffering of believers in light of a conviction that, while we suffer, we know there will come a time when, because God’s plan for creation does not include suffering, God will ultimately banish it. Consequently, believing sufferers are not victims of suffering. Jervis hopes that hearing Paul’s words on suffering in a fresh light may allow readers to be deeply marked, like the saints and shapers of Christianity, by the power of a gospel of which it is not necessary to be ashamed, precisely because it is not easy, but transformative.

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  • Living In The Grace Of God


    Rob Rufus argues that grace is the exra dimension that enables Christians to live like Christ, enabling them to tap into the realm of unlimited supernatural resources and to experience unprecedented potential for growth.

    Understanding God’s grace fully enables us to grow and flourish, fulfillin our destiny and becoming fruitful. Rob’s central tenet is that instead of trying to live up to other people’s expectations, it’s a relief to discover that God loves us just the way we are.

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  • Build Your Walls Guard Your Gates


    The book of Nehemiah is a great story that has much to teach us about courage, leadership, faithfulness to God’s call and more, but can it really speak to us about sexual purity? Absolutely! Nehemiah provides a vivid word picture of God’s plan for purity in our lives. To unlock the metaphor, you only need a few simple keys: * Nehemiah represents Christ and the Word of God. * The temple represents your heart. * Jerusalem represents your mind. * The walls around Jerusalem represent your relationship with Christ. * The gates represent your eyes, ears and mouth, where information and images enter or exit your mind. By building your spiritual walls and guarding your eye, ear and mouth gates, you can overcome bondage to pornography and sexual sin.

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  • Alzheimers : We Were There But So Was God


    Alzheimer’s disease has a devastating effect on its victims, those who suffer from it directly and those loved ones who try to care for them to the end.

    In this book Gwen Bibber Kimball uses powerful words to paint indelible images and contrasts to explain the ravaging effects of Alzheimer’s on her beloved husband Dave. Taken from her personal journal, Gwen shares witty and delightful accounts of the humorous moments to the excruciating pain of going beyond reasonable limits as a caregiver. Her poetic expressions of her deep faith in God and the stability of family and friends to the utter aloneness in coming to terms with what happened following Dave’s death will touch your heart.

    Gwen is amazing in her astute assessments of each plateau of the disease and what it meant for daily life, booth good and bad. Her book touched me deeply. I have glimpsed the anguish of two families forever changed.

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  • Wising Up : A Youth Guide To Good Living


    Written especially for teens and young adults, Wising Up distills the wisdom of many traditions to set out 80 principles of good living in bite-size two-page spreads. Know Yourself, Seize the Day, Respect Others, Trust Your Instincts, and Take Responsibility are just a few of the dozens of principles explained in no-nonsense language.

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  • Fleeing God : Fear Call And The Book Of Jonah


    What does a big fish story like the Book of Jonah have to tell us about our relationship with God? Surprisingly, a great deal. In the story of the reluctant prophet we are invited to explore the times when we, like Jonah, have been less than enthusiastic about God’s call. The humor of the original story serves, as it does in Jesus’ parables, to draw in listeners and reveal our own flaws.

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  • Path Of Loneliness (Reprinted)


    A wise and much-loved author tackles the difficult topic of loneliness and shows readers how to make peace with it and grow through it.

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  • Redeeming Relationships : How To Resolve 10 Common Conflicts And Reduce The


    Everyone has conflicts in their everyday lives, here is a way to find solutions to the most common conflicts and reduce their frequency.

    Ask any church leader, attendee, neighbor or friend, employer or employee, marriage or family therapist: relational conflict is a persistent issue for everyone. As the world moves faster and personal stress mounts, and as modern culture becomes increasingly wired and saturated by media, this book is timely.

    Written by experts in the field from a biblical context, this is a book without equal.

    Filled true-life human interest stories while providing clear steps toward resolution of everyday conflicts and a way to reduce them in the future.

    Easy to read, non-judgmental, solid research-driven advice, from qualified authors.

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  • Singing Through The Night (Reprinted)


    A long-time friend and coworker of Brother Andrew shares stories of women in the persecuted church and highlights principles for enduring suffering of any kind.

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  • Parables For Today


    This latest book in the popular For Today series introduces the reader to the main parables of Jesus in an engaging and accessible way. Professor, author, and preacher Alyce McKenzie makes the familiar parables come alive with new meaning, using the best of biblical scholarship to provide an easy entrance to this major form of Jesus’ teachings. McKenzie covers the purpose, properties, and proclaimers of Jesus’ parables before focusing on several of the key parables that form much of the text of the first three Gospels. With questions for discussion at the end of each chapter, this book is ideal for personal and group study.

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  • God And Government


    How should Christians live their faith in the public arena? Twenty years ago, the first edition of Chuck Colson’s Kingdoms in Conflict became a bestseller, a must-read for people interested in politics and the relationship between church and state. Now, with a passion for truth and moved by the urgency of the times we live in, Colson has written God and Government, re-voicing his powerful and enduring message for our post-9/11 world. In an era when Christianity is being attacked from every side-books being written charging Christians with being theocrats and trying to impose their views on an unwilling culture-what is the message of the Christian church? What does the Bible say, and what do we learn from history about the proper relationship between faith and culture? Appealing to scripture, reason, and history, this book tackles society’s most pressing and divisive issues. New stories and examples reflect the realities of today, from the clash with radical Islam to the deep division between “reds” and “blues.” In an era of angry finger-pointing, Colson furnishes a unique insider’s perspective that can’t be pigeonholed as either “religious right” or “religious left.”

    Whatever your political or religious stance, this book will give you a different understanding of Christianity. If you’re a Christian, it will help you to both examine and defend your faith. If you’ve been critical of the new religious right, you’ll be shocked at what you learn. Probing both secular and religious values, God and Government critiques each fairly, sides with neither, and offers a hopeful, fair-minded perspective that is sorely needed in today’s hyper-charged atmosphere.

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  • Secret Message Of Jesus


    Brian McLaren, one of TIME magazine’s “25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America,” is back, this time to lead readers on a journey that will prove to be as unsettling and groundshaking as it is thrilling and life-changing. Unafraid of controversy or the uncomfortable gray areas of life, McLaren’s quest is to find the essential message of Jesus’ life-even if it overturns our conventional ideas, priorities, and practices. “Through the years, I have frequently had an uncomfortable feeling:” writes McLaren, “that the portrait of Jesus I found in the New Testament didn’t fit with the images of Jesus in the church” Out of that nagging discomfort arose this book, promising to be McLaren’s most revolutionary to date. He writes, “I’d like to share my search with you, and invite you to be a part of it. I don’t want to spoil the ending, but I’ll let you in on this: the farther I go on this search, the more inspired, moved, challenged, shocked, and motivated I become about the secret message of Jesus.” “Pastor and best-selling author McLaren revisits the gospel material from a fresh–and at times radical–perspective. . . . He does an excellent job of capturing Jesus’ quiet, revolutionary style.”–Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Here McLaren shares his own ferocious journey in pondering the teachings and actions of Jesus. It is McLaren’s lack of salesmanship or agenda that creates a refreshing picture of the man who claimed to be God.”–Donald Miller, Author of Blue Like Jazz “In this critical book, Brian challenges us to ask what it would mean to truly live the message of Jesus today, and thus to risk turning everything upside down.”–Jim Wallis, Author of God’s Politics and editor of Sojourners “Brian has given us an insightful and occasionally startling distillation of the message of Jesus. He is well aware of the many ways it has been distorted and debased by ourselves among others, but McLaren argues compellingly that it continues to be the best message we have–bringing clarity, guidance, and, above all, hope into our shadowed and floundering world.”–Frederick Buechner “Brian McLaren insists gently that we recognize the message of Jesus as an ongoing revolution that may never come to an end in time. He reminds us that we have been invited to transform ourselves through Christ. Lucid, compelling, crucial and liberating: a book for those who seek to experience the blessed heat of Christianity at its source.”–Anne Rice, Author of Christ the Lor

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  • Fight The Good Fight


    Have you ever wondered how to deal with life’s many stresses, the dangers of depression and the allure of this material world? Have you felt the greedy grip of addictions and the sordidness of your own sins? Devout Christian and professional boxing manager Kerry Pharr has lived and overcome many of these deadly demons. In his book Fight the Good Fight, Kerry tells you his tale of personal redemption. He explains how this self-described juvenile delinquent turned into a dedicated Christian even in the seedy world of professional boxing. He describes how he got up and moved on after life had knocked him down. He not only describes his faith but also tells many stories from the boxing world, including rubbing shoulders with champions Muhammad Ali, John Tate and Thomas Hearns. Fight the Good Fight packs a knockout punch for Christians and boxing fans.

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  • My Name Is Child Of God Not Those People


    A master storyteller shares her vision of justice for the poor

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  • Myth Of A Christian Nation


    Arguing from Scripture and history, Dr. Boyd makes a compelling case that whenever the church gets too close to any political or national ideology, it is disastrous for the church and harmful to society. Dr. Boyd contends that the American Evangelical Church has allowed itself to be co-opted by the political right (and some by the political left) and exposes how this is harming the church’s unique calling to build the kingdom of God. In the course of his argument, Dr. Boyd challenges some of the most deeply held convictions of evangelical Christians in America – for example, that America is, or ever was, “a Christian nation” or that Christians ought to be trying to “take America back for God.”

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  • Divine Hours : Pocket Edition


    When Phyllis Tickle’s marvelous devotional trilogy The Divine Hours appeared, readers responded with gratitude, praise, and a great many requests for an edition of hourly prayers that they could easily carry with them–an edition that would make this ancient form of Christian worship compatible with the pace and mobility of modern life. Now, in The Divine Hours Pocket Edition, Tickle has gathered one full week of fixed-hour prayers, providing an ideal companion for travelers, office-workers, people on retreat or pilgrimage, as well as newcomers to this age-old spiritual practice. As Tickle writes in her introduction, “prayer is always a place as well as an action, and the daily offices are like small chapels or wayside stations within the day’s courses.” Seven of these daily offices are offered for each day of the week, and each office contains the Call to Prayer, the Request for Presence, the Greeting, the Reading, the Gloria, the Psalm, the Small Verse, the Lord’s Prayer, the Petition, and the Final Thanksgiving. Tickle draws her texts primarily from the Book of Common Prayer and the writings of the Church Fathers, and includes memorable devotional and meditative poems by Cleland McAfee, Charles Wesley, and others. Tickle also provides a chapter of “Traditional, Seasonal, and Occasional Prayers” in order to accommodate special dates like Advent, Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving; major life-changes such as marriage, birth, death, and illness; and moments of special petition or thanksgiving. For all those who want to carry a “small chapel” of prayers with them, The Divine Hours Pocket Edition offers a convenient, easy-to-use, and deeply spiritual guide to a devotional practice that extends all the way back to Christ and the twelve Apostles.

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  • Believe And Rejoice


    Your Life Can Be Filled With Continuous Joy!

    He who set the universe in place can set your life in peace and joy!

    Do you want trials and temptations to be overshadowed by the love of God, your Creator? James P. Gills, M. D., points the way, as he takes you a remarkable and profound journey where you will discover how to:
    Depend on God, your Creator, for everything.
    Surrender every worry, care, and concern to Him.
    Believe-and receive-God’s promises for your life.
    Develop a heart full of faith, a life full of joy.

    See the moments in your day through an eternal view, rather than from what momentarily troubles you.

    This unique book will adjust your spiritual eyesight! Get ready to encounter a new relationship with God and, as a result, His peace, power, and presence in all areas of your life, no matter how difficult or depressing your circumstances may be.
    As you begin to read “Believe and Rejoice”, prepare for the journey of a lifetime, one that will lead you to new levels of joy-a profound joy that cannot be taken from you. Prepare for God’s joy to enhance, enrich, and transform your life!

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  • In His Likeness (Student/Study Guide)


    This book explains the practical how’s and why’s of living a life of holiness.

    This no-nonsense look at how the power of the Holy Spirit impacts believers in their everyday lives, is a must read for every believer. As they seek to live the life God had planned for them.

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  • 5 Little Questions That Reveal The Life God Designed For You


    1. Do I Need A Fresh Infusion Of Grace
    2. Am I Using My Spiritual Gifts
    3. Am I Working In Agreement With My Created Personality
    4. Am I Enjoying God
    5. Am I Glorifying God

    Additional Info
    Five little questions. That’s all. If you could unlock the secrets of your true heart and head down a path to God’s plan for you, would you? In Five Little Questions that Reveal the Life God Designed for You, Dannah Gresh invites women into a conversation of discovery to find the deepest longings of their heart, to overcome the secret fears of their soul, and to experience the freeing grace and passionate purpose of a loving Father. In His care, these five little questions rekindle a passion and purpose toward a life with eternal significance.

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  • Dream Workbook (Workbook)


    Every young boy has a dream of doing something great—what was yours? Let Luck show you how faithful men can recapture, expand, and fulfill their God-given goals! Presenting a challenge to accept the leading, strength, and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, Luck explains the powerful, personal vision God has for you.

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  • Static


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414312132ISBN10: 141431213XRon MartoiaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2007Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • Homecoming


    Every major teaching of the New Testament has roots deep in the Old Testament. Many Christians have been taught to interpret the Old Testament through the filter of the New. This book instead encourages us to return to our biblical roots, which means to interpret the New Testament through the filter of the Old just as the early apostles had done. The modern day church has lost much of its original Hebraic perspective that Jesus/Yeshua drew so profoundly from as He ushered in the new covenant. “Homecoming: Our Return to Biblical Roots” challenges us to readjust our study of scripture and to become bible believers rather than just New Testament believers. In an age where there are various winds of doctrine blowing, this book will provide solid foundations for understanding the roots of our faith – a homecoming of today’s church to it’s Hebraic past. The book is split into three parts and is comprehensively indexed and referenced making it an ideal tool for theological studies. “Homecoming” was previously published under the title, “Roots of our Faith”.

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  • Divine Prescriptions For Your Total Prosperity


    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to “have it all” yet still live a discontented and miserable life? Wonder no more. Divine Prescriptions For Your Total Prosperity will give you straightforward answers on what total prosperity is all about. This remarkable book explores man’s relationship with Jesus Christ, portrayed as the “Great Healer,” dispensing His “divine prescriptions” that give total prosperity. Just like a physician examining a sick person, the author identifies man’s spiritual diseases by pinpointing the symptoms, giving the diagnosis, writing the prescriptions with its dosage, and concluding with its prognosis. You will find just the right prescriptions to improve your personal finances, mend broken relationships, strengthen your marriage, heal emotional wounds, and cure destructive addictions – leading you to complete victory. Never again should you be in lack. You have a divine purpose and destiny. As you take the “divine prescriptions” dispensed in these pages, you will be on your way to achieving total prosperity as Jesus meant it to be.

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  • All His Jewels


    .” Learn the secret behind the “bling.” This book will take you on a mystical journey through dreams and visions as it traces jewels from the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem. You will learn the secret of the jewels, your eternal destiny, and how to prepare for the apocalypse and the greatest explosion of glory ever. Did you know: Jewels existed before the creation of the world. Jewels are symbolic of spirits. Lucifer was once covered with jewels. Birthstones originated from the twelve tribes of Israel. Jewels are at the center of cosmic conflict. Jewels have recently been falling from heaven. This book will help you understand that you are God’s most precious possession!

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  • All His Jewels


    .” Learn the secret behind the “bling.” This book will take you on a mystical journey through dreams and visions as it traces jewels from the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem. You will learn the secret of the jewels, your eternal destiny, and how to prepare for the apocalypse and the greatest explosion of glory ever. Did you know: Jewels existed before the creation of the world. Jewels are symbolic of spirits. Lucifer was once covered with jewels. Birthstones originated from the twelve tribes of Israel. Jewels are at the center of cosmic conflict. Jewels have recently been falling from heaven. This book will help you understand that you are God’s most precious possession!

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  • Becoming A Person Of Prayer


    How is your prayer life? Or how do you want your prayer life to be? Does praying satisfy your heart’s desire to connect with God? Does God hear your prayers, or do they bounce off the ceiling? Do you want to make God happy? Chris Craig believes every Christian can learn to pray effectively. In this book, he offers practical biblical answers to show how you can pray powerfully and well for yourself and for others. Prayer shaped the life and work of Jesus Christ, and prayer is vital to developing and maintaining an intimate relationship with Him. Join Chris as he leads you to become a person of prayer. Becoming a Person of Prayer is an excellent, well-organized guide to prayer for personal spiritual growth or for group study.

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  • Becoming A Person Of Prayer


    How is your prayer life? Or how do you want your prayer life to be? Does praying satisfy your heart’s desire to connect with God? Does God hear your prayers, or do they bounce off the ceiling? Do you want to make God happy? Chris Craig believes every Christian can learn to pray effectively. In this book, he offers practical biblical answers to show how you can pray powerfully and well for yourself and for others. Prayer shaped the life and work of Jesus Christ, and prayer is vital to developing and maintaining an intimate relationship with Him. Join Chris as he leads you to become a person of prayer. Becoming a Person of Prayer is an excellent, well-organized guide to prayer for personal spiritual growth or for group study.

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  • Doing Things Right In Matters Of The Heart


    There is a radical, biblical alternative to much of what is taught and practiced today regarding relationships. Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart presents a bold plan for escaping the swift currents of contemporary patterns of hooking up, shacking up, and breaking up. It draws a compelling vision of complementarity between the sexes. It instructs men on what to do and informs women on what to look for in their mutual pursuit of a healthy, tender, long-term relationship.

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  • Hazards Of Being A Man (Reprinted)


    Pastor Jeffrey E. Miller tackles 12 hazards all men face-from insensitivity to lust-and paints a compelling picture of how to live as a better man.

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  • Conversation With God


    In Conversation with God, bestselling author Lloyd Ogilvie shows readers a fresh approach to prayer one that is as much listening as speaking. Drawing on years of experiencing God as a friend, Ogilvie clearly and simply explains the many dimensions of prayer and then provides a 30 day guide so readers can put into practice what they’re learning. As they begin to enjoy give and take conversation with God as a part of everyday life, readers will experience the truth that He is always available…so they need never feel alone or isolated. And they will find prayer to be more refreshing, profound, and meaningful than they may ever have imagined possible. Excellent for group Bible studies or as a personal guide. Formerly titled Quiet Moments in Prayer.

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  • When Wallflowers Dance


    When we were two, we were no longer babies-we were becoming little girls. And when we were thirteen, we were leaving childhood behind, becoming young women. But somewhere along the way, we stopped becoming. We became “un-women.” Wallflowers who are just breathing and smiling and blending in to stay out of the way. That is not what God had in mind when He created us. He wants us to keep becoming. He wants us to become strong, decisive, wise, creative, passionate, courageous-all the things we’ve dreamed of becoming. When Wallflowers Dance is a fresh challenge to women who have lived hesitant, cautious lives but long to break free and dance! Using both Scripture and story, Angela Thomas addresses the attributes of “becoming” and the freedom we have in Christ to keep developing the characteristics that reflect our God-given longings.

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  • Prepared To Be Gods Vessel


    Henry Blackaby and his daughter Carrie Blackaby Webb show through the life of Mary how God can use any woman-regardless of stature or abilities-if her heart is fully committed to Him. Mary’s example of faithfulness and commitment will encourage and strengthen Christian women, knowing that God is continuing to look for a pure heart that He can use today.

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  • 8 Blessings (Student/Study Guide)


    The essence of all that Jesus taught is summarized in the Beatitudes – the blessings that begin the Sermon on the Mount. More than just poetic verse, the Beatitudes constitute the core of Jesus’ message from beginning to end. Exploring each individual blessing, Stanford offers illustrations from Jesus’ ministry and poignant stories from contemporary life to help readers rediscover the power of living according to the beatitudes.

    Includes a leader’s guide for small-group use.

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  • Worship Plot : Finding Unity In Our Common Story


    Are there rumbling disagreements in your church about worship?

    Do arguments break out over whether or not to use drums, sing hymns, or illustrate sermons with movie clips?

    Are you tired of the worship wars?

    Differences over worship styles have caused many to change churches or skip worship altogether. These Divisions in the Body of Christ are not only discouraging but also detrimental to the true meaning of worship.

    Worship is not about personal preference or platform performance. True worship flows from the heart of God. It is the shared life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit inviting us to step into a stream of celebration, thanksgiving, and love-a stream that connects us to God and to each other.

    The Worship Plot shows how to combine the diversity of our church family into a unifying story that celebrates our fellowship and love in Christ.

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  • Table Before Me


    A TABLE BEFORE ME: THE MEDITATING CHRISTIAN reveals God as the Living God who has spoken to His people definitively through Jesus Christ and who continues to speak daily through His Word. God prepares a table before us each day, where He sits with us and feeds us His Word. The secret of meditation is that we do not have to force our entry into God’s Word. God delights to speak to all who will listen. He only requires that we listen, by opening ourselves to Him as He speaks, by focusing on the words that we read, and by allowing His Spirit to plant those words in our innermost being, just as a farmer plants seeds in the springtime. The result will be a transformed prayer life, deeper communion with God and a new joy in participating in God’s redeeming work throughout the world. The Korean edition of this book is a best seller in Korea, and translation has begun on the Chinese edition.

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  • Compass And Stars


    * First book by this popular author since leaving the religious life.
    * Based on his very popular column in Washington Windows
    * Ideal for parish study and prayer groups: clear, accessible, and short.
    * Will sell beyond the Episcopal Church market to Methodists, Lutherans, and liberal Catholics.

    “Finding our way, getting our bearings, takes its imagery from the art navigation with map and compass and stars. It speaks to our feelings of confusion, loss, and failure. When we admit to God we have lost our way, we get the chance to discover that all ways belong to God – even the way of disorientation.”

    This collection of short, informal pieces that are both theologically substantial and genuinely popular is aimed at helping us “get our bearings” in the life of the spirit today. These essays reveal the staleness and oppressive nature of many of our spiritual practices at a time when, more than ever, we need to stand back and let the fresh winds of the Spirit blow through our lives and surprise us. Whether about the spirituality of shopping or social justice, discernment or channel-surfing, these pieces will delight you and make you think. Ideal for retreats and as a source for sermon ideas, the book can be read in one day, or spread over a month or more.

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  • So You Want To Be Like Christ


    Inspired by the acts of sacrifice and discipline exemplified by the D-Day generation as well as the current generation of young American soldiers, many Christians today are looking for an obedient, disciplined approach to faith. This user-friendly study guides readers toward a greater understanding of eight spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith-prayer, humility, self-control, sacrifice, submission, solitude, silence, and hope. Each chapter defines and discusses the concept, then provides interactive assignments and suggestions for further study, as well as content summaries and outlines that aid in retention. Activities can be revisited again and again for a new outlook or just for a periodic refresher. Perfect for individual or group or family study, So, You Want to be Like Christ? is just right for anyone desiring to delve deeper into the fundamental elements of Christian life, and essential for all who hunger for authentic faith experiences. It is destined to be a classic text on the practice of Christianity.

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