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Christian Living

Showing 5901–6000 of 7972 results

  • Psalms For Today (Student/Study Guide)


    This new addition to the popular For Today series deals with important themes in the book of Psalms and provocatively explores the many ways these psalms continue to speak to believers today. The book is ideal for personal and group study, with questions for discussion at the end of each chapter.

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  • Holy Superheroes : Exploring The Sacred In Comics Graphic Novels And Film (Expan


    Spider-Man. Batman. The X-Men. The Fantastic Four. Comic books and the characters they have spawned have become twenty-first-century mythology. Greg Garrett helps us see the profound depth that can be found in the glossy, fast-paced, and often violent world of comics, graphic novels, and the films they inspire. The book features extensive discussions of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men. It includes an appendix with descriptions of twenty-five comics and graphic novels Garrett recommends for discussion of spirituality and comics.

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  • Waging Spiritual Warfare


    The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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  • Wisdom On Making Good Decisions


    The Wisdom On – series is a collection of short books making practical application of wisdom literature and other Scripture on a variety of topics facing students. The series is designed to help students apply biblical principals of wisdom to everyday circumstances. Each book is a collection of case studies, key Scriptures, interactive activities, and helpful insights to assist teenagers in their growth of wisdom.

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  • Before You Get Engaged


    Helps couples who are thinking about getting engaged know if they are ready to offer or accept a marriage proposal. In Before You Get Engaged, authors David Gudgel, his son Brent, and Brent’s girlfriend Danielle interact in a discussion that not only reveals twelve relational indicators indispensable to a healthy, lasting marriage, but fleshes them out with dialogue and insight straight from Brent and Danielle’s journals. Designed to help daters know if engagement is truly the best next step in their relationship, the book is divided into four sections:
    Part 1: Are You Sure You’re Ready?
    Part 2: Do You Make a Good Couple?
    Part 3: What Do Others Think?
    Part 4: Now What Should You Do?

    Before You Get Engaged will help readers know if they are ready to ask the all important question, if they should date a little longer, or end the relationship and move on.

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  • Healing For A Broken World


    Do today’s believers know how to be not simply good citizens but good Christian citizens? Are they ready to respond to contemporary public policy issues such as genocide, global AIDS, global warming, and human trafficking according to Scripture rather than any particular political agenda? A growing segment of them are, even if they aren’t quite sure how to accomplish it. This book is for them.

    With American evangelicals having more political influence today than ever before, this book is especially important. The opening chapters establish the foundational biblical principles that are relevant to our lives as Christian citizens no matter the topic. Author Steve Monsma next highlights crucial global issues in which believers are called to live out their faith. Forgoing ready-made answers, Monsma encourages a reflective, thoroughly biblical response via a lively writing style. His book will equip all believers to make godly, humanitarian choices rather than purely political ones.

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  • 101 Cups Of Water


    For every time you’ve tried too hard, fell too far, or struggled too much, the refreshing cups in this book-or reminders of God’s infinite grace and mercy-will renew you like cool, clear water after a long, dry walk on a dusty, pitted, uphill road.
    “I’ve been a believing Christian since childhood,” author C. David Baker explains, “but it’s my personal failures that have led me to the deep well of Grace.”
    David poured his dashed hopes, broken dreams, haunting doubts, and paralyzing fear down that well and found all that’s collected here, all he, like you, needs for living with peace, joy, and purpose: cool cups of relief, comfort, revival, and sustenance.
    Because Water Is “Life.
    “And” 101 Cups of Water “Will Quench Your Thirst.

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  • How Would Jesus Vote


    How your faith should inform your vote.

    The 2008 election is shaping up to be one of the most important political contests in American history. In fact, Dr. D. James Kennedy believes it will be a watershed moment that could impact our very survival as a nation under God.

    Values voters-people whose political views and votes are based on their faith in God-are being targeted as never before. As we move forward in the campaign season, the significant players will debate terrorism, radical Islam, nuclear threats, global warming, social issues, gay marriage, immigration, education, health care, and many other essential issues that can create sharp ideological divisions.

    Into this overwhelmingly complex political situation, Dr. Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe bring a clear, compelling, and nonpartisan exploration of what God’s Word has to say on these critical matters. How Would Jesus Vote? isn’t intended to tell you which candidates to support; rather it offers you a Christ-centered understanding of the world to help you draw your own political conclusions.

    This election, don’t cast an uninformed vote that fails to reflect your values. Instead, learn how to apply your faith and obedience to God to your ballot. This timely, helpful, and hopeful book will enable you to do just that.

    Those who have a traditional Christian worldview are, frankly, different from other voters. Their worldview-their biblical faith-shapes every stand they take on the political issues that will determine our nation’s future.

    That’s the kind of voter you are, or want to be. And that’s why How Would Jesus Vote? is so vitally important.

    Issues you’ll explore in this book include:
    * The polarization of Republican and Democratic parties: Does Christianity play a role?
    * National defense and the military: Can war ever be biblically justified?
    * Church and state and religious liberty: How far should faith influence governmental policy?
    * Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and gay adoption: Where should we draw the lines?
    * Economics and the poor: Does the Bible teach socialism?

    Get a biblical consideration of such controversial issues with trustworthy guidance for determining how your faith will inform your vote.

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  • Shout It From The Housetops


    Shout It From The Housetops is a story dealing with the “Testimony of Jesus.” Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Throughout history God has always wanted His people to tell others about the great things He has done. That Scripture in Revelation tells us that when we do, those stories create a spiritual environment in which great miracles can take place. God also said that the stories that He has given us, both in His Word and personally, are part of our eternal inheritance. Jesus told us what we have heard in secret we should shout from the housetops. This book is an effort to get the reader to understand those concepts and to arm them with some of the Bible’s “stories,” starting with Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt, which they can then begin to tell others.

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  • Beyond The Anointing


    Oh, God! Where are You? The Body of Christ has reached a point where everything is being labeled ‘anointed.’ This has caused many believers to become stagnant and complacent. But there is a remnant of frustrated and disgruntled believers who are searching for something more than the hype of what has been labeled as ‘anointed services.’ They are crying out for more than what the Body of Christ is offering them now. But how can the Body of Christ take someone beyond his or her present limitations? The answer can only be found at the feet of Jesus, where our limitations meet His infinite wisdom and where our anointing takes backstage to the Anointed One. This is the place where His manifest presence can be found. Are you ready for this? If your answer is ‘yes,’ let God take you to that place “Beyond the Anointing”

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  • Real Christian Living 1


    YOU ARE A PRINCIPALITY was written to stir the spiritual warrior that is living in each believer. BURNED BY LOVE sets the stage for marriage. In it each reader is challenged to face the wounds they have received from present or past relationships. Burned By Love offers the remedy for the deep hurts of life. THE MYSTERY OF MARRIAGE was written to restore the true purpose of marriage. This chapter also gives the bridegrooms and the brides their identity in marriage and helps them see how their marriages reflect their relationships with the Godhead. The Mystery of Marriage also will minister to the unmarried. This section will help the unmarried prepare their emotions for their new life with their mates. These pages will also help teach the unmarried how to recognize who their spouses will be when they come along. GOD AND MONEY exposes the truth about the biggest error in Christianity. While adding controversy, this chapter was written to provoke its readers to re-evaluate everything they have been taught, and to come together as the community God intended for us to be. ARE YOU A WHEAT OR TARE is a section designed to cause selfexamination.

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  • Sounds Of Destiny


    the presence of the Lord, as well as, sounded the call to arms, assembly or approaching danger. In times like these, having ears attuned to heavenly sounds are critical for maintaining a firm footing amidst an unstable and chaotic world. Now is the time to take a firm stand for rebuilding the walls that have been broken down in families, cities, churches and nations. There are new sounds permeating the spiritual atmosphere that are calling forth worshiping warriors of intercession. These faithful remnant warriors are standing in the gap to pray for healing and restoration throughout the land. Kingdom citizens have a renewed mind and desire to walk in synchronization with the sounds from heaven. God desires to touch the world through chosen representatives who will respond to heavenly sounds.

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  • Portrait Of A Champion


    Champions are born our of adversities. Our paths through life are laden with one thousand and one adversities. For a champion, every challenge or adversity is an opportunity to make a demand on his God-given abilities and shine. Such was the experience of Daniel. Adversities often seek to answer the questions: How strong is your faith? How deep are your resolves? How firm are your convictions? To what extent will you go to defend what you believe? More than answering these questions, you will discover in this book how to live a maximized Christian life and walk with God.

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  • Marriage : Real People Real Problems Wise Counsel


    Marriage is not a relationship of convenience; it is a life long commitment to your spouse. Like every journey, marriage has its highs and lows and each marriage is unique: no two couples travel down the same road. Good marriages don’t just happen. The couples in exceptional marriages are willing to pray, learn and grow, develop a positive, biblical and godly attitude, discover how to speak their spouse’s love language and celebrate differences. This book contains true-life experiences. All stories are true, no matter how unbelievable they may seem, though names and some other details have been changed in order to protect the identities of the couples. Please read this book prayerfully; learn from the experiences of these men and women who give heed to my comments at the end of each account. You need not go through all that they have. Your story will be different!

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  • Bible Foundations For Marriage And Family Living In The 21st Century


    A BLUEPRINT FOR THE IDEAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY You say there is no need for religion anymore? You say the Bible isn’t relevant anymore? You say those old wedding vows are no longer valid? You say there is no such thing as morality or immorality? You say removing the rules of society that are holding people back will produce true happiness? You say there should be no laws, rules, or social pressures governing sexual behavior? You say the Hippies had it right? You say this sounds crazy? Read about who said these things. Read about the insane night-stalker who said of his family, “We wasn’t the Waltons.” Read about the judge telling 24 psychologists, “I wouldn’t give a nickel for the whole lot of you!” Read about how the author went from being a dunce to being a genius in one minute.

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  • Bible Foundations For Marriage And Family Living In The 21st Century


    A BLUEPRINT FOR THE IDEAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY You say there is no need for religion anymore? You say the Bible isn’t relevant anymore? You say those old wedding vows are no longer valid? You say there is no such thing as morality or immorality? You say removing the rules of society that are holding people back will produce true happiness? You say there should be no laws, rules, or social pressures governing sexual behavior? You say the Hippies had it right? You say this sounds crazy? Read about who said these things. Read about the insane night-stalker who said of his family, “We wasn’t the Waltons.” Read about the judge telling 24 psychologists, “I wouldn’t give a nickel for the whole lot of you!” Read about how the author went from being a dunce to being a genius in one minute.

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  • Essentials For Frontline Living


    God has a remnant in the earth in this last day who have been strategically placed to make a difference. They hear the clarion call of the Lord which leads them to assume their positions in order to give birth to the next era of the church age, which is destined to be fi lled with power and an anointing that exceeds anything we’ve ever known or experienced. Those chosen for the frontline have been spiritually equipped to penetrate the enemy’s territory and to set the captives free. Frontline living is not a place or position but a way of life. It is a lifestyle of readiness; one which causes us to operate from an offensive rather than a defensive posture. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, those on the frontline discern and anticipate the enemy’s next move. The Essentials for Frontline living are writings that are designed to encourage, uplift and to motivate the reader to step out of complacency and to move into action with purpose in order to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth.

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  • How To Finish First By Being Second


    God has established divine connections, appointments, and opportunities to help you reach your destiny and encourage you to persevere until you reach its conclusion. Through these pages, you will understand the importance of covenant relationships, leadership, and mentorship. You will also discover how to position yourself to succeed in fulfilling your vision.

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  • Spark (Reprinted)


    Intimacy is essential to marriage, but many couples find achieving it to be easier said than done. Jay and Laura Laffoon unravel its mysteries in the humorous and down-to-earth style that has made their marriage conference one of the fastest growing in the country.
    Countering the popular misconception of intimacy as primarily a sexual issue, they explore five essential facets that need to be in balance for a healthy marriage. Their insights are practical, grounded in Scripture, and augmented by real-life stories drawn from a survey of more than 2,000 married people. Chapter-end discussion questions help readers identify immediate steps they can take to light a fire in their relationship and keep it burning. The Spark is both a fun read and an indispensable guide to strengthening any marriage.

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  • Finding Your Way


    In The Ultimate Comeback Tommy Tenney showed us how we can find restoration and healing after even the most egregious errors and from the most hopeless situations.

    In Tenny’s new book, the pilgrimage of Ruth and Naomi to Bethlehem is the springboard for Tenney’s message which teaches that many of the things that go wrong in our lives can be resolved or even avoided by adopting some very basic principles. We desperately need to downsize, reprioritize, and sometimes even sacrifice less important things in order to simplify our lives. In doing so, we become unfettered enough to see more clearly where our priorities should lie.

    We have the tendency to seek temporary satisfaction through a more convenient or more accommodating value system. We settle on whatever gives us permission to do what we want and to acquire what we desire. Ruth possessed the virtues of wisdom, faith, and trust; and employing these while enduring personal crisis, she realized that the very things she needed for inner strength and support were her family traditions.

    What we find on this journey is that these foundational tenets lead us down a path to a place of peace and contentment, to the Things that Really Matter.

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  • Character Makeover : 40 Days With A Life Coach To Create The Best You


    Embark on a forty-day journey with a personal life coach to develop Christlike character. A continuation of Katie Brazelton’s bestselling Pathway to Purpose for Women, this book was created for women of all ages who want a character-rejuvenating experience that will inspire them to live out God’s unique purpose for their life.

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  • Life Well Lived Bible Companion


    Open this Bible Companion to dig deeply into the principles of God’s Word, to hear God’s Voice, leading you toward developing A Life Well Lived. Christians often wonder if their decisions and behaviors are truly pleasing to God, if, in God’s eyes, they are living life well. New Christians may say, “Okay, I have placed my complete trust in Jesus to save me from my sins. Now what? What does this look like every day?” In A Life Well Lived Bible Companion, Charles Swindoll starts with the poignant and inspirational message in his book A Life Well Lived, which is based on Scripture in the book of Micah. Using biblical teaching and an inspirational messages, he leads Christians to abandon unnecessary feelings of doubt, showing that a life lived unto God is a life well lived Find freedom from unscriptural notions of failure and understand the rewards of an obedient heart.

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  • Confessions Of A Good Christian Girl


    In this powerful book, prominent Christian speaker and TV personality Tammy Maltby gets specific about the brokenness and pain in her own life and the lives of other “good Christian girls.” This book is not a lurid expose, but an honest and courageous look at the secrets that often lurk behind a “victorious” Christian fadade-secrets that range from feelings of inadequacy to sexual sins, shopping addictions, and thoughts of suicide. This book is also a passionate testimony to the Lord’s eagerness to cleanse and heal those who turn to Him. And it is a fervent appeal to God’s people to own up to the sin, brokenness, and shame in our midst and to extend to each other the same persistent, healing grace that Jesus extends to us.

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  • Call Of The Elijah Revolution


    The Call to the Elijah Revolution is an attempt to bring to you in print some of the pounding sounds that echo in our hearts. We want to see a whole generation arise that will passionately sacrifice the temporal pleasures of this life so as to embrace The Call of God to seize the moment in which we live. Do you want to see a radical change take place in the church and societies as a whole? If you do, then the contents of this book will fan that fire into even a greater flame.

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  • Marriage Revolution


    SKU (ISBN): 9780736917674ISBN10: 0736917675Debra SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2008Publisher: Harvest House Publishers

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  • Restored : Experience Life With Jesus


    re*stored (ri-‘stor-d); to bring back to or put back into a former or original state

    Best-selling author of Victory Over the Darkness, Bondage Breaker, Steps to Freedom in Christ delivers Restored; a concise guide for new and long-time believers to walk in life restored, the way God intended for you.

    If you are just learning about Jesus or have been a Christian for years; Neil Anderson gives foundational truths in this reminder of where you came from, who you are, and how much God really does, love you. When you look deeper at your true identity, you’ll discover freedom and experiencing the life you were meant to live, restored in Christ.

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  • Step By Step


    Daily Devotions for the whole family. For all who have begun with Genesis 1 on January 1st and found themselves hopelessly behind weeks, or even days, later – or for those who have a desire to read the Bible regularly but don’t know where to start – here is the perfect way to begin, or renew, the practice of daily Bible reading. Step by Step takes readers through an entire year of learning more about who God is and how we are called to follow him. Each day’s reading includes biblical texts, selected by theme, along with a short section explaining and applying the truths from the Bible and a prayer. Readers need only bring open hearts and minds to their daily time with God. Eddison’s notes are warm, personal, practical and encouraging. They draw examples and illustrations from history and from everyday life with the goal of encouraging Christians to live in obedience to Christ. The best commentary on Scripture, Eddison says in his Foreword, is Scripture itself. A particular strength of presenting Bible passages in this way is that readers can appreciate the larger biblical themes and God’s consistency and faithfulness throughout salvation history. Readers will see God’s unchanging message from the Old Testament to the New and his promises from Genesis all the way through to their ultimate fulfilment in Revelation. Perhaps now more than at any other time, Christians are bombarded at every turn with messages that seek to turn them from the costly path of obedience to Christ. Eddison’s desire is to see Christians everywhere strengthened, through daily time with God and in his Word, to run the race with perseverance.

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  • Street Girls : Hope On The Streets Of Brazil


    Street Girls tells the inspirational story of the Meninadanca Project – a charity established to reach out to the street-girls of Belo Horizonte in Brazil. It will introduce you to the Street Girls themselves and inspire you with stories of how God has brought hope to their lives through Matt Roper and the Meninadanca team. Its personal, readable style coupled with a poignant immediacy make this a uniquely compelling and moving read.

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  • Power Of Dad


    He loves me. He loves me not. This is the confusion we have left with the next generation. When we read the newspaper or watch the news we are often shocked by the acts of today’s youth. What we have failed to ask ourselves is what role have we as men played. Begging for an identity the youth of this nation has for the most part been void of the voice of its fathers. The Power of Dad challenges men around the world to lift up their voices. The Power of Dad will transform your life and revitalize the relationship that you have with your child. What you can expect to learn from this book: The power of a father’s infl uence How to stop your past from hindering your child’s future The power of an apology How to love yourself more so that you can fully love your child The eight mirrors of a man How to help develop your child’s identity

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  • Living Your Faith


    You say you are living for God, but do you enjoy living the Christian life? Have you taken hold of all the promises and privileges that are yours through faith, or are you missing out on much that God has for you? Charles Finney explains how you can be free from guilt and sin and live a life of destiny, clean and pure before the Lord. Read this book and you will:
    * Learn of the dangers of idolatry
    * Discern between true and false repentance
    * Discover the difference between religion and saving faith
    * Begin to follow the path of true obedience
    * Walk in the steps of practical Christian living
    * Experience the true joy of holiness through the Holy Spirit

    If your faith needs to be rekindled, this book will show you how to experience a supercharged faith! Discover a new power and joy in everything you do as you begin Living Your Faith.

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  • TOUCH : Pressing Against The Wounds Of A Broken World


    Before God touched his heart and transformed his life, Rudy Rasmus was a businessman running a “borderline bordello” in Houston. But thousands now know him simply as “Pastor Rudy”-with a downtown ministry at St. John’s Church that he and his wife Juanita started to reach out to those who Jesus called “the least of these.” TOUCH is the amazing story of Rudy’s life and ministry of grace that is changing lives daily. The church has become one of the most culturally diverse congregations in the country with people from every social and economic background, including the homeless, sharing the same pew. Pastor Rudy’s message to touch the lives of those in our own communities has a lesson for us all. Pastor Rudy is also a featured contributor to O, The Oprah Magazine-answering questions on ethics and marking one of the few times O has asked a Pastor to serve in this manner.

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  • 10 Commandments Of Faith And Fitness


    In today’s live-fast society, poor health and obesity are at epidemic proportions. People have seemingly forgotten to treat with reverence God’s first and greatest gift to them – their bodies.

    Building on the Ten Commandments that guide our spiritual lives, Henry Brinton and Vikram Khanna have devised Ten Commandments of Faith and Fitness, a scientifically sound resource that teaches how to properly incorporate physical activity into daily life and how to eat better, while building faith in the process.

    For everyone looking to glorify Christ in their spirits and their bodies, Ten Commandments of Faith and Fitness is an invaluable tool to guide you every step of the way.

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  • 10 Commandments Of Dating


    The Ten Commandments of Dating, completely revised and updated, offers hope and sanity to singles who are sick and tired of the dating scene.

    Many people are tired of pouring time, energy, and money into relationships that start off great and end with heartache. Because of that, they need The Ten Commandments of Dating to give them the hard-hitting, black-and-white, practical guidelines that will address their questions and frustrations about dating.

    Revised and updated for a new generation of daters, this guide will help men and women keep their head as they search for the desires of their hearts. The Ten Commandments of Dating isn’t more relationship advice; it’s relationship common sense.

    If people keep the ten commandments of dating, their relationships will run more smoothly, they will be protected from the pain of contemporary dating pitfalls, and they’ll be on their way to building living, lasting relationships.

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  • 8 Steps To Create The Life You Want


    Don’t wait until tomorrow for the life you want today. Dr. Creflo A. Dollar illuminates eight steps to the magnificent life you crave!

    Confidence, peace, and abundant life’we all long for these things. But in this life-changing book, author and renowned pastor Dr. Creflo A. Dollar challenges readers to stop wishing for a satisfying life. Instead, Dr. Dollar proclaims, we should be claiming the success that God promises today. We do not have to be defined by past failures or mediocrity; we must move forward into the richness available to us right now. God has designed a glorious destiny for each of us, and all we have to do is take hold of it.
    In order to seize our destiny, each of us must be willing to radically transform our lives. “If you don’t like the way you feel,” says Dollar, “you’ve got to change the way you think.” By taking manageable steps along the way, each of us can achieve life to the fullest–until it overflows.

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  • His Brain Her Brain


    Men and women really are different-even their brains are different-and they were divinely designed that way. Using the latest research, Dr. Walt and Barb Larimore show how the God-designed differences between the male brain and the female brain complement each other to help couples build a delightful, lasting marriage.

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  • Master Gardener


    The Master Gardener is a lively, modern-day parable about a surprise visitor who shows up within the high and impenetrable walls of a lonely gardener whose life is plagued with fear and loneliness. Through a series of teachable-moments that the visitor uses as opportunities of instruction, the gardener finds that what is happening within his struggling garden is but a reflection of his tumultuous emotions. The surprise visitor patiently and kindly shows the gardener how to deal with the troubling issues of life while also teaching him how to perfectly care for his natural garden. The Master Gardener offers the humor and whimsy of an allegory, the insight of ageless wisdom, and the vivid symbolism of Christ’s love for us and His desire to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Laura Dahne and her husband Jim reside in South Florida where they enjoy doing ministry together. Laura’s passions are her family, photography and teaching on the magnificence of God. It has been said that she uses her pen to paint beautiful word masterpieces, much like an artist uses a brush. In addition to this work she has written several devotionals and currently authors a newsletter entitled, “The She Papers…The Passionate Ramblings of a Woman Crazy for God.” Laura knows first-hand the desperate need for inner healing and how our lives become transformed when Jesus is invited into our hurts and hearts. Laura does inspirational speaking engagements out of a sincere desire to see God’s women get set free and be wholly healed by a Holy God. Laura is currently ‘mulling over’ her next book, Broken Winged Eagles, a book on helping those who grieve. She can be contacted at

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  • Fathers And Sons Stand Fast


    Full of lively illustrations, wise warnings, and hard-hitting applications for everyday life, Bond’s latest book addresses all of the strong temptations and difficult trials that young men face today. Ideal for personal study or father-son discussion.

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  • Hope And Healing For The Abused


    Many Christians carry the scars of their experiences of physical, verbal, racial, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse. As a consequence their life is controlled by confusion and shame, and they go through life feeling rejected and fearful of further rejection. For many, death can even become a preferable option to a life without hope. They have experiences which they are trying to forget or don’t want to talk about but which, nevertheless, still influence their lives and hold them back from living the abundant life that Jesus came to bring.

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  • Life Before Death


    The answer to humankind’s need:
    *Restored back to a right relationship with God
    *Regenerated to correct behavior, conformed to God’s image
    *Reflecting God’s likeness

    A clear Gospel message to impact eternity and today!

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  • Letting Go Of Your Past


    Book three in the Transformation Series teaches readers how to take control of their future by addressing the habits, hurts, and attitudes that remain from previous relationships.

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  • Why Jesus Makes Me Nervous


    Jesus offers grace and mercy but he’s also ratcheted up all the rules

    Nice as it would be to frame Jesus as fun-loving, or a mercy-dispensing friend, the stories we have about him are a lot more disturbing than that.

    We hear about celebrations that began as a wake, and about people who didn’t use their talents well being bounced clear out of the club. Jesus clearly thought that following the way of truth involved a lot more than simply avoiding things like murder, stealing, committing adultery or telling lies.

    When Jesus truly makes you nervous, he is worth living and dying for, and becomes the greatest source of meaning and purpose in life imaginable.

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  • Spirit And The Politics Of Disabablement


    In this remarkable and incisive work, Sharon Betcher analyzes our world and God’s embodied presence in the light of her own disability and the insight it affords. She claims disablement as a site of powerful social and religious critique and reflection. With searing honesty, she reveals how our culture, only recently tolerant and supportive of disabled people, still fears them. The presence of disabled persons stands as a rebuke to our images of body and health, to the distorted values of our consumerist culture, and the globalized economy that embodies those values in unjust structures.

    Yet, Betcher claims, disablement has also revealed powerful alternative understandings of the body and body politic, in Scripture, in the actions of Jesus, in the healing work of the Spirit at work in a broken world. Brimming with insight, Betcher’s work is a revelation and a bracing challenge to all Christians.

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  • Gods Gonna Make You Laugh


    Everyone can relate to walking through very dark periods of life which seem will never end. Noel Jones is not speaking from a vantage point of one who has never suffered so his words of encouragement and promise carry weight and hope. Sorrow and adversity come, but they do not stay.

    This book conveys the message that suffering and endurance are preparations for the reward that will come to the one who holds on to and trusts in the faithfulness of God. That one will experience the laughter of triumph. Joy comes in the morning to those who endure.

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  • Heart Of The Prophetic


    Do you want to prophesy what saith the Spirit of God with greater authority, stronger boldness and increased accuracy? Do you want that double-portion that Elisha carried? Jennifer LeClaire offers keys to flowing in a more powerful prophetic anointing in this no-holds-barred manuscript. Jennifer draws from her experiences to explain what it really means to operate in prophetic ministry and how to avoid the temptations that take you off the deep end.

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  • Be S Of The Bible


    The Bible has many commands that are to be obeyed. This book has been written to help Christians grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. These thirty-six imperatives, if applied to your life, will help you grow in the image of Christ. I’ll be the first to admit that I am a long way from applying all of these to my life. However, I am pressing toward the mark of the prize of the high calling. I pray that these teachings will help you to grow also.

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  • Deep Rooted In Christ


    Come. Accept Joshua Choonmin Kang’s invitation to walk slowly, paying attention to God’s work in you and around you, to walk intentionally, using spiritual disciplines to develop Christlike character, to walk purposefully, experiencing deeper grace and vision. There are fifty-two brief readings, ideal for weekly sabbath reflection or daily devotional use. They point to the path of peace in the midst of life’s turmoil, to hope in the midst of brokenness, where you’ll become “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither” (Ps 1:3). It’s the path to becoming deep-rooted in Christ.

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  • 10 Minute Marriage Principle


    Douglas Weiss draws on nineteen years of clinical experience, as well as twenty years of marriage and a commitment to Christian faith, to develop this easy-to-follow plan for improving your marriage. It requires couples to take ten minutes a day to focus on each other and do simple exercises so they will deepen their love, connect spiritually, and feel closer throughout the chaos of day-to-day living. These simple exercises include ?speaking? a love letter to your spouse, talking about the details of your day, and learning how to put feelings into words. By investing just ten minutes a day, couples can enhance their marriages in ways they will benefit from for a lifetime!

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  • Jesus The Greatest Therapist Who Ever Lived


    For the most part, psychotherapy has continued to take the narrow-minded approach contending that religious belief is a crutch people use to deal with their feelings of helplessness. That is until now. In Jesus, The Greatest Therapist Who Ever Lived, acclaimed psychologist Dr. Mark Baker reveals how the teachings of Jesus are compatible with the science of psychology, and offer profoundly practical guidance that will help to radically improve our lives.

    Divided into two sections, this enlightening guide offers over sixty spiritual principles such as “Hardheads Come From Hard Hearts” and “The Centered Self Is Not Self-Centered” that combine accessible first-hand anecdotes from the authors’ practice side by side with the wisdom of Jesus.

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  • Meet Mr Smith


    Meet Mr. Smith is a funny, fresh, romantic conversation about the true nature of love and sex. For singles 18 to 32 who aren’t squeamish about learning countercultural truth, Meet Mr. Smith offers a radical alternative to the over-romanced, casual-sex lifestyle popular in today’s world. Re-awakening the ancient ideas of sacred sex, purity, and holy love, relationship experts Eric and Leslie Ludy introduce a new language and framework for our sex-in-the-city culture. Meet Mr. Smith exposes and tackles hot topics like:
    What does God think about pre-marital sex?
    What about oral sex and self sex?
    Why would God give me a sex drive if He didn’t plan on me using it?
    Is homosexuality really wrong?

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  • Lost Soul


    Skipping school, hitchhiking, and getting high became the author’s way of escape from all the pressures of growing up. At the time she didn’t know it, but all of this was God’s plan to prepare her for what was ahead. By the grace of God, she was spared from her own stupidity and given the opportunity to tell her story – the story of how God’s love surpasses any and all struggles this world can throw at you.

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  • Promise


    If Christians want to be faithful to Christ, how should they understand Jews?

    Because of their faith in the crucified Messiah, the Christian nations are indebted to Israel. Yet they have largely marginalized and even rejected God’s chosen people. In this volume Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger reflects on a number of subjects and concerns common to both Christians and Jews – the Ten Commandments, fulfillment of biblical prophecy, Christian anti-Semitism, and more.

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  • Whats In The Bible For Teens (Reprinted)


    Whatever the topic, teens can find answers from the Bible through this unique and engaging reference book. Through a blend of Scripture and analysis, biblical character studies, personal application, and more, this volume helps teens understand what God’s Word has to say about topics relevant to them. Geared to readers of all levels of Bible understanding, this book is accessible and easy to navigate as well as ideal for both comprehensive, in-depth study and a shorter survey approach.

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  • When Goliath Doesnt Fall


    Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! Habakkuk 3: 17-18

    You’ve read the Bible stories of God’s amazing faithfulness. You’ve seen Him extend His blessings and healing to your family and friends. You’ve even experienced the sweet gift of answered prayer for other issues in your life. But sometimes, no matter how much you pray or cling to the victories of the past, your present problem remains depressingly unchanged with little hope for the future.

    Most people understand and accept that life isn’t always fair; but it’s still difficult to get past the hurt and confusion of “why?” when you’ve prayed and trusted God to defeat an ugly giant in your life only to discover that the giant didn’t fall. How do you reconcile and rebuild your faith and hope in Christ when life is allowed to defeat you?

    In When Goliath Doesn’t Fall, Jody Conrad pulls the mask of Christianity down and admits to the ugliness of real life. Sometimes, no matter how hard you pray, babies die. Sometimes, no matter how loyal you’ve been, your spouse abandons you. Houses catch on fire; tornados demolish entire communities; and terrorists successfully crash into buildings. How are we suppose to respond when Goliath doesn’t fall?

    With compassion and understanding, Jody joins you in life’s trenches and tells you about a different kind of deliverance. She shows you the unconditional and strangely hopeful worship of Habakkuk’s heart and helps you discover how to cultivate a beautiful, wild faith that is still able to worship; still able to rejoice; still able to sing of the joys of heaven even with cancer in its lungs.

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  • Desire : The Journey We Must Take To Find The Life God Offers


    In Desire, formerly titled The Journey of Desire, John Eldredge writes of the journey people must take to find the life they prize. And the guide that has been given to all is the desire set deep within, the desire often overlooked or mistaken for something else or even ignored.

    “Contrary to what you may have heard in church, desire is the key to the Christian life,” says John Eldredge. “When we lose desire, we lose passion for God-and everything else. This book will unlock your God-given passions and desires so that you can find the life God meant you to live.

    In this groundbreaking book, Eldredge invites readers to acknowledge the significance of desire, abandon resignation, and embark on an adventure he calls “our heart’s most important journey.”

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  • Seriously Sick Bible Stuff


    This book describes what everyday life was really like in ancient Israel. As part of the 252 series for boys, this humorous book is full of factual, gross information that is sure to get boys 8-12 reading their Bibles, and make them thankful for the bless

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  • Deeper Experiences Of Famous Christians (Large Type)


    Life sketches of 20 Christian leaders such as Francois de Fenelon, John Wesley, and D. L. Moody.

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  • Heart Of Creation


    We take it for granted that aspects of monastic life can sustain our daily lives in the world, but we owe this understanding to John Main, a Benedictine monk who pioneered the idea that the desert tradition of meditative or contemplative prayer, which had largely been forgotten in the West, was for all Christians. At his monastery in London he started teaching this way of prayer to lay groups and a network of meditation groups came into being, quickly spreading throughout the world and renewing a sense of the Church as a fellowship rooted in prayer and contemplative action. Bestselling books soon grew out of his talks. This simple, practical guide to ‘pure prayer’ teaches that by ceasing to struggle to find words and images by which we all too easily try to control God, we give God freedom to be himself in our hearts and we begin to pray with ‘the mind of Christ’, as St Paul teaches. In a nervous world saturated with image and endless self-commentary, this is a nourishing, life-giving stream of hope and refreshment.

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  • Bible Freaks And Geeks


    Boys today-Christian kids included-constantly label each other, and do it almost without thinking. This book explores the meanings behind these names and gives humorous examples from the Bible that either explains their accuracy or disproves them as stere

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  • My Heart For His Glory


    Nothing changes a person’s heart, attitudes, and life more dramatically and profoundly than offering one’s heart to God in praise and worship. Inspired by the greatest contemporary and classic songs of worship, My Heart for His Glory helps draw God’s people into His presence with devotions for every day of the year. The stories, promises, and insights from songs like “Change My Heart, Oh God,” “My God Reigns,” “Shout to the Lord,” and “Holy Ground” provide a perfect starting point to help us offer our hearts for His glory.

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  • Daybook Of Prayer


    Readers are challenged with the simple but profound question: What would happen-how would your life be different-if you committed the next year to learning about prayer and devoting time to prayer every single day? A Daybook on Prayer weaves together poignant meditations from classic and contemporary Christian writers with powerful Bible verses, directed prayers, and personal prayer-starters, to create a life-changing resource for those who want to draw closer to the heart of God. The daily selections are drawn from many of the greatest historical and modern teachers on the subject of prayer, including Augustine, Thomas A Kempis, Martin Luther, Brother Andrew, John Wesley, A.W. Tozer, Andrew Murray, Oswald Chambers, Billy Graham, Charles Swindoll, Max Lucado, and many others.

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  • Love : Fulfilling The Ultimate Quest (Revised)


    Love-The sweetest word in any language.

    Who understands it? We can’t see love or grab hold of it. We often know how to accept love, and we’re most afraid of expressing it to others.

    This revised and updated edition provides an even better understanding of the essential characteristics of love.

    You will learn five various types of love and be given an explanation of love as many know it and as it should be. Dr. Gills provides an in-depth study on:

    The hindrances of love
    God’s agape love
    And love at its worst
    The ultimate goal is to show you how to receive love at its finest by accepting God’s love for us, showing love for God, and giving love to others.

    Challenge yourself today in finding life’s ultimate quest

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  • Claim Your Victory Today


    Dr. Creflo A. Dollar reveals ten insightful, practical steps for achieving victory over any problem you may ever face.

    CLAIM YOUR VICTORY TODAY is a must-read for all who desire to live an effective life in the power of God. This book presents insightful, God-given wisdom that invites readers to finally understand what it means to access God’s abundance. Dr. Dollar assures readers that there is a time and season for everything, offering keys to victory for anyone hungry for God’s power, thirsty for God’s presence, or eager for success in every area of life.

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  • Dear Jesus : Seeking His Light In Your Life


    From your heart’s deepest cry to life’s joyful praises, nothing is off limits to Jesus.Knowing Jesus on a deeper, more personal level means sharing all aspects of your life with Him-every day. In Dear Jesus, Sarah Young exemplifies what it means to do this-to dialogue with the Savior. She begins each of the 120 devotionals by sharing intimate struggles and longings that weigh on the heart-being preoccupied with problems; being dissatisfied with oneself, and other spiritual issues. Jesus then responds in His loving way by giving guidance and encouragement, using Scripture as the foundation from which His words flow. Readers will be drawn into the presence of God through these spiritual letters of grace.

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  • Foundations Of Christian Living


    This book, now a classic, has been specially designed with the aim of helping a wide range of Christians, from new believers who need to be grounded in the realities of committed Christian living, through to leaders of all kinds who need resources to enable their teaching of others in the ways of Christ. “Foundations of Christian Living” provides a systematic and practical study of the fundamental principles of discipleship which, if followed through and applied, will stimulate growth towards maturity.

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  • Restoring Broken Things


    Sooner or later, we all become disillusioned with this fallen world as we encounter life’s difficulties. But Christians have hope, a promise from God: “Behold, I make all things new!”-Revelation 21:5. Authors Steven Curtis Chapman and Scotty Smith explore this bold proclamation of God’s commitment to redeem and restore all things through His Son, Jesus Christ. They also reveal the important role Christians play in this redemptive process.

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  • I Promise : How Five Commitments Determine The Destiny Of Your Marriage


    Dr. Gary Smalley reveals the true foundation of every great marriage. In I Promise, America’s foremost marriage expert comes to a startling new conclusion: great marriages are built on a foundation of trust, not behavioral skills. So it’s not enough to learn your partner’s love language, become proficient in conflict resolution, learn to control your emotions, or even become an expert in the bedroom. If your spouse does not feel safe enough to open up his or her heart without fear of being judged, criticized, blamed, or rejected, nothing you do will be effective. It’s only when couples feel emotionally safe that they can truly become one as God intended. Based on ten years of research, Dr. Gary Smalley shares five heartfelt promises you can make to your mate that are guaranteed to build trust and help your spouse become the true soul mate, lover, and friend you desire.

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  • How To Argue So Your Spouse Will Listen


    If you are a couple, you’ve most likely had an argument. Big or small, it can ruin your day and, even worse, your relationship. Dr. Sharon Morris May says, “It’s not how similar you are or even your level of conflict that determines your marital success but how you deal with your emotions, vulnerabilities, and dragons when you argue.” Dr. Sharon views conflict through the lens of the attachment theory, helping us understand: why we argue, how we argue, and how to unravel our arguments. She helps us identify what’s really going on in our brains and body when we argue, the cycles we get stuck in, the emotions fueling the cycles, and then helps us to argue in more considerate and connecting ways. She also offers six practical principles that help turn arguments into conversations: Establish a Safe Haven Comfort Dragons Get Inside Emotions Learn How to Complain Learn How to Apologize Bookend it with Good Times Learning how to argue so your spouse will listen will change your marriage and change your life!

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  • Whos Pushing Your Buttons


    The person who pushes your buttons is likely someone who matters to you–a spouse, a parent, a boss, a fellow church member. Almost always this difficult person is connected to you by blood, love, faith, or money, so you can’t just end the relationship without causing pain and upheaval in your life. Our friends and today’s culture will often advise us to abandon such relationships quickly–to end this unpleasant chapter and get on with our lives. Psychologist and author Dr. John Townsend disagrees. “Your button-pusher is not someone you would easily and casually leave. You are intertwined at many levels. It is worth the trouble to take a look at the ways the relationship you had, and want, can be revived and reborn.”

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  • This Is Me


    Drawing from his extensive understanding of teen culture, the author guides young men to become the wondrous adults God created them to be and challenges them with an exciting proposition: “God has carved out this exact moment in history for you. What will you do with your moment?”

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  • Practicing The Presence Of God


    This edition of a timeless classic–enhanced by Emergent leader Tony Jones–will appeal to college students, readers new to Christian classics, and anyone else who desires to learn how to make spirituality a moment-by-moment way of life. Brother Lawrence’s Practice of the Presence of God has stood the test of time because it chronicles the life of a very ordinary person who became an extraordinary Christian. Through a life of humility and service, Brother Lawrence achieved something that many Christians aspire to: he was so concentrated on God that God became a part of his every breath. Whether deep in prayer or peeling potatos in the kitchen, he knew God’s presence. This readable translation, replete with enlightening background notes, will appeal to today’s reader in ways that no other edition has been able to do.

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  • Papa Prayer : The Prayer Youve Never Prayed


    Learn the revolutionary way to talk with God! Something new and exciting happened with Dr. Larry Crabb began practicing the four steps of what he calls the PAPA prayer a revolutionary conversational approach to talking with and enjoying God. In this book, Crabb shares his experience and encourages readers to be drawn into their own journey of prayer.

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  • My Friends


    It’s your faith, why not own it. The Middle School Survival Series will help you answer all the new questions that you have as you journey through middle school.

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  • Parent You Want To Be


    When it comes to parenting, who you are is more important than what you do. The Parent You Want to Be shows you how to select your top four or five “intentional traits” and pass them along to your children. It’s a revolutionary approach that you won’t fin

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  • Forgive And Forget (Deluxe)


    Smedes shows readers how to move from hurting and hating to healing and reconciliation. With the lessons of forgiveness, readers can establish healthier relationships, reclaim happiness, and achieve lasting peace of mind.

    Deluxe edition includes such features as reading group guides, author interviews, maps, special updates, sneak peeks at upcoming books.

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  • Time To Get Serious


    SKU (ISBN): 9781581349511ISBN10: 1581349513Tony EvansBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2007Publisher: Crossway Books/ Good News Publishers

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  • Come Closer : A Call To Life Love And Breakfast On The Beach


    Come Closer is an invitation to a richer, more spiritual life – an invitation that will open readers’ eyes to the love and feast God intends every soul to experience.

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  • Thrilled To Death


    A fascinating exploration of the profound loss of pleasure in our daily lives and the seven steps for restoring it.

    Recent brain-imaging research suggests that our pursuit of extreme and overstimulating thrills hijacks our pleasure system, robbing us of our ability to experience pleasure in even simple things. In this book, the author explores the stark rise in a phenomenon known as anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure or happiness. Previously linked only to serious emotional disorders, anhedonia is now seen as a contributing factor in depression (specifically nonsadness depression) and in the growing number of adults and children who complain of emotional numbness or profound boredom.

    Explains the process of the brain’s pleasure center, the damaging trends of overindulgence and overstimulation, and the signs and problems of anhedonia
    Offers the seven important steps we must take to recover our joy in living

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  • I Saw The Lord


    Christians who feel they are missing something will wake up to how much Jesus loves them and passionately desires to revive their lives through a fresh commitment to holiness. A revived faith means a life totally dedicated to God and totally committed to the Word of God. Relationship with God takes first priority; service and mission flow from this deepened, intimate, personal relationship with God.

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  • Choices


    We face continual decisions and need to know God’s will. Choices helps readers to discover how to determine the best decision.

    Choosing a job? Considering a marriage? Facing a major decision?

    This book is packed with good advice that makes sense of the different ways God guides; the Bible, wisdom, circumstances and, inner peace just to name a few. Find out what it takes to get the right guidance and how to make decisions in the will of God.

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  • Stones Of Remembrance


    Have you taken time to think about the past and what God has done in your life? The Bible contains a special story that clearly demonstrates the importance of remembering. It is found in the book of Joshua. The story involves a great victory, deliverance, and the placing of twelve stones in a pile as a memorial that became known as Stones of Remembrance. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This familiar quote, by George Santayana, tells us the importance of learning from the lessons of the past.

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  • Walking His Trail


    Steven Saint, author of the End of the Spear, returns with his wife, Ginny, to tell a series of adventurous, inspiring stories of how God makes himself known through both the dramatic and the seemingly mundane events of life. While walking God’s trail all over the world, Steve and Ginny have spotted the Creator’s hand at work in many significant life moments – from falling in love for the first time to befriending the tribe that murdered Steve’s missionary father; from living in the Ecuadorian jungle to creating a major motion picture and presenting it before the United Nations. Sometimes triumphant, sometimes tragic, Steve and Ginny’s tales are invariably thrilling and will inspire readers to watch for “God signs” on their own journeys.

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  • Great Days With The Great Lives


    This devotional features daily insight taken from Charles Swindoll’s Great Lives series. Each day, readers will find a scripture reference and a devotional thought taken straight from one of the Great Lives of the Bible. These lives offer hope to all of us. They show that God can do extraordinary things through ordinary men and women, and they offer insightful perspective on what it means to be truly spiritual men and women after God’s own heart.

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  • Journey : How To Live By Faith In An Uncertain World


    Billy Graham is respected and loved around the world. And this work is his magnum opus, the culmination of a lifetime of experience and ministry! Chapter by chapter, Graham leads us on a journey in faith. We learn about God and his purpose for our lives; who Jesus is and what he has done for us. We are reminded of the things God has given us to live successfully: the Bible, the privilege of prayer, fellowship and the church, and the Holy Spirit. We learn to deal with challenges along the way: temptation, wrong thoughts and motives, emotions that can defeat us, habits that destroy our spirit, and what to do when life turns against us. And we are given practical advice on knowing God’s will, making right decision, strengthening our marriages, being wise parents, and using our gifts to share Christ with others.

    With insight that only comes from a life spent with God, The Journey is filled with wisdom, encouragement, hope, and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

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  • 1st Five Years


    Every couple plants seeds of success or failure in the first five years of their marriage. If they lack basic communication skills and the ability to solve conflicts in areas like sex, finances, and emotional intimacy, they won?t make it past the five-year-mark. Authors, speakers, and columnists Bill and Pam Farrel offer sound, simple-to-apply advice to help couples establish firm foundations for their relationships. Based on their own successful twenty-five-year-marriage, Bill (who is also a marriage counselor) and Pam have developed strong principles for staying the course when life challenges their relationship. Lively, fun, and practical for newlyweds anywhere in THE FIRST FIVE YEARS, this book is the best investment a couple can make in building a happy, long-lasting marriage.

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  • My School


    It’s your faith, why not own it. The Middle School Survival Series will help you answer all the new questions that you have as you journey through middle school.

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  • When Good Men Are Tempted (Revised)


    Men know all about their need for sexual purity. What they want is a plan that will enable them to attain it. In the midst of a culture that shouts “Sex!” from every corner, men need a friend to talk honestly about how to master lust and achieve control over this crucial area of their lives.

    Bill Perkins details a proven biblical strategy for sexual integrity. He shows men how to achieve a purity that will flow from their relationship with God and strengthen their self-respect, the sanctity of their marriage, and the security of their families. Perkins unfolds a three-part plan that will lead men to victory.

    Updated to address current needs and cultural trends, When Good Men Are Tempted includes the latest information on Internet pornography. It also features “Take Action” strategic steps and questions suitable for individual reflection or discussion in small groups

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  • Defuse : A Moms Survival Guide For More Love Less Anger


    1. Recognize And Deal With Your Anger
    2. Learn How To Respond To Their Anger
    3. Create An Environment Where Love Abounds

    Additional Info
    In this timely survival guide, positive mom Karol Ladd offers practical steps to help mothers indentify hidden anger in their own lives and in the lives of each member of their family. When tempers flare they need to know how to respond quickly to defuse the situation and to, instead create a more loving atmosphere where anger has no place. The discussion focuses on three important steps. With anger being a major issue in every home, Karol’s positive plan offers vital solutions that will not only deactivate anger but strengthen the bonds of love.

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  • Meditations : Psalm 19:14


    These heartfelt meditations were developed to stir the hearts and minds of all who read them. Meditations can be used in many different ways: in a person’s devotional life, to encourage believers and to challenge them to study and meditate more seriously in the Scriptures, as a resource in the discipleship of new converts, and to help the reader to think upon the Lord. Have an open heart, an open mind, and a teachable spirit as you read and meditate in God’s Word.

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  • Applying The Kingdom


    Makes the case that the key to abundant living is found in establishing priorities in one’s life and living by them. Toping his list is the priority, “Kingdom First!” as Jesus sets out in Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The key to life is finding our true purpose and living it. And our true purpose is wrapped up in giving absolute priority to living for the Kingdom and the righteousness of God.

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  • Spiritual Arts : Mastering The Disciplines For A Rich Spiritual Life


    There are martial arts, culinary arts, fine arts-and spiritual arts. “Spiritual art is the Holy Spirit’s work in your life in character, gift, and blessing,” writes Jill Briscoe. Spiritual intimacy, spiritual harmony, humility, serenity … like any art, these can be learned and developed through consistent practice. And also as with any art, there is a transcendent element to them that makes them personal, powerful, able to transform your life and other lives through you.

    In The Spiritual Arts, Briscoe shows how you can develop skill in such key arts as contentment, intimacy, simplicity, ministry, practicality, and more. Some will come more naturally to you than others, but all of them are important and all of them can be developed with prayer and patience. Weaving together in dynamic counterpoint, they will help you experience and express God’s presence in your life more fully and deeply.

    Includes group discussion questions and personal applications.

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  • His Loving Law Our Lasting Legacy


    Many Christians view the Ten Commandments as laws they are forced to obey in order to stay on God’s good side. In her book His Loving Law, Our Lasting Legacy, Jani Ortlund invites readers to look at the Ten Commandments from a different perspective. Ortlund urges believers to recognize the Ten Commandments as a mirror, reflecting our need for God’s cleansing and forgiveness.

    Throughout the book, each commandment is presented not as another rule to follow, but as an invitation to experience more of God’s love. As readers grasp this knowledge, they are able to experience true freedom in Christ. They will begin to understand how embracing God’s laws and passing them along to future generations offers a needy world a glimpse of the truth of God’s love.

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  • From Achilles To Christ


    In From Achilles to Christ, Louis Markos introduces readers to the great narratives of classical mythology from a Christian perspective. He dispels common notions about the dangers of reading classical literature and shows how hero stories are a foreshadowing of Christ.

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  • Family (Reprinted)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780801032493ISBN10: 0801032490Jack Balswick | Judith BalswickBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2007Publisher: Baker Academic

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  • Roots : Uncovering Your Past To Get On With Your Future


    ROOTS is a book about how the destructive roots of our childhood can affect our present life and those around us. These roots include sexual and emotional abuse to name a few. Sexual abuse is the most destructive of all the roots and will affect every area of your life. Roots is an eye-opening book and very truthful and can help you to see what your bad roots are. Let’s start destroying the bad roots so they are not passed on to the next generation. You are today who you are because of your roots.

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  • Why Good People Mess Up


    Why do good people fall into immorality? This book answers the question and provides understanding and practical guidelines for everyone involved-help and hope to those who are dealing with overwhelming sexual compulsions, and forgiveness and knowledge for those who have been hurt by them.

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  • Confronting Kingdom Challenges


    Among the challenges facing the twenty-first-century church worldwide are theological uncertainty, divisiveness among Christians, the rise of paganism and New Age religions, AIDS, sexual abuse and trafficking, evangelizing the world’s great urban centers, and responding to ethnic and religious conflict.

    Clearly, there is no shortage of kingdom challenges. The chapters in this volume, written by some of the leaders of the global Reformed and evangelical church, provide superb analyses of these challenges and offer clear, biblical suggestions for answering them. Through their suggestions the contributors outline what is necessary to be a global evangelical Christian in the twenty-first century.

    The overarching theme of Confronting Kingdom Challenges is that of burden-sharing. Readers will see that no Christian, no church, no nation need face these kingdom challenges alone.

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  • Jesus Without Religion


    In Jesus Without Religion, author Rick James begins by clearing his throat. Free of creeds, quarrels and specialized theologies, he speaks of Jesus. No dogma, no politics, no moral at the end. Jesus. What he said. What he did. And what, exactly, was the point. The answers about Jesus, according to Rick James, are in the context. In his own unconventional way, James recalls the specific contexts that color Jesus’ story, bringing forward this man you’ve heard so much–and so little–about.

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  • Losers Loners And Rebels


    The early years of adolescence are a tumultuous time, full of challenges and opportunities that can shape one’s whole life. In recent years several books have analyzed this period of life for girls, but this is the first book that investigates that interior life of boys as they develop their sense of self and begin the spiritual journey that will carry them throughout their lives.

    The authors contend that adolescent boys often experience themselves at various times as losers, loners and rebels. As self-defined losers, boys begin to realize self-awareness; as loners they begin to understand their own relatedness to the larger world; as rebels they gain as sense of self-sufficiency. Through these common experiences of life, boys gain self-awareness, self transcendence, and self-sufficiency, concepts that take root in the spirituality that will last their lifetime.

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  • Always Sisters : Becoming The Princess God Created You To Be


    Six-time Grammy winner CeCe Winans provides an inspiring rational message to young women everywhere, helping them realize their precious worth as well as the blessings they have been promised as daughters of God.

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  • Wifes Prayer : Seeking Gods Best For Your Husband


    In 2003, after counseling scores of women who were experiencing troubled or
    failed marriages, Pamela Hines sought the Lord to reveal ways that would help
    the marriages within her church. God led her to announce a time of prayer
    where married women could lay the burdens, joys, cares, and concerns about
    their husbands on the altar before God. Hundreds of women showed up to pray
    and the results have changed and transformed lives around the world.
    Now A Wife’s Prayer allows you to experience the power and anointing that
    is unleashed when a wife prays for her husband. Let Pamela Hines lead you in
    intercession for your husband’s:
    * Health
    * Prosperity
    * Desires and Affections
    * Protection
    * Deliverance
    * Career and Ministry
    * and much more!

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