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Christian Living

Showing 5201–5300 of 5768 results

  • Dare To Be True


    224 Pages

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    Dare to Be True doesn’t downplay the difficulty of living honestly in today’s world, but it doesn’t throw in the towel, either. In this challenging but encouraging book, Mark Roberts introduces a bold plan to practice complete honesty in every area of our lives in what we say, in how we live, and in who we are. Combining biblical truth with real-life stories and plenty of practical applications, Roberts helps us experience the rewards of truthfulness personal wholeness, healthy relationships, and deeper intimacy with God. Set out today on the adventure of truthful living, if you dare!

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  • Tough Questions Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Reasonable answers to the tough questions about faith_for seeker small groups This revised edition of the Tough Questions series of small group curriculum faces head-on the difficult and challenging questions seekers ask about the Christian faith. This honest, informative series is the result of authors Garry Poole and Judson Poling’s extensive work with seekers at Willow Creek Community Church. Each of the 7 guides deals frankly with common objections to Christianity: * How Does Anyone Know God Exists? * What Difference Does Jesus Make? * How Reliable Is the Bible? * How Could God Allow Suffering and Evil? * Don’t All Religions Lead to God? * Do Science and the Bible Conflict? * Why Become a Christian? In 6 sessions, each guide is designed to get small groups thinking, discussing, and eventually discovering that the Christian faith can stand up to scrutiny. Quotes from non-Christian skeptics in various disciplines, together with responses from credible Christian apologists, fuel the discussions. The Tough Questions Leader’s Guide provides detailed lesson plans for facilitating the discussion and, in the process, giving an overview of the key elements of Christianity. This series is appropriate for small groups, churches, and Sunday school classes. It offers seekers and believers alike the kind of reasonable, factual answers that inspire faith, conviction, and trust in the reality and claims of Christ.

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  • What Difference Does Jesus Make


    Reasonable answers to the tough questions about faith_for seeker small groups This revised edition of the Tough Questions series of small group curriculum faces head-on the difficult and challenging questions seekers ask about the Christian faith. This honest, informative series is the result of authors Garry Poole and Judson Poling’s extensive work with seekers at Willow Creek Community Church. Each of the 7 guides deals frankly with common objections to Christianity: * How Does Anyone Know God Exists? * What Difference Does Jesus Make? * How Reliable Is the Bible? * How Could God Allow Suffering and Evil? * Don’t All Religions Lead to God? * Do Science and the Bible Conflict? * Why Become a Christian? In 6 sessions, each guide is designed to get small groups thinking, discussing, and eventually discovering that the Christian faith can stand up to scrutiny. Quotes from non-Christian skeptics in various disciplines, together with responses from credible Christian apologists, fuel the discussions. The Tough Questions Leader’s Guide provides detailed lesson plans for facilitating the discussion and, in the process, giving an overview of the key elements of Christianity. This series is appropriate for small groups, churches, and Sunday school classes. It offers seekers and believers alike the kind of reasonable, factual answers that inspire faith, conviction, and trust in the reality and claims of Christ.

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  • Dream Giver : Following Your God Given Destiny


    Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson shows how to identify and overcome the obstacles that keep millions from living the life they were created for. He begins with a compelling modern-day parable about Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. With the help of the Dream Giver, Ordinary begins the hardest and most rewarding journey of his life. Wilkinson gives readers practical, biblical keys to fulfilling their own dream, revealing that there’s no limit to what God can accomplish when we choose to pursue the dreams He gives us for His honor.

    Are you living your dream- or just living your life?

    Welcome to a little story about a very big idea. This compelling modern-day parable tells the story of Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream.

    You, too, have been given a Big Dream. One that can change your life. One that the Dream Giver wants you to achieve. Does your Big Dream seem hopelessly out of reach? Are you waiting for something or someone to make your dream happen?

    Then you’re ready for The Dream Giver.

    Let Bruce Wilkinson show you how to rise above the ordinary, conquer your fears, and overcome the obstacles that keep you from living your Big Dream.

    You were made for this. Now it’s time to begin your journey.

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  • I Bear A Cross


    Do you know your spiritual self? Do you know your mission and purpose in life? Are you or someone dear to you experiencing a lengthy mental or physical illness? Then it’s a must that you journey with Peggy Thomas Templeman, a professional social worker and survivor of clinical depression-a condition with which she has struggled for over forty years. Her highly inspirational autobiography tells of her almost insurmountable challenges, of progressively increasing trust and faith in God, and of the powerful light of hope. Feel the author’s struggles prior to birth and on through college, marriage, motherhood, numerous hospitalizations, and up to the completion of this book. She acknowledges this writing as a “divine assignment.” Marvel with Peggy Templeman in her recent diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease-an inner ear disorder. According to some medical professionals, it is this condition that could have contributed to her lengthy struggles with depression.

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  • I Bear A Cross


    Do you know your spiritual self? Do you know your mission and purpose in life? Are you or someone dear to you experiencing a lengthy mental or physical illness? Then it’s a must that you journey with Peggy Thomas Templeman, a professional social worker and survivor of clinical depression-a condition with which she has struggled for over forty years. Her highly inspirational autobiography tells of her almost insurmountable challenges, of progressively increasing trust and faith in God, and of the powerful light of hope. Feel the author’s struggles prior to birth and on through college, marriage, motherhood, numerous hospitalizations, and up to the completion of this book. She acknowledges this writing as a “divine assignment.” Marvel with Peggy Templeman in her recent diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease-an inner ear disorder. According to some medical professionals, it is this condition that could have contributed to her lengthy struggles with depression.

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  • I Wish I Had An Uncle Dick


    Growing up in the forties, we became best friends, my brother and I. I watched Dick grow tall in stature and strong in character. He became a loving father. Compassionate and loyal, he was unusually perceptive in his approach to life. Perhaps it was during the years that Dick spent as a truck driver with only the Lord as a traveling companion when he learned to trust him. For when cancer gave an ultimatum, he never faltered in his confidence that his Savior would guide him safely to his final destination. A niece beautifully described his outlook: “Uncle Dick helped me understand life’s inequities,” she said. “I watched him reconcile many hardships with the Lord. Even when death was inevitable, he seemed to say, ‘Okay, Lord, if that’s the way it is, it’s all right.’ He just smiled, and went on.” Dick touched our lives, and left behind an imprint of faith and hope.

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  • I Wish I Had An Uncle Dick


    Growing up in the forties, we became best friends, my brother and I. I watched Dick grow tall in stature and strong in character. He became a loving father. Compassionate and loyal, he was unusually perceptive in his approach to life. Perhaps it was during the years that Dick spent as a truck driver with only the Lord as a traveling companion when he learned to trust him. For when cancer gave an ultimatum, he never faltered in his confidence that his Savior would guide him safely to his final destination. A niece beautifully described his outlook: “Uncle Dick helped me understand life’s inequities,” she said. “I watched him reconcile many hardships with the Lord. Even when death was inevitable, he seemed to say, ‘Okay, Lord, if that’s the way it is, it’s all right.’ He just smiled, and went on.” Dick touched our lives, and left behind an imprint of faith and hope.

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  • Authentic Relationships : Discover The Lost Art Of One Anothering (Reprinted)


    Shows readers how to apply the one anothering passages to their lives, thereby experiencing deeper friendships and learning to be the church rather than just go to church.

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  • Anointing : Yesterday Today And Tomorrow


    Anointing. While the word has several meanings in the Bible, it always revolves around the idea of the Holy Spirit and His power to change human lives. Each of us has an anointing or a special gift from God. Using it properly is the key to creating what is good, blessing and encouraging others, edifying ourselves, and pleasing the Lord.

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  • Healing The Masculine Soul


    In his groundbreaking book fifteen years ago, Gordon Dalbey identified the fact that men’s souls have been torn between strength and sensitivity. Today, the situation is even worse. The politically correct crowd cries out for men to be more sensitive, to tame their masculine nature. On the opposing side, the media bombards men with “macho” images of violence and lust. Is it any wonder men are left bewildered about who they should be? In this newly revised and updated edition of Healing the Masculine Soul, Dalbey claims that there’s hope for restoration, hope for healing_because Christ has come to heal us. God is calling men out to a relationship with Himself and calling them out to authentic manhood. “Our task is not to curse our manhood, but to redeem it,” he writes. Gordon Dalbey’s refreshing, comprehensive picture of God’s design for the masculine soul dares men to be as God created them to be_not as society demands. Dalbey tackles the tough issues, including work, sexuality, marriage, and fatherhood. Book includes Study Guide.

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  • Chapter One : A Modern Day Testimony


    In a world full of crime, tragedy, and death, we do not hear enough of the positive events. The world seems to be most interested in who died, who slept with whom, who killed whom, and so on. Tragedy is the top story of every news program and the headline of every newspaper. Where is the good news? We do not hear about what God is doing. We all have stories to tell. Just think if no one had written down the accounts that we now read in the Bible, or if historians had not recorded the events from which we get our history books. No one would know that God exists today, and our past would be lost. This book is an account of the first ten years of my walk with the Lord. My desire is that this book will glorify God, and encourage you in the challenges you face. May it inspire you to write your own story.

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  • RainCatcher : Help From Above For Christians In Sales


    “…Thus saith the Lord, Make this valley full of ditches.” 2 Kings 3:16 Are you a Christian Entrepreneur? If so, would you spend 45 minutes to learn how to acquire the Creator’s help in your sales career? RainCatcher is a handbook for those of us who want to sell God’s way with God’s help. The book offers many guidelines for cooperating with the Lord in our attitudes, goals, prayer requests, and conduct. Each success principle is supported by Scripture and an illustration to present an easy-to-read reference for the conscientious Christian salesperson. You will learn to: RELY ON GOD’S ABILITIES RATHER THAN YOUR OWN. REFOCUS ON GOD’S PROVISION AND FAVOR. PREPARE FOR GOD’S BLESSINGS. RainCatcher teaches us to till the rich soil of our talents, fertilize our ideas, and welcome the rains of harvest. Do you want to reap bountifully? Then read RainCatcher, and be swept away by the rivers of God’s blessings. RainCatcher is a “catchy,” easy to read and timely primer on salesmanship. It keeps the salesperson focused on God and the customer, which is the right priority. -Archie Dunham CHAIRMAN, ConocoPhillips

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  • Uniquely His Love Matilda


    Uniquely His is a story of God’s grace, mercy, and love given to a very ordinary woman who is discovering every day that God had an awesome plan for the youngest of fourteen children. I always felt I was a mistake and never should have been born. I was forty-three years old before I knew that God was excited on the day of my birth. Insecurity has many faces. It can be hidden behind a loud, aggressive response; a quiet, withdrawn demeanor; a determined drive to succeed; or a fear of failure. It is whatever keeps us from becoming real people. It all began in a garden when man sinned, but it was in a garden that God had a plan to give back what the enemy stole.

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  • Embrace Gods Love


    “Yes, you can get out of Egypt, journey through the wilderness, enter into your promise land, and remain sane enough to tell about it.” Your Egypt was a place of bondage to sin. The wilderness is a place of isolation and desolation. In the Promise Land, your desires are fulfilled. We have all questioned whether or not we will make it through. The answer is yes, you will make it. In these troubled times, which have plagued our country since 9/11, many have found themselves wandering aimlessly in the mist of a wilderness place in their lives. Whether it is the loss of loved ones, the loss of employment, or the change in our economic situation, all of us have in some way been impacted by recent events. This book will: Act as your guide as you journey through the wilderness Encourage you through the trials and tests we all go through Teach you the art of praise and worship in the midst of trouble Give you a better understanding of supernatural abundance

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  • God Wants A Relationship Not A Performance


    IT’S ALL ABOUT GOD The curtain rises. Magnificent applause. And starring in the leading role is…God. God Wants a Relationship Not a Performance takes a look at the wonderfully written script for successful living in Romans 5-8. But the drama is not about us-doing our best to try to impress God. It’s about God doing what we could never do. When it comes to victorious living in the Christian life, God takes the leading role. However, we too often convince ourselves a human being is capable of performing to please God. Our human performance doesn’t cut it with God. Only our acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord of our lives brings heaven to its feet.

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  • Grain Of Sand


    Man is like a grain of sand, pushed by life upon the land. As he moves from place to place, he becomes, like sand, a part of all that he encounters. He pauses with first one group and then another, picking something up from each, and as he moves on he takes a part of each group with him. Too often, a man and a woman rush into marriage because society has led them to believe they must find mates by the age of twenty-five. Read A Grain of Sand to see how one man and one woman meet and become friends for life by the time they reach forty. Oceans apart, fighting a way back from a near-death accident, each one is looking for a part of a soul that is searching for its other half. If only each person has faith in God and the patience to wait for His answer, then society no longer has the answers.

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  • Grain Of Sand


    Man is like a grain of sand, pushed by life upon the land. As he moves from place to place, he becomes, like sand, a part of all that he encounters. He pauses with first one group and then another, picking something up from each, and as he moves on he takes a part of each group with him. Too often, a man and a woman rush into marriage because society has led them to believe they must find mates by the age of twenty-five. Read A Grain of Sand to see how one man and one woman meet and become friends for life by the time they reach forty. Oceans apart, fighting a way back from a near-death accident, each one is looking for a part of a soul that is searching for its other half. If only each person has faith in God and the patience to wait for His answer, then society no longer has the answers.

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  • Sacred Seasonings : Ideas For Enhancing The Flavor Of Your Worship


    Seekers of all ages will enjoy these hands-on guided meditations. Based on a recipe for a food or craft project, each meditation in Sacred Seasonings is complete and can be done individually or used as a set for a small group study. Whether working with youth during confirmation or planning a devotion for your women’s group, this tested collection of meditations takes ordinary objects and looks at them in different ways. Each recipe in these baker’s dozen features: A scripture reference Detailed recipe instructions for making a food or craft project A short meditation on that particular subject Questions for reflection to help you dig a little deeper A closing prayer As you continually grow in the presence of the living God, these guided meditations invite you to use all your senses and see the ordinary as divine.

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  • Beggars Can Be Chosen


    Beggars Can Be Chosen probes the encounters of Christ and those He invited to follow Him. The book, while providing expository comment, is fundamentally designed as a source of practical application for our daily Christian walk. There is a dual objective in Beggars Can Be Chosen: How is Jesus inviting us to follow Him? How does Jesus invite others to Himself through us? Traveling chronologically through the life of Christ, the text takes the reader on a stirring journey. The stories vary in pace and emphasis, but the focus stays true to the objective. Beggars Can Be Chosen draws from a wealth of classic and contemporary sources of insight and information. Anecdotes, textual explanations, and stinging discourse provide moving meditations. Examples of ministries following Christ’s example are displayed. Readers will know they have turned their attention to the Master Inviter.

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  • Ease The Squeeze


    Economic uncertainty, layoffs, corporate scandals, stock market losses, excessive credit card debt, inability to save for the future, stress, overload, relationships in turmoil, choices, priorities– Americans are feeling SQUEEZED! We save less, give less, declare bankruptcy more, and are more in debt than ever before. Though we are more prosperous as a nation than ever before, the personal financial trends that are sweeping our country and generation are sobering. Our savings rate has dipped from 12% to 1%. We file 1.4 million bankruptices a year versus 100,000 in the 1950s. Our government debt is more than 6 Trillion dollars. The average American has 16.7 credit cards with $8367 of debt. The annual number of divorces has quadrupled to 1.2 million, and our giving has decreased from 6% to 2.6%. We pay an average of $1000 a year in interest and give only $754 a year.

    Surveys show that for many people these trends are a result of their financial situation, a lack of financial training, or a lack of proper planning and priorties. Ease the Squeeze will help you develop a plan, train you to manage your money instead of it managing you, and chart your course for your life, your finances, and your giving! The early feedback has shown that this book will lead people to financially free lives and help them develop purposeful plans for getting out of debt; establishing savings; setting up a budget; giving; and regaining control of their time, plans, relationships and finances. It will also strengthen family and faith in the process! We are under siege, and it is time to ACT NOW to Ease the Squeeze.

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  • Theres Enough Woman Left To Be Your Lady


    Using biblical characters such as the woman with an issue of blood, Junious Epps Jr. shows how women are bleeding with issues that keep them bent over until they reach out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Life knocks us all off balance, sometimes making it hard to get back on our feet. Hot rays of testing can turn a woman’s mind, home, job, and even church life into a wilderness of relentless turmoil. Having felt disconnected, isolated, and not able to make sense of blatant hypocrisy, women realize that the only answer to their survival is to tread the “wilderness” of rejection, which ultimately strengthens them to totally submit to God’s Spirit. Dr. Epps reminds women that in moments of indecision, God offers them a breakthrough revelation that they need to confront their trials and overcome their obstacles. Only in the wilderness can they discover their true path in life, ministry, fellowship, and anointing. There’s Enough Woman Left to Be Your Lady is a companion for every woman who wants to walk through even the most difficult days side by side with her Lord.

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  • Simple Faith : Discovering What Really Matters


    Must we run at a pace between maddening and insane to prove we’re among the faithful? Is this really how the Prince of Peace would have us live? In this classic work, Swindoll answers with a resounding, “No!” showing how Christians can break free from exhausting, performance-based faith. He calls us back to the simplicity of the Sermon on the Mount.

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  • Emotions Can You Trust Them (Reprinted)


    Dr. James Dobson provides practical guidelines and simple steps to help anyone understand their emotions so that they can improve interaction with others. Love, anger, and guilt are emotions that can be a very positive force in our lives if we lean to recognize and cope with these aspects of who we are. The sound teaching of this book will help dispel the myths surrounding the way we thing about our emotions and will separate distorted thinking from the real thing. Learn how to interpret and understand a broad range of emotions and separate fantasy from reality.

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  • Power To Prevail


    In his clear, powerful, and down-to-earth voice, David Foster looks to the Scripture for advice, inspiration, and practical knowledge in overcoming adversity. Just as our greatest biblical heroes-from Moses to David to Jesus himself-faced the very worst of trials, this book helps us to see that being a person of faith doesn’t translate to living on Easy Street and that we can all learn to transform hardships into advantages by Turning Can’t into Can and Turning Fear into Faith.

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  • Gods Leading Lady


    Bishop T.D. Jakes, the #1 bestselling author of The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord, offers women a plan for taking charge of their lives-and starring in the unique role God has chosen them to play in the world. Providing the inspiration and the tools women need to face life’s challenges, he teaches them how to:

    Triumph in the face of adversity
    Recognize the Lord’s calling
    Create a godly and successful legacy-that will inspire and influence generations to come

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  • Fire That Ignites


    Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.”

    What kind of difference is the Holy Spirit of God making in your daily life?

    You may have heard confusing, even conflicting information about who the Spirit is and what He does. You may feel disconnected from Him, even as you long to experience His dynamic presence and power.

    Here is the practical help you’ve been looking for. With clear, simple teaching straight from the Word of God, Tony Evans shows you how to intimately know the Holy Spirit–His fruit, His power, His guidance–for a life of victory and joy.

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  • Window Of My Soul


    It has been said that if a person can remember ten percent of a speech, he or she is doing well. That certainly goes for me, which is why I regularly take notes. However, many years ago I attended a seminar taught by a dear friend whose teachings I greatly respect. I have remembered one point from that seminar: When you pray, quit asking God, “Help me do this or that” (which doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need help). Rather, ask God, “Commit me to do today what is right.” If I am committed to do what is right each day, God directs me to make better decisions. Of course, I sometimes say or do the wrong thing. After all, I am just a pilgrim here. I ask forgiveness for the mistakes, learn from them, and press on to the goal set before me. I give God all the glory and praise for the words of encouragement He has given to me. As I share them, my prayer is that others will be encouraged as well.

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  • Window Of My Soul


    It has been said that if a person can remember ten percent of a speech, he or she is doing well. That certainly goes for me, which is why I regularly take notes. However, many years ago I attended a seminar taught by a dear friend whose teachings I greatly respect. I have remembered one point from that seminar: When you pray, quit asking God, “Help me do this or that” (which doesn’t mean that sometimes we don’t need help). Rather, ask God, “Commit me to do today what is right.” If I am committed to do what is right each day, God directs me to make better decisions. Of course, I sometimes say or do the wrong thing. After all, I am just a pilgrim here. I ask forgiveness for the mistakes, learn from them, and press on to the goal set before me. I give God all the glory and praise for the words of encouragement He has given to me. As I share them, my prayer is that others will be encouraged as well.

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  • Hidden Kingdom : Journey Into The Heart Of God


    There are divine moments in life when you turn a corner and are astounded by unexpected, breathtaking vistas that you never imagined. Suddenly your world is changed forever. You have entered a supernatural realm, an eternal dimension, where Jesus is Lord and creation itself shouts His glory. The brilliantly illuminating revelation in this book will catapult you into such an experience. Embark on a voyage of discovery into the mystery of God’s timeless realm. If you want an empowered life, if you dare to engage in a life-changing adventure, this book will lead you on a journey into the heart of God.

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  • Give God The Glory Called To Be Light In The Workplace


    SKU (ISBN): 9780970590213ISBN10: 0970590210Kevin JohnsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Give God The Glory # 2Publisher: Writing For The Lord Ministries

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  • Firestorm


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591609377ISBN10: 1591609372Lawrence CorobBinding: Cloth TextPublished: July 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Essential Laws Of God And Man For The Saints


    Our God is holy and orderly. Prayer and fasting alone cannot save us except we remain holy and orderly and obey His laws and the laws of the land. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? … For the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” (1 Peter 3:13). This is what the author is trying to pass across. He has fused together his knowledge in natural laws and supernatural laws (spiritual) to write this book.

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  • Courage To Change


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591607908ISBN10: 1591607906Robert BlairBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Now Remain These Three


    “I have no idea what my Spiritual Gift is!” “Why am I having such a hard time trying to figure it out?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you’re not alone. Could it be that the Gifts passed away long ago? No, not just the “Charismatic Gifts.” Perhaps even the Gifts of Teaching and Evangelism are not around any longer, either. What does the Bible say about this? This book makes the case that ALL of the Spiritual Gifts passed away save for some surprising exceptions. And in the process, God gave us something even better. Are you ready to have your traditional views challenged? Are you willing to take a fresh look at what the Bible says about the viability of Spiritual Gifts TODAY?

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  • Search For Significance


    Now updated! Join the millions who’ve benefited from the classic that Billy Graham said “should be read by every Christian.” Learn how to see your worth through God’s eyes, step off the “performance treadmill,” and discover, through insightful self-inventory exercises, how four false beliefs have kept you from the joy of abundant life in Christ.

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  • Pursuit Of God In The Company Of Friends


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830832309ISBN10: 0830832300Richard LambBinding: Trade PaperPublished: July 2003Publisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Heaven In The Real World


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Let the reality of Heaven shape your experience on Earth! Through inspiring real-life stories on how the transforming power of Heaven—God incarnate—changes lives, Pastor McLaughlin helps you live a life you wouldn’t dream of giving up, build relationships you’d never think of leaving, and weather difficulties without being washed away by life’s storms.

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  • 100 Words In Dialogue With The Holy Spirit


    “I have read 100 Words in Dialogue with the Holy Spirit. The style is fascinating-philosophical, theological, contemplative, bright, and challenging, yet humble in approaching the “Holy of Holies.” I found the writing challenging to my inner self. I am now thinking and feeling closer to the Holy Spirit. The book makes a good daily devotional for a spiritual journey.” -Rev. Mr. Bob Langwig, Presbyterian Minister, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church “I have read 100 Words in Dialogue with the Holy Spirit with fascination. There is much there that is useful for many readers.” -Jay E. Adams, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Timeless Texts “The author’s unique credentials as a pastor, chaplain, scholar, and everyman blend together to make this book a must read for all who desire a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit. It provided me with an additional tool, a commentary of sorts, to help me as I explored my own special relationship with the Holy Spirit. My wife, Virginia, and I found blessings in using the words of the book in our daily devotions.” -Steve Kacprzak, Executive Director, Love Thy Neighbor Ministries

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  • Right Place The Wrong Position


    “Pastor Berry shares great insight regarding the believer’s fulfillment as one seeks the glory of God. His composition on knowing God’s power and our dependency upon that power demonstrates the need for our deeper faith and unswerving trust in Him…. Pastor Berry further enlightens us on the subject of faith in such a way that each of our relationships with God should be immediately enhanced.He gives a unique overview of how to enter God’s presence and know it without a shadow of doubt. Every believer who is serious about his or her level of discipleship and committed to the purpose of spiritual development should read this book. It will quench the thirst for the watery word of God that gives true satisfaction.” -BISHOP CHARLES E. BROWN, DEAN OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, PRESIDING BISHOP’S OFFICE, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST AUXILIARY BISHOP AND PASTOR OF THE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST “This book is a powerful and passionate study on the Glory of God that relates not only to the message read but also the message lived.The author graciously takes the reader with him on a journey from lack to fulfillment and from pretense to presence.I strongly recommend this book for reading. It will identify the difference between your place and position and will challenge you to know and find His presence.” -PASTOR R. J. HOSTON, BETHESDA CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ROCHESTER, NEWYORK

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  • Right Place The Wrong Position


    “Pastor Berry shares great insight regarding the believer’s fulfillment as one seeks the glory of God. His composition on knowing God’s power and our dependency upon that power demonstrates the need for our deeper faith and unswerving trust in Him…. Pastor Berry further enlightens us on the subject of faith in such a way that each of our relationships with God should be immediately enhanced.He gives a unique overview of how to enter God’s presence and know it without a shadow of doubt. Every believer who is serious about his or her level of discipleship and committed to the purpose of spiritual development should read this book. It will quench the thirst for the watery word of God that gives true satisfaction.” -BISHOP CHARLES E. BROWN, DEAN OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS SCHOOL OF MINISTRY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, PRESIDING BISHOP’S OFFICE, CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST AUXILIARY BISHOP AND PASTOR OF THE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST “This book is a powerful and passionate study on the Glory of God that relates not only to the message read but also the message lived.The author graciously takes the reader with him on a journey from lack to fulfillment and from pretense to presence.I strongly recommend this book for reading. It will identify the difference between your place and position and will challenge you to know and find His presence.” -PASTOR R. J. HOSTON, BETHESDA CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ROCHESTER, NEWYORK

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  • Habits Of Highly Effective Christians


    Using personal anecdotes from years in foreign missions work, the author shares rich biblical insights into familiar subjects. He makes fasting doable, tells how to pray in the will of God, elevates obedience as the highest criterion for God’s rewards, and defines personal success in terms that eliminate the pride and intimidation that result from comparisons with others. This book turns selfdiscipline into a wonderful key for personal growth, and crises into stepping stones for self-development. These habits can change your outlook, maybe even your world. A companion Bible Study Guide is also available. “If you want to be challenged to think deeper, go further, and live your Christian faith more fully and fruitfully, then run to get this book. With his direct and plainspoken application of Scripture and lessons learned from his own rich life, he will make you think anew about yours. This book will change you. I promise.” -BARBARAWOLFER, HOUSEWIFE, ZEALOUS CHRISTIAN, AND ENGLISH PROFESSOR. “Ron Meyers’ book is a superb resource for maturing Christians who want to be challenged, encouraged, and counseled in living lives that count for Christ. This warm and readable work has all the humanity of a man in love with his Lord and his subject. It is witty and wise, and I heartily recommend it.” -WAYNE MARTINDALE, AUTHOR, C.S. LEWIS SCHOLAR, AND PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AT WHEATON COLLEGE.

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  • Who Is The Greatest Evangelist Of Our Century


    Understand this revelation from God for the present time. Read it and judge for yourself. Who is the greatest evangelist of our century? Who are Billy Graham and Benny Hinn? What do Billy Graham and Benny Hinn represent to us today? Read and understand the impressive revelations of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives nowadays through Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn is the prophet of the century, the greatest man of God in the world today, and the living presence of God. Billy Graham is the past, and is not the good pastor. This will be the millennium of the Holy Spirit. In this book the author tells you about the revelation he received from the Holy Spirit about Benny Hinn and Billy Graham.

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  • Swans Soup And Salad


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    You’ve heard that chicken soup is good for the soul . . . now here’s some soup and salad! Swanberg, “The Minister of Encouragement,” serves up deliciously funny and delightful anecdotes to fill your heart and tickle your funnybone. From “Funeral Fans and Tongue Depressors” to “The Zipper Revenge,” you’ll find his off-beat humor irresistible!

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  • Living In Love With Jesus Workbook (Workbook)


    The authors of the best-selling Falling in Love with Jesus video curriculum turn their insight towards the principles reflected in the life of the biblical character Esther. Though two very different women_one single and one a married grandmother the authors combine their unique perspectives of God’s love and our ability to love one another. Ideal for individual or group study, the Living in Love with Jesus workbook paints a portrait of biblical truth that infuses a woman’s relationship with God with new vibrancy.

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  • Laymans Guide To Santification


    SKU (ISBN): 9780834120945ISBN10: 0834120941UnknownBinding: UnknownPublished: June 2003Publisher: The Foundry Publishing – formerly Beacon Hill Pres Print On Demand Product

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  • Memorandums From A Loving God


    Does God speak directly to His children? If He does, do His children really want to listen? Are they ready to listen, or are they like the children of Israel who feared His voice? Not only does God talk to His children as a loving Father, but He also looks for and searches out those who are willing to listen and be obedient to His Word. Contained within these pages are some personal messages, recorded over a twelve-year period, that God has spoken to one of his sons-who has chosen to remain anonymous to avoid distracting attention away from the Author and Finisher of our faith. From those messages emerged an insight into the Holy Scripture of how we, the Body of Christ, need to devour God’s Word so we may live it. From an evaluation of these messages and instructions came an observation that the spectrum of Christianity goes from one extreme to another. The first is “intellectualism,” which has led to apostasy. The other extreme is physical immersion in the move of the Holy Spirit, which often lacks a truly in-depth knowledge of the Word of God. We need to understand our existence and purpose in this earthly realm, first as living, active members of the Body of Christ, and then in our current position in heaven as children and heirs of God and joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus. We need to devour the written Word to become the spoken Word. We need to stop seeing ourselves as just believers in the Word. We need to become “existers” in the Word That Became Flesh as living, active, obedient members of that Body, listening and responding to the Head. Contained within these Memorandums from a Loving God and the excerpted Guidelines for Victorious Prayer are clear instructions on how to live victoriously to fulfill God’s promises and the expressions of an infinite, loving Father toward His children.

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  • Memorandums From A Loving God


    Does God speak directly to His children? If He does, do His children really want to listen? Are they ready to listen, or are they like the children of Israel who feared His voice? Not only does God talk to His children as a loving Father, but He also looks for and searches out those who are willing to listen and be obedient to His Word. Contained within these pages are some personal messages, recorded over a twelve-year period, that God has spoken to one of his sons-who has chosen to remain anonymous to avoid distracting attention away from the Author and Finisher of our faith. From those messages emerged an insight into the Holy Scripture of how we, the Body of Christ, need to devour God’s Word so we may live it. From an evaluation of these messages and instructions came an observation that the spectrum of Christianity goes from one extreme to another. The first is “intellectualism,” which has led to apostasy. The other extreme is physical immersion in the move of the Holy Spirit, which often lacks a truly in-depth knowledge of the Word of God. We need to understand our existence and purpose in this earthly realm, first as living, active members of the Body of Christ, and then in our current position in heaven as children and heirs of God and joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus. We need to devour the written Word to become the spoken Word. We need to stop seeing ourselves as just believers in the Word. We need to become “existers” in the Word That Became Flesh as living, active, obedient members of that Body, listening and responding to the Head. Contained within these Memorandums from a Loving God and the excerpted Guidelines for Victorious Prayer are clear instructions on how to live victoriously to fulfill God’s promises and the expressions of an infinite, loving Father toward His children.

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  • Enduring For The Promise


    This book is a tool that is filled with ways of receiving what God has for you.You no longer have to live beneath your potential. God loves you and wants you to be the best that you can be.God has heard your prayers.He sees the bonds that hold you captive and desires to see you free. You owe it to yourself to succeed in life. You also owe it to yourself to help others succeed. I want you to be happy. Being happy about your outcomes is possible when you have joy in the process. Enduring for the Promise works.

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  • Enduring For The Promise


    This book is a tool that is filled with ways of receiving what God has for you.You no longer have to live beneath your potential. God loves you and wants you to be the best that you can be.God has heard your prayers.He sees the bonds that hold you captive and desires to see you free. You owe it to yourself to succeed in life. You also owe it to yourself to help others succeed. I want you to be happy. Being happy about your outcomes is possible when you have joy in the process. Enduring for the Promise works.

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  • Heavens Whisper : A Journey Through Crisis


    Imagine for a moment that you are a prisoner, confined in the smallest, most unrelenting cage known to mankind. Imagine the cage is your own weak and tender flesh. Unable to communicate or move a muscle, you are left in an unforgiving shell. You are trapped, and death is the only way to escape your confinement. As inconceivable as this might sound, this indeed was my father’s reality for decades. This is what the disease known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) did to him. He lost everything physically and mentally possible, and I, in the process of witnessing this tragedy, began losing my heart and soul. -Rita Jaget Ellis Tragedy strikes, and in an instant our lives are changed forever. Why must loved ones suffer and die? Who hasn’t asked the question “Why?” or wondered where God is in a desperate hour? None of us are exempt from pain and suffering. Whether it be emotional or physical, a loved one or ourselves, we are all candidates. This book is about: Understanding and managing our emotions in crises Understanding and accepting suffering and death Understanding God’s action or lack of action in any given situation Getting past our personal crises and allowing ourselves to pursue lives full of purpose This book has the potential to change lives; it beats with a heart and soul of its own.

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  • Heavens Whisper : A Journey Through Crisis


    Imagine for a moment that you are a prisoner, confined in the smallest, most unrelenting cage known to mankind. Imagine the cage is your own weak and tender flesh. Unable to communicate or move a muscle, you are left in an unforgiving shell. You are trapped, and death is the only way to escape your confinement. As inconceivable as this might sound, this indeed was my father’s reality for decades. This is what the disease known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) did to him. He lost everything physically and mentally possible, and I, in the process of witnessing this tragedy, began losing my heart and soul. -Rita Jaget Ellis Tragedy strikes, and in an instant our lives are changed forever. Why must loved ones suffer and die? Who hasn’t asked the question “Why?” or wondered where God is in a desperate hour? None of us are exempt from pain and suffering. Whether it be emotional or physical, a loved one or ourselves, we are all candidates. This book is about: Understanding and managing our emotions in crises Understanding and accepting suffering and death Understanding God’s action or lack of action in any given situation Getting past our personal crises and allowing ourselves to pursue lives full of purpose This book has the potential to change lives; it beats with a heart and soul of its own.

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  • Between Sundays


    You’ve experienced it-the spiritual let-down on Monday after Sunday worship that keeps spiraling down until the next first-day fellowship. How do you overcome that deflating feeling? How do you maintain your Sunday fervor of faith Monday through Saturday? Between Sundays by Shawn Craig is the place to start. Open the pages of this book and accept Craig’s invitation to “Walk with me in pursuit of God.” Daily devotions for each day of the week, Monday thru Saturday.

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  • Too Close To The Flame


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    “Our world is aflame with sex,” warns counselor and author Dr. Gregg Jantz. We live in a society where sex is practiced openly, talked about freely, engaged in creatively, and flaunted shamelessly. Cultural stigmas that once kept sex within definable boundaries have all but disappeared.

    Anyone can fall prey to sexual temptation or become the target of a sexual aggressor. Any man or woman who has contact with the opposite sex – whether at church, in the workplace, or at play – needs the vital information contained in these pages.

    Would you recognize a sexually charged relationship soon enough to avoid falling into an affair? Would you be able to help a friend, loved one, or someone you’re counseling avoid such a relationship? Basing each section on gripping case studies, this must-read book for the new millennium will help you recognize the danger signs of a sexualized relationship and show you how to keep your future with your family, your friends, your coworkers, and your God secure

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  • Rescued By The Cross


    In This Compelling Book, One Of America’s Most Popular, Influential, And Compelling Youth Evangelists Reveals His Own Incredible Story Of Rescue. This Book, Ken Freeman’s First Release, Offers Hope, Encouragement, And Insight To Young Christians About How To Step Out Of The Past, No Matter How Painful, And Into God’s Purpose. No One Communicates This Message With More Clarity And Vision. Linking A Passionate Plea For An Uncompromised Life Lived In God’s Purpose With A Compassionate Understanding Of Painful Pasts, Freeman Offers A Message Of Hope And Direction To Searching Young People And Those Who Love Them. 239 Pages, Softcover. Howard Publishing.

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  • God Will Make A Way


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Brutal double murder . . . the loss of a best friend-these are the tragedies that compelled Rush to write this compassionate book of healing. In God Will Make a Way, Rush tells his own story and the stories of others who were dealt devastating blows but trusted an unseen God to lead them on an uncharted course to the comfort and assurance they so desperately sought.

    Divorce, death, disease, and broken dreams-people everywhere are searching for answers that mend and heal. This book is a hand that grasps yours and leads you to that healing.

    The sections of the book move from “Heartbreak” to “Hope,” “Pain’s Joys,” “God’s Prescription for Pain,” and finally to “Victory.” For anyone who needs practical help in surviving crisis and pain-this is the book!

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  • Churches That Heal


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Why should churches heal? Does your church touch the lives of broken people and bring healing to their hurts? How does your church become that healing force that glorifies God and impacts whole communities? In a desperately hurting world full of toxic relationships, crippled values, and mutilated mortality, lives are crying out for real healing — not drug-induced solutions, not psychobabble band-aids, but authentic answers that heal the heart, soul, and mind. There is only one source for such healing power. The church that was built on the One who said to the world, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened.” The question is not can we become a church that heals shattered lives but will we. Doug Murren, in this insightful, inspiring, and instructive book, reveals why and how you can become a healing force in your neighborhood, community, and the world.

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  • They Smell Like Sheep


    Jesus the Good Shepherd did not lead his flock from a distance; he got dirty with their problems and struggles. And that, says Anderson, is the only kind of leadership that will move the church forward in the new millennium. The practical leadership principles he shares will help you become the effective leader you’re meant to be!

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  • Daring To Dance With God


    (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

    Christians everywhere want to know God more intimately but often don’t know how to overcome the obstacles that keep them arm’s length from their Creator. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling combines biblical insight, vivid imagery, and humorous stories to move you into a celebration of life’s surprises and a rich relationship with the God of the unexpected.

    You will identify with Walling’s witty yet poignant insights on “Five Diseases That Stop the Music” and will find hope in the section on “Three Special Dances for Painful Times.” Ideal for all who long for more in their relationship with God.

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  • My Sleep Shall B Sweet


    Tired of sitting up at night, never getting enough sleep because of fear? My Sleep Shall “B” Sweet will bring liberty to the lives of those who are struggling with the spirit of fear. Its testimonials reveal fear’s deception. This book targets fears that come to torment in the night, such as fear of the dark, sleeping alone at night, bad dreams, and hearing things that are not there. We should never excuse fear by letting it operate in our children, for God has not given us a spirit of fear. This book shows you how to stop following the voice of a stranger and how to follow your Father’s voice instead. In it, Cynthia Jones shares the power of calling on the name that is above all names: JESUS. She provides daily devotional scriptures to guide readers in their quest to find liberation from fear. Are you consumed by fear? Does the dark frighten you? Do you struggle with phobias? Are you afraid of sleeping alone? If fear has caused you sleeplessness or any other disturbance, this book is for you. My Sleep Shall “B” Sweet can guide you to the rest and deliverance you need.

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  • Spiritual Genetics : The DNA Of God


    I found Spiritual Genetics to be an very inspiring and informative book. It is easy to read and can be read in a couple of hours. For the mature Christian it will motivate them to become all that God intends them to be and for the new Christian it will release an avalanche of revelation leading them into God’s plan and purpose for their lives. The author provides ample scripture references to back up his insightful conclusions. I reccoment this book to any and all who are searching for God’s purpose and plan for their life.

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  • Wheres Your Adam


    Are you experiencing a strong desire to have a man in your life? Has your desire been so strong that you’ve lowered your standards little by little just to be in a relationship? If so, you didn’t pick this book up by coincidence. This book reveals Satan’s methodology and tricks that are designed to destroy a woman’s divine destiny through ungodly relationships. Unfortunately, many women have allowed their craving for a man to stand in the way of their destiny. If you are one of those women, it is time to arise and allow GOD to satisfy your craving! You are pregnant with GOD-filled purpose. If you’re a woman who’s still breathing today, the words in this book await to be internalized in your soul!

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  • Your Inheritance : The Kingdom Of God


    My goal in writing this little book is to help us get to know God our Father better and open our eyes to the blessings He has given us so we will live as His heirs of the kingdom that is and is to come. The Holy Spirit quickens the Word of God to us so we can know God and apply His blessings and His Word in our lives. This helps us be more useful, productive, and fulfilled in the kingdom of God on earth today. May this open the eyes of our minds to see Messiah Jesus as king of the kingdom. My dear brother in Christ, Bill Bremer: I was so taken by your book, Your Inheritance: The Kingdom Of God … and I highly recommend this inspired writing to all my friends. The revelation of the apostle Paul is something needed to be heard in this time slot of our lives…. The unsearchable riches of Christ, which is the manifold wisdom of God, is now unveiled in a way never before known by men. We’ve been friends for many years and I’m impressed with your strong desire to encourage others to go deeper and deeper in Christ. I love the way in which you bring the Jewishness of the Messiah to light in a manner we do not see enough of today. It is in knowing the Jewish scriptures and customs that we will come to understand the ministry and teachings of Jesus, the Messiah! You certainly have accomplished this in your wonderful book. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Gene Boone

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  • Hope : Your Hearts Deepest Longings (Student/Study Guide)


    Sometimes hope becomes so real that it’s almost tangible.

    But at other times–especially when tragedy or hardship intrudes–you wonder whether your hope will fail, leaving you exposed, vulnerable and overwhelmed.

    In eight sessions, Jack Kuhatschek leads you to explore both sides of hope. You’ll confront doubts and fears, and you’ll anticipate the great joy that awaits you in Jesus Christ.

    This revised LifeGuide Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader’s notes and a “Now or Later” section in each study.

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  • My Journey To Paradise


    This is the first-hand story of a Cambodian boy who found himself caught in the crossfire of civil war and then under the cruel oppression of the Khmer Rouge Communist regime. Enduring what is described in this book should have made him an emotional cripple. But God had other plans. He survived the Khmer Rouge holocaust, and when presented with an opportunity to go to America, he did so. He then took advantage of America’s educational opportunities and studied to become a dentist. After becoming a Christian, the hatred and bitterness he felt toward those who destroyed many of his relatives and friends turned to forgiveness. Where once he lived for revenge, he now lives to bring healing to others and to share the love of God. This book tells about what happens when men live without God. It also shows the providence of God in saving someone in great danger. It shows the power of the Gospel to change hate into love. It shows how the freedoms and opportunities available in America can equip a person to become a constructive citizen if he works hard to make his dreams a reality. This is a book of hope!

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  • My Journey To Paradise


    This is the first-hand story of a Cambodian boy who found himself caught in the crossfire of civil war and then under the cruel oppression of the Khmer Rouge Communist regime. Enduring what is described in this book should have made him an emotional cripple. But God had other plans. He survived the Khmer Rouge holocaust, and when presented with an opportunity to go to America, he did so. He then took advantage of America’s educational opportunities and studied to become a dentist. After becoming a Christian, the hatred and bitterness he felt toward those who destroyed many of his relatives and friends turned to forgiveness. Where once he lived for revenge, he now lives to bring healing to others and to share the love of God. This book tells about what happens when men live without God. It also shows the providence of God in saving someone in great danger. It shows the power of the Gospel to change hate into love. It shows how the freedoms and opportunities available in America can equip a person to become a constructive citizen if he works hard to make his dreams a reality. This is a book of hope!

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  • When Two Worlds Collide


    The pundits of television and radio, friends and relatives daily feed us an endless stream of well-meaning advice in how to successfully deal with life’s vicissitudes and problematic situations. We are pulled this way and that way like rudderless boats cast upon a series of huge waves caught in a tempest by whomever or whatever exerts the most influence upon us at any particular point in time. Our life has no direction, but that which is imposed upon us by events and seemingly knowledgeable people. In Barbara Engels’ newest book, When Two Worlds Collide, the author through continuing the story of the Cole family dares to suggest to the reader that he ‘be still’. In a world where we feverishly turn to Oprah or Dr. Laura or Dr. Phil or any other popular expert for our daily dose of advice, it is radical indeed to tell the reader to ‘be still’. Engels dares to suggest that we do the unthinkable and when the ominous black clouds of a problem swirl about us that we ‘be still’, and let our Creator speak to us and solutions will be found.

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  • Power Of The Dream


    It’s no secret that Joseph had a remarkable destiny. It all started with a dream. The Power of the Dream carried him through thirteen years of hardship, persecution, slavery, and false imprisonment. Eventually, God made good on His promises to Joseph, and he rose from the prison to the palace. Learn the secrets of endurance, faith, courage, and overcoming power that enabled God to bring about the dream in Joseph’s life. Explore the nature of the destiny-dream today, how it manifests, and what obstacles you, too, must overcome to fulfill the dream in your life. If you’ve been tempted to give up, give in, or settle for less than God’s best for your life, The Power of the Dream will encourage you to hold on and to believe the promises of God for your life. It will also give you practical insights to keep you from letting the dream slip away.

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  • Love Letters To The Church


    Love Letters to the Church is a clarion cry from a loving God to the body of Christ, to KNOW HIM, not just know about Him. He longs to draw us with cords of love into the intimate closeness that can come only from knowing His heart. A person could spend his whole life in church doing all the things he feels a Christian should do and never really come to know the God of his salvation. Yes, we can repeat the sinner’s prayer, but “getting saved” and becoming a believer is not just about getting fire insurance to keep us out of hell. True Christianity is all about a personal relationship with the living God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. As you feel God’s heartstrings drawing you to a closer and more passionate walk, may you also hear Him calling you to be part of His end-time army, and ultimately, His victorious church. You will be telling the Good News of Jesus, healing the sick, setting the captives free, and preparing a people for Christ’s return. The time is too short; we must be ready. Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!

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  • Jesus Christ : And The Last Crusade


    Earth has met its deadline! Ambassador Shane is here to warn you that Jesus Christ is your only escape from the soon coming horrors. The Prophetic Time Clock of Doom, upon striking the preset hour on its dial, shall usher in the events foretold, as surely as God is God. Secret things belong to God, but things revealed belong to us (Deuteronomy 29:29). God outlined and blueprinted his mysterious “End of the World” millennia ago, in scriptures known as end-time prophecies. These have been hidden from man’s understanding until a time that God designated as “The End” (Daniel 12:9-10). That’s today! Dr. Shane explores man from Paradise Lost to Paradise Restored, destroying half-truths and whole lies while inflicting death on evil. Cracking the codes that solve the mysteries of the universe, he explains the signs, symbols, types, shadows, times, and seasons, including the Rapture, Tribulation, Antichrist, Armageddon, and the Millennial Kingdom unto the Eternal State. He explores the Bible and end-time prophecy’s single theme, which is: Very soon, Jesus Christ shall be fully revealed or apocalypsed on earth as Almighty God, King, Ruler, and Judge of all men everywhere and disposer of their eternal destinies. Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready?

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  • Recovering Biblical Ministry By Women


    According to a Christianity Today reader survey about gender roles: Seventy-eight percent of respondents think: “Christian leaders need to speak out on proper roles for men and women.” Eighty-eight percent agreed: “There is a lot of confusion about male and female roles in the Christian world today…. The key actors in the evangelical debate have clearly reached an impasse.” (March 2002) This book proposes careful but clear biblical answers to all questions: It is based on the inerrancy of Scripture and rejects the deculturizing hermeneutic. It is not egalitarian. It provides irrefutable exegetical evidence for the husband’s authority in marriage. It affirms family values. It is not radically complementarian. It provides in depth refutation of eighty-five different objections and restrictions to ministry by women in the church. It frees women to serve Christ fully. Dr. John H. Armstrong, President: “Reformation and Revival Ministries, Inc.” “I have found it the most satisfying exposition of the Holy Scriptures on this subject that I have read in thirty years of thought and exegetical work.”

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  • God Chicks : Living Life As A 21st Century Woman


    This book encourages women to be real, to be relatable, and to have fun as they take on the amazing, significant roles on the earth for which they were created. Holly Wagner believes it is no accident that you and I are alive and on the earth at this time in history. . .what an awesome privilege it is. Granted, terror is alive and real on the planet. . .but so are we and the purposes for which we have been placed here. The King of heaven is waiting for women to take their places on the earth. . .we have a job to do. Proverbs 31:8-9 says it like this. . .we are to open our mouths for those who can’t speak for themselves. . .open our mouths for those who are left defenseless. . .we are to judge righteously and administer justice. How can we do this if we are not confidently living our life as God’s girl on the earth? In God Chicks, Holly encourages women to embrace their God-given roles, such as the Warrior Chick, the Friend Chick, and the Just b.u. Chick. “We are invaluable,” says Holly, “and more women need to see themselves this way. We do not have to strive or force our way. . .we just have to confidently walk as we were created. . .daughters of a King.”

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  • Samson Syndrome : What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible


    The story of Samson is the perfect vehicle to reveal the twelve tendencies that can bring down strong men: disregarding their boundaries, struggling with lust, ignoring good advice, overestimating their own cleverness, and others.

    Written in a compassionate, funny, and practical style, The Samson Syndrome offers readers powerful ideas for making sure they use their greatest strengths to honor God in every situation.

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  • Created To Be Gods Friend Workbook (Workbook)


    This format is designed for either individuals or group leaders. Created To Be God’s Friend is a remarkable study in our relatinship with a personal God who is constantly working in each of our lives.

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  • Fresh Faith


    Like a Fountain of Clear Water Cleansing a Stagnant, Cynical Culture . . . FRESH FAITH Pastor Jim Cymbala calls us back to a fiery, passionate preoccupation with God that will restore what the enemy has stolen from us: our first love for Jesus, our zeal, our troubled children, our wounded marriages, our broken and divided churches. Born out of the heart and soul of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, the message of Fresh Faith is illustrated by true stories of men and women whose lives have been changed through the power of faith. The same faith that can transform your life-starting today, if you choose.

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  • Finding Your Religion


    SKU (ISBN): 9780060653460ISBN10: 0060653469UnknownBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2003Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers Print On Demand Product

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  • Fresh Power


    We Need God’s Power Drawing examples from the Bible and from the sidewalks of New York City, Fresh Power shows what happens when the Spirit of God moves in our midst. He longs to reveal the mind of God to us and to release heaven’s limitless resources to meet the desperate needs around us. Fresh Power will expand your vision for what God can and will do, and inspire you to pray like never before for God’s power in your church-and in you.

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  • Cat And Dog Theology (Revised)


    The God given traits of cats (You exist to serve me) and dogs (I exist to serve You) are often similar to certain theological attitudes held by many Christians in their view of God and their relationship to Him. Using the differences between cats and dogs in a light-handed manner, the authors challenge this thinking in deep and profound ways. This life-changing book will provide a new perspective and vision for God as we delight in the God who delights in us.

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  • Would You Still Love Jesus If He Sent You To Hell


    This book is designed to promote thanksgiving and meditation by applying Scriptures to everyday life. It should challenge some of our personal views and thoughts on everyday occurrences. So many things go on around us that we often have trouble determining our true convictions. “Is it conviction or guilt?” We know “hell is real,” but do we always “act as if”? Don’t be afraid to allow this book to search your soul. Trust God to show you what’s “at the root” and to prove that “life is short, but eternity lasts forever.” Reading this book will light a fire in your soul that you thought was impossible to light. After you’ve finished, ask yourself those really tough questions: “Is Jesus your friend?” “To drink or not to drink?” and of course, “Would you still love Jesus if he sent you to hell?”

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  • Footprints In My Rearview Mirror


    People leave footprints that run through other lives. Sometimes they gradually increase to make a path, which becomes a trail, then a rutted road, a highway, a freeway, and on and on into one’s fading memories. Some of them are but little puffs in the dust or snow, while others are huge craters and ruts in the mud that leave big scars or become great indelible lessons about life as one passes through the world system toward eternity. The people and events mentioned in this book are real and are recorded as accurately as possible. So as not to misrepresent anyone or anything, many unclear parts have been omitted. The Japanese American WWII experience had a heavy impact on the circumstances that shaped the sociological, psychological, and spiritual post-war life of Mr. Oiye. This book is written to illustrate how God chose the author to become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord from the beginning, and how He guarantees that it will not only happen, but He will continue to provide the means to match the circumstance. “Just getting old is a sterile way of life, but growing old gracefully is a God-given gift.”

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  • Journey


    Do you desire freedom from religious bondage? Are you frustrated with rules? The Journey is a true story that chronicles an extraordinary search for the existence of God. The story begins with her ancestors from whom she has received blessings and cursings. She discovers that dark, unseen forces have her under surveillance, watching for an opportune time to bring her into temptation and deception. Her carnal nature falls prey to the influence of ungodly temptations, and she is lured into the world of fleeting pleasure and sin. Seeking relief from her dilemma catapults her into a smorgasbord of erroneous religious groups. As she adheres to the rules and rituals of religion, she realizes that keeping rules does not tame the carnal beast within. She exchanges her life of sin for one of self-righteousness, false humility, and counterfeit Christianity. Family casualties become a byproduct of her journey, and they are left behind in the tumultuous aftermath. Who can rescue her? Only One-Jesus Christ! Discovering the truth, her journey takes a sharp turn. She realizes she has not been following God’s true path, but man’s interpretation of it. She undergoes spiritual surgery that removes the false belief systems she had embraced, and she finds the true freedom that Christ proclaimed: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

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  • 12 Ordinary Men Workbook (Workbook)


    Pointing to the lives of the disciples – twelve ordinary men through whom God worked extraordinary things – John MacArthur presents a pattern that modern disciples can pattern. In spite of – and sometimes because of – weakness and imperfection – God can and will use his believers to accomplish His work. This hands-on, practical workbook is divided into 12 chapters based on the 12 unique disciples offers the tools needed to train as a true disciple of God. This workbook will help Christians uncover and unleash the power of His word and will in their own lives and the lives of others.

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  • Think It Not Strange


    Chronic pain interferes with hopes, dreams, plans and goals. It meddles with the mind and can be a real heart breaker. For the Christian, however, long-term pain can bring meaning and reveal purposes that would otherwise go unnoticed. Coping with chronic pain is a challenge, but certainly not impossible. There is hope. For twelve years this author has suffered with the remnants of eight spinal operations and a degenerative condition that daily deposits pain into her life’s account. Suffering ones eagerly anticipate the Lord’s return, when He will grant new bodies and bring His own children to a place where there is no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4). Until then, though, we are responsible to live by His Word and worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Like some medications, though, the truth is difficult to swallow sometimes. That is why we must live our lives (painful or not) in Christ, relying on Him to see us through each moment of the day, in peace. Pain’s invasion does not have to rob us of inner joy. We can even make peace with the pain and survive its torment graciously. The Lord will help us! “But as for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause, who does great things, and unsearchable, marvelous things without number” (Job 5:8-9).

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  • Why Do I Put So Much Pressure On Myself And Others


    Discover the One Percent Principle that Can Change Your Life! Your husband greets you at the door with a big grin. “Look, honey, I did the dishes for you!” Hugging your thanks, you glance over his shoulder and obsess about the milk puddles still on the counter. Your best friend shows up on your doorstep, casserole in hand. “I know you’ve been really stressed lately. Here’s dinner.” Taking the dish, you hesitate inviting her in. The house is too messy! You wait until you have a full day available to clean your house, because it just doesn’t seem reasonable to get only a little done at a time.

    Discover the One Percent Principle that Can Change Your Life! Your husband greets you at the door with a big grin. “Look, honey, I did the dishes for you!” Hugging your thanks, you glance over his shoulder and obsess about the milk puddles still on the counter. Your best friend shows up on your doorstep, casserole in hand. “I know you’ve been really stressed lately. Here’s dinner.” Taking the dish, you hesitate inviting her in. The house is too messy! You wait until you have a full day available to clean your house, because it just doesn’t seem reasonable to get only a little done at a time.

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  • Are You Following Jesus


    What other noted ministers are saying about this book: “With no apologies, Ray Cummings calls today’s Christians on the carpet for the thoughtless compromises that creep into daily life and soil the Savior’s witness. Read through the work and you will find it reading you.” Dr. Harry L. Lucenay -Writer/Conference Speaker/Former Pastor of First Baptist Church -San Antonio, TX. “Dr. Cummings cuts to the heart of the matter. . . . If you are serious about growing in your faith . . . read and learn from Dr. Cummings’ insight and experience.” Dr. Ryan F. Whitley -Pastor of First Baptist Church of Center Point -Birmingham, AL. In Are You Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around? author Ray Cummings has chosen some oxymorons through which God has challenged him in his own personal walk with the Lord. Dr. Cummings focuses each chapter on spiritual evaluations that may help determine whether or not we are truly following Jesus. At the close of each chapter, the character of Christ is contrasted with the actions of many Christians. The goal of this work is that when readers view their inconsistencies in light of God’s unchanging character, they would have a greater desire to be “imitators of Christ” (Ephesians 5:1). May God allow you to be honest with yourself as you personalize this book by seeking to answer the question: “Am I Following Jesus or Just Fooling Around?”

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  • Marketplace Priest


    In Marketplace Priest, Frank Marinkovich, M.D. presents us two ways to conduct business. There is a way of a career versus the way of holy calling. A career is a self-chosen pursuit. It is based on something rational such as security, necessity, vacation, or parental desire. Maybe it satisfies your need for identity. A holy calling is a destiny that was birthed in the heart of God. A calling awakens you to the reality that your destiny started in eternity first in the mind and heart of God. Do you know God, and has God set you free? Then concurrent with that liberty is a mandate to set the culture free. This culture is the area that you are in: business, law, medicine, the arts, government, the trades, etc. It is of necessity that Scripture exhorts us to wake up. Liberation is our calling, cultural reform our mandate. The method starts with who you are. It starts with the nature of Christ, the Spirit of sonship. This book is a must read for all those involved in the marketplace as it will awaken you to God’s destiny, to bring transformation to you and to your sphere of influence. “If there ever was a timely book, this is one. Here is a medical doctor, Frank Marinkovich, cognizant of the concern of the Lord for our vocational calling. He writes in such a practical manner about the “how to” in taking truth out of the meeting place into the market place. In a very clear and definitive fashion we are challenged to see the workplace as an open door of ministry. It is rare today to find someone other than a church leader with such insights and convictions. This is a must read for every member of the body of Christ who desires to make a difference in the marketplace.” JAMES HAMMAN President, Foundations Ministries “As the Spirit of God continues to awaken and endorse those called to marketplace ministries, many new books will emerge. Some will be filled with inspiration and some simply with information. Frank Marinkovich has eclipsed them both; his book is filled with revelation, and the best part of it all is that he is living it out in his life and in his business.” DENNIS PEACOCKE President, Strategic Christian Services “Dr Frank Marinkovich is certainly qualified to speak about this very important subject. I have personally observed him as he has dealt with the issues of health and life purpose with many people, including my wife and I and many of our staff members. His insight into the marketplace and your purpose in life will encourage you and his passion

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Living In Darkness And Fear


    Black Coffee Press
    WILL THERE EVER BE PEACE? As the year 2000 approached, many people were filled with fear, believing the world would end or Jesus would return. Fear and anticipation reached a fevered pitch as the close of 1999 drew nearer. When 2000 came and went uneventfully, life returned to normal. Some people turned away from their faiths and others just fell back into society. On September 11, 2001, we were once again reminded of how vulnerable we are. The loss of life was horrible, but if we look beyond our safe America, we will see darkness and fear covering the entire earth. In the daily news you can see what this world is like. Is there an answer that would make sense of this life and all that’s happening? Will there be better days ahead? Or are things going to get worse? We are being warned to expect more attacks here in the U.S. How can we think of going on with our lives or hoping for a better future for our children? How can we have peace in an ever-changing world?

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  • Take A Look Within


    What’s going on with you? Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? When faced with a challenge, do we think horizontally or vertically? Why do we blame the devil for all of our issues? When do we get better instead of bitter? Take a Look Within will result in you personally seeking the Scriptures and reflecting on the biblical personality of Samson to understand life’s challenges. It will teach you to think vertically and ask God to reveal what is within your heart and soul to help you face specific life challenges more effectively. Take a Look Within will provide you with water for life’s journey and reveal through the Bible how you can become the best person you can be. “Dane Cunningham exposes how we sometimes attempt to mask internal voids using superficial coverings. Ultimately the truth is that lasting eternal change cannot come unless there is a tough and realistic internal look. Liberty comes after we Take a Look Within.” -Bishop Eddie L. Long, Senior Pastor, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

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  • Prescription For The Impotent Christian


    Impotent, ineffective, fruitless, unproductive-you pick the word that best describes how you’ve been living out your Christianity. You seem to be doing and saying all the right things, but do you yearn for something more? Does it seem as though every time you try to live for God you screw up? Why does it seem to be so hard to live the way we’re supposed to? Do you feel as though you’re missing something? You may be! Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV): “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” You may be quite content with where you are in your Christian “walk”-if so, then this book is not for you. If, however, you would like to understand what Jesus was talking about, then read on. It will unleash a power in your life unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. It truly is “A Prescription for the Impotent Christian.”

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  • Harvesting Spiritual Fruit


    Millions of Americans have turned to books on prayer in hopes of attaining God’s favor and wonderful blessings. In Harvesting Spiritual Fruit – Following God’s Path to True Love, Joy and Peace, Jonathan Niemeyer now takes us beyond prayer to Christian living through a practical application of Galatians 5:22, the fruit of the spirit. Mr. Niemeyer contends that God, although He obviously invites us and even instructs us to come before Him in prayer, is also keenly interested in how we live our lives when not praying as well. He maintains that a simple verse of Paul’s letter to the Galatians holds phenomenal promise for those of us who truly employ the fruit of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control — in our relationships with God, our spouses, our children, our friends and our neighbors. Faithfully applying the fruit of the spirit to our lives is much easier said than done, but the rewards – pure love, joy and peace — can be everlasting!

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  • If God Has A Refrigerator Your Picture Is On It (Student/Study Guide)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780687026814ISBN10: 0687026814James MooreBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Divine Interlude Mercy


    SKU (ISBN): 9781591603337ISBN10: 1591603331Bob BedfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Take A Look Within


    What’s going on with you? Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? When faced with a challenge, do we think horizontally or vertically? Why do we blame the devil for all of our issues? When do we get better instead of bitter? Take a Look Within will result in you personally seeking the Scriptures and reflecting on the biblical personality of Samson to understand life’s challenges. It will teach you to think vertically and ask God to reveal what is within your heart and soul to help you face specific life challenges more effectively. Take a Look Within will provide you with water for life’s journey and reveal through the Bible how you can become the best person you can be. “Dane Cunningham exposes how we sometimes attempt to mask internal voids using superficial coverings. Ultimately the truth is that lasting eternal change cannot come unless there is a tough and realistic internal look. Liberty comes after we Take a Look Within.” -Bishop Eddie L. Long, Senior Pastor, New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

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  • Lord I Want To Be Whole Workbook And Journal (Workbook)


    Stormies abusive mother often told her, “You are worthless, and youll never amount to anything.” That little girl grew up to be a young woman who still felt she was always wrong, and always bad, which led to chronic, clinical depression. In this interactive workbook, the reader will advance through five steps to better emotional health. A prayer journal will help the reader pray for herself and her own healing.This stand-alone workbook will be a welcome support for women who know their everyday experiences are clouded by past problems or abuse.

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  • Unfettered Hope : A Call To Faithful Living In An Affluent Society


    1. Why Are Our Hopes So Fettered?
    2. Why Does The Technological Society Overwhelm Us?
    3. What Focal Concerns Are Worthy?
    4. Do We And Our Churches Live By Our Focal Concerns?
    5. How Can We Escape From Death And Despair?
    6. How Can We Learn To Live The Language Of Focal Concerns?
    7. The Only Unfettered Hope Is Eschatological Works Cited For Further Study

    Additional Info
    In this prophetic call to faithful Christian living, Marva Dawn identifies the epidemic socio-cultural attitudes that destroy hope in our modern lives. Because affluent persons don’t know what to value, we remain dissatisfied with what we have and are compelled to want more at the expense of the world’s less fortunate. Dawn demonstrates, however, how Christians can organize their lives to live in ways that allow them to love God and neighbor and, in the process, alleviate the despair in their lives and in the lives of others in the world.

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  • Miracles And Wonders


    208 Pages

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    At some time or another, nearly everyone needs a miracle. Failing health, financial difficulties, deteriorating relationships all are problems that make people cry out for divine intervention. But while Scripture offers numerous examples of God performing miracles for ancient generations from Moses and the burning bush to the loaves and fishes that fed 5,000 does He still do it in the 21st century? Author Calvin Miller investigates, delving into the Scriptures and drawing on modern testimonials to find the answer. He examines the Bible’s most famous miracles from the Virgin Birth to the Resurrection of Christ, analyzes the discrepancy between science and miracle, and explores such perplexing questions as why God chooses to intervene on some occasions but not on others. By illuminating God’s patterns, Miller reaches a conclusion that offers a tremendous source of faith and inspiration: Yes, God breaks His natural laws to bless mankind with His mercy, compassion, and love.

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  • Money Possessions And Eternity (Revised)


    What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author’s painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

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  • 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


    The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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  • Did You Get What You Prayed For


    Millions of people struggle with questions about how to pray, what to pray for, and even whether to pray at all. Nancy Jo Sullivan and Jane Kise help people get away from the magic formula mentality of prayer and recognize how God is at work in their lives. With explorative retellings of relevant Bible stories, true accounts of people’s prayer experiences, and reflections by the authors, this book will lead people past the topic of prayer and straight to the God who is listening.

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