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Christian Living

Showing 4101–4200 of 8070 results

  • Secret To A Successful Walk In God


    The secret to a successful walk in God comes only from a submissive soul.

    You can experience salvation and receive a new heart but still miss out on Jesus best blessing for your life.
    You have not because you ask a miss, you don’t have to miss what God have for you when you know who you are in Christ.
    It is significant for believers to understand their authority in the earth and in the spiritual realm, henceforth calling those things that be not as though they were.
    Looking in-depth at the lives of David, Daniel and Joshua how they walk with the Lord even when they did not understand the reason for the different battles they faced in their lives, but they all had one thing in common and that was Jesus, because they knew the moment they put God first He would fight their battles for them.
    The secret to a successful walk in God is awaiting your full submission. Will you embrace the full potential God has place on the inside of you? He is waiting for a true YES.

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  • Sound The Alarm



    Do you have an intense passion for God that you don’t understand? Do you feel alone at times in your walk with God because of the fervor within your heart for His presence?

    In Sound the Alarm: Birth of Eternal Passion, Evangelist Ligon explains the struggles of a passionate believer within a passive body of believers. She gives key insight on the struggles and triumphs as your passion for God erupts into a different realm. She shares biblical insight on how to embrace an eternal passion for God while contributing to the awakening of a sleeping giant: the church.


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  • Road To De Clutter


    1. The Spirit
    2. The Mind
    3. The Body
    4. Time
    5. The Home

    Additional Info
    How many of you reading this right now go throughout each day in a mad rush, stepping over clutter, looking for misplaced items on your way out the door, going from activity to activity, while trying to fit everything into a jam packed schedule, just hoping to make it through the day? Pamela Dorough writes,

    Clutter is not limited to merely encompassing your field of vision alone; clutter can also invade your mind, body, spirit, time, and activities, as well as other areas of your life.

    Dorough shows practical ways to rid you of all areas of clutter, giving you the freedom to live more stress-free.

    To begin the journey on the road to de-clutter, the heart and soul of your being must first be addressed. What better place to start the de-clutter process than your spirit!

    Reading Dorough’s clear, earnest and sincere words is like listening to a friend gently and lovingly explain how to improve yourself and your life. In easy to comprehend language, she details how to evaluate, prioritize, and then organize, in order to create, maintain and enjoy a relationship with God. The freedom to be organized and uncluttered becomes an outgrowth of that intimacy.

    Ever since the day that He, (God), spoke to me in my basement and told me to “Get rid of the clutter,” I have never been the same. God has worked with me over several years to be able to conquer the task of de-clutterization in all areas of my life.

    Dorough’s insight and practical guidance make this a book equally suited for wholesale consumption, chapter-by-chapter perusal or handy reference in times of stressed disarray. The Road to De-clutter is as much a reference for successful Christian living as it is an organizational guide.

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  • Journey Of Discovery


    You may ask who should read this book. Who would benefit from this discovery? The answers are here for anyone who has asked the following questions: For what purpose was I born? My human existence is for what reason? Am I needed, am I valuable, am I loved and if so by whom? Have you ever asked the questions: where did I come from, why am I here, why now, and where am I going? Some people feel they will never know the answers, however that is not the truth. The right question will reveal the manifold wisdom of God, the mystery of life. I will share with you what the Holy Spirit has shared with me about ability versus identity, taking your heart back from trespassers, living your life on empty, what it means to hear and obey, and the power you have as a speaking spirit. There is a question we must all ask ourselves. It is a personal, important, and necessary question. It’s personal because you are the only one who can ask it. It’s important because, knowing the answer can lead to why you are here. It’s necessary because your ability and purpose is hidden in it, and when it’s discovered we are empowered to execute God’s plan.

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  • Journey Of Discovery


    You may ask who should read this book. Who would benefit from this discovery? The answers are here for anyone who has asked the following questions: For what purpose was I born? My human existence is for what reason? Am I needed, am I valuable, am I loved and if so by whom? Have you ever asked the questions: where did I come from, why am I here, why now, and where am I going? Some people feel they will never know the answers, however that is not the truth. The right question will reveal the manifold wisdom of God, the mystery of life. I will share with you what the Holy Spirit has shared with me about ability versus identity, taking your heart back from trespassers, living your life on empty, what it means to hear and obey, and the power you have as a speaking spirit. There is a question we must all ask ourselves. It is a personal, important, and necessary question. It’s personal because you are the only one who can ask it. It’s important because, knowing the answer can lead to why you are here. It’s necessary because your ability and purpose is hidden in it, and when it’s discovered we are empowered to execute God’s plan.

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  • Steps : A Daily Journey To A Better Life


    Discover the “top secret formula” to improve your life starting today!

    Would you like to achieve success at work, manage money wisely, handle family issues well, get through tough times, and be happier every day?

    The world’s most famous and effective life improvement program, the Twelve Steps, has been used successfully for decades by millions of people. Unknown to most others, these steps provide the best tool ever developed for living in a satisfying and effective manner.

    STEPS is a breakthrough book that simplifies this program and provides proven techniques and examples anyone can use as guidance for everyday situations. Step by step, we learn about a new way of living that will bring us greater peace, joy, and purpose and improve our lives one day at a time.

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  • Gods Kind Of Faith


    There is a lot of confusion about faith today. Materials on faith are often vague, incomplete or misleading. In God’s Kind of Faith, Dr. Aaron S. Winter explains in simple practical terms, what faith is, how we receive it, how to increase it, how to apply it and even how to operate in God’s own faith. Imagine having faith that is alive, active, growing and operating in your life today!

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  • Angel Stories : Have You Entertained Angels Without Realizing It


    Do angels really exist? What is their purpose? Do they interact with us? And what about demons and fallen angels? What should we do about them? Angel Stories answers these questions and more through a collection of encounters told by a “who’s who” of Christian prophetic and apostolic leaders. Told primarily in the first person, these enlightening and powerful stories present the case for the existence of angels, explore their purpose, and give readers biblical insight into this fascinating subject.

    Contributors include:
    *John Paul Jackson: I Didn’t Tell You to Buy That Truck
    *Randy Clark: Signs and Wonders
    *Joshua Mills: Angels, Fire Ball, and Healing
    *Shawn Bolz: Angel in a White Suit
    *Julie Meyer: Messengers of Fire

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  • Signed In His Blood


    Bringing together both the Old and the New Testaments, Signed in Blood helps readers fully understand our relationship with God through Jesus and the benefits of that relationship.
    The Bible paints a vivid picture of an unseen but very real war going on in the heavens. Revelation 12:11 describes some of the weapons available to God’s people for “fighting the good fight” in this war. The first weapon mentioned is Christ’s blood.

    From his travels and observations Ray Beeson has found that very few Christians know how to use this powerful weapon that is available to us. Signed in Blood will change that by taking readers through the nature of a covenant, the need for heart change, the reason we take Communion, and much more.
    *Answers important questions about the relationship between Christ’s blood and a covenant with God
    *Shows the nature and benefits of Communion
    *Explains why sin is forgiven through Jesus
    *Settles questions concerning guilt and condemnation*
    *Helps the reader to see why and how freedom from strongholds is available

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  • Moment Maker : You Can Live Your Life Or It Will Live You


    An intentional life, a life lived deliberately, a life with purpose.

    At the end of our days, all of these are things we would like to hear someone say about how we lived our lives. But they don’t happen by accident. A life rich with meaning doesn’t simply fall into your lap.

    For Carlos Whittaker, renowned blogger, musician and worship leader, husband and dad, living life deliberately is a way of life. Making moments that are significant, memorable, or impactful are a part of how he navigates each day. Carlos is currently blowing up the blogosphere with people tuning in by the hundreds of thousands to share in these moments with him.

    In Moment Maker, Carlos explains his methodology for living intentionally and for working at making moments in his life that touch the lives of others, whether that be his family, his friends, his colleagues, or total strangers.

    Carlos isn’t asking anyone to make a big investment in time, energy, or money. He is simply uncovering the investment of attention. You don’t have to buy tickets to special events or orchestrate elaborate surprises. You just have to be aware — of your surroundings, the people you encounter, the things that interest those important to you, the opportunities that present themselves — and be prepared to seize those moments and see lives changed.

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  • Run The Race


    “Run the Race – of a Worthy Lifestyle” is an invigorating source of strength that transcends far beyond the physical realm to depths of knowledge of the Word of God, often left wanting in truth-seekers. This empowering, expositional novel is, indeed, a propitious conduit and catalyst for an approved, acclaimed and commendable Christian Lifestyle. The award-winning author’s inspirational approach with ‘Run the Race’ appeals to many different types of people from all walks of life, as she demonstrates the virtues of faith through stories of key Biblical figures, such as, Abraham and Jacob in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul in the New Testament. From these stories, Mrs Biriyok draws practical lessons for the Christian of today and as noteworthy lessons for all truth-seekers; developing healthy spiritual growth to encourage the need for consistency in steadfastly living the Christian Lifestyle. The various topics, the very ingredients that underpin and drive the central theme of this book, such as, repentance, forgiveness, truth, hope, spirit-filled, perseverance and salvation, are cutting edge inspirational and provide empowerment, through the tremendous treasures of holiness and godliness, to the reader like the world has never seen before!

    ‘Run the Race’ is expositional, informative and empowering for everyone from all walks of life, irrespective of religious background, and is most beneficial to all truth-seekers. In effect, ‘Run the Race’ is a seamless build-up on my previous works on award-winning books – ‘Walk the Walk’ and ‘The Manual for Righteous Living.’ It is time to ‘Run the Race’ through direct communion with the Holy Spirit for one’s precious salvation, in the here and now into eternity. It completes a vital circle of Holy Spirit empowered knowledge acquisition on one’s spiritual growth journey, beyond what one may gain in regular Church attendance and sermons; as the surest way to salvation attainment and, thereby, dismantling the perilous habitual dependency by believers on preachers.

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  • Threads Of Gold


    This is a book written for those who desire to be part of God’s Remnant Bride, made up of the whosoever wills from every tongue, tribe, and nation, and the message of it is to be awakened now to His love. This requires times of intimacy in His presence. In the days ahead, His glorious Bride will be clothed in the fragrance of His presence because of time spent with Him, and will have experiences from the journey that will speak to others of His great love, grace, and mercy toward all. Threads of Gold declares to all who will dare to make up the Remnant Bride, “You can make it through the wilderness, the pit, the dungeon, that sickness, that rejection, that discouragement, that experience of being cast off. Whatever your state or situation in life, you can get to the Palace, for the King desires it to be so.” The book shows that every reader is chosen to be part of the Remnant Bride and is truly a unique jewel in the making for God’s glory, and your life is to be a very fragrant and unique aroma which speaks of your personal journey with Him.

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  • KingdomNomics Applied : 31 Principles For Eternal Significance


    The entire discipline of KingdomNomics begins by asking the question, “How can I enjoy life now, and still live a life that will echo into eternity?”

    Not only does Phil Wiegand answer that question in this book, he provides practical ideas for helping you make your life count for something meaningful. As you reflect upon the use of the your personal “3Ts”, the time, talent, and treasure that God has given to you, Phil will help you to focus on using all of your resources to make a difference in God’s kingdom.

    Phil has learned that worldly wealth comes and goes. But when we act on the kingdom principles that are laid out for us in the Bible, we can become rich in the world to come by making the right investments in this one. Live your life with a passion for Christ and use all that you have to glorify him!

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  • I Am Remnant


    REMNANT-HEBREW: what remains of a group of people after most of that group has been destroyed or lost The idea of remnant shows up throughout the Bible. God has used small, powerful groups who have stayed true to Him to transform culture, government, and even the spiritual climate of a nation. In I Am Remnant Pat Schatzline issues an encouraging call that there is such a remnant today, chosen by grace, that God is ready to use. Emphasizing that God can use anyone who is willing to rise up and join Him, Schatzline deals with the pain that has been inflicted in our culture and targets the loss of holiness in the church. He also covers the battles sent from the enemy that hold us down, such as fear, insecurity, pride, and pain, and gives identity to those who are desperate for more of Jesus. God is calling YOU to a particular assignment that will make a difference in this world for His kingdom’s sake. Rise up today and take your place.

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  • Living Intensified For Elevation


    Living Intensified for Elevation is a thought-provoking work. Steve Canty has developed and cultivated ideas for living through his extensive reading, understanding, familial lessons, and observations of day-to-day life. Steve Canty writes judgment-free, intending to guide readers toward a more elevated and enlightened state of mind. Encouraging the reader to take a step back, Living Intensified for Elevation examines everyday situations. In doing so, we are able to more closely evaluate life for what it’s really worth. Every day may be a struggle, but as long as you allow God to walk with you, you need never give up. Persistence is key as Canty says, “When you do wrong, God gives second chances. It’s called TOMORROW.”

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  • Christ Is All And In All


    Sea Raven Press
    Mainstream Christianity today teaches that Jesus was the only divine person who ever lived. But this is not what Jesus Himself taught! Like all of the great spiritual leaders throughout history, the Master from Galilee preached the doctrine of Theosis, God in Man, maintaining that we are literal “gods” of our own inner realm. The Apostles, especially Paul and John, the Old Testament prophets, and every single one of the early Church Fathers, also vigorously upheld the concept of Theosis: humanity’s oneness with God. Due to its 2,000 year suppression by the institutionalized Church, however, most modern Christians are completely unaware of this wonderful and empowering doctrine. But all of that has changed. Award-winning Christian author, historian, and Bible scholar Lochlainn Seabrook has written “Christ Is All and In All,” a brief but stunningly powerful and revealing exploration of our Divine Nature and of what our Lord referred to as “the Kingdom Within.” The title, taken from Paul’s letter to the Jesus community at Colossae, perfectly reflects the contents of this revolutionary, life-altering work. In it you will learn the many secrets of Theosis, carefully withheld from the Christian laity for nearly 100 generations. These include what it is that makes you divine, why God purposefully created you this way, and how you can use this amazing fact to enhance your life. Mr. Seabrook also shows you how to do what Jesus called “enter the Kingdom of Heaven,” a mystical but very real spiritual domain where “with God all things are possible,” such as healing disease, attaining prosperity, and finding happiness. For academics and those interested in scriptural proof of Theosis, there are over 600 endnotes citing thousands of biblical passages, as well as copious quotes from the theosistic writings of ancient Church authorities, among them Irenaeus, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas. An illustrated, beautifully designed, ecumenical work that can be read and understood by all Christians – whatever their personal views – “Christ Is All and In All” can also be enjoyed by non-Christians and even nonbelievers, for Theosis is not only a spiritual reality, it is also a scientific one.

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  • Help And Hope For The Single Parent


    If you’ve ever wished that you could hold hands with someone other than your child, this book is for you. And if you miss the season of life when you had more grown-up conversations than discussions about Dora the Explorer, this book is for you.

    Nearly half of all children born in America are born into single parent homes. Dr. Evans tells of a conversation he had with one of these children: My heart was broken recently when the son of one of the single parents in our church looked up at me and said, “Pastor, why won’t God give me a dad? Every night I ask God to give me a dad, but He won’t give me one.”

    Single parents have the toughest job in the world because the obstacles can be overwhelming. You’ve got to work, clean, take care of the kids, help with homework, pay the bills, fix the car, shop for groceries, cook, prepare your income taxes, etc. And though single parents are always around another person, this season can be quite lonely. Additionally, there is often guilt that can creep in and make you feel like you are the worst parent in the world. Though being a single parent is tough, it is also a hopeful season.

    In Help and Hope for Single Parents, Dr. Evans gives an encouraging reminder – You are not alone! And your child has the most amazing Parent in the Lord. God can and will help you take care of your children. There is Help & Hope for Single Parents.

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  • God First Life


    There are thousands of how-to books for improving various areas of life. And there are nearly as many books written for believers offering a framework for the ‘right’ approach to a new life in God.

    What if it were possible, Pastor Stovall Weems asks, to boil it all down to one practical, un-complicated principle that would yield the vibrant, purposeful spiritual life so many are looking for?

    That principle, says Weems, is the God-first principle: True success in our walk with God and in life in general is not an issue of WHAT I need, but WHO should be first.

    Unpacking Matthew 6:33, Weems gives a fresh and practical perspective on what Christian ‘discipleship’ is all about. Bringing clarity, depth, and simplicity, Pastor Weems makes very clear core truths that have been mystified and misunderstood by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

    A must-read for all believers and a must-have for pastors and churches, The God-first Life will be a standard resource for believers and churches around the world for years to come.

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  • Leaving Ordinary : Encounter God Through Extraordinary Prayer


    God desires an intimate relationship with each of us. But, we wonder, how can a person have such a relationship with a holy God? It is one thing to be in awe of Him, but quite another to be intimate with Him.

    In Leaving Ordinary, Donna Gaines delves into this issue by exploring the notion of extraordinary prayer. How does Scripture define “intimacy” as it relates to our relationship with God? God gave the Israelites the tabernacle, a temporary and portable dwelling for His glory, and taught them how to approach and worship Him before He led them to their reward-the promised land. Using the tabernacle and its articles (altar, lampstands, etc.) as a guide, Donna teaches readers how to interact with God in that secret place of true intimacy that leads to worship.

    Your ordinary daily practice of prayer can become an extraordinary encounter with the living God. Leaving Ordinary is essential reading for women who desire a more intimate relationship with God. Features include:Tools for gaining a stronger, more intimate relationship with GodAn exploration of the tabernacle as it relates to prayer today The definition of “intimacy” as it relates to God.

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  • Taking Your Life Back


    We are living in stressful times. Fear is at epidemic proportions. Depression is rampant, however, something inside of you longs for greatness. You were born to conquer and designed for success. But in every life, your hopes and dreams are shattered as the reality of a hostile environment collides mercilessly with your potential.
    If you feel that you have trouble sleeping, are suffering from depression or are a workaholic living on the edge of burnout then this book is definitely for you. Through his crisis, Pastor Rick Shelton describes what his family endured…from how it all began, all the way through the fight, the battles, the tears, the conquest, to the present-day victory. Diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion, Pastor Rick went through “hell on earth”. From numerous doctors, to changing his diet and lifestyle, he realized that the only true answer is in Jesus.
    Even if your situation seems helpless, Rick teaches that the Lord can restore all that has been lost. There is help, there is hope, take your life back!

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  • AHA Awakening Honesty Action


    Are there places in your life where you would like to experience an aha! moment? A moment of truth that renews your heart and mind bringing transformation? Maybe for you, it’s a fear or a failure that you just can’t shake. For some, it could be the need for approval, a food addiction, or an all-out rebellion that leads to a life of excess and shame, like the prodigal son.

    As a pastor, Kyle Idleman has heard dozens of stories from people about their aha! moments. In this newest book, he shares the common threads from their stories, and the story of the prodigal son that will help you reconnect with the love of our heavenly Father. Drawing on Scriptural truths, he outlines three key elements (Awakening, Honesty, Action) that will draw you closer to God and change your life for good.

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  • New You : Becoming A Mature Christian


    This book is intended to help the New Believer in understanding their new life in Christ. As believers in Christ, we have been commissioned to go out and make disciples of all men. Christians are in the world winning souls, which is great, but many of those souls are returning back into the world because they are not being disciple. Once we win them we can’t abandon them, but we must start cultivating and developing them. As mature Christians, let’s help direct and develop those who are making a decision to follow Christ by teaching them the ways of God.

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  • Fortilla The Flower Of Faith


    I was sitting at home one day doodling this flower.
    She had such a pretty look to her that I had to add a face,
    Once I did this- it was like she came to life as a character.
    My mother loved her so much that I made her a full length picture of her.
    As a character, she sat on my shelf for 3 years.
    I knew that God had a plan for this character, I just had to wait.
    As I was driving home one day- the story unfolded in my mind.
    I, then drew a layout of how a flower grows from a seed to a flower,
    The story of a mustard seed popped in my mind and it was then I knew…
    The cycle of a seed is the same as a person’s faith.
    Once it is planted, it just needs time
    And nurturing.

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  • Are You A Christian Or A Disciple


    “The title Are You a Christian or a Disciple? boldly addresses a question that has ultimate implications for every Christ Follower, and which God seems to be pushing into the center of today’s global “Christian” conversation. Well researched and presented, this book is going to challenge thinking about what it means to be a disciple– nothing less than a fully devoted follower of Jesus! Ed Gross has given the church a very timely, provocative, and practical resource!” Jerry Trousdale – author of the best-selling book: Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims are Falling in Love with Jesus

    “With an authentic love for the church and a rigorous commitment to Biblical study, Ed takes on the task of showing us how we have lost the true meaning of discipleship, replacing it with a comfortable-living brand of Christianity that ignores how Jesus taught his disciples to be and to make disciples. This book may challenge long held notions of effective evangelism, missions, ministry, and discipleship. I’ve seen, in several places around the world, the 1st century brand of explosive disciple-making that Ed talks about. Can it happen here? That may depend on how we respond to the question, Are You a Christian or a Disciple?” – Dr. Dave Hunt – VP Disciple Making Movements in the Americas – CityTeam International

    “When Ed preaches, he preaches even to the point of tears. In this book Dr. Gross passionately pleads that you, I, the whole church will take the Word of God at face value, particularly Jesus’ command to make disciples.” Dr. Robert Styer, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Director of the Comprehensive Science Program, Villanova University

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  • Breaking Free


    I am the mother of five children, grandmother of sixteen grandchildren and great grandmother of four great grandchildren. Asst. Pastor and Pastor for (48) years. I am an Evangelist Christian Counselor, mentor, Christian motivator, and writer for the last three years. My foremost objective is to inspire young American women and families to realize their potential assisting them to become all they can in Christ.

    I would like to dedicate this book to those who made my life worth living


    The follow-up to this book will be out in 2015

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  • Its In His Hands


    How do I even begin to express the awesomeness of God’s miracles He has bestowed upon me and my family. Every fourteenth year God has proven to the medical doctors that He is the true healer and life giver. His wisdom and knowledge brings to our attention, we need to put our trust in Him. He is our creator and loving Father. This nation as a whole is sick and like sheep has wandered far from the fold of God. We must repent and be cleansed by the washing of Jesus Christ’s shed blood. If only we would obey His voice. He would heal our land and bless us more abundantly by pouring out His Holy Spirit.

    You shall know them by their fruits.

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  • Preparing His Own 1


    Four completely different Gospel writers present the SAME CHRIST with four unique points of view during more than 50 occasions when He was intimately Preparing His Own for life and ministry. All are influenced in their writing to the extent they are the product of their experiences and are writing from their deepest and most intimate memories of Jesus’ important moments with them as the Holy Spirit gave them inspiration.

    Are we so different than they? Today’s believers come to the SAME CHRIST from their own unique perspectives in life. As Philip told Nathan, “Come and see.”

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  • Preparing His Own 1


    Four completely different Gospel writers present the SAME CHRIST with four unique points of view during more than 50 occasions when He was intimately Preparing His Own for life and ministry. All are influenced in their writing to the extent they are the product of their experiences and are writing from their deepest and most intimate memories of Jesus’ important moments with them as the Holy Spirit gave them inspiration.

    Are we so different than they? Today’s believers come to the SAME CHRIST from their own unique perspectives in life. As Philip told Nathan, “Come and see.”

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  • 1 Jesus Loves


    The felt need of most Christians is the desire to grow closer in relationship with God. In The One Jesus Loves, Bob Crosby shows readers how to deepen their personal relationship with God by considering Jesus’ “circles of intimacy”-especially those who walked closest to him.All of us want to feel connected, a part of the circles in which we run. We don”t want to feel like the odd man out. Jesus had an inner circle. As a matter of fact, he had several circles of relationships around him. While many filled the outermost rings of spectator and acquaintance, only a few followed all the way to the most intimate places. Jesus was constantly and winsomely working to bring people closer to himself, calling them out of the far reaches and toward the inner circles. This was his passion. In an age that is desperate for God, how do we press in to become like the two disciples who asked if they could sit right next to Jesus, at his right and at his left? Can we join God”s inner circle? How can we make sure that we are on the closer path?

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  • Ive Never Been To Vegas But My Luggage Has


    Wrong turns, humiliating flops, painful heartbreaks–and happiness? Yes, believe it or not, they “can “go hand in hand.

    Blogger and author Mandy Hale, affectionately known as “The Single Woman” to her half-million social-media followers, is living an adventurous life that proves even our lowest lows and messiest mess-ups can point us toward our joy-filled destiny as single women.
    In “I’ve Never Been To Vegas,” ” But My Luggage Has,” Mandy delivers heart-to-heart, often hilarious stories from a life filled with love and loss, glamour and goose bumps, faith and friendship, big dreams and battle scars. She shares the bittersweet euphoria of her high-school romance, the panic-stricken cluelessness of her first day on a stressful job, and the foot-in-mouth horror of her red-carpet interview with a music legend.

    Along the way, Mandy dollops personal anecdotes with encouraging insights. From thrilling first kisses to crushing break-ups, from soaring career milestones to promising flights that never quite got off the ground, she unfolds in often uproarious detail the zigzags along the path toward a pinnacle moment: sharing a table and a pinch-me-I’m-dreaming conversation with her lifelong hero.

    In the end, Mandy turns Sin City’s infamous marketing slogan on its head: What “happens” in her life doesn’t “stay” in her life. She shares even her darkest moments in witty, winsome ways that make us not only feel her pain, but also laugh with her and apply her hard-won nuggets of inspiration to our own lives.

    “Happily Ever After” might not look or feel quite like what we expect, but as Mandy is discovering–and as we can discover along with her–it is “well” within our reach.

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  • Signs And Wonders Revelations


    Bill Vincent has experienced some of the most glorious times in God’s Presence. Bill has seen and has been a sign and wonder. God has shown His awesome wonders to and through me so much that it seems like a dream. In this powerful book Signs and Wonders Revelations you will get a clear understanding of Signs and Wonders. Whether it’s gold dust, multi colored dust, gold flakes, gold nuggets, feathers, glory clouds, misting rain, gemstones, diamonds, mounted rings and more. God’s Glory can manifest some of the most strange but real signs. Bill has been told by some ministers that have experienced signs and wonders that he was blessed greatly to see all that he’s seen. God moved more in this type of manifestations, more when it was just a few people. Bill believed it is because of the unity, It takes pressing in unity together for God that brings His Glory and releases His signs and wonders. We will have full color pictures of signs and wonders that have happened since 2008. We believe and hope you will to. In God’s Glory anything can happen. God wanted Bill to say this here. You read this book expecting signs and wonders to happen and they will. You are going to be truly encouraged with this power packed book.

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  • God Idea Vs Good Idea


    Kevin Cann’s book is about understanding God ideas vs. Good ideas. God gives each person His ideas. The difficult part is determining if the idea is from our Spirit or Soul. I want to help the Body of Christ find their God idea and share it with the world.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Prison Break : A Couples Journey Into Righteousness And Beyond The Prison W


    I wrote this book because God graced me to do it! I am sharing my story praying that it helps someone else to Trust God more, listen for God more, Seek God More, and most of all Obey what God says! This book is a witness that God can use anyone in any position to be a help to another person. The person you are counting out could very well be the one chosen to help get you to your next level! So let’s walk in Matthew 7. Do not judge others, no matter what the situation. You are no better than the next person.

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  • Living Thoughtfully Dying Well


    As we grow older we start to wonder about death, asking, How will I die? Will I have a good death? Will I suffer? How will my family respond? How can we manage the dying process better?

    Dr. Glen E. Miller, a retired physician who also has theological training, had his own wake-up call when he suffered a heart attack and determined to help himself and his patients go gently into that good night. In a candid way, Miller invites readers into conversation about the spirituality of dying as he explores a variety of beliefs about death and dying.

    With personal advice gleaned from his work with Mother Teresa among the dying of Calcutta, India, Miller provides rich guidance for those who are aging on the process of dying and how to make it better.

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  • Visions Of Vocation


    Introduction. On Learning To Be Implicated
    Chapter 1. The Most Difficult Task
    Chapter 2. If You Have Eyes, Then See
    Chapter 3. The Landscape Of Our Lives
    Chapter 4. Knowing Is Doing
    Chapter 5. Come And See
    Chapter 6. Vocation As Implication
    Chapter 7. The Great Temptations
    Chapter 8. Learning To Live Proximately
    Epilogue. But Are You Happy?

    Read More: Http://

    Additional Info
    Can my life matter? How can I thrive? The answer to both questions is vocation. Vocation is more than our job. It is our relationships and responsibilities woven into the work of God. For decades Steve Garber has traveled the world, coming alongside a wide range of people as they seek to make sense of their world and their lives. We meet, with Garber, leaders from the Tiananmen Square protest in China and a group of musicians who called themselves Jars of Clay. And we meet ordinary people too, like: Jonathan who learned he would rather build houses than study historyTodd and Maria who adopted creative schedules so they could parent better and practice medicineD.J. who helped Congress move into the Internet AgeSusan who built a home business of hand-printing stationary using a letterpressSantiago who works with majority-world nations in need of capitalClaudius and Deirdre whose openhearted home has always been a place for people Vocation is when we come to know the world in all its joy and pain, and still love it. Vocation is following our calling to seek the welfare of the world we live in. And in helping it to flourish, we find that we flourish too. Garber offers here a book for parents, for those in the arts, in the academy, in public service, in the trades and in commerce–for all who want to discover the virtue of vocation.

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  • Between Heaven And Earth (Reprinted)


    After tragically losing his nineteen-year-old son, Pastor Steve Berger chose to reject despair and instead commit himself to carefully studying his son’s new eternal home. In this deeply personal book, Berger opens up about his own story and then explains what he’s learned about heaven. He provides hope for readers by teaching them what they can expect in heaven, such as reunions with family and friends, perfect bodies, and face-to-face fellowship with God. But he also provides reassurance about what they will not experience in heaven, such as pain, tears, and sin. This exploration of heaven will inspire readers to set their sights on eternity and change their lives now. Berger encourages readers to be participants in kingdom success by recognizing what God is doing in this present world and joining him in it.

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  • Passion : The Bright Light Of Glory


    What exactly is it that instills passion in a person’s soul? What brings the fire to make a difference, the desire for significance, the power to live a life that matters? And who will lead us in this quest toward the future of the Church? In this remarkable book, some of today’s most gifted communicators highlight the dedicated generation that is rising up to show us how to lean toward the centrality of Jesus Christ and His bright light of glory that brings purpose to our own lives and proper glory to God the Father.

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  • Youre Going To Be Okay (Reprinted)


    Sometimes it feels like life’s falling apart at the seams. Sometimes you’re completely worn out by stresses that never seem to end. For every woman who has been disappointed, who has watched a dream die, whose life isn’t what she imagined it would be, bestselling author Holley Gerth has a heartfelt message of hope–you really are going to be okay. And it is possible to live with joy, resilience, and strength in both the good times and the bad. In fact, she says, that’s what God desires for us.

    With her trademark positive encouragement and probing questions for self-reflection, Holley encourages women to spend less of their lives regretting and more of their lives truly living. She shows them how to guard their hearts against despair and look to the future with confidence, remembering that they are part of a greater plan and nothing can stop God’s purposes for them.

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  • Truest Thing About You


    Many identities compete to capture the real you:
    You are shy.
    You are an overachiever.
    You are a failure.
    You are a good Christian.
    You are a victim.
    You are single.
    You are a parent.
    You are a lover.

    Each of these truths tries to tell you who you are. Your successes and failures, your expectations and disappointments, your secret dreams and secret shames.

    But what if the truest thing about you isn’t found in any of these identities, but in who God says you are?

    In The Truest Thing About You, David Lomas invites you to live out who God created you to be: Loved. Accepted. Made in His image. This is a call to move beyond the lesser voices and discover how it changes everything, ultimately helping you become who you really are.

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  • Secret Language Of Successful Couples


    Why is it so hard for married couples to get in sync with each other? How is it that your mate can be a source of joy and of frustration all on the same day?

    Marriages operate by a secret language–a collection of key words, actions, insights, and attitudes that determine how a couple’s relationship works. If that language is uncovered, love grows and flourishes. If that language remains a mystery, love gets buried behind misunderstandings and irritations.

    Bill and Pam Farrel, authors of the bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti, offer biblical and practical insight into this language that God has programmed into each married couple. Laced with the Farrels’ trademark humor, The Secret Language of Successful Couples is packed with ideas to help couples connect at a richer, deeper level. As both partners grow in relationship with God and rely on the Spirit for insights into the heart of their mate, they can replace their old, selfish languages with a new one that leads to greater intimacy in every area of life.

    Rerelease of The Marriage Code.

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  • At Peace In The Storm


    Encouragement and Comfort from God’s Word for Those Experiencing Difficult Times

    For most people, life isn’t a placid cruise; everyone passes through storms at some point. In At Peace in the Storm, master storyteller Ken Gire helps readers take a fresh look at faith in the face of life’s turmoil. Bringing experience and insight to familiar Bible narratives–from Jonah’s disastrous voyage to Paul’s Mediterranean shipwreck–Gire gets to the core of our fears and uncertainties, and the circumstances that bring them out in the open. Readers will rediscover the comforting presence of God, no matter the intensity of their personal circumstances. Includes questions for individual or small group use.

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  • Grace : More Than We Deserve Greater Than We Imagine


    As believers in Christ, we claim to understand grace. From Sunday school to adulthood we’ve been taught that we’re saved by grace. We know the Bible verses and the sinner’s prayer, but have we really taken hold of it? Or rather, has it taken hold of us?
    Grace isn’t a nice idea. It’s not a song lyric, or a warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s the radical life of Christ lived in you. Grace gives you the freedom to love the unlovable, and forgive the unforgivable, because you know how much you’re loved, and know how much you’ve been forgiven.

    In Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine, Max Lucado calls readers back to consider the abundant richness of God’s offer. It’s an offer to live a changed life, a call to genuine transformation and the courage to see it through. Don’t let grace pass you by. When you let it in, it will rock your world, and change your heart.

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  • Dare Mighty Things


    In Dare Mighty Things, Halee Scott proposes that it’s time for a new conversation about Christian women leaders. Western women live in a time of unparalleled freedom and opportunities. Although women are still underrepresented in leadership positions in every sector of American life—from politics to business to the church—the truth is that women have more opportunities to have a meaningful impact on our world and our society today than at any other time in human history.

    The leadership potential of Christian women has been further truncated by the theological debate over the nature of women’s leadership in the church. While this conversation is an important one, it’s not the only conversation we should have about Christian women leaders. Since complementarians and egalitarians both agree that women can be leaders in some capacity, it’s time to focus on what unites us rather than divides us.

    To help women steward their giftedness and thrive in their areas of leadership, Dare Mighty Things discusses the main challenges and strategies for success for Christian women leaders.

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  • Grace Is Free


    What Does “Godly” Look Like?

    A great treason is infiltrating the Christian world today. The gospel is meant to set people free, but instead it has been subtly tainted by the enemy. False teaching has slipped in virtually unnoticed, but its effects are deadly. To-do-lists, competition (even with spiritual disciplines) and extra rules have enslaved women to self-righteousness instead of leading them to Christ’s righteousness. Disguised as “helpful tips for women,” this distortion robs Christian women of intimacy with each other and labels them as “godly” for what amounts to human effort and worldly success.

    Many people view this competition for godliness as striving for excellence. After all, what man doesn’t want a woman who is zealous to be the best homemaker, mother, and wife? But if organization and domestic genius were prerequisites for godliness, then Martha Stewart would be one of the godliest women in the world. The truth is, when women spend more time trying to appear godly rather than actually being close to God, there can be no other motive than a desire for approval from people rather than from God himself.

    Grace Is Free unmasks this false gospel and the bondage to people’s approval that comes with it. It attempts to realign perspectives and help women understand how to rest through faith in what has already been accomplished through Jesus Christ. The true gospel is received through faith, not activity. “For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.'” (Romans 1:17)

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  • Olive Tree : One Mans Journey Into Spiritual Transformation


    “There are times in life that you become so overwhelmed that you have no other choice but to surrender totally into the arms of God.” The Olive Tree is the story of one man’s journey as he overcomes great hardships to lead a victorious life in Christ. Follow Christian as he travels on a path of discovery into the faithfulness of God. From New York to Haiti his world changes as the Lord stretches his faith, and challenges him to become all that God intended for him to be. “Each day became a battle until he stopped walking by emotion and started to walk by faith.”

    When circumstances push us beyond our comfort zone and brings us into unchartered territory, we need to surrender to God and trust that Jesus will bring us through any situation. There isn’t anything more exciting and rewarding than serving the Lord. “The resiliency of the human spirit combined with the power of the Holy Spirit makes for an incredible life.”

    Follow Christian on his journey and discover what so many before him have: There is nothing impossible with God!

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  • Spiritual Genealogy : Keys To Unlocking Your Physical And Spiritual Inherit


    Unaware of the inheritance that was destined to be yours?
    Has your true identity been eluding you?
    Need real answers to restore fractured relationships?
    How can you obtain an inheritance if you are unaware of its existence? Receiving your full inheritance includes much more than just being named in a love one’s will. You also have a powerful spiritual inheritance available to you, but you must know how to lay claim to it.

    Spiritual Genealogy is a comprehensive guide on inheritance containing powerful scriptural truths to help you discover not only your physical genealogy, but also your spiritual inheritance. Lisa Mooradian has unlocked a treasure chest of riches untold that will quicken you to seek your God-given inheritance obscured in the distant past. You will:

    Gain practical wisdom on how to complete your genealogy and locate blessings that have been lost or abandoned.

    Understand how to use God’s help in unlocking the mysteries contained within your ancestry.

    Identify inheritance stealers like “soulish junk in your family’s trunk” that prevent you from walking in your destiny.

    Recognize how your spiritual decisions affect future generations.

    Join Lisa as she shares personal, heartfelt stories that are unique “close encounters of the genealogy kind” that will instruct and motivate you to alter the course of your life and family.

    Unlock the Potential in Your Genealogy!

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  • Sound Principles For Effective Living 1


    Words From Great Leaders About Sound Principles for Effective Living:
    Rich in illustration, gentle in its touch and profound in its implications is this book which addresses a timeless theme with a timely relevance.

    Chris has laid out a set of principles that inspires and encourages you to go the extra mile to achieve your dreams. His passion for practical living infused with the word of God will uplift your spirit and challenge your soul to greater heights. I recommend all to grab this book and run with them. Your life will be transformed.

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  • Supernatural Transformation


    The central organ of the human body is the heart. It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them.

    Yet we human beings have another “heart”-a spiritual one-that is the true center of our existence. Our spiritual heart is our identity. It is the foundation of our whole being, from which our desires, designs, purposes, will, thoughts, and attitudes originate.

    Yet, as a result of the fall and our sinful nature, we all have symptoms of “heart disease,” and we need to know how to become spiritually heart-healthy. As the Scriptures say, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every spiritual, mental, and emotional matter-and many physical ones-is rooted in the heart. The state of our spiritual heart affects all aspects of our daily living. Therefore, the condition of our heart will be the condition of our life.

    Join Apostle Maldonado in a journey of discovery into the purpose, motivations, and potential of our spiritual heart. God wants us to understand how, in Christ, our heart is designed to “pump” life to our entire being-producing mental, emotional, and physical health and removing the toxins of sin.

    We were created to reflect the heart of our heavenly Father. And God is ready even now to change our heart to be like His through a supernatural transformation!

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  • Cloud Of Unknowing


    Few things are as eternal in this world as man’s quest to better know and understand his Creator. Because the human mind is far too small to fully grasp the Almighty, believers who try to approach Him intellectually often “freeze up,” entering into a “cloud of unknowing.” But God is approachable.

    The Cloud of Unknowing dates back as far as the fourteenth century and has inspired generations of seekers in their efforts to connect with God. Created as a primer to instruct young monks to develop techniques for encountering God, its tone is not academic or austere but rather a loving call for believers to grow closer to God through meditation and prayer.

    If you desire to experience God in your heart, and yourself in God’s heart, The Cloud of Unknowing will be a book to read and reread for a lifetime.

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  • Dare To Believe For Your Healing


    Have you ever wondered if God’s healing is for people today? Do you desire to be made whole but don’t know how to go about it? If you are wrestling with these questions, you are not alone. Julia Loren has compiled the writings from heroes of faith-past and present-to show believers that God is still a God of healing and that He delights in manifesting supernatural healing today, just as He did over two thousand years ago when His Son Jesus walked the earth.

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  • God Still Works


    This is not to make money for me or the ministry…but it is to remind me of all the miraculous things God has done…

    Rev. Eddie Watson is genuine, humble and sincere in his conviction that God works-works, not past tense-His miracles everday, everywhere and in every way. Are you aware that God is working all around you? He’s providing protection, answering prayers and offering guidance.

    The road that God has for us to travel is seldom easy. Many times we bring things on ourselves that cause us problems, but we have a promise from the Lord that no matter what we must go through, it will be for good.

    He will use friends and family. He will use health issues and heartache. He will use people, problems and persecution. He will use kids, creditors and college examinations. He will use ministers, mishaps and mundane rituals. He will use loved ones, law officers and log chains. He will use doctors, deacons and even demons to get you to the point of true blessing. If you are not in a position to see God work in your life, you should probably change positions!

    We should seek the Lord, but wait until we see where He is working before taking action. Most will use this as an excuse for not doing anything for the Lord. The problem is that they are not actually seeking, because then they must put their faith into action, and many times their faith is not strong enough to act.

    God Still Works is a loving yet direct message to both the increasingly complacent Christian church and the individual believer. Through testimonies of divine intervention, Rev. Watson proclaims the ever-presence, and the active hand, of God in the lives of believers today.

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  • Who Are You


    So many times, we look to people to fill us when all we need is God. He is the only person who can fill that empty space; He knows your every need. After all, He is the one who formed you. We think that what we look for can be found in people, material things or money to make us happy. With every journey there is going to be a battle you must go through-battles that will make you face your fear; then chains will be broken.

    Miriam Walker’s book is a practical, yet empowering journey into self-discovery. Author Miriam Walker motivates you to connect with God though powerful scriptures, down-to-earth anecdotes and timeless pearls of wisdom. You will be compelled to re-invent negative self-images and transform destructive attitudes through this enlightening read. Walker shares her stories and unique experiences, preparing you to be successful in enduring the battles of life.

    Walker also includes touching snippets of challenges she has overcome, such as a grueling bout with cancer, feelings of spiritual emptiness and longing for a connection with God. Her pragmatic insights will speak to any reader who struggles with self-acceptance as she establishes grounded input to catapult you into a successful journey of God’s love. With the help of scriptures and candid humility, you will come to gain unforgettable teachings and value your gifts while gaining a support system in author Miriam Walker.

    So you see you are never done discovering who you are, because when you think you have, something new will emerge. Who are you?

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  • Stepping Into Your Destiny


    There is a reason you are occupied by thoughts of your destiny, or purpose of existence. You have an innate need to seek out the plan God created for you. You were designed with a craving to reach your destiny. I did not know I had been chosen by God to fulfill a purpose in His plan.

    The Bible is full of promises of protection, provision, and abundance. However, as we step into the life God has called us to lead we feel fear, uncertainty, and a lack of resources. Just about the time we get trucking along, something we depended on gets changed, and we are forced to make adjustments. During which times we experience fear, uncertainty, and even anger, our faith is challenged.

    When a tree is left to tend to itself and the dilapidated branches droop to the ground and dry up, producing no fruit, only leaves, it is trying its hardest to restore itself. But, all its efforts are in vain, because all its energy is going to sustain the dilapidated branch with leaves. It does not possibly have the resources needed to also produce fruit. It’s taking everything it has just to survive. Do you know what that feels like? Are you pouring everything you’ve got into your life, and still just barely getting by?

    Knowledge of your identity is crucial in fulfilling your destiny. It will be used to encourage you. As you travel this road to fulfilling your destiny, you will need the proper tools. All of the tools are crucial for traveling the path you were destined to walk.

    When you step into your destiny, you will be exhilarated, ready to do what you are certain God has called you to do. At this point, you are experiencing the power Paul wrote about in his second letter to Timothy, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline”
    ( 2 Tim 1:7 NIV). As the self-discipline lessons begin to shape you, you will feel the pain and confusion caused by the pruning. Yes! You have been pruned by the gardener (John 15); you are a branch with hardly any leaves or anything left on it; you feel naked, exposed and vulnerable. It is the winter of your transformation. It is in this time that you must allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Relying on your feelings will not do. Every ounce of logic and analysis will tell you to turn around, pull out, stop, abort mission! But, it is not the truth. Only the Holy Spirit can guide you through this season. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfu

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  • He Dries My Tears


    This book is written to show the awesome love of our faithful God! To know there is always hope in the darkest of times!

    I spent six years wallowing in a bottomless pit of darkness. I turned away from family, and God!

    Because of Satan’s lies and my choice to believe him, I lived a very miserable and unhappy life. Satan came as a thief in the night to take away the most precious of my possessions, my complete trust in God! The love in my heart went from a warm safe feeling to a cold hardness that nothing could penetrate. I felt nothing but anger, anger at God!

    These testimonies and poems are only a small portion of being brought from the depths of Hell with the loving touch of my Lord and Savior. To be able to feel the arms of God around me and the gentle touch of the drying of my tears, to be born again, is an awesome experience that mortal words do not do justice.

    This testimony of God’s love cannot stay in my heart and I cannot hold on to it as something God would only do for me. God gives His love so others may know that He lives! Through the words of these testimonies and poems may you be able to feel this awesome love and feel the gentle touch of God as He dries your tears!

    God bless you and give you strength as you struggle with life in general. May the Honor and Glory be God’s through Jesus name!

    “…I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere in all things…I can do all things through Christ, which strengthened me…Now unto God and our Father be glory forever and ever… Amen” – Philippian 4:12-20 (KJV)

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  • Power Of The Tongue


    From Negative for the Positive

    We all have questions about the things that happens to us, and why they happen. This book will answer many of the questions if not all of them.

    Pernell Stoney was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this book as a testimony of what the word of God reveal to him in his studies and life. The book is based on a principle of God that will give you a full understanding of why things happen to people. After rewinding his life it became clear to him that many people don’t have the knowledge of this principle of God. It has change his life and now he want to help others change theirs. After reading God’s Word, he began to believe there is one reason all this is happening today. Hosea 4:6 tells us we are “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” After reading this book, you will have the knowledge changing what you say, always being positive in life. This will lead you to a very successful life in Christ.

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  • Keep It Professional


    This handbook was written to truly educate, motivate and inspire you to develop a servant’s heart, apply the customer service principles to your everyday life and become a true professional at serving others. In 23 years as a beauty consultant, image enhancement technician, entrepreneur and owner of Eleth Beauty Palace, word of mouth has been my sole form of marketing so I have been able to build my business on the customer service principles in this book to create a satisfied, excited, enthusiastic, loyal client base.

    These principles have been instrumental in my success attracting and maintaining clientele. I not only still have the handful of clients that started with me when I moved to Florida in 1994, but more than 80 percent of my current clients have been with me for at least 10 years, which speaks volumes about the experience they have each time they come to the Palace. Our goal is to add value to each person who enters the door; we have been successful in doing so year after year.

    Additionally, I have used the enclosed communication, telephone etiquette, teamwork, cultural sensitivity, character qualities, conflict management and self-development principles to develop, train, empower and prepare young ladies in an internship program, helping them to develop these leadership qualities and a servant’s heart so that they can become successful in their respective fields. The self-esteem, self-confidence and personal growth that come from giving excellent service at all times and being the best you can will cause you to be respected. Also, the value you add to your business, your family, your company, your team and your organization only adds up to profit you in every area of your life, which is true success.

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  • Message To The End Time Generation


    This book is dedicated to my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who entrusted me to deliver his message to this end time generation…The message to the end time generation was written to give hope to all of mankind. To remind us that, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus; who came into this world and paid the penalty for our sins, to redeem mankind back to the Father again….There is a heaven and a hell the choice is yours; rather it be with God in his heavenly kingdom or forever separated from him in everlasting darkness, thick darkness, in torment and in pain, in hell and finally the lake which burns with fire. Revelation 20:11-15 NKJV

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  • Exhortations Of A Common Man


    The Exhortations of a Common Man is the result of one man’s quest to fulfill a passage of Scripture in his life. The parable of the talents in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 25 has inspired him in many ways, and one of those ways is by writing this book. It is a collection of messages that he has discovered along his walk with Messiah, and now he feels compelled to share them with others. These messages are not doctrine, diatribe, or designed to change your beliefs; they are only here to show you what a common man has discovered along his journey in his attempt to grow closer to his Heavenly Father and His Son, and would like for you to consider.

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  • True Success By Choice Not By Chance Without Excuses (Revised)


    True Success by Choice Not By Chance gives a road map which clearly shows the potential for any one to succeed in life whether they came from Tupelo, Mississippi or was born on Wall Street.

    This book is about Ernie Tucker who applied the laws of success and has lived a charmed life by following the principles of having faith, repetition, imagination and above all persistence. He says “success has no room for excuses – it is all up to you”. It is a choice one makes not a chance one takes, because chances is gambling and depends on the roll of the dice. It shows you that if you have a clearly defined objective and are willing to make the necessary sacrifices, in the long run your dream will become your reality.

    The book entails what he had faced, handled and triumphed over to become the success that he is. It is his dream to leave a legacy to the coming generations of whomsoever wishes to succeed be it family, friend or stranger. Embedded in the pages are elements of the will, wit and determination it took to get him there. It says that success is accessible but it is all up to you.

    To embrace the principles that took him there, you must follow his proven method for success. It shows you that success is a constant pursuit not an overnight affair. It is in fact for Ernie a true fulfillment of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream that black men and white men could work together in unity. Since success is not a respecter of persons.

    When Ernie’s principles of faith are enacted, regardless of your color, creed, race or national origin, success will be attained when you step out with faith in God and have a vision of your goals and love in your heart you will succeed.

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  • Immanuels Bride And The Holy Spirit


    Immanuel’s Bride and the Holy Spirit: Building a Whole New World is a riveting account of the Holy Spirit, which captures the glory of God. This compelling use of the scriptures, portrays God’s dynamic nature through His Holy Spirit. It journeys from Genesis to Revelation and looks at the importance of Christians being in awe of God. It conveys how lowering one’s self before God and others promotes the free flowing of God’s Spirit in every facet of one’s life. Both, novice readers of the Bible, as well as those well versed in it, will learn a new dimension of their connection to the Holy Spirit and how to depend on Him. Also, readers will see God’s plan for the ultimate wedding between Immanuel and His Bride.

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  • Believe In Miracles But Trust In Jesus


    Scripture says the seven miracles that the apostle John highlighted were intended as signs. The message they carried is proof that Jesus was who He said, the Son of God! And these miracles hold great relevance in our lives today. As Dr. Rogers said, “Their purpose is to deepen our trust in Him, not in the miracles themselves.” They serve as signposts pointing to Jesus, showing that He was and is God’s answer to your deepest need – to your disappointments, doubts, disabilities, desires, despair, darkness, and death. This book will change the way you view God and His work in our lives.

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  • Quickword : A Compilation Of Devotionals, Short Sermons, And Inspirational


    This non-enticing but spiritually-captivating compilation has touched the lives of many people all over the world and is intended to touch your life. Rather unconventional, Quickword is based on the truth that God’s Word does not respect time, space, distance, or any other barrier to make the desired impact. Inspired by the dwindling faith of many Christians to be bold and truthful in the wake of political correctness, Quickword is designed to strengthen the believer and remind them of the core areas of our faith. It will also reveal the truth to unbelievers. I invite you to read on and refocus on eternal things.

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  • Quickword : A Compilation Of Devotionals, Short Sermons, And Inspirational


    This non-enticing but spiritually-captivating compilation has touched the lives of many people all over the world and is intended to touch your life. Rather unconventional, Quickword is based on the truth that God’s Word does not respect time, space, distance, or any other barrier to make the desired impact. Inspired by the dwindling faith of many Christians to be bold and truthful in the wake of political correctness, Quickword is designed to strengthen the believer and remind them of the core areas of our faith. It will also reveal the truth to unbelievers. I invite you to read on and refocus on eternal things.

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  • 5 Secrets To Social Success With Biblical Principles


    The 5 Secrets to Success with Biblical Principles Study Journal reinforces God’s Word in action with everyday life as it applies to each of us.

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  • True Competitor : 52 Devotions For Coaches Athletes And Parents


    An experience so powerful it will transform your life on and off the field and impact teammates, coaches, and generations to come. Want an unstoppable faith that packs a punch in the gym, in the locker room, at home, and in all your relationships? True Competitor will ignite your passion to live intentionally for Jesus in everything you do so you will have maximum impact that will change the world of sports. It’s time to get in the game!

    Fifty-two devotions for athletes, coaches, and parents will transform the way you think. Each devotional features an in-the-trenches sports story with Scripture and life application, Be a GameChanger! section, room to write My Game Plan, and a heart and mind transforming prayer.

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  • Girls With Swords


    When women understand the truth of how God has empowered them, they proactively “wield the sword” of feminine strength and influence against any evil that threatens them and those they love.

    In a day of worldwide trafficking, gendercide, discrimination, and other crimes and hostility against women, Lisa Bevere points to a biblical foundation to present a model of feminine strength that will empower women to live confidently. Drawing on the many references to swords throughout Scripture, the author constructs a revealing and compelling female paradigm that will impact every area of a woman’s self identity, spiritual awareness, relationships, and life vision and mission. Long known for her passionate and articulate expression of biblical womanhood, Bevere presents fresh imagery-as enticing and strong as polished steel-to prepare women boldly for the challenges they face in today’s world. It’s not enough to just be wise and strong: Now a woman must know how to wield her sword.

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  • Tapped For Gods Blessing


    Tapped for God’s Blessing is a guide to uncovering your God given assignment through the gifts that are deep inside of you and understanding that it’s all made possible through God’s blessing. So many people struggle to comprehend why they behave in a certain manner or why they are driven to do certain things in life. Sometimes there may be an unexplained emptiness that can’t be filled with worthless things so they seek fulfillment in all the wrong places. A hole in your soul can never be satisfied by the things of this world, only God can fill that void. That is why it is important to know who you are in God and why you are here on this earth.

    This book will help you to learn how to understand God’s covenant and unlock unrealized potential so that you can recognize your true calling. If you don’t understand the promises of God you will not be able to fully grasp the magnitude of what he has placed on the inside of you. I pray that your journey to discovering your true self is enlightened through the revelation knowledge that God has given me.

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  • Helpful Guide To Godly Living


    The Word of God is our handbook for godly living. It was given to men, inspired of God & intended for the Christian. Today, He is still using men and women of God to write books that make His Word clearer & more understandable. This book is written for just that reason. To be a helpful guide in taking you thru the bible along the pathway of life that will lead you to truth & freedom. Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, & the truth shall make you free” {John 8:32}.

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  • I Got This


    We are taught that we find freedom in Christ, and yet many Christians never experience freedom or peace in the area of finances. Unlike books that provide tools for good financial management, “I Got This” offers profound and practical insight into the freedom and flow of God’s economy. Wesley Zinn explores the principle of firstfruits, the spirits of poverty and generosity, and the importance of your heart’s posture in giving. Firmly rooted in Scripture, this book is filled with many personal vignettes that illustrate and validate the practical application of the message. “I Got This” will help you experience freedom in finances, encourage you to discover a heart of gratitude for God’s provision, and help you align yourself with God’s heart, releasing a flow of his kingdom’s resources into and through your life.

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  • To Whom Do You Belong


    (Act 27:21-25) When they had gone a long time without food, then Paul stood up in their midst and said, “Men, you ought to have followed my advice and not to have set sail from Crete and incurred this damage and loss. “Yet now I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. “For this very night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has granted you all those who are sailing with you.’ “Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told.

    Book ONE of Twelve

    The above verses dramatically demonstrate that the Apostle Paul, the writer of some thirteen Books of the New Testament, not only knew “To Whom He Belonged”, but stated that he “Belongs To God”. There is on old saying that a woman cannot be partially pregnant, she is either pregnant or not, nothing in-between. This concept is especially true in everyone’s spiritual life. We are either alive in Christ and “Belong To God” or dead in our spiritual condition, therefore belonging to the devil. One cannot be partially “born-again”.

    It is of utmost importance to note; this question of “Belonging To God” can only be decided upon and answered before one dies. If we can say without any question or doubt we “Belong To Him”, then we have His Word, The Holy Bible, as our “Owner’s Manual”. Since the designer and inventor of our lives has left us His “Owner’s Manual”, then it behooves each of us who have “believing faith”, to search this “Owner’s Manual” for the instructions, directions, promises and hope associated with “Belonging To This Almighty God Of The Universe”.

    This Volume One, as well as all other volumes (Two through Twelve), are intended to help in that search. The search encouraged throughout these volumes is to know God’s Word and daily desire to exemplify IT through our actions. As we search the scripture it should be encouraging to take to heart, this special partial quote from the above verses, … “for I believe God” … as a great example of trusting His Word and maximizing that “trust belief” in all that we are and do!!!

    It is my daily prayer that each reader will find, “the peace that passes all understanding”, in their journey of this enriching security and joy, found in “Belonging To and Believing God”!!!

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  • Through The Knothole


    Through the Knothole answers two basic questions: What is true Christian spirituality, and how does it differ from other (false) forms of spirituality? It explains what the Bible actually says about spiritual reality and transformation. And it includes a detailed expose of the New Spirituality and how it undermines Christianity. It will show you how to “enter the narrow door” (Luke 13:24), the knothole, that leads to spiritual maturity and how to overcome demonic and other hindrances to spiritual growth. It will then take you step-by-step through the process of biblical sanctification, helping you to become all that God wants you to be in your new spiritual identity.

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  • Show Me This Man Called Jesus


    This book will kick up a lot of “religious” dust in all of us. It’s what we do when the dust settles and our eyes are opened that will determine where we go from here. It is only when we see Him, that we see our destiny. We must not get offended with the truth. The truth is the only thing that will set us free. The enemy is behind offenses, as he does not want us to reach our destiny. Each one of us has a marvelous, unique destiny marked out by the price Christ paid for it. Hebrews 12:1b puts it simply, “Let us lay aside every weight and sin which does so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” We would all agree that the church has a message for the world, but would we all agree that the world has a message for the church? They, most assuredly, do. Their cries identify the reason Christ came to earth as a man and became the sacrifice for those cries. For every cry, there is a provision in His sacrifice. Has the church in general disclosed the real Christ and His sacrifice that brings wholeness and purpose for all people; regardless of denomination, race and background? The world is crying out to the church, “Show Me This Man Called Jesus”! This book reveals truths to the world and the church that will awaken “hope” in both. Hope awakened in the church will bring her out of law into grace. Hope awakened in the world will bring the world to Christ!

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  • Outreach : Get Motivated To Reach Your Friends


    OUTREACH is a motivational, biblical and inspiring scriptural approach to reaching out to others. This is our biblical mandate, but sometimes we need a holy nudge.

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  • Dare We Speak Of Hope


    Prophetic Christian reflection on faith and politics from a seasoned South African scholar

    Since the spectacular rise of South Africa’s Nelson Mandela and the remarkable election of Barack Obama as president of the United States, the phrase “hopeful politics” has dominated our public discourse. But what happens when that hope diappoints? Can it be salvaged? What is the relationship between faith, hope, and politics?

    In this book Allan Boesak meditates on what it really means to hope in light of present political realities and growing human pain. He argues that hope comes to life only in situations of vulnerability — in struggles for justice, dignity, and the life of the Earth. Dare We Speak of Hope? is a critical, provocative, prophetic — and, above all, hopeful — book.

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  • Thrive


    In Thrive, the newest book by Mark Hall, the lead singer for the popular group Casting Crowns reminds us what it really looks like to walk with Jesus. With powerful and relatable stories, grounded teaching, and great application, Hall helps everyone who wants to take the next step of faith.

    You can do more than just survive your life, you can thrive! Mark Hall explores the two sides of our faith– the roots that help us grow deep and the trunk and branches that are the fruit and working out of all that God does inside us — and gives us steps and inspiration for growth in every area.

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  • Altar Ego : Becoming Who God Says You Are


    You are NOT who you think you are. In fact, according to bestselling author Craig Groeschel in Altar Ego, you need to take your idea of your own identity, lay it down on the altar, and sacrifice it. Give it to God. Offer it up.

    Why? Because you are who God says you are. And until you’ve sacrificed your broken concept of your identity, you won’t become who you are meant to be.

    When we place our false labels and self-deception on the altar of God’s truth, we discover who we really are as his sons and daughters. Instead of an outward-driven, approval-based ego, we learn to live with an “altar” ego, God’s vision of who we are becoming.

    Discover how to trade in your broken ego and unleash your altar ego to become a living sacrifice. Once we know our true identity and are growing in our Christ-like character, then we can behave accordingly, with bold behavior, bold prayers, bold words, and bold obedience.

    Altar Ego reveals who God says you are, and then calls you to live up to it.

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  • Power Of The Older Christian


    Laurus Books
    Dr. Millard B. Box, shown on front cover at almost 98 years young as of this writing, refuses to retire. He still preaches regularly, and he practices what he preaches! What he preaches is a way of life based on the Word of God. Says Dr. Box: “We have been taught to believe that 70 or 80 is the limit of life, and when most of us draw near that age, our thoughts are filled with dire and dreadful pictures. We make our wills, buy our caskets, make sure we have health insurance or hospitalization, and set all our energies to fight our last enemy, death. “In the Bible kind of life, there is no retirement, and the older a saint of God becomes, the more important he or she is in matters of the kingdom. They should be sought out for godly wisdom … If we older ones do not change, then the youth will become like us in the next generation, and God help the world if that happens.”

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  • Transparent Woman : From Whore To Holy


    It’s difficult for the individual seeking to make sense in a world so filled with sexual language and bombarded with sexual overtures from television to magazine ads. There is no hiding place from the over sex crazed world we live in. But you don’t have to submit and yield to this way. God is ever present even when we ignore his presence. This book serves as an encouragement to first acknowledge our misguided choices and make choices that align with the will of our Father, then to repent and turn away from a lifestyle and behaviors that have limited our walk in the garden of abundant life.

    In serving God and the Kingdom of God I encourage all Gods children to stand up and be counted heirs to the GREATEST ARMY THAT EVER EXISTED, THE ARMY OF GOD! Putting on the full armor and living a life worthy of God’s promises.

    “Who will you serve the god of this world or the eternal GOD, the creator of heaven and earth?”

    In life there is always a choice, whether conscious or unconscious you choose.

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  • God Revealed : Revisit Your Past To Enrich Your Future


    Raised in a lower-middle-class, nonreligious family, Fred Sievert lived the American dream by exercising a strong work ethic with the classic symptoms of a type-A overachieving personality. In the process he often neglected his family and friends as he doggedly pursued his socioeconomic ascent. But God revealed Himself to Fred in a profound way early in life and remained present through many difficult personal and business struggles, challenges, and decisions. The power of the stories in “God Revealed” and the extent to which God was with Fred throughout his young life and business career only became fully apparent to him after retirement, as he reflected on his life, his family, and his successes.
    The underlying theme of “God Revealed” is that all of us encounter God in unanticipated ways. Sometimes we simply don t recognize where His influence and guidance are constantly manifesting themselves. “God Revealed” invites readers not only to watch vigilantly for messages from God in their daily lives, but also to reconsider experiences from their past, realizing that those overlooked encounters often carry messages that can, with recognition, strengthen their faith and enrich their future.

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  • Virtually New For Virtually Nothing


    Kimberly Moeller
    Wondering how you can stretch your dollars to meet the needs of your household? Author, Kim Moeller, helps individuals to think creatively and learn how to maximize their dollars. Written from an eternal perspective, you will come away with renewed hope of how God will provide in amazing ways for your household. A book you will want to share!

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  • Gods Economy : Gods Miraculous Provision


    There is no lack in God’s economy, and in her book, the author, Alberta Brown Jenkins, talks about the benefits to being a part of God’s family and what it means. She has experienced God’s faithfulness in her life, which has taken her from faith to faith. She will relate God’s promises to the challenges that we are confronted with daily. Her book is designed to bring hope, inspire, encourage, and motivate. She also hopes to serve as a witnessing tool and promote spiritual growth through Bible study, which, she believes, will provide guidance through any crisis.

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  • Storytelling God : Seeing The Glory Of Jesus In His Parables


    The prodigal son. The good Samaritan. A treasure hidden in a field. Most of us have heard these parables before. Yet if these oft-repeated tales strike us as merely sweet, heartwarming, or sentimental, we can be sure we’ve misread them. Jesus’s parables are simultaneously working to conceal and reveal profound spiritual truths about God, humanity, the world, and the future-and we must learn to plumb their depths. A careful reading of the biblical text reveals the surprising ways in which such seemingly simple stories rebuke, subvert, and sabotage our sinful habits, perspectives, and priorities. Discarding the notion that Jesus’s parables are nothing more than moralistic fables, Jared Wilson shows how each one is fathoms deep and designed to drive us to Jesus in awe, need, faith, and worship.

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  • Storm Inside Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Designed for use with The Storm Inside: A DVD Study, this companion study guide will lead you and your group deeper into the teachings with session-by-session discussion topics, personal reflection, and between-session studies. In this video-based study by Sheila Walsh, she unpacks the stories of women from the Bible to show you that you, too, can overcome the lies of the enemy and live as the daughter of the King, even in the midst of daily storms.

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  • More Of Him Less Of Me


    The Re-Birth: A New Beginning
    The Struggle Between Flesh And Spirit
    The Prophetic And The Flesh
    Closing Thoughts

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    When something is birthed it is the beginning of a new life and in order for that life to thrive it must go through a process. For instance, when a child is born they are completely dependent on others. As the child matures and grows, the child must be disciplined in order to be taught right from wrong. If a child is not disciplined they will become very unruly and the lines of right and wrong become blurred. Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” When a parent disciplines a child in love that child has a choice to make. If the child accepts the discipline in love, the child will mature and become a healthy adult. However, if the child decides to not accept the discipline in love and rebel, the child becomes more rebellious and angry, leading to a dysfunctional immature adult.

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  • Who Is Your Source


    1. World Systems – Personal
    2. World Systems – Government
    3. World Systems – Business
    4. Kingdom System
    5. Wisdom
    6. Sowing And Reaping
    7. Obedience And Favor
    8. Giving And Receiving
    9. Forgiving And Loving
    10. Choices

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    Today, many people do not understand the Kingdom system and that is because we are taught the world’s system. God wants us to understand how His Kingdom system works so we can manifest it on earth. We will learn how to bring heaven to earth through the Kingdom system. That’s how we know that GOD IS OUR SOURCE. Foreword by Bill Vincent of Revival Waves of Glory Ministries

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  • Spiritual Leadership : Kingdom Foundation Principles


    20 Chapters

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    All across the world Christian people have not truly learned the ability to arm themselves. A Christian who is not prepared to suffer is comparable to a soldier who goes to war unarmed. It seems that one of the hardest things to accomplish after a little ministry success is humility. A proud person blames everyone while excusing himself. We all must learn to win in the fight of faith. This is a powerful book that is sure to stir your fight. Have you ever seen a person start their walk on fire for Jesus, only to end up in a lukewarm state after a process of time? You wonder, how could someone so enthusiastic end up so weary in their walk? There is a battle many leaders face today and this cutting edge book reveals some powerful strategies to be Spiritual Leaders.

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  • Is Your Fruit Sweet Or Sour


    Precept Publishing
    Sin is very much like an unruly weed which creeps into a healthy garden. Its presence is initially unnoticed, but soon the damage becomes evident, its distortion unmistakable. Girls today have to watch out for the “weeds” which will surely entangle their testimony and affect their fruit – the outgrowth that is seen from a commitment made to follow Christ. Is Your Fruit Sweet or Sour? , is a 12-week topical Bible study, which shows young women how to recognize and address these problem areas, while encouraging them to maintain a Christ-centered and God-honoring testimony.

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  • Romance Of Religion


    C. S. Lewis said that Christianity works on us like every other myth, except it is a myth that really happened. Dwight Longenecker grabs this idea and runs with it, showing that the Christian story is the greatest story ever told because it gathers up what is true in all the fantasy stories of the world and makes them as solid, true, and real as a tribe of dusty nomads in the desert or the death of a carpenter-king.
    In The Romance of Religion Longenecker calls for the return of the romantic hero-the hero who knows his frailty and can fight the good fight with panache, humor, and courage. Conflict and romance are everywhere in the story of Christ, and our response is to dust off our armor, don our broad-brimmed hats, pick up our swords, and do battle for Christ with confidence, wonder, and joy.

    Is religion no more than a fairy tale? No, it is more than a fairy tale-much more: it is all the fairy tales and fantastic stories come true here and now.

    “This book is witty, whimsical, and deadly serious. With panache and aplomb, Dwight Longenecker sets out to prove that Christianity is, in every sense of the word, fabulous. And does he succeed in his quest? I encourage you to read it to find out.”

    -Michael Ward, senior research fellow, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, and professor of apologetics, Houston Baptist University

    “If you’ve never thought about the Christian faith as romance and story, then this book will introduce you to a whole new way of thinking.”
    -Frank Viola, author of God’s Favorite Place on Earth

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  • How To Pick A Spouse (Reprinted)


    In How to Pick a Spouse, author Dan Chun helps readers think intelligently about dating and marriage and be confident in their ability to choose the right spouse. Motivated by his personal experience of divorce and working with singles, he developed a guide to finding a lifelong partner. He concentrates on considering 7 “C” attributes (character, chemistry, competency, commitment, cultural differences, communication, and core values) when choosing a spouse. Includes a Foreword written by Shaunti Feldhahn.

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  • Moments With You (Reprinted)


    What is the true secret to spiritual growth for couples? Dennis and Barbara Rainey know from experience that the secret is more moments together. When you are lifting up your relationship and the rest of your life together to God, you won’t be able to keep the spiritual growth from happening. In the pages of Moments with You, the Raineys offer just what couples need to get started or to continue growing in their quiet times together. These short but poignant biblical devotions are enjoyable and easy to use, providing a daily discussion point, prayer and Scripture reference. Married couples desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God and their spouse will come to treasure their time spent over Moments with You. For married couples of all ages and at all stages of life.

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  • 10 Issues That Divide Christians


    Is agreeing to disagree good enough for God’s family? Christians don’t necessarily agree with each other when it comes to questions of religious pluralism, homosexuality, the role of government, abortion, and war. Too often, we manage these disagreements by ignoring them. Yet we are called to engage the world for the sake of Christ. How can we be effective if we avoid society’s most pressing questions?In 10 Issues That Divide Christians, Alex McFarland challenges Christ-followers to drill down to the biblical core of ten current issues–such as social justice, evil and suffering, pornography, and environmentalism, among others–and echoes the biblical invitation: “Come let us reason together.” Only by engaging the Scriptures deeply, thinking clearly, and speaking truthfully can we in God’s family address our differences and discover the peace that comes with unity of purpose. With the Bible as our guidebook and the Spirit as our guide, we can respond to today’s urgent questions with the mind of Christ.

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  • Jesus : Pure And Simple (Reprinted)


    Large Church Pastor and Bestselling Author Offers Keys to a God-Centered LifeAfter several bestselling books and more than 25 years of ministry in Hawaii, Wayne Cordeiro knows how to touch the hearts of Christians. Too often people can get distracted by various programs and unimportant details of the faith, but in this book Wayne places the focus directly on drawing near to Jesus. And from that core focus, all other aspects of life will fall into place.

    Filled with encouragement, stories, and practical guidelines, this book will help believers simplify their walks with the Lord a welcome message for readers looking for simplicity and peace in their anxious, overscheduled lives. Includes a built-in study guide for individuals and small groups.

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  • Case For A Creator


    A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God ‘My road to atheism was paved by science…but, ironically, so was my later journey to God.’—Lee Strobel

    During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Science had made the idea of a Creator irrelevant—or so Strobel thought. But today science is pointing in a different direction. In recent years, a diverse and impressive body of research has increasingly supported the conclusion that the universe was intelligently designed. At the same time, Darwinism has faltered in the face of concrete facts and hard reason. Has science discovered God? At the very least, it’s giving faith an immense boost as new findings emerge about the incredible complexity of our universe. Join Strobel as he reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. Through his compelling and highly readable account, you’ll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present astonishing evidence in The Case for a Creator.

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  • Moments Together For Couples (Reprinted)


    In the midst of the stress and pressure of everyday life, Moments Together for Couples will give you and your mate a chance to pause, relax and draw upon the strength of the Lord. This easy-to-use 365 day devotional helps you set aside anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes every day with your spouse to grow closer to God and closer to each other. Softcover.

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  • Power Of Gods Names


    In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness?

    As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways.

    You will explore the depths of God as
    Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator
    Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One
    Adonai: The Owner of All
    Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides
    El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One
    El Elion: The Most High Ruler
    Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory
    Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace
    Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies
    Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals
    Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness
    Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd
    Immanuel: God With Us

    By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

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  • Infinite Journey : Growing Toward Christlikeness


    After we ve come to faith in Christ, God leaves us in this world for a very clear purpose: his own glory. But how are we to glorify God for the rest of our lives? The Bible reveals that God has laid before every Christian two infinite journeys which we are to travel every day: the internal journey of growth into Christlike maturity, and the external journey of worldwide evangelism and missions. This book is a roadmap for the internal journey, laying out how we are to grow in four major areas: knowledge, faith, character, and action. In this book, we ll learn how God grows us in knowledge, faith, character, and action. We ll also discover that spiritual knowledge constantly feeds our growing faith, faith will transform our character, our transformed character will result in an array of actions more and more glorifying to God, and our actions will feed our spiritual knowledge. This upward spiral will lead us to become more and more like Jesus Christ in holiness. And not only will this book help us understand Christian growth in detail, it will also give us a passion to grow every day for his glory.

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  • All Heaven Will Break Loose


    What is the key to world evangelism?

    All heaven will break loose when God’s glory is on display among His people–to the degree that unbelievers will say, “Wow! This is something else . . . and we want it!”

    So what releases God’s glory in this dimension?

    When we understand–and live out–the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17:21-22.

    In Joy Dawson’s engaging, conversational, forthright style, she has given us a biblical and thought-provoking case for both the need and the how-to, to live in the unity Jesus prayed for.

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  • Holy Fire : A Balanced Biblical Look At The Holy Spirits Work In Our Lives


    Want to know how the Holy Spirit works in the world? Are you hungry for more of him in your life? Addressing the controversy surrounding the Third Person of the Trinity, Kendall uses Scripture and his personal experiences to explore the person, gifts, and actions of the Spirit in today’s church and society.

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  • Hyper Grace : Exposing The Dangers Of The Modern Grace Message


    At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep.

    Is there a new reformation sweeping the church today, a reformation as radical and important as the Protestant Reformation that rocked the world five hundred years ago?

    According to a growing number of Christian leaders, the answer is yes. But many of these modern grace teachers, in their zeal to safeguard the glories of grace, are preaching their message without regard to fundamental aspects of biblical truth including:
    *God’s requirement for holy living from His people
    *The impact sin has on our relationships with God
    *The foundational relevance of the Old Testament to our lives as Christians

    Without watering down the Bible’s true message of grace, Michael Brown exposes the facts about the modern grace message that are too often embraced by believers who are not just looking for freedom from legalism but also freedom from God’s standards.

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