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Christian Living

Showing 4001–4100 of 8070 results

  • Elephants In The Church


    Where Are the Truth-Tellers?

    Our world is facing serious problems that pose genuine threats to our safety, our economy, our health, and our very survival. Sadly, partisanship and allegiances to special interests are preventing our nation from taking the needed action on such matters.

    And where is the church at this perilous time in history? Instead of proclaiming God’s wisdom on the issues of our day, many of us are either too blinded by political affiliations or too afraid to let our voices be heard.

    While resisting the predictable labels of Democrat and Republican, Bishop George Bloomer holds both sides accountable by boldly examining some of the most polarizing yet important issues of our time:

    Poverty and income inequality
    Gay marriage
    Racial relations
    War and the military-industrial complex
    Gun control

    Christians will never succeed in impacting the culture if they remain emasculated by political correctness and afraid to speak the truth. Change is possible only when brave and audacious men and women are willing to confront evil and injustice through their words and their actions.

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  • Run To The Battle


    This volume combines three best-selling books-The Invading Force, A Call to Action, and Run to the Battle-in their original form but updated for today’s reader. The prophetic message they bring is just as powerful and relevant today as it was when author Roberts Liardon first spoke it. “When you invade, do not have second thoughts and retreat-just invade. You are in it to the death-not your death, but the devil’s death! Your attitude needs to be… I am going to win, or I am going to die fighting.”

    The Holy Spirit is bringing revival to the church, and the church is rising up in a fresh anointing, a holy faith, and a Spirit-led zeal to win the lost as never before. If you are a believer who is serious about fulfilling God’s call on your life and taking this world for Jesus Christ, the truths in this new edition will transform you into a powerful soldier in God’s army. These three books in one provide the vital information and wisdom you need to hear God’s voice and Run to the Battle!

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  • Finding Spiritual Whitespace (Reprinted)


    How many of us find ourselves exhausted, running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, no time for God? Bonnie Gray knows exactly what that’s like. On the brink of fulfilling a lifelong dream, Bonnie’s plans suddenly went off script. Her life shattered into a debilitating journey through anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. But as she struggled to make sense of it all, she made an important discovery: we all need spiritual whitespace.

    Spiritual whitespace makes room–room in one’s heart for a deep relationship with God, room in one’s life for rest, room in one’s soul for rejuvenation. With soul-stirring vulnerability and heartbreaking honesty, Bonnie takes readers on a personal journey to feed their souls and uncover the deeper story of rest. Lyrical writing draws readers into Gray’s intimate journey through overwhelming stress to find God in a broken story and celebrate the beauty of faith.

    Guided by biblical encouragement and thought-provoking prompts, Gray shows readers how to create space in the everyday for God, refreshment, and faith. She also offers practical steps and insights for making spiritual whitespace a reality, right in the midst of the stress-frayed stories in every season of life.

    “We live in a culture that brags and boasts about being busy. Into that reality steps Bonnie with a new idea. Whitespace is an important concept and Bonnie has captured it perfectly. If you’re exhausted with being exhausted, read this book. If you feel too busy to read this book, then that’s probably the best sign of all that you need it.”–from the foreword by Jon Acuff, New York Times bestselling author of Stuff Christians Like

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  • Worship God And Praise Away The Pounds


    This could be the last book you read about weight loss . . . It’s not a diet book. It’s not another gimmicky program. It IS the true story of one woman’s journey toward greater spiritual health and a healthy weight-a journey you can take! Through personal testimony and scriptural teaching, you will learn:
    * Why you struggle with eating and with weight
    * How to make lifestyle changes
    * How to put God first and let the Holy Spirit lead you on this journey
    * and much more!

    Inspirational and practical, this book can be the incentive and direction you need to “Worship God! And Praise Away the Pounds!”

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  • Wilderness Bride


    Wilderness Bride is a vibrant collection of stories in a poetic format for women who long to grow into a deeper love relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, but feel stuck in a spiritual wilderness.

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  • No Prissy Shoes


    It is the sorority no woman wants to join-the sisterhood of women with cancer. But every day, 2,200 new members are inducted. If you, a sister, daughter, mother or friend is on that journey, this book of 31-daily devotions will give a potent dose of hope, comfort and encouragement from God’s Word. Linda walks her readers through every step of the cancer journey. She shares experiences, but then brings them back to the awesome, life-changing truths in the Bible.

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  • Beautiful Disaster : Finding Hope In The Midst Of Brokenness (Reprinted)


    Interweaving biblical insights and personal narratives, this eloquently written book shows how God often uses suffering and desert experiences to form us into Christ’s image. Marlena Graves shares her experiences of growing up poor in a house plagued by mental illness as a means to explore the forces God uses to shape us into beautiful people in the midst of brokenness.

    This book offers a window into suffering through the motif of desert spirituality, revealing how God can use our painful experiences to show himself faithful. While no one welcomes suffering, God often uses desert experiences–those we initially despise and wouldn’t wish on anyone–to transform us into beautiful souls who better resemble Jesus. Graves shows how God can bring life out of circumstances reeking of death and destruction, whether those circumstances are crises or daily doses of quiet desperation.

    Readers who have experienced suffering and question God’s purpose for it will benefit from this book, as will counselors, pastors, professors, and mentors. It includes a foreword by John Ortberg and Laura Ortberg Turner.

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  • Supernatural Manifestations In The Church


    Supernatural Manifestations in the Church will entice you to pursue the tangibility of the intangible. It may not be the manifestations you are seeking, but they will accompany you as you utilize what is already at work in your life. You can learn how to access the power of gifts, the gifts of revelation, and the utterance of gifts through your own prayer language. Tongues provide a necessary element in releasing the super to the natural. The apostle Paul spoke in tongues more than all the Corinthians. Was there a link between the spiritual revelation he received through this kind of praying and the writing of half the books in the New Testament?

    Supernatural Manifestations in the Church contains exhilarating, real-life experiences in accessing the extraordinary working and moving of the Holy Spirit.

    In Supernatural Manifestations in the Church, you will receive answers to the following questions:
    *How can you access the supernatural in your own devotional life?
    *How can you know you are not manifesting demons?
    *What are these strange utterances all about?
    *Will I need years of counseling to get free?
    *Is there a special tongue for self-deliverance?
    *If Jesus took care of the Devil, then what is this all about?

    We have relegated to the specialist what every believer has access to.

    It is time to deal with the Devil.

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  • Controlling Husband : What Every Woman Needs To Know


    “I can’t live this way anymore.”
    “I’ve given up trying to change him.”
    “I can’t ever be good enough.”
    “He won’t listen to me anyway.”

    As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Ron Welch has heard many women in controlling marriages pour out their hearts. They feel trapped, helpless, stuck in a situation with no solution and no way out.

    In this candid book, Welch offers real hope. He shows women how controlling husbands develop, why wives allow themselves to be controlled, and strategies to help both husband and wife change. Welch struggled as a controlling husband for years but found help and healing in his relationship with his wife. He uses that experience, as well as examples from the lives of the couples he’s worked with, to show women that just because “he’s always been this way” doesn’t mean their marriage must be that way forever. He teaches women valuable practical skills for coping with the challenges they face and transforming the power and control issues in their marriages.

    For wives of controlling husbands, along with the friends and family members who love and are concerned about them, this is an essential resource. Counselors will also find it helpful as they work with hurting couples.

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  • Sharing Christ With The Dying


    Reach the Terminally Ill With the Good News

    Melody Rossi saw God work in the hearts of three close family members who died within a span of twenty-eight months. When she had nearly given up hope that they might believe, she was amazed to find their hearts softened to the gospel message.

    Melody learned that illness has a way of making a person hungry for the truth about spiritual matters. If your unsaved friend or family member is facing death, this encouraging book can help you share Christ in loving, natural ways. She shows how to:
    *Serve in ways that speak louder than words
    *Respond to signs of spiritual openness
    *Discuss matters of eternal importance
    *Cope with the ups and downs of this difficult time

    Filled with hope, joy, and practical wisdom, Sharing Christ With The Dying will lovingly prepare you to talk to family and friends about Jesus.

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  • Disciples Together : Discipleship Learning And Small Groups


    Discipleship is one of the key words used in the churches today and there are many initiatives in the mainstream churches to enable people to grow as disciples of Christ. Much of this happens in small groups, yet there has hitherto been very little written about this phenomenon. Roger Walton seeks to speak from research and theological reflection into the growing small group movement in the churches. In the midst of a cluster of recent a _~how toa_T books on Christian Small Groups this book attempts to set the phenomenon in the broader context of research and theological reflection. It can be conceived as a critical friend to the movement rather than cheering it on, encouraging people to think and engage more deeply with theological, sociological and ecclesiological issues.

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  • Case For A Creator Student Edition


    Has Science Discovered God? When Lee Strobel was a high school freshman, science convinced him that God didn’t exist. Since then, however, incredible scientific discoveries have not only helped restore Lee’s faith, but have strengthened it. Lee is not alone. More and more scientists, confronted with startling, cutting-edge evidence from many areas of research, no longer believe the universe just ‘happened’ or that life arose by mere chance. Behind a universe of staggering complexity, they are seeing signs of a Master Designer. Are your science textbooks still telling you the same ‘facts’ that Lee’s did years ago? Prepare to be astonished by what some of today’s most respected experts have to say about:
    The birth of the universe
    Darwinism and the origin of life
    The astounding fine-tuning of the cosmos
    Amazing molecular machines and DNA research

    Weigh the evidence for yourself. Then consider this question: Could it be that the universe looks designed … because it is?

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  • Unscripted : Sharing The Gospel As Life Happens


    Christ was clear: as you go, you are to make disciples. Imagine what the world might be like if you practiced those simple words: as you go. Unscripted empowers you to shake off stale evangelism techniques and programs and embrace a way of life that connects you with the spiritual power needed to effectively witness and where meaningful relationships are built through which your witness can flow. Imagine the possibilities of what Christ wants to do when you live Unscripted.

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  • Courage To Grow Old


    A best-selling Morehouse author for decades

    * Addresses one of today’s most pressing topics

    * Includes questions for reflection and study by individuals and groups

    Here is Barbara Crafton at her best-funny, warm, direct, honest, and vulnerable-on aging.
    “I think growing older is both funny and sad, but mostly it just makes me grateful to be alive
    and able to reflect. I have been an Episcopal priest for 33 years and have had extensive
    experience in ministering with the elderly. Now, I am growing old myself. I hate it when
    people are ashamed of being old. We should be proud!” she proclaims. Join her in this
    celebration of life!

    AUDIENCE: For general readers of all faith traditions, including the many fans of Barbara’s
    earlier works.

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  • Faith Steps For Military Families


    Faith Steps for Military Families: Spiritual Readiness Through the Psalms of Ascent” delves into the fifteen themes found in the fifteen Psalms of Ascent in the book of Psalms. Through descriptive metaphors, the “Faith Steps for Military Families” depict the annual journey to Jerusalem. These special psalms explore the rich meanings of these metaphors intended originally for the Israelites, and then translates them into the lives of 21st century military families. Themes such as building a stronger spiritual foundation, family resiliency, a deeper understanding of God s nature as Protector, Keeper, and the Night Watchman, trust in God during times of fear, or of the unknown, coping in unfriendly environments, understanding how God s strength surrounds His own, honoring God while living out a difficult lifestyle, developing trust and contentment and other biblical guidance for dealing with the complexities of the military lifestyle.

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  • Yawning At Tigers


    In our increasingly shallow, self-centered world, quaint notions such as timeless truth and reverence for a holy, awe-inspiring God seem irretrievably lost. They’re not. Many of us have fashioned a domesticated deity-a casual, malleable source of love and good feelings as we define them-and yet our spiritual lives are sedate, dry, devoid of passion or purpose. Even so, today’s postmodern epidemic of rampant restlessness-and our failed, often destructive attempts to ease it-may be evidence of an ancient ache, a deep hunger for transcendence in all of us. Drew Nathan Dyck makes a compelling case that the more we all seek is available by knowing and worshiping the dangerous God of Scripture-a God who is paradoxically untamable and accessible, impossibly mysterious and intimately knowable, above and beyond our physical world yet powerfully present within it. He is a God who beckons us to see him with fresh eyes and let him lead us to a faith that is wild, adventurous, and rooted in a deep understanding of his eternal character. Yawning at Tigers charts a course away from the “safe” harbor of sanitized, predictable Christianity, into deeper waters where, yes, danger lurks, but where God’s majesty, love, and power finally become more real and transformative than we could have imagined.

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  • Rise Of The Nones (Reprinted)


    The single fastest growing religious group of our time is those who check the box next to the word none on national surveys. In America, this is 20 percent of the population. Exactly who are the unaffiliated? What caused this seismic shift in our culture? Are our churches poised to reach these people?

    James Emery White lends his prophetic voice to one of the most important conversations the church needs to be having today. He calls churches to examine their current methods of evangelism, which often result only in transfer growth–Christians moving from one church to another–rather than in reaching the “nones.” The pastor of a megachurch that is currently experiencing 70 percent of its growth from the unchurched, White knows how to reach this growing demographic, and here he shares his ministry strategies with concerned pastors and church leaders.

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  • Spiritual Danger Of Doing Good


    CEO of Large Nonprofit Warns that Charity and Christian Service Can Have a Dark Side

    Most Christians today are interested in more than just preaching the gospel with words; they also want to serve others. But what happens when Christian service and social justice lead to burnout, pride, or worse? Peter Greer gives a firsthand account of how this can happen, leaning on his experiences as CEO of HOPE International, a large Christian nonprofit that serves those in need by helping them help themselves. Greer uses stories from his own life and others in ministry to help readers protect themselves from disillusionment and other dangers. He uses the Pharisees as a symbol of how something that starts off with the noblest of intentions can go off the tracks, and how to get it back on again. This book serves as a compassionate warning to everyone who works in ministry or charitable nonprofits, from CEOs to weekend volunteers.

    The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good will include end-of-chapter questions for personal reflection or group discussion.

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  • Smart Stepfamily : 7 Steps To A Healthy Family (Revised)


    Stepfamilies frequently encounter difficulties in attaining the idealistic dream of “blending” their separate family members. Ron Deal provides seven effective, achievable steps toward building a healthy marriage and a workable and peaceful stepfamily. The Smart Stepfamily has been developed from Deal’s nationwide seminars on the topic. Equally useful for individuals, families, small groups, pastors, and counselors, this is perhaps the best tool available for families.

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  • Instinct : The Power To Unleash Your Inborn Drive (Large Type)


    Modern life can seem like being lost in a jungle. With distractions and dangers emerging from every direction, it’s easy to lose focus. Over time, we lose touch with one of our most powerful, purposeful, God-given attributes–the desire to be fruitful and multiply, what Bishop T. D. Jakes calls our “instinct for increase.” Combining historical, cultural, and personal examples with biblical insights, in INSTINCT Bishop Jakes outlines how to re-discover your natural aptitudes and re-claim the wisdom of your past experiences. When attuned to divinely inspired instincts, you will become in sync with the opportunities life presents and discover a fresh abundance of resources. Knowing when to close a deal, when to take a risk, and when to listen to your heart will become possible when you’re in touch with the instincts that God gave you. Bishop T.D. Jakes–iconic preacher, bestselling author, and entrepreneur–has inspired millions of people around the world. Here he writes from the peak of his personal power about how to experience the satisfaction of a life well lived. If you long to conquer the jungles of life, INSTINCT offers the personal and professional tools needed to navigate your course successfully and according to God’s design.

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  • Get Your Teenager Talking


    Veteran youth expert Jonathan McKee presents 180 creative discussion starters to help teens open up about issues that matter. And unique to this book, he provides tips for interpreting their responses and follow-up questions. From light-hearted to more serious, these conversation springboards will get even the most reluctant teen to talk about friends, school, values, struggles, and much more. Perfect for anyone who wants to make a teen feel noticed and heard. Includes a topical index.

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  • Real Manhood : Being The Man God Made You To Be


    Dr. Dollar shows men how to fulfill their role as men called of God to embrace the Biblical concept of ‘real manhood.”

    Being a man of God is not easy in today’s world. There are many distorted ideas and images being presented by contemporary culture, and even by men’s families, that don’t line up with the Word of God. Consequently many men are confused about their true identity and at a loss in knowing how to actually fulfill their intended role.

    REAL MANHOOD is a trumpet-call to men to rise up to the challenge to be the man God intends them to be. Here is practical advice on how to:

    Conquer fear
    Overcome areas of personal struggle
    Cultivate an intimate relationship with God
    Relate properly to others

    REAL MANHOOD gives men a more compelling vision of masculinity, equips them to be true to their responsibilities, and enables them to be a tremendous asset to their family, their church, and the Kingdom of God.

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  • For Such A Time As This


    Written in very understandable language, the articles of this book include themes of Christian devotion, leadership development, apologetic critiques, theological considerations, and a few graduate level readings. A practical Christian philosophy of living indeed!

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  • So Are The Skies Really Gonna Part


    What does it take to get to Heaven? On September 11, over 3,000 people suddenly and unexpectedly lost the chance to engage in any further debate about that question. People believe different things, but-truth is true, whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, and whether you believe it or not. This short, easy to read book cuts right to the heart of the matter. It will introduce you to the right answer. His name is Jesus! Like a true friend who deeply cares about your eternity, Dale Goodrich shares a window into his military command experiences and then shows how everyone needs a reality check with the commanding officer of the universe, Jesus Christ.

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  • Home Improvement Series 1


    SKU (ISBN): 9781629527734ISBN10: 1629527734William AwodeleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Life 101 : A New Visionary Understanding Of Christian Fulfilment


    Dr. Ngonde Ajah Thomas is an ingenious physician who by the grace of God has unlocked the treasure-chest inherent in the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and is using this to impact his generation. Through his private and public interactions; he untiringly brings out the best in others, helping them to live life more effectively and to experience unmatched fulfillment in their careers, relationships, educational pursuits and marriages. His inspirational counsel, acute wisdom, and giving spirit have remedied the marital homes of some, transformed the lives of others and restored others on the true paths of their purpose. Life 101: a New Visionary Understanding of Christian Fulfilment is Dr.Ajah’s seminal work. This book offers you a well-spring of biblically-based motivational tips on achieving your life goals and leading a fulfilled life. It would lift your faith, shape your attitude and unleash your potentials to the maximum.

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  • Disabled And Blessed


    Hope and Help for Those in Need

    A practical and personal guide to the social security disability process

    Disability can be devastating.

    Sickness, accident, or injury can change anyone’s life unexpectedly. And when it does you face not only physical but financial and emotional challenges too.

    Help is available, but finding it can demand strength, hope, and perseverance just when they seem to be in shortest supply.

    Inspired by his mother’s own struggle to secure the assistance she was due after a debilitating surgery, David Anthony presents the information and inspiration needed to guide you through the social security disability process-for yourself or a loved one.

    Equal parts handbook, guide book, and personal workbook, Disabled and Blessed tells you:
    *Who to contact (government departments, organizations, professionals)
    *What to expect (procedures and time frames)
    *How to navigate the system (applications and appeals)
    *Where to find support (personal care)

    Disabled and Blessed will help you access the practical and personal resources necessary to ensure a purposeful life despite practical limitations.

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  • 101 Tips For The Smart Stepmom


    Today’s woman who finds herself dating, engaged, or married to a man with kids often feels alone, misunderstood, and weary. In this down-to-earth book, Laura Petherbridge offers real answers from someone who’s walked in her shoes–and now has good relationships with her grown stepchildren.

    This topically arranged resource includes tips on parenting, coping with the children’s mom, finances, and celebrating special occasions. The reader will learn how to better understand her blended family, navigate the drama, and gain the respect of her stepkids. The bite-sized tips are perfect for the busy stepmom, offering solutions she can immediately implement–and see change begin.

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  • Plain Faith : A True Story Of Tragedy Loss And Leaving The Amish


    This is the true story of Ora-Jay and Irene Eash, Amish farmers from northwest Montana whose lives changed in an instant when a semi-truck struck the family buggy, killing their two young daughters. After the accident, the couple turned to their Amish community for comfort, but they remained haunted by the thought that they might not see their girls again in heaven. Would their deeds be good enough? Eventually Ora-Jay and Irene learned that grace—not works—was enough to ensure their place in eternity. But with that knowledge came the realization that they could no longer live in an Amish community that didn’t share this precious belief. Could they sever their connection to the Amish family they loved? This is the story of their journey to the hope that is heaven, a hope stronger than the loss of children, family, and a way of life. Fans of Amish fiction will appreciate such a real-life look into the Amish community, co-written by bestselling author Tricia Goyer, and readers of all kinds will resonate with this tale of courage, resilience, and the redemption found in the grace of Jesus.

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  • 40 Days Of Prophetic Miracles


    More than a devotional book, Forty Days of Prophetic Miracles will propel you to a prophetic journey that will help you step into the realm of miracles. It will equip even the weakest person for an astounding supernatural experience. The book was born out of three decades of prophetic praying for the body of Christ. The author has seen God work great things through prayer; but at the same time, he has great concern that the ministry of tears through prayer is gone from the church. If the righteous will commit to vehement, earnest and heartfelt prayer they will once again produce wonderful miracles.

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  • People Pigs And Principalities


    Whether we are aware or unaware, we are all involved in the activity of angels and demons. The true stories in this book will amaze and inspire readers to explore God’s supernatural world.

    The supernatural world is real and all around you. This book contains personal accounts of experiences both light and dark as well as insightful teachings and testimonies about angels and demons.

    Relating the inspirational story of his youngest son’s interaction with angels at the age of seven, Dickerman uses the miraculous events in his own life to share what led him to explore God’s supernatural world. Readers will be inspired when they see the reality and “normalcy” of the spirit realm, which is confirmed by God’s Word.

    The book will also include testimonies of people who have encountered angels and accounts of experiences Dickerman has gained through 40 years of prison ministry and 19 years of deliverance ministry.

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  • If You Want To Walk On Water Youve Got To Get Out Of The Boat


    Winner of the 2002 Christianity Today Book Award! You’re One Step Away from the Adventure of Your Life. Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus. In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, ‘Come’? John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God. The experience is terrifying. It’s thrilling beyond belief. It’s everything you’d expect of someone worthy to be called Lord. The choice is yours to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God’s purpose for your life in the process. There’s just one requirement: If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.

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  • Mystery Of Suffering


    Millions of people worldwide now live with debilitating chronic pains and other degenerative medical conditions in spite of available best practices in modern medical sciences. They are compelled to take heavy doses of high potency medication, with all the many known and unknown side effects, for the rest of their lives. For the other millions of people experiencing other forms of afflictions now, and for millions who will inevitably experience suffering in the time to come, there is hope and help for you now. The Mystery of Suffering provides answers to why we suffer, and how to be victorious over suffering.

    The major reason we all encounter and live with severe afflictions is our rejection of the true reasons we suffer. More than half the battle we wage against suffering is won just by knowing and believing why we suffer. Whatever suffering you experience now, get excited, become hopeful and know there are remedies that are completely free and within your reach now.

    Have you ever wondered the real reasons behind the dreaded climate change that is driving the rapid melting of the icecaps, persistent and widespread destructive storms, floods, drought, landslides, and those monster fires? Are you concerned about the rising widespread fear, insecurity, instability, chaos, and senseless violence threatening to return the world to the dark ages? Find the answers; prepare to prevail over your present situation and the impending threats to our lives, health, possessions, families and our way of life. The Mystery of Suffering will lead you to the answers and action plans that will turn back suffering in your life now, and equip you with guaranteed victories going forward.

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  • His Presence Makes The Difference


    Dr. Anthony Emeka is the Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Jesus House Modesto California. He is married to Angela and they are blessed with children. He preaches the word of God with passion. He attended the Redeemed Christian Bible College Lagos, Nigeria. Anthony Emeka holds an honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity and an MBA from University of Phoenix. He currently teaches at Soldiers of Christ Bible College Stockton, California.

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  • Dirty Secrets Dirty Lies


    Most people are defeated in their Christian walk by one or two things that they never seem to overcome. They usually make excuses for it, cover it up, and justify themselves by comparing themselves with others. “Dirty Secrets, Dirty Lies” reveals how to have victory over whatever holds you back through Biblical principles and many practical examples. This book takes the lofty ideals of Scripture and makes them practical for everyone.”

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  • My Basis For Believing


    This book is about how I found the road to Heaven, which fundamentally is based on my testimony how I proved to my satisfaction that I was a Christian. I accomplish this by using premises, postulates, simple logic, and analogies that use common words and phrases, such as, road, vehicle, fuel, ladder, and system, and the phrase travelling the road. These all are well explained. Other aspects discussed include information on: the one we love so much; a good leader (giving who is the greatest); assurance and salvation; my life that provides some insight on it; and the bases for my not giving much thought to God until I returned from the military.

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  • Sacred Spaces : Stations On A Celtic Way (Revised)


    A beautifully written, evocative exploration of the Celtic concept of ‘sacred space’

    There are many books that explore actual, physical, sacred space and pilgrimage sites. This is a different kind of book. It introduces seven traditional ‘sacred spaces’ but then leads readers into a deeper reflection on what such ‘sacred space’ means in our own lives and experience. The various sacred spaces explored are: the Celtic Cross; the infinite knot; hilltops; wells and springs; causeways and bridges; thresholds and burial grounds; and boundaries. In each chapter, the author introduces a ‘sacred space’ as the main theme and then illustrates this by associating it with a particular stage of life and a particular sacramental experience. The ideas are then brought together by means of a scripture story.

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  • Everybodys Normal Till You Get To Know Them


    Normal? Who’s normal? Not you, that’s for sure! No one you’ve ever met, either. None of us are normal according to God’s definition, and the closer we get to each other, the plainer that becomes. Yet for all our quirks, sins, and jagged edges, we need each other. Community is more than just a word—it is one of our most fundamental requirements. So how do flawed, abnormal people such as ourselves master the forces that can drive us apart and come together in the life-changing relationships God designed us for? In Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them, teacher and best-selling author John Ortberg zooms in on the things that make community tick. You’ll get a thought-provoking look at God’s heart, at others, and at yourself. Even better, you’ll gain wisdom and tools for drawing closer to others in powerful, impactful ways. With humor, insight, and a gift for storytelling, Ortberg shows how community pays tremendous dividends in happiness, health, support, and growth. It’s where all of us weird, unwieldy people encounter God’s love in tangible ways and discover the transforming power of being loved, accepted, and valued just the way we are. In Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them, Ortberg once again reveals his gift for sharing profound insights using a lighten-up approach. With winsome humor and a fondness for well-spun stories, he pops the myth of normalcy and hands us the keys to creating and sustaining relationships. Because in all the rewards and struggles of community, we’re investing in something beyond our comprehension. You could call it heaven. You could call it home. It’s the place where all of us are headed, all of us belong, and all of us will be normal at last.

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  • Christ Shaped Character


    The author explores how we grow into maturity in Christ through pursuing the virtues of love, faith and hope while looking through the lens of our own life experience.

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  • God Is Closer Than You Think


    What Are You Waiting For? Intimacy with God can happen right now if you want it. A closeness you can feel, a goodness you can taste, a reality you can experience for yourself. That’s what the Bible promises, so why settle for less? God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t just for monks and ascetics. It’s for business people, high school students, busy moms, single men, single women … and most important, it’s for YOU. God Is Closer Than You Think shows how you can enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your heavenly Father. Bestselling author John Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life. He shows you God’s hand stretching toward you. And, with his gift for storytelling, Ortberg illustrates the ways you can reach toward God and complete the connection—to your joy and his.

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  • Declutter Now Study Guide


    Do you desire more TIME, SPACE, MONEY, FREEDOM, JOY, ENERGY & PEACE? The Declutter Now! 8 week study is a comprehensive, practical, step by step guide, designed to coach and motivate you to TAKE ACTION and declutter your: Physical space, Relationships, Finances, Career, Mental health, Children, Spiritual life, Body & Physical Health. Declutter Now! will help you not only recognize the clutter in your life, but help you get rid of it forever! What can you expect? Release from the bondage of clutter, live the abundant life God desires for you, thought and conversation provoking questions, inspirational and relevant scripture, a guide to ACTION with helpful resources and practical application. For leaders – complete meeting format guide which includes useful tools, tips, and creative ideas to make your group a success. Designed to be used in conjunction with the Declutter Now! book. DON T DELAY – START TODAY!

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  • Is It My Fault


    Is it My Fault? proclaims the gospel of healing and hope to victims who know too well the depths of destruction and the overwhelming reality of domestic violence.

    At least one in every three women have been beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in their lifetime. The effects of domestic violence are physical, social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual, and can have long-lasting distressing consequences. It is common for victims of domestic violence to suffer from ongoing depression and recurring nightmares, self-harm, such as cutting, panic attacks, substance abuse, and more.

    This book exists to address the abysmal issues of domestic violence using the powerful and transforming biblical message of grace and redemption. Save Me From Violence convincingly shows that the Lord is the Only One who can heal the despairing victim. It deals with this devastating problem and sin honestly and directly without hiding its prevalence today.

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  • 5 Blind Spots


    This book will reveal 5 destructive behaviors and attitudes that block you from becoming the remarkable person you desperately want to be.

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  • Dear God Welcome Back To School


    You might be working in the public schools, but who are you really working for on your job? Are you allowing the Lord to use you in such a way that He is obviously at work with you in your public school? Yes, God is looking at our public schools and sees the righteous ones in whom He can work to bring about revival and spiritual healing. From bus drivers to teachers to administrators, there is no Christian public school employee who can’t have an influence for our Lord Jesus Christ if we allow Him to fill us and lead us. As you read Dear God, Welcome Back to School, prepare to be encouraged, edified, and equipped. You will learn how God expects His people to join Him as He gives us this “land,” and you will see how you can experience God more and more in your school. This huge revelation will result in you being empowered to serve Him as a true soldier of Jesus Christ, going to battle to win the souls of students and staff. Let’s hearken to the voice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as He says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30 nasb).

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  • Put Out The Fire


    Getting upset, developing a vengeful attitude, committing violent acts, thinking negative thoughts, becoming argumentative, raising your voice, using sharp words or cursing, as well as holding things in and refusing to let them go, are all symptoms of not controlling your anger. What’s more, the longer you ignore your anger and fail to deal with it, the worse it will become. David tells us in Psalm 37:8 “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not leads only to evil.” With these words he is warning you and me to put out the fire of our anger before it consumes us. This book is a tool I am convinced will help you deal with your anger, but more importantly, it will encourage you to grow in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and your relationship with your family and others.

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  • 7 Deadly Sins


    Jesus taught that we are to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. He also taught that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Matthew 22: 37, 39). This study examines the seven deadly sins and how they can hinder us from loving God as well as our neighbors. These are the sins of: 1. Pride 2. Envy 3. Anger 4. Slothfulness 5. Greed 6. Gluttony 7. Lust While none of us likes to think of ourselves as capable of such sins, all of us have exhibited them to one degree or another. Nothing moves the Christian life forward more quickly than dealing with these sins. Thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter will bring a lively discussion to a study group.

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  • Thresholds And Passages


    In the end, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. When was the last time your own life left you breathless with wonder? “Thresholds and Passages” is both an awakening and an invitation to experience the kind of life Jesus came to offer. Discover the pathways that direct you toward purpose, balance, and authenticity; toward reflection, play, and celebration; toward mutual relationships with other women. Whether you are married or single, an employee, a stay-at-home mom, or an executive, you are first of all a woman created in God’s image. God invites you to walk to the edge of your life as you’ve known it, and to cross a threshold into fully authentic womanhood. It is the same place where Moses stood as he listened to the voice from the blazing bush: “Take off your shoes, Moses. This is holy ground.” Honest and deeply personal, “Thresholds and Passages” offers a series of portals that lead you to the possibility of living an outrageous life-the kind of life that will leave you astonished. Each threshold, passageway, or corridor takes you deeper into the heart of God, who not only delights in you but also desires to answer your ache for something more. This is your chance to find the life you were meant to live.

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  • Loose My Flesh And Let Me Grow


    Daniel McRae is a successful Christian businessman, father, and husband. Daniel decided after losing his first wife to death, and dating his current wife that he was tired of not experiencing all that God had for him. God has had a call on Daniel’s life since a very young age. After running for many years he finally gave in and decided that running was much harder then submitting. God has given him a passion for men “in the battle” of sexual sins-not to judge them but to lend a helping hand to help them get out. This book is his lifeline to men in the struggle of sexual sins. Or to any man that feels he is on the verge of losing the battle of lust. Please grab a hold and let Gods spirit rescue you before you decide to give up in the fight. He is on assignment to pull men back to God, and help them reclaim what the devil has stolen from them.

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  • Stop The Violence Seven Stages To Sanctify


    The church is being called to a new era in which the power of the risen Christ is relied on to heal the sick, and part the “Red Sea” of Christian problems, reflective of His power to overcome. The church is being called to an honest assessment of individual lives, leaders, talents, assets and abilities as well as character defects in order to heal and truly live the victorious life Christ died to give us. Sanctification goes beyond salvation to address the root cause of sin, besetting sins, and problems which threaten to destroy our families, communities, churches and the nation. Many churches focus on the number of salvations to monitor effectiveness. We are focused on different numbers: How many fall away from the faith because they are not taught how to righty apply the word of God to their needs?…How many children are beaten in the name of Christ, without our intervention?…How much money was embezzled from church funds due to the addiction of a trusted member?…How many people attend regularly and yet have no personal relationship with Christ? “Stop the Violence…Seven Stages to Sanctify…Claim the Promises of Christ,” the companion workbook to “Journey of the Soul…,” goes beyond academic exercises and focuses on self-awareness, deep reflection, honesty and faith. Different from “talk therapy” the “Seven Stages to Sanctify” is designed to address life’s problems and challenges at the heart of the issue, rather than treating symptoms only. Based on the teachings of the Master, it is a powerful discipleship tool that is appropriate for one-on-one use, small, and large groups.

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  • Christian Growth : Biblical Answers To Everyday Questions


    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

    Prov. 3: 5-6

    As we navigate through the waves and storms of life, there is one thing we can always rely on; God is there with us. He is constantly showing up as our refuge and shelter, an ever present help in times of trouble. In our attempt to rule our own lives we fail to see how fulfilling and joyous life can be if we just trust Jesus Christ to be our ruler and guide. Let us lean not on our worldly understanding but trust in the Lord to shine the light on the path of righteousness that constantly leads to Him.

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  • Come Up Here The Door Is Open


    If you knew heaven’s door was opened wide for you to get a glimpse of heaven while on Earth, would you be willing to take a look? Catherine E. Wright was, and it changed her life for eternity. Come Up Here…the Door Is Open unveils Catherine’s numerous supernatural experiences with the heavenly realms of visions and angels, and explains why they resulted when she accepted Jesus’ invitation to enjoy a deeper spiritual life through worship. Scriptural foundations for her encounters, such as Acts 2:16-21, are provided, as are principles for accessing the heavenly realm. Come Up Here…the Door Is Open is a compelling spiritual memoir of the author’s spiritual life during periods of triumph, happiness, and sorrow. In it you’ll see how her own personal angelic visions and encounters with Jesus unshakably deepened her love for Him.

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  • God Culture : Book One Of Understanding The Almighty Series


    God Culture invites you to lay aside the feelings of anger, confusion and abandonment, and offers answers that will endear your heart to God and provide insights for healing the confusion and distress caused by the daily chaos and perhaps even cruel circumstances of life. By focusing on the behavior of God, John A. Naphor uses easy to understand Biblical illustrations and real life examples to lead you into a deeper and greater knowledge of God s ultimate plan for your life. By revealing such age-old mysteries as Why Jesus, and are the scriptures real, God Culture dispels the age-old myth that God works in mysterious ways and shows you how God uses each circumstance of life to reach every individual who desires to find Him.”

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  • Lifes Greatest Experience


    I hear it all of the time, “This has been the greatest experience of my life.” It could be someone talking about an overseas trip to some exotic island, a great golfing and fishing excursion to some place around the world, a cruise to some unusual place on the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean, or someone meeting a personality who has made them have “goose bumps,” because they saw them or got an autograph. We hope everyone has some great memories of special events in their lives and the joy they received from those life experiences.

    In this book, we will share a great passage from the Bible where Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” As a result of my own heart being changed, the real truth became my “Life’s Greatest Experience.” As you read, allow God to fill your heart and mind with some of the wonderful treasures made available to every person in the world. Nothing or anyone is impossible with God. You can have “Life’s Greatest Experience,” today!

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  • 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens


    With more than five million copies in print all around the world, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is the ultimate teenage success guide-now updated for the digital age.

    Imagine you had a roadmap-a step-by-step guide to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be in the future. Your goals, your dreams, your plans…they are all within reach. You just need the tools to help you get there.

    That’s what Sean Covey’s landmark book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, has been to millions of teens: a handbook to self-esteem and success. Now updated for the digital age, this classic book applies the timeless principles of the 7 Habits to the tough issues and life-changing decisions teens face. In an entertaining style, Covey provides a simple approach to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, and get along with their parents, as well as tackle the new challenges of our time, like cyberbullying and social media. In addition, this book is stuffed with cartoons, clever ideas, great quotes, and incredible stories about real teens from all over the world.

    An indispensable book for teens, as well as parents, teachers, counselors, or any adult who works with teens, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens has become the last word on surviving and thriving as a teen and beyond.

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  • Prayer Shield : How To Intercede For Pastors And Christian Leaders (Reprinted)


    Right now, someone you know is in desperate need of your prayers. It’s the person out on the front line, leading God’s army into the world to proclaim His good news. Pastors, teachers, and all types of leaders are under severe attack from the enemy. And they’re depending on the prayers of those who care to help see them through. You can help these leaders by reinforcing them through intercessory prayer.

    In this book, Peter Wagner not only teaches the biblical basis for intercessory prayer, but also shares who is and who isn’t an intercessor, why leaders themselves often don’t pray enough, what the three types of personal intercessors are, and how you can recruit prayer partners. The Prayer Shield is a complete guide to becoming a personal intercessor. Discover how you can impart God’s strength and protection in support of those advancing the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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  • Praying Through Hard Times (Reprinted)


    Linda Evans Shepherd shows how God’s answers to prayer may not come packaged in the ways we would expect, but they do come in ways that will transform our lives. This book will be a comfort to those who struggle with faith yet still dare to believe that God cares. Through solid biblical teaching and true stories of answered prayer, Shepherd walks with readers on a journey to renewed hope.

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  • Voice Of A Prophet (Reprinted)


    During his ministry, which included extended pastorates in Chicago and Toronto, Dr. Tozer was often referred to as a prophet. That doesn’t mean he predicted future events, but rather spoke God’s truth to believers and the culture, even if it meant disrupting the status quo. Even in the Bible, prophets were much more likely to hold God’s people and their leaders accountable to the truth of God’s Word than they were to foretell the future. The encouragement in Voice of a Prophet is that the church today is in desperate need of the kind of prophet Tozer embodied and describes in this important new book. Using the lives of such prophets as Elijah, Elisha and John the Baptist, Tozer underscores the importance of the ministry of the prophet in today’s church.

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  • Faith Begins At Home Grandparents


    Grandparents have a significant role to play in forming the faith of their adult children and grandchildren, yet many do not feel empowered or equipped to do so. Faith Begins @Home Grandparents is an easy-to-use resource that starts from square one and ends in a 24/7 lifestyle of family faith. Here, grandparents will find step-by-step tips and true-life stories that provide the inspiration, motivation, and practical knowledge needed to engage in the faith lives and faith formation of their children and grandchildren.

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  • Common Sense Of An Uncommon Man


    SKU (ISBN): 9780718020439ISBN10: 071802043XJim Denney | Michael ReaganBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2014Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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  • End Of Hope The Beginning


    1. A Brief History Of Hope In The Modern West
    2. Finding Our Way To Hope: The Possibilities Of Multivalence, With Helen Cheung
    3. Hope As Fight
    4. Hope As Meaning
    5. Hope As Survival
    6. Hope As Lament
    7. Hope As Surrender

    Additional Info
    Our experiences of hope in the face of difficulties are as varied as our lives, and yet there has been very little examination of the ways we hope.
    A skilled and compassionate storyteller, McCarroll introduces readers to five expressions of hope through detailed and poignant case studies. On that foundation she then builds a discussion of the possibilities, limitations, and value of each approach. The result is an engaging and optimistic exploration of hope in difficult times.

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  • Good Dad : Becoming The Father You Were Meant To Be


    It’s never too late to be a better father Jim Daly, president and CEO of Focus on the Family, is an expert in fatherhood—in part because his own ‘fathers’ failed him so badly. His biological dad was an alcoholic. His stepfather deserted him. His foster father accused Jim of trying to kill him. All were out of Jim’s life by the time he turned 13. Isn’t it odd—and reminiscent of the hand of God—that the director of the leading organization on family turned out to be a guy whose own background as a kid and son were pretty messed up? Or could it be that successful parenting is discovered not in the perfect, peaceful household but in the midst of battles and messy situations, where God must constantly be called to the scene? That is the mystery unraveled in this book. Using his own expertise, humor, and inexhaustible wealth of stories, Jim will show you that God can make you a good dad, a great dad, in spite of the way you’ve grown up and in spite of the mistakes you’ve made. Maybe even because of them. It’s not about becoming a perfect father. It’s about trying to become a better father, each and every day. It’s about building relationships with your children through love, grace, patience, and fun—and helping them grow into the men and women they’re meant to be.

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  • Making Happy : The Art And Science Of A Happy Marriage


    Discover the six counter-intuitive dials to turn right now in your relationship. these are proven happiness boosters. and let’s face it, knowing how to make happiness–the deep and abiding joy of feeling good together–isn’t always easy for time-starved and sleep-deprived couples. Making Happy will change all that by:
    *Instantly making your relationship 25 percent happier.
    *Countering the effects of taking each other for granted so you can notice even more things you appreciate about each other.
    *Knowing the easy way to ensure your partner is happier today than yesterday.

    Relationship experts Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott bring all the relevant research together in Making Happy and show you how to elevate happiness in your relationship. It’s easier than you think.

    Includes an immensely practical three-week Happiness Plan.

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  • Knowing God By Name


    Each of God’s names reveals a defining quality about the Lord’s nature and character. In Scripture he revealed these names to his people only as they needed them. In Knowing God by Name, David Wilkerson explores ten of the Hebrew names for God that most relate to times of testing and crisis, including El Elyon, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, and Jehovah Shalom.

    This book is for any believer who wants to get to know God better, and particularly for those who need hope, encouragement, and a special word from God in a difficult time. It will give them a heart knowledge of God, a revelation of his names on a personal level, and a personal application of their fullest meaning-not for mere theological knowledge, but for everyday assurance and growth.

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  • Faith Unraveled : How A Girl Who Knew All The Answers Learned To Ask Questi


    Eighty years after the Scopes Monkey Trial made a spectacle of Christian fundamentalism and brought national attention to her hometown, Rachel Held Evans faced a trial of her own when she began to have doubts about her faith. In Faith Unraveled, Rachel recounts growing up in a culture obsessed with apologetics, and learns to ask questions she never thought she would ask. In order for her faith to survive, Rachel realizes, it must adapt to change and evolve. Using as an illustration her own spiritual journey from certainty to doubt to faith, Evans challenges readers to disentangle their faith from false fundamentals and to trust in a God who is big enough to handle tough questions. In a changing cultural environment where new ideas seem to threaten the safety and security of the faith, Faith Unraveled is a fearlessly honest story of survival.

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  • Living Life Undaunted


    Here are 365 thought-provoking devotions culled from the spiritually challenging words of acclaimed speaker and advocate Christine Caine. Including an introduction by the author, these short selections offer daily wisdom, inspiration, and companionship. These daily readings that encourage readers to do what God calls them to do are compiled from Undaunted and other inspirational writings from Christine Caine.

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  • Spoken For : Embracing Who You Are And Whose You Are


    The author of the best-selling Christy Miller series partners with a popular young blogger to encourage teen girls and young women to find their self-esteem and worth through their leading role in an epic love story with God.

    Those who already know they’re deeply loved have no need to seek out approval from the in crowd or guys. In Spoken For, best-selling author Robin Jones Gunn and popular blogger Alyssa Bethke recount events in their own lives that show how such a great love makes all the difference. They remind every young woman that because God loves her with all his might, she is already desired and pursued. She can live freely and joyfully, swept up in her own epic love story with God, as she explores what it means to be spoken for by her Creator

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  • Which Way Is Up


    Do you know where you will spend eternity? In the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the world around us, many of us feel angst and trepidation about what we are accomplishing and doing with our lives. We as a people are searching, and seemingly not doing a very good job of finding the meaningful answers we seek! If you are going to heaven, will you be taking anybody with you? Mark will help ‘kick-start’ your effectiveness in witnessing to others about your faith in Christ.

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  • Do You See What Im Saying


    In Do You See What I’m Saying?, Dr. Claude asserts that we have the ability to ensure more successful journeys by following the “road map” laid out by the Holy Spirit. Given that God is in ultimate control of our lives, He has shown favor by giving us the ability to steer ourselves directly into the path of success. This book examines the “eight mental laws we must all understand,” laws which all refer back to seeing (imagining), speaking (confessing), and believing (faith). And that can be summarized even more succinctly: “If you want something different, you must do something different.” Practical and wildly encouraging, Dr. Claude points out the futility of passive, sideline faith and reinforces the message of faith in action, declaring the spiritual progression: “conceive, believe, confess, and receive.”

    Without faith in what you cannot see, it will be impossible to walk in your calling or make the right moves. These chess-like maneuvers can be classified as “destiny decisions,” which are best made when you lay aside your will and desires and concentrate on the will of God.

    Drawing from Scripture, the habits of highly effective people, scientific research, and notable “godly movers and shakers,” Dr. Claude also asserts that despite our desire for a smooth life journey free of obstacles, overcoming challenges is essential for growth in Christ. His analyses of pertinent Scriptures are clear, insightful, and comprehensive. Do You See What I’m Saying? is filled with godly advice that can be applied right now.

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  • Help Lord : Why Isnt My Faith Working


    Do you desire to have great faith?
    Have you ever believed God for something and wondered why you haven’t received it yet? You’ve read the Bible and found scriptures pertaining to your situation. You’ve stood on the word. You’ve confessed scriptures over and over and over again. You’ve read books and listened to teaching tapes pertaining to faith and still haven’t seen or experienced the manifestation of what you’ve believed God for. After all is said and done, you’re back to square one. You’re left frustrated, thinking and wondering, “What in the world am I doing wrong? I’ve prayed. I’ve believed God and still nothing!” I’m sure you’ve heard the saying in Christendom: “The word will work when you work it, and you’ve thought, “Hmmm. The word will work when you work it. If the word works when you work it, well, how do I get the word to work for me?”

    Sit back and relax as you begin your journey on how to get faith to work for you.

    This book explains in detail step-by-step how to have great faith.

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  • Walking With The One Who Is Faithful


    The walk of faith is an exciting journey because each day brings new challenges. As Christians, we must learn to live by faith and not by what we can or cannot see with human eyes, as we rest in the assurance and knowledge that God’s grace is sufficient in all situations. In Walking with the One Who is Faithful, author David L. Norman discusses how to walk a journey of deepened intimacy with God and develop a deeper faith in him.

    Supported by Scripture and quotations from scholars of the Christian faith, Norman provides an in-depth look at the subject of faith-what it is, who it is, and how it works in everyday life. He discusses belief, prayer, faith and fruitfulness, faith and famines, faith and spiritual warfare, prayer and forgiveness, and obedience to the word of God.

    This guide teaches Christians how to live victoriously in Christ, how to grow in their faith, and how to receive answers to their prayers.

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  • 1 Small Barking Dog


    Small Is the New Big
    In this humorous, insistent book, Pastor Ed Gungor demonstrates that the world is changed most by ordinary people the “small dogs” of the human race. Small dogs may not run the world, but neither can the world tune them out. If it weren t for small dogs, the world might be a quieter place, but it would certainly be a needier one.

    With chapters like “Dare to Be Small,” “Fight the Big-Dog Lie,” and “The Bark of Faith,” Gungor challenges the notion that earthly prominence, status, and power are essential to significance. Reminding us that small is the new big, he inspires us to fall in love with life the everyday, normal kind and shows us how to make an eternal difference.
    Living a Life That s Hard to Ignore

    The thing about small, barking dogs is that they can t be ignored. They may not be show-dog material or win outstanding awards, but through their persistence and insistence they make themselves known.

    Only a handful of people ever achieve notoriety and “greatness,” but the energizing truth of “One Small Barking Dog “is that every single one of us can change the world. “New York Times “bestselling author Ed Gungor debunks the big-dog lie and clearly teaches “ordinary” people how to live out their faith in a way that not only changes the world we live in now but that affects lives for eternity.

    By the time you finish this book, you won t be worried about being small. You ll be ready to take on the world. You ll know how to live a life that can t be ignored.
    Whether you ve just graduated from school or you ve been at this life for many years, Ed Gungor s concrete principles and simple life wisdom will show you new ways to make a big impact on your world.”

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  • You Can Begin Again (Large Type)


    It’s never too late for grace. Look closely enough and you’ll see that theme all through the Bible. Page after page, story after story–God delights in turning tragic endings into new beginnings. The barren give birth, doubters become deliverers, and harlots are recast as heroes. In every biblical fresh start, we are reminded that with God, new beginnings aren’t the exception; they’re the rule.

    Using a blend of inspiring stories, Scriptural principles, and straight-talk, in IT’S NEVER TOO LATE, Joyce Meyer powerfully demonstrates that God isn’t done with you yet. If you’re stuck in a rut, disappointed by an outcome, hurting from a wound, failing in an endeavor, struggling in a relationship, or unsure about the future . . . don’t give up. Don’t give up on yourself, and don’t give up on the God Who loves you.

    If you thought it was too late, it’s not. It’s never too late for grace.

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  • Solomon Seduction : What You Can Learn From The Wisest Fool In The Bible


    Have you found yourself in circumstances you never envisioned, tangled up with people you never approved of, and doing things you never imagined?

    It seems impossible that the valedictorian of the entire human race would ruin his life by making dumb choices, but Solomon did. Solomon was better equipped to see through Satan’s deceptions than any man who has ever lived, other than Jesus. But in the end, he became just as blind to them as everyone else.

    Pay attention to the news and you’ll see that it’s not just the numbskulls that fall into Satan’s traps. It’s also the best and brightest of America’s fathers, husbands, and sons. Many smart guys who love God end up being ashamed and humiliated by Satan’s seductions. With humor, grace, and a pastor’s heart, Mark Atteberry seeks to offer practical suggestions on how to avoid a similar fate. His prayer for readers is to experience a wake-up call to move forward and determined on an upward path.

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  • Missing The Child You Love


    One of the most devastating losses a family can experience is the loss of a child. Whether the loss is through illness, accident, drugs, suicide or other tragedy, the pain is overwhelming and often paralyzing. Often we think of “loss” as death. However, in our broken world there are many ways to suffer the loss of a child. This book discusses how a family can learn to cope with loss of a child due to not only death, but a custody battle, addiction (and other choices a child makes), chronic illness, crime (human trafficking, kidnap), and other issues where hopes and dreams disappear. Author helps readers through the grieving process, and assists them in finding God’s grace and comfort during this very difficult time of life. This book is unique as it is for parents as well as grandparents.

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  • I Beg To Differ


    How do we communicate with people who disagree with us? In today’s polarized world, friends and strangers clash with each other over issues large and small. Coworkers have conflicts in the office. Married couples fight over finances. And online commenters demonize one another’s political and religious perspectives. Is there any hope for restoring civil discourse? Communications expert Tim Muehlhoff provides a strategy for having difficult conversations, helping us move from contentious debate to constructive dialogue. By acknowledging and entering into the other person’s story, we are more likely to understand where they’re coming from and to cultivate common ground. Insights from Scripture and communication theory provide practical ways to manage disagreements and resolve conflicts. We can disagree without being disagreeable. And we can even help another see different points of view and learn from one another. Find out how.

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  • Christian Spiritual Formation


    This comprehensive theory and practice of Christian spiritual formation weaves together biblical and theological foundations with interdisciplinary scholarship, real-world examples, personal vignettes, and practical tools to assist readers in becoming whole persons in relationship with God and others.

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  • No More Dragons


    Becoming a dragon is a dangerously subtle process.

    You make a long chain of bad choices. The chain gradually wraps around you. Layer by layer, it begins to take on the aspect of scales. One day you glance at yourself in the mirror and a monster is staring back at you. You aren’t who you used to be. You aren’t who you want to be. You’re not who you were created and designed to be. Instead, you’re a dragon.

    When Jim Burgen was nineteen years old, he realized how easy it had been to become a dragon. He knew he didn’t want to be one anymore . . . but how? “No More Dragons” is the story of our common, hopeful journey from dragonhood back to personhood.

    As Pastor Burgen narrates the remarkable process of reclaiming himself from himself, he implores modern church goers to shake off the trivialities of churchiness in favor of the substantive questions that make a spiritual transformation:

    “Is Jesus the only one who can undragon people?”

    “Why don’t I like most churches?”

    “Where is God in difficult times?”

    “How do you shed decades of gnarly scales?”

    Some choices will lead you to a better life. Some will kill you. Some choices will add a new layer of scales to your dragon, and some will slough them off. “No More Dragons” is about asking Christ to deliver you and learning how to obey him.

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  • Samson Syndrome : What You Can Learn From The Baddest Boy In The Bible


    Why do some strong men fail while others succeed? Like the biblical character Samson, all strong men–those who are successful, influential, self-confident, aggressive, or widely respected–face twelve tendencies that can lead to sin and even personal tragedy.

    The adventurous and gifted Samson–whose story is told in four chapters of the book of Judges–never had the intention of fighting against God. He was just a fun-loving guy looking for a good time. Like so many strong men today, he didn’t think his sin was any big deal. But it’s clear as you read his story that the older he got, the more sin held him in its grip.

    “The Samson Syndrome” is a set of twelve tendencies or challenges that strong men will always face. Obstacles like lust, ignoring good advice, big egos, fears of authentic intimacy, losing sight of the big picture, and others, have the ability to be any man’s undoing. Atteberry’s mission is to remind men of the joy of living within God’s boundaries, because he believes there’s a little Samson in all of us. With God’s help we’re capable of such great things. But we’re never more than one bad choice away from humiliation. However, it doesn’t have to be that way if you want to fulfill your God-given potential.

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  • Endangered Masculinity : The Spiritual And Cultural Erosion Of Manhood


    Masculinity is under assault and facing extinction. The relentless attacks and bombardments from secular society and culture have eroded God’s plan for man and masculinity. In Endangered Masculinity, Dr. Clarence Boyd addresses the cause and effect of a fatherless generation, lack of male leadership, and the ramifications and redefining of what God created manhood and masculinity to be and look like.

    We find ourselves in a time in which the role God created man to emulate is fading and the king that exists in every male has been replaced with the idols of infidelity, self, and false and godless bravado. Gender confusion, sex equality, failed marriages, the erosion of the family unit, and the escalation of incarceration rates are all products of the war against God’s place and purpose for man and his rightful masculinity.

    Dr. Boyd defines the path that masculinity has taken that has brought us to this crisis and presents a strategy for men everywhere to step into the position, right standing, and purpose every male should understand and walk in. There is a king in every man and a masculine soul in every male that needs to walk his God-ordained path and fulfill his purpose. Can you hear his roar?

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  • Active Spirituality : Grace And Effort In The Christian Life


    In Active Spirituality, Brian Hedges allows us to read someone else’s mail. In a series of warm pastoral letters, written to a young Christian, he dives into the paradox of grace and effort in the life of faith.

    Is my Christian life about trying or trusting? Would I describe my relationship to God as running or resting? Is my life more characterized by grace or effort?

    Hedges makes it clear that it is both: trying and trusting, running and resting, dependence on grace and exerting disciplined effort. This balance is not about getting my doctrine right, but is key to living a healthy Christian life.

    So pull up a chair, settle in, and read over Chris’s shoulder as he tries to find a church, overcome discouragement, live a chaste life, and develop a plan for spiritual growth, all while learning to rest in the finished work of Jesus.

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  • Thankfully Praying Isaiah


    “Thankfully Praying Isaiah” is a prayer-book of revelation, deliverance, redemption and relationship, for the LORD’S children and mankind according to His powerful declarations in the Bible book of ‘Isaiah’. All the declarations that God revealed through Prophet Isaiah are beneficial; all! They are either declarations of victory and blessings on one hand, or declarations of inevitable defeat and punishment of the enemy (your enemies) on the other. This book does not only provide an easy access of these divine truths, but also prepares you to be able to experience the manifestations in your life or that of your ‘target’ immediately; (guaranteed because God watches over His Word to perform it. Jer.1:12) Amen! You can’t go wrong praying the Word or declarations (truths) of God. Every concern in life has a declaration by God in the book of ‘Isaiah’ and they have been made more accessible via this prayer-book. This book is a platform of revelation of the nature of God and it has Spirit-led steps laid out to inspire, produce/birth and nurture you to the place of practical personal encounter and relationship with Him.

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  • Overcome The Obstacle


    Have you faced many challenges while trying to pursue your dreams? You probably have and you are not the only one. Millions of people are faced with adversity on a daily basis, but you have to be determined that you will not allow anything or anyone prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

    This book begins with a powerful testimony to show readers that challenges can be defeated. Lakishia builds the book from life experiences to help readers gain insight on various challenges and how to overcome them. Once you face your obstacle head on, it is then that you can pursue all that you ever desired. You may read this book once and apply the principles and for others you may have to read it two or three times. However many times you need to read it, you are guaranteed to go higher if you apply the strategies to your life that is written within these pages.

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  • Bridges Of Mystery


    There are many bridges that we must cross in our lives, some of them are strong and inviting, and some are old and creaky with loose planks and treacherous surprises. These bridges are filled with mystery and wonder and are designed by the Master Builder Himself to lead the traveler on a journey of discovery into the magnificent and unique design that He has for each of us. However, the most wonderful truth that we discover as we approach each new bridge is that we are never expected to cross it alone.

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  • Antichrist : The Search For Amalek


    There were many mass murderers throughout history, including Mao of China (49-78 million), Leopold of Belgium (8-10 million), and Joseph Stalin of Russia (6-20 million). Each one is a frightening example of mankind’s evil.

    There is a subtle difference between these three and Adolf Hitler, for example, who directed most of his fury at one particular people … the Jews. That strain of hatred is different. It desires more than to shed blood; it desires to wipe the slate clean of the memory of an entire race of people.

    The killers in this book are enemies of God; they are not random and they are connected by blood.

    “So that the name of Israel is remembered no more” (Psalm 83:4).

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  • I Am Fearfully And Wonderfully Made


    I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE provides a biblically based foundation to understand the eternal Father fearfully and wonderfully made us in His image and likeness and gave us an identity so we can fulfill three realities – to God be the glory, I can do what the word says I can do and by the grace of God I am what I am. Our identity is uniquely tailored to and woven into His sacred and holy word. God’s word ultimately leads one to believe God’s three realities for humanity. We must understand it is in these three realities we will find our God-given identify. Our flesh is probably the greatest challenge our identity has to face and overcome, especially if we are not used to living our lives according to God’s holy word and three realities for humanity.

    Believers who embrace these realities soon begin to walk in the word, display the power of the word and exercise the authority of the word. Once we embrace these realities it will cause us to realize our God-given identity and boldly walk in the fullness and reality of purpose and destiny that God predestined for us before the foundation of the world. We can only realize our true identity in God when we embrace and walk in the three realities.

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  • Guys Guide To God Girls And The Phone In Your Pocket


    The Guy’s Guide will encourage your faith, challenge you spiritually, and give you real-life advice how to live out your faith in today’s highly secularized culture, with distractions lurking around every corner. . .and just a click away.

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  • Generous Spaciousness : Responding To Gay Christians In The Church


    Committed Christians may respond differently to gay and lesbian Christians. How can we engage those with whom we might disagree and navigate our journey together in a way that nurtures unity, hospitality, humility, and justice?

    Through her extensive experience in ministering to gay and lesbian Christians, Wendy VanderWal-Gritter has come to believe we need a new paradigm for how the church engages those in the sexual minority. She encourages generous spaciousness, a hope-filled, relational way forward for those in turmoil regarding a response to gay and lesbian Christians. This book offers a framework for discussing diversity in a gracious way, showing that the church can be a place that welcomes a variety of perspectives on the complex matter of human sexuality. It also offers practical advice for implementing generous spaciousness in churches and organizations.

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  • Reclaiming Eve : The Identity And Calling Of Women In The Kingdom Of God


    Inferior. Second-best. Marginalized. Every daughter of Eve faces an identity crisis at some time in her life. And many wonder where they fit in on a regular basis. Authors Suzanne Burden, Carla Sunberg and Jamie Wright set out to discover what the Bible says about every woman’s identity. What they uncovered is a scriptural blueprint for both women and men that sets them free to serve Christ together as full partners in building God’s kingdom.

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  • Chaotic Joy : Finding Abundance In The Messiness Of Motherhood


    If you’re waiting to live abundantly until the house is tidy, your kids are clean and well behaved, and you have plenty of free time to pursue a glamorous hobby, you may be waiting awhile. However, you don’t have to wait for things to settle down to live the good life, because motherhood-with all its chaos-is the abundance God promised
    In Chaotic Joy, you will discover how to experience abundant life in the midst of the madness and mess. Find out what’s keeping you from the joy and satisfaction you dreamed being a mom would bring, and learn how to recognize God’s hand of blessing even through countless diaper changes, toddler meltdowns, and thousands of important tasks that clamor for your attention. Motherhood can be chaotic, for sure. But it’s meant to be so much more.

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  • Spirit Rising : Tapping Into The Power Of The Holy Spirit


    For some of us being a Christian is harder than it should be. Discouraged, anxious, worn down, we wonder what happened to the power and the joy that Jesus promised. Jim Cymbala believes that many of us are missing something vital. Christianity, he says, for even the best-intentioned person or church, is impossible without the Holy Spirit. You can have regular devotions, great preaching, a strong emphasis on the Bible, a great worship team, and a congregation that is trying, but if you aren’t vitally in touch with God’s Spirit, you are missing out on the life God has for you. The Holy Spirit, he points out, is God’s agent on earth. Yet he is the least understood, least preached about, and least discussed member of the Trinity. That is sad, because without him, our spiritual lives will always become dry, mechanical, and a struggle. Too often, the body of Christ is divided into two sides. One side stresses the Word of God, separating itself from what it views as the emotional fanaticism often linked to those emphasizing the Holy Spirit. The other side is sometimes known for drifting into unbiblical manifestations and unorthodox teaching while attributing it all to the Spirit of God. But the Christianity we see in Scripture is both grounded in the Word and full of the Spirit. With stunning stories of how God is working in the lives of people and churches today and biblical teaching about the Holy Spirit, Jim Cymbala invites you to experience God in a fresh and vital way. Nothing else will change our prayer life, our study of God’s word, and our worship more than opening our hearts to the Spirit. If we want power, confidence, joy, peace, and more love in our lives, then we need a better understanding of how and why the Spirit moves so we can join him there.

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  • God Is Just Not Fair


    Have you ever tried to make your faith make sense and just ended up with more questions? Does God care? Does He hear my prayers? Is He even there? In God Is Just Not Fair, Jennifer Rothschild helps us wrestle with the six big questions of faith to discover that while the head pursues answers, our hearts need even more.

    Jennifer Rothschild has been there. While in high school, through a devastating disease, she lost her sight at age fifteen. She found strength in God to overcome and launched a successful ministry of speaking and writing. Then five years ago, she hit a wall of depression and discontent. She even found that some of her past assumptions about her faith were shaken.

    Through a time of wrestling with God Jennifer came to realize that we not only need answers but also a comforter and a relationship we can trust. Jennifer shares fresh insights, wisdom, and solid biblical teaching based on what she has learned.

    In God Is Just Not Fair you will discover a healing encounter with God as well as the ability to honestly pursue answers to your questions of faith.

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  • What Shall We Say


    Tsunamis, earthquakes, famines, diseases, wars &mdash these and other devastating forces lead Christians to ask painful questions. Is God all-powerful? Is God good? How can God allow so much innocent human suffering?

    These questions, taken together, have been called the “theodicy problem,” and in this book Thomas Long explores what preachers can and should say in response. Long reviews the origins and history of the theodicy problem and engages the work of major thinkers who have posed solutions to it. Cautioning pastors not to ignore urgent theodicy-related questions arising from their parishioners, he offers biblically based approaches to preaching on theodicy, guided by Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the tares and the “greatest theodicy text in Scripture” — the book of Job.

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  • Kingdom Realities


    Kingdom Realities is a study from some of my own experiences, as a believer in Christ, and as a minister of His Word. The main purpose of this book is to teach and equip the saints to be effective in God’s Kingdom. To live by faith in the power of God’s word, by submission, and what you think in your heart according to the word. Every moment of the day practising God’s presence, being made conformable unto his death, that we would not react to the outer pressures, circumstances etc. that we experience in our daily life. That we understand that we don’t have to sin daily, but live victoriously in the one we focus our attention on. This book is packed with the word of the Lord, to encourage, edify, and help the church to mature into the very likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to walk like He walked upon the earth. You can contact me at: On facebook: Jim Donnelly Evangelist Resurrection Power and Authority Ministries. Email Address:

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  • Wake Up Crazy World


    Over the years, Hollywood has learned the secret of how to captivate our minds through the art of make-believe. Life in our world has become so unpredictable and uncertain, that it has become hard to distinguish between real-life and make-believe. It’s time for God’s true people to “wake up,” and distance themselves as much as possible from the perils of a negative world; and take time to live a life filled with hope and promise. Putting our trust in God, loving and enjoying our families, respecting others and showing appreciation to our friends can put us in the frame of mind to continuously thank God for the precious time He has allowed us on this earth.

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  • Dancing With The Devil


    In Dancing with the Devil, evangelist Melvin Pillay addresses cultural Christianity in America and the adversary’s plot to pull the Church into a deadly waltz of apostasy. This wake-up call will challenge readers to examine one’s personal faith and understanding of biblical Christianity. As a missionary from South Africa, Pillay shares his heart for the American church to turn the tide back toward a nation that is submitted to God’s authority rather than pinned under man-made institutions. Much like C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, strategies of the enemy are exposed and brought to light. The forgotten pillars of the Christian life are outlined with an honest heart to see God’s people return to their intended purpose and calling. Jesus gave the mandate to discern the times, to watch and pray. This timely word is speaking to the Body of Christ and her need to rise up against the threat of spiritual darkness and prepare for His return.

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  • Peter Effect : Rock Solid Faith


    Look for God in your life today! See where you are when you see Him. Think about who you are with when you see Him. What are you doing when you see Him? The challenge may be to see where you are when you hear His voice. Who are you with when you hear His voice? What are you doing when you hear His voice?

    Ryan Keim experienced a terrifying event: being first on the scene of a dreadful car wreck that he and his children might easily have been part of. Looking back, he examines his feelings and reactions to the incident with the perspective of what he has learned from the faith of the apostle Peter as described in Matthew 14-the story of Jesus walking on water.

    Peter stepped out in confidence and in trust; he had complete faith in God’s ability to allow him to walk to Him on water.

    But the world intruded, as the world so often does. The frantic pace of today’s life makes it hard to slow down and actually see, though doing so, Keim explains, is critical to a believer’s successful life.

    Peter slowed down to understand what was going on around him. If this mindset change had not happened, he would have drowned, swam back to the boat, or even cried out to the others for their help…Although he allowed the world around him to come back into his mind for a split second, he still cried out to Jesus…He cried out for Him, and like always, Jesus was there reaching out to help His child.

    The nature of Peter’s faith in this story is an example of the Christian life. Ryan Keim has been where Peter was. Everyone, at some point, has been. Maintain focus on God, The Peter Effect declares, always.

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  • Steps : A Daily Journey To A Better Life


    Discover the “top secret formula” to improve your life starting today!

    Would you like to achieve success at work, manage money wisely, handle family issues well, get through tough times, and be happier every day?

    The world’s most famous and effective life improvement program, the Twelve Steps, has been used successfully for decades by millions of people. Unknown to most others, these steps provide the best tool ever developed for living in a satisfying and effective manner.

    STEPS is a breakthrough book that simplifies this program and provides proven techniques and examples anyone can use as guidance for everyday situations. Step by step, we learn about a new way of living that will bring us greater peace, joy, and purpose and improve our lives one day at a time.

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  • Successful Life : Obtaining Success Today And Tomorrow


    Is God pleased with the life you are living? Are you fulfilling your purpose on earth? Have you become what God created you to be? There are only a few people in the world that can answer yes to all three questions. However, there are many folks that can answer yes to obtaining success today, but several of these people will be very disappointed in the future. As you read The Successful Life, you will learn how to obtain success and avoid going to hell. You will also learn how to live as a Christian without being cast into the outer darkness.

    During these last days on earth, Satan has blinded the people’s minds with sex, money, and drugs. Satan knows his time is short, so his objective is to get people to focus on earthly things. Satan understands that if he can blind people from finding salvation in Jesus Christ, hell will continue to grow beyond measure. For this reason, The Successful Life was written. In this easy to read book, you will discover the difference between good success and bad success. You will discover what the successful life is and is not. You will also discover several secrets that will help you live your life to the fullest and bring gratification to God.

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  • Poised : With Bride Mentality


    In Preparation for writing POISED, Susie interviewed more than 1,000 people and researched the subjects of Natural and Spiritual “Nuptials” for over 2 years. By the way, have you heard? There’s going to be a Big, Fat, Heavenly Wedding and IF you’re Wearing the Proper ATTIRE; you’re ALL INVITED! This Book and it’s COMPANION STUDY-GUIDE will give you keen insights into the following Topics and answers these Questions and Many More:

    How can I have peace and victory and know that I’m really a Christian?
    Learn How to improve your personal Integrity with money, relationships and your reputation.
    Who is “Bridezilla” and What are your Eyes Focused on? (Is it You?)
    How can my Prayers be more Powerful and effective?
    How do I Receive God’s Favor in my Life…Favor vs. Luck?
    How can I take Dominion over my Limitations, Realize my Dreams and get the Upper hand with the devil?
    What are the Six Steps to being Really Ready for Jesus’ Return?

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  • Downloading Gods App


    Downloading God’s APP (authority, provision, and protection) can help you change the way you think. It can help you cast down vain imaginations taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. God’s APP can help you make decisions according to God’s will. As believers, we live under God’s authority, provision, and protection on a daily basis. We received these gifts from our Father, the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

    The pages of this book can help you to see the power of walking under and in God’s APP in the spiritual realm, as well as in the physical realm. Surrendering our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and walking according to HIS will – and NOT our own – brings freedom and healing. Make a point of applying it to your life on a daily basis. You will see changes in your life if you truly surrender to the will of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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