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    Christian Living

    • Secret Of Greatness


      Many people suffer in life just because they don’t know who they are and what they are destined for. This book will help you to know who you are and what you are destined for in order to break through in life. Many people also fail in life due to their negative response to change. Change is permanent, constant and so powerful that it affects everything under the sun. With the exception of God, everything goes through change. Since everything changes, one’s success or failure in life depends largely on his or her reaction or response to change. For this reason, this book has been written to draw believers’ attention to the power of change in order to help them make it in life. This book will also enable you to know the reason why Africa is underdeveloped despite its numerous natural resources. The Bible says, “For lack of knowledge my people are destroyed.” This book is full of divine truth. Read it to transform your life.

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    • How Can Two Walk Together


      It is written. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”. (Psalm 133) Where there is unity there is peace and development. But unity cannot be achieved unless people know themselves by nature. For this reason, this book has been written to make people aware, of the different kinds of human nature in order to make right choices for marriage, friendship and leadership, as well as career, profession and occupation. This book will also enable people to know the peace, medicine in order for peace which serves as the sources of unity and development in life, society and a nation as a whole, to prevail. The Bible says, that, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. This book is full of divine truth. Read it to be wiser.

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    • Who Is Your Source


      1. World Systems – Personal
      2. World Systems – Government
      3. World Systems – Business
      4. Kingdom System
      5. Wisdom
      6. Sowing And Reaping
      7. Obedience And Favor
      8. Giving And Receiving
      9. Forgiving And Loving
      10. Choices

      Additional Info
      Today, many people do not understand the Kingdom system and that is because we are taught the world’s system. God wants us to understand how His Kingdom system works so we can manifest it on earth. We will learn how to bring heaven to earth through the Kingdom system. That’s how we know that GOD IS OUR SOURCE. Foreword by Bill Vincent of Revival Waves of Glory Ministries

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    • Kingdom Nuggets : A Handbook For Christian Living


      The sacrifices that Jesus made in the name of His love for mankind were not confined to the cross. It started from the time He was born and continued in all the days that He lived life as a man; the loneliness of knowing but not being able to share that knowledge, the awareness of what He needs to go through and the ultimate gift of surrendering His life to save us. It is every Christian’s dream to have a glimpse to the Kingdom of God and to understand God’s purpose for our existence here on earth. In this book, Matthew will show Jesus, Bible verses, and some parables to us in a new light. He will reveal how we can be “Jesus” to other people at the times when they need it most. He will share simple prayers that will open up our hearts in communication with God, to be in His presence, rejoicing and thanking Him for being a part of our life. This book is written like a devotional, where each of the seventy seven nuggets in this book is aimed to help us be a better person, live an enriched life as we walk in God’s grace and fulfill the overpowering need to serve Him in our own way, using the talents that He has given to us. With content that will be simple to mature believers, to content that is very rich, this book will be a delight to both new believers and those who are more advanced.

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    • Great Cloud Of Witnesses Speak


      Speaking to saints from Heaven might be rare, but in these times, more and more people are starting to experience it. In Biblical times, Jesus had a conversation with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration that was recorded in Matthew 17:1-9. Then, in Matthew 27:50- 53, as Jesus died and the temple veil was torn, scripture records in verse 52: “…and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised and verse 53: “…And coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many…” We are living in times where known prophets are speaking of encounters they have had with departed saints. For many years, Matthew has been having visitations and in recent times, Jesus commissioned him to interview 19 saints that the Holy Spirit brought to earth. These saints, part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1, answered a standard 10 questions each, questions such as: * How do you feel today, being here to speak to the world? * What do you think is special to God? * What do you like about Heaven? * What keys do you consider important for the Christian life? * What advice would you give to people who are struggling? * What message do you have for this generation? Through these interviews and the answers that are given, come and journey and get to know these Biblical characters in a new and fresh way. Let them speak to you of the God they love and the Jesus they worship set within the context of the life they lived on earth and the one they now live in Heaven. The saints interviewed in order of appearance are David, Bathsheba, Leah, Rachel, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Paul, Peter, Mary Magdalene, John, Rahab, Eve, Joshua, Moses, Enoch, Elijah, Mary mother of Jesus, Joseph – father of Jesus, and Job. Come and read what all the fuss is all about!

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    • Living For Eternity


      Have you ever pondered life beyond the one that we live on this earth? What does living for eternity mean for you as a Christian? Is there more to it than just existing for a short time and then dying? These are questions that must have entered everyone’s mind at one time or another, but being so busy with the challenges of life, it is often relegated to the shelf, to be looked at and evaluated at a much later time. The dilemma is determining how much time we have. The ultimate aim for Christians is to get to Heaven and be in the presence of our God Almighty for all eternity, but not everyone is granted a pass into the Kingdom. We need to begin sowing treasures in Heaven by living a life on earth that is befitting of a Christian. This is simpler than most of us imagine. We do not have to be rich or famous. We only need to bear in mind that we will not get to Heaven by our works here on earth but by putting out trust in the finished works of Jesus. In this book, Matthew provides us with simple ways on how to prepare for our life in eternity. He reminds us that God’s grace is a favor that He bestowed on us at salvation, therefore, we are to release it to others as well. How do we put this into practice? We need to learn how to consistently be Christ to others and to tell people about Heaven’s perfect love story. Living with eternity in mind is the way we are meant to live. It will change our outlook about almost everything. We can see the impact that we can make if we think beyond ourselves and live a day to day life that represents Christ to those who do not know Him.

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    • Coping With Your Pain And Suffering


      Life is full of challenges and even as Christians, we are not strangers to pain and suffering. The stories in the Bible have shown us that even favored kings like David and Solomon had their share of ordeals. The apostle, Paul, had to walk a lonely and hardship-filled road on his way to greatness. Job, a person worthy of admiration, went through sickness and almost loses the fight for his faith. Are you in the grip of pain and suffering? Are you struggling to keep your faith in the midst of all the trials? In this book, Matthew shows us that we can find joy in the journey and live life with a purpose. He will walk us through the lives of the people in the Bible who went through trials and tribulations and have persevered to fight another day in the Grace of God. Matthew will share his own struggles with a mental illness and how he has learned to ride the storm with Jesus. He reveals to us that when the pain seems unbearable, we can find comfort in knowing that we are loved and Jesus is with us every step of the way. Jesus suffered and died on the cross not just to save us, but to identify with our life as a mortal. If you are wondering what you can look forward to with all the pain in your life, Matthew shares the hope of healing and the rewards of a glorious life in Heaven.

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    • Finding Intimacy With Jesus Made Simple


      Have you got a hunger to be closer to Jesus? Have you got a desire to know Him in a greater way and walk with Him in a deeper relationship? Do you have a thirst for intimacy with Jesus to such a level that you can know secret things about Him? Do you want to walk with Him so close that He directs your every step through the leading of the Holy Spirit? Come and read about a Jesus that you always knew, but in way that you have never known Him. Come and read His secrets about His life on earth that He is happy to reveal to His friends. Read key truths that will thrust you into a more intimate relationship with Jesus if you understand them, meditate on them and apply them to your life. Matthew Robert Payne has lived a life of sorrow and pain, and yet through all his trials he has grown intimate with the Lover of his soul. Listen as he shares his heart with you, the lessons that he has learned in his Christian life and key revelations about the life of Jesus that were only revealed to him as he wrote this book. Many who know Matthew on Facebook in a personal way have a holy jealousy of his relationship with Jesus, and with this book he hopes to let people bridge that gap. This book is not a book to be read once and put away; it is a book that you need to read again and again and apply to your life. Intimacy with Jesus is a sure prize, and well worth the effort it requires you to put into it, and reading this book is a key step to getting there.

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    • Increase Your Anointing


      God said that we are to do greater works. Most ministries are not even doing the works of Jesus. Things are about to change. God has spoken that what I have discovered is being made available so that we can all attain the prize of our high calling. It is time for us to flow in miracles signs and wonders. I’m talking about even in the local Church. Get ready for an increase of the anointing. Remember it is going to cost you something but it will be worth it. You are about to discover three life changing types of anointing. There is the revelatory, the breaker, and the kingly anointing. This is the most important things I discovered that brought a higher level anointing.

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    • Glory Increasing Gods Presence


      God wants to take you out of the wilderness into pools of Glory. Bill Vincent is sure to stir up the fire of God in this powerful book GLORY: INCREASING GOD’S PRESENCE. If you want to discover more of God’s presence this book is for you. Here is some of what you will receive revelation of, * Restoring Spiritual Principals * From wilderness Into Pools * Restoring of God’s Presence * Going Behind the Veil * How to be Wells of God This is just some of what you will read. If you want to read more about God’s Glory, you must read Bill’s first book Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence We hope you enjoy this book GLORY: PURSUING GOD’S PRESENCE.

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    • Glory Revival Presence Of God


      GLORY: REVIVAL PRESENCE OF GOD is an exciting fresh look into Revival Glory. Bill Vincent has written other Glory books such as; Glory: Pursuing God’s Presence, Glory: Increasing God’s Presence and Glory: Expanding God’s Presence. GLORY: REVIVAL PRESENCE OF GOD will give the readers greater understanding of their true spiritual inheritance that will help unlock the power of who they are in Christ Jesus as sons and daughters of God. It will release a new outlook concerning Revival and the presence of God. Fasten your seatbelt as you continue reading this outstanding book GLORY: REVIVAL PRESENCE OF GOD.

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    • Growing In The Prophetic


      Bill Vincent combines a biblical balance and practical teaching to draw readers into new spiritual levels of relationship with God. Bill has been a prophetic leader for over 20 years. Learn how to integrate prophetic ministry into the life of your church. What is prophecy? Who is to prophesy? How do the prophetic gifts and ministries function in the local church? How can we recognize counterfeit gifts of the Spirit? This book will answer your questions and challenge you to know God and hear from Him as you never have before!

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    • In The Shadow Of Eternity


      In the Shadow of Eternity will be remembered as a summary of Jeff Beacham’s final words to his family, friends and the body of Christ. This book provides a candid and transparent look at the stark realities of life through the eyes of a man who loves God, who loves life and who loves people; a man who trusts confidently in his God, no matter what; a man determined to finish his race well. Jeff does a masterful job depicting the framework of his life, culture and the many transitions experienced in his walk of faith. Rarely are we privileged to meet a man of such fire, passion, courage, covenant, commitment and hope. Jeff’s example is an encouragement to all to run their race well, to fulfill their call and destiny, no matter what!

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    • Millions Of Churches


      Whether everyone will admit it or not, the traditional church is in deep trouble and has been struggling for years to survive. There is a small rise of some new, non-traditional churches that help us all realize that God truly has a new way of doing Church. There is no easy fixes but at the same time, there are real roots that are being revealed in this book. The Church does not need another program nor does it need another religious organization. We don’t need religious leaders but compassionate, Christ centered leaders. Bill is a prophet of God with a strong Word that all of the Church needs to hear. Bill reveals that there are so many Churches both big and small meeting and keeping silent while the World gets worse in many areas. The fact of the matter is the world and even some Churches are on the road to Hell. We must hear the urgency of all that God has laid on the heart of Bill Vincent and many prophetic voices like him. So many Churches in America why is America in such bad shape somebody is dropping the ball This why we can’t just go to Church as spectators when we’re asked to pray for a person or Country we need to take it seriously and really travail and intercede instead of shrugging it off and leaving it to the next person. This would be where someone would drop the ball. You know why bad things have happened in America because God is trying to wake this Country up and believe there is a higher power in this Country and it is not the President of the United States.

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    • Personal Relationship


      Many people dedicate their whole lives to starting and building relationships. They believe these connections will bring some fulfilment to their lives, and that may be so. But there are also many who struggle to attain or neglect to nurture the most important relationship a person can have: a relationship with God.

      Claude Pitout has lived his life without a belief in and relationship with God the Father, and so can attest to just how important that relationship is. His book encourages readers to explore the question: Are you just religious, or do you have a personal relationship with God? More than that, though, it explains just what that kind of relationship looks and feels like, and how you can have it in your life.

      A true, close relationship with God the Father is within your reach. And you can learn how to attain it.

      And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
      1 Corinthians 13:13 NKJV

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    • Influencing Your World For Christ


      The mention of the word “evangelism” can produce any number of responses from people. Many Christians know that they should be sharing Jesus with their friends and family members but fear of rejection stops them.

      Other factors also keep them from sharing. One of the most common reasons that people don’t win their friends to Christ, is not so much fear, as the fact that they don’t know how to evangelize people. However, you can influence your world for Christ without overwhelming your friends, without embarrassing yourself or without even being rejected.

      One day, I sat down and decided to record this book on video so that people could see how I live my life and how I influence those that come in contact with me.

      This process is not scary, and you won’t be rejected if you live out the keys in this book. Instead, the contents will actually free you up to be who you are with everyone that you know. Gone will be the masks that you wear for some people as they get to know the authentic Christian that you are.

      I am no theologian and have never had formal training at a school, yet I have shared my personal faith in Jesus with thousands of people as well as shared personal messages from Jesus with many people through prophetic evangelism.

      If you want to learn how to influence your world with the message of the Gospel with confidence, take a look inside. Your world and the lives of those around you will be impacted for God’s glory and the Kingdom!

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    • Prayers Texts And Tears


      A personal story of grief and a creative response to God through timelines of loss.

      How do we respond to God, our family, and our colleagues when our whole world is shattered by the death of a loved one? For Spoken Word artist Dai Woolridge, there were sometimes no words. In this honest and personal story of grief, Dai offers a creative response to God. Working through a timeline of grief, he shares his experience of burn-out, anti-depressants and the question of why doesn’t God heal? Using poetry, prayers and scripture, Dai looks back at his cries to God, and His words back to him. This is a book that will give words to those who are going through personal loss, and for those who have grieved, are grieving or have never yet grieved.

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    • Paradoxology : Why Christianity Was Never Meant To Be Simple


      It seems that the God of the Christian faith is full of paradoxes: a compassionate God who sanctions genocidean all-powerful God who allows horrific sufferinga God who owns everything yet demands so much from his followersa God who is distant and yet present at the same time Many of us have big questions about God that the Christian faith seems to leave unanswered, so we push them to the back of our minds for fear of destabilizing our beliefs. But leaving these questions unexamined is neither healthy for us nor honoring to God. Rather than shying away from the difficult questions, we need to face them head on. What if the tension between apparently opposing doctrines is exactly where faith comes alive? What if this ancient faith has survived so long not in spite of but precisely because of these apparent contradictions? What if it is in the difficult parts of the Bible that God is most clearly revealed? Paradoxology makes a bold new claim: that the paradoxes that seem like they ought to undermine belief are actually the heart of our vibrant faith, and it is only by continually wrestling with them-rather than trying to pin them down or push them away-that we can really move forward, individually and together.

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    • Swipe Right : The Life And Death Power Of Sex And Romance


      A unique and compelling understanding of the power and the pleasure attached to God’s plans for relationships. For better or for worse, interactions with screens are now irreversibly entangled into the fabric of our lives. We swipe right to answer calls, unlock our iPhones, respond to snaps, browse through photos, and respond to emails. With our fingertips dancing across devices, we navigate our way through life. It is now estimated that the average American pull their phone out to check it 150 times each day. That’s once every six minutes. For the now more than 100 Million Americans on dating apps like Tinder, swiping right is increasingly the first step towards initiating no-strings-attached sexual encounters. Sex is being stripped of any emotional or spiritual significance by successive generations and it simply viewed as a physical source of pleasure and enjoyment. All of this is a reality, the real question is at what cost? In Swipe Right, Pastor Levi Lusko offers compelling reasons to make wise choices in matters of the heart-relationships, sex, dating, and marriage. He encourages readers to live each day knowing their present choices will immediately become part of their pasts, and that their pasts will inevitably come back to visit them in the future. With equal parts prevention and cure, the book is not just a list of rules to live by but something to live for: God’s powerful plan for our lives. To get there we must learn how to swipe right-to live up in a left, right world-because what we do with sex and romance is truly an issue of life and death importance. For twelve years Levi, his wife Jennie, and their team, have put on an evangelistic purity conference called the O2 Experience. Traveling across the United States, he has appeared in three to five cities each year, bringing a fresh perspective on sex and romance, challenging thousands of teens and unmarried young adults to rise up in strength and honor. Swipe Right will broaden the discussions to include married people, those dating, and those who have racked up consequences but need to know it’s never too late to do the right thing and experience God’s best.

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    • Living In Jesus


      As followers of Jesus, we have been ushered into a reality that rivals the plot of any story. We are leading ladies in a thrilling tale of epic proportions-a story that is vibrant, mysterious, and beautiful! The problem is that so often we get caught up in the complacency of life and forget that our stories are intricately intertwined with that of our Lord and Savior. In this study, readers will explore what happens after they receive Christ and what it means to truly dwell in Him. They will explore how Jesus is their intimate friend, how He calls them His beloved, and how He has made some fantastic promises to them. Most of all, they will see that their lives in Christ are never-ending stories that will continue to unfold throughout eternity.

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    • Experiencing Intimacy With God


      In our hearts, we all want to experience closeness with God. We want to know Him and be known by Him. We long to see Him face to face, hear His voice, and touch His hand. We want to hear Him call us His child, His friend, His beloved. Yet in all of our yearnings, we often miss the simple truth that God is already with us! He is already closer to us than any sister, friend, or other human being could ever be-if only we could have our eyes opened to this reality. In this study, readers will be challenged to come to this reality and see how the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives. They will be challenged to consistently meet with God each day and reveal their true selves to Him-the good, the bad, and the ugly-so they can develop a closer relationship with Him.

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    • Jesus Journey : Shattering The Stained Glass Superhero And Discovering The


      Jesus was human, like you and me. If the Gospel is true, he still is. It’s the easiest Sunday School answer in the book: Jesus is God. But do we really grasp the reality of Jesus’ day-to-day humanity as his disciples experienced it firsthand? And if not, could it be that we’re only seeing half the portrait of who our glorious God is? Through eye-opening yet down-to-earth reflections, Jesus Journey takes a fresh, insightful look at the defining relationships and events in Jesus’ life and how they might inform our own. Join Pastor Trent Sheppard as he shines a new light on the astounding humanity of the historical Jesus through an up-close look at Jesus’ relationship with his mother Mary, his heavenly Father, and the disciples who were his friends, as well as how the Passion Week formed this God-made-man, and after that-the resurrection. From his humor, his breakfasts on the beach, his hiccups (just like us), you will see the face of God in a new way. Come encounter the human who radically transforms our view of God, and the God who forever changes what it means to be human. It will challenge your assumptions. It will shatter your stained glass image of who Jesus really is and was. And it will reveal a full-color, wide-screen view of the most influential person in human history, illuminating what it means to be a disciple today.

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    • Comfort Detox : Finding Freedom From Habits That Bind You


      The arc of the universe may bend towards justice, as Martin Luther King, Jr. has famously said. But whether we’re aware of it or not, our minds, bodies, and souls often seek out what’s comfortable. But is it really true comfort we’re seeking? Often the answer is no. We can be fooled into addictions with false comfort, which lure us away from living in the manner God intends. Erin Straza has gone on a journey of self-discovery, awakening to her own inherent drive for a comfort that cannot truly fulfill or satisfy. She depicts her struggles with vulnerability and honesty, and shares stories of other women who are on this same path. Straza also provides practical insights and exercises to help you find freedom from the lure of the comfortable. This detox program will allow you to recognize pseudo versions of comfort and replace them with a conviction to embrace God’s true comfort. Discover the secret to countering the comfort addiction and become available as God’s agent of comfort to serve a world that longs for his justice and mercy.

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    • Your Next 24 Hours


      The founders of the Convoy of Hope humanitarian aid organization take readers on an inspirational journey to discover the power of kindness and how practicing it can truly alter their daily priorities, transform their relationships, and invigorate their communities.

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    • Dear Mary : Lessons From The Mother Of Jesus For The Modern Mom


      Mary, Jesus’ mother, is a remarkable example of quiet, resilient faith and courage in the face of adversity. She was witness to our Lord and Savior in a unique way.

      Sarah Jakes, a mom herself, examines the life of Mary–and through Mary, Jesus–to better understand what a life of faith looks like. Maybe you struggle to trust God. Perhaps fears keep you from the joy God wants for you. Or maybe the thought of raising little ones overwhelms you. Through Mary, discover the freedom that only true faith can bring.

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    • Are My Kids On Track (Reprinted)


      Tools for Identifying and Developing Spiritual, Social, and Emotional Growth

      From birth to adulthood, our children’s physical and intellectual development is carefully tracked and charted. But what about their hearts? After all, how our children develop emotionally, socially, and spiritually will determine who they become as husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, friends and co-workers.

      Are My Kids on Track? helps you identify and measure 12 key emotional, social, and spiritual milestones in your children’s lives. Moreover, you will discover practical ways to guide your kids through any stumbling blocks they might encounter and help them reach the appropriate landmarks. Along the way the authors pinpoint the different ways boys and girls develop, so you can help your child flourish in his or her own way.

      Filled with decades of experience from three practicing counselors, speakers, and writers, this book provides you with valuable, current research and user-friendly, hands-on practices to make supporting your kids’ soul
      development a seamless part of family life. Don’t just raise smart kids–raise courageous, compassionate, resilient, empathetic, and smart kids.

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    • Case For Christ Special Movie Edition


      Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God?

      Now a major motion picture, The Case for Christ, Strobel retraces his own spiritual journey from atheism and former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune to faith. Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields. He challenges them with questions like, How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?

      Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.

      The new edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book’s impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics. As The Case for Christ and its ancillary resources approach 10 million copies in print, this updated edition will prove even more valuable to contemporary readers.

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    • Power Of Character In Leadership


      How to Protect Your Leadership Influence and Power

      You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and goals. Many others have done the same-only to lose it all in the end. Every day, we read about successful people in various walks of life who have lost their power and influence. They’ve been fired, forced to resign, or shamed out of public life. They no longer have a market for their gifts, and they may even face criminal proceedings. These leaders have lost the trust of their companies, constituents, nations, followers, and families. Many were surprised to discover that their talents alone were not enough to prevent their downfall.

      Why did they fail in the end? Because they lacked the one quality that would have protected their leadership and given them enduring influence. Ironically, this quality is seldom taught to leaders today, either formally or informally. It is the quality of moral force, or character.

      Every human being is a leader over some domain as he or she exercises gifts and influence. That domain might be the halls of government, the boardroom, the classroom, the community, or the home. In The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders, you will discover what character is, what it means to develop moral force, and how to preserve your leadership influence so that it is both effective and enduring.

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    • Cross


      In contemporary Christianity, the cross is a symbol of the atonement and reminds Christians of God’s love in sacrificing His own Son for humanity. It represents Jesus’ victory over sin and death since it is believed that through His death and resurrection He conquered death itself.

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    • Alongside : A Practical Guide For Loving Your Neighbor In Their Time Of Tri


      A practical, yet inspirational Guidebook for helping someone you care about through severe illness and trials.

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    • Honey We Need To Talk


      Take your communication from superficial to super-intimate in order to build a healthy, lasting relationship.

      If a woman is in a relationship with a man, she wants to talk with him. She actually needs to talk with him. She believes-and she is correct-that if they can talk on a deeper level regularly, they will be much closer and much happier.

      In an intensely practical, workbook style Honey, We Need to Talk will guide you through each of these ten essential areas:
      *Emotional intimacy
      *Spiritual intimacy
      *Past pain experienced with others
      *Past pain experienced as a couple
      *Each partner’s needs
      *Sins and areas of weakness
      *Physical intimacy

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    • Losing Susan


      The Story of Brain Disease and the Priest’s Wife

      This is the story of Susan–a wife, a mother, a Christian believer, a lover of children, a writer of stories, and a woman of extraordinary intellect. Susan was diagnosed with a brain tumor in her late thirties. Although it was successfully treated, the process led to her slow and unending decline throughout the remaining nineteen years of her life.

      In this personal story of love and loss, seasoned pastor-theologian Victor Lee Austin shares how caring for his wife during her long, painful struggle with brain cancer and its aftereffects brought him face-to-face with his God and with his faith in unsettling ways. God gave Victor what his heart most desired–marriage to Susan–then God took away what he had given. Yet God never withdrew his presence. Weaving together autobiographical details and profound theological insights, this powerful narrative of suffering and love is told with bracing honesty. It shows that while we cannot tidily make sense of God’s role in suffering, we are called to turn to him in the face of pain and death.

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    • Americas Original Sin (Reprinted)


      America’s problem with race has deep roots, with the country’s foundation tied to the near extermination of one race of people and the enslavement of another. Racism is truly our nation’s original sin.

      “It’s time we right this unacceptable wrong,” says bestselling author and leading Christian activist Jim Wallis. Fifty years ago, Wallis was driven away from his faith by a white church that considered dealing with racism to be taboo. His participation in the civil rights movement brought him back when he discovered a faith that commands racial justice. Yet as recent tragedies confirm, we continue to suffer from the legacy of racism. The old patterns of white privilege are colliding with the changing demographics of a diverse nation. The church has been slow to respond, and Sunday morning is still the most segregated hour of the week.In America’s Original Sin, Wallis offers a prophetic and deeply personal call to action in overcoming the racism so ingrained in American society. He speaks candidly to Christians–particularly white Christians–urging them to cross a new bridge toward racial justice and healing.Whenever divided cultures and gridlocked power structures fail to end systemic sin, faith communities can help lead the way to grassroots change. Probing yet positive, biblically rooted yet highly practical, this book shows people of faith how they can work together to overcome the embedded racism in America, galvanizing a movement to cross the bridge to a multiracial church and a new America.

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    • Figurative Commentary On The Song Of Solomon


      In American churches, the Song Of Solomon is traditionally thought of as an allegory of the love between Jesus, and the church. In Hebrew tradition, it is an allegory about the love of God for the Hebrew people, or “Jehovahas Wife” While both interpretations can be considered accurate, there is a third and mostly overlooked interpretation, and that is that it is a poetic representation of the earthly life, ministry, crucifixion, death burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, & His continued ministry to the church, through the Holy Spirit from Heaven. This commentary is an attempt to outline this third interpretation in clear, concise language for the edification of the church and the body of Jesus Christ.

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    • Church From The Eyes Of A Saint


      21 Chapters

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      Revival Waves Of Glory Ministries
      The book From The Eyes Of A Saint captures the real life spiritual growth of a young African American woman living in the South within a four year span from the age range of 25 to 30 years of age. Each chapter recaps the author’s transition from a lifestyle of spiritual bondage into the spiritual awakening of her spiritual gifting’s and her true identity to include the prophetic realm while giving accounts of different experiences she has had within the different church ministries she has attended and a few recaps of childhood experiences that helped her grow and identify with her new found identity in Christ as a “Saint” (one set apart). Each chapter has its own lesson that was learned through the author’s various accounts mentioned, but through each lesson the author is encouraging her readers to seek God further in their own spiritual walk, encouraging them to find and embrace their spiritual gifting’s, encouraging them to learn God for themselves, and aspiring them to have faith in Christ in his or her spiritual walk after salvation. The book’s target audience is for more mature readers ranging from early 20’s to late 30’s. The author takes the reader on her journey as she transitions from one church denomination to another (COGIC to Non-Denominational), and as she transitions spiritually from the traditional roots of church to that on non-traditional roots while being spiritually guided by the Holy Spirit. However, the author wrote the book beginning with her church experience in a denominational church that she attended where her spiritual journey and transition began to take place. The book consists of 21 chapters, 64 pages, and 12,687 words. The following is an insert from the book that shows how the author recaps her spiritual experiences while encouraging the reader.

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    • Increase Of Revelation And Restoration


      This book will start out with discovering all that God has granted for us to know. The enemy has stolen and robbed so many for centuries. It is time to learn how we are to recover and see full restoration. God wants to stir restoration to such a level that it will release a restoration movement where all that has been lost or stolen will be restored. You will receive much revelation through this breakthrough book.

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    • Spiritual Leadership : Kingdom Foundation Principles


      Revival Waves Of Glory
      All across the world Christian people have not truly learned the ability to arm themselves. A Christian who is not prepared to suffer is comparable to a soldier who goes to war unarmed. It seems that one of the hardest things to accomplish after a little ministry success is humility. A proud person blames everyone while excusing himself. We all must learn to win in the fight of faith. This is a powerful book that is sure to stir your fight. Have you ever seen a person start their walk on fire for Jesus, only to end up in a lukewarm state after a process of time? You wonder, how could someone so enthusiastic end up so weary in their walk? There is a battle many leaders face today and this cutting edge book reveals some powerful strategies to be Spiritual Leaders.

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    • Sinai And The Saints


      Biblical scholar Jay Todd examines the question of the role of the Old Testament law in the Christian life. He argues that Christians are no longer subject to Old Covenant law, but it can still help us understand better the message of Scripture and the good news of Jesus Christ.

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    • Unfold Mysteries Behind Prayer


      Unfold mysteries behind prayer is about those mysteries that the devil does not want you to know about your prayer. The Devil understands that whenever you know these mysteries, you can never stop praying. Unfold mysteries behind prayer exposes you to understand that it is even the perfect will and dream of God to answer your prayer and give you whatsoever you ask from him. Unfold mysteries behind prayer shows you that to answer your prayer is of great joy to God because it brings glory to his name and joy in his heart. He benefits from answering your prayer that is why he said pray without ceasing. Answering your prayer is for his name to be glorified, so any time he answers you, he is doing it because it gives him joy to do it. So you don’t need to bother yourself when you pray because God will answer you and do whatsoever you ask him to do for his name to be glorified and for the joy he will receive from doing it. Before you pray, you will believe that God can do all things including the one you are asking him, because he will benefit from answering your prayers. You will learn how to believe in the efficacy of your prayer through this book. This book will open you to understand that every prayer you pray in the name of Jesus according to his will is answerable by God and you will stop thinking that you are not qualified to receive answers to prayers rather understand that whenever you pray that God expects you to believe in your prayers and he will answer you. And you will understand why the devil is trying to convince you not to believe in your prayers.

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    • Born To Be A Success


      Success is a state of being predestined for inclusive experiences through the unfolding revelation of the mystery which unveils to a believer his unique identity toward God’s opinion about his life as the ultimate standard of the all-inclusive graces.

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    • My Visits To The Galactic Council Of Heaven 1


      The writer of this book experienced hundreds of encounters with the great cloud of witnesses before he first met Bob Jones in a vision. Bob visited him three times over a couple of years, and then one day, he told Matthew to sit down and type and record their conversations.

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    • Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness


      I lived a lie that kept me bound in Satan’s chains most of my life. I was a wretched soul.

      I found my true spiritual destination thru severe loss and much grief..

      I am truly a young woman that has gone through the fire of being purged and cleansed.

      In the face of darkness, God’s marvelous light helps me find inner strength,
      apply faith and conquer the enemy. I am a young woman and a mother that has transformed myself into the masters use; (Amen).

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    • Fear Not : You Have A Better Standing


      Fear is a product of the spirit of bondage! Which work is to enslave the heart of its captors. “Everything you will ever need is at the other side of fear!

      Fear has turned many who could have been a giant of their days into ordinary ants, it has turned many who could have become heroes to zeroes.

      It has stolen many glorious vision from the visionaries. It has reduced many with potentials to impotent vessels and turned a water filled well to a dry empty hole.

      Are you under the captivity of the Spirit of fear?

      This book is written with you in mind, read and learn what you need to know and to do, to live at the other side of fear.”

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    • Greatest Trade : How Losing It All Became Lifes Biggest Blessing


      Author Steve Meyers has lost more money in the futures market than most people will earn in a lifetime, but through God s direction he gets it all back and more.

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    • Love Him Anyway


      One night can change everything. Abby Banks put her healthy, happy infant son to sleep, but when she awoke the next morning, she felt as though she was living a nightmare. Her son, Wyatt, was paralyzed. There was no fall, no accident, no warning. A rare autoimmune disease attacked his spinal cord, and there was no cure. In an instant, all her hopes and dreams for him were wiped away. The life she envisioned for her family was gone, and she was frozen by the fear of a future she never imagined.

      As she struggled to come to grips with her son’s devastating diagnosis and difficult rehabilitation, she found true hope in making a simple choice, a choice to love anyway-to love her son, the life she didn’t plan, and the God of hope, who is faithful even when the healing doesn’t come. In Love Him Anyway, Abby shares her family’s journey from heartbreak to triumph and reminds us that hope and joy can be found in life’s hardest places.

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    • Upside Down Living Technology (Student/Study Guide)


      Technology keeps us connected around the clock. But what happens when the technology tools created to help us control us instead? How do we determine our technology needs against our wants? Explore these questions and more in this study, and discover a way to navigate technology’s pitfalls.

      Weary of Christian faith wrapped in a flag and trapped in your heart? Tired of faith as usual? Live out your Christian faith through the lens of Jesus. Follow values that seem so counter-cultural they appear to be upside down. Each compelling six-session Upside-Down Living Bible study helps us encounter the teachings of Jesus and wrestle with living out the kingdom here and now. The Bible isn’t a cookbook with solutions for every ethical dilemma, but it helps us raise the right questions, encounter the teachings of Jesus, and discover new ways of faithful living in the world. Ideal for Sunday school or Bible study sessions, each topical study covers a specific theme or issue, and comes with thought-provoking discussion questions and activities. Be inspired and transformed in your faith. Live upside down.

      Topics in the series include: Sabbath (February 2017), Technology (February 2017), Identity and Aging (April 2017), Money (April 2017), Violence (June 2017), and Sharing Faith Stories (June 2017).

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    • Upside Down Living Sabbath (Student/Study Guide)


      People are busy. Between work, family, church, and other obligations, it’s difficult to slow down and take a break. Yet taking time to pause for a Sabbath rest is what can refresh our souls the most-bringing renewed focus and clarity to our relationship with God and with those close to us. This study looks at Sabbath and how it is an effective way to recharge our lives and reconnect with what matters most.

      Weary of Christian faith wrapped in a flag and trapped in your heart? Tired of faith as usual? Live out your Christian faith through the lens of Jesus. Follow values that seem so counter-cultural they appear to be upside down. Each compelling six-session Upside-Down Living Bible study helps us encounter the teachings of Jesus and wrestle with living out the kingdom here and now. The Bible isn’t a cookbook with solutions for every ethical dilemma, but it helps us raise the right questions, encounter the teachings of Jesus, and discover new ways of faithful living in the world. Ideal for Sunday school or Bible study sessions, each topical study covers a specific theme or issue, and comes with thought-provoking discussion questions and activities. Be inspired and transformed in your faith. Live upside down.

      Topics in the series include: Sabbath (February 2017), Technology (February 2017), Identity and Aging (April 2017), Money (April 2017), Violence (June 2017), and Sharing Faith Stories (June 2017).

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    • Soul Ties : What s In Your Soul


      Together speaks of more than one, it speaks for a oneness, or unity in spirit as a whole, even when there is more than one, no man has ever won a war alone, there is no I need, there is no I in help there is no I in us, there is no I in serve, there is no I on Jesus’ team, it’s just Jesus and his covenant he made with the father first for man, through his blood, death sacrifice on the cross to the grave then he has risen forever, to offer his covenant plan of salvation, but this plan starts with one, you saying yes to Jesus from your heart and willingly learning how to keep his covenant blessing. Eternal life with Jesus in his kingdom. Jesus through the father always had us in the heart, even all through time, he had mercy on our disobeying him, and going astray after other god’s that were always false and never could help us or give us what we really needed in our hearts, that which could really please us fully, only Jesus can supernaturally do this give you a peace and a hope in him which passes all understanding. Together we can Divided we die.

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    • What Every Believer Must Know


      The main motive of this book is to draw believers’ attention from false doctrines concerning Holy Spirit baptism, water baptism, salvation and prayer. This book will enable believers to know their identity and heritage as children of God. This book also talks about the personality of Jesus Christ, His baptism and the importance of His death. This book will also enable believers to know some of the Bible prophecies concerning the events of the end time. The Bible says, For lack of knowledge my people perish. This book contains light to direct you. Read it to be wiser.

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    • Enlightenment And Success Garden


      The Bible says that, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” For this reason, this book has been written to transform the lives of believers physically, spiritually and mentally. This will enable you to know some of the sources of the problems of the world such as lack of peace, lack of unity, wars, etc., that has become cankered in the world. This book will also enable believers to know the four types of people in the Church in order to be wise in their Christian lives. The Bible says that, “A righteous man may fall seven times, but rise again.” Unfortunately, many believers easily give up when they encounter problems. For this reason, this book has been written to disclose to believers that, failure is not the end of their lives. This book is full of divine truth. The Bible says that, “Thou shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Read this book to be wiser.

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    • Reaching The Perishing


      From the little community of Morgan’s Bluff, located on the very banks of the Sabine River near Orange, Texas, to Israel, the land where our Lord Jesus Christ came into this world to redeem fallen mankind from their sinful condition. This is an amazing story of how God can use anyone He chooses to spread His Word. This book will bring laughter at the funny stories that took place in the fishing, hunting, boating, fast cars and student pranks that were done in my school years. There are humorous accounts of shoplifters being caught and terrorized by store managers, as well as amazing accounts of how God provided time and time again for a simple ministry that has grown to a world-wide ministry, reaching billions with God’s Word. You can read many recent real life testimonies of students who have suffered great persecution at the hands of the enemy and also be blessed to read how God has used this ministry to transform their lives through His Word. This book is my life story from the humble beginnings in Orange, Texas, to now, President Of The Bread Of Life International Bible Correspondence Institute. But even more than that, it is a testimony of how God can use anyone who is willing to allow Him to lead and direct their lives and trust in His ability to do so, and not their own abilities. To God be the glory how He continues to reach down to fallen man with His love through simple men and women who are not afraid to live by faith. Dr. Johnny Woodard~DD

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    • Glory Expanding Gods Presence


      If you really pursue God’s presence you will discover that it is always expanding. This cutting edge audiobook will take you beyond the limits of religion to the extreme glory of God. Through listening to Glory: Expanding God’s Presence by Bill Vincent, you will find that there is at all times a sound being released from Earth to heaven as well as from heaven to Earth. In the unseen realm, it is in the form of energy patterns, waves, particles, and though the vast majority of it is not heard with our natural ear, it is sensed by us because we are part of this existence. Science is only just now catching up with the Word of God, but what they are discovering these days, especially in the quantum world of physics, is absolutely amazing as it pertains to scripture. We truly believe all who listen to Glory: Expanding God’s Presence will be encouraged to find more of God.

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    • Glory Kingdom Presence Of God


      In this book we all need our mindsets to be an Ambassador of Heaven. God is raising up a new breed of men and women of God. The Kingdom of God can seem like a gigantic unchartered spiritual frontier! Consequently, we need a Kingdom mindset in order to rightly discern and tap into all that God wants to reveal to us, especially in days like these–days of the harvest. You will be blessed by Bill Vincent’s power revelations of God’s Glory and the Kingdom of God being released in the earth.

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    • Battle Of Identity


      “The Battle of Identity” is all about how to regain our past glory, honor and authority to rule and reign over every circumstance around us, because man was created to have dominion and to excel in whatsoever he does, hence we’re born to rule, but the setback can be recovered. The Book enumerated the principles to recover that which is lost and enter into the divine covenant originally meant for man, by humility and fear of God that will avail tributes blessings of riches, honor and long life as stated in Proverbs 22:4. The book further revealed that there is no solution to the jigsaw puzzle of our lives called “difficult” hence we must learn to hear from God first before we embark the journey of our lives else we may end up on a wild-goose chase that produce nothing. The Battle of our Identity may appear difficult, we are however not alone, we have God’s assurance of His presence in our journey of life. When we think we are all alone He watches over us.

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    • Signs And Wonders Revelations



      New Things
      Feathers From Heaven
      Gold Nuggets & Fillings
      Gold Dust & Gold Flakes
      Glory Oil
      Restoration Of Signs & Wonders
      Signs Are For Everyone

      About The Author
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      Bill Vincent has experienced some of the most glorious times in God’s Presence. Bill has seen and has been a sign and wonder. God has shown His awesome wonders to and through me so much that it seems like a dream. In this powerful book Signs and Wonders Revelations you will get a clear understanding of Signs and Wonders. Whether it’s gold dust, multi colored dust, gold flakes, gold nuggets, feathers, glory clouds, misting rain, gemstones, diamonds, mounted rings and more. God’s Glory can manifest some of the most strange but real signs. Bill has been told by some ministers that have experienced signs and wonders that he was blessed greatly to see all that he’s seen. God moved more in this type of manifestations, more when it was just a few people. Bill believed it is because of the unity, It takes pressing in unity together for God that brings His Glory and releases His signs and wonders.

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    • Increasing Your Prophetic Gift


      If you are a beginner or have been in the prophetic for years, this book is for you. This book starts out with basic principles of the prophetic ministry. You will discover and be encouraged as you read chapter after chapter of Increasing Your Prophetic Gift. It is time for everyone to tap into their prophetic call and dig to a deeper anointing than ever before. At the end of this book you will read and be activated as you hear the personal experiences of a young prophet. Bill started as a simple minister and increased to a powerful prophetic minister. Bill has prophesied to many and has seen hundreds healed and set free through personal prophetic ministry. It is time for you to increase your prophetic gift today.

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    • Cultivating The Fruit Of The Spirit


      How should Christians live? On the one hand, some very legalistic Christians stress the importance of keeping all the rules?that you must do this and never do that if you want to prove you are really a Christian. On the other hand, there are those who reject the whole idea of rules or traditions in the church and see the point of the Christian faith as setting us free from the institutionalized religious burden. But Paul addresses these two competing views by showing us a far better way?a truly Christian way to live our lives. It is the way of the Spirit of God given to us through Christ: “Walk by the Spirit . . . led by the Spirit . . . live by the Spirit . . . keep in step with the Spirit.” That is the heart and soul of Christian living. It is the center and secret of what it means to be a person who belongs to Christ. Pastor and scholar Christopher Wright invites us to live a life in step with the Spirit by cultivating the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These nine chapters, each addressing a different fruit, each conclude with questions for contemplation or discussion. Feed on the Word of God, grow in Christlikeness, and live a fruitful life.

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    • Simple Christianity : Rediscover The Foundational Principles Of Our Faith (Repri


      Bible teacher John MacArthur invites readers to rediscover the simple basis of their faith: understanding the person of Jesus Christ and the significance of their relationship with him as Almighty God, savior, Lord, and first love.

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    • Do All Lives Matter (Reprinted)


      Something is wrong in our society. Deeply wrong.

      The belief that all lives matter is at the heart of our founding documents–but we must admit that this conviction has never truly reflected reality in America. Movements such as Black Lives Matter have arisen in response to recent displays of violence and mistreatment, and some of us defensively answer back, “All lives matter.” But do they? Really?

      This book is an exploration of that question. It delves into history and current events, into Christian teaching and personal stories, in order to start a conversation about the way forward. Its raw but hopeful words will help move us from apathy to empathy and from empathy to action.

      We cannot do everything. But we can each do something.

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    • Grace Is Greater (Reprinted)


      In this powerful and engaging page turner, pastor and bestselling author uses moving stories and his trademark conversational writing style to show that grace is best understood when it is experienced instead of defined.

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    • Womans Guide To Spiritual Warfare (Revised)


      Are you in a battle that threatens to overwhelm you or those you love? Take heart. This revised and updated edition of a classic field manual for women gives you the biblical principles for effective spiritual warfare. As you stand in the authority of the risen Christ, your prayers will counter the work of the enemy–and gain the victory for all you cherish.

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    • I Dont Want A Divorce (Reprinted)


      Whether the issue is communication, the kids, negative attitudes, or even adultery, every difficult marriage has a chance to not only survive but become a truly great marriage. This 90-day plan shows readers how with humor, Scripture, and enlightening personal stories.

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    • Nobody Cries When We Die


      When the screams of innocents dying engulf you, how do you hear God’s voice? Will God and God’s people call you to life when your breath is being strangled out of you? For people of color living each day surrounded by violence, for whom survival is not a given, vocational discernment is more than “finding your purpose” – it’s a matter of life and death. Patrick Reyes shares his story of how the community around him – his grandmother, robed clergy, educators, friends, and neighbors – saved him from gang life, abuse, and the economic and racial oppression that threatened to kill him before he ever reached adulthood. A story balancing the tension between pain and healing, Nobody Cries When We Die takes you to the places that make American society flinch, redefines what you are called to do with your life, and gives you strength to save lives and lead in your own community.

      Part of the FTE (Forum for Theological Exploration) Series

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    • Giving Thanks To God


      After many years of writing her own words in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to be more attentive to the Savior’s voice and begin listening for what He was saying. So with pen in hand, she embarked on a journey that forever changed her-and many others around the world. In the powerful pages of Jesus Calling, Sarah recounts the words and Scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart-words of reassurance, comfort, and hope that have made her increasingly aware of His presence and allowed her to enjoy His peace.

      In the Jesus Calling Bible Study series, participants will be guided through eight sessions of study on key principles and topics presented in Sarah’s bestselling book. Readers will study Scripture passages each day to progressively learn (1) what it means to be thankful to God in every situation; (2) how to live boldly for God in a way that inspires others to follow Christ; (3) how to give the control to Christ and put Him first in everything they do; and (4) what it means to trust completely in God and dwell in His peace. Each eight-session study includes readings from Jesus Calling, selected Scripture and Bible Study questions, and daily reflection questions, and is designed for use in personal, small-group, or classroom settings.

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    • I Can Stand On Mountains


      I Can Stand on Mountains assumes that each of the mountains mentioned in the Bible has a unique meaning and significance. They are more than topographical features; they are spiritual icons for us to understand.

      Then, as the meaning of each mountain comes to light we find that God cannot be honored without faith; that He is capable of great wrath and great mercy, both; that He has a standard of conduct for all humans for all time; that He relates to us by grace and that He has appointed us to share that message with a fallen race, and more.

      And, He promises that He, personally, is the resource we need to reach pinnacles of the right mountains. “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He makes me go on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:19a

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    • Detours : The Unpredictable Path To Your Destiny


      God has a plan for your life.

      More often than not, it’s a detour, one that can leave you feeling temporarily stalled and slowed down. Which nobody likes. But detours are necessary if any improvements are going to be made on the paths we travel. Or if any wreck is going to be cleaned up or a hazard avoided. Detours are designed for our own good, regardless of how we view or feel about them.

      Detours are a good thing that often feels bad.

      Tony knows a thing or two about detours, and one of the things he knows for certain is that God works through detours to bring about His blessing. To deliver you to the place He has created just for you. Yet what we often do is try as hard as we can to work our own way to the circumstances we believe are best for us.

      Using examples from the life of Joseph, Tony will leave readers with answers to the following questions:
      *How do you find the destiny God has designed for your life?
      *How can you make the most of the detours God has planned for you?
      *Is there a way to shorten a detour and speed up your progression in life?
      *What is the purpose of a detour?

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    • 5 Love Languages Singles Edition


      This simple concept can revolutionize all your relationships!

      With more than 10 million copies sold, The 5 Love Languages(R) continues to strengthen relationships worldwide. Although originally crafted for married couples, the love languages have proven themselves to be universal, whether in dating relationships, friendships, the family, or the workplace.

      The premise is simple: Different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Therefore, if you want to give and receive love most effectively, you’ve got to learn to speak the right language.

      The 5 Love Languages(R) Singles Edition will help you . . .
      *Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships
      *Learn how to communicate love in a way that can transform any relationship
      *Grow closer to the people you care about the most
      *Understand why you may not feel loved by those who genuinely care about you
      *Gain the courage to express your emotions and affection to others

      “Nothing has more potential for enhancing one’s sense of well-being than effectively loving and being loved. This book is designed to help you do both of these things effectively.” – Gary Chapman

      Don’t wait; discover how your relationships can flourish, starting today!

      Includes Personal Profile assessments and a study guide

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    • Spiritual Dimension Protocol


      Christians exist in two places at the same time. Just as we sense the physical dimension with our five physical senses, so we are to sense the spiritual dimension with our spirit eyes, ears, and feelings. It’s time for Christians to stand up and be aware of our created design, heritage, and position.

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    • Pathway To Honor


      1. The Pathway To Honor
      2. Honor Sought From Men
      3. The Odds On The Pathway To Honor
      4. The Biblical Men Of Honor And How They Come About It

      Additional Info
      On several occasions, I have been opportune to work closely with the author and have found out the he is a fine Christian, hardworking, a man of great honor and no wonder he is writing about the virtue honor.

      He is very articulate and very good when it comes to the work of God. Honor is not giving but it is acquired through hard work and humility. The writer of this book tries to admonish his readers to always seek the honor from God rather than man. This is the biblical standard and it the one that a good Christian should seek after.

      Honor from men does not always last and it is always bedeviled with strings. It is only God that gives blessing without attaching strings to it. Men will always expect something in return for any good done.

      The writer also tries to enumerate the ways to acquire godly honor and the possible pitfalls one should avoid in the quest for godly honor.

      Honor is a virtue everybody should seek after because godly honor brings respect and makes way for anyone that rightly has it. I have no doubt that when you read through this book it will impart your life positively and makes you a man of honor indeed.

      “I therefore recommend to you this book, The Pathway to Honor, as a book you must read.”

      Pastor Percy 0. Adekanle, Resident Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria; Jakande Zonal Headquarters Church

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    • Influencing Your World For Christ


      The mention of the word “evangelism” can produce any number of responses from people. Many Christians know that they should be sharing Jesus with their friends and family members but fear of rejection stops them.

      Other factors also keep them from sharing. One of the most common reasons that people don’t win their friends to Christ, is not so much fear, as the fact that they don’t know how to evangelize people. However, you can influence your world for Christ without overwhelming your friends, without embarrassing yourself or without even being rejected.

      One day, I sat down and decided to record this book on video so that people could see how I live my life and how I influence those that come in contact with me.

      This process is not scary, and you won’t be rejected if you live out the keys in this book. Instead, the contents will actually free you up to be who you are with everyone that you know. Gone will be the masks that you wear for some people as they get to know the authentic Christian that you are.

      I am no theologian and have never had formal training at a school, yet I have shared my personal faith in Jesus with thousands of people as well as shared personal messages from Jesus with many people through prophetic evangelism.

      If you want to learn how to influence your world with the message of the Gospel with confidence, take a look inside. Your world and the lives of those around you will be impacted for God’s glory and the Kingdom!

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    • Healing After Divorce


      This book is being released because God has been urging me for a long time to release healing through this book. Divorce is considered to be unforgivable to many Christian beliefs. For many months this book has been in the process. HEALING AFTER DIVORCE is for more than the divorced person but also those who want to find God’s heart concerning the topics of divorce and remarriage. Before we get started I want you to know it is true that God HATES divorce and we should never jump at the first opportunity to divorce the one we once loved. If you are ever going to consider the blessing of Holy Matrimony then this book can help you to avoid the missteps that lead to divorce. There is a lot that we are going to get into so may you receive revelation for yourself and let it set you free as you read HEALING AFTER DIVORCE.

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    • Gods Kind Of Faith


      11 Chapters

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      There is a lot of confusion about faith today. Materials on faith are often vague, incomplete or misleading. In God’s Kind of Faith, Dr. Aaron S. Winter explains in simple practical terms, what faith is, how we receive it, how to increase it, how to apply it and even how to operate in God’s own faith. Imagine having faith that is alive, active, growing and operating in your life today!

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    • Faith : A Connection Of Gods Power


      Faith: A Connection of God’s Power is a cutting edge book that will stir a new level of faith in today’s world. Whether you are a new Christian or a longtime friend of God, you will truly be blessed by Bill Vincent’s simple teachings through this book. In his passionate desire to see believers walk in the supernatural, Bill Vincent has put together this book “Faith: A Connection of God’s Power” to stir up believers into greater dimensions of spiritual manifestation. Bill experienced the faith teaching for the first ten years of his ministry. Everyone was preaching the faith message and Bill spent over ten years of his ministry avoiding that subject. It was in his heart that all that could have been taught was taught on the simple subject of faith. In mid 2015 Bill found God moving him to preach on faith nearly every week. Now, after a long anticipation for the fresh release on this subject, we hope you enjoy Faith: A Connection of God’s Power. Bill Vincent has written more than forty books available all over the world. He is a prophetic voice that stays close to God in all he does. Bill is the Founder of Revival Waves of Glory Ministries and Revival Waves of Glory Books and Publishing.

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    • Destiny By Grace


      Destiny By Grace talks about entering your destiny by grace. Firstly, you have to receive 4 colorful robes meaning the red robe which represent the blood of Jesus, then the green robe, this is a stage of patience, then the blue which represents joy, and lastly the yellow which is breakthrough. All this is freely given to you by grace, it’s God’s love and favor to send his son for you to be saved and move to your destiny. After this, the book explores on the topic of worship, you start now to thank God for his love and grace because he saved you, this worship attitude will give you healing, joy, revelation of your gifting, and you will surely enter your destiny. Then we move to the topic of Jesus’ love and grace for his people, compared to the way a man has to find an ideal wife to marry. Lastly, it speaks about the destiny of grace, how the grace trains you to renounce worldliness, to live a godly life, waiting for the blessed hope of eternal life, and you have to do good works through your gifting, this is how you enter your destiny.

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    • Truth And Logic For Your Teen


      Gear our youth with a strong foundation in truth and logic–at the same time let them see the personal and intimate God of the universe.

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    • Ordinary Nagas With Exceptional Stories


      1. Cast Forth
      2. Dark Horse
      3. On The Rack
      4. The Evening Of Life
      5. To Pull One

      Additional Info
      All the narrations in this book are based on true stories. The stories of ordinary people with extra ordinary faith and belief in God. You don’t have to baffle on the thought of being misguided. This book will help you realize that there are thousands of people in the world facing the same problems as you and trying to survive despite the harsh realities in life. Many Christians are not practical people; they know how to bait the hook, but they themselves don’t practice what they preach. It’s the antipode of who they really are. I have not used the real names of the characters in the stories I have written. The stories in this book are about people who took struggle as a challenge rather than a failure.

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    • Winning The Mind Battle


      Although raised in a family of strong Christian ministry, lifes path for Kylie Oaks-Gatewood wasnt always picture perfect. The confident, successful, free woman of God she is today is testimony to the restorative work of the blood of Jesus. Her victory and freedom were forged in a dark and frightening time in her life. Battling mental and emotional disorders along with alcohol and drugs while living in her car, Kylie found herself in a place she never thought she would bein a mental hospital. In Winning the Mind Battle, Kylie outlines the process that took her from despair to hope, from bondage to freedom. Its all in controlling the soul. By highlighting the reality of strongholds, the importance of determination, and the need to practice forgiveness, Kylie attests to the transforming power of Gods Word. Her testimony, though not an easy one, is powerful and mightily used by God to reach a dying generation in these last days. If you are suffering from hurts, habits, or hang-ups, there is an answer! And it is simpler than you might think!

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    • Believing Faith : There Is A Faith To Overcome Every Storm In Your Life


      Faith is like having a bicycle. You can talk about how far it can take you, but until you actually use it, you won’t go anywhere! The same is true of your faith. Though you receive it when you first accept Christ, only by using faith can you get to the places and promises God has for you. And how do you use faith? By believing. In Believing Faith, Tommy Lilja illuminates the process of turning inactive faith into believing faith. Drawing both from his supernatural testimony and the Word of God, Tommy imparts lessons for living supernaturally, getting victory over the devil, and weathering the tribulations that come with being a believer. He also shares, step by step, the journey to where believing begins: that secret place with God. Just as a builder builds, a manager manages, and a teacher teaches, a believer is someone who believes. Do you know how to believe? Let Tommy teach you how in Believing Faith.

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    • Better : Waking Up To Who We Could Be


      What if we could actually change the world by telling better stories? What if the world we have-with its racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, religious hatred, ecological disregard-is exactly the world we have spun into existence through the stories we have told?

      In his new book, Melvin Bray insists that a better world is possible if the stories around which we organize our lives begin to match the beauty we imagine is possible. Bray puts forth his own daring yet faithful reimaginings of classic faith stories that inspire more beautiful, more just, more virtue-filled ways of being in the world.

      Better offers a spiritual path on which people-for whom life has called into question many of their assumptions about God and the world-can continue to hold onto their faith, while joining others of goodwill in seeking sustainable, cooperative, and courageous answers to the seemingly intractable problems of our time.

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    • 7 Days To Change Your Life


      When did being “too busy” and “going through the motions” become a way of life? It’s no surprise that the rush between meetings and e-mails, sports practices and church functions is tiring, even exhausting. It’s time to stop running and start following. Jesus’s call to “Follow Me” was not just an invitation to faith; it was a prescription for living well. Walking through the seven “Follow Me” statements in the Gospel of Matthew, author Josh Moody explores Jesus’s teachings of hope, life, truth, freedom, humility, greatness, and glory in 7 Days to Change Your Life. In each statement and with each teaching, Jesus gets closer to Calvary and closer to the cross, and you get closer to finding a focus for your life-no matter how hectic it may be. Although following Jesus is not a new concept to believers, following Jesus completely becomes difficult when life moves faster and faster. Organized to be read a chapter a day, Josh meets you in your busy, hectic schedule and reveals a biblical plan to revitalize your life in as little as seven days.

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    • Heart Of The Story


      The Heart of the Story will help you see God’s Word in a new and inspiring light. In the Bible’s seemingly disconnected stories, you’ll discover one grand, unfolding epic – God’s story from Genesis onward – and your own life-story contained within it. “To understand the Bible,” says author and pastor Randy Frazee, “you need bifocal lenses, because two perspectives are involved. The Lower Story, our story, is actually many stories of men and women interacting with God in the daily course of life. The Upper Story is God’s story, the tale of his great, overarching purpose that fits all the individual stories together like panels in one unified mural.” In this new edition, Randy dives deeper in the Upper and Lower stories and shows how both perspectives will open your eyes to the richness and relevance of the Bible. Illuminating God’s master-plan from Genesis to our daily lives, The Heart of the Story will encourage you to experience the joy that comes from aligning your stories with God’s.

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    • True Beauty


      From age-defying makeup to the latest diet fad, our culture continually tells women they need to have a flawless face and a supermodel figure. Exposing the idea of physical perfection as the lie it really is, Carolyn Mahaney and her daughter Nicole Whitacre direct women to the truth of God’s Word, which proclaims an entirely different-and refreshingly liberating-standard for beauty. Offering a path to freedom from the false idols that society, the Devil, and our sinful hearts so often create, this encouraging book will help women exchange the temporary glamour of pop culture for the unfading beauty of godliness.

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    • Segura Y Plena – (Spanish)


      Las mujeres anhelamos sentirnos seguras y disfrutar una vida en plenitud, pero primero necesitamos conocer nuestra identidad, nuestras fortalezas y debilidades para poder dirigirnos hacia donde queremos llegar. El proposito de este libro es que las mujeres adquieran el conocimiento liberador que les permita generar nuevas creencias y valores; modificando asi su comprension de si mismas de tal manera que desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para autoliderarse y liberarse para ser y hacer en un equilibrio saludable que potenciara sus relaciones y tambien su influencia.

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    • Fear Fighting (Reprinted)


      Popular blogger and speaker helps women fight their fears one by one with passion, purpose, and bravery to develop an unstoppable, contagious faith. Includes a 30-day action plan, personal inventories, checklists, and analysis for growth.

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    • Unleashing Heavens Breath


      Access Untapped Supernatural Power

      Steve Hannett experienced a miracle-healing from cancer! And yet, this earth shattering diagnosis helped him discover the ancient key to unlocking Heaven’s miraculous power: The Word of God.

      Almost everyone owns a Bible.

      Not everyoneis flowing in God’s miracle-working power.

      Why this disconnect?

      The #1 bestseller of all time is actually a supernatural portal into a lifestyle of signs, wonders, and miracles.

      In Unleashing Heaven’s Breath, Hannett shares practical tools you can use to watch the words of Scripture come alive and become the breakthrough power of God to overcome the impossibilities you’re facing!

      Learn to:
      *Experience the Bible: Do you feel confused and disconnected when you read Scripture? Find renewed confidence in your understanding of God’s will and purpose for your life.
      *Believe for the miraculous: Are you timid when it comes to praying for the miraculous? Gain supernatural faith and certainty in God’s willingness and power to do the impossible.
      *Upgrade your Christian life: Are you tired of striving through your Christian walk? Experience the unlimited power and freedom that comes with allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you.

      Unlock the supernatural power of God’s Word and activate God’s miracle power in your life today!

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    • Destined To Win


      Pastor and cofounder of the Bethel School of Ministry Kris Vallotton walks Christians through the profound process of discovering their true identity and experiencing the wonder of their kingdom purposes.

      Christians are often told that they were born with a purpose that reaches beyond their human strivings, but most are not sure how to break past the daily struggles holding them back, much less how to fully step into their callings.

      As a pastor and the cofounder of the Bethel School of Ministry, Kris Vallotton has been teaching Christians all over the world how to walk in wholeness and purpose for more than seventeen years. In Destined to Win, he passes on the lessons that will help readers discover who they really are, overcome destructive behaviors, and become equipped for their kingdom purposes.

      Confronting the challenges that limit Christians-such as living shackled by past pain, fear, and unforgiveness-Vallotton offers practical solutions to the often-complex problems that undermine their destinies and derail their purposes. With personal stories and biblical teaching, Destined to Win combines practical wisdom and profound revelation to unlock the latent potential present in each person.

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    • Peace In The Brokenness


      We may not all be broken in the same ways, but it doesn’t take long to feel the brokenness all around us.

      Sickness strikes, careers come to an end, dreams are shattered, relationships crumble, marriages fall apart, and children rebel. If we are not careful, we allow the brokenness to define us.

      Peace in the Brokenness is where the truths of Scripture and the brokenness of life collide, bringing hope to the reader that soul-resting peace is not only available but can be found in the midst of our most shattering circumstances.

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    • Lists To Love By For Busy Husbands


      It’s no secret that there is a wide emotional gap between men and women. Couples crave love, but don’t always know how to express it to their spouse.

      LISTS TO LOVE BY FOR BUSY HUSBANDS presents practical insights and step-by-step advice for husbands who want to bridge that gap and improve their marriage. These thirty lists will carry husbands through an entire month of learning to love their wives more deeply–wisdom they will come back to again and again.

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    • Lists To Love By For Busy Wives


      It’s no secret that there is a wide emotional gap between men and women. Couples crave love, but don’t always know how to express it to their spouse.

      LISTS TO LOVE BY FOR BUSY WIVES presents creative, practical ways for wives to bridge that gap and improve their marriage. These thirty lists will carry wives through an entire month of learning to love their husbands more deeply–advice they will come back to again and again.

      Highlights include:
      *8 Expectations for a Great Marriage
      *5 Things Husbands Wish Wives Knew
      *10 Things Husbands Want to Hear from Their Wives
      *7 Things You Should Stop Doing to Your Husband in Public

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    • Its Worth It


      Will you offer God something that costs you nothing?

      Life is hard. Your purpose gets foggy, truth gets blurred, and distractions never end.

      But you are no ordinary person. You are not meant for a mundane life-to just “get by” every day. You were made for a very specific purpose. And when you stand before Jesus, experiencing the glory of God, you will see clearly that every struggle, every sacrifice was worth the reward of knowing Jesus.

      Join Masey McLain in this 21-day devotional that will encourage, challenge, and strengthen you to follow Jesus.

      Through Christ, you have the power to do whatever God calls you to do-whatever the cost, no matter how impossible it seems. Don’t settle for less. Experience God and the life he has called you to as you live out your purpose in practical ways to make a difference in your world.

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    • Imagine : A Vision For Christians In The Arts (Expanded)


      Imagine art that is risky, complex, and subtle. Imagine music, movies, books, and paintings of the highest quality. Imagine art that permeates society, challenging conventional thinking and standard morals to their core. Imagine that it is all created by Christians! This is the bold vision of Steve Turner, who has worked among a wide variety of artists for decades. He believes Christians should confront society and the church using art’s powerful impact. Art can faithfully chronicle the lives of ordinary people and express the transcendence of God. And Christians should be involved in every level of the art world and in every medium. In this revised and expanded edition of a contemporary classic, Turner builds a compelling case for Christians in the arts. If Jesus is Lord of all of life and creation, then art is part of his cultural mandate. It can and should be a way of expressing faith through creatively, beautifully and truthfully arranged words, sounds, and sights.

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    • Caught In Denial In The ACT And In The Arms Of A Loving God


      In a world polluted by the power of pornography, Caught uses both viewpoints of the wife and husband to tell the story of a marriage that overcame lust by the grace of God.

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    • Breaking The Stronghold Of Food


      Conquer the strongholds that have shaped your unhealthy relationship with food, so you can experience the long-term joy of optimal health.

      Often times we battle with the bathroom scale believing it’s the keeper of our weight-loss failures and successes. Michael and Nancy Brown once found themselves in a state of obesity, bound by emotional strongholds that kept them going back to food for comfort. With faith, determination, and a quest to conquer the stronghold of food in their lives, the Browns have totally transformed their health. They believe you can do the same. You will be encouraged to discover the issues in your life that keep you bound to the comfort of food, ultimately become a good steward over your body, and finally see the health results you have been seeking.

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    • Cherish : The One Word That Changes Everything For Your Marriage


      “Most marriages survive by gritting teeth and holding on. But marriages can and will not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another.”

      Those are the powerful words of bestselling author Gary Thomas in his newest book-Cherish. And in a world desperate for marriage redemption, it is needed now more than ever.

      Thomas shows that although there are a countless number of marriages consisting of two people just going through the motions, there are real ways this pattern can be reversed: when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another in proven, loving, and everyday actions and words.

      Through personal stories and real world examples, Thomas proves what husbands and wives can begin doing today to turn their marriage around-even a marriage marred by neglect and disrespect.

      So how do you cherish your spouse? Thomas will show you how going out of your way to notice them, appreciate them, honor them, encourage them, and hold them close to your heart will bring hope, light, and life into your marriage.

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    • Year Of Small Things (Reprinted)


      Using humor, narrative, and theological reflection, this inviting book explores the yearlong experiment of two young families to implement twelve small practices of radical faith–not waiting until they were out of debt or the kids were out of diapers or God sent them elsewhere, but right now.

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    • Revelation In A Chair


      Revelation in a Chair concerns delivering a vehicle to understand why God made us and whether we are using all we are (past and present) to deliver our best in HIS WORLD. The book creates a process for achieving our best by documenting who we come from, what relationships we have had, what jobs we have performed, and what activities we have engaged in. From there we can round out a picture of where God is leading us, recognizing that EVERYTHING matters in building that picture. We can free ourselves with information about ourselves to paint ourselves with GOD’S BRUSH rather than the WORLD’S!

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    • To Begin At The Beginning


      A masterful, inviting telling of the Christian story

      Christian faith, says Martin Copenhaver, is not a subject to be mastered like calculus or Shakespeare-it is a story to be told and a life to be lived. No matter how much or how little you know, To Begin at the Beginning tells the story of Christian faith and invites you to take part in it.

      In this book Copenhaver covers basic themes-the Bible, church, ministry, sacraments, prayer, ethics&mdash:in a clear and inviting way. His approach creates a valuable resource for pastors, an accessible guide for seekers and new Christians, and a “refresher course” for longtime Christians who want to engage anew with what they believe.

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    • Dream Big Think Small


      How do you build a life of significance?

      As pastor and writer Jeff Manion shares in Dream Big, Think Small, truly great lives are built on the foundation of a holy redundancy-a persistence and determination to move faithfully in the right direction.

      Dream Big, Think Small will provide:
      *The plan for extraordinary living for ordinary life. Big dreams are achievable through steady progress over time.
      *The motivation you need to stick with it for the long haul.
      *The tools necessary for passionate longevity.

      You can faithfully lead, serve and love others over a lifetime without sacrificing your passion. So many believers want their lives to count, but they are impatient with the slow pace at which goodness grows. Many of us struggle to embrace the faithfulness required to show up day after day after day. In Dream Big, Think Small Manion helps to reveal the joy in the small, seemingly inconsequential actions you take every day. Ultimately, you will learn how small persistent steps lead to tremendous and lasting results.

      Filled with Manion’s trademark inspiring stories and insightful biblical teaching, Dream Big, Think Small challenges you to explore the spiritual prescription of steady faithfulness. Following the principles of perseverance, intentionality, and discipline outlined in this book, you will see lasting and astonishing results in your spiritual health, within your marriage and family, in the quality of your work, and in a more authentic ability to honor God with your life.

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    • My Final Word (Expanded)


      One of the most respected and influential Christian leaders of the last decades, Chuck Colson engaged millions through his books, public speaking, and radio broadcasts.

      In My Final Word, longtime Colson coauthor Anne Morse has selected and arranged pieces Colson wrote mostly during the last ten years of his life, spotlighting what he saw as key topics of ongoing importance for Christian cultural engagement. Some of these issues include:
      *crime and punishment
      *natural law
      *same-sex marriage
      *the persecution of Christians
      *and more

      This paperback edition also contains a new chapter not in the hardcover, Colson’s final thoughts on poverty. Longtime readers and new readers alike will be struck by the power and immediacy of Colson’s arguments. My Final Word is a fitting end to Colson’s distinguished publishing career, a behind-the-scenes encounter with an influential thinker, and a needed call to an ongoing and relevant Christian public witness.

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    • Holy Listening : With Breath Body And The Spirit


      Many of us long to hear God’s voice, yet often we overlook the great wisdom God gave us in our bodies. There is a deep connection between our bodies and spirits. What might happen if we listened more deeply to the wisdom of our bodies? How might that change the way we listen to God? A stroke at age 31 forced Whitney Simpson to slow down and listen more deeply to her body. During her journey toward healing and wholeness, she found several ancient practices helpful in listening to God and her body: lectio divina, yoga, breath prayer, essential oils, and reflection. Ultimately she found God’s peace. Listening with the entire body, not just our ears, may seem like a strange concept. Yet God created the body and breath to give us life. We don’t have to experience a crisis to learn to listen to God’s activity in and around us. We can slow down and use the gift of our breath and our bodies to listen for God anytime and anywhere. This 40-day prayer book guides us to listen more closely to God with our bodies. Each day includes scripture, yoga postures, breath prayers, essential oils, and reflection questions.

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